Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Matthias Maier <tamiko@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC/announcement] Reviewers project
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 21:42:34
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-dev] [RFC/announcement] Reviewers project by Ian Delaney
1 Just a comment before this discussion gets entirely side tracked.
5 On Mon, Oct 12, 2015, at 11:45 CDT, Ian Delaney <della5@×××××××××.au> wrote:
7 > [...]
9 > Users are neither seasoned nor prepared for the type of review put
10 > upon them by him and mgorny.
12 My impression is that the reception of the code review on github is
13 predominantly positive. The point is - we _have_ to do some sort of code
14 review prior to merging (or stick to the old "let a developer do all the
15 work" workflow we suffered from all the years).
17 A very nice example of how this can be facilitated to get a lot of user
18 contributions is the science overlay - and I think the current review
19 for gentoo/gentoo is not far away from the approach, word choice, or
20 debate culture we have there.
23 > These users still needed support and a voice to help them speak up, and
24 > they did. Still, these members have fashioned themselves to teach and
25 > service users, They have alot of adapting to do before users will
26 > embrace their attempts to educate them.
28 Seriously? Shall we now all take an online tutorial in order to be
29 qualified to "help out"? Or shall we just merge every pull-request in
30 order to not have to interact with users?
34 There are some observations for Julian and Michał (as the two primary
35 reviewer on github) that I have, though. I think it might be worthwhile
36 to think about it and maybe "codify" it in the reviewer best practices
37 (if not already present):
40 - I suggest that only one reviewer administers a given pull-request at
41 a time. I have seen two instances where first Julian had roughly 20
42 remarks and after those were resolved Michał slabbed another 10 code
43 remarks on top of it.
45 This seems to be a bit over the top. It feels a bit like vultures
46 tearing apart dead prey ;-)
48 The bottom line should be that if one Gentoo developer is satisfied
49 with the state of a pull-request it should be okay.
52 - With respect to the current post- "peer review" of commits: I suggest
53 that comments on coding style (if not violating our indent rules) and
54 other personal choice is kept at a bare minimum (or avoided
55 entirely). While I appreciate comments on factual errors I have
56 commited [1], I totally hate discussing something like whether a "\"
57 might be omitted in bash or not.
60 - Further, "weird" or "unusual" choices of, e.g., how to form up a
61 configuration variable might be due to historical (and sometimes
62 political reasons). For example, because of a switch of
63 maintainership, or due to a developer just "helping out" (and
64 obviously avoiding invasive, large changes).
66 Thus, comments like "this is hard to read", "why do you do it like
67 that" are usually more annoying than helpful [2].
70 - And last, keep in mind that discussing the current state of an ebuild
71 on a version bump is equivalent to discussing an arbitrary amount of
72 commits over the last years (and given the vivid history of some
73 ebuilds of code fragments from a lot of people).
75 An example here would be the missing "|| die" statements on a sed
76 statement that manipulated an entirely gentoo-developer controlled
77 configuration file [3]. While it is technically correct that a "die"
78 is missing - it doesn't hurt terribly much either (no file involved
79 is controlled by upstream and might silently change during a version
80 bump).
83 Best,
84 Matthias
88 [1] Julian, thanks again for catching this silly typo in
89 app-emulation/libvirt :-D
91 [2] notwithstanding whether the comments are correct/justified on a
92 purely technical level.
94 [3] again app-emulation/libvirt