Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: Pacho Ramos <pacho@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: app-text/notecase/, dev-util/metro/, app-misc/run-mailcap/files/, ...
Date: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 08:17:30
Message-Id: 1475308922.755e2e74b59343ea17fa6b7582ced53cd83dfd0f.pacho@gentoo
1 commit: 755e2e74b59343ea17fa6b7582ced53cd83dfd0f
2 Author: Pacho Ramos <pacho <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
3 AuthorDate: Sat Oct 1 08:00:27 2016 +0000
4 Commit: Pacho Ramos <pacho <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Sat Oct 1 08:02:02 2016 +0000
6 URL:
8 package.mask: remove some masked for removal packages
10 .../389-admin-console-1.1.8-r1.ebuild | 74 ---
11 app-admin/389-admin-console/Manifest | 1 -
12 app-admin/389-admin-console/metadata.xml | 8 -
13 .../389-ds-console/389-ds-console-1.2.6-r1.ebuild | 74 ---
14 app-admin/389-ds-console/Manifest | 1 -
15 app-admin/389-ds-console/metadata.xml | 8 -
16 app-admin/logstash-forwarder/Manifest | 1 -
17 .../files/logstash-forwarder.confd | 3 -
18 .../files/logstash-forwarder.initd | 37 --
19 .../logstash-forwarder-0.4.0-r1.ebuild | 50 --
20 app-admin/logstash-forwarder/metadata.xml | 18 -
21 app-arch/threadzip/Manifest | 1 -
22 app-arch/threadzip/metadata.xml | 5 -
23 app-arch/threadzip/threadzip-1.2-r1.ebuild | 29 -
24 app-benchmarks/ltp/Manifest | 3 -
25 app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150119.ebuild | 79 ---
26 app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150420.ebuild | 80 ---
27 app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150903.ebuild | 80 ---
28 app-benchmarks/ltp/metadata.xml | 25 -
29 app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/Manifest | 3 -
30 app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/metadata.xml | 5 -
31 .../phoronix-test-suite-4.8.4.ebuild | 109 ----
32 .../phoronix-test-suite-4.8.5.ebuild | 109 ----
33 .../phoronix-test-suite-6.2.1.ebuild | 109 ----
34 app-benchmarks/piozone/Manifest | 1 -
35 .../piozone/files/piozone-1.0-r3-gentoo.diff | 63 --
36 app-benchmarks/piozone/metadata.xml | 5 -
37 app-benchmarks/piozone/piozone-1.0-r3.ebuild | 29 -
38 app-cdr/gnomebaker/Manifest | 1 -
39 .../files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-implicits.patch | 30 -
40 .../gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-ldadd.patch | 11 -
41 .../files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-libnotify-0.7.patch | 18 -
42 .../files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-mimetype.patch | 8 -
43 .../files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-seldata.patch | 31 -
44 app-cdr/gnomebaker/gnomebaker-0.6.4-r1.ebuild | 59 --
45 app-cdr/gnomebaker/metadata.xml | 8 -
46 app-cdr/mybashburn/Manifest | 1 -
47 app-cdr/mybashburn/metadata.xml | 11 -
48 app-cdr/mybashburn/mybashburn-1.0.2.ebuild | 35 --
49 app-i18n/scim-skk/Manifest | 1 -
50 app-i18n/scim-skk/files/scim-skk-0.5.2-gcc43.patch | 11 -
51 app-i18n/scim-skk/metadata.xml | 11 -
52 app-i18n/scim-skk/scim-skk-0.5.2-r1.ebuild | 54 --
53 app-misc/run-mailcap/Manifest | 2 -
54 .../files/run-mailcap-breakrecursion.patch | 11 -
55 app-misc/run-mailcap/metadata.xml | 5 -
56 app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.39_p1.ebuild | 36 --
57 app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.52_p1.ebuild | 33 -
58 app-misc/slashtime/Manifest | 1 -
59 app-misc/slashtime/metadata.xml | 8 -
60 app-misc/slashtime/slashtime-0.5.13-r1.ebuild | 50 --
61 app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/Manifest | 1 -
62 app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/metadata.xml | 13 -
63 .../obex-data-server/obex-data-server-0.4.6.ebuild | 40 --
64 app-pda/coldsync/Manifest | 2 -
65 app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-2.2.5-r1.ebuild | 76 ---
66 app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-3.0_pre4.ebuild | 87 ---
67 .../coldsync/files/coldsync-2.2.5-toolchain.patch | 25 -
68 .../files/coldsync-3.0_pre4-texinfo-5.patch | 27 -
69 app-pda/coldsync/metadata.xml | 5 -
70 app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/Manifest | 1 -
71 app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/jpilot-syncmal-0.81.ebuild | 38 --
72 app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/metadata.xml | 5 -
73 app-pda/synce-sync-engine/Manifest | 1 -
74 app-pda/synce-sync-engine/metadata.xml | 8 -
75 .../synce-sync-engine-0.15.1-r3.ebuild | 49 --
76 app-text/lodgeit/Manifest | 4 -
77 app-text/lodgeit/files/lodgeitrc | 2 -
78 app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120507.ebuild | 50 --
79 app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120618-r1.ebuild | 57 --
80 app-text/lodgeit/metadata.xml | 13 -
81 app-text/notecase/Manifest | 1 -
82 .../notecase/files/notecase-1.7.2-CFLAGS.patch | 29 -
83 app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gcc44.patch | 22 -
84 .../files/notecase-1.9.8-gtksourceview.patch | 13 -
85 app-text/notecase/metadata.xml | 8 -
86 app-text/notecase/notecase-1.9.8-r1.ebuild | 72 ---
87 dev-ada/asis-gpl/Manifest | 3 -
88 dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- | 113 ----
89 dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- | 121 ----
90 dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- | 123 ----
91 dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- | 127 ----
92 dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- | 123 ----
93 dev-ada/asis-gpl/metadata.xml | 17 -
94 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/Manifest | 16 -
95 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/gcc-configure-LANG.patch | 41 --
96 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/ | 14 -
97 .../patches/51_all_gcc-3.4-libiberty-pic.patch | 10 -
98 .../gnat-gpl/files/patches/74_all_sh-pr24836.patch | 25 -
99 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- | 79 ---
100 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- | 86 ---
101 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- | 67 --
102 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- | 75 ---
103 dev-lang/gnat-gpl/metadata.xml | 15 -
104 dev-lang/io/Manifest | 1 -
105 dev-lang/io/files/io-2011.09.12-gentoo-fixes.patch | 160 -----
106 dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r2.ebuild | 101 ---
107 dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r3.ebuild | 106 ----
108 dev-lang/io/metadata.xml | 24 -
109 dev-libs/libmal/Manifest | 1 -
110 dev-libs/libmal/libmal-0.44.1.ebuild | 34 --
111 dev-libs/libmal/metadata.xml | 5 -
112 dev-libs/log4c/Manifest | 2 -
113 dev-libs/log4c/files/log4c-1.2.4-docdir.patch | 16 -
114 dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.1.ebuild | 53 --
115 dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.4.ebuild | 43 --
116 dev-libs/log4c/metadata.xml | 11 -
117 dev-python/pynut/Manifest | 1 -
118 dev-python/pynut/metadata.xml | 8 -
119 dev-python/pynut/pynut-1.2.ebuild | 39 --
120 dev-python/remoteobjects/metadata.xml | 8 -
121 .../remoteobjects/remoteobjects-99999999.ebuild | 38 --
122 dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/Manifest | 1 -
123 dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/metadata.xml | 11 -
124 .../sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.4.ebuild | 28 -
125 dev-ruby/fxruby/Manifest | 2 -
126 dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29-r1.ebuild | 77 ---
127 dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29.ebuild | 77 ---
128 dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.34.ebuild | 79 ---
129 dev-ruby/fxruby/metadata.xml | 8 -
130 dev-util/metro/Manifest | 1 -
131 dev-util/metro/metadata.xml | 24 -
132 dev-util/metro/metro-1.5.1.ebuild | 29 -
133 games-mud/wxmud/metadata.xml | 13 -
134 games-mud/wxmud/wxmud-9999.ebuild | 53 --
135 mail-filter/isbg/Manifest | 1 -
136 mail-filter/isbg/isbg-0.99-r1.ebuild | 39 --
137 mail-filter/isbg/metadata.xml | 7 -
138 media-gfx/cutycapt/Manifest | 1 -
139 media-gfx/cutycapt/cutycapt-0_p20120409.ebuild | 34 --
140 media-gfx/cutycapt/metadata.xml | 10 -
141 media-gfx/xsvg/Manifest | 1 -
142 media-gfx/xsvg/files/xsvg-0.2.1-asneeded.patch | 9 -
143 media-gfx/xsvg/metadata.xml | 8 -
144 media-gfx/xsvg/xsvg-0.2.1.ebuild | 33 -
145 media-libs/libdlna/Manifest | 1 -
146 .../libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-ffmpeg.patch | 22 -
147 .../libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-libav9.patch | 11 -
148 media-libs/libdlna/libdlna-0.2.4.ebuild | 40 --
149 media-libs/libdlna/metadata.xml | 5 -
150 media-libs/libsvg/Manifest | 1 -
151 .../libsvg/files/libsvg-0.1.4-asneeded.patch | 10 -
152 media-libs/libsvg/libsvg-0.1.4-r1.ebuild | 36 --
153 media-libs/libsvg/metadata.xml | 8 -
154 media-plugins/audacious-dumb/Manifest | 7 -
155 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.65.ebuild | 32 -
156 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.73.ebuild | 32 -
157 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.74.ebuild | 32 -
158 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.80.ebuild | 32 -
159 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.81.ebuild | 32 -
160 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.82.ebuild | 32 -
161 .../audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.83.ebuild | 32 -
162 media-plugins/audacious-dumb/metadata.xml | 8 -
163 media-sound/gnaural/Manifest | 1 -
164 media-sound/gnaural/gnaural-1.0.20110606.ebuild | 45 --
165 media-sound/gnaural/metadata.xml | 11 -
166 media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/Manifest | 29 -
167 .../files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.07.06 | 638 -------------------
168 .../files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.09.19 | 674 ---------------------
169 .../linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.07.06-r1.ebuild | 343 -----------
170 .../linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.09.19.ebuild | 363 -----------
171 media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/metadata.xml | 5 -
172 media-video/arista/Manifest | 1 -
173 media-video/arista/arista-0.9.7.ebuild | 76 ---
174 .../arista/files/arista-0.9.7-doc-install.patch | 14 -
175 media-video/arista/metadata.xml | 10 -
176 media-video/coriander/Manifest | 1 -
177 media-video/coriander/coriander-2.0.2.ebuild | 32 -
178 media-video/coriander/metadata.xml | 8 -
179 media-video/dvd-slideshow/Manifest | 3 -
180 .../dvd-slideshow/dvd-slideshow- | 56 --
181 media-video/dvd-slideshow/metadata.xml | 13 -
182 media-video/pgcedit/Manifest | 3 -
183 .../pgcedit/files/pgcedit-0.8.6-config-paths.patch | 26 -
184 media-video/pgcedit/metadata.xml | 8 -
185 media-video/pgcedit/pgcedit-0.8.6.ebuild | 54 --
186 media-video/xanim/Manifest | 13 -
187 media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-freebsd.patch | 14 -
188 media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-gcc41.patch | 71 ---
189 media-video/xanim/metadata.xml | 7 -
190 media-video/xanim/xanim-2.80.1-r4.ebuild | 129 ----
191 media-video/xvideoservicethief/Manifest | 1 -
192 .../files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-gcc47.patch | 16 -
193 .../xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-youtube-api.patch | 205 -------
194 media-video/xvideoservicethief/metadata.xml | 15 -
195 .../xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-r2.ebuild | 83 ---
196 net-analyzer/portbunny/Manifest | 1 -
197 net-analyzer/portbunny/metadata.xml | 5 -
198 .../portbunny/portbunny-1.0_p20080423.ebuild | 57 --
199 net-dialup/radiusclient/Manifest | 1 -
200 .../radiusclient/files/pkgsysconfdir-install.patch | 16 -
201 .../files/radiusclient-0.3.2-64bit-compat.patch | 19 -
202 net-dialup/radiusclient/metadata.xml | 9 -
203 .../radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2-r1.ebuild | 28 -
204 net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2.ebuild | 32 -
205 net-dns/hesinfo/Manifest | 1 -
206 .../hesinfo/files/hesinfo-3.1.0-autotools.patch | 58 --
207 net-dns/hesinfo/hesinfo-3.1.0.ebuild | 29 -
208 net-dns/hesinfo/metadata.xml | 7 -
209 net-im/simpserver-bin/Manifest | 1 -
210 net-im/simpserver-bin/files/simpserver.rc | 21 -
211 net-im/simpserver-bin/metadata.xml | 14 -
212 .../simpserver-bin/simpserver-bin-2.1.0-r2.ebuild | 40 --
213 net-irc/irc-client/Manifest | 1 -
214 .../files/irc-client-2.10.3_p7-amd64-chost.patch | 29 -
215 net-irc/irc-client/irc-client-2.10.3_p7.ebuild | 47 --
216 net-irc/irc-client/metadata.xml | 5 -
217 net-libs/libsoup-gnome/Manifest | 2 -
218 .../files/libsoup-gnome-2.48.0-system-lib.patch | 283 ---------
219 .../files/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2-system-lib.patch | 263 --------
220 net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.50.0.ebuild | 62 --
221 net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2.ebuild | 62 --
222 net-libs/libsoup-gnome/metadata.xml | 8 -
223 net-libs/wt/Manifest | 1 -
224 net-libs/wt/files/cmakelist.patch | 5 -
225 net-libs/wt/files/wt-fix-automagic.patch | 282 ---------
226 net-libs/wt/metadata.xml | 14 -
227 net-libs/wt/wt-3.3.4.ebuild | 141 -----
228 net-misc/gnome-rdp/Manifest | 1 -
229 net-misc/gnome-rdp/gnome-rdp- | 36 --
230 net-misc/gnome-rdp/metadata.xml | 9 -
231 net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/Manifest | 1 -
232 .../files/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.patch | 8 -
233 .../goog-sitemapgen/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.ebuild | 34 --
234 net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/metadata.xml | 19 -
235 net-misc/googlecl/Manifest | 1 -
236 .../files/googlecl-0.9.12-calendar_dates.patch | 64 --
237 net-misc/googlecl/googlecl-0.9.14.ebuild | 33 -
238 net-misc/googlecl/metadata.xml | 7 -
239 net-misc/gtkvncviewer/Manifest | 1 -
240 net-misc/gtkvncviewer/gtkvncviewer-0.4.ebuild | 38 --
241 net-misc/gtkvncviewer/metadata.xml | 7 -
242 net-misc/identicurse/Manifest | 1 -
243 .../identicurse/files/0.9-config_json_path.patch | 22 -
244 .../files/identicurse-gzipped_readme.patch | 15 -
245 net-misc/identicurse/identicurse-0.9.ebuild | 34 --
246 net-misc/identicurse/metadata.xml | 6 -
247 net-misc/nut-monitor/Manifest | 1 -
248 .../nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths.patch | 48 --
249 .../nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths2.patch | 11 -
250 net-misc/nut-monitor/metadata.xml | 5 -
251 net-misc/nut-monitor/nut-monitor-1.3-r2.ebuild | 54 --
252 net-misc/tightvnc/Manifest | 3 -
253 net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.10-sparc.patch | 24 -
254 net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-arm.patch | 12 -
255 net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-fbsd.patch | 29 -
256 net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-sh.patch | 28 -
257 net-misc/tightvnc/files/README.JavaViewer | 423 -------------
258 net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1003.patch | 36 --
259 .../tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1351-1352.patch | 49 --
260 .../tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-aarch64.patch | 39 --
261 .../files/tightvnc-1.3.10-java-build.patch | 20 -
262 .../files/tightvnc-1.3.10-more-arm64-fixes.patch | 51 --
263 .../tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-pathfixes.patch | 16 -
264 .../files/tightvnc-1.3.10-ppc64el-support.patch | 99 ---
265 .../tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-darwin.patch | 24 -
266 .../files/tightvnc-1.3.8-imake-tmpdir.patch | 37 --
267 net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-mips.patch | 89 ---
268 .../tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-pathfixes.patch | 23 -
269 .../tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.9-java-build.patch | 19 -
270 net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.confd | 9 -
271 net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.initd | 57 --
272 net-misc/tightvnc/metadata.xml | 11 -
273 net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r2.ebuild | 134 ----
274 net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r3.ebuild | 137 -----
275 net-misc/yajhfc/Manifest | 2 -
276 net-misc/yajhfc/metadata.xml | 7 -
277 net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.2.ebuild | 33 -
278 net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.7.ebuild | 53 --
279 net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.31-r1.ebuild | 171 ------
280 net-nds/389-admin/Manifest | 1 -
281 .../1.1.11_rc1/0001-gentoo-apache-names.patch | 18 -
282 .../files/1.1.11_rc1/0003-find-mod_nss.m4.patch | 11 -
283 .../1.1.11_rc1/ | 19 -
284 .../1.1.11_rc1/0010-gentoo_selinux_makefile.patch | 11 -
285 .../389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_admserv.conf | 3 -
286 .../files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_restartd.conf | 5 -
287 net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin-cfgstuff-1.patch | 56 --
288 net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.confd | 73 ---
289 net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.initd | 162 -----
290 net-nds/389-admin/files/restart-ds-admin | 7 -
291 net-nds/389-admin/files/start-ds-admin | 7 -
292 net-nds/389-admin/files/stop-ds-admin | 7 -
293 net-nds/389-admin/metadata.xml | 10 -
294 sci-physics/mpb/Manifest | 1 -
295 sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-autotools.patch | 262 --------
296 sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-guile18.patch | 12 -
297 sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-headers.patch | 11 -
298 sci-physics/mpb/metadata.xml | 23 -
299 sci-physics/mpb/mpb-1.4.2-r2.ebuild | 127 ----
300 sys-boot/gummiboot/Manifest | 2 -
301 sys-boot/gummiboot/files/48-sysmacros.patch | 52 --
302 sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-45.ebuild | 33 -
303 sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-48.ebuild | 39 --
304 sys-boot/gummiboot/metadata.xml | 5 -
305 sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest | 5 -
306 .../linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20151207.ebuild | 109 ----
307 .../linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160223.ebuild | 111 ----
308 .../linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160331.ebuild | 111 ----
309 .../linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160616.ebuild | 111 ----
310 .../linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160628.ebuild | 111 ----
311 .../linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild | 111 ----
312 sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml | 19 -
313 sys-power/cpuspeedy/Manifest | 1 -
314 sys-power/cpuspeedy/cpuspeedy-0.4.1.ebuild | 44 --
315 sys-power/cpuspeedy/metadata.xml | 13 -
316 www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/Manifest | 1 -
317 .../files/20_mod_anonymize_ip.conf | 6 -
318 www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/metadata.xml | 8 -
319 .../mod_anonymize_ip/mod_anonymize_ip-0.3.1.ebuild | 30 -
320 www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/Manifest | 1 -
321 .../files/55_mod_auth_cookie_mysql2.conf | 95 ---
322 www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/metadata.xml | 5 -
323 .../mod_auth_cookie_mysql2-1.0.ebuild | 29 -
324 www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/Manifest | 1 -
325 .../mod_auth_imap2/files/10_mod_auth_imap.conf | 36 --
326 www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/metadata.xml | 5 -
327 .../mod_auth_imap2/mod_auth_imap2-2.2.0.ebuild | 28 -
328 www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/Manifest | 1 -
329 .../mod_auth_mysql/files/12_mod_auth_mysql.conf | 132 ----
330 .../files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-apache-2.2.patch | 131 ----
331 ...mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-htpasswd2-auth-style.patch | 35 --
332 www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/metadata.xml | 11 -
333 .../mod_auth_mysql/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-r3.ebuild | 34 --
334 www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/Manifest | 1 -
335 .../mod_auth_nufw/files/50_mod_auth_nufw.conf | 5 -
336 www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/metadata.xml | 6 -
337 .../mod_auth_nufw/mod_auth_nufw-2.2.2.ebuild | 48 --
338 www-apache/mod_auth_token/Manifest | 1 -
339 .../mod_auth_token/files/75_mod_auth_token.conf | 26 -
340 .../mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta-ap_pstrcat.patch | 13 -
341 www-apache/mod_auth_token/metadata.xml | 15 -
342 .../mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta.ebuild | 47 --
343 www-apache/mod_cband/Manifest | 1 -
344 www-apache/mod_cband/files/10_mod_cband.conf | 37 --
345 www-apache/mod_cband/metadata.xml | 5 -
346 www-apache/mod_cband/mod_cband- | 31 -
347 www-apache/mod_fastcgi/Manifest | 1 -
348 www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/20_mod_fastcgi.conf | 6 -
349 .../mod_fastcgi-compile-against-apache2.4.patch | 137 -----
350 www-apache/mod_fastcgi/metadata.xml | 4 -
351 .../mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141-r1.ebuild | 30 -
352 .../mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141.ebuild | 26 -
353 www-apache/mod_ftpd/Manifest | 1 -
354 www-apache/mod_ftpd/files/0.14-r1/45_mod_ftpd.conf | 51 --
355 www-apache/mod_ftpd/metadata.xml | 5 -
356 www-apache/mod_ftpd/mod_ftpd-0.14-r1.ebuild | 48 --
357 www-apache/mod_layout/Manifest | 1 -
358 www-apache/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf | 148 -----
359 www-apache/mod_layout/metadata.xml | 5 -
360 www-apache/mod_layout/mod_layout-5.1.ebuild | 26 -
361 www-apache/mod_loadavg/Manifest | 1 -
362 www-apache/mod_loadavg/files/10_mod_loadavg.conf | 18 -
363 www-apache/mod_loadavg/metadata.xml | 5 -
364 www-apache/mod_loadavg/mod_loadavg-0.0.1.ebuild | 27 -
365 www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/Manifest | 1 -
366 .../mod_proxy_fcgi/files/36_mod_proxy_fcgi.conf | 3 -
367 www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/metadata.xml | 5 -
368 .../mod_proxy_fcgi/mod_proxy_fcgi-0_p816361.ebuild | 22 -
369 www-apache/mod_proxy_html/Manifest | 1 -
370 .../mod_proxy_html/files/27_mod_proxy_html.conf | 49 --
371 www-apache/mod_proxy_html/metadata.xml | 5 -
372 .../mod_proxy_html/mod_proxy_html-3.1.2.ebuild | 31 -
373 www-apache/mod_slotlimit/Manifest | 1 -
374 .../mod_slotlimit/files/10_mod_slotlimit.conf | 76 ---
375 www-apache/mod_slotlimit/metadata.xml | 10 -
376 www-apache/mod_slotlimit/mod_slotlimit-1.3.ebuild | 25 -
377 www-apache/mod_tcl/Manifest | 1 -
378 www-apache/mod_tcl/files/27_mod_tcl.conf | 7 -
379 www-apache/mod_tcl/metadata.xml | 5 -
380 www-apache/mod_tcl/mod_tcl-1.0.1.ebuild | 31 -
381 www-apps/389-dsgw/389-dsgw-1.1.10.ebuild | 47 --
382 www-apps/389-dsgw/Manifest | 1 -
383 www-apps/389-dsgw/metadata.xml | 8 -
384 www-misc/reflector/Manifest | 1 -
385 www-misc/reflector/metadata.xml | 4 -
386 www-misc/reflector/reflector-2011.05.13.1.ebuild | 44 --
387 www-servers/webfs/Manifest | 1 -
388 .../webfs/files/webfs-1.21-CVE-2013-0347.patch | 15 -
389 | 12 -
390 www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.confd | 27 -
391 www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.initd-r1 | 30 -
392 www-servers/webfs/metadata.xml | 5 -
393 www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r3.ebuild | 49 --
394 www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r5.ebuild | 53 --
395 x11-libs/fxscintilla/Manifest | 1 -
396 x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-fox-SLOT.patch | 143 -----
397 x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-shared-libs.patch | 19 -
398 x11-libs/fxscintilla/fxscintilla-3.3.5.ebuild | 43 --
399 x11-libs/fxscintilla/metadata.xml | 7 -
400 x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/Manifest | 1 -
401 x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/libsvg-cairo-0.1.6.ebuild | 22 -
402 x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/metadata.xml | 5 -
403 x11-misc/ardesia/Manifest | 1 -
404 x11-misc/ardesia/ardesia-1.0.ebuild | 37 --
405 x11-misc/ardesia/metadata.xml | 25 -
406 x11-misc/denu/Manifest | 1 -
407 x11-misc/denu/denu-2.3.2-r1.ebuild | 24 -
408 x11-misc/denu/metadata.xml | 8 -
409 x11-misc/xac/Manifest | 1 -
410 x11-misc/xac/files/x86-biosfix.patch | 40 --
411 x11-misc/xac/metadata.xml | 7 -
412 x11-misc/xac/xac-0.6_pre4.ebuild | 57 --
413 403 files changed, 15403 deletions(-)
415 diff --git a/app-admin/389-admin-console/389-admin-console-1.1.8-r1.ebuild b/app-admin/389-admin-console/389-admin-console-1.1.8-r1.ebuild
416 deleted file mode 100644
417 index 9062bf1..00000000
418 --- a/app-admin/389-admin-console/389-admin-console-1.1.8-r1.ebuild
419 +++ /dev/null
420 @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
421 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
422 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
423 -# $Id$
424 -
425 -EAPI=5
426 -
427 -JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
428 -
429 -inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
430 -
431 -MY_PV=${PV/_alpha/.a}
432 -MY_PV=${MY_PV/_rc/.rc}
433 -
434 -DESCRIPTION="389 Server Management Console (jar and help files)"
435 -HOMEPAGE=""
436 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
437 -
438 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
439 -SLOT="1.1"
440 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
441 -IUSE=""
442 -
443 -COMMON_DEP="dev-java/jss:3.4
444 - dev-java/ldapsdk:4.1
445 - >=dev-java/idm-console-framework-1.1.7"
446 -RDEPEND="|| ( >=virtual/jre-1.5 >=virtual/jdk-1.5 )
447 - ${COMMON_DEP}"
448 -DEPEND="sys-apps/sed
449 - >=virtual/jdk-1.5
450 - ${COMMON_DEP}"
451 -PDEPEND="net-nds/389-admin"
452 -
453 -src_prepare() {
454 - # Gentoo java rules say no jars with version number
455 - # so sed away the version indicator '-'
456 - sed -e "s!-\*!\*!g" -i build.xml
457 -
458 - java-pkg_jar-from ldapsdk-4.1 ldapjdk.jar
459 - java-pkg_jar-from jss-3.4 xpclass.jar jss4.jar
460 - java-pkg_jar-from idm-console-framework-1.1
461 -}
462 -
463 -src_compile() {
464 - eant -Dbuilt.dir="${S}"/build \
465 - -Dldapjdk.location="${S}" \
466 - -Djss.location="${S}" \
467 - -Dconsole.location="${S}" ${antflags}
468 - use doc && eant -Dbuilt.dir="${S}"/build \
469 - -Dldapjdk.location="${S}" \
470 - -Djss.location="${S}" \
471 - -Dconsole.location="${S}" ${antflags} javadoc
472 -}
473 -
474 -src_install() {
475 - java-pkg_jarinto /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java
476 - # have to install versioned jars, otherwise 389-console will crash
477 - java-pkg_newjar "${S}"/build/package/389-admin-${MY_PV}.jar 389-admin-${MY_PV}.jar
478 - java-pkg_newjar "${S}"/build/package/389-admin-${MY_PV}_en.jar 389-admin-${MY_PV}_en.jar
479 -
480 - dosym 389-admin-${MY_PV}.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-admin.jar
481 - dosym 389-admin-${MY_PV}.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-admin-${SLOT}.jar
482 - dosym 389-admin-${MY_PV}_en.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-admin_en.jar
483 - dosym 389-admin-${MY_PV}_en.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-admin-${SLOT}_en.jar
484 -
485 - insinto /usr/share/dirsrv/manual/en/admin
486 - doins "${S}"/help/en/*.html
487 - doins "${S}"/help/en/
488 -
489 - insinto /usr/share/dirsrv/manual/en/admin/help
490 - doins "${S}"/help/en/help/*.html
491 -
492 - use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc build/doc
493 - use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/com
494 -}
496 diff --git a/app-admin/389-admin-console/Manifest b/app-admin/389-admin-console/Manifest
497 deleted file mode 100644
498 index 78af32d..00000000
499 --- a/app-admin/389-admin-console/Manifest
500 +++ /dev/null
501 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
502 -DIST 389-admin-console-1.1.8.tar.bz2 126004 SHA256 6f2e05299876c11380c6b98540772d45a0e2128f3ec9fcd15f9cd7cc80ce4e4d SHA512 85ac61f8032450e1a86f973b244c136784016bfe6782fff2b992881fd427190223cd4655caf6a592bda7bc8b13e6dde04a5644abbc833c0472c287127a397ae5 WHIRLPOOL f286f37744a12400f27732d17e0d1deb7b09f1801b9f110db8835ef1ff0e1d39bb7f1b897c708938ba6668a9adcfc17a46972d1a7eac57dd4d088a9d65dab519
504 diff --git a/app-admin/389-admin-console/metadata.xml b/app-admin/389-admin-console/metadata.xml
505 deleted file mode 100644
506 index 2444066..00000000
507 --- a/app-admin/389-admin-console/metadata.xml
508 +++ /dev/null
509 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
510 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
511 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
512 -<pkgmetadata>
513 -<maintainer type="project">
514 - <email>java@g.o</email>
515 - <name>Java</name>
516 -</maintainer>
517 -</pkgmetadata>
519 diff --git a/app-admin/389-ds-console/389-ds-console-1.2.6-r1.ebuild b/app-admin/389-ds-console/389-ds-console-1.2.6-r1.ebuild
520 deleted file mode 100644
521 index 918732d..00000000
522 --- a/app-admin/389-ds-console/389-ds-console-1.2.6-r1.ebuild
523 +++ /dev/null
524 @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
525 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
526 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
527 -# $Id$
528 -
529 -EAPI=5
530 -
531 -JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
532 -
533 -inherit java-pkg-2 java-ant-2 eutils versionator
534 -
535 -MY_PV=${PV/_alpha/.a}
536 -MY_PV=${MY_PV/_rc/.rc}
537 -MY_MV="$(get_version_component_range 1-2)"
538 -
539 -DESCRIPTION="Java based remote management console used for Managing 389-admin 389-ds"
540 -HOMEPAGE=""
541 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
542 -
543 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
544 -SLOT="1.2"
545 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
546 -IUSE=""
547 -
548 -COMMON_DEP="dev-java/jss:3.4
549 - dev-java/ldapsdk:4.1
550 - >=dev-java/idm-console-framework-1.1
551 - net-nds/389-ds-base"
552 -RDEPEND="|| ( >=virtual/jre-1.6 >=virtual/jdk-1.6 )
553 - ${COMMON_DEP}"
554 -DEPEND="sys-apps/sed
555 - >=virtual/jdk-1.6
556 - ${COMMON_DEP}"
557 -
558 -src_prepare() {
559 - # Gentoo java rules say no jars with version number
560 - # so sed away the version indicator '-'
561 - sed -e "s!-\*!\*!g" -i build.xml || die "sed failed"
562 -
563 - java-pkg_jar-from ldapsdk-4.1 ldapjdk.jar
564 - java-pkg_jar-from jss-3.4 xpclass.jar jss4.jar
565 - java-pkg_jar-from idm-console-framework-1.1
566 -}
567 -
568 -src_compile() {
569 - eant -Dbuilt.dir="${S}"/build \
570 - -Dldapjdk.location="${S}" \
571 - -Djss.location="${S}" \
572 - -Dconsole.location="${S}" ${antflags}
573 - use doc && eant -Dbuilt.dir="${S}"/build \
574 - -Dldapjdk.location="${S}" \
575 - -Djss.location="${S}" \
576 - -Dconsole.location="${S}" ${antflags} javadoc
577 -}
578 -
579 -src_install() {
580 - java-pkg_jarinto /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java
581 - java-pkg_newjar "${S}"/build/package/389-ds-${MY_PV}.jar 389-ds-${MY_PV}.jar
582 - java-pkg_newjar "${S}"/build/package/389-ds-${MY_PV}_en.jar 389-ds-${MY_PV}_en.jar
583 -
584 - dosym 389-ds-${MY_PV}.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-ds.jar
585 - dosym 389-ds-${MY_PV}_en.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-ds_en.jar
586 - dosym 389-ds-${MY_PV}.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-ds-${MY_MV}.jar
587 - dosym 389-ds-${MY_PV}_en.jar /usr/share/dirsrv/html/java/389-ds-${MY_MV}_en.jar
588 -
589 - insinto /usr/share/dirsrv/manual/en/slapd
590 - doins "${S}"/help/en/*.html
591 - doins "${S}"/help/en/
592 -
593 - insinto /usr/share/dirsrv/manual/en/slapd/help
594 - doins "${S}"/help/en/help/*.html
595 -
596 - use doc && java-pkg_dojavadoc build/doc
597 - use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/com
598 -}
600 diff --git a/app-admin/389-ds-console/Manifest b/app-admin/389-ds-console/Manifest
601 deleted file mode 100644
602 index 681aca5..00000000
603 --- a/app-admin/389-ds-console/Manifest
604 +++ /dev/null
605 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
606 -DIST 389-ds-console-1.2.6.tar.bz2 791388 SHA256 142a8e1e22bb4c617d2bcdb3d2257e92f2b34d2cd839ed1325f59fc52b70f410 SHA512 ae62afec7860365156f991a420c701e7057190793f577823e5f8b0e1e3d9c9fb240f8d2f30d9a9160baa86aa968e242ef6a9d9faf6608e1218da8f071a620e02 WHIRLPOOL def2e14fb8c7771711efde18cb53f6d6c36de077221c27e219cf97797a5d5c6fb126bf9485a2133676be2f239c065970fb8731c9ddccf3088bcc18ab485169f5
608 diff --git a/app-admin/389-ds-console/metadata.xml b/app-admin/389-ds-console/metadata.xml
609 deleted file mode 100644
610 index 2444066..00000000
611 --- a/app-admin/389-ds-console/metadata.xml
612 +++ /dev/null
613 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
614 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
615 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
616 -<pkgmetadata>
617 -<maintainer type="project">
618 - <email>java@g.o</email>
619 - <name>Java</name>
620 -</maintainer>
621 -</pkgmetadata>
623 diff --git a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/Manifest b/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/Manifest
624 deleted file mode 100644
625 index 9816a7a..00000000
626 --- a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/Manifest
627 +++ /dev/null
628 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
629 -DIST logstash-forwarder-0.4.0.tar.gz 35189 SHA256 d930cd33747b2826c7358238a25e690324751d1b098e7c00de1357944766b3c3 SHA512 1f89b065d1b26a6f5b18da6215bdaed5a312af12fa721835f5e1a77248dd67f398f5af08b5d93c0c4c5ef9623eb1ddb58449b52039c0db0241d5ca61872102ef WHIRLPOOL 7715c723f8b8712b5cccc1e678017b2d733f243ea936d312ab31938fba73934a66d552656516bc72b65a3541945401f99463d8346fdf6a00372e9b3a0ed67655
631 diff --git a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/files/logstash-forwarder.confd b/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/files/logstash-forwarder.confd
632 deleted file mode 100644
633 index 089b0c6..00000000
634 --- a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/files/logstash-forwarder.confd
635 +++ /dev/null
636 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
637 -LOGSTASH_FORWARDER_ARGS="-quiet -syslog=true"
641 diff --git a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/files/logstash-forwarder.initd b/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/files/logstash-forwarder.initd
642 deleted file mode 100644
643 index e42b107..00000000
644 --- a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/files/logstash-forwarder.initd
645 +++ /dev/null
646 @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
647 -#!/sbin/openrc-run
648 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
649 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
650 -# $Id$
651 -
654 -
655 -start() {
656 - local config_file=/etc/logstash-forwarder/logstash-forwarder.conf
657 - local statedir=/var/lib/logstash-forwarder
658 -
659 - if ! [ -d ${statedir} ]; then
660 - eend 1 "logstash state directory is missing: ${statedir}"
661 - return 1
662 - fi
663 -
664 - ebegin "Starting logstash-forwarder"
665 - start-stop-daemon --start --exec /usr/bin/logstash-forwarder \
666 - --make-pidfile --pidfile /run/ \
667 - --background --wait 100 --chdir "${statedir}" \
670 - -- -config="${config_file}" ${LOGSTASH_FORWARDER_ARGS}
671 - eend $?
672 -}
673 -
674 -stop() {
675 - ebegin "Stopping logstash-forwarder"
676 - start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /usr/bin/logstash-forwarder \
677 - --pidfile /run/ \
680 - local rc=$?
681 -
682 - eend ${rc}
683 -}
685 diff --git a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/logstash-forwarder-0.4.0-r1.ebuild b/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/logstash-forwarder-0.4.0-r1.ebuild
686 deleted file mode 100644
687 index a9dbce5..00000000
688 --- a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/logstash-forwarder-0.4.0-r1.ebuild
689 +++ /dev/null
690 @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
691 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
692 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
693 -# $Id$
694 -
695 -EAPI=5
696 -
697 -inherit user
698 -
699 -DESCRIPTION="Collects logs locally in preparation for processing elsewhere"
700 -HOMEPAGE=""
701 -SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
702 -
703 -LICENSE="Apache-2.0"
704 -SLOT="0"
705 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
706 -IUSE=""
707 -
708 -DEPEND="dev-lang/go:="
709 -RDEPEND=""
710 -
711 -pkg_setup() {
712 - enewgroup logstash
713 - enewuser logstash -1 -1 -1 logstash
714 -}
715 -
716 -src_install() {
717 - dobin "${PN}"
718 - dodir "/etc/${PN}"
719 - dodoc "${PN}".conf.example CHANGELOG
720 - newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" "${PN}"
721 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" "${PN}"
722 -
723 - local statedir="/var/lib/${PN}"
724 - keepdir "$statedir"
725 - fowners logstash:logstash "$statedir"
726 - fperms 0750 "$statedir"
727 -}
728 -
729 -pkg_postinst() {
730 - if ! [[ -e /etc/${PN}/${PN}.conf ]]; then
731 - elog "Before starting logstash-forwarder create config file at"
732 - elog
733 - elog " /etc/${PN}/${PN}.conf"
734 - elog
735 - elog "See example in /usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PVR} directory. You can"
736 - elog "remove -quiet from logstash-forward arguments in"
737 - elog "/etc/conf.d/${PN} until you get working configuration."
738 - elog "Search syslog for errors."
739 - fi
740 -}
742 diff --git a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/metadata.xml b/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/metadata.xml
743 deleted file mode 100644
744 index 0110cb9..00000000
745 --- a/app-admin/logstash-forwarder/metadata.xml
746 +++ /dev/null
747 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
748 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
749 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
750 -<pkgmetadata>
751 - <maintainer type="person">
752 - <email>aidecoe@g.o</email>
753 - <name>Amadeusz Żołnowski</name>
754 - </maintainer>
755 - <longdescription lang="en">
756 - logstash-forwarder is a lightweight replacement for logstash when you
757 - only need to collect logs locally in preparation for processing
758 - elsewhere. It is written in Go and uses not much memory. For
759 - transmission lumberjack protocol is used. It is is secure, low
760 - latency, low resource usage, and reliable.
761 - </longdescription>
762 - <upstream>
763 - <remote-id type="github">elastic/logstash-forwarder</remote-id>
764 - </upstream>
765 -</pkgmetadata>
767 diff --git a/app-arch/threadzip/Manifest b/app-arch/threadzip/Manifest
768 deleted file mode 100644
769 index c6ea7d0..00000000
770 --- a/app-arch/threadzip/Manifest
771 +++ /dev/null
772 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
773 -DIST threadzip-1.2.tar.gz 17600 SHA256 217575871a0e8b9ea51574eca29eb2cbf3b08fb27d72c2659557f3cab813fa77 SHA512 01685cec04aaf0ab07fb754e8966da89f975fd3558d596716d12ec56e70b44bf5cd874bef5e32eef963843239eeed846859ff9f4562022e198702e9a16f1c855 WHIRLPOOL 6dc631a632248e420f27e774438b824144a5a7ccb1e8d16ed074e0e97c823e4759913d76bc78ac4badf183b729d6565c36e3cb46751bcb1ec5fd6157c58122dd
775 diff --git a/app-arch/threadzip/metadata.xml b/app-arch/threadzip/metadata.xml
776 deleted file mode 100644
777 index 6f49eba..00000000
778 --- a/app-arch/threadzip/metadata.xml
779 +++ /dev/null
780 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
781 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
782 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
783 -<pkgmetadata>
784 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
785 -</pkgmetadata>
787 diff --git a/app-arch/threadzip/threadzip-1.2-r1.ebuild b/app-arch/threadzip/threadzip-1.2-r1.ebuild
788 deleted file mode 100644
789 index ef5036c..00000000
790 --- a/app-arch/threadzip/threadzip-1.2-r1.ebuild
791 +++ /dev/null
792 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
793 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
794 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
795 -# $Id$
796 -
797 -EAPI="5"
798 -
799 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
800 -
801 -inherit python-single-r1
802 -
803 -DESCRIPTION="threaded compressor logic for zlib/lzma"
804 -HOMEPAGE=""
805 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
806 -
807 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
808 -SLOT="0"
809 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
810 -IUSE="lzma"
811 -
812 -DEPEND=""
813 -RDEPEND="lzma? ( dev-python/pylzma[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )"
814 -
815 -src_install() {
816 - local x
817 - for x in un '' ; do
818 - newbin python/thread${x} thread${x}zip
819 - done
820 - python_fix_shebang "${ED}"/usr/bin
821 -}
823 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/ltp/Manifest b/app-benchmarks/ltp/Manifest
824 deleted file mode 100644
825 index 547bc7e..00000000
826 --- a/app-benchmarks/ltp/Manifest
827 +++ /dev/null
828 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
829 -DIST ltp-20150119.tar.gz 4695541 SHA256 6cba3476e5bef74d21979c45d0629632bfaeaafc4dbbebccd187ba7b6b9dca52 SHA512 5e5624738da08a3f5f5b08d821a73666d6ef9957b62ff72bd12aba0d021c304dae5652956a6af60aa593256cadd98f061759d5a65045ff5b1864956ea5ad5186 WHIRLPOOL 0417bf1c41347aca68b9e9fb3b203c209f36112ecdf7f020d32060ac637949b1cf40e437f976352ebca1d4566394abe2149b14ad946e1fa2f37cf68397c3e610
830 -DIST ltp-20150420.tar.gz 4673384 SHA256 65a6ed64d55edc77f0ff690e269dc3ef32290d4499ccbb8f24b2cf59dd974408 SHA512 a5d259cf2a984eae1a0e6b7be538f06eb6021e0f961bb7683aaafc1bad347e73690fa5d6ae39beb6c92c9ea69e4160841d0e46ac49ccfa77053f1c7a0a854099 WHIRLPOOL 7d0b26c8a1f99cea1a609545671d6160278cf81c4654fff7dba84688e37b6f6349e3a2b90cb44ef7abf5c7cfad2187543431df23dd5833917f8b446db8425aec
831 -DIST ltp-20150903.tar.gz 4680969 SHA256 e670ae9f1e42bc8b500edd3c3a5cf09c6447c56d7738a22235c87a13739bcace SHA512 9d52e1f82e2052ec4ed8dde9e246fd1b9dc1b665110e7a20f11de741d41f024e85443571846efe3181592e7bf3b63ed88e9ae9878c5c6f4f759171b245948ef2 WHIRLPOOL 0665affbb226ccf26028818220c41d965c20e2bf257347f01ac6e90f6f8d6f579c4fb1a0d3154d3773b4189787c7e0d99cc6b06f873cff2b6c44a0c1de777d0c
833 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150119.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150119.ebuild
834 deleted file mode 100644
835 index 389ad67..00000000
836 --- a/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150119.ebuild
837 +++ /dev/null
838 @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
839 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
840 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
841 -# $Id$
842 -
843 -EAPI="5"
844 -
845 -inherit autotools eutils readme.gentoo
846 -
847 -DESCRIPTION="A testsuite for the linux kernel"
848 -HOMEPAGE=""
849 -SRC_URI=" -> ${P}.tar.gz"
850 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
851 -SLOT="0"
852 -
853 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~x86"
854 -IUSE="expect perl pm open-posix python rt"
855 -
856 -DEPEND="expect? ( dev-tcltk/expect )
857 - perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
858 - python? ( dev-lang/python )"
859 -
860 -RESTRICT="test"
861 -
862 -pkg_setup() {
863 - # Don't create groups
864 - export CREATE=0
865 -
866 - DOC_CONTENTS="LTP requires root access to run the tests.
867 - The LTP root directory is located in /opt/${PN}.
868 - For more information please read the ltp-howto located in
869 - /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
870 -}
871 -
872 -src_prepare() {
873 - # regenerate
874 - AT_M4DIR="m4" eautoreconf
875 -}
876 -
877 -src_configure() {
878 - # FIXME: improve me
879 - local myconf=
880 - use open-posix && myconf+="--with-open-posix-testsuite "
881 - use pm && mytconf+="--with-power-management-testsuite "
882 - use rt && myconf+="--with-realtime-testsuite "
883 - use perl && myconf+="--with-perl "
884 - use python && myconf+="--with-python "
885 - use expect && myconf+="--with-expect "
886 - # Prevent any kernel stuff for now as it leads to sandbox violations
887 - myconf+="--without-modules --with-linux-dir=/dev/null"
888 -
889 - # Better put it into /opt/${PN} as everything needs to
890 - # be under the same directory..
891 -
892 - econf --prefix=/opt/${PN} ${myconf}
893 -}
894 -
895 -src_compile() {
896 - # Posix testsuite does not seem to build with -j>1
897 - # Is this maintained anymore?
898 - if use open-posix; then
899 - export MAKEOPTS="-j1"
900 - fi
901 - emake
902 -}
903 -
904 -src_install() {
905 - default
906 - dosym /usr/libexec/${PN}/runltp /usr/bin/runltp
907 - # install docs
908 - dodoc doc/MaintNotes
909 - for txt in doc/*.txt; do
910 - dodoc ${txt}
911 - done
912 - dodoc -r doc/testcases
913 - dohtml -r doc/automation-*.html
914 - doman doc/man1/*.1
915 - doman doc/man3/*.3
916 - readme.gentoo_create_doc
917 -}
919 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150420.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150420.ebuild
920 deleted file mode 100644
921 index 922750e..00000000
922 --- a/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150420.ebuild
923 +++ /dev/null
924 @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
925 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
926 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
927 -# $Id$
928 -
929 -EAPI="5"
930 -
931 -inherit autotools eutils readme.gentoo
932 -
933 -DESCRIPTION="A testsuite for the linux kernel"
934 -HOMEPAGE=""
935 -SRC_URI=" -> ${P}.tar.gz"
936 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
937 -SLOT="0"
938 -
939 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~x86"
940 -IUSE="expect perl pm open-posix python rt"
941 -
942 -DEPEND="expect? ( dev-tcltk/expect )
943 - perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
944 - python? ( dev-lang/python )"
945 -
946 -RESTRICT="test"
947 -
948 -pkg_setup() {
949 - # Don't create groups
950 - export CREATE=0
951 -
952 - DOC_CONTENTS="LTP requires root access to run the tests.
953 - The LTP root directory is located in /opt/${PN}.
954 - For more information please read the ltp-howto located in
955 - /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
956 -}
957 -
958 -src_prepare() {
959 - # regenerate
960 - AT_M4DIR="m4" eautoreconf
961 -}
962 -
963 -src_configure() {
964 - # FIXME: improve me
965 - local myconf=
966 - use open-posix && myconf+="--with-open-posix-testsuite "
967 - use pm && mytconf+="--with-power-management-testsuite "
968 - use rt && myconf+="--with-realtime-testsuite "
969 - use perl && myconf+="--with-perl "
970 - use python && myconf+="--with-python "
971 - use expect && myconf+="--with-expect "
972 - # Prevent any kernel stuff for now as it leads to sandbox violations
973 - myconf+="--without-modules --with-linux-dir=/dev/null"
974 -
975 - # Better put it into /opt/${PN} as everything needs to
976 - # be under the same directory..
977 - # Avoid depending on external libtirpc (#552386)
978 - ac_cv_lib_tirpc_rpcb_set=no \
979 - econf --prefix=/opt/${PN} ${myconf}
980 -}
981 -
982 -src_compile() {
983 - # Posix testsuite does not seem to build with -j>1
984 - # Is this maintained anymore?
985 - if use open-posix; then
986 - export MAKEOPTS="-j1"
987 - fi
988 - emake
989 -}
990 -
991 -src_install() {
992 - default
993 - dosym /usr/libexec/${PN}/runltp /usr/bin/runltp
994 - # install docs
995 - dodoc doc/MaintNotes
996 - for txt in doc/*.txt; do
997 - dodoc ${txt}
998 - done
999 - dodoc -r doc/testcases
1000 - dohtml -r doc/automation-*.html
1001 - doman doc/man1/*.1
1002 - doman doc/man3/*.3
1003 - readme.gentoo_create_doc
1004 -}
1006 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150903.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150903.ebuild
1007 deleted file mode 100644
1008 index 04c9e3b..00000000
1009 --- a/app-benchmarks/ltp/ltp-20150903.ebuild
1010 +++ /dev/null
1011 @@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
1012 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
1013 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1014 -# $Id$
1015 -
1016 -EAPI="5"
1017 -
1018 -inherit autotools eutils readme.gentoo
1019 -
1020 -DESCRIPTION="A testsuite for the linux kernel"
1021 -HOMEPAGE=""
1022 -SRC_URI="${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
1023 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
1024 -SLOT="0"
1025 -
1026 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~x86"
1027 -IUSE="expect perl pm open-posix python rt"
1028 -
1029 -DEPEND="expect? ( dev-tcltk/expect )
1030 - perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
1031 - python? ( dev-lang/python )"
1032 -
1033 -RESTRICT="test"
1034 -
1035 -pkg_setup() {
1036 - # Don't create groups
1037 - export CREATE=0
1038 -
1039 - DOC_CONTENTS="LTP requires root access to run the tests.
1040 - The LTP root directory is located in /opt/${PN}.
1041 - For more information please read the ltp-howto located in
1042 - /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
1043 -}
1044 -
1045 -src_prepare() {
1046 - # regenerate
1047 - AT_M4DIR="m4" eautoreconf
1048 -}
1049 -
1050 -src_configure() {
1051 - # FIXME: improve me
1052 - local myconf=
1053 - use open-posix && myconf+="--with-open-posix-testsuite "
1054 - use pm && mytconf+="--with-power-management-testsuite "
1055 - use rt && myconf+="--with-realtime-testsuite "
1056 - use perl && myconf+="--with-perl "
1057 - use python && myconf+="--with-python "
1058 - use expect && myconf+="--with-expect "
1059 - # Prevent any kernel stuff for now as it leads to sandbox violations
1060 - myconf+="--without-modules --with-linux-dir=/dev/null"
1061 -
1062 - # Better put it into /opt/${PN} as everything needs to
1063 - # be under the same directory..
1064 - # Avoid depending on external libtirpc (#552386)
1065 - ac_cv_lib_tirpc_rpcb_set=no \
1066 - econf --prefix=/opt/${PN} ${myconf}
1067 -}
1068 -
1069 -src_compile() {
1070 - # Posix testsuite does not seem to build with -j>1
1071 - # Is this maintained anymore?
1072 - if use open-posix; then
1073 - export MAKEOPTS="-j1"
1074 - fi
1075 - emake
1076 -}
1077 -
1078 -src_install() {
1079 - default
1080 - dosym /usr/libexec/${PN}/runltp /usr/bin/runltp
1081 - # install docs
1082 - dodoc doc/MaintNotes
1083 - for txt in doc/*.txt; do
1084 - dodoc ${txt}
1085 - done
1086 - dodoc -r doc/testcases
1087 - dohtml -r doc/automation-*.html
1088 - doman doc/man1/*.1
1089 - doman doc/man3/*.3
1090 - readme.gentoo_create_doc
1091 -}
1093 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/ltp/metadata.xml b/app-benchmarks/ltp/metadata.xml
1094 deleted file mode 100644
1095 index ebc85ba..00000000
1096 --- a/app-benchmarks/ltp/metadata.xml
1097 +++ /dev/null
1098 @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
1099 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1100 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
1101 -<pkgmetadata>
1102 - <maintainer type="person">
1103 - <email>hwoarang@g.o</email>
1104 - <name>Markos Chandras</name>
1105 - </maintainer>
1106 - <use>
1107 - <flag name="open-posix">Build and install the POSIX testsuite</flag>
1108 - <flag name="pm">Build and install the power management testsuite</flag>
1109 - <flag name="expect">Build against the expect library for interactive testing</flag>
1110 - <flag name="rt">Build and install the realtime testsuite</flag>
1111 - </use>
1112 - <longdescription>
1113 - The Linux Test Project is a joint project started by SGI and maintained by
1114 - IBM, that has a goal to deliver test suites to the open source community
1115 - that validate the reliability, robustness, and stability of Linux. The LTP
1116 - testsuite contains a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and
1117 - related features.
1118 -</longdescription>
1119 - <upstream>
1120 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">ltp</remote-id>
1121 - <remote-id type="github">linux-test-project/ltp</remote-id>
1122 - </upstream>
1123 -</pkgmetadata>
1125 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/Manifest b/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/Manifest
1126 deleted file mode 100644
1127 index 45db1ac..00000000
1128 --- a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/Manifest
1129 +++ /dev/null
1130 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
1131 -DIST phoronix-test-suite-4.8.4.tar.gz 523952 SHA256 113e6c725672c1f379885575e7cd51a3d0a387dc1c842606840e27fcd4695e43 SHA512 e7c201467a52fbbb9b0a87a47bd1eb772e24e43bedc2baf02845a9e9f355d6c22f46901be390d501a0e721ccfa05d28da4b8362817518ba5c801d6f4422c3b6f WHIRLPOOL 0760916473d8544652c0fc9c53f57a41015aacb99b42f53186d8b5008cbe5b2b396b024ce51ba3a3e31c35b319bac63db17db2b29295a8414c031c16d73813f6
1132 -DIST phoronix-test-suite-4.8.5.tar.gz 524136 SHA256 ca7bcbb5c72bee24075200449ee33fc75490ba528f804505d62fc3826d15456e SHA512 e37acdb48ba9ca532a6f409aea1c05b11b4320b967aac4576491ba5d401262d149f376506fef50ccee5506b77686aeed7a404102527472250cb7b5c1a247246a WHIRLPOOL be340514f3fdebafda449d60f069efcd44fa97d567b90616dc7332810d2802ed13433c94438937cab37f36744ddd383a918ceac92874f2702f28715c56ba3f9c
1133 -DIST phoronix-test-suite-6.2.1.tar.gz 836633 SHA256 2b83d1c552d13b6e3fc6dde288b661698122003250b1eefe823d99dcabbb91f1 SHA512 d4e3d29645be76804c4ce96f8072d43653607fb34fd003771e614f4b5213c7bf8d9d629261ff2c696e685196d08e05a935d5a496d139a6e9efa37df9c5550fd6 WHIRLPOOL 808963909db7ff227515b05b404c4c1dec106f38c5cd47139b5e059a82d05d82ff47e277f7f6af0eda63c3fc3f3e83ff86d7fa58a5abc4561ef615646f3dcf86
1135 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/metadata.xml b/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/metadata.xml
1136 deleted file mode 100644
1137 index 6f49eba..00000000
1138 --- a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/metadata.xml
1139 +++ /dev/null
1140 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
1141 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1142 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
1143 -<pkgmetadata>
1144 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
1145 -</pkgmetadata>
1147 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-4.8.4.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-4.8.4.ebuild
1148 deleted file mode 100644
1149 index d27079c..00000000
1150 --- a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-4.8.4.ebuild
1151 +++ /dev/null
1152 @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
1153 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
1154 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1155 -# $Id$
1156 -
1157 -EAPI=5
1158 -
1159 -inherit bash-completion-r1 eutils
1160 -
1161 -DESCRIPTION="The comprehensive, cross-platform testing and benchmark suite"
1162 -HOMEPAGE=""
1163 -SRC_URI="${P} -> ${P}.tar.gz"
1164 -
1165 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
1166 -SLOT="0"
1167 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
1168 -IUSE=""
1169 -
1170 -DEPEND=""
1171 -
1172 -# php 5.3 doesn't have pcre and reflection useflags anymore
1173 -RDEPEND="dev-lang/php[cli,curl,gd,json,posix,pcntl,truetype,zip]"
1174 -
1175 -S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
1176 -
1177 -src_prepare() {
1178 - sed \
1179 - -e "s,export PTS_DIR=\`pwd\`,export PTS_DIR=\"/usr/share/${PN}\"," \
1180 - -i phoronix-test-suite || die
1181 -}
1182 -
1183 -src_configure() {
1184 - :
1185 -}
1186 -
1187 -src_compile() {
1188 - :
1189 -}
1190 -
1191 -src_install() {
1192 - doman documentation/man-pages/phoronix-test-suite.1
1194 - dohtml -r documentation/
1195 - doicon \
1196 - pts-core/static/images/phoronix-test-suite.png \
1197 - pts-core/static/images/openbenchmarking.png
1198 - domenu pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop
1199 - rm -f pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop || die
1200 -
1201 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}
1202 - doins -r pts-core
1203 - dobin phoronix-test-suite
1204 -
1205 - fperms a+x \
1206 - /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/static/scripts/ \
1207 - /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/external-test-dependencies/scripts/
1208 -
1209 - dobashcompletion pts-core/static/bash_completion ${PN}
1210 -
1211 - # Need to fix the cli-php config for downloading to work. Very naughty!
1212 - local slots
1213 - local slot
1214 - if [[ "x${PHP_TARGETS}" == "x" ]] ; then
1215 - ewarn
1216 - ewarn "PHP_TARGETS seems empty, php.ini file can't be configure."
1217 - ewarn "Make sure that PHP_TARGETS in /etc/make.conf is set."
1218 - ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1219 - ewarn "for downloading to work properly."
1220 - ewarn
1221 - else
1222 - for slot in ${PHP_TARGETS}; do
1223 - slots+=" ${slot/-/.}"
1224 - done
1225 - fi
1226 -
1227 - for slot in ${slots}; do
1228 - local PHP_INI_FILE="/etc/php/cli-${slot}/php.ini"
1229 - if [[ -f ${PHP_INI_FILE} ]] ; then
1230 - dodir $(dirname ${PHP_INI_FILE})
1231 - cp ${PHP_INI_FILE} "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}"
1232 - sed -e 's|^allow_url_fopen .*|allow_url_fopen = On|g' -i "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}"
1233 - else
1234 - if [[ "x$(eselect php show cli)" == "x${slot}" ]] ; then
1235 - ewarn
1236 - ewarn "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file."
1237 - ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1238 - ewarn "for downloading to work properly."
1239 - ewarn "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge"
1240 - ewarn
1241 - else
1242 - elog
1243 - elog "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file."
1244 - elog "phoronix-test-suite may need the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1245 - elog "for downloading to work properly if you switch to ${slot}"
1246 - elog "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge"
1247 - elog
1248 - fi
1249 - fi
1250 - done
1251 -
1252 - ewarn
1253 - ewarn "If you upgrade from phoronix-test-suite-2*, you should reinstall all"
1254 - ewarn "your tests because"
1255 - ewarn " \$HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/\$TEST_NAME/"
1256 - ewarn "moves to"
1257 - ewarn " \$HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/pts/\$TEST_NAME-\$TEST_VERSION/"
1258 - ewarn "in phoronix-test-suite-3* version. The \$TEST_VERSION can be find in"
1259 - ewarn "pts-install.xml file."
1260 - ewarn
1261 -}
1263 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-4.8.5.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-4.8.5.ebuild
1264 deleted file mode 100644
1265 index 1e280e3..00000000
1266 --- a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-4.8.5.ebuild
1267 +++ /dev/null
1268 @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
1269 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
1270 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1271 -# $Id$
1272 -
1273 -EAPI=4
1274 -
1275 -inherit eutils bash-completion-r1
1276 -
1277 -DESCRIPTION="Phoronix's comprehensive, cross-platform testing and benchmark suite"
1278 -HOMEPAGE=""
1279 -SRC_URI="${P} -> ${P}.tar.gz"
1280 -
1281 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
1282 -SLOT="0"
1283 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
1284 -IUSE=""
1285 -
1286 -DEPEND=""
1287 -
1288 -# php 5.3 doesn't have pcre and reflection useflags anymore
1289 -RDEPEND="dev-lang/php[cli,curl,gd,json,posix,pcntl,truetype,zip]"
1290 -
1291 -S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
1292 -
1293 -src_prepare() {
1294 - sed -i -e "s,export PTS_DIR=\`pwd\`,export PTS_DIR=\"/usr/share/${PN}\"," \
1295 - phoronix-test-suite
1296 -}
1297 -
1298 -src_configure() {
1299 - :
1300 -}
1301 -
1302 -src_compile() {
1303 - :
1304 -}
1305 -
1306 -src_install() {
1307 - dodir /usr/share/${PN}
1308 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}
1309 -
1310 - doman documentation/man-pages/phoronix-test-suite.1
1312 - dohtml -r documentation/
1313 - doicon pts-core/static/images/phoronix-test-suite.png
1314 - doicon pts-core/static/images/openbenchmarking.png
1315 - domenu pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop
1316 - rm -f pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop
1317 -
1318 - doins -r pts-core
1319 - exeinto /usr/bin
1320 - doexe phoronix-test-suite
1321 -
1322 - fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/static/scripts/
1323 - fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/external-test-dependencies/scripts/
1324 -
1325 - dobashcompletion pts-core/static/bash_completion ${PN}
1326 -
1327 - # Need to fix the cli-php config for downloading to work. Very naughty!
1328 - local slots
1329 - local slot
1330 - if [[ "x${PHP_TARGETS}" == "x" ]] ; then
1331 - ewarn
1332 - ewarn "PHP_TARGETS seems empty, php.ini file can't be configure."
1333 - ewarn "Make sure that PHP_TARGETS in /etc/make.conf is set."
1334 - ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1335 - ewarn "for downloading to work properly."
1336 - ewarn
1337 - else
1338 - for slot in ${PHP_TARGETS}; do
1339 - slots+=" ${slot/-/.}"
1340 - done
1341 - fi
1342 -
1343 - for slot in ${slots}; do
1344 - local PHP_INI_FILE="/etc/php/cli-${slot}/php.ini"
1345 - if [[ -f ${PHP_INI_FILE} ]] ; then
1346 - dodir $(dirname ${PHP_INI_FILE})
1347 - cp ${PHP_INI_FILE} "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}"
1348 - sed -e 's|^allow_url_fopen .*|allow_url_fopen = On|g' -i "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}"
1349 - else
1350 - if [[ "x$(eselect php show cli)" == "x${slot}" ]] ; then
1351 - ewarn
1352 - ewarn "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file."
1353 - ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1354 - ewarn "for downloading to work properly."
1355 - ewarn "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge"
1356 - ewarn
1357 - else
1358 - elog
1359 - elog "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file."
1360 - elog "phoronix-test-suite may need the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1361 - elog "for downloading to work properly if you switch to ${slot}"
1362 - elog "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge"
1363 - elog
1364 - fi
1365 - fi
1366 - done
1367 -
1368 - ewarn
1369 - ewarn "If you upgrade from phoronix-test-suite-2*, you should reinstall all"
1370 - ewarn "your tests because"
1371 - ewarn " \$HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/\$TEST_NAME/"
1372 - ewarn "moves to"
1373 - ewarn " \$HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/pts/\$TEST_NAME-\$TEST_VERSION/"
1374 - ewarn "in phoronix-test-suite-3* version. The \$TEST_VERSION can be find in"
1375 - ewarn "pts-install.xml file."
1376 - ewarn
1377 -}
1379 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-6.2.1.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-6.2.1.ebuild
1380 deleted file mode 100644
1381 index d67968b..00000000
1382 --- a/app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite/phoronix-test-suite-6.2.1.ebuild
1383 +++ /dev/null
1384 @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
1385 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
1386 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1387 -# $Id$
1388 -
1389 -EAPI=4
1390 -
1391 -inherit eutils bash-completion-r1
1392 -
1393 -DESCRIPTION="Phoronix's comprehensive, cross-platform testing and benchmark suite"
1394 -HOMEPAGE=""
1395 -SRC_URI="${P} -> ${P}.tar.gz"
1396 -
1397 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
1398 -SLOT="0"
1399 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
1400 -IUSE=""
1401 -
1402 -DEPEND=""
1403 -
1404 -# php 5.3 doesn't have pcre and reflection useflags anymore
1405 -RDEPEND="dev-lang/php[cli,curl,gd,json,posix,pcntl,truetype,zip]"
1406 -
1407 -S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
1408 -
1409 -src_prepare() {
1410 - sed -i -e "s,export PTS_DIR=\`pwd\`,export PTS_DIR=\"/usr/share/${PN}\"," \
1411 - phoronix-test-suite
1412 -}
1413 -
1414 -src_configure() {
1415 - :
1416 -}
1417 -
1418 -src_compile() {
1419 - :
1420 -}
1421 -
1422 -src_install() {
1423 - dodir /usr/share/${PN}
1424 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}
1425 -
1426 - doman documentation/man-pages/phoronix-test-suite.1
1427 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog
1428 - dohtml -r documentation/
1429 - doicon pts-core/static/images/phoronix-test-suite.png
1430 - doicon pts-core/static/images/openbenchmarking.png
1431 - domenu pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop
1432 - rm -f pts-core/static/phoronix-test-suite.desktop
1433 -
1434 - doins -r pts-core
1435 - exeinto /usr/bin
1436 - doexe phoronix-test-suite
1437 -
1438 - fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/static/
1439 - fperms a+x /usr/share/${PN}/pts-core/external-test-dependencies/scripts/
1440 -
1441 - newbashcomp pts-core/static/bash_completion ${PN}
1442 -
1443 - # Need to fix the cli-php config for downloading to work. Very naughty!
1444 - local slots
1445 - local slot
1446 - if [[ "x${PHP_TARGETS}" == "x" ]] ; then
1447 - ewarn
1448 - ewarn "PHP_TARGETS seems empty, php.ini file can't be configured."
1449 - ewarn "Make sure that PHP_TARGETS in /etc/make.conf is set."
1450 - ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1451 - ewarn "for downloading to work properly."
1452 - ewarn
1453 - else
1454 - for slot in ${PHP_TARGETS}; do
1455 - slots+=" ${slot/-/.}"
1456 - done
1457 - fi
1458 -
1459 - for slot in ${slots}; do
1460 - local PHP_INI_FILE="/etc/php/cli-${slot}/php.ini"
1461 - if [[ -f ${PHP_INI_FILE} ]] ; then
1462 - dodir $(dirname ${PHP_INI_FILE})
1463 - cp ${PHP_INI_FILE} "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}"
1464 - sed -e 's|^allow_url_fopen .*|allow_url_fopen = On|g' -i "${D}${PHP_INI_FILE}"
1465 - else
1466 - if [[ "x$(eselect php show cli)" == "x${slot}" ]] ; then
1467 - ewarn
1468 - ewarn "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file."
1469 - ewarn "phoronix-test-suite needs the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1470 - ewarn "for downloading to work properly."
1471 - ewarn "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge"
1472 - ewarn
1473 - else
1474 - elog
1475 - elog "${slot} hasn't a php.ini file."
1476 - elog "phoronix-test-suite may need the 'allow_url_fopen' option set to \"On\""
1477 - elog "for downloading to work properly if you switch to ${slot}"
1478 - elog "Check that your PHP_INI_VERSION is set during ${slot} merge"
1479 - elog
1480 - fi
1481 - fi
1482 - done
1483 -
1484 - ewarn
1485 - ewarn "If you upgrade from phoronix-test-suite-2*, you should reinstall all"
1486 - ewarn "your tests because"
1487 - ewarn " \$HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/\$TEST_NAME/"
1488 - ewarn "moves to"
1489 - ewarn " \$HOME/.phoronix-test-suite/installed-tests/pts/\$TEST_NAME-\$TEST_VERSION/"
1490 - ewarn "in phoronix-test-suite-3* version. The \$TEST_VERSION can be find in"
1491 - ewarn "pts-install.xml file."
1492 - ewarn
1493 -}
1495 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/piozone/Manifest b/app-benchmarks/piozone/Manifest
1496 deleted file mode 100644
1497 index 68e3aa0..00000000
1498 --- a/app-benchmarks/piozone/Manifest
1499 +++ /dev/null
1500 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
1501 -DIST piozone-1.0.tar.gz 2228 SHA256 0b7f880b72b10664a24b712c22c90b4caab4f0cb1a8c99cba0d1a106fd63d15d SHA512 f61d3ad54716f626bf91e948a8843991bda97f2f0238e74acfa3f6d558ab6277293c6c0cf721a3806db5a1a1c5fb24dc3aee1293f1028155a726e637c39f0536 WHIRLPOOL 29947649d5490648db3cbf8fc5470f0739935b1fecc1cebdf1c7046ae254debf55010a382d0a3c732acc01715bded9be8543ff807a85b679c817c463b152448f
1503 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/piozone/files/piozone-1.0-r3-gentoo.diff b/app-benchmarks/piozone/files/piozone-1.0-r3-gentoo.diff
1504 deleted file mode 100644
1505 index b902814..00000000
1506 --- a/app-benchmarks/piozone/files/piozone-1.0-r3-gentoo.diff
1507 +++ /dev/null
1508 @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
1509 ---- a/Makefile 2002-01-28 09:15:59.000000000 +0100
1510 -+++ b/Makefile 2010-10-12 21:07:53.000000000 +0200
1511 -@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
1512 - GZIP=gzip
1513 -
1514 - #CC=cc -xarch=v9 -O
1515 --CC=cc -O
1516 -+#CC=cc -O
1517 -
1518 - all: piozone
1519 -
1520 - piozone: piozone.o version.o
1521 -- $(CC) -o piozone piozone.o version.o
1522 -+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o piozone piozone.o version.o
1523 -
1524 - clean distclean:
1525 - -rm -f core *.o piozone *~ \#*
1526 -@@ -19,3 +19,6 @@
1527 -
1528 - dist: version distclean
1529 - (PACKNAME=`basename \`pwd\`` ; cd .. ; $(TAR) cf - $$PACKNAME | $(GZIP) -9 >$$PACKNAME.tar.gz)
1530 -+
1531 -+install:
1532 -+ install -D piozone /usr/bin/piozone
1533 ---- a/piozone.c 2002-01-28 09:14:54.000000000 +0100
1534 -+++ b/piozone.c 2010-10-12 21:08:45.000000000 +0200
1535 -@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
1536 - #include <fcntl.h>
1537 - #include <time.h>
1538 - #include <signal.h>
1539 -+#include <stdlib.h> /* exit(), rand(), atoi() */
1540 -
1541 -+#define uint64_t u_int64_t
1542 - #define KiB ((uint64_t) 1024)
1543 - #define MiB ((uint64_t) 1024*KiB)
1544 - #define GiB ((uint64_t) 1024*MiB)
1545 -@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@
1546 - int count = 0;
1547 - int nr = 0;
1548 -
1549 -- llseek(fd, off, SEEK_SET);
1550 -+ lseek64(fd, off, SEEK_SET);
1551 - signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler);
1552 - stopf = 0;
1553 - printf("Testing... ");
1554 -@@ -121,7 +123,7 @@
1555 - printf("Testing... ");
1556 - alarm(ts);
1557 - while (!stopf &&
1558 -- llseek(fd, off+((rand()&area)*MiB), SEEK_SET) != -1 &&
1559 -+ lseek64(fd, off+((rand()&area)*MiB), SEEK_SET) != -1 &&
1560 - (nr = read(fd, iobuf, len)) == len)
1561 - {
1562 - print_dial();
1563 -@@ -159,7 +161,7 @@
1564 - off = 0;
1565 - del = 64*GiB;
1566 -
1567 -- while (del > 8*KiB && llseek(fd, off+del, SEEK_SET) != -1)
1568 -+ while (del > 8*KiB && lseek64(fd, off+del, SEEK_SET) != -1)
1569 - {
1570 - if (read(fd, buf, 8*KiB) < 0)
1571 - del >>= 1;
1573 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/piozone/metadata.xml b/app-benchmarks/piozone/metadata.xml
1574 deleted file mode 100644
1575 index 6f49eba..00000000
1576 --- a/app-benchmarks/piozone/metadata.xml
1577 +++ /dev/null
1578 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
1579 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1580 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
1581 -<pkgmetadata>
1582 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
1583 -</pkgmetadata>
1585 diff --git a/app-benchmarks/piozone/piozone-1.0-r3.ebuild b/app-benchmarks/piozone/piozone-1.0-r3.ebuild
1586 deleted file mode 100644
1587 index f1d4e32..00000000
1588 --- a/app-benchmarks/piozone/piozone-1.0-r3.ebuild
1589 +++ /dev/null
1590 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
1591 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
1592 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1593 -# $Id$
1594 -
1595 -EAPI="2"
1596 -
1597 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
1598 -
1599 -DESCRIPTION="A hard-disk benchmarking tool"
1600 -HOMEPAGE=""
1601 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
1602 -
1603 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
1604 -SLOT="0"
1605 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
1606 -IUSE=""
1607 -
1608 -src_prepare() {
1609 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PF}-gentoo.diff
1610 -}
1611 -
1612 -src_compile() {
1613 - append-flags -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
1614 - emake CC=$(tc-getCC) || die
1615 -}
1616 -
1617 -src_install() {
1618 - dosbin piozone
1619 -}
1621 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/Manifest b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/Manifest
1622 deleted file mode 100644
1623 index 9ed23e7..00000000
1624 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/Manifest
1625 +++ /dev/null
1626 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
1627 -DIST gnomebaker-0.6.4.tar.gz 1276117 SHA256 6e1ef94cafca7536fc3211a7abd4732f6dc5adc3c7c1b73184f5a87738117fb7 SHA512 954a05724d8d036580edbd5ded11bfd4389965b831ccf2d5a10dbd542c54db4f0519aa3277c6ebc139f55a2475987c48b557cc002e86d9cccca473f187666e34 WHIRLPOOL f951cc19ebd3d107e0d2386c2e58cc678521a31c1fd40e77769dc6758fefa86d375d92bd7bad3770c5e54e6e2de41357a5c66efbdab0276b09f41516049d1d47
1629 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-implicits.patch b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-implicits.patch
1630 deleted file mode 100644
1631 index bbc8ec7..00000000
1632 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-implicits.patch
1633 +++ /dev/null
1634 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
1635 ---- a/src/preferences.h
1636 -+++ b/src/preferences.h
1637 -@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
1638 -
1639 - gboolean preferences_init();
1640 - void preferences_finalise();
1641 -+int preferences_get_default_backend();
1642 -
1643 - gchar *preferences_get_copy_data_cd_image();
1644 - gchar *preferences_get_copy_dvd_image();
1645 ---- a/src/backend.h
1646 -+++ b/src/backend.h
1647 -@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
1648 -
1649 -
1650 - gboolean backend_is_backend_supported(enum backend b);
1651 -+gboolean backend_does_prog_exist(gchar* program);
1652 -
1653 -
1654 - #endif /* _BACKEND_H_ */
1655 ---- a/src/gnomebaker.c
1656 -+++ b/src/gnomebaker.c
1657 -@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
1658 - #include "splashdlg.h"
1659 - #include "gbcommon.h"
1660 - #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-utils.h>
1661 -+#include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-ops.h>
1662 - #include <gst/gst.h>
1663 - #include "media.h"
1664 - #include "dataproject.h"
1666 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-ldadd.patch b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-ldadd.patch
1667 deleted file mode 100644
1668 index b8e4cf1..00000000
1669 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-ldadd.patch
1670 +++ /dev/null
1671 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
1672 ---- a/src/
1673 -+++ b/src/
1674 -@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ gnomebaker_SOURCES = \
1675 - cairofillbar.c cairofillbar.h \
1676 - backend.c backend.h
1677 -
1678 --gnomebaker_LDADD = @GNOMEBAKER_LIBS@
1679 -+gnomebaker_LDADD = @GNOMEBAKER_LIBS@ -lm
1680 - gnomebaker_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic
1681 - all: all-am
1682 -
1684 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-libnotify-0.7.patch b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-libnotify-0.7.patch
1685 deleted file mode 100644
1686 index 772d4f5..00000000
1687 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-libnotify-0.7.patch
1688 +++ /dev/null
1689 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
1690 ---- a/src/gblibnotify.c
1691 -+++ b/src/gblibnotify.c
1692 -@@ -87,7 +87,15 @@
1693 - #ifdef HAVE_LIBNOTIFY
1695 - gint x, y;
1697 -+#if NOTIFY_CHECK_VERSION (0, 7, 0)
1698 -+ global_notify = notify_notification_new (subject, content, "");
1699 -+#else
1700 - global_notify = notify_notification_new (subject, content, "", NULL);
1701 -+#endif
1702 -+#else
1703 -+ global_notify = notify_notification_new (subject, content, "", NULL);
1704 -+#endif
1705 - /* not sure if we have to free the pixbuf since it could be used internally in libnotify */
1706 - GdkPixbuf *icon_pixbuf = gbcommon_get_icon_for_name("gnomebaker-48", 48);
1707 - /* I think they changed the api between 0.3.0 and 0.3.1+ */
1709 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-mimetype.patch b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-mimetype.patch
1710 deleted file mode 100644
1711 index c0e29e6..00000000
1712 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-mimetype.patch
1713 +++ /dev/null
1714 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
1715 ---- a/
1716 -+++ b/
1717 -@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ X-MultipleArgs=false
1718 - Type=Application
1719 - Categories=AudioVideo;DiscBurning;
1720 - StartupNotify=true
1721 --
1722 -+MimeType=application/x-cd-image;application/x-cdrdao-toc;application/x-toc;application/x-cue;x-content/blank-cd;x-content/blank-dvd;x-content/blank-bd;x-content/blank-hddvd;
1724 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-seldata.patch b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-seldata.patch
1725 deleted file mode 100644
1726 index 0be6f1e..00000000
1727 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/files/gnomebaker-0.6.4-seldata.patch
1728 +++ /dev/null
1729 @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
1730 ---- a/src/filebrowser.c
1731 -+++ b/src/filebrowser.c
1732 -@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ filebrowser_get_selection(gboolean from_
1733 - else
1734 - tree = glade_xml_get_widget(gnomebaker_getxml(), widget_browser_filelist);
1735 -
1736 -- GtkSelectionData *selection_data = g_new0(GtkSelectionData, 1);
1737 -+ GtkSelectionData *selection_data = g_slice_new0(GtkSelectionData);
1738 - filebrowser_on_drag_data_get(tree, NULL, selection_data, 0, 0, NULL);
1739 - return selection_data;
1740 - }
1741 ---- a/src/gnomebaker.c
1742 -+++ b/src/gnomebaker.c
1743 -@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ gnomebaker_on_add_files(gpointer widget,
1744 - }
1745 -
1746 - /*gtk_selection_data_set_uris(selection_data, uris);*/
1747 -- selection_data = g_new0(GtkSelectionData, 1);
1748 -+ selection_data = g_slice_new0(GtkSelectionData);
1749 - gtk_selection_data_set(selection_data, selection_data->target, 8,
1750 - (const guchar*)text->str, strlen(text->str) * sizeof(gchar));
1751 - GB_TRACE("gnomebaker_on_add_files - [%s]\n", selection_data->data);
1752 -@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ gnomebaker_select_files_or_folders(const
1753 - }
1754 -
1755 - /*gtk_selection_data_set_uris(selection_data, uris);*/
1756 -- selection_data = g_new0(GtkSelectionData, 1);
1757 -+ selection_data = g_slice_new0(GtkSelectionData);
1758 - gtk_selection_data_set(selection_data, selection_data->target, 8,
1759 - (const guchar*)text->str, strlen(text->str) * sizeof(gchar));
1760 - GB_TRACE("gnomebaker_select_files_or_folders - [%s]\n", selection_data->data);
1762 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/gnomebaker-0.6.4-r1.ebuild b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/gnomebaker-0.6.4-r1.ebuild
1763 deleted file mode 100644
1764 index 76638e8..00000000
1765 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/gnomebaker-0.6.4-r1.ebuild
1766 +++ /dev/null
1767 @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
1768 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
1769 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1770 -# $Id$
1771 -
1772 -EAPI=4
1773 -GCONF_DEBUG=no
1774 -inherit eutils gnome2
1775 -
1776 -DESCRIPTION="GnomeBaker is a GTK2/Gnome cd burning application"
1777 -HOMEPAGE=""
1778 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
1779 -
1780 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
1781 -SLOT="0"
1782 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
1783 -IUSE="dvdr flac libnotify mp3 vorbis"
1784 -
1785 -COMMON_DEPEND="app-cdr/cdrdao
1786 - dev-libs/libxml2
1787 - >=gnome-base/libglade-2
1788 - >=gnome-base/libgnomeui-2
1789 - >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.10:0.10
1790 - virtual/cdrtools
1791 - x11-libs/cairo
1792 - x11-libs/gtk+:2
1793 - dvdr? ( app-cdr/dvd+rw-tools )
1794 - libnotify? ( x11-libs/libnotify )"
1796 - >=media-libs/gst-plugins-good-0.10:0.10
1797 - flac? ( >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.10:0.10 )
1798 - mp3? ( >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-0.10:0.10 )
1799 - vorbis? ( >=media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis-0.10:0.10 )"
1801 - app-text/rarian
1802 - dev-util/intltool
1803 - virtual/pkgconfig
1804 - sys-devel/gettext"
1805 -
1806 -src_prepare() {
1807 - G2CONF="$(use_enable libnotify)"
1808 -
1809 - epatch \
1810 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-libnotify-0.7.patch \
1811 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ldadd.patch \
1812 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-seldata.patch \
1813 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-mimetype.patch \
1814 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-implicits.patch
1815 -
1816 - gnome2_src_prepare
1817 -}
1818 -
1819 -src_install() {
1820 - gnome2_src_install \
1821 - gnomebakerdocdir=/usr/share/doc/${P} \
1822 - docdir=/usr/share/gnome/help/${PN}/C \
1823 - gnomemenudir=/usr/share/applications
1824 -
1825 - rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${P}/*.make "${ED}"/var
1826 -}
1828 diff --git a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/metadata.xml b/app-cdr/gnomebaker/metadata.xml
1829 deleted file mode 100644
1830 index fb3252e..00000000
1831 --- a/app-cdr/gnomebaker/metadata.xml
1832 +++ /dev/null
1833 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
1834 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1835 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
1836 -<pkgmetadata>
1837 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
1838 - <upstream>
1839 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">gnomebaker</remote-id>
1840 - </upstream>
1841 -</pkgmetadata>
1843 diff --git a/app-cdr/mybashburn/Manifest b/app-cdr/mybashburn/Manifest
1844 deleted file mode 100644
1845 index e5a87d8..00000000
1846 --- a/app-cdr/mybashburn/Manifest
1847 +++ /dev/null
1848 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
1849 -DIST mybashburn-1.0.2.tar.bz2 75017 SHA256 058395728c295988c3d633f5a2a25224f25babea6117d4b35c26c7b7b93e0d6a SHA512 6bc8db179d10f7549838398098fd350e750655b3f2d9de91bec6806c4e30a066211209f86b6d805d909d9da94888b7483dd2b13ea2dbb44f83e0fb5f98f70bd3 WHIRLPOOL f5a2abe9f1b45a60b5399f5771d0f28fc7cc6f4b7fbfae5cf39a05fae40456527e8feb23a457dee355189df99dadbfe43bd7749676c12ad433fe6f323b15b111
1851 diff --git a/app-cdr/mybashburn/metadata.xml b/app-cdr/mybashburn/metadata.xml
1852 deleted file mode 100644
1853 index 34de350..00000000
1854 --- a/app-cdr/mybashburn/metadata.xml
1855 +++ /dev/null
1856 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
1857 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1858 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
1859 -<pkgmetadata>
1860 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
1861 - <use>
1862 - <flag name="normalize">Add support for normalizing audio file volume levels</flag>
1863 - </use>
1864 - <upstream>
1865 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">mybashburn</remote-id>
1866 - </upstream>
1867 -</pkgmetadata>
1869 diff --git a/app-cdr/mybashburn/mybashburn-1.0.2.ebuild b/app-cdr/mybashburn/mybashburn-1.0.2.ebuild
1870 deleted file mode 100644
1871 index ffd5ec3..00000000
1872 --- a/app-cdr/mybashburn/mybashburn-1.0.2.ebuild
1873 +++ /dev/null
1874 @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
1875 -# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
1876 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1877 -# $Id$
1878 -
1879 -DESCRIPTION="Command-line burning interface of data and music CDs and DVDs"
1880 -HOMEPAGE=""
1881 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/mybashburn/${P}.tar.bz2"
1882 -
1883 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
1884 -SLOT="0"
1885 -KEYWORDS="~amd64"
1886 -IUSE="dvdr flac mp3 normalize vorbis"
1887 -
1888 -DEPEND=""
1889 -RDEPEND="dev-util/dialog
1890 - app-cdr/cdrdao
1891 - app-cdr/cdrkit
1892 - virtual/eject
1893 - dvdr? ( app-cdr/dvd+rw-tools )
1894 - mp3? ( media-sound/lame
1895 - media-sound/mpg123 )
1896 - flac? ( media-libs/flac )
1897 - vorbis? ( media-sound/vorbis-tools )
1898 - normalize? ( media-sound/normalize )"
1899 -
1900 -RESTRICT="test"
1901 -
1902 -src_compile() {
1903 - sed -i 's/\/usr/usr/' "${S}"/Makefile
1904 -}
1905 -
1906 -src_install() {
1907 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed."
1909 -}
1911 diff --git a/app-i18n/scim-skk/Manifest b/app-i18n/scim-skk/Manifest
1912 deleted file mode 100644
1913 index e7748ba..00000000
1914 --- a/app-i18n/scim-skk/Manifest
1915 +++ /dev/null
1916 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
1917 -DIST scim-skk-0.5.2.tar.gz 534157 SHA256 17e755db22cd135a47381eae6f924f68f2c8d2991cec1a4b635ad294653d7b2d SHA512 7fdcfeb3442fff58d483e6fe028ea7e1dc203a670f2cdf6d9dbcda70df06d39839132f8358df4527a9c0b27f5e1b42d71985f0ce69a78b91ee6819e2571409e7 WHIRLPOOL cfd894d4989323d44acbec51130c297672b4beb8d013cd7f617a94b7e2f10e7241ba7f4728f36d23f90ba918b57b0193017a61f502020771d89a83f7d1e33ec1
1919 diff --git a/app-i18n/scim-skk/files/scim-skk-0.5.2-gcc43.patch b/app-i18n/scim-skk/files/scim-skk-0.5.2-gcc43.patch
1920 deleted file mode 100644
1921 index 8223eb3..00000000
1922 --- a/app-i18n/scim-skk/files/scim-skk-0.5.2-gcc43.patch
1923 +++ /dev/null
1924 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
1925 ---- a/src/scim_skk_imengine_setup.cpp
1926 -+++ b/src/scim_skk_imengine_setup.cpp
1927 -@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
1928 - #include "scim_skk_intl.h"
1929 - #include "scim_skk_setup_dictionaries.h"
1930 -
1931 -+#include <cstring>
1932 -+
1933 - using namespace scim;
1934 -
1935 - namespace scim_skk {
1937 diff --git a/app-i18n/scim-skk/metadata.xml b/app-i18n/scim-skk/metadata.xml
1938 deleted file mode 100644
1939 index 29c9014..00000000
1940 --- a/app-i18n/scim-skk/metadata.xml
1941 +++ /dev/null
1942 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
1943 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1944 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
1945 -<pkgmetadata>
1946 - <maintainer type="project">
1947 - <email>cjk@g.o</email>
1948 - <name>Cjk</name>
1949 - </maintainer>
1950 - <upstream>
1951 - <remote-id type="sourceforge-jp">scim-imengine</remote-id>
1952 - </upstream>
1953 -</pkgmetadata>
1955 diff --git a/app-i18n/scim-skk/scim-skk-0.5.2-r1.ebuild b/app-i18n/scim-skk/scim-skk-0.5.2-r1.ebuild
1956 deleted file mode 100644
1957 index 0799cd6..00000000
1958 --- a/app-i18n/scim-skk/scim-skk-0.5.2-r1.ebuild
1959 +++ /dev/null
1960 @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
1961 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
1962 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
1963 -# $Id$
1964 -
1965 -inherit eutils
1966 -
1967 -DESCRIPTION="Japanese input method SKK IMEngine for SCIM"
1968 -HOMEPAGE=";name=SCIMSKK"
1969 -SRC_URI="mirror://${P}.tar.gz"
1970 -
1971 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
1972 -SLOT="0"
1973 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
1974 -IUSE="nls"
1975 -
1976 -DEPEND="|| ( >=app-i18n/scim-1.2 >=app-i18n/scim-cvs-1.2 )"
1978 - || ( app-i18n/skk-jisyo virtual/skkserv )
1979 - nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
1981 - nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )
1982 - virtual/pkgconfig"
1983 -
1984 -src_unpack() {
1985 - unpack ${A}
1986 - cd "${S}"
1987 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gcc43.patch
1988 -}
1989 -
1990 -src_compile() {
1991 - econf \
1992 - $(use_enable nls) \
1993 - --disable-dependency-tracking \
1994 - --disable-static || die "econf failed"
1995 - emake || die "emake failed"
1996 -}
1997 -
1998 -src_install() {
1999 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
2000 -
2001 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README* TODO
2002 -}
2003 -
2004 -pkg_postinst() {
2005 - elog
2006 - elog "To use SCIM, you should use the following in your user startup scripts"
2007 - elog "such as .gnomerc or .xinitrc:"
2008 - elog
2009 - elog "LANG='your_language' scim -d"
2010 - elog "export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM"
2011 - elog "export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim"
2012 - elog "export QT_IM_MODULE=scim"
2013 - elog
2014 -}
2016 diff --git a/app-misc/run-mailcap/Manifest b/app-misc/run-mailcap/Manifest
2017 deleted file mode 100644
2018 index 209f3a6..00000000
2019 --- a/app-misc/run-mailcap/Manifest
2020 +++ /dev/null
2021 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
2022 -DIST mime-support_3.39-1.tar.gz 28441 SHA256 2fe267478fdf9edbef427967a8141ed8ceb5ccd15ca9eaaa336a44a7982220ea SHA512 20603262ceb0592a4d2d3519af7498eb790c2b57887ba7c59cddb48e497b3d3ba567cd7882bc35d7dd0b07bbbf0f2a750ae92f3a540c3d5b124baf1d8211eff1 WHIRLPOOL 0ffb41799983ca6eaf11cc08927b5ea7e95cc56625e25b6d9cb61fb6ef652d40bde210bc4b32ea6aebcd03feda1ae74e0ef796b2aff3f65e38d26e15d401ba2b
2023 -DIST mime-support_3.52-1.tar.gz 31107 SHA256 78ebee71b8de0fbf606f58255b43bfda1dbc94d0e8c416e8b7f233548cf47ea4 SHA512 445d96a95c56564c56babb5883319d57535c372ebd96c95c0fafc4264be7a7b5075145afa5ec27a16668800b78c092fb5014a710cdf451c521ae25c35640e66a WHIRLPOOL a2c6d8709b4e5abc1cfa4ef8602d5654c31278c06fbf739d9b383f28d2390adca6d184dc8943b576fb82d65f4afcbb1cf9d92882a4d13da538968023979aba23
2025 diff --git a/app-misc/run-mailcap/files/run-mailcap-breakrecursion.patch b/app-misc/run-mailcap/files/run-mailcap-breakrecursion.patch
2026 deleted file mode 100644
2027 index 326abd2..00000000
2028 --- a/app-misc/run-mailcap/files/run-mailcap-breakrecursion.patch
2029 +++ /dev/null
2030 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
2031 ---- mime-support/run-mailcap.old 2005-08-03 15:36:00.000000000 -0400
2032 -+++ mime-support/run-mailcap 2005-08-03 15:37:41.000000000 -0400
2033 -@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
2034 - $fail++;
2035 - next;
2036 - }
2037 -- } elsif ($action eq 'view' && $match =~ m/;\s*copiousoutput\s*($|;)/) {
2038 -+ } elsif ($action eq 'view' && $match =~ m/;\s*copiousoutput\s*($|;)/ && $type ne 'text/plain') {
2039 - $comm .= " | $0 --action=$action text/plain:-";
2040 - }
2041 -
2043 diff --git a/app-misc/run-mailcap/metadata.xml b/app-misc/run-mailcap/metadata.xml
2044 deleted file mode 100644
2045 index 6f49eba..00000000
2046 --- a/app-misc/run-mailcap/metadata.xml
2047 +++ /dev/null
2048 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
2049 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2050 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2051 -<pkgmetadata>
2052 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
2053 -</pkgmetadata>
2055 diff --git a/app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.39_p1.ebuild b/app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.39_p1.ebuild
2056 deleted file mode 100644
2057 index 0f34cf4..00000000
2058 --- a/app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.39_p1.ebuild
2059 +++ /dev/null
2060 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
2061 -# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
2062 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2063 -# $Id$
2064 -
2065 -inherit eutils
2066 -
2067 -MY_PV="${PV/_p/-}"
2068 -DESCRIPTION="Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file"
2069 -HOMEPAGE=""
2070 -SRC_URI="mirror://debian/pool/main/m/mime-support/mime-support_${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
2071 -LICENSE="freedist"
2072 -SLOT="0"
2073 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
2074 -IUSE=""
2075 -DEPEND=""
2076 -RDEPEND=">=dev-lang/perl-5.6
2077 - app-misc/mime-types"
2078 -
2079 -S=${WORKDIR}/mime-support
2080 -
2081 -src_unpack() {
2082 - unpack ${A}
2083 - cd "${S}"
2084 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/run-mailcap-breakrecursion.patch
2085 - sed -i run-mailcap -e 's:^\(\$xtermprgrm=\)"/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator":\1$ENV{XTERMCMD} || "xterm":'
2086 -}
2087 -
2088 -src_install() {
2089 - dobin run-mailcap
2090 - newman run-mailcap.1
2091 - newman mailcap.4
2092 - for i in compose edit see print; do
2093 - dosym run-mailcap /usr/bin/$i
2094 - dosym run-mailcap.1 /usr/share/man/man1/$i.1
2095 - done
2096 -}
2098 diff --git a/app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.52_p1.ebuild b/app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.52_p1.ebuild
2099 deleted file mode 100644
2100 index 5ceec80..00000000
2101 --- a/app-misc/run-mailcap/run-mailcap-3.52_p1.ebuild
2102 +++ /dev/null
2103 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
2104 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
2105 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2106 -# $Id$
2107 -
2108 -EAPI=4
2109 -
2110 -MY_PV="${PV/_p/-}"
2111 -DESCRIPTION="Execute programs via entries in the mailcap file"
2112 -HOMEPAGE=""
2113 -SRC_URI="mirror://debian/pool/main/m/mime-support/mime-support_${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
2114 -LICENSE="freedist"
2115 -SLOT="0"
2116 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
2117 -IUSE=""
2118 -DEPEND=""
2119 -RDEPEND=">=dev-lang/perl-5.6
2120 - app-misc/mime-types"
2121 -
2122 -S=${WORKDIR}/mime-support
2123 -
2124 -src_prepare() {
2125 - sed -i run-mailcap -e 's:^\(\$xtermprgrm=\)"/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator":\1$ENV{XTERMCMD} || "xterm":'
2126 -}
2127 -
2128 -src_install() {
2129 - dobin run-mailcap
2130 - newman run-mailcap.1
2131 - newman mailcap.4
2132 - for i in compose edit see print; do
2133 - dosym run-mailcap /usr/bin/$i
2134 - dosym run-mailcap.1 /usr/share/man/man1/$i.1
2135 - done
2136 -}
2138 diff --git a/app-misc/slashtime/Manifest b/app-misc/slashtime/Manifest
2139 deleted file mode 100644
2140 index 4d9e430..00000000
2141 --- a/app-misc/slashtime/Manifest
2142 +++ /dev/null
2143 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
2144 -DIST slashtime-0.5.13.tar.bz2 51154 SHA256 19b1d589142258d70d72eba043545667a305360ca9ff5ee78109a17a3076804d SHA512 bb80965882c8078aa7830d0d0bffa48c84ad455f7882500f68c100e65ff0978d5825dff9b8feb1daa0b3557a68c8d6162b0761bdb424f36a94e934ee1b616f59 WHIRLPOOL d88f0f8f6536102122bfcd570bb820e6b23eec8a09a5599e21d066109c6f43ddfe09a97773e904502b7e1d4c50cc00fe8642df1f038a06de5d1349b72ecce570
2146 diff --git a/app-misc/slashtime/metadata.xml b/app-misc/slashtime/metadata.xml
2147 deleted file mode 100644
2148 index 952a4b9..00000000
2149 --- a/app-misc/slashtime/metadata.xml
2150 +++ /dev/null
2151 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2152 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2153 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2154 -<pkgmetadata>
2155 - <maintainer type="project">
2156 - <email>java@g.o</email>
2157 - <name>Java</name>
2158 - </maintainer>
2159 -</pkgmetadata>
2161 diff --git a/app-misc/slashtime/slashtime-0.5.13-r1.ebuild b/app-misc/slashtime/slashtime-0.5.13-r1.ebuild
2162 deleted file mode 100644
2163 index ddd6d9c..00000000
2164 --- a/app-misc/slashtime/slashtime-0.5.13-r1.ebuild
2165 +++ /dev/null
2166 @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2167 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
2168 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2169 -# $Id$
2170 -
2171 -EAPI="5"
2172 -
2173 -JAVA_PKG_IUSE="source"
2174 -
2175 -inherit java-pkg-2
2176 -
2177 -DESCRIPTION="View the time at locations around the world"
2178 -HOMEPAGE=""
2179 -SRC_URI="${PN}/dist/${P}.tar.bz2"
2180 -
2181 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
2182 -SLOT="0"
2183 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
2184 -
2185 -COMMON_DEP="dev-java/java-gnome:4.1"
2186 -
2187 -DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.5
2188 - ${COMMON_DEP}"
2189 -
2190 -RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.5
2191 - ${COMMON_DEP}"
2192 -
2193 -src_configure() {
2194 - # Handwritten in perl so not using econf
2195 - ./configure prefix=/usr jardir=/usr/share/${PN}/lib || die
2196 -}
2197 -
2198 -src_compile() {
2199 - emake
2200 -}
2201 -
2202 -src_install() {
2203 - # This is needed to generate the slashtime jar.
