Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Sven Vermeulen (swift)" <swift@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/doc/fa/handbook: hb-net-wireless.xml
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 19:36:15
1 swift 13/02/23 19:36:12
3 Added: hb-net-wireless.xml
4 Log:
5 Fix bug #457672 - Updated FA translation, thanks to Hadi Sarami
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/doc/fa/handbook/hb-net-wireless.xml
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: hb-net-wireless.xml
14 ===================================================================
15 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16 <!DOCTYPE sections SYSTEM "/dtd/book.dtd">
18 <!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license -->
19 <!-- See -->
21 <!-- $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/xml/htdocs/doc/fa/handbook/hb-net-wireless.xml,v 1.1 2013/02/23 19:36:11 swift Exp $ -->
23 <sections>
25 <abstract>
26 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 堥��喊� ���舍戒� 椈���堹� 堥塈奡堹. 塈��堹�塈堭�� 琠塈堭琠堭堹� 堥塈 堞�堭塈 堥� 奡�塈 �塈堹 堥堹���!
27 </abstract>
29 <version>10</version>
30 <date>2011-08-13</date>
32 <section>
33 <title>��堹��</title>
34 <body>
36 <p>
37 塈�堿塈堹 奡堥琠� 堹堭 ����琠堻 �媢���塈 堥堻�塈堭 堻堭 堭塈堻堛 塈堻堛. 堹� 堭塈� 堥堭塈� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� �塈��抄� �堿�堹 堹塈堭堹: 堻�堛 琠塈堭堥堭 痧堭塈��琠�� �塈 堮媟 �堭�塈�.
38 </p>
40 <p>
41 堻塈堹��臾旋€斛戒� 堞� 塈堻堛 琠� ��痧塈��琠� 堹堭 堶塈� �媯堥 ���堹� �琠 <uri link="/doc/en/?catid=desktop">�堶�媟 ��堬琠塈堭</uri> �堻堛�堹 塈堬 堻�堛�拂忪斛佩� 痧堭塈��琠� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ��塈��堹. 堥�奡堛堭 堻�堛 琠塈堭堥堭�塈� 痧堭塈��琠�� �塈��堹 <uri link="">wicd</uri> � <uri link="">NetworkManager</uri> � 堥堮�堥� 堮�堹-堛�媔�堶�脅脅� �堻堛�堹. 堞��塈 �琠 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭� 琠塈堭堥堭堹� ��媟�-�-琠��琠 琠� 堹堭 ��堹 堳塈��� 奡堥琠��忪自� 堭塈 堥堭塈� 奡�塈 堥堭椈塈 ���喀忪紱� 塈堭塈埵� ���脅�.
42 </p>
44 <note>
45 堥堭�塈�� <c>wicd</c> 媢�塈���佩� 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭� 痧堭塈��琠� 塈媯�� �琠 堮媟 �堭�塈� �� 塈堭塈�� ���脅�. ���舍戒� 堞�堭塈 堥塈 塈�堭� ���堹� <c>wicd</c> 堥塈 堛�婺�� 椈堭��琠 <c>ncurses</c> 堹堭�塈�堛 ��塈��堹. 塈�� 塈堥堬塈堭 堻�堹��堹 <c>wicd-curses</c> 堥���� 堥堭塈� 琠堻塈�� 堻�堹��堹 塈堻堛 琠� 塈堬 �堶�媟 ��堬琠塈堭�塈� 堥堭 塈堻塈堻 gtk 塈堻堛�塈堹� ����抄胰� 塈�塈 ���堬 塈堥堬塈堭 堮媟 �堭�塈�� �塈堬� 堹塈堭�堹 琠� �塈�� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 琠� ��塈堬 堥� ��堭塈�奡 堹堻堛� 堹塈奡堛� 堥塈奡堹� �塈堬� �堹塈奡堛� 堥塈奡堹.
