Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Mart Raudsepp (leio)" <leio@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs: 20100208.txt
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 2010 21:33:20
1 leio 10/02/08 21:32:54
3 Added: 20100208.txt
4 Log:
5 Add raw log for February 8, 2010 meeting
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20100208.txt
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: 20100208.txt
14 ===================================================================
15 22:00:44 <Calchan> alright, woodpecker's clock says it's time
16 22:00:51 <Calchan> do we have everybody?
17 22:01:01 <Calchan> Betelgeuse will be late and is excused
18 22:01:02 <scarabeus> yep
19 22:01:18 * ulm is here
20 22:01:26 <leio> here
21 22:01:28 <Calchan> we had leio and solar just a few minutes ago
22 22:01:37 --> FuzzyRay (~pvarner@gentoo/developer/FuzzyRay) has joined #gentoo-council
23 22:02:06 <Calchan> can somebody please set +m whil I take care of some of the logistics?
24 22:02:12 --- leio sets mode +m #gentoo-council
25 22:02:54 <Calchan> oh, I'm just seeing tobias may not be with us today
26 22:03:17 <solar> he voted already in case he can't make it. i take that as being present (not a slacker)
27 22:03:25 <Betelgeuse> here
28 22:03:37 <Betelgeuse> got intoo the car
29 22:03:43 <Calchan> Betelgeuse, wow, I hope you didn't lose your driver's license ;o)
30 22:03:50 <scarabeus> :]
31 22:03:51 <Betelgeuse> let's see how long the battery lasts
32 22:03:57 <Betelgeuse> I am not driving :)
33 22:04:23 <Calchan> ok
34 22:04:25 <Betelgeuse> 3G sucks phone battery like hell
35 22:04:31 <Betelgeuse> and it's already low
36 22:04:42 <Calchan> so we have everybodu except for tobias who will be excused
37 22:04:54 <Calchan> who wants to chair?
38 22:04:57 <Betelgeuse> no
39 22:05:11 <leio> I don't think we have any excusing concept per our current rules, unfortunately
40 22:05:48 <Calchan> leio, we don't, youre right
41 22:06:09 <scarabeus> we might create some, because he at least cared about voting, (so he is not slacking)
42 22:06:23 <leio> we have voted to not being able to change GLEP39 on our own
43 22:06:32 <Betelgeuse> not do that now
44 22:06:53 <Betelgeuse> get into the aganda please
45 22:06:59 <leio> yes please
46 22:07:01 <Calchan> before we go to deep in discussions ...
47 22:07:03 <Calchan> who wants to chair?
48 22:07:07 <Calchan> as usual I volunteer to chair if nobody doesn't, but don't let that stop you
49 22:07:11 <Betelgeuse> so much on plate
50 22:07:28 <Betelgeuse> Calchan: with lack of vlunteers feel free
51 22:07:32 <Betelgeuse> I would if I had a connection
52 22:07:37 <solar> Calchan: just go. Betelgeuse is on limited phone battery.
53 22:07:42 <Calchan> alright then
54 22:07:51 <Calchan> any remarks regarding the agenda?
55 22:08:01 --> Zorry (~zorry@fu/coder/zorry) has joined #gentoo-council
56 22:08:26 <Calchan> ok, let's switch to the first topic then
57 22:08:36 <Calchan> glep 58
58 22:09:00 <leio> (as for 1.1, I'm logging and will be committing the raw log post-meeting before sleep)
59 22:09:01 <Calchan> I hope you have all read the agenda items and the material that was linked in there in order to make that a quick vote if possible
60 22:09:16 <Calchan> leio, thanks, I forgot abou tthat
61 22:09:25 <scarabeus> i did read them
62 22:09:27 <Betelgeuse> I always log
63 22:09:49 <Calchan> so, does anybdoy have any comment regarding glep 58?
64 22:09:54 <Calchan> if not we'll proceed to vote
65 22:09:55 <Betelgeuse> I read allthe GLEPS during gregkh's talk
66 22:10:08 <Betelgeuse> after which robbat2 committed some stuff
67 22:10:30 <leio> can we change any grammatical things after acceptance or not? :)
68 22:10:32 <solar> Calchan: only thing is that the timestamps seem to differ. You list 6-12 months while robin noted 18months .
69 22:10:33 <ulm> Calchan: shouldn't we vote on 60 first?
70 22:10:42 <ulm> it's a prerequisite of 58
71 22:11:49 <Calchan> ulm good point
72 22:12:03 <Calchan> so what's the general feeling, do you guys want to vote on 60 forst?