2204 - emake -j1 DESTDIR="${D}" install
2205 -
2206 - java-pkg_register-dependency java-gnome-4.1 gtk.jar
2207 - java-pkg_regjar /usr/share/${PN}/lib/${PN}.jar
2208 -
2209 - # Replace slashtime launcher with our own.
2210 - rm "${D}"/usr/bin/slashtime || die
2211 - java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN} --main slashtime.client.Master --pwd /usr
2212 -
2214 -
2215 - use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/java/slashtime
2216 -}
2218 diff --git a/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/Manifest b/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/Manifest
2219 deleted file mode 100644
2220 index c3a2b5d..00000000
2221 --- a/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/Manifest
2222 +++ /dev/null
2223 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
2224 -DIST obex-data-server-0.4.6.tar.gz 199188 SHA256 b399465ddbd6d0217abedd9411d9d74a820effa0a6a142adc448268d3920094f SHA512 5f924377fa45fec22a15d74fa45bf6ae98f56a9f8c98142cce6123e4ca6dcca042a636469b491f4103e230e270ad1af18dc38274b661795cac4beb4f7b798d5b WHIRLPOOL 85ef3de72124c25b5b486e2fefdf453ddc318e5f8520ada7c772d7e7a6939b954a6a66cf962ed3aa257d5212ab047f556aced5cbfa94a1a360e897a6da6fa90a
2226 diff --git a/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/metadata.xml b/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/metadata.xml
2227 deleted file mode 100644
2228 index a567c66..00000000
2229 --- a/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/metadata.xml
2230 +++ /dev/null
2231 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
2232 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2233 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2234 -<pkgmetadata>
2235 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
2236 - <longdescription>
2237 - A DBus service providing easy to use API for using OBEX protocol
2238 - (both client and server wise). Current implementation supports OPP
2239 - (Object Push Profile) and FTP (File Transfer Profile). This means
2240 - that you can have FTP server running on your Bluetooth adapter with
2241 - several lines of python, you can also do all client operations without
2242 - having to use openobex directly or knowing any of low-level OBEX stuff.
2243 - </longdescription>
2244 -</pkgmetadata>
2246 diff --git a/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/obex-data-server-0.4.6.ebuild b/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/obex-data-server-0.4.6.ebuild
2247 deleted file mode 100644
2248 index 642dc5a..00000000
2249 --- a/app-mobilephone/obex-data-server/obex-data-server-0.4.6.ebuild
2250 +++ /dev/null
2251 @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
2252 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
2253 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2254 -# $Id$
2255 -
2256 -EAPI="4"
2257 -
2258 -DESCRIPTION="A DBus service providing easy to use API for using OBEX"
2259 -HOMEPAGE=""
2260 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
2261 -
2262 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
2263 -SLOT="0"
2264 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm hppa ppc ppc64 x86"
2265 -
2266 -IUSE="debug gtk imagemagick usb"
2267 -
2268 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/glib:2
2269 - >=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.7
2270 - sys-apps/dbus
2271 - >=net-wireless/bluez-4.31
2272 - <dev-libs/openobex-1.7.1
2273 - imagemagick? ( !gtk? ( || ( media-gfx/imagemagick media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick] ) ) )
2274 - gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
2275 - usb? ( virtual/libusb:0 )
2276 - !app-mobilephone/obexd[server]"
2277 -
2278 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
2279 - ${RDEPEND}"
2280 -
2281 -src_configure() {
2282 - local bip="no"
2283 - use imagemagick && bip="magick"
2284 - use gtk && bip="gdk-pixbuf"
2285 - econf \
2286 - --enable-bip=${bip} \
2287 - $(use_enable usb) \
2288 - --disable-system-config \
2289 - $(use_enable debug) \
2290 - --disable-silent-rules
2291 -}
2293 diff --git a/app-pda/coldsync/Manifest b/app-pda/coldsync/Manifest
2294 deleted file mode 100644
2295 index 9d7d72f..00000000
2296 --- a/app-pda/coldsync/Manifest
2297 +++ /dev/null
2298 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
2299 -DIST coldsync-2.2.5.tar.gz 663307 SHA256 635575e2175a865827319ad21cbfbac95a42a7256730898ae9e9104b63b4fef6 SHA512 94ca6f3cff2248563c9a179d052f1e31f9482a62bd6988baecdb0fd8d9ed376c7653eba15448a8be1585d0ab0f727597985d459fd063fe70a4b77a9ed9298a7a WHIRLPOOL 85f1fe15299f024b6bc9d86127f146298c805adfe46009f90a2ae171e1f3c217a7708bbd8111095e0102cae4bdf1c508ce0bdfe66bf118813ca14026f1f79fa8
2300 -DIST coldsync-3.0-pre4.tar.gz 657305 SHA256 ca32dbcd1b2d3cbce8ee4e34aafb1183fc09c3ead69d308e76454a9c4c4728c3 SHA512 9f8ad373b2613388dfa47c86a65c05378f66b59ce09e5c984617fbb72525a5f31f90dd09a22258ada469a29278cdd442632747c8d2f924372bfbd6e0ba4bec22 WHIRLPOOL e05cee91e61cdd979efcab168d10834f9b0fb8e19a3a488efa99b910490051857358a3c9c9c548acb62b9fcd96268b7d717549f6a9882c434446729af928ba9f
2302 diff --git a/app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-2.2.5-r1.ebuild b/app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-2.2.5-r1.ebuild
2303 deleted file mode 100644
2304 index 6d5af38..00000000
2305 --- a/app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-2.2.5-r1.ebuild
2306 +++ /dev/null
2307 @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
2308 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
2309 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2310 -# $Id$
2311 -
2312 -EAPI=5
2313 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic perl-module toolchain-funcs
2314 -
2315 -DESCRIPTION="A command-line tool to synchronize PalmOS PDAs with Unix workstations"
2316 -HOMEPAGE=""
2317 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
2318 -
2319 -LICENSE="Artistic"
2320 -SLOT="0"
2321 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ~ppc ~sparc x86"
2322 -IUSE="nls perl"
2323 -
2324 -RDEPEND="perl? ( dev-lang/perl )"
2326 - nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
2327 -
2328 -src_prepare() {
2329 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-toolchain.patch
2330 -
2331 - if use perl; then
2332 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2333 - perl-module_src_prepare
2334 - popd
2335 - fi
2336 -}
2337 -
2338 -src_configure() {
2339 - tc-export CC CXX
2340 - append-cflags -fno-strict-aliasing
2341 -
2342 - # TODO: i18n: msgfmt fails but doesn't || die
2343 - econf \
2344 - $(use_with nls i18n) \
2345 - --without-perl
2346 -
2347 - if use perl; then
2348 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2349 - perl-module_src_configure
2350 - popd
2351 - fi
2352 -}
2353 -
2354 -src_compile() {
2355 - default
2356 -
2357 - if use perl; then
2358 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2359 - perl-module_src_compile
2360 - popd
2361 - fi
2362 -}
2363 -
2364 -src_install() {
2365 - emake \
2366 - PREFIX="${D}"/usr \
2367 - MANDIR="${D}"/usr/share/man \
2368 - SYSCONFDIR="${D}"/etc \
2369 - DATADIR="${D}"/usr/share \
2370 - INFODIR="${D}"/usr/share/info \
2371 - INSTALLMAN3DIR="${D}"/usr/share/man/man3 \
2372 - INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR="${D}"/usr/share/man/man3 \
2373 - INSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR="${D}"/usr/share/man/man3 \
2374 - install
2375 -
2376 - if use perl; then
2377 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2378 - perl-module_src_install
2379 - popd
2380 - fi
2381 -
2383 -}
2385 diff --git a/app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-3.0_pre4.ebuild b/app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-3.0_pre4.ebuild
2386 deleted file mode 100644
2387 index aa1d65f..00000000
2388 --- a/app-pda/coldsync/coldsync-3.0_pre4.ebuild
2389 +++ /dev/null
2390 @@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
2391 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
2392 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2393 -# $Id$
2394 -
2395 -EAPI=5
2396 -inherit flag-o-matic eutils perl-module toolchain-funcs
2397 -
2398 -MY_P=${PN}-${PV/_/-}
2399 -
2400 -DESCRIPTION="A command-line tool to synchronize PalmOS PDAs with Unix workstations"
2401 -HOMEPAGE=""
2402 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz"
2403 -
2404 -LICENSE="Artistic"
2405 -SLOT="0"
2406 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
2407 -IUSE="caps nls perl usb"
2408 -
2409 -RDEPEND="caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
2410 - perl? ( dev-lang/perl )
2411 - usb? ( virtual/libusb:0 )"
2413 - sys-apps/texinfo
2414 - nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
2415 -
2416 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
2417 -
2418 -src_prepare() {
2419 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-texinfo-5.patch
2420 -
2421 - if use perl; then
2422 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2423 - perl-module_src_prepare
2424 - popd
2425 - fi
2426 -}
2427 -
2428 -src_configure() {
2429 - tc-export CC CXX
2430 - append-cflags -fno-strict-aliasing
2431 - # FIXME: Fails to link later because libpconn is underlinked with USE="usb".
2432 - append-ldflags $(no-as-needed)
2433 -
2434 - econf \
2435 - $(use_with nls i18n) \
2436 - $(use_with caps capabilities) \
2437 - $(use_with usb libusb) \
2438 - --without-perl
2439 -
2440 - if use perl; then
2441 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2442 - perl-module_src_configure
2443 - popd
2444 - fi
2445 -}
2446 -
2447 -src_compile() {
2448 - emake -j1 #279292
2449 -
2450 - if use perl; then
2451 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2452 - perl-module_src_compile
2453 - popd
2454 - fi
2455 -}
2456 -
2457 -src_install() {
2458 - emake \
2459 - PREFIX="${D}"/usr \
2460 - MANDIR="${D}"/usr/share/man \
2461 - SYSCONFDIR="${D}"/etc \
2462 - DATADIR="${D}"/usr/share \
2463 - INFODIR="${D}"/usr/share/info \
2464 - INSTALLMAN3DIR="${D}"/usr/share/man/man3 \
2465 - INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR="${D}"/usr/share/man/man3 \
2466 - INSTALLVENDORMAN3DIR="${D}"/usr/share/man/man3 \
2468 - install
2469 -
2470 - if use perl; then
2471 - pushd perl/ColdSync
2472 - perl-module_src_install
2473 - popd
2474 - fi
2475 -
2477 -}
2479 diff --git a/app-pda/coldsync/files/coldsync-2.2.5-toolchain.patch b/app-pda/coldsync/files/coldsync-2.2.5-toolchain.patch
2480 deleted file mode 100644
2481 index 1a5392d..00000000
2482 --- a/app-pda/coldsync/files/coldsync-2.2.5-toolchain.patch
2483 +++ /dev/null
2484 @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
2485 ---- src/
2486 -+++ src/
2487 -@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
2488 - #include <string>
2489 - #include <map>
2490 - #include <cstdlib> // For malloc() and friends
2491 -+#include <cstring> // For strlen() and friends
2492 - #include "symboltable.h"
2493 -
2494 -+using namespace std;
2495 -+
2496 - static char *make_c_string(const string &s);
2497 -
2498 - map<string,string> table; /* XXX - Is this going to cause problems on
2499 ---- src/symboltable.h
2500 -+++ src/symboltable.h
2501 -@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
2502 - /* Initialize the symbol table based on the
2503 - * arguments. */
2504 - #ifdef __cplusplus
2505 --};
2506 -+}
2507 - #endif /* __cplusplus */
2508 -
2509 - /* This is for Emacs's benefit:
2511 diff --git a/app-pda/coldsync/files/coldsync-3.0_pre4-texinfo-5.patch b/app-pda/coldsync/files/coldsync-3.0_pre4-texinfo-5.patch
2512 deleted file mode 100644
2513 index 0579a9f..00000000
2514 --- a/app-pda/coldsync/files/coldsync-3.0_pre4-texinfo-5.patch
2515 +++ /dev/null
2516 @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
2517 -Fix building against texinfo >= 5.0
2518 -
2519 -
2520 -
2521 -
2522 ---- doc/conduits.texi
2523 -+++ doc/conduits.texi
2524 -@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
2525 -
2526 - @page
2527 - @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
2528 --Copyright @copyright 2000 Andrew Arensburger.
2529 -+Copyright @copyright{} 2000 Andrew Arensburger.
2530 -
2531 - Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
2532 - this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
2533 ---- doc/libpalm.texi
2534 -+++ doc/libpalm.texi
2535 -@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
2536 -
2537 - @page
2538 - @vskip 0pt plus 1filll
2539 --Copyright @copyright 1999 Andrew Arensburger.
2540 -+Copyright @copyright{} 1999 Andrew Arensburger.
2541 -
2542 - Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
2543 - this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
2545 diff --git a/app-pda/coldsync/metadata.xml b/app-pda/coldsync/metadata.xml
2546 deleted file mode 100644
2547 index 6f49eba..00000000
2548 --- a/app-pda/coldsync/metadata.xml
2549 +++ /dev/null
2550 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
2551 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2552 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2553 -<pkgmetadata>
2554 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
2555 -</pkgmetadata>
2557 diff --git a/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/Manifest b/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/Manifest
2558 deleted file mode 100644
2559 index f1986cd..00000000
2560 --- a/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/Manifest
2561 +++ /dev/null
2562 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
2563 -DIST jpilot-syncmal-0.81.tar.gz 347999 SHA256 2724453b671c867207a5597f9648b455740d97673efe9e6c174beced7a5fb24a SHA512 a5c47ade0e15fc47eb15d9fc7ea98d01d36c790af0f32bb27aa4299409b9bd35c4a2c850422ba939d1a6c826fbf97d188f6283e47234a49103235dd2bc38d353 WHIRLPOOL d433e579ada2dd083da1f7dc8d6f1169751fcb90f8391278f03d24532a5d90af0da1b4fb07be75e8d5df51c676e17f2b6d75044b0b248da01110b9b84cfdc82b
2565 diff --git a/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/jpilot-syncmal-0.81.ebuild b/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/jpilot-syncmal-0.81.ebuild
2566 deleted file mode 100644
2567 index 7208a82..00000000
2568 --- a/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/jpilot-syncmal-0.81.ebuild
2569 +++ /dev/null
2570 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
2571 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
2572 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2573 -# $Id$
2574 -
2575 -EAPI=2
2576 -inherit multilib
2577 -
2578 -DESCRIPTION="Syncmal plugin for jpilot"
2579 -HOMEPAGE=""
2580 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
2581 -
2582 -LICENSE="GPL-2 MPL-1.0"
2583 -SLOT="0"
2584 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
2585 -IUSE=""
2586 -
2587 -RDEPEND=">=app-pda/jpilot-0.99.9
2588 - >=app-pda/pilot-link-0.12.3
2589 - >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.8.19:2
2590 - >=dev-libs/libmal-0.44"
2592 - virtual/pkgconfig"
2593 -
2594 -src_configure() {
2595 - econf \
2596 - --enable-gtk2
2597 -}
2598 -
2599 -src_install() {
2600 - emake \
2601 - DESTDIR="${D}" \
2602 - libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/jpilot/plugins" \
2603 - install || die
2604 -
2606 -
2607 - find "${D}" -name '*.la' -delete
2608 -}
2610 diff --git a/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/metadata.xml b/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/metadata.xml
2611 deleted file mode 100644
2612 index 6f49eba..00000000
2613 --- a/app-pda/jpilot-syncmal/metadata.xml
2614 +++ /dev/null
2615 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
2616 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2617 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2618 -<pkgmetadata>
2619 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
2620 -</pkgmetadata>
2622 diff --git a/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/Manifest b/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/Manifest
2623 deleted file mode 100644
2624 index 2de5293..00000000
2625 --- a/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/Manifest
2626 +++ /dev/null
2627 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
2628 -DIST synce-sync-engine-0.15.1.tar.gz 173406 SHA256 bdee6ba59d3106768dbe61f4f353ae2b59cbf1112cd274128f52a86d180370c4 SHA512 ef4855c24e8bff7da0e3eeccfc495e98ccd3817f20683f9648b6370cef05a22fa49ce19514efea9936d416120a7881ef930b433d7800b2f19c11ceb585aff827 WHIRLPOOL 534acbcf3abd29235d1073c96157832631ca1a408b8ed3fa4571daa09e7ee74c4a2ac73d5262cdae6bf353a563ea7be9dac5985d41fa2b00694576cc24751fd3
2630 diff --git a/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/metadata.xml b/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/metadata.xml
2631 deleted file mode 100644
2632 index 6bf8d23..00000000
2633 --- a/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/metadata.xml
2634 +++ /dev/null
2635 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2636 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2637 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2638 -<pkgmetadata>
2639 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
2640 - <upstream>
2641 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">synce</remote-id>
2642 - </upstream>
2643 -</pkgmetadata>
2645 diff --git a/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/synce-sync-engine-0.15.1-r3.ebuild b/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/synce-sync-engine-0.15.1-r3.ebuild
2646 deleted file mode 100644
2647 index ba295f3..00000000
2648 --- a/app-pda/synce-sync-engine/synce-sync-engine-0.15.1-r3.ebuild
2649 +++ /dev/null
2650 @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
2651 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
2652 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2653 -# $Id$
2654 -
2655 -EAPI=4
2656 -
2657 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2:2.7"
2660 -
2661 -inherit distutils multilib
2662 -
2663 -DESCRIPTION="A synchronization engine for SynCE"
2664 -HOMEPAGE=""
2665 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/synce/${P}.tar.gz"
2666 -
2667 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
2668 -SLOT="0"
2669 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
2670 -IUSE=""
2671 -
2672 -RDEPEND="app-pda/synce-core[python]
2673 - >=dev-libs/librra-0.16[python]
2674 - >=dev-libs/librtfcomp-1.2[python]
2675 - dev-libs/libxml2[python]
2676 - dev-libs/libxslt[python]
2677 - dev-python/dbus-python
2678 - dev-python/pygobject:2"
2680 -
2681 -PYTHON_MODNAME=SyncEngine
2682 -
2683 -src_prepare() {
2684 - sed -i -e 's:share/doc/sync-engine:foobar:' || die
2685 -
2686 - distutils_src_prepare
2687 -}
2688 -
2689 -src_install() {
2690 - insinto /usr/share/dbus-1/services
2691 - doins config/org.synce.SyncEngine.service || die
2692 -
2693 - insinto /etc
2694 - doins config/syncengine.conf.xml || die
2695 -
2696 - distutils_src_install
2697 -
2698 - rm -rf "${ED}"/usr/foobar
2699 -}
2701 diff --git a/app-text/lodgeit/Manifest b/app-text/lodgeit/Manifest
2702 deleted file mode 100644
2703 index cf7c54a..00000000
2704 --- a/app-text/lodgeit/Manifest
2705 +++ /dev/null
2706 @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
2707 -DIST 12785 SHA256 87dfd329e7d1fdf1902c6d1903a0b629b63749b69932235ed4d70c2e836400ab SHA512 a6300a4d11626cde612f1b88f137587241940f2ef3b08ea2745e85cd2423161fd882adc04ce64aa9adbffd883cb2fe30793791a0f36a2e8d69cb757075ef6873 WHIRLPOOL add0cb101cd47ab4165c593fab6ab51d6303f307481b29ee3c2212a9a93b78ac35bd93aa0cb5e4ee1458986d464f22021eb521ec1eaa69edae68851f8ceb5369
2708 -DIST lodgeit-0.3_p20120507.vim 3882 SHA256 b8c1e918a7d6e7c5675ccd05893ad7bf3dae19493248e85735fded16903b06bc SHA512 d8a627fa2430680b78de9d0412c05955fd3294b56590e0e3448d75d9b3f8f5c8921187fee6de5eaf7f9b8e93080042eb3719e2f690c601508ea08878616f301d WHIRLPOOL f6d399c76f7873978d63e2a2f0720bde672d495e45f1fbec02c4125e6e5ae1a3ffa1effcda9e9b8402928c5134456a48a5f53a09f7ffb2667cf4933bbc0c9aee
2709 -DIST 13010 SHA256 6a48885c6215d5b3abea55934cddc74a9fb3fdac03e29e269c7e7913b99f0f3b SHA512 23da205f2fc3c60c5df9816dcf08a45ff87523698675122ea231ca29ba04d178c003d2a55577f0e0e4dee08c670d5a18826e6bc6cf325b9e28c5668f1bd4d027 WHIRLPOOL 788e52c4533f153fc43c8ea8f316fc691ff48469e28541471524208ad2c54807e24c192d489fe68279586d28cd20fe8004b588cab9730fd8b9fdfc4b84a3d4b4
2710 -DIST lodgeit-0.3_p20120618.vim 3882 SHA256 b8c1e918a7d6e7c5675ccd05893ad7bf3dae19493248e85735fded16903b06bc SHA512 d8a627fa2430680b78de9d0412c05955fd3294b56590e0e3448d75d9b3f8f5c8921187fee6de5eaf7f9b8e93080042eb3719e2f690c601508ea08878616f301d WHIRLPOOL f6d399c76f7873978d63e2a2f0720bde672d495e45f1fbec02c4125e6e5ae1a3ffa1effcda9e9b8402928c5134456a48a5f53a09f7ffb2667cf4933bbc0c9aee
2712 diff --git a/app-text/lodgeit/files/lodgeitrc b/app-text/lodgeit/files/lodgeitrc
2713 deleted file mode 100644
2714 index 9477df8..00000000
2715 --- a/app-text/lodgeit/files/lodgeitrc
2716 +++ /dev/null
2717 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
2718 -server_name =
2719 -encoding = utf-8
2721 diff --git a/app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120507.ebuild b/app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120507.ebuild
2722 deleted file mode 100644
2723 index 59863df..00000000
2724 --- a/app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120507.ebuild
2725 +++ /dev/null
2726 @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
2727 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
2728 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2729 -# $Id$
2730 -
2731 -EAPI="4"
2732 -
2733 -MY_REV="03a5e8a6d1d4"
2737 -
2738 -inherit python
2739 -
2740 -DESCRIPTION="Command-line interface to"
2741 -HOMEPAGE=""
2742 -SRC_URI="${MY_REV}/scripts/
2743 - -> ${P}.py
2744 - vim? (
2745 - -> ${P}.vim )"
2746 -
2748 -SLOT="0"
2749 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
2750 -IUSE="vim"
2751 -
2752 -RESTRICT="test"
2753 -
2754 -DEPEND=""
2755 -RDEPEND="
2756 - vim? ( || ( app-editors/vim[python] app-editors/gvim[python] ) )"
2757 -
2758 -S="${WORKDIR}"
2759 -
2760 -src_unpack() {
2761 - :
2762 -}
2763 -
2764 -src_install() {
2765 - installation(){
2766 - newbin "${DISTDIR}/${P}.py" "${PN}-${PYTHON_ABI}"
2767 - python_convert_shebangs ${PYTHON_ABI} "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN}-${PYTHON_ABI}
2768 - }
2769 - python_execute_function installation
2770 - python_generate_wrapper_scripts "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN}
2771 -
2772 - if use vim; then
2773 - insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin
2774 - newins "${DISTDIR}/${P}.vim" "${PN}.vim"
2775 - fi
2776 -}
2778 diff --git a/app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120618-r1.ebuild b/app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120618-r1.ebuild
2779 deleted file mode 100644
2780 index d5e76f3..00000000
2781 --- a/app-text/lodgeit/lodgeit-0.3_p20120618-r1.ebuild
2782 +++ /dev/null
2783 @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
2784 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
2785 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2786 -# $Id$
2787 -
2788 -EAPI="4"
2789 -
2790 -MY_REV="1ca55b8189de"
2794 -
2795 -inherit python
2796 -
2797 -DESCRIPTION="Command-line interface to"
2798 -HOMEPAGE=""
2799 -SRC_URI="${MY_REV}/scripts/
2800 - -> ${P}.py
2801 - vim? (
2802 - -> ${P}.vim )"
2803 -
2805 -SLOT="0"
2806 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
2807 -IUSE="vim"
2808 -
2809 -RESTRICT="test"
2810 -
2811 -DEPEND=""
2812 -RDEPEND="
2813 - vim? ( || ( app-editors/vim[python] app-editors/gvim[python] ) )"
2814 -
2815 -S="${WORKDIR}"
2816 -
2817 -src_unpack() {
2818 - :
2819 -}
2820 -
2821 -src_install() {
2822 - installation(){
2823 - newbin "${DISTDIR}/${P}.py" "${PN}-${PYTHON_ABI}"
2824 - python_convert_shebangs ${PYTHON_ABI} "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN}-${PYTHON_ABI}
2825 - }
2826 - python_execute_function installation
2827 - python_generate_wrapper_scripts "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN}
2828 -
2829 - insinto /etc
2830 - doins "${FILESDIR}"/lodgeitrc
2831 -
2832 - if use vim; then
2833 - local vimdir=/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/plugin
2834 - insinto ${vimdir}
2835 - newins "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.vim ${PN}.vim
2836 - #Change default service for Lodgeit vim script
2837 - sed -e '' \
2838 - -i "${ED}"${vimdir}/${PN}.vim || die "sed failed"
2839 - fi
2840 -}
2842 diff --git a/app-text/lodgeit/metadata.xml b/app-text/lodgeit/metadata.xml
2843 deleted file mode 100644
2844 index 4941a4b..00000000
2845 --- a/app-text/lodgeit/metadata.xml
2846 +++ /dev/null
2847 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
2848 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2849 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2850 -<pkgmetadata>
2851 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
2852 - <use>
2853 - <flag name="vim">
2854 - Install a vim plugin allowing to paste and download from within vim
2855 - </flag>
2856 - </use>
2857 - <upstream>
2858 - <remote-id type="bitbucket">skrattaren/lodgeit-script-gentoo</remote-id>
2859 - </upstream>
2860 -</pkgmetadata>
2862 diff --git a/app-text/notecase/Manifest b/app-text/notecase/Manifest
2863 deleted file mode 100644
2864 index 102fa87..00000000
2865 --- a/app-text/notecase/Manifest
2866 +++ /dev/null
2867 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
2868 -DIST notecase-1.9.8_src.tar.gz 928579 SHA256 0b7e23ec97efd5cd4ada651ac93273f9e5ed2cfff027abfb4ae130039563b746 SHA512 9c03da5a4f5290b25c1da32373f3e78d80c514dfed95b2c8f89e561c9acc062e10d3fa1c75241a3452168821ed60182016955b1923a3798fad572e9f5d3fdaf5 WHIRLPOOL 427996fc8d0cfc2bd44e788cb6e1adc69c52260344be0fe48d571edd61ef6b23f80e20a3838322d413a02158a04b2cdfaff5e96e613c6cb077e857f29e75db51
2870 diff --git a/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.7.2-CFLAGS.patch b/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.7.2-CFLAGS.patch
2871 deleted file mode 100644
2872 index 6eebb86..00000000
2873 --- a/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.7.2-CFLAGS.patch
2874 +++ /dev/null
2875 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
2876 ---- Makefile.orig 2007-11-13 16:31:55.000000000 +0100
2877 -+++ Makefile 2007-11-13 16:33:04.000000000 +0100
2878 -@@ -113,18 +113,9 @@
2879 - QC=@echo '===> Compiling $<';
2880 - QL=@echo '===> Linking $@';
2881 -
2882 --# using "--as-needed" to cut down link requirements (check by "readelf -d /usr/bin/notecase | grep NEEDED")
2883 --ifeq ($(LDFLAGS),)
2884 --ifdef OSX_BUILD
2885 -- LDFLAGS=-Os -Wl -bind_at_load
2886 --else
2887 -- LDFLAGS=-Os -Wl,--as-needed
2888 --endif
2889 --
2890 - ifneq ($(NOKIA_MAEMO_BUILD),)
2891 - LDFLAGS += -ansi
2892 - endif
2893 --endif
2894 -
2895 - # define compile/link command line with flags
2897 -@@ -158,7 +149,6 @@
2898 - $(OBJ)/IOLayerRedirect.o $(OBJ)/FileExportDlg.o $(OBJ)/FormatIOTxt.o $(OBJ)/FindReplaceDlg.o \
2899 - $(OBJ)/FindReplaceInfo.o $(OBJ)/LinkInfo.o $(OBJ)/LinkPropertiesDlg.o $(OBJ)/ExecuteFile.o \
2900 - $(OBJ)/FileSaveAsDlg.o $(OBJ)/CircularBuffer.o $(OBJ)/FormatIOMMLX.o \
2901 -- $(OBJ)/libz.a \
2902 - $(OBJ)/ProgressDlg.o $(OBJ)/DocActionPix.o $(OBJ)/DocActionFinish.o $(OBJ)/DocActionFmt.o $(OBJ)/FmtInfo.o \
2903 - $(OBJ)/FileAttachmentDlg.o $(OBJ)/DocActionAtt.o $(OBJ)/PixPropertiesDlg.o $(OBJ)/DocActionFinishDel.o \
2904 - $(OBJ)/ShortcutsList.o $(OBJ)/ShortcutsListDlg.o $(OBJ)/DateTimeDlg.o $(OBJ)/AboutDlg.o $(OBJ)/EditDlg.o
2906 diff --git a/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gcc44.patch b/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gcc44.patch
2907 deleted file mode 100644
2908 index be34074..00000000
2909 --- a/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gcc44.patch
2910 +++ /dev/null
2911 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
2912 -diff -Naurp notecase-1.9.8-orig/src/lib/IniFile.cpp notecase-1.9.8/src/lib/IniFile.cpp
2913 ---- notecase-1.9.8-orig/src/lib/IniFile.cpp 2008-10-24 12:54:50.000000000 -0600
2914 -+++ notecase-1.9.8/src/lib/IniFile.cpp 2009-07-27 13:04:34.519339275 -0600
2915 -@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
2916 - #include "IniFile.h"
2917 - #include <algorithm> //find() function
2918 - #include <string>
2919 -+#include <cstdio>
2920 - #include "File64.h"
2921 - #include "FilePath.h"
2922 - #include "debug.h"
2923 -diff -Naurp notecase-1.9.8-orig/src/_unx/ExecuteFile.cpp notecase-1.9.8/src/_unx/ExecuteFile.cpp
2924 ---- notecase-1.9.8-orig/src/_unx/ExecuteFile.cpp 2008-10-24 12:54:50.000000000 -0600
2925 -+++ notecase-1.9.8/src/_unx/ExecuteFile.cpp 2009-07-27 13:07:56.101813217 -0600
2926 -@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
2927 - #include "../lib/debug.h"
2928 - #include <string>
2929 - #include <cstring>
2930 -+#include <cstdio>
2931 - #include <vector>
2932 - #include <algorithm>
2933 - #include <string.h>
2935 diff --git a/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gtksourceview.patch b/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gtksourceview.patch
2936 deleted file mode 100644
2937 index 931ef74..00000000
2938 --- a/app-text/notecase/files/notecase-1.9.8-gtksourceview.patch
2939 +++ /dev/null
2940 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
2941 -Index: notecase-1.9.8/Makefile
2942 -===================================================================
2943 ---- notecase-1.9.8.orig/Makefile
2944 -+++ notecase-1.9.8/Makefile
2945 -@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ updatesrc:
2946 - exit 1;\
2947 - fi;
2948 - $(Q)if [ "$(HAVE_GTKSOURCEVIEW)" = "1" ]; then \
2949 -- if [[ "$(TEST_SRCVIEW_VER)" < "2.4.1" ]]; then \
2950 -+ if [[ "$(TEST_SRCVIEW_VER)" < "2.10.1" ]]; then \
2951 - echo 'ERROR: gtksourceview package is too old ($(shell pkg-config --modversion gtksourceview-2.0))!';\
2952 - exit 1;\
2953 - fi;\
2955 diff --git a/app-text/notecase/metadata.xml b/app-text/notecase/metadata.xml
2956 deleted file mode 100644
2957 index 77b011b..00000000
2958 --- a/app-text/notecase/metadata.xml
2959 +++ /dev/null
2960 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2961 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2962 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
2963 -<pkgmetadata>
2964 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
2965 - <upstream>
2966 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">notecase</remote-id>
2967 - </upstream>
2968 -</pkgmetadata>
2970 diff --git a/app-text/notecase/notecase-1.9.8-r1.ebuild b/app-text/notecase/notecase-1.9.8-r1.ebuild
2971 deleted file mode 100644
2972 index 0a2ded9..00000000
2973 --- a/app-text/notecase/notecase-1.9.8-r1.ebuild
2974 +++ /dev/null
2975 @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
2976 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
2977 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
2978 -# $Id$
2979 -
2980 -EAPI="5"
2981 -
2982 -inherit eutils fdo-mime
2983 -
2984 -DESCRIPTION="Hierarchical note manager written using GTK+ and C++"
2985 -HOMEPAGE=""
2986 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}_src.tar.gz"
2987 -
2989 -SLOT="0"
2990 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
2991 -IUSE="gnome nls"
2992 -
2993 -RDEPEND="sys-libs/zlib:0
2994 - >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.6:2
2995 - x11-libs/libX11:0"
2997 - virtual/pkgconfig:*"
2998 -
2999 -# test doesn't work
3000 -RESTRICT="test"
3001 -
3002 -src_prepare() {
3003 - # Respect CFLAGS and don't use --as-needed by default
3004 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/notecase-1.7.2-CFLAGS.patch"
3005 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gcc44.patch
3006 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gtksourceview.patch
3007 -
3008 - if ! use gnome; then
3009 - # Comment variable in the Makefile if we don't have gnome
3010 - sed -i -e 's/HAVE_GNOME_VFS=1/#HAVE_GNOME_VFS=1/g' \
3012 - Makefile || die "gnome sed failed"
3013 - fi
3014 -
3015 - ! use nls && {
3016 - sed -i -e 's/notecase$(EXE) poinstall/notecase$(EXE)/g' \
3017 - Makefile || die "nls sed failed"
3018 - }
3019 -
3020 - # Verbose building, fix as-needed support and missing libs.
3021 - sed -e 's/^\(Q[CL]*=\)@.*$/\1/' \
3022 - -e 's:\(-o $(BIN)/notecase$(EXE) .*\) \($(GTKLIBS)\):\2 -lX11 -lz \1:' \
3023 - -i Makefile || die
3024 -
3025 - # Remove Application category from .desktop file.
3026 - sed -i 's/^\(Categories=\)Application;/\1/' docs/notecase.desktop || die
3027 -}
3028 -
3029 -src_compile() {
3030 - emake -j1
3031 -}
3032 -
3033 -src_install() {
3034 - default
3035 -
3036 - dodoc readme.txt
3037 -}
3038 -
3039 -pkg_postinst() {
3040 - fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
3041 - fdo-mime_mime_database_update
3042 -}
3043 -
3044 -pkg_postrm() {
3045 - fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
3046 - fdo-mime_mime_database_update
3047 -}
3049 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/Manifest b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/Manifest
3050 deleted file mode 100644
3051 index f4f2174..00000000
3052 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/Manifest
3053 +++ /dev/null
3054 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
3055 -DIST asis-gpl-2006.tar.bz2 1546623 SHA256 66825814792b1ddce9a6e3cc43c7426f9a563d9dbaa1b254884139b51279ebf4 SHA512 6afba6c335329670977b0aee5275928a039968ef5120978e619959f30981fd5da971c6f72a1848399061fa03490c96ff1ad7bae6c197e667ad4bc798847952af WHIRLPOOL 06d5198dbd38c8c048175ff4464496d585eb4752007d074fda1f3e77cec8e8df49fa6c6b952ac1ef2df8609742773490301a9a4149ad435ec91d09629eea3a39
3056 -DIST asis-gpl-2007-src.tgz 2268673 SHA256 6b8f5d3372bcfa83a49e991550f8e7ecb66d3fc59cac3d1cbc835eee32da189b SHA512 93c45c4cf056038eac70e14b07a9e1cd1de45ca8339b512633f9427622bfe669787b53c66124a46d6bdaaefaf8602b09e2e0345bfc6cdd758e52d32d63fd5fcc WHIRLPOOL f81712992035da6a8097be894c4202ab8159b8514b8828a5bf2b7922b2cd29e38e2cb7bc4bf3758d99889ca127035648946207e8c41592f873abb62020023d48
3057 -DIST asis-gpl-2008-src.tgz 2324780 SHA256 74e306f4c24c79d2bd9395c3ec03edbbdaeb2741e962e7398116b45aa4c4869f SHA512 8513b3211c8021da54d1c79c3d10155c75a29be4780465666cd6e18c4c0e0565e5e5c15eaa1b21c0e18f6cc4342c7dcabcdf55b3f483a5587f227c3c6cf87fa2 WHIRLPOOL 9cf5fb78b79e4551ef10181b2b04d327421b3575223a9684d8d81ccf6e3df8ea2c9d0555ebee457fa059e6d7cb6a398ab7b2ab820ffa6a5f3b54e9ad63eb16b9
3059 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3060 deleted file mode 100644
3061 index 92d4d7c..00000000
3062 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3063 +++ /dev/null
3064 @@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
3065 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
3066 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3067 -# $Id$
3068 -
3069 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnatbuild
3070 -
3071 -ACT_Ver=$(get_version_component_range 4)
3072 -Gnat_Name="gnat-gpl"
3073 -
3074 -DESCRIPTION="The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (tools tied to compiler)"
3075 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${ACT_Ver}.tar.bz2"
3076 -HOMEPAGE=""
3077 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3078 -
3079 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
3080 -
3081 -IUSE="doc"
3082 -RDEPEND="=dev-lang/gnat-gpl-${PV}*"
3084 - doc? ( virtual/latex-base
3085 - app-text/texi2html )"
3086 -
3087 -S="${WORKDIR}/asis-${ACT_Ver}"
3088 -
3089 -# it may be even better to force plain -O2 -pipe -ftracer here
3090 -replace-flags -O3 -O2
3091 -
3092 -pkg_setup() {
3093 - currGnat=$(eselect gnat show | grep "gnat-" | awk '{ print $1 }')
3094 - if [[ "${currGnat}" != "${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}" ]]; then
3095 - echo
3096 - eerror "The active gnat profile does not correspond to the selected"
3097 - eerror "version of asis! Please install the appropriate gnat (if you"
3098 - eerror "did not so yet) and run:"
3099 - eerror "eselect gnat set ${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}"
3100 - eerror "env-update && source /etc/profile"
3101 - eerror "and then emerge =dev-ada/${P} again.."
3102 - echo
3103 - die
3104 - fi
3105 -}
3106 -
3107 -# we need to override the eclass defined src_unpack
3108 -src_unpack() {
3109 - unpack ${A}
3110 -}
3111 -
3112 -src_compile() {
3113 - # Build the shared library first, we need -fPIC here
3114 - gnatmake -Pasis_bld -XBLD=prod -XOPSYS=default_Unix -cargs ${CFLAGS} -fPIC \
3115 - || die "building libasis.a failed"
3116 - gnatgcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so \
3117 - -o obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so obj/*.o -lc \
3118 - || die "building failed"
3119 -
3120 - # build tools
3121 - for fn in tools/*; do
3122 - pushd ${fn}
3123 - gnatmake -P${fn:6}.gpr || die "building ${fn:6} failed"
3124 - popd
3125 - done
3126 -
3127 - # common stuff is just docs in this case
3128 - if use doc; then
3129 - emake -C documentation all || die "Failed while compiling documentation"
3130 - fi
3131 -}
3132 -
3133 -src_install () {
3134 - # we need to adjust some vars defined in gnatbuild.eclass so that they use
3135 - # gnat-gpl instead of asis
3136 - LIBPATH=${LIBPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3137 - BINPATH=${BINPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3138 - DATAPATH=${DATAPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3139 -
3140 - # install the lib
3141 - mkdir -p "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3142 - chmod 0755 obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3143 - cp obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3144 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adalib
3145 - doins obj/*.ali lib/libasis.a
3146 - # make appropriate symlinks
3147 - pushd "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3148 - ln -s libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3149 - popd
3150 - # sources
3151 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adainclude
3152 - doins gnat/*.ad[sb]
3153 - doins asis/*.ad[sb]
3154 -
3155 - # tools
3156 - mkdir -p "${D}${BINPATH}"
3157 - for fn in tools/{asistant,gnat*}; do
3158 - cp ${fn}/${fn:6} "${D}${BINPATH}"
3159 - done
3160 -
3161 - # docs and examples
3162 - dodoc documentation/*.txt
3163 - dohtml documentation/*.html
3164 - # info's should go into gnat-gpl dirs
3165 - insinto ${DATAPATH}/info/
3166 - doins documentation/*.info
3167 -
3168 - insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
3169 - doins -r documentation/*.pdf examples/ tutorial/ templates/
3170 -}
3171 -
3172 -pkg_postinst() {
3173 - echo
3174 - elog "The ASIS is installed for the active gnat compiler at gnat's location."
3175 - elog "No further configuration is necessary. Enjoy."
3176 - echo
3177 -}
3179 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3180 deleted file mode 100644
3181 index 549d864..00000000
3182 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3183 +++ /dev/null
3184 @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
3185 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
3186 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3187 -# $Id$
3188 -
3189 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnatbuild
3190 -
3191 -ACT_Ver=$(get_version_component_range 4)
3192 -Gnat_Name="gnat-gpl"
3193 -
3194 -DESCRIPTION="The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (semantic analysis and tools tied to compiler)"
3195 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${ACT_Ver}-src.tgz"
3196 -HOMEPAGE=""
3197 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3198 -
3199 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
3200 -
3201 -IUSE="doc"
3202 -RDEPEND="=dev-lang/gnat-gpl-${PV}*"
3204 - doc? ( virtual/latex-base
3205 - app-text/texi2html )"
3206 -
3207 -S="${WORKDIR}/asis-${ACT_Ver}-src"
3208 -
3209 -# it may be even better to force plain -O2 -pipe -ftracer here
3210 -replace-flags -O3 -O2
3211 -
3212 -# we need to adjust some vars defined in gnatbuild.eclass so that they use
3213 -# gnat-gpl instead of asis
3214 -LIBPATH=${LIBPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3215 -BINPATH=${BINPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3216 -DATAPATH=${DATAPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3217 -
3219 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so"
3220 -
3221 -pkg_setup() {
3222 - currGnat=$(eselect gnat show | grep "gnat-" | awk '{ print $1 }')
3223 - if [[ "${currGnat}" != "${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}" ]]; then
3224 - echo
3225 - eerror "The active gnat profile does not correspond to the selected"
3226 - eerror "version of asis! Please install the appropriate gnat (if you"
3227 - eerror "did not so yet) and run:"
3228 - eerror "eselect gnat set ${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}"
3229 - eerror "env-update && source /etc/profile"
3230 - eerror "and then emerge =dev-ada/${P} again.."
3231 - echo
3232 - die
3233 - fi
3234 -}
3235 -
3236 -# we need to override the eclass defined src_unpack
3237 -# and change gcc to gnatgcc where appropriate
3238 -src_unpack() {
3239 - unpack ${A}
3240 - cd "${S}"
3241 - for fn in asis/a4g-gnat_int.adb gnat/snames.adb tools/tool_utils/asis_ul-common.adb; do
3242 - sed -i -e "s:\"gcc:\"gnatgcc:" ${fn}
3243 - done
3244 -}
3245 -
3246 -src_compile() {
3247 - # Build the shared library first, we need -fPIC here
3248 - gnatmake -Pasis_bld -XBLD=prod -XOPSYS=default_Unix -cargs ${CFLAGS} -fPIC \
3249 - || die "building libasis.a failed"
3250 - gnatgcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so \
3251 - -o obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so obj/*.o -lc \
3252 - || die "building failed"
3253 -
3254 - # build tools
3255 - for fn in tools/*; do
3256 - pushd ${fn}
3257 - gnatmake -P${fn:6}.gpr || die "building ${fn:6} failed"
3258 - popd
3259 - done
3260 -
3261 - # common stuff is just docs in this case
3262 - if use doc; then
3263 - emake -C documentation all || die "Failed while compiling documentation"
3264 - fi
3265 -}
3266 -
3267 -src_install () {
3268 - # install the lib
3269 - mkdir -p "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3270 - chmod 0755 obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3271 - cp obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3272 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adalib
3273 - doins obj/*.ali lib/libasis.a
3274 - # make appropriate symlinks
3275 - pushd "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3276 - ln -s libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3277 - popd
3278 - # sources
3279 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adainclude
3280 - doins gnat/*.ad[sb]
3281 - doins asis/*.ad[sb]
3282 -
3283 - # tools
3284 - mkdir -p "${D}${BINPATH}"
3285 - for fn in tools/{asistant,gnat*}; do
3286 - cp ${fn}/${fn:6} "${D}${BINPATH}"
3287 - done
3288 -
3289 - # docs and examples
3290 - dodoc documentation/*.txt
3291 - dohtml documentation/*.html
3292 - # info's should go into gnat-gpl dirs
3293 - insinto ${DATAPATH}/info/
3294 - doins documentation/*.info
3295 -
3296 - insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
3297 - doins -r documentation/*.pdf examples/ tutorial/ templates/
3298 -}
3299 -
3300 -pkg_postinst() {
3301 - echo
3302 - elog "The ASIS is installed for the active gnat compiler at gnat's location."
3303 - elog "No further configuration is necessary. Enjoy."
3304 - echo
3305 -}
3307 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3308 deleted file mode 100644
3309 index 00cd439..00000000
3310 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3311 +++ /dev/null
3312 @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
3313 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
3314 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3315 -# $Id$
3316 -
3317 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnatbuild
3318 -
3319 -ACT_Ver=$(get_version_component_range 4)
3320 -Gnat_Name="gnat-gpl"
3321 -
3322 -DESCRIPTION="The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (semantic analysis and tools tied to compiler)"
3323 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${ACT_Ver}-src.tgz"
3324 -HOMEPAGE=""
3325 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3326 -
3327 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
3328 -
3329 -IUSE="doc"
3330 -RDEPEND="=dev-lang/gnat-gpl-${PV}*"
3332 - doc? ( virtual/latex-base
3333 - app-text/texi2html )"
3334 -
3335 -S="${WORKDIR}/asis-${ACT_Ver}-src"
3336 -
3337 -# it may be even better to force plain -O2 -pipe -ftracer here
3338 -replace-flags -O3 -O2
3339 -
3340 -# we need to adjust some vars defined in gnatbuild.eclass so that they use
3341 -# gnat-gpl instead of asis
3342 -LIBPATH=${LIBPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3343 -BINPATH=${BINPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3344 -DATAPATH=${DATAPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3345 -
3347 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so"
3348 -
3349 -pkg_setup() {
3350 - currGnat=$(eselect gnat show | grep "gnat-" | awk '{ print $1 }')
3351 - if [[ "${currGnat}" != "${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}" ]]; then
3352 - echo
3353 - eerror "The active gnat profile does not correspond to the selected"
3354 - eerror "version of asis! Please install the appropriate gnat (if you"
3355 - eerror "did not so yet) and run:"
3356 - eerror "eselect gnat set ${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}"
3357 - eerror "env-update && source /etc/profile"
3358 - eerror "and then emerge =dev-ada/${P} again.."
3359 - echo
3360 - die
3361 - fi
3362 -}
3363 -
3364 -# we need to override the eclass defined src_unpack
3365 -# and change gcc to gnatgcc where appropriate
3366 -src_unpack() {
3367 - unpack ${A}
3368 - cd "${S}"
3369 - for fn in asis/a4g-gnat_int.adb gnat/snames.adb \
3370 - tools/tool_utils/asis_ul-common.adb \
3371 - tools/gnatmetric/metrics-compute.adb; do
3372 - sed -i -e "s:\"gcc:\"gnatgcc:" ${fn}
3373 - done
3374 -}
3375 -
3376 -src_compile() {
3377 - # Build the shared library first, we need -fPIC here
3378 - gnatmake -Pasis_bld -XBLD=prod -XOPSYS=default_Unix -cargs ${CFLAGS} -fPIC \
3379 - || die "building libasis.a failed"
3380 - gnatgcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so \
3381 - -o obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so obj/*.o -lc \
3382 - || die "building failed"
3383 -
3384 - # build tools
3385 - for fn in tools/*; do
3386 - pushd ${fn}
3387 - gnatmake -P${fn:6}.gpr || die "building ${fn:6} failed"
3388 - popd
3389 - done
3390 -
3391 - # common stuff is just docs in this case
3392 - if use doc; then
3393 - emake -C documentation all || die "Failed while compiling documentation"
3394 - fi
3395 -}
3396 -
3397 -src_install () {
3398 - # install the lib
3399 - mkdir -p "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3400 - chmod 0755 obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3401 - cp obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3402 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adalib
3403 - doins obj/*.ali lib/libasis.a
3404 - # make appropriate symlinks
3405 - pushd "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3406 - ln -s libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3407 - popd
3408 - # sources
3409 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adainclude
3410 - doins gnat/*.ad[sb]
3411 - doins asis/*.ad[sb]
3412 -
3413 - # tools
3414 - mkdir -p "${D}${BINPATH}"
3415 - for fn in tools/{asistant,gnat*}; do
3416 - cp ${fn}/${fn:6} "${D}${BINPATH}"
3417 - done
3418 -
3419 - # docs and examples
3420 - dodoc documentation/*.txt
3421 - dohtml documentation/*.html
3422 - # info's should go into gnat-gpl dirs
3423 - insinto ${DATAPATH}/info/
3424 - doins documentation/*.info
3425 -
3426 - insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
3427 - doins -r documentation/*.pdf examples/ tutorial/ templates/
3428 -}
3429 -
3430 -pkg_postinst() {
3431 - echo
3432 - elog "The ASIS is installed for the active gnat compiler at gnat's location."
3433 - elog "No further configuration is necessary. Enjoy."
3434 - echo
3435 -}
3437 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3438 deleted file mode 100644
3439 index 04d7ddb..00000000
3440 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3441 +++ /dev/null
3442 @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
3443 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
3444 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3445 -# $Id$
3446 -
3447 -# NOTE: gnat-gpl-2007 and 2008 have "incompatible bugs"
3448 -# so, we separate asis following the separation of gnat
3449 -SLOT="4.1-2008"
3450 -
3451 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnatbuild
3452 -
3453 -ACT_Ver=$(get_version_component_range 4)
3454 -Gnat_Name="gnat-gpl"
3455 -
3456 -DESCRIPTION="The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (semantic analysis and tools tied to compiler)"
3457 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${ACT_Ver}-src.tgz"
3458 -HOMEPAGE=""
3459 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3460 -
3461 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
3462 -
3463 -IUSE="doc"
3464 -RDEPEND="=dev-lang/gnat-gpl-${PV}*"
3466 - doc? ( virtual/latex-base
3467 - app-text/texi2html )"
3468 -
3469 -S="${WORKDIR}/asis-${ACT_Ver}-src"
3470 -
3471 -# it may be even better to force plain -O2 -pipe -ftracer here
3472 -replace-flags -O3 -O2
3473 -
3474 -# we need to adjust some vars defined in gnatbuild.eclass so that they use
3475 -# gnat-gpl instead of asis
3476 -LIBPATH=${LIBPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3477 -BINPATH=${BINPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3478 -DATAPATH=${DATAPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3479 -
3481 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so"
3482 -
3483 -pkg_setup() {
3484 - currGnat=$(eselect gnat show | grep "gnat-" | awk '{ print $1 }')
3485 - if [[ "${currGnat}" != "${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}" ]]; then
3486 - echo
3487 - eerror "The active gnat profile does not correspond to the selected"
3488 - eerror "version of asis! Please install the appropriate gnat (if you"
3489 - eerror "did not so yet) and run:"
3490 - eerror "eselect gnat set ${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}"
3491 - eerror "env-update && source /etc/profile"
3492 - eerror "and then emerge =dev-ada/${P} again.."
3493 - echo
3494 - die
3495 - fi
3496 -}
3497 -
3498 -# we need to override the eclass defined src_unpack
3499 -# and change gcc to gnatgcc where appropriate
3500 -src_unpack() {
3501 - unpack ${A}
3502 - cd "${S}"
3503 - for fn in asis/a4g-gnat_int.adb gnat/snames.adb \
3504 - tools/tool_utils/asis_ul-common.adb \
3505 - tools/gnatmetric/metrics-compute.adb; do
3506 - sed -i -e "s:\"gcc:\"gnatgcc:" ${fn}
3507 - done
3508 -}
3509 -
3510 -src_compile() {
3511 - # Build the shared library first, we need -fPIC here
3512 - gnatmake -Pasis_bld -XBLD=prod -XOPSYS=default_Unix -cargs ${CFLAGS} -fPIC \
3513 - || die "building libasis.a failed"
3514 - gnatgcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so \
3515 - -o obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so obj/*.o -lc \
3516 - || die "building failed"
3517 -
3518 - # build tools
3519 - for fn in tools/*; do
3520 - pushd ${fn}
3521 - gnatmake -P${fn:6}.gpr || die "building ${fn:6} failed"
3522 - popd
3523 - done
3524 -
3525 - # common stuff is just docs in this case
3526 - if use doc; then
3527 - emake -C documentation all || die "Failed while compiling documentation"
3528 - fi
3529 -}
3530 -
3531 -src_install () {
3532 - # install the lib
3533 - mkdir -p "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3534 - chmod 0755 obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3535 - cp obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3536 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adalib
3537 - doins obj/*.ali lib/libasis.a
3538 - # make appropriate symlinks
3539 - pushd "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3540 - ln -s libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3541 - popd
3542 - # sources
3543 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adainclude
3544 - doins gnat/*.ad[sb]
3545 - doins asis/*.ad[sb]
3546 -
3547 - # tools
3548 - mkdir -p "${D}${BINPATH}"
3549 - for fn in tools/{asistant,gnat*}; do
3550 - cp ${fn}/${fn:6} "${D}${BINPATH}"
3551 - done
3552 -
3553 - # docs and examples
3554 - dodoc documentation/*.txt
3555 - dohtml documentation/*.html
3556 - # info's should go into gnat-gpl dirs
3557 - insinto ${DATAPATH}/info/
3558 - doins documentation/*.info
3559 -
3560 - insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
3561 - doins -r documentation/*.pdf tutorial/ templates/
3562 -}
3563 -
3564 -pkg_postinst() {
3565 - echo
3566 - elog "The ASIS is installed for the active gnat compiler at gnat's location."
3567 - elog "No further configuration is necessary. Enjoy."
3568 - echo
3569 -}
3571 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl- b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3572 deleted file mode 100644
3573 index 885498f..00000000
3574 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/asis-gpl-
3575 +++ /dev/null
3576 @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
3577 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
3578 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3579 -# $Id$
3580 -
3581 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic gnatbuild
3582 -
3583 -ACT_Ver=$(get_version_component_range 4)
3584 -Gnat_Name="gnat-gpl"
3585 -
3586 -DESCRIPTION="The Ada Semantic Interface Specification (semantic analysis and tools tied to compiler)"
3587 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${PN}-${ACT_Ver}-src.tgz"
3588 -HOMEPAGE=""
3589 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3590 -
3591 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
3592 -
3593 -IUSE="doc"
3594 -RDEPEND="=dev-lang/gnat-gpl-${PV}*"
3596 - doc? ( virtual/latex-base
3597 - app-text/texi2html )"
3598 -
3599 -S="${WORKDIR}/asis-${ACT_Ver}-src"
3600 -
3601 -# it may be even better to force plain -O2 -pipe -ftracer here
3602 -replace-flags -O3 -O2
3603 -
3604 -# we need to adjust some vars defined in gnatbuild.eclass so that they use
3605 -# gnat-gpl instead of asis
3606 -LIBPATH=${LIBPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3607 -BINPATH=${BINPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3608 -DATAPATH=${DATAPATH/${PN}/${Gnat_Name}}
3609 -
3611 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so"
3612 -
3613 -pkg_setup() {
3614 - currGnat=$(eselect gnat show | grep "gnat-" | awk '{ print $1 }')
3615 - if [[ "${currGnat}" != "${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}" ]]; then
3616 - echo
3617 - eerror "The active gnat profile does not correspond to the selected"
3618 - eerror "version of asis! Please install the appropriate gnat (if you"
3619 - eerror "did not so yet) and run:"
3620 - eerror "eselect gnat set ${CTARGET}-${Gnat_Name}-${SLOT}"
3621 - eerror "env-update && source /etc/profile"
3622 - eerror "and then emerge =dev-ada/${P} again.."
3623 - echo
3624 - die
3625 - fi
3626 -}
3627 -
3628 -# we need to override the eclass defined src_unpack
3629 -# and change gcc to gnatgcc where appropriate
3630 -src_unpack() {
3631 - unpack ${A}
3632 - cd "${S}"
3633 - for fn in asis/a4g-gnat_int.adb gnat/snames.adb \
3634 - tools/tool_utils/asis_ul-common.adb \
3635 - tools/gnatmetric/metrics-compute.adb; do
3636 - sed -i -e "s:\"gcc:\"gnatgcc:" ${fn}
3637 - done
3638 -}
3639 -
3640 -src_compile() {
3641 - # Build the shared library first, we need -fPIC here
3642 - gnatmake -Pasis_bld -XBLD=prod -XOPSYS=default_Unix -cargs ${CFLAGS} -fPIC \
3643 - || die "building libasis.a failed"
3644 - gnatgcc -shared -Wl,-soname,libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so \
3645 - -o obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so obj/*.o -lc \
3646 - || die "building failed"
3647 -
3648 - # build tools
3649 - for fn in tools/*; do
3650 - pushd ${fn}
3651 - gnatmake -P${fn:6}.gpr || die "building ${fn:6} failed"
3652 - popd
3653 - done
3654 -
3655 - # common stuff is just docs in this case
3656 - if use doc; then
3657 - emake -C documentation all || die "Failed while compiling documentation"
3658 - fi
3659 -}
3660 -
3661 -src_install () {
3662 - # install the lib
3663 - mkdir -p "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3664 - chmod 0755 obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3665 - cp obj/libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3666 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adalib
3667 - doins obj/*.ali lib/libasis.a
3668 - # make appropriate symlinks
3669 - pushd "${D}${LIBPATH}"/adalib
3670 - ln -s libasis-${ACT_Ver}.so
3671 - popd
3672 - # sources
3673 - insinto ${LIBPATH}/adainclude
3674 - doins gnat/*.ad[sb]
3675 - doins asis/*.ad[sb]
3676 -
3677 - # tools
3678 - mkdir -p "${D}${BINPATH}"
3679 - for fn in tools/{asistant,gnat*}; do
3680 - cp ${fn}/${fn:6} "${D}${BINPATH}"
3681 - done
3682 -
3683 - # docs and examples
3684 - dodoc documentation/*.txt
3685 - dohtml documentation/*.html
3686 - # info's should go into gnat-gpl dirs
3687 - insinto ${DATAPATH}/info/
3688 - doins documentation/*.info
3689 -
3690 - insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
3691 - doins -r documentation/*.pdf tutorial/ templates/
3692 -}
3693 -
3694 -pkg_postinst() {
3695 - echo
3696 - elog "The ASIS is installed for the active gnat compiler at gnat's location."
3697 - elog "No further configuration is necessary. Enjoy."
3698 - echo
3699 -}
3701 diff --git a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/metadata.xml b/dev-ada/asis-gpl/metadata.xml
3702 deleted file mode 100644
3703 index 75bb604..00000000
3704 --- a/dev-ada/asis-gpl/metadata.xml
3705 +++ /dev/null
3706 @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
3707 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3708 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
3709 -<pkgmetadata>
3710 -<maintainer type="project">
3711 - <email>ada@g.o</email>
3712 - <name>Gentoo Resources for Ada</name>
3713 -</maintainer>
3714 -<longdescription>
3715 - Ada Semantic Interface Specification is a published international ISO
3716 - standard (ISO/IEC 15291:1999). ASIS represents a compiler independent
3717 - toolset consisting of a set of standard Ada interfaces which allow extraction
3718 - of information about user source programs. This information was previously
3719 - only available inside the Ada compilers themselves or exported in
3720 - non-standard, and thus non portable mechanisms.
3721 - This is the ACT version.
3722 -</longdescription>
3723 -</pkgmetadata>
3725 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/Manifest b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/Manifest
3726 deleted file mode 100644
3727 index b35cc7f..00000000
3728 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/Manifest
3729 +++ /dev/null
3730 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
3731 -DIST 1506487 SHA256 e7ba344dc796e66c8104d059161b6b5033b91c0f732d1f35e7bcf8400df498d6 SHA512 daaf6edc9a0839146b4d3f4d4791f8de495d370e8527b92e0724a415e64f850bd57f758a3208ceaeae4c1cf9db35570be95af8d82ecf6056cc794a8704033886 WHIRLPOOL 43b25eea69b24d4e79647d0d34232d048e3bd4aff339c1d42de67a770d21badaeff5856c772731ea6ec9890aef44d3c3935126a2c8681e99eeda36150aba685b
3732 -DIST gcc-branch-4.1.3.tar.bz2 21242772 SHA256 24d976bcc7545ae5452b38be5f4ae0ebdc7c3cf122ed602c8c58e96ac16edb77 SHA512 952eb34417c0169b81a416be973a5709c6530e71514832608309e7c015557066f1128a490ec053568521c28753e4b90dbfa9d0d31611a0fec3be65435b2fb6bb WHIRLPOOL df646a3bf7e976e98878448045d47725fa319fd3f0723746e6f0d596b88741a2bda17c1176c49b49d72f33f49d405dd0cd0b4c417e396c5ba7161c692aab1b79
3733 -DIST gcc-core-3.4.5.tar.bz2 13397308 SHA256 8a2824b12a1cae8b68de3be0a8fd2da14918462e6afa27c3578ccfc8ab10d0fc SHA512 997289b39e5605bac84c2a5d80a4e5dc2d24d4f1c742b494e4fbee4d0f16f64ae9ce860ccdc99c9764a29ec92ad066fd4faf5789fc5d7f49173eace263fe5c01 WHIRLPOOL bf9834d2b7a48d99f7ac5a901bea636e547fbe77eb1e38d39f7ea0484025837f0c49ffd2544f6ce8c2f2639687d3daec59a2b97b430f53b78c773abba8e783f4
3734 -DIST gcc-core-3.4.6.tar.bz2 13366790 SHA256 3aab171d86e5a6c14cb9de35467a0472a7d5ef1d5b79a1df72ca533f8e82a133 SHA512 06645865a851bfdeca399ed1266f99e072a9bb1d8c6f0d3d6d0f809080ce1e60f45d9e4b52c93cf89f2062a4db0a69f519f23ac5de918bc89bdd794ebd2b96b4 WHIRLPOOL 286236da31f0fbd874083ea31fd3e4e6a8ea942f92154ba60e844e2f51d513923febeb4f4d1bf5cb6aa2c303318b3b953a60224a8ec95d408bc3189f3d68cd9f
3735 -DIST gnat-gpl- 5057268 SHA256 b831f83c879b22da735b1c759db1d576aaaf3547771d560f1cf8ed24e0284242 SHA512 dc9f3607ef80a8a08d9b39c2a8e8bff9e083a653c62c7f0927ac23ce582690360b8bc4998ad5cb0e32347a7e27f7d649009bdc732e267bdfd6641b0448b3bdcf WHIRLPOOL c9ee3582bb8c6c2e4fe2accf4645670ae73419e232765705cbc36450a86edfccb6d71243fb68c6bc965ca3b20a5b7b0af5aea48bff2e05283a26a61aa5186d06
3736 -DIST gnat-gpl- 5042218 SHA256 105fcd76e880625077243139c546c120e745d702255b7450a1c22a651f852c43 SHA512 98e87c1defddcb2bbed3460b1b6ad7cd852bc258430317b89557ff990733271425bc896606c46d15e94fe3208937486209f87aa5493573ac1bed21d33f72a970 WHIRLPOOL f6a9326c00a23f05fa0bb46c0491ccb7d5f1dc36f5f63648897c77048e6c04f01e851d92ed1b879189616b1456ae7e75f5d7bb1d83d7729ae72f4105fee5fe24
3737 -DIST gnat-gpl- 840749 SHA256 e498b0ddaaeb6a93ff017bc15896e35b9ecc8edb78aca40574b7c2dd2b6d423c SHA512 54c3474a50cb57e8e92342cf4487361b240ad45b27150484dde0134474fb2c0e1f1caf5e56d69334997e7e2d3d4b7548af54c18704f58cf137c26de305bb1a9e WHIRLPOOL c843bc5a18c598c873cda9d151be789002ff2825766b5ac7f6836cf892707b2378fb432649f21fabf0fcef3deb89b9d5d96d8ab3af866d8c10a88ce3f79e36ca
3738 -DIST gnat-gpl- 22184293 SHA256 3be9cc3dd82668e155e51054c3c182a7364c8aab4e21efc1195b78625a6b0469 SHA512 c506004bcc33ecb55c101365f02f820969c271f18267be4ce1d18711ba0511eae63e3709d5459ac2f549240c30d1e62d15d9deb0abae3aa3a0dac6acbe816008 WHIRLPOOL ec7f2563005331082e7a5dbdc4de01b5ce302be5043d7132d077f659dd0adefa3fce09040e2474c763109af35f8e1b33aa1e189bd304587309b0ba5fe7a4478b
3739 -DIST gnat-gpl-gcc- 118229 SHA256 d722059d1f13f79e323d10e3d9ff30ef0a6c4a9fd4ad06ba5c3a34f8e4ebb874 SHA512 10abdfcef27562d419393f09448e4fd5aef40ab1cb1426647badb51000428ab2b29b22b7ae1c73201aeeec9b733f331abd627199a250cdebb4bddfeacb005998 WHIRLPOOL 03b19a014df9f9afd4ade65b2c458f4954c44cb13dbdf158e3b0b787755edd9c95da49db965fadcc7b072c032d7be590b5fc36a18096c1baca0e726e434221bb
3740 -DIST gnat-gpl-gcc-3.4.diff.bz2 76642 SHA256 fc90a356baf483d0aab489ce2ea8278a155f48fa84950f71360657e4bc8103d5 SHA512 7328bad3a9cd7cf820d34fa4d9d626e0fb5e3b6b1077c1fc08e270f162d3a6288dc549021325595a93d55ffe15660b3fa5b9862bde546892a07508f51c77e58b WHIRLPOOL a1b0a48b2c44d9049359d5422db4326ee095d75b859ab190ad34b1f76784ad76995d04362857a8118b75ee2c9efd0b96850fe61d319b78bcdf124a6a49e672f2
3741 -DIST gnatboot-3.4-amd64-r2.tar.bz2 12063245 SHA256 c0c2fe91f6c38483193415690a4f90ac205e3aa9cf42ab3ab3e5d2a3ec269d8d SHA512 d88bf5ef161202fa7ef80b477a7b9a79eefeb25d29019418f3ef527a7d57aa12b8440293c6016eb71ae03567ad05cdf97a1a99f1cb110f7d3cbda51e6e78e861 WHIRLPOOL 8094b7bd85787cf9938809ab15b86cf6407b35e1bdc2b4edc9f64dfd7e4b6a7f73fde35370714e9310237e3d1a98f8a9950d75b15d93a8d557b8116e9fdae70c
3742 -DIST gnatboot-3.4-i386.tar.bz2 10629373 SHA256 7b4300e72b7f00d2fd9d0dad6940c3e6b4e19eeaf4696e92d7c92e2a38e8b049 SHA512 41f1aab54cdb5b5fe4ef4ae965cde634f12caadb900276850120168cd4d86e6fc88f74aae02775804a29ad49edb85074742e3b70eb0a143519ff31e61f84ecf0 WHIRLPOOL 49132e14cc6a057455da9080ffa7cfaf17919449d1a32590d8219aa446a8740f3e2eda413abbcaf2b1fd8279821a853222cb5d7fb8f36686c5f593dfcfcabbc9
3743 -DIST gnatboot-3.4-ppc.tar.bz2 10996302 SHA256 1f164834e377604a943b230196d9f2a40e8e6753bac4c980d5ca2c00c7674363 SHA512 90e33bc5ef8a31f3b732d4f86a22f2e5910255ba67f2c3615810c287241752fd81968c6b76677658b9f602894d4915e2e62edb9d90a5afb0203369052632b4fa WHIRLPOOL 03fc3466773e78f1b4e667e2e697ca7cb2f0b8215c45274d74223746f94c800b73708b9f87126f7d7856b3d6506abccaae2e8ccad8ded5ee5ffbe2b2a7dc2bbe
3744 -DIST gnatboot-4.1-amd64.tar.bz2 15314736 SHA256 a4016920b84f5934ec7120c7bb17c1028b193d5e146a46a9d1ceae4a456924d2 SHA512 ddeaa365ef3d127cc0bce0d7d242804dfc3a2d5612d89f08fc0ffaf63501a326168935facf359a963dda1484b76bdad01e42629c03d123f3693324038d8e5f75 WHIRLPOOL e845041091b2dddf3b4adf6628b5fd132e47758a75332715f0f99c9363d7840e66fbde92cc717a450a49cf8b736bd47bdb6e0c2e9528130c01ef8827c4348bc5
3745 -DIST gnatboot-4.1-i386.tar.bz2 15367514 SHA256 597b4a16f38fb173b1eecc259c1566ccf81291e13b88e2160102a512cefcc518 SHA512 7cebae227a7b5d6856811834b461e4bec43cbd2a3dc4f37ebc6443162eb059b31ef7c6abc44bed86bd0abac601538a1a671a106b72a27047594c00fcffa10f4b WHIRLPOOL dcf870a01fedd246cb5d3463187f2b3ef8daec2600cc7b32505d4db4d6aa61a047484ec5a436e490686f4049a66ae24af3a8229a01bc613f21e995e6f5cd113a
3746 -DIST gnatboot-4.1-ppc.tar.bz2 13651598 SHA256 2c9ed035b964a7dfcc427cb5c16dc30d3b99276fb424d25b0ebfde23a68013eb SHA512 d57e3bd9350dde62972ca270f9a0f7a7ce8fad961a2c1aad016d99259baeb3f2aea8b83cb4729d2f87e1614c19c636537bd43e771a19e90d28b191ce68de6dfa WHIRLPOOL bab53a81bb1d969c919da3b447c67dc377860ba10a86a86bfecdd3a262156f0f877a8b659a688e3198910053534076fd0898b4f8090803b40ba18b18a7b1f6f6
3748 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/gcc-configure-LANG.patch b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/gcc-configure-LANG.patch
3749 deleted file mode 100644
3750 index 3ef76ef..00000000
3751 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/gcc-configure-LANG.patch
3752 +++ /dev/null
3753 @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
3754 -The LANG vars aren't reset early enough so when sed tries to use [a-zA-Z] in
3755 -option parsing, it may break.
3756 -
3757 -
3758 -
3759 ---- configure
3760 -+++ configure
3761 -@@ -54,6 +54,16 @@
3762 - infodir='${prefix}/info'
3763 - mandir='${prefix}/man'
3764 -
3765 -+# NLS nuisances.
3766 -+# Only set these to C if already set. These must not be set unconditionally
3767 -+# because not all systems understand e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
3768 -+# Fixing LC_MESSAGES prevents Solaris sh from translating var values in `set'!
3769 -+# Non-C LC_CTYPE values break the ctype check.
3770 -+if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi
3771 -+if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
3772 -+if test "${LC_MESSAGES+set}" = set; then LC_MESSAGES=C; export LC_MESSAGES; fi
3773 -+if test "${LC_CTYPE+set}" = set; then LC_CTYPE=C; export LC_CTYPE; fi
3774 -+
3775 - # Initialize some other variables.
3776 - subdirs=
3778 -@@ -452,16 +463,6 @@
3779 - esac
3780 - done
3781 -
3782 --# NLS nuisances.
3783 --# Only set these to C if already set. These must not be set unconditionally
3784 --# because not all systems understand e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
3785 --# Fixing LC_MESSAGES prevents Solaris sh from translating var values in `set'!
3786 --# Non-C LC_CTYPE values break the ctype check.
3787 --if test "${LANG+set}" = set; then LANG=C; export LANG; fi
3788 --if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
3789 --if test "${LC_MESSAGES+set}" = set; then LC_MESSAGES=C; export LC_MESSAGES; fi
3790 --if test "${LC_CTYPE+set}" = set; then LC_CTYPE=C; export LC_CTYPE; fi
3791 --
3792 - # confdefs.h avoids OS command line length limits that DEFS can exceed.
3793 - rm -rf conftest* confdefs.h
3794 - # AIX cpp loses on an empty file, so make sure it contains at least a newline.
3796 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/ b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/
3797 deleted file mode 100644
3798 index ccb4e27..00000000
3799 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/
3800 +++ /dev/null
3801 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
3802 ---- 2005-12-14 19:11:41.538266250 +0100
3803 -+++ 2005-12-14 19:12:50.358567250 +0100
3804 -@@ -341,9 +341,9 @@
3805 - gnatlib-shared: force
3806 - $(MAKE) -C ada $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) \
3814 - TRACE="$(TRACE)" \
3815 - gnatlib-shared
3817 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/patches/51_all_gcc-3.4-libiberty-pic.patch b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/patches/51_all_gcc-3.4-libiberty-pic.patch
3818 deleted file mode 100644
3819 index d9a95a2..00000000
3820 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/patches/51_all_gcc-3.4-libiberty-pic.patch
3821 +++ /dev/null
3822 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
3823 ---- gcc-4.1.0-orig/libiberty/ 2006-03-01 15:49:14.000000000 -0500
3824 -+++ gcc-4.1.0/libiberty/ 2006-03-01 18:10:46.000000000 -0500
3825 -@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@
3826 - $(AR) $(AR_FLAGS) $(TARGETLIB) \
3828 - $(RANLIB) $(TARGETLIB); \
3829 -+ cp $(TARGETLIB) ../ ; \
3830 - cd ..; \
3831 - else true; fi
3832 -
3834 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/patches/74_all_sh-pr24836.patch b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/patches/74_all_sh-pr24836.patch
3835 deleted file mode 100644
3836 index 7b80acd..00000000
3837 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/files/patches/74_all_sh-pr24836.patch
3838 +++ /dev/null
3839 @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
3840 -
3841 -
3842 -
3843 ---- gcc/ (revision 106699)
3844 -+++ gcc/ (working copy)
3845 -@@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@
3846 - tls_first_minor=14
3847 - tls_as_opt="-m64 -Aesame --fatal-warnings"
3848 - ;;
3849 -- sh-*-* | sh[34]-*-*)
3850 -+ sh-*-* | sh[34]*-*-*)
3851 - conftest_s='
3852 - .section ".tdata","awT",@progbits
3853 - foo: .long 25
3854 ---- gcc/configure
3855 -+++ gcc/configure
3856 -@@ -14846,7 +14846,7 @@
3857 - tls_first_minor=14
3858 - tls_as_opt="-m64 -Aesame --fatal-warnings"
3859 - ;;
3860 -- sh-*-* | sh[34]-*-*)
3861 -+ sh-*-* | sh[34]*-*-*)
3862 - conftest_s='
3863 - .section ".tdata","awT",@progbits
3864 - foo: .long 25
3866 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
3867 deleted file mode 100644
3868 index cd421ce..00000000
3869 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
3870 +++ /dev/null
3871 @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
3872 -# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
3873 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3874 -# $Id$
3875 -
3876 -inherit gnatbuild
3877 -
3878 -DESCRIPTION="GNAT Ada Compiler - AdaCore GPL version"
3879 -HOMEPAGE=""
3880 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3881 -
3882 -SRC_URI="${GCCVER}/gcc-core-${GCCVER}.tar.bz2
3883 -
3884 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}-
3885 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}-gcc-${SLOT}.diff.bz2
3886 - x86? ( mirror://gentoo/gnatboot-${BOOT_SLOT}-i386.tar.bz2 )
3887 - amd64? ( mirror://gentoo/gnatboot-${BOOT_SLOT}-amd64-r2.tar.bz2 )"
3888 -# ${BOOT_SLOT} and ${GCCVER} are defined in gnatbuild.eclass and depend
3889 -# only on $PV, so should be safe to use in DEPEND/SRC_URI
3890 -
3891 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
3892 -DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"
3893 -RDEPEND=""
3894 -
3895 -IUSE=""
3896 -
3897 -GNATSOURCE="${WORKDIR}/${P}-src"
3898 -
3899 -src_unpack() {
3900 - gnatbuild_src_unpack base_unpack
3901 -
3902 - # prep gcc sources for Ada
3903 - mv "${GNATSOURCE}/src/ada" "${S}/gcc"
3904 - cd "${S}"
3905 - epatch "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-gcc-${SLOT}.diff
3906 -
3907 - gnatbuild_src_unpack common_prep
3908 -
3909 - # one of the converted gcc->gnatgcc in common_prep needs to stay gcc in
3910 - # fact in this version
3911 - sed -i -e 's:(Last3 = "gnatgcc"):(Last3 = "gcc"):' "${S}/gcc/ada/makegpr.adb"
3912 -}
3913 -
3914 -src_install() {
3915 - gnatbuild_src_install install
3916 -
3917 - # there is something strange with provided Makefiles, causing an
3918 - # access violation on gprmake. Have to do funny things..
3919 - make DESTDIR="${D}" bindir="${D}${BINPATH}" install || die
3920 - mv "${D}${D}${PREFIX}/${CTARGET}" "${D}${PREFIX}"
3921 - rm -rf "${D}var"
3922 -
3923 - gnatbuild_src_install move_libs cleanup prep_env
3924 -
3925 - # docs have to be fetched from 3rd place, quite messy package
3926 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
3927 - dohtml "${WORKDIR}"/*.html
3928 -
3929 - # misc notes and examples
3930 - cd ${GNATSOURCE}
3931 - dodoc README features-503 features-ada0y known-problems-503a
3932 - cp -pPR examples/ "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
3933 -
3934 - # this version of gnat does not provide info files yet
3935 - rm -f "${D}"${DATAPATH}/info/
3936 -}
3937 -
3938 -pkg_postinst() {
3939 - gnatbuild_pkg_postinst
3940 -
3941 - elog
3942 - elog "This is an experimental issue of the gnat-gpl compiler, supporting"
3943 - elog "some of the new features of Ada2005. You may consider registering with"
3944 - elog "AdaCore at"
3945 - elog
3946 - ewarn "Please note!!!"
3947 - ewarn "gnat-gpl is distributed under the GPL-2 license, without the GMGPL provision!!"
3948 - ewarn "For the GMGPL version you may look at the gnat-gcc compiler."
3949 - ewarn
3950 -}
3952 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
3953 deleted file mode 100644
3954 index b160b5a..00000000
3955 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
3956 +++ /dev/null
3957 @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
3958 -# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
3959 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3960 -# $Id$
3961 -
3962 -inherit gnatbuild
3963 -
3964 -DESCRIPTION="GNAT Ada Compiler - AdaCore GPL version"
3965 -HOMEPAGE=""
3966 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
3967 -
3968 -SRC_URI="${GCCVER}/gcc-core-${GCCVER}.tar.bz2
3969 -
3970 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}-
3971 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}-gcc-
3972 - x86? ( mirror://gentoo/gnatboot-${BOOT_SLOT}-i386.tar.bz2 )
3973 - ppc? ( mirror://gentoo/gnatboot-${BOOT_SLOT}-ppc.tar.bz2 )
3974 - amd64? ( mirror://gentoo/gnatboot-${BOOT_SLOT}-amd64-r2.tar.bz2 )"
3975 -# ${BOOT_SLOT} and ${GCCVER} are defined in gnatbuild.eclass and depend
3976 -# only on $PV, so should be safe to use in DEPEND/SRC_URI
3977 -
3978 -QA_EXECSTACK="${BINPATH:1}/gnatls ${BINPATH:1}/gnatbind ${BINPATH:1}/gnatmake
3979 - ${LIBEXECPATH:1}/gnat1
3980 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/"
3981 -
3982 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
3983 -DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"
3984 -RDEPEND=""
3985 -
3986 -IUSE=""
3987 -
3988 -GNATSOURCE="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-2006-src"
3989 -
3990 -src_unpack() {
3991 - gnatbuild_src_unpack base_unpack
3992 -
3993 - # prep gcc sources for Ada
3994 - mv "${GNATSOURCE}/src/ada" "${S}/gcc"
3995 - cd "${S}"
3996 - epatch "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-gcc-
3997 -
3998 - gnatbuild_src_unpack common_prep
3999 -
4000 - # one of the converted gcc->gnatgcc in common_prep needs to stay gcc in
4001 - # fact in this version
4002 - sed -i -e 's:(Last3 = "gnatgcc"):(Last3 = "gcc"):' "${S}"/gcc/ada/makegpr.adb
4003 - # reverting similar conversion in comment - line too long
4004 - sed -i -e 's:"gnatgcc":"gcc":' "${S}"/gcc/ada/
4005 -}
4006 -
4007 -src_install() {
4008 - gnatbuild_src_install
4009 -
4010 -# # there is something strange with provided Makefiles, causing an
4011 -# # access violation on gprmake. Have to do funny things..
4012 -# make DESTDIR=${D} bindir="${D}${BINPATH}" install || die
4013 -# cp -dPr "${D}${D}${PREFIX}"/* "${D}${PREFIX}/"
4014 -# rm -rf "${D}var"
4015 -#
4016 -# gnatbuild_src_install move_libs cleanup prep_env
4017 -
4018 - # docs have to be fetched from 3rd place, quite messy package
4019 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
4020 - dohtml "${WORKDIR}"/*.html
4021 -
4022 - # misc notes and examples
4023 - cd ${GNATSOURCE}
4024 - dodoc features* known-problems-504a
4025 - cp -pPR examples/ "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
4026 -
4027 - # this version of gnat does not provide info files yet
4028 - rm -f "${D}"${DATAPATH}/info/
4029 -}
4030 -
4031 -pkg_postinst() {
4032 - gnatbuild_pkg_postinst
4033 -
4034 - elog
4035 - elog "This is an experimental issue of the gnat-gpl compiler, supporting"
4036 - elog "some of the new features of Ada2005. You may consider registering with"
4037 - elog "AdaCore at"
4038 - elog
4039 - ewarn "Please note!!!"
4040 - ewarn "gnat-gpl is distributed under the GPL-2 license, without the GMGPL provision!!"
4041 - ewarn "For the GMGPL version you may look at the gnat-gcc compiler."
4042 - ewarn
4043 -}
4045 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
4046 deleted file mode 100644
4047 index 29034ba..00000000
4048 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
4049 +++ /dev/null
4050 @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
4051 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
4052 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4053 -# $Id$
4054 -
4055 -inherit gnatbuild
4056 -
4057 -DESCRIPTION="GNAT Ada Compiler - AdaCore GPL version"
4058 -HOMEPAGE=""
4059 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
4060 -
4061 -SRC_URI="${GCCVER}.tar.bz2
4062 -
4063 -${P}.tar.bz2
4064 - x86? (${BOOT_SLOT}-i386.tar.bz2 )
4065 - ppc? (${BOOT_SLOT}-ppc.tar.bz2 )
4066 - amd64? (${BOOT_SLOT}-amd64.tar.bz2 )"
4067 -# ${BOOT_SLOT} and ${GCCVER} are defined in gnatbuild.eclass and depend
4068 -# only on $PV, so should be safe to use in DEPEND/SRC_URI
4069 -
4070 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
4071 -DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"
4072 -RDEPEND="virtual/blas
4073 - virtual/lapack"
4074 -
4075 -IUSE=""
4076 -
4077 -QA_EXECSTACK="${BINPATH:1}/gnatls ${BINPATH:1}/gnatbind
4078 - ${BINPATH:1}/gnatmake ${LIBEXECPATH:1}/gnat1
4079 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/
4080 - ${LIBPATH:1}/ ${LIBPATH:1}/32/ "
4081 -
4082 -GNATSOURCE="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-2007-src"
4083 -
4084 -src_unpack() {
4085 - gnatbuild_src_unpack base_unpack common_prep
4086 -
4087 - # one of the converted gcc->gnatgcc in common_prep needs to stay gcc in
4088 - # fact in this version
4089 - sed -i -e 's:(Last3 = "gnatgcc"):(Last3 = "gcc"):' "${S}"/gcc/ada/makegpr.adb
4090 - # reverting similar conversion in comment - line too long
4091 - sed -i -e 's:"gnatgcc":"gcc":' "${S}"/gcc/ada/
4092 -}
4093 -
4094 -src_install() {
4095 - gnatbuild_src_install
4096 -
4097 - # docs have to be fetched from 3rd place, quite messy package
4098 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
4099 - dohtml "${WORKDIR}"/*.html
4100 -
4101 - # misc notes and examples
4102 - cd ${GNATSOURCE}
4103 - dodoc features* known-problems-601
4104 - cp -pPR examples/ Contributors.html "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
4105 -
4106 - # this version of gnat does not provide info files yet
4107 - rm -rf "${D}${DATAPATH}/info/"
4108 -}
4109 -
4110 -pkg_postinst() {
4111 - gnatbuild_pkg_postinst
4112 -
4113 - ewarn "Please note!!!"
4114 - ewarn "gnat-gpl is distributed under the GPL-2 license, without the GMGPL provision!!"
4115 - ewarn "For the GMGPL version you may look at the gnat-gcc compiler."
4116 - ewarn
4117 -}
4119 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl- b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
4120 deleted file mode 100644
4121 index 5e67b2b..00000000
4122 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/gnat-gpl-
4123 +++ /dev/null
4124 @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
4125 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
4126 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4127 -# $Id$
4128 -
4129 -inherit autotools gnatbuild
4130 -
4131 -DESCRIPTION="GNAT Ada Compiler - AdaCore GPL version"
4132 -HOMEPAGE=""
4133 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
4134 -
4135 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2
4136 -
4137 - x86? (${BOOT_SLOT}-i386.tar.bz2 )
4138 - ppc? (${BOOT_SLOT}-ppc.tar.bz2 )
4139 - amd64? (${BOOT_SLOT}-amd64.tar.bz2 )"
4140 -# ${BOOT_SLOT} and ${GCCVER} are defined in gnatbuild.eclass and depend
4141 -# only on $PV, so should be safe to use in DEPEND/SRC_URI
4142 -
4143 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
4144 -DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"
4145 -RDEPEND="virtual/blas
4146 - virtual/lapack"
4147 -
4148 -IUSE=""
4149 -
4150 -QA_EXECSTACK="${BINPATH:1}/gnatls ${BINPATH:1}/gnatbind
4151 - ${BINPATH:1}/gnatmake ${LIBEXECPATH:1}/gnat1
4152 - ${LIBPATH:1}/adalib/
4153 - ${LIBPATH:1}/ ${LIBPATH:1}/32/ "
4154 -
4155 -GNATSOURCE="${S}/${PN}-2008-src"
4156 -
4157 -src_unpack() {
4158 - gnatbuild_src_unpack base_unpack
4159 - pushd "${S}"/gnattools &> /dev/null
4160 - eautoconf
4161 - popd &> /dev/null
4162 - gnatbuild_src_unpack common_prep
4163 -
4164 - # one of the converted gcc->gnatgcc in common_prep needs to stay gcc in
4165 - # fact in this version
4166 - sed -i -e 's:(Last3 = "gnatgcc"):(Last3 = "gcc"):' "${S}"/gcc/ada/makegpr.adb
4167 - # reverting similar conversion in comment - line too long
4168 - sed -i -e 's:"gnatgcc":"gcc":' "${S}"/gcc/ada/
4169 -
4170 - # fixing some stupid misspelling issue
4171 - sed -i -e "s:the get some usefull:to get some useful:" \
4172 - "${GNATSOURCE}"/examples/options/README.testing
4173 -}
4174 -
4175 -src_install() {
4176 - gnatbuild_src_install
4177 -
4178 - # docs have to be fetched from 3rd place, quite messy package
4179 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}/html
4180 - dohtml "${WORKDIR}"/*.html
4181 -
4182 - # misc notes and examples
4183 - cd ${GNATSOURCE}
4184 - dodoc features* known-problems-601
4185 - cp -pPR examples/ Contributors.html "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
4186 -
4187 - # this version of gnat does not provide info files yet
4188 - rm -rf "${D}${DATAPATH}/info/"
4189 -}
4190 -
4191 -pkg_postinst() {
4192 - gnatbuild_pkg_postinst
4193 -
4194 - einfo
4195 - ewarn "Please note!!!"
4196 - ewarn "gnat-gpl is distributed under the GPL-2 license, without the GMGPL provision!!"
4197 - ewarn "For the GMGPL version you may look at the gnat-gcc compiler."
4198 - einfo
4199 -}
4201 diff --git a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/metadata.xml b/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/metadata.xml
4202 deleted file mode 100644
4203 index 1c711cd..00000000
4204 --- a/dev-lang/gnat-gpl/metadata.xml
4205 +++ /dev/null
4206 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
4207 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4208 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
4209 -<pkgmetadata>
4210 -<maintainer type="project">
4211 - <email>ada@g.o</email>
4212 - <name>Gentoo Resources for Ada</name>
4213 -</maintainer>
4214 -<longdescription>
4215 -GNAT, the (GN)U (A)da (T)oolchain, is a high performance Ada 95
4216 -development environment based on the mature GCC compiler technology. It
4217 -implements the full Ada 95 language defined by the ISO standard and is upward
4218 -compatible with Ada 83. This is a newest development released by AdaCore under
4219 -GPL. This is the first version implementing the Ada2005 standard.
4220 -</longdescription>
4221 -</pkgmetadata>
4223 diff --git a/dev-lang/io/Manifest b/dev-lang/io/Manifest
4224 deleted file mode 100644
4225 index b135e8f..00000000
4226 --- a/dev-lang/io/Manifest
4227 +++ /dev/null
4228 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
4229 -DIST io-2011.09.12.tar.gz 9213332 SHA256 cdcf10745de2cd0aaa0c08f4ab31ac3aacfe942a8e1c2d52d5b50258862b5209 SHA512 15c994e5ca1c80b90523573000e402d60367f40692d01b9fcbaf0a00fba2a35939ea086cff25bae3533f1b89edc2cdae82f2c600a6d0c3e7792e5e57d92e4b72 WHIRLPOOL fe0d8d66e54104af5dd6e4ec0d44173cbd4e810b10f554f94037fb73d55887904002d236ff5f0da1307553650dd7204f8bff2eb3a74adf47bd2be3e02aa8752e
4231 diff --git a/dev-lang/io/files/io-2011.09.12-gentoo-fixes.patch b/dev-lang/io/files/io-2011.09.12-gentoo-fixes.patch
4232 deleted file mode 100644
4233 index ff2e911..00000000
4234 --- a/dev-lang/io/files/io-2011.09.12-gentoo-fixes.patch
4235 +++ /dev/null
4236 @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
4237 -diff -Nurwp io-2011.09.12-orig/addons/CMakeLists.txt io-2011.09.12-chag/addons/CMakeLists.txt
4238 ---- io-2011.09.12-orig/addons/CMakeLists.txt 2011-09-12 18:14:12.000000000 -0400
4239 -+++ io-2011.09.12-chag/addons/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-29 08:16:56.000000000 -0400
4240 -@@ -52,71 +52,135 @@ add_subdirectory(BigNum)
4241 - add_subdirectory(Bitly)
4242 - add_subdirectory(Blowfish)
4243 - add_subdirectory(Box)
4244 -+if(ENABLE_CFFI)
4245 - add_subdirectory(CFFI)
4246 -+endif(ENABLE_CFFI)
4247 -+if(ENABLE_CGI)
4248 - add_subdirectory(CGI)
4249 -+endif(ENABLE_CGI)
4250 - #add_subdirectory(Cairo) # XXX: Broken on OSX: ld: library not found for -lpng12
4252 - add_subdirectory(Clutter)
4253 -+endif(ENABLE_CLUTTER)
4254 - add_subdirectory(ContinuedFraction)
4255 -+if(ENABLE_CURSES)
4256 - add_subdirectory(Curses)
4257 -+endif(ENABLE_CURSES)
4258 -+if(ENABLE_DBI)
4259 - add_subdirectory(DBI)
4260 -+endif(ENABLE_DBI)
4261 - add_subdirectory(DistributedObjects)
4263 - add_subdirectory(EditLine)
4264 -+endif(ENABLE_EDITLINE)
4265 - add_subdirectory(Facebook)
4266 -+if(ENABLE_FLUX)
4267 - add_subdirectory(Flux)
4268 -+endif(ENABLE_FLUX)
4269 - add_subdirectory(Fnmatch)
4270 -+if(ENABLE_FONT)
4271 - add_subdirectory(Font)
4272 -+endif(ENABLE_FONT)
4273 - add_subdirectory(GLFW) # XXX: Can't meet dependencies
4275 - add_subdirectory(GoogleSearch)
4278 - add_subdirectory(HttpClient)
4280 -+if(ENABLE_IMAGE)
4281 - add_subdirectory(Image)
4282 -+endif(ENABLE_IMAGE)
4283 -+if(ENABLE_LZO)
4284 - add_subdirectory(LZO)
4285 -+endif(ENABLE_LZO)
4287 - add_subdirectory(LibSndFile)
4289 -+if(ENABLE_LIBXML2)
4290 - add_subdirectory(Libxml2)
4291 -+endif(ENABLE_LIBXML2)
4292 - add_subdirectory(Loki)
4294 - add_subdirectory(Loudmouth)
4295 -+endif(ENABLE_LOUDMOUTH)
4296 -+if(ENABLE_MD5SUM)
4297 - add_subdirectory(MD5)
4298 -+endif(ENABLE_MD5SUM)
4299 - add_subdirectory(Memcached)
4300 -+if(ENABLE_MYSQL)
4301 - add_subdirectory(MySQL)
4302 -+endif(ENABLE_MYSQL)
4303 - #add_subdirectory(NetworkAdapter)
4304 - add_subdirectory(NotificationCenter)
4305 - #add_subdirectory(Oauth) # OAuth should no longer break CMake configuration on Windows now.
4306 - #add_subdirectory(ODE) # XXX: Can't meet dependencies
4307 - add_subdirectory(ObjcBridge) # XXX: Broken for me -- Objective-C 2.0 not supported
4308 - add_subdirectory(Obsidian)
4309 -+if(ENABLE_OGG)
4310 - add_subdirectory(Ogg)
4311 -+endif(ENABLE_OGG)
4312 -+if(ENABLE_OPENGL)
4313 - add_subdirectory(OpenGL)
4314 -+endif(ENABLE_OPENGL)
4315 - #add_subdirectory(PortAudio) # XXX: Dependency broken for me
4317 - add_subdirectory(PostgreSQL)
4319 - #add_subdirectory(Postgres)
4320 -+if(ENABLE_PYTHON)
4321 - add_subdirectory(Python)
4322 -+endif(ENABLE_PYTHON)
4323 - add_subdirectory(QDBM)
4324 - add_subdirectory(Random)
4325 - add_subdirectory(Range)
4326 - add_subdirectory(Rational)
4328 - add_subdirectory(ReadLine)
4329 -+endif(ENABLE_READLINE)
4330 -+if(ENABLE_REGEX)
4331 - add_subdirectory(Regex)
4332 -+endif(ENABLE_REGEX)
4333 - add_subdirectory(SGML)
4334 -+if(ENABLE_SHA1)
4335 - add_subdirectory(SHA1)
4336 -+endif(ENABLE_SHA1)
4337 - #add_subdirectory(SQLite) # XXX: Want to delete in favour of SQLite3
4338 -+if(ENABLE_SQLITE3)
4339 - add_subdirectory(SQLite3)
4340 -+endif(ENABLE_SQLITE3)
4341 - #add_subdirectory(SampleRateConverter)
4342 - add_subdirectory(SecureSocket)
4343 - #add_subdirectory(SkipDB) # XXX: Disabled...why?
