Hi, I would like to add a feature to the catalyst project. I would like to deliver the following: Catalyst module which would be used to build AMI (amazon machine images) and upload it directly to the AWS - Catalyst currently produces Gentoo stages using spec files into which I would add a feature to build AMIs in the same manner by using the spec file. - In this manner, user can generate AMIs from latest stages and configure their system in whatever fashion they want without bloating there system with pre-generated stages (which have unnecessary packages). - 'rich0' (gentoo-dev Richard Freeman) has very nicely blogged about how to bootstrap Gentoo on EC2 [here ] which I would be following to write this module up inside of catalyst for which I would be using Python. - User would be expected to provide their AWS related information (like region, key pair). Currently, I'll be concentrating on AWS only but would be extending this to Openstack, Virtualbox, DigitalOcean. I have a brief idea about the catalyst module (3.0 branch) and have been following as well as contributing (some minor bug fixes) it from past few months. I'd be really happy to contribute to the gentoo community. Please give me your feedback. Regards, Proneet Verma (irc: proneet @ freenode)