73 22:12:31 <Betelgeuse> fine b me
74 22:12:34 <Calchan> now that ulm says it, it seems logical to me although I don't mind too much
75 22:12:50 <Calchan> let's discuss/vote 60 first then
76 22:12:55 <leio> yes, we can do 60 first as a prerequisite. As for comments about 60 I can't phantom a case where AUX would really have to be duplicated with a new type of entry
77 22:13:16 <leio> as I don't see any of the new ones covering package directories
78 22:13:27 <leio> any files in package directories*
79 22:14:03 <ulm> leio: OTHER covers them
80 22:14:28 <ulm> if they aren't in EXEC anyway
81 22:14:35 <leio> "Choosing a file", point 5 suggests otherwise?
82 22:14:39 <Betelgeuse> Were'n't comments supposed to be before the meeting
83 22:14:48 <Betelgeuse> so that we an just vote today
84 22:15:00 <scarabeus> yeah just voting was supposed
85 22:15:09 <Betelgeuse> so let's do that
86 22:15:29 <Calchan> Betelgeuse is right, leio and ulm if you consider the above to be a blocker then just vote no please, ok?
87 22:15:35 <Calchan> and I vote yes
88 22:15:48 <ulm> I vote yes for glep 60
89 22:15:50 <Betelgeuse> yes
90 22:15:53 <scarabeus> yes
91 22:16:18 <solar> I vote yes on all of them
92 22:16:26 <Calchan> leio?
93 22:16:42 <Betelgeuse> Calchan: Might be easier to ask if someone objects to any of them
94 22:16:44 <Betelgeuse> I don't
95 22:16:51 <leio> I see what is meant there, but it should be more clearly written
96 22:16:52 <leio> I vote yes
97 22:16:59 <Betelgeuse> Then we can use time more efficiently
98 22:17:18 <Calchan> Betelgeuse, technically we have to vote o each of then individually, and it can be done quickly so let's do it
99 22:17:25 <Betelgeuse> Calchan: ok
100 22:18:03 <Calchan> NeddySeagoon just reminded me that we hae a missing member who sent in his vote by mail
101 22:18:40 <Calchan> but as we don't have a rule for that I told him we can't use votes by mail
102 22:18:48 <Calchan> we'll have to discuss that someday though
103 22:18:52 <Calchan> ok, 60 is go
104 22:18:57 <Calchan> let's vote on 58 now
105 22:19:04 <scarabeus> 58 - yes
106 22:19:09 <ulm> yes for 58
107 22:19:11 <leio> 58 - yes
108 22:19:14 <Calchan> yes for 58
109 22:19:18 <solar> yep
110 22:19:42 <Betelgeuse> yes
111 22:19:50 <Calchan> 58 is accepted too
112 22:20:03 <Calchan> let's vote on 59 now
113 22:20:09 <Betelgeuse> yes
114 22:20:14 <solar> yes to all
115 22:20:27 <scarabeus> 59 - yep
116 22:20:32 <ulm> yes for 59
117 22:20:44 <Calchan> yes here too
118 22:20:51 <leio> yes
119 22:20:55 <solar> Do any council ppl vote no on any of robins gleps? perhaps we can save some time per Betelgeuse suggestion?
120 22:21:06 <scarabeus> solar: we have to actively name it anyway
121 22:21:15 <scarabeus> due to proccess as i see it
122 22:21:27 <leio> I'll be curious how zac will do whirlpool though :)
123 22:21:48 <Calchan> leio, we talked of using external binaries
124 22:22:00 <leio> not important for the meeting
125 22:22:01 <Calchan> 59 is go so we only have 61 left now
126 22:22:05 <Calchan> yes on 61
127 22:22:28 <Betelgeuse> yes
128 22:22:34 <scarabeus> yup
129 22:22:36 <ulm> abstain on 61
130 22:23:54 <Calchan> yes from me
131 22:24:37 <leio> no (due to the part covering per-package manifests)
132 22:25:11 <Calchan> we already know solar wnated to vote yes on 61, although if you could confirm that would be nice
133 22:25:59 <Calchan> so we have 4-2 for glep 61
134 22:26:17 <solar> pita :p
135 22:26:18 <solar> yes
136 22:26:29 <Calchan> solar, that's my second name ;o)
137 22:26:48 <ulm> Calchan: I see 4 yes 1 no 1 abstention
138 22:26:59 <Calchan> ulm, indeed
139 22:27:27 <Betelgeuse> I am almost home. Will move from car to apparatement
140 22:27:35 <Calchan> ulm, I'll scan you a copy of my conting sheet to prove you I did note your abstention ;o)
141 22:27:42 <Calchan> Betelgeuse, ok
142 22:27:57 --> reavertm (~quassel@gentoo/developer/reavertm) has joined #gentoo-council
143 22:28:41 <Calchan> alright, any comments about these gleps?