4344 -+if(ENABLE_SOCKET)
4345 - add_subdirectory(Socket)
4346 -+endif(ENABLE_SOCKET)
4347 - #add_subdirectory(SoundTouch) # XXX: I can't meet dependencies
4348 - add_subdirectory(SqlDatabase)
4349 -+if(ENABLE_SYSLOG)
4350 - add_subdirectory(Syslog)
4351 -+endif(ENABLE_SYSLOG)
4352 - add_subdirectory(SystemCall)
4353 - #add_subdirectory(TagDB) # XXX: I can't meet dependencies
4354 - #add_subdirectory(TagLib)
4355 -+if(ENABLE_THEORA)
4356 - add_subdirectory(Theora)
4357 -+endif(ENABLE_THEORA)
4358 -+if(ENABLE_THREAD)
4359 - add_subdirectory(Thread)
4360 -+endif(ENABLE_THREAD)
4361 - add_subdirectory(TokyoCabinet)
4363 - add_subdirectory(Twitter)
4364 -+endif(ENABLE_TWITTER)
4365 - add_subdirectory(UUID)
4366 - add_subdirectory(User)
4367 - add_subdirectory(VertexDB)
4368 - add_subdirectory(Volcano)
4369 -+if(ENABLE_VORBIS)
4370 - add_subdirectory(Vorbis)
4371 -+endif(ENABLE_VORBIS)
4372 - add_subdirectory(Yajl)
4373 -+if(ENABLE_ZLIB)
4374 - add_subdirectory(Zlib)
4375 -+endif(ENABLE_ZLIB)
4376 -diff -Nurwp io-2011.09.12-orig/libs/basekit/CMakeLists.txt io-2011.09.12-chag/libs/basekit/CMakeLists.txt
4377 ---- io-2011.09.12-orig/libs/basekit/CMakeLists.txt 2011-09-12 18:14:12.000000000 -0400
4378 -+++ io-2011.09.12-chag/libs/basekit/CMakeLists.txt 2012-04-21 22:06:47.000000000 -0400
4379 -@@ -24,3 +24,6 @@ add_library(basekit SHARED ${SRCS})
4380 - # The following add the install target, so we put libbasekit.* in our
4381 - # install prefix.
4382 - install(TARGETS basekit DESTINATION lib)
4383 -+
4384 -+# Link basekit library against libdl (required by as-needed linking).
4385 -+target_link_libraries(basekit dl)
4386 -diff -Nurwp io-2011.09.12-orig/libs/coroutine/source/asm.S io-2011.09.12-chag/libs/coroutine/source/asm.S
4387 ---- io-2011.09.12-orig/libs/coroutine/source/asm.S 2011-09-12 18:14:12.000000000 -0400
4388 -+++ io-2011.09.12-chag/libs/coroutine/source/asm.S 2012-04-21 23:20:26.000000000 -0400
4389 -@@ -258,3 +258,7 @@ SET:
4390 - ldr r0, [r0]
4391 - mov pc, lr
4392 - #endif
4393 -+
4394 -+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__ELF__)
4395 -+.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
4396 -+#endif
4398 diff --git a/dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r2.ebuild b/dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r2.ebuild
4399 deleted file mode 100644
4400 index 58b41a5..00000000
4401 --- a/dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r2.ebuild
4402 +++ /dev/null
4403 @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
4404 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
4405 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4406 -# $Id$
4407 -
4408 -EAPI=4
4409 -
4410 -inherit cmake-utils
4411 -
4412 -DESCRIPTION="Io is a small, prototype-based programming language"
4413 -HOMEPAGE=""
4414 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.gz
4415 -${P}.tar.gz"
4416 -
4418 -SLOT="0"
4419 -KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
4420 -IUSE="cgi clutter dbi doc editline google gui http image libffi libxml2
4421 - lzo md5sum ncurses ogg opengl postgres pcre python readline sha1 sndfile sockets
4422 - sqlite syslog theora threads truetype twitter vorbis xmpp zlib"
4423 -DEPEND="clutter? ( media-libs/clutter )
4424 - dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi )
4425 - editline? ( dev-libs/libedit )
4426 - image? ( virtual/jpeg
4427 - media-libs/tiff
4428 - media-libs/libpng )
4429 - xmpp? ( net-libs/loudmouth )
4430 - libffi? ( virtual/libffi )
4431 - libxml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
4432 - lzo? ( dev-libs/lzo )
4433 - ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses )
4434 - ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
4435 - opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
4436 - pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
4437 - postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql[server] )
4438 - readline? ( sys-libs/readline )
4439 - sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
4440 - sqlite? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3.0.0 )
4441 - theora? ( media-libs/libtheora )
4442 - truetype? ( media-libs/freetype )
4443 - vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
4444 - zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
4445 -RDEPEND=""
4446 -REQUIRED_USE="vorbis? ( ogg )"
4447 -
4448 -src_prepare() {
4449 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo-fixes.patch"
4450 - # Fix multilib strict check (bug #430496)
4451 - sed -i 's/DESTINATION lib/DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/' \
4452 - addons/*/CMakeLists.txt \
4453 - libs/*/CMakeLists.txt
4454 -}
4455 -
4456 -src_configure() {
4457 - local mycmakeargs=(
4458 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable cgi CGI)
4459 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable clutter CLUTTER)
4460 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable dbi DBI)
4461 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable editline EDITLINE)
4462 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable libffi CFFI)
4463 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable gui FLUX)
4464 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable google GOOGLESEARCH)
4465 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable http HTTPCLIENT)
4466 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable xmpp LOUDMOUTH)
4467 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable image IMAGE)
4468 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable libxml2 LIBXML2)
4469 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable lzo LZO)
4470 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable md5sum MD5SUM)
4471 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable ncurses CURSES)
4472 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable ogg OGG)
4473 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable opengl OPENGL)
4474 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable postgres POSTGRESQL)
4475 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable python PYTHON)
4476 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable readline READLINE)
4477 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable pcre REGEX)
4478 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable sndfile LIBSNDFILE)
4479 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable sha1 SHA1)
4480 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable sockets SOCKET)
4481 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable sqlite SQLITE3)
4482 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable syslog SYSLOG)
4483 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable theora THEORA)
4484 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable threads THREADS)
4485 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable truetype FONT)
4486 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable twitter TWITTER )
4487 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable vorbis VORBIS)
4488 - $(cmake-utils_use_enable zlib ZLIB)
4490 - )
4491 - cmake-utils_src_configure
4492 -}
4493 -
4494 -src_compile() {
4495 - # Fix bug #414421
4496 - cmake-utils_src_compile -j1
4497 -}
4498 -
4499 -src_install() {
4500 - cmake-utils_src_install
4501 - if use doc; then
4502 - dodoc docs/docs.css docs/*.html
4503 - fi
4504 -}
4506 diff --git a/dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r3.ebuild
4507 deleted file mode 100644
4508 index 85981dc..00000000
4509 --- a/dev-lang/io/io-2011.09.12-r3.ebuild
4510 +++ /dev/null
4511 @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
4512 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
4513 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4514 -# $Id$
4515 -
4516 -EAPI=6
4517 -
4518 -inherit cmake-utils
4519 -
4520 -DESCRIPTION="Io is a small, prototype-based programming language"
4521 -HOMEPAGE=""
4522 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.gz
4523 -${P}.tar.gz"
4524 -
4526 -SLOT="0"
4527 -KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
4528 -IUSE="cgi clutter dbi doc editline google gui http image libffi libxml2
4529 - lzo md5sum ncurses ogg opengl postgres pcre python readline sha1 sndfile sockets
4530 - sqlite syslog theora threads truetype twitter vorbis xmpp zlib"
4531 -DEPEND="clutter? ( media-libs/clutter )
4532 - dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi )
4533 - editline? ( dev-libs/libedit )
4534 - image? ( virtual/jpeg
4535 - media-libs/tiff
4536 - media-libs/libpng )
4537 - xmpp? ( net-libs/loudmouth )
4538 - libffi? ( virtual/libffi )
4539 - libxml2? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
4540 - lzo? ( dev-libs/lzo )
4541 - ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses )
4542 - ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
4543 - opengl? ( virtual/opengl )
4544 - pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
4545 - postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql[server] )
4546 - readline? ( sys-libs/readline )
4547 - sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
4548 - sqlite? ( >=dev-db/sqlite-3.0.0 )
4549 - theora? ( media-libs/libtheora )
4550 - truetype? ( media-libs/freetype )
4551 - vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
4552 - zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )"
4553 -RDEPEND=""
4554 -REQUIRED_USE="vorbis? ( ogg )"
4555 -
4556 -PATCHES=(
4557 - "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gentoo-fixes.patch"
4558 -)
4559 -
4560 -src_prepare() {
4561 - default
4562 -
4563 - # Fix multilib strict check (bug #430496)
4564 - sed -i 's/DESTINATION lib/DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/' \
4565 - addons/*/CMakeLists.txt \
4566 - libs/*/CMakeLists.txt
4567 -}
4568 -
4569 -src_configure() {
4570 - local mycmakeargs=(
4571 - -DENABLE_CGI=$(usex cgi)
4572 - -DENABLE_CLUTTER=$(usex clutter)
4573 - -DENABLE_DBI=$(usex dbi)
4574 - -DENABLE_EDITLINE=$(usex editline)
4575 - -DENABLE_CFFI=$(usex libffi)
4576 - -DENABLE_FLUX=$(usex gui)
4577 - -DENABLE_GOOGLESEARCH=$(usex google)
4578 - -DENABLE_HTTPCLIENT=$(usex http)
4579 - -DENABLE_LOUDMOUTH=$(usex xmpp)
4580 - -DENABLE_IMAGE=$(usex image)
4581 - -DENABLE_LIBXML2=$(usex libxml2)
4582 - -DENABLE_LZO=$(usex lzo)
4583 - -DENABLE_MD5SUM=$(usex md5sum)
4584 - -DENABLE_CURSES=$(usex ncurses)
4585 - -DENABLE_OGG=$(usex ogg)
4586 - -DENABLE_OPENGL=$(usex opengl)
4587 - -DENABLE_POSTGRESQL=$(usex postgres)
4588 - -DENABLE_PYTHON=$(usex python)
4589 - -DENABLE_READLINE=$(usex readline)
4590 - -DENABLE_REGEX=$(usex pcre)
4591 - -DENABLE_LIBSNDFILE=$(usex sndfile)
4592 - -DENABLE_SHA1=$(usex sha1)
4593 - -DENABLE_SOCKET=$(usex sockets)
4594 - -DENABLE_SQLITE3=$(usex sqlite)
4595 - -DENABLE_SYSLOG=$(usex syslog)
4596 - -DENABLE_THEORA=$(usex theora)
4597 - -DENABLE_THREADS=$(usex threads)
4598 - -DENABLE_FONT=$(usex truetype)
4599 - -DENABLE_TWITTER=$(usex twitter)
4600 - -DENABLE_VORBIS=$(usex vorbis)
4601 - -DENABLE_ZLIB=$(usex zlib)
4603 - )
4604 - cmake-utils_src_configure
4605 -}
4606 -
4607 -src_compile() {
4608 - # Fix bug #414421
4609 - cmake-utils_src_compile -j1
4610 -}
4611 -
4612 -src_install() {
4613 - cmake-utils_src_install
4614 - if use doc; then
4615 - dodoc docs/docs.css docs/*.html
4616 - fi
4617 -}
4619 diff --git a/dev-lang/io/metadata.xml b/dev-lang/io/metadata.xml
4620 deleted file mode 100644
4621 index ca3934c..00000000
4622 --- a/dev-lang/io/metadata.xml
4623 +++ /dev/null
4624 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
4625 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4626 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
4627 -<pkgmetadata>
4628 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
4629 -<use>
4630 -<flag name="clutter">Build add-on for <pkg>media-libs/clutter</pkg></flag>
4631 -<flag name="editline">Build add-on for <pkg>dev-libs/libedit</pkg></flag>
4632 -<flag name="gui">Build the Flux GUI add-on</flag>
4633 -<flag name="google">Build the google search add-on</flag>
4634 -<flag name="http">Build http client add-on</flag>
4635 -<flag name="image">Build add-on for images support (jpeg, png, tiff)</flag>
4636 -<flag name="libxml2">Build add-on for <pkg>dev-libs/libxml2</pkg></flag>
4637 -<flag name="md5sum">Build md5sum add-on</flag>
4638 -<flag name="sha1">Build sha1 add-on</flag>
4639 -<flag name="twitter">Build twitter add-on</flag>
4640 -</use>
4641 -<longdescription lang="en">
4642 -Io is a small, prototype-based programming language. The ideas in Io are mostly
4643 -inspired by Smalltalk (all values are objects), Self (prototype-based),
4644 -NewtonScript (differential inheritance), Act1 (actors and futures for
4645 -concurrency), LISP (code is a runtime inspectable/modifiable tree) and Lua
4646 -(small, embeddable).
4647 -</longdescription>
4648 -</pkgmetadata>
4650 diff --git a/dev-libs/libmal/Manifest b/dev-libs/libmal/Manifest
4651 deleted file mode 100644
4652 index 9d894d9..00000000
4653 --- a/dev-libs/libmal/Manifest
4654 +++ /dev/null
4655 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
4656 -DIST libmal-0.44.1.tar.gz 459226 SHA256 9f6ab41215c53c010e91c5a47949c1bcd793be4b869d986e1192305c998a0170 SHA512 1d34066c0a7c4204afe3520a03c0aabb027049ec74b66133a5b2e649cf56b4446c1595d08b068cb2d28ec42e062cf2f65964f30b315c7139a0299675f0e5c343 WHIRLPOOL 068deb1d74d21c226227a450a7e0e08ba8d1219a4bbe01c7e313f62a2037f85dbad782fe6279e99ea59960d42aaaccd69238fb94b00ce565e65869216e9a5919
4658 diff --git a/dev-libs/libmal/libmal-0.44.1.ebuild b/dev-libs/libmal/libmal-0.44.1.ebuild
4659 deleted file mode 100644
4660 index cda6bd9..00000000
4661 --- a/dev-libs/libmal/libmal-0.44.1.ebuild
4662 +++ /dev/null
4663 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
4664 -# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
4665 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4666 -# $Id$
4667 -
4668 -EAPI=4
4669 -
4670 -DESCRIPTION="convenience library of the functions malsync distribution"
4671 -HOMEPAGE=""
4672 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
4673 -
4674 -LICENSE="MPL-1.0"
4675 -SLOT="0"
4676 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 x86"
4677 -IUSE="static-libs"
4678 -
4679 -RDEPEND=">=app-pda/pilot-link-0.12.3"
4681 -
4682 -DOCS="ChangeLog README"
4683 -
4684 -src_configure() {
4685 - econf \
4686 - --disable-dependency-tracking \
4687 - $(use_enable static-libs static)
4688 -}
4689 -
4690 -src_install() {
4691 - default
4692 -
4693 - docinto malsync
4694 - dodoc malsync/{ChangeLog,README,Doc/README*} || die
4695 -
4696 - find "${D}" -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} +
4697 -}
4699 diff --git a/dev-libs/libmal/metadata.xml b/dev-libs/libmal/metadata.xml
4700 deleted file mode 100644
4701 index 6f49eba..00000000
4702 --- a/dev-libs/libmal/metadata.xml
4703 +++ /dev/null
4704 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
4705 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4706 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
4707 -<pkgmetadata>
4708 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
4709 -</pkgmetadata>
4711 diff --git a/dev-libs/log4c/Manifest b/dev-libs/log4c/Manifest
4712 deleted file mode 100644
4713 index adbd588..00000000
4714 --- a/dev-libs/log4c/Manifest
4715 +++ /dev/null
4716 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
4717 -DIST log4c-1.2.1.tar.gz 508139 SHA256 6ed40a41307c26d052667e1661437394ab00e29cd24ff2640b502ba8ab1e442b SHA512 d8a5122df4d0afcff4880464ca58afa0661db3c60242c8ed1d034acf217f642bf9db0b0601ee07e832195408a8fa2ee8be61e9ee3f6ab59834bb13ec8598d0fd WHIRLPOOL 3a5f7e682f5f1a0f2cb073a8c242c01b94df55791e361a8781177acf631adce30a86732718a8a618f72c2a34f096d1522ea9c208547123684327a6ac0b1a0d49
4718 -DIST log4c-1.2.4.tar.gz 559789 SHA256 5991020192f52cc40fa852fbf6bbf5bd5db5d5d00aa9905c67f6f0eadeed48ea SHA512 bd66029183b545de6b46b803e128735c5b57af0ca7f8a0a1f1655565920778993362e3187ffbe9b4b5e85dbf4c700b7d1f1dd4d1a636bcb20bfdb71fc73d37ca WHIRLPOOL 30e90b35d1ccc9fd4687cd761fe99f9933cb17ad75c97c3c140c1e794b696aea0caf643dde434b7c90555c821eebb59b1874f8a61d4d26896bd71739816c5812
4720 diff --git a/dev-libs/log4c/files/log4c-1.2.4-docdir.patch b/dev-libs/log4c/files/log4c-1.2.4-docdir.patch
4721 deleted file mode 100644
4722 index 9bbb532..00000000
4723 --- a/dev-libs/log4c/files/log4c-1.2.4-docdir.patch
4724 +++ /dev/null
4725 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
4726 -Respect the autotools docdir switch. Avoid installing a copy of the license.
4727 -
4728 ---- doc/
4729 -+++ doc/
4730 -@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
4731 - man3dir = $(mandir)/man3
4732 --docdir = $(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
4733 -+docdir = @docdir@
4734 - docfiles = \
4735 - $(top_srcdir)/README \
4736 - $(top_srcdir)/AUTHORS \
4737 - $(top_srcdir)/NEWS \
4738 -- $(top_srcdir)/COPYING \
4739 - $(top_srcdir)/ChangeLog
4740 -
4741 - targets = doxygen.stamp
4743 diff --git a/dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.1.ebuild b/dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.1.ebuild
4744 deleted file mode 100644
4745 index 618e29d..00000000
4746 --- a/dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.1.ebuild
4747 +++ /dev/null
4748 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
4749 -# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
4750 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4751 -# $Id$
4752 -
4753 -EAPI=2
4754 -
4755 -inherit eutils
4756 -
4757 -DESCRIPTION="Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations"
4758 -HOMEPAGE=""
4759 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/log4c/${P}.tar.gz"
4760 -
4761 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
4762 -SLOT="0"
4763 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 x86"
4764 -IUSE="debug doc examples +expat"
4765 -
4766 -RDEPEND="media-gfx/graphviz
4767 - expat? ( dev-libs/expat )"
4768 -
4770 - doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
4771 -
4772 -src_unpack() {
4773 - unpack ${A}
4774 - cd "${S}"
4775 -}
4776 -
4777 -src_configure() {
4778 - local myconf
4779 - myconf="${myconf} --disable-expattest"
4780 -
4781 - econf \
4782 - $(use_enable doc doxygen) \
4783 - $(use_enable debug) \
4784 - $(use_enable expat) \
4785 - ${myconf} || die "configure failed"
4786 -}
4787 -
4788 -src_compile() {
4789 - emake || die "make failed"
4790 -}
4791 -
4792 -src_install() {
4793 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"
4794 -
4795 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README TODO
4796 -
4797 - if use examples; then
4798 - insinto "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
4799 - doins -r examples/*
4800 - fi
4801 -}
4803 diff --git a/dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.4.ebuild b/dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.4.ebuild
4804 deleted file mode 100644
4805 index 06a2fbf..00000000
4806 --- a/dev-libs/log4c/log4c-1.2.4.ebuild
4807 +++ /dev/null
4808 @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
4809 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
4810 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4811 -# $Id$
4812 -
4813 -EAPI=5
4814 -
4815 -inherit autotools-utils
4816 -
4817 -DESCRIPTION="Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations"
4818 -HOMEPAGE=""
4819 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/log4c/${P}.tar.gz"
4820 -
4821 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
4822 -SLOT="0"
4823 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
4824 -IUSE="debug doc examples +expat static-libs"
4825 -
4826 -RDEPEND="expat? ( dev-libs/expat )"
4828 - doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[dot] )"
4829 -
4830 -PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-docdir.patch" )
4831 -
4832 -src_configure() {
4833 - local myeconfargs=(
4834 - --disable-expattest
4835 - $(use_enable debug)
4836 - $(use_enable doc)
4837 - )
4838 -
4839 - use expat || myeconfargs+=( --without-expat )
4840 -
4841 - autotools-utils_src_configure
4842 -}
4843 -
4844 -src_install() {
4845 - autotools-utils_src_install
4846 -
4847 - if use examples; then
4848 - insinto "/usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
4849 - doins -r examples/*
4850 - fi
4851 -}
4853 diff --git a/dev-libs/log4c/metadata.xml b/dev-libs/log4c/metadata.xml
4854 deleted file mode 100644
4855 index b913a7b..00000000
4856 --- a/dev-libs/log4c/metadata.xml
4857 +++ /dev/null
4858 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
4859 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4860 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
4861 -<pkgmetadata>
4862 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
4863 - <longdescription>
4864 - Log4c is a library of C for flexible logging to files, syslog and other destinations. It is modeled after the Log for Java library (, staying as close to their API as is reasonable.
4865 - </longdescription>
4866 - <upstream>
4867 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">log4c</remote-id>
4868 - </upstream>
4869 -</pkgmetadata>
4871 diff --git a/dev-python/pynut/Manifest b/dev-python/pynut/Manifest
4872 deleted file mode 100644
4873 index 580692f..00000000
4874 --- a/dev-python/pynut/Manifest
4875 +++ /dev/null
4876 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
4877 -DIST python-pynut-1.2.tar.gz 3610 SHA256 446adbc317f67815d0faefb679c0c7f47c2cba64efaa1b9386f08a442b3fd2ce SHA512 b4fcaff1a23648c7a7bb48bb3b795291a57aabc032c2ed53fc54eb87d6ba46c970fb67472e41e23ce40b021d2b21a027189c2c93369c7503078acc8109368fb7 WHIRLPOOL 03964bc2648b22543dc11da62ce27e3cbd36cfcbf1352fd9d442fe46e3f151500295a5bec745ab8ac50bda6c5607b90ccf17e35d2e44fbd8d17ee07d9fdceec4
4879 diff --git a/dev-python/pynut/metadata.xml b/dev-python/pynut/metadata.xml
4880 deleted file mode 100644
4881 index 7f4f33c..00000000
4882 --- a/dev-python/pynut/metadata.xml
4883 +++ /dev/null
4884 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
4885 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4886 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
4887 -<pkgmetadata>
4888 - <maintainer type="project">
4889 - <email>python@g.o</email>
4890 - <name>Python</name>
4891 - </maintainer>
4892 -</pkgmetadata>
4894 diff --git a/dev-python/pynut/pynut-1.2.ebuild b/dev-python/pynut/pynut-1.2.ebuild
4895 deleted file mode 100644
4896 index 895bc47..00000000
4897 --- a/dev-python/pynut/pynut-1.2.ebuild
4898 +++ /dev/null
4899 @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
4900 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
4901 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4902 -# $Id$
4903 -
4904 -EAPI="3"
4905 -
4908 -
4909 -inherit python
4910 -
4911 -DESCRIPTION="An abstraction class written in Python to access NUT (Network UPS Tools) server"
4912 -HOMEPAGE=""
4913 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
4914 -
4915 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
4916 -SLOT="0"
4917 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
4918 -IUSE=""
4919 -
4920 -S="${WORKDIR}/python-${P}"
4921 -
4922 -src_install() {
4923 - installation() {
4924 - insinto $(python_get_sitedir)
4925 - doins
4926 - }
4927 - python_execute_function -q installation
4928 -
4929 - dodoc README
4930 -}
4931 -
4932 -pkg_postinst() {
4933 - python_mod_optimize
4934 -}
4935 -
4936 -pkg_postrm() {
4937 - python_mod_cleanup
4938 -}
4940 diff --git a/dev-python/remoteobjects/metadata.xml b/dev-python/remoteobjects/metadata.xml
4941 deleted file mode 100644
4942 index 931a706..00000000
4943 --- a/dev-python/remoteobjects/metadata.xml
4944 +++ /dev/null
4945 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
4946 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4947 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
4948 -<pkgmetadata>
4949 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
4950 - <upstream>
4951 - <remote-id type="github">LegNeato/remoteobjects</remote-id>
4952 - </upstream>
4953 -</pkgmetadata>
4955 diff --git a/dev-python/remoteobjects/remoteobjects-99999999.ebuild b/dev-python/remoteobjects/remoteobjects-99999999.ebuild
4956 deleted file mode 100644
4957 index adca05c..00000000
4958 --- a/dev-python/remoteobjects/remoteobjects-99999999.ebuild
4959 +++ /dev/null
4960 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
4961 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
4962 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4963 -# $Id$
4964 -
4965 -EAPI=5
4966 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
4967 -
4968 -inherit distutils-r1
4969 -
4970 -if [[ ${PV} == "99999999" ]] ; then
4971 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git
4972 -${PN}.git"
4973 - inherit git-2
4974 -fi
4975 -
4976 -DESCRIPTION="subclassable Python objects for working with JSON REST APIs"
4977 -HOMEPAGE=""
4978 -
4980 -SLOT="0"
4981 -KEYWORDS=""
4982 -IUSE="test"
4983 -
4984 -RDEPEND="dev-python/simplejson[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
4985 - dev-python/httplib2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
4987 - dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
4988 - test? ( dev-python/mox[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )"
4989 -
4990 -python_prepare_all() {
4991 - # Disable failing tests.
4992 - sed -e "s/test_get_bad_encoding/_&/" -i tests/
4993 - distutils-r1_python_prepare_all
4994 -}
4995 -
4996 -pthon_test() {
4997 - nosetests || die "tests failed"
4998 -}
5000 diff --git a/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/Manifest b/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/Manifest
5001 deleted file mode 100644
5002 index 3549c54..00000000
5003 --- a/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/Manifest
5004 +++ /dev/null
5005 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5006 -DIST sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.4.tar.gz 4944 SHA256 2305cb631f6bea2bdae7c69d841b92c451115433c6b3b8fb1bee5fec323dd857 SHA512 a00760146ab56a96035d511fdf01d5dfbca5ef077b40ac00087267a702d7367d706f9956774af6acd7154d3b425452169d02f98170a765280e4d0b77e14b7438 WHIRLPOOL 7a4e4332b7f488c6e050c84670d1d06afc7b6375aa0b00231134c1fb24b63d8be73216b400c1c1417a1a3302421e045b9495f6906942fb6ebf0321f6c2b8aa1e
5008 diff --git a/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/metadata.xml b/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/metadata.xml
5009 deleted file mode 100644
5010 index 0f160b8..00000000
5011 --- a/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/metadata.xml
5012 +++ /dev/null
5013 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
5014 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5015 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5016 -<pkgmetadata>
5017 - <longdescription lang="en">
5018 - This package allows inline plantuml diagrams inside sphinx text files.
5019 - </longdescription>
5020 - <upstream>
5021 - <remote-id type="pypi">sphinxcontrib-plantuml</remote-id>
5022 - <remote-id type="bitbucket">birkenfeld/sphinx-contrib</remote-id>
5023 - </upstream>
5024 -</pkgmetadata>
5026 diff --git a/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.4.ebuild b/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.4.ebuild
5027 deleted file mode 100644
5028 index 93d63c6..00000000
5029 --- a/dev-python/sphinxcontrib-plantuml/sphinxcontrib-plantuml-0.4.ebuild
5030 +++ /dev/null
5031 @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
5032 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
5033 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5034 -# $Id$
5035 -
5036 -EAPI=5
5037 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_3,3_4} )
5038 -
5039 -inherit distutils-r1
5040 -
5041 -DESCRIPTION="Extension to embed UML diagram by using PlantUML"
5042 -HOMEPAGE=""
5043 -SRC_URI="mirror://pypi/${PN:0:1}/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
5044 -
5045 -LICENSE="BSD-2"
5046 -SLOT="0"
5047 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
5048 -
5049 -IUSE=""
5050 -
5051 -DEPEND="
5052 - >=dev-python/sphinx-1.1[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
5053 - dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
5054 -"
5056 - media-gfx/plantuml
5057 -"
5058 -
5059 -DOCS="README.rst"
5061 diff --git a/dev-ruby/fxruby/Manifest b/dev-ruby/fxruby/Manifest
5062 deleted file mode 100644
5063 index e600eb7..00000000
5064 --- a/dev-ruby/fxruby/Manifest
5065 +++ /dev/null
5066 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
5067 -DIST fxruby-1.6.29.gem 1894400 SHA256 d6e81d984a27e9abb9f51097a796b0d082ef08d186d2da8e1b948125a9ddb22e SHA512 5438ae48b1e95ef1247c214d44a8334ce54fd8396a7348de4796ab309a554014bd4f82e4a738d9192fe792d4decb91118f66e11e68e38d4a0620be33258b1823 WHIRLPOOL 5cf110f5a7c70ab14c047fb47a2554706adbf978faa46fec625f74651e3397b724e35c8dd805aae20884c826bc9bb17a82bd1891c21a1c08830135bac0602fe2
5068 -DIST fxruby-1.6.34.gem 1899008 SHA256 df9de29be580be2b4c59f7e77ec3c65c88eb94ef1536e3a0d421330d80abd44b SHA512 33b2a53c2cacd9fabdc7dd4e3b0db99c4eb2bd1380bf10b5e98bd923d30d2d64bc340cf4bccb4a0b33e87075529a532590e07115d44164a90e273c942dab8d3c WHIRLPOOL 99f13cc19804e46ce19ef221beea1b18e07be814e794bb5169912cb9a8df8d95c715f6e0487989c45d83eeab56f340f064cc729b0c63098a01b6e5cc823483d1
5070 diff --git a/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29-r1.ebuild b/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29-r1.ebuild
5071 deleted file mode 100644
5072 index 8aa8c44..00000000
5073 --- a/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29-r1.ebuild
5074 +++ /dev/null
5075 @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
5076 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
5077 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5078 -# $Id$
5079 -
5080 -EAPI=5
5081 -# ruby22 -> fails tests
5082 -USE_RUBY="ruby20 ruby21"
5083 -
5084 -RUBY_FAKEGEM_NAME="fxruby"
5085 -
5087 -
5088 -RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="History.txt index.html README.rdoc TODO"
5089 -
5090 -inherit multilib virtualx ruby-fakegem toolchain-funcs
5091 -
5092 -DESCRIPTION="Ruby language binding to the FOX GUI toolkit"
5093 -HOMEPAGE=""
5094 -
5095 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
5096 -SLOT="1.6"
5097 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
5098 -IUSE="examples doc"
5099 -
5100 -CDEPEND="x11-libs/fox:1.6 >=x11-libs/fxscintilla-1.62-r1"
5101 -DEPEND="${DEPEND} ${CDEPEND} dev-lang/swig"
5103 -
5104 -ruby_add_bdepend "test? ( dev-ruby/ruby-opengl )"
5105 -
5106 -ruby_add_bdepend "doc? ( dev-ruby/rdoc )"
5107 -
5108 -all_ruby_prepare() {
5109 - sed -i -e '/\[:compile\]/d' Rakefile || die
5110 - einfo "Avoid -O0 builds"
5111 - sed -i -e 's:-O0 -I:-I:' \
5112 - ext/fox16_c/extconf.rb || die "Can't fix forced -O0"
5113 -
5114 - # Use a more modern swig.
5115 - sed -i -e 's/swig-1.3.22/swig/g' Rakefile || die
5116 -
5117 - # Remove failing tests. We did not run tests before so this is not a
5118 - # regression for now.
5119 - rm test/TC_FXFileStream.rb test/TC_FXId.rb test/TC_FXMainWindow.rb test/TC_FXMaterial.rb || die
5120 -}
5121 -
5122 -each_ruby_configure() {
5123 - ${RUBY} -Cext/fox16_c extconf.rb || die
5124 -}
5125 -
5126 -each_ruby_compile() {
5127 - CXX=$(tc-getCXX) emake V=1 -Cext/fox16_c || die
5128 - cp ext/fox16_c/fox16_c$(get_modname) lib/ || die
5129 -}
5130 -
5131 -all_ruby_compile() {
5132 - all_fakegem_compile
5133 -
5134 - rdoc --main rdoc-sources/README.rdoc --exclude ext/fox16_c --exclude "/aliases|kwargs|missingdep|responder/" || die
5135 -}
5136 -
5137 -each_ruby_test() {
5138 - VIRTUALX_COMMAND=${RUBY} virtualmake -S testrb -Ilib test/TC_*.rb || die
5139 -}
5140 -
5141 -all_ruby_install() {
5142 - all_fakegem_install
5143 -
5144 - if use examples; then
5145 - for dir in sample samples example examples; do
5146 - if [ -d ${dir} ] ; then
5147 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
5148 - cp -pPR ${dir} "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} || die "cp failed"
5149 - fi
5150 - done
5151 - fi
5152 -}
5154 diff --git a/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29.ebuild b/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29.ebuild
5155 deleted file mode 100644
5156 index 32d0b2f..00000000
5157 --- a/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.29.ebuild
5158 +++ /dev/null
5159 @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
5160 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
5161 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5162 -# $Id$
5163 -
5164 -EAPI=5
5165 -# ruby22 -> fails tests
5166 -USE_RUBY="ruby20"
5167 -
5168 -RUBY_FAKEGEM_NAME="fxruby"
5169 -
5171 -
5172 -RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="History.txt index.html README.rdoc TODO"
5173 -
5174 -inherit multilib virtualx ruby-fakegem toolchain-funcs
5175 -
5176 -DESCRIPTION="Ruby language binding to the FOX GUI toolkit"
5177 -HOMEPAGE=""
5178 -
5179 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
5180 -SLOT="1.6"
5181 -KEYWORDS="amd64 hppa ppc ppc64 x86 ~x86-fbsd"
5182 -IUSE="examples doc"
5183 -
5184 -CDEPEND="x11-libs/fox:1.6 >=x11-libs/fxscintilla-1.62-r1"
5185 -DEPEND="${DEPEND} ${CDEPEND} dev-lang/swig"
5187 -
5188 -ruby_add_bdepend "test? ( dev-ruby/ruby-opengl )"
5189 -
5190 -ruby_add_bdepend "doc? ( dev-ruby/rdoc )"
5191 -
5192 -all_ruby_prepare() {
5193 - sed -i -e '/\[:compile\]/d' Rakefile || die
5194 - einfo "Avoid -O0 builds"
5195 - sed -i -e 's:-O0 -I:-I:' \
5196 - ext/fox16_c/extconf.rb || die "Can't fix forced -O0"
5197 -
5198 - # Use a more modern swig.
5199 - sed -i -e 's/swig-1.3.22/swig/g' Rakefile || die
5200 -
5201 - # Remove failing tests. We did not run tests before so this is not a
5202 - # regression for now.
5203 - rm test/TC_FXFileStream.rb test/TC_FXId.rb test/TC_FXMainWindow.rb test/TC_FXMaterial.rb || die
5204 -}
5205 -
5206 -each_ruby_configure() {
5207 - ${RUBY} -Cext/fox16_c extconf.rb || die
5208 -}
5209 -
5210 -each_ruby_compile() {
5211 - CXX=$(tc-getCXX) emake V=1 -Cext/fox16_c || die
5212 - cp ext/fox16_c/fox16_c$(get_modname) lib/ || die
5213 -}
5214 -
5215 -all_ruby_compile() {
5216 - all_fakegem_compile
5217 -
5218 - rdoc --main rdoc-sources/README.rdoc --exclude ext/fox16_c --exclude "/aliases|kwargs|missingdep|responder/" || die
5219 -}
5220 -
5221 -each_ruby_test() {
5222 - VIRTUALX_COMMAND=${RUBY} virtualmake -S testrb -Ilib test/TC_*.rb || die
5223 -}
5224 -
5225 -all_ruby_install() {
5226 - all_fakegem_install
5227 -
5228 - if use examples; then
5229 - for dir in sample samples example examples; do
5230 - if [ -d ${dir} ] ; then
5231 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
5232 - cp -pPR ${dir} "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} || die "cp failed"
5233 - fi
5234 - done
5235 - fi
5236 -}
5238 diff --git a/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.34.ebuild b/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.34.ebuild
5239 deleted file mode 100644
5240 index 4516910..00000000
5241 --- a/dev-ruby/fxruby/fxruby-1.6.34.ebuild
5242 +++ /dev/null
5243 @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
5244 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
5245 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5246 -# $Id$
5247 -
5248 -EAPI=5
5249 -# ruby22 -> fails tests
5250 -USE_RUBY="ruby20 ruby21 ruby22 ruby23"
5251 -
5252 -RUBY_FAKEGEM_NAME="fxruby"
5253 -
5255 -
5256 -RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="History.txt index.html README.rdoc TODO"
5257 -
5258 -inherit multilib virtualx ruby-fakegem toolchain-funcs
5259 -
5260 -DESCRIPTION="Ruby language binding to the FOX GUI toolkit"
5261 -HOMEPAGE=""
5262 -
5263 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
5264 -SLOT="1.6"
5265 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
5266 -IUSE="examples doc"
5267 -
5268 -CDEPEND="x11-libs/fox:1.6 >=x11-libs/fxscintilla-1.62-r1"
5269 -DEPEND="${DEPEND} ${CDEPEND} dev-lang/swig"
5271 -
5272 -ruby_add_bdepend "test? ( dev-ruby/ruby-opengl )"
5273 -
5274 -ruby_add_bdepend "doc? ( dev-ruby/rdoc )"
5275 -
5276 -all_ruby_prepare() {
5277 - sed -i -e '/\[:compile\]/d' Rakefile || die
5278 - einfo "Avoid -O0 builds"
5279 - sed -i -e 's:-O0 -I:-I:' \
5280 - ext/fox16_c/extconf.rb || die "Can't fix forced -O0"
5281 -
5282 - # Avoid mini-portile for building since this is only really used for Windows builds
5283 - sed -i -e '/mini_portile/ s:^:#:' \
5284 - -e '/MiniPortile/,/^end/ s:^:#:' \
5285 - ext/fox16_c/extconf.rb || die
5286 -
5287 - # Remove failing tests. We did not run tests before so this is not a
5288 - # regression for now.
5289 - rm -f test/TC_{FXApp,FXMainWindow}.rb || die
5290 -}
5291 -
5292 -each_ruby_configure() {
5293 - ${RUBY} -Cext/fox16_c extconf.rb || die
5294 -}
5295 -
5296 -each_ruby_compile() {
5297 - CXX=$(tc-getCXX) emake V=1 -Cext/fox16_c || die
5298 - cp ext/fox16_c/fox16_c$(get_modname) lib/ || die
5299 -}
5300 -
5301 -all_ruby_compile() {
5302 - all_fakegem_compile
5303 -
5304 - rdoc --main rdoc-sources/README.rdoc --exclude ext/fox16_c --exclude "/aliases|kwargs|missingdep|responder/" || die
5305 -}
5306 -
5307 -each_ruby_test() {
5308 - VIRTUALX_COMMAND=${RUBY} virtualmake -S testrb -Ilib test/TC_*.rb || die
5309 -}
5310 -
5311 -all_ruby_install() {
5312 - all_fakegem_install
5313 -
5314 - if use examples; then
5315 - for dir in sample samples example examples; do
5316 - if [ -d ${dir} ] ; then
5317 - dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF}
5318 - cp -pPR ${dir} "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} || die "cp failed"
5319 - fi
5320 - done
5321 - fi
5322 -}
5324 diff --git a/dev-ruby/fxruby/metadata.xml b/dev-ruby/fxruby/metadata.xml
5325 deleted file mode 100644
5326 index 28ab0c1..00000000
5327 --- a/dev-ruby/fxruby/metadata.xml
5328 +++ /dev/null
5329 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
5330 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5331 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5332 -<pkgmetadata>
5333 -<maintainer type="project">
5334 - <email>ruby@g.o</email>
5335 - <name>Gentoo Ruby Project</name>
5336 -</maintainer>
5337 -</pkgmetadata>
5339 diff --git a/dev-util/metro/Manifest b/dev-util/metro/Manifest
5340 deleted file mode 100644
5341 index c7a7049..00000000
5342 --- a/dev-util/metro/Manifest
5343 +++ /dev/null
5344 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5345 -DIST metro-1.5.1.tar.bz2 40418 SHA256 2119d0fc7ef329a2a9477231bac8ec75c8950378b08d32ae99b7e8c5ae671811 SHA512 e1c7adfa3ca98f658a2c9f3f4f40bbcb514570e825fd895809db2732b29ec82fda4fe77eb5f4bb85d8d262d7380fb3eb0682edf19e2ff00843c9fb005d80ad0e WHIRLPOOL 44f89d2ac520a90a3b3388b1e143c7b6b0682daab13b6fc077f8cc5aaf1fd2d39152411123ce7df0ca2104ce742b9b9f6d633aab8b4d8d0232e7bfb77a24505c
5347 diff --git a/dev-util/metro/metadata.xml b/dev-util/metro/metadata.xml
5348 deleted file mode 100644
5349 index bd7875e..00000000
5350 --- a/dev-util/metro/metadata.xml
5351 +++ /dev/null
5352 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
5353 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5354 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5355 -<pkgmetadata>
5356 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
5357 - <longdescription lang="en">
5358 - Metro is a build tool that can build Gentoo Linux OS releases and OpenVZ
5359 - templates. It’s designed to interface with a package manager such as
5360 - Portage/emerge so that users can build their own releases of Gentoo or
5361 - other Linux-based operating systems.
5362 -
5363 - The heart of Metro is its data-oriented recipe language and associated
5364 - parser, which has been designed to keep operating system builds
5365 - organized, consistent, maintainable and reliable.
5366 -
5367 - From a Gentoo perspective, you can view Metro as a complete re-thinking
5368 - and redesign of Gentoo’s Catalyst build tool – building on its strengths
5369 - and addessing its weaknesses.
5370 - </longdescription>
5371 - <use>
5372 - <flag name="ccache">Enable support for ccache</flag>
5373 - <flag name="git">Enable support for git snapshots</flag>
5374 - <flag name="threads">Enable support for pbzip2 tarball packing/unpacking</flag>
5375 - </use>
5376 -</pkgmetadata>
5378 diff --git a/dev-util/metro/metro-1.5.1.ebuild b/dev-util/metro/metro-1.5.1.ebuild
5379 deleted file mode 100644
5380 index efa5c11..00000000
5381 --- a/dev-util/metro/metro-1.5.1.ebuild
5382 +++ /dev/null
5383 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
5384 -# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
5385 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5386 -# $Id$
5387 -
5388 -EAPI="3"
5390 -inherit python
5391 -
5392 -DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating Gentoo and Funtoo releases"
5393 -HOMEPAGE=""
5394 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
5395 -
5396 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5397 -SLOT="0"
5398 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
5399 -IUSE="+ccache +git threads"
5400 -
5401 -DEPEND=""
5402 -RDEPEND="threads? ( app-arch/pbzip2 )
5403 - ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
5404 - git? ( dev-vcs/git )"
5405 -
5406 -src_install() {
5407 - insinto /usr/lib/metro
5408 - doins -r .
5409 - fperms 0755 /usr/lib/metro/metro
5410 - dosym /usr/lib/metro/metro /usr/bin/metro
5411 - python_convert_shebangs -r 2 "${ED}"
5412 -}
5414 diff --git a/games-mud/wxmud/metadata.xml b/games-mud/wxmud/metadata.xml
5415 deleted file mode 100644
5416 index d1d955a..00000000
5417 --- a/games-mud/wxmud/metadata.xml
5418 +++ /dev/null
5419 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
5420 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5421 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5422 -<pkgmetadata>
5423 - <maintainer type="person">
5424 - <email>leio@g.o</email>
5425 - </maintainer>
5426 - <longdescription>
5427 -wxMUD is an open source cross-platform graphical MUD client featuring MCCP, MXP and MSP support, among other usual features.
5428 - </longdescription>
5429 - <upstream>
5430 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">wxmud</remote-id>
5431 - </upstream>
5432 -</pkgmetadata>
5434 diff --git a/games-mud/wxmud/wxmud-9999.ebuild b/games-mud/wxmud/wxmud-9999.ebuild
5435 deleted file mode 100644
5436 index 68099e5..00000000
5437 --- a/games-mud/wxmud/wxmud-9999.ebuild
5438 +++ /dev/null
5439 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
5440 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
5441 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5442 -# $Id$
5443 -
5444 -EAPI=5
5445 -
5446 -WX_GTK_VER=2.8
5447 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
5448 -inherit flag-o-matic subversion wxwidgets autotools python-single-r1
5449 -
5450 -DESCRIPTION="Cross-platform MUD client"
5451 -HOMEPAGE=""
5452 -SRC_URI=""
5453 -ESVN_REPO_URI=""
5454 -
5455 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5456 -SLOT="0"
5457 -KEYWORDS=""
5458 -IUSE="python"
5459 -
5460 -RDEPEND="
5461 - >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4:2
5462 - x11-libs/wxGTK:${WX_GTK_VER}
5463 - python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )"
5465 -
5466 -pkg_setup() {
5467 - use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
5468 -}
5469 -
5470 -src_unpack() {
5471 - subversion_src_unpack
5472 - cd "${S}" || die
5473 - AT_M4DIR="m4" eautoreconf
5474 -}
5475 -
5476 -src_configure() {
5477 - append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
5478 - # No audiere in portage yet, so useful MSP support is disabled for now
5479 - econf \
5480 - --with-wx-config="${WX_CONFIG}" \
5481 - $(use_enable python) \
5482 - --disable-audiere
5483 -}
5484 -
5485 -src_compile() {
5486 - emake
5487 -}
5488 -
5489 -src_install() {
5490 - default
5491 - dodoc docs/input.txt docs/scripting.txt
5492 -}
5494 diff --git a/mail-filter/isbg/Manifest b/mail-filter/isbg/Manifest
5495 deleted file mode 100644
5496 index d5d1ec1..00000000
5497 --- a/mail-filter/isbg/Manifest
5498 +++ /dev/null
5499 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5500 -DIST isbg_0.99_20100303.tgz 7562 SHA256 cf47d36645e588132acb51459b767c9c31ea6d4322de341364034b4e669dcc42 SHA512 cea6bf34c07e34e3a640f680561f0a6aeb5dca7b82c745749f71adcdc4b117226b5a6b7b5f0208d51d4426477f13d93d984c6a4bdfd55baa9a80c8c82e31a15b WHIRLPOOL caee5a61260914495ca7730a9c7ff4fbe16e86389e89b14c76958a74a9adee4bcc45d55889ced2f59fbf619a204cdade6775f3f08ca0d1fa0f7af7224b7a3acd
5502 diff --git a/mail-filter/isbg/isbg-0.99-r1.ebuild b/mail-filter/isbg/isbg-0.99-r1.ebuild
5503 deleted file mode 100644
5504 index 52b0043..00000000
5505 --- a/mail-filter/isbg/isbg-0.99-r1.ebuild
5506 +++ /dev/null
5507 @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
5508 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
5509 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5510 -# $Id$
5511 -
5512 -EAPI=3
5514 -
5515 -inherit python
5516 -
5517 -MY_P="${P/-/_}_20100303"
5518 -DESCRIPTION="IMAP Spam Begone: a script that makes it easy to scan an IMAP inbox for spam using SpamAssassin"
5519 -HOMEPAGE=""
5520 -SRC_URI="mirror://github/ook/${PN}/${MY_P}.tgz"
5521 -
5522 -# upstream says:
5523 -# You may use isbg under any OSI approved open source license
5524 -# such as those listed at
5525 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5526 -SLOT="0"
5527 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
5528 -IUSE=""
5529 -
5530 -DEPEND=""
5532 - mail-filter/spamassassin
5533 -"
5534 -
5535 -pkg_setup() {
5536 - python_set_active_version 2
5537 -}
5538 -
5539 -src_prepare() {
5540 - python_convert_shebangs 2
5541 -}
5542 -
5543 -src_install() {
5544 - dobin || die "script installation failed"
5545 - dodoc CHANGELOG CONTRIBUTORS README || die "doc installation failed"
5546 -}
5548 diff --git a/mail-filter/isbg/metadata.xml b/mail-filter/isbg/metadata.xml
5549 deleted file mode 100644
5550 index 5bc0536..00000000
5551 --- a/mail-filter/isbg/metadata.xml
5552 +++ /dev/null
5553 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
5554 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5555 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5556 -<pkgmetadata>
5557 - <upstream>
5558 - <remote-id type="github">downloads/ook</remote-id>
5559 - </upstream>
5560 -</pkgmetadata>
5562 diff --git a/media-gfx/cutycapt/Manifest b/media-gfx/cutycapt/Manifest
5563 deleted file mode 100644
5564 index adb9fc4..00000000
5565 --- a/media-gfx/cutycapt/Manifest
5566 +++ /dev/null
5567 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5568 -DIST cutycapt-0_p20120409.tar.gz 7053 SHA256 5e5feb898379f7beca2cf1c6d37eefe2926d73453ad530e8866c0cb013ea04ed SHA512 02bf95dcfb9b1c95baef9c18c3624e684bd84a22db5644bf6b77f17d5f2c4a366dcc9036a303603eec505fb09700088575f973afa1d6f67eb43abd08abdeadec WHIRLPOOL 2ffe18a1d0e26dfc258d7d01e87ee1ceedcd18a10dd382fe4587a144f00d8cc857f8e5fec7b907f0b4f97e1cdc4567ddf655e710fede56e1ac13c679b322888f
5570 diff --git a/media-gfx/cutycapt/cutycapt-0_p20120409.ebuild b/media-gfx/cutycapt/cutycapt-0_p20120409.ebuild
5571 deleted file mode 100644
5572 index b9764dc..00000000
5573 --- a/media-gfx/cutycapt/cutycapt-0_p20120409.ebuild
5574 +++ /dev/null
5575 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
5576 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
5577 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5578 -# $Id$
5579 -
5580 -EAPI=4
5581 -inherit qt4-r2
5582 -
5583 -DESCRIPTION="Qt WebKit Web Page Rendering Capture Utility"
5584 -HOMEPAGE=""
5585 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
5586 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
5587 -SLOT="0"
5588 -
5589 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
5590 -IUSE=""
5591 -DEPEND="dev-qt/qtgui:4 dev-qt/qtwebkit:4 dev-qt/qtcore:4 dev-qt/qtsvg:4"
5593 -
5594 -src_configure() {
5595 - eqmake4
5596 -}
5597 -
5598 -src_install() {
5599 - dobin CutyCapt
5600 -}
5601 -
5602 -pkg_postinst() {
5603 - einfo "Upstream is no longer actively developing package."
5604 - einfo "Recommends switching to PhantomJS instead."
5605 - einfo ""
5606 - einfo "You cannot use CutyCapt without an X server, but you"
5607 - einfo "can use e.g. Xvfb as light-weight server."
5608 - einfo "See ${HOMEPAGE} for usage."
5609 -}
5611 diff --git a/media-gfx/cutycapt/metadata.xml b/media-gfx/cutycapt/metadata.xml
5612 deleted file mode 100644
5613 index abbbe0c..00000000
5614 --- a/media-gfx/cutycapt/metadata.xml
5615 +++ /dev/null
5616 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
5617 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5618 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5619 -<pkgmetadata>
5620 - <longdescription>
5621 - A Qt WebKit Web Page Rendering Capture Utility
5622 - </longdescription>
5623 - <upstream>
5624 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">cutycapt</remote-id>
5625 - </upstream>
5626 -</pkgmetadata>
5628 diff --git a/media-gfx/xsvg/Manifest b/media-gfx/xsvg/Manifest
5629 deleted file mode 100644
5630 index dd1e2d5..00000000
5631 --- a/media-gfx/xsvg/Manifest
5632 +++ /dev/null
5633 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5634 -DIST xsvg-0.2.1.tar.gz 91431 SHA256 af75bb7f5ab15310c34a1ca3d357c7f5210be6439a3a76047c44ad9f0a3c2d6f SHA512 e3ddc7253e881d699a49803509076a06c41ee470764f1faf93b09b2e896b1688fb728ed91315920f2ce0df6af7382922d94bfd0e2ec0dd9c9cf744f773c69b34 WHIRLPOOL 8c12bac10b976a3344d42204d739e06384d8297f10c6916b992fd7e480dbedb4198acec01fa6e30a62dbcf46005165d1175e10415331b89edd16f10f9d2567a5
5636 diff --git a/media-gfx/xsvg/files/xsvg-0.2.1-asneeded.patch b/media-gfx/xsvg/files/xsvg-0.2.1-asneeded.patch
5637 deleted file mode 100644
5638 index aafe098..00000000
5639 --- a/media-gfx/xsvg/files/xsvg-0.2.1-asneeded.patch
5640 +++ /dev/null
5641 @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
5642 -diff -ur xsvg-0.2.1.orig/src/ xsvg-0.2.1/src/
5643 ---- xsvg-0.2.1.orig/src/ 2003-12-19 17:07:21.000000000 +0200
5644 -+++ xsvg-0.2.1/src/ 2007-03-12 22:31:55.000000000 +0200
5645 -@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
5646 - xsvg.c
5647 -
5649 --xsvg_LDFLAGS = $(X_LIBS) $(XSVG_LIBS)
5650 -+xsvg_LDADD = $(X_LIBS) $(XSVG_LIBS)
5652 diff --git a/media-gfx/xsvg/metadata.xml b/media-gfx/xsvg/metadata.xml
5653 deleted file mode 100644
5654 index 19bf1be..00000000
5655 --- a/media-gfx/xsvg/metadata.xml
5656 +++ /dev/null
5657 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
5658 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5659 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5660 -<pkgmetadata>
5661 -<maintainer type="project">
5662 - <email>graphics@g.o</email>
5663 - <name>Gentoo Graphics Project</name>
5664 -</maintainer>
5665 -</pkgmetadata>
5667 diff --git a/media-gfx/xsvg/xsvg-0.2.1.ebuild b/media-gfx/xsvg/xsvg-0.2.1.ebuild
5668 deleted file mode 100644
5669 index da41a89..00000000
5670 --- a/media-gfx/xsvg/xsvg-0.2.1.ebuild
5671 +++ /dev/null
5672 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
5673 -# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
5674 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5675 -# $Id$
5676 -
5677 -EAPI=2
5678 -
5679 -inherit autotools eutils
5680 -
5681 -DESCRIPTION="a command line viewer for SVG files"
5682 -HOMEPAGE=""
5683 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
5684 -
5686 -SLOT="0"
5687 -KEYWORDS="amd64 hppa ppc ~sparc x86"
5688 -IUSE=""
5689 -
5690 -RDEPEND="
5691 - x11-libs/cairo[X]
5692 - x11-libs/libsvg-cairo"
5694 - x11-libs/libXt
5695 - x11-libs/libXcursor"
5696 -
5697 -src_prepare() {
5698 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-asneeded.patch
5699 - eautoreconf
5700 -}
5701 -
5702 -src_install() {
5703 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed."
5704 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README
5705 -}
5707 diff --git a/media-libs/libdlna/Manifest b/media-libs/libdlna/Manifest
5708 deleted file mode 100644
5709 index fb42cd6..00000000
5710 --- a/media-libs/libdlna/Manifest
5711 +++ /dev/null
5712 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5713 -DIST libdlna-0.2.4.tar.bz2 37579 SHA256 4b2787392ea5ff61c0056bbaa0bb00a2c83d595d20b5658741658cddd17678c5 SHA512 2d6185e0d7f9d449fe48e5e6c7331a46fb795794c6b8f229e730e47ae519e28d012a79227c2bb43d3a62442560e0d65c8a84ef48e714a99848b854495d6bf7e6 WHIRLPOOL c2977ca71891cd64b12342b6ceb509c7c03ddb3ae1cbda44c0517796e990c07c9306c7372fcd112d7f211d7f79ae476fe146eaf2197065d5aebf6ba7dc20fda9
5715 diff --git a/media-libs/libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-ffmpeg.patch b/media-libs/libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-ffmpeg.patch
5716 deleted file mode 100644
5717 index 1a908ac..00000000
5718 --- a/media-libs/libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-ffmpeg.patch
5719 +++ /dev/null
5720 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
5721 -Adapt to the latest ffmpeg API
5722 -
5723 -Gentoo bugzilla:
5724 -Signed-off-by: Markos Chandras <hwoarang@g.o>
5725 -
5726 -Index: libdlna-0.2.4/src/profiles.c
5727 -===================================================================
5728 ---- libdlna-0.2.4.orig/src/profiles.c
5729 -+++ libdlna-0.2.4/src/profiles.c
5730 -@@ -334,7 +334,12 @@ dlna_guess_media_profile (dlna_t *dlna,
5731 - p = p->next;
5732 - }
5733 -
5735 - av_close_input_file (ctx);
5736 -+#else
5737 -+ avformat_close_input(&ctx);
5738 -+#endif
5739 -+
5740 - free (codecs);
5741 - return profile;
5742 - }
5744 diff --git a/media-libs/libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-libav9.patch b/media-libs/libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-libav9.patch
5745 deleted file mode 100644
5746 index 7b6deb0..00000000
5747 --- a/media-libs/libdlna/files/libdlna-0.2.4-libav9.patch
5748 +++ /dev/null
5749 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
5750 ---- a/src/profiles.c
5751 -+++ b/src/profiles.c
5752 -@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
5753 - return NULL;
5754 - }
5755 -
5756 -- if (av_find_stream_info (ctx) < 0)
5757 -+ if (avformat_find_stream_info (ctx, NULL) < 0)
5758 - {
5759 - if (dlna->verbosity)
5760 - fprintf (stderr, "can't find stream info\n");
5762 diff --git a/media-libs/libdlna/libdlna-0.2.4.ebuild b/media-libs/libdlna/libdlna-0.2.4.ebuild
5763 deleted file mode 100644
5764 index 702d5dd..00000000
5765 --- a/media-libs/libdlna/libdlna-0.2.4.ebuild
5766 +++ /dev/null
5767 @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
5768 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
5769 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5770 -# $Id$
5771 -
5772 -EAPI=5
5773 -inherit eutils multilib toolchain-funcs
5774 -
5775 -DESCRIPTION="A reference open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards"
5776 -HOMEPAGE=""
5777 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
5778 -
5779 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5780 -SLOT="0"
5781 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux"
5782 -
5783 -DEPEND=">=virtual/ffmpeg-0.6.90"
5785 -
5786 -src_prepare() {
5787 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-libav9.patch
5788 - # 540150
5789 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ffmpeg.patch
5790 -
5791 - tc-export CC
5792 -}
5793 -
5794 -src_configure() {
5795 - # I can't use econf
5796 - # --host is not implemented in ./configure file
5797 - ./configure \
5798 - --prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
5799 - --libdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)" \
5800 - --disable-static \
5801 - || die
5802 -}
5803 -
5804 -src_compile() {
5805 - # not parallel safe, error "cannot find -ldlna"
5806 - emake -j1
5807 -}
5809 diff --git a/media-libs/libdlna/metadata.xml b/media-libs/libdlna/metadata.xml
5810 deleted file mode 100644
5811 index 6f49eba..00000000
5812 --- a/media-libs/libdlna/metadata.xml
5813 +++ /dev/null
5814 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
5815 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5816 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5817 -<pkgmetadata>
5818 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
5819 -</pkgmetadata>
5821 diff --git a/media-libs/libsvg/Manifest b/media-libs/libsvg/Manifest
5822 deleted file mode 100644
5823 index 81fb1f4..00000000
5824 --- a/media-libs/libsvg/Manifest
5825 +++ /dev/null
5826 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
5827 -DIST libsvg-0.1.4.tar.gz 366688 SHA256 4c3bf9292e676a72b12338691be64d0f38cd7f2ea5e8b67fbbf45f1ed404bc8f SHA512 b6767003005b00863c651d59f77c5eb4fcea18a38d4265ed53c72e87e7e4cd273b9ec176c26e385a8f7551b6286b3ce3af66496c0c2af8b249a5eef3e40159a2 WHIRLPOOL 9b5e4c4d5eaa3dabd1badcda6fdd6a4562af042058c9d2ca3e335ec9b4c6483870da30025aa0a344ec436b08e982035cc55684171f7705b1f204ac9ca5c2e16c
5829 diff --git a/media-libs/libsvg/files/libsvg-0.1.4-asneeded.patch b/media-libs/libsvg/files/libsvg-0.1.4-asneeded.patch
5830 deleted file mode 100644
5831 index 3544535..00000000
5832 --- a/media-libs/libsvg/files/libsvg-0.1.4-asneeded.patch
5833 +++ /dev/null
5834 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
5835 ---- 2009-01-04 16:26:45.836984083 +0100
5836 -+++ 2009-01-04 16:26:30.409983868 +0100
5837 -@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
5839 - LIBSVG_REQUIRES="libxml-2.0"
5840 - fi
5841 -+AC_SEARCH_LIBS([jpeg_stdio_src], [jpeg])
5846 diff --git a/media-libs/libsvg/libsvg-0.1.4-r1.ebuild b/media-libs/libsvg/libsvg-0.1.4-r1.ebuild
5847 deleted file mode 100644
5848 index 671d907..00000000
5849 --- a/media-libs/libsvg/libsvg-0.1.4-r1.ebuild
5850 +++ /dev/null
5851 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
5852 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
5853 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5854 -# $Id$
5855 -
5856 -inherit autotools eutils libtool
5857 -
5858 -DESCRIPTION="A parser for SVG content in files or buffers"
5859 -HOMEPAGE=""
5860 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
5861 -
5862 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5863 -SLOT="0"
5864 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x86-solaris"
5865 -IUSE=""
5866 -
5867 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/libxml2
5868 - media-libs/libpng
5869 - virtual/jpeg"
5871 - virtual/pkgconfig"
5872 -
5873 -src_unpack() {
5874 - unpack ${A}
5875 - cd "${S}"
5876 - sed -i \
5877 - -e 's:png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8:png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8:' \
5878 - src/svg_image.c || die
5879 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-asneeded.patch
5880 - elibtoolize
5881 - eautoconf
5882 -}
5883 -
5884 -src_install() {
5885 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed."
5886 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README TODO
5887 -}
5889 diff --git a/media-libs/libsvg/metadata.xml b/media-libs/libsvg/metadata.xml
5890 deleted file mode 100644
5891 index 6ade85e..00000000
5892 --- a/media-libs/libsvg/metadata.xml
5893 +++ /dev/null
5894 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
5895 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5896 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
5897 -<pkgmetadata>
5898 - <maintainer type="project">
5899 - <email>graphics@g.o</email>
5900 - <name>Gentoo Graphics Project</name>
5901 - </maintainer>
5902 -</pkgmetadata>
5904 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/Manifest b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/Manifest
5905 deleted file mode 100644
5906 index 120b1f4..00000000
5907 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/Manifest
5908 +++ /dev/null
5909 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
5910 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.65.tar.gz 24483 SHA256 5b27718179634b61cad9843be4ff70b23a9be2f50134d5594e7ce329c1907c0d SHA512 155b835050bed01c8f77fc5cf86571e0b4414e6557e36463d127d343423dbae27b357d9d1aec6c8fccd38b0f629e194a780cb0fcef46ef8fdb9e6bd0fe4f62db WHIRLPOOL bfae9144590b9a71431565ebd72bbe049edc85ff02470656384d046d06ccff7678538faeb249ab50b62f4e6a30e93c4010241161f975536102409bf59f79faa3
5911 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.73.tar.gz 19608 SHA256 189ca98cdce0fa79ec3695bdb09e57cb97881c5cae7a36e3722c636801b76265 SHA512 390654c402e1d7b7af68f86e90bf10440378fbd2a0c710975367e2506f55da734d580d530e88db3f28bdab4d1f3e5f17739586ba2dc627e2929ea7ee636da437 WHIRLPOOL 80a2e4350678a03c51a6ac6a4ca07c5fd9c1f5fb36075ff4189a16dea9e50a18e242527f4238683f690353be62814f87647c9fe63d36fbfaee3484ed420aa3a1
5912 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.74.tar.gz 19616 SHA256 be920a99cb03ad95f0448ff73f55f2a4f75b54b247e62621ef3e4d1542b7fbd6 SHA512 38c2af975dabd8d3123fa8a96fa627dea189d75ac06d3360650e4dca48131118cec55b295b317dfe1a307d3888f3cb4525c02c38cd3b46645ccbe9a8038ed381 WHIRLPOOL 201474f1e2fba8aa37c53bb397f95e755f9c0eb76ed3348058e9f2908fdd30c54bb3715f49b9c429ab598abbcf6ed69ed4b45ad2b0d94881c3e16d6dc5c6d0fe
5913 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.80.tar.gz 19905 SHA256 534a47f7ae1a14b8fcd877082d00cf0cc96cec9b6c4c5cc8cf01443c150bb469 SHA512 3b4de8eb9c22aa2ad0d931d29c54ed61c5a59865f070841b7708da8ca596b087367cb9d6561064de5248e9b773a5f2e226c779034cfcf8ab19d6a26f10083d46 WHIRLPOOL 2b2605dba510e19e7dba31bcf00707c0b3a32853c5344a13b04f2878700ef3f88f92bdf1ca71dec05a37434cca15723fa5df6601b4f8eb39d839df0063deb9dc
5914 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.81.tar.gz 19819 SHA256 a8fc36ee3080e6d736da427e6336a9de6088ea5b0e099612cc03463f5ae52a85 SHA512 4c25a14810803c625be11fde854343ad72e69f624aa8e2fbb78c8e12f4490192d35596b7e1b0b412c84078134a0c8ef0669651d492dea45f4d4cba36a8562bae WHIRLPOOL 1075b7346d6f933370cb572e5fabc86a763303e77dd3d0a73868531791f1e8fba9b42d51c01c7ecfd33fe111a23149444d656a57e91a5655638f2d118c169a62
5915 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.82.tar.gz 19839 SHA256 a1c1a0cc513a7c261f789aa533907e02c14d55342771177f11b07154e3056a03 SHA512 5e8e821f7d63054e1909365c605ee9205c4551d63fd1a39d8d33b98e66bcb93cc4ad7ee6676a2db40b7df16652fa0f1ce48e41f033390ef347ec013bacdd6e67 WHIRLPOOL f86261b1a00f1d850351fc5ca2aeeb4d0793d7afaa3ff8487430ff71a99d4b64b02cdd58e52505f607d5d76ad50a0510af0fcee4b7787762373fd4f039b1f335
5916 -DIST audacious-dumb-0.83.tar.gz 19325 SHA256 c9d218228b2dcbbbaea12b0ff8e1782d0fe5b7b8028fccd0f946db3c6b05517c SHA512 7cce90ff698166f0945db12b9bdc6719a0b85719ef2d1b74e8ae2665bee0c193a2a1d4fbec3d6cabb5d6fb871bffff47921121e4bcf6ff57fed8aea3f966e56e WHIRLPOOL a948a4fe2def66e16bcd947e4f5d880a4c7fdb65926db5a32265c9a82a4652e783a10bfef5d2a529725d6f4d3c891549fc63a2ed7f08f54127ff215f4982e902
5918 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.65.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.65.ebuild
5919 deleted file mode 100644
5920 index 80bb55a..00000000
5921 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.65.ebuild
5922 +++ /dev/null
5923 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
5924 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
5925 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5926 -# $Id$
5927 -
5928 -EAPI="5"
5929 -
5930 -inherit toolchain-funcs
5931 -
5932 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
5933 -HOMEPAGE=""
5934 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
5935 -
5936 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5937 -SLOT="0"
5938 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
5939 -IUSE=""
5940 -
5941 -RDEPEND="<media-sound/audacious-3.0
5942 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
5943 -
5944 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
5945 - ${RDEPEND}"
5946 -
5947 -src_compile() {
5948 - tc-export CC
5949 - emake || die "emake failed"
5950 -}
5951 -
5952 -src_install() {
5953 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
5954 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
5955 -}
5957 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.73.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.73.ebuild
5958 deleted file mode 100644
5959 index 82dd6da..00000000
5960 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.73.ebuild
5961 +++ /dev/null
5962 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
5963 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
5964 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
5965 -# $Id$
5966 -
5967 -EAPI="4"
5968 -
5969 -inherit toolchain-funcs
5970 -
5971 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
5972 -HOMEPAGE=""
5973 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
5974 -
5975 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
5976 -SLOT="0"
5977 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
5978 -IUSE=""
5979 -
5980 -RDEPEND="=media-sound/audacious-3.1*
5981 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
5982 -
5983 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
5984 - ${RDEPEND}"
5985 -
5986 -src_compile() {
5987 - tc-export CC
5988 - emake || die "emake failed"
5989 -}
5990 -
5991 -src_install() {
5992 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
5993 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
5994 -}
5996 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.74.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.74.ebuild
5997 deleted file mode 100644
5998 index 82dd6da..00000000
5999 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.74.ebuild
6000 +++ /dev/null
6001 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
6002 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
6003 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6004 -# $Id$
6005 -
6006 -EAPI="4"
6007 -
6008 -inherit toolchain-funcs
6009 -
6010 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
6011 -HOMEPAGE=""
6012 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
6013 -
6014 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
6015 -SLOT="0"
6016 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
6017 -IUSE=""
6018 -
6019 -RDEPEND="=media-sound/audacious-3.1*
6020 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
6021 -
6022 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
6023 - ${RDEPEND}"
6024 -
6025 -src_compile() {
6026 - tc-export CC
6027 - emake || die "emake failed"
6028 -}
6029 -
6030 -src_install() {
6031 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
6032 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
6033 -}
6035 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.80.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.80.ebuild
6036 deleted file mode 100644
6037 index 72ff84f..00000000
6038 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.80.ebuild
6039 +++ /dev/null
6040 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
6041 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
6042 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6043 -# $Id$
6044 -
6045 -EAPI="4"
6046 -
6047 -inherit toolchain-funcs
6048 -
6049 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
6050 -HOMEPAGE=""
6051 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
6052 -
6053 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
6054 -SLOT="0"
6055 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
6056 -IUSE=""
6057 -
6058 -RDEPEND="=media-sound/audacious-3.2*
6059 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
6060 -
6061 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
6062 - ${RDEPEND}"
6063 -
6064 -src_compile() {
6065 - tc-export CC
6066 - emake || die "emake failed"
6067 -}
6068 -
6069 -src_install() {
6070 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
6071 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
6072 -}
6074 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.81.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.81.ebuild
6075 deleted file mode 100644
6076 index 635ae93..00000000
6077 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.81.ebuild
6078 +++ /dev/null
6079 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
6080 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
6081 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6082 -# $Id$
6083 -
6084 -EAPI="4"
6085 -
6086 -inherit toolchain-funcs
6087 -
6088 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
6089 -HOMEPAGE=""
6090 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
6091 -
6092 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
6093 -SLOT="0"
6094 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
6095 -IUSE=""
6096 -
6097 -RDEPEND=">=media-sound/audacious-3.3
6098 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
6099 -
6100 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
6101 - ${RDEPEND}"
6102 -
6103 -src_compile() {
6104 - tc-export CC
6105 - emake || die "emake failed"
6106 -}
6107 -
6108 -src_install() {
6109 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
6110 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
6111 -}
6113 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.82.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.82.ebuild
6114 deleted file mode 100644
6115 index b9ae30a..00000000
6116 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.82.ebuild
6117 +++ /dev/null
6118 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
6119 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
6120 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6121 -# $Id$
6122 -
6123 -EAPI="4"
6124 -
6125 -inherit toolchain-funcs
6126 -
6127 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
6128 -HOMEPAGE=""
6129 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
6130 -
6131 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
6132 -SLOT="0"
6133 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
6134 -IUSE=""
6135 -
6136 -RDEPEND=">=media-sound/audacious-3.3
6137 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
6138 -
6139 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
6140 - ${RDEPEND}"
6141 -
6142 -src_compile() {
6143 - tc-export CC
6144 - emake || die "emake failed"
6145 -}
6146 -
6147 -src_install() {
6148 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
6149 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
6150 -}
6152 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.83.ebuild b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.83.ebuild
6153 deleted file mode 100644
6154 index fa9ca96..00000000
6155 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/audacious-dumb-0.83.ebuild
6156 +++ /dev/null
6157 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
6158 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
6159 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6160 -# $Id$
6161 -
6162 -EAPI="5"
6163 -
6164 -inherit toolchain-funcs
6165 -
6166 -DESCRIPTION="Audacious Plug-in for accurate, high-quality IT/XM/S3M/MOD playback"
6167 -HOMEPAGE=""
6168 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
6169 -
6170 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
6171 -SLOT="0"
6172 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
6173 -IUSE=""
6174 -
6175 -RDEPEND=">=media-sound/audacious-3.5
6176 - >=media-libs/dumb-0.9.3"
6177 -
6178 -DEPEND="virtual/pkgconfig
6179 - ${RDEPEND}"
6180 -
6181 -src_compile() {
6182 - tc-export CC
6183 - emake || die "emake failed"
6184 -}
6185 -
6186 -src_install() {
6187 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
6188 - dodoc ChangeLog README README-dumb-bmp README-dumb-xmms
6189 -}
6191 diff --git a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/metadata.xml b/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/metadata.xml
6192 deleted file mode 100644
6193 index 6ef24c0..00000000
6194 --- a/media-plugins/audacious-dumb/metadata.xml
6195 +++ /dev/null
6196 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
6197 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6198 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
6199 -<pkgmetadata>
6200 -<maintainer type="project">
6201 -<email>sound@g.o</email>
6202 -<name>Gentoo Sound project</name>
6203 -</maintainer>
6204 -</pkgmetadata>
6206 diff --git a/media-sound/gnaural/Manifest b/media-sound/gnaural/Manifest
6207 deleted file mode 100644
6208 index ab3e3f1..00000000
6209 --- a/media-sound/gnaural/Manifest
6210 +++ /dev/null
6211 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
6212 -DIST gnaural-1.0.20110606.tar.gz 414028 SHA256 c5efe082a10290cc0d5ed51a3abe67cfcbf6f77827c86bb709ae5719be56395d SHA512 328704fc082d826cf5a681ace8a32c426a3560046f8133ca5c726ad3a4e0071fffa81ffe4ccb4df2b6dad4cfcde6ad40ebea8aeb01e20a494bb7b965116a64c9 WHIRLPOOL 9461bf21aa2a67636742f90a25617bb87e876a7efe2cc4591d83eb97c4d527f0f6bd00e06a26dc309dce30d1deec9854961a2f9d2ab318a76124bbb329a8f8fa
6214 diff --git a/media-sound/gnaural/gnaural-1.0.20110606.ebuild b/media-sound/gnaural/gnaural-1.0.20110606.ebuild
6215 deleted file mode 100644
6216 index 0c9c8c8..00000000
6217 --- a/media-sound/gnaural/gnaural-1.0.20110606.ebuild
6218 +++ /dev/null
6219 @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
6220 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
6221 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
6222 -# $Id$
6223 -
6224 -EAPI=5
6225 -GCONF_DEBUG="no"
6226 -
6227 -inherit autotools gnome2
6228 -
6229 -DESCRIPTION="An opensource binaural-beat generator"
6230 -HOMEPAGE=""
6231 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/Gnaural/${P}.tar.gz"
6232 -
6233 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
6234 -SLOT="0"
6235 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
6236 -IUSE="nls"
6237 -
6238 -RDEPEND="
6239 - >=x11-libs/gtk+-2:2
6240 - >=gnome-base/libglade-2
6241 - >=dev-libs/glib-2:2
6242 - >=media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.2
6243 - >=media-libs/portaudio-19_pre20071207
6244 -"
6246 - nls? ( dev-util/intltool )
6247 - virtual/pkgconfig
6248 -"
6249 -
6250 -src_prepare() {
6251 - mv || die #426262
6252 -
6253 - # Install desktop file into xdg compliant location
6254 - sed -i -e 's@/gnome/apps/Multimedia@/applications@g' \
6255 - || die "Failed to sed"
6256 -
6257 - eautoreconf
6258 - gnome2_src_prepare
6259 -}
6260 -
6261 -src_configure() {
6262 - gnome2_src_configure \
6263 - $(use_enable nls)
6264 -}
6266 diff --git a/media-sound/gnaural/metadata.xml b/media-sound/gnaural/metadata.xml
6267 deleted file mode 100644
6268 index 7436e65..00000000
6269 --- a/media-sound/gnaural/metadata.xml
6270 +++ /dev/null
6271 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
6272 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
6273 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
6274 -<pkgmetadata>
6275 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
6276 - <longdescription>
6277 - Gnaural is an opensource programmable auditory binaural-beat generator, implementing the principle described in the October 1973 Scientific American article "Auditory Beats in the Brain" by Gerald Oster. The theme of the article is that the processing of binaural beats involves different neural pathways than conventional hearing. Research inspired by the article went on to show that binaural beats can induce a "frequency-following response" (FFR) in brainwave activity.
6278 - </longdescription>
6279 - <upstream>
6280 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">gnaural</remote-id>
6281 - </upstream>
6282 -</pkgmetadata>
6284 diff --git a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/Manifest b/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/Manifest
6285 deleted file mode 100644
6286 index 18eed66..00000000
6287 --- a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/Manifest
6288 +++ /dev/null
6289 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
6290 -DIST 2830SCap2.sys 86912 SHA256 ba96cf8e973c721a7a5a78f99b46065fef6a44169f7c2c75007f51b1432b2538 SHA512 641d9c8a44f7a6833538d780e45f71108a2d2d3a36913118d221e923b083eced572ee681a748ec492039d632a2f5124a8d1c5949938aeeae377337c2a6ef1136 WHIRLPOOL 6b0d4499a961b273150cd92ea3383fd77bad27fbbcf879240660d4ad2fe4e45ae0f6c4837397547212ffd5dd66df3445a9737c3182d1d721b52ace3837e3da09
6291 -DIST 2830SLoad2.sys 15872 SHA256 899c3ddecd4227d0bf8ac393a297bc3fe9cd5e366d389154044d14a7dcf255b6 SHA512 594c8608682a515c21112f95be73135d3400a2fcd0d5896c12dae65ca2bdcf50cbd51c01dc4e68b613b848e90d957d259c20bcd670b897df44e33f189df96730 WHIRLPOOL 9f142959ebdacfcc12e845707f5a3b8a9f311bbb589bc806b1d83da100435c39122acd9c3177372d5eee5f708aca94f849d9811603e23cd6b8b3916e40940592
6292 -DIST 235227 SHA256 a8e994a4af94cc5c4808603d648a19d5056f85338cfa6bfffffb072f2fde36bf SHA512 afbb14176d4ea201f67cb6cbb8a525bf6a8bbeb9ef4ec865165a337d4a59e43fe71419123671407e659789662bbd5d7aa3fe16ea7d690abeec5ae26cfb9f7f4e WHIRLPOOL d931f3b068b63655f7439227a3d225563bcee586c705d165238eca1eda0b2bd8ec04139b796c511f593e42ba892d8a663af816039dba67180eeaaaf8054d5159
6293 -DIST 156028 SHA256 7f65564416b12bc34d0d2e49b61a11c557e0f48a49064a8c880423606d43aa3f SHA512 df8515e05fcb612b094e6c65caf10eab571178fe2fbf3b5645ceaec56c2221edf2bb059165c259484acaac77d9779c7b8cc347ffd8b24339be472d982e1222ff WHIRLPOOL 632f517883b6d68af994bc31476aa994cf991fb9ee0bf67e8f426a5c81042b2ac1cf407540069cfa16a0695d75dda605560501fec18c4a4fa851e2209489880e
6294 -DIST 22366414 SHA256 887492ba12193ed39ac28ed98f02e6ebb7290807461f4c7ffb10750685098061 SHA512 08d840c08fcd59d4a613197adf5d271a76de101e0db7fdee21a7fa38b1d6f5b573e58f430e95c74a35db33e2866316143bc56f17316acdfb6875f390cbd64362 WHIRLPOOL 0252866f0af60f8df354a5432a54d0ef7977da438397aa917eded37c61bb350203523c8c1ffda81e139082f6ce58829f36e0b5036e7511eb3508d7f2e86b2419
6295 -DIST Tevii_linuxdriver_0815.rar 3743579 SHA256 e1c5f04d3c565e43f90cf00dea6a1c30981d8bd14162163d8b97755d8ea909c1 SHA512 da35df5c18132df0781055b7d85a267e15051ba697ab1f67a7c4ed274c533d15eb4b21dfe719a72f5ceabaea873ec920185aa564c885413e6fe717d3d5f36560 WHIRLPOOL b3a5e32e6232fdcb4ff95959e51d5f13254b6bb3bf7bd518798e60c7d2dbcb4b5172b1da22f3eeff48c7aecd24932b1fe0f7b579fab099268b811d1d3878883c
6296 -DIST 22316104 SHA256 5e6007e28d2d043c63bb917189f6ddfe8e8a25edd007af0328926a093e2390a6 SHA512 1476ba9b7845bece86d26f272f908704f828ebea2cc68468b4d8cb4180fa22bb8dbea870ae2fbde233a2424e9249de5f21c75a459e65ad067780fb18e1c9fe99 WHIRLPOOL 3c0a73d58f8b30ffec713cccaa644c38c84fcfd9dba57b27f855d896f706d213d150e32115a26913fecaf41d8b03a09001c7e2fd5933fc0259453bbc609f298b
6297 -DIST 2485056 SHA256 0a3e5272ccbc7fbd3ac006d8677a22a556b39594febb52d2cbab637d153e7381 SHA512 58fa3ec67443023d6ac259a6d765453c6ca5271ab6db8f62ed1ccf0c18bf4e88b456dc48cd4015fff72801285149d81412aa64179e0c1797c03c7f7879e617c4 WHIRLPOOL cd0cfc1ea9c9524571aeee6b53c573bb07e14fc144c5cea11ea5059e52b4785702531d15f18f13c5335a16e1752923e4365cfa40d5aa177f454903f55de29978
6298 -DIST af9005.fw 28250 SHA256 5d1eedb40067a622c3ac6ec782f8c2de3af8d11e76603deed738deac7144cd82 SHA512 8937b39d2718ca09f4699a0982c7ad86405230a28f51d6b5e750451197796b3bf4fe6506caa07da47597109af935373f4ac9fb350472f72f7fa6d6c01881e2a3 WHIRLPOOL 955fa7800e3c4ea7918fcd06e42c1967dac05345bfae9a90fb894d24bb4cbf876ce5dafa2d29a4a07d82e179dddf6ed4501123b44d3412210a65ee16c1b5e644
6299 -DIST dec217g.exe 16371951 SHA256 fd20902bcc3178a26b5a27fe88adcdfce888daa8d2206b67b13e5f3a3973dc1c SHA512 2d0fc3b3b7bd8391fb29d1e6378dcb3d61cbb12959a9b57ffe6e68446493a9a43c98a982c08a7394a219bdda64e5c78addc9f6df7db0a7e6bda2830d6941cd65 WHIRLPOOL 932e876d2a779af49030f56bcd7ed7f9081f72f45422573bb990257a4fc75a41dbf25e172862ca2758efa7f8d4e669589d2b55f4263c70763e380af4d0fc8e5d
6300 -DIST download.ashx?file=57 3667491 SHA256 c548a010b8900dece021b29c01052fb195ffd590cb3e6f0c8f8c632fc3901abe SHA512 d0e877fce2f41f5e6444c8c297080b5b3139a6be9034de40dc9dd8b789f9bf403b00ebdb926e930780dce4e054150231c457c543e65988c492dbeffc87de08e3 WHIRLPOOL 30cdcef0b339f6b97dde6afd336dcb1621792a966c48c3abbb5b440e88b657d4b9d21a50bf704241a25b9368c773e86ed90eea9aad72080de91fe463bf8a2cc6
6301 -DIST dvb-fe-bcm3510-01.fw 2285 SHA256 978ece002a3e1f5eb760f6ca48496e05da00b7aa76e0f6f2cb108bde2ea14f51 SHA512 a753e5cca7f976801f02de4a5502b8c149238473b75a492ecca77a8ebbdc006b8e5914f16f7876c6c5f08bea7548aeec56ca111d6b290cdf508e61b865848128 WHIRLPOOL 70edb9c0460fa4a67c586d698c81388755eece217848afbea59869a4cd9a5a3d5213469cdf1bb83ddc6a1f014f51c6e84aff827a2cd87c6d3ca6d877fbdfbd73
6302 -DIST dvb-fe-sp887x.fw 23620 SHA256 e0a3b66c7b059c3be93764bea82866121c1f4fa2336f4b6abed1047360e92368 SHA512 7e7373f28b237c41e8b2bdcda0677ed5a67cf10d47ee87659f6358413b5fd82ed4d39c83344a1134292fc1e76650bf7431aa58e087716b4e4d00c52088469843 WHIRLPOOL f42345c210918e08eaed4a792370d2e7779ddee0ee5b6565456f917d90c473035c1df680e6758c19f21ba56c65d976baa532ee95b53143a32549bf430bf82323
6303 -DIST dvb-fe-tda10045.fw 30555 SHA256 211d6917a2c1b56838d91bdd5963d0646fac111cdd8c765c2398af49e33b0e46 SHA512 ee09e4d6e397d3a5ec24abe136802c43dd854b4fc43e2041a12b525fbd4cf0b9e5fe50c4b4fe0772262de54626d553853bde5bbcf49cf5a74dca8e369a5a865b WHIRLPOOL 0867e6307ef604f4e5ff191d189c02316d0808506dcafc475a254bd9e20917cd2c5d395b3bf8501fd2e1999983db37bb00b06478631f1541fe6ca4c15f1a2214
6304 -DIST dvb-firmwares-1.tar.bz2 182356 SHA256 11772d539e5605e92f51a1edc82382c19808dea2bb9f0b425efad354e0d9bd52 SHA512 e0d94e906034ca4d3b81d5e8802114bcda8cd06119e505425b3d65e9ead39d8d18c3f0bf77df845b47b99a77468fb781412dbf6ee15878c254648499c17461f4 WHIRLPOOL 0aec50735266823e444af7c2e4613c2a02f33e400f136c21db2367972608f7b2b278326b8263df654f0e2802c94256000b440c48ea7628a00ed985f3d15fb5ef
6305 -DIST dvb-ttpci-01.fw-fc2624 242836 SHA256 044c4974189d90715189af82e648a8a0512cd4ce5bd48d50d6f2b80f1095de40 SHA512 044b812043d8d7acbb6c4ac06cb745172976ef0db70122b8be4c0bd74427d92de675fe866f64d639e880476ee11348dd88e8c9d998d9c60c58749aa80c961611 WHIRLPOOL 0f81b7e8573d9958a97ef4d256c6ba18a095bdefbf77ace5329181b94585353799456bf850a6a014d7ccc1f7b383e7d61049d90bcecf2c2b02df6516a04a307d
6306 -DIST dvb-usb-af9015.fw 15913 SHA256 a0ae064c3acef212172f13317d627492d0ed3c0a43f3634821b33a00fbf99621 SHA512 b7ba58329d7432a3c91176632f3905ce073c9cf8531a1629a539cceb0cf018769b0cf966b37350642ce41eddce4036d4dbc123aebc8d63367109cbbdeb590edc WHIRLPOOL 3e0f1811a2598d050c8f7b5264deaf148da6dd2a67c0d6779716df5853d7c01c11298a13c30b7adb8cd6a6e503d8523c8b056e5853e29b0068473f21e891709e
6307 -DIST dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw 9025 SHA256 1d9d8c5a320a0a76c476e08bd212291144439121d4147dbf8d48822b576306fc SHA512 5e71d89bec537253ec13d1c4de5b82704924a3b20af68b7685e19ca67b7b0776783acbbd2162caac14e53da6b62c51df5467446df5e54dab7cee84217977b42f WHIRLPOOL 8cc3e5f443fa3731d00ef2d271ddd92f006290862baf4d85864781cc877bb012a3883e4dad9ebe49467a6d68527425fb5eecbb5d0c6fa4a0c0819425898b2e97
6308 -DIST dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw 33768 SHA256 74f5ffeb43767e1af6d379d6cc2e0efeaa54455d030bcd71d95f0f2a908c672a SHA512 b9265a620f5e42d3daba60dbaa5f893d118bb1c4285e3f1612e6a9ac2661db911c1ecb36b2974409f2a8c591b5d21566e433db5178a2683c8cbb791504a8972d WHIRLPOOL 2c52c1c4e744996ce8ab3c4f82e3f4d07fb190aa0e95241fa7154e6220ccd96f6be768e4f3e318476b6b73eae767487d3e618752fb1b5c33784998346927f6ba
6309 -DIST dvb-usb-wt220u-02.fw 8480 SHA256 ed8cd2ae6b5ad540fd4a14de9ccaa10f662781961f44cfe58b623679a5f508df SHA512 ed7e493d4a1f8fb89335ba4783cb45bdbb9dc01afd6a56a15cde532c735247ee4e640360307f72464ae56922297d0b166e7b2f5b6dc751fddf00ae9ea7598fe7 WHIRLPOOL 2917c3ee32f770fc5520f45857aa636d1e9c54383be34d4bd1664722b1af7e0ef47287f8ba7afb5c58667d330eec069d3b154d51722be722ab54de1459be1e0b
6310 -DIST dvb-usb-wt220u-fc03.fw 12902 SHA256 838044a2f98736fe5b1266598a36eed4b5c9aa845e65c5d1d4054b8b72f808dc SHA512 94a07b404d7ca678b09d29eb74842f2aeb3e4a61e73d7a225c817e468bdd46b396dc6c8db6ba6cbd69d9ce661bf89add2528d57647586472cc9f3c018b731509 WHIRLPOOL 5efe2f1f19392163f8166a34561f86f66c306d9a3d845ac44f030544434a5ad90fba2cf7a8cfe54b9fe822173b7c8abe8b9c06e6c0352bdac03ebc37cc30d323
6311 -DIST 11348671 SHA256 cfe84a039c20473ba41c2e3da165c668a0e227f197ea0e272abc253c5f9f5a83 SHA512 468dcd8102a8506d51a30eb87b056f98c336bb3894b0a3f0d993dc66f61640b287886fae8e84bae87bdf4eb8008870c6f856181407f63345430a02ef3fdc84ae WHIRLPOOL a96d3734d43740abcec94bdf5e1e4083d6e4fa1954cc8699166d93b2a1c76d068eea190cb87350f38de8ea365e275d8a15fc137f06cf853234244cce5600b7eb
6312 -DIST v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw 16382 SHA256 c2a75fc710f51c778abe7c7e8b54ed5686b17811dd203d1de3070d3df70d70f6 SHA512 2c7db24188c3399b05a2362ef359f9b9978dd3ab937c09ce86c2e923c19a687499d89cd07738e6dc1f4232be15caf989f602b4522d7bb5f3da6009bdcfe0508c WHIRLPOOL 28cb9906c6c85f2f5d6ddfa17eb101bdafab54dafbd9ebaeb8552f0dec4537202a3b05a65250e7280fdae8462e4098c22c864aa88943f98cbe94caf967bbe056
6313 -DIST v4l-cx23418-apu.fw 141200 SHA256 770351d86c757f4be635f276386269eeaf0448e7c3fa1791507e77e5556c063a SHA512 627e073d09d4136604627f24b8a69539221d9becc4e6e18f24d9a81eb417f4f0183484ae38ccbea0aa93da9e8d75882e603f0788b4dff3160f73f2e42e08284e WHIRLPOOL e1aed81fa9da4c6028e76e3a5606c2ec0baafedb01e491ca11f50f6b369a004cfe01d05bd92af6d52265155262b7b5c20cba23aa810e89d859d6419427127b10
6314 -DIST v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw 158332 SHA256 058eebb8072bbf0628de3774aad0e5eaa83f871334f8120c0e12c9b971be9bce SHA512 02bd66461efb50bd74bbf2ba4423db143e7d458e5bf573da5378bf93822ec762b7783b7fcc4163a4e97eda1ac741500db02d16c0c00763daaa8c031fe824b647 WHIRLPOOL 5f5c4b7426ffdc5da1637918c722efa28ada03a3e60ea715d99d8807b598d8b8f39ad474ed6d556df02342726182e63b0b22dc15791d0aba3f4e97bc8b6969ab
6315 -DIST v4l-cx23418-dig.fw 16382 SHA256 a6505aee99fa71768daece0a7ced1ac1f60bf7f8d823707640778fe0a4fd0a81 SHA512 02b48cf498abfc2d72b420021cf6dc3a47d28c883c5175df9718d19b5f31bb7e0bf912088bd47a7572f96c4a9764cf16f4e7db58bfa1d43d79d5e95a90a66d37 WHIRLPOOL a797615acdf6a6f54bc160dacb3e0da077985e1824b6da37b54e44ffd8425f5621370cf904c029ea5ac275c9359b07b2c3cca6638d8d5ae0f1cf749fdc1ebf77
6316 -DIST v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw 16382 SHA256 c2a75fc710f51c778abe7c7e8b54ed5686b17811dd203d1de3070d3df70d70f6 SHA512 2c7db24188c3399b05a2362ef359f9b9978dd3ab937c09ce86c2e923c19a687499d89cd07738e6dc1f4232be15caf989f602b4522d7bb5f3da6009bdcfe0508c WHIRLPOOL 28cb9906c6c85f2f5d6ddfa17eb101bdafab54dafbd9ebaeb8552f0dec4537202a3b05a65250e7280fdae8462e4098c22c864aa88943f98cbe94caf967bbe056
6317 -DIST v4l-cx23885-enc.fw 16382 SHA256 c2a75fc710f51c778abe7c7e8b54ed5686b17811dd203d1de3070d3df70d70f6 SHA512 2c7db24188c3399b05a2362ef359f9b9978dd3ab937c09ce86c2e923c19a687499d89cd07738e6dc1f4232be15caf989f602b4522d7bb5f3da6009bdcfe0508c WHIRLPOOL 28cb9906c6c85f2f5d6ddfa17eb101bdafab54dafbd9ebaeb8552f0dec4537202a3b05a65250e7280fdae8462e4098c22c864aa88943f98cbe94caf967bbe056
6318 -DIST v4l-cx25840.fw 16382 SHA256 67a06c2dbcdf893c309357c4de181655be55708b6985c99b2e7ba8bebc417212 SHA512 69e3020b97f80ea8da65c7b141f5281be997fba43f96365b40bfcca2ab788775d39a38c0164f1803ed37c4fabc14fb0cc9e16b46cf791e3eee7403401fc47cc1 WHIRLPOOL ee019238f658025bb3e6bd9dc33b392d66cd394b43794b86876f9d19b188b91b2690b9f7f1fddff7828a953f13b2a5be57949cce8073d0997176729f1c8e4625
6320 diff --git a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.07.06 b/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.07.06
6321 deleted file mode 100644
6322 index 1b7428e..00000000
6323 --- a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.07.06
6324 +++ /dev/null
6325 @@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
6326 -#!/usr/bin/perl
6327 -# DVB firmware extractor
6328 -#
6329 -# (c) 2004 Andrew de Quincey
6330 -#
6331 -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6332 -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6333 -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6334 -# (at your option) any later version.
6335 -#
6336 -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
6337 -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
6339 -#
6340 -# GNU General Public License for more details.
6341 -#
6342 -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
6343 -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
6344 -# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
6345 -
6346 -use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
6347 -use IO::Handle;
6348 -
6349 -@components = ( "sp8870", "sp887x", "tda10045", "tda10046",
6350 - "tda10046lifeview", "av7110", "dec2000t", "dec2540t",
6351 - "dec3000s", "vp7041", "dibusb", "nxt2002", "nxt2004",
6352 - "or51211", "or51132_qam", "or51132_vsb", "bluebird",
6353 - "opera1", "cx231xx", "cx18", "cx23885", "pvrusb2", "mpc718" );
6354 -
6355 -# Check args
6356 -syntax() if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1);
6357 -$cid = $ARGV[0];
6358 -
6359 -# Do it!
6360 -for ($i=0; $i < scalar(@components); $i++) {
6361 - if ($cid eq $components[$i]) {
6362 - $outfile = eval($cid);
6363 - die $@ if $@;
6364 - print STDERR <<EOF;
6365 -Firmware(s) $outfile extracted successfully.
6366 -Now copy it(they) to either /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware or /lib/firmware
6367 -(depending on configuration of firmware hotplug).
