Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: KK Cheung <linuxlivecd@×××××××××.com>
To: ggeorg@××××××.gr, jaromil@××××.org, ofset@×××××.org, devil-linux-develop@×××××××××××××××××.net, demolinux-dev@××××.org, support@××××××××.ua, gentoo-dev@g.o, knoppix@×××××××.net, gmenguez@××××××××××××××××.es, morphix-devel@×××××××××××××××××.net
Cc: peggish@××××××××.net, hpa@×××××.com
Subject: [gentoo-dev] Message for ALL Linux Live CD developer
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 15:52:20
1 Please forward this E-mail to ALL Live CD developer
3 Hello Every LInux Live CD developer,
4 First, please accept my wholehearted thanks to all Linux Live CD developer, your work greatly help Linux community and humanity as a whole--- ME, my company: especially grateful for works you have done. And now we would like to invite all the developer of Linux Live CD into a club and provide the website as a heaven for Linux Live CD developer. will strive to be the centre of Linux Live CD community so we can exchange and experiment on various different idea, suggestions, response to different commentary and make decision collectively as a group. My company is very open regard on how this site to be done for best serving the need of Linux Live CD community. Please kindly gave me some advise regarding this.
5 About profit, intended to be first community model of business which sell ONLY GPLed stuff and distribute a percentage back to the developer community so Linux Live CD will continously improve as a result, part will be invested for basic infrastructure and part will (hopefully ;-p) paid the bill for me and a co-worker.(I do the tech/PR side, he do the web side) Our company will take care of the dirty work of commercializing Linux Live CD.(including marketing, branding, PR and tech support) currently targetting the biggest market in the making: China(I am Chinese living in HK), which I can NOT imagine just how powerful Linux will be with the addition of many tens of million of users, and tens of thousands of programmers. But again this is only a tentative plan subject to change by YOUR advise. Together we can conquer country by country, continent by continent and one day the whole Earth.
6 As a developer you have the final say on deciding whether your want to sell your product, but please gain us a privilege to be the FIRST selling your product and be the FIRST to translate your distro into Chinese. And developer automatically gained unlimited membership for all the service this website provided(plus the developer website) including but not limited to free forum/technical resource/space to sell and store GPLed distros or softwares (we don't charge for the transation)/survey/tools/user feedback/E-mail/website/ads space/Periodical review, idea and suggestion by me and other developers. We will also help you market your product if you agree to do so. But if you only like to develop, it is up to you. However, everything is strictly under GPL and no single person "own" any product or ideas. The number of feature will increase as we gain foothold on the market.
7 The goal of is 1) Increase the popularity of Linux, 2.) Quicken the mass adaptation of Linux via Live CD; 3.) United a viable,financially self-substainable, reputable ,extremely creative and sensitive-to-user Linux Live CD community; 4.) Developing the world's biggest market for Open Source OS/software development (especially Southeastern Asia). I believe by helping each other in this way we will both win.
8 We would ask you for the honour of migrating your Linux Live CD homepage in our company's website. (Certainly you can keep the original, I just ask for a presence in It will be available very soon. Let's work together toward for the sake of Linux! I am prepared to do the best I can to assist you, would you let me help you?
11 Best Regards,
12 Kim Ho Cheung
13 Project Manager
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