144 22:29:11 <Calchan> if there aren't any we'll switch to the next topic
145 22:29:26 <Calchan> here's how it will work though: it'
146 22:29:27 <solar> only that he finish editing them to orig spec that we had agreed on
147 22:29:37 --> antarus (~antarus@gentoo/developer/antarus) has joined #gentoo-council
148 22:29:38 <leio> well, I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut, as I'm late with comments ;)
149 22:29:58 <solar> leio: don't let that hold you back. If you have a concern raise it
150 22:30:08 <Calchan> s an open ended discussion, I will ask you to conclude before 2100UTC since we are a few minutes late
151 22:30:24 <Calchan> at which point we'll conclude the meeting wehatever the outcome of the discussion
152 22:30:27 <leio> glep 60 is confusing about AUX
153 22:30:27 <Calchan> agreed?
154 22:30:49 <Calchan> leio, let's discuss that during the open floor
155 22:31:02 <Calchan> ok, let's discuss the VDB issue
156 22:31:18 <Calchan> I have proosed a few topics, but feel free to add more
157 22:31:37 <Calchan> Do we care about VDB caches currently not being compatible across
158 22:31:38 <Calchan> package managers?
159 22:32:09 <scarabeus> would be nice to have it same, at least for us (read me) who have both pkgcore and portage :]
160 22:32:12 <solar> While it would be nice. I would leave that up to the pkg-mgr maintainers
161 22:33:31 <Calchan> the point is if we don't care there's nothing that prevents package manager maintainers to experiment with various stuff without needing a timestamp or other mechanism
162 22:33:46 <Calchan> it would make many people lives easier though
163 22:34:24 <Calchan> here ws another question, but we can still discuss the previous one at the same time
164 22:34:42 <Calchan> Do we want to develop a way to work with more than one type of VDB cache (similar to Brian's proposal or not) or do we prefer investing our time into developing a new VDB?
165 22:34:54 <solar> neither
166 22:35:04 <Calchan> solar, can you expand a bit?
167 22:35:32 <solar> if you read up to the last thing I said. It still holds true for this statement
168 22:36:13 <solar> but to go into more details. The VDB is imo outside of our scope at this time. it's not PMS. The PMS ppl clearly don't want it in. I happen to think they are right.
169 22:36:44 <Calchan> solar, talkig about PMS, is a VDB cache EAPI material, i.e. should it be defined in PMS?
170 22:36:59 <solar> No I don't think so.
171 22:37:10 <leio> how can it even be...
172 22:37:18 <leio> (EAPI material)
173 22:37:19 <solar> portage for example allows the use of more then one type of vdb backend.
174 22:37:31 <solar> and I would hate to limit them to 1 type.
175 22:38:04 <solar> so if we define anything at this time. I feel we would harm future growth more then help it
176 22:38:28 <Calchan> leio, agreed, on the other hand I think it's worth thinking whether even not being EAPI material if it shouldn't be in PMS anyway
177 22:38:31 <leio> We keep trying to slap things under EAPIs that can't be, they cover packages and to provide an upgrade path. That doesn't work for an uniform all-covering cache
178 22:38:49 <Calchan> solar, on of the remark was about it not being versioned, meaning that it could be
179 22:39:19 <leio> (nor profiles/ in my opinion, but that's some old somewhat never-ending discussion)
180 22:39:28 <Calchan> leio, that all boild down to: should PMS only cover EAPIs or can it be broader?
181 22:39:34 <leio> the movement is towards not relaying on VDB in packages, I think that's good
182 22:39:43 --> PSYCHO___ (~scarabeus@gentoo/developer/scarabeus) has joined #gentoo-council
183 22:39:43 --- ChanServ gives channel operator status to PSYCHO___
184 22:40:00 <leio> to actually support these other types of VDB in portage (built_with_use == bad, etc)
185 22:40:07 <-- scarabeus has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
186 22:40:43 --- PSYCHO___ is now known as scarabeus
187 22:40:46 <leio> I think package manager authors should be able to innovate to come up with the most efficient cache
188 22:40:48 <Calchan> so another question now: what do you think about Brian's proposal in general?
189 22:41:01 <Calchan> both form the necessity and implementation point of view
190 22:41:18 --> [mrf] (~mrf@unaffiliated/mrf/x-6141039) has joined #gentoo-council
191 22:41:35 <scarabeus> i think we need such thing
192 22:42:57 <Calchan> scarabeus, thanks, any other opinions?
