Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: Alessandro Barbieri <lssndrbarbieri@×××××.com>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/proj/guru:dev commit in: licenses/
Date: Sun, 08 May 2022 01:58:25
Message-Id: 1651975088.090b34b8271b69ad9c451dcbc1fd3e68c7222aaa.Alessandro-Barbieri@gentoo
1 commit: 090b34b8271b69ad9c451dcbc1fd3e68c7222aaa
2 Author: Alessandro Barbieri <lssndrbarbieri <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
3 AuthorDate: Sun May 8 01:02:56 2022 +0000
4 Commit: Alessandro Barbieri <lssndrbarbieri <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
5 CommitDate: Sun May 8 01:58:08 2022 +0000
6 URL:
8 licenses: add ODC-By-1.0 license
10 Signed-off-by: Alessandro Barbieri <lssndrbarbieri <AT>>
12 licenses/ODC-By-1.0 | 428 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13 1 file changed, 428 insertions(+)
15 diff --git a/licenses/ODC-By-1.0 b/licenses/ODC-By-1.0
16 new file mode 100644
17 index 000000000..a12f30e30
18 --- /dev/null
19 +++ b/licenses/ODC-By-1.0
20 @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
21 +# ODC Attribution License (ODC-By)
22 +
23 +### Preamble
24 +
25 +The Open Data Commons Attribution License is a license agreement
26 +intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Database
27 +subject only to the attribution requirements set out in Section 4.
28 +
29 +Databases can contain a wide variety of types of content (images,
30 +audiovisual material, and sounds all in the same database, for example),
31 +and so this license only governs the rights over the Database, and not
32 +the contents of the Database individually. Licensors may therefore wish
33 +to use this license together with another license for the contents.
34 +
35 +Sometimes the contents of a database, or the database itself, can be
36 +covered by other rights not addressed here (such as private contracts,
37 +trademark over the name, or privacy rights / data protection rights
38 +over information in the contents), and so you are advised that you may
39 +have to consult other documents or clear other rights before doing
40 +activities not covered by this License.
41 +
42 +------
43 +
44 +The Licensor (as defined below)
45 +
46 +and
47 +
48 +You (as defined below)
49 +
50 +agree as follows:
51 +
52 +### 1.0 Definitions of Capitalised Words
53 +
54 +"Collective Database" - Means this Database in unmodified form as part
55 +of a collection of independent databases in themselves that together are
56 +assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collective
57 +Database will not be considered a Derivative Database.
58 +
59 +"Convey" - As a verb, means Using the Database, a Derivative Database,
60 +or the Database as part of a Collective Database in any way that enables
61 +a Person to make or receive copies of the Database or a Derivative
62 +Database. Conveying does not include interaction with a user through a
63 +computer network, or creating and Using a Produced Work, where no
64 +transfer of a copy of the Database or a Derivative Database occurs.
65 +
66 +"Contents" - The contents of this Database, which includes the
67 +information, independent works, or other material collected into the
68 +Database. For example, the contents of the Database could be factual
69 +data or works such as images, audiovisual material, text, or sounds.
70 +
71 +"Database" - A collection of material (the Contents) arranged in a
72 +systematic or methodical way and individually accessible by electronic
73 +or other means offered under the terms of this License.
74 +
75 +"Database Directive" - Means Directive 96/9/EC of the European
76 +Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection
77 +of databases, as amended or succeeded.
78 +
79 +"Database Right" - Means rights resulting from the Chapter III ("sui
80 +generis") rights in the Database Directive (as amended and as transposed
81 +by member states), which includes the Extraction and Re-utilisation of
82 +the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents, as well as any similar
83 +rights available in the relevant jurisdiction under Section 10.4.
84 +
85 +"Derivative Database" - Means a database based upon the Database, and
86 +includes any translation, adaptation, arrangement, modification, or any
87 +other alteration of the Database or of a Substantial part of the
88 +Contents. This includes, but is not limited to, Extracting or
89 +Re-utilising the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents in a new
90 +Database.