46 </note>
48 <p>
49 �堭��堹� 塈痧堭 ��� 堮�塈��堹 塈堬 �琠 堻�堛 琠塈堭堥堭 痧堭塈��琠� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ��塈��堹� ���舍戒� 堥塈 ��堭塈�奡 堛媢堹塈堹 琠�� �塈�� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� �塈��抄� 堭塈 堥堭�� 堮媟 �堭�塈� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� ��塈��堹. 堥堭塈� 塈�� 琠塈堭 ��堹塈堭 堥�奡堛堭� 堬�塈� �塈堬� 塈堻堛� 塈�塈 ������ 堥� 堛媢堹塈堹 琠�堛堭� 堥堻堛� 堥堭塈� 堹塈���堹 � �媯堥 ��塈堬 堹塈堭堹. 塈堬 堞�堿塈 琠� 堻�堛 琠塈堭堥堭�塈� 痧堭塈��琠� 堮�堹-堛�媔�堶 堹��堹� �堻堛�堹 (堥塈 堛媯塈��堭 琠��琠 ���堹 堹堭 媯�堶� 堮塈�痧��楮戒�)� �塈 堥堿塈� 堞��塈 堥堭�� 堮媟 �堭�塈� 堛�堭琠堬 ���抄�.
50 </p>
52 <p>
53 ���舍戒� 奡堥琠� 堥�堻�� 堭塈 堥堭�� 堮媟 �堭�塈� 堥塈 �媯堥 <c>wireless-tools</c> �塈 <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 堥堭椈塈 ��塈��堹. ���堛堭�� ��堬� 琠� 堥塈�堹 堥堮塈媟堭 堹塈奡堛� 堥塈奡�堹 堞� 塈堻堛 琠� 奡堥琠��抄� 堥�堻�� 堭塈 堥堭�� �琠 塈堻塈堻 堿�塈�� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� ���抄� � �� �琠 塈堻塈堻 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭�.
54 </p>
56 <p>
57 堥堭�塈�� <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 痧堬��� 堥�堛堭� 塈堻堛. 堥堭塈� ��堭堻堛� 塈堬 堹堭塈��堭�塈� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� 奡堹�� <uri
58 link="">椈塈�痧塈� 塈��堛堭�堛� wpa_supplicant</uri> 堭塈 堥堮�塈��堹.
59 </p>
61 <p>
62 堛�堭�堥塈 ��� 琠塈堭堛�� � 堹堭塈��堭�塈 堛�堻媟 <c>wireless-tools</c> 椈奡堛�堥塈�� ���棻胰� ����舍戒� 堥� 塈琠堻堻 椈���堛 WPA-only 塈堭堛堥塈媟 �塈堥堹. 塈痧堭 奡堥琠� 奡�塈 堛��塈 琠堹琠��堹� WEP 堭塈 塈堭塈�� ���抄� �塈 堥媟�堭 琠塈�� 堥塈堬 塈堻堛� ��琠� 塈堻堛 <c>wireless-tools</c> 堭塈 堛堭堿�堶 堹��堹.
63 </p>
65 <warn>
66 堹堭 塈�� 堬�塈� 堹堭塈��堭 堥�堻��� �塈���抄� 椈塈���忪自� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� ����胰斛胰�. 塈�� 堥� 堞� 堹��� 塈堻堛 琠� <c>linux-wlan-ng</c> 堛�婺���抄� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� �堭堥�媟 堥� 堮�堹奡 堭塈 堹塈堭堹 琠� 堥堭塈� �堭 琠堻� �堛�塈�堛 塈堻堛. 痧堻堛堭奡�脅胭胰戒� <c>linux-wlan-ng</c> 塈��痧��� 塈堹媢塈 ���堹��戒� 琠� 堛�婺��塈堛奡塈� 堥堭�� <c>wireless-tools</c> 堭塈 堛媞��堭 堮�塈��堹 堹塈堹� 堥�塈堥堭 塈�� �堭痧塈� 塈�� 塈堛�塈� 堥�塈�堛堹 ��琠� 塈堻堛 堥堛�塈��堹 塈堬 <c>linux-wlan-ng</c> 堥塈 �塈���抄� 椈塈���忪自� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ��塈��堹.