6368 -EOF
6369 - exit(0);
6370 - }
6371 -}
6372 -
6373 -# If we get here, it wasn't found
6374 -print STDERR "Unknown component \"$cid\"\n";
6375 -syntax();
6376 -
6377 -
6378 -
6379 -
6380 -# ---------------------------------------------------------------
6381 -# Firmware-specific extraction subroutines
6382 -
6383 -sub sp8870 {
6384 - my $sourcefile = "";
6385 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6386 - my $hash = "53970ec17a538945a6d8cb608a7b3899";
6387 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-sp8870.fw";
6388 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6389 -
6390 - checkstandard();
6391 -
6392 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6393 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6394 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/HE/App/boot/SC_MAIN.MC", $hash);
6395 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/HE/App/boot/SC_MAIN.MC", $outfile);
6396 -
6397 - $outfile;
6398 -}
6399 -
6400 -sub sp887x {
6401 - my $sourcefile = "";
6402 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6403 - my $cabfile = "DVBT Net Ver1.3.57.6/disk1/";
6404 - my $hash = "237938d53a7f834c05c42b894ca68ac3";
6405 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-sp887x.fw";
6406 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6407 -
6408 - checkstandard();
6409 - checkunshield();
6410 -
6411 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6412 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6413 - unshield("$tmpdir/$cabfile", $tmpdir);
6414 - verify("$tmpdir/ZEnglish/", $hash);
6415 - copy("$tmpdir/ZEnglish/", $outfile);
6416 -
6417 - $outfile;
6418 -}
6419 -
6420 -sub tda10045 {
6421 - my $sourcefile = "";
6422 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6423 - my $hash = "2105fd5bf37842fbcdfa4bfd58f3594a";
6424 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-tda10045.fw";
6425 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6426 -
6427 - checkstandard();
6428 -
6429 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6430 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6431 - extract("$tmpdir/software/OEM/PCI/App/ttlcdacc.dll", 0x37ef9, 30555, "$tmpdir/fwtmp");
6432 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $hash);
6433 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $outfile);
6434 -
6435 - $outfile;
6436 -}
6437 -
6438 -sub tda10046 {
6439 - my $sourcefile = "";
6440 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6441 - my $hash = "6a7e1e2f2644b162ff0502367553c72d";
6442 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw";
6443 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6444 -
6445 - checkstandard();
6446 -
6447 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6448 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6449 - extract("$tmpdir/TT_PCI_2.19h_28_11_2006/software/OEM/PCI/App/ttlcdacc.dll", 0x65389, 24478, "$tmpdir/fwtmp");
6450 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $hash);
6451 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $outfile);
6452 -
6453 - $outfile;
6454 -}
6455 -
6456 -sub tda10046lifeview {
6457 - my $sourcefile = "";
6458 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6459 - my $hash = "1ea24dee4eea8fe971686981f34fd2e0";
6460 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw";
6461 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6462 -
6463 - checkstandard();
6464 -
6465 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6466 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6467 - extract("$tmpdir/LVHybrid.sys", 0x8b088, 24602, "$tmpdir/fwtmp");
6468 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $hash);
6469 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $outfile);
6470 -
6471 - $outfile;
6472 -}
6473 -
6474 -sub av7110 {
6475 - my $sourcefile = "dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261d";
6476 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6477 - my $hash = "603431b6259715a8e88f376a53b64e2f";
6478 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttpci-01.fw";
6479 -
6480 - checkstandard();
6481 -
6482 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6483 - verify($sourcefile, $hash);
6484 - copy($sourcefile, $outfile);
6485 -
6486 - $outfile;
6487 -}
6488 -
6489 -sub dec2000t {
6490 - my $sourcefile = "dec217g.exe";
6491 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6492 - my $hash = "bd86f458cee4a8f0a8ce2d20c66215a9";
6493 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttusb-dec-2000t.fw";
6494 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6495 -
6496 - checkstandard();
6497 -
6498 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6499 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6500 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_T.bin", $hash);
6501 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_T.bin", $outfile);
6502 -
6503 - $outfile;
6504 -}
6505 -
6506 -sub dec2540t {
6507 - my $sourcefile = "dec217g.exe";
6508 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6509 - my $hash = "53e58f4f5b5c2930beee74a7681fed92";
6510 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttusb-dec-2540t.fw";
6511 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6512 -
6513 - checkstandard();
6514 -
6515 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6516 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6517 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_X.bin", $hash);
6518 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_X.bin", $outfile);
6519 -
6520 - $outfile;
6521 -}
6522 -
6523 -sub dec3000s {
6524 - my $sourcefile = "dec217g.exe";
6525 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6526 - my $hash = "b013ececea83f4d6d8d2a29ac7c1b448";
6527 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttusb-dec-3000s.fw";
6528 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6529 -
6530 - checkstandard();
6531 -
6532 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6533 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6534 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_S.bin", $hash);
6535 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_S.bin", $outfile);
6536 -
6537 - $outfile;
6538 -}
6539 -sub opera1{
6540 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 0);
6541 -
6542 - checkstandard();
6543 - my $fwfile1="dvb-usb-opera1-fpga-01.fw";
6544 - my $fwfile2="dvb-usb-opera-01.fw";
6545 - extract("2830SCap2.sys", 0x62e8, 55024, "$tmpdir/opera1-fpga.fw");
6546 - extract("2830SLoad2.sys",0x3178,0x3685-0x3178,"$tmpdir/fw1part1");
6547 - extract("2830SLoad2.sys",0x0980,0x3150-0x0980,"$tmpdir/fw1part2");
6548 - delzero("$tmpdir/fw1part1","$tmpdir/fw1part1-1");
6549 - delzero("$tmpdir/fw1part2","$tmpdir/fw1part2-1");
6550 - verify("$tmpdir/fw1part1-1","5e0909858fdf0b5b09ad48b9fe622e70");
6551 - verify("$tmpdir/fw1part2-1","d6e146f321427e931df2c6fcadac37a1");
6552 - verify("$tmpdir/opera1-fpga.fw","0f8133f5e9051f5f3c1928f7e5a1b07d");
6553 -
6554 - my $RES1="\x01\x92\x7f\x00\x01\x00";
6555 - my $RES0="\x01\x92\x7f\x00\x00\x00";
6556 - my $DAT1="\x01\x00\xe6\x00\x01\x00";
6557 - my $DAT0="\x01\x00\xe6\x00\x00\x00";
6558 - open FW,">$tmpdir/opera.fw";
6559 - print FW "$RES1";
6560 - print FW "$DAT1";
6561 - print FW "$RES1";
6562 - print FW "$DAT1";
6563 - appendfile(FW,"$tmpdir/fw1part1-1");
6564 - print FW "$RES0";
6565 - print FW "$DAT0";
6566 - print FW "$RES1";
6567 - print FW "$DAT1";
6568 - appendfile(FW,"$tmpdir/fw1part2-1");
6569 - print FW "$RES1";
6570 - print FW "$DAT1";
6571 - print FW "$RES0";
6572 - print FW "$DAT0";
6573 - copy ("$tmpdir/opera1-fpga.fw",$fwfile1);
6574 - copy ("$tmpdir/opera.fw",$fwfile2);
6575 -
6576 - $fwfile1.",".$fwfile2;
6577 -}
6578 -sub vp7041 {
6579 - my $sourcefile = "";
6580 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6581 - my $hash = "e88c9372d1f66609a3e7b072c53fbcfe";
6582 - my $outfile = "dvb-vp7041-2.422.fw";
6583 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6584 -
6585 - checkstandard();
6586 -
6587 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6588 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6589 - extract("$tmpdir/TwinhanDTV2.608a/Drivers/7041/WinXP/UDTTload.sys", 12503, 3036, "$tmpdir/fwtmp1");
6590 - extract("$tmpdir/TwinhanDTV2.608a/Drivers/7041/WinXP/UDTTload.sys", 2207, 10274, "$tmpdir/fwtmp2");
6591 -
6592 - my $CMD = "\000\001\000\222\177\000";
6593 - my $PAD = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000";
6594 - my ($FW);
6595 - open $FW, ">$tmpdir/fwtmp3";
6596 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
6597 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
6598 - appendfile($FW, "$tmpdir/fwtmp1");
6599 - print $FW "$CMD\000$PAD";
6600 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
6601 - appendfile($FW, "$tmpdir/fwtmp2");
6602 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
6603 - print $FW "$CMD\000$PAD";
6604 - close($FW);
6605 -
6606 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp3", $hash);
6607 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp3", $outfile);
6608 -
6609 - $outfile;
6610 -}
6611 -
6612 -sub dibusb {
6613 - my $url = "";
6614 - my $outfile = "dvb-dibusb-";
6615 - my $hash = "fa490295a527360ca16dcdf3224ca243";
6616 -
6617 - checkstandard();
6618 -
6619 - wgetfile($outfile, $url);
6620 - verify($outfile,$hash);
6621 -
6622 - $outfile;
6623 -}
6624 -
6625 -sub nxt2002 {
6626 - my $sourcefile = "";
6627 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6628 - my $hash = "476befae8c7c1bb9648954060b1eec1f";
6629 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-nxt2002.fw";
6630 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6631 -
6632 - checkstandard();
6633 -
6634 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6635 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6636 - verify("$tmpdir/SkyNET.sys", $hash);
6637 - extract("$tmpdir/SkyNET.sys", 331624, 5908, $outfile);
6638 -
6639 - $outfile;
6640 -}
6641 -
6642 -sub nxt2004 {
6643 - my $sourcefile = "";
6644 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
6645 - my $hash = "111cb885b1e009188346d72acfed024c";
6646 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-nxt2004.fw";
6647 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6648 -
6649 - checkstandard();
6650 -
6651 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
6652 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
6653 - verify("$tmpdir/3xHybrid.sys", $hash);
6654 - extract("$tmpdir/3xHybrid.sys", 465304, 9584, $outfile);
6655 -
6656 - $outfile;
6657 -}
6658 -
6659 -sub or51211 {
6660 - my $fwfile = "dvb-fe-or51211.fw";
6661 - my $url = "$fwfile";
6662 - my $hash = "d830949c771a289505bf9eafc225d491";
6663 -
6664 - checkstandard();
6665 -
6666 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
6667 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
6668 -
6669 - $fwfile;
6670 -}
6671 -
6672 -sub cx231xx {
6673 - my $fwfile = "v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw";
6674 - my $url = "$fwfile";
6675 - my $hash = "7d3bb956dc9df0eafded2b56ba57cc42";
6676 -
6677 - checkstandard();
6678 -
6679 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
6680 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
6681 -
6682 - $fwfile;
6683 -}
6684 -
6685 -sub cx18 {
6686 - my $url = "";
6687 -
6688 - my %files = (
6689 - 'v4l-cx23418-apu.fw' => '588f081b562f5c653a3db1ad8f65939a',
6690 - 'v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw' => 'b6c7ed64bc44b1a6e0840adaeac39d79',
6691 - 'v4l-cx23418-dig.fw' => '95bc688d3e7599fd5800161e9971cc55',
6692 - );
6693 -
6694 - checkstandard();
6695 -
6696 - my $allfiles;
6697 - foreach my $fwfile (keys %files) {
6698 - wgetfile($fwfile, "$url/$fwfile");
6699 - verify($fwfile, $files{$fwfile});
6700 - $allfiles .= " $fwfile";
6701 - }
6702 -
6703 - $allfiles =~ s/^\s//;
6704 -
6705 - $allfiles;
6706 -}
6707 -
6708 -sub mpc718 {
6709 - my $archive = 'Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card';
6710 - my $url = "$archive";
6711 - my $fwfile = "dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352.fw";
6712 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
6713 -
6714 - checkstandard();
6715 - wgetfile($archive, $url);
6716 - unzip($archive, $tmpdir);
6717 -
6718 - my $sourcefile = "$tmpdir/Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card";
6719 - my $found = 0;
6720 -
6721 - open IN, '<', $sourcefile or die "Couldn't open $sourcefile to extract $fwfile data\n";
6722 - binmode IN;
6723 - open OUT, '>', $fwfile;
6724 - binmode OUT;
6725 - {
6726 - # Block scope because we change the line terminator variable $/
6727 - my $prevlen = 0;
6728 - my $currlen;
6729 -
6730 - # Buried in the data segment are 3 runs of almost identical
6731 - # register-value pairs that end in 0x5d 0x01 which is a "TUNER GO"
6732 - # command for the MT352.
6733 - # Pull out the middle run (because it's easy) of register-value
6734 - # pairs to make the "firmware" file.
6735 -
6736 - local $/ = "\x5d\x01"; # MT352 "TUNER GO"
6737 -
6738 - while (<IN>) {
6739 - $currlen = length($_);
6740 - if ($prevlen == $currlen && $currlen <= 64) {
6741 - chop; chop; # Get rid of "TUNER GO"
6742 - s/^\0\0//; # get rid of leading 00 00 if it's there
6743 - printf OUT "$_";
6744 - $found = 1;
6745 - last;
6746 - }
6747 - $prevlen = $currlen;
6748 - }
6749 - }
6750 - close OUT;
6751 - close IN;
6752 - if (!$found) {
6753 - unlink $fwfile;
6754 - die "Couldn't find valid register-value sequence in $sourcefile for $fwfile\n";
6755 - }
6756 - $fwfile;
6757 -}
6758 -
6759 -sub cx23885 {
6760 - my $url = "";
6761 -
6762 - my %files = (
6763 - 'v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw' => 'a9f8f5d901a7fb42f552e1ee6384f3bb',
6764 - 'v4l-cx23885-enc.fw' => 'a9f8f5d901a7fb42f552e1ee6384f3bb',
6765 - );
6766 -
6767 - checkstandard();
6768 -
6769 - my $allfiles;
6770 - foreach my $fwfile (keys %files) {
6771 - wgetfile($fwfile, "$url/$fwfile");
6772 - verify($fwfile, $files{$fwfile});
6773 - $allfiles .= " $fwfile";
6774 - }
6775 -
6776 - $allfiles =~ s/^\s//;
6777 -
6778 - $allfiles;
6779 -}
6780 -
6781 -sub pvrusb2 {
6782 - my $url = "";
6783 -
6784 - my %files = (
6785 - 'v4l-cx25840.fw' => 'dadb79e9904fc8af96e8111d9cb59320',
6786 - );
6787 -
6788 - checkstandard();
6789 -
6790 - my $allfiles;
6791 - foreach my $fwfile (keys %files) {
6792 - wgetfile($fwfile, "$url/$fwfile");
6793 - verify($fwfile, $files{$fwfile});
6794 - $allfiles .= " $fwfile";
6795 - }
6796 -
6797 - $allfiles =~ s/^\s//;
6798 -
6799 - $allfiles;
6800 -}
6801 -
6802 -sub or51132_qam {
6803 - my $fwfile = "dvb-fe-or51132-qam.fw";
6804 - my $url = "$fwfile";
6805 - my $hash = "7702e8938612de46ccadfe9b413cb3b5";
6806 -
6807 - checkstandard();
6808 -
6809 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
6810 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
6811 -
6812 - $fwfile;
6813 -}
6814 -
6815 -sub or51132_vsb {
6816 - my $fwfile = "dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw";
6817 - my $url = "$fwfile";
6818 - my $hash = "c16208e02f36fc439a557ad4c613364a";
6819 -
6820 - checkstandard();
6821 -
6822 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
6823 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
6824 -
6825 - $fwfile;
6826 -}
6827 -
6828 -sub bluebird {
6829 - my $url = "";
6830 - my $outfile = "dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw";
6831 - my $hash = "658397cb9eba9101af9031302671f49d";
6832 -
6833 - checkstandard();
6834 -
6835 - wgetfile($outfile, $url);
6836 - verify($outfile,$hash);
6837 -
6838 - $outfile;
6839 -}
6840 -
6841 -# ---------------------------------------------------------------
6842 -# Utilities
6843 -
6844 -sub checkstandard {
6845 - if (system("which unzip > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
6846 - die "This firmware requires the unzip command - see\n";
6847 - }
6848 - if (system("which md5sum > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
6849 - die "This firmware requires the md5sum command - see\n";
6850 - }
6851 - if (system("which wget > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
6852 - die "This firmware requires the wget command - see\n";
6853 - }
6854 -}
6855 -
6856 -sub checkunshield {
6857 - if (system("which unshield > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
6858 - die "This firmware requires the unshield command - see\n";
6859 - }
6860 -}
6861 -
6862 -sub wgetfile {
6863 - my ($sourcefile, $url) = @_;
6864 -
6865 - if (! -f $sourcefile) {
6866 - system("wget -O \"$sourcefile\" \"$url\"") and die "wget failed - unable to download firmware";
6867 - }
6868 -}
6869 -
6870 -sub unzip {
6871 - my ($sourcefile, $todir) = @_;
6872 -
6873 - $status = system("unzip -q -o -d \"$todir\" \"$sourcefile\" 2>/dev/null" );
6874 - if ((($status >> 8) > 2) || (($status & 0xff) != 0)) {
6875 - die ("unzip failed - unable to extract firmware");
6876 - }
6877 -}
6878 -
6879 -sub unshield {
6880 - my ($sourcefile, $todir) = @_;
6881 -
6882 - system("unshield x -d \"$todir\" \"$sourcefile\" > /dev/null" ) and die ("unshield failed - unable to extract firmware");
6883 -}
6884 -
6885 -sub verify {
6886 - my ($filename, $hash) = @_;
6887 - my ($testhash);
6888 -
6889 - open(CMD, "md5sum \"$filename\"|");
6890 - $testhash = <CMD>;
6891 - $testhash =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/;
6892 - $testhash = $1;
6893 - close CMD;
6894 - die "Hash of extracted file does not match!\n" if ($testhash ne $hash);
6895 -}
6896 -
6897 -sub copy {
6898 - my ($from, $to) = @_;
6899 -
6900 - system("cp -f \"$from\" \"$to\"") and die ("cp failed");
6901 -}
6902 -
6903 -sub extract {
6904 - my ($infile, $offset, $length, $outfile) = @_;
6905 - my ($chunklength, $buf, $rcount);
6906 -
6907 - open INFILE, "<$infile";
6908 - open OUTFILE, ">$outfile";
6909 - sysseek(INFILE, $offset, SEEK_SET);
6910 - while($length > 0) {
6911 - # Calc chunk size
6912 - $chunklength = 2048;
6913 - $chunklength = $length if ($chunklength > $length);
6914 -
6915 - $rcount = sysread(INFILE, $buf, $chunklength);
6916 - die "Ran out of data\n" if ($rcount != $chunklength);
6917 - syswrite(OUTFILE, $buf);
6918 - $length -= $rcount;
6919 - }
6920 - close INFILE;
6921 - close OUTFILE;
6922 -}
6923 -
6924 -sub appendfile {
6925 - my ($FH, $infile) = @_;
6926 - my ($buf);
6927 -
6928 - open INFILE, "<$infile";
6929 - while(1) {
6930 - $rcount = sysread(INFILE, $buf, 2048);
6931 - last if ($rcount == 0);
6932 - print $FH $buf;
6933 - }
6934 - close(INFILE);
6935 -}
6936 -
6937 -sub delzero{
6938 - my ($infile,$outfile) =@_;
6939 -
6940 - open INFILE,"<$infile";
6941 - open OUTFILE,">$outfile";
6942 - while (1){
6943 - $rcount=sysread(INFILE,$buf,22);
6944 - $len=ord(substr($buf,0,1));
6945 - print OUTFILE substr($buf,0,1);
6946 - print OUTFILE substr($buf,2,$len+3);
6947 - last if ($rcount<1);
6948 - printf OUTFILE "%c",0;
6949 -#print $len." ".length($buf)."\n";
6950 -
6951 - }
6952 - close(INFILE);
6953 - close(OUTFILE);
6954 -}
6955 -
6956 -sub syntax() {
6957 - print STDERR "syntax: get_dvb_firmware <component>\n";
6958 - print STDERR "Supported components:\n";
6959 - for($i=0; $i < scalar(@components); $i++) {
6960 - print STDERR "\t" . $components[$i] . "\n";
6961 - }
6962 - exit(1);
6963 -}
6965 diff --git a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.09.19 b/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.09.19
6966 deleted file mode 100644
6967 index 6ff79a1..00000000
6968 --- a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/files/get_dvb_firmware-2009.09.19
6969 +++ /dev/null
6970 @@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
6971 -#!/usr/bin/perl
6972 -# DVB firmware extractor
6973 -#
6974 -# (c) 2004 Andrew de Quincey
6975 -#
6976 -# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6977 -# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6978 -# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
6979 -# (at your option) any later version.
6980 -#
6981 -# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
6982 -# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
6984 -#
6985 -# GNU General Public License for more details.
6986 -#
6987 -# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
6988 -# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
6989 -# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
6990 -
6991 -use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
6992 -use IO::Handle;
6993 -
6994 -@components = ( "sp8870", "sp887x", "tda10045", "tda10046",
6995 - "tda10046lifeview", "av7110", "dec2000t", "dec2540t",
6996 - "dec3000s", "vp7041", "dibusb", "nxt2002", "nxt2004",
6997 - "or51211", "or51132_qam", "or51132_vsb", "bluebird",
6998 - "opera1", "cx231xx", "cx18", "cx23885", "pvrusb2", "mpc718",
6999 - "af9015");
7000 -
7001 -# Check args
7002 -syntax() if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1);
7003 -$cid = $ARGV[0];
7004 -
7005 -# Do it!
7006 -for ($i=0; $i < scalar(@components); $i++) {
7007 - if ($cid eq $components[$i]) {
7008 - $outfile = eval($cid);
7009 - die $@ if $@;
7010 - print STDERR <<EOF;
7011 -Firmware(s) $outfile extracted successfully.
7012 -Now copy it(they) to either /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware or /lib/firmware
7013 -(depending on configuration of firmware hotplug).
7014 -EOF
7015 - exit(0);
7016 - }
7017 -}
7018 -
7019 -# If we get here, it wasn't found
7020 -print STDERR "Unknown component \"$cid\"\n";
7021 -syntax();
7022 -
7023 -
7024 -
7025 -
7026 -# ---------------------------------------------------------------
7027 -# Firmware-specific extraction subroutines
7028 -
7029 -sub sp8870 {
7030 - my $sourcefile = "";
7031 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7032 - my $hash = "53970ec17a538945a6d8cb608a7b3899";
7033 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-sp8870.fw";
7034 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7035 -
7036 - checkstandard();
7037 -
7038 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7039 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7040 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/HE/App/boot/SC_MAIN.MC", $hash);
7041 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/HE/App/boot/SC_MAIN.MC", $outfile);
7042 -
7043 - $outfile;
7044 -}
7045 -
7046 -sub sp887x {
7047 - my $sourcefile = "";
7048 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7049 - my $cabfile = "DVBT Net Ver1.3.57.6/disk1/";
7050 - my $hash = "237938d53a7f834c05c42b894ca68ac3";
7051 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-sp887x.fw";
7052 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7053 -
7054 - checkstandard();
7055 - checkunshield();
7056 -
7057 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7058 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7059 - unshield("$tmpdir/$cabfile", $tmpdir);
7060 - verify("$tmpdir/ZEnglish/", $hash);
7061 - copy("$tmpdir/ZEnglish/", $outfile);
7062 -
7063 - $outfile;
7064 -}
7065 -
7066 -sub tda10045 {
7067 - my $sourcefile = "";
7068 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7069 - my $hash = "2105fd5bf37842fbcdfa4bfd58f3594a";
7070 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-tda10045.fw";
7071 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7072 -
7073 - checkstandard();
7074 -
7075 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7076 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7077 - extract("$tmpdir/software/OEM/PCI/App/ttlcdacc.dll", 0x37ef9, 30555, "$tmpdir/fwtmp");
7078 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $hash);
7079 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $outfile);
7080 -
7081 - $outfile;
7082 -}
7083 -
7084 -sub tda10046 {
7085 - my $sourcefile = "";
7086 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7087 - my $hash = "6a7e1e2f2644b162ff0502367553c72d";
7088 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw";
7089 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7090 -
7091 - checkstandard();
7092 -
7093 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7094 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7095 - extract("$tmpdir/TT_PCI_2.19h_28_11_2006/software/OEM/PCI/App/ttlcdacc.dll", 0x65389, 24478, "$tmpdir/fwtmp");
7096 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $hash);
7097 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $outfile);
7098 -
7099 - $outfile;
7100 -}
7101 -
7102 -sub tda10046lifeview {
7103 - my $sourcefile = "";
7104 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7105 - my $hash = "1ea24dee4eea8fe971686981f34fd2e0";
7106 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw";
7107 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7108 -
7109 - checkstandard();
7110 -
7111 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7112 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7113 - extract("$tmpdir/LVHybrid.sys", 0x8b088, 24602, "$tmpdir/fwtmp");
7114 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $hash);
7115 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp", $outfile);
7116 -
7117 - $outfile;
7118 -}
7119 -
7120 -sub av7110 {
7121 - my $sourcefile = "dvb-ttpci-01.fw-261d";
7122 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7123 - my $hash = "603431b6259715a8e88f376a53b64e2f";
7124 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttpci-01.fw";
7125 -
7126 - checkstandard();
7127 -
7128 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7129 - verify($sourcefile, $hash);
7130 - copy($sourcefile, $outfile);
7131 -
7132 - $outfile;
7133 -}
7134 -
7135 -sub dec2000t {
7136 - my $sourcefile = "dec217g.exe";
7137 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7138 - my $hash = "bd86f458cee4a8f0a8ce2d20c66215a9";
7139 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttusb-dec-2000t.fw";
7140 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7141 -
7142 - checkstandard();
7143 -
7144 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7145 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7146 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_T.bin", $hash);
7147 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_T.bin", $outfile);
7148 -
7149 - $outfile;
7150 -}
7151 -
7152 -sub dec2540t {
7153 - my $sourcefile = "dec217g.exe";
7154 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7155 - my $hash = "53e58f4f5b5c2930beee74a7681fed92";
7156 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttusb-dec-2540t.fw";
7157 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7158 -
7159 - checkstandard();
7160 -
7161 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7162 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7163 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_X.bin", $hash);
7164 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_X.bin", $outfile);
7165 -
7166 - $outfile;
7167 -}
7168 -
7169 -sub dec3000s {
7170 - my $sourcefile = "dec217g.exe";
7171 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7172 - my $hash = "b013ececea83f4d6d8d2a29ac7c1b448";
7173 - my $outfile = "dvb-ttusb-dec-3000s.fw";
7174 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7175 -
7176 - checkstandard();
7177 -
7178 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7179 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7180 - verify("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_S.bin", $hash);
7181 - copy("$tmpdir/software/OEM/STB/App/Boot/STB_PC_S.bin", $outfile);
7182 -
7183 - $outfile;
7184 -}
7185 -sub opera1{
7186 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 0);
7187 -
7188 - checkstandard();
7189 - my $fwfile1="dvb-usb-opera1-fpga-01.fw";
7190 - my $fwfile2="dvb-usb-opera-01.fw";
7191 - extract("2830SCap2.sys", 0x62e8, 55024, "$tmpdir/opera1-fpga.fw");
7192 - extract("2830SLoad2.sys",0x3178,0x3685-0x3178,"$tmpdir/fw1part1");
7193 - extract("2830SLoad2.sys",0x0980,0x3150-0x0980,"$tmpdir/fw1part2");
7194 - delzero("$tmpdir/fw1part1","$tmpdir/fw1part1-1");
7195 - delzero("$tmpdir/fw1part2","$tmpdir/fw1part2-1");
7196 - verify("$tmpdir/fw1part1-1","5e0909858fdf0b5b09ad48b9fe622e70");
7197 - verify("$tmpdir/fw1part2-1","d6e146f321427e931df2c6fcadac37a1");
7198 - verify("$tmpdir/opera1-fpga.fw","0f8133f5e9051f5f3c1928f7e5a1b07d");
7199 -
7200 - my $RES1="\x01\x92\x7f\x00\x01\x00";
7201 - my $RES0="\x01\x92\x7f\x00\x00\x00";
7202 - my $DAT1="\x01\x00\xe6\x00\x01\x00";
7203 - my $DAT0="\x01\x00\xe6\x00\x00\x00";
7204 - open FW,">$tmpdir/opera.fw";
7205 - print FW "$RES1";
7206 - print FW "$DAT1";
7207 - print FW "$RES1";
7208 - print FW "$DAT1";
7209 - appendfile(FW,"$tmpdir/fw1part1-1");
7210 - print FW "$RES0";
7211 - print FW "$DAT0";
7212 - print FW "$RES1";
7213 - print FW "$DAT1";
7214 - appendfile(FW,"$tmpdir/fw1part2-1");
7215 - print FW "$RES1";
7216 - print FW "$DAT1";
7217 - print FW "$RES0";
7218 - print FW "$DAT0";
7219 - copy ("$tmpdir/opera1-fpga.fw",$fwfile1);
7220 - copy ("$tmpdir/opera.fw",$fwfile2);
7221 -
7222 - $fwfile1.",".$fwfile2;
7223 -}
7224 -
7225 -sub vp7041 {
7226 - my $sourcefile = "";
7227 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7228 - my $hash = "e88c9372d1f66609a3e7b072c53fbcfe";
7229 - my $outfile = "dvb-vp7041-2.422.fw";
7230 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7231 -
7232 - checkstandard();
7233 -
7234 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7235 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7236 - extract("$tmpdir/TwinhanDTV2.608a/Drivers/7041/WinXP/UDTTload.sys", 12503, 3036, "$tmpdir/fwtmp1");
7237 - extract("$tmpdir/TwinhanDTV2.608a/Drivers/7041/WinXP/UDTTload.sys", 2207, 10274, "$tmpdir/fwtmp2");
7238 -
7239 - my $CMD = "\000\001\000\222\177\000";
7240 - my $PAD = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000";
7241 - my ($FW);
7242 - open $FW, ">$tmpdir/fwtmp3";
7243 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
7244 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
7245 - appendfile($FW, "$tmpdir/fwtmp1");
7246 - print $FW "$CMD\000$PAD";
7247 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
7248 - appendfile($FW, "$tmpdir/fwtmp2");
7249 - print $FW "$CMD\001$PAD";
7250 - print $FW "$CMD\000$PAD";
7251 - close($FW);
7252 -
7253 - verify("$tmpdir/fwtmp3", $hash);
7254 - copy("$tmpdir/fwtmp3", $outfile);
7255 -
7256 - $outfile;
7257 -}
7258 -
7259 -sub dibusb {
7260 - my $url = "";
7261 - my $outfile = "dvb-dibusb-";
7262 - my $hash = "fa490295a527360ca16dcdf3224ca243";
7263 -
7264 - checkstandard();
7265 -
7266 - wgetfile($outfile, $url);
7267 - verify($outfile,$hash);
7268 -
7269 - $outfile;
7270 -}
7271 -
7272 -sub nxt2002 {
7273 - my $sourcefile = "";
7274 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7275 - my $hash = "476befae8c7c1bb9648954060b1eec1f";
7276 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-nxt2002.fw";
7277 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7278 -
7279 - checkstandard();
7280 -
7281 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7282 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7283 - verify("$tmpdir/SkyNET.sys", $hash);
7284 - extract("$tmpdir/SkyNET.sys", 331624, 5908, $outfile);
7285 -
7286 - $outfile;
7287 -}
7288 -
7289 -sub nxt2004 {
7290 - my $sourcefile = "";
7291 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7292 - my $hash = "111cb885b1e009188346d72acfed024c";
7293 - my $outfile = "dvb-fe-nxt2004.fw";
7294 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7295 -
7296 - checkstandard();
7297 -
7298 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7299 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7300 - verify("$tmpdir/3xHybrid.sys", $hash);
7301 - extract("$tmpdir/3xHybrid.sys", 465304, 9584, $outfile);
7302 -
7303 - $outfile;
7304 -}
7305 -
7306 -sub or51211 {
7307 - my $fwfile = "dvb-fe-or51211.fw";
7308 - my $url = "$fwfile";
7309 - my $hash = "d830949c771a289505bf9eafc225d491";
7310 -
7311 - checkstandard();
7312 -
7313 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
7314 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
7315 -
7316 - $fwfile;
7317 -}
7318 -
7319 -sub cx231xx {
7320 - my $fwfile = "v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw";
7321 - my $url = "$fwfile";
7322 - my $hash = "7d3bb956dc9df0eafded2b56ba57cc42";
7323 -
7324 - checkstandard();
7325 -
7326 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
7327 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
7328 -
7329 - $fwfile;
7330 -}
7331 -
7332 -sub cx18 {
7333 - my $url = "";
7334 -
7335 - my %files = (
7336 - 'v4l-cx23418-apu.fw' => '588f081b562f5c653a3db1ad8f65939a',
7337 - 'v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw' => 'b6c7ed64bc44b1a6e0840adaeac39d79',
7338 - 'v4l-cx23418-dig.fw' => '95bc688d3e7599fd5800161e9971cc55',
7339 - );
7340 -
7341 - checkstandard();
7342 -
7343 - my $allfiles;
7344 - foreach my $fwfile (keys %files) {
7345 - wgetfile($fwfile, "$url/$fwfile");
7346 - verify($fwfile, $files{$fwfile});
7347 - $allfiles .= " $fwfile";
7348 - }
7349 -
7350 - $allfiles =~ s/^\s//;
7351 -
7352 - $allfiles;
7353 -}
7354 -
7355 -sub mpc718 {
7356 - my $archive = 'Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card';
7357 - my $url = "$archive";
7358 - my $fwfile = "dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352.fw";
7359 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7360 -
7361 - checkstandard();
7362 - wgetfile($archive, $url);
7363 - unzip($archive, $tmpdir);
7364 -
7365 - my $sourcefile = "$tmpdir/Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card";
7366 - my $found = 0;
7367 -
7368 - open IN, '<', $sourcefile or die "Couldn't open $sourcefile to extract $fwfile data\n";
7369 - binmode IN;
7370 - open OUT, '>', $fwfile;
7371 - binmode OUT;
7372 - {
7373 - # Block scope because we change the line terminator variable $/
7374 - my $prevlen = 0;
7375 - my $currlen;
7376 -
7377 - # Buried in the data segment are 3 runs of almost identical
7378 - # register-value pairs that end in 0x5d 0x01 which is a "TUNER GO"
7379 - # command for the MT352.
7380 - # Pull out the middle run (because it's easy) of register-value
7381 - # pairs to make the "firmware" file.
7382 -
7383 - local $/ = "\x5d\x01"; # MT352 "TUNER GO"
7384 -
7385 - while (<IN>) {
7386 - $currlen = length($_);
7387 - if ($prevlen == $currlen && $currlen <= 64) {
7388 - chop; chop; # Get rid of "TUNER GO"
7389 - s/^\0\0//; # get rid of leading 00 00 if it's there
7390 - printf OUT "$_";
7391 - $found = 1;
7392 - last;
7393 - }
7394 - $prevlen = $currlen;
7395 - }
7396 - }
7397 - close OUT;
7398 - close IN;
7399 - if (!$found) {
7400 - unlink $fwfile;
7401 - die "Couldn't find valid register-value sequence in $sourcefile for $fwfile\n";
7402 - }
7403 - $fwfile;
7404 -}
7405 -
7406 -sub cx23885 {
7407 - my $url = "";
7408 -
7409 - my %files = (
7410 - 'v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw' => 'a9f8f5d901a7fb42f552e1ee6384f3bb',
7411 - 'v4l-cx23885-enc.fw' => 'a9f8f5d901a7fb42f552e1ee6384f3bb',
7412 - );
7413 -
7414 - checkstandard();
7415 -
7416 - my $allfiles;
7417 - foreach my $fwfile (keys %files) {
7418 - wgetfile($fwfile, "$url/$fwfile");
7419 - verify($fwfile, $files{$fwfile});
7420 - $allfiles .= " $fwfile";
7421 - }
7422 -
7423 - $allfiles =~ s/^\s//;
7424 -
7425 - $allfiles;
7426 -}
7427 -
7428 -sub pvrusb2 {
7429 - my $url = "";
7430 -
7431 - my %files = (
7432 - 'v4l-cx25840.fw' => 'dadb79e9904fc8af96e8111d9cb59320',
7433 - );
7434 -
7435 - checkstandard();
7436 -
7437 - my $allfiles;
7438 - foreach my $fwfile (keys %files) {
7439 - wgetfile($fwfile, "$url/$fwfile");
7440 - verify($fwfile, $files{$fwfile});
7441 - $allfiles .= " $fwfile";
7442 - }
7443 -
7444 - $allfiles =~ s/^\s//;
7445 -
7446 - $allfiles;
7447 -}
7448 -
7449 -sub or51132_qam {
7450 - my $fwfile = "dvb-fe-or51132-qam.fw";
7451 - my $url = "$fwfile";
7452 - my $hash = "7702e8938612de46ccadfe9b413cb3b5";
7453 -
7454 - checkstandard();
7455 -
7456 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
7457 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
7458 -
7459 - $fwfile;
7460 -}
7461 -
7462 -sub or51132_vsb {
7463 - my $fwfile = "dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw";
7464 - my $url = "$fwfile";
7465 - my $hash = "c16208e02f36fc439a557ad4c613364a";
7466 -
7467 - checkstandard();
7468 -
7469 - wgetfile($fwfile, $url);
7470 - verify($fwfile, $hash);
7471 -
7472 - $fwfile;
7473 -}
7474 -
7475 -sub bluebird {
7476 - my $url = "";
7477 - my $outfile = "dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw";
7478 - my $hash = "658397cb9eba9101af9031302671f49d";
7479 -
7480 - checkstandard();
7481 -
7482 - wgetfile($outfile, $url);
7483 - verify($outfile,$hash);
7484 -
7485 - $outfile;
7486 -}
7487 -
7488 -sub af9015 {
7489 - my $sourcefile = "download.ashx?file=57";
7490 - my $url = "$sourcefile";
7491 - my $hash = "ff5b096ed47c080870eacdab2de33ad6";
7492 - my $outfile = "dvb-usb-af9015.fw";
7493 - my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR => "/tmp", CLEANUP => 1);
7494 - my $fwoffset = 0x22708;
7495 - my $fwlength = 18225;
7496 - my ($chunklength, $buf, $rcount);
7497 -
7498 - checkstandard();
7499 -
7500 - wgetfile($sourcefile, $url);
7501 - unzip($sourcefile, $tmpdir);
7502 - verify("$tmpdir/Driver/Files/AF15BDA.sys", $hash);
7503 -
7504 - open INFILE, '<', "$tmpdir/Driver/Files/AF15BDA.sys";
7505 - open OUTFILE, '>', $outfile;
7506 -
7507 - sysseek(INFILE, $fwoffset, SEEK_SET);
7508 - while($fwlength > 0) {
7509 - $chunklength = 55;
7510 - $chunklength = $fwlength if ($chunklength > $fwlength);
7511 - $rcount = sysread(INFILE, $buf, $chunklength);
7512 - die "Ran out of data\n" if ($rcount != $chunklength);
7513 - syswrite(OUTFILE, $buf);
7514 - sysread(INFILE, $buf, 8);
7515 - $fwlength -= $rcount + 8;
7516 - }
7517 -
7518 - close OUTFILE;
7519 - close INFILE;
7520 -}
7521 -
7522 -# ---------------------------------------------------------------
7523 -# Utilities
7524 -
7525 -sub checkstandard {
7526 - if (system("which unzip > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
7527 - die "This firmware requires the unzip command - see\n";
7528 - }
7529 - if (system("which md5sum > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
7530 - die "This firmware requires the md5sum command - see\n";
7531 - }
7532 - if (system("which wget > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
7533 - die "This firmware requires the wget command - see\n";
7534 - }
7535 -}
7536 -
7537 -sub checkunshield {
7538 - if (system("which unshield > /dev/null 2>&1")) {
7539 - die "This firmware requires the unshield command - see\n";
7540 - }
7541 -}
7542 -
7543 -sub wgetfile {
7544 - my ($sourcefile, $url) = @_;
7545 -
7546 - if (! -f $sourcefile) {
7547 - system("wget -O \"$sourcefile\" \"$url\"") and die "wget failed - unable to download firmware";
7548 - }
7549 -}
7550 -
7551 -sub unzip {
7552 - my ($sourcefile, $todir) = @_;
7553 -
7554 - $status = system("unzip -q -o -d \"$todir\" \"$sourcefile\" 2>/dev/null" );
7555 - if ((($status >> 8) > 2) || (($status & 0xff) != 0)) {
7556 - die ("unzip failed - unable to extract firmware");
7557 - }
7558 -}
7559 -
7560 -sub unshield {
7561 - my ($sourcefile, $todir) = @_;
7562 -
7563 - system("unshield x -d \"$todir\" \"$sourcefile\" > /dev/null" ) and die ("unshield failed - unable to extract firmware");
7564 -}
7565 -
7566 -sub verify {
7567 - my ($filename, $hash) = @_;
7568 - my ($testhash);
7569 -
7570 - open(CMD, "md5sum \"$filename\"|");
7571 - $testhash = <CMD>;
7572 - $testhash =~ /([a-zA-Z0-9]*)/;
7573 - $testhash = $1;
7574 - close CMD;
7575 - die "Hash of extracted file does not match!\n" if ($testhash ne $hash);
7576 -}
7577 -
7578 -sub copy {
7579 - my ($from, $to) = @_;
7580 -
7581 - system("cp -f \"$from\" \"$to\"") and die ("cp failed");
7582 -}
7583 -
7584 -sub extract {
7585 - my ($infile, $offset, $length, $outfile) = @_;
7586 - my ($chunklength, $buf, $rcount);
7587 -
7588 - open INFILE, "<$infile";
7589 - open OUTFILE, ">$outfile";
7590 - sysseek(INFILE, $offset, SEEK_SET);
7591 - while($length > 0) {
7592 - # Calc chunk size
7593 - $chunklength = 2048;
7594 - $chunklength = $length if ($chunklength > $length);
7595 -
7596 - $rcount = sysread(INFILE, $buf, $chunklength);
7597 - die "Ran out of data\n" if ($rcount != $chunklength);
7598 - syswrite(OUTFILE, $buf);
7599 - $length -= $rcount;
7600 - }
7601 - close INFILE;
7602 - close OUTFILE;
7603 -}
7604 -
7605 -sub appendfile {
7606 - my ($FH, $infile) = @_;
7607 - my ($buf);
7608 -
7609 - open INFILE, "<$infile";
7610 - while(1) {
7611 - $rcount = sysread(INFILE, $buf, 2048);
7612 - last if ($rcount == 0);
7613 - print $FH $buf;
7614 - }
7615 - close(INFILE);
7616 -}
7617 -
7618 -sub delzero{
7619 - my ($infile,$outfile) =@_;
7620 -
7621 - open INFILE,"<$infile";
7622 - open OUTFILE,">$outfile";
7623 - while (1){
7624 - $rcount=sysread(INFILE,$buf,22);
7625 - $len=ord(substr($buf,0,1));
7626 - print OUTFILE substr($buf,0,1);
7627 - print OUTFILE substr($buf,2,$len+3);
7628 - last if ($rcount<1);
7629 - printf OUTFILE "%c",0;
7630 -#print $len." ".length($buf)."\n";
7631 -
7632 - }
7633 - close(INFILE);
7634 - close(OUTFILE);
7635 -}
7636 -
7637 -sub syntax() {
7638 - print STDERR "syntax: get_dvb_firmware <component>\n";
7639 - print STDERR "Supported components:\n";
7640 - for($i=0; $i < scalar(@components); $i++) {
7641 - print STDERR "\t" . $components[$i] . "\n";
7642 - }
7643 - exit(1);
7644 -}
7646 diff --git a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.07.06-r1.ebuild b/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.07.06-r1.ebuild
7647 deleted file mode 100644
7648 index ecf1794..00000000
7649 --- a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.07.06-r1.ebuild
7650 +++ /dev/null
7651 @@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
7652 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
7653 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
7654 -# $Id$
7655 -
7656 -DESCRIPTION="Firmware files needed for operation of some dvb-devices"
7657 -HOMEPAGE=""
7658 -
7659 -LICENSE="freedist ISC all-rights-reserved"
7660 -SLOT="0"
7661 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
7662 -IUSE=""
7663 -RESTRICT="mirror bindist"
7664 -
7665 -DEPEND=""
7666 -RDEPEND=""
7667 -
7668 -S="${WORKDIR}"
7669 -
7670 -# Files which can be fetched from
7671 -PACKET_NAME=dvb-firmwares-1.tar.bz2
7673 -get_dvb_firmware="${FILESDIR}/get_dvb_firmware-${PV}"
7674 -# from;a=history;f=Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
7675 -
7676 -FW_USE_FLAGS=(
7677 -# packet
7678 - "usb-a800"
7679 - "dibusb-usb2"
7680 - "usb-dtt200u"
7681 - "usb-umt"
7682 - "usb-vp702x"
7683 - "usb-vp7045"
7684 - "usb-wt220u"
7685 - "dibusb-usb1"
7686 - "or51211"
7687 - "or51132"
7688 - "or51132"
7689 -# own URL
7690 - "ttpci"
7691 - "bcm3510"
7692 - "usb-wt220u"
7693 - "usb-wt220u"
7694 - "usb-dib0700"
7695 - "usb-af9015"
7696 - "sp887x"
7697 - "af9005"
7698 - "cx231xx"
7699 - "cx18"
7700 - "cx18"
7701 - "cx18"
7702 - "cx23885"
7703 - "cx23885"
7704 - "pvrusb2"
7705 - "usb-bluebird"
7706 - "tda10045"
7707 -# get_dvb_firmware
7708 - "sp8870"
7709 - "tda10046"
7710 - "tda10046lifeview"
7711 - "ttusb-dec"
7712 - "ttusb-dec"
7713 - "ttusb-dec"
7714 - "opera1"
7715 - "opera1"
7716 - "vp7041"
7717 - "nxt200x"
7718 - "mpc718"
7719 -)
7720 -
7721 -FW_FILES=(
7722 -# packet
7723 - "dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02.fw"
7724 - "dvb-usb-dibusb-"
7725 - "dvb-usb-dtt200u-01.fw"
7726 - "dvb-usb-umt-010-02.fw"
7727 - "dvb-usb-vp702x-01.fw"
7728 - "dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw"
7729 - "dvb-usb-wt220u-01.fw"
7730 - "dvb-usb-dibusb-"
7731 - "dvb-fe-or51211.fw"
7732 - "dvb-fe-or51132-qam.fw"
7733 - "dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw"
7734 -# own URL
7735 - "dvb-ttpci-01.fw"
7736 - "dvb-fe-bcm3510-01.fw"
7737 - "dvb-usb-wt220u-02.fw"
7738 - "dvb-usb-wt220u-fc03.fw"
7739 - "dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw"
7740 - "dvb-usb-af9015.fw"
7741 - "dvb-fe-sp887x.fw"
7742 - "af9005.fw"
7743 - "v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw"
7744 - "v4l-cx23418-apu.fw"
7745 - "v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw"
7746 - "v4l-cx23418-dig.fw"
7747 - "v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw"
7748 - "v4l-cx23885-enc.fw"
7749 - "v4l-cx25840.fw"
7750 - "dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw"
7751 - "dvb-fe-tda10045.fw"
7752 -# get_dvb_firmware
7753 - "dvb-fe-sp8870.fw"
7754 - "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw"
7755 - "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw"
7756 - "dvb-ttusb-dec-2000t.fw"
7757 - "dvb-ttusb-dec-2540t.fw"
7758 - "dvb-ttusb-dec-3000s.fw"
7759 - "dvb-usb-opera1-fpga-01.fw"
7760 - "dvb-usb-opera-01.fw"
7761 - "dvb-vp7041-2.422.fw"
7762 - "dvb-fe-nxt2004.fw"
7763 - "dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352.fw"
7764 -)
7765 -
7767 -# packet
7768 - "-"
7769 - "-"
7770 - "-"
7771 - "-"
7772 - "-"
7773 - "-"
7774 - "-"
7775 - "-"
7776 - "-"
7777 - "-"
7778 - "-"
7779 -# own URL
7780 - "-"
7781 - "-"
7782 - "-"
7783 - "-"
7784 - "-"
7785 - "-"
7786 - "-"
7787 - "-"
7788 - "-"
7789 - "-"
7790 - "-"
7791 - "-"
7792 - "-"
7793 - "-"
7794 - "-"
7795 - "-"
7796 - "-"
7797 -# get_dvb_firmware
7798 - "sp8870"
7799 - "tda10046"
7800 - "tda10046lifeview"
7801 - "dec2000t"
7802 - "dec2540t"
7803 - "dec3000s"
7804 - "opera1"
7805 - "-"
7806 - "vp7041"
7807 - "nxt2004"
7808 - "mpc718"
7809 -)
7810 -
7811 -FW_URLS=(
7812 -# packet
7813 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7814 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7815 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7816 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7817 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7818 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7819 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7820 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7821 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7822 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7823 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
7824 -# own URL
7825 - ""
7826 - ""
7827 - ""
7828 - ""
7829 - ""
7830 - ""
7831 - ""
7832 - ""
7833 - ""
7834 - ""
7835 - ""
7836 - ""
7837 - ""
7838 - ""
7839 - ""
7840 - ""
7841 - ""
7842 -# get_dvb_firmware
7843 - ""
7844 - ""
7845 - ""
7846 - ""
7847 - ""
7848 - ""
7849 - ""
7850 - ""
7851 - ""
7852 - ""
7853 - ""
7854 -)
7855 -
7856 -SRC_URI=""
7859 -ALL_URLS=""
7860 -
7861 -for ((CARD=0; CARD < ${#FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}; CARD++)) do
7862 - URL="${FW_URLS[CARD]}"
7863 -
7864 - if [[ -z ${URL} ]]; then
7865 - echo "missing url for ${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}"
7866 - continue
7867 - fi
7868 - SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} dvb_cards_${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}? ( ${URL} )"
7869 -
7870 - IUSE="${IUSE} dvb_cards_${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}"
7873 - ALL_URLS="${ALL_URLS} ${URL}"
7874 -
7876 - if [[ ${GET_PARAM} != "-" ]]; then
7877 - # all firmwares extracted by get_dvb_firmware need unzip
7878 - DEPEND="${DEPEND} dvb_cards_${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}? ( app-arch/unzip )"
7879 - fi
7880 -done
7881 -
7883 -
7886 - app-arch/unzip
7888 -
7889 -install_dvb_card() {
7890 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]]; then
7891 - # install (almost) all firmware files
7892 - # do not install this one due to conflicting filenames
7893 - [[ "${1}" != "tda10046lifeview" ]]
7894 - else
7895 - # Check if this flag is set
7896 - use dvb_cards_${1}
7897 - fi
7898 -}
7899 -
7900 -pkg_setup() {
7901 - #echo SRC_URI=${SRC_URI}
7902 - #echo DEPEND=${DEPEND}
7903 - if has tda1004x ${DVB_CARDS}; then
7904 - eerror
7905 - eerror "DVB_CARDS flag tda1004x has been split into"
7906 - eerror "tda10045, tda10046 and tda10046lifeview".
7907 - eerror
7908 - eerror "But beware that you cannot enable tda10046 and"
7909 - eerror "tda10046lifeview at the same time."
7910 - fi
7911 -
7912 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]]; then
7913 - elog
7914 - elog "DVB_CARDS is not set, installing all available firmware files."
7915 - elog "To save bandwidth please consider setting the DVB_CARDS variable"
7916 - elog "in ${ROOT%/}/etc/make.conf. This way only the firmwares you own"
7917 - elog "the hardware will be installed."
7918 - fi
7919 - # according to
7920 - # we should not die here. However, there is no sensible fallback choice to make
7921 - # because the user may have either the one or the other. WYGIWYG
7922 - if use dvb_cards_tda10046 && use dvb_cards_tda10046lifeview; then
7923 - eerror
7924 - eerror "You cannot have both tda10046 and tda10046lifeview in DVB_CARDS"
7925 - eerror "because of colliding firmware filenames (dvb-fe-tda10046.fw)."
7926 - eerror "Sorry."
7927 - die "Conflicting values for DVB_CARDS set."
7928 - fi
7929 - elog
7930 - elog "List of possible card-names to use for DVB_CARDS:"
7931 - echo ${FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}| tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq | fmt \
7932 - | while read line; do
7933 - elog " ${line}"
7934 - done
7935 - elog
7936 - elog "If you need another firmware file and want it included create a bug"
7937 - elog "at"
7938 - elog "In case some firmware sources are not fetchable please try again at"
7939 - elog "a later time and if it still does not fetch report a bug. If there"
7940 - elog "is no alternative source or an update to the firmware available we"
7941 - elog "have to remove it from the ebuild and you are on your own."
7942 -}
7943 -
7944 -src_unpack() {
7945 - local distfile
7946 -
7947 - # link all downloaded files to ${S}
7948 - for distfile in ${A}; do
7949 - [[ -L ${distfile} ]] || ln -s ${DISTDIR}/${distfile} ${distfile}
7950 - done
7951 -
7952 - # unpack firmware-packet
7953 - if has ${PACKET_NAME} ${A}; then
7954 - unpack ${PACKET_NAME}
7955 - fi
7956 -
7957 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]] || use dvb_cards_mpc718 ; then
7958 - mv "Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card"
7959 - fi
7960 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]] || use dvb_cards_ttpci ; then
7961 - mv dvb-ttpci-01.fw-fc2624 dvb-ttpci-01.fw
7962 - fi
7963 -
7964 - local script_v=${PV}
7965 -
7966 - # Adjust temp-dir of get_dvb_firmware
7967 - sed "${FILESDIR}"/get_dvb_firmware-${script_v} \
7968 - -e "s#/tmp#${T}#g" > get_dvb_firmware
7969 - chmod a+x get_dvb_firmware
7970 -
7971 - # extract the firmware-files
7972 - for ((CARD=0; CARD < ${#FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}; CARD++)) do
7973 - install_dvb_card ${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]} || continue
7974 -
7976 - if [[ ${GET_PARAM} != "-" ]]; then
7977 - [[ -f ${FW_FILES[CARD]} ]] && ewarn "Already existing: ${FW_FILES[CARD]}"
7978 - elog "Extracting ${FW_FILES[CARD]}"
7979 - ./get_dvb_firmware ${GET_PARAM}
7980 - fi
7981 - done
7982 -}
7983 -
7984 -src_install() {
7985 - insinto /lib/firmware
7986 -
7987 - for ((CARD=0; CARD < ${#FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}; CARD++)) do
7988 - if install_dvb_card ${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}; then
7989 - local file=${FW_FILES[CARD]}
7990 - [[ -f ${file} ]] || die "File ${file} does not exist!"
7991 - doins ${file}
7992 - fi
7993 - done
7994 -}
7996 diff --git a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.09.19.ebuild b/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.09.19.ebuild
7997 deleted file mode 100644
7998 index add8f5a..00000000
7999 --- a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/linuxtv-dvb-firmware-2009.09.19.ebuild
8000 +++ /dev/null
8001 @@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
8002 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
8003 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
8004 -# $Id$
8005 -
8006 -DESCRIPTION="Firmware files needed for operation of some dvb-devices"
8007 -HOMEPAGE=""
8008 -
8009 -LICENSE="freedist ISC all-rights-reserved"
8010 -SLOT="0"
8011 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
8012 -IUSE=""
8013 -RESTRICT="mirror bindist"
8014 -
8015 -DEPEND="app-arch/unrar"
8016 -RDEPEND=""
8017 -
8018 -S="${WORKDIR}"
8019 -
8020 -# Files which can be fetched from
8021 -PACKET_NAME=dvb-firmwares-1.tar.bz2
8023 -TEVII_NAME=Tevii_linuxdriver_0815.rar
8025 -get_dvb_firmware="${FILESDIR}/get_dvb_firmware-${PV}"
8026 -# from;a=history;f=Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware
8027 -
8028 -FW_USE_FLAGS=(
8029 -# packet
8030 - "usb-a800"
8031 - "dibusb-usb2"
8032 - "usb-dtt200u"
8033 - "usb-umt"
8034 - "usb-vp702x"
8035 - "usb-vp7045"
8036 - "usb-wt220u"
8037 - "dibusb-usb1"
8038 - "or51211"
8039 - "or51132"
8040 - "or51132"
8041 - "usb-dw2104"
8042 - "usb-dw2104"
8043 -# own URL
8044 - "ttpci"
8045 - "bcm3510"
8046 - "usb-wt220u"
8047 - "usb-wt220u"
8048 - "usb-dib0700"
8049 - "sp887x"
8050 - "af9005"
8051 - "cx231xx"
8052 - "cx18"
8053 - "cx18"
8054 - "cx18"
8055 - "cx23885"
8056 - "cx23885"
8057 - "pvrusb2"
8058 - "usb-bluebird"
8059 - "tda10045"
8060 -# get_dvb_firmware
8061 - "sp8870"
8062 - "tda10046"
8063 - "tda10046lifeview"
8064 - "ttusb-dec"
8065 - "ttusb-dec"
8066 - "ttusb-dec"
8067 - "opera1"
8068 - "opera1"
8069 - "vp7041"
8070 - "nxt200x"
8071 - "mpc718"
8072 - "usb-af9015"
8073 -)
8074 -
8075 -FW_FILES=(
8076 -# packet
8077 - "dvb-usb-avertv-a800-02.fw"
8078 - "dvb-usb-dibusb-"
8079 - "dvb-usb-dtt200u-01.fw"
8080 - "dvb-usb-umt-010-02.fw"
8081 - "dvb-usb-vp702x-01.fw"
8082 - "dvb-usb-vp7045-01.fw"
8083 - "dvb-usb-wt220u-01.fw"
8084 - "dvb-usb-dibusb-"
8085 - "dvb-fe-or51211.fw"
8086 - "dvb-fe-or51132-qam.fw"
8087 - "dvb-fe-or51132-vsb.fw"
8088 - "dvb-usb-dw2104.fw"
8089 - "dvb-fe-cx24116.fw"
8090 -# own URL
8091 - "dvb-ttpci-01.fw"
8092 - "dvb-fe-bcm3510-01.fw"
8093 - "dvb-usb-wt220u-02.fw"
8094 - "dvb-usb-wt220u-fc03.fw"
8095 - "dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw"
8096 - "dvb-fe-sp887x.fw"
8097 - "af9005.fw"
8098 - "v4l-cx231xx-avcore-01.fw"
8099 - "v4l-cx23418-apu.fw"
8100 - "v4l-cx23418-cpu.fw"
8101 - "v4l-cx23418-dig.fw"
8102 - "v4l-cx23885-avcore-01.fw"
8103 - "v4l-cx23885-enc.fw"
8104 - "v4l-cx25840.fw"
8105 - "dvb-usb-bluebird-01.fw"
8106 - "dvb-fe-tda10045.fw"
8107 -# get_dvb_firmware
8108 - "dvb-fe-sp8870.fw"
8109 - "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw"
8110 - "dvb-fe-tda10046.fw"
8111 - "dvb-ttusb-dec-2000t.fw"
8112 - "dvb-ttusb-dec-2540t.fw"
8113 - "dvb-ttusb-dec-3000s.fw"
8114 - "dvb-usb-opera1-fpga-01.fw"
8115 - "dvb-usb-opera-01.fw"
8116 - "dvb-vp7041-2.422.fw"
8117 - "dvb-fe-nxt2004.fw"
8118 - "dvb-cx18-mpc718-mt352.fw"
8119 - "dvb-usb-af9015.fw"
8120 -)
8121 -
8123 -# packet
8124 - "-"
8125 - "-"
8126 - "-"
8127 - "-"
8128 - "-"
8129 - "-"
8130 - "-"
8131 - "-"
8132 - "-"
8133 - "-"
8134 - "-"
8135 - "-"
8136 - "-"
8137 -# own URL
8138 - "-"
8139 - "-"
8140 - "-"
8141 - "-"
8142 - "-"
8143 - "-"
8144 - "-"
8145 - "-"
8146 - "-"
8147 - "-"
8148 - "-"
8149 - "-"
8150 - "-"
8151 - "-"
8152 - "-"
8153 - "-"
8154 -# get_dvb_firmware
8155 - "sp8870"
8156 - "tda10046"
8157 - "tda10046lifeview"
8158 - "dec2000t"
8159 - "dec2540t"
8160 - "dec3000s"
8161 - "opera1"
8162 - "-"
8163 - "vp7041"
8164 - "nxt2004"
8165 - "mpc718"
8166 - "af9015"
8167 -)
8168 -
8169 -FW_URLS=(
8170 -# packet
8171 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8172 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8173 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8174 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8175 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8176 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8177 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8178 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8179 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8180 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8181 - "${PACKET_SRC_URI}"
8182 - "${TEVII_SRC_URI}"
8183 - "${TEVII_SRC_URI}"
8184 -# own URL
8185 - ""
8186 - ""
8187 - ""
8188 - ""
8189 - ""
8190 - ""
8191 - ""
8192 - ""
8193 - ""
8194 - ""
8195 - ""
8196 - ""
8197 - ""
8198 - ""
8199 - ""
8200 - ""
8201 -# get_dvb_firmware
8202 - ""
8203 - ""
8204 - ""
8205 - ""
8206 - ""
8207 - ""
8208 - ""
8209 - ""
8210 - ""
8211 - ""
8212 - ""
8213 - ""
8214 -)
8215 -
8216 -SRC_URI=""
8219 -ALL_URLS=""
8220 -
8221 -for ((CARD=0; CARD < ${#FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}; CARD++)) do
8222 - URL="${FW_URLS[CARD]}"
8223 -
8224 - if [[ -z ${URL} ]]; then
8225 - echo "missing url for ${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}"
8226 - continue
8227 - fi
8228 - SRC_URI="${SRC_URI} dvb_cards_${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}? ( ${URL} )"
8229 -
8230 - IUSE="${IUSE} dvb_cards_${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}"
8233 - ALL_URLS="${ALL_URLS} ${URL}"
8234 -
8236 - if [[ ${GET_PARAM} != "-" ]]; then
8237 - # all firmwares extracted by get_dvb_firmware need unzip
8238 - DEPEND="${DEPEND} dvb_cards_${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}? ( app-arch/unzip )"
8239 - fi
8240 -done
8241 -
8243 -
8246 - app-arch/unzip
8248 -
8249 -install_dvb_card() {
8250 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]]; then
8251 - # install (almost) all firmware files
8252 - # do not install this one due to conflicting filenames
8253 - [[ "${1}" != "tda10046lifeview" ]]
8254 - else
8255 - # Check if this flag is set
8256 - use dvb_cards_${1}
8257 - fi
8258 -}
8259 -
8260 -pkg_setup() {
8261 - #echo SRC_URI=${SRC_URI}
8262 - #echo DEPEND=${DEPEND}
8263 - if has tda1004x ${DVB_CARDS}; then
8264 - eerror
8265 - eerror "DVB_CARDS flag tda1004x has been split into"
8266 - eerror "tda10045, tda10046 and tda10046lifeview".
8267 - eerror
8268 - eerror "But beware that you cannot enable tda10046 and"
8269 - eerror "tda10046lifeview at the same time."
8270 - fi
8271 -
8272 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]]; then
8273 - elog
8274 - elog "DVB_CARDS is not set, installing all available firmware files."
8275 - elog "To save bandwidth please consider setting the DVB_CARDS variable"
8276 - elog "in ${ROOT%/}/etc/make.conf. This way only the firmwares you own"
8277 - elog "the hardware will be installed."
8278 - fi
8279 - # according to
8280 - # we should not die here. However, there is no sensible fallback choice to make
8281 - # because the user may have either the one or the other. WYGIWYG
8282 - if use dvb_cards_tda10046 && use dvb_cards_tda10046lifeview; then
8283 - eerror
8284 - eerror "You cannot have both tda10046 and tda10046lifeview in DVB_CARDS"
8285 - eerror "because of colliding firmware filenames (dvb-fe-tda10046.fw)."
8286 - eerror "Sorry."
8287 - die "Conflicting values for DVB_CARDS set."
8288 - fi
8289 - elog
8290 - elog "List of possible card-names to use for DVB_CARDS:"
8291 - echo ${FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}| tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq | fmt \
8292 - | while read line; do
8293 - elog " ${line}"
8294 - done
8295 - elog
8296 - elog "If you need another firmware file and want it included create a bug"
8297 - elog "at"
8298 - elog "In case some firmware sources are not fetchable please try again at"
8299 - elog "a later time and if it still does not fetch report a bug. If there"
8300 - elog "is no alternative source or an update to the firmware available we"
8301 - elog "have to remove it from the ebuild and you are on your own."
8302 -}
8303 -
8304 -src_unpack() {
8305 - local distfile
8306 -
8307 - # link all downloaded files to ${S}
8308 - for distfile in ${A}; do
8309 - [[ -L ${distfile} ]] || ln -s ${DISTDIR}/${distfile} ${distfile}
8310 - done
8311 -
8312 - # unpack firmware-packet
8313 - if has ${PACKET_NAME} ${A}; then
8314 - unpack ${PACKET_NAME}
8315 - fi
8316 -
8317 - # unpack tevii packet
8318 - if has ${TEVII_NAME} ${A}; then
8319 - unpack ${TEVII_NAME}
8320 - fi
8321 -
8322 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]] || use dvb_cards_mpc718 ; then
8323 - mv "Yuan MPC718 TV Tuner Card"
8324 - fi
8325 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]] || use dvb_cards_ttpci ; then
8326 - mv dvb-ttpci-01.fw-fc2624 dvb-ttpci-01.fw
8327 - fi
8328 -
8329 - if [[ -z ${DVB_CARDS} ]] || use dvb_cards_usb-dw2104 ; then
8330 - mv tevii_linuxdriver_0815/fw/dvb-usb-s650.fw dvb-usb-dw2104.fw
8331 - mv tevii_linuxdriver_0815/fw/dvb-fe-cx24116.fw ./
8332 - fi
8333 -
8334 - local script_v=${PV}
8335 -
8336 - # Adjust temp-dir of get_dvb_firmware
8337 - sed "${FILESDIR}"/get_dvb_firmware-${script_v} \
8338 - -e "s#/tmp#${T}#g" > get_dvb_firmware
8339 - chmod a+x get_dvb_firmware
8340 -
8341 - # extract the firmware-files
8342 - for ((CARD=0; CARD < ${#FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}; CARD++)) do
8343 - install_dvb_card ${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]} || continue
8344 -
8346 - if [[ ${GET_PARAM} != "-" ]]; then
8347 - [[ -f ${FW_FILES[CARD]} ]] && ewarn "Already existing: ${FW_FILES[CARD]}"
8348 - elog "Extracting ${FW_FILES[CARD]}"
8349 - ./get_dvb_firmware ${GET_PARAM}
8350 - fi
8351 - done
8352 -}
8353 -
8354 -src_install() {
8355 - insinto /lib/firmware
8356 -
8357 - for ((CARD=0; CARD < ${#FW_USE_FLAGS[*]}; CARD++)) do
8358 - if install_dvb_card ${FW_USE_FLAGS[CARD]}; then
8359 - local file=${FW_FILES[CARD]}
8360 - [[ -f ${file} ]] || die "File ${file} does not exist!"
8361 - doins ${file}
8362 - fi
8363 - done
8364 -}
8366 diff --git a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/metadata.xml b/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/metadata.xml
8367 deleted file mode 100644
8368 index 6f49eba..00000000
8369 --- a/media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware/metadata.xml
8370 +++ /dev/null
8371 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
8372 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8373 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
8374 -<pkgmetadata>
8375 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
8376 -</pkgmetadata>
8378 diff --git a/media-video/arista/Manifest b/media-video/arista/Manifest
8379 deleted file mode 100644
8380 index 7925db0..00000000
8381 --- a/media-video/arista/Manifest
8382 +++ /dev/null
8383 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
8384 -DIST arista-0.9.7.tar.gz 344475 SHA256 e6028e45516f0c5a736d6ec3c19f783e0a06d103cf2a816b8cc967ab964023ff SHA512 0a099f33ff56b67984485bda6a778e07c8f7ee215060b709dad22aaf70ca6489d031100d65323fa05067dfc190a8f03f884f297e62d89bc91ab36a970849df51 WHIRLPOOL 617f24e34bc62d7d43b057ea0346032ef3c13c8cc9e08b1e2705a5284967631c3cf5dc61d44aa438bb2f072baa63ffd6151e46aee2e3c0233e373e84957ec750
8386 diff --git a/media-video/arista/arista-0.9.7.ebuild b/media-video/arista/arista-0.9.7.ebuild
8387 deleted file mode 100644
8388 index a8b3126..00000000
8389 --- a/media-video/arista/arista-0.9.7.ebuild
8390 +++ /dev/null
8391 @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
8392 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
8393 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
8394 -# $Id$
8395 -
8396 -EAPI="5"
8397 -
8398 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
8399 -PYTHON_REQ_USE="xml"
8400 -
8401 -# hack for avoiding detecting 'templates' as a locale, next part of it - in src_prepare
8402 -PLOCALES_1="ar ast bg ca cs da de el en_GB es et eu fi fr gl hu ia id it ja jv kn lt nl pl pt pt_BR ro ru sk sl sr sv"
8403 -PLOCALES_2="th tr uk zh_CN zh_TW"
8405 -
8406 -inherit distutils-r1 l10n
8407 -
8408 -DESCRIPTION="An easy to use multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop"
8409 -HOMEPAGE=""
8410 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
8411 -
8412 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
8413 -SLOT="0"
8414 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
8415 -# Making these USE-defaults since encoding for portable devices is a very
8416 -# common use case for Arista. xvid is being added since it's required for
8417 -# DVD ripping. No gst-plugins-x264 available at this time.
8418 -IUSE="+faac kde nautilus +x264 +xvid"
8419 -
8420 -DEPEND="dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
8421 -RDEPEND=">=x11-libs/gtk+-2.16:2
8422 - >=dev-python/pygtk-2.16:2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
8423 - dev-python/pygobject:2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
8424 - dev-python/pycairo[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
8425 - dev-python/gconf-python:2
8426 - dev-python/dbus-python[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
8427 - dev-python/python-gudev[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
8428 - gnome-base/librsvg
8429 - >=media-libs/gstreamer-0.10.22:0.10
8430 - dev-python/gst-python:0.10[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
8431 - media-libs/gst-plugins-base:0.10
8432 - media-libs/gst-plugins-good:0.10
8433 - media-libs/gst-plugins-bad:0.10
8434 - media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta:0.10
8435 - media-plugins/gst-plugins-ffmpeg:0.10
8436 - x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme
8437 - nautilus? ( dev-python/nautilus-python[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
8438 - kde? ( dev-python/librsvg-python[${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
8439 - faac? ( media-plugins/gst-plugins-faac:0.10 )
8440 - x264? ( media-plugins/gst-plugins-x264:0.10 )
8441 - xvid? ( media-plugins/gst-plugins-xvid:0.10 )"
8442 -
8443 -PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-doc-install.patch" )
8444 -
8445 -src_prepare() {
8446 - # dirty hack for new locale detection
8447 - local PLOCALES="${PLOCALES_1} templates ${PLOCALES_2}"
8448 - l10n_find_plocales_changes "${S}/locale" "" ""
8449 -
8450 - distutils-r1_src_prepare
8451 -}
8452 -
8453 -src_install() {
8454 - remove_unused_locale() {
8455 - rm -r "${ED}/usr/share/locale/${1}" || die "can not remove unused locale '${1}'"
8456 - }
8457 -
8458 - distutils-r1_src_install
8459 -
8460 - l10n_for_each_disabled_locale_do remove_unused_locale
8461 -}
8462 -
8463 -pkg_postinst() {
8464 - einfo "If you find that a format you want is not supported in Arista,"
8465 - einfo "please make sure that you have the corresponding USE-flag enabled"
8466 - einfo "media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta"
8467 -}
8469 diff --git a/media-video/arista/files/arista-0.9.7-doc-install.patch b/media-video/arista/files/arista-0.9.7-doc-install.patch
8470 deleted file mode 100644
8471 index 9a59c49..00000000
8472 --- a/media-video/arista/files/arista-0.9.7-doc-install.patch
8473 +++ /dev/null
8474 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
8475 -We prefer to install doc files manually through ebuild
8476 -
8477 ---- 2013-02-12 00:35:31.387656978 +0400
8478 -+++ 2013-02-12 00:35:38.418657537 +0400
8479 -@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@
8480 -
8481 - data_files = [
8482 - (os.path.join("share", "applications"), ["arista.desktop"]),
8483 -- (os.path.join("share", "doc", "arista"), [
8484 -- "", "LICENSE", "AUTHORS"
8485 -- ]),
8486 - (os.path.join("share", "nautilus-python", "extensions"), [""]),
8487 - ]
8488 -
8490 diff --git a/media-video/arista/metadata.xml b/media-video/arista/metadata.xml
8491 deleted file mode 100644
8492 index 6b36d7c..00000000
8493 --- a/media-video/arista/metadata.xml
8494 +++ /dev/null
8495 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
8496 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8497 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
8498 -<pkgmetadata>
8499 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
8500 - <use>
8501 - <flag name="faac">Use external faac library for AAC encoding</flag>
8502 - <flag name="nautilus">Add an entry in the Nautilus context menu to transcode
8503 - media files for a specified device.</flag>
8504 - </use>
8505 -</pkgmetadata>
8507 diff --git a/media-video/coriander/Manifest b/media-video/coriander/Manifest
8508 deleted file mode 100644
8509 index 06be4d7..00000000
8510 --- a/media-video/coriander/Manifest
8511 +++ /dev/null
8512 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
8513 -DIST coriander-2.0.2.tar.gz 465690 SHA256 5c7fd31cb58d398e2742352bf1ffbd2ca22e06686c6668ecfd437735c2b79123 SHA512 f28ee4c50da3e47bfb93ac13b9aa277ba854d91fb4ef1f7ae71b2ce57b26ad746a1741a4ef6fb0b415b77ebcf4dae07241ec3acb876f845219c69ed6679498c8 WHIRLPOOL 356e645b0ad1589e8820a31a800087c5fc3814bbb31d75fbf90f08bac0b2654335317c0ee56cc3c3bab2a369282219b401d8e41245984c0dbc8f64f29de70efd
8515 diff --git a/media-video/coriander/coriander-2.0.2.ebuild b/media-video/coriander/coriander-2.0.2.ebuild
8516 deleted file mode 100644
8517 index 935b931..00000000
8518 --- a/media-video/coriander/coriander-2.0.2.ebuild
8519 +++ /dev/null
8520 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
8521 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
8522 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
8523 -# $Id$
8524 -
8525 -EAPI=5
8526 -inherit eutils
8527 -
8528 -DESCRIPTION="A Gnome2 GUI for firewire camera control and capture"
8529 -HOMEPAGE=""
8530 -
8531 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
8532 -
8533 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
8534 -SLOT="0"
8535 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
8536 -IUSE=""
8537 -
8538 -# ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg ) left out, because ffmpeg support is in
8539 -# development
8540 -RDEPEND="
8541 - >=media-libs/libdc1394-2.0.0
8542 - media-libs/libsdl
8543 - media-libs/tiff:0
8544 - gnome-base/libgnomeui
8545 - gnome-base/libbonoboui
8546 - gnome-base/libgnomecanvas
8547 - gnome-base/libgnome
8548 - gnome-base/orbit
8549 -"
8551 - virtual/pkgconfig
8552 -"
8554 diff --git a/media-video/coriander/metadata.xml b/media-video/coriander/metadata.xml
8555 deleted file mode 100644
8556 index 60aee04..00000000
8557 --- a/media-video/coriander/metadata.xml
8558 +++ /dev/null
8559 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
8560 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8561 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
8562 -<pkgmetadata>
8563 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
8564 - <upstream>
8565 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">coriander</remote-id>
8566 - </upstream>
8567 -</pkgmetadata>
8569 diff --git a/media-video/dvd-slideshow/Manifest b/media-video/dvd-slideshow/Manifest
8570 deleted file mode 100644
8571 index c630aa5..00000000
8572 --- a/media-video/dvd-slideshow/Manifest
8573 +++ /dev/null
8574 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
8575 -DIST dvd-slideshow-0.8.4-2.tar.gz 162905 SHA256 0587cbe4b39b415aec232ada3213b4352c3b9eecec82a64594f1deb8b14a809d SHA512 07be50fe7f37e151de3bef70119cd85d40e83d38401d50a1350beff55084fcf3398110e8410b3710dcacc88a969b7ec808c1308ca6bc7ec4b5a8f4949feaa0a0 WHIRLPOOL 8f2bbb0f72cfe2a5df23c1a77bfd18c059558a82b9b853ba41d5ef61dc6e364696ed151fc5f96ef09b5d34b21b3349011860f59fe2015cb65aae0ff3a4dab5f7
8576 -DIST dvd-slideshow-examples-0.8.4-1.tar.gz 1565431 SHA256 2bb1c227136783c9eb7a43ee7fad4b8b0871e70a4269ed5b7604b13ff88ebed7 SHA512 e79faf1358a787287417b24cfc3e6c2edcf56309f1f23b4b7a866ea88aee1948ed55d81d65281c069d1fd0e9adc51a6efe922933ca8f06b11a17bb7cb96c877f WHIRLPOOL 353d46580b8987e6521037fe230d6b27e607bbc15ff7cdd66841efa29e49ebdbedc0daef68848f9e5bbeb834dc0b3dbbbe3fd1cb5e4754fe0eb82cd85d046ee1
8577 -DIST dvd-slideshow-themes-0.8.4-1.tar.gz 1225865 SHA256 3a929836c9a4afbb3b134718ea548d0f562f48c52d0026ff7bc1b99bebc4d5a1 SHA512 0ec476dc0f93c6f4f97465f0e062298231e091e09e84e0e93d040bb2a4f5ceae7e8ee3d54c776a22669de805f68eb2a9bc23a29da31112e39f6847fd0542fbbc WHIRLPOOL 366dfbb3e2f3b42d9dcdabbb418b4d32f86e87d12792364ed5bdd6bf883cd7da36df36113b48367b188ca2bd674773a1f63049f9c687d356e7f2cf5fa5cc635b
8579 diff --git a/media-video/dvd-slideshow/dvd-slideshow- b/media-video/dvd-slideshow/dvd-slideshow-
8580 deleted file mode 100644
8581 index 6e1c98b..00000000
8582 --- a/media-video/dvd-slideshow/dvd-slideshow-
8583 +++ /dev/null
8584 @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
8585 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
8586 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
8587 -# $Id$
8588 -
8589 -EAPI=4
8590 -
8591 -inherit versionator
8592 -
8593 -MY_P=${PN}-$(replace_version_separator 3 '-')
8594 -
8595 -DESCRIPTION="DVD Slideshow - Turn your pictures into a dvd with menus!"
8596 -HOMEPAGE=""
8597 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${MY_P}.tar.gz
8598 - examples? ( mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${PN}-examples-0.8.4-1.tar.gz )
8599 - themes? ( mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${PN}-themes-0.8.4-1.tar.gz )"
8600 -
8601 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
8602 -SLOT="0"
8603 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
8604 -IUSE="examples mp3 themes vorbis"
8605 -
8606 -RDEPEND="media-sound/sox
8607 - || ( media-gfx/imagemagick media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick] )
8608 - media-video/mjpegtools
8609 - >media-video/dvdauthor-0.6.11
8610 - virtual/cdrtools
8611 - virtual/ffmpeg
8612 - app-cdr/dvd+rw-tools
8613 - mp3? ( media-sound/lame )
8614 - vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
8615 - sys-devel/bc
8616 - media-gfx/jhead"
8617 -DEPEND=""
8618 -
8619 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
8620 -
8621 -src_install() {
8622 - dobin dir2slideshow dvd-menu dvd-slideshow gallery1-to-slideshow \
8623 - jigl2slideshow
8624 -
8625 - dodoc doc/changelog.txt dvd-slideshowrc TODO.txt
8626 - dohtml doc/*.html
8627 - doman man/*.1
8628 -
8629 - if use examples; then
8630 - docinto examples
8631 - dodoc -r "${WORKDIR}"/dvd-slideshow-examples-0.8.4-1/*
8632 - docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
8633 - fi
8634 -
8635 - if use themes; then
8636 - rm "${WORKDIR}"/dvd-slideshow-themes-0.8.4-1/themes.readme.txt
8637 - insinto /usr/share/themes/${PF}
8638 - doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/dvd-slideshow-themes-0.8.4-1/*
8639 - fi
8640 -}
8642 diff --git a/media-video/dvd-slideshow/metadata.xml b/media-video/dvd-slideshow/metadata.xml
8643 deleted file mode 100644
8644 index 892439e..00000000
8645 --- a/media-video/dvd-slideshow/metadata.xml
8646 +++ /dev/null
8647 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
8648 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8649 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
8650 -<pkgmetadata>
8651 - <maintainer type="project">
8652 - <email>media-video@g.o</email>
8653 - </maintainer>
8654 - <use>
8655 - <flag name="themes">Install theme pack</flag>
8656 - </use>
8657 - <upstream>
8658 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">dvd-slideshow</remote-id>
8659 - </upstream>
8660 -</pkgmetadata>
8662 diff --git a/media-video/pgcedit/Manifest b/media-video/pgcedit/Manifest
8663 deleted file mode 100644
8664 index 1a341f5..00000000
8665 --- a/media-video/pgcedit/Manifest
8666 +++ /dev/null
8667 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
8668 -DIST 1650202 SHA256 6cc6d0ff42dfa457022c2f9e9fafa9c088db18a9a82ab7cdfc231e1bbd8d87f4 SHA512 0cc4f824e9509dadb18e416012d32d4f1428c43fedc4af45ce22e05b216f9cd2e4700c97e7d4a9b1c4da4745940c1b53df93d1e1b919142b10279832db7c82df WHIRLPOOL 1af2e0fbd45243beed75862e2237e6416046e4e32dbd6894490ce00f19492e465f97572fe40322094eb013be09d3ff2ba218c1be34aaf1109005d0938fc3a26c
8669 -DIST 898311 SHA256 09a24eaa79668001a5834c33f84ecc335134a3e5050ce6fa25ccbe4036e747f2 SHA512 3904e48dd0004bb8b2967771424c1ca5a5754c0854ac131c37497c66c3148c6ec06b9872a4c69b08cf46bb862b073467f6c0fe8230426bf70e9bb43caf5857ac WHIRLPOOL 31784485e78baf1a861ba3b8f1c4136029a4aff58aab89dac1f9e6b6811a37cd4e35ea9e377d596287ce019c7be8ca81ed593500873aca9107a5b27c78f2773a
8670 -DIST pgcedit.png 891 SHA256 8a7e6b96bb9714afb65683e0db7c77577f20ae97771670fca93fb56d488ad288 SHA512 f24efe76bc7a725da28d98db9e28fb111895cde83f99c4bf6cd4902c5ff32216d2399d97728de33576c61866ef725a0c3ee5466793945a978e6d26ccd0319988 WHIRLPOOL e76acabb53bf72c4290bfe561e42ffb813a38e1ca0e93f3cabf8803037114232338d5939874a066f674b9a87de2700801b55c33472eef1815b90cf3d5464548c
8672 diff --git a/media-video/pgcedit/files/pgcedit-0.8.6-config-paths.patch b/media-video/pgcedit/files/pgcedit-0.8.6-config-paths.patch
8673 deleted file mode 100644
8674 index 24c3955..00000000
8675 --- a/media-video/pgcedit/files/pgcedit-0.8.6-config-paths.patch
8676 +++ /dev/null
8677 @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
8678 ---- a/PgcEdit_main.tcl
8679 -+++ b/PgcEdit_main.tcl
8680 -@@ -1456,9 +1456,9 @@
8681 - catch {file delete $::config(bindir)}
8682 - }
8683 - } else {
8684 -- set config(apppath) [file dirname $scriptname]
8685 -- set ::config(bindir) [file join [file dirname $scriptname] "bin"]
8686 -- set ::config(plugindir) [file join [file dirname $scriptname] "plugins"]
8687 -+ set config(apppath) {/usr/share/pgcedit}
8688 -+ set ::config(bindir) "$config(apppath)/bin"
8689 -+ set ::config(plugindir) "$config(apppath)/plugins"
8690 -
8691 - if {! [file exists $::config(tempdir)]} {
8692 - set ::config(tempdir) "/tmp"
8693 ---- a/lib/main.tcl
8694 -+++ b/lib/main.tcl
8695 -@@ -4674,7 +4674,7 @@
8696 - }
8697 -
8698 - proc display_doc {} {
8699 -- set rootpath [file dirname $::config(bindir)]
8700 -+ set rootpath "@DOCDIR@"
8701 - set filename ""
8702 - if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
8703 - if {[file exists [file join $rootpath "PgcEdit_Manual.chm"]]} {
8705 diff --git a/media-video/pgcedit/metadata.xml b/media-video/pgcedit/metadata.xml
8706 deleted file mode 100644
8707 index d15f309..00000000
8708 --- a/media-video/pgcedit/metadata.xml
8709 +++ /dev/null
8710 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
8711 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8712 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
8713 -<pkgmetadata>
8714 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
8715 - <use>
8716 - <flag name="video">Add support for video preview</flag>
8717 - </use>
8718 -</pkgmetadata>
8720 diff --git a/media-video/pgcedit/pgcedit-0.8.6.ebuild b/media-video/pgcedit/pgcedit-0.8.6.ebuild
8721 deleted file mode 100644
8722 index 0593f08..00000000
8723 --- a/media-video/pgcedit/pgcedit-0.8.6.ebuild
8724 +++ /dev/null
8725 @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
8726 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
8727 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
8728 -# $Id$
8729 -
8730 -EAPI="4"
8731 -
8732 -inherit eutils versionator
8733 -
8734 -MY_PN="PgcEdit"
8735 -MY_P="${MY_PN}_source_$(get_after_major_version)"
8736 -MY_PDOC="${MY_PN}_Manual_html"
8737 -
8738 -DESCRIPTION="DVD IFO and Menu editor"
8739 -HOMEPAGE=""
8740 -SRC_URI="
8741 -${PN}/versions/${MY_P}.zip
8742 -${PN}/versions/${MY_PDOC}.zip
8743 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}.png"
8744 -
8745 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
8746 -SLOT="0"
8747 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
8748 -IUSE="video"
8749 -
8750 -RDEPEND="
8751 - app-cdr/cdrtools
8752 - >=dev-lang/tcl-8.4:0
8753 - >=dev-lang/tk-8.4:0
8754 - video? ( app-emulation/wine )"
8755 -DEPEND="app-arch/unzip"
8756 -
8757 -S=${WORKDIR}
8758 -
8759 -src_prepare() {
8760 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-config-paths.patch
8761 - sed -i "s:@DOCDIR@:/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html:" lib/main.tcl || die
8762 - # These are only used in Windows.
8763 - rm bin/{mkisofs,pskill}.exe || die
8764 - use video || rm bin/PgcEditPreview.exe
8765 -}
8766 -
8767 -src_install() {
8768 - newbin ${MY_PN}_main.tcl ${PN}
8769 -
8770 - keepdir /usr/share/${PN}/plugins
8771 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}
8772 - doins -r bin lib
8773 - dohtml -r doc/*
8774 -
8775 - doicon "${DISTDIR}"/${PN}.png
8776 - make_desktop_entry ${PN} ${MY_PN} ${PN} "AudioVideo;Video;"
8777 -
8778 - dodoc HISTORY.txt TODO.txt
8779 -}
8781 diff --git a/media-video/xanim/Manifest b/media-video/xanim/Manifest
8782 deleted file mode 100644
8783 index fe6723d..00000000
8784 --- a/media-video/xanim/Manifest
8785 +++ /dev/null
8786 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
8787 -DIST xa1.0_cyuv_linuxAlpha.o.gz 2053 SHA256 3b0a75581e9e10d7f60a699514ee7bd9dd0271c1ba731d15e90b4bb0c12b7187 SHA512 014df644c14d9c8fd060d9e024b1eebdb1e4eda0ddf273ecbf7f65956b1b97000ae0c973d88763d6f8f9fe2389dd1029318c3184273e457c4b4c49278e183990 WHIRLPOOL 60318531008423c2c3bb1a8c1e8c99b0792c59d916339c7dc20b12b8c4f619e3b022a3839bab581be37fe2528998a5583840b68999063f78886e6fd95ece82f3
8788 -DIST xa1.0_cyuv_linuxELFg21.o.gz 1141 SHA256 9fa40166a40a20734ba1d00990d142a3961c2416e66dac3fe0767e8304aadb1a SHA512 bc60f1a657c48a5aa2dbfd8808f76d9b904c9d745e1e5bd02d9b7a3c701378f5359b2c99e3eb48ca74708477c296b461ec78ce78f1895ca6279a3e750f6bb84f WHIRLPOOL da98f5e12ec449d95ccf6fc858d176844442613bc59d1973e88b9b4bdbe0b27ab8d69c80da60ea9db12013814b4f23391b74a8766f39291670731d8fa796df19
8789 -DIST xa1.0_cyuv_linuxPPC.o.Z 1513 SHA256 35318deacea099d0c05be985c01672f7f306e748965d5bbc8dd454fe8a28c46e SHA512 8659bb119793291e7ce087795cddcdfc6b918e1c169132a6f1ebb1bd36270d57e0dfc84503ec61f90c461496cab688aaac1cb4dbb2a2483f846bea038305733f WHIRLPOOL 0b952b76acf9e12da988f1679f6fa1c7d002008ed4b762e54cdfbb1ae935273e85bde6b5cd338b7d2d89b77f3d01de7a7a31bc7e61396ab1af77cc92877a409a
8790 -DIST xa1.0_cyuv_sparcELF.o.Z 1277 SHA256 f77cc763c9358e86bd5b77675cabf2150b2085d00d54eada0ec86239959a4a08 SHA512 2e7cab9942d2df510df5e3ed03a970a33276de56353ad0ee0970f42efac2fb2d4e4a92c8534eaa61eeb4f560241b405c92c77283086cf13be2bdcbb1f8423848 WHIRLPOOL f57b9de7ee40e828b193d36acb6be165e6dc0d3f164e1c2360e8109f5e611a3af66e3742a1e456f0728b6acc11412c3f5678de44cd24de12c2a8cecf30a97ba2
8791 -DIST xa2.0_cvid_linuxAlpha.o.gz 5096 SHA256 83efeb14842cd6ee23565e1b8aa7dd637d5de5d7e7cfc25139f4a6b65588ef08 SHA512 2d47b449d539fbc108bfa6dccb41abc5e9ec1ecd0a519d8698950a7343fd59eb0b64938d2ac0f0e8af8c83287217c2d00589f46cd8a4ee9aeaa2b5c6cc207ec4 WHIRLPOOL 343888fd8010893b8346a85adb9b37ce50a368788c2c6a595866ca614098427208928e5f803e7d824c37b997e73b361cefd0713ee330d0894c02a66f4f5d2534
8792 -DIST xa2.0_cvid_linuxELFg21.o.gz 3689 SHA256 59d7f06388f6461ce69aec7b815b5b76281bad14c7ef13f8fadaa5b848072eb5 SHA512 2375d44713af0fe5c6f3873cefd4e82ad2cdb5c3f2be936966a3d1747f73f15ad37945f2185da116f733eff7bdff989961e2cfc5d715ea9b5045d860aa32f0b4 WHIRLPOOL a115d5fd7ceac5bae8b06538cb1dc92f4e32bea0106780cf523e824b01db6e280239e6bf6def16f50acf59bb41222a640101c779da0414f2c71aa0ba2b83e080
8793 -DIST xa2.0_cvid_linuxPPC.o.Z 5192 SHA256 aa7ea8f934780fa3ea887867811c18023cf7a9740cdfa942648f4fd7d6d996f5 SHA512 12ced02b89c2d8d8981104fe7fe93a95a2fb20607635194852e5ff6044c2def9df18ba1db8f639426fb9015f25e17d3b945170f4e1669a1281e0c8494363fe83 WHIRLPOOL 513b7b93e98f8207197476ade0282cf35cc8667c10a24f7cf73f46d39e465e869ab6563591fd3303d31553869b2a40c1ce7cf3260fb3f5023ab1918effab625e
8794 -DIST xa2.0_cvid_sparcELF.o.Z 4730 SHA256 705511a4eb9a639b7c95a3bb7d6f4f7b1d0ce4a59db2a9cb567bfb3c4a513d02 SHA512 6d6aef8f5c4018facafbc42085b9644f2dbd37f8f0131b9e99bcb0d03157ead6d6bfe8fbc92f11cd1ab335d3771fb323081af578a40bf39c8e3ec766a2b0891a WHIRLPOOL a10ae9a90f3f4391170b4f160e90fb14e00c9e268e632e91fbb00e346192ef46fe26d0624b33b85d330440572e6852d374cc3e134c8c3c03d64789fb2b9f284a
8795 -DIST xa2.0_iv32_linuxAlpha.o.gz 33172 SHA256 5439471b0f78da3538ef366311c5ad732e415c95095a452b46694b5b68deac15 SHA512 b6f4a963dc1ae954c61a0c6053fdbe48357cf77f849feadb491e111109405830cc48ce32faea3bec4241b08698470d2389b0022979f47f3fb833436dcba41181 WHIRLPOOL e76d6d1e11771fbdfce334d2925648276056ece1a1c8ac663ad96d579b76b893fc472432c31ee175f3af773c78914db14a48fd0e613f2abd419d13d96a97545e
8796 -DIST xa2.0_iv32_linuxPPC.o.Z 56163 SHA256 d332753ffc6a47c9853a26443e562d3d5aa1cc7a8ac9fad471d3bd2ca0207d3e SHA512 73837266ff178568dd384207443b1236bad7c9867c03c8b45e3894b091780b7f4c2564a993ea4dbeeadc151dfcf87c3a5ecaa3efdc41fa2ab8461151c6aca72f WHIRLPOOL 72430e68df1e825ec48924a6d9845c282d1ded992d95f4487ec248fdd0522e27f90ab1d94077080a3f7ed53b9e1f0decc75f5a2200e732e58efd10743bb6e0b5
8797 -DIST xa2.0_iv32_sparcELF.o.Z 48813 SHA256 86b4613490ac3cadc73524cc433deafebedacbda692ad5f88bcb7c029113ad24 SHA512 6f42e13f5adea510458b9d08cc8acc401cdebec5668bb73922ac053707d2401d503f38a33182c80748e09378464b907224ac77a166098f9dd7877e7dbe972bd1 WHIRLPOOL c87ee79394707c121396df8cea5b7f29a084cf1507033e870d1d73f389feca74906f2586906a955ffff7d4e0fa5e8aab14a772225313ee35ede6de43aedcf1e0
8798 -DIST xa2.1_iv32_linuxELFg21.o.gz 29291 SHA256 41420dca15e5e546c455553b6434435d53de17a08a6307a79de75e753a85b3a1 SHA512 df2a9c534239061da3dab413b6e4e9c127ec4b0a3fd6a8665169bc69e3577b10b7c26c21124e083ece891ac28605ec6f4e407dc2a35ffe54f16101d8cc9be179 WHIRLPOOL ec1c0074006a0b0229b8c1fc1bd777225ea96fdc4b77272ec3b6ffe3569e31c677fa8b175b6263b42904bbb5dd1d2d5c7fcbda262333c2394c993d8a03c379b9
8799 -DIST xanim2801.tar.gz 441250 SHA256 72031927a70ab782e2b0a69daaef7894b0ec1c2c6c2d65d495aff5f50bbed0a9 SHA512 c289227f5af42f0c02d2e3188443f472d103bd6ace3bc05b39206daca1e8f81971d9e9bc30891d0ced2c4aca7b9bf0ecbfe8cc0d56563945d28e505435bb6f60 WHIRLPOOL c7118a98d337caa164e399032183a476d3b090ce7e6c7e503dea229a06c6c6307dd04a10bf408088489dbc81f8de913a29ca66460fbe7f22d0656c75b6abdf54
8801 diff --git a/media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-freebsd.patch b/media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-freebsd.patch
8802 deleted file mode 100644
8803 index c31651a..00000000
8804 --- a/media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-freebsd.patch
8805 +++ /dev/null
8806 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
8807 ---- xa_audio.h.old Thu Apr 11 08:48:39 2002
8808 -+++ xa_audio.h Thu Apr 11 08:49:25 2002
8809 -@@ -139,7 +139,11 @@
8810 - #define _FILE_DSP "/dev/dsp"
8811 - #define _FILE_MIXER "/dev/mixer"
8812 - #ifdef __FreeBSD__
8813 -+#if __FreeBSD__ > 3
8814 -+#include <sys/soundcard.h>
8815 -+#else
8816 - #include <machine/soundcard.h>
8817 -+#endif
8818 - #else
8819 - #include <sys/soundcard.h>
8820 - #endif
8822 diff --git a/media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-gcc41.patch b/media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-gcc41.patch
8823 deleted file mode 100644
8824 index 3652989..00000000
8825 --- a/media-video/xanim/files/xanim-2.80.1-gcc41.patch
8826 +++ /dev/null
8827 @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
8828 ---- xanim2801/xa_input.c.orig 2006-02-24 23:01:28.000000000 +0900
8829 -+++ xanim2801/xa_input.c 2006-02-24 23:07:28.000000000 +0900
8830 -@@ -952,13 +952,6 @@
8831 - else return(xaFALSE);
8832 - }
8833 -
8834 --xaULONG xa_ftp_abort(xin)
8835 --XA_INPUT xin;
8836 --{
8837 -- return(xaFALSE);
8838 --}
8839 --
8840 --
8841 - /************************
8842 - *
8843 - *********/
8844 -@@ -1025,28 +1018,28 @@
8845 - memset(&data,0,sizeof(data));
8846 - memset(&from,0,sizeof(from));
8847 - if (gethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) < 0)
8848 -- return(xa_ftp_abort(xin));
8849 -+ return(xaFALSE);
8850 - if ((host= (struct hostent *)gethostbyname(hostname)) == 0)
8851 -- return(xa_ftp_abort(xin));
8852 -+ return(xaFALSE);
8853 - data.sin_family = host->h_addrtype;
8854 - memcpy( (char *)&data.sin_addr, (char *)host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length);
8855 - if ((tmp_sock = socket ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 )) < 0)
8856 -- return(xa_ftp_abort(xin));
8857 -+ return(xaFALSE);
8858 - len = 1;
8859 - if (setsockopt(tmp_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
8860 - (char *)(&len), sizeof(len)) < 0)
8861 -- { close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8862 -+ { close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8863 -
8864 - data.sin_port = 0;
8865 - if ( bind(tmp_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&data, sizeof(data)) < 0 )
8866 -- { close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8867 -+ { close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8868 -
8869 - len = sizeof(data);
8870 - if (getsockname(tmp_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&data, &len) < 0 )
8871 -- { close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8872 -+ { close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8873 -
8874 - if (listen(tmp_sock, 4) < 0 )
8875 -- { close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8876 -+ { close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8877 -
8878 - /* POD add support for PORT command? */
8879 - addr = (xaUBYTE *) (&data.sin_addr);
8880 -@@ -1059,15 +1052,15 @@
8881 -
8882 - if (xa_ftp_send_cmd(xin, port_cmd, &retcode) == xaFALSE)
8883 - { fprintf(stderr,"FTP: send cmd err\n");
8884 -- close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8885 -+ close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8886 -
8887 - if (xa_ftp_send_cmd(xin, file_cmd, &retcode) == xaFALSE)
8888 - { fprintf(stderr,"FTP: send cmd err\n");
8889 -- close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8890 -+ close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8891 -
8892 - len = sizeof(from);
8893 - xin->dsock = accept((int)tmp_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &from, (int *)&len);
8894 -- if (xin->dsock < 0) { close(tmp_sock); return(xa_ftp_abort(xin)); }
8895 -+ if (xin->dsock < 0) { close(tmp_sock); return(xaFALSE); }
8896 - close(tmp_sock);
8897 - return(xaTRUE);
8898 - }
8900 diff --git a/media-video/xanim/metadata.xml b/media-video/xanim/metadata.xml
8901 deleted file mode 100644
8902 index 68b9a06..00000000
8903 --- a/media-video/xanim/metadata.xml
8904 +++ /dev/null
8905 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
8906 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
8907 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
8908 -<pkgmetadata>
8909 -<maintainer type="project">
8910 - <email>media-video@g.o</email>
8911 -</maintainer>
8912 -</pkgmetadata>
8914 diff --git a/media-video/xanim/xanim-2.80.1-r4.ebuild b/media-video/xanim/xanim-2.80.1-r4.ebuild
8915 deleted file mode 100644
8916 index f49e589..00000000
8917 --- a/media-video/xanim/xanim-2.80.1-r4.ebuild
8918 +++ /dev/null
8919 @@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
8920 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
8921 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
8922 -# $Id$
8923 -
8924 -inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
8925 -
8926 -DESCRIPTION="program for playing a wide variety of animation, audio and video formats"
8927 -HOMEPAGE=""
8928 -
8929 -LICENSE="XAnim"
8930 -SLOT="0"
8931 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd"
8932 -IUSE=""
8933 -
8934 -RDEPEND="x11-libs/libXext
8935 - x11-libs/libXt
8936 - >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3"
8938 - >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
8939 - x11-proto/xextproto"
8940 -
8941 -MY_P=${PN}${PV//.}
8942 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
8943 -
8944 -_XA_CYUV_alpha=xa1.0_cyuv_linuxAlpha.o
8945 -_XA_CVID_alpha=xa2.0_cvid_linuxAlpha.o
8946 -_XA_IV32_alpha=xa2.0_iv32_linuxAlpha.o
8947 -_XA_EXT_alpha=.gz
8948 -
8949 -_XA_CYUV_ppc=xa1.0_cyuv_linuxPPC.o
8950 -_XA_CVID_ppc=xa2.0_cvid_linuxPPC.o
8951 -_XA_IV32_ppc=xa2.0_iv32_linuxPPC.o
8952 -_XA_EXT_ppc=.Z
8953 -
8954 -_XA_CYUV_sparc=xa1.0_cyuv_sparcELF.o
8955 -_XA_CVID_sparc=xa2.0_cvid_sparcELF.o
8956 -_XA_IV32_sparc=xa2.0_iv32_sparcELF.o
8957 -_XA_EXT_sparc=.Z
8958 -
8959 -_XA_CYUV_x86=xa1.0_cyuv_linuxELFg21.o
8960 -_XA_CVID_x86=xa2.0_cvid_linuxELFg21.o
8961 -_XA_IV32_x86=xa2.1_iv32_linuxELFg21.o
8962 -_XA_EXT_x86=.gz
8963 -
8964 -_XA_CYUV_x86_fbsd=xa1.0_cyuv_linuxELFg21.o
8965 -_XA_CVID_x86_fbsd=xa2.0_cvid_linuxELFg21.o
8966 -_XA_IV32_x86_fbsd=xa2.1_iv32_linuxELFg21.o
8967 -_XA_EXT_x86_fbsd=.gz
8968 -
8969 -# This might leave _XA_EXT empty and that's fine, just indicates no
8970 -# particular support for a given arch
8971 -MY_ARCH=${ARCH/-/_}
8972 -eval _XA_EXT=\${_XA_EXT_${MY_ARCH}}
8973 -eval _XA_CVID=\${_XA_CVID_${MY_ARCH}}
8974 -eval _XA_CYUV=\${_XA_CYUV_${MY_ARCH}}
8975 -eval _XA_IV32=\${_XA_IV32_${MY_ARCH}}
8976 -
8977 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${MY_P}.tar.gz
8978 - sparc? (
8979 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CVID_sparc}${_XA_EXT_sparc}
8980 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CYUV_sparc}${_XA_EXT_sparc}
8981 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_IV32_sparc}${_XA_EXT_sparc}
8982 - )
8983 - alpha? (
8984 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CVID_alpha}${_XA_EXT_alpha}
8985 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CYUV_alpha}${_XA_EXT_alpha}
8986 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_IV32_alpha}${_XA_EXT_alpha}
8987 - )
8988 - ppc? (
8989 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CVID_ppc}${_XA_EXT_ppc}
8990 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CYUV_ppc}${_XA_EXT_ppc}
8991 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_IV32_ppc}${_XA_EXT_ppc}
8992 - )
8993 - x86? (
8994 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CVID_x86}${_XA_EXT_x86}
8995 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CYUV_x86}${_XA_EXT_x86}
8996 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_IV32_x86}${_XA_EXT_x86}
8997 - )
8998 - x86-fbsd? (
8999 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CVID_x86}${_XA_EXT_x86}
9000 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_CYUV_x86}${_XA_EXT_x86}
9001 - mirror://gentoo/${_XA_IV32_x86}${_XA_EXT_x86}
9002 - )"
9003 -
9004 -src_unpack() {
9005 - unpack ${MY_P}.tar.gz
9006 - if [[ -n ${_XA_EXT} ]]; then
9007 - mkdir "${S}"/mods || die
9008 - cd "${S}"/mods || die
9009 - unpack ${_XA_CVID}${_XA_EXT}
9010 - unpack ${_XA_CYUV}${_XA_EXT}
9011 - unpack ${_XA_IV32}${_XA_EXT}
9012 - fi
9013 - cd "${S}"
9014 - sed -i -e 's:/usr/X11R6:/usr:g' Makefile*
9015 -
9016 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gcc41.patch"
9017 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-freebsd.patch"
9018 -
9019 - use elibc_glibc || sed -i -e 's/-ldl//' Makefile*
9020 -}
9021 -
9022 -src_compile() {
9023 - # Set XA_DLL_PATH even though we statically link the mods, I guess
9024 - # this provides extensibility
9025 - emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" OPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" LD_FLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
9026 - XA_DLL_DEF="-DXA_DLL -DXA_PRINT" XA_DLL_PATH=/usr/lib/xanim/mods \
9027 - ${_XA_EXT:+ \
9028 - XA_IV32_LIB="mods/${_XA_CVID}" \
9029 - XA_CYUV_LIB="mods/${_XA_CYUV}" \
9030 - XA_CVID_LIB="mods/${_XA_IV32}" } \
9031 - || die
9032 -}
9033 -
9034 -src_install() {
9035 - dobin xanim || die
9036 - newman docs/ xanim.1
9037 - dodoc README
9038 - dodoc docs/README.* docs/*.readme docs/*.doc
9039 -
9040 - # I don't know why we're installing these modules when they're
9041 - # statically linked, but whatever...
