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* [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending.
@ 2014-04-02 23:46 Brian Dolbec
  2014-04-02 23:46 ` [gentoo-catalyst] [PATCH] Initial separation and creation of a module Brian Dolbec
  2014-05-05 19:20 ` [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending Brian Dolbec
  0 siblings, 2 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: Brian Dolbec @ 2014-04-02 23:46 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-catalyst

[PATCH 1/8] Initial separation and creation of a module

Well, that was a crappy way for git send-email to react.  
First when cancelling, it only cancelled the cover letter and the first commit.
And without entering an email address.  Second time it didn't send the cover and the 1/8 commit.
I didn't meant to group these together, but, since theyre on the list...

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread

* [gentoo-catalyst] [PATCH] Initial separation and creation of a module
  2014-04-02 23:46 [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending Brian Dolbec
@ 2014-04-02 23:46 ` Brian Dolbec
  2014-05-05 19:20 ` [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending Brian Dolbec
  1 sibling, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: Brian Dolbec @ 2014-04-02 23:46 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-catalyst

 catalyst/                   | 137 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 catalyst/                         |  30 ++++---
 catalyst/                      |  62 --------------
 catalyst/targets/ |  36 ++++----
 catalyst/targets/ |   4 +-
 catalyst/targets/        |   7 +-
 6 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 catalyst/