193 22:43:10 <scarabeus> the proposal sounds ok to me (thats why i wanted to talk about it :P) but i am not exactly what you would call expert in that area :]
194 22:44:11 <Calchan> mine is that there doesn't seem to be any harm caused by it, so if it helps some of us I would tend to say why not
195 22:45:33 <solar> it's outside of our scope. But personal feeling is there is no harm in updating the mtime of /var/db/pkg
196 22:46:03 <leio> yes, why not, while we are sort of stuck with current VDB and if it increases performance, but not sure if I'd want to decide on that if package manager/tool authors could just agree on it :)
197 22:47:13 <Calchan> leio, agreed here, I'm looking forward to the day they can all talk without us, on the other hand I consider them disagreeing a healthy thing
198 22:47:53 <leio> if that leads to a best solution with discussions..
199 22:48:00 <Calchan> so I didn't think we could reach that stage, but are we ready to make a decision on Brian's proposal?
200 22:48:11 <solar> no
201 22:48:15 <-- reavertm has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
202 22:48:26 <Calchan> solar, I was going to add the following:
203 22:48:42 <solar> still no. This is an open discussion. Not a vote :p
204 22:49:31 <scarabeus> solar: he dont want to hear yes/no i guess :] that is not point of open floor :D
205 22:50:03 <Calchan> scarabeus, this isn't the open floor it's topic 6
206 22:50:44 <scarabeus> i am bit slightly off :P
207 22:50:49 <scarabeus> dont bite me :P
208 22:50:51 <scarabeus> mea culpa
209 22:52:42 <scarabeus> not open floor but open discussion
210 22:52:44 <scarabeus> :]
211 22:53:13 <solar> Calchan: did you have something else to add?
212 22:53:39 <Calchan> to conclude with this my opinion is that I would be happy that any package manager who wants to join in this vdb timestamp feature is welcome to do so
213 22:53:51 <Calchan> solar, I was typing, I'm a bit slow today ;o)
214 22:54:04 <scarabeus> ok so my statement on the matter is that: If zac implemented it in portae and was the same implemented in pkgcore i would be happy person so i would like to see that happen
215 22:54:06 <solar> The question was "but are we ready to make a decision on Brian's proposal" (for that statement alone. I'm saying no. No as it's outside of the scope.) If the VDB is going to be documented it's on a per pkg mgr basis at this point. We cant impose rules unless all the VDB equivs get a unified format.spec. Then that brings us back to hampering innovation.
216 22:54:25 <Calchan> if any of you want to summarize his opinion now it would help the poor guy who is going to make the meeting summary
217 22:54:58 <Calchan> solar, thanks, that's a nice summary from you
218 22:55:19 <Calchan> solar, and btw it's perfectly ok to answer no to any of my questions ;o)
219 22:55:20 <leio> on the other hand, if some package manager isn't participating in the vdb timestamp feature, it means it is not usable if user is using both a package manager not doing it, and one doing it
220 22:55:45 <solar> but it's not a bad idea. Zac and ferringb are welcome to do it. think they are even already
221 22:55:48 <Calchan> leio, I would say then it's up to the users of this package manager to lobby the maintainers to ad the feature
222 22:56:15 <leio> meanwhile it breaks everything for the participating package manager or something
223 22:56:34 <ulm> it's only a problem if they use more than one pkg manager at the same time
224 22:57:28 <Calchan> ulm, in the future it would only be a problem if they use one package manager that doesn't have the feature alibng with others
225 22:57:47 <ulm> right
226 22:57:49 <Calchan> ulm, as long as they use only package managers that have the feature they can use as many as they want
227 22:58:25 <Calchan> are we done on this topic?
228 22:58:59 <leio> not sure how one would summarize this topic in a meeting summary, indeed :)
229 22:59:17 <Calchan> leio, if you want I'll take care of it
230 22:59:37 <Calchan> let's conclude the meeting then
231 22:59:49 <Calchan> actions
232 23:00:05 <Calchan> leio, do you want to investigate this AUX issue?
233 23:00:12 --> PSYCHO___ (~scarab@gentoo/developer/scarabeus) has joined #gentoo-council
234 23:00:13 --- ChanServ gives channel operator status to PSYCHO___
235 23:00:20 <Calchan> although we did accept the glep we can always ask for some minor tuning
236 23:00:30 <leio> what kind of acceptance we gave to these gleps? Can they be changed anymore at all?
237 23:00:50 <Calchan> leio, we are the council, we have powerz ;o)
238 23:00:51 <solar> leio: yes. That was one of our conitions
239 23:00:59 <Betelgeuse> leio: even GLEP 1 should be updated
240 23:01:28 <solar> they have to be fixed up before changes are pushed around in the tree.