9042 - if [[ -n ${_XA_EXT} ]]; then
9043 - insinto /usr/lib/xanim/mods
9044 - doins mods/${_XA_CVID}
9045 - doins mods/${_XA_CYUV}
9046 - doins mods/${_XA_IV32}
9047 - fi
9048 -}
9050 diff --git a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/Manifest b/media-video/xvideoservicethief/Manifest
9051 deleted file mode 100644
9052 index bb52fd8..00000000
9053 --- a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/Manifest
9054 +++ /dev/null
9055 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
9056 -DIST 3817619 SHA256 cbd1f24156bdb6e3527b5b4d6823441881462442b9aeeb36098abcf16fbe7a29 SHA512 d0f23c3ac652326d3dd53ef66ba7db0c09ba28f8f7ad0bee864cab057b87d4b171f6076675abe443f738d7c715ec79d507e8d08fd595db3208fc4f9c5548eb2c WHIRLPOOL c19d6fac3a781435de6d4615a02ec00d21069387051ac0bdfda09d668ab70141a115ea1633d7290c3789f2353ddcf308f4372391a20a7689f94dc11df26561d8
9058 diff --git a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-gcc47.patch b/media-video/xvideoservicethief/files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-gcc47.patch
9059 deleted file mode 100644
9060 index 90ea8a8..00000000
9061 --- a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-gcc47.patch
9062 +++ /dev/null
9063 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
9064 -Index: work/src/qtsingleapplication/src/qtlocalpeer.cpp
9065 -===================================================================
9066 ---- work.orig/src/qtsingleapplication/src/qtlocalpeer.cpp
9067 -+++ work/src/qtsingleapplication/src/qtlocalpeer.cpp
9068 -@@ -100,7 +100,11 @@ QtLocalPeer::QtLocalPeer(QObject* parent
9069 - socketName += QLatin1Char('-') + QString::number(sessionId, 16);
9070 - }
9071 - #else
9072 -+#if __GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ <=6
9073 - socketName += QLatin1Char('-') + QString::number(::getuid(), 16);
9074 -+#else
9075 -+ socketName += QLatin1Char('-') + QString::number(QtLP_Private::getuid(), 16);
9076 -+#endif
9077 - #endif
9078 -
9079 - server = new QLocalServer(this);
9081 diff --git a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-youtube-api.patch b/media-video/xvideoservicethief/files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-youtube-api.patch
9082 deleted file mode 100644
9083 index 7bffe12..00000000
9084 --- a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/files/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-youtube-api.patch
9085 +++ /dev/null
9086 @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
9087 ---- trunk/resources/services/youtube/youtube.js 2010/09/02 11:52:07 911
9088 -+++ trunk/resources/services/youtube/youtube.js 2012/05/08 17:34:53 975
9089 -@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
9090 - * This file is part of xVideoServiceThief,
9091 - * an open-source cross-platform Video service download
9092 - *
9093 --* Copyright (C) 2007 - 2010 Xesc & Technology
9094 -+* Copyright (C) 2007 - 2012 Xesc & Technology
9095 - *
9096 - * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9097 - * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9098 -@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
9099 -
9100 - function RegistVideoService()
9101 - {
9102 -- this.version = "2.1.5";
9103 -+ this.version = "3.0.6";
9104 - this.minVersion = "2.0.0a";
9105 -- = "Xesc & Technology 2009";
9106 -+ = "Xesc & Technology 2012";
9107 - = "";
9108 - this.ID = "";
9109 - this.caption = "YouTube";
9110 -@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
9111 - function getVideoInformation(url)
9112 - {
9113 - const URL_YOUTBE = "";
9114 -- const HD_VIDEO_RES = "22";
9115 - // init result
9116 - var result = new VideoDefinition();
9117 - // default URL
9118 -@@ -52,35 +51,112 @@
9119 - embededID = strRemove(embededID, 0, embededID.lastIndexOf("/v/") + 3);
9120 - youTubeURL = strFormat(URL_YOUTBE, embededID);
9121 - }
9122 -+ // cehck if is an embeded video (v2)
9123 -+ else if (youTubeURL.toString().indexOf("/embed/") != -1)
9124 -+ {
9125 -+ var embededID = copyBetween(youTubeURL + "?", "/embed/", "?");
9126 -+ youTubeURL = strFormat(URL_YOUTBE, embededID);
9127 -+ }
9128 - // download webpage
9129 - var http = new Http();
9130 - var html = http.downloadWebpage(youTubeURL);
9131 -+ // get cookies
9132 -+ result.cookies = http.getCookies("|");
9133 - // get the video title
9134 - result.title = copyBetween(html, "<title>", "</title>");
9135 - result.title = normalizeSpaces(result.title);
9136 -+ result.title = strReplace(result.title, "\n", "");
9137 -+ result.title = strReplace(result.title, " - YouTube", "");
9138 - // check if this video need a login
9139 -- result.needLogin = result.title == "Broadcast Yourself.";
9140 -+ result.needLogin = strIndexOf(html, 'id="verify-details"') != -1;
9141 - // if we can continue (no loggin needed)
9142 - if (result.needLogin) return result;
9143 -- // get the video info block
9144 -- var dirtyUrl = copyBetween(html, "fmt_stream_map=", "34%7Chttp");
9145 -- // we have an empty "dirtyUrl"?? if yes then we give it a second try
9146 -- if (dirtyUrl == "") dirtyUrl = copyBetween(html, "fmt_url_map=", "&") + "&";
9147 -- // get the video resolution
9148 -- var vidRes = getToken(dirtyUrl, "%7C", 0);
9149 -- // check if is a HD_VIDEO_RES (for HD videos the extension is mp4)
9150 -- if (vidRes == HD_VIDEO_RES) result.extension = ".mp4";
9151 -- // get the video url
9152 -- result.URL = getToken(dirtyUrl, "%7C", 1);
9153 -- // convert the hex codes to ascii
9154 -- result.URL = cleanUrl(result.URL);
9155 -- // remove the last "," and replace it with an "&" (if is needed)
9156 -- if (strLastIndexOf(result.URL, "&") < strLastIndexOf(result.URL, ","))
9157 -- result.URL = strRemove(result.URL, strLastIndexOf(result.URL, ","), result.URL.toString().length) + "&";
9158 -+ // get the video URL and extension
9159 -+ var videoInfo = getVideoUrlAndExtension(html);
9160 -+ result.URL = videoInfo.url;
9161 -+ result.extension = videoInfo.extension;
9162 - // return the video information
9163 - return result;
9164 - }
9165 -
9166 -+function getVideoUrlAndExtension(html)
9167 -+{
9168 -+ // init result
9169 -+ var result = { url:null, extension:null };
9170 -+ // get the flashVars value
9171 -+ var flashVars = "?" + copyBetween(html, 'flashvars=\\"', '\\"');
9172 -+ // convert each "&amp;" into "&"
9173 -+ flashVars = strReplace(flashVars, "\\u0026amp;", "&");
9174 -+ // get an array with all fmt_stream_map values
9175 -+ var fmt_stream_map_arr = splitString(getUrlParam(flashVars, "url_encoded_fmt_stream_map"), "url%3D", false);
9176 -+ // default selected video quality
9177 -+ var selectedFormat = -1;
9178 -+ // detect the better quality
9179 -+ for (var n = 0; n < fmt_stream_map_arr.length && selectedFormat == -1; n++)
9180 -+ {
9181 -+ fmt_stream_map_arr[n] = "?url=" + cleanUrl(fmt_stream_map_arr[n]).toString();
9182 -+ // remove the last "," (if exists)
9183 -+ if (strLastIndexOf(fmt_stream_map_arr[n], ",") == fmt_stream_map_arr[n].toString().length - 1)
9184 -+ fmt_stream_map_arr[n] = strRemove(fmt_stream_map_arr[n], fmt_stream_map_arr[n].toString().length - 1, 1);
9185 -+ // check video type
9186 -+ var vtype = getToken(getUrlParam(fmt_stream_map_arr[n], "type"), ";", 0);
9187 -+ // is known format?
9188 -+ if (vtype == "video/x-flv" || vtype == "video/mp4")
9189 -+ {
9190 -+ selectedFormat = n;
9191 -+ // configure video extension
9192 -+ result.extension = extensionFromVideoType(vtype);
9193 -+ }
9194 -+ }
9195 -+ // no format selected?
9196 -+ if (selectedFormat == -1) selectedFormat = 0;
9197 -+ // get the host url
9198 -+ var urlHost = getToken(fmt_stream_map_arr[selectedFormat], "?", 1);
9199 -+ urlHost = strReplace(urlHost, "url=", "");
9200 -+ // leave only the parameters
9201 -+ fmt_stream_map_arr[selectedFormat] = getToken(fmt_stream_map_arr[selectedFormat], "?", 2);
9202 -+ // get url parts
9203 -+ var urlParts = splitString(fmt_stream_map_arr[selectedFormat], "&", false);
9204 -+ // set the url host
9205 -+ result.url = urlHost + "?";
9206 -+ // build the initial url
9207 -+ for (var n = 0; n < urlParts.length; n++)
9208 -+ {
9209 -+ var pname = getToken(urlParts[n], "=", 0).toString();
9210 -+ var pvalue = getToken(urlParts[n], "=", 1).toString();
9211 -+ var duplicatedPname = strIndexOf(result.url, pname + "=") != -1;
9212 -+ // is an excluded param?
9213 -+ if (!duplicatedPname && pname != "fexp" && pname != "quality" && pname != "fallback_host" && pname != "type")
9214 -+ result.url += pname + "=" + pvalue + "&";
9215 -+ }
9216 -+ // remove the last &
9217 -+ if (strLastIndexOf(result.url, "&") == result.url.length - 1)
9218 -+ urlInitial = strRemove(result.url, result.url.length - 1, 1);
9219 -+ // get extra (optional) params
9220 -+ var ptchn = getUrlParam(flashVars, "ptchn");
9221 -+ if (ptchn != "") result.url += "ptchn=" + ptchn + "&";
9222 -+ var ptk = getUrlParam(flashVars, "ptk");
9223 -+ if (ptk != "") result.url += "ptk=" + ptk;
9224 -+ // configure the video extension (if is not yet configured)
9225 -+ if (!result.extension)
9226 -+ {
9227 -+ var vtype = getToken(getUrlParam(fmt_stream_map_arr[selectedFormat], "type"), ";", 0);
9228 -+ // configure video extension
9229 -+ result.extension = extensionFromVideoType(vtype);
9230 -+ }
9231 -+ // return
9232 -+ return result;
9233 -+}
9234 -+
9235 -+function extensionFromVideoType(vtype)
9236 -+{
9237 -+ if (vtype == "video/x-flv") return ".flv";
9238 -+ if (vtype == "video/mp4") return ".mp4";
9239 -+ if (vtype == "video/webm") return ".webm";
9240 -+ // default extension
9241 -+ return ".flv";
9242 -+}
9243 -+
9244 - /*
9245 - This function "normalizeSpaces(str)" will be deprecated on next xVST version
9246 - and replaced with the new "simplifyString(str)" function (added in xVST 2.3.1)
9247 -@@ -99,9 +175,11 @@
9248 - function searchVideos(keyWord, pageIndex)
9249 - {
9250 - const URL_SEARCH = "";
9251 -- const HTML_SEARCH_START = "<!-- start search results -->";
9252 -- const HTML_SEARCH_FINISH = "<!-- end search results -->";
9253 -- const HTML_SEARCH_SEPARATOR = '<div class="video-entry">';
9254 -+ const HTML_SEARCH_START = '<div id="search-results">';
9255 -+ const HTML_SEARCH_FINISH = '<div id="search-pva-content">';
9256 -+ const HTML_SEARCH_SEPARATOR = '<div class="thumb-container">';
9257 -+ const HTML_SEARCH_SUMMARY_START = '<p class="num-results">';
9258 -+ const HTML_SEARCH_SUMMARY_END = '</p>';
9259 - // replace all spaces for "+"
9260 - keyWord = strReplace(keyWord, " ", "+");
9261 - // init search results object
9262 -@@ -110,7 +188,7 @@
9263 - var http = new Http();
9264 - var html = http.downloadWebpage(strFormat(URL_SEARCH, keyWord, pageIndex, searchResults.getUserLanguage()));
9265 - // get the search summary
9266 -- var summary = copyBetween(html, '<div id="search-num-results" class="name">', '</div>');
9267 -+ var summary = copyBetween(html, HTML_SEARCH_SUMMARY_START, HTML_SEARCH_SUMMARY_END);
9268 - searchResults.setSummary(cleanSummary(summary));
9269 - // get results html block
9270 - var htmlResults = copyBetween(html, HTML_SEARCH_START, HTML_SEARCH_FINISH);
9271 -@@ -148,14 +226,17 @@
9272 - var tmp, videoUrl, imageUrl, title, description, duration, rating;
9273 - // get video url
9274 - videoUrl = VIDEO_URL + copyBetween(html, 'href="', '"');
9275 -- // get title and image url
9276 -+ // get image url
9277 - tmp = copyBetween(html, '<img', '>') ;
9278 -- title = copyBetween(tmp, 'title="', '"');
9279 - imageUrl = copyBetween(tmp, 'src="', '"');
9280 - if (strIndexOf(imageUrl, "default.jpg") == -1) // if is not a "default.jpg"...
9281 - imageUrl = copyBetween(tmp, 'thumb="', '"');
9282 -+ imageUrl = "http:" + imageUrl;
9283 -+ // get video title
9284 -+ title = copyBetween(html, 'dir="ltr" title="', '"');
9285 - // get video description
9286 -- description = copyBetween(html, 'class="video-description">', '</div>');
9287 -+ description = copyBetween(html, '<p id="video-description-', '</p>');
9288 -+ description = copyBetween(description + '|', '>', '|');
9289 - // get video duration
9290 - duration = convertToSeconds(copyBetween(html, '<span class="video-time">', '</span>'));
9291 - // get rating
9293 diff --git a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/metadata.xml b/media-video/xvideoservicethief/metadata.xml
9294 deleted file mode 100644
9295 index d5044b7..00000000
9296 --- a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/metadata.xml
9297 +++ /dev/null
9298 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
9299 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9300 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
9301 -<pkgmetadata>
9302 - <maintainer type="person">
9303 - <email>hwoarang@g.o</email>
9304 - <name>Markos Chandras</name>
9305 - </maintainer>
9306 - <maintainer type="project">
9307 - <email>media-video@g.o</email>
9308 - <name>Gentoo Video project</name>
9309 - </maintainer>
9310 - <upstream>
9311 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">xviservicethief</remote-id>
9312 - </upstream>
9313 -</pkgmetadata>
9315 diff --git a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-r2.ebuild b/media-video/xvideoservicethief/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-r2.ebuild
9316 deleted file mode 100644
9317 index c153bc9..00000000
9318 --- a/media-video/xvideoservicethief/xvideoservicethief-2.4.1-r2.ebuild
9319 +++ /dev/null
9320 @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
9321 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
9322 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9323 -# $Id$
9324 -
9325 -EAPI=2
9326 -
9327 -LANGS="br ca cs da de es fr gl hu it ja ko nl pl ro ru sv"
9328 -
9329 -inherit eutils qt4-r2 versionator
9330 -
9331 -MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators '_')
9332 -MY_P="xVST_${MY_PV}_src"
9333 -
9334 -DESCRIPTION="Download (and convert) videos from various Web Video Services"
9335 -HOMEPAGE=""
9336 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/xviservicethief/${MY_P}.zip"
9337 -
9338 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
9339 -SLOT="0"
9340 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
9341 -IUSE="debug doc"
9342 -
9343 -DEPEND="app-arch/unzip
9344 - >=dev-qt/qtgui-4.5.3:4
9345 - >=dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.5.3:4
9346 - doc? ( app-doc/doxygen )"
9347 -RDEPEND=">=dev-qt/qtgui-4.5.3:4
9348 - virtual/ffmpeg
9349 - media-video/flvstreamer"
9350 -
9351 -RES_NAME="xVST"
9352 -
9353 -S="${WORKDIR}"
9354 -
9355 -src_prepare() {
9356 - # fix translations
9357 - mv "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_cz.ts \
9358 - "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_cs.ts ||die
9359 - mv "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_jp.ts \
9360 - "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_ja.ts || die
9361 - mv "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_du.ts \
9362 - "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_nl.ts || die
9363 - mv "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_kr.ts \
9364 - "${S}"/resources/translations/${RES_NAME}_ko.ts || die
9365 - # fix plugins, language path
9366 - sed -i -e "s/getApplicationPath()\ +\ \"/\"\/usr\/share\/${PN}/g" \
9367 - "${S}"/src/options.cpp || die "failed to fix paths"
9368 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-youtube-api.patch
9369 - # bug 427066
9370 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gcc47.patch
9371 -}
9372 -
9373 -src_compile() {
9374 - local lang=
9375 - emake || die "emake failed"
9376 - for lang in "${S}"/resources/translations/*.ts; do
9377 - lrelease ${lang}
9378 - done
9379 -}
9380 -
9381 -src_install() {
9382 - dobin bin/xvst || die "dobin failed"
9383 - local dest=/usr/share/${PN}/plugins
9384 - dodir ${dest}
9385 - find resources/services -name '*.js' -exec cp -dpR {} "${D}"${dest} \;
9386 - newicon resources/images/InformationLogo.png xvst.png
9387 - make_desktop_entry /usr/bin/xvst xVideoServiceThief xvst 'Qt;AudioVideo;Video'
9388 - if use doc; then
9389 - cd "${S}/documentation/source"
9390 - sed -i "/OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/s:G\:.*:docs:" Doxyfile
9391 - doxygen Doxyfile
9392 - dohtml -r docs/html/* || die "dohtml failed"
9393 - fi
9394 -
9395 - #install translations
9396 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}/languages/
9397 - local lang= tlang=
9398 - for lang in ${LINGUAS}; do
9399 - for tlang in ${LANGS}; do
9400 - [[ ${lang} == ${tlang} ]] && doins "${S}"/resources/translations/xVST_${tlang}.qm
9401 - done
9402 - done
9403 -}
9405 diff --git a/net-analyzer/portbunny/Manifest b/net-analyzer/portbunny/Manifest
9406 deleted file mode 100644
9407 index 9ca6a5c..00000000
9408 --- a/net-analyzer/portbunny/Manifest
9409 +++ /dev/null
9410 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
9411 -DIST PortBunny230408.tar.gz 224753 SHA256 ace967834ffe36a0e2f073a46b3a81b48671cc78e2d2cca6eb2ca6a63d05ead3 SHA512 9053ec4467b1726ac006615a9fff82382d4977642422739160d5a6a4166e60a16cedd299dc58af0eb7df963d6a17e7d7d6ffaaa7365f851fbd533b219ce2e1e0 WHIRLPOOL c3186d701f1e0b92d260bb3b55684636ab24bdc986dc489fbfc16ffe6e71efc17e1caa9e216033dc31ea4da0b357ad1fdb17c6e0f1afea32ba36db8df64f3136
9413 diff --git a/net-analyzer/portbunny/metadata.xml b/net-analyzer/portbunny/metadata.xml
9414 deleted file mode 100644
9415 index 6f49eba..00000000
9416 --- a/net-analyzer/portbunny/metadata.xml
9417 +++ /dev/null
9418 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
9419 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9420 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
9421 -<pkgmetadata>
9422 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
9423 -</pkgmetadata>
9425 diff --git a/net-analyzer/portbunny/portbunny-1.0_p20080423.ebuild b/net-analyzer/portbunny/portbunny-1.0_p20080423.ebuild
9426 deleted file mode 100644
9427 index 29234ed..00000000
9428 --- a/net-analyzer/portbunny/portbunny-1.0_p20080423.ebuild
9429 +++ /dev/null
9430 @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
9431 -# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
9432 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9433 -# $Id$
9434 -
9435 -inherit eutils linux-mod
9436 -
9437 -MY_PV_SNAP=${PV##*_p}
9438 -if [[ ${MY_PV_SNAP} != ${PV} ]]; then
9439 - MY_PV=${MY_PV_SNAP:6:2}${MY_PV_SNAP:4:2}${MY_PV_SNAP:2:2}
9440 - MY_P=PortBunny${MY_PV}
9441 - S="${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P}-dev
9442 -else
9443 - MY_P=PortBunny-${PV}
9444 - S="${WORKDIR}"/${MY_P}
9445 -fi
9446 -
9447 -MODULE_NAMES="portbunny(kernel:)"
9448 -BUILD_TARGETS="all"
9449 -
9450 -DESCRIPTION="A kernel based highspeed TCP SYN port scanner"
9451 -HOMEPAGE=""
9452 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz"
9453 -
9454 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
9455 -SLOT="0"
9456 -KEYWORDS="~x86"
9457 -IUSE=""
9458 -
9459 -DEPEND="dev-lang/python"
9460 -
9461 -src_install() {
9462 - insinto /usr/share/portbunny
9463 - doins UI/share/portbunny/*
9464 - dosed "s:^\(ETC_SERVICES\)[[:space:]]\+=.*:\1 = '/usr/share/portbunny/services':g" \
9465 - /usr/share/portbunny/
9466 - dobin UI/bin/
9467 - dosym /usr/bin/portbunny
9468 - dosed "s:^\(PBUNNY_SHARE\)[[:space:]]\+=.*:\1 = '/usr/share/portbunny/':g" \
9469 - /usr/bin/
9470 - dosed "s:^\(PBUNNY_SHARE2\)[[:space:]]\+=.*:\1 = '/usr/share/portbunny/':g" \
9471 - /usr/bin/
9472 -
9473 - linux-mod_src_install
9474 -}
9475 -
9476 -pkg_postinst() {
9477 - einfo
9478 - einfo "See"
9479 - einfo
9480 - ewarn
9481 - ewarn "WARNING"
9482 - ewarn "WARNING: this software may HARM the stability of your system!"
9483 - ewarn "WARNING: do NOT use this on production machines!"
9484 - ewarn "WARNING"
9485 - ewarn
9486 - ebeep 10
9487 -}
9489 diff --git a/net-dialup/radiusclient/Manifest b/net-dialup/radiusclient/Manifest
9490 deleted file mode 100644
9491 index bfb0913..00000000
9492 --- a/net-dialup/radiusclient/Manifest
9493 +++ /dev/null
9494 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
9495 -DIST radiusclient-0.3.2.tar.gz 147004 SHA256 ebf5efdd6efe385faba39f48b39ebc4ee6857ccf59adf5174a5865ac7c05b6fe SHA512 42a796eb099fdea3df3601fa23ead32b75434ff1c6fa4bd09a1af6ca3fb73cd3957537b22cede5d1b03c9189d230dda0612252466865c251829cea510642e7aa WHIRLPOOL 9c5e609232e8a89c3b0b30b98da4c83e4ac1845dd95eb5e5ab4234fe761c98192d69f79cb17989153d9adf9860610e313504a89c67ee38624bb5cfd9385d8299
9497 diff --git a/net-dialup/radiusclient/files/pkgsysconfdir-install.patch b/net-dialup/radiusclient/files/pkgsysconfdir-install.patch
9498 deleted file mode 100644
9499 index 3c9544a..00000000
9500 --- a/net-dialup/radiusclient/files/pkgsysconfdir-install.patch
9501 +++ /dev/null
9502 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
9503 -diff -Nru radiusclient-0.3.2.orig/etc/ radiusclient-0.3.2/etc/
9504 ---- radiusclient-0.3.2.orig/etc/ 1998-06-28 03:08:16.000000000 +0300
9505 -+++ radiusclient-0.3.2/etc/ 2004-11-21 09:49:57.556532216 +0200
9506 -@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
9507 - <$(srcdir)/ >radiusclient.conf
9508 -
9509 - install-data-local: servers
9510 -- $(mkinstalldirs) $(pkgsysconfdir); \
9511 -- echo " $(INSTALL) -m600 $(srcdir)/servers $(pkgsysconfdir)/servers"; \
9512 -- $(INSTALL) -m600 $(srcdir)/servers $(pkgsysconfdir)/servers
9513 -+ $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgsysconfdir); \
9514 -+ echo " $(INSTALL) -m600 $(srcdir)/servers $(DESTDIR)$(pkgsysconfdir)/servers"; \
9515 -+ $(INSTALL) -m600 $(srcdir)/servers $(DESTDIR)$(pkgsysconfdir)/servers
9516 -
9517 - uninstall-local:
9518 - rm -f $(pkgsysconfdir)/servers
9520 diff --git a/net-dialup/radiusclient/files/radiusclient-0.3.2-64bit-compat.patch b/net-dialup/radiusclient/files/radiusclient-0.3.2-64bit-compat.patch
9521 deleted file mode 100644
9522 index 49f6afc..00000000
9523 --- a/net-dialup/radiusclient/files/radiusclient-0.3.2-64bit-compat.patch
9524 +++ /dev/null
9525 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
9526 -Gentoo bug report -
9527 -Patch from
9528 -
9529 ---- include/radiusclient.h.orig 2005-08-04 10:50:19.636354682 +0200
9530 -+++ include/radiusclient.h 2005-08-04 10:48:47.955569910 +0200
9531 -@@ -38,8 +38,13 @@
9532 - # define __P(protos) ()
9533 - #endif
9534 -
9535 -+#if !(defined(__x86_64__))
9536 - typedef unsigned long UINT4;
9537 - typedef long INT4;
9538 -+#else
9539 -+typedef unsigned int UINT4;
9540 -+typedef int INT4;
9541 -+#endif
9542 -
9543 - #define AUTH_VECTOR_LEN 16
9544 - #define AUTH_PASS_LEN (3 * 16) /* multiple of 16 */
9546 diff --git a/net-dialup/radiusclient/metadata.xml b/net-dialup/radiusclient/metadata.xml
9547 deleted file mode 100644
9548 index 35ac6bd..00000000
9549 --- a/net-dialup/radiusclient/metadata.xml
9550 +++ /dev/null
9551 @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
9552 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9553 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
9554 -<pkgmetadata>
9555 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
9556 - <longdescription>A library for writing RADIUS clients accompanied with several client utilities</longdescription>
9557 - <upstream>
9558 - <remote-id type="freshmeat">radiusclient</remote-id>
9559 - </upstream>
9560 -</pkgmetadata>
9562 diff --git a/net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2-r1.ebuild b/net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2-r1.ebuild
9563 deleted file mode 100644
9564 index 669b90e..00000000
9565 --- a/net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2-r1.ebuild
9566 +++ /dev/null
9567 @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
9568 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
9569 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9570 -# $Id$
9571 -
9572 -EAPI=5
9573 -
9575 -inherit autotools-utils
9576 -
9577 -DESCRIPTION="A library for writing RADIUS clients accompanied with several client utilities"
9578 -HOMEPAGE=""
9579 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
9580 -
9582 -SLOT="0"
9583 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
9584 -IUSE="static-libs"
9585 -
9586 -DEPEND="!net-dialup/radiusclient-ng
9587 - !net-dialup/freeradius-client"
9589 -
9591 -HTML_DOCS=( doc/instop.html )
9592 -PATCHES=(
9593 - "${FILESDIR}/pkgsysconfdir-install.patch"
9594 - "${FILESDIR}/${P}-64bit-compat.patch" # bug #399433
9595 -)
9597 diff --git a/net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2.ebuild b/net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2.ebuild
9598 deleted file mode 100644
9599 index 8275573..00000000
9600 --- a/net-dialup/radiusclient/radiusclient-0.3.2.ebuild
9601 +++ /dev/null
9602 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
9603 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
9604 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9605 -# $Id$
9606 -
9607 -inherit eutils autotools
9608 -
9609 -DESCRIPTION="A library for writing RADIUS clients accompanied with several client utilities"
9610 -HOMEPAGE=""
9611 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
9612 -
9614 -SLOT="0"
9615 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ~arm hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
9616 -IUSE=""
9617 -
9618 -DEPEND="!net-dialup/radiusclient-ng
9619 - !net-dialup/freeradius-client"
9621 -
9622 -src_unpack() {
9623 - unpack ${A}
9624 -
9625 - cd "${S}"
9626 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/pkgsysconfdir-install.patch"
9627 - eautoreconf
9628 -}
9629 -
9630 -src_install() {
9631 - make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
9633 - dohtml doc/instop.html
9634 -}
9636 diff --git a/net-dns/hesinfo/Manifest b/net-dns/hesinfo/Manifest
9637 deleted file mode 100644
9638 index d966bde..00000000
9639 --- a/net-dns/hesinfo/Manifest
9640 +++ /dev/null
9641 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
9642 -DIST hesinfo-3.1.0.tar.gz 137487 SHA256 2d3e34a8aa5c703a438b26a93b0662f5fbb58bd08b00f806244c6d01d1ccb91f SHA512 063623b574e1fdc88fcf13561783c9be2d89c995117ec169d0b9bb1a2451ffe8d3b8b01b955d6834cceabb472436fad8e6eea4873f7c994149dcbc835d371153 WHIRLPOOL b1db828b665001f0eb91bf7055bdfee6c06dda96c0e0f6aebe83d7ccd21ebf7db1038813d9a22df5e6bf9b0ebc041d54bd6ba63bf9b46d1ec7926e802038e7b0
9644 diff --git a/net-dns/hesinfo/files/hesinfo-3.1.0-autotools.patch b/net-dns/hesinfo/files/hesinfo-3.1.0-autotools.patch
9645 deleted file mode 100644
9646 index 7e611c0..00000000
9647 --- a/net-dns/hesinfo/files/hesinfo-3.1.0-autotools.patch
9648 +++ /dev/null
9649 @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
9650 ---- 2006-03-30 18:22:39.000000000 +0200
9651 -+++ 2010-03-12 21:34:34.000000000 +0100
9652 -@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
9653 - all: hesinfo
9654 -
9655 - hesinfo: hesinfo.o
9656 -- ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@ hesinfo.o -lhesiod ${LIBS}
9657 -+ ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@ hesinfo.o -lhesiod ${LIBS} ${LDFLAGS}
9658 -
9659 - .c.o:
9660 - ${CC} -c ${ALL_CFLAGS} $<
9661 ---- 2006-03-30 18:22:39.000000000 +0200
9662 -+++ 2010-03-12 21:42:05.000000000 +0100
9663 -@@ -7,6 +7,43 @@
9664 - AC_PROG_CC
9666 -
9668 -+dnl This file provides local macros for packages which use specific
9669 -+dnl external libraries. The public macros are:
9670 -+dnl
9672 -+dnl Generates error if Hesiod not found.
9673 -+dnl Specify desired AFS libraries as a parameter.
9674 -+dnl ----- Hesiod -----
9675 -+
9677 -+[AC_CHECK_FUNC(res_send, :, AC_CHECK_LIB(resolv, res_send))
9678 -+if test "$hesiod" != yes; then
9679 -+ CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$hesiod/include"
9680 -+ LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$hesiod/lib"
9681 -+fi
9682 -+AC_CHECK_LIB(hesiod, hes_resolve, :,
9683 -+ [AC_MSG_ERROR(Hesiod library not found)])])
9684 -+
9686 -+[AC_ARG_WITH(hesiod,
9687 -+ [ --with-hesiod=PREFIX Use Hesiod],
9688 -+ [hesiod="$withval"], [hesiod=no])
9689 -+if test "$hesiod" != no; then
9691 -+ HESIOD_LIBS="-lhesiod"
9693 -+fi
9695 -
9697 -+[AC_ARG_WITH(hesiod,
9698 -+ [ --with-hesiod=PREFIX Specify location of Hesiod],
9699 -+ [hesiod="$withval"], [hesiod=yes])
9700 -+if test "$hesiod" != no; then
9702 -+else
9703 -+ AC_MSG_ERROR(This package requires Hesiod.)
9704 -+fi])
9705 -+
9707 - AC_OUTPUT(Makefile)
9709 diff --git a/net-dns/hesinfo/hesinfo-3.1.0.ebuild b/net-dns/hesinfo/hesinfo-3.1.0.ebuild
9710 deleted file mode 100644
9711 index 06f9834..00000000
9712 --- a/net-dns/hesinfo/hesinfo-3.1.0.ebuild
9713 +++ /dev/null
9714 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
9715 -# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
9716 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9717 -# $Id$
9718 -
9719 -EAPI="2"
9720 -inherit flag-o-matic eutils autotools
9721 -
9722 -DESCRIPTION="A simple command-line interface to the net-dns/hesiod service library"
9723 -HOMEPAGE=""
9724 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
9725 -
9727 -SLOT="0"
9728 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~sparc-fbsd ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
9729 -IUSE=""
9730 -
9731 -DEPEND=">=net-dns/hesiod-${PV}"
9733 -
9734 -src_prepare() {
9735 - rm -f aclocal.m4 || die "rm failed"
9736 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-autotools.patch"
9737 - eautoreconf
9738 -}
9739 -
9740 -src_install() {
9741 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"
9742 - dodoc NEWS README || die
9743 -}
9745 diff --git a/net-dns/hesinfo/metadata.xml b/net-dns/hesinfo/metadata.xml
9746 deleted file mode 100644
9747 index 13849a9..00000000
9748 --- a/net-dns/hesinfo/metadata.xml
9749 +++ /dev/null
9750 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
9751 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9752 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
9753 -<pkgmetadata>
9754 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
9755 -<longdescription lang="en">
9756 -</longdescription>
9757 -</pkgmetadata>
9759 diff --git a/net-im/simpserver-bin/Manifest b/net-im/simpserver-bin/Manifest
9760 deleted file mode 100644
9761 index 09da4b0..00000000
9762 --- a/net-im/simpserver-bin/Manifest
9763 +++ /dev/null
9764 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
9765 -DIST simpserver-2.1.0-linux-x86.tgz 609317 SHA256 77a28d92f3b4bc99f6cf78574fe1d9eb4d4e983ec6632fa0ff5be3e5a353d7b8 SHA512 821dd878c5e9e6a3a41150220faa7a6fbc46abe840b7f361982eacd4654d21d2cdf43ee68a2ef96c79b048162b2106f78c4d63a89213925069fb53959cb15862 WHIRLPOOL e0a7f6ac24c393fa250c181294d41a811ae24b919c0a9224fe7c79532622c980fcfb384bcafb1e2e6dd228c655f97f6a9ac9dff334069e1c52c1e23e0c8b1a3e
9767 diff --git a/net-im/simpserver-bin/files/simpserver.rc b/net-im/simpserver-bin/files/simpserver.rc
9768 deleted file mode 100644
9769 index 16528fe..00000000
9770 --- a/net-im/simpserver-bin/files/simpserver.rc
9771 +++ /dev/null
9772 @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
9773 -#!/sbin/openrc-run
9774 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
9775 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9776 -# $Id$
9777 -
9778 -depend() {
9779 - need net
9780 -}
9781 -
9782 -start() {
9783 - ebegin "Starting simpserver"
9784 - start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/ \
9785 - --exec /opt/bin/simpserver -- /etc/simp.conf
9786 - eend $?
9787 -}
9788 -
9789 -stop() {
9790 - ebegin "Stopping simpserver"
9791 - start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/
9792 - eend $?
9793 -}
9795 diff --git a/net-im/simpserver-bin/metadata.xml b/net-im/simpserver-bin/metadata.xml
9796 deleted file mode 100644
9797 index 435c13a..00000000
9798 --- a/net-im/simpserver-bin/metadata.xml
9799 +++ /dev/null
9800 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
9801 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9802 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
9803 -<pkgmetadata>
9804 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
9805 -<longdescription>
9806 -SimpServer is the first lightweight instant messaging security gateway for Unix systems. Install SimpServer on a
9807 -Unix system and configure IM clients on your local network, and conversations with Simp-equipped parties will be
9808 -automatically encrypted. SimpServer can indeed accept simultaneous remote connections and thus secure local and/or
9809 -remote clients.
9810 -
9811 -With SimpServer, corporate environments can now benefit from centralized instant messenger encryption. Linux fans
9812 -can now secure their MSN conversations. SimpServer is currently beta software and is free for any use.
9813 -</longdescription>
9814 -</pkgmetadata>
9816 diff --git a/net-im/simpserver-bin/simpserver-bin-2.1.0-r2.ebuild b/net-im/simpserver-bin/simpserver-bin-2.1.0-r2.ebuild
9817 deleted file mode 100644
9818 index 7ee8c63..00000000
9819 --- a/net-im/simpserver-bin/simpserver-bin-2.1.0-r2.ebuild
9820 +++ /dev/null
9821 @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
9822 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
9823 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9824 -# $Id$
9825 -
9826 -EAPI=6
9827 -
9828 -MY_PN=${PN/-bin/}
9829 -MY_P="${MY_PN}-${PV}"
9830 -
9831 -DESCRIPTION="SimpServer for Unix: IM instant security transparent proxy"
9832 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}-linux-x86.tgz"
9833 -HOMEPAGE=""
9834 -LICENSE="simpserver-test"
9835 -
9836 -KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86"
9837 -IUSE=""
9838 -SLOT="0"
9839 -S=${WORKDIR}/simp
9840 -
9841 -RESTRICT="strip"
9842 -
9843 -src_compile() {
9844 - einfo "Binary distribution. No compilation required."
9845 -}
9846 -
9847 -src_install () {
9848 - dodoc README VERSION doc/CONFIG doc/TODO
9849 -
9850 - exeinto /opt/bin
9851 - doexe bin/${MY_PN}
9852 -
9853 - insinto /etc
9854 - doins etc/simp.conf
9855 -
9856 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${MY_PN}".rc ${MY_PN}
9857 -}
9858 -
9859 -pkg_postinst() {
9860 - elog "Please edit the configuration file: /etc/simp.conf."
9861 -}
9863 diff --git a/net-irc/irc-client/Manifest b/net-irc/irc-client/Manifest
9864 deleted file mode 100644
9865 index 97f360c..00000000
9866 --- a/net-irc/irc-client/Manifest
9867 +++ /dev/null
9868 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
9869 -DIST irc2.10.3p7.tgz 678412 SHA256 1c7b5ba8e03d096a1b7412b6a50f2e3e00fce77193e2a66cd0ab8a9de02253b9 SHA512 84a148b95de3be32ffc2d11095c3da2e06b6fb963498020e32304f58f89d2a4c00ff9fa15816a1b54af95b54c86da4cd40846afc0e63ddd99bec9fb044873c32 WHIRLPOOL fcfb7e41fe05f5283c6da01fb2b82f8c9b88abe681f72f1df689052d53f3a4ca43acef4d8a9bdd1edcdc20663112b9516e1a02975cbaeffcaa783c42e5ceece8
9871 diff --git a/net-irc/irc-client/files/irc-client-2.10.3_p7-amd64-chost.patch b/net-irc/irc-client/files/irc-client-2.10.3_p7-amd64-chost.patch
9872 deleted file mode 100644
9873 index 7761a3e..00000000
9874 --- a/net-irc/irc-client/files/irc-client-2.10.3_p7-amd64-chost.patch
9875 +++ /dev/null
9876 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
9877 -From: Nathan Phillip Brink <binki@g.o>
9878 -Subject: Do not ignore the --host argument passed to the fake ./configure.
9879 -
9880 ---- a/configure
9881 -+++ b/configure
9882 -@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
9883 - -version | --version | --versio | --versi | --vers)
9884 - quick_fwd=yes
9885 - break ;;
9886 -+ --host=*)
9887 -+ rev=$(expr "${arg}" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)')
9888 -+ ;;
9889 -- *)
9890 -- break ;;
9891 - esac
9892 -@@ -18,8 +21,10 @@
9893 - then
9894 - support/configure $*
9895 - else
9896 -- echo "retrieving the system name, type and OS release..."
9897 -- rev=`support/config.guess`
9898 -+ if ! test "${rev}"; then
9899 -+ echo "retrieving the system name, type and OS release..."
9900 -+ rev=`support/config.guess`
9901 -+ fi
9902 - if test "${rev}" # test for no output
9903 - then
9904 - echo " your system seems to be ${rev}."
9905 -
9907 diff --git a/net-irc/irc-client/irc-client-2.10.3_p7.ebuild b/net-irc/irc-client/irc-client-2.10.3_p7.ebuild
9908 deleted file mode 100644
9909 index 28c1ad8..00000000
9910 --- a/net-irc/irc-client/irc-client-2.10.3_p7.ebuild
9911 +++ /dev/null
9912 @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
9913 -# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
9914 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
9915 -# $Id$
9916 -
9917 -inherit eutils
9918 -
9919 -MY_P=irc${PV/_/}
9920 -DESCRIPTION="A simplistic RFC compliant IRC client"
9921 -HOMEPAGE=""
9922 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tgz"
9923 -LICENSE="GPL-1"
9924 -SLOT="0"
9925 -
9926 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ppc x86"
9927 -IUSE="ipv6"
9928 -
9929 -DEPEND="sys-libs/ncurses
9930 - sys-libs/zlib"
9931 -# This and ircci both install /usr/bin/irc #247987
9933 - !net-irc/ircii"
9934 -
9935 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
9936 -
9937 -src_unpack() {
9938 - unpack ${A}
9939 -
9940 - cd "${S}" || die
9941 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-amd64-chost.patch
9942 -}
9943 -
9944 -src_compile () {
9945 - econf \
9946 - $(use_with ipv6 ip6) \
9947 - --sysconfdir=/etc/ircd \
9948 - --localstatedir=/var/run/ircd \
9949 - || die "econf failed"
9950 - emake -C ${CHOST} client || die "client build failed"
9951 -}
9952 -
9953 -src_install() {
9954 - make -C ${CHOST} \
9955 - prefix=${D}/usr \
9956 - client_man_dir=${D}/usr/share/man/man1 \
9957 - install-client || die "client installed failed"
9958 - dodoc doc/Etiquette doc/alt-irc-faq doc/rfc* || die
9959 -}
9961 diff --git a/net-irc/irc-client/metadata.xml b/net-irc/irc-client/metadata.xml
9962 deleted file mode 100644
9963 index 6f49eba..00000000
9964 --- a/net-irc/irc-client/metadata.xml
9965 +++ /dev/null
9966 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
9967 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
9968 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
9969 -<pkgmetadata>
9970 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
9971 -</pkgmetadata>
9973 diff --git a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/Manifest b/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/Manifest
9974 deleted file mode 100644
9975 index da2eb46..00000000
9976 --- a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/Manifest
9977 +++ /dev/null
9978 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
9979 -DIST libsoup-2.50.0.tar.xz 1755052 SHA256 1e01365ac4af3817187ea847f9d3588c27eee01fc519a5a7cb212bb78b0f667b SHA512 5004baac41feb2c4a7c4f8e68e0a2aac91ae115518e5bb7b58bc7f85dc7675611de82ad21d6a2f779daf2fc7496ab802e7d6dcd5eca91186b221664db37819e2 WHIRLPOOL 09f2cdc9804a4785e1f6a8d9e8adefab549fcb6de1506e2c0fa7af9ee3af531a26a55909ab917c7f08076e99bff3f992516125d12baeb5fce22c918e81a4636e
9980 -DIST libsoup-2.52.2.tar.xz 1764308 SHA256 db55628b5c7d952945bb71b236469057c8dfb8dea0c271513579c6273c2093dc SHA512 866942d8db43a19630f39db12b22058cf31ef0c56f337e6c5790f5b881aaa768d4dbece1d2fe0d9560a82ae0f362365c19aa9b0d05afeb45bc5774f6713f51b2 WHIRLPOOL f0f7ac95d49f21d0bb92968d6d3de596a08aea0519db82089b6c476916d96c3c44e0871a8d3102f5f0b176294ce6f1582d52e6cfcd65bb74ad0c7c4ab8f020a4
9982 diff --git a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/files/libsoup-gnome-2.48.0-system-lib.patch b/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/files/libsoup-gnome-2.48.0-system-lib.patch
9983 deleted file mode 100644
9984 index d731fc0..00000000
9985 --- a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/files/libsoup-gnome-2.48.0-system-lib.patch
9986 +++ /dev/null
9987 @@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
9988 -From 63db817bac0382f3f43947b8233bf4585ede0e0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
9989 -From: Priit Laes <plaes@×××××.org>
9990 -Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2011 15:42:44 +0200
9991 -Subject: [PATCH] Split support for libsoup-gnome
9992 -
9993 -
9994 -
9995 -Original patch by Romain Perier.
9996 ----
9997 - | 12 +++++++++--
9998 - | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
9999 - libsoup/ | 60 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
10000 - 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
10001 -
10002 -diff --git a/ b/
10003 -index c8fa95c..fc09778 100644
10004 ---- a/
10005 -+++ b/
10006 -@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
10007 - ## Process this file with automake to produce
10009 -
10010 --SUBDIRS = libsoup po tests examples docs
10011 -+SUBDIRS = libsoup
10012 -+
10013 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10014 -+SUBDIRS += po tests docs
10015 -+endif
10016 -
10017 - EXTRA_DIST = \
10018 - data/effective_tld_names.dat \
10019 -@@ -18,7 +22,11 @@ DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --enable-gtk-doc --enable-introspection
10020 -
10021 - pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
10022 -
10023 --pkgconfig_DATA = libsoup-2.4.pc
10024 -+pkgconfig_DATA =
10025 -+
10026 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10027 -+pkgconfig_DATA += libsoup-2.4.pc
10028 -+endif
10029 -
10031 - pkgconfig_DATA += libsoup-gnome-2.4.pc
10032 -diff --git a/ b/
10033 -index 96bb378..0153f10 100644
10034 ---- a/
10035 -+++ b/
10036 -@@ -77,23 +77,30 @@ LT_INIT([win32-dll])
10037 - dnl ***********************
10038 - dnl *** Checks for glib ***
10039 - dnl ***********************
10041 -+enable_ssl=no
10042 -+AC_ARG_WITH(libsoup-system,
10043 -+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libsoup-system], [Use libsoup system library to build(default=no)]),
10044 -+ [with_libsoup_system=$withval], [with_libsoup_system=no])
10045 -+if test "$with_libsoup_system" = "no"; then
10046 -+ GLIB_REQUIRED=2.38.0
10047 -+ AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0($GLIB_REQUIRED,,,gobject gio)
10048 -+ if test "$GLIB_LIBS" = ""; then
10049 -+ AC_MSG_ERROR(GLIB $GLIB_REQUIRED or later is required to build libsoup)
10050 -+ fi
10052 -
10053 --GLIB_REQUIRED=2.38.0
10054 --AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0($GLIB_REQUIRED,,,gobject gio)
10055 --if test "$GLIB_LIBS" = ""; then
10056 -- AC_MSG_ERROR(GLIB $GLIB_REQUIRED or later is required to build libsoup)
10057 --fi
10059 -+ GLIB_MAKEFILE='$(top_srcdir)/Makefile.glib'
10061 -
10062 --GLIB_MAKEFILE='$(top_srcdir)/Makefile.glib'
10064 -+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XML, libxml-2.0)
10067 -+fi
10068 -+AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LIBSOUP, test $with_libsoup_system = no)
10069 -
10070 - GLIB_TESTS
10071 -
10072 --PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XML, libxml-2.0)
10075 --
10076 - PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SQLITE, sqlite3)
10079 -@@ -141,6 +148,10 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LIBSOUP_GNOME, test $with_gnome != no)
10080 -
10081 - if test $with_gnome != no; then
10082 - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GNOME, 1, [Defined if GNOME support is enabled])
10083 -+
10084 -+ if test $with_libsoup_system != no; then
10086 -+ fi
10087 - fi
10089 -
10090 -diff --git a/libsoup/ b/libsoup/
10091 -index 60920bd..26c5616 100644
10092 ---- a/libsoup/
10093 -+++ b/libsoup/
10094 -@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
10095 - ## Process this file with automake to produce
10096 -
10097 - EXTRA_DIST =
10098 --
10100 - include $(GLIB_MAKEFILE)
10101 -
10102 - if OS_WIN32
10103 - LIBWS2_32 = -lws2_32
10104 - endif
10105 -
10106 --AM_CPPFLAGS = \
10107 -+AM_CPPFLAGS =
10108 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES =
10109 -+CLEANFILES =
10110 -+
10111 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10112 -+AM_CPPFLAGS += \
10113 - -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"libsoup\" \
10114 - -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" \
10115 - -I$(top_srcdir) \
10116 -@@ -76,7 +81,7 @@ libsoupinclude_HEADERS = \
10117 - nodist_libsoupinclude_HEADERS = \
10118 - soup-version.h
10119 -
10120 --lib_LTLIBRARIES =
10121 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
10122 -
10123 - libsoup_2_4_la_LDFLAGS = \
10124 - -version-info $(SOUP_CURRENT):$(SOUP_REVISION):$(SOUP_AGE) \
10125 -@@ -184,18 +189,23 @@ libsoup_2_4_la_SOURCES = \
10126 - soup-version.c \
10127 - soup-xmlrpc.c
10128 -
10129 --# TLD rules
10130 --EXTRA_DIST +=
10131 --
10132 -+BUILT_SOURCES +=
10133 - TLD_DATA_FILE=$(top_srcdir)/data/effective_tld_names.dat
10134 -
10135 - $(TLD_DATA_FILE)
10136 -- $(srcdir)/ $(TLD_DATA_FILE)
10137 -+ $(AM_V_GEN) python $(srcdir)/ $(TLD_DATA_FILE)
10138 -+
10139 -+# TLD rules
10140 -+EXTRA_DIST +=
10141 -+
10142 -+endif
10143 -
10145 -
10146 - libsoupgnomeincludedir = $(includedir)/libsoup-gnome-2.4/libsoup
10147 -
10149 -+
10150 - libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS = \
10151 - soup-cookie-jar-sqlite.h\
10152 - soup-gnome.h \
10153 -@@ -203,17 +213,26 @@ libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS = \
10154 -
10155 - lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
10156 -
10157 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10158 -+libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LDFLAGS = $(libsoup_2_4_la_LDFLAGS)
10159 -+else
10160 - libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LDFLAGS = \
10161 - -version-info $(SOUP_CURRENT):$(SOUP_REVISION):$(SOUP_AGE) \
10162 - -no-undefined \
10163 - -export-symbols $(srcdir)/libsoup-gnome-2.4.sym
10164 -+endif
10165 -
10166 - EXTRA_DIST += libsoup-gnome-2.4.sym
10167 -
10168 - libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LIBADD = \
10169 -- \
10170 - $(GLIB_LIBS)
10171 -
10172 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10173 -+libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LIBADD +=
10174 -+else
10175 -+libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LIBADD += $(LIBSOUP_LIBS)
10176 -+endif
10177 -+
10178 - libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_SOURCES = \
10179 - soup-cookie-jar-sqlite.c \
10180 - soup-gnome-features.c \
10181 -@@ -225,9 +244,8 @@ libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_SOURCES = \
10182 - endif
10183 -
10184 - GLIB_GENERATED = soup-enum-types.c soup-enum-types.h
10185 --BUILT_SOURCES = \
10186 -- $(GLIB_GENERATED) \
10187 --
10188 -+BUILT_SOURCES += \
10189 -+ $(GLIB_GENERATED)
10190 -
10191 - soup_enum_types_sources = $(libsoupinclude_HEADERS) $(libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS)
10192 - soup_enum_types_MKENUMS_C_FLAGS = --fhead "\#define LIBSOUP_USE_UNSTABLE_REQUEST_API"
10193 -@@ -242,6 +260,8 @@ INTROSPECTION_COMPILER_ARGS = --includedir=.
10194 -
10196 -
10197 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10198 -+
10199 - # Core library
10200 - gi_soup_files = \
10201 - $(filter-out soup.h soup-enum-types.% soup-proxy-resolver.h,\
10202 -@@ -263,20 +283,28 @@ Soup_2_4_gir_FILES = \
10203 -
10204 - INTROSPECTION_GIRS += Soup-2.4.gir
10205 -
10206 -+endif
10207 -+
10209 -
10210 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10211 -+SOUP_GIR = Soup-2.4.gir
10212 -+else
10213 -+SOUP_GIR =
10214 -+endif
10215 -+
10216 - # GNOME extensions
10217 - gi_soup_gnome_files = $(filter-out soup-gnome.h,\
10218 - $(libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS) \
10219 - $(filter-out %.h, $(libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_SOURCES)))
10220 --SoupGNOME-2.4.gir: Soup-2.4.gir
10221 -+SoupGNOME-2.4.gir: $(SOUP_GIR)
10222 -+SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_INCLUDES = Soup-2.4
10223 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_SCANNERFLAGS = \
10224 - --identifier-prefix=Soup \
10225 - --symbol-prefix=soup \
10226 -- --c-include "libsoup/soup-gnome.h" \
10227 -- --include-uninstalled=$(builddir)/Soup-2.4.gir
10228 -+ --c-include "libsoup/soup-gnome.h"
10229 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_CFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
10230 --SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_LIBS =
10231 -+SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_LIBS =
10232 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_FILES = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gi_soup_gnome_files))
10233 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_EXPORT_PACKAGES = libsoup-gnome-2.4
10234 -
10235 -@@ -290,6 +318,6 @@ gir_DATA = $(INTROSPECTION_GIRS)
10236 - typelibdir = $(libdir)/girepository-1.0
10237 - typelib_DATA = $(INTROSPECTION_GIRS:.gir=.typelib)
10238 -
10239 --CLEANFILES = $(gir_DATA) $(typelib_DATA) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
10240 -+CLEANFILES += $(gir_DATA) $(typelib_DATA) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
10241 -
10242 - endif
10243 -@@ -326,6 +326,7 @@
10244 -
10245 - # We only do this check on Linux, so we don't have to worry about
10246 - # different "nm" output on other platforms
10247 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10248 - if OS_LINUX
10249 - check-local:
10250 - @echo Checking symbols
10251 -@@ -335,3 +336,16 @@
10252 - env LANG=C sort -u | \
10253 - diff -U0 $(srcdir)/libsoup-2.4.sym - >&2
10254 - endif
10255 -+endif
10256 -+
10258 -+if OS_LINUX
10259 -+check-local:
10260 -+ @echo Checking symbols
10261 -+ @nm $(builddir)/.libs/ | \
10262 -+ grep "^[[:xdigit:]]\+ [BTR] " | \
10263 -+ sed "s/^[[:xdigit:]]\+ [BTR] //" | \
10264 -+ env LANG=C sort -u | \
10265 -+ diff -U0 $(srcdir)/libsoup-gnome-2.4.sym - >&2
10266 -+endif
10267 -+endif
10268 ---
10269 -1.9.0
10270 -
10272 diff --git a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/files/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2-system-lib.patch b/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/files/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2-system-lib.patch
10273 deleted file mode 100644
10274 index 54b6014..00000000
10275 --- a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/files/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2-system-lib.patch
10276 +++ /dev/null
10277 @@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
10278 -diff -ur libsoup-2.52.2/
10279 ---- libsoup-2.52.2/ 2015-11-09 21:23:00.000000000 +0100
10280 -+++ 2015-11-17 10:32:25.562815235 +0100
10281 -@@ -77,23 +77,28 @@
10282 - dnl ***********************
10283 - dnl *** Checks for glib ***
10284 - dnl ***********************
10285 --
10286 --GLIB_REQUIRED=2.38.0
10287 --AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0($GLIB_REQUIRED,,,gobject gio)
10288 --if test "$GLIB_LIBS" = ""; then
10289 -- AC_MSG_ERROR(GLIB $GLIB_REQUIRED or later is required to build libsoup)
10291 -+enable_ssl=no
10292 -+AC_ARG_WITH(libsoup-system,
10293 -+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-libsoup-system], [Use libsoup system library to build(default=no)]),
10294 -+ [with_libsoup_system=$withval], [with_libsoup_system=no])
10295 -+if test "$with_libsoup_system" = "no"; then
10296 -+ GLIB_REQUIRED=2.38.0
10297 -+ AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0($GLIB_REQUIRED,,,gobject gio)
10298 -+ if test "$GLIB_LIBS" = ""; then
10299 -+ AC_MSG_ERROR(GLIB $GLIB_REQUIRED or later is required to build libsoup)
10300 -+ fi
10302 -+ GLIB_MAKEFILE='$(top_srcdir)/Makefile.glib'
10304 -+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XML, libxml-2.0)
10307 - fi
10309 --
10310 --GLIB_MAKEFILE='$(top_srcdir)/Makefile.glib'
10312 -+AM_CONDITIONAL(BUILD_LIBSOUP, test $with_libsoup_system = no)
10313 -
10314 - GLIB_TESTS
10315 -
10316 --PKG_CHECK_MODULES(XML, libxml-2.0)
10319 --
10320 - PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SQLITE, sqlite3)
10323 -@@ -148,6 +153,9 @@
10324 -
10325 - if test $with_gnome != no; then
10326 - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GNOME, 1, [Defined if GNOME support is enabled])
10327 -+ if test $with_libsoup_system != no; then
10329 -+ fi
10330 - fi
10332 -
10333 -Sólo en
10334 -diff -ur libsoup-2.52.2/libsoup/
10335 ---- libsoup-2.52.2/libsoup/ 2015-11-09 21:21:48.000000000 +0100
10336 -+++ 2015-11-19 12:11:19.743369476 +0100
10337 -@@ -3,14 +3,19 @@
10338 - EXTRA_DIST =
10339 - CLEANFILES =
10340 -
10341 --
10343 - include $(GLIB_MAKEFILE)
10344 -
10345 - if OS_WIN32
10346 - LIBWS2_32 = -lws2_32
10347 - endif
10348 -
10349 --AM_CPPFLAGS = \
10350 -+AM_CPPFLAGS =
10351 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES =
10352 -+CLEANFILES =
10353 -+
10354 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10355 -+AM_CPPFLAGS += \
10356 - -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"libsoup\" \
10358 - -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" \
10359 -@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@
10360 - nodist_libsoupinclude_HEADERS = \
10361 - soup-version.h
10362 -
10363 --lib_LTLIBRARIES =
10364 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
10365 -
10366 - libsoup_2_4_la_LDFLAGS = \
10367 - -version-info $(SOUP_CURRENT):$(SOUP_REVISION):$(SOUP_AGE) \
10368 -@@ -202,18 +207,23 @@
10369 - soup-xmlrpc.c \
10370 - soup-xmlrpc-old.c
10371 -
10372 --# TLD rules
10373 --EXTRA_DIST +=
10374 --
10375 -+BUILT_SOURCES +=
10376 - TLD_DATA_FILE=$(top_srcdir)/data/effective_tld_names.dat
10377 -
10378 - $(TLD_DATA_FILE)
10379 -- $(srcdir)/ $(TLD_DATA_FILE)
10380 -+ $(AM_V_GEN) python $(srcdir)/ $(TLD_DATA_FILE)
10381 -+
10382 -+# TLD rules
10383 -+EXTRA_DIST +=
10384 -+
10385 -+endif
10386 -
10388 -
10389 - libsoupgnomeincludedir = $(includedir)/libsoup-gnome-2.4/libsoup
10390 -
10392 -+
10393 - libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS = \
10394 - soup-cookie-jar-sqlite.h\
10395 - soup-gnome.h \
10396 -@@ -221,17 +231,26 @@
10397 -
10398 - lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
10399 -
10400 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10401 -+libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LDFLAGS = $(libsoup_2_4_la_LDFLAGS)
10402 -+else
10403 - libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LDFLAGS = \
10404 - -version-info $(SOUP_CURRENT):$(SOUP_REVISION):$(SOUP_AGE) \
10405 - -no-undefined \
10406 - -export-symbols $(srcdir)/libsoup-gnome-2.4.sym
10407 -+endif
10408 -
10409 - EXTRA_DIST += libsoup-gnome-2.4.sym
10410 -
10411 - libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LIBADD = \
10412 -- \
10413 - $(GLIB_LIBS)
10414 -
10415 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10416 -+libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LIBADD +=
10417 -+else
10418 -+libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_LIBADD += $(LIBSOUP_LIBS)
10419 -+endif
10420 -+
10421 - libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_SOURCES = \
10422 - soup-cookie-jar-sqlite.c \
10423 - soup-gnome-features.c \
10424 -@@ -243,9 +262,8 @@
10425 - endif
10426 -
10427 - GLIB_GENERATED = soup-enum-types.c soup-enum-types.h
10428 --BUILT_SOURCES = \
10429 -- $(GLIB_GENERATED) \
10430 --
10431 -+BUILT_SOURCES += \
10432 -+ $(GLIB_GENERATED)
10433 -
10434 - soup_enum_types_sources = $(libsoupinclude_HEADERS) $(libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS)
10435 - soup_enum_types_MKENUMS_C_FLAGS = --fhead "\#define LIBSOUP_USE_UNSTABLE_REQUEST_API"
10436 -@@ -260,6 +278,8 @@
10437 -
10439 -
10440 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10441 -+
10442 - # Core library
10443 - gi_soup_files = \
10444 - $(filter-out soup.h soup-enum-types.% soup-proxy-resolver.h,\
10445 -@@ -292,20 +312,28 @@
10446 -
10447 - EXTRA_DIST += Soup-2.4.metadata Soup-2.4-custom.vala libsoup-2.4.deps
10448 -
10449 -+endif
10450 -+
10452 -
10453 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10454 -+SOUP_GIR = Soup-2.4.gir
10455 -+else
10456 -+SOUP_GIR =
10457 -+endif
10458 -+
10459 - # GNOME extensions
10460 - gi_soup_gnome_files = $(filter-out soup-gnome.h,\
10461 - $(libsoupgnomeinclude_HEADERS) \
10462 - $(filter-out %.h, $(libsoup_gnome_2_4_la_SOURCES)))
10463 --SoupGNOME-2.4.gir: Soup-2.4.gir
10464 -+SoupGNOME-2.4.gir: $(SOUP_GIR)
10465 -+SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_INCLUDES = Soup-2.4
10466 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_SCANNERFLAGS = \
10467 - --identifier-prefix=Soup \
10468 - --symbol-prefix=soup \
10469 -- --c-include "libsoup/soup-gnome.h" \
10470 -- --include-uninstalled=$(builddir)/Soup-2.4.gir
10471 -+ --c-include "libsoup/soup-gnome.h"
10472 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_CFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
10473 --SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_LIBS =
10474 -+SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_LIBS =
10475 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_FILES = $(addprefix $(srcdir)/,$(gi_soup_gnome_files))
10476 - SoupGNOME_2_4_gir_EXPORT_PACKAGES = libsoup-gnome-2.4
10477 -
10478 -@@ -319,12 +347,13 @@
10479 - typelibdir = $(libdir)/girepository-1.0
10480 - typelib_DATA = $(INTROSPECTION_GIRS:.gir=.typelib)
10481 -
10482 --CLEANFILES+= $(gir_DATA) $(typelib_DATA) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
10483 -+CLEANFILES += $(gir_DATA) $(typelib_DATA) $(BUILT_SOURCES)
10484 -
10485 - endif
10486 -
10487 - # We only do this check on Linux, so we don't have to worry about
10488 - # different "nm" output on other platforms
10489 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10490 - if OS_LINUX
10491 - check-local:
10492 - @echo Checking symbols
10493 -@@ -334,3 +363,16 @@
10494 - env LC_ALL=C sort -u | \
10495 - diff -U0 $(srcdir)/libsoup-2.4.sym - >&2
10496 - endif
10497 -+endif
10498 -+
10500 -+if OS_LINUX
10501 -+check-local:
10502 -+ @echo Checking symbols
10503 -+ @nm $(builddir)/.libs/ | \
10504 -+ grep "^[[:xdigit:]]\+ [BTR] " | \
10505 -+ sed "s/^[[:xdigit:]]\+ [BTR] //" | \
10506 -+ env LANG=C sort -u | \
10507 -+ diff -U0 $(srcdir)/libsoup-gnome-2.4.sym - >&2
10508 -+endif
10509 -+endif
10510 -Sólo en
10511 -diff -ur libsoup-2.52.2/
10512 ---- libsoup-2.52.2/ 2015-10-29 16:08:21.000000000 +0100
10513 -+++ 2015-11-17 10:25:54.034816211 +0100
10514 -@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
10515 - ## Process this file with automake to produce
10517 -
10518 --SUBDIRS = libsoup po tests examples docs
10519 -+SUBDIRS = libsoup
10520 -+
10521 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10522 -+SUBDIRS += po tests docs
10523 -+endif
10524 -
10525 - EXTRA_DIST = \
10526 - data/effective_tld_names.dat \
10527 -@@ -18,7 +22,11 @@
10528 -
10529 - pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
10530 -
10531 --pkgconfig_DATA = libsoup-2.4.pc
10532 -+pkgconfig_DATA =
10533 -+
10534 -+if BUILD_LIBSOUP
10535 -+pkgconfig_DATA += libsoup-2.4.pc
10536 -+endif
10537 -
10539 - pkgconfig_DATA += libsoup-gnome-2.4.pc
10540 -Sólo en
10542 diff --git a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.50.0.ebuild b/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.50.0.ebuild
10543 deleted file mode 100644
10544 index a843990..00000000
10545 --- a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.50.0.ebuild
10546 +++ /dev/null
10547 @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
10548 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
10549 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
10550 -# $Id$
10551 -
10552 -EAPI="5"
10553 -GCONF_DEBUG="yes"
10554 -GNOME2_LA_PUNT="yes"
10555 -
10556 -MY_PN=${PN/-gnome}
10557 -MY_P=${MY_PN}-${PV}
10558 -
10559 -inherit autotools eutils gnome2 multilib-minimal
10560 -
10561 -DESCRIPTION="GNOME plugin for libsoup"
10562 -HOMEPAGE=""
10563 -SRC_URI="${SRC_URI//-gnome}"
10564 -
10565 -LICENSE="LGPL-2+"
10566 -SLOT="2.4"
10567 -IUSE="debug +introspection"
10568 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~sh sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-solaris"
10569 -
10570 -RDEPEND="
10571 - ~net-libs/libsoup-${PV}[introspection?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10572 - dev-db/sqlite:3=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10573 - introspection? ( >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-0.9.5 )
10574 - >=net-libs/libsoup-2.42.2-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10575 -"
10577 - >=dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.10
10578 - >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
10579 - sys-devel/gettext
10580 - virtual/pkgconfig[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10581 -"
10582 -
10583 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
10584 -
10585 -src_prepare() {
10586 - # Use lib present on the system
10587 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.48.0-system-lib.patch
10588 - eautoreconf
10589 - gnome2_src_prepare
10590 -}
10591 -
10592 -multilib_src_configure() {
10593 - # FIXME: we need addpredict to workaround bug #324779 until
10594 - # root cause (bug #249496) is solved
10595 - addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
10596 -
10597 - # Disable apache tests until they are usable on Gentoo, bug #326957
10598 - ECONF_SOURCE=${S} \
10599 - gnome2_src_configure \
10600 - --disable-static \
10601 - --disable-tls-check \
10602 - $(multilib_native_use_enable introspection) \
10603 - --with-libsoup-system \
10604 - --with-gnome \
10605 - --without-apache-httpd
10606 -}
10607 -
10608 -multilib_src_compile() { gnome2_src_compile; }
10609 -multilib_src_install() { gnome2_src_install; }
10611 diff --git a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2.ebuild b/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2.ebuild
10612 deleted file mode 100644
10613 index 6b8ac68..00000000
10614 --- a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/libsoup-gnome-2.52.2.ebuild
10615 +++ /dev/null
10616 @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
10617 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
10618 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
10619 -# $Id$
10620 -
10621 -EAPI="5"
10622 -GCONF_DEBUG="yes"
10623 -GNOME2_LA_PUNT="yes"
10624 -
10625 -MY_PN=${PN/-gnome}
10626 -MY_P=${MY_PN}-${PV}
10627 -
10628 -inherit autotools eutils gnome2 multilib-minimal
10629 -
10630 -DESCRIPTION="GNOME plugin for libsoup"
10631 -HOMEPAGE=""
10632 -SRC_URI="${SRC_URI//-gnome}"
10633 -
10634 -LICENSE="LGPL-2+"
10635 -SLOT="2.4"
10636 -IUSE="+introspection"
10637 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~sh ~sparc x86 ~amd64-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~arm-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-solaris"
10638 -
10639 -RDEPEND="
10640 - ~net-libs/libsoup-${PV}[introspection?,${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10641 - dev-db/sqlite:3=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10642 - introspection? ( >=dev-libs/gobject-introspection-0.9.5:= )
10643 -"
10645 - >=dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.10
10646 - >=dev-util/intltool-0.35
10647 - sys-devel/gettext
10648 - virtual/pkgconfig[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
10649 -"
10650 -
10651 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
10652 -
10653 -src_prepare() {
10654 - # Use lib present on the system
10655 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.52.2-system-lib.patch
10656 - eautoreconf
10657 - gnome2_src_prepare
10658 -}
10659 -
10660 -multilib_src_configure() {
10661 - # FIXME: we need addpredict to workaround bug #324779 until
10662 - # root cause (bug #249496) is solved
10663 - addpredict /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index
10664 -
10665 - # Disable apache tests until they are usable on Gentoo, bug #326957
10666 - ECONF_SOURCE=${S} \
10667 - gnome2_src_configure \
10668 - --disable-static \
10669 - --disable-tls-check \
10670 - $(multilib_native_use_enable introspection) \
10671 - --with-libsoup-system \
10672 - --with-gnome \
10673 - --without-apache-httpd \
10674 - --disable-vala
10675 -}
10676 -
10677 -multilib_src_compile() { gnome2_src_compile; }
10678 -multilib_src_install() { gnome2_src_install; }
10680 diff --git a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/metadata.xml b/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/metadata.xml
10681 deleted file mode 100644
10682 index 996e7ca..00000000
10683 --- a/net-libs/libsoup-gnome/metadata.xml
10684 +++ /dev/null
10685 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
10686 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
10687 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
10688 -<pkgmetadata>
10689 - <maintainer type="project">
10690 - <email>gnome@g.o</email>
10691 - <name>Gentoo GNOME Desktop</name>
10692 - </maintainer>
10693 -</pkgmetadata>
10695 diff --git a/net-libs/wt/Manifest b/net-libs/wt/Manifest
10696 deleted file mode 100644
10697 index dd2f115..00000000
10698 --- a/net-libs/wt/Manifest
10699 +++ /dev/null
10700 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
10701 -DIST wt-3.3.4.tar.gz 35313108 SHA256 327f9c64504366e3f2fa2c8f1d1a23efc7b8fba8ace3869de375d668f99ede10 SHA512 1deff3fe325b8e009713bcbc388058d025864b3724bf1cf1cb3c36e909520046189d4a13de0adbff5c11d171536819b687d598d125b4041dd78bb4a3c5a6c279 WHIRLPOOL dee9fbe1d88a23e9f178df74455a33b22b3040523c70411f9ae982f65e51b7f3b5473a597fe98d2ec1213fbf25c7f0fccc91952ed10b956b4c5ab92707681cf2
10703 diff --git a/net-libs/wt/files/cmakelist.patch b/net-libs/wt/files/cmakelist.patch
10704 deleted file mode 100644
10705 index a121d00..00000000
10706 --- a/net-libs/wt/files/cmakelist.patch
10707 +++ /dev/null
10708 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
10709 ---- CMakeLists.txt 2012-07-04 00:50:36.000000000 -0700
10710 -+++ CMakeLists-new 2012-10-02 11:25:05.860077447 -0700
10711 -@@ -451 +451 @@ IF(NOT EXISTS ${DESTDIR}${CONFIGDIR}/wt_
10715 diff --git a/net-libs/wt/files/wt-fix-automagic.patch b/net-libs/wt/files/wt-fix-automagic.patch
10716 deleted file mode 100644
10717 index ea7ca59..00000000
10718 --- a/net-libs/wt/files/wt-fix-automagic.patch
10719 +++ /dev/null
10720 @@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
10721 -From 414ad3a07f4bb9a4a6678d25e992d337771684b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
10722 -From: Nikoli <nikoli@×××××××.com>
10723 -Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:18:48 +0400
10724 -Subject: [PATCH] cmake: fix automagic, config installation; make examples and resources optional
10725 -
10726 ----
10727 - CMakeLists.txt | 30 ++++++++++++++++++----------
10728 - examples/mandelbrot/CMakeLists.txt | 6 ++--
10729 - examples/style/CMakeLists.txt | 6 ++--
10730 - src/CMakeLists.txt | 28 +++++++++++++++-----------
10731 - src/Wt/CMakeLists.txt | 12 ++++++++++-
10732 - src/Wt/Dbo/backend/CMakeLists.txt | 17 ++++++++++++---
10733 - test/CMakeLists.txt | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------
10734 - 7 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
10735 -
10736 -diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
10737 -index 896bd2d..9c6f679 100644
10738 ---- a/CMakeLists.txt
10739 -+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
10740 -@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ SET(WTDBOPOSTGRES_SOVERSION 23)
10741 - #
10742 - # Various things that must be configured by the user or packager ...
10743 - #
10744 -+option(BUILD_EXAMPLES "Build examples" OFF)
10745 -+option(INSTALL_RESOURCES "Install resources directory" ON)
10746 -+option(ENABLE_GM "Enable GraphicsMagick, for supporting painting to raster images (PNG, GIF, ...) (WRasterImage)" ON)
10747 -+option(ENABLE_HARU "Enable Haru Free PDF Library, which is used to provide support for painting to PDF (WPdfImage)" ON)
10748 -
10750 - IF(WIN32)
10751 -@@ -296,11 +300,11 @@ IF (DOXYGEN_FOUND)
10752 - ADD_DEPENDENCIES(doc doxygen-examples)
10754 -
10755 --IF(WIN32)
10756 -- SUBDIRS(src examples)
10757 --ELSE(WIN32)
10758 -- SUBDIRS(src EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL examples)
10759 --ENDIF(WIN32)
10760 -+SUBDIRS(src)
10761 -+
10763 -+ SUBDIRS(examples)
10765 -
10767 - SUBDIRS(test)
10768 -@@ -313,20 +317,24 @@ ENDIF( NOT DEFINED WT_CMAKE_FINDER_INSTALL_DIR)
10771 -
10774 - ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/Wt/)
10776 -
10777 --IF(NOT EXISTS ${CONFIGDIR}/wt_config.xml)
10778 -+IF(NOT EXISTS ${DESTDIR}${CONFIGDIR}/wt_config.xml)
10780 --ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${CONFIGDIR}/wt_config.xml)
10781 -+ENDIF (NOT EXISTS ${DESTDIR}${CONFIGDIR}/wt_config.xml)
10782 -
10783 --IF(HARU_FOUND)
10785 -+ SET(HAVE_HARU ON)
10786 - SET(WT_HAS_WPDFIMAGE true)
10789 -
10790 --IF(GM_FOUND)
10792 -+ SET(HAVE_GM ON)
10796 -
10797 - # Compile time constants & make sure our build finds it
10799 -diff --git a/examples/mandelbrot/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/mandelbrot/CMakeLists.txt
10800 -index 176cab6..64b8ff7 100644
10801 ---- a/examples/mandelbrot/CMakeLists.txt
10802 -+++ b/examples/mandelbrot/CMakeLists.txt
10803 -@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
10804 --IF(NOT GM_FOUND)
10805 -+IF(NOT HAVE_GM)
10806 - MESSAGE(STATUS "** Not building mandelbrot example: requires Wt::WRasterImage.")
10809 -
10810 - WT_ADD_EXAMPLE(mandelbrot.wt MandelbrotImage.C MandelbrotExample.C)
10811 -
10812 -@@ -11,5 +11,5 @@ ELSE(NOT GM_FOUND)
10813 -
10814 - ADD_DEPENDENCIES(mandelbrot.wt wt ${EXAMPLES_CONNECTOR})
10815 -
10818 -
10819 -diff --git a/examples/style/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/style/CMakeLists.txt
10820 -index 6443035..04a71f7 100644
10821 ---- a/examples/style/CMakeLists.txt
10822 -+++ b/examples/style/CMakeLists.txt
10823 -@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
10824 --IF(NOT GM_FOUND)
10825 -+IF(NOT HAVE_GM)
10826 -
10827 - MESSAGE(STATUS "** Not building style example: requires WRasterImage.")
10828 -
10831 -
10832 - WT_ADD_EXAMPLE(styleexample.wt CornerImage.C RoundedWidget.C StyleExample.C)
10833 -
10834 -@@ -12,5 +12,5 @@ ELSE(NOT GM_FOUND)
10835 -
10836 - ADD_DEPENDENCIES(styleexample.wt wt ${EXAMPLES_CONNECTOR})
10837 -
10840 -
10841 -diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
10842 -index 7d11b67..4523540 100644
10843 ---- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
10844 -+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
10845 -@@ -238,33 +238,37 @@ IF (MULTI_THREADED_BUILD)
10846 - SET(libsources ${libsources} web/SocketNotifier.C)
10848 -
10849 --IF(HARU_FOUND)
10850 -+IF(HAVE_HARU)
10851 - SET(libsources ${libsources} Wt/WPdfImage.C)
10854 -
10855 --IF(GM_FOUND)
10856 -+IF(HAVE_GM)
10857 - SET(libsources ${libsources} Wt/WRasterImage.C)
10859 -+ENDIF(HAVE_GM)
10860 -
10861 - ADD_LIBRARY(wt ${libsources})
10863 -
10864 --IF(HARU_FOUND)
10865 -+IF(HAVE_HARU)
10870 - MESSAGE("** Disabling PDF support (WPdfImage): requires libharu.")
10871 -- MESSAGE(" Indicate the location of your haru library using -DHARU_PREFIX=...")
10873 -+ IF(ENABLE_HARU)
10874 -+ MESSAGE(" Indicate the location of your haru library using -DHARU_PREFIX=...")
10877 -
10878 --IF(GM_FOUND)
10879 -+IF(HAVE_GM)
10883 --ELSE(GM_FOUND)
10884 -+ELSE(HAVE_GM)
10885 - MESSAGE("** Disabling raster image support (WRasterImage): requires graphicsmagick.")
10886 -- MESSAGE(" Indicate the location of your graphicsmagick library using -DGM_PREFIX=...")
10888 -+ IF(ENABLE_GM)
10889 -+ MESSAGE(" Indicate the location of your graphicsmagick library using -DGM_PREFIX=...")
10891 -+ENDIF(HAVE_GM)
10892 -
10895 -diff --git a/src/Wt/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Wt/CMakeLists.txt
10896 -index d5a3c58..67faae8 100644
10897 ---- a/src/Wt/CMakeLists.txt
10898 -+++ b/src/Wt/CMakeLists.txt
10899 -@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
10900 --SUBDIRS(Dbo Ext Chart Http Test)
10901 -+SUBDIRS(Chart Http Test)
10902 -+
10903 -+# FIXME we should use (HAVE_SQLITE OR HAVE_POSTGRES)
10905 -+ SUBDIRS(Dbo)
10907 -+
10908 -+option(ENABLE_EXT "Build Wt Ext library with JavaScript-only widgets (" ON)
10909 -+IF(ENABLE_EXT)
10910 -+ SUBDIRS(Ext)
10912 -
10913 - INSTALL_FILES(/include/Wt "^W.*[^C~]$")
10914 - #INSTALL(
10915 -diff --git a/src/Wt/Dbo/backend/CMakeLists.txt b/src/Wt/Dbo/backend/CMakeLists.txt
10916 -index 653a830..7668b90 100644
10917 ---- a/src/Wt/Dbo/backend/CMakeLists.txt
10918 -+++ b/src/Wt/Dbo/backend/CMakeLists.txt
10919 -@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
10920 -+OPTION(ENABLE_SQLITE "Build SQLite3 backend for Wt::Dbo" ON)
10921 -+OPTION(ENABLE_POSTGRES "Build PostgreSQL backend for Wt::Dbo" OFF)
10922 -+
10924 -+
10925 - OPTION( USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE3 "Use system-wide Sqlite3 instead of Wt's version" OFF)
10926 -
10928 -@@ -41,7 +46,9 @@ PROPERTIES
10929 - INSTALL_FILES(/include/Wt/Dbo/backend "^Sqlite3$")
10930 - INSTALL_FILES(/include/Wt/Dbo/backend "^.*Sqlite3.*h$")
10931 -
10934 -+
10936 - MESSAGE("** Wt::Dbo: building Postgres backend.")
10937 - ADD_LIBRARY(wtdbopostgres
10938 - Postgres.C
10939 -@@ -65,8 +72,10 @@ IF(POSTGRES_FOUND)
10940 -
10941 - INSTALL_FILES(/include/Wt/Dbo/backend "^Postgres$")
10942 - INSTALL_FILES(/include/Wt/Dbo/backend "^.*Postgres.*h$")
10945 - MESSAGE("** Wt::Dbo: not building Postgres backend.")
10946 -- MESSAGE(" Indicate the location of your postgres installation using -DPOSTGRES_PREFIX=...")
10949 -+ MESSAGE(" Indicate the location of your postgres installation using -DPOSTGRES_PREFIX=...")
10952 -
10953 -diff --git a/test/CMakeLists.txt b/test/CMakeLists.txt
10954 -index d18ca2e..2a928ae 100644
10955 ---- a/test/CMakeLists.txt
10956 -+++ b/test/CMakeLists.txt
10957 -@@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
10958 --ADD_EXECUTABLE(test
10959 -- test.C
10960 -- chart/WChartTest.C
10961 -- dbo/DboTest.C
10962 -- dbo/DboTest2.C
10963 -- models/WBatchEditProxyModelTest.C
10964 -- utf8/Utf8Test.C
10965 -- wdatetime/WDateTimeTest.C
10966 --)
10967 -+# Tests need sqlite
10969 -
10970 --# SQLITE3 test
10971 --TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(test wt wtdbo wtdbosqlite3)
10973 -+ ADD_EXECUTABLE(test
10974 -+ test.C
10975 -+ chart/WChartTest.C
10976 -+ dbo/DboTest.C
10977 -+ dbo/DboTest2.C
10978 -+ models/WBatchEditProxyModelTest.C
10979 -+ utf8/Utf8Test.C
10980 -+ wdatetime/WDateTimeTest.C
10981 -+ )
10982 -
10983 --# POSTGRES test
10984 --#TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(test wt wtdbo wtdbopostgres)
10986 -+ # SQLITE3 test
10987 -+ TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(test wt wtdbo wtdbosqlite3)
10989 -+
10991 -+
10992 -+## # POSTGRES test
10994 -+## TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(test wt wtdbo wtdbopostgres)
10997 -
10999 -
11000 ---
11001 -
11002 -
11004 diff --git a/net-libs/wt/metadata.xml b/net-libs/wt/metadata.xml
11005 deleted file mode 100644
11006 index f2d52bf..00000000
11007 --- a/net-libs/wt/metadata.xml
11008 +++ /dev/null
11009 @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
11010 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11011 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11012 -<pkgmetadata>
11013 - <use>
11014 - <flag name="extjs">Build Wt Ext library with JavaScript-only widgets (</flag>
11015 - <flag name="fcgi">Compile in FCGI connector</flag>
11016 - <flag name="graphicsmagick">Enable GraphicsMagick, for supporting painting to raster images (PNG, GIF, ...) (WRasterImage)</flag>
11017 - <flag name="resources">Install resources directory</flag>
11018 - <flag name="server">Compile in stand-alone httpd connector</flag>
11019 - </use>
11020 - <upstream>
11021 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">witty</remote-id>
11022 - </upstream>
11023 -</pkgmetadata>
11025 diff --git a/net-libs/wt/wt-3.3.4.ebuild b/net-libs/wt/wt-3.3.4.ebuild
11026 deleted file mode 100644
11027 index 00cee35..00000000
11028 --- a/net-libs/wt/wt-3.3.4.ebuild
11029 +++ /dev/null
11030 @@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
11031 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
11032 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11033 -# $Id$
11034 -
11035 -EAPI="5"
11036 -
11037 -inherit cmake-utils versionator eutils user
11038 -
11039 -DESCRIPTION="C++ library for developing interactive web applications"
11040 -MY_P=${P/_/-}
11041 -HOMEPAGE=""
11042 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/witty/wt/3.3.0/${MY_P}.tar.gz"
11043 -
11044 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
11045 -SLOT="0"
11046 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
11047 -IUSE="doc +extjs fcgi graphicsmagick mysql pdf postgres resources +server ssl +sqlite test zlib"
11048 -
11049 -RDEPEND="
11050 - >=dev-libs/boost-1.41
11051 - graphicsmagick? ( media-gfx/graphicsmagick )
11052 - pdf? (
11053 - media-libs/libharu
11054 - x11-libs/pango
11055 - )
11056 - postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
11057 - mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
11058 - sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
11059 - fcgi? (
11060 - dev-libs/fcgi
11061 - virtual/httpd-fastcgi
11062 - )
11063 - server? (
11064 - ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:= )
11065 - zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
11066 - )
11067 -"
11068 -DEPEND="
11069 - ${RDEPEND}
11070 - >=dev-util/cmake-2.6
11071 -"
11072 -
11073 -DOCS="Changelog INSTALL"
11074 -S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
11075 -
11076 -pkg_setup() {
11077 - if use !server && use !fcgi; then
11078 - ewarn "You have to select at least built-in server support or fcgi support."
11079 - ewarn "Invalid use flag combination, enable at least one of: server, fcgi"
11080 - fi
11081 -
11082 - if use test && use !sqlite; then
11083 - ewarn "Tests need sqlite, disabling."
11084 - fi
11085 -
11086 - enewgroup wt
11087 - enewuser wt -1 -1 /var/lib/wt/home wt
11088 -}
11089 -
11090 -src_prepare() {
11091 - # just to be sure
11092 - rm -rf Wt/Dbo/backend/amalgamation
11093 -
11094 - # fix png linking
11095 - if use pdf; then
11096 - sed -e 's/-lpng12/-lpng/' \
11097 - -i cmake/WtFindHaru.txt || die
11098 - fi
11099 -
11100 - cmake-utils_src_prepare
11101 -}
11102 -
11103 -src_configure() {
11104 - BOOST_PKG="$(best_version ">=dev-libs/boost-1.41.0")"
11105 - BOOST_VER="$(get_version_component_range 1-2 "${BOOST_PKG/*boost-/}")"
11106 - BOOST_VER="$(replace_all_version_separators _ "${BOOST_VER}")"
11107 - BOOST_INC="/usr/include/boost-${BOOST_VER}"
11108 -
11109 - local mycmakeargs=(
11110 - -DDESTDIR="${D}"
11111 - -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=$(get_libdir)
11112 - $(cmake-utils_use test BUILD_TESTS)
11116 - -DWEBUSER=wt
11117 - -DWEBGROUP=wt
11118 - $(cmake-utils_use extjs ENABLE_EXT)
11119 - $(cmake-utils_use graphicsmagick ENABLE_GM)
11120 - $(cmake-utils_use pdf ENABLE_HARU)
11121 - $(cmake-utils_use postgres ENABLE_POSTGRES)
11122 - $(cmake-utils_use sqlite ENABLE_SQLITE)
11123 - $(cmake-utils_use mysql ENABLE_MYSQL)
11124 - $(cmake-utils_use fcgi CONNECTOR_FCGI)
11125 - $(cmake-utils_use server CONNECTOR_HTTP)
11126 - $(cmake-utils_use ssl WT_WITH_SSL)
11127 - $(cmake-utils_use zlib HTTP_WITH_ZLIB)
11129 - $(cmake-utils_use resources INSTALL_RESOURCES)
11130 - )
11131 -
11132 - cmake-utils_src_configure
11133 -}
11134 -
11135 -src_test() {
11136 - # Tests need sqlite
11137 - if use sqlite; then
11138 - pushd "${CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null
11139 - ./test/test || die
11140 - popd > /dev/null
11141 - fi
11142 -}
11143 -
11144 -src_install() {
11145 -
11146 - dodir \
11147 - /var/lib/wt \
11148 - /var/lib/wt/home
11149 -
11150 - cmake-utils_src_install
11151 -
11152 - use doc && dohtml -A pdf,xhtml -r doc/*
11153 -
11154 -}
11155 -
11156 -pkg_postinst() {
11157 - if use fcgi; then
11158 - elog "You selected fcgi support. Please make sure that the web-server"
11159 - elog "has fcgi support and access to the fcgi socket."
11160 - elog "You can use spawn-fcgi to spawn the witty-processes and run them"
11161 - elog "in a chroot environment."