91 +
92 +"Extraction" - Means the permanent or temporary transfer of all or a
93 +Substantial part of the Contents to another medium by any means or in
94 +any form.
95 +
96 +"License" - Means this license agreement and is both a license of rights
97 +such as copyright and Database Rights and an agreement in contract.
98 +
99 +"Licensor" - Means the Person that offers the Database under the terms
100 +of this License.
101 +
102 +"Person" - Means a natural or legal person or a body of persons
103 +corporate or incorporate.
104 +
105 +"Produced Work" - a work (such as an image, audiovisual material, text,
106 +or sounds) resulting from using the whole or a Substantial part of the
107 +Contents (via a search or other query) from this Database, a Derivative
108 +Database, or this Database as part of a Collective Database.
109 +
110 +"Publicly" - means to Persons other than You or under Your control by
111 +either more than 50% ownership or by the power to direct their
112 +activities (such as contracting with an independent consultant).
113 +
114 +"Re-utilisation" - means any form of making available to the public all
115 +or a Substantial part of the Contents by the distribution of copies, by
116 +renting, by online or other forms of transmission.
117 +
118 +"Substantial" - Means substantial in terms of quantity or quality or a
119 +combination of both. The repeated and systematic Extraction or
120 +Re-utilisation of insubstantial parts of the Contents may amount to the
121 +Extraction or Re-utilisation of a Substantial part of the Contents.
122 +
123 +"Use" - As a verb, means doing any act that is restricted by copyright
124 +or Database Rights whether in the original medium or any other; and
125 +includes without limitation distributing, copying, publicly performing,
126 +publicly displaying, and preparing derivative works of the Database, as
127 +well as modifying the Database as may be technically necessary to use it
128 +in a different mode or format.
129 +
130 +"You" - Means a Person exercising rights under this License who has not
131 +previously violated the terms of this License with respect to the
132 +Database, or who has received express permission from the Licensor to
133 +exercise rights under this License despite a previous violation.
134 +
135 +Words in the singular include the plural and vice versa.
136 +
137 +### 2.0 What this License covers
138 +
139 +2.1. Legal effect of this document. This License is:
140 +
141 + a. A license of applicable copyright and neighbouring rights;
142 +
143 + b. A license of the Database Right; and
144 +
145 + c. An agreement in contract between You and the Licensor.
146 +
147 +2.2 Legal rights covered. This License covers the legal rights in the
148 +Database, including:
149 +
150 + a. Copyright. Any copyright or neighbouring rights in the Database.
151 + The copyright licensed includes any individual elements of the
152 + Database, but does not cover the copyright over the Contents
153 + independent of this Database. See Section 2.4 for details. Copyright
154 + law varies between jurisdictions, but is likely to cover: the Database
155 + model or schema, which is the structure, arrangement, and organisation
156 + of the Database, and can also include the Database tables and table
157 + indexes; the data entry and output sheets; and the Field names of
158 + Contents stored in the Database;
159 +
160 + b. Database Rights. Database Rights only extend to the Extraction and
161 + Re-utilisation of the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents.
162 + Database Rights can apply even when there is no copyright over the
163 + Database. Database Rights can also apply when the Contents are removed
164 + from the Database and are selected and arranged in a way that would
165 + not infringe any applicable copyright; and
166 +
167 + c. Contract. This is an agreement between You and the Licensor for
168 + access to the Database. In return you agree to certain conditions of
169 + use on this access as outlined in this License.
170 +
171 +2.3 Rights not covered.
172 +
173 + a. This License does not apply to computer programs used in the making
174 + or operation of the Database;
175 +
176 + b. This License does not cover any patents over the Contents or the
177 + Database; and
178 +
179 + c. This License does not cover any trademarks associated with the
180 + Database.