67 </warn>
69 </body>
70 </section>
71 <section>
72 <title>WPA 堹堭堮�塈堻堛�抹脅�</title>
73 <body>
75 <p>
76 堥堻堛� <uri link="">WPA 堹堭堮�塈堻堛�抹脅�</uri> 堥堻堛��忪自� 塈堻堛 琠� 堥� 奡�塈 塈�琠塈� ���脅� 堥塈 �媢塈� 堻塈堬� 塈琠堻堻 椈���堛 堥塈 WPA 塈堭堛堥塈媟 堥堭�堭塈堭 ��塈��堹.
77 </p>
79 <pre caption="Install wpa_supplicant">
80 # <i>emerge net-wireless/wpa_supplicant</i>
81 </pre>
83 <impo>
84 堥堭塈� 塈��琠� <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 琠塈堭 琠�堹 堥塈�堹 <c>CONFIG_PACKET</c> 堭塈 堥堭�� 琠堭���臾戒� �媢塈� ��塈��堹. 堥堭塈� 塈��琠� 堹堭�塈堥�堹 塈�� 痧堬��� 堥堭�� 琠堭��堛塈� �媢塈� 塈堻堛 �塈 �� 堛�塈奡 ��塈��堹 <c>grep CONFIG_PACKET /usr/src/linux/.config</c> 堭塈 塈堿堭塈 ��塈��堹.
85 </impo>
87 <note>
88 �塈堥堻堛� 堥� 椈堭��琠�抄� USE 堛塈�� <c>wpa_supplicant</c> ���舍戒� 堹堭 �琠 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭� ��奡堛� 奡堹� 堹堭 Qt4 琠塈堭 琠�堹� 琠� 堥堮�堥� 堛�堻媟 KDE 堹堭堻堛 奡堹� 塈堻堛. 堥堭塈� 痧堭�堛� 堞� <c>echo "net-wireless/wpa_supplicant qt4" >> /etc/portage/package.use</c> 堭塈 堥塈 堻媟堶 堹堻堛堭堻� 堭�奡� 椈�奡 塈堬 塈�堭� ���堹� <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 塈堿堭塈 ��塈��堹.
89 </note>
91 <p>
92 塈琠��� 堥堮塈媟堭 塈��琠� <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 堭塈 堥堭�� <c>wireless-tools</c> 堛堭堿�堶 ���脅� <path>/etc/conf.d/net</path> 堭塈 椈�琠堭堥�堹� ���抄� (塈痧堭 �堭 堹� �媯堥 堥塈奡�堹� <c>wireless-tools</c> 椈�奡 �堭媔 塈堻堛).
93 </p>
95 <pre caption="configure /etc/conf.d/net for wpa_supplicant">
96 <comment># Prefer wpa_supplicant over wireless-tools</comment>
97 modules="wpa_supplicant"
99 <comment># It's important that we tell wpa_supplicant which driver we should
100 # be using as it's not very good at guessing yet</comment>
101 wpa_supplicant_eth0="-Dmadwifi"
102 </pre>
104 <note>
105 塈痧堭 塈堬 堹堭塈��堭 host-ap 塈堻堛�塈堹� ���抄胰� �塈堬� 堹塈堭�堹 堛塈 椈�奡 塈堬 塈��琠� 堥堛�塈�堹 塈堬 <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 堥堮�堥� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ��塈�堹� 琠塈堭堛 堭塈 堹堭 堶塈�堛 <e>Managed mode</e> �堭塈堭 堹��堹. ���舍戒� 堥堭塈� 堭堻�堹� 堥� 塈�� 塈堬 <c>iwconfig_eth0="mode managed"</c> 堹堭 <path>/etc/conf.d/net</path> 塈堻堛�塈堹� ��塈��堹.