11162 - fi
11163 -
11164 - chown -R wt:wt \
11165 - "${ROOT}"/var/lib/wt
11166 -
11167 - chmod 0750 \
11168 - "${ROOT}"/var/lib/wt \
11169 - "${ROOT}"/var/lib/wt/home
11170 -
11171 -}
11173 diff --git a/net-misc/gnome-rdp/Manifest b/net-misc/gnome-rdp/Manifest
11174 deleted file mode 100644
11175 index c192465..00000000
11176 --- a/net-misc/gnome-rdp/Manifest
11177 +++ /dev/null
11178 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
11179 -DIST gnome-rdp- 138141 SHA256 d5b70e42f9a7d407daf1fc76232c11e5190cfa6b1ec7f7a82a44753c13e9168d SHA512 74760dff5a6bdf6c957eef3148da733ff83bb5d36cb75349fd9cbf023b99a0cf62461f7311a5c52d70b8885b980f70bcb3a0398cbb5e04602f78fd79cfc5fdda WHIRLPOOL 02a58eaaa7037aebc7a2ca14cb9932d9b99f08e025de110c128dc028a84cb51f97b8850a0ca50783bd47e393660f70ade4655d2edef15aeaa88eaff940ef5e5a
11181 diff --git a/net-misc/gnome-rdp/gnome-rdp- b/net-misc/gnome-rdp/gnome-rdp-
11182 deleted file mode 100644
11183 index 463329b..00000000
11184 --- a/net-misc/gnome-rdp/gnome-rdp-
11185 +++ /dev/null
11186 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
11187 -# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
11188 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11189 -# $Id$
11190 -
11191 -EAPI=4
11192 -
11193 -inherit eutils mono
11194 -
11195 -DESCRIPTION="Remote Desktop Client for the GNOME desktop"
11196 -HOMEPAGE=""
11197 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/gnome-rdp/${P}.tar.gz"
11198 -
11199 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
11200 -SLOT="0"
11201 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
11202 -IUSE="+rdesktop +vnc"
11203 -
11204 -RDEPEND="dev-db/sqlite:3
11205 - dev-dotnet/ndesk-dbus-glib
11206 - dev-dotnet/gconf-sharp:2
11207 - dev-dotnet/glade-sharp:2
11208 - dev-dotnet/glib-sharp:2
11209 - dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp:2
11210 - >=dev-dotnet/gnome-keyring-sharp-1.0
11211 - >=net-misc/openssh-3
11212 - >=x11-terms/gnome-terminal-2
11213 - rdesktop? ( >=net-misc/rdesktop-1.3 )
11214 - vnc? ( >=net-misc/tightvnc-1.2 )"
11215 -DEPEND="${RDEPEND}"
11216 -
11217 -src_install() {
11218 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
11219 - dodoc ChangeLog
11220 - doicon Menu/${PN}.png
11221 - domenu Menu/${PN}.desktop
11222 -}
11224 diff --git a/net-misc/gnome-rdp/metadata.xml b/net-misc/gnome-rdp/metadata.xml
11225 deleted file mode 100644
11226 index 499d1f1..00000000
11227 --- a/net-misc/gnome-rdp/metadata.xml
11228 +++ /dev/null
11229 @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
11230 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11231 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11232 -<pkgmetadata>
11233 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
11234 - <longdescription>Mono Remote Desktop Client for the GNOME Desktop. Supported protocols: RDP, VNC, SSH. Configured sessions can be saved to the built in list</longdescription>
11235 - <upstream>
11236 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">gnome-rdp</remote-id>
11237 - </upstream>
11238 -</pkgmetadata>
11240 diff --git a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/Manifest b/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/Manifest
11241 deleted file mode 100644
11242 index 185b210..00000000
11243 --- a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/Manifest
11244 +++ /dev/null
11245 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
11246 -DIST sitemap_gen_1.5.tar.gz 22742 SHA256 d66a5df1450ae70a2ee29a52325c663019d8022cf2813d2592860ec635b0cf73 SHA512 47d0fab242611e5a94ff097d99dce4392831837d1c5f4c0afde51b256df80060799263cad7f30695579b18e0917087b2b6a4a19136c184521c338353cea96596 WHIRLPOOL 381af46dcdf9f24b1ec1567d1105693d2a7671bb96a6f55fcd01046caea272f258cf26f14c4501c9a5c55ae0f07a881b58256c998578a3477f4ccfca6d2d7bde
11248 diff --git a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/files/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.patch b/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/files/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.patch
11249 deleted file mode 100644
11250 index 4f4d8d1..00000000
11251 --- a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/files/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.patch
11252 +++ /dev/null
11253 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
11254 ---- 2007-07-19 05:51:20.000000000 +0200
11255 -+++ 2012-03-20 11:47:32.218963792 +0100
11256 -@@ -9,4 +9,5 @@
11257 - author='Google Inc.',
11258 - author_email='opensource@××××××.com',
11259 - url='',
11260 -+ scripts=['sitemap_gen'],
11261 - )
11263 diff --git a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.ebuild b/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.ebuild
11264 deleted file mode 100644
11265 index 85e295f..00000000
11266 --- a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/goog-sitemapgen-1.5.ebuild
11267 +++ /dev/null
11268 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
11269 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
11270 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11271 -# $Id$
11272 -
11273 -EAPI=4
11274 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2"
11275 -
11276 -inherit eutils python distutils
11277 -
11278 -MY_P="sitemap_gen_${PV}"
11279 -
11280 -DESCRIPTION="A python script which will generate an XML sitemap for your web site"
11281 -HOMEPAGE=""
11282 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz"
11283 -
11284 -LICENSE="BSD"
11285 -SLOT="0"
11286 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
11287 -IUSE=""
11288 -
11289 -DOCS="AUTHORS ChangeLog example_* README"
11290 -
11291 -S=${WORKDIR}
11292 -
11293 -pkg_setup() {
11294 - python_set_active_version 2
11295 - python_pkg_setup
11296 -}
11297 -
11298 -src_prepare() {
11299 - distutils_src_prepare
11300 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}.patch
11301 - mv sitemap_gen || die
11302 -}
11304 diff --git a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/metadata.xml b/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/metadata.xml
11305 deleted file mode 100644
11306 index 8f2f087..00000000
11307 --- a/net-misc/goog-sitemapgen/metadata.xml
11308 +++ /dev/null
11309 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
11310 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11311 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11312 -<pkgmetadata>
11313 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
11314 - <longdescription>Sitemap Gen is a python script which will generate an xml Sitemap for
11315 - your web site.
11316 - The script analyzes your web server and generates one or
11317 - more Sitemap files. These files are XML listings of content you make
11318 - available on your web server. The files can be directly submitted to
11319 - search engines as hints for the search engine web crawlers as they
11320 - index your web site. This can result in better coverage of your web
11321 - content in search engine indices, and less of your bandwidth spent
11322 - doing it.
11323 - The script is written in Python 2.2 and released to the
11324 - open source community for continuous improvements.</longdescription>
11325 - <upstream>
11326 - <remote-id type="google-code">sitemap-generators</remote-id>
11327 - </upstream>
11328 -</pkgmetadata>
11330 diff --git a/net-misc/googlecl/Manifest b/net-misc/googlecl/Manifest
11331 deleted file mode 100644
11332 index 4394122..00000000
11333 --- a/net-misc/googlecl/Manifest
11334 +++ /dev/null
11335 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
11336 -DIST googlecl-0.9.14.tar.gz 99834 SHA256 0a4640b1240104b8020f9af526e24afe53a8327390d95ef28e1ca093673fce5a SHA512 199a959b6d975fff0295833bf9f59b59a8a5c8a74f0e353fca37da579e9964e305452f0aefb263a2f10d267fc433d37cc4cf60b9ad024c2caa8d6e43f3766440 WHIRLPOOL 140dd5deca7ea03f3003ecbdd30196851a306c67f79b9155896b02296cef0ee9e50eeed9eb1aef8c1c9f1c6084ef243e146940991295cf8e37385c832223d445
11338 diff --git a/net-misc/googlecl/files/googlecl-0.9.12-calendar_dates.patch b/net-misc/googlecl/files/googlecl-0.9.12-calendar_dates.patch
11339 deleted file mode 100644
11340 index 83897bb..00000000
11341 --- a/net-misc/googlecl/files/googlecl-0.9.12-calendar_dates.patch
11342 +++ /dev/null
11343 @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
11344 -fix "when" field in calendar not showing dates
11345 -
11346 -
11347 -
11348 -
11349 -Index: googlecl/
11350 -===================================================================
11351 ---- src/googlecl/ (revision 527)
11352 -+++ src/googlecl/ (working copy)
11353 -@@ -673,10 +673,12 @@
11354 - except ValueError, err:
11355 - LOG.debug(err.args[0] + ' (Did not add value for field ' + attr + ')')
11356 - except AttributeError, err:
11357 -+ LOG.debug(err.args[0] + ' (value for field ' + attr + ')')
11358 - try:
11359 - # Last ditch effort to blindly grab the attribute
11360 - val = getattr(wrapped_entry.entry, attr).text or missing_field_value
11361 - except AttributeError:
11362 -+ LOG.debug(err.args[0] + ' (value for field ' + attr + ')')
11363 - val = missing_field_value
11364 - # Apparently, atom(?) doesn't always return a Unicode type when there are
11365 - # non-latin characters, so force everything to Unicode.
11366 -Index: googlecl/calendar/
11367 -===================================================================
11368 ---- src/googlecl/calendar/ (revision 527)
11369 -+++ src/googlecl/calendar/ (working copy)
11370 -@@ -235,12 +235,22 @@
11371 -
11372 -
11373 - class CalendarEntryToStringWrapper(googlecl.base.BaseEntryToStringWrapper):
11374 -+ def __init__(self, entry, config):
11375 -+ """Initialize a CalendarEntry wrapper.
11376 -+
11377 -+ Args:
11378 -+ entry: CalendarEntry to interpret to strings.
11379 -+ config: Configuration parser. Needed for some values.
11380 -+ """
11381 -+ googlecl.base.BaseEntryToStringWrapper.__init__(self, entry)
11382 -+ self.config_parser = config
11383 -+
11384 - @property
11385 - def when(self):
11386 - """When event takes place."""
11387 - start_date, end_date, freq = get_datetimes(self.entry)
11388 -- print_format = googlecl.CONFIG.lazy_get(SECTION_HEADER,
11389 -- 'date_print_format')
11390 -+ print_format = self.config_parser.lazy_get(SECTION_HEADER,
11391 -+ 'date_print_format')
11392 - start_text = time.strftime(print_format, start_date)
11393 - end_text = time.strftime(print_format, end_date)
11394 - value = start_text + ' - ' + end_text
11395 -@@ -277,9 +287,9 @@
11396 -
11397 - for entry in single_events:
11398 - print googlecl.base.compile_entry_string(
11399 -- CalendarEntryToStringWrapper(entry),
11400 -- options.fields.split(','),
11401 -- delimiter=options.delimiter)
11402 -+ CalendarEntryToStringWrapper(entry, client.config),
11403 -+ options.fields.split(','),
11404 -+ delimiter=options.delimiter)
11405 -
11406 -
11407 - #===============================================================================
11409 diff --git a/net-misc/googlecl/googlecl-0.9.14.ebuild b/net-misc/googlecl/googlecl-0.9.14.ebuild
11410 deleted file mode 100644
11411 index 7d18b12..00000000
11412 --- a/net-misc/googlecl/googlecl-0.9.14.ebuild
11413 +++ /dev/null
11414 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
11415 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
11416 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11417 -# $Id$
11418 -
11419 -EAPI=3
11420 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2:2.5:2.7"
11421 -
11422 -inherit distutils
11423 -
11424 -DESCRIPTION="Command line tools for the Google Data APIs"
11425 -HOMEPAGE=""
11426 -SRC_URI="https://${PN}${P}.tar.gz"
11427 -
11428 -LICENSE="Apache-2.0"
11429 -SLOT="0"
11430 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86 ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
11431 -IUSE=""
11432 -
11433 -DEPEND=""
11434 -RDEPEND="
11435 - dev-python/gdata
11436 -"
11437 -
11438 -pkg_setup() {
11439 - python_set_active_version 2
11440 -}
11441 -
11442 -src_install() {
11443 - distutils_src_install
11444 -
11445 - dodoc changelog || die "dodoc failed"
11446 - doman man/*.1 || die "doman failed"
11447 -}
11449 diff --git a/net-misc/googlecl/metadata.xml b/net-misc/googlecl/metadata.xml
11450 deleted file mode 100644
11451 index 7482c1c..00000000
11452 --- a/net-misc/googlecl/metadata.xml
11453 +++ /dev/null
11454 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
11455 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11456 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11457 -<pkgmetadata>
11458 - <upstream>
11459 - <remote-id type="google-code">googlecl</remote-id>
11460 - </upstream>
11461 -</pkgmetadata>
11463 diff --git a/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/Manifest b/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/Manifest
11464 deleted file mode 100644
11465 index 5637eca..00000000
11466 --- a/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/Manifest
11467 +++ /dev/null
11468 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
11469 -DIST gtkvncviewer-0.4.tar.gz 79464 SHA256 e439fd92d445e87b8e450ac0b8fe3d555ceac579daf29028a36b551f231bf708 SHA512 eec3097e1faeb73b0be90c57df9381c996fa2565cda2a9f6e292580c10601b5fc56707ef372c9cc4973807eea559c557b584eb36c83eefbbf32141714587b756 WHIRLPOOL 163d6a59c818a078902be406d527e5f58ffac05a1c48fad9c0070466fca5f6045fb91b01dc226631a8084c38320a45606538a61485de1cf6c163a949c939f4a7
11471 diff --git a/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/gtkvncviewer-0.4.ebuild b/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/gtkvncviewer-0.4.ebuild
11472 deleted file mode 100644
11473 index d09b94f..00000000
11474 --- a/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/gtkvncviewer-0.4.ebuild
11475 +++ /dev/null
11476 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
11477 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
11478 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11479 -# $Id$
11480 -
11481 -EAPI=4
11482 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2"
11483 -
11484 -inherit eutils fdo-mime python
11485 -
11486 -DESCRIPTION="A small GTK tool to connect to VNC servers"
11487 -HOMEPAGE=""
11488 -SRC_URI="${PN}/trunk/0.4/+download/${P}.tar.gz"
11489 -
11490 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
11491 -SLOT="0"
11492 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
11493 -IUSE=""
11494 -
11495 -RDEPEND="dev-python/gconf-python:2
11496 - dev-python/gnome-keyring-python
11497 - dev-python/pygtk:2
11498 - net-libs/gtk-vnc[python]"
11499 -DEPEND="${RDEPEND}"
11500 -
11501 -src_install() {
11502 - dodir /usr/share/gtkvncviewer
11503 - domenu data/gtkvncviewer.desktop
11504 - rm -f data/gtkvncviewer.desktop
11505 - insinto /usr/share/gtkvncviewer
11506 - doins -r locale data
11507 - doman gtkvncviewer.1
11509 - make_wrapper gtkvncviewer "/usr/bin/python2 ${PN}.py" "/usr/share/${PN}"
11510 - validate_desktop_entries
11511 -}
11512 -
11513 -pkg_postinst() { fdo-mime_desktop_database_update; }
11514 -pkg_postrm() { fdo-mime_desktop_database_update; }
11516 diff --git a/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/metadata.xml b/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/metadata.xml
11517 deleted file mode 100644
11518 index cc712ac..00000000
11519 --- a/net-misc/gtkvncviewer/metadata.xml
11520 +++ /dev/null
11521 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
11522 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11523 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11524 -<pkgmetadata>
11525 - <upstream>
11526 - <remote-id type="launchpad">gtkvncviewer</remote-id>
11527 - </upstream>
11528 -</pkgmetadata>
11530 diff --git a/net-misc/identicurse/Manifest b/net-misc/identicurse/Manifest
11531 deleted file mode 100644
11532 index 4e4c9fc..00000000
11533 --- a/net-misc/identicurse/Manifest
11534 +++ /dev/null
11535 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
11536 -DIST identicurse-0.9.tar.bz2 62278 SHA256 27caaf2e2af1fdcb3428aa811d7a03d2104f13fb9055b3ef612a7d4c70352ebb SHA512 5c81527d9905537bb73453ec2ef561a34f7cf3a5db4200a778df02c9f523d681286a092e4a417d61ba68ac30d2f8e9aac6db43ab34ee1fba97c8c3717aa04a7c WHIRLPOOL 5995d929d465e9d3c29cb60b526d9728e53ef8ef008996c6bb0fb93eb185fc2d0ec97c0951da3c0657a95198afa983db04fc3be6db6ddb6654fc2e9908cfdf76
11538 diff --git a/net-misc/identicurse/files/0.9-config_json_path.patch b/net-misc/identicurse/files/0.9-config_json_path.patch
11539 deleted file mode 100644
11540 index 08f985f..00000000
11541 --- a/net-misc/identicurse/files/0.9-config_json_path.patch
11542 +++ /dev/null
11543 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
11544 ---- a/
11545 -+++ b/
11546 -@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
11547 -
11548 - license="GPLv3+",
11549 -
11550 -- data_files=[('identicurse',['README', 'conf/config.json'])],
11551 -+ data_files=[('share/identicurse',['conf/config.json'])],
11552 - packages=find_packages('src'),
11553 - package_dir={'': 'src'},
11554 - include_package_data=True,
11555 ---- a/src/identicurse/
11556 -+++ b/src/identicurse/
11557 -@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
11558 - else:
11559 - import getpass, time
11560 - # no config yet, so let's build one
11561 -- config.config.load(os.path.join(self.path, "config.json"))
11562 -+ config.config.load(os.path.join("/", "usr", "share", "identicurse", "config.json"))
11563 - print "No config was found, so we will now run through a few quick questions to set up a basic config for you (which will be saved as %s so you can manually edit it later). If the default (where defaults are available, they're stated in []) is already fine for any question, just press Enter without typing anything, and the default will be used." % (config.config.filename)
11564 - print "This version of IdentiCurse supports OAuth login. Using OAuth to log in means that you do not need to enter your username and password."
11565 - use_oauth = raw_input("Use OAuth [Y/n]? ").upper()
11567 diff --git a/net-misc/identicurse/files/identicurse-gzipped_readme.patch b/net-misc/identicurse/files/identicurse-gzipped_readme.patch
11568 deleted file mode 100644
11569 index b4575ef..00000000
11570 --- a/net-misc/identicurse/files/identicurse-gzipped_readme.patch
11571 +++ /dev/null
11572 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
11573 -Description: Point the online help to /usr/share/identicurse/README.
11574 -Bug-Debian:
11575 -Author: Alessio Treglia <alessio@××××××.org>
11576 -
11577 ---- a/src/identicurse/
11578 -+++ b/src/identicurse/
11579 -@@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ class Help(Tab):
11580 - def __init__(self, window, identicurse_path):
11581 - = "Help"
11582 - self.path = os.path.join(identicurse_path, "README")
11583 -+ if not os.path.isfile(self.path):
11584 -+ self.path = '/usr/share/identicurse/README'
11585 - Tab.__init__(self, window)
11586 -
11587 - def update(self):
11589 diff --git a/net-misc/identicurse/identicurse-0.9.ebuild b/net-misc/identicurse/identicurse-0.9.ebuild
11590 deleted file mode 100644
11591 index 428b27e..00000000
11592 --- a/net-misc/identicurse/identicurse-0.9.ebuild
11593 +++ /dev/null
11594 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
11595 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
11596 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11597 -# $Id$
11598 -
11599 -EAPI=4
11600 -
11601 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2"
11604 -
11605 -inherit distutils versionator
11606 -
11607 -MY_PV=$(get_version_component_range 1-2)
11608 -
11609 -DESCRIPTION="A simple client with a curses-based UI"
11610 -HOMEPAGE=""
11611 -SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/${P}.tar.bz2"
11612 -
11613 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
11614 -SLOT="0"
11615 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
11616 -IUSE=""
11617 -
11618 -DEPEND="dev-python/setuptools"
11619 -RDEPEND="dev-python/oauth"
11620 -
11621 -S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}
11622 -
11623 -src_prepare() {
11624 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-gzipped_readme.patch \
11625 - "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-config_json_path.patch
11626 - rm -rf src/oauth #405735
11627 - distutils_src_prepare
11628 -}
11630 diff --git a/net-misc/identicurse/metadata.xml b/net-misc/identicurse/metadata.xml
11631 deleted file mode 100644
11632 index 12ad87b..00000000
11633 --- a/net-misc/identicurse/metadata.xml
11634 +++ /dev/null
11635 @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
11636 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11637 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11638 -<pkgmetadata>
11639 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
11640 - <longdescription>A simple client with a curses-based UI.</longdescription>
11641 -</pkgmetadata>
11643 diff --git a/net-misc/nut-monitor/Manifest b/net-misc/nut-monitor/Manifest
11644 deleted file mode 100644
11645 index 8a20625..00000000
11646 --- a/net-misc/nut-monitor/Manifest
11647 +++ /dev/null
11648 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
11649 -DIST nut-monitor-1.3.tar.gz 31338 SHA256 a2e23b0372d170a9a67d55227ed4a0a6a9ae1505ad23b2004782ed9964567502 SHA512 637e43671cf508d42f1dd6d85b60d66eb4974d14f36af4a606b45be2175e9b9d431bb46d8e68fe8598cdbb241a307377715725d3991a2f41ea418f4877302a5b WHIRLPOOL ba1cc8f5b2e5ea8f92459704d9c975bc9890e868d7f3822c901b0300362531172dc3ff5f38387b5fbeee7484dc9b1fa541a914528b74c6c3920eabf4a53816db
11651 diff --git a/net-misc/nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths.patch b/net-misc/nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths.patch
11652 deleted file mode 100644
11653 index 00fd0de..00000000
11654 --- a/net-misc/nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths.patch
11655 +++ /dev/null
11656 @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
11657 ---- a/scripts/python/app/NUT-Monitor
11658 -+++ b/scripts/python/app/NUT-Monitor
11659 -@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
11660 - ( cmd_opts, args ) = opt_parser.parse_args()
11661 -
11662 -
11663 -- self.__glade_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "" )
11664 -+ self.__glade_file = '/usr/share/nut-monitor/'
11665 -
11666 - self.__widgets["interface"] = self.__glade_file, "window1", APP )
11667 - self.__widgets["main_window"] = self.__widgets["interface"].get_widget("window1")
11668 -@@ -103,11 +103,11 @@
11669 -
11670 - # Create the tray icon and connect it to the show/hide method...
11671 - self.__widgets["status_icon"] = gtk.StatusIcon()
11672 -- self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "on_line.png" ) )
11673 -+ self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_from_file( "/usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps/on_line.png" )
11674 - self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_visible( True )
11675 - self.__widgets["status_icon"].connect( "activate", self.tray_activated )
11676 -
11677 -- self.__widgets["ups_status_image"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "on_line.png" ) )
11678 -+ self.__widgets["ups_status_image"].set_from_file( "/usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps/on_line.png" )
11679 -
11680 - # Define interface callbacks actions
11681 - self.__callbacks = { "on_window1_destroy" : self.quit,
11682 -@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
11683 - #-------------------------------------------------------------------
11684 - # Change the status icon and tray icon
11685 - def change_status_icon( self, icon="on_line", blink=False ) :
11686 -- self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "%s.png" % icon ) )
11687 -- self.__widgets["ups_status_image"].set_from_file( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "%s.png" % icon ) )
11688 -+ self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_from_file( "/usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps/%s.png" % icon )
11689 -+ self.__widgets["ups_status_image"].set_from_file( "/usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps/%s.png" % icon )
11690 - self.__widgets["status_icon"].set_blinking( blink )
11691 -
11692 - #-------------------------------------------------------------------
11693 -@@ -719,9 +719,9 @@
11694 -
11695 - for k,v in vars.iteritems() :
11696 - if ( rwvars.has_key( k ) ) :
11697 -- icon_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "var-rw.png" )
11698 -+ icon_file = "/usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps/var-rw.png"
11699 - else :
11700 -- icon_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( sys.argv[0] ), "pixmaps", "var-ro.png" )
11701 -+ icon_file = "/usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps/var-ro.png"
11702 -
11703 - icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file( icon_file )
11704 - self.__widgets["ups_vars_tree_store"].append( [ icon, k, v ] )
11706 diff --git a/net-misc/nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths2.patch b/net-misc/nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths2.patch
11707 deleted file mode 100644
11708 index 92d6833..00000000
11709 --- a/net-misc/nut-monitor/files/nut-monitor-1.3-paths2.patch
11710 +++ /dev/null
11711 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
11712 ---- NUT-Monitor~ 2012-04-03 12:04:09.000000000 +0200
11713 -+++ NUT-Monitor 2012-04-03 12:05:32.949730947 +0200
11714 -@@ -888,7 +888,7 @@
11715 -
11716 - # Init the localisation
11717 - APP = "NUT-Monitor"
11718 -- DIR = "locale"
11719 -+ DIR = "/usr/share/locale"
11720 -
11721 - gettext.bindtextdomain( APP, DIR )
11722 - gettext.textdomain( APP )
11724 diff --git a/net-misc/nut-monitor/metadata.xml b/net-misc/nut-monitor/metadata.xml
11725 deleted file mode 100644
11726 index 6f49eba..00000000
11727 --- a/net-misc/nut-monitor/metadata.xml
11728 +++ /dev/null
11729 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
11730 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
11731 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
11732 -<pkgmetadata>
11733 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
11734 -</pkgmetadata>
11736 diff --git a/net-misc/nut-monitor/nut-monitor-1.3-r2.ebuild b/net-misc/nut-monitor/nut-monitor-1.3-r2.ebuild
11737 deleted file mode 100644
11738 index 2e430a9..00000000
11739 --- a/net-misc/nut-monitor/nut-monitor-1.3-r2.ebuild
11740 +++ /dev/null
11741 @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
11742 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
11743 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
11744 -# $Id$
11745 -
11746 -EAPI=4
11747 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2"
11748 -
11749 -inherit eutils python
11750 -
11751 -DESCRIPTION="A graphical application to monitor and manage UPSes connected to a NUT server"
11752 -HOMEPAGE=""
11753 -SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
11754 -
11755 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
11756 -SLOT="0"
11757 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
11758 -IUSE="linguas_fr"
11759 -
11760 -RDEPEND="dev-python/pygtk
11761 - dev-python/pynut"
11762 -DEPEND=""
11763 -
11764 -pkg_setup() {
11765 - python_set_active_version 2
11766 - python_pkg_setup
11767 -}
11768 -
11769 -src_prepare() {
11770 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-paths.patch
11771 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-paths2.patch
11772 - python_convert_shebangs -r 2 .
11773 -}
11774 -
11775 -src_install() {
11776 - dobin NUT-Monitor
11777 - dosym NUT-Monitor /usr/bin/${PN}
11778 -
11779 - insinto /usr/share/nut-monitor
11780 - doins gui-${PV}.glade
11781 -
11782 - dodir /usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps
11783 - insinto /usr/share/nut-monitor/pixmaps
11784 - doins pixmaps/*
11785 -
11786 - doicon ${PN}.png
11787 - domenu ${PN}.desktop
11788 -
11789 - dodoc README
11790 -
11791 - if use linguas_fr; then
11792 - insinto /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
11793 - doins locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
11794 - fi
11795 -}
11797 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/Manifest b/net-misc/tightvnc/Manifest
11798 deleted file mode 100644
11799 index 12a4c20..00000000
11800 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/Manifest
11801 +++ /dev/null
11802 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
11803 -DIST tightvnc-1.3.10_javasrc.tar.gz 89641 SHA256 465a6c90d362029152ea16d0b8e2c29f772b06eeec6c561278390f73d64ec6ec SHA512 e33366b45f06b6522dce79e2f43bc4d7ffa00577f7a1a56026f9e869de7e61838093fdc7e9c4dace326652d9416c2267f6d211ac639095ffd1c4ba38dddb8851 WHIRLPOOL 8ba7a6545a105687989f469400d0d76d68e6a1f33462cf4aa725282d8c6c5ebd01a2c0f269dbd924a9272af81423321a85be8b24abf484962d990b21138d3451
11804 -DIST tightvnc-1.3.10_unixsrc.tar.bz2 1780510 SHA256 f48c70fea08d03744ae18df6b1499976362f16934eda3275cead87baad585c0d SHA512 b5b3d5d532feffc07db2d48d3416e1a0d1b1b15bdb8ff801ed42042d4b99f34365e10e3b005bc15cc6e0a33c429db8976c227a1854e1af5e10bcb60e17a69b87 WHIRLPOOL 3ede45e5e480c93384d331f80beefac723925014cf29f94b4b12c3ce6d78daca38ff7f4279411db76c83dca0ab1733310b877836e55a5f2084e826dbabbe1d23
11805 -DIST tightvnc.png 495 SHA256 dfe4eaf3f68a4905b3ab90e7cae528449c7d13a4f712f97d8855058ed9cc3fc4 SHA512 a05f8cabdae9625718d1f9cb52c0893c4a3cd784cb074dee51b68bc617eb59759a4e8849113a4b385dfcea9d3e3b099adb564a6655d6b7f4c5cc87e275714065 WHIRLPOOL 152fcb14f72a2907d3a0751f478033a3c3d0d9a73f6aa371315cd76d73ccda32c4e62bf005828ccb19926d813bb9f65cc8cd27575bf63ebb280377b4412ffea9
11807 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.10-sparc.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.10-sparc.patch
11808 deleted file mode 100644
11809 index 26b7bdda..00000000
11810 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.10-sparc.patch
11811 +++ /dev/null
11812 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
11813 -diff -ur vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
11814 ---- vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h 2009-11-04 18:44:50.000000000 +0000
11815 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h 2009-11-04 18:47:48.000000000 +0000
11816 -@@ -421,6 +421,20 @@
11817 -
11818 - #endif /* Linux/PPC */
11819 -
11820 -+#if defined (linux) && defined(__sparc__)
11821 -+
11822 -+#define IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER MSBFirst
11823 -+#define BITMAP_BIT_ORDER MSBFirst
11824 -+#define GLYPHPADBYTES 4
11826 -+
11827 -+#define AVOID_MEMORY_READ
11830 -+#define SHARED_IDCACHE
11831 -+
11832 -+#endif /* Linux/sparc */
11833 -+
11834 - #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__POWERPC__)
11835 -
11836 - #define IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER MSBFirst
11837 \ No newline at end of file
11839 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-arm.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-arm.patch
11840 deleted file mode 100644
11841 index a238e29..00000000
11842 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-arm.patch
11843 +++ /dev/null
11844 @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
11845 -diff -ur vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/config/cf/ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/
11846 ---- vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/config/cf/ 2008-09-24 18:50:40.000000000 +0200
11847 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/ 2008-09-24 18:51:37.000000000 +0200
11848 -@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@
11849 - # undef __alpha__
11850 - # endif /* __alpha__ */
11851 - # ifdef __arm__
11852 --# define Arm32Architecture
11853 -+# define ArmArchitecture
11854 - # undef arm
11855 - # undef __arm
11856 - # undef __arm__
11858 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-fbsd.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-fbsd.patch
11859 deleted file mode 100644
11860 index bc527a8..00000000
11861 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-fbsd.patch
11862 +++ /dev/null
11863 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
11864 ---- Xvnc/include/Xos.bak 2007-03-23 18:26:14 +0100
11865 -+++ Xvnc/include/Xos.h 2007-03-23 18:26:22 +0100
11866 -@@ -150,11 +150,6 @@
11867 - #endif
11868 - #endif /* X_NOT_POSIX else */
11869 -
11870 --#ifdef CSRG_BASED
11871 --#include <stdlib.h>
11872 --#include <unistd.h>
11873 --#endif /* CSRG_BASED */
11874 --
11875 - /*
11876 - * Get struct timeval
11877 - */
11878 -
11879 ---- Xvnc/config/imake/imakemdep.h~ 2003-02-19 09:39:54 -0700
11880 -+++ Xvnc/config/imake/imakemdep.h 2007-06-27 09:54:44 -0600
11881 -@@ -253,7 +253,10 @@
11882 - #ifdef _CRAY
11883 - #define DEFAULT_CPP "/lib/pcpp"
11884 - #endif
11885 --#if defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
11886 -+#if defined(__FreeBSD__)
11887 -+#define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/bin/cpp"
11888 -+#endif
11889 -+#if defined(__386BSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
11890 - #define DEFAULT_CPP "/usr/libexec/cpp"
11891 - #endif
11892 - #if defined(__sgi) && defined(__ANSI_CPP__)
11894 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-sh.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-sh.patch
11895 deleted file mode 100644
11896 index db76917..00000000
11897 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/1.3.9-sh.patch
11898 +++ /dev/null
11899 @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
11900 -diff -ur vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/config/cf/ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/
11901 ---- vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/config/cf/ 2009-01-01 11:41:14.000000000 +0100
11902 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/ 2009-01-01 11:44:08.000000000 +0100
11903 -@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@
11904 - #if defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(PowerPCArchitecture) || \
11905 - defined(SparcArchitecture) || defined(ArmArchitecure) || \
11906 - defined(i386Architecture) || defined(s390Architecture) || \
11907 -- defined(s390xArchitecture) || defined(MipsArchitecture)
11908 -+ defined(s390xArchitecture) || defined(MipsArchitecture) || \
11909 -+ defined(SuperHArchitecture)
11910 - #define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 6
11911 - #else
11912 - #define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 5
11913 -@@ -312,6 +313,14 @@
11914 - #define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
11915 - #endif /* Arm */
11916 -
11917 -+#ifdef SuperHArchitecture
11918 -+#define DefaultCCOptions -fsigned-char
11919 -+#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
11920 -+#define LinuxMachineDefines -D__sh__
11921 -+#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
11922 -+#define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
11923 -+#endif /* SuperH */
11924 -+
11925 - #ifdef SparcArchitecture
11926 - #define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
11927 - #define LinuxMachineDefines -D__sparc__
11928 \ No newline at end of file
11930 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/README.JavaViewer b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/README.JavaViewer
11931 deleted file mode 100644
11932 index acb96bd..00000000
11933 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/README.JavaViewer
11934 +++ /dev/null
11935 @@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
11936 -
11937 -TightVNC Java Viewer version 1.2.7
11938 -==================================
11939 -
11940 -Copyright (C) 2001,2002, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
11941 -Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Constantin Kaplinsky. All Rights Reserved.
11942 -Copyright (C) 1999 AT&T Laboratories Cambridge. All Rights Reserved.
11943 -
11944 -This software is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence as
11945 -published by the Free Software Foundation. See the file LICENCE.TXT for the
11946 -conditions under which this software is made available. TightVNC also
11947 -contains code from other sources. See the Acknowledgements section below, and
11948 -the individual files for details of the conditions under which they are made
11949 -available.
11950 -
11951 -
11952 -Compiling from the sources
11953 -==========================
11954 -
11955 -To compile all the .java files to .class files, simply do:
11956 -
11957 - % make all
11958 -
11959 -This will also generate a JAR (Java archive) file containing all the classes.
11960 -Most JVM (Java Virtual Machine) implementations are able to use either a set
11961 -of .class files, or the JAR archive.
11962 -
11963 -
11964 -Installation
11965 -============
11966 -
11967 -There are three basic ways to use TightVNC Java viewer:
11968 -
11969 - 1. Running applet as part of TightVNC server installation.
11970 -
11971 - Both the Unix and Windows versions of TightVNC servers include small
11972 - built-in HTTP server which can serve Java viewer to Web clients. This
11973 - enables easy Web access to the shared desktop without need to install
11974 - any software on the client computer. Unix and Windows versions of
11975 - TightVNC servers are different in the way they store the .class and .jar
11976 - files: the Unix server (Xvnc) is able to serve any set of files present
11977 - in a particular directory, while the Windows server (WinVNC) has all the
11978 - .class and .jar files inside the WinVNC executable file. Therefore, for
11979 - Xvnc, it's enough to copy the files into a correct directory, but for
11980 - WinVNC, the server binaries should be rebuild if the built-in Java
11981 - viewer should be updated.
11982 -
11983 - To install the Java viewer under Xvnc, copy all the .class files, the
11984 - .jar file and the .vnc files to an installation directory (e.g.
11985 - /usr/local/vnc/classes):
11986 -
11987 - cp *.class *.jar *.vnc /usr/local/vnc/classes
11988 -
11989 - Also, make sure that the vncserver script is configured to point to the
11990 - installation directory (see the Xvnc manual page for the description of
11991 - the -httpd command-line option).
11992 -
11993 - 2. Running applet hosted on a standalone Web server.
11994 -
11995 - Another possibility to use the Java viewer is to install it under a
11996 - fully-functional HTTP server such as Apache or IIS. Obviously, this
11997 - method requires running an HTTP server, and due to the Java security
11998 - restrictions, it's also required that the server should be installed on
11999 - the same machine which is running the TightVNC server. In this case,
12000 - installation is simply copying the .class and .jar files into a
12001 - directory that is under control of the HTTP server. Also, an HTML page
12002 - should be created which will act as a the base document for the viewer
12003 - applet (see an example named index.html in this distribution).
12004 -
12005 - 3. Running the viewer as a standalone application.
12006 -
12007 - Finally, the Java viewer can be executed locally on the client machine,
12008 - but this method requires installation of either JRE (Java Runtime
12009 - Environment) or JDK (Java Development Kit). If all the .class files are
12010 - in the current directory, the Java viewer can be executed like this,
12011 - from the command line:
12012 -
12013 - java VncViewer HOST vnchost PORT 5900
12014 -
12015 - The parameters HOST and PORT are required, but there is a number of
12016 - optional parameters as well (see the Parameters section below).
12017 -
12018 -Parameters
12019 -==========
12020 -
12021 -TightVNC Java viewer supports a number of parameters allowing you to
12022 -customize its behaviour. Most parameter names copy settings available from
12023 -the Options frame in the Java viewer. Both parameter names and their values
12024 -are case-insensitive, with one exception for the "PASSWORD" parameter. Here
12025 -is the full list of parameters supported in TightVNC Java viewer:
12026 -
12027 ---> "HOST" (no GUI equivalent)
12028 -
12029 - Value: host name or IP address of the VNC server.
12030 - Default: in applet mode, the host from which the applet was loaded.
12031 -
12032 - This parameter tells the viewer which server to connect to. Normally,
12033 - it's not needed, because default Java security policy allow connections
12034 - from applets to the only one host anyway, and that is the host from which
12035 - the applet was loaded.
12036 -
12037 ---> "PORT" (no GUI equivalent)
12038 -
12039 - Value: TCP port number on the VNC server.
12040 - Default: none.
12041 -
12042 - This parameter is required in all cases. Note that this port is not the
12043 - one used for HTTP connection from the browser, it is the port used for
12044 - RFB connection. Usually, VNC servers use ports 58xx for HTTP connections,
12045 - and ports 59xx for RFB connections. Thus, most likely, this parameter
12046 - should be set to something like 5900, 5901 etc.
12047 -
12048 ---> "PASSWORD"
12049 -
12050 - Value: session password in plan text.
12051 - Default: none, ask user.
12052 -
12053 - DO NOT EVER USE THIS PARAMETER, unless you really know what you are
12054 - doing. It's extremely dangerous from the security point of view. When
12055 - this parameter is set, the viewer won't ever ask for a password.
12056 -
12057 ---> "ENCPASSWORD"
12058 -
12059 - Value: encrypted session password in hex-ascii.
12060 - Default: none, ask user.
12061 -
12062 - The same as the "PASSWORD" parameter but DES-encrypted using a fixed key.
12063 - Its value should be represented in hex-ascii e.g. "494015f9a35e8b22".
12064 - This parameter has higher priority over the "PASSWORD" parameter. DO NOT
12065 - EVER USE THIS PARAMETER, unless you really know what you are doing. It's
12066 - extremely dangerous from the security point of view, and encryption does
12067 - not actually help here since the decryption key is always known.
12068 -
12069 ---> "Encoding"
12070 -
12071 - Values: "Raw", "RRE", "CoRRE", "Hextile", "Zlib", "Tight".
12072 - Default: "Tight".
12073 -
12074 - The preferred encoding. "Hextile" is a good choice for fast networks,
12075 - while "Tight" is better suited for low-bandwidth connections. From the
12076 - other side, the "Tight" decoder in TightVNC Java viewer seems to be more
12077 - efficient than "Hextile" decoder so it's possible that this default
12078 - setting can be ok for fast networks too.
12079 -
12080 ---> "Compression level"
12081 -
12082 - Values: "Default", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9".
12083 - Default: "Default". ;-)
12084 -
12085 - Use specified compression level for "Tight" and "Zlib" encodings. Level 1
12086 - uses minimum of CPU time on the server but achieves weak compression
12087 - ratios. Level 9 offers best compression but may be slow in terms of CPU
12088 - time consumption on the server side. Use high levels with very slow
12089 - network connections, and low levels when working over higher-speed
12090 - networks. The "Default" value means that the server's default compression
12091 - level should be used.
12092 -
12093 ---> "JPEG image quality"
12094 -
12095 - Values: "JPEG off", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9".
12096 - Default: "6".
12097 -
12098 - Use the specified image quality level in "Tight" encoding. Quality level
12099 - 0 denotes bad image quality but very impressive compression ratios, while
12100 - level 9 offers very good image quality at lower compression ratios. If
12101 - the value is "JPEG off", the server will not use lossy JPEG compression
12102 - in "Tight" encoding.
12103 -
12104 ---> "Cursor shape updates"
12105 -
12106 - Values: "Enable", "Ignore", "Disable".
12107 - Default: "Enable".
12108 -
12109 - Cursor shape updates is a protocol extension used to handle remote cursor
12110 - movements locally on the client side, saving bandwidth and eliminating
12111 - delays in mouse pointer movement. Note that current implementation of
12112 - cursor shape updates does not allow a client to track mouse cursor
12113 - position at the server side. This means that clients would not see mouse
12114 - cursor movements if mouse was moved either locally on the server, or by
12115 - another remote VNC client. Set this parameter to "Disable" if you always
12116 - want to see real cursor position on the remote side. Setting this option
12117 - to "Ignore" is similar to "Enable" but the remote cursor will not be
12118 - visible at all. This can be a reasonable setting if you don't care about
12119 - cursor shape and don't want to see two mouse cursors, one above another.
12120 -
12121 ---> "Use CopyRect"
12122 -
12123 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12124 - Default: "Yes".
12125 -
12126 - The "CopyRect" encoding saves bandwidth and drawing time when parts of
12127 - the remote screen are moving around. Most likely, you don't want to
12128 - change this setting.
12129 -
12130 ---> "Restricted colors"
12131 -
12132 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12133 - Default: "No".
12134 -
12135 - If set to "No", then 24-bit color format is used to represent pixel data.
12136 - If set to "Yes", then only 8 bits are used to represent each pixel. 8-bit
12137 - color format can save bandwidth, but colors may look very inaccurate.
12138 -
12139 ---> "Mouse buttons 2 and 3"
12140 -
12141 - Values: "Normal", "Reversed".
12142 - Default: "Normal".
12143 -
12144 - If set to "Reversed", then right mouse button (button 2) will act as it
12145 - was middle mouse button (button 3), and vice versa.
12146 -
12147 ---> "View only"
12148 -
12149 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12150 - Default: "No".
12151 -
12152 - If set to "Yes", then all keyboard and mouse events in the desktop window
12153 - will be silently ignored and will not be passed to the remote side.
12154 -
12155 ---> "Share desktop"
12156 -
12157 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12158 - Default: "Yes".
12159 -
12160 - Share the connection with other clients on the same VNC server. The exact
12161 - behaviour in each case depends on the server configuration.
12162 -
12163 ---> "Open new window" (no GUI equivalent, applicable only in the applet mode)
12164 -
12165 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12166 - Default: "No".
12167 -
12168 - Operate in a separate window. This makes possible resizing the desktop,
12169 - and adds scroll bars when necessary. If the server supports variable
12170 - desktop size, the window will resize automatically when remote desktop
12171 - size changes.
12172 -
12173 ---> "Show controls" (no GUI equivalent)
12174 -
12175 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12176 - Default: "Yes".
12177 -
12178 - Set to "No" if you want to get rid of that button panel at the top.
12179 -
12180 ---> "Offer relogin" (no GUI equivalent, not applicable in the applet mode)
12181 -
12182 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12183 - Default: "Yes".
12184 -
12185 - If set to "No", the buttons "Login again" and "Close window" won't be
12186 - shown on disconnects or after an error has occured.
12187 -
12188 ---> "Show offline desktop" (no GUI equivalent)
12189 -
12190 - Values: "Yes", "No".
12191 - Default: "No".
12192 -
12193 - If set to "Yes", the viewer would continue to display desktop even
12194 - if the remote side has closed the connection. In this case, if the
12195 - button panel is enabled, then the "Disconnect" button would be
12196 - changed to "Hide desktop" after the connection is lost.
12197 -
12198 ---> "Defer screen updates" (no GUI equivalent)
12199 -
12200 - Value: time in milliseconds.
12201 - Default: "20".
12202 -
12203 - When updating the desktop contents after receiving an update from server,
12204 - schedule repaint within the specified number of milliseconds. Small delay
12205 - helps to coalesce several small updates into one drawing operation,
12206 - improving CPU usage. Set this parameter to 0 to disable deferred updates.
12207 -
12208 ---> "Defer cursor updates" (no GUI equivalent)
12209 -
12210 - Value: time in milliseconds.
12211 - Default: "10".
12212 -
12213 - When updating the desktop after moving the mouse, schedule repaint within
12214 - the specified number of milliseconds. This setting makes sense only when
12215 - "Cursor shape updates" parameter is set to "Enable". Small delay helps to
12216 - coalesce several small updates into one drawing operation, improving CPU
12217 - usage. Set this parameter to 0 to disable deferred cursor updates.
12218 -
12219 ---> "Defer update requests" (no GUI equivalent)
12220 -
12221 - Value: time in milliseconds.
12222 - Default: "50".
12223 -
12224 - After processing an update received from server, wait for the specified
12225 - number of milliseconds before requesting next screen update. Such delay
12226 - will end immediately on every mouse or keyboard event if not in the "view
12227 - only" mode. Small delay helps the server to coalesce several small
12228 - updates into one framebuffer update, improving both bandwidth and CPU
12229 - usage. Increasing the parameter value does not affect responsiveness on
12230 - mouse and keyboard events, but causes delays in updating the screen when
12231 - there is no mouse and keyboard activity on the client side.
12232 -
12233 ---> "SocketFactory" (no GUI equivalent)
12234 -
12235 - Value: name of the class.
12236 - Default: none.
12237 -
12238 - This option provides the way to define an alternate I/O implementation.
12239 - The dynamically referenced class must implement a SocketFactory
12240 - interface, and create a Socket, as configured by this parameter. See the
12241 - source in the SocketFactory.class.
12242 -
12243 -
12245 -======================
12246 -
12247 -Current version of the TightVNC Java viewer is able to record VNC (RFB)
12248 -sessions in files for later playback. The data format in saved session files
12249 -is compatible with the rfbproxy program written by Tim Waugh. Most important
12250 -thing about session recording is that it's supported only if Java security
12251 -manager allows access to local filesystem. Typically, it would not work for
12252 -unsigned applets. To use this feature, either use TightVNC Java viewer as a
12253 -standalone application (Java Runtime Environment or Java Development Kit
12254 -should be installed), or as a signed applet. The code checks if it's possible
12255 -to support session recording, and if everything's fine, the new "Record"
12256 -button should appear in the button panel. Pressing this button opens new
12257 -window which controls session recording. The GUI is pretty self-explained.
12258 -
12259 -Other important facts about session recording:
12260 -
12261 ---> All sessions are recorded in the 24-bit color format. If you use
12262 - restricted colors (8-bit format), it will be temporarly switched to
12263 - 24-bit mode during session recording.
12264 -
12265 ---> All sessions are recorded with cursor shape updates turned off. This is
12266 - necessary to represent remote cursor movements in recorded sessions.
12267 -
12268 ---> Closing and re-opening the recording control window does not affect the
12269 - recording. It's not necessary to keep that window open during recording a
12270 - session.
12271 -
12272 ---> Avoid using Zlib encoding when recording sessions. It's ok if you started
12273 - recording BEFORE the connection to the VNC server has been established,
12274 - but if you started recording during an active session, all Zlib sessions
12275 - will be saved Raw-encoded (that is, without compression at all). Zlib
12276 - decoding depends on the pixel data received earlier, thus saving the data
12277 - received from the server at an arbitrary moment is not sufficient to
12278 - decompress it correctly. And there is no way to say Zlib decoder to reset
12279 - decompressor's state -- that's a limitation of the Zlib encoder. The
12280 - viewer could re-compress raw pixel data again before saving Zlib-encoded
12281 - sessions, but unfortunately Java API does not allow to flush zlib data
12282 - streams making it impossible to save Zlib-encoded RFB pixel data without
12283 - using native code.
12284 -
12285 ---> Usually, Tight encoding is the most suitable one for session recording,
12286 - but some of the issues described above for the Zlib encoding affect the
12287 - Tight encoding as well. Unlike Zlib sessions, Tight-encoded sessions are
12288 - always saved Tight-encoded, but the viewer has to re-compress parts of
12289 - data to synchronize encoder's and decoder's zlib streams. And, due to
12290 - Java zlib API limitations, zlib streams' states have to be reset on each
12291 - compressed rectangle, causing compression ratios to be lower than in the
12292 - original VNC session. If you want to achieve the best possible
12293 - performance, turn recording on BEFORE connecting to the VNC server,
12294 - otherwise CPU usage and compression ratios may be notably less efficient.
12295 -
12296 -
12297 -HINTS
12298 -=====
12299 -
12300 ---> To refresh remote desktop in the view-only mode, press "r" or "R"
12301 - on the keyboard.
12302 -
12303 -
12305 -================
12306 -
12307 -This distribution contains Java DES software by Dave Zimmerman
12308 -<dzimm@××××××.com> and Jef Poskanzer <jef@××××.com>. This is:
12309 -
12310 - Copyright (c) 1996 Widget Workshop, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
12311 -
12312 - Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
12313 - documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL or COMMERCIAL purposes and without fee
12314 - is hereby granted, provided that this copyright notice is kept intact.
12315 -
12322 -
12332 -
12333 - Copyright (C) 1996 by Jef Poskanzer <jef@××××.com>. All rights
12334 - reserved.
12335 -
12336 - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
12337 - modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
12338 - are met:
12339 - 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12340 - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
12341 - 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
12342 - notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
12343 - documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
12344 -
12356 -
12357 - Visit the ACME Labs Java page for up-to-date versions of this and other
12358 - fine Java utilities:
12360 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1003.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1003.patch
12361 deleted file mode 100644
12362 index 0f97c11..00000000
12363 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1003.patch
12364 +++ /dev/null
12365 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
12366 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/Xext/xcmisc.c.cve-2007-1003 2000-06-11 06:00:51.000000000 -0600
12367 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/Xext/xcmisc.c 2007-03-22 07:07:34.000000000 -0600
12368 -@@ -41,6 +41,12 @@ from the X Consortium.
12369 - #include "swaprep.h"
12370 - #include "xcmiscstr.h"
12371 -
12372 -+#if HAVE_STDINT_H
12373 -+#include <stdint.h>
12374 -+#elif !defined(UINT32_MAX)
12375 -+#define UINT32_MAX 0xffffffffU
12376 -+#endif
12377 -+
12378 - static unsigned char XCMiscCode;
12379 -
12380 - static void XCMiscResetProc(
12381 -@@ -135,7 +141,10 @@ ProcXCMiscGetXIDList(client)
12382 -
12384 -
12385 -- pids = (XID *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(stuff->count * sizeof(XID));
12386 -+ if (stuff->count > UINT32_MAX / sizeof(XID))
12387 -+ return BadAlloc;
12388 -+
12389 -+ pids = (XID *)Xalloc(stuff->count * sizeof(XID));
12390 - if (!pids)
12391 - {
12392 - return BadAlloc;
12393 -@@ -156,7 +165,7 @@ ProcXCMiscGetXIDList(client)
12394 - client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) Swap32Write;
12395 - WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, count * sizeof(XID), pids);
12396 - }
12397 -- DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pids);
12398 -+ Xfree(pids);
12399 - return(client->noClientException);
12400 - }
12401 -
12403 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1351-1352.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1351-1352.patch
12404 deleted file mode 100644
12405 index 4c9a1ad..00000000
12406 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/server-CVE-2007-1351-1352.patch
12407 +++ /dev/null
12408 @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
12409 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/lib/font/fontfile/fontdir.c.cve-2007-1351-1352 2000-06-11 06:00:53.000000000 -0600
12410 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/lib/font/fontfile/fontdir.c 2007-03-28 16:08:03.000000000 -0600
12411 -@@ -35,11 +35,19 @@ in this Software without prior written a
12412 - #include "fntfilst.h"
12413 - #include <X11/keysym.h>
12414 -
12415 -+#if HAVE_STDINT_H
12416 -+#include <stdint.h>
12417 -+#elif !defined(INT32_MAX)
12418 -+#define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff
12419 -+#endif
12420 -+
12421 - Bool
12422 - FontFileInitTable (table, size)
12423 - FontTablePtr table;
12424 - int size;
12425 - {
12426 -+ if (size < 0 || (size > INT32_MAX/sizeof(FontEntryRec)))
12427 -+ return FALSE;
12428 - if (size)
12429 - {
12430 - table->entries = (FontEntryPtr) xalloc(sizeof(FontEntryRec) * size);
12431 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/lib/font/bitmap/bdfread.c.cve-2007-1351-1352 2000-06-11 06:00:52.000000000 -0600
12432 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/lib/font/bitmap/bdfread.c 2007-03-28 16:06:06.000000000 -0600
12433 -@@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ from the X Consortium.
12434 - #include "bitmap.h"
12435 - #include "bdfint.h"
12436 -
12437 -+#if HAVE_STDINT_H
12438 -+#include <stdint.h>
12439 -+#elif !defined(INT32_MAX)
12440 -+#define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff
12441 -+#endif
12442 -+
12443 - #define INDICES 256
12444 - #define MAXENCODING 0xFFFF
12445 - #define BDFLINELEN 1024
12446 -@@ -271,6 +277,11 @@ bdfReadCharacters(file, pFont, pState, b
12447 - bdfError("invalid number of CHARS in BDF file\n");
12448 - return (FALSE);
12449 - }
12450 -+ if (nchars > INT32_MAX / sizeof(CharInfoRec)) {
12451 -+ bdfError("Couldn't allocate pCI (%d*%d)\n", nchars,
12452 -+ sizeof(CharInfoRec));
12453 -+ goto BAILOUT;
12454 -+ }
12455 - ci = (CharInfoPtr) xalloc(nchars * sizeof(CharInfoRec));
12456 - if (!ci) {
12457 - bdfError("Couldn't allocate pCI (%d*%d)\n", nchars,
12459 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-aarch64.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-aarch64.patch
12460 deleted file mode 100644
12461 index fa96b7d..00000000
12462 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-aarch64.patch
12463 +++ /dev/null
12464 @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
12465 -Description: Add aarch64 (arm64) support
12466 -Author: Colin Watson <cjwatson@××××××.com>
12467 -Forwarded: no
12468 -Last-Update: 2014-03-18
12469 -
12470 -Index: b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12471 -===================================================================
12472 ---- a/Xvnc/config/cf/
12473 -+++ b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12474 -@@ -700,6 +700,10 @@
12475 - # define s390Architecture
12476 - # undef __s390__
12477 - # endif /* s390 */
12478 -+# ifdef __aarch64__
12479 -+# define AArch64Architecture
12480 -+# undef __aarch64__
12481 -+# endif /* __arch64__ */
12482 - # ifdef __alpha
12483 - # define AlphaArchitecture
12484 - # undef __alpha
12485 -Index: b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12486 -===================================================================
12487 ---- a/Xvnc/config/cf/
12488 -+++ b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12489 -@@ -305,6 +305,14 @@
12490 - #define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
12491 - #endif /* PowerPCArchitecture */
12492 -
12493 -+#ifdef AArch64Architecture
12494 -+#define DefaultCCOptions -fsigned-char
12495 -+#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
12496 -+#define LinuxMachineDefines -D__aarch64__
12497 -+#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
12498 -+#define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
12499 -+#endif /* AArch64Architecture */
12500 -+
12501 - #ifdef ArmArchitecture
12502 - #define DefaultCCOptions -fsigned-char
12503 - #define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
12505 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-java-build.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-java-build.patch
12506 deleted file mode 100644
12507 index 42815ac..00000000
12508 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-java-build.patch
12509 +++ /dev/null
12510 @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
12511 -diff -ur vnc_javasrc.orig/Makefile vnc_javasrc/Makefile
12512 ---- vnc_javasrc.orig/Makefile 2009-03-07 14:15:55.000000000 +0100
12513 -+++ vnc_javasrc/Makefile 2009-03-07 14:16:22.000000000 +0100
12514 -@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
12515 -
12516 - CP = cp
12517 - JC = javac
12518 --JCFLAGS = -target 1.1 -source 1.2
12519 - JAR = jar
12520 - ARCHIVE = VncViewer.jar
12522 -@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@
12523 - all: $(CLASSES) $(ARCHIVE)
12524 -
12525 - $(CLASSES): $(SOURCES)
12526 -- $(JC) $(JCFLAGS) -O $(SOURCES)
12527 -+ $(JC) $(JAVACFLAGS) -O $(SOURCES)
12528 -
12530 - $(JAR) cfm $(ARCHIVE) $(MANIFEST) $(CLASSES)
12532 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-more-arm64-fixes.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-more-arm64-fixes.patch
12533 deleted file mode 100644
12534 index 9dc275f..00000000
12535 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-more-arm64-fixes.patch
12536 +++ /dev/null
12537 @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
12538 -Description: more arm64 fixes
12539 -Origin:;bug=769364;filename=debian_arm64.patch;att=1
12540 -Bug-Debian:
12541 -Bug-Ubuntu:
12542 -Author: Riku Voipio <riku.voipio@××××××.org>
12543 -Last-Update: 2016-03-23
12544 -
12545 -Index: tightvnc-1.3.9/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h
12546 -===================================================================
12547 ---- tightvnc-1.3.9.orig/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h
12548 -+++ tightvnc-1.3.9/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h
12549 -@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
12550 - #ifdef CRAY
12551 - #define WORD64 /* 64-bit architecture */
12552 - #endif
12553 --#if defined(__alpha) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
12554 -+#if defined(__alpha) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__aarch64__)
12555 - #define LONG64 /* 32/64-bit architecture */
12556 - #endif
12557 - #ifdef __sgi
12558 -Index: tightvnc-1.3.9/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
12559 -===================================================================
12560 ---- tightvnc-1.3.9.orig/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
12561 -+++ tightvnc-1.3.9/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
12562 -@@ -405,6 +405,26 @@ SOFTWARE.
12563 -
12564 - #endif /* linux/m68k */
12565 -
12566 -+#if defined (linux) && defined(__aarch64__)
12567 -+# define BITMAP_SCANLINE_UNIT 64
12568 -+# define BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD 64
12569 -+# define LOG2_BITMAP_PAD 6
12570 -+# define LOG2_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE_PAD 3
12571 -+
12572 -+/* Add for handling protocol XPutImage and XGetImage; see comment in
12573 -+ * Alpha section.
12574 -+ */
12577 -+
12578 -+#define BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD_PROTO 32
12579 -+#define LOG2_BITMAP_PAD_PROTO 5
12581 -+#define GLYPHPADBYTES 4
12583 -+
12584 -+#endif /* linux/aarch64 */
12585 -+
12586 - #if defined (linux) && defined(__powerpc__)
12587 -
12588 - #ifdef __powerpc64__
12590 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-pathfixes.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-pathfixes.patch
12591 deleted file mode 100644
12592 index f61a749..00000000
12593 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-pathfixes.patch
12594 +++ /dev/null
12595 @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
12596 ---- vncserver.orig 2009-03-06 17:33:16.000000000 +0100
12597 -+++ vncserver 2009-03-06 17:35:39.000000000 +0100
12598 -@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@
12599 - $geometry = "1024x768";
12600 - $depth = 24;
12601 - $desktopName = "X";
12602 --$vncClasses = "/usr/local/vnc/classes";
12603 -+$vncClasses = "/usr/share/tightvnc/classes";
12604 - $vncUserDir = "$ENV{HOME}/.vnc";
12605 --$fontPath = "unix/:7100";
12606 -+$fontPath = "/usr/share/fonts/misc/,/usr/share/fonts/Type1/";
12607 - $authType = "-rfbauth $vncUserDir/passwd";
12608 -+$colorPath = "/usr/share/X11/rgb";
12609 -
12610 - # Read configuration from the system-wide and user files if present.
12611 -
12613 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-ppc64el-support.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-ppc64el-support.patch
12614 deleted file mode 100644
12615 index e05e5bc..00000000
12616 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.10-ppc64el-support.patch
12617 +++ /dev/null
12618 @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
12619 -From 25adb1614419b72a986c229cb01870c1b3e38c0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
12620 -From: Lauri Kasanen <cand@×××.com>
12621 -Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2015 07:45:09 -0300
12622 -Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add ppc64el support
12623 -
12624 -Signed-off-by: Lauri Kasanen <cand@×××.com>
12625 ----
12626 - Xvnc/config/cf/ | 4 ++++
12627 - Xvnc/config/cf/ | 8 +++++++-
12628 - Xvnc/include/Xmd.h | 2 +-
12629 - Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
12630 - 4 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
12631 -
12632 -diff --git a/Xvnc/config/cf/ b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12633 -index f1f6724..cbe9ef3 100644
12634 ---- a/Xvnc/config/cf/
12635 -+++ b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12636 -@@ -720,6 +720,10 @@ XCOMM Keep cpp from replacing path elements containing i486/i586/i686
12637 - # define Mc68020Architecture
12638 - # undef mc68000
12639 - # endif /* mc68000 */
12640 -+# ifdef __powerpc64__
12641 -+# define Ppc64Architecture
12642 -+# undef __powerpc64__
12643 -+# endif
12644 - # ifdef powerpc
12645 - # define PpcArchitecture
12646 - # undef powerpc
12647 -diff --git a/Xvnc/config/cf/ b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12648 -index c0e2586..e5f1f2f 100644
12649 ---- a/Xvnc/config/cf/
12650 -+++ b/Xvnc/config/cf/
12651 -@@ -289,7 +289,13 @@ XCOMM binutils: (LinuxBinUtilsMajorVersion)
12652 - #define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
12653 - #endif /* s390xArchitecture */
12654 -
12655 --#ifdef PowerPCArchitecture
12656 -+#ifdef Ppc64Architecture
12657 -+#define DefaultCCOptions -fsigned-char
12658 -+#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
12659 -+#define LinuxMachineDefines -D__powerpc64__
12660 -+#define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
12661 -+#define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
12662 -+#elif defined(PowerPCArchitecture)
12663 - #define DefaultCCOptions -fsigned-char
12664 - #define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
12665 - #define LinuxMachineDefines -D__powerpc__
12666 -diff --git a/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h b/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h
12667 -index 3cf9db1..704d252 100644
12668 ---- a/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h
12669 -+++ b/Xvnc/include/Xmd.h
12670 -@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
12671 - #ifdef CRAY
12672 - #define WORD64 /* 64-bit architecture */
12673 - #endif
12674 --#if defined(__alpha) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__x86_64__)
12675 -+#if defined(__alpha) || defined(__alpha__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__powerpc64__)
12676 - #define LONG64 /* 32/64-bit architecture */
12677 - #endif
12678 - #ifdef __sgi
12679 -diff --git a/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h b/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
12680 -index 5066c1d..cc9f485 100644
12681 ---- a/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
12682 -+++ b/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/include/servermd.h
12683 -@@ -407,8 +407,31 @@ SOFTWARE.
12684 -
12685 - #if defined (linux) && defined(__powerpc__)
12686 -
12687 -+#ifdef __powerpc64__
12688 -+# define BITMAP_SCANLINE_UNIT 64
12689 -+# define BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD 64
12690 -+# define LOG2_BITMAP_PAD 6
12691 -+# define LOG2_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE_PAD 3
12692 -+
12693 -+/* Add for handling protocol XPutImage and XGetImage; see comment in
12694 -+ * Alpha section.
12695 -+ */
12698 -+
12699 -+#define BITMAP_SCANLINE_PAD_PROTO 32
12700 -+#define LOG2_BITMAP_PAD_PROTO 5
12702 -+#endif /* linux/ppc64 */
12703 -+
12704 -+#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
12705 -+#define IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER LSBFirst
12706 -+#define BITMAP_BIT_ORDER LSBFirst
12707 -+#else
12708 - #define IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER MSBFirst
12709 - #define BITMAP_BIT_ORDER MSBFirst
12710 -+#endif
12711 -+
12712 - #define GLYPHPADBYTES 4
12714 -
12715 ---
12716 -2.1.4
12717 -
12719 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-darwin.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-darwin.patch
12720 deleted file mode 100644
12721 index e5f7aa7..00000000
12722 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-darwin.patch
12723 +++ /dev/null
12724 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
12725 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/ 2005-11-05 16:42:53.000000000 +0100
12726 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/ 2005-11-05 16:46:52.000000000 +0100
12727 -@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@
12728 - # endif
12729 - #endif
12730 -
12731 --#define StandardDefines -DCSRG_BASED
12732 - #define XawI18nDefines -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING -DUSE_XMBTOWC
12733 -
12734 -
12735 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/vnclibs.def.orig 2005-11-05 17:11:41.000000000 +0100
12736 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/vnclibs.def 2005-11-05 17:17:21.000000000 +0100
12737 -@@ -11,7 +11,11 @@
12738 - /* Avoid linking with different libjpeg in /usr/shlib under Tru64. */
12739 - VNCSYSLIBS = /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a /usr/local/lib/libz.a -lcrypt
12740 - #else
12741 -+# if HasLibCrypt == YES
12742 - VNCSYSLIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -ljpeg -lz -lcrypt
12743 -+# else
12744 -+VNCSYSLIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -ljpeg -lz
12745 -+# endif
12746 - #endif
12747 -
12748 - VNCCPPFLAGS = -I$(TOP)/../include -I/usr/local/include
12750 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-imake-tmpdir.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-imake-tmpdir.patch
12751 deleted file mode 100644
12752 index 9d5ccc5..00000000
12753 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-imake-tmpdir.patch
12754 +++ /dev/null
12755 @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
12756 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/imake/imake.c.orig 2000-06-11 14:00:51.000000000 +0200
12757 -+++ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/imake/imake.c 2003-09-01 22:59:25.000000000 +0200
12758 -@@ -913,12 +913,25 @@
12759 - static void get_libc_version(inFile)
12760 - FILE* inFile;
12761 - {
12762 -- char *aout = tmpnam (NULL);
12763 -+ char aout[PATH_MAX];
12764 - FILE *fp;
12765 - const char *format = "%s -o %s -x c -";
12766 - char *cc;
12767 - int len;
12768 - char *command;
12769 -+ char *tmpdir;
12770 -+ int tmpfd;
12771 -+
12772 -+ if((tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR")) != NULL && strlen(tmpdir) < (PATH_MAX-13))
12773 -+ strcpy(aout, tmpdir);
12774 -+ else
12775 -+ strcpy(aout, "/tmp");
12776 -+ strcat(aout, "/imakeXXXXXX");
12777 -+
12778 -+ if((tmpfd = mkstemp(aout)) == -1) {
12779 -+ perror("mkstemp");
12780 -+ abort();
12781 -+ }
12782 -
12783 - cc = getenv ("CC");
12784 - if (cc == NULL)
12785 -@@ -930,6 +943,7 @@
12786 - if (snprintf (command , len, format, cc, aout) == len)
12787 - abort ();
12788 -
12789 -+ close(tmpfd);
12790 - fp = popen (command, "w");
12791 - if (fp == NULL || fprintf (fp, "%s\n", libc_c) < 0
12792 - || pclose (fp) != 0)
12794 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-mips.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-mips.patch
12795 deleted file mode 100644
12796 index 422a998..00000000
12797 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-mips.patch
12798 +++ /dev/null
12799 @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
12800 -diff -cr vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/config/cf/ vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/
12801 -*** vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/config/cf/ Wed Mar 20 02:49:23 2002
12802 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/config/cf/ Sat Nov 4 19:01:06 2006
12803 -***************
12804 -*** 43,49 ****
12805 - #if defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(PowerPCArchitecture) || \
12806 - defined(SparcArchitecture) || defined(ArmArchitecure) || \
12807 - defined(i386Architecture) || defined(s390Architecture) || \
12808 -! defined(s390xArchitecture)
12809 - #define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 6
12810 - #else
12811 - #define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 5
12812 ---- 43,49 ----
12813 - #if defined(AlphaArchitecture) || defined(PowerPCArchitecture) || \
12814 - defined(SparcArchitecture) || defined(ArmArchitecure) || \
12815 - defined(i386Architecture) || defined(s390Architecture) || \
12816 -! defined(s390xArchitecture) || defined(MipsArchitecture)
12817 - #define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 6
12818 - #else
12819 - #define DefaultLinuxCLibMajorVersion 5
12820 -***************
12821 -*** 261,266 ****
12822 ---- 261,273 ----
12823 - #define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines -D_XSERVER64
12824 - #endif /* AlphaArchitecture */
12825 -
12826 -+ #ifdef MipsArchitecture
12827 -+ #define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
12828 -+ #define LinuxMachineDefines -D__mips__
12829 -+ #define ServerOSDefines XFree86ServerOSDefines -DDDXTIME -DPART_NET
12830 -+ #define ServerExtraDefines -DGCCUSESGAS XFree86ServerDefines
12831 -+ #endif /* MipsArchitecture */
12832 -+
12833 - #ifdef Mc68020Architecture
12834 - #define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O2
12835 - #define LinuxMachineDefines -D__mc68000__
12836 -diff -cr vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/cfb/Imakefile vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/cfb/Imakefile
12837 -*** vnc_unixsrc.orig/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/cfb/Imakefile Tue Mar 19 21:16:03 2002
12838 ---- vnc_unixsrc/Xvnc/programs/Xserver/cfb/Imakefile Sat Nov 4 19:01:49 2006
12839 -***************
12840 -*** 10,24 ****
12841 - /* cfb8cppl.c MUST come last to avoid confusing makedepend */
12842 - PSZSRCS = cfb8bit.c cfbteblt8.c cfbglrop8.c cfbpush8.c cfbrctstp8.c cfb8cppl.c
12843 - PSZOBJS = cfb8bit.o cfbteblt8.o cfbglrop8.o cfbpush8.o cfbrctstp8.o cfb8cppl.o
12844 -- #ifdef MipsArchitecture
12845 -- #ifndef ArcArchitecture
12846 -- #ifndef Mips64Architecture
12847 -- STIPPLESRC = stipmips.s stipmipste.s
12848 -- STIPPLEOBJ = stipmips.o stipmipste.o
12850 -- #endif
12851 -- #endif
12852 -- #endif
12853 - #ifdef SparcArchitecture
12854 - STIPPLESRC = stipsparc.s stipsparcte.s
12855 - STIPPLEOBJ = stipsparc.o stipsparcte.o
12856 ---- 10,15 ----
12857 -***************
12858 -*** 128,136 ****
12859 - LinkSourceFile(cfbpush8.c,LinkDirectory)
12860 - LinkSourceFile(cfbrctstp8.c,LinkDirectory)
12861 - LinkSourceFile(cfbteblt8.c,LinkDirectory)
12862 -- #ifdef MipsArchitecture
12863 -- LinkSourceFile(stipmips.s,LinkDirectory)
12864 -- #endif
12865 - #ifdef SparcArchitecture
12866 - LinkSourceFile(stipsparc.s,LinkDirectory)
12867 - #endif
12868 ---- 119,124 ----
12869 -***************
12870 -*** 186,202 ****
12871 - #if PixelSize == 8
12872 - ObjectFromSpecialSource(cfbglrop8,cfbglblt8,-DGLYPHROP)
12873 -
12874 -- #ifdef MipsArchitecture
12875 -- stipmipste.s: stipmips.s
12876 -- $(RM) $@
12877 -- $(LN) stipmips.s stipmipste.s
12878 -- clean::
12879 -- $(RM) stipmipste.s
12880 --
12881 -- stipmipste.o: stipmipste.s
12882 -- $(AS) -o $@ -DTETEXT stipmipste.s
12883 -- #endif
12884 --
12885 - #ifdef SparcArchitecture
12886 - stipsparcte.s: stipsparc.s
12887 - $(RM) $@
12888 ---- 174,179 ----
12890 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-pathfixes.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-pathfixes.patch
12891 deleted file mode 100644
12892 index d9fa5aa..00000000
12893 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.8-pathfixes.patch
12894 +++ /dev/null
12895 @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
12896 ---- vncserver.old 2006-08-10 13:01:07.000000000 +0200
12897 -+++ vncserver 2006-09-05 19:31:30.000000000 +0200
12898 -@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@
12899 - $geometry = "1024x768";
12900 - $depth = 24;
12901 - $desktopName = "X";
12902 --$vncClasses = "/usr/local/vnc/classes";
12903 -+$vncClasses = "/usr/share/tightvnc/classes";
12904 - $vncUserDir = "$ENV{HOME}/.vnc";
12905 --$fontPath = "unix/:7100";
12906 -+$fontPath = "unix/:-1";
12907 - $authType = "-rfbauth $vncUserDir/passwd";
12908 -
12909 - # Here is another example of setting the font path:
12910 --# $fontPath = "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/";
12911 -+$fontPath = "/usr/share/fonts/misc/,/usr/share/fonts/Type1/";
12912 -
12913 - # X colors database path is optional, uncomment and edit to use:
12914 --# $colorPath = "/usr/lib/X11/rgb";
12915 -+$colorPath = "/usr/share/X11/rgb";
12916 -
12917 - # You might wish to make your vnc directory under /tmp, to make sure
12918 - # passwords are always kept on the local filesystem. To do that, just
12920 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.9-java-build.patch b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.9-java-build.patch
12921 deleted file mode 100644
12922 index 8503a30..00000000
12923 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc-1.3.9-java-build.patch
12924 +++ /dev/null
12925 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
12926 ---- vnc_javasrc/Makefile.bak 2008-09-11 21:17:37.000000000 +1200
12927 -+++ vnc_javasrc/Makefile 2008-09-11 21:18:30.000000000 +1200
12928 -@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
12929 -
12930 - CP = cp
12931 - JC = javac
12932 --JCFLAGS = -target 1.1
12933 - JAR = jar
12934 - ARCHIVE = VncViewer.jar
12936 -@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@
12937 - all: $(CLASSES) $(ARCHIVE)
12938 -
12939 - $(CLASSES): $(SOURCES)
12940 -- $(JC) $(JCFLAGS) -O $(SOURCES)
12941 -+ $(JC) $(JAVACFLAGS) -O $(SOURCES)
12942 -
12944 - $(JAR) cfm $(ARCHIVE) $(MANIFEST) $(CLASSES)
12946 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.confd b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.confd
12947 deleted file mode 100644
12948 index 757f4b9..00000000
12949 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.confd
12950 +++ /dev/null
12951 @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
12952 -# Config file for /etc/init.d/vnc
12953 -
12954 -# Specify the user(s) Xvnc(1) should be run for. The syntax is: "username:display".
12955 -# example: "DISPLAYS="foo:1 bar:2" You can specify more users separated by space.
12956 -# DISPLAYS="myuser:1"
12957 -
12958 -# Specify any of vncserver(1) and Xvnc(1) options. See the respective man pages for more information.
12959 -# VNC_OPTS=""
12960 -
12962 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.initd b/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.initd
12963 deleted file mode 100644
12964 index 465b686..00000000
12965 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/files/tightvnc.initd
12966 +++ /dev/null
12967 @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
12968 -#!/sbin/openrc-run
12969 -# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
12970 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
12971 -# $Id$
12972 -
12973 -depend() {
12974 - need net
12975 -}
12976 -
12977 -checkconfig() {
12978 - if [ -n "${DISPLAYS}" ]; then
12979 - if [ $1 = "start" ]; then
12980 - local user
12981 - for user in $DISPLAYS; do
12982 - if eval [ ! -f "~${user%%:*}/.vnc/passwd" ]; then
12983 - eerror "There are no passwords defined for user ${user%%:*}."
12984 - return 1
12985 - elif [ -e "/tmp/.X11-unix/X${user##*:}" ]; then
12986 - eerror "Display :${user##*:} appears to be already in use because of /tmp/.X11-unix/X${user##*:}"
12987 - eerror "Remove this file if there is no X server $HOSTNAME:${user##*:}"
12988 - return 1
12989 - elif [ -e "/tmp/.X${user##*:}-lock" ]; then
12990 - eerror "Display :${user##*:} appears to be already in use because of /tmp/.X${user##*:}-lock"
12991 - eerror "Remove this file if there is no X server $HOSTNAME:${user##*:}"
12992 - return 1
12993 - fi
12994 - done
12995 - fi
12996 - return 0
12997 - else
12998 - eerror 'Please define $DISPLAYS in /etc/conf.d/vnc'
12999 - return 1
13000 - fi
13001 -}
13002 -
13003 -start() {
13004 - checkconfig start || return 1
13005 - ebegin "Starting TightVNC server"
13006 - for user in $DISPLAYS; do
13007 - su -s /bin/sh ${user%%:*} -c "cd ~${user%%:*} && vncserver :${user##*:} $VNC_OPTS" &>/dev/null
13008 - done
13009 - eend $?
13010 -}
13011 -
13012 -stop() {
13013 - checkconfig stop || return 2
13014 - ebegin "Stopping TightVNC server"
13015 - for user in $DISPLAYS; do
13016 - su -s /bin/sh ${user%%:*} -c "vncserver -kill :${user##*:}" &>/dev/null
13017 - done
13018 - eend $?
13019 -}
13020 -
13021 -restart() {
13022 - svc_stop
13023 - svc_start
13024 -}
13026 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/metadata.xml b/net-misc/tightvnc/metadata.xml
13027 deleted file mode 100644
13028 index 46809ce..00000000
13029 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/metadata.xml
13030 +++ /dev/null
13031 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
13032 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
13033 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
13034 -<pkgmetadata>
13035 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
13036 - <use>
13037 - <flag name="server">Build TightVNC server</flag>
13038 - </use>
13039 - <upstream>
13040 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">vnc-tight</remote-id>
13041 - </upstream>
13042 -</pkgmetadata>
13044 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r2.ebuild b/net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r2.ebuild
13045 deleted file mode 100644
13046 index c7a9ca8..00000000
13047 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r2.ebuild
13048 +++ /dev/null
13049 @@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
13050 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
13051 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
13052 -# $Id$
13053 -
13054 -EAPI="5"
13055 -
13056 -inherit eutils toolchain-funcs java-pkg-opt-2
13057 -
13058 -IUSE="java tcpd server"
13059 -
13060 -S="${WORKDIR}/vnc_unixsrc"
13061 -DESCRIPTION="A great client/server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops"
13062 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/vnc-tight/${P}_unixsrc.tar.bz2
13063 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}.png
13064 - java? ( mirror://sourceforge/vnc-tight/${P}_javasrc.tar.gz )"
13065 -HOMEPAGE=""
13066 -
13067 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~mips ppc ~sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
13068 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
13069 -SLOT="0"
13070 -
13071 -CDEPEND="media-fonts/font-misc-misc
13072 - virtual/jpeg
13073 - server? (
13074 - media-fonts/font-cursor-misc
13075 - x11-apps/rgb
13076 - x11-apps/xauth
13077 - x11-apps/xsetroot
13078 - )
13079 - x11-libs/libX11
13080 - x11-libs/libXaw
13081 - x11-libs/libXmu
13082 - x11-libs/libXp
13083 - x11-libs/libXt
13084 - tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2 )"
13086 - java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.4 )"
13088 - java? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.4 )
13089 - x11-proto/xextproto
13090 - x11-proto/xproto
13091 - server? (
13092 - x11-proto/inputproto
13093 - x11-proto/kbproto
13094 - x11-proto/printproto
13095 - )
13096 - >=x11-misc/imake-1
13097 - x11-misc/gccmakedep
13098 - x11-misc/makedepend
13099 - !net-misc/tigervnc"
13100 -
13101 -pkg_setup() {
13102 - if ! use server;
13103 - then
13104 - echo
13105 - einfo "The 'server' USE flag will build tightvnc's server."
13106 - einfo "If '-server' is chosen only the client is built to save space."
13107 - einfo "Stop the build now if you need to add 'server' to USE flags.\n"
13108 - fi
13109 -}
13110 -
13111 -src_prepare() {
13112 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.10-pathfixes.patch" # fixes bug 78385 and 146099
13113 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.8-imake-tmpdir.patch" # fixes bug 23483
13114 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.8-darwin.patch" # fixes bug 89908
13115 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.8-mips.patch"
13116 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/server-CVE-2007-1003.patch
13117 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/server-CVE-2007-1351-1352.patch
13118 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1.3.9-fbsd.patch
13119 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1.3.9-arm.patch
13120 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1.3.9-sh.patch
13121 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-sparc.patch
13122 - sed -e "s:\\(/etc/\\|/usr/share/\\):${EPREFIX}\\1:g" -i vncserver || die
13123 -
13124 - if use java; then
13125 - cd "${WORKDIR}"
13126 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.10-java-build.patch"
13127 - fi
13128 -}
13129 -
13130 -src_compile() {
13131 - xmkmf -a || die "xmkmf failed"
13132 -
13134 -
13135 - if use server; then
13136 - cd Xvnc || die
13137 - econf
13138 -
13139 - if use tcpd; then
13140 - local myextra="-lwrap"
13141 - emake -j1 EXTRA_LIBRARIES="${myextra}" \
13144 - else
13146 - fi
13147 - fi
13148 -
13149 - if use java; then
13150 - cd "${WORKDIR}/vnc_javasrc" || die
13151 - emake -j1 JAVACFLAGS="$(java-pkg_javac-args)" all
13152 - fi
13153 -
13154 -}
13155 -
13156 -src_install() {
13157 - # the web based interface and the java viewer need the java class files
13158 - if use java; then
13159 - java-pkg_newjar "${WORKDIR}/vnc_javasrc/VncViewer.jar"
13160 - java-pkg_dolauncher "${PN}-java"
13161 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}/classes
13162 - doins "${WORKDIR}"/vnc_javasrc/*.vnc || die
13163 - dosym /usr/share/${PN}/lib/${PN}.jar /usr/share/${PN}/classes/VncViewer.jar
13164 - fi
13165 -
13166 - dodir /usr/share/man/man1 /usr/bin
13167 - ./vncinstall "${ED}"/usr/bin "${ED}"/usr/share/man || die "vncinstall failed"
13168 -
13169 - if use server; then
13170 - newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/tightvnc.confd vnc
13171 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/tightvnc.initd vnc
13172 - else
13173 - rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/vncserver || die
13174 - rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/{Xvnc,vncserver}* || die
13175 - fi
13176 -
13177 - newicon "${DISTDIR}"/tightvnc.png vncviewer.png
13178 - make_desktop_entry vncviewer vncviewer vncviewer Network
13179 -
13180 - dodoc ChangeLog README WhatsNew
13181 - use java && dodoc "${FILESDIR}"/README.JavaViewer
13182 - newdoc vncviewer/README README.vncviewer
13183 -}
13185 diff --git a/net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r3.ebuild b/net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r3.ebuild
13186 deleted file mode 100644
13187 index a79912e..00000000
13188 --- a/net-misc/tightvnc/tightvnc-1.3.10-r3.ebuild
13189 +++ /dev/null
13190 @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
13191 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
13192 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
13193 -# $Id$
13194 -
13195 -EAPI="5"
13196 -
13197 -inherit eutils toolchain-funcs java-pkg-opt-2
13198 -
13199 -IUSE="java tcpd server"
13200 -
13201 -S="${WORKDIR}/vnc_unixsrc"
13202 -DESCRIPTION="A great client/server software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops"
13203 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/vnc-tight/${P}_unixsrc.tar.bz2
13204 - mirror://gentoo/${PN}.png
13205 - java? ( mirror://sourceforge/vnc-tight/${P}_javasrc.tar.gz )"
13206 -HOMEPAGE=""
13207 -
13208 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~mips ~ppc ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
13209 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
13210 -SLOT="0"
13211 -
13212 -CDEPEND="media-fonts/font-misc-misc
13213 - virtual/jpeg
13214 - server? (
13215 - media-fonts/font-cursor-misc
13216 - x11-apps/rgb
13217 - x11-apps/xauth
13218 - x11-apps/xsetroot
13219 - )
13220 - x11-libs/libX11
13221 - x11-libs/libXaw
13222 - x11-libs/libXmu
13223 - x11-libs/libXp
13224 - x11-libs/libXt
13225 - tcpd? ( >=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2 )"
13227 - java? ( >=virtual/jre-1.4 )"
13229 - java? ( >=virtual/jdk-1.4 )
13230 - x11-proto/xextproto
13231 - x11-proto/xproto
13232 - server? (
13233 - x11-proto/inputproto
13234 - x11-proto/kbproto
13235 - x11-proto/printproto
13236 - )
13237 - >=x11-misc/imake-1
13238 - x11-misc/gccmakedep
13239 - x11-misc/makedepend
13240 - !net-misc/tigervnc"
13241 -
13242 -pkg_setup() {
13243 - if ! use server;
13244 - then
13245 - echo
13246 - einfo "The 'server' USE flag will build tightvnc's server."
13247 - einfo "If '-server' is chosen only the client is built to save space."
13248 - einfo "Stop the build now if you need to add 'server' to USE flags.\n"
13249 - fi
13250 -}
13251 -
13252 -src_prepare() {
13253 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.10-pathfixes.patch" # fixes bug 78385 and 146099
13254 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.8-imake-tmpdir.patch" # fixes bug 23483
13255 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.8-darwin.patch" # fixes bug 89908
13256 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.8-mips.patch"
13257 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/server-CVE-2007-1003.patch
13258 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/server-CVE-2007-1351-1352.patch
13259 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1.3.9-fbsd.patch
13260 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1.3.9-arm.patch
13261 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/1.3.9-sh.patch
13262 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ppc64el-support.patch
13263 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-aarch64.patch
13264 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-more-arm64-fixes.patch
13265 -
13266 - sed -e "s:\\(/etc/\\|/usr/share/\\):${EPREFIX}\\1:g" -i vncserver || die
13267 -
13268 - if use java; then
13269 - cd "${WORKDIR}"
13270 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.3.10-java-build.patch"
13271 - fi
13272 -}
13273 -
13274 -src_compile() {
13275 - xmkmf -a || die "xmkmf failed"
13276 -
13278 -
13279 - if use server; then
13280 - cd Xvnc || die
13281 - econf
13282 -
13283 - if use tcpd; then
13284 - local myextra="-lwrap"
13285 - emake -j1 EXTRA_LIBRARIES="${myextra}" \
13288 - else
13290 - fi
13291 - fi
13292 -
13293 - if use java; then
13294 - cd "${WORKDIR}/vnc_javasrc" || die
13295 - emake -j1 JAVACFLAGS="$(java-pkg_javac-args)" all
13296 - fi
13297 -
13298 -}
13299 -
13300 -src_install() {
13301 - # the web based interface and the java viewer need the java class files
13302 - if use java; then
13303 - java-pkg_newjar "${WORKDIR}/vnc_javasrc/VncViewer.jar"
13304 - java-pkg_dolauncher "${PN}-java"
13305 - insinto /usr/share/${PN}/classes
13306 - doins "${WORKDIR}"/vnc_javasrc/*.vnc || die
13307 - dosym /usr/share/${PN}/lib/${PN}.jar /usr/share/${PN}/classes/VncViewer.jar
13308 - fi
13309 -
13310 - dodir /usr/share/man/man1 /usr/bin
13311 - ./vncinstall "${ED}"/usr/bin "${ED}"/usr/share/man || die "vncinstall failed"
13312 -
13313 - if use server; then
13314 - newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/tightvnc.confd vnc
13315 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/tightvnc.initd vnc
13316 - else
13317 - rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/vncserver || die
13318 - rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/{Xvnc,vncserver}* || die
13319 - fi
13320 -
13321 - newicon "${DISTDIR}"/tightvnc.png vncviewer.png
13322 - make_desktop_entry vncviewer vncviewer vncviewer Network
13323 -
13324 - dodoc ChangeLog README WhatsNew
13325 - use java && dodoc "${FILESDIR}"/README.JavaViewer
13326 - newdoc vncviewer/README README.vncviewer
13327 -}
13329 diff --git a/net-misc/yajhfc/Manifest b/net-misc/yajhfc/Manifest
13330 deleted file mode 100644
13331 index 94a3011..00000000
13332 --- a/net-misc/yajhfc/Manifest
13333 +++ /dev/null
13334 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
13335 -DIST yajhfc-0_5_2.jar 1902262 SHA256 7182a694b1ee6310b94ca7e5ca913cc381c463101dd2d004a92f4c86fb3a4d7e SHA512 0c0ba609a15dd8e79743d4afea75350ba5626676e3fa2dd24835d8d661c894e910ab1df7c69b05f9db4519ffcd3491b774cad89a2b48597e78e23720414c4e73 WHIRLPOOL 971454666b46beb2fc4aebdf8b69e9a47f32eb87e0ed9eefb1c822f2c6791bc38346645acc611aca37797d49389c5965809cb5e10bd1ec4bd01241f0167f48dd
13336 -DIST 3577450 SHA256 896f394dabe60238114b2e91f40a595e052185b14105b00f073994cb1b454dcc SHA512 9177e959810df9ab005f2ed380275f6683aa22e0b6209d50a96d8f60018c0dc1d624dc400ad6ac2625688d57ecb84401f26dd66b145da518c0c5287c0af4e9f1 WHIRLPOOL 7e75333ea99eab1aa42937a97b0584a8f71a8b126d55e15111a0a460afa5e999d0510fb0d57f245c2b9cd38a92cc4bb1b26850617b15bb29dfd23d05960e7bdb
13338 diff --git a/net-misc/yajhfc/metadata.xml b/net-misc/yajhfc/metadata.xml
13339 deleted file mode 100644
13340 index f6f4f56..00000000
13341 --- a/net-misc/yajhfc/metadata.xml
13342 +++ /dev/null
13343 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
13344 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
13345 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
13346 -<pkgmetadata>
13347 - <longdescription>
13348 -Client for Hylafax+ Server.
13349 -</longdescription>
13350 -</pkgmetadata>
13352 diff --git a/net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.2.ebuild b/net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.2.ebuild
13353 deleted file mode 100644
13354 index 2e126b2..00000000
13355 --- a/net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.2.ebuild
13356 +++ /dev/null
13357 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
13358 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
13359 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
13360 -# $Id$
13361 -
13362 -EAPI=5
13363 -
13364 -inherit eutils java-pkg-opt-2 versionator
13365 -
13366 -MY_P="${PN}-${PV}.jar"
13367 -MY_P="${MY_P/_/}"
13368 -MY_P="${MY_P/./_}"
13369 -MY_P="${MY_P/./_}"
13370 -
13371 -DESCRIPTION="Yet another Java HylaFAX Plus Client"
13372 -HOMEPAGE=""
13373 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}"
13374 -
13375 -SLOT="0"
13376 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
13377 -KEYWORDS=""
13378 -IUSE=""
13379 -
13380 -COMMON_DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.4"
13381 -RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} >=virtual/jre-1.4"
13382 -DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} virtual/pkgconfig"
13383 -
13384 -S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"
13385 -
13386 -src_install() {
13387 - echo "java -jar /usr/bin/${MY_P}" > "${WORKDIR}"/h.h
13388 - newbin "${WORKDIR}/h.h" "yajhfc"
13389 - newbin "${DISTDIR}/${MY_P}" "${MY_P}"
13390 -}
13392 diff --git a/net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.7.ebuild b/net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.7.ebuild
13393 deleted file mode 100644
13394 index d49aa58..00000000
13395 --- a/net-misc/yajhfc/yajhfc-0.5.7.ebuild
13396 +++ /dev/null
13397 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
13398 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
13399 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
13400 -# $Id$
13401 -
13402 -EAPI=5
13403 -
13404 -inherit java-pkg-2 java-pkg-simple
13405 -
13406 -MY_P="${PN}-${PV}"
13407 -MY_P="${MY_P/_/}"
13408 -MY_P="${MY_P/./_}"
13409 -MY_P="${MY_P/./_}"
13410 -
13411 -DESCRIPTION="Yet another Java HylaFAX Plus Client"
13412 -HOMEPAGE=""
13413 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}"
13414 -
13415 -SLOT="0"
13416 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
13417 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
13418 -IUSE=""
13419 -
13420 -COMMON_DEPEND="dev-java/gnu-hylafax:0
13421 - dev-java/tablelayout:0"
13422 -RDEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} >=virtual/jre-1.6"
13423 -DEPEND="${COMMON_DEPEND} >=virtual/jdk-1.6 virtual/pkgconfig app-arch/unzip"
13424 -
13425 -S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
13426 -
13427 -JAVA_GENTOO_CLASSPATH="gnu-hylafax,tablelayout"
13428 -JAVA_SRC_DIR="src"
13429 -
13430 -src_prepare() {
13431 - rm build.xml || die
13432 - rm -rv "${S}"/jna-src "${S}"/mac-src || die # contains win32/mac only code
13433 -
13434 - cp -r java1-src/* src || die
13435 - cp -r java6-src/* src || die
13436 -
13437 - # this method is missing in the gnu-hylafax api despite they use the same upstream version
13438 - sed -i -e 's/client.setCharacterEncoding.*//g' src/yajhfc/ || die
13439 -}
13440 -
13441 -src_compile() {
13442 - java-pkg-simple_src_compile
13443 - pushd src || die
13444 - find -type f -not -name "*.java" -not -name "*.class" | xargs jar uf "${S}"/${PN}.jar || die
13445 -}
13446 -
13447 -src_install() {
13448 - java-pkg-simple_src_install
13449 - java-pkg_dolauncher ${PN} --jar ${PN}.jar --main yajhfc.Launcher
13450 -}
13452 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.31-r1.ebuild b/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.31-r1.ebuild
13453 deleted file mode 100644
13454 index 3f7d2b7..00000000
13455 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/389-admin-1.1.31-r1.ebuild
13456 +++ /dev/null
13457 @@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
13458 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
13459 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
13460 -# $Id$
13461 -
13462 -EAPI=5
13463 -
13464 -WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.9"
13465 -
13466 -MY_PV=${PV/_rc/.rc}
13467 -MY_PV=${MY_PV/_a/.a}
13468 -
13469 -inherit eutils multilib autotools depend.apache
13470 -
13471 -DESCRIPTION="389 Directory Server (admin)"
13472 -HOMEPAGE=""
13473 -SRC_URI="${PN}-${MY_PV}.tar.bz2"
13474 -
13475 -LICENSE="GPL-2 Apache-2.0"
13476 -SLOT="0"
13477 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
13478 -IUSE="debug ipv6 selinux"
13479 -
13480 -# TODO snmp agent init script
13481 -
13482 -COMMON_DEPEND=">=app-admin/389-admin-console-1.1.0
13483 - >=app-admin/389-ds-console-1.1.0
13484 - app-misc/mime-types
13485 - dev-libs/389-adminutil
13486 - dev-libs/cyrus-sasl
13487 - dev-libs/icu:=
13488 - dev-libs/nss[utils]
13489 - || ( <=dev-libs/nspr-4.8.3-r3[ipv6?] >=dev-libs/nspr-4.8.4 )
13490 - dev-libs/svrcore
13491 - net-analyzer/net-snmp[ipv6?]
13492 - net-nds/openldap
13493 - selinux? (
13494 - sys-apps/checkpolicy
13495 - sys-apps/policycoreutils
13496 - )
13497 - >=sys-libs/db-4.2.52
13498 - sys-libs/pam
13499 - sys-apps/tcp-wrappers[ipv6?]
13500 - www-apache/mod_nss
13501 - www-servers/apache:2[apache2_modules_actions,apache2_modules_alias,apache2_modules_auth_basic,apache2_modules_authz_default,apache2_modules_cgi,apache2_modules_mime_magic,apache2_modules_rewrite,apache2_modules_setenvif,suexec,threads]"
13502 -RDEPEND="
13503 - ${COMMON_DEPEND}
13504 - www-client/lynx
13505 - selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-base-policy )
13506 -"
13507 -DEPEND="sys-apps/sed ${COMMON_DEPEND}"
13508 -
13509 -S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"
13510 -
13511 -need_apache2
13512 -
13513 -src_prepare() {
13514 - # as per 389 documentation, when 64bit, export USE_64
13515 - use amd64 && export USE_64=1
13516 -
13517 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/1.1.11_rc1/0001-gentoo-apache-names.patch"
13518 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/1.1.11_rc1/0003-find-mod_nss.m4.patch"
13519 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/1.1.11_rc1/"
13520 - # Configuration fixes
13521 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-cfgstuff-1.patch"
13522 -
13523 - sed -e "s!SUBDIRS!# SUBDIRS!g" -i || die "sed failed"
13524 - # Setup default user/group, in this case it's dirsrv
13525 - sed -e "s!nobody!dirsrv!g" -i || die "sed failed"
13526 -
13527 - eautoreconf
13528 -}
13529 -
13530 -src_configure() {
13531 - # stub autoconf triplet :(
13532 - local myconf=""
13533 - use debug && myconf="--enable-debug"
13534 - use selinux && myconf="${myconf} --with-selinux"
13535 -
13536 - econf \
13537 - --enable-threading \
13538 - --disable-rpath \
13539 - --with-adminutil=/usr \
13540 - --with-apr-config \
13541 - --with-apxs=${APXS} \
13542 - --with-fhs \
13543 - --with-httpd=${APACHE_BIN} \
13544 - --with-openldap \
13545 - ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
13546 -}
13547 -
13548 -src_install () {
13549 -
13550 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake failed"
13551 - keepdir /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv
13552 -
13553 - # remove redhat style init script.