diff --git a/catalyst/ b/catalyst/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b575ace
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalyst/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import os
+from collections import namedtuple
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from support import CatalystError
+# Use HashMap.fields for the value legend
+# fields = ["func", "cmd", "args", "id"]
+	"adler32"  :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "ADLER32"], "ADLER32"],
+	"crc32"    :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "CRC32"], "CRC32"],
+	"crc32b"   :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "CRC32B"], "CRC32B"],
+	"gost"     :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "GOST"], "GOST"],
+	"haval128" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "HAVAL128"], "HAVAL128"],
+	"haval160" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "HAVAL160"], "HAVAL160"],
+	"haval192" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "HAVAL192"], "HAVAL192"],
+	"haval224" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "HAVAL224"], "HAVAL224"],
+	"haval256" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "HAVAL256"], "HAVAL256"],
+	"md2"      :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "MD2"], "MD2"],
+	"md4"      :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "MD4"], "MD4"],
+	"md5"      :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "MD5"], "MD5"],
+	"ripemd128":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "RIPEMD128"], "RIPEMD128"],
+	"ripemd160":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "RIPEMD160"], "RIPEMD160"],
+	"ripemd256":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "RIPEMD256"], "RIPEMD256"],
+	"ripemd320":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "RIPEMD320"], "RIPEMD320"],
+	"sha1"     :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SHA1"], "SHA1"],
+	"sha224"   :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SHA224"], "SHA224"],
+	"sha256"   :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SHA256"], "SHA256"],
+	"sha384"   :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SHA384"], "SHA384"],
+	"sha512"   :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SHA512"], "SHA512"],
+	"snefru128":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SNEFRU128"], "SNEFRU128"],
+	"snefru256":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "SNEFRU256"], "SNEFRU256"],
+	"tiger"    :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "TIGER"], "TIGER"],
+	"tiger128" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "TIGER128"], "TIGER128"],
+	"tiger160" :["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "TIGER160"], "TIGER160"],
+	"whirlpool":["calc_hash2", "shash", ["-a", "WHIRLPOOL"], "WHIRLPOOL"],
+	}
+class HashMap(object):
+	'''Class for handling
+	Catalyst's hash generation'''
+	fields = ["func", "cmd", "args", "id"]
+	def __init__(self, hashes=None):
+		'''Class init
+		@param hashes: dictionary of Key:[function, cmd, cmd_args, Print string]
+		@param fields: list of ordered field names for the hashes
+			eg: ["func", "cmd", "args", "id"]
+		'''
+		if hashes is None:
+			hashes = {}
+		self.hash_map = {}
+		# create the hash definition namedtuple classes
+		for name in list(hashes):
+			obj = namedtuple(name, self.fields)
+			obj.__slots__ = ()
+			self.hash_map[name] = obj._make(hashes[name])
+		del obj
+	def generate_hash(self, file_, hash_="crc32", verbose=False):
+		'''Prefered method of generating a hash for the passed in file_
+		@param file_: the file to generate the hash for
+		@param hash_: the hash algorythm to use
+		@param verbose: boolean
+		@returns the hash result
+		'''
+		try:
+			return getattr(self, self.hash_map[hash_].func)(
+				file_,
+				hash_,
+				verbose
+				)
+		except:
+			raise CatalystError,"Error generating hash, is appropriate " + \
+				"utility installed on your system?"
+	def calc_hash(self, file_, hash_, verbose=False):
+		'''
+		Calculate the hash for "file_"
+		@param file_: the file to generate the hash for
+		@param hash_: the hash algorythm to use
+		@param verbose: boolean
+		@returns the hash result
+		'''
+		_hash = self.hash_map[hash_]
+		args = [_hash.cmd]
+		args.extend(_hash.args)
+		args.append(file_)
+		source = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
+		mylines = source.communicate()[0]
+		mylines=mylines[0].split()
+		result=mylines[0]
+		if verbose:
+			print + " (%s) = %s" % (file_, result)
+		return result
+	def calc_hash2(self, file_, hash_type, verbose=False):
+		'''
+		Calculate the hash for "file_"
+		@param file_: the file to generate the hash for
+		@param hash_: the hash algorythm to use
+		@param verbose: boolean
+		@returns the hash result
+		'''
+		_hash = self.hash_map[hash_type]
+		args = [_hash.cmd]
+		args.extend(_hash.args)
+		args.append(file_)
+		#print("DEBUG: calc_hash2; args =", args)
+		source = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE)
+		output = source.communicate()
+		lines = output[0].split('\n')
+		#print("DEBUG: calc_hash2; output =", output)
+		header = lines[0]
+		h_f = lines[1].split()
+		hash_result = h_f[0]
+		short_file = os.path.split(h_f[1])[1]
+		result = header + "\n" + hash_result + "  " + short_file + "\n"
+		if verbose:
+			print header + " (%s) = %s" % (short_file, result)
+		return result
diff --git a/catalyst/ b/catalyst/
index 6b90989..7bcf2cb 100644
--- a/catalyst/
+++ b/catalyst/
@@ -22,7 +22,10 @@ from . import __version__
 import catalyst.config
 import catalyst.util
 from import (required_build_targets,
-	valid_build_targets, CatalystError, hash_map, find_binary, LockInUse)
+	valid_build_targets, CatalystError, find_binary, LockInUse)
+from hash_utils import HashMap, HASH_DEFINITIONS
@@ -345,40 +348,43 @@ def main():
 	# import configuration file and import our main module using those settings
-	# Start checking that digests are valid now that the hash_map was imported
-	# from
+	# initialze our hash and contents generators
+	hash_map = HashMap(HASH_DEFINITIONS)
+	conf_values["hash_map"] = hash_map
+	# Start checking that digests are valid now that hash_map is initialized
 	if "digests" in conf_values:
 		for i in conf_values["digests"].split():
-			if i not in hash_map:
+			if i not in HASH_DEFINITIONS:
 				print i+" is not a valid digest entry"
 				print "Valid digest entries:"
-				print hash_map.keys()
+				print HASH_DEFINITIONS.keys()
 				print "Catalyst aborting...."
-			if find_binary(hash_map[i][1]) == None:
+			if find_binary(hash_map.hash_map[i].cmd) == None:
-				print "digest="+i
-				print "\tThe "+hash_map[i][1]+\
+				print "digest=" + i
+				print "\tThe " + hash_map.hash_map[i].cmd + \
 					" binary was not found. It needs to be in your system path"
 				print "Catalyst aborting...."
 	if "hash_function" in conf_values:
-		if conf_values["hash_function"] not in hash_map:
+		if conf_values["hash_function"] not in HASH_DEFINITIONS:
 			print conf_values["hash_function"]+\
 				" is not a valid hash_function entry"
 			print "Valid hash_function entries:"
-			print hash_map.keys()
+			print HASH_DEFINITIONS.keys()
 			print "Catalyst aborting...."
-		if find_binary(hash_map[conf_values["hash_function"]][1]) == None:
+		if find_binary(hash_map.hash_map[conf_values["hash_function"]].cmd) == None:
 			print "hash_function="+conf_values["hash_function"]
-			print "\tThe "+hash_map[conf_values["hash_function"]][1]+\
+			print "\tThe "+hash_map.hash_map[conf_values["hash_function"]].cmd + \
 				" binary was not found. It needs to be in your system path"
 			print "Catalyst aborting...."
diff --git a/catalyst/ b/catalyst/
index 5e7ce92..308d9c0 100644
--- a/catalyst/
+++ b/catalyst/
@@ -114,68 +114,6 @@ contents_map={
 	"isoinfo-f":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -f -i %(file)s"],
