Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Theo Chatzimichos (tampakrap)" <tampakrap@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde: kde4_old.xml
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 14:53:01
1 tampakrap 09/08/05 14:52:58
3 Added: kde4_old.xml
4 Log:
5 rename kde4.xml to kde4_old.xml to prevent users from using it
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4_old.xml
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: kde4_old.xml
14 ===================================================================
15 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16 <!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd">
17 <!-- $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4_old.xml,v 1.1 2009/08/05 14:52:58 tampakrap Exp $ -->
19 <guide link="/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4.xml" disclaimer="obsolete">
20 <title>Gentoo KDE 4.0 Guide</title>
22 <author title="Author">
23 <mail link="ingmar"/>
24 </author>
25 <author title="Author">
26 <mail link="mark_alec"/>
27 </author>
28 <author title="Editor">
29 <mail link="keytoaster"/>
30 </author>
31 <author title="Editor">
32 <mail link="jmbsvicetto"/>
33 </author>
35 <abstract>
36 This guide provides the information needed to upgrade to and use KDE 4.0.
37 If you're trying to upgrade and use KDE >= 4.1, check the kde4-guide.xml isntead.
38 </abstract>
40 <!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license -->
41 <!-- See -->
42 <license/>
44 <version>1.13</version>
45 <date>2009-02-14</date>
47 <chapter>
48 <title>Installation</title>
49 <section>
50 <title>Installing >=KDE-4.1</title>
51 <body>
53 <p>
54 If you're looking for the Guide on how to install >=KDE-4.1, you're in the wrong
55 link. Instead you should be reading the <uri
56 link=""> KDE-4.X
57 Guide</uri>.
58 </p>
59 </body>
60 </section>
61 <section>
62 <title>Removing any pre-release ebuilds</title>
63 <body>
65 <p>
66 If you used <uri link="">the genkdesvn
67 overlay</uri>, it's advisable that you remove the KDE pre-releases from your
68 system before upgrading. For most users this should be as easy as running
69 <c>layman -d kde</c>. Also, if you modified any of the KDE related files in
70 <path>/etc/env.d/</path> you'll have to manually remove those. This can include
71 previous modifications for beryl or compiz.
72 </p>
74 </body>
75 </section>
76 <section>
77 <title>Enabling the necessary USE flags</title>
78 <body>
80 <p>
81 KDE 4.0 requires <c>x11-libs/qt:4</c> built with a set of minimal USE flags.
82 Add the following line to your <path>/etc/portage/package.use</path>.
83 </p>
85 <pre caption="Setting the necessary USE flags for x11-libs/qt:4">
86 x11-libs/qt:4 accessibility dbus gif jpeg png qt3support ssl zlib
87 </pre>
89 <p>
90 If you have the <c>opengl</c> USE flag set for KDE ebuilds, you'll have to set
91 the <c>opengl</c> USE flag for <c>x11-libs/qt:4</c> too.
92 </p>
94 <note>
95 KDE 4.0.x hasn't been tested with the Qt-4.4.0 technical preview, and at the
96 moment of writing the KDE 4.0.x ebuilds do <e>not</e> work with this version
97 of Qt.
98 </note>
100 </body>
101 </section>
102 <section>
103 <title>Unmasking and keywording</title>
104 <body>
106 <p>
107 KDE 4.0.x is currently hard-masked, so you will have to unmask it using the
108 example package.unmask before you can emerge it. Users with
109 <c>ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86"</c> or <c>ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64"</c> do not need to
110 perform any further steps. Any other users will also need to place the packages
111 in package.keywords.<br/>
112 <path>/etc/portage/package.unmask/</path> and
113 <path>/etc/portage/package.keywords/</path> can be directories, so you can save
114 the following example files in those directories, to unmask and keyword KDE
115 4.0.x.
116 </p>
118 <ul>
119 <li>
120 <uri
121 link=";a=blob_plain;f=Documentation/package.unmask-4.0.0-split;hb=HEAD">Example
122 package.unmask</uri>
123 </li>
124 <li>
125 <uri
126 link=";a=blob_plain;f=Documentation/package.keywords.4.0.0-split;hb=HEAD">Example
127 package.keywords</uri>
128 </li>
129 </ul>
131 </body>
132 </section>
134 <section>
135 <title>Installing</title>
136 <body>
138 <p>
139 You can now run either of the following emerge commands, to install KDE.
140 The first will give you all of KDE 4.0.x, built from split ebuilds. The second
141 will give you a minimal KDE 4.0.x desktop, as a basis to add only the programs
142 you like.
143 </p>
145 <pre caption="Installing KDE 4.0.x">
146 # <i>emerge -avD kde-base/kde-meta:kde-4</i>
147 # <i>emerge -avD kde-base/kdebase-startkde:kde-4</i>
148 </pre>
150 <!--
151 <p>
152 To read more about the difference between split and monolithic ebuilds, see
153 <uri link="">The KDE
154 Split Ebuilds HOWTO</uri>.
155 </p>
156 -->
158 </body>
159 </section>
160 </chapter>
162 <chapter>
163 <title>Changes from KDE 3.5</title>
164 <section>
165 <body>
167 <p>
168 KDE 4 represents a dramatic change in the desktop architecture to KDE 3. One
169 such change is the migration from autotools to cmake. This means that you will
170 now have a percentage progress during the compilation of KDE.
171 </p>
173 </body>
174 </section>
175 <section>
176 <title>The startkde script</title>
177 <body>
179 <p>
180 It is not recommended to let KDE 3.5 and KDE 4.0 share the same configuration
181 files. In order to prevent this, the startkde scripts rewrite the
182 <path>~/.kde</path> symlink while KDE starts. This means that when you're in a
183 KDE 4.0 session your configuration from KDE 3.5 will be unavailable and vice
184 versa.