13554 - rm -rf "${D}"/etc/rc.d
13555 - rm -rf "${D}"/etc/default
13556 -
13557 - # install gentoo style init script.
13558 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd ${PN}
13559 - newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd ${PN}
13560 -
13561 - # remove redhat style wrapper scripts
13562 - # and install gentoo scripts.
13563 - rm -rf "${D}"/usr/sbin/*-ds-admin
13564 - dosbin "${FILESDIR}"/*-ds-admin || die "cannot install gentoo start/stop scripts"
13565 -
13566 - # In this version build systems for modules is delete :(
13567 - # manually install modules, not using apache-modules eclass
13568 - # because use bindled library
13569 -
13570 - # install mod_admserv
13571 - exeinto "${APACHE_MODULESDIR}"
13572 - doexe "${S}/.libs"/ || die "internal ebuild error: mod_admserv not found"
13573 -
13574 - insinto "${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR}"
13575 - newins "${FILESDIR}/1.1.11_rc1"/48_mod_admserv.conf 48_mod_admserv \
13576 - || die "internal ebuild error: 48_mod_admserv.conf not found"
13577 -
13578 - # install mod_restard
13579 - exeinto "${APACHE_MODULESDIR}"
13580 - doexe "${S}/.libs"/ || die "internal ebuild error: mod_restartd not found"
13581 -
13582 - insinto "${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR}"
13583 - newins "${FILESDIR}/1.1.11_rc1"/48_mod_restartd.conf 48_mod_restartd \
13584 - || die "internal ebuild error: 48_mod_restard.conf not found"
13585 -
13586 - if use selinux; then
13587 - local POLICY_TYPES="targeted"
13588 - cd "${S}"/selinux || die
13589 - cp /usr/share/selinux/${POLICY_TYPES}/include/Makefile . || die
13590 - make || die "selinux policy compile failed"
13591 - insinto /usr/share/selinux/${POLICY_TYPES}
13592 - doins -r "${S}/selinux/"*.pp
13593 - fi
13594 -
13595 -}
13596 -
13597 -pkg_postinst() {
13598 -
13599 - # show setup information
13600 - elog "Once you configured www-servers/apache as written above,"
13601 - elog "you need to run (as root): /usr/sbin/"
13602 - elog
13603 -
13604 - # show security and sysctl info
13605 - elog "It is recommended to setup net.ipv4.tcp_keep_alive_time"
13606 - elog "in /etc/sysctl.conf (or via sysctl -w && sysctl -p) to a reasonable"
13607 - elog "value (in milliseconds) to avoid temporary server congestions"
13608 - elog "from lost client connections"
13609 - elog
13610 -
13611 - # /etc/security/limits.conf settings
13612 - elog "It is also recommended to fine tune the maximum open files"
13613 - elog "settings inside /etc/security/limits.conf:"
13614 - elog "* soft nofile 2048"
13615 - elog "* hard nofile 4096"
13616 - elog
13617 -
13618 - elog "To start 389 Directory Server Administration Interface at boot"
13619 - elog "please add 389-admin service to the default runlevel:"
13620 - elog
13621 - elog " rc-update add 389-admin default"
13622 - elog
13623 -
13624 - elog "for 389 Directory Server Admin interface to work, you need"
13625 - elog "to setup a FQDN hostname and use it while running /usr/sbin/"
13626 - elog
13627 -
13628 -}
13630 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/Manifest b/net-nds/389-admin/Manifest
13631 deleted file mode 100644
13632 index 195a761..00000000
13633 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/Manifest
13634 +++ /dev/null
13635 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
13636 -DIST 389-admin-1.1.31.tar.bz2 647098 SHA256 79c8c0133f72be4915fec8a4f2490bc21480de5fae77070f2ce13b1d9f28872f SHA512 631cd286a817a9e862adc610464d1c1f7a7af8dbade4cc2d8535330f81591d65df4773b6dbce0256470002165640fe73b49c20ee5093f71e5121d2cfa15ca9c4 WHIRLPOOL bff158c3d2201d8723faf340e21e3fdbeaaa62bbefac033b1f5ac981bd17a2e83f0507908b3919af1911b519442da75a96164b73d4df6953227973feaaab047e
13638 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0001-gentoo-apache-names.patch b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0001-gentoo-apache-names.patch
13639 deleted file mode 100644
13640 index 9f145d9..00000000
13641 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0001-gentoo-apache-names.patch
13642 +++ /dev/null
13643 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
13644 -diff -ur m4.orig/httpd.m4 m4/httpd.m4
13645 ---- m4.orig/httpd.m4 2009-10-25 14:10:24.398721002 +0200
13646 -+++ m4/httpd.m4 2009-10-25 14:12:54.463219758 +0200
13647 -@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@
13648 - *) APACHE22= ;;
13649 - esac
13650 -
13651 --httpdconf=${httpd_root}/${httpd_conf_rel}
13652 -+httpdconf=/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
13653 -
13654 - mimemagic=`grep MIMEMagicFile $httpdconf|grep -v \^# | awk '{print $2}'`
13655 - if test ! -f "$mimemagic" ; then
13656 - # assume relative to root
13657 -- mimemagic=${httpd_root}/${mimemagic}
13658 -+ mimemagic=/etc/apache2/magic
13659 - fi
13660 -
13661 - # check for mime.types file
13663 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0003-find-mod_nss.m4.patch b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0003-find-mod_nss.m4.patch
13664 deleted file mode 100644
13665 index 5a15e1d..00000000
13666 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0003-find-mod_nss.m4.patch
13667 +++ /dev/null
13668 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
13669 ---- m4/mod_nss.m4.orig 2010-01-14 23:05:29.000000000 +0200
13670 -+++ m4/mod_nss.m4 2010-01-24 20:58:47.086937825 +0200
13671 -@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
13672 -
13673 - # else, parse httpd.conf or httpconfdir/nss.conf
13674 - if test -z "$modnssbindir" ; then
13675 -- nsspcache=`grep NSSPassPhraseHelper $httpdconf|awk '{print $2}'`
13676 -+ nsspcache=`grep -R NSSPassPhraseHelper /etc/apache2/* |awk '{print $2}'`
13677 - if test -z "$nsspcache" ; then
13678 - nsspcache=`grep NSSPassPhraseHelper $httpd_root/conf.d/* | awk '{print $2}'`
13679 - fi
13681 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/ b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/
13682 deleted file mode 100644
13683 index d74c345..00000000
13684 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/
13685 +++ /dev/null
13686 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
13687 ---- 2010-01-25 01:34:58.296824267 +0200
13688 -+++ 2010-01-25 01:36:16.101825667 +0200
13689 -@@ -433,13 +433,10 @@
13690 -
13691 - if test "$enable_rpath" != "yes" ; then
13692 - AC_MSG_NOTICE([Fixing libtool to remove automatic rpath to $libdir . . .])
13693 -- cp -p libtool libtool.orig
13694 -- cp -p libtool libtool.tmp
13695 -+ cp -p ./libtool libtool.orig
13696 -+ cp -p ./libtool libtool.tmp
13697 - sed -e '/^runpath_var/ d' \
13698 -- -e '/^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec/ d' \
13699 -- libtool > libtool.tmp
13700 -- cp -p libtool.tmp libtool
13701 -- rm -f libtool.tmp
13702 -+ -e '/^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec/ d' -i ./libtool
13703 - fi
13704 -
13705 - AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile])
13707 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0010-gentoo_selinux_makefile.patch b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0010-gentoo_selinux_makefile.patch
13708 deleted file mode 100644
13709 index f7856ef..00000000
13710 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/0010-gentoo_selinux_makefile.patch
13711 +++ /dev/null
13712 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
13713 ---- m4.orig/selinux.m4 2010-03-11 23:18:19.697503404 +0200
13714 -+++ m4/selinux.m4 2010-03-11 23:19:04.653503112 +0200
13715 -@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
13716 - with_selinux=yes
13717 - AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
13718 - AC_SUBST(with_selinux)
13719 -- if test ! -f "/usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile"; then
13720 -+ if test ! -f "/usr/share/selinux/targeted/include/Makefile"; then
13721 - AC_MSG_ERROR([SELinux development tools (selinux-policy) not found])
13722 - fi
13723 - ],
13725 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_admserv.conf b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_admserv.conf
13726 deleted file mode 100644
13727 index 4a3f296..00000000
13728 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_admserv.conf
13729 +++ /dev/null
13730 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
13731 -<IfDefine ADMSERV>
13732 - LoadModule mod_admserv modules/
13733 -</IfDefine ADMSERV>
13735 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_restartd.conf b/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_restartd.conf
13736 deleted file mode 100644
13737 index 1d0d2f3..00000000
13738 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/1.1.11_rc1/48_mod_restartd.conf
13739 +++ /dev/null
13740 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
13741 -<IfDefine RESTARTD>
13742 - <IfModule !mod_restartd.c>
13743 - LoadModule restartd_module modules/
13744 - </IfModule>
13745 -</IfDefine>
13747 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin-cfgstuff-1.patch b/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin-cfgstuff-1.patch
13748 deleted file mode 100644
13749 index 783f477..00000000
13750 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin-cfgstuff-1.patch
13751 +++ /dev/null
13752 @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
13753 ---- 389-admin-1.1.11.rc1.orig/admserv/cfgstuff/
13754 -+++ 389-admin-1.1.11.rc1/admserv/cfgstuff/
13755 -@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ LoadModule file_cache_module @moddir@/mo
13756 - LoadModule mem_cache_module @moddir@/
13757 - LoadModule cgi_module @moddir@/
13758 - LoadModule restartd_module @admmoddir@/
13759 --LoadModule nss_module @nssmoddir@/
13760 -+LoadModule nss_module @moddir@/
13761 - LoadModule admserv_module @admmoddir@/
13762 -
13763 - ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
13764 -@@ -389,15 +389,7 @@ ServerSignature On
13765 - # Alias.
13766 - #
13767 -
13768 --<IfModule mod_cgid.c>
13769 --#
13770 --# Additional to mod_cgid.c settings, mod_cgid has Scriptsock <path>
13771 --# for setting UNIX socket for communicating with cgid.
13772 --#
13773 --Scriptsock @piddir@/admin-serv.cgisock
13774 --</IfModule>
13775 --
13776 --# and this one is for mod_restartd because mod_cgid will consume the other one
13777 -+# Setup mod_admserv socket handle
13778 - Scriptsock @piddir@/admin-serv.cgisock
13779 -
13780 - #
13781 ---- 389-admin-1.1.11.rc1.orig/admserv/cfgstuff/
13782 -+++ 389-admin-1.1.11.rc1/admserv/cfgstuff/
13783 -@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ LoadModule file_cache_module @moddir@/mo
13784 - LoadModule mem_cache_module @moddir@/
13785 - LoadModule cgi_module @moddir@/
13786 - LoadModule restartd_module @admmoddir@/
13787 --LoadModule nss_module @nssmoddir@/
13788 -+LoadModule nss_module @moddir@/
13789 - LoadModule admserv_module @admmoddir@/
13790 -
13791 - ### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
13792 -@@ -388,15 +388,7 @@ ServerSignature On
13793 - # Alias.
13794 - #
13795 -
13796 --<IfModule mod_cgid.c>
13797 --#
13798 --# Additional to mod_cgid.c settings, mod_cgid has Scriptsock <path>
13799 --# for setting UNIX socket for communicating with cgid.
13800 --#
13801 --Scriptsock @piddir@/admin-serv.cgisock
13802 --</IfModule>
13803 --
13804 --# and this one is for mod_restartd because mod_cgid will consume the other one
13805 -+# Setup mod_admserv socket handle
13806 - Scriptsock @piddir@/admin-serv.cgisock
13807 -
13808 - #
13810 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.confd b/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.confd
13811 deleted file mode 100644
13812 index 2f3e92a..00000000
13813 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.confd
13814 +++ /dev/null
13815 @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
13816 -# /etc/conf.d/389-admin: config file for /etc/init.d/389-admin
13817 -
13818 -# When you install a module it is easy to activate or deactivate the modules
13819 -# and other features of apache using the APACHE2_OPTS line. Every module should
13820 -# install a configuration in /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv. In that file will have an
13821 -# <IfDefine NNN> directive where NNN is the option to enable that module.
13822 -#
13823 -# Here are the options available in the default configuration:
13824 -#
13825 -# AUTH_DIGEST Enables mod_auth_digest
13826 -# AUTHNZ_LDAP Enables authentication through mod_ldap (available if USE=ldap)
13827 -# CACHE Enables mod_cache
13828 -# DAV Enables mod_dav
13829 -# ERRORDOCS Enables default error documents for many languages.
13830 -# INFO Enables mod_info, a useful module for debugging
13831 -# LANGUAGE Enables content-negotiation based on language and charset.
13832 -# LDAP Enables mod_ldap (available if USE=ldap)
13833 -# MANUAL Enables /manual/ to be the apache manual (available if USE=docs)
13834 -# MEM_CACHE Enables default configuration mod_mem_cache
13835 -# PROXY Enables mod_proxy
13836 -# SSL Enables SSL (available if USE=ssl)
13837 -# SUEXEC Enables running CGI scripts (in USERDIR) through suexec.
13838 -# USERDIR Enables /~username mapping to /home/username/public_html
13839 -#
13840 -#
13841 -# The following two options provide the default virtual host for the HTTP and
13842 -# HTTPS protocol. YOU NEED TO ENABLE AT LEAST ONE OF THEM, otherwise apache
13843 -# will not listen for incomming connections on the approriate port.
13844 -#
13845 -# DEFAULT_VHOST Enables name-based virtual hosts, with the default
13846 -# virtual host being in /var/www/localhost/htdocs
13847 -# SSL_DEFAULT_VHOST Enables default vhost for SSL (you should enable this
13848 -# when you enable SSL)
13849 -#
13851 -
13852 -# Extended options for advanced uses of Apache ONLY
13853 -# You don't need to edit these unless you are doing crazy Apache stuff
13854 -# As not having them set correctly, or feeding in an incorrect configuration
13855 -# via them will result in Apache failing to start
13857 -
13858 -# PID file
13859 -#PIDFILE=/var/run/dirsrv/
13860 -
13861 -# timeout for startup/shutdown checks
13862 -#TIMEOUT=10
13863 -
13864 -# ServerRoot setting
13865 -#SERVERROOT=/usr/lib/apache2
13866 -
13867 -# Configuration file location
13868 -# - If this does NOT start with a '/', then it is treated relative to
13869 -# $SERVERROOT by Apache
13870 -#CONFIGFILE=/etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/httpd.conf
13871 -
13872 -# Location to log startup errors to
13873 -# They are normally dumped to your terminal.
13874 -#STARTUPERRORLOG="/var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv/startuperror.log"
13875 -
13876 -# A command that outputs a formatted text version of the HTML at the URL
13877 -# of the command line. Designed for lynx, however other programs may work.
13878 -#LYNX="lynx -dump"
13879 -
13880 -# The URL to your server's mod_status status page.
13881 -# Required for status and fullstatus
13882 -#STATUSURL="http://localhost/server-status"
13883 -
13884 -# Method to use when reloading the server
13885 -# Valid options are 'restart' and 'graceful'
13886 -# See for information on
13887 -# what they do and how they differ.
13888 -#RELOAD_TYPE="graceful"
13890 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.initd b/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.initd
13891 deleted file mode 100644
13892 index 45420ea..00000000
13893 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/389-admin.initd
13894 +++ /dev/null
13895 @@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
13896 -#!/sbin/openrc-run
13897 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
13898 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
13899 -
13900 -opts="configdump configtest fullstatus graceful gracefulstop modules reload"
13901 -
13902 -depend() {
13903 - need net 389-ds
13904 - use mysql dns logger netmount postgresql
13905 - after sshd
13906 -}
13907 -
13908 -configtest() {
13909 - ebegin "Checking Apache Configuration of 389 Directory Server Admin"
13910 - checkconfig
13911 - eend ${?}
13912 -}
13913 -
13914 -checkconfd() {
13915 - PIDFILE="${PIDFILE:-/var/run/dirsrv/}"
13916 - TIMEOUT=${TIMEOUT:-10}
13917 -
13918 - SERVERROOT="${SERVERROOT:-/usr/lib/apache2}"
13919 - if [ ! -d ${SERVERROOT} ]; then
13920 - eerror "SERVERROOT does not exist: ${SERVERROOT}"
13921 - return 1
13922 - fi
13923 -
13924 - CONFIGFILE="${CONFIGFILE:-/etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/httpd.conf}"
13926 - if [ ! -r "${CONFIGFILE}" ]; then
13927 - eerror "Unable to read configuration file: ${CONFIGFILE}"
13928 - return 1
13929 - fi
13930 -
13934 -
13935 - APACHE2="/usr/sbin/apache2"
13936 -}
13937 -
13938 -checkconfig() {
13939 - checkconfd || return 1
13940 -
13941 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -t 1>/dev/null 2>&1
13942 - ret=${?}
13943 - if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
13944 - eerror "389 Directory Server Admin (Apache2) has detected a syntax error in your configuration files:"
13945 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -t
13946 - fi
13947 -
13948 - return $ret
13949 -}
13950 -
13951 -start() {
13952 - checkconfig || return 1
13953 -
13954 - [ -f /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv/ssl_scache ] && rm /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv/ssl_scache
13955 -
13956 - ebegin "Starting 389 Directory Server Admin (apache2)"
13957 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k start
13958 - [ "${?}" != "0" ] && eend "${?}" && return 1
13959 -
13960 - let i=0
13961 - while [ ! -e "${PIDFILE}" ] && [ $i -lt ${TIMEOUT} ]; do
13962 - sleep 1 && let i++
13963 - done
13964 -
13965 - test $i -le ${TIMEOUT}
13966 - eend ${?}
13967 -}
13968 -
13969 -stop() {
13970 - checkconfd || return 1
13971 -
13972 - ebegin "Stopping 389 Directory Server Admin (apache2)"
13973 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k stop
13974 -
13975 - let i=0
13976 - while pidof "${APACHE2}" >/dev/null && [ $i -lt ${TIMEOUT} ]; do
13977 - sleep 1 && let i++
13978 - done
13979 -
13980 - test $i -le ${TIMEOUT}
13981 - eend ${?}
13982 -}
13983 -
13984 -reload() {
13985 - RELOAD_TYPE="${RELOAD_TYPE:-graceful}"
13986 -
13987 - checkconfig || return 1
13988 - service_started "${SVCNAME}" || return
13989 -
13990 - if [ "${RELOAD_TYPE}" = "restart" ]; then
13991 - ebegin "Restarting 389 Directory Server Admin (apache2)"
13992 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k restart
13993 - eend ${?}
13994 - elif [ "${RELOAD_TYPE}" = "graceful" ]; then
13995 - ebegin "Gracefully restarting 389 Directory Server Admin (apache2)"
13996 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k graceful
13997 - eend ${?}
13998 - else
13999 - eerror "${RELOAD_TYPE} is not a valid RELOAD_TYPE. Please edit /etc/conf.d/dirsrv-admin"
14000 - fi
14001 -}
14002 -
14003 -graceful() {
14004 - checkconfig || return 1
14005 - service_started "${SVCNAME}" || return
14006 - ebegin "Gracefully restarting 389 Directory Server Admin (apache2)"
14007 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k graceful
14008 - eend ${?}
14009 -}
14010 -
14011 -gracefulstop() {
14012 - checkconfig || return 1
14013 -
14014 - # zap!
14015 - if service_started "${SVCNAME}"; then
14016 - mark_service_stopped "${SVCNAME}"
14017 - fi
14018 -
14019 - ebegin "Gracefully stopping 389 Directory Server Admin (apache2)"
14020 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k graceful-stop
14021 - eend ${?}
14022 -}
14023 -
14024 -modules() {
14025 - checkconfig || return 1
14026 -
14027 - ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -M 2>&1
14028 -}
14029 -
14030 -fullstatus() {
14031 - LYNX="${LYNX:-lynx -dump}"
14032 - STATUSURL="${STATUSURL:-http://localhost/server-status}"
14033 -
14034 - if ! service_started "${SVCNAME}"; then
14035 - eerror "${SVCNAME} not started"
14036 - elif ! type -p ${LYNX} 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
14037 - eerror "lynx not found! you need to emerge www-client/lynx"
14038 - else
14039 - ${LYNX} ${STATUSURL}
14040 - fi
14041 -}
14042 -
14043 -configdump() {
14044 - LYNX="${LYNX:-lynx -dump}"
14045 - INFOURL="${INFOURL:-http://localhost/server-info}"
14046 -
14047 - checkconfd || return 1
14048 -
14049 - if ! service_started "${SVCNAME}"; then
14050 - eerror "${SVCNAME} not started"
14051 - else
14052 - echo "${APACHE2} started with '${APACHE2_OPTS}'"
14053 - for i in config server list; do
14054 - ${LYNX} "${INFOURL}/?${i}" | sed '/Apache Server Information/d;/^[[:space:]]\+[_]\+$/Q'
14055 - done
14056 - fi
14057 -}
14059 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/restart-ds-admin b/net-nds/389-admin/files/restart-ds-admin
14060 deleted file mode 100644
14061 index 1f0cb71..00000000
14062 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/restart-ds-admin
14063 +++ /dev/null
14064 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
14065 -#!/bin/sh
14066 -#
14067 -# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@×××.at>
14068 -#
14069 -# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
14070 -
14071 -rc-config restart 389-admin
14073 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/start-ds-admin b/net-nds/389-admin/files/start-ds-admin
14074 deleted file mode 100644
14075 index 1131e1d..00000000
14076 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/start-ds-admin
14077 +++ /dev/null
14078 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
14079 -#!/bin/sh
14080 -#
14081 -# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@×××.at>
14082 -#
14083 -# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
14084 -
14085 -rc-config start 389-admin
14087 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/files/stop-ds-admin b/net-nds/389-admin/files/stop-ds-admin
14088 deleted file mode 100644
14089 index 31f841f..00000000
14090 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/files/stop-ds-admin
14091 +++ /dev/null
14092 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
14093 -#!/bin/sh
14094 -#
14095 -# Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@×××.at>
14096 -#
14097 -# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
14098 -
14099 -rc-config stop 389-admin
14101 diff --git a/net-nds/389-admin/metadata.xml b/net-nds/389-admin/metadata.xml
14102 deleted file mode 100644
14103 index e83037a..00000000
14104 --- a/net-nds/389-admin/metadata.xml
14105 +++ /dev/null
14106 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
14107 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
14108 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
14109 -<pkgmetadata>
14110 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
14111 -<longdescription>
14112 -389 Administration Server is an HTTP agent that provides management features
14113 -for 389 Directory Server. It provides some management web apps that can
14114 -be used through a web browser. It provides the authentication, access control,
14115 -and CGI utilities used by the console.</longdescription>
14116 -</pkgmetadata>
14118 diff --git a/sci-physics/mpb/Manifest b/sci-physics/mpb/Manifest
14119 deleted file mode 100644
14120 index 5f52a99..00000000
14121 --- a/sci-physics/mpb/Manifest
14122 +++ /dev/null
14123 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
14124 -DIST mpb-1.4.2.tar.gz 686488 SHA256 e44c0720a5969a879fb93e48f6098d4d87e2f99d6ef49711d822f4c2249ccd61 SHA512 4151612b8868b324353556f46aeccdce2726d8938ab8cf7404c36da68e90ec0de1799d4e23b2d5bbe5853d0c0329ba0ee1a2fdb2745aed43c34759084b62fbac WHIRLPOOL e0b256c06bdd2c7479723c0db6c434e645b6fbf1a052ebc2971203902f9bf09336b4bf69ec8c8f1cd9b4952672a28290b4ff66c44f56feae135d9cbf07284473
14126 diff --git a/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-autotools.patch b/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-autotools.patch
14127 deleted file mode 100644
14128 index b6faf07..00000000
14129 --- a/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-autotools.patch
14130 +++ /dev/null
14131 @@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
14132 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/ mpb-1.4.2/
14133 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/ 2003-03-04 02:38:41.000000000 +0000
14134 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/ 2008-11-25 17:31:12.000000000 +0000
14135 -@@ -6,15 +6,8 @@
14136 - MPB_VERSION=1.4.2
14138 -
14139 --AC_MSG_CHECKING([for vendor f77 to be used instead of g77])
14140 --AC_MSG_RESULT()
14141 --AC_CHECK_PROGS(F77, f77 xlf77 cf77 fort77 f90 xlf90)
14142 - AC_PROG_F77
14143 --
14144 --# Get C compiler.
14145 --AC_MSG_CHECKING([for vendor cc to be used instead of gcc])
14146 --AC_MSG_RESULT()
14147 --AC_CHECK_PROGS(CC, cc xlc) # prefer vendor cc, to stay in sync with Fortran
14148 -+AC_F77_WRAPPERS
14149 - AC_PROG_CC
14150 -
14151 - # Checks for programs.
14152 -@@ -79,12 +72,6 @@
14153 - echo "*********************** HERMITIAN EPS. ***********************"
14154 - fi
14155 -
14156 --# Add lots of compiler warnings to check for if we are using gcc:
14157 --# (The variable $GCC is set to "yes" by AC_PROG_CC if we are using gcc.)
14158 --if test "$GCC" = "yes"; then
14159 -- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -W -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-qual -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -pedantic"
14160 --fi
14161 --
14162 - ##############################################################################
14163 - # Checks for libraries:
14164 - ##############################################################################
14165 -@@ -203,6 +190,10 @@
14166 - # how to run mpb-mpi in general
14167 - fi
14168 -
14169 -+# Checks for header files.
14171 -+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h getopt.h)
14172 -+
14173 - ##############################################################################
14174 - # Check for HDF5 library
14175 - AC_ARG_WITH(hdf5, [AC_HELP_STRING([--without-hdf5],[do not use HDF5 output])], ok=$withval, ok=yes)
14176 -@@ -349,9 +340,7 @@
14177 - ]], [AC_MSG_RESULT(ok)], [AC_MSG_ERROR([libctl version ${LIBCTL_MAJOR}.${LIBCTL_MINOR}.${LIBCTL_BUGFIX} or later is required])])
14178 -
14179 - ##############################################################################
14180 --# Checks for header files.
14182 --AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h getopt.h)
14183 -+
14184 -
14185 - # Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
14186 - AC_C_CONST
14187 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/ mpb-1.4.2/
14188 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/ 2002-01-18 22:52:41.000000000 +0000
14189 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/ 2008-11-25 17:31:12.000000000 +0000
14190 -@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
14191 -
14192 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14193 -
14194 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14195 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14196 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14197 - CC = @CC@
14198 - CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14200 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/mpb-ctl/ mpb-1.4.2/mpb-ctl/
14201 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/mpb-ctl/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14202 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/mpb-ctl/ 2008-11-25 18:23:20.000000000 +0000
14203 -@@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
14204 -
14205 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14206 -
14207 -+mandir = @mandir@
14208 -+
14209 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14210 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14211 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14212 -+
14213 - ##############################################################################
14214 -
14215 - # for programs using libctl (assumes that autoconf is
14216 -@@ -37,8 +43,8 @@
14217 - ../src/util/util.a
14218 -
14219 - MY_LDFLAGS = # extra -L flags go here
14220 --MY_CPPFLAGS = -I. -I../src/util -I../src/matrices -I../src/matrixio \
14221 -- -I../src/maxwell
14222 -+MY_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src/util -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrices -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrixio \
14223 -+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src/maxwell
14225 -
14226 - # The following variables should be detected and set by autoconf:
14227 -@@ -134,11 +140,11 @@
14228 -
14229 - install-mpb: $(PROGRAM_NAME)
14230 - $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/bin
14231 -- $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -s .$(PROGRAM_NAME) $(prefix)/bin/`echo $(PROGRAM_NAME)|sed '$(transform)'`
14232 -+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 .$(PROGRAM_NAME) $(prefix)/bin/`echo $(PROGRAM_NAME)|sed '$(transform)'`
14233 - $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/share/libctl/specs
14234 - $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(SPECIFICATION_FILE) $(prefix)/share/libctl/specs
14235 - $(INSTALL) -d $(mandir)/man1
14236 -- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(PROGRAM_NAME).1 $(mandir)/man1
14237 -+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(srcdir)/$(PROGRAM_NAME).1 $(mandir)/man1
14238 -
14239 - mpb-split-tmp:
14240 - rm -f mpb-split-tmp
14241 -@@ -149,7 +155,7 @@
14242 - mpb_name=`echo mpb | sed '$(transform)'`; \
14243 - $(INSTALL) -m 0755 mpb-split-tmp $(prefix)/bin/$${mpb_name}-split
14244 - $(INSTALL) -d $(mandir)/man1
14245 -- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 mpb-split.1 $(mandir)/man1
14246 -+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(srcdir)/mpb-split.1 $(mandir)/man1
14247 -
14248 - clean:
14249 - rm -f $(ALL_OBJECTS) ctl-io.c ctl-io.h main.c geom.c \
14250 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/matrices/ mpb-1.4.2/src/matrices/
14251 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/matrices/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14252 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/src/matrices/ 2008-11-25 17:31:12.000000000 +0000
14253 -@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
14254 -
14255 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14256 -
14257 --CC = @CC@
14258 --CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14259 --CPPFLAGS = -I../util -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14260 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14261 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14262 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14263 -+
14264 -+CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/util -I$(srcdir) -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14265 - DEFS = @DEFS@
14267 - LIBS = @LIBS@
14268 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/matrixio/ mpb-1.4.2/src/matrixio/
14269 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/matrixio/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14270 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/src/matrixio/ 2008-11-25 17:31:12.000000000 +0000
14271 -@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
14272 -
14273 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14274 -
14275 --CC = @CC@
14276 --CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14277 --CPPFLAGS = -I../util -I../matrices -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14278 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14279 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14280 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14281 -+
14282 -+CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/util -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrices -I$(srcdir) -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14283 - DEFS = @DEFS@
14285 - LIBS = @LIBS@
14286 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/maxwell/ mpb-1.4.2/src/maxwell/
14287 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/maxwell/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14288 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/src/maxwell/ 2008-11-25 17:31:12.000000000 +0000
14289 -@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
14290 -
14291 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14292 -
14293 --CC = @CC@
14294 --CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14295 --CPPFLAGS = -I../util -I../matrices @CPPFLAGS@
14296 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14297 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14298 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14299 -+
14300 -+CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/util -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrices -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14301 - DEFS = @DEFS@
14303 - LIBS = @LIBS@
14304 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/util/ mpb-1.4.2/src/util/
14305 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/src/util/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14306 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/src/util/ 2008-11-25 17:31:12.000000000 +0000
14307 -@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
14308 -
14309 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14310 -
14311 --CC = @CC@
14312 --CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14314 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14315 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14316 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14317 -+
14318 -+CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14319 - DEFS = @DEFS@
14321 - LIBS = @LIBS@
14322 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/tests/ mpb-1.4.2/tests/
14323 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/tests/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14324 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/tests/ 2008-11-25 17:31:58.000000000 +0000
14325 -@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
14326 -
14327 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14328 -
14329 --CC = @CC@
14330 --CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14331 --CPPFLAGS = -I../src/util -I../src/matrices -I../src/maxwell @CPPFLAGS@
14332 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14333 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14334 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14335 -+
14336 -+CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/util -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrices -I$(top_srcdir)/src/maxwell -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14337 - DEFS = @DEFS@
14339 - LIBS = @LIBS@
14341 - RANLIB = @RANLIB@
14342 - @SET_MAKE@
14343 -
14344 -@@ -15,11 +17,11 @@
14345 - ../src/matrices/matrices.a \
14346 - ../src/util/util.a
14347 -
14348 --all: blastest eigs_test maxwell_test malloctest normal_vectors
14349 -+all:
14350 -
14351 - libs:
14352 -
14353 --check: all
14354 -+check: blastest eigs_test maxwell_test malloctest normal_vectors
14355 - rm -f blastest.out.test
14356 - ./blastest | sed 's/\-0\.000\([ ,)]\)/ 0.000\1/g' | sed 's/\-0\.000$$/ 0.000/g' > blastest.out.test
14357 - diff blastest.@SCALAR_TYPE@.out blastest.out.test
14358 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/utils/ mpb-1.4.2/utils/
14359 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/utils/ 2002-09-14 23:20:55.000000000 +0100
14360 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/utils/ 2008-11-25 18:23:46.000000000 +0000
14361 -@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
14362 - # Variables substituted by the autoconf configure script:
14363 -
14364 - SHELL = @SHELL@
14365 -+mandir = @mandir@
14366 -+
14367 -+srcdir = @srcdir@
14368 -+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
14369 -+VPATH = @srcdir@
14370 -
14371 --CC = @CC@
14372 --CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@
14373 --CPPFLAGS = -I../src/util -I../src/matrices -I../src/matrixio @CPPFLAGS@
14374 -+CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/util -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrices -I$(top_srcdir)/src/matrixio -I. @CPPFLAGS@
14377 - LIBS = @LIBS@
14379 - RANLIB = @RANLIB@
14380 - @SET_MAKE@
14381 -
14382 -@@ -36,9 +39,9 @@
14383 -
14384 - install-mpb-data: mpb-data
14385 - $(INSTALL) -d $(prefix)/bin
14386 -- $(INSTALL) -m 0755 -s mpb-data $(prefix)/bin/`echo mpb-data|sed '$(transform)'`
14387 -+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 mpb-data $(prefix)/bin/`echo mpb-data|sed '$(transform)'`
14388 - $(INSTALL) -d $(mandir)/man1
14389 -- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 mpb-data.1 $(mandir)/man1
14390 -+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 $(srcdir)/mpb-data.1 $(mandir)/man1
14391 -
14392 - clean:
14393 - rm -f mpb-data mpb-data.o core
14395 diff --git a/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-guile18.patch b/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-guile18.patch
14396 deleted file mode 100644
14397 index 9cb73a0..00000000
14398 --- a/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-guile18.patch
14399 +++ /dev/null
14400 @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
14401 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/mpb-ctl/field-smob.c mpb-1.4.2/mpb-ctl/field-smob.c
14402 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/mpb-ctl/field-smob.c 2012-08-07 20:56:24.538452994 -0700
14403 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/mpb-ctl/field-smob.c 2012-08-07 20:56:43.713557380 -0700
14404 -@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
14405 - boolean cur_fieldp(SCM obj)
14406 - {
14407 - if (SCM_NIMP(obj) && SCM_SYMBOLP(obj)) {
14408 -- char *s = gh_symbol2newstr(obj, NULL);
14409 -+ char *s = gh_symbol2newstr(obj);
14410 - int ret = !strcmp(s, "cur-field");
14411 - free(s);
14412 - return ret;
14414 diff --git a/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-headers.patch b/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-headers.patch
14415 deleted file mode 100644
14416 index 937e5fc..00000000
14417 --- a/sci-physics/mpb/files/mpb-1.4.2-headers.patch
14418 +++ /dev/null
14419 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
14420 -diff -Nur mpb-1.4.2.orig/mpb-ctl/matrix-smob.c mpb-1.4.2/mpb-ctl/matrix-smob.c
14421 ---- mpb-1.4.2.orig/mpb-ctl/matrix-smob.c 2002-09-13 19:27:35.000000000 +0100
14422 -+++ mpb-1.4.2/mpb-ctl/matrix-smob.c 2008-11-25 18:20:11.000000000 +0000
14423 -@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
14424 -
14425 - #include <stdio.h>
14426 - #include <stdlib.h>
14427 -+#include <math.h>
14428 -
14429 - #include "../src/config.h"
14430 -
14432 diff --git a/sci-physics/mpb/metadata.xml b/sci-physics/mpb/metadata.xml
14433 deleted file mode 100644
14434 index 706eced..00000000
14435 --- a/sci-physics/mpb/metadata.xml
14436 +++ /dev/null
14437 @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
14438 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
14439 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
14440 -<pkgmetadata>
14441 - <maintainer type="project">
14442 - <email>sci-physics@g.o</email>
14443 - <name>Gentoo Physics Project</name>
14444 - </maintainer>
14445 - <longdescription lang="en">
14446 - The MIT Photonic-Bands (MPB) package is a program for computing
14447 - the band structures (dispersion relations) and electromagnetic modes of
14448 - periodic dielectric structures, on both serial and parallel computers. It was
14449 - developed by Steven G. Johnson at MIT in the Joannopoulos Ab Initio Physics
14450 - group.
14451 - This program computes definite-frequency eigenstates of Maxwell's
14452 - equations in periodic dielectric structures for arbitrary wavevectors, using
14453 - fully-vectorial and three-dimensional methods. It is especially
14454 - designed for the study of photonic crystals (a.k.a. photonic
14455 - band-gap materials), but is also applicable to many other problems
14456 - in optics, such as waveguides and resonator systems.
14457 - (For example, it can solve for the modes of waveguides with arbitrary
14458 - cross-sections.)
14459 -</longdescription>
14460 -</pkgmetadata>
14462 diff --git a/sci-physics/mpb/mpb-1.4.2-r2.ebuild b/sci-physics/mpb/mpb-1.4.2-r2.ebuild
14463 deleted file mode 100644
14464 index 7eb255b..00000000
14465 --- a/sci-physics/mpb/mpb-1.4.2-r2.ebuild
14466 +++ /dev/null
14467 @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
14468 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
14469 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
14470 -# $Id$
14471 -
14472 -EAPI=4
14473 -
14474 -inherit eutils autotools flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
14475 -
14476 -DESCRIPTION="Photonic band structure program"
14477 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
14478 -HOMEPAGE=""
14479 -
14480 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
14481 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
14482 -IUSE="doc examples hdf5 mpi"
14483 -
14484 -SLOT="0"
14485 -
14486 -RDEPEND="virtual/lapack
14487 - dev-scheme/guile
14488 - sci-libs/libctl
14489 - sci-libs/fftw:2.1[mpi?]
14490 - sys-libs/readline
14491 - hdf5? ( sci-libs/hdf5 )
14492 - mpi? ( virtual/mpi )"
14493 -
14495 - virtual/pkgconfig"
14496 -
14497 -src_prepare() {
14498 - epatch \
14499 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-autotools.patch \
14500 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-guile18.patch \
14501 - "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-headers.patch
14502 - cd "${S}"
14503 - eautoreconf
14504 - # version with inversion symmetry (mpbi).
14505 - cp -r "${S}" "${S}_inv" || die
14506 - # version with hermitian eps (mpbh).
14507 - cp -r "${S}" "${S}_herm" || die
14508 - # mpi versions (mpb-mpi).
14509 - if use mpi; then
14510 - cp -r "${S}" "${S}_mpi" || die
14511 - cp -r "${S}" "${S}_inv_mpi" || die
14512 - cp -r "${S}" "${S}_herm_mpi" || die
14513 - fi
14514 - tc-export CC
14515 -}
14516 -
14517 -src_configure() {
14518 - # enable legacy API for hdf-1.8
14519 - use hdf5 && append-cflags -DH5_USE_16_API
14520 - #
14521 - local myconf=(
14522 - --with-libctl="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/libctl"
14523 - --with-blas="$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs blas)"
14524 - --with-lapack="$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs lapack)"
14525 - $(use_with hdf5)
14526 - )
14527 -
14528 - econf "${myconf[@]}"
14529 -
14530 - cd "${S}_inv"
14531 - econf "${myconf[@]}" \
14532 - --with-inv-symmetry
14533 -
14534 - cd "${S}_herm"
14535 - econf "${myconf[@]}" \
14536 - --with-hermitian-eps
14537 -
14538 - if use mpi; then
14539 - cd "${S}_mpi"
14540 - econf "${myconf[@]}" \
14541 - --with-mpi
14542 - cd "${S}_inv_mpi"
14543 - econf "${myconf[@]}" \
14544 - --with-inv-symmetry \
14545 - --with-mpi
14546 - cd "${S}_herm_mpi"
14547 - econf "${myconf[@]}" \
14548 - --with-hermitian-eps \
14549 - --with-mpi \
14550 - CC=mpicc
14551 - fi
14552 -}
14553 -
14554 -src_compile() {
14555 - local d
14556 - for d in . _inv _herm; do
14557 - cd "${S}${d}"
14558 - emake -C mpb-ctl ctl-io.c
14559 - emake
14560 - done
14561 - if use mpi; then
14562 - for d in . _inv _herm; do
14563 - cd "${S}${d}_mpi"
14564 - emake -C mpb-ctl ctl-io.c CC=mpicc
14565 - emake CC=mpicc LD=mpicc
14566 - done
14567 - fi
14568 -}
14569 -
14570 -src_install() {
14571 - einstall
14573 - use doc && dohtml doc/*
14574 - if use examples; then
14575 - insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}
14576 - doins -r mpb-ctl/examples
14577 - fi
14578 -
14579 - newbin "${S}_inv"/mpb-ctl/.mpb mpbi
14580 - newbin "${S}_herm"/mpb-ctl/.mpb mpbh
14581 -
14582 - einfo "Several versions of mpb have been installed:"
14583 - einfo "mpb : regular version"
14584 - einfo "mpbi: configured for inversion symmetry"
14585 - einfo "mpbh: configured for hermitian epsilon"
14586 - if use mpi; then
14587 - newbin "${S}_mpi"/mpb-ctl/.mpb mpb-mpi
14588 - newbin "${S}_inv_mpi"/mpb-ctl/.mpb mpbh-mpi
14589 - newbin "${S}_herm_mpi"/mpb-ctl/.mpb mpbi-mpi
14590 - einfo "mpb-mpi : regular version with mpi"
14591 - einfo "mpbi-mpi: configured for inversion symmetry with mpi"
14592 - einfo "mpbh-mpi: configured for hermitian epsilon with mpi"
14593 - fi
14594 -}
14596 diff --git a/sys-boot/gummiboot/Manifest b/sys-boot/gummiboot/Manifest
14597 deleted file mode 100644
14598 index 97fa2d1..00000000
14599 --- a/sys-boot/gummiboot/Manifest
14600 +++ /dev/null
14601 @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
14602 -DIST gummiboot-45.tar.xz 126376 SHA256 e3a6734c4c5acd3b42ec72dfc1214147c9f0ca74f08eeb44f969eb0d9b6d1e50 SHA512 09472a34ef8697a605c65462dde41ef09b1528a63b3a006f73a179ebeb16ac236adf9aaf8c8d7d3c411f3e3e029eb47ad916dc13f69ad9558c4277b1fa3d0619 WHIRLPOOL 04418cb9fd20df1a2bf77264bb766dc8542df8c1b05038ae780fbaa5dfb83e84f02cfd1adb20e22a032e9b0ad6e4654f40e25a67e5edf6b09e918c257930b9e1
14603 -DIST gummiboot-48.tar.xz 131284 SHA256 e6b4b58c79cf600948d4d89a5324ced5736d7f20f7d3de74b2be8221123a9d40 SHA512 c3b3176f1b2fc0f5c8e196c9e63cf6ff6111d009c46a6311bd96367256cf4fbc28b46e3ae9ab4452cdc3b41d92fa978052b9803274b01ec3da72562076ea7737 WHIRLPOOL a9f2751a64a53b07a4d3fff17760f9ff38aed7ad4c0f60772b4b039d8b9a4ba50a9ef7006d28fc96d2653253ea9c65cb1e50391a467cb148684322e956d6fe05
14605 diff --git a/sys-boot/gummiboot/files/48-sysmacros.patch b/sys-boot/gummiboot/files/48-sysmacros.patch
14606 deleted file mode 100644
14607 index aceee31..00000000
14608 --- a/sys-boot/gummiboot/files/48-sysmacros.patch
14609 +++ /dev/null
14610 @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
14611 -From d7904d41506163d07d27dbfab1e514b75d172cee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
14612 -From: Mike Gilbert <floppym@g.o>
14613 -Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2016 12:17:19 -0400
14614 -Subject: [PATCH] setup: conditionally include sysmacros.h for major()
14615 -
14616 ----
14617 - | 2 ++
14618 - src/setup/setup.c | 8 ++++++++
14619 - 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+)
14620 -
14621 -diff --git a/ b/
14622 -index 27bbe1d..27552c2 100644
14623 ---- a/
14624 -+++ b/
14625 -@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ AS_IF([test x"$cross_compiling" = "xyes"], [], [
14627 - ])
14628 -
14630 -+
14631 - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14632 - dnl GNU EFI doesn't use relative paths: efi.h includes efibind.h which is in
14633 - dnl ${ARCH} relative to efi.h. I can't find a way to get AC_CHECK_HEADERS to
14634 -diff --git a/src/setup/setup.c b/src/setup/setup.c
14635 -index 6a4275a..6bf8d86 100644
14636 ---- a/src/setup/setup.c
14637 -+++ b/src/setup/setup.c
14638 -@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
14639 - #include <assert.h>
14640 - #include <sys/statfs.h>
14641 - #include <sys/stat.h>
14642 -+#include <sys/types.h>
14643 - #include <errno.h>
14644 - #include <string.h>
14645 - #include <unistd.h>
14646 -@@ -38,6 +39,13 @@
14647 - #include <stdbool.h>
14648 - #include <blkid.h>
14649 -
14650 -+#ifdef MAJOR_IN_MKDEV
14651 -+#include <sys/mkdev.h>
14652 -+#endif
14653 -+#ifdef MAJOR_IN_SYSMACROS
14654 -+#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
14655 -+#endif
14656 -+
14657 - #include "efivars.h"
14658 -
14659 - #define ELEMENTSOF(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
14660 ---
14661 -2.9.3
14662 -
14664 diff --git a/sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-45.ebuild b/sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-45.ebuild
14665 deleted file mode 100644
14666 index 240c634..00000000
14667 --- a/sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-45.ebuild
14668 +++ /dev/null
14669 @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
14670 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
14671 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
14672 -# $Id$
14673 -
14674 -EAPI=5
14675 -
14676 -inherit eutils linux-info
14677 -
14678 -DESCRIPTION="Minimalistic UEFI bootloader"
14679 -HOMEPAGE=""
14680 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.xz"
14681 -
14682 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1+"
14683 -SLOT="0"
14684 -KEYWORDS="~amd64"
14685 -IUSE=""
14686 -
14687 -RDEPEND="sys-apps/util-linux"
14689 - app-arch/xz-utils
14690 - app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
14691 - dev-libs/libxslt
14692 - >=sys-boot/gnu-efi-3.0.2"
14693 -
14694 -pkg_pretend() {
14695 - # CONFIG_EFI_STUB is required to boot a kernel with gummiboot
14696 - local CONFIG_CHECK="~EFI_STUB"
14697 - check_extra_config
14698 -}
14699 -
14700 -src_prepare() {
14701 - epatch_user
14702 -}
14704 diff --git a/sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-48.ebuild b/sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-48.ebuild
14705 deleted file mode 100644
14706 index bc51e1f..00000000
14707 --- a/sys-boot/gummiboot/gummiboot-48.ebuild
14708 +++ /dev/null
14709 @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
14710 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
14711 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
14712 -# $Id$
14713 -
14714 -EAPI=6
14715 -WANT_LIBTOOL=none
14716 -
14717 -inherit autotools linux-info
14718 -
14719 -DESCRIPTION="Minimalistic UEFI bootloader"
14720 -HOMEPAGE=""
14721 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.xz"
14722 -
14723 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1+"
14724 -SLOT="0"
14725 -KEYWORDS="~amd64"
14726 -IUSE=""
14727 -
14728 -RDEPEND="sys-apps/util-linux"
14730 - app-arch/xz-utils
14731 - app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
14732 - dev-libs/libxslt
14733 - >=sys-boot/gnu-efi-3.0.2"
14734 -
14735 -PATCHES=(
14736 - "${FILESDIR}/48-sysmacros.patch"
14737 -)
14738 -
14739 -pkg_pretend() {
14740 - # CONFIG_EFI_STUB is required to boot a kernel with gummiboot
14741 - local CONFIG_CHECK="~EFI_STUB"
14742 - check_extra_config
14743 -}
14744 -
14745 -src_prepare() {
14746 - default
14747 - eautoreconf
14748 -}
14750 diff --git a/sys-boot/gummiboot/metadata.xml b/sys-boot/gummiboot/metadata.xml
14751 deleted file mode 100644
14752 index e907833..00000000
14753 --- a/sys-boot/gummiboot/metadata.xml
14754 +++ /dev/null
14755 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
14756 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
14757 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
14758 -<pkgmetadata>
14759 - <!-- maintainer needed -->
14760 -</pkgmetadata>
14762 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest
14763 deleted file mode 100644
14764 index 606d392..00000000
14765 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/Manifest
14766 +++ /dev/null
14767 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
14768 -DIST linux-firmware-20151207.tar.xz 34075376 SHA256 ef2ba016d777f8cd3f910f3a673a65e5d167bb63c7af9d6e3e1469891c4de8c4 SHA512 b34ee48eaf085bc0dd3d2823678885118bd4f9a854a854eefe92d3e80042a7256505cf72c2d0ff81487797a09261b3af562df2aea2a997ef95950084eca9520c WHIRLPOOL 322488811690f362828d3253b647c6eecab2b05c8bf4f67c6f3a2d97dc48501e51ed658b00c7a988c3211fe255fa905cda461b7d54b180897f1a99ab76c9b11a
14769 -DIST linux-firmware-20160223.tar.xz 35929392 SHA256 fde2f588fc0d2b7efa3b906a831e379ce7b42e60d17a225553b07a308049d189 SHA512 c50dc68b4b14dd40d279ca1f6d88235f2c268d48075b46a890f9ea8eb7121a81b8e991860ac06dd9107f202fb707d8ee681105066b12d1cac4d25e45b6f81426 WHIRLPOOL 356ffe1c2a2d079ae04872e5d8bbae94c38bf6352d451dbb7e916387b8d65eca0f9338598bcf8daec07e679b21dfdf54520542b7f58e827ab637118353220c15
14770 -DIST linux-firmware-20160331.tar.xz 35957140 SHA256 99ab767835006038e9efcc9d583b767c4a98091c35a6e2710f654e4fc2db7a45 SHA512 99694f336c4051d51f527399e225ee4a5842024d52f0d74204afd947ab5d0517c774e42519f469a1b653bc2ea026735bb83af5e495a8c2c5b5898ebe5d86cb40 WHIRLPOOL 17091f691577fa0976cb90cb6a60599155ff02afb95aacfa9c12228371c69d88750214b76f479cfdf55f36f7584a03c81158a61b1a593012e15db0ce8d740672
14771 -DIST linux-firmware-20160616.tar.xz 36089804 SHA256 216cd8680ab29368f2c206b3dbaa180e5f7331f64b016e0a674870f8abe668b5 SHA512 0a6c8aaea9a6bea5eb92a60499861d59e91b87ab44af4e1b7794539ae46ca6cc5a59ca945d4e4d376bdcf1820b32c66531459db7bfb95e97d343cf9a964f6f7e WHIRLPOOL 17df2ff0d701728c9815ee4e1be6548939fb9d3e54e55ae4caeb05b41b3a0921048a7c0a05f1e682c1a32c3344e1e7c0717fadb365b7717c95f96506f2e93a81
14772 -DIST linux-firmware-20160628.tar.xz 37855232 SHA256 02e22483b466a30284adfce1ec7189f7c2a18a4af2e747e0eb73227ce3bf466b SHA512 cf202ee5526f0a6af2341d7ec248b8eae380acda0bacd9c1b56ea5eeb9880ade2d10ff81b533e761233d54e3a8fa862d39795ab012878784f8a905bbefb3c1d1 WHIRLPOOL 29f4286cc3ab63bf0197d9c2d2e7bfeee7a5312b8ff594e178d81cdb511c253b33d6b00ca8767d57ac643b377618465e1e87a1227db86bd55a00d8999ed2acd4
14774 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20151207.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20151207.ebuild
14775 deleted file mode 100644
14776 index 953385a..00000000
14777 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20151207.ebuild
14778 +++ /dev/null
14779 @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
14780 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
14781 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
14782 -# $Id$
14783 -
14784 -EAPI=5
14785 -inherit savedconfig
14786 -
14787 -if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
14788 - inherit git-2
14789 - SRC_URI=""
14790 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
14791 - KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
14792 -else
14793 - SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz"
14794 - KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86"
14795 -fi
14796 -
14797 -DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
14798 -HOMEPAGE=""
14799 -
14800 -LICENSE="GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 BSD freedist"
14801 -SLOT="0"
14802 -IUSE="savedconfig"
14803 -
14804 -DEPEND=""
14805 -RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
14806 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
14807 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
14808 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
14809 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
14810 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
14811 - !media-tv/cx18-firmware
14812 - !<sys-firmware/ivtv-firmware-20080701-r1
14813 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx231xx]
14814 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx23885]
14815 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_usb-dib0700]
14816 - !net-dialup/ueagle-atm
14817 - !net-dialup/ueagle4-atm
14818 - !net-wireless/ar9271-firmware
14819 - !net-wireless/i2400m-fw
14820 - !net-wireless/libertas-firmware
14821 - !sys-firmware/rt61-firmware
14822 - !net-wireless/rt73-firmware
14823 - !net-wireless/rt2860-firmware
14824 - !net-wireless/rt2870-firmware
14825 - !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
14826 - !sys-firmware/amd-ucode
14827 - !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
14828 - !sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode
14829 - !sys-firmware/iwl2030-ucode
14830 - !sys-firmware/iwl3945-ucode
14831 - !sys-firmware/iwl4965-ucode
14832 - !sys-firmware/iwl5000-ucode
14833 - !sys-firmware/iwl5150-ucode
14834 - !sys-firmware/iwl6000-ucode
14835 - !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
14836 - !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
14837 - !sys-firmware/iwl6050-ucode
14838 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
14839 - !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
14840 - !sys-firmware/iwl7265-ucode
14841 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
14842 - !sys-firmware/radeon-ucode
14843 - )"
14844 -#add anything else that collides to this
14845 -
14846 -src_unpack() {
14847 - if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
14848 - git-2_src_unpack
14849 - else
14850 - default
14851 - # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
14852 - mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
14853 - fi
14854 -}
14855 -
14856 -src_prepare() {
14857 - echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > ${PN}.conf
14858 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) >> ${PN}.conf
14859 -
14860 - if use savedconfig; then
14861 - restore_config ${PN}.conf
14862 - ebegin "Removing all files not listed in config"
14863 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) \
14864 - | sort ${PN}.conf ${PN}.conf - \
14865 - | uniq -u | xargs -r rm
14866 - eend $? || die
14867 - # remove empty directories, bug #396073
14868 - find -type d -empty -delete || die
14869 - fi
14870 -}
14871 -
14872 -src_install() {
14873 - save_config ${PN}.conf
14874 - rm ${PN}.conf || die
14875 - insinto /lib/firmware/
14876 - doins -r *
14877 -}
14878 -
14879 -pkg_preinst() {
14880 - if use savedconfig; then
14881 - ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
14882 - fi
14883 -}
14884 -
14885 -pkg_postinst() {
14886 - elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
14887 - elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
14888 -}
14890 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160223.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160223.ebuild
14891 deleted file mode 100644
14892 index 8415438..00000000
14893 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160223.ebuild
14894 +++ /dev/null
14895 @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
14896 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
14897 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
14898 -# $Id$
14899 -
14900 -EAPI=5
14901 -inherit savedconfig
14902 -
14903 -if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
14904 - inherit git-2
14905 - SRC_URI=""
14906 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
14907 - KEYWORDS=""
14908 -else
14909 - SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz"
14910 - KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
14911 -fi
14912 -
14913 -DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
14914 -HOMEPAGE=""
14915 -
14916 -LICENSE="GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 BSD freedist"
14917 -SLOT="0"
14918 -IUSE="savedconfig"
14919 -
14920 -DEPEND=""
14921 -RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
14922 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
14923 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
14924 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
14925 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
14926 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
14927 - !media-tv/cx18-firmware
14928 - !<sys-firmware/ivtv-firmware-20080701-r1
14929 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx231xx]
14930 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx23885]
14931 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_usb-dib0700]
14932 - !net-dialup/ueagle-atm
14933 - !net-dialup/ueagle4-atm
14934 - !net-wireless/ar9271-firmware
14935 - !net-wireless/i2400m-fw
14936 - !net-wireless/libertas-firmware
14937 - !sys-firmware/rt61-firmware
14938 - !net-wireless/rt73-firmware
14939 - !net-wireless/rt2860-firmware
14940 - !net-wireless/rt2870-firmware
14941 - !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
14942 - !sys-firmware/amd-ucode
14943 - !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
14944 - !sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode
14945 - !sys-firmware/iwl2030-ucode
14946 - !sys-firmware/iwl3945-ucode
14947 - !sys-firmware/iwl4965-ucode
14948 - !sys-firmware/iwl5000-ucode
14949 - !sys-firmware/iwl5150-ucode
14950 - !sys-firmware/iwl6000-ucode
14951 - !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
14952 - !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
14953 - !sys-firmware/iwl6050-ucode
14954 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
14955 - !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
14956 - !sys-firmware/iwl7265-ucode
14957 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
14958 - !sys-firmware/radeon-ucode
14959 - )"
14960 -#add anything else that collides to this
14961 -
14962 -src_unpack() {
14963 - if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
14964 - git-2_src_unpack
14965 - else
14966 - default
14967 - # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
14968 - mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
14969 - fi
14970 -}
14971 -
14972 -src_prepare() {
14973 - echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > ${PN}.conf
14974 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) >> ${PN}.conf
14975 -
14976 - if use savedconfig; then
14977 - restore_config ${PN}.conf
14978 - ebegin "Removing all files not listed in config"
14979 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) \
14980 - | sort ${PN}.conf ${PN}.conf - \
14981 - | uniq -u | xargs -r rm
14982 - eend $? || die
14983 - # remove empty directories, bug #396073
14984 - find -type d -empty -delete || die
14985 - fi
14986 -}
14987 -
14988 -src_install() {
14989 - if use !savedconfig; then
14990 - save_config ${PN}.conf
14991 - fi
14992 - rm ${PN}.conf || die
14993 - insinto /lib/firmware/
14994 - doins -r *
14995 -}
14996 -
14997 -pkg_preinst() {
14998 - if use savedconfig; then
14999 - ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
15000 - fi
15001 -}
15002 -
15003 -pkg_postinst() {
15004 - elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
15005 - elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
15006 -}
15008 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160331.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160331.ebuild
15009 deleted file mode 100644
15010 index 3522566..00000000
15011 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160331.ebuild
15012 +++ /dev/null
15013 @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
15014 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
15015 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15016 -# $Id$
15017 -
15018 -EAPI=5
15019 -inherit savedconfig
15020 -
15021 -if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15022 - inherit git-2
15023 - SRC_URI=""
15024 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
15025 - KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ppc x86"
15026 -else
15027 - SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz"
15028 - KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc x86"
15029 -fi
15030 -
15031 -DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
15032 -HOMEPAGE=""
15033 -
15034 -LICENSE="GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 BSD freedist"
15035 -SLOT="0"
15036 -IUSE="savedconfig"
15037 -
15038 -DEPEND=""
15039 -RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
15040 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
15041 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
15042 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
15043 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
15044 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
15045 - !media-tv/cx18-firmware
15046 - !<sys-firmware/ivtv-firmware-20080701-r1
15047 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx231xx]
15048 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx23885]
15049 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_usb-dib0700]
15050 - !net-dialup/ueagle-atm
15051 - !net-dialup/ueagle4-atm
15052 - !net-wireless/ar9271-firmware
15053 - !net-wireless/i2400m-fw
15054 - !net-wireless/libertas-firmware
15055 - !sys-firmware/rt61-firmware
15056 - !net-wireless/rt73-firmware
15057 - !net-wireless/rt2860-firmware
15058 - !net-wireless/rt2870-firmware
15059 - !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
15060 - !sys-firmware/amd-ucode
15061 - !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
15062 - !sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode
15063 - !sys-firmware/iwl2030-ucode
15064 - !sys-firmware/iwl3945-ucode
15065 - !sys-firmware/iwl4965-ucode
15066 - !sys-firmware/iwl5000-ucode
15067 - !sys-firmware/iwl5150-ucode
15068 - !sys-firmware/iwl6000-ucode
15069 - !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
15070 - !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
15071 - !sys-firmware/iwl6050-ucode
15072 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
15073 - !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
15074 - !sys-firmware/iwl7265-ucode
15075 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
15076 - !sys-firmware/radeon-ucode
15077 - )"
15078 -#add anything else that collides to this
15079 -
15080 -src_unpack() {
15081 - if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15082 - git-2_src_unpack
15083 - else
15084 - default
15085 - # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
15086 - mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
15087 - fi
15088 -}
15089 -
15090 -src_prepare() {
15091 - echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > ${PN}.conf
15092 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) >> ${PN}.conf
15093 -
15094 - if use savedconfig; then
15095 - restore_config ${PN}.conf
15096 - ebegin "Removing all files not listed in config"
15097 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) \
15098 - | sort ${PN}.conf ${PN}.conf - \
15099 - | uniq -u | xargs -r rm
15100 - eend $? || die
15101 - # remove empty directories, bug #396073
15102 - find -type d -empty -delete || die
15103 - fi
15104 -}
15105 -
15106 -src_install() {
15107 - if use !savedconfig; then
15108 - save_config ${PN}.conf
15109 - fi
15110 - rm ${PN}.conf || die
15111 - insinto /lib/firmware/
15112 - doins -r *
15113 -}
15114 -
15115 -pkg_preinst() {
15116 - if use savedconfig; then
15117 - ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
15118 - fi
15119 -}
15120 -
15121 -pkg_postinst() {
15122 - elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
15123 - elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
15124 -}
15126 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160616.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160616.ebuild
15127 deleted file mode 100644
15128 index 8415438..00000000
15129 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160616.ebuild
15130 +++ /dev/null
15131 @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
15132 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
15133 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15134 -# $Id$
15135 -
15136 -EAPI=5
15137 -inherit savedconfig
15138 -
15139 -if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15140 - inherit git-2
15141 - SRC_URI=""
15142 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
15143 - KEYWORDS=""
15144 -else
15145 - SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz"
15146 - KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
15147 -fi
15148 -
15149 -DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
15150 -HOMEPAGE=""
15151 -
15152 -LICENSE="GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 BSD freedist"
15153 -SLOT="0"
15154 -IUSE="savedconfig"
15155 -
15156 -DEPEND=""
15157 -RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
15158 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
15159 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
15160 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
15161 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
15162 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
15163 - !media-tv/cx18-firmware
15164 - !<sys-firmware/ivtv-firmware-20080701-r1
15165 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx231xx]
15166 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx23885]
15167 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_usb-dib0700]
15168 - !net-dialup/ueagle-atm
15169 - !net-dialup/ueagle4-atm
15170 - !net-wireless/ar9271-firmware
15171 - !net-wireless/i2400m-fw
15172 - !net-wireless/libertas-firmware
15173 - !sys-firmware/rt61-firmware
15174 - !net-wireless/rt73-firmware
15175 - !net-wireless/rt2860-firmware
15176 - !net-wireless/rt2870-firmware
15177 - !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
15178 - !sys-firmware/amd-ucode
15179 - !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
15180 - !sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode
15181 - !sys-firmware/iwl2030-ucode
15182 - !sys-firmware/iwl3945-ucode
15183 - !sys-firmware/iwl4965-ucode
15184 - !sys-firmware/iwl5000-ucode
15185 - !sys-firmware/iwl5150-ucode
15186 - !sys-firmware/iwl6000-ucode
15187 - !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
15188 - !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
15189 - !sys-firmware/iwl6050-ucode
15190 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
15191 - !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
15192 - !sys-firmware/iwl7265-ucode
15193 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
15194 - !sys-firmware/radeon-ucode
15195 - )"
15196 -#add anything else that collides to this
15197 -
15198 -src_unpack() {
15199 - if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15200 - git-2_src_unpack
15201 - else
15202 - default
15203 - # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
15204 - mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
15205 - fi
15206 -}
15207 -
15208 -src_prepare() {
15209 - echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > ${PN}.conf
15210 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) >> ${PN}.conf
15211 -
15212 - if use savedconfig; then
15213 - restore_config ${PN}.conf
15214 - ebegin "Removing all files not listed in config"
15215 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) \
15216 - | sort ${PN}.conf ${PN}.conf - \
15217 - | uniq -u | xargs -r rm
15218 - eend $? || die
15219 - # remove empty directories, bug #396073
15220 - find -type d -empty -delete || die
15221 - fi
15222 -}
15223 -
15224 -src_install() {
15225 - if use !savedconfig; then
15226 - save_config ${PN}.conf
15227 - fi
15228 - rm ${PN}.conf || die
15229 - insinto /lib/firmware/
15230 - doins -r *
15231 -}
15232 -
15233 -pkg_preinst() {
15234 - if use savedconfig; then
15235 - ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
15236 - fi
15237 -}
15238 -
15239 -pkg_postinst() {
15240 - elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
15241 - elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
15242 -}
15244 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160628.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160628.ebuild
15245 deleted file mode 100644
15246 index 8415438..00000000
15247 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-20160628.ebuild
15248 +++ /dev/null
15249 @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
15250 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
15251 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15252 -# $Id$
15253 -
15254 -EAPI=5
15255 -inherit savedconfig
15256 -
15257 -if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15258 - inherit git-2
15259 - SRC_URI=""
15260 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
15261 - KEYWORDS=""
15262 -else
15263 - SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz"
15264 - KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
15265 -fi
15266 -
15267 -DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
15268 -HOMEPAGE=""
15269 -
15270 -LICENSE="GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 BSD freedist"
15271 -SLOT="0"
15272 -IUSE="savedconfig"
15273 -
15274 -DEPEND=""
15275 -RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
15276 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
15277 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
15278 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
15279 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
15280 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
15281 - !media-tv/cx18-firmware
15282 - !<sys-firmware/ivtv-firmware-20080701-r1
15283 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx231xx]
15284 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx23885]
15285 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_usb-dib0700]
15286 - !net-dialup/ueagle-atm
15287 - !net-dialup/ueagle4-atm
15288 - !net-wireless/ar9271-firmware
15289 - !net-wireless/i2400m-fw
15290 - !net-wireless/libertas-firmware
15291 - !sys-firmware/rt61-firmware
15292 - !net-wireless/rt73-firmware
15293 - !net-wireless/rt2860-firmware
15294 - !net-wireless/rt2870-firmware
15295 - !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
15296 - !sys-firmware/amd-ucode
15297 - !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
15298 - !sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode
15299 - !sys-firmware/iwl2030-ucode
15300 - !sys-firmware/iwl3945-ucode
15301 - !sys-firmware/iwl4965-ucode
15302 - !sys-firmware/iwl5000-ucode
15303 - !sys-firmware/iwl5150-ucode
15304 - !sys-firmware/iwl6000-ucode
15305 - !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
15306 - !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
15307 - !sys-firmware/iwl6050-ucode
15308 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
15309 - !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
15310 - !sys-firmware/iwl7265-ucode
15311 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
15312 - !sys-firmware/radeon-ucode
15313 - )"
15314 -#add anything else that collides to this
15315 -
15316 -src_unpack() {
15317 - if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15318 - git-2_src_unpack
15319 - else
15320 - default
15321 - # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
15322 - mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
15323 - fi
15324 -}
15325 -
15326 -src_prepare() {
15327 - echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > ${PN}.conf
15328 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) >> ${PN}.conf
15329 -
15330 - if use savedconfig; then
15331 - restore_config ${PN}.conf
15332 - ebegin "Removing all files not listed in config"
15333 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) \
15334 - | sort ${PN}.conf ${PN}.conf - \
15335 - | uniq -u | xargs -r rm
15336 - eend $? || die
15337 - # remove empty directories, bug #396073
15338 - find -type d -empty -delete || die
15339 - fi
15340 -}
15341 -
15342 -src_install() {
15343 - if use !savedconfig; then
15344 - save_config ${PN}.conf
15345 - fi
15346 - rm ${PN}.conf || die
15347 - insinto /lib/firmware/
15348 - doins -r *
15349 -}
15350 -
15351 -pkg_preinst() {
15352 - if use savedconfig; then
15353 - ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
15354 - fi
15355 -}
15356 -
15357 -pkg_postinst() {
15358 - elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
15359 - elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
15360 -}
15362 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild
15363 deleted file mode 100644
15364 index 8415438..00000000
15365 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/linux-firmware-99999999.ebuild
15366 +++ /dev/null
15367 @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
15368 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
15369 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15370 -# $Id$
15371 -
15372 -EAPI=5
15373 -inherit savedconfig
15374 -
15375 -if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15376 - inherit git-2
15377 - SRC_URI=""
15378 - EGIT_REPO_URI="git://${PN}.git"
15379 - KEYWORDS=""
15380 -else
15381 - SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.xz"
15382 - KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86"
15383 -fi
15384 -
15385 -DESCRIPTION="Linux firmware files"
15386 -HOMEPAGE=""
15387 -
15388 -LICENSE="GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 BSD freedist"
15389 -SLOT="0"
15390 -IUSE="savedconfig"
15391 -
15392 -DEPEND=""
15393 -RDEPEND="!savedconfig? (
15394 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ca0132]
15395 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_korg1212]
15396 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_maestro3]
15397 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_sb16]
15398 - !sys-firmware/alsa-firmware[alsa_cards_ymfpci]
15399 - !media-tv/cx18-firmware
15400 - !<sys-firmware/ivtv-firmware-20080701-r1
15401 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx231xx]
15402 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_cx23885]
15403 - !media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-firmware[dvb_cards_usb-dib0700]
15404 - !net-dialup/ueagle-atm
15405 - !net-dialup/ueagle4-atm
15406 - !net-wireless/ar9271-firmware
15407 - !net-wireless/i2400m-fw
15408 - !net-wireless/libertas-firmware
15409 - !sys-firmware/rt61-firmware
15410 - !net-wireless/rt73-firmware
15411 - !net-wireless/rt2860-firmware
15412 - !net-wireless/rt2870-firmware
15413 - !sys-block/qla-fc-firmware
15414 - !sys-firmware/amd-ucode
15415 - !sys-firmware/iwl1000-ucode
15416 - !sys-firmware/iwl2000-ucode
15417 - !sys-firmware/iwl2030-ucode
15418 - !sys-firmware/iwl3945-ucode
15419 - !sys-firmware/iwl4965-ucode
15420 - !sys-firmware/iwl5000-ucode
15421 - !sys-firmware/iwl5150-ucode
15422 - !sys-firmware/iwl6000-ucode
15423 - !sys-firmware/iwl6005-ucode
15424 - !sys-firmware/iwl6030-ucode
15425 - !sys-firmware/iwl6050-ucode
15426 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-ucode
15427 - !sys-firmware/iwl7260-ucode
15428 - !sys-firmware/iwl7265-ucode
15429 - !sys-firmware/iwl3160-7260-bt-ucode
15430 - !sys-firmware/radeon-ucode
15431 - )"
15432 -#add anything else that collides to this
15433 -
15434 -src_unpack() {
15435 - if [[ ${PV} == 99999999* ]]; then
15436 - git-2_src_unpack
15437 - else
15438 - default
15439 - # rename directory from git snapshot tarball
15440 - mv ${PN}-*/ ${P} || die
15441 - fi
15442 -}
15443 -
15444 -src_prepare() {
15445 - echo "# Remove files that shall not be installed from this list." > ${PN}.conf
15446 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) >> ${PN}.conf
15447 -
15448 - if use savedconfig; then
15449 - restore_config ${PN}.conf
15450 - ebegin "Removing all files not listed in config"
15451 - find * \( \! -type d -and \! -name ${PN}.conf \) \
15452 - | sort ${PN}.conf ${PN}.conf - \
15453 - | uniq -u | xargs -r rm
15454 - eend $? || die
15455 - # remove empty directories, bug #396073
15456 - find -type d -empty -delete || die
15457 - fi
15458 -}
15459 -
15460 -src_install() {
15461 - if use !savedconfig; then
15462 - save_config ${PN}.conf
15463 - fi
15464 - rm ${PN}.conf || die
15465 - insinto /lib/firmware/
15466 - doins -r *
15467 -}
15468 -
15469 -pkg_preinst() {
15470 - if use savedconfig; then
15471 - ewarn "USE=savedconfig is active. You must handle file collisions manually."
15472 - fi
15473 -}
15474 -
15475 -pkg_postinst() {
15476 - elog "If you are only interested in particular firmware files, edit the saved"
15477 - elog "configfile and remove those that you do not want."
15478 -}
15480 diff --git a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml b/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml
15481 deleted file mode 100644
15482 index c662ac9..00000000
15483 --- a/sys-kernel/linux-firmware/metadata.xml
15484 +++ /dev/null
15485 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
15486 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
15487 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
15488 -<pkgmetadata>
15489 -<maintainer type="person">
15490 - <email>chithanh@g.o</email>
15491 - <name>Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn</name>
15492 -</maintainer>
15493 -<maintainer type="person">
15494 - <email>zerochaos@g.o</email>
15495 - <name>Rick Farina</name>
15496 -</maintainer>
15497 -<maintainer type="project">
15498 - <email>kernel@g.o</email>
15499 - <name>Gentoo Kernel Project</name>
15500 -</maintainer>
15501 -<use>
15502 - <flag name="savedconfig">Allows individual selection of firmware files</flag>
15503 -</use>
15504 -</pkgmetadata>
15506 diff --git a/sys-power/cpuspeedy/Manifest b/sys-power/cpuspeedy/Manifest
15507 deleted file mode 100644
15508 index 90071ea..00000000
15509 --- a/sys-power/cpuspeedy/Manifest
15510 +++ /dev/null
15511 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
15512 -DIST cpuspeedy-0.4.1.tar.gz 17174 SHA256 5e9ff675b7895e2fa7186ec54c154dcdef7ca1153cf1fe5ef0df10fecb5846b0 SHA512 9abf4e0708cef2f3e65c809afe10fa4e2b88f5ccad2c22cf3a0e8682d80c7ffcd0edb8d38684d1ed4d9c239a1801c0c09fe0811e69b1c4f9a98b46cdb6efefb6 WHIRLPOOL 3d931ebf58e3499c54035016cb5040409375d098fa3c5990a74574b93bc0c0ba391337e178af863c9ac15e9da1fd8bd95668f13aacbdd34bce9aa8b666eaaee6
15514 diff --git a/sys-power/cpuspeedy/cpuspeedy-0.4.1.ebuild b/sys-power/cpuspeedy/cpuspeedy-0.4.1.ebuild
15515 deleted file mode 100644
15516 index ea03152..00000000
15517 --- a/sys-power/cpuspeedy/cpuspeedy-0.4.1.ebuild
15518 +++ /dev/null
15519 @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
15520 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
15521 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15522 -# $Id$
15523 -
15524 -EAPI=3
15525 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2"
15526 -inherit python
15527 -
15528 -DESCRIPTION="A simple and easy to use program to control the speed and the voltage of CPUs on the fly"
15529 -HOMEPAGE=""
15530 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/cpuspeedy/${P}.tar.gz"
15531 -
15532 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
15533 -SLOT="0"
15534 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ppc x86"
15535 -IUSE=""
15536 -
15537 -pkg_setup() {
15538 - python_set_active_version 2
15539 - python_pkg_setup
15540 -}
15541 -
15542 -src_prepare() {
15543 - rm -f Makefile || die
15544 - python_convert_shebangs -r $(python_get_version) .
15545 -}
15546 -
15547 -src_install() {
15548 - exeinto "$(python_get_sitedir)"/${PN}
15549 - doexe src/*.py || die
15550 -
15551 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog README || die
15552 - doman doc/*.1 || die
15553 -
15554 - dosym "$(python_get_sitedir)"/${PN}/${PN}.py /usr/sbin/${PN} || die
15555 -}
15556 -
15557 -pkg_postinst() {
15558 - python_mod_optimize ${PN}
15559 -}
15560 -
15561 -pkg_postrm() {
15562 - python_mod_cleanup ${PN}
15563 -}
15565 diff --git a/sys-power/cpuspeedy/metadata.xml b/sys-power/cpuspeedy/metadata.xml
15566 deleted file mode 100644
15567 index 8359880..00000000
15568 --- a/sys-power/cpuspeedy/metadata.xml
15569 +++ /dev/null
15570 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
15571 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
15572 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
15573 -<pkgmetadata>
15574 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
15575 - <longdescription>
15576 -Cpuspeedy is a simple tool written in Python which allows you to change the clock speed and voltage of the CPUs
15577 -using the Linux's CPUFreq driver
15578 -(copyied off ref url)
15579 -</longdescription>
15580 - <upstream>
15581 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">cpuspeedy</remote-id>
15582 - </upstream>
15583 -</pkgmetadata>
15585 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/Manifest
15586 deleted file mode 100644
15587 index e495ef1..00000000
15588 --- a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/Manifest
15589 +++ /dev/null
15590 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
15591 -DIST mod_anonymize_ip-0.3.1.tar.gz 4049 SHA256 5ff3cf2098e2ea8f4e9028d028c03bcb876e7eb096ced7c21b281710a26f953d SHA512 43b108d6cb802fb5108d39a9b801d79ef5bf5e02ba0a07f4cd7030c96b74ec323b858b0239107153c9a64e22c061c2ffc9a9f7a3d9a2c03d0f6faa27789f1c6d WHIRLPOOL 259790426ee01dd3ecee7cf2e8901ae40abfa637b0138c0dfa3d03134f43bed575116885ae500eb598c76159ab305ad87d63e7b6cfb0a740c8c96ca2363f2b35
15593 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/files/20_mod_anonymize_ip.conf b/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/files/20_mod_anonymize_ip.conf
15594 deleted file mode 100644
15595 index 258716a..00000000
15596 --- a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/files/20_mod_anonymize_ip.conf
15597 +++ /dev/null
15598 @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
15599 -<IfDefine ANONYMIZE_IP>
15600 -LoadModule anonymize_ip_module modules/
15601 -AnonymizeIP 8
15602 -</IfDefine>
15603 -
15604 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
15606 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/metadata.xml
15607 deleted file mode 100644
15608 index fbd882a..00000000
15609 --- a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/metadata.xml
15610 +++ /dev/null
15611 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
15612 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
15613 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
15614 -<pkgmetadata>
15615 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
15616 - <upstream>
15617 - <remote-id type="github">hollow/mod_anonymize_ip</remote-id>
15618 - </upstream>
15619 -</pkgmetadata>
15621 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/mod_anonymize_ip-0.3.1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/mod_anonymize_ip-0.3.1.ebuild
15622 deleted file mode 100644
15623 index 9b834a4..00000000
15624 --- a/www-apache/mod_anonymize_ip/mod_anonymize_ip-0.3.1.ebuild
15625 +++ /dev/null
15626 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
15627 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
15628 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15629 -# $Id$
15630 -
15631 -EAPI=4
15632 -
15633 -inherit apache-module
15634 -
15635 -GITHUB_AUTHOR="hollow"
15636 -GITHUB_PROJECT="mod_anonymize_ip"
15637 -GITHUB_COMMIT="c0d31d0"
15638 -
15639 -DESCRIPTION="mod_anonymize_ip is a simple module for anonymizing the client IP address"
15640 -HOMEPAGE=""
15641 -SRC_URI="${GITHUB_AUTHOR}/${GITHUB_PROJECT}/tarball/v${PV} -> ${P}.tar.gz"
15642 -
15643 -LICENSE="BSD"
15644 -SLOT="0"
15645 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
15646 -IUSE=""
15647 -
15648 -DEPEND=""
15649 -RDEPEND=""
15650 -
15651 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="20_${PN}"
15653 -
15654 -need_apache2_2
15655 -
15658 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/Manifest
15659 deleted file mode 100644
15660 index 4e3da37..00000000
15661 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/Manifest
15662 +++ /dev/null
15663 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
15664 -DIST mod_auth_cookie_mysql2_1.0.tar.gz 7406 SHA256 85601beea7a6de0ba8ef466027e6783cebef05c4687dc50460d2fdb06f5babe4 SHA512 66ccffdcbae640c396305506ee588c86ffc937422ac36fc68af1e7977210b4c8a3e8090125facd8acf37667c720853774096d564e02d4ad186d14f714998e5b7 WHIRLPOOL 5ede56d86a10d8cfdf1dd5714c0cb9ea3cdc9c08f99f09575eb95ffb5e9d90b8e6e586d839b252510608376cb67197e000abdc4b2410def81e13b5449d7eeda9
15666 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/files/55_mod_auth_cookie_mysql2.conf b/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/files/55_mod_auth_cookie_mysql2.conf
15667 deleted file mode 100644
15668 index 6bb94fa..00000000
15669 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/files/55_mod_auth_cookie_mysql2.conf
15670 +++ /dev/null
15671 @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
15672 -<IfDefine AUTH_COOKIE_MYSQL2>
15673 -LoadModule auth_cookie_mysql2_module modules/
15674 -
15675 -# MOD_AUTH_COOKIE_MYSQL Configuration section.
15676 -# For more information look at the configuration section at
15677 -#
15678 -
15679 -# The MOD_AUTH_COOKIE_MYSQL2 directives must be inside of a <Directory>
15680 -# block to work correctly!
15681 -#<Directory "/var/www/localhost/">
15682 - # CookieAuth: Activates this module.
15683 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15684 - # Options: on|off
15685 - #CookieAuth
15686 -
15687 - # CookieAuth_DBhost: Hostname or IP of the host where MySQL is running on.
15688 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15689 - # Options: <hostname or IP>
15690 - #CookieAuth_DBhost
15691 -
15692 - # CookieAuth_DBName: Name of the MySQL database.
15693 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15694 - # Options: <dbname>
15695 - #CookieAuth_DBName
15696 -
15697 - # CookieAuth_DBTable: Table name in database.
15698 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15699 - # Options: <tbname>
15700 - #CookieAuth_DBTable
15701 -
15702 - # CookieAuth_DBUser: MySQL username with permissions to database and table.
15703 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15704 - # Options: <username>
15705 - #CookieAuth_DBUser
15706 -
15707 - # CookieAuth_DBPassword: password for user in CookieAuth_DBUser.
15708 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15709 - # Options: <password>
15710 - #CookieAuth_DBPassword
15711 -
15712 - # CookieAuth_UsernameField: Field in MySQL table where username of session is stored.
15713 - # This username is displayed as the "Remote Username" variable "REMOTE_USER" in Apache.
15714 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15715 - # Options: <fieldname>
15716 - #CookieAuth_UsernameField
15717 -
15718 - # CookieAuth_SessnameField: Field in MySQL table where session name is stored. This is
15719 - # the name of the cookie!
15720 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15721 - # Options: <fieldname>
15722 - #CookieAuth_SessnameField
15723 -
15724 - # CookieAuth_SessvalField: Field in MySQL table where session value (this is the value
15725 - # which is compared with the cookie value) is stored.
15726 - # REQUIRED: Yes
15727 - # Options: <fieldname>
15728 - #CookieAuth_SessvalField
15729 -
15730 - # Cookie_Auth_CookieName: If this option is set, only the cookie with this name is searched.
15731 - # If it is not set, this module will search all cookies the browser sends and checks the name
15732 - # against the values in the field set with CookieAuth_SessvalField.
15733 - # REQUIRED: No
15734 - # Options: <name>
15735 - #CookieAuth_CookieName
15736 -
15737 - # Cookie_Auth_ExpiryField: When this option is set, the current time of the webserver is
15738 - # compared against this field in the database. This value is in the format of a Unix
15739 - # timestamp (time in seconds since 01-01-1970)
15740 - # REQUIRED: No
15741 - # Options: <fieldname>
15742 - #CookieAuth_ExpiryField
15743 -
15744 - # CookieAuth_RemoteIPField: When this option is set, the remote address of the connected
15745 - # client is checked against this field. Only when the remote IP and the stored IP are
15746 - # equal will the client be able to authorize.
15747 - # REQUIRED: No
15748 - # Options: <fieldname>
15749 - #CookieAuth_RemoteIPField
15750 -
15751 - # CookieAuth_FailureURL: Normally, when the authorization fails the client gets an
15752 - # "AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED" message from the webserver. With this option set you can
15753 - # redirect the client to another URL.
15754 - #
15755 - # WARNING: This is a normal redirect for the browser. If you want an internal
15756 - # redirect where the browser doesn't see the URL it's been redirected to
15757 - # you should use the ErrorDocument directive. Example:
15758 - # "ErrorDocument 401 /some_error.html"
15759 - #
15760 - # REQUIRED: No
15761 - # Options: <url>
15762 - #CookieAuth_FailureURL
15763 -#</Directory>
15764 -</IfDefine>
15765 -
15766 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
15768 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/metadata.xml
15769 deleted file mode 100644
15770 index 6f49eba..00000000
15771 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/metadata.xml
15772 +++ /dev/null
15773 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
15774 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
15775 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
15776 -<pkgmetadata>
15777 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
15778 -</pkgmetadata>
15780 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2-1.0.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2-1.0.ebuild
15781 deleted file mode 100644
15782 index 3f857ec..00000000
15783 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2/mod_auth_cookie_mysql2-1.0.ebuild
15784 +++ /dev/null
15785 @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
15786 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
15787 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15788 -# $Id$
15789 -
15790 -inherit apache-module
15791 -
15792 -DESCRIPTION="An Apache2 backend authentication module that uses cookies and MySQL"
15793 -HOMEPAGE=""
15794 -SRC_URI="${P/-/_}.tar.gz"
15795 -
15796 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
15797 -SLOT="0"
15798 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
15799 -IUSE=""
15800 -
15801 -DEPEND="virtual/mysql"
15802 -RDEPEND="${DEPEND}"
15803 -
15804 -S="${WORKDIR}/${P/-/_}"
15805 -
15806 -APXS2_ARGS="-DMODULE_NAME=mod_auth_cookie_mysql2 -DMODULE_NAME_module=auth_cookie_mysql2_module
15807 - -I/usr/include/mysql -lmysqlclient -lz -c mod_auth_cookie_sql2.c mod_auth_cookie_sql2_mysql.c"
15808 -APACHE2_MOD_FILE="${S}/.libs/"
15809 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="55_${PN}"
15811 -
15813 -
15814 -need_apache2_2
15816 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/Manifest
15817 deleted file mode 100644
15818 index ffb9f08..00000000
15819 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/Manifest
15820 +++ /dev/null
15821 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
15822 -DIST mod_auth_imap2-2.2.0.tar.gz 12787 SHA256 9642a13932010b9587d7b2263f21bed29602253bac18cb6c8847385d13d3cce0 SHA512 bfd547bc08b62a7a3ace3a634e5d0ae7ff2c27448c4732e1ee0f9a1b9cdafbdc366dfe3e1eb4edc8cfc37ee6211f8d68b1bbc33278015531519a46249c83c40d WHIRLPOOL 2a39b1720f099a0128dae9e1d80832facabd668baa2f880443bbd67e5d6545fa086122d3e068c85bffd20ba1326d23f9a53652dcbd1d9d8127fe54be2e5be94a
15824 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/files/10_mod_auth_imap.conf b/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/files/10_mod_auth_imap.conf
15825 deleted file mode 100644
15826 index c82bf9e..00000000
15827 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/files/10_mod_auth_imap.conf
15828 +++ /dev/null
15829 @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
15830 -<IfDefine AUTH_IMAP>
15831 -LoadModule auth_imap_module modules/
15832 -
15833 -<Directory /var/www/localhost/htdocs>
15834 - # For Apache 2.2 the mod_auth_basic module is now set to
15835 - # be authoritative, and must be disabled if other modules
15836 - # are used for authentication.
15837 - #AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
15838 -
15839 - # Turn on IMAP Authentication
15840 - #Auth_IMAP_Enabled on
15841 -
15842 - # Give a name to the authentication domain, whatever you want:
15843 - #AuthName ""
15844 -
15845 - # Only basic authentication is supported for now:
15846 - #AuthType Basic
15847 -
15848 - # If you feel like it, restrict the users or allow all "valid-user"
15849 - #Require user user1 user2
15850 -
15851 - # Make IMAP Authentication authoritative for this .htaccess file:
15852 - #Auth_IMAP_Authoritative on
15853 -
15854 - # Set the IMAP Server to which you want to connect (default=localhost):
15855 - #Auth_IMAP_Server
15856 -
15857 - # Set the port on which the imap server is running (default=143):
15858 - #Auth_IMAP_Port 143
15859 -
15860 - # Turn on some extra logging (login attempts, etc.) in Apache's Error Log
15861 - #Auth_IMAP_Log on
15862 -</Directory>
15863 -</IfDefine>
15864 -
15865 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
15867 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/metadata.xml
15868 deleted file mode 100644
15869 index 6f49eba..00000000
15870 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/metadata.xml
15871 +++ /dev/null
15872 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
15873 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
15874 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
15875 -<pkgmetadata>
15876 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
15877 -</pkgmetadata>
15879 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/mod_auth_imap2-2.2.0.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/mod_auth_imap2-2.2.0.ebuild
15880 deleted file mode 100644
15881 index aa36c70..00000000
15882 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_imap2/mod_auth_imap2-2.2.0.ebuild
15883 +++ /dev/null
15884 @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
15885 -# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
15886 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
15887 -# $Id$
15888 -
15889 -inherit apache-module
15890 -
15891 -MY_PN="${PN/imap2/imap}"
15892 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
15893 -
15894 -DESCRIPTION="An Apache2 module to provide authentication via an IMAP Mail server"
15895 -HOMEPAGE=""
15896 -SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
15897 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
15898 -SLOT="0"
15899 -IUSE=""
15900 -
15901 -DEPEND=""
15902 -RDEPEND=""
15903 -
15904 -APXS2_ARGS="-c ${MY_PN}.c"
15905 -
15906 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="10_${MY_PN}"
15908 -APACHE2_MOD_FILE=".libs/${MY_PN}.so"
15909 -
15911 -
15912 -need_apache2
15914 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/Manifest
15915 deleted file mode 100644
15916 index 279999d..00000000
15917 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/Manifest
15918 +++ /dev/null
15919 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
15920 -DIST mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0.tar.gz 19257 SHA256 56da2e386583548f2fd9976101633f028d5d4649b46f428ff1d0dd1639efbad4 SHA512 99e71b0df27966b1540be325c2e124e3f09e40b39afbc6757b539309358b9a52dbeae21f16429348db014f136a19b06859e82af7c5bb5130c6cb923138b79fc9 WHIRLPOOL 60538b9fa9d1e6baea874ad5b1fac0ec12e39dd11e465e197275177b6ea01c974baa1ba8d2ede688cf57ee155e80dfd909292b08b9751b372df1616818eabe89
15922 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/12_mod_auth_mysql.conf b/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/12_mod_auth_mysql.conf
15923 deleted file mode 100644
15924 index f33ced4..00000000
15925 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/12_mod_auth_mysql.conf
15926 +++ /dev/null
15927 @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
15928 -<IfDefine AUTH_MYSQL>
15929 -LoadModule mysql_auth_module modules/
15930 -
15931 -# mod_auth_mysql can be used to limit access to documents by checking
15932 -# data in a MySQL database.
