Gentoo Archives: gentoo-java

From: Dalibor Topic <robilad@×××××.org>
To: robert burrell donkin <robertburrelldonkin@×××××.com>
Cc: gentoo-java@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-java] Want to affect how JSRs are developed?
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 18:27:04
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-java] Want to affect how JSRs are developed? by robert burrell donkin
1 robert burrell donkin wrote:
2 > On 4/25/07, Dalibor Topic <robilad@×××××.org> wrote:
4 >> * no one can force the spec leads to do the right things, even if the
5 >> whole EC was replaced instantly.
6 >
7 > this one is solvable. spec leads just need to be forced to issue
8 > public licenses up front at the start of the process rather than
9 > relying on hub-and-spoke contracts with participants.
11 Good idea, but in practice nothing prevents a spec lead from having
12 further license arrangements on their output, afaict, so I don't think
13 that hub-and-spoke contracts will go away (or that spec leads would want
14 to limit their own licensing options that way, in general).
16 I'd suggest advancing that idea on the merit of clarity of legal
17 arrangements around a JSR, rather than as a means of forcing the spec
18 leads to behave in a specific way.
20 >> I don't think that the confrontational 'let's make noise inside the JCP'
21 >> approach would work for us who aren't on the EC, and that's pretty much
22 >> everyone.
23 >
24 > +1
25 >
26 > but FOSS people setting out better ways to run standards processes may
27 > well make a difference. in particular, the downstream perspective is
28 > completely missing from the current debate.
30 That's correct, but I don't think that the EC membership has so far
31 cared that much about the perspective outside their own organizations
32 ... yet.
34 That's not a particular surprise, since people on the EC will largely
35 push the agendas of the organizations they belong to, after all they are
36 (for the most part) paying for the privilege of getting their products
37 turned into standards, and being able to influence the standardization
38 process.
40 There is a simple fix, though: Sun seems to have figured out that
41 cooperating with downstreams can be benefitial for them, and that
42 cooperation will likely lead to some benefits for Sun in terms of how
43 ubiquitous their technologies will be deployed/deployable downstream, as
44 the downstreams really like Free Software & transparency and all the
45 other sane engineering stuff.
47 The way Sun goes is the way the rest of the EC will follow, if it turns
48 out to work for Sun.
50 Proposals to change the JCP process have been discussed regularly
51 outside the JCP, but in general have not resulted in changes of the
52 processes. We could speculate why that's the case, but afaict, directly
53 changing specifics of the process from outside does not really work. One
54 can discuss ideas to do things in a better way, but at the end of the
55 day it's up to the spec leads to adopt them or not.
57 I'd suspect that the main reason for the lack of adoption of proposals
58 to improve the JCP from outside the process comes from them being made
59 outside the process, rather than by those inside the process.
61 So I think it's more effective to have positive feedback for JSRs run
62 reasonably, than to try from outside to teach spec leads how they should
63 run their JSRs, or to force them to do specific things.
65 What works is the 'market' supporting the specs that are well done, and
66 ignoring those that aren't. Ignoring intransparently run JSRs is cheap
67 and easy, and they ignore us anyway, so no harm done.
69 >> I'd rather suggest that the
70 >> ASF gets going working on creating open source TCKs for all RIs
71 >> implemented under its spec leadership (the whole XML & WS-* stuff,
72 >> Tomcat, and all that).
73 >
74 > i can't find any spec lead by apache on
76 My apologies for that assertion, I was mistakenly under impression that
77 the ASF was leading specs, rather than individual companies whose spec
78 leads happen to be ASF's members.
80 > i agree that there are many specifications which were and are strong
81 > influenced by apache ethos. apache has also been home to a lot of
82 > reference implementations. but this is personal, not official.
84 Is the reasoning why the ASF has been home to a lot of reference
85 implementations without being the home for their test suites documented
86 somewhere? I'm curios what motivates the persons using Apache as the
87 home for their RIs to not develop their TCKs inside Apache.
89 cheers,
90 dalibor topic
91 --
92 gentoo-java@g.o mailing list


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-java] Want to affect how JSRs are developed? robert burrell donkin <robertburrelldonkin@×××××.com>