-def generate_hash(file,hash_function="crc32",verbose=False):
-	try:
-		return hash_map[hash_function][0](file,hash_map[hash_function][1],hash_map[hash_function][2],\
-			hash_map[hash_function][3],verbose)
-	except:
-		raise CatalystError,"Error generating hash, is appropriate utility installed on your system?"
-def calc_hash(file,cmd,cmd_args,id_string="MD5",verbose=False):
-	a=os.popen(cmd+" "+cmd_args+" "+file)
-	mylines=a.readlines()
-	a.close()
-	mylines=mylines[0].split()
-	result=mylines[0]
-	if verbose:
-		print id_string+" (%s) = %s" % (file, result)
-	return result
-def calc_hash2(file,cmd,cmd_args,id_string="MD5",verbose=False):
-	a=os.popen(cmd+" "+cmd_args+" "+file)
-	header=a.readline()
-	mylines=a.readline().split()
-	hash=mylines[0]
-	short_file=os.path.split(mylines[1])[1]
-	a.close()
-	result=header+hash+"  "+short_file+"\n"
-	if verbose:
-		print header+" (%s) = %s" % (short_file, result)
-	return result
-# This has map must be defined after the function calc_hash
-# It is possible to call different functions from this but they must be defined
-# before hash_map
-# Key,function,cmd,cmd_args,Print string
-	 "adler32":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a ADLER32","ADLER32"],\
-	 "crc32":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a CRC32","CRC32"],\
-	 "crc32b":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a CRC32B","CRC32B"],\
-	 "gost":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a GOST","GOST"],\
-	 "haval128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL128","HAVAL128"],\
-	 "haval160":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL160","HAVAL160"],\
-	 "haval192":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL192","HAVAL192"],\
-	 "haval224":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL224","HAVAL224"],\
-	 "haval256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a HAVAL256","HAVAL256"],\
-	 "md2":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a MD2","MD2"],\
-	 "md4":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a MD4","MD4"],\
-	 "md5":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a MD5","MD5"],\
-	 "ripemd128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD128","RIPEMD128"],\
-	 "ripemd160":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD160","RIPEMD160"],\
-	 "ripemd256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD256","RIPEMD256"],\
-	 "ripemd320":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a RIPEMD320","RIPEMD320"],\
-	 "sha1":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA1","SHA1"],\
-	 "sha224":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA224","SHA224"],\
-	 "sha256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA256","SHA256"],\
-	 "sha384":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA384","SHA384"],\
-	 "sha512":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SHA512","SHA512"],\
-	 "snefru128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SNEFRU128","SNEFRU128"],\
-	 "snefru256":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a SNEFRU256","SNEFRU256"],\
-	 "tiger":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a TIGER","TIGER"],\
-	 "tiger128":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a TIGER128","TIGER128"],\
-	 "tiger160":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a TIGER160","TIGER160"],\
-	 "whirlpool":[calc_hash2,"shash","-a WHIRLPOOL","WHIRLPOOL"],\
-	 }
 def read_from_clst(file):
 	line = ''
diff --git a/catalyst/targets/ b/catalyst/targets/
index eaf2c1f..b6a6200 100644
--- a/catalyst/targets/
+++ b/catalyst/targets/
@@ -428,10 +428,11 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
 			if os.path.isfile(self.settings["source_path"]):
 				# XXX: Is this even necessary if the previous check passes?
 				if os.path.exists(self.settings["source_path"]):
-					self.settings["source_path_hash"]=\
-						generate_hash(self.settings["source_path"],\
-						hash_function=self.settings["hash_function"],\
-						verbose=False)
+					self.settings["source_path_hash"] = \
+						self.settings["hash_map"].generate_hash(
+							self.settings["source_path"],
+							hash_ = self.settings["hash_function"],
+							verbose = False)
 		print "Source path set to "+self.settings["source_path"]
 		if os.path.isdir(self.settings["source_path"]):
 			print "\tIf this is not desired, remove this directory or turn off"
@@ -457,18 +458,22 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
 			self.settings["snapshot"] + ".tar.xz")
 		if os.path.exists(self.settings["snapshot_path"]):
-			self.settings["snapshot_path_hash"]=\
-				generate_hash(self.settings["snapshot_path"],\
-				hash_function=self.settings["hash_function"],verbose=False)
+			self.settings["snapshot_path_hash"] = \
+				self.settings["hash_map"].generate_hash(
+					self.settings["snapshot_path"],
+					hash_ = self.settings["hash_function"],
+					verbose = False)
 				"/snapshots/" + self.settings["snapshot_name"] +
 				self.settings["snapshot"] + ".tar.bz2")
 			if os.path.exists(self.settings["snapshot_path"]):
-				self.settings["snapshot_path_hash"]=\
-					generate_hash(self.settings["snapshot_path"],\
-					hash_function=self.settings["hash_function"],verbose=False)
+				self.settings["snapshot_path_hash"] = \
+					self.settings["hash_map"].generate_hash(
+						self.settings["snapshot_path"],
+						hash_ = self.settings["hash_function"],
+						verbose = False)
 	def set_snapcache_path(self):
 		if "SNAPCACHE" in self.settings:
@@ -1716,6 +1721,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
 		if os.path.exists(file+".DIGESTS"):
 		if "digests" in self.settings:
+			hash_map = self.settings["hash_map"]
 			if os.path.exists(file):
@@ -1726,14 +1732,14 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
 				for f in [file, file+'.CONTENTS']:
 					if os.path.exists(f):
 						if "all" in array:
-							for k in hash_map.keys():
-								hash=generate_hash(f,hash_function=k,verbose=\
-									"VERBOSE" in self.settings)
+							for k in list(hash_map.hash_map):
+								hash = hash_map.generate_hash(f, hash_ = k,
+									verbose = "VERBOSE" in self.settings)
 							for j in array:
-								hash=generate_hash(f,hash_function=j,verbose=\
-									"VERBOSE" in self.settings)
+								hash = hash_map.generate_hash(f, hash_ = j,
+									verbose = "VERBOSE" in self.settings)
diff --git a/catalyst/targets/ b/catalyst/targets/
index 1bfd820..e784844 100644
--- a/catalyst/targets/
+++ b/catalyst/targets/
@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ class livecd_stage2_target(generic_stage_target):
 	def set_source_path(self):
 		if os.path.isfile(self.settings["source_path"]):
-			self.settings["source_path_hash"]=generate_hash(self.settings["source_path"])
+			self.settings["source_path_hash"] = \
+				self.settings["hash_map"].generate_hash(
+					self.settings["source_path"])
 		if not os.path.exists(self.settings["source_path"]):
diff --git a/catalyst/targets/ b/catalyst/targets/
index 15acdee..6377f5d 100644
--- a/catalyst/targets/
+++ b/catalyst/targets/
@@ -23,8 +23,11 @@ class stage2_target(generic_stage_target):
 			if os.path.isfile(self.settings["source_path"]):
 				if os.path.exists(self.settings["source_path"]):
 				# XXX: Is this even necessary if the previous check passes?
-					self.settings["source_path_hash"]=generate_hash(self.settings["source_path"],\
-						hash_function=self.settings["hash_function"],verbose=False)
+					self.settings["source_path_hash"] = \
+						self.settings["hash_map"].generate_hash(
+							self.settings["source_path"],\
+							hash_=self.settings["hash_function"],
+							verbose=False)
 		print "Source path set to "+self.settings["source_path"]
 		if os.path.isdir(self.settings["source_path"]):
 			print "\tIf this is not desired, remove this directory or turn of seedcache in the options of catalyst.conf"

