Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: David Seifert <soap@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sci-mathematics/nusmv/
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:31:10
Message-Id: 1474723813.60398a111f78225913c798fcd77ab2385647dfca.soap@gentoo
1 commit: 60398a111f78225913c798fcd77ab2385647dfca
2 Author: Gerhard Bräunlich <wippbox <AT> gmx <DOT> net>
3 AuthorDate: Mon Sep 19 16:37:23 2016 +0000
4 Commit: David Seifert <soap <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Sat Sep 24 13:30:13 2016 +0000
6 URL:
8 sci-mathematics/nusmv: Removing EAPI 0 ebuilds
10 Package-Manager: portage-2.2.28
11 Closes:
13 Signed-off-by: David Seifert <soap <AT>>
15 sci-mathematics/nusmv/Manifest | 6 --
16 sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.3.1.ebuild | 121 ---------------------------
17 sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.0.ebuild | 133 ------------------------------
18 sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.2.ebuild | 132 ------------------------------
19 sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.3.ebuild | 132 ------------------------------
20 sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.4.ebuild | 135 -------------------------------
21 6 files changed, 659 deletions(-)
23 diff --git a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/Manifest
24 index 38fefd8..bc2d409 100644
25 --- a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/Manifest
26 +++ b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/Manifest
27 @@ -1,8 +1,2 @@
28 -DIST 29428 SHA256 8e5e0ee84a770dcb3abd6fc65ed4aef938f9ffabca5ddc8a739029f7fb58a8f5 SHA512 451839f3b0508ccfc78a65bbdf3d6820d335aea43b32aa2e39168ff515f3eb6f74ab1297186f1a89dc69e4d8663a1479043fd10135faf2dbaf33269ff7b831e1 WHIRLPOOL dea39fd30ad7c4195c5fe07356890c6525744d59644aff89ce865269daa4ffbebbbba94fe929d0bf6df441e169e2fd974b5373a443d5c3fb410ec8d7dffd9cb2
29 -DIST NuSMV-2.3.1.tar.gz 2590944 SHA256 b8ba0f29afafdfdef8c30f722eead3ef6cbb17e4bfe5563240a01d8a99dbbf68 SHA512 24d258197ecfd314378f132c28722c6f91ee0ee10f5d67e51e924a682c03646b8700e28899eb8ab3ee67b231c26c2094c075b000d391adddfb82bb93a8dfc12b WHIRLPOOL c015aeeabff6fe0770a1d216ab783db0ea4d1915e09e2fa9ac2f470ffbcc6a89881f0e917c544598f7f6484a50b1216ca0e631084887c56bfc2efe29b8f82dbd
30 -DIST NuSMV-2.5.0.tar.gz 3792968 SHA256 59310f5f23f72cb1ad16419e40f245db7c5aa41c0f59ba5c75732bb6c4b56ff1 SHA512 df38039011e4b334941f48f231344ad5b4280d34c27376ffeafd31e75760da28311248acb19591b243cbe356264bba5db813b91ebdc440624b5f5ecdcc6ac014 WHIRLPOOL b2e57f668194c2c506050e30709411b01bf9506c7d01c01960cd01a91782100395047bb45cc0c3e710cea7bf5443937cc5971e563ea163845df833a8b2298165
31 -DIST NuSMV-2.5.2.tar.gz 3631420 SHA256 bc41c53c266d41d7bcb92851fbdb07d894c246d1189bfe420301c7b4fca46de0 SHA512 678dd85a860744943e56a3fc02b3cccacc93fcbac064bcda079e612348b91876372a866e7236bdf12fb3c1dae9d727d3baaa23fa3f4cf5194497f06c87e00e9f WHIRLPOOL bb491869c997d1de09632986c03945c7e0e76173735bd07c18951030d3e61ab370ddd3dd9db9c585ede62768e1dd7d3465da418a0c29577e502a7f9afecbc9fe
32 -DIST NuSMV-2.5.3.tar.gz 3951637 SHA256 d5d6b2873dfa6f82ff9bef1a7eefa36dc5070557aa2b0e0d53cc8c54b2fe437d SHA512 8233a621d3cfad17d0b8f77a33460089b5c0a9fa694e6d91cbd6eb334213cd8d9e37fce8755e9ebc066279f25e86dfa7ded0197f679e42b8f2e7c048cc93356a WHIRLPOOL ea8075f405324179a822b9abd78f2c5d2a0c62ac31d2682f2145db7b033e2cf30f3a466689d75814cc3bfc551471425097d17515b19742f298899a432daec249
33 -DIST NuSMV-2.5.4.tar.gz 3968258 SHA256 3c250624cba801b1f62f50733f9507b0f3b3ca557ce1cd65956178eb273f1bdf SHA512 fc3cc641bbdbfc9464947c9991c8d363adeed9ed34af215c092a14b32d5ce536cb2dbc4eee1645d5aa85caa85e6e95b695620fa247f3a22652cdc4cd252c4c79 WHIRLPOOL 5822d1e7d853cf78cbdee07b0dafa1216fd226ecad803533310351573c7e9a864e6bba699a16c1b357da458311bf65b7362b6207b63e0c8008123e63950121e1
34 DIST NuSMV-2.6.0.tar.gz 4223312 SHA256 dba953ed6e69965a68cd4992f9cdac6c449a3d15bf60d200f704d3a02e4bbcbb SHA512 3749e0267c2adffaa5f2f98ee925f5a774e3132277a02c549b3f4b836f8b090a44d6a14730b58251d7bb88055eb55e89f0eab7fea8714cb2f0786afd803efd0e WHIRLPOOL 26dfa45e0cb97807364783a574f5ec1d26e7240eec411bf1f674872c62e037d912e409dabbfb78fdd52a4a317297fc3918149efe1460dadc0e5d5d0a3cabfb28