106 </note>
108 <p>
109 堻塈堹� 塈堻堛� 塈��痧��� ��堻堛� �堭��堹� �塈 ���堬 堥塈�堹 堮�堹 <c>wpa_supplicant</c> 堭塈 椈�琠堭堥�堹� ��塈��� 琠� 堛媢��� ���抄� 琠� 塈琠堻堻 椈���堛� 琠� 堛�塈奡 ���抹� 堥� 堞� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 �塈堥�堹 堛塈 �� ��堬塈� 塈���堛 堹塈堭堹. ����� 堬�堭 堥堭痧堭�堛� 奡堹� � 堻塈堹� 奡堹� <path>/usr/share/doc/wpa_supplicant-&lt;version&gt;/wpa_supplicant.conf.gz</path> 塈堻堛 琠� 堥� <c>wpa_supplicant</c> �堭堻堛塈堹� 奡堹�.
110 </p>
112 <pre caption="An example /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf">
113 <comment># The below line not be changed otherwise we refuse to work</comment>
114 ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
116 <comment># Ensure that only root can read the WPA configuration</comment>
117 ctrl_interface_group=0
119 <comment># Let wpa_supplicant take care of scanning and AP selection</comment>
120 ap_scan=1
122 <comment># Simple case: WPA-PSK, PSK as an ASCII passphrase, allow all valid ciphers</comment>
123 network={
124 ssid="simple"
125 psk="very secret passphrase"
126 <comment># The higher the priority the sooner we are matched</comment>
127 priority=5
128 }
130 <comment># Same as previous, but request SSID-specific scanning (for APs that reject
131 # broadcast SSID)</comment>
132 network={
133 ssid="second ssid"
134 scan_ssid=1
135 psk="very secret passphrase"
136 priority=2
137 }
139 <comment># Only WPA-PSK is used. Any valid cipher combination is accepted</comment>
140 network={
141 ssid="example"
142 proto=WPA
143 key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
144 pairwise=CCMP TKIP
145 group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40
146 psk=06b4be19da289f475aa46a33cb793029d4ab3db7a23ee92382eb0106c72ac7bb
147 priority=2
148 }
150 <comment># Plaintext connection (no WPA, no IEEE 802.1X)</comment>
151 network={
152 ssid="plaintext-test"
153 key_mgmt=NONE
154 }
156 <comment># Shared WEP key connection (no WPA, no IEEE 802.1X)</comment>
157 network={
158 ssid="static-wep-test"
159 key_mgmt=NONE
160 <comment># Keys in quotes are ASCII keys</comment>
161 wep_key0="abcde"
162 <comment># Keys specified without quotes are hex keys</comment>
163 wep_key1=0102030405
164 wep_key2="1234567890123"
165 wep_tx_keyidx=0
166 priority=5
167 }
169 <comment># Shared WEP key connection (no WPA, no IEEE 802.1X) using Shared Key
170 # IEEE 802.11 authentication</comment>
171 network={
172 ssid="static-wep-test2"
173 key_mgmt=NONE
174 wep_key0="abcde"
175 wep_key1=0102030405
176 wep_key2="1234567890123"
177 wep_tx_keyidx=0
178 priority=5
179 auth_alg=SHARED
180 }
182 <comment># IBSS/ad-hoc network with WPA-None/TKIP</comment>
183 network={
184 ssid="test adhoc"
185 mode=1
186 proto=WPA
187 key_mgmt=WPA-NONE
188 pairwise=NONE
189 group=TKIP
190 psk="secret passphrase"
191 }
192 </pre>
194 </body>
195 </section>
196 <section>
197 <title>塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 堥�堻��</title>
199 <subsection>
200 <title>�堮堻堛�� 堛�婺��塈堛 � 堶塈�堛 �堹�堭�堛</title>
201 <body>
203 <p>
204 椈塈�痧塈� 堭塈� 堮塈媯� 堥堭塈� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭� 堹堭 �堭堶��<uri link="">塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 堥�堻��</uri> 塈���堛� WEP �堭塈�� 堞�堭堹�. 塈堬 堞�堿塈 琠� WEP 堭�奡� 堥塈 塈���堛 椈塈��� 塈堻堛 塈�� 堭�奡 堥�奡堛堭 ��堭堹 塈堻堛�塈堹� �堭塈堭 ���胴斛�.