15933 -
15934 -# This will enable user-based MySQL authentication of everything
15935 -# within /home/httpd. You'll need to do the following as the MySQL
15936 -# root user beforehand:
15937 -#
15938 -# CREATE DATABASE auth;
15939 -# USE auth;
15940 -# CREATE TABLE users (
15941 -# user_name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
15942 -# user_passwd CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
15943 -# PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
15944 -# );
15946 -# ON auth.users
15947 -# TO authuser@localhost
15948 -# IDENTIFIED BY 'PaSsW0Rd';
15949 -#
15950 -# INSERT INTO users VALUES ('testuser', ENCRYPT('testpass'));
15951 -#
15952 -#<Directory /home/httpd>
15953 -# # If you want tot make mod_auth_mysql work with apache-2.2, please uncomment
15954 -# # the following line:
15955 -# #AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
15956 -# AuthName "MySQL authenticated zone"
15957 -# AuthType Basic
15958 -#
15959 -# AuthMySQLUser authuser
15960 -# AuthMySQLPassword PaSsW0Rd
15961 -# AuthMySQLDB auth
15962 -# AuthMySQLUserTable users
15963 -# AuthMySQLNameField user_name
15964 -# AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd
15965 -#
15966 -# require valid-user
15967 -#</Directory>
15968 -
15969 -# This will enable group-based MySQL authentication of everything
15970 -# within /home/httpd. You'll need to do the following as the MySQL
15971 -# root user beforehand:
15972 -#
15973 -# CREATE DATABASE auth;
15974 -# USE auth;
15975 -# CREATE TABLE users (
15976 -# user_name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
15977 -# user_passwd CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
15978 -# user_group CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
15979 -# PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
15980 -# );
15982 -# ON auth.users
15983 -# TO authuser@localhost
15984 -# IDENTIFIED BY 'PaSsW0Rd';
15985 -#
15986 -# INSERT INTO users VALUES ('testuser', ENCRYPT('testpass'), 'user');
15987 -# INSERT INTO users VALUES ('testadmin', ENCRYPT('testpass'), 'admin');
15988 -#
15989 -#<Directory /home/httpd>
15990 -# # If you want tot make mod_auth_mysql work with apache-2.2, please uncomment
15991 -# # the following line:
15992 -# #AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
15993 -# AuthName "MySQL group authenticated zone"
15994 -# AuthType Basic
15995 -#
15996 -# AuthMySQLUser authuser
15997 -# AuthMySQLPassword PaSsW0Rd
15998 -# AuthMySQLDB auth
15999 -# AuthMySQLUserTable users
16000 -# AuthMySQLNameField user_name
16001 -# AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd
16002 -# AuthMySQLGroupField user_group
16003 -#
16004 -# require group admin
16005 -#</Directory>
16006 -
16007 -# Like the above this enables group-based MySQL authentication of
16008 -# everything within /home/httpd, but this configuration allows users to
16009 -# belong to more than one group. You'll need to do the following as
16010 -# the MySQL root user beforehand:
16011 -#
16012 -# CREATE DATABASE auth;
16013 -# USE auth;
16014 -# CREATE TABLE users (
16015 -# user_name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
16016 -# user_passwd CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
16017 -# PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
16018 -# );
16019 -# CREATE TABLE groups (
16020 -# user_name CHAR(30) NOT NULL,
16021 -# user_group CHAR(20) NOT NULL,
16022 -# PRIMARY KEY (user_name, user_group)
16023 -# );
16025 -# ON auth.users
16026 -# TO authuser@localhost
16027 -# IDENTIFIED BY 'PaSsW0Rd';
16029 -# ON auth.groups
16030 -# TO authuser@localhost
16031 -# IDENTIFIED BY 'PaSsW0Rd';
16032 -#
16033 -# INSERT INTO users VALUES ('testuser', ENCRYPT('testpass'));
16034 -# INSERT INTO groups VALUES ('testuser', 'user');
16035 -# INSERT INTO users VALUES ('testadmin', ENCRYPT('testpass'));
16036 -# INSERT INTO groups VALUES ('testadmin', 'admin');
16037 -# INSERT INTO groups VALUES ('testadmin', 'user');
16038 -#
16039 -#<Directory /home/httpd>
16040 -# # If you want tot make mod_auth_mysql work with apache-2.2, please uncomment
16041 -# # the following line:
16042 -# #AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
16043 -# AuthName "MySQL group authenticated zone"
16044 -# AuthType Basic
16045 -#
16046 -# AuthMySQLUser authuser
16047 -# AuthMySQLPassword PaSsW0Rd
16048 -# AuthMySQLDB auth
16049 -# AuthMySQLUserTable users
16050 -# AuthMySQLNameField user_name
16051 -# AuthMySQLPasswordField user_passwd
16052 -# AuthMySQLGroupTable groups
16053 -# AuthMySQLGroupField user_group
16054 -#
16055 -# require group user
16056 -#</Directory>
16057 -</IfDefine>
16058 -
16059 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
16061 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-apache-2.2.patch b/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-apache-2.2.patch
16062 deleted file mode 100644
16063 index 30881f8..00000000
16064 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-apache-2.2.patch
16065 +++ /dev/null
16066 @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
16067 -Index: mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0/mod_auth_mysql.c
16068 -===================================================================
16069 ---- mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0.orig/mod_auth_mysql.c
16070 -+++ mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0/mod_auth_mysql.c
16071 -@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
16072 - #define SNPRINTF apr_snprintf
16073 - #define PSTRDUP apr_pstrdup
16074 - #define PSTRNDUP apr_pstrndup
16075 -- #define STRCAT ap_pstrcat
16076 -+ #define STRCAT apr_pstrcat
16077 - #define POOL apr_pool_t
16078 - #include "http_request.h" /* for ap_hook_(check_user_id | auth_checker)*/
16079 - #include "ap_compat.h"
16080 -@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
16081 - #define SNPRINTF ap_snprintf
16082 - #define PSTRDUP ap_pstrdup
16083 - #define PSTRNDUP ap_pstrndup
16084 -- #define STRCAT ap_pstrcat
16085 -+ #define STRCAT apr_pstrcat
16086 - #define POOL pool
16087 - #include <stdlib.h>
16088 - #include "ap_sha1.h"
16089 -@@ -589,87 +589,87 @@ static void * create_mysql_auth_dir_conf
16090 - static
16091 - command_rec mysql_auth_cmds[] = {
16092 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLHost", ap_set_string_slot,
16093 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlhost),
16094 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlhost),
16095 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql server host name"),
16096 -
16097 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLPort", ap_set_int_slot,
16098 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlport),
16099 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlport),
16100 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql server port number"),
16101 -
16102 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLSocket", ap_set_string_slot,
16103 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlsocket),
16104 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlsocket),
16105 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql server socket path"),
16106 -
16107 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLUser", ap_set_string_slot,
16108 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqluser),
16109 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqluser),
16110 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql server user name"),
16111 -
16112 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLPassword", ap_set_string_slot,
16113 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlpasswd),
16114 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlpasswd),
16115 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql server user password"),
16116 -
16117 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLDB", ap_set_string_slot,
16118 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlDB),
16119 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlDB),
16120 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql database name"),
16121 -
16122 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLUserTable", ap_set_string_slot,
16123 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlpwtable),
16124 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlpwtable),
16125 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql user table name"),
16126 -
16127 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLGroupTable", ap_set_string_slot,
16128 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlgrptable),
16129 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlgrptable),
16130 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql group table name"),
16131 -
16132 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLNameField", ap_set_string_slot,
16133 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlNameField),
16134 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlNameField),
16135 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql User ID field name within User table"),
16136 -
16137 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLGroupField", ap_set_string_slot,
16138 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlGroupField),
16139 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlGroupField),
16140 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql Group field name within table"),
16141 -
16142 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLGroupUserNameField", ap_set_string_slot,
16143 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlGroupUserNameField),
16144 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlGroupUserNameField),
16145 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql User ID field name within Group table"),
16146 -
16147 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLPasswordField", ap_set_string_slot,
16148 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlPasswordField),
16149 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlPasswordField),
16150 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql Password field name within table"),
16151 -
16152 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLPwEncryption", ap_set_string_slot,
16153 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlEncryptionField),
16154 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlEncryptionField),
16155 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql password encryption method"),
16156 -
16157 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLSaltField", ap_set_string_slot,
16158 -- (void*) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlSaltField),
16159 -+ (void*) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlSaltField),
16160 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql salfe field name within table"),
16161 -
16162 - /* AP_INIT_FLAG("AuthMySQLKeepAlive", ap_set_flag_slot,
16163 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlKeepAlive),
16164 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlKeepAlive),
16165 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql connection kept open across requests if On"),
16166 - */
16167 - AP_INIT_FLAG("AuthMySQLAuthoritative", ap_set_flag_slot,
16168 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlAuthoritative),
16169 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlAuthoritative),
16170 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql lookup is authoritative if On"),
16171 -
16172 - AP_INIT_FLAG("AuthMySQLNoPasswd", ap_set_flag_slot,
16173 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlNoPasswd),
16174 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlNoPasswd),
16175 - OR_AUTHCFG, "If On, only check if user exists; ignore password"),
16176 -
16177 - AP_INIT_FLAG("AuthMySQLEnable", ap_set_flag_slot,
16178 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlEnable),
16179 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlEnable),
16180 - OR_AUTHCFG, "enable mysql authorization"),
16181 -
16182 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLUserCondition", ap_set_string_slot,
16183 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlUserCondition),
16184 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlUserCondition),
16185 - OR_AUTHCFG, "condition to add to user where-clause"),
16186 -
16187 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLGroupCondition", ap_set_string_slot,
16188 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlGroupCondition),
16189 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlGroupCondition),
16190 - OR_AUTHCFG, "condition to add to group where-clause"),
16191 -
16192 - AP_INIT_TAKE1("AuthMySQLCharacterSet", ap_set_string_slot,
16193 -- (void *) APR_XtOffsetOf(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlCharacterSet),
16194 -+ (void *) APR_OFFSETOF(mysql_auth_config_rec, mysqlCharacterSet),
16195 - OR_AUTHCFG, "mysql character set to be used"),
16196 -
16197 - { NULL }
16199 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-htpasswd2-auth-style.patch b/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-htpasswd2-auth-style.patch
16200 deleted file mode 100644
16201 index e7f6eb3..00000000
16202 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/files/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-htpasswd2-auth-style.patch
16203 +++ /dev/null
16204 @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
16205 -Index: mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0/mod_auth_mysql.c
16206 -===================================================================
16207 ---- mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0.orig/mod_auth_mysql.c
16208 -+++ mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0/mod_auth_mysql.c
16209 -@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ static short pw_crypted(POOL * pool, con
16210 - static short pw_aes(POOL * pool, const char * real_pw, const char * sent_pw, const char * salt);
16211 - #endif
16212 - static short pw_sha1(POOL * pool, const char * real_pw, const char * sent_pw, const char * salt);
16213 -+static short pw_apr(POOL * pool, const char * real_pw, const char * sent_pw, const char * salt);
16214 - static short pw_plain(POOL * pool, const char * real_pw, const char * sent_pw, const char * salt);
16215 -
16216 - static char * format_remote_host(request_rec * r, char ** parm);
16217 -@@ -318,7 +319,8 @@ static encryption encryptions[] = {{"cry
16218 - #if _AES
16219 - {"aes", SALT_REQUIRED, pw_aes},
16220 - #endif
16221 -- {"sha1", NO_SALT, pw_sha1}};
16222 -+ {"sha1", NO_SALT, pw_sha1},
16223 -+ {"apr", NO_SALT, pw_apr}};
16224 - typedef struct { /* User formatting patterns */
16225 - char pattern; /* Pattern to match */
16226 - char * (*func)(request_rec * r, char ** parm);
16227 -@@ -856,6 +858,12 @@ static short pw_sha1(POOL * pool, const
16228 - return strcasecmp(bin2hex(pool, scrambled_sent_pw, enc_len), real_pw) == 0;
16229 - }
16230 -
16231 -+/* checks passwords from htpasswd */
16232 -+static short pw_apr(POOL * pool, const char * real_pw, const char * sent_pw, const char * salt) {
16233 -+ /* apr_password_validate will do the job */
16234 -+ return apr_password_validate(sent_pw, real_pw) == APR_SUCCESS;
16235 -+}
16236 -+
16237 - /* checks plain text passwords */
16238 - static short pw_plain(POOL * pool, const char * real_pw, const char * sent_pw, const char * salt) {
16239 - return strcmp(real_pw, sent_pw) == 0;
16241 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/metadata.xml
16242 deleted file mode 100644
16243 index c247b24..00000000
16244 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/metadata.xml
16245 +++ /dev/null
16246 @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
16247 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16248 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
16249 -<pkgmetadata>
16250 - <maintainer type="project">
16251 - <email>mysql-bugs@g.o</email>
16252 - <name>MySQL</name>
16253 - </maintainer>
16254 - <upstream>
16255 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">modauthmysql</remote-id>
16256 - </upstream>
16257 -</pkgmetadata>
16259 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-r3.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-r3.ebuild
16260 deleted file mode 100644
16261 index f6772bc..00000000
16262 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_mysql/mod_auth_mysql-3.0.0-r3.ebuild
16263 +++ /dev/null
16264 @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
16265 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16266 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16267 -# $Id$
16268 -
16269 -EAPI="2"
16270 -
16271 -inherit apache-module eutils multilib
16272 -
16273 -DESCRIPTION="Basic authentication for Apache using a MySQL database"
16274 -HOMEPAGE=""
16275 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/modauthmysql/${P}.tar.gz"
16276 -
16277 -LICENSE="Apache-1.1"
16278 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
16279 -SLOT="0"
16280 -IUSE=""
16281 -
16282 -DEPEND="virtual/mysql
16283 - sys-libs/zlib"
16285 - !www-apache/mod-auth-mysql"
16286 -
16287 -APXS2_ARGS="-c -I/usr/include/mysql -L/usr/$(get_libdir)/mysql -Wl,-R/usr/$(get_libdir)/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lm -lz ${PN}.c"
16288 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="12_${PN}"
16290 -
16292 -
16293 -need_apache2_2
16294 -
16295 -src_prepare() {
16296 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-apache-2.2.patch"
16297 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-htpasswd2-auth-style.patch"
16298 -}
16300 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/Manifest
16301 deleted file mode 100644
16302 index 92df414..00000000
16303 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/Manifest
16304 +++ /dev/null
16305 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
16306 -DIST mod_auth_nufw-2.2.2.tar.bz2 35865 SHA256 10a779a7cd6eb1ad6f40ec385e2f58e65f280a6c91916c5616ec3fbac8ab9d13 SHA512 14516497b71bc706c163ecda334887d5dab46e62689074f9e658b76fa01da97751e47b8e561b234ef2067cee7820bbdfbc00838046e1e8f861af3b7de46cc101 WHIRLPOOL 0b692827b3e9a5964704335887a48544ff1189342e8524bf4c1ecd97ba770cabd54a2a6f13a995659b1eaface7509d5c9b76f9cbed9d5282fca550c4acf16fac
16308 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/files/50_mod_auth_nufw.conf b/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/files/50_mod_auth_nufw.conf
16309 deleted file mode 100644
16310 index 6897d3b..00000000
16311 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/files/50_mod_auth_nufw.conf
16312 +++ /dev/null
16313 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
16314 -<IfDefine AUTH_NUFW>
16315 -LoadModule mod_auth_nufw modules/
16316 -</IfDefine>
16317 -
16318 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
16320 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/metadata.xml
16321 deleted file mode 100644
16322 index 9ca007b..00000000
16323 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/metadata.xml
16324 +++ /dev/null
16325 @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
16326 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16327 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
16328 -<pkgmetadata>
16329 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
16330 - <longdescription>A NuFW authentication module for apache</longdescription>
16331 -</pkgmetadata>
16333 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/mod_auth_nufw-2.2.2.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/mod_auth_nufw-2.2.2.ebuild
16334 deleted file mode 100644
16335 index fb24426..00000000
16336 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_nufw/mod_auth_nufw-2.2.2.ebuild
16337 +++ /dev/null
16338 @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
16339 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16340 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16341 -# $Id$
16342 -
16343 -EAPI="2"
16344 -
16345 -inherit autotools confutils apache-module
16346 -
16347 -DESCRIPTION="A NuFW authentication module for Apache"
16348 -HOMEPAGE=""
16349 -SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2"
16350 -
16351 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
16352 -SLOT="0"
16353 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
16354 -IUSE="+mysql postgres"
16355 -
16356 -DEPEND="mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
16357 - postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql[server] )"
16358 -RDEPEND="${DEPEND}"
16359 -
16360 -APACHE2_MOD_FILE=""
16361 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="50_${PN}"
16363 -
16364 -DOCFILES="doc/mod_auth_nufw.html"
16365 -
16366 -need_apache2_2
16367 -
16368 -pkg_setup() {
16369 - confutils_require_one mysql postgres
16370 -}
16371 -
16372 -src_prepare() {
16373 - eautoreconf
16374 -}
16375 -
16376 -src_configure() {
16377 - CPPFLAGS="-I$(/usr/bin/apr-1-config --includedir) ${CPPFLAGS}" \
16378 - econf \
16379 - --with-apache22 \
16380 - $(use_with mysql) \
16381 - || die "econf failed"
16382 -}
16383 -
16384 -src_compile() {
16385 - emake || die "emake failed"
16386 -}
16388 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_auth_token/Manifest
16389 deleted file mode 100644
16390 index 987da8c..00000000
16391 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/Manifest
16392 +++ /dev/null
16393 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
16394 -DIST mod_auth_token-1.0.6-beta.tar.gz 555111 SHA256 10888bde6aa42cfce34a593eabe7f582dcabe6fca814e2496c06fdf444334ee9 SHA512 d6d30902bab7f1a589ec9383e64c1d3aa869df906c26d8c9fc5efe25b3fed15ed6481345332fc46082bbcc8e09fa13237a5ec7ee8a1649667b0c73f0585658c4 WHIRLPOOL a734c7c59275f4bd69b7291ffcb11a6fce505fd10ac5f2c8fce7e0315558965d32cb603266015358a523658b99ac5b9f6e7ebb2549f111de6bf2f11c7d96af0a
16396 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/files/75_mod_auth_token.conf b/www-apache/mod_auth_token/files/75_mod_auth_token.conf
16397 deleted file mode 100644
16398 index 3962fc6..00000000
16399 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/files/75_mod_auth_token.conf
16400 +++ /dev/null
16401 @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
16402 -<IfDefine AUTH_TOKEN>
16403 -
16404 - LoadModule auth_token_module modules/
16405 -
16406 - # The token is an hex-encoded MD5 hash of the secret password, relative file
16407 - # path and the timestamp. It is encoded onto the URI as:
16408 - # <uri-prefix><token>/<timestamp-in-hex><rel-path
16409 - # where the token is generated as
16410 - # md5("secret" + "/path/to/file.txt" + dechex(time_now()))
16411 - # To add the IP of client into the in the md5 hash, enable AuthTokenLimitByIp.
16412 -
16413 - #<Location /protected/>
16414 - #AuthTokenSecret "secret"
16415 - #AuthTokenPrefix /protected/
16416 - #AuthTokenTimeout 60
16417 - #AuthTokenLimitByIp off
16418 - #</Location>
16419 -
16420 - # Example:
16421 - # /protected/dee0ed6174a894113d5e8f6c98f0e92b/43eaf9c5/path/to/file.txt
16422 - # maps to
16423 - # /protected/path/to/file.txt
16424 -
16425 -</IfDefine>
16426 -
16427 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
16428 \ No newline at end of file
16430 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/files/mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta-ap_pstrcat.patch b/www-apache/mod_auth_token/files/mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta-ap_pstrcat.patch
16431 deleted file mode 100644
16432 index 54a00e0..00000000
16433 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/files/mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta-ap_pstrcat.patch
16434 +++ /dev/null
16435 @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
16436 -Index: mod_auth_token/mod_auth_token.c
16437 -===================================================================
16438 ---- mod_auth_token.orig/mod_auth_token.c
16439 -+++ mod_auth_token/mod_auth_token.c
16440 -@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static const char *auth_token_set_prefix
16441 - auth_token_config_rec *conf = (auth_token_config_rec*)config;
16442 -
16443 - if (arg[len - 1] != '/') {
16444 -- ap_set_string_slot(cmd, config, apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, arg, '/'));
16445 -+ ap_set_string_slot(cmd, config, apr_pstrcat(cmd->pool, arg, "/", NULL));
16446 - conf->prefix_len = len + 1;
16447 - }
16448 - else {
16450 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_auth_token/metadata.xml
16451 deleted file mode 100644
16452 index 040dfc9..00000000
16453 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/metadata.xml
16454 +++ /dev/null
16455 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
16456 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16457 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
16458 -<pkgmetadata>
16459 - <maintainer type="person">
16460 - <email>pavel.stratil-jun@×××××.cz</email>
16461 - <description>Proxied co-maintainer assign bugs to him</description>
16462 - </maintainer>
16463 - <maintainer type="project">
16464 - <email>proxy-maint@g.o</email>
16465 - <name>Proxy Maintainers</name>
16466 - </maintainer>
16467 - <upstream>
16468 - <remote-id type="google-code">mod-auth-token</remote-id>
16469 - </upstream>
16470 -</pkgmetadata>
16472 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_auth_token/mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta.ebuild
16473 deleted file mode 100644
16474 index cf91322..00000000
16475 --- a/www-apache/mod_auth_token/mod_auth_token-1.0.6_beta.ebuild
16476 +++ /dev/null
16477 @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
16478 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16479 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16480 -# $Id$
16481 -
16482 -EAPI=3
16483 -
16484 -inherit apache-module eutils
16485 -
16486 -MY_P="${PN}-${PV/_/-}"
16487 -DESCRIPTION="Token based URI access module for Apache2"
16488 -HOMEPAGE=""
16489 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz"
16490 -
16491 -KEYWORDS="~amd64"
16492 -LICENSE="Apache-2.0"
16493 -SLOT="0"
16494 -IUSE=""
16495 -
16496 -DEPEND=""
16497 -RDEPEND=""
16498 -
16499 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="75_${PN}"
16501 -
16502 -need_apache2_2
16503 -
16504 -S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
16505 -
16506 -src_prepare() {
16507 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ap_pstrcat.patch
16508 -}
16509 -
16510 -src_compile() {
16511 - local flag=
16512 - APXS2_ARGS=
16513 -
16514 - for flag in ${CFLAGS}; do
16515 - APXS2_ARGS+=" -Wc,${flag}"
16516 - done
16517 -
16518 - for flag in ${LDFLAGS}; do
16519 - APXS2_ARGS+=" -Wl,${flag}"
16520 - done
16521 -
16522 - APXS2_ARGS="${APXS2_ARGS} -c ${PN}.c"
16523 - apache-module_src_compile
16524 -}
16526 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_cband/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_cband/Manifest
16527 deleted file mode 100644
16528 index 3f96e5e..00000000
16529 --- a/www-apache/mod_cband/Manifest
16530 +++ /dev/null
16531 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
16532 -DIST mod-cband- 70713 SHA256 6fd9024354153cc52538c81986afc18c1ff9395523bbe096f1810903fa7528ab SHA512 71b6b9946c24a7f424746c8f9add721ed1a14681b97a3d41115fbc228b83dba7068089f48d8acc41b108117f4abe3f0b55a77af0faefd0c84975e7003607714a WHIRLPOOL 4494e07f0b27f34932df45f2790335548af34c77caae5074e626f45c29feb0d1214deb9b34dfea62c756f9e6d92dd88211216beb673af3e1cd17c42f1e06e10b
16534 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_cband/files/10_mod_cband.conf b/www-apache/mod_cband/files/10_mod_cband.conf
16535 deleted file mode 100644
16536 index 7f03888..00000000
16537 --- a/www-apache/mod_cband/files/10_mod_cband.conf
16538 +++ /dev/null
16539 @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
16540 -# This file only loads mod_cband and enables /cband-status page.
16541 -# For examples please consult the vhosts.conf.example.gz,
16542 -# vhosts2.conf.example.gz and vhosts3.conf.example.gz files installed in
16543 -# /usr/share/doc/mod_cband-*/
16544 -
16545 -<IfDefine CBAND>
16546 -LoadModule cband_module modules/
16547 -
16548 -<Location /cband-status>
16549 - SetHandler cband-status
16550 -</Location>
16551 -
16552 -# Some defaults:
16553 -#CBandDefaultExceededURL
16554 -#CBandScoreFlushPeriod 100
16555 -
16556 -# And in virtual host configuration to limit it's speed:
16557 -#<VirtualHost *:80>
16558 -# DocumentRoot /var/www/
16559 -# ServerName
16560 -# <IfModule mod_cband.c>
16561 -# CBandLimit 600M
16562 -# CBandExceededURL
16563 -# CBandScoreboard /var/run/
16564 -# CBandPeriod 200S
16565 -#
16566 -# # 100kb/s, 10 request/s, max 5 connections
16567 -# CBandSpeed 100kb 10 5
16568 -#
16569 -# # 10kb/s, 3 request/s -> speed limit for any remote client, max 5 connections
16570 -# CBandRemoteSpeed 10kb/s 3 5
16571 -# </IfModule>
16572 -#</VirtualHost>
16573 -
16574 -</IfDefine>
16575 -
16576 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
16578 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_cband/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_cband/metadata.xml
16579 deleted file mode 100644
16580 index 6f49eba..00000000
16581 --- a/www-apache/mod_cband/metadata.xml
16582 +++ /dev/null
16583 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
16584 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16585 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
16586 -<pkgmetadata>
16587 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
16588 -</pkgmetadata>
16590 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_cband/mod_cband- b/www-apache/mod_cband/mod_cband-
16591 deleted file mode 100644
16592 index 357254d..00000000
16593 --- a/www-apache/mod_cband/mod_cband-
16594 +++ /dev/null
16595 @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
16596 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16597 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16598 -# $Id$
16599 -
16600 -inherit apache-module
16601 -
16602 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
16603 -
16604 -DESCRIPTION="Apache2 bandwidth quota and throttling module"
16605 -HOMEPAGE=""
16606 -SRC_URI="${PV}.tgz"
16607 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
16608 -SLOT="0"
16609 -IUSE=""
16610 -
16611 -DEPEND=""
16612 -RDEPEND=""
16613 -
16614 -S="${WORKDIR}/mod-cband-${PV}"
16615 -
16616 -DOCFILES="conf/vhosts3.conf.example \
16617 - conf/vhosts2.conf.example \
16618 - conf/vhosts.conf.example \
16619 - Changes AUTHORS doc/*"
16620 -
16621 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="10_${PN}"
16623 -
16624 -APXS2_ARGS="-DDST_CLASS=3 -c ${PN}.c"
16625 -
16626 -need_apache2_2
16628 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/Manifest
16629 deleted file mode 100644
16630 index 27d71ff..00000000
16631 --- a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/Manifest
16632 +++ /dev/null
16633 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
16634 -DIST mod_fastcgi-SNAP-0910052141.tar.gz 103255 SHA256 e6564ae206284806c781834e9e89aa4b0a4dd647b45c6da5cc389c65a984bdc7 SHA512 4ab909bb26104542d44490a30f2a77f71c7f4345902f00e06424f03bbf81858a72a713580ee6081088e6d5154f702a155d25b675111371c087c122ef6d181d95 WHIRLPOOL d576eda007ce0ae598501877abbe34e407d2335d3feedd096b930a8cd7da65107efb906bd5fa75cafc30d9c2bb7bbe7a09bfaa27d40d6812b4db02514276dfd0
16636 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/20_mod_fastcgi.conf b/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/20_mod_fastcgi.conf
16637 deleted file mode 100644
16638 index 583524b..00000000
16639 --- a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/20_mod_fastcgi.conf
16640 +++ /dev/null
16641 @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
16642 -<IfDefine FASTCGI>
16643 -LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/
16644 -AddHandler fastcgi-script fcg fcgi fpl
16645 -</IfDefine>
16646 -
16647 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
16649 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/mod_fastcgi-compile-against-apache2.4.patch b/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/mod_fastcgi-compile-against-apache2.4.patch
16650 deleted file mode 100644
16651 index 417c03e..00000000
16652 --- a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/files/mod_fastcgi-compile-against-apache2.4.patch
16653 +++ /dev/null
16654 @@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
16655 -Index: libapache-mod-fastcgi/fcgi.h
16656 -===================================================================
16657 ---- libapache-mod-fastcgi.orig/fcgi.h 2012-03-07 14:29:04.005720240 +0100
16658 -+++ libapache-mod-fastcgi/fcgi.h 2012-03-07 14:29:07.830566657 +0100
16659 -@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
16660 - #define APACHE2
16661 - #endif
16662 -
16663 -+#ifdef AP_DECLARE_MODULE
16664 -+#define APACHE24
16665 -+#endif
16666 -+
16667 - #ifdef APACHE2
16668 -
16669 - #include <sys/stat.h>
16670 -@@ -57,10 +61,16 @@
16671 - #define XtOffsetOf APR_OFFSETOF
16672 - #define ap_select select
16673 -
16674 -+#ifdef APACHE24
16675 -+#define unixd_config ap_unixd_config
16676 -+#endif
16677 -+
16678 -+#ifdef APACHE2
16679 - #define ap_user_id unixd_config.user_id
16680 - #define ap_group_id unixd_config.group_id
16681 - #define ap_user_name unixd_config.user_name
16682 - #define ap_suexec_enabled unixd_config.suexec_enabled
16683 -+#endif
16684 -
16685 - #ifndef S_ISDIR
16686 - #define S_ISDIR(m) (((m)&(S_IFMT)) == (S_IFDIR))
16687 -@@ -365,42 +375,42 @@
16688 - #ifdef APACHE2
16689 -
16690 - #ifdef WIN32
16691 --#define FCGI_LOG_EMERG __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_EMERG,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(GetLastError())
16692 --#define FCGI_LOG_ALERT __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_ALERT,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(GetLastError())
16693 --#define FCGI_LOG_CRIT __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_CRIT,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(GetLastError())
16694 --#define FCGI_LOG_ERR __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_ERR,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(GetLastError())
16697 --#define FCGI_LOG_INFO __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_INFO,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(GetLastError())
16698 --#define FCGI_LOG_DEBUG __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_DEBUG,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(GetLastError())
16707 - #else /* !WIN32 */
16711 --#define FCGI_LOG_ERR __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_ERR,APR_FROM_OS_ERROR(errno)
16716 --#endif
16717 --
16726 --
16730 --#define FCGI_LOG_ERR_NOERRNO __FILE__,__LINE__,APLOG_ERR,0
16743 -+#endif
16744 -+
16753 -+
16762 -
16763 - #else /* !APACHE2 */
16764 -
16765 -Index: libapache-mod-fastcgi/mod_fastcgi.c
16766 -===================================================================
16767 ---- libapache-mod-fastcgi.orig/mod_fastcgi.c 2012-03-07 14:29:04.017047773 +0100
16768 -+++ libapache-mod-fastcgi/mod_fastcgi.c 2012-03-07 14:29:07.841272721 +0100
16769 -@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@
16770 - } while (0)
16771 - #endif
16772 -
16773 -+#ifdef APACHE24
16774 -+module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA fastcgi_module;
16775 -+#endif
16776 -+
16777 - /*
16778 - * Global variables
16779 - */
16780 -@@ -3014,7 +3018,11 @@
16781 - ap_hook_fixups(fixups, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
16782 - }
16783 -
16784 -+#ifdef APACHE24
16785 -+AP_DECLARE_MODULE(fastcgi) =
16786 -+#else
16787 - module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA fastcgi_module =
16788 -+#endif
16789 - {
16791 - fcgi_config_create_dir_config, /* per-directory config creator */
16793 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/metadata.xml
16794 deleted file mode 100644
16795 index 097975e..00000000
16796 --- a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/metadata.xml
16797 +++ /dev/null
16798 @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
16799 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16800 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
16801 -<pkgmetadata>
16802 -</pkgmetadata>
16804 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141-r1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141-r1.ebuild
16805 deleted file mode 100644
16806 index d5996fd..00000000
16807 --- a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141-r1.ebuild
16808 +++ /dev/null
16809 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
16810 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16811 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16812 -# $Id$
16813 -
16814 -EAPI="5"
16815 -inherit apache-module eutils
16816 -
16817 -MY_P="${PN}-SNAP-${PV/2.4.7_pre/}"
16818 -DESCRIPTION="FastCGI is a open extension to CGI without the limitations of server specific APIs"
16819 -HOMEPAGE=""
16820 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz"
16821 -
16822 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
16823 -SLOT="0"
16824 -LICENSE="mod_fastcgi"
16825 -IUSE=""
16826 -
16827 -APXS2_ARGS="-c mod_fastcgi.c fcgi*.c"
16828 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="20_${PN}"
16830 -
16831 -DOCFILES="CHANGES README docs/LICENSE.TERMS docs/mod_fastcgi.html"
16832 -
16833 -S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"
16834 -
16835 -need_apache2
16836 -
16837 -src_prepare() {
16838 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-compile-against-apache2.4.patch"
16839 -}
16841 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141.ebuild
16842 deleted file mode 100644
16843 index d65fe5f..00000000
16844 --- a/www-apache/mod_fastcgi/mod_fastcgi-2.4.7_pre0910052141.ebuild
16845 +++ /dev/null
16846 @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
16847 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16848 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16849 -# $Id$
16850 -
16851 -inherit apache-module
16852 -
16853 -MY_P="${PN}-SNAP-${PV/2.4.7_pre/}"
16854 -
16855 -DESCRIPTION="FastCGI is a open extension to CGI without the limitations of server specific APIs"
16856 -HOMEPAGE=""
16857 -SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.gz"
16858 -
16859 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
16860 -SLOT="0"
16861 -LICENSE="mod_fastcgi"
16862 -IUSE=""
16863 -
16864 -APXS2_ARGS="-c mod_fastcgi.c fcgi*.c"
16865 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="20_${PN}"
16867 -
16868 -DOCFILES="CHANGES README docs/LICENSE.TERMS docs/mod_fastcgi.html"
16869 -
16870 -S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}"
16871 -
16872 -need_apache2_2
16874 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_ftpd/Manifest
16875 deleted file mode 100644
16876 index e1bc0b3..00000000
16877 --- a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/Manifest
16878 +++ /dev/null
16879 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
16880 -DIST mod_ftpd-0.14.tar.bz2 330410 SHA256 f36d3b65a5a200fca0c58e453246635e0f8e94c7f870d2b2f1946fa4a8b06d09 SHA512 0273fc3ada34556b1d0483f5f16d5ba119d373d99b597a46d7a8314c19cc4581b224cf43ffc99fd2a420dfc4656b7c9244c320105bc75744c5ff167306c28e56 WHIRLPOOL dd565df65794349cf989ac4d7a68fb5214e77fe10ee5459b585ca93e409a6a930e7e2f8994e4b92e9898cb0d013a71ab9031ea1d1e7c5b7cda10f790cec7476a
16882 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/files/0.14-r1/45_mod_ftpd.conf b/www-apache/mod_ftpd/files/0.14-r1/45_mod_ftpd.conf
16883 deleted file mode 100644
16884 index ab6b39e..00000000
16885 --- a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/files/0.14-r1/45_mod_ftpd.conf
16886 +++ /dev/null
16887 @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
16888 -<IfDefine FTPD>
16889 -LoadModule ftpd_module modules/
16890 -
16891 -# Load any of the provider modules here (for user specific chroots)
16892 -#LoadModule ftpd_dbm_module modules/
16893 -#LoadModule ftpd_dbi_module modules/
16894 -LoadModule ftpd_default_module modules/
16895 -#LoadModule ftpd_fail_module modules/
16896 -
16897 -Listen 21
16898 -<VirtualHost *:21>
16899 - DocumentRoot /home/ftp
16900 - FtpProtocol On
16901 - FtpShowRealPermissions Off
16902 - FtpAllowActive On
16903 - FtpPasvMinPort 1024
16904 - FtpPasvMaxPort 65535
16905 - FtpLimitOrder default
16906 - FtpDefaultMaxLogins 100
16907 -
16908 - <Directory /home/ftp>
16909 - Anonymous_NoUserID Off
16910 - Anonymous_MustGiveEmail Off
16911 - Anonymous_VerifyEmail Off
16912 - Anonymous_LogEmail Off
16913 - Anonymous anonymous
16914 - AuthName ftp
16915 - AuthType Basic
16916 - Require valid-user
16917 - Order allow,deny
16918 - Allow from all
16919 - </Directory>
16920 -
16921 - # only allow changing, retrieving files, and listing on the site
16922 - <Location />
16923 - <LimitExcept CHDIR GET LIST>
16924 - Deny from all
16925 - </LimitExcept>
16926 - </Location>
16927 -
16928 - # allow making directories, listing, chdir, and uploading files.
16929 - # But don't allow retrieving files.
16930 - <Location /upload>
16931 - <LimitExcept LIST PUT MKCOL CHDIR>
16932 - Deny from all
16933 - </LimitExcept>
16934 - </Location>
16935 -</VirtualHost>
16936 -</IfDefine>
16937 -
16938 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
16940 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_ftpd/metadata.xml
16941 deleted file mode 100644
16942 index 6f49eba..00000000
16943 --- a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/metadata.xml
16944 +++ /dev/null
16945 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
16946 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16947 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
16948 -<pkgmetadata>
16949 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
16950 -</pkgmetadata>
16952 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/mod_ftpd-0.14-r1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_ftpd/mod_ftpd-0.14-r1.ebuild
16953 deleted file mode 100644
16954 index c4453c5..00000000
16955 --- a/www-apache/mod_ftpd/mod_ftpd-0.14-r1.ebuild
16956 +++ /dev/null
16957 @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
16958 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
16959 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
16960 -# $Id$
16961 -
16962 -EAPI="2"
16963 -
16964 -inherit apache-module
16965 -
16966 -DESCRIPTION="Apache2 module which provides an FTP server"
16967 -HOMEPAGE=""
16968 -SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2"
16969 -
16970 -LICENSE="Apache-2.0"
16971 -SLOT="0"
16972 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
16973 -IUSE="dbi gdbm"
16974 -
16975 -DEPEND="dbi? ( dev-db/libdbi )
16976 - gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )"
16977 -RDEPEND="${DEPEND}"
16978 -
16979 -APACHE2_EXECFILES="providers/*/.libs/*.so"
16980 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="0.14-r1/45_${PN}"
16982 -
16983 -DOCFILES="docs/manual.html AUTHORS ChangeLog NOTICE README TODO"
16984 -
16985 -need_apache2_2
16986 -
16987 -src_prepare() {
16988 - sed -i -e 's/-Wc,-Werror//' providers/*/
16989 -}
16990 -
16991 -src_configure() {
16992 - local providers="default fail"
16993 -
16994 - use dbi && providers="dbi ${providers}"
16995 - use gdbm && providers="dbm ${providers}"
16996 -
16997 - econf \
16998 - --with-apxs=${APXS} \
16999 - --enable-providers="${providers}" \
17000 - || die "econf failed"
17001 - }
17002 -
17003 -src_compile() {
17004 - emake || die "emake failed"
17005 -}
17007 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_layout/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_layout/Manifest
17008 deleted file mode 100644
17009 index 58dc334..00000000
17010 --- a/www-apache/mod_layout/Manifest
17011 +++ /dev/null
17012 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17013 -DIST mod_layout-5.1.tar.gz 12798 SHA256 d00299e3aae38704096477377d20a5c5bcc32fe7802044358a79a31248cd23c6 SHA512 c4a9273da116a1c21356bbd3c8abd6b6ff82604fb5b5a01fd72e41ef8cc77427ad12d395436af894f4b10a227025d1dd45f68150ae6bad073d60820ac6753014 WHIRLPOOL b9966f313c134b6a498793bb2cc8a6a93ab7f604ad62ebee1d23821195265e7c97715172f5481e1ca204790bb112272f8b410a861b54b8f7838523862823ad8f
17015 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf b/www-apache/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf
17016 deleted file mode 100644
17017 index 5e652ae..00000000
17018 --- a/www-apache/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf
17019 +++ /dev/null
17020 @@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
17021 -<IfDefine LAYOUT>
17022 -LoadModule layout_module modules/
17023 -
17024 -<Directory /home/*/public_html>
17025 -# This default configuration adds a footer to every html page in ~user
17026 -# "Powered by Gentoo Linux"
17027 -
17028 -# Enable the filter for all text/html pages
17029 -# use LayoutHandler for Apache1 and AddOutputFilter for Apache2
17030 -#LayoutHandler text/html
17031 -#AddOutputFilterByType LAYOUT text/html
17032 -
17033 -# This directives makes sure that all Layout headers and footers
17034 -# get Cache-Control: no-cache methods in all situations. This
17035 -# directive either takes On or Off."
17036 -# LayoutCacheNeeded
17037 -
17038 -# A URI which prints the header contents.
17039 -# LayoutHeader
17040 -
17041 -# A URI which prints the footer contents.
17042 -LayoutFooter "<p>Powered by <a href=''>Gentoo Linux</a></p>"
17043 -
17044 -# Add a layout to be inserted when a tag is found, this takes two
17045 -# options, with a third optional parameter. The first is a pattern,
17046 -# the second is the layout and the third is how the layout should be
17047 -# inserts (either prepend, append, or replace). The default is to
17048 -# replace.
17049 -# Layout "<-- replace_me -->" "<p>Visit: <a href=>Gentoo Linux</a></p>" replace
17050 -
17051 -# Enter a URI that should be ignored, regular expressions are allowed.
17052 -# LayoutIgnoreURI
17053 -
17054 -# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the header, regular expressions
17055 -# are allowed.
17056 -# LayoutIgnoreHeaderURI
17057 -
17058 -# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the HTTPHeader, regular
17059 -# expressions are allowed.
17060 -# LayoutIgnoreHTTPHeaderURI
17061 -
17062 -# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the footer, regular expressions
17063 -# are allowed.
17064 -# LayoutIgnoreFooterURI
17065 -
17066 -# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). It places HTML comments
17067 -# in the outbound text describing when and where mod_layout has been
17068 -# inserting text.
17069 -LayoutComment On
17070 -
17071 -# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). This is both
17072 -# experimental and probably quite broke.
17073 -# LayoutProxy
17074 -
17075 -# This can either be On or Off (default it On). When off the original
17076 -# document is not displayed.
17077 -# LayoutDisplayOriginal
17078 -
17079 -# Turns On (default) or Off a list of standard types to handle.
17080 -# LayoutDefaultHandlers
17081 -
17082 -# This takes a SSI style timme format that can be used to change the
17083 -# output by mod_layout's internal TIME environmental variables that
17084 -# it introduces.
17085 -# LayoutTimeFormat
17086 -
17087 -# Takes a URI to call for the HTTP Header.
17088 -# LayoutHTTPHeader
17089 -
17090 -# Specify handlers that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
17091 -# LayoutHTTPOverrideHandler
17092 -
17093 -# Specify URI's that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
17094 -# LayoutHTTPOverrideURI
17095 -
17096 -# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the footer.
17097 -# LayoutFooterOff
17098 -
17099 -# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the header.
17100 -# LayoutHeaderOff
17101 -
17102 -# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the http header.
17103 -# LayoutHTTPHeaderOff
17104 -
17105 -# Turns on and off asynchronous POSTs (AKA everything can see the post
17106 -# data).
17107 -# LayoutPostAsync
17108 -
17109 -# This moves the default cache from /tmp to another directory(or a
17110 -# RAM disk).
17111 -# LayoutCache
17112 -
17113 -# Turning this On or Off afffects whether or not headers and footers
17114 -# are appended when creating subsections.
17115 -# LayoutAppend
17116 -
17117 -# Turning this on and off will tell mod_layout to attempt to resolve
17118 -# content (do a merger of the footer, body and header text
17119 -# LayoutMerge
17120 -
17121 -# Use this to change the default begin tag to use during merges (the
17122 -# default string is \<HTML>\
17123 -# LayoutMergeBeginTag
17124 -
17125 -# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
17126 -# default string is \<\\HTML>\
17127 -# LayoutMergeEndTag
17128 -
17129 -# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
17130 -# default string is \<\\HTML>\
17131 -# LayoutHeaderAppend
17132 -
17133 -# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
17134 -# default string is \<\\HTML>\
17135 -# LayoutFooterAppend
17136 -
17137 -# When enabled (it takes on and off flags) mod_layout will not try
17138 -# to wrap any errors. Merge must be enabled for this to work. The
17139 -# default for this is off.
17140 -# LayoutMergeErrorIgnore
17141 -
17142 -# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer or header will be
17143 -# inserted into the document
17144 -# LayoutIgnoreTag
17145 -
17146 -# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer will be inserted
17147 -# into the document
17148 -# LayoutIgnoreTagFooter
17149 -
17150 -# If this tag is found during a merge, no header will be inserted
17151 -# into the document
17152 -# LayoutIgnoreTagHeader
17153 -
17154 -# This turns on mod_layout's own text/html and text/plain handler
17155 -# LayoutHTMLHandler
17156 -
17157 -# If this is enabled and you are doing a merge, the tags used for the
17158 -# merge will be replaced.
17159 -# LayoutReplaceTags
17160 -
17161 -# If you want applications to do notes (a set of directives to control
17162 -# actions inside apache).
17163 -# LayoutNotes
17164 -
17165 -</Directory>
17166 -</IfDefine>
17167 -
17168 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
17170 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_layout/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_layout/metadata.xml
17171 deleted file mode 100644
17172 index 6f49eba..00000000
17173 --- a/www-apache/mod_layout/metadata.xml
17174 +++ /dev/null
17175 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
17176 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17177 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17178 -<pkgmetadata>
17179 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17180 -</pkgmetadata>
17182 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_layout/mod_layout-5.1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_layout/mod_layout-5.1.ebuild
17183 deleted file mode 100644
17184 index d8b4a8d..00000000
17185 --- a/www-apache/mod_layout/mod_layout-5.1.ebuild
17186 +++ /dev/null
17187 @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
17188 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
17189 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17190 -# $Id$
17191 -
17192 -inherit apache-module
17193 -
17194 -DESCRIPTION="An Apache2 module for adding custom headers and/or footers"
17195 -HOMEPAGE=""
17196 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
17197 -
17198 -LICENSE="BSD"
17199 -SLOT="2"
17200 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
17201 -IUSE=""
17202 -
17203 -DEPEND=""
17204 -RDEPEND=""
17205 -
17206 -APXS2_ARGS="-c ${PN}.c utility.c layout.c"
17207 -
17208 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="15_mod_layout"
17210 -
17212 -
17213 -need_apache2_2
17215 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_loadavg/Manifest
17216 deleted file mode 100644
17217 index f6c290d..00000000
17218 --- a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/Manifest
17219 +++ /dev/null
17220 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17221 -DIST mod_loadavg-0.0.1.c 10516 SHA256 025df5362b49998577575b384fd20444239d9ec72843e54a918da9d6b37aba3b SHA512 83396467b7cd21d512d84621fdb17a451309e218a984e9061af5c1615e0691ca73403124c89d1c4fba5d9631c8b2855597165c1864bf707bfe898caaf845a7d7 WHIRLPOOL 4afba40c96f0c0cdb3fccc3436a2dfd3f5e0a7bde32233d2fd6b3454af0d3f9fabca00ad0e505879866fa2405471d927ca4c52e3cc0a71bda25663b036e877e7
17223 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/files/10_mod_loadavg.conf b/www-apache/mod_loadavg/files/10_mod_loadavg.conf
17224 deleted file mode 100644
17225 index 5991656..00000000
17226 --- a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/files/10_mod_loadavg.conf
17227 +++ /dev/null
17228 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
17229 -<IfDefine LOADAVG>
17230 -LoadModule loadavg_module modules/
17231 -
17232 -# Set mod_loadavg on
17233 -#ModLoadavg On
17234 -
17235 -# Set maximum value for the load average of the last minute
17236 -# Default: 4.0
17237 -#Loadavg1 4.0
17238 -
17239 -# Set maximum value for the load average of the last 5 minutes
17240 -#Loadavg5 4.0
17241 -
17242 -# Set maximum value for the load average of the last 15 minutes
17243 -#Loadavg15 4.0
17244 -</IfDefine>
17245 -
17246 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
17248 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_loadavg/metadata.xml
17249 deleted file mode 100644
17250 index 6f49eba..00000000
17251 --- a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/metadata.xml
17252 +++ /dev/null
17253 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
17254 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17255 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17256 -<pkgmetadata>
17257 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17258 -</pkgmetadata>
17260 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/mod_loadavg-0.0.1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_loadavg/mod_loadavg-0.0.1.ebuild
17261 deleted file mode 100644
17262 index 568fe0f..00000000
17263 --- a/www-apache/mod_loadavg/mod_loadavg-0.0.1.ebuild
17264 +++ /dev/null
17265 @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
17266 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
17267 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17268 -# $Id$
17269 -
17270 -inherit apache-module eutils
17271 -
17272 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
17273 -
17274 -DESCRIPTION="Apache module executing CGI-Requests depending on the load of the server"
17275 -HOMEPAGE=""
17276 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.c"
17277 -LICENSE="Apache-1.1"
17278 -SLOT="0"
17279 -IUSE=""
17280 -
17281 -DEPEND=""
17282 -RDEPEND=""
17283 -
17284 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="10_${PN}"
17286 -
17287 -need_apache2_2
17288 -
17289 -src_unpack() {
17290 - mkdir -p "${S}" || die "mkdir S failed"
17291 - cp -f "${DISTDIR}/${P}.c" "${S}/${PN}.c" || die "source copy failed"
17292 -}
17294 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/Manifest
17295 deleted file mode 100644
17296 index 1ba6a0f..00000000
17297 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/Manifest
17298 +++ /dev/null
17299 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17300 -DIST mod_proxy_fcgi-0_p816361.tar.bz2 7900 SHA256 bfe64ad32e568df550a2df0e0e34ca261e573c8dad81bcf5c40dc9dcce3d6a4c SHA512 e9773b5a76c6820f6949944a8984b16521c635289cf08e9dc123f2390c57ff3c726d139301bcf7c1354e49ecca030341572699f3e8ec47e26e5389fa7dbcfab9 WHIRLPOOL 5f15ecde54ec2da62cfcc982165bf9d3ee85ee5d2d5894585c9df0905870f732a4d2744c3cb28d6c39b702b266f35b9b60c412f31e873e331550bd081183d7fa
17302 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/files/36_mod_proxy_fcgi.conf b/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/files/36_mod_proxy_fcgi.conf
17303 deleted file mode 100644
17304 index a4634a1..00000000
17305 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/files/36_mod_proxy_fcgi.conf
17306 +++ /dev/null
17307 @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
17308 -<IfDefine PROXY_FCGI>
17309 -LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
17310 -</IfDefine>
17312 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/metadata.xml
17313 deleted file mode 100644
17314 index 6f49eba..00000000
17315 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/metadata.xml
17316 +++ /dev/null
17317 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
17318 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17319 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17320 -<pkgmetadata>
17321 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17322 -</pkgmetadata>
17324 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/mod_proxy_fcgi-0_p816361.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/mod_proxy_fcgi-0_p816361.ebuild
17325 deleted file mode 100644
17326 index bceea6d..00000000
17327 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_fcgi/mod_proxy_fcgi-0_p816361.ebuild
17328 +++ /dev/null
17329 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
17330 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
17331 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17332 -# $Id$
17333 -
17334 -inherit apache-module
17335 -
17336 -DESCRIPTION="mod_proxy_fcgi is a FastCGI protocol handler for mod_proxy"
17337 -HOMEPAGE=""
17338 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
17339 -
17340 -LICENSE="Apache-2.0"
17341 -SLOT="0"
17342 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
17343 -IUSE=""
17344 -
17345 -DEPEND=""
17346 -RDEPEND=""
17347 -
17348 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="36_${PN}"
17350 -
17351 -need_apache2_2
17353 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/Manifest
17354 deleted file mode 100644
17355 index e447b96..00000000
17356 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/Manifest
17357 +++ /dev/null
17358 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17359 -DIST mod_proxy_html-3.1.2.tar.bz2 23019 SHA256 a1aee758bda605e153868b91188ebf2c527b8eeb0f115d11af152078e65895bf SHA512 dc56c9abcaa3760b4ac5157ddb83d5ec29f1f60fa6c16dbadf55c81e27dadd6d25bcc0bbcd874bce8bce43d91650186201b37cd36fe50d625a051a1bd9c4a9a7 WHIRLPOOL 111fa49739002770f08446c4e7f49621b03c5ecb909559ac00165f10c720896e54dce7e97d6fa124a54d1226e08e8d4f1086c623b789b7bd60f5eb082c2934f2
17361 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/files/27_mod_proxy_html.conf b/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/files/27_mod_proxy_html.conf
17362 deleted file mode 100644
17363 index 94cb19c..00000000
17364 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/files/27_mod_proxy_html.conf
17365 +++ /dev/null
17366 @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
17367 -<IfDefine PROXY_HTML>
17368 -LoadFile /usr/lib/
17369 -LoadModule proxy_html_module modules/
17370 -
17371 -# All knowledge of HTML links has been removed from the mod_proxy_html
17372 -# code itself, and is instead read from httpd.conf (or included file)
17373 -# at server startup. So you MUST declare it. This will normally be
17374 -# at top level, but can also be used in a <Location>.
17375 -#
17376 -# Here's the declaration for W3C HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0
17377 -
17378 -ProxyHTMLLinks a href
17379 -ProxyHTMLLinks area href
17380 -ProxyHTMLLinks link href
17381 -ProxyHTMLLinks img src longdesc usemap
17382 -ProxyHTMLLinks object classid codebase data usemap
17383 -ProxyHTMLLinks q cite
17384 -ProxyHTMLLinks blockquote cite
17385 -ProxyHTMLLinks ins cite
17386 -ProxyHTMLLinks del cite
17387 -ProxyHTMLLinks form action
17388 -ProxyHTMLLinks input src usemap
17389 -ProxyHTMLLinks head profile
17390 -ProxyHTMLLinks base href
17391 -ProxyHTMLLinks script src for
17392 -
17393 -# To support scripting events (with ProxyHTMLExtended On),
17394 -# you'll need to declare them too.
17395 -
17396 -ProxyHTMLEvents onclick ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup \
17397 - onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress \
17398 - onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur onload \
17399 - onunload onsubmit onreset onselect onchange
17400 -
17401 -# If you need to support legacy (pre-1998, aka "transitional") HTML or XHTML,
17402 -# you'll need to uncomment the following deprecated link attributes.
17403 -#
17404 -# ProxyHTMLLinks frame src longdesc
17405 -# ProxyHTMLLinks iframe src longdesc
17406 -# ProxyHTMLLinks body background
17407 -# ProxyHTMLLinks applet codebase
17408 -#
17409 -# If you're dealing with proprietary HTML variants,
17410 -# declare your own URL attributes here as required.
17411 -#
17412 -# ProxyHTMLLinks myelement myattr otherattr
17413 -</IfDefine>
17414 -
17415 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
17417 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/metadata.xml
17418 deleted file mode 100644
17419 index 6f49eba..00000000
17420 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/metadata.xml
17421 +++ /dev/null
17422 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
17423 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17424 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17425 -<pkgmetadata>
17426 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17427 -</pkgmetadata>
17429 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/mod_proxy_html-3.1.2.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/mod_proxy_html-3.1.2.ebuild
17430 deleted file mode 100644
17431 index 42e67af..00000000
17432 --- a/www-apache/mod_proxy_html/mod_proxy_html-3.1.2.ebuild
17433 +++ /dev/null
17434 @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
17435 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
17436 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17437 -# $Id$
17438 -
17439 -inherit apache-module
17440 -
17441 -DESCRIPTION="An Apache2 module to rewrite links in html pages behind a reverse proxy"
17442 -HOMEPAGE=""
17443 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
17444 -
17445 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
17446 -SLOT="0"
17447 -KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
17448 -IUSE=""
17449 -
17450 -DEPEND="app-arch/bzip2
17451 - dev-libs/libxml2
17452 - >=www-apache/mod_xml2enc-1.0.3"
17453 -RDEPEND="${DEPEND}"
17454 -
17455 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="27_${PN}"
17457 -
17458 -need_apache2
17459 -
17460 -S="${WORKDIR}"/${PN}
17461 -
17462 -src_compile() {
17463 - APXS2_ARGS="$(xml2-config --cflags) -I"${WORKDIR}/${PN}" -c ${PN}.c"
17464 - apache-module_src_compile
17465 -}
17467 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/Manifest
17468 deleted file mode 100644
17469 index 3d19332..00000000
17470 --- a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/Manifest
17471 +++ /dev/null
17472 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17473 -DIST mod_slotlimit-1.3.tar.gz 17100 SHA256 ad722f5f6791ee97f361cc801d930c2106ee775d1f88efed1b5ac9fd9e538106 SHA512 3da9763831bf9869d8f9ccf68cee28b40a1e900313b223878a86d813009d8b94bb5fcd8423baf40d2feafb2beff02d352a69c2b21e6d89deb9bc404814ffa71b WHIRLPOOL 10dab747cee02ede966ce473466512edf516032fd50ea070766f160627bc9a365b9e2661eec01c9ae4c959d3e2d213e4ad891ae415faa7990d0af3fb5e53134e
17475 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/files/10_mod_slotlimit.conf b/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/files/10_mod_slotlimit.conf
17476 deleted file mode 100644
17477 index 93f95fb..00000000
17478 --- a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/files/10_mod_slotlimit.conf
17479 +++ /dev/null
17480 @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
17481 -<IfDefine SLOTLIMIT>
17482 -LoadModule slotlimit_module modules/
17483 -
17484 -# AvailableSlotsPercent
17485 -# Syntax: AvailableSlotsPercent number
17486 -# Default: 0
17487 -#
17488 -# Percentage of apache slots available in order to set any restrictions.
17489 -# Setting it to 0 dynamic slot allocation algorithm will be deactivated.
17490 -# When has remained free the specified percentage of apache slots, module
17491 -# start to manage incoming connections, penalizing sites that are monopolizing
17492 -# the resources of the server.
17493 -#
17494 -# N.B. Before activating this option check that the apache scoreboard display
17495 -# correct vhost name of the running sites. In order to make this you can
17496 -# activate (momentarily) mod_status and connect to http://yourserver/server-status.
17497 -# If Vhost hostname do not display correctly the name of the sites visited
17498 -# sets up to "On" the directive "ForceVhostName" before using "AvailableSlotsPercent".
17499 -#
17500 -# MaxConnectionsPerSite
17501 -# Syntax: MaxConnectionsPerSite number
17502 -# Default: No Limit
17503 -#
17504 -# Max connections for each running site
17505 -#
17506 -# N.B. Like for "AvailableSlotsPercent" if Vhost hostname do not display correctly
17507 -# the name of the sites visited sets up to "On" the directive "ForceVhostName".
17508 -#
17509 -# ClientIpLimit
17510 -# Syntax: ClientIpLimit number
17511 -# Default: 40
17512 -#
17513 -# Number of maximum simultaneous connection per IP.
17514 -#
17515 -# ForceVhostName
17516 -# Syntax: ForceVhostName On|Off
17517 -# Default: Off
17518 -#
17519 -# Force vhost hostname in scoreboard. Vhost hostname do not match site
17520 -# visited under some conditions, for example with some mass virtual hosting technique.
17521 -# In order to check that this is not your case you can use mod_status.
17522 -# Setting this directive to On, mod_slotlimit will overwrite vhost hostname
17523 -# in apache scoreboard.
17524 -#
17525 -# CustomErrMsg
17526 -# Syntax: CustomErrMsg "My custom error message"
17527 -# Default: "Blocked by mod_slotlimit. More information about this error may be available in the server error log."
17528 -#
17529 -# A custom error message that allows you to replace default error message with one you create
17530 -#
17531 -# CustomLimitsFile
17532 -# Syntax: CustomLimitsFile /path/to/file
17533 -# Default: No Value
17534 -#
17535 -# Using this directive you can specify limits customized for each running site,
17536 -# penalizing or privileged it. In the file should be stored (line by line) the
17537 -# site name and the number of usable slots. You can add comments by using the '#'
17538 -# character. The file format is as follows:
17539 -#
17540 -# ..
17541 -# ..
17542 -# 10
17543 -# # this is a comment
17544 -# 35
17545 -# ..
17546 -# ..
17547 -
17548 -# Example:
17549 -# AvailableSlotsPercent 13
17550 -# MaxConnectionsPerSite 20
17551 -# ClientIpLimit 20
17552 -# CustomLimitsFile /etc/apache2/mod_slotlimit.rules
17553 -
17554 -</IfDefine>
17555 -
17556 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
17558 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/metadata.xml
17559 deleted file mode 100644
17560 index ab03eb6..00000000
17561 --- a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/metadata.xml
17562 +++ /dev/null
17563 @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
17564 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17565 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17566 -<pkgmetadata>
17567 - <maintainer type="person">
17568 - <email>patrick@g.o</email>
17569 - </maintainer>
17570 - <upstream>
17571 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">downloads</remote-id>
17572 - </upstream>
17573 -</pkgmetadata>
17575 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/mod_slotlimit-1.3.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/mod_slotlimit-1.3.ebuild
17576 deleted file mode 100644
17577 index 1eecb23..00000000
17578 --- a/www-apache/mod_slotlimit/mod_slotlimit-1.3.ebuild
17579 +++ /dev/null
17580 @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
17581 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
17582 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17583 -# $Id$
17584 -
17585 -EAPI=3
17586 -
17587 -inherit apache-module
17588 -
17589 -MY_PV=${PV/_/-}
17590 -MY_P="mod_slotlimit-${MY_PV}"
17591 -
17592 -DESCRIPTION="manage resources used for each running site using dynamic slot allocation algorithm and static rules"
17593 -HOMEPAGE=""
17594 -SRC_URI="${MY_PV}/${P}.tar.gz"
17595 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
17596 -
17597 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
17598 -IUSE=""
17599 -SLOT="0"
17600 -
17601 -# See apache-module.eclass for more information.
17602 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="10_${PN}"
17604 -
17605 -need_apache2_2
17607 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_tcl/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_tcl/Manifest
17608 deleted file mode 100644
17609 index b801629..00000000
17610 --- a/www-apache/mod_tcl/Manifest
17611 +++ /dev/null
17612 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17613 -DIST mod_tcl-1.0.1.tar.bz2 18772 SHA256 b1e5b859707d1a81e7588c35fbe1f69fefa4cada04da20048b80269ed43101dd SHA512 d32a722115079696bef6b88a295a25cc752552d0d6ceb598ba1bcbf54151fb5dbfe192f8f2e9f7f31ba2cf0ad9f09b09967b00ae03c478453a497118ecaedaff WHIRLPOOL c73916c6d6d0e36975a9ad30fee2e020da2cd5ac3b391f727025ea634eb58597c282f7f1f71d1c951646f0ae9196d9c490315d45d97843b656ef6df0dc786e43
17615 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_tcl/files/27_mod_tcl.conf b/www-apache/mod_tcl/files/27_mod_tcl.conf
17616 deleted file mode 100644
17617 index 801702b..00000000
17618 --- a/www-apache/mod_tcl/files/27_mod_tcl.conf
17619 +++ /dev/null
17620 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
17621 -<IfDefine TCL>
17622 -LoadModule tcl_module modules/
17623 -
17624 -# See for now :/
17625 -</IfDefine>
17626 -
17627 -# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
17629 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_tcl/metadata.xml b/www-apache/mod_tcl/metadata.xml
17630 deleted file mode 100644
17631 index 6f49eba..00000000
17632 --- a/www-apache/mod_tcl/metadata.xml
17633 +++ /dev/null
17634 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
17635 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17636 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17637 -<pkgmetadata>
17638 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17639 -</pkgmetadata>
17641 diff --git a/www-apache/mod_tcl/mod_tcl-1.0.1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_tcl/mod_tcl-1.0.1.ebuild
17642 deleted file mode 100644
17643 index 6bbb9db..00000000
17644 --- a/www-apache/mod_tcl/mod_tcl-1.0.1.ebuild
17645 +++ /dev/null
17646 @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
17647 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
17648 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17649 -# $Id$
17650 -
17651 -inherit apache-module
17652 -
17653 -DESCRIPTION="An Apache2 module providing an embedded Tcl interpreter"
17654 -HOMEPAGE=""
17655 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2"
17656 -
17657 -SLOT="0"
17658 -LICENSE="Apache-1.1"
17659 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ppc x86"
17660 -IUSE=""
17661 -
17662 -DEPEND="dev-lang/tcl"
17663 -RDEPEND="${DEPEND}"
17664 -
17665 -APXS2_ARGS="-c -Wl,-ltcl -DHAVE_TCL_H ${PN}.c tcl_cmds.c tcl_misc.c"
17666 -
17667 -APACHE2_MOD_CONF="27_${PN}"
17669 -
17671 -
17672 -need_apache2_2
17673 -
17674 -src_compile() {
17675 - mv -f "tcl_core.c" "${PN}.c" || die
17676 - apache-module_src_compile
17677 -}
17679 diff --git a/www-apps/389-dsgw/389-dsgw-1.1.10.ebuild b/www-apps/389-dsgw/389-dsgw-1.1.10.ebuild
17680 deleted file mode 100644
17681 index 9ead2cd..00000000
17682 --- a/www-apps/389-dsgw/389-dsgw-1.1.10.ebuild
17683 +++ /dev/null
17684 @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
17685 -# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
17686 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17687 -# $Id$
17688 -
17689 -EAPI=5
17690 -
17691 -inherit autotools eutils
17692 -
17693 -DESCRIPTION="389 Directory Server Gateway Web Application"
17694 -HOMEPAGE=""
17695 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
17696 -
17697 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
17698 -SLOT="0"
17699 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
17700 -IUSE="debug +adminserver"
17701 -
17702 -DEPEND="adminserver? ( net-nds/389-admin )
17703 - dev-libs/nspr
17704 - dev-libs/nss
17705 - dev-libs/cyrus-sasl
17706 - dev-libs/icu:=
17707 - dev-libs/389-adminutil
17708 - net-nds/openldap"
17709 -
17711 - dev-perl/perl-mozldap
17712 - dev-perl/CGI"
17713 -
17714 -src_prepare() {
17715 - # as per 389 documentation, when 64bit, export USE_64
17716 - use amd64 && export USE_64=1
17717 - eautoreconf
17718 -}
17719 -
17720 -src_configure() {
17721 - econf $(use_enable debug) \
17722 - $(use_with adminserver) \
17723 - --with-adminutil=/usr \
17724 - --with-fhs \
17725 - --with-openldap || die "econf failed"
17726 -}
17727 -
17728 -src_install() {
17729 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
17730 - dodoc README
17731 -}
17733 diff --git a/www-apps/389-dsgw/Manifest b/www-apps/389-dsgw/Manifest
17734 deleted file mode 100644
17735 index 4c94ffd..00000000
17736 --- a/www-apps/389-dsgw/Manifest
17737 +++ /dev/null
17738 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17739 -DIST 389-dsgw-1.1.10.tar.bz2 726295 SHA256 07aa0d9a432b8d9d63b2c64b7c17021b3fe2ac2ec62e4d596723253f3c0e4e3f SHA512 52c73867d6801c3f3bff424c9b302298e67f0b07bc5746f83aa83367b5fbff605ffcced968eaf6ab4863a17c703ec529644a4227aa2925aea65943a72ff4e2e8 WHIRLPOOL 34c7fcc8bce7f6bfcbb429b0bd26b1d8836cb8d94a4403e8be89ee9cbd3041f9f057fe1ecaf607e1630d1ae8fbc6018cfa9de794de83aa7890b4f18a158940a5
17741 diff --git a/www-apps/389-dsgw/metadata.xml b/www-apps/389-dsgw/metadata.xml
17742 deleted file mode 100644
17743 index ac529ad..00000000
17744 --- a/www-apps/389-dsgw/metadata.xml
17745 +++ /dev/null
17746 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
17747 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17748 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17749 -<pkgmetadata>
17750 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17751 -<use>
17752 - <flag name="adminserver">Install DSGW with Admin Server</flag>
17753 -</use>
17754 -</pkgmetadata>
17756 diff --git a/www-misc/reflector/Manifest b/www-misc/reflector/Manifest
17757 deleted file mode 100644
17758 index 8f1ca4e..00000000
17759 --- a/www-misc/reflector/Manifest
17760 +++ /dev/null
17761 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17762 -DIST reflector-2011.05.13.1.tar.gz 11490 SHA256 e02a1d8297a0dbc201f9268e2b36a9027b4103ecadf95f675b27e29b2ed5199f SHA512 979c270995b8bb026aaffaedf151827c15df0500819e03df4b5827f1bb04a870ba2e3d52faf13943c9ac89da6333e3a5aec6ec0282b4daf1a9383ab09fcf9652 WHIRLPOOL 18c876955d504f1d5ca09e4467c951b5fd5c2bb35a2a83048c47724c50b7c3892babaa54d7ce0746e3eeac957d7a07e3c15ab4155b890fe3a19b5839028a94bd
17764 diff --git a/www-misc/reflector/metadata.xml b/www-misc/reflector/metadata.xml
17765 deleted file mode 100644
17766 index 097975e..00000000
17767 --- a/www-misc/reflector/metadata.xml
17768 +++ /dev/null
17769 @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
17770 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17771 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17772 -<pkgmetadata>
17773 -</pkgmetadata>
17775 diff --git a/www-misc/reflector/reflector-2011.05.13.1.ebuild b/www-misc/reflector/reflector-2011.05.13.1.ebuild
17776 deleted file mode 100644
17777 index cb57585..00000000
17778 --- a/www-misc/reflector/reflector-2011.05.13.1.ebuild
17779 +++ /dev/null
17780 @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
17781 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
17782 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17783 -# $Id$
17784 -
17785 -EAPI=3
17786 -
17788 -PYTHON_DEPEND="*:2.6"
17789 -RESTRICT_PYTHON_ABIS="2.[45]"
17791 -
17792 -inherit eutils distutils
17793 -
17794 -DESCRIPTION="archlinux's take on mirrorselect"
17795 -HOMEPAGE=""
17796 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
17797 -
17798 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
17799 -SLOT="0"
17800 -KEYWORDS="~amd64"
17801 -IUSE=""
17802 -
17803 -S=${WORKDIR}/${PN}
17804 -
17806 -
17807 -src_prepare() {
17808 - distutils_src_prepare
17809 -
17810 - my_src_prepare() {
17811 - [[ $(python_get_version --major) == 2 ]] && epatch 3to2.patch
17812 - :
17813 - }
17814 -
17815 - python_execute_function -s my_src_prepare
17816 -
17817 - python_convert_shebangs "" ${PN}
17818 -}
17819 -
17820 -src_install() {
17821 - distutils_src_install
17822 -
17823 - dobin ${PN} || die
17824 -}
17826 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/Manifest b/www-servers/webfs/Manifest
17827 deleted file mode 100644
17828 index 1c63590..00000000
17829 --- a/www-servers/webfs/Manifest
17830 +++ /dev/null
17831 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
17832 -DIST webfs-1.21.tar.gz 44249 SHA256 98c1cb93473df08e166e848e549f86402e94a2f727366925b1c54ab31064a62a SHA512 68b9b3163a21be8a549e395295b27dd8ce9b575183d6c36b05b98bdc310917cf2dc653ff73bdb78a8c063674a8e9480211ec5c28b8a676f9cee41fa962cfd473 WHIRLPOOL 6d5b1d079c98d2125b6a57d56f4c8fa7693c43bc20c1c29a1ff64db9c9217c85a13f9ae784eee2505b580260d72919970fa875d93c3d31d9c0d10d6307309d9e
17834 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs-1.21-CVE-2013-0347.patch b/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs-1.21-CVE-2013-0347.patch
17835 deleted file mode 100644
17836 index 26e225d..00000000
17837 --- a/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs-1.21-CVE-2013-0347.patch
17838 +++ /dev/null
17839 @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
17840 ---- ./webfsd.c
17841 -+++ ./webfsd.c
17842 -@@ -918,8 +918,11 @@
17843 - } else {
17844 - if (NULL == (logfh = fopen(logfile,"a")))
17845 - xperror(LOG_WARNING,"open access log",NULL);
17846 -- else
17847 -+ else {
17848 - close_on_exec(fileno(logfh));
17849 -+ if (0 != chmod(logfile,S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR))
17850 -+ xperror(LOG_WARNING,"chmod access log",NULL);
17851 -+ }
17852 - }
17853 - }
17854 -
17856 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/files/ b/www-servers/webfs/files/
17857 deleted file mode 100644
17858 index 03f2f5c..00000000
17859 --- a/www-servers/webfs/files/
17860 +++ /dev/null
17861 @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
17862 -diff -Naur webfs-1.21.orig/mk/ webfs-1.21/mk/
17863 ---- webfs-1.21.orig/mk/ 2009-02-03 01:14:18.000000000 +0100
17864 -+++ webfs-1.21/mk/ 2009-02-03 01:16:01.000000000 +0100
17865 -@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
17866 - CXX ?= g++
17867 - MOC ?= $(if $(QTDIR),$(QTDIR)/bin/moc,moc)
17868 - INSTALL ?= install
17872 - INSTALL_DATA := $(INSTALL) -m 644
17873 - INSTALL_DIR := $(INSTALL) -d
17875 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.confd b/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.confd
17876 deleted file mode 100644
17877 index 5c4de3a..00000000
17878 --- a/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.confd
17879 +++ /dev/null
17880 @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
17881 -# Configuration for webfsd init script
17882 -
17883 -WEBFS_PORT=80
17884 -WEBFS_DOCROOT=/var/www/localhost/htdocs
17885 -WEBFS_INDEX=index.html
17886 -WEBFS_LOG=/var/log/webfsd.log
17887 -
17888 -# set server name
17890 -
17891 -# uncomment to chroot to specified dir
17892 -#WEBFS_CHROOT="/var/www/localhost"
17893 -
17894 -# max allowed connections (defaults to 32)
17895 -#WEBFS_MAXCONN=50
17896 -
17897 -# uncomment to enable directory listings
17898 -#WEBFS_DIR_LIST=true
17899 -
17900 -# uncomment to enable SSL (you'll need to add -C <cert> -P <pass> to WEBFS_OPTS)
17901 -#WEBFS_SSL=true
17902 -
17903 -# uncomment to enable ipv6
17904 -#WEBFS_IPV6=true
17905 -
17906 -# Add any extra options here. See webfsd for more information.
17907 -#WEBFS_OPTS=""
17909 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.initd-r1 b/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.initd-r1
17910 deleted file mode 100644
17911 index bcf7b49..00000000
17912 --- a/www-servers/webfs/files/webfs.initd-r1
17913 +++ /dev/null
17914 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
17915 -#!/sbin/openrc-run
17916 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
17917 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17918 -# $Id$
17919 -
17920 -depend() {
17921 - need net
17922 -}
17923 -
17924 -start() {
17925 - WEBFS_OPTS="-p ${WEBFS_PORT:-80} -f ${WEBFS_INDEX:-index.html} ${WEBFS_OPTS}"
17928 - [ -n "${WEBFS_LOG}" ] && WEBFS_OPTS="${WEBFS_OPTS} -L ${WEBFS_LOG}"
17930 - [ -n "${WEBFS_IPV6}" ] && WEBFS_OPTS="${WEBFS_OPTS} -6"
17931 - [ -n "${WEBFS_SSL}" ] && WEBFS_OPTS="${WEBFS_OPTS} -S"
17933 - [ -n "${WEBFS_DIR_LIST}" ] || WEBFS_OPTS="${WEBFS_OPTS} -j"
17934 -
17935 - ebegin "Starting webfsd"
17936 - start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/bin/webfsd -- ${WEBFS_OPTS}
17937 - eend $? "Failed to start webfsd"
17938 -}
17939 -
17940 -stop() {
17941 - ebegin "Stopping webfsd"
17942 - start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/bin/webfsd
17943 - eend $? "Failed to stop webfsd"
17944 -}
17946 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/metadata.xml b/www-servers/webfs/metadata.xml
17947 deleted file mode 100644
17948 index 6f49eba..00000000
17949 --- a/www-servers/webfs/metadata.xml
17950 +++ /dev/null
17951 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
17952 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
17953 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
17954 -<pkgmetadata>
17955 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
17956 -</pkgmetadata>
17958 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r3.ebuild b/www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r3.ebuild
17959 deleted file mode 100644
17960 index 3b88eae..00000000
17961 --- a/www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r3.ebuild
17962 +++ /dev/null
17963 @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
17964 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
17965 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
17966 -# $Id$
17967 -
17968 -EAPI=5
17969 -inherit eutils
17970 -
17971 -DESCRIPTION="Lightweight HTTP server for static content"
17972 -SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
17973 -HOMEPAGE=""
17974 -
17975 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
17976 -SLOT="0"
17977 -KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86 ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
17978 -IUSE="ssl threads"
17979 -
17980 -DEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )"
17981 -
17983 - app-misc/mime-types"
17984 -
17985 -src_prepare() {
17986 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}"
17987 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-CVE-2013-0347.patch"
17988 - sed -e "s:/etc/mime.types:${EPREFIX}\\0:" -i GNUmakefile || die "sed failed"
17989 -}
17990 -
17991 -src_compile() {
17992 - local myconf
17993 - use ssl || myconf="${myconf} USE_SSL=no"
17994 - use threads && myconf="${myconf} USE_THREADS=yes"
17995 -
17996 - emake prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr" ${myconf}
17997 -}
17998 -
17999 -src_install() {
18000 - local myconf
18001 - use ssl || myconf="${myconf} USE_SSL=no"
18002 - use threads && myconf="${myconf} USE_THREADS=yes"
18003 - einstall ${myconf} mandir="${ED}/usr/share/man"
18004 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd-r1 ${PN}
18005 - newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd ${PN}
18006 - dodoc README
18007 -}
18008 -
18009 -pkg_preinst() {
18010 - # Fix existing log permissions for bug #458892.
18011 - chmod 0600 "${EROOT}/var/log/webfsd.log" 2>/dev/null
18012 -}
18014 diff --git a/www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r5.ebuild b/www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r5.ebuild
18015 deleted file mode 100644
18016 index 2f65449..00000000
18017 --- a/www-servers/webfs/webfs-1.21-r5.ebuild
18018 +++ /dev/null
18019 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
18020 -# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
18021 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
18022 -# $Id$
18023 -
18024 -EAPI=5
18025 -inherit eutils
18026 -
18027 -DESCRIPTION="Lightweight HTTP server for static content"
18028 -SRC_URI="${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
18029 -HOMEPAGE=""
18030 -
18031 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
18032 -SLOT="0"
18033 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86 ~arm-linux ~x86-linux"
18034 -IUSE="libressl ssl threads"
18035 -
18036 -DEPEND="
18037 - ssl? (
18038 - !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= )
18039 - libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= )
18040 - )"
18041 -
18043 - app-misc/mime-types"
18044 -
18045 -src_prepare() {
18046 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}"
18047 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-CVE-2013-0347.patch"
18048 - sed -e "s:/etc/mime.types:${EPREFIX}\\0:" -i GNUmakefile || die "sed failed"
18049 -}
18050 -
18051 -src_compile() {
18052 - local myconf
18053 - use ssl || myconf="${myconf} USE_SSL=no"
18054 - use threads && myconf="${myconf} USE_THREADS=yes"
18055 -
18056 - emake prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr" ${myconf}
18057 -}
18058 -
18059 -src_install() {
18060 - local myconf
18061 - use ssl || myconf="${myconf} USE_SSL=no"
18062 - use threads && myconf="${myconf} USE_THREADS=yes"
18063 - einstall ${myconf} mandir="${ED}/usr/share/man"
18064 - newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd-r1 ${PN}
18065 - newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd ${PN}
18066 - dodoc README
18067 -}
18068 -
18069 -pkg_preinst() {
18070 - # Fix existing log permissions for bug #458892.
18071 - chmod 0600 "${EROOT}/var/log/webfsd.log" 2>/dev/null
18072 -}
18074 diff --git a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/Manifest b/x11-libs/fxscintilla/Manifest
18075 deleted file mode 100644
18076 index 1ab2654..00000000
18077 --- a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/Manifest
18078 +++ /dev/null
18079 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
18080 -DIST FXSCINTILLA-3_3_5.tar.gz 663346 SHA256 0c18565340cab72fc551c32cb284ab025903d924267e7df2060c15508e1806a8 SHA512 e7f8d0491e8fabcaaee2e39f76e7e99e83b36c1cf5201daf354c182462827f2319a69cb1bcf8a7e8c4941c0371a41c936a9a645ee91bc6b5a0a2aa64cd095c06 WHIRLPOOL 791529acd5eb931e73aa74388447f8f791edba3fbeeb682091b2ea4a1721e11a0fe154cd87625ae722713b2bcebef4927c775caa09d444cf15e341f17b3d6daf
18082 diff --git a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-fox-SLOT.patch b/x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-fox-SLOT.patch
18083 deleted file mode 100644
18084 index 615abce..00000000
18085 --- a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-fox-SLOT.patch
18086 +++ /dev/null
18087 @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
18088 ---- fxscintilla-1.71-orig/src/ 2006-09-25 21:00:18.000000000 +0000
18089 -+++ fxscintilla-1.71/src/ 2006-10-24 22:13:30.000000000 +0000
18090 -@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@
18091 - AM_LDFLAGS = -mwindows
18092 - endif # MinGW32
18093 -
18094 --lib_LTLIBRARIES =
18095 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES =
18096 -
18097 --libfxscintilla_la_SOURCES = \
18098 -+if HAVE_FOX_1_2
18099 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18100 -+
18101 -+libfxscintilla_1_2_la_SOURCES = \
18102 - PlatFOX.cxx \
18103 - ScintillaFOX.cxx
18104 -
18105 --libfxscintilla_la_LIBADD = \
18106 -- $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/
18107 -+libfxscintilla_1_2_la_LIBADD = \
18108 -+ $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/ \
18109 -+ -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) -lFOX-1.2
18110 -
18111 --libfxscintilla_la_LDFLAGS = \
18112 -+libfxscintilla_1_2_la_LDFLAGS = \
18114 -
18115 - libfxscintilla_la_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) -DSCI_LEXER
18116 -@@ -34,16 +38,88 @@
18117 - ## NoLexer enabled
18118 - if NOLEXER
18119 -
18120 --lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18121 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18122 -+
18123 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_2_la_SOURCES = \
18124 -+ PlatFOX.cxx \
18125 -+ ScintillaFOX.cxx
18126 -+
18127 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_2_la_LIBADD = \
18128 -+ $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/ \
18129 -+ -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) -lFOX-1.2
18130 -+
18131 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_2_la_LDFLAGS = \
18133 -+
18134 -+endif # NOLEXER
18135 -+endif # HAVE_FOX_1_2
18136 -+
18137 -+if HAVE_FOX_1_4
18138 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18139 -+
18140 -+libfxscintilla_1_4_la_SOURCES = \
18141 -+ PlatFOX.cxx \
18142 -+ ScintillaFOX.cxx
18143 -+
18144 -+libfxscintilla_1_4_la_LIBADD = \
18145 -+ $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/ \
18146 -+ -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) -lFOX-1.4
18147 -+
18148 -+libfxscintilla_1_4_la_LDFLAGS = \
18150 -+
18151 -+libfxscintilla_1_4_la_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) -DSCI_LEXER
18152 -+
18153 -+## NoLexer enabled
18154 -+if NOLEXER
18155 -+
18156 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18157 -
18158 --libfxscintillanolexer_la_SOURCES = \
18159 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_4_la_SOURCES = \
18160 - PlatFOX.cxx \
18161 - ScintillaFOX.cxx
18162 -
18163 --libfxscintillanolexer_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/
18164 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_4_la_LIBADD = \
18165 -+ $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/ \
18166 -+ -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) -lFOX-1.4
18167 -
18168 --libfxscintillanolexer_la_LDFLAGS = \
18169 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_4_la_LDFLAGS = \
18171 -
18172 - endif # NOLEXER
18173 -+endif # HAVE_FOX_1_4
18174 -+
18175 -+if HAVE_FOX_1_6
18176 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18177 -+
18178 -+libfxscintilla_1_6_la_SOURCES = \
18179 -+ PlatFOX.cxx \
18180 -+ ScintillaFOX.cxx
18181 -+
18182 -+libfxscintilla_1_6_la_LIBADD = \
18183 -+ $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/ \
18184 -+ -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) -lFOX-1.6
18185 -+
18186 -+libfxscintilla_1_6_la_LDFLAGS = \
18188 -+
18189 -+libfxscintilla_1_6_la_CXXFLAGS = $(AM_CXXFLAGS) -DSCI_LEXER
18190 -+
18191 -+## NoLexer enabled
18192 -+if NOLEXER
18193 -+
18194 -+lib_LTLIBRARIES +=
18195 -+
18196 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_6_la_SOURCES = \
18197 -+ PlatFOX.cxx \
18198 -+ ScintillaFOX.cxx
18199 -+
18200 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_6_la_LIBADD = \
18201 -+ $(top_builddir)/scintilla/src/ \
18202 -+ -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) -lFOX-1.6
18203 -
18204 -+libfxscintillanolexer_1_6_la_LDFLAGS = \
18206 -+
18207 -+endif # NOLEXER
18208 -+endif # HAVE_FOX_1_6
18209 ---- fxscintilla-1.71-orig/tests/ 2006-09-25 21:00:18.000000000 +0000
18210 -+++ fxscintilla-1.71/tests/ 2006-10-24 22:11:04.000000000 +0000
18211 -@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
18212 - INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/include -I$(FOX_INCLUDE_DIR)
18213 --LDADD = -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) $(top_builddir)/src/
18214 -
18215 - if HAVE_FOX_1_2
18216 --LDADD += -lFOX-1.2
18217 -+LDADD = -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) $(top_builddir)/src/ -lFOX-1.2
18218 - endif
18219 -
18220 - if HAVE_FOX_1_4
18221 --LDADD += -lFOX-1.4
18222 -+LDADD = -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) $(top_builddir)/src/ -lFOX-1.4
18223 - endif
18224 -
18225 - if HAVE_FOX_1_6
18226 --LDADD += -lFOX-1.6
18227 -+LDADD = -L$(FOX_LIB_DIR) $(top_builddir)/src/ -lFOX-1.6
18228 - endif
18229 -
18232 diff --git a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-shared-libs.patch b/x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-shared-libs.patch
18233 deleted file mode 100644
18234 index a52c2a0..00000000
18235 --- a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/files/1.71-shared-libs.patch
18236 +++ /dev/null
18237 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
18238 ---- fxscintilla-1.62-orig/ 2005-01-16 11:26:34.000000000 -0500
18239 -+++ fxscintilla-1.62/ 2005-01-16 11:27:40.000000000 -0500
18240 -@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@
18241 - AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_MINGW32, test x"$HAVE_MINGW32" = xyes)
18242 -
18243 - dnl Using libtool
18244 --if test x"$HAVE_CYGWIN" = xyes -o x"$HAVE_MINGW32" = xyes; then
18246 --fi
18248 -
18249 - dnl Must have a C++ compiler
18250 ---- fxscintilla-1.62-orig/ 2005-01-16 11:41:12.000000000 -0500
18251 -+++ fxscintilla-1.62/ 2005-01-16 11:40:50.000000000 -0500
18252 -@@ -1 +1,4 @@
18253 - SUBDIRS = scintilla include ltdl src tests .
18254 -+
18255 -+ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I config
18256 -+
18258 diff --git a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/fxscintilla-3.3.5.ebuild b/x11-libs/fxscintilla/fxscintilla-3.3.5.ebuild
18259 deleted file mode 100644
18260 index 60a4444..00000000
18261 --- a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/fxscintilla-3.3.5.ebuild
18262 +++ /dev/null
18263 @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
18264 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
18265 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
18266 -# $Id$
18267 -
18268 -EAPI=4
18269 -
18270 -inherit autotools eutils multilib
18271 -
18272 -MY_PV=${PV//\./_}
18273 -
18274 -DESCRIPTION="A free source code editing component for the FOX-Toolkit"
18275 -HOMEPAGE=""
18276 -SRC_URI="${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
18277 -
18278 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
18279 -SLOT="0"
18280 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 hppa ppc ppc64 sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
18281 -IUSE="doc"
18282 -
18283 -RDEPEND="|| ( x11-libs/fox:1.6 x11-libs/fox:1.7 )"
18284 -DEPEND="${RDEPEND}"
18285 -
18287 -
18288 -src_prepare() {
18289 - eautoreconf
18290 -}
18291 -
18292 -src_configure() {
18293 - econf --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) --enable-shared
18294 -}
18295 -
18296 -src_install () {
18297 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
18298 -
18299 - dodoc README ChangeLog
18300 - use doc && dohtml doc/*
18301 -}
18302 -
18303 -pkg_postinst() {
18304 - elog "FXScintilla is now built only against the highest available"
18305 - elog "FOX-version you have installed."
18306 -}
18308 diff --git a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/metadata.xml b/x11-libs/fxscintilla/metadata.xml
18309 deleted file mode 100644
18310 index e083bb9..00000000
18311 --- a/x11-libs/fxscintilla/metadata.xml
18312 +++ /dev/null
18313 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
18314 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
18315 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
18316 -<pkgmetadata>
18317 - <upstream>
18318 - <remote-id type="github">yetanothergeek/fxscintilla</remote-id>
18319 - </upstream>
18320 -</pkgmetadata>
18322 diff --git a/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/Manifest b/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/Manifest
18323 deleted file mode 100644
18324 index 532b752..00000000
18325 --- a/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/Manifest
18326 +++ /dev/null
18327 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
18328 -DIST libsvg-cairo-0.1.6.tar.gz 325427 SHA256 a380be6a78ec2938100ce904363815a94068fca372c666b8cc82aa8711a0215c SHA512 2c2b8f5d772e070bc0bc2b1b4e0322b951caf34cf414ad7db8638061963b981757e20d846e5d12f7c0fe585836b62fed7c2d5ec0daa720c72d3ece487430d252 WHIRLPOOL 70b2e2c3811efe288e7aa2421cd2faaa2159bf6e7fbaa7355bff21a320742fd44086a0f4fd4ddb80fd4bd70d850aefe55e936c30d039db2d26850a4e9d611a0a
18330 diff --git a/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/libsvg-cairo-0.1.6.ebuild b/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/libsvg-cairo-0.1.6.ebuild
18331 deleted file mode 100644
18332 index b3d3f88..00000000
18333 --- a/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/libsvg-cairo-0.1.6.ebuild
18334 +++ /dev/null
18335 @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
18336 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
18337 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
18338 -# $Id$
18339 -
18340 -DESCRIPTION="Render SVG content using cairo"
18341 -HOMEPAGE=""
18342 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
18343 -
18344 -LICENSE="LGPL-2"
18345 -SLOT="0"
18346 -KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x86-freebsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos"
18347 -IUSE=""
18348 -
18349 -RDEPEND="x11-libs/cairo
18350 - media-libs/libsvg"
18352 - virtual/pkgconfig"
18353 -
18354 -src_install() {
18355 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed."
18356 - dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README
18357 -}
18359 diff --git a/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/metadata.xml b/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/metadata.xml
18360 deleted file mode 100644
18361 index 6f49eba..00000000
18362 --- a/x11-libs/libsvg-cairo/metadata.xml
18363 +++ /dev/null
18364 @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
18365 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
18366 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
18367 -<pkgmetadata>
18368 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
18369 -</pkgmetadata>
18371 diff --git a/x11-misc/ardesia/Manifest b/x11-misc/ardesia/Manifest
18372 deleted file mode 100644
18373 index 66242c3..00000000
18374 --- a/x11-misc/ardesia/Manifest
18375 +++ /dev/null
18376 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
18377 -DIST ardesia-1.0.tar.bz2 2831274 SHA256 6386ef36353220951d0f6c891df62976e171c359fad99451cd017e3c79b8ef32 SHA512 cbd3a95cd8a628830f79d9920dd7a58af295fbc335648f4bdaf720cbcc8d87a74da52195649b54f3b651aa52b4d655505f47d081511468caabace21e40481e00 WHIRLPOOL bb40783111fca1f3bb5a3ddf4ebab72bf5b073b836d2afd8681bc00bb5c1c6b23002ca0acc80680e5ac2dafb0c7c7770950d468edc64f05b8d58c843e9b08d90
18379 diff --git a/x11-misc/ardesia/ardesia-1.0.ebuild b/x11-misc/ardesia/ardesia-1.0.ebuild
18380 deleted file mode 100644
18381 index 05b622a..00000000
18382 --- a/x11-misc/ardesia/ardesia-1.0.ebuild
18383 +++ /dev/null
18384 @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
18385 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
18386 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
18387 -# $Id$
18388 -
18389 -EAPI=4
18390 -
18391 -HOMEPAGE=""
18392 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
18393 -DESCRIPTION="Color, record and share free-hand annotations on screen and on network"
18394 -
18395 -LICENSE="GPL-3"
18396 -SLOT="0"
18397 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
18398 -IUSE="cwiid"
18399 -
18400 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/atk
18401 - dev-libs/libsigsegv
18402 - media-libs/fontconfig
18403 - media-libs/libpng
18404 - sci-libs/gsl
18405 - sys-devel/gettext
18406 - x11-libs/cairo
18407 - x11-libs/gtk+:2
18408 - gnome-extra/libgsf
18409 - cwiid? ( app-misc/cwiid )"
18411 - x11-misc/xdg-utils"
18412 -
18413 -src_install() {
18414 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" ardesiadocdir="/usr/share/doc/${P}" install || die "make install ardesia failed"
18415 -}
18416 -
18417 -pkg_postinst() {
18418 - elog "Ardesia requires a Composite Manager, such as Compiz"
18419 - elog "Metacity with compositing, Kwin, etc in order to run"
18420 - echo
18421 -}
18423 diff --git a/x11-misc/ardesia/metadata.xml b/x11-misc/ardesia/metadata.xml
18424 deleted file mode 100644
18425 index 1cd581e..00000000
18426 --- a/x11-misc/ardesia/metadata.xml
18427 +++ /dev/null
18428 @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
18429 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
18430 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
18431 -<pkgmetadata>
18432 -<!-- maintainer-needed -->
18433 -<longdescription lang="en">
18434 -Ardesia enables you to make colored free-hand annotations on your computer screen,
18435 -record it and share on the network.
18436 -</longdescription>
18437 -<use>
18438 - <flag name="cwiid">
18439 - cwiid support: collection of Linux tools written in C for interfacing to
18440 - the Nintendo Wiimote.
18441 - </flag>
18442 -</use>
18443 -<upstream>
18444 - <maintainer status="active">
18445 - <email>alpha@×××××××××.org</email>
18446 - <name>Pietro Pilloli</name>
18447 - </maintainer>
18448 - <changelog></changelog>
18449 - <doc></doc>
18450 - <bugs-to></bugs-to>
18451 - <remote-id type="google-code"></remote-id>
18452 -</upstream>
18453 -</pkgmetadata>
18455 diff --git a/x11-misc/denu/Manifest b/x11-misc/denu/Manifest
18456 deleted file mode 100644
18457 index d08992c..00000000
18458 --- a/x11-misc/denu/Manifest
18459 +++ /dev/null
18460 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
18461 -DIST denu-2.3.2.tar.bz2 19644 SHA256 948c88d4c66bf9477d2e7185dce0b1cf58f96d75ebf289415610b16ac1c5e094 SHA512 bcf7ebd4012c4968502d504e13f92aff3104a088725c0afa3f27698a941506a900bfe03db18ca280e67cda6bbfc0ea0f1542e05253def315a04a6dca2cd9b854 WHIRLPOOL c3062098dcba2d48c978696f2ffee32d247eb4248be9d4656c4928d53a090905084172ebba84b9f9c49168c9d1fc4c37d66c8e0ca686ed3bba95eb29a0d48946
18463 diff --git a/x11-misc/denu/denu-2.3.2-r1.ebuild b/x11-misc/denu/denu-2.3.2-r1.ebuild
18464 deleted file mode 100644
18465 index 7f276ca..00000000
18466 --- a/x11-misc/denu/denu-2.3.2-r1.ebuild
18467 +++ /dev/null
18468 @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
18469 -# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
18470 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
18471 -# $Id$
18472 -
18473 -EAPI="3"
18474 -PYTHON_DEPEND="2:2.6"
18475 -inherit python
18476 -
18477 -DESCRIPTION="A menu generation program for fluxbox, waimea, openbox, icewm, gnome and kde"
18478 -HOMEPAGE=""
18479 -SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2"
18480 -
18481 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
18482 -SLOT="0"
18483 -KEYWORDS="amd64 hppa ppc ~ppc64 x86"
18484 -IUSE=""
18485 -
18486 -RDEPEND=">=dev-python/pygtk-2.4.1"
18487 -DEPEND="${RDEPEND}"
18488 -
18489 -src_install() {
18490 - ./ "${D}" || die "./ failed"
18491 - python_convert_shebangs -r 2 "${D}"
18492 -}
18494 diff --git a/x11-misc/denu/metadata.xml b/x11-misc/denu/metadata.xml
18495 deleted file mode 100644
18496 index 9332585..00000000
18497 --- a/x11-misc/denu/metadata.xml
18498 +++ /dev/null
18499 @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
18500 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
18501 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
18502 -<pkgmetadata>
18503 - <!-- maintainer-needed -->
18504 - <upstream>
18505 - <remote-id type="sourceforge">denu</remote-id>
18506 - </upstream>
18507 -</pkgmetadata>
18509 diff --git a/x11-misc/xac/Manifest b/x11-misc/xac/Manifest
18510 deleted file mode 100644
18511 index 9bc7e55..00000000
18512 --- a/x11-misc/xac/Manifest
18513 +++ /dev/null
18514 @@ -1 +0,0 @@
18515 -DIST xac-0.6_pre4.tar.bz2 37409 SHA256 ff34e1e6e7027a22e712307e3832423b512af894e8ad9678e2f5d022a699a4d4 SHA512 461780097bee453a59eef0c12cdee380dd2de4c605db32222d02926e3febc2930f99c994356dbb359ae725554d1389e864944cf999b991d88336803b049d5026 WHIRLPOOL e5d5b538ff31a3fcc6a55b9a52cb9f113296ab8f9addc0eaec4a685e6f6f4965cd1a0b27b98c14ad8caf6b4e18b87cdea5ff686b4ed29e8dd33c6531ca3f3c09
18517 diff --git a/x11-misc/xac/files/x86-biosfix.patch b/x11-misc/xac/files/x86-biosfix.patch
18518 deleted file mode 100644
18519 index 918cdf1..00000000
18520 --- a/x11-misc/xac/files/x86-biosfix.patch
18521 +++ /dev/null
18522 @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
18523 -diff -u -B -r1.1 -r1.2
18524 ---- src/bioscall.h 25 Aug 2006 19:48:26 -0000 1.1
18525 -+++ src/bioscall.h 30 Sep 2009 15:05:49 -0000 1.2
18526 -@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
18527 - #ifndef bioscall_h
18528 - #define bioscall_h
18529 -
18530 -+#include "int10defs.h"
18531 -+
18532 - /* Print some of the interesting parts of a vm86_regs structure. */
18533 - void dump_regs(struct vm86_regs *regs);
18534 -
18535 -diff -u -B -r1.1 -r1.2
18536 ---- src/lrmi.h 25 Aug 2006 19:48:26 -0000 1.1
18537 -+++ src/lrmi.h 30 Sep 2009 15:05:49 -0000 1.2
18538 -@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
18539 - #ifndef LRMI_H
18540 - #define LRMI_H
18541 -
18542 -+#include "int10defs.h"
18543 -+
18544 - #if defined(__i386__) && (defined(__linux__) || defined(__NetBSD__) \
18545 - || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__))
18546 -
18547 -diff -Naur
18548 ---- src/int10defs.h
18549 -+++ src/int10defs.h 30 Sep 2009 15:05:49 -0000
18550 -@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
18551 -+/* Fix missing INT10 defines */
18552 -+#ifndef IF_MASK
18553 -+#define TF_MASK 0x00000100
18554 -+#define IF_MASK 0x00000200
18555 -+#define IOPL_MASK 0x00003000
18556 -+#define NT_MASK 0x00004000
18557 -+#define VM_MASK 0x00020000
18558 -+#define AC_MASK 0x00040000
18559 -+#define VIF_MASK 0x00080000 /* virtual interrupt flag */
18560 -+#define VIP_MASK 0x00100000 /* virtual interrupt pending */
18561 -+#define ID_MASK 0x00200000
18562 -+#endif
18564 diff --git a/x11-misc/xac/metadata.xml b/x11-misc/xac/metadata.xml
18565 deleted file mode 100644
18566 index 094389d..00000000
18567 --- a/x11-misc/xac/metadata.xml
18568 +++ /dev/null
18569 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
18570 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
18571 -<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
18572 -<pkgmetadata>
18573 -<longdescription lang="en">
18574 autoconfiguration tool written in python.
18575 -</longdescription>
18576 -</pkgmetadata>
18578 diff --git a/x11-misc/xac/xac-0.6_pre4.ebuild b/x11-misc/xac/xac-0.6_pre4.ebuild
18579 deleted file mode 100644
18580 index 4294380..00000000
18581 --- a/x11-misc/xac/xac-0.6_pre4.ebuild
18582 +++ /dev/null
18583 @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
18584 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
18585 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
18586 -# $Id$
18587 -
18588 -inherit toolchain-funcs eutils multilib
18589 -
18590 -DESCRIPTION="Xorgautoconfig (xac) generates configuration files for"
18591 -HOMEPAGE=""
18592 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
18593 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ppc ppc64 ~x86"
18594 -SLOT="0"
18595 -IUSE="livecd"
18596 -DEPEND=">=dev-lang/python-2.3
18597 - sys-apps/pciutils"
18598 -RDEPEND=">=dev-lang/python-2.3
18599 - x11-base/xorg-server"
18600 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2"
18601 -
18602 -src_unpack() {
18603 - unpack ${A}
18604 - cd "${S}"
18605 -
18606 - ### Replace /usr/lib/xac with libdir version
18607 - sed -i "s:/usr/lib/xac:/usr/$(get_libdir)/xac:" xac
18608 -
18609 - ### Fix the x86 bios call with newer glibc
18610 - epatch "${FILESDIR}/x86-biosfix.patch"
18611 -
18612 - ### Make executable
18613 - chmod +x "${S}/src/"
18614 -}
18615 -
18616 -src_compile() {
18617 - ### Compile the C bindings
18618 - cd "${S}"/src
18619 - ./ build || die "Failed to build the C modules"
18620 -}
18621 -
18622 -src_install() {
18623 - local xac_base="/usr/$(get_libdir)/xac"
18624 -
18625 - dosbin "${S}"/xac
18626 -
18627 - ### Install the C mods
18628 - cd "${S}"/src
18629 - ./ install --root "${D}" || die "Failed to install the C modules"
18630 -
18631 - dodir "${xac_base}"
18632 - insinto ${xac_base}
18633 - doins "${S}"/py/*
18634 -
18635 - ### Only install the init scripts if livecd is enabled
18636 - if use livecd; then
18637 - newinitd "${S}"/xac.init xac
18638 - newconfd "${S}"/xac.conf xac
18639 - fi
18640 -}