Gentoo Archives: gentoo-amd64

From: Duncan <1i5t5.duncan@×××.net>
To: gentoo-amd64@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-amd64] Re: gcc 4.1 upgrade - bad desktop interactivity anyone?
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 19:56:07
Message-Id: eef0b3$mjs$
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: gcc 4.1 upgrade - bad desktop interactivity anyone? by Mark Knecht
1 "Mark Knecht" <markknecht@×××××.com> posted
2 5bdc1c8b0609141743y7c5f6042ncd0a596eb290c8ba@××××××××××.com, excerpted
3 below, on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:43:19 -0700:
5 > Now, you are very adept at this. You're explanations make sense to
6 > the level I've considered them. (Not very far right now...) Main
7 > questions:
9 Adept, perhaps, but don't take my observations as being from God or
10 anything! =8^) I try to be fairly cautious with my CFLAGS, but if
11 anything quits working, I know how to undo them and try with a more
12 generic set, and in fact do so from time to time on individual packages,
13 before filing bugs on them. Sometimes it's my CFLAGS, tho usually my
14 config doesn't matter a whit to the bug, as I've been reasonably cautious
15 in my choices to begin with and don't tend to enable stuff like the unsafe
16 floating-point math options that give folks problems from time to time.
18 In particular, as you can see from the -ftree-vectorize subthread, I tend
19 to stay with the defaults when I can't explain with some degree of
20 confidence exactly what the effect of a flag might be and why I might or
21 might not want it. I don't know enough about that area to do that, so
22 I've stayed well away from it in my CFLAGS.
24 > 1) What can be done to test this out at my end without making a 2-day
25 > commitment to rebuild the complete machine. Is it possibly to rebuild
26 > only portions of the machine using a different set of flags or is it a
27 > system wide commitment requiring that I rebuild 575 packages as I did
28 > last weekend?
30 In general, you /can/ rebuild only a part of your system and test that,
31 before making further changes. However, it's important to use a bit of
32 (un?)common sense when doing so, or your results won't be worth much.
33 Basically, in ordered to see how an optimization affects something, you
34 must have some awareness of the shared libraries it uses and to what
35 extent it uses them, recompiling enough of the heavily used dependencies
36 that the critical parts of your test applications (including the libraries
37 they load) are using the new optimizations.
39 One lib that all applications make some use of is glibc, so it can be worth
40 recompiling. It's a big recompile on its own, but of course nowhere near
41 as big as recompiling the entire system. =8^) However, glibc is a special
42 case in some aspects for a number of reasons. The glibc ebuild is pretty
43 conservative with the flags it allows, and actually replaces -Os with -O2,
44 due to problems -Os had mainly on x86, back in the gcc-3.2 and 3.3 era.
45 Since the system is pretty horribly broken if glibc breaks, to the point
46 you are likely to have to boot to a backup or liveCD to fix it, this isn't
47 an unreasonable policy at all.
49 None-the-less, after making doubly sure I had tested-working backups, I
50 decided to see just what the effect of taking out that -Os -> -O2 replace
51 in the glibc ebuild might be. For awhile I actually ran a glibc I had
52 built after having removed that replace. The system continued to work
53 just fine with a -Os compiled glibc, it didn't break or anything, but it
54 didn't seem to be much better either and in some cases seemed worse. It
55 turns out that glibc is built in a much more modular fashion than many
56 libraries, so an app will only load the parts of it it needs, not the
57 parts it doesn't, and that -Os doesn't work so well with this rather
58 extreme (compared to most libs) modularization. As well, as I said, glibc
59 is used by everything on the system, which meant that having bypassed one
60 of the safeties in the glibc ebuild, I could never be sure whether a bug I
61 was experiencing was due to my strange glibc, or to some problem with the
62 package the bug was showing up in or one of its other dependencies. I
63 concluded that it simply wasn't worth bypassing the safeties in the
64 ebuild, and since then, have left them there.
66 Thus, with glibc anyway, simply switching to -Os in your CFLAGS won't make
67 any difference, since the ebuild replaces that with -O2 anyway. The
68 /other/ CFLAGS might make a difference, but -Os it self won't, unless you
69 bypass the replace in the ebuild, and as my experimentation demonstrated
70 well enough for me, that's really not worth the trouble. As I said, the
71 other CFLAGS may make a bit of difference tho, so you might consider it
72 anyway, if you decide to try them.
74 For X users, another library that's going to be commonly used is libX11.
75 You'll probably want to recompile xorg-server (assuming modular-X) as
76 well, plus whatever xf86-video-* driver you use, and libXcomposite if you
77 use the composite extension (transparent windows and the like). Together,
78 those will be pretty critical for performance of any X app. For OpenGL
79 accelerated apps, mesa is likely to be critical to performance as well,
80 for any functions not handled by hardware.
82 For anything written in C++, almost anything KDE among other packages, gcc
83 libstdc++, a part of gcc, will be critical. Other than for C++
84 apps/libraries, recompiling gcc with new CFLAGS shouldn't make that much
85 difference in how the app runs, tho it might make some difference in how
86 fast compiles the app. (Of course, note that compile speed can be
87 dramatically affected by the optimizations being compiled, since many of
88 them cause additional passes in the process, to catch that little bit of
89 extra optimization you are telling gcc to enable. Tell gcc to do more
90 work and of course it'll take longer doing it!)
92 You mentioned gnome. For anything gnome related, you'll want to recompile
93 glib, gtk, libgnome, possibly orbit, and maybe others (your window
94 manager). I don't know enough about gnome internals to go further with it.
95 With KDE, it'd be qt and kdelibs (plus as I mentioned gcc, for libstdc++),
96 kwin, probably kicker and konqueror, etc, plus the packages behind various
97 kparts as used in whatever app you are testing, as well as the app itself.