205 </p>
207 <p>
208 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 堥�堻�� 堥�堻��� 堛媢堹塈堹 琠�� 塈堬 �堛媞��堭�塈 琠�堛堭� ���胰斛胰�. �塈�� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� ����� 堬�堭 堥塈�堹 ��� 堞��� 堭塈 堥� 堞� ��塈堬 堹塈堭�堹 堭塈 堛�媔�堶 堹�堹. ��堬� 琠� 堥塈�堹 堹堭 堮塈媟堭 堹塈奡堛� 堥塈奡�堹 堞� 塈堻堛 琠� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 堥� �媢�� "塈堭堛堥塈媟 堥塈 ��媟� 塈堛媯塈� 堥堹�� 琠堹 堥堬堭痧" ��堻堛 - �塈 ���奡� 堛�塈奡 ���抄� � 奡�塈 堭塈 堥塈 ��堬� �堭堛堥媟 ���抄�.
209 </p>
211 <pre caption="Install wireless-tools">
212 # <i>emerge net-wireless/wireless-tools</i>
213 </pre>
215 <note>
216 Although you can store your wireless settings in
217 <path>/etc/conf.d/wireless</path> this guide recommends you store them in
218 <path>/etc/conf.d/net</path>.
219 </note>
221 <impo>
222 You <e>will</e> need to consult the <uri
223 link="?part=4&amp;chap=2#variable_name">variable name</uri> documentation.
224 </impo>
226 <pre caption="sample iwconfig setup in /etc/conf.d/net">
227 <comment># Prefer iwconfig over wpa_supplicant</comment>
228 modules="iwconfig"
230 <comment># Configure WEP keys for Access Points called ESSID1 and ESSID2</comment>
231 <comment># You may configure up to 4 WEP keys, but only 1 can be active at
232 # any time so we supply a default index of [1] to set key [1] and then
233 # again afterwards to change the active key to [1]
234 # We do this incase you define other ESSID's to use WEP keys other than 1
235 #
236 # Prefixing the key with s: means it's an ASCII key, otherwise a HEX key
237 #
238 # enc open specified open security (most secure)
239 # enc restricted specified restricted security (least secure)</comment>
240 key_ESSID1="[1] s:yourkeyhere key [1] enc open"
241 key_ESSID2="[1] aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dd key [1] enc restricted"
243 <comment># The below only work when we scan for available Access Points</comment>
245 <comment># Sometimes more than one Access Point is visible so we need to
246 # define a preferred order to connect in</comment>
247 preferred_aps="'ESSID1' 'ESSID2'"
248 </pre>
250 </body>
251 </subsection>
252 <subsection>
253 <title>�塈�堛� ��堬塈� 堻媟堶 塈�堛堮塈堥 ��媟� 塈堛媯塈�</title>
254 <body>
256 <p>
257 ���舍戒� 堥堭堮� 塈�堛堮塈堥�抄� 堥�奡堛堭 堭塈 堥堭塈� �塈�堛� ��堬塈� 堻媟堶 塈�堛堮塈堥 ��媟� 塈堛媯塈�堛塈� 堥�塈�堬塈��堹� 塈�塈 堥奡琠� 媢塈堹� ���� ��堬� �塈堬� ��堻堛.
258 </p>
260 <p>
261 ���舍戒� 堛媯��� 堥痧�堭�堹 堞�塈 �塈 堛��塈 堥� ��媟� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 塈媯�� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 堥�塈堥�� �塈 ��. 堥� 奡琠� 椈�奡�斛� 塈痧堭 ��� ��堬�塈�� 琠� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� ���堹�� 塈奡琠塈� 堹塈奡堛 � ���舍戒� 堥� �琠 ��媟� 塈堛媯塈� 琠堹�奡堹� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 �塈堥�� 椈堻 塈�琠塈� 椈堸�堭 塈堻堛. 塈�� 堥�堻��� �堛媞��堭 <c>associate_order</c> 琠�堛堭� �� 奡�堹. 塈��堿塈 堿堹��� 塈堻堛 塈堬 ��塈堹�堭 � 堞��� 堞��塈 堭塈 琠�堛堭� �� ��塈�堹.