181 +
182 +2.4 Relationship to Contents in the Database. The individual items of
183 +the Contents contained in this Database may be covered by other rights,
184 +including copyright, patent, data protection, privacy, or personality
185 +rights, and this License does not cover any rights (other than Database
186 +Rights or in contract) in individual Contents contained in the Database.
187 +For example, if used on a Database of images (the Contents), this
188 +License would not apply to copyright over individual images, which could
189 +have their own separate licenses, or one single license covering all of
190 +the rights over the images.
191 +
192 +### 3.0 Rights granted
193 +
194 +3.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, the Licensor
195 +grants to You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, terminable (but
196 +only under Section 9) license to Use the Database for the duration of
197 +any applicable copyright and Database Rights. These rights explicitly
198 +include commercial use, and do not exclude any field of endeavour. To
199 +the extent possible in the relevant jurisdiction, these rights may be
200 +exercised in all media and formats whether now known or created in the
201 +future.
202 +
203 +The rights granted cover, for example:
204 +
205 + a. Extraction and Re-utilisation of the whole or a Substantial part of
206 + the Contents;
207 +
208 + b. Creation of Derivative Databases;
209 +
210 + c. Creation of Collective Databases;
211 +
212 + d. Creation of temporary or permanent reproductions by any means and
213 + in any form, in whole or in part, including of any Derivative
214 + Databases or as a part of Collective Databases; and
215 +
216 + e. Distribution, communication, display, lending, making available, or
217 + performance to the public by any means and in any form, in whole or in
218 + part, including of any Derivative Database or as a part of Collective
219 + Databases.
220 +
221 +3.2 Compulsory license schemes. For the avoidance of doubt:
222 +
223 + a. Non-waivable compulsory license schemes. In those jurisdictions in
224 + which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or
225 + compulsory licensing scheme cannot be waived, the Licensor reserves
226 + the exclusive right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You
227 + of the rights granted under this License;
228 +
229 + b. Waivable compulsory license schemes. In those jurisdictions in
230 + which the right to collect royalties through any statutory or
231 + compulsory licensing scheme can be waived, the Licensor waives the
232 + exclusive right to collect such royalties for any exercise by You of
233 + the rights granted under this License; and,
234 +
235 + c. Voluntary license schemes. The Licensor waives the right to collect
236 + royalties, whether individually or, in the event that the Licensor is
237 + a member of a collecting society that administers voluntary licensing
238 + schemes, via that society, from any exercise by You of the rights
239 + granted under this License.
240 +
241 +3.3 The right to release the Database under different terms, or to stop
242 +distributing or making available the Database, is reserved. Note that
243 +this Database may be multiple-licensed, and so You may have the choice
244 +of using alternative licenses for this Database. Subject to Section
245 +10.4, all other rights not expressly granted by Licensor are reserved.
246 +
247 +### 4.0 Conditions of Use
248 +
249 +4.1 The rights granted in Section 3 above are expressly made subject to
250 +Your complying with the following conditions of use. These are important
251 +conditions of this License, and if You fail to follow them, You will be
252 +in material breach of its terms.
253 +
254 +4.2 Notices. If You Publicly Convey this Database, any Derivative
255 +Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, then You
256 +must:
257 +
258 + a. Do so only under the terms of this License;
259 +
260 + b. Include a copy of this License or its Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
261 + with the Database or Derivative Database, including both in the
262 + Database or Derivative Database and in any relevant documentation;
263 +
264 + c. Keep intact any copyright or Database Right notices and notices
265 + that refer to this License; and
266 +
267 + d. If it is not possible to put the required notices in a particular
268 + file due to its structure, then You must include the notices in a
269 + location (such as a relevant directory) where users would be likely to
270 + look for it.