99 > 2) What about building the kernel? How do the standard
100 >
101 > make && make modules_install
102 >
103 > command make any use of the flags in /etc/make.conf?
105 They normally don't. However, as is commonly the case with manually
106 compiled packages, the kernel build process makes use of CFLAGS if it
107 finds that environment variable set. Thus, you can source make.conf,
108 export the desired variables, and go from there. In fact, I have a small
109 utility script installed as /usr/local/bin/ that contains the
110 following:
112 # Source this previous to doing a manual build to import portage buildflags
114 [ -z "$CFLAGS" ] && CFLAGS="`. /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $CFLAGS`"
115 [ -z "$CXXFLAGS" ] && CXXFLAGS="`. /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $CXXFLAGS`"
116 [ -z "$LDFLAGS" ] && LDFLAGS="`. /etc/make.conf 2>/dev/null; echo $LDFLAGS`"
119 As you can see, that gathers and exports the three build variables CFLAGS,
120 CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS. If I source that into my running shell before I
121 build anything (including the kernel) manually, the build should see my
122 existing environment and compile accordingly.
124 As it happens, I use a script to compile and install the kernel, as well,
125 and it sources before it does the kernel compile.
127 /usr/local/sbin/ki (for kernel install:
129 #!/bin/bash
130 # kernel compile and install
131 echo
132 echo sourcing buildflags
133 ki_buildflagfile=/usr/local/bin/
134 if [ -f $ki_buildflagfile ] ; then
135 . $ki_buildflagfile
136 else
137 pause 10 x \\a$ki_buildflagfile doesn\'t exist
138 fi
139 unset buildflagfile
141 echo
142 echo cd-ing to /usr/src/linux
143 cd /usr/src/linux
144 echo Next: make
145 sleep 1
146 echo
147 make || exit 1
148 echo
149 echo Next: make modules_install
150 sleep 1
151 echo
152 make modules_install || exit 2
153 echo
154 echo Next: mount /boot
155 sleep 1
156 echo
157 mount /boot &>/dev/null
158 echo
159 echo Next: make install
160 sleep 1
161 echo
162 make install || exit 3
163 echo
164 echo Next: umount /boot
165 sleep 1
166 echo
167 umount /boot &>/dev/null
168 echo Done.
169 echo
171 In addition to using, that script also uses a utility script
172 I've written called pause, installed as /usr/local/bin/pause (and also as
173 /bin/pause here, so I can use it to debug initscripts before /usr/local is
174 mounted).
176 #!/bin/bash
178 # putting everything in a function to allow local scoped vars
179 function doit {
180 echo
181 local PROMPT="Pause for char"
182 case $# in
183 0) read -n1 -p "$PROMPT:";;
184 1) if [ $1 == "--help" -o $1 == "-h" -o $1 == "-?" ]
185 then
186 echo $PROMPT script utility.
187 echo
188 echo Usage: pause [timeoutsec [defaultchar [promptstring]]]
189 echo \ \ \ \ \ \ \ pause \(--help\|-h\|-?\)
190 echo
191 echo Source pause to have \$REPLY set to the returned char.
192 echo
193 echo A timeoutsec of 0 indicates no timeout. Otherwise,
194 echo on timeout, defaultchar if provided is returned in \$REPLY.
195 echo
196 echo With timeout and defaultchar, promptstring defaults to:
197 echo $PROMPT \(default defaultchar in timeoutsec\):
198 echo With just a timeout, prompt default is:
199 echo $PROMPT \(timeout timeoutsec\):
200 echo Without a timeout, the default is:
201 echo $PROMPT:
202 echo
203 echo
204 elif [ $1 == 0 ]
205 then read -n1 -p "$PROMPT:"
206 else read -n1 -t$1 -p "$PROMPT (timeout $1):"; echo
207 fi;;
208 2) if [ $1 == 0 ]
209 then read -n1 -p "$PROMPT:"
210 else
211 read -n1 -t$1 -p "$PROMPT (default $2 in $1):"; echo
212 REPLY=${REPLY:-$2}
213 fi;;
214 *) if [ $1 == 0 ]
215 then
216 shift 2
217 echo -e $*
218 read -n1
219 else
220 local TIMEOUT=$1 DEFAULTCHAR=$2; shift 2
221 echo -e $*
222 read -n1 -t$TIMEOUT; echo
224 fi;;
225 esac
226 echo
227 }
229 doit $*
231 Obviously, I've taken a bit more time to properly document pause, so you
232 can run pause -h or --help to get the usual usage summary. The other two
233 scripts aren't so nicely --help equipped; you have to look at the source
234 to see what they are doing. I've found pause to be very useful over the
235 years. =8^)
237 As you can see, I routinely compile the kernel with my chosen CFLAGS, and
238 it works fine here. Of course, your kernel config will be different and I
239 can't vouch for every single driver, but the concept is sane and my CFLAGS
240 are demonstrated to work with the core kernel and the drivers I use,
241 anyway.
243 As Greg mentions, there's also a compile for size option in the kernel
244 config, and I have it enabled as well. It enables -Os, but I think it
245 does a few other kernel specific things as well. I've never looked into
246 it in detail, but I know I've had it enabled every since its introduction
247 some kernels ago, with the accompanying coverage in LWN. That coverage in
248 fact was what got me started on the whole -Os thing, before I'd even
249 switched to Gentoo with 2004.1 and was still on Mandrake IIRC, so it has
250 been a kernel option and I've been using it for over two years now.
252 --
253 Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
254 "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
255 and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman
257 --
258 gentoo-amd64@g.o mailing list