241 23:01:38 <leio> I will talk with Robin
242 23:01:42 <Calchan> any other actions for next meeting that I'm not seeing?
243 23:01:47 <solar> we really rushed them. It's sad robin was not here
244 23:02:19 <Betelgeuse> I wouldn't say the time available for people to discuss rushing.
245 23:02:49 <Calchan> 7.2 Who takes care of the summary and log for this meeting? When?
246 23:02:58 <Calchan> I can do the summary if that helps
247 23:03:10 <Calchan> unless leio or anybody else wnats to do it
248 23:03:15 <solar> Betelgeuse: rushing as in robin did not finish documenting everything in the gleps. Some of the data needs to be yanked etc.
249 23:03:58 <Calchan> wo will commit the logs and when?
250 23:04:03 <leio> as said before, I will commit the log today
251 23:04:09 <Calchan> leio, ok thanks
252 23:04:12 <leio> (well, after midnight my time)
253 23:04:37 <Calchan> next meeting: can we already agree on a date/time or do we discuss it off-list?
254 23:05:00 <scarabeus> 1 or 8
255 23:05:07 <scarabeus> i cant 15.
256 23:05:16 <scarabeus> and then 22 and 29 again i can
257 23:05:20 <Betelgeuse> I don't have travelling schedule for Mars
258 23:05:27 <Calchan> I'd prefer 8, 3 weeks to organize a meeting is short
259 23:05:40 <solar> I like the 8th next month. It's a full 4 weeks away.
260 23:05:43 <scarabeus> yeah 8 i can
261 23:05:46 <Calchan> although I did it this time I had to rush it
262 23:05:50 <ulm> 8 ok for me too
263 23:06:19 <Calchan> ok let's put 8 as a tentative date and confirm that on list during this coming week but no later, ok?
264 23:06:25 <scarabeus> ack
265 23:06:31 <Betelgeuse> 8 is fine
266 23:06:38 <Calchan> same time as usual I guess, which is 1 hour earlier than today
267 23:06:50 <Calchan> i.e. 1900 UTC
268 23:07:02 <Calchan> Who will follow-up discussions and prepare the agenda for the next meeting?
269 23:07:34 <Calchan> as usual I volunteer
270 23:07:44 <Calchan> but feel free to take that off my plate
271 23:07:50 <scarabeus> if is it just reading the mails and putting it together i can help (hey i can at least try :])
272 23:08:08 <Calchan> scarabeus, ok thanks, let's be in touch about this then
273 23:08:46 <scarabeus> ok my mail is obvious i live in CET and i am on irc most of the time expect monday and thursday :]
274 23:09:01 <Calchan> scarabeus, there's a lot of dicussing with people in the background too though, if only to make sure they'll answer on the lists
275 23:09:19 <solar> scarabeus: but mondays around 1900 UTC work ok for you in general?
276 23:09:32 <scarabeus> yep, basicaly yes
277 23:09:40 <scarabeus> i have 3 hours gap there :]
278 23:10:04 <Calchan> are you guys ok with opening the floor and ending the meeting?
279 23:10:12 <Betelgeuse> yes
280 23:10:14 <scarabeus> yep
281 23:10:39 <ulm> yes
282 23:10:39 <leio> is that open floor discussion not part of a meeting anymore? (for what to commit as raw log)
283 23:11:15 <Calchan> leio, feel free to commit whatever's relevant to your eyes, bytes aren't that expensive these days
284 23:11:52 <leio> well, that's just why I ask right now, it has more meaning (are council members supposed to try to stick around and participate, etc)
285 23:12:04 <leio> anyway, yeah, lets remove moderation, you are chair and say when meeting is over :)
286 23:12:16 <scarabeus> :]]
287 23:12:44 * solar declares it lunchtime then cya.
288 23:13:08 --- scarabeus sets mode -m #gentoo-council
289 23:13:14 <scarabeus> so lets see :]
290 23:13:28 <antarus> we need tree signing like yesterday
291 23:13:33 <antarus> plz2make it happen
292 23:13:41 <antarus> I don't even care if it is osprey signing post commit
293 23:13:43 <antarus> I'll take anything
294 23:14:11 <solar> done
295 23:19:12 <scarabeus> its quite quiet open floor
296 23:19:21 <scarabeus> i hear the pin to drop :P
297 23:19:47 <ulm> scarabeus: don't disturb the silence
298 23:20:31 <NeddySeagoon> scarabeus, close the meeting and do a runner
299 23:21:14 <scarabeus> :]