Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: William Hubbs <williamh@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev-announce@l.g.o
Cc: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-dev] packages up for grabs: www-netbox and dependencies
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2021 18:08:28
Message-Id: YIWwEyv8I+Z2E5yf@linux1.home
1 Hi all,
3 www-apps/netbox and its dependencies need love which I haven't been able
4 to give them lately, so I've decided to put them up for grabs.
6 I have dropped maintainership on the first two because the python team
7 is already a co-maintainer.
9 I am the only maintainer on the rest of these, so feel free to replace
10 me if you take them. netbox itself has some open bugs and a version
11 bump. I'm sure the bump can resolve the bugs.
13 I will go through the list again in a couple of weeks and do a lastrites
14 for the packages that do not have a maintainer.
16 dev-python/django-cacheops
17 dev-python/djangorestframework
19 www-apps/netbox
20 acct-group/netbox
21 acct-user/netbox
22 dev-python/django-cors-headers
23 dev-python/django-filter
24 dev-python/django-js-asset
25 dev-python/django-mptt
26 dev-python/django-pglocks
27 dev-python/django-prometheus
28 dev-python/django-rq
29 dev-python/django-taggit
30 dev-python/django-taggit-serializer
31 dev-python/django-timezone-field
32 dev-python/djangorestframework
33 dev-python/drf-yasg
34 dev-python/coreapi
35 dev-python/coreschema
36 dev-python/itypes
37 dev-python/swagger-spec-validator
39 Thanks,
41 William


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