262 </p>
264 <table>
265 <tr>
266 <th>Value</th>
267 <th>Description</th>
268 </tr>
269 <tr>
270 <ti><c>any</c></ti>
271 <ti>Default behaviour</ti>
272 </tr>
273 <tr>
274 <ti><c>preferredonly</c></ti>
275 <ti>We will only connect to visible APs in the preferred list</ti>
276 </tr>
277 <tr>
278 <ti><c>forcepreferred</c></ti>
279 <ti>
280 We will forceably connect to APs in the preferred order if they are not
281 found in a scan
282 </ti>
283 </tr>
284 <tr>
285 <ti><c>forcepreferredonly</c></ti>
286 <ti>
287 Do not scan for APs - instead just try to connect to each one in order
288 </ti>
289 </tr>
290 <tr>
291 <ti><c>forceany</c></ti>
292 <ti>Same as <c>forcepreferred</c> + connect to any other available AP</ti>
293 </tr>
294 </table>
296 <p>
297 堻堭塈�堿塈� �塈 堥堭堮� 塈�堛堮塈堥 �塈� <c>blacklist_aps</c> � <c>unique_ap</c> 堭塈 堹塈堭��. 痧堬��� <c>blacklist_aps</c> �奡塈堥� 堭�奡 <c>preferred_aps</c> 琠塈堭 ���抄�. 痧堬��� <c>unique_ap</c> �琠 ��堹塈堭 <c>yes</c> �塈 <c>no</c> 塈堻堛 琠� 塈痧堭 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭� 堥�堻�� 堥堛�塈�堹 堥塈 ��媟� 塈堛媯塈� �奡塈堥� 堞� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 �塈堥堹 堥� 媢��塈� �堮堻堛�� 堭塈堥媟 琠塈堭堥堭� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ���胰斛胰�.
298 </p>
300 <pre caption="blacklist_aps and unique_ap example">
301 <comment># Sometimes you never want to connect to certain access points</comment>
302 blacklist_aps="'ESSID3' 'ESSID4'"
304 <comment># If you have more than one wireless card, you can say if you want
305 # to allow each card to associate with the same Access Point or not
306 # Values are "yes" and "no"
307 # Default is "yes"</comment>
308 unique_ap="yes"
309 </pre>
311 </body>
312 </subsection>
313 <subsection>
314 <title>Ad-Hoc � 堶塈�堛 堛堻�媟</title>
315 <body>
317 <p>
318 ������ 塈痧堭 ���桓戒� 堥� 媢��塈� �琠 ��堹 Ad-Hoc �媢塈� 堥塈奡�堹 塈痧堭 �堭痧��� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 堶塈�堛 �堹�堭�堛 ��塈媟 塈堛媯塈� 塈奡琠塈� 堹塈奡堛 �� ���舍戒� 堞�堭塈 塈�堿塈� 堹��堹.
319 </p>
321 <pre caption="fallback to ad-hoc mode">
322 adhoc_essid_eth0="This Adhoc Node"
323 </pre>
325 <p>
326 堹堭堥塈堭� 奡堥琠��抄� Ad-Hoc �塈 塈堿堭塈 堹堭 堶塈�堛 堭��堻 堥堭塈� �琠 ��媟� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 奡堹� ��� 塈��堿塈 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 堛��塈 堹堭堥塈堭� 堞� �堿�堹 堹塈堭堹! ��琠� 塈堻堛 ��塈堬 堹塈奡堛� 堥塈奡�堹 琠��堹�塈� WEP 堭塈 �塈��堹 堞��� 堹堭 堥塈�塈 �奡塈� 堹塈堹� 奡堹� �奡堮媯 ��塈��堹.