^ permalink raw reply related	[flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread

* Re: [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending.
  2014-04-02 23:46 [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending Brian Dolbec
  2014-04-02 23:46 ` [gentoo-catalyst] [PATCH] Initial separation and creation of a module Brian Dolbec
@ 2014-05-05 19:20 ` Brian Dolbec
  1 sibling, 0 replies; 3+ messages in thread
From: Brian Dolbec @ 2014-05-05 19:20 UTC (permalink / raw
  To: gentoo-catalyst

On Wed,  2 Apr 2014 16:46:34 -0700
Brian Dolbec <> wrote:

> [PATCH 1/8] Initial separation and creation of a module
> Well, that was a crappy way for git send-email to react.  
> First when cancelling, it only cancelled the cover letter and the
> first commit. And without entering an email address.  Second time it
> didn't send the cover and the 1/8 commit. I didn't meant to group
> these together, but, since theyre on the list...

OK, these have been pushed to master (all 8 pathces), plus another fix
that has been tested in 2.X.

I'll prepare some more patches into pending and submit.
Brian Dolbec <dolsen>

^ permalink raw reply	[flat|nested] 3+ messages in thread

end of thread, other threads:[~2014-05-05 19:20 UTC | newest]

Thread overview: 3+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
-- links below jump to the message on this page --
2014-04-02 23:46 [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending Brian Dolbec
2014-04-02 23:46 ` [gentoo-catalyst] [PATCH] Initial separation and creation of a module Brian Dolbec
2014-05-05 19:20 ` [gentoo-catalyst] Patch 0/8 Remaining patches in pending Brian Dolbec

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