185 </p>
187 </body>
188 </section>
189 <section>
190 <body>
192 <p>
193 This is why you should not run two different KDE versions as the same user,
194 at the same time. (Logging in to KDE 4.0, while KDE 3.5 is still running in the
195 background, under the same user.)
196 </p>
198 </body>
199 </section>
200 <section>
201 <title>Selecting the login manager</title>
202 <body>
204 <p>
205 By default the highest version of kde-base/kdm you have installed will start on
206 login. To configure this, open <path>/etc/conf.d/xdm</path> in your favorite
207 text editor and change the <c>DISPLAYMANAGER</c> variable to <c>kdm-3.5</c> or
208 <c>kdm-4.0</c>. You can find possible versions for kdm by running <c>ls
209 /usr/kde/</c> in a shell.
210 </p>
212 <pre caption="Add the following to /etc/conf.d/xdm">
213 <ident>DISPLAYMANAGER</ident>=<const>kdm-3.5</const>
214 </pre>
216 </body>
217 </section>
218 </chapter>
220 <chapter>
221 <title>FAQ</title>
222 <section>
223 <title>Q: Can I install KDE 4.0 and KDE 3.5 at the same time?</title>
224 <body>
226 <p>
227 A: Yes, both versions are slotted, and can be installed at the same time. Both
228 versions of KDE use a different <c>KDEHOME</c>, so you can try KDE 4.0 as the
229 same user, without overwriting your KDE 3.5 settings.
230 </p>
232 </body>
233 </section>
234 <section>
235 <title>
236 Q: You said I could install KDE 3.5 and KDE 4.0, but they block each other!
237 </title>
238 <body>
240 <p>
241 A: You will need to install the latest revision (not version) of
242 <c>kde-base/kdebase-startkde</c>, which includes patches to allow multiple
243 versions of KDE to coexist.
244 </p>
246 </body>
247 </section>
248 <section>
249 <title>Q: Why is KDE 4.0.x hard-masked?</title>
250 <body>
252 <p>
253 A: KDE 4.0.x is very much a technology release. It was not intended to be a
254 complete replacement for the KDE 3 series, yet. Many features are missing and
255 many bugs will be found. When KDE 4.x is at the stage that it offers a true
256 upgrade path for users, it will leave the hard-masked status.
257 </p>
259 </body>
260 </section>
261 <section>
262 <title>Q: Why is KDE 4.0.x masked by EAPI?</title>
263 <body>
265 <p>
266 The KDE 4.0.x ebuilds use slot dependencies, such as
267 <c>kde-base/kdebase-startkde:kde-4</c>, in the dependency syntax. You need a
268 version of <c>sys-apps/portage</c> that understands this. If you get this error
269 message, you should simply update it to a sufficiently new version.
270 </p>
272 <pre caption="Updating to a version of portage that supports EAPI=1">
273 # <i>emerge --oneshot &gt;=sys-apps/portage-</i>
274 </pre>
275 </body>
276 </section>
278 <section>
279 <title>Q: Where are the monolithic KDE 4 ebuilds?</title>
280 <body>
282 <p>
283 We find that having both split and monolithic ebuilds often causes needless
284 confusion for users, needless complexity in the eclasses, and a lot of pointless
285 duplication of effort, both for arch teams and ourselves.
286 As KDE uses cmake now, the main disadvantage of using split ebuilds (longer
287 compile-time because of the duplicate ./configure-runs) is insignificant.
289 For the reasons stated above, we have decided to maintain split ebuilds only.
291 To switch from monolithic to split ebuilds unmerge all monolithic KDE 4 ebuilds:
292 </p>
294 <pre caption="Uninstalling monolithic KDE 4">
295 # <i>emerge -C ~kde-base/kde{,accessibility,admin,artwork,base,edu,games,graphics,multimedia,network,sdk,toys,utils,webdev}-4.0.x</i>
296 </pre>
298 <p>
299 Then continue with installing split KDE ebuilds as explained earlier on this page.
300 </p>
302 </body>
303 </section>
304 <section>
305 <title>Q: Where is KDE-PIM in KDE 4?</title>
306 <body>
308 <p>
309 KDE-PIM wasn't released with KDE 4.0, so unfortunately you won't find it in
310 the tree for a while. You can of course use the 3.5 versions of kmail, akregator
311 and their friends, together with KDE 4.0.x.
312 </p>
314 </body>
315 </section>
316 <section>
317 <title>
318 Q: I tried KDE4 and realized I don't want it anymore. What should I do to get
319 rid of it?
320 </title>
321 <body>
323 <p>
324 A: Remove KDE 4 from your <path>package.keywords</path> and
325 <path>package.unmask</path>, then uninstall the packages you installed.
326 Remember to update your <c>DISPLAYMANAGER</c> if you changed it to
327 <c>kdm-4.0</c> earlier.
328 </p>
330 </body>
331 </section>
332 <section>
333 <title>Q: Does this mean KDE 3.5 will be gone soon?</title>
334 <body>
336 <p>
337 A: Not at all! KDE 3.5 is very stable, and still gets minor bugfixes from
338 upstream. While KDE 3.5 won't see new features anymore, we do plan on
339 maintaining it for a long time.
340 </p>
342 </body>
343 </section>
344 </chapter>
346 <chapter>
347 <title>Suggestions for this guide</title>
348 <section>
349 <body>
351 <p>
352 If you have any ideas on how to improve this guide, please mail your suggestions
353 to <mail>kde@g.o</mail>.
354 </p>
356 </body>
357 </section>
358 </chapter>
359 </guide>