327 </p>
329 <pre caption="sample ad-hoc/master configuration">
330 <comment># Set the mode - can be managed (default), ad-hoc or master
331 # Not all drivers support all modes</comment>
332 mode_eth0="ad-hoc"
334 <comment># Set the ESSID of the interface
335 # In managed mode, this forces the interface to try and connect to the
336 # specified ESSID and nothing else</comment>
337 essid_eth0="This Adhoc Node"
339 <comment># We use channel 3 if you don't specify one</comment>
340 channel_eth0="9"
341 </pre>
343 <impo>
344 堹堭 堬�堭 �堻堛�堹塈堛� 堛堶堛 塈���婺� 塈堬 BSD 堹堭 <uri link="">�堻堛�堹塈堛 NetBSD</uri> �塈�堛 �� 奡�堹. 蛘蛓 琠塈�塈� ��琠� �堿�堹 堹塈堭堹; �塈 ���脅� 琠� 琠塈�塈��抄� 蛘-蛘蛘 堥堭塈� 奡�塈� 堞�堭�琠塈 �塈���� �堻堛�堹� 琠塈�塈��抄� 1-13 堥堭塈� 堥�奡堛堭 塈堭�椈塈� 琠塈�塈��抄� 蛘菾-蛘蛦 堥堭塈� �堭塈�堻� � 堛��塈 琠塈�塈� 蛘蛓 堥堭塈� �塈椈�. 塈痧堭 �媟�埵� ��堻堛�堹 堮�塈�奡��堹�� 堥� �堻堛�堹塈堛� 琠� 堥� ��堭塈� 琠塈堭堛 �塈 ��媟� 塈堛媯塈� 奡�塈 ���M� �堭塈堿媢� ��塈��堹. �媟�埵� 奡��堹 琠塈�塈�� 琠� 塈�堛堮塈堥 ���抄� �奡塈堥� 琠塈�塈�� 堥塈奡堹 琠� ��媟� 塈堛媯塈� (�塈 堹�痧堭 琠塈堭堛�� 堹堭 奡堥琠� ad-hoc ) 堥堭�� 堞� �堭塈堭 堹塈堭堹. 椈�奡 �堭媔 堥堭塈� 堥�奡堛堭 琠塈堭堛�抄� 琠� 堹堭 奡�塈� 堞�堭�琠塈 � 堥�奡堛堭 塈堭�椈�
345 � �堭�堮堛� ���棻� 蛦 塈堻堛; 椈�奡 �堭媔 堥堭塈� 琠塈堭堛�抄� 琠� 堹堭 �堭塈�堻� �堭�堮堛� �� 奡��堹 蛘蛘 塈堻堛� � 椈�奡 �堭媔 堥堭塈� 琠塈堭堛�� 堹堭 �塈椈� 蛘蛓 塈堻堛.
346 </impo>
348 </body>
349 </subsection>
350 <subsection>
351 <title>塈�堭塈堹 �塈堥� 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 堥�堻��</title>
352 <body>
354 <p>
355 �堛媞��堭�塈� 琠� 堹�痧堭� �� �堻堛�堹 琠� ���舍戒� 堥堭塈� 堭塈��戒胰忪羞� 堥�堻�� 奡�塈 堥� 奡�塈 琠�琠 ��塈��堹 � 堹堭 ��痧塈� �奡琠�塈堛 �堶�媟� �塈 塈�堭塈堹�塈� 堹堭塈��堭�塈 塈堿堭塈 奡��堹. 塈��堿塈 堿堹��� 塈堬 ��堬�塈� 堹�痧堭� 塈堻堛 琠� ���舍戒� 塈�堛堶塈� 琠��堹.
356 </p>
358 <table>
359 <tr>
360 <th>Variable</th>
361 <th>Default Value</th>
362 <th>Description</th>
363 </tr>
364 <tr>
365 <ti><c>iwconfig_eth0</c></ti>
366 <ti/>
367 <ti>See the iwconfig man page for details on what to send <c>iwconfig</c></ti>
368 </tr>
369 <tr>
370 <ti><c>iwpriv_eth0</c></ti>
371 <ti/>
372 <ti>See the iwpriv man page for details on what to send <c>iwpriv</c></ti>
373 </tr>
374 <tr>
375 <ti><c>sleep_scan_eth0</c></ti>
376 <ti><c>0</c></ti>
377 <ti>
378 The number of seconds to sleep before attempting to scan. This is needed
379 when the driver/firmware needs more time to active before it can be used.