271 +
272 +4.3 Notice for using output (Contents). Creating and Using a Produced
273 +Work does not require the notice in Section 4.2. However, if you
274 +Publicly Use a Produced Work, You must include a notice associated with
275 +the Produced Work reasonably calculated to make any Person that uses,
276 +views, accesses, interacts with, or is otherwise exposed to the Produced
277 +Work aware that Content was obtained from the Database, Derivative
278 +Database, or the Database as part of a Collective Database, and that it
279 +is available under this License.
280 +
281 + a. Example notice. The following text will satisfy notice under
282 + Section 4.3:
283 +
284 + Contains information from DATABASE NAME which is made available
285 + under the ODC Attribution License.
286 +
287 +DATABASE NAME should be replaced with the name of the Database and a
288 +hyperlink to the location of the Database. "ODC Attribution License"
289 +should contain a hyperlink to the URI of the text of this License. If
290 +hyperlinks are not possible, You should include the plain text of the
291 +required URI's with the above notice.
292 +
293 +4.4 Licensing of others. You may not sublicense the Database. Each time
294 +You communicate the Database, the whole or Substantial part of the
295 +Contents, or any Derivative Database to anyone else in any way, the
296 +Licensor offers to the recipient a license to the Database on the same
297 +terms and conditions as this License. You are not responsible for
298 +enforcing compliance by third parties with this License, but You may
299 +enforce any rights that You have over a Derivative Database. You are
300 +solely responsible for any modifications of a Derivative Database made
301 +by You or another Person at Your direction. You may not impose any
302 +further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or affirmed
303 +under this License.
304 +
305 +### 5.0 Moral rights
306 +
307 +5.1 Moral rights. This section covers moral rights, including any rights
308 +to be identified as the author of the Database or to object to treatment
309 +that would otherwise prejudice the author's honour and reputation, or
310 +any other derogatory treatment:
311 +
312 + a. For jurisdictions allowing waiver of moral rights, Licensor waives
313 + all moral rights that Licensor may have in the Database to the fullest
314 + extent possible by the law of the relevant jurisdiction under Section
315 + 10.4;
316 +
317 + b. If waiver of moral rights under Section 5.1 a in the relevant
318 + jurisdiction is not possible, Licensor agrees not to assert any moral
319 + rights over the Database and waives all claims in moral rights to the
320 + fullest extent possible by the law of the relevant jurisdiction under
321 + Section 10.4; and
322 +
323 + c. For jurisdictions not allowing waiver or an agreement not to assert
324 + moral rights under Section 5.1 a and b, the author may retain their
325 + moral rights over certain aspects of the Database.
326 +
327 +Please note that some jurisdictions do not allow for the waiver of moral
328 +rights, and so moral rights may still subsist over the Database in some
329 +jurisdictions.
330 +
331 +### 6.0 Fair dealing, Database exceptions, and other rights not affected
332 +
333 +6.1 This License does not affect any rights that You or anyone else may
334 +independently have under any applicable law to make any use of this
335 +Database, including without limitation:
336 +
337 + a. Exceptions to the Database Right including: Extraction of Contents
338 + from non-electronic Databases for private purposes, Extraction for
339 + purposes of illustration for teaching or scientific research, and
340 + Extraction or Re-utilisation for public security or an administrative
341 + or judicial procedure.
342 +
343 + b. Fair dealing, fair use, or any other legally recognised limitation
344 + or exception to infringement of copyright or other applicable laws.
345 +
346 +6.2 This License does not affect any rights of lawful users to Extract
347 +and Re-utilise insubstantial parts of the Contents, evaluated
348 +quantitatively or qualitatively, for any purposes whatsoever, including
349 +creating a Derivative Database (subject to other rights over the
350 +Contents, see Section 2.4). The repeated and systematic Extraction or
351 +Re-utilisation of insubstantial parts of the Contents may however amount
352 +to the Extraction or Re-utilisation of a Substantial part of the
353 +Contents.