380 </ti>
381 </tr>
382 <tr>
383 <ti><c>sleep_associate_eth0</c></ti>
384 <ti><c>5</c></ti>
385 <ti>
386 The number of seconds to wait for the interface to associate with the
387 Access Point before moving onto the next one
388 </ti>
389 </tr>
390 <tr>
391 <ti><c>associate_test_eth0</c></ti>
392 <ti><c>MAC</c></ti>
393 <ti>
394 Some drivers do not reset the MAC address associated with an invalid one
395 when they lose or attempt association. Some drivers do not reset the
396 quality level when they lose or attempt association. Valid settings are
397 <c>MAC</c>, <c>quality</c> and <c>all</c>.
398 </ti>
399 </tr>
400 <tr>
401 <ti><c>scan_mode_eth0</c></ti>
402 <ti/>
403 <ti>
404 Some drivers have to scan in ad-hoc mode, so if scanning fails
405 try setting <c>ad-hoc</c> here
406 </ti>
407 </tr>
408 <tr>
409 <ti><c>iwpriv_scan_pre_eth0</c></ti>
410 <ti/>
411 <ti>
412 Sends some <c>iwpriv</c> commands to the interface before scanning.
413 See the iwpriv man page for more details.
414 </ti>
415 </tr>
416 <tr>
417 <ti><c>iwpriv_scan_post_eth0</c></ti>
418 <ti/>
419 <ti>
420 Sends some <c>iwpriv</c> commands to the interface after scanning.
421 See the iwpriv man page for more details.
422 </ti>
423 </tr>
424 </table>
426 </body>
427 </subsection>
428 </section>
429 <section>
430 <title>堛媢堭�� ���堹� 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 奡堥琠� 堥�堻��� ESSID</title>
431 <body>
433 <p>
434 痧塈��� ��痧塈��琠� 堥� <e>ESSID1</e> 塈堭堛堥塈媟 �� �塈堥�堹 堥� IP 堳塈堥堛� ��塈堬 堹塈堭�堹 � 堥� DHCP 堹堭 ��痧塈��琠� 堥� <e>ESSID2</e> 塈堭堛堥塈媟 �� �塈堥�堹. 堹堭 堶���堛� 堥�奡堛堭 �堛媞��堭�塈� �塈����� ���舍戒� 堥�堻��� ESSID 堛媢堭�� 奡��堹. 塈��堿塈 堛�媔�堶 ���脅� �痧��� 堞�堭塈 塈�堿塈� ���脅�.
435 </p>
437 <note>
438 塈�� 堛��塈 ��痧塈�� 琠塈堭 �� 琠�堹 琠� 塈堬 堹堭堮�塈堻堛 琠��堹� WPA �塈 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 堥�堻�� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ���抄�.
439 </note>
441 <impo>
442 奡�塈 ��塈堬 <e>堮�塈��堹</e> 堹塈奡堛 �堻堛�堹塈堛 <uri link="?part=4&amp;chap=2#variable_name">�塈� �堛媞��堭</uri> 堭塈 琠�琠塈奡 ��塈��堹.
443 </impo>
445 <pre caption="override network settings per ESSID">
446 config_ESSID1=" brd"
447 routes_ESSID1="default via"
449 config_ESSID2="dhcp"
450 fallback_ESSID2=""
451 fallback_route_ESSID2="default via"
453 <comment># We can define nameservers and other things too</comment>
454 <comment># NOTE: DHCP will override these unless it's told not too</comment>
455 dns_servers_ESSID1=""
456 dns_domain_ESSID1="some.domain"
457 dns_search_domains_ESSID1="search.this.domain search.that.domain"
459 <comment># You override by the MAC address of the Access Point
460 # This handy if you goto different locations that have the same ESSID</comment>
461 config_001122334455="dhcp"
462 dhcpcd_001122334455="-t 10"
463 dns_servers_001122334455=""
464 </pre>
466 </body>
467 </section>
468 </sections>