354 +
355 +### 7.0 Warranties and Disclaimer
356 +
357 +7.1 The Database is licensed by the Licensor "as is" and without any
358 +warranty of any kind, either express, implied, or arising by statute,
359 +custom, course of dealing, or trade usage. Licensor specifically
360 +disclaims any and all implied warranties or conditions of title,
361 +non-infringement, accuracy or completeness, the presence or absence of
362 +errors, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or otherwise.
363 +Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so
364 +this exclusion may not apply to You.
365 +
366 +### 8.0 Limitation of liability
367 +
368 +8.1 Subject to any liability that may not be excluded or limited by law,
369 +the Licensor is not liable for, and expressly excludes, all liability
370 +for loss or damage however and whenever caused to anyone by any use
371 +under this License, whether by You or by anyone else, and whether caused
372 +by any fault on the part of the Licensor or not. This exclusion of
373 +liability includes, but is not limited to, any special, incidental,
374 +consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages such as loss of revenue,
375 +data, anticipated profits, and lost business. This exclusion applies
376 +even if the Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such
377 +damages.
378 +
379 +8.2 If liability may not be excluded by law, it is limited to actual and
380 +direct financial loss to the extent it is caused by proved negligence on
381 +the part of the Licensor.
382 +
383 +### 9.0 Termination of Your rights under this License
384 +
385 +9.1 Any breach by You of the terms and conditions of this License
386 +automatically terminates this License with immediate effect and without
387 +notice to You. For the avoidance of doubt, Persons who have received the
388 +Database, the whole or a Substantial part of the Contents, Derivative
389 +Databases, or the Database as part of a Collective Database from You
390 +under this License will not have their licenses terminated provided
391 +their use is in full compliance with this License or a license granted
392 +under Section 4.8 of this License. Sections 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will
393 +survive any termination of this License.
394 +
395 +9.2 If You are not in breach of the terms of this License, the Licensor
396 +will not terminate Your rights under it.
397 +
398 +9.3 Unless terminated under Section 9.1, this License is granted to You
399 +for the duration of applicable rights in the Database.
400 +
401 +9.4 Reinstatement of rights. If you cease any breach of the terms and
402 +conditions of this License, then your full rights under this License
403 +will be reinstated:
404 +
405 + a. Provisionally and subject to permanent termination until the 60th
406 + day after cessation of breach;
407 +
408 + b. Permanently on the 60th day after cessation of breach unless
409 + otherwise reasonably notified by the Licensor; or
410 +
411 + c. Permanently if reasonably notified by the Licensor of the
412 + violation, this is the first time You have received notice of
413 + violation of this License from the Licensor, and You cure the
414 + violation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.
415 +
416 +9.5 Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right to release
417 +the Database under different license terms or to stop distributing or
418 +making available the Database. Releasing the Database under different
419 +license terms or stopping the distribution of the Database will not
420 +withdraw this License (or any other license that has been, or is
421 +required to be, granted under the terms of this License), and this
422 +License will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as
423 +stated above.
424 +
425 +### 10.0 General
426 +
427 +10.1 If any provision of this License is held to be invalid or
428 +unenforceable, that must not affect the validity or enforceability of
429 +the remainder of the terms and conditions of this License and each
430 +remaining provision of this License shall be valid and enforced to the
431 +fullest extent permitted by law.
432 +
433 +10.2 This License is the entire agreement between the parties with
434 +respect to the rights granted here over the Database. It replaces any
435 +earlier understandings, agreements or representations with respect to
436 +the Database.
437 +
438 +10.3 If You are in breach of the terms of this License, You will not be
439 +entitled to rely on the terms of this License or to complain of any
440 +breach by the Licensor.
441 +
442 +10.4 Choice of law. This License takes effect in and will be governed by
443 +the laws of the relevant jurisdiction in which the License terms are
444 +sought to be enforced. If the standard suite of rights granted under
445 +applicable copyright law and Database Rights in the relevant
446 +jurisdiction includes additional rights not granted under this License,
447 +these additional rights are granted in this License in order to meet the
448 +terms of this License.