35 DIST 63139 SHA256 9b88d8f366d0dc6b3cacd9d497e755d06af069ff27411870cc8b40fe0f11911f SHA512 075d0bceede6643a880763943cba9a2fa0f6c58c47b86c0a2bbbe86a2e3925dc5b3859800d1cab0c558d727635556beb77f9efbd0f2837a768ef8d513dc2b300 WHIRLPOOL ba62b561d415ea15f6734466a45760aba4fa45430f1baf904db5f15332bfc94797cbc2f9ebc2f77797bffc1489a54a527790f4f7314bf92871324e8e3cf0c0ab
37 diff --git a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.3.1.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.3.1.ebuild
38 deleted file mode 100644
39 index 49764e2..00000000
40 --- a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.3.1.ebuild
41 +++ /dev/null
42 @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
43 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
44 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
45 -# $Id$
46 -
47 -inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
48 -
50 -NUSMV_PV="${PV}"
52 -NUSMV_A="${NUSMV_P}.tar.gz"
53 -NUSMV_S="${WORKDIR}/${NUSMV_P}/nusmv"
54 -
55 -MINISAT_PN="MiniSat"
56 -MINISAT_PV="1.14"
60 -
61 -CUDD_PN="cudd"
62 -CUDD_PV=""
63 -CUDD_P="${CUDD_PN}-${CUDD_PV}"
64 -#CUDD_A is none
66 -
67 -DESCRIPTION="NuSMV: new symbolic model checker"
69 -# The Homepage is _very_ slow, 2Kb/sec or worse.
70 -# So we use our own mirror.
71 -# Additionally, MiniSat is distributed with a slightly different filename
72 -# So we mirror it ourselves
73 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${NUSMV_A}
74 -${NUSMV_A}
75 - minisat? ( mirror://gentoo/${MINISAT_A} )"
76 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
77 -SLOT="0"
78 -KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
79 -IUSE="minisat examples"
80 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/expat"
82 - virtual/latex-base
83 - dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
84 - app-text/ghostscript-gpl
85 - www-client/lynx
86 - dev-lang/perl"
87 -# the above 4 are for docs, which aren't optional yet patches welcome to
88 -# avoid building the docs but I suspect anybody using this package will
89 -# actually need them
90 -S="${NUSMV_S}"
91 -
92 -src_unpack() {
93 - unpack ${NUSMV_A}
94 - if use minisat; then
95 - cd "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/MiniSat
96 - unpack ${MINISAT_A}
97 - epatch ${MINISAT_P}_nusmv.patch
98 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}-optimizedlib.patch
99 - fi
100 - for i in ${NUSMV_S}/doc/{user-man,tutorial}/ ; do
101 - sed -i.orig \
102 - '/install_sh_DATA/s!$(datadir)!$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)!g' \
103 - ${i} || die "sed $i failed"
104 - done
105 -}
106 -
107 -src_compile() {
108 - rm -f ${NUSMV_S}/${MINISAT_P}
109 - if use minisat; then
110 - cd ${MINISAT_S}
111 - # do NOT merge these targets
112 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" r || die "Failed to build minisat bin"
113 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" lr || die "Failed to build minisat lib"
114 - ln -sf ${MINISAT_S} "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/${MINISAT_P}
115 - fi
116 -
117 - cd ${CUDD_S}
118 - emake clean || die "Failed to clean cudd out."
119 - emake \
120 - CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
121 - RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" ICFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
122 - || die "Failed to build cudd."
123 -
124 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
125 - econf `use_enable minisat` \
126 - --enable-sa \
127 - --enable-sa-cpp \
128 - --enable-psl
129 - emake || die "emake failed"
130 -
131 - VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts emake docs
132 -}
133 -
134 -src_install() {
135 - into /usr
136 - if use minisat; then
137 - newbin ${MINISAT_S}/minisat_release minisat
138 - fi
139 -
140 - dodir /usr/share/nusmv/doc
141 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
142 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
143 - # duplicate items
144 - rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/{LGPL-2.1,README*,NEWS}
145 - # real docs
147 - dodoc doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf
148 - dodoc doc/user-man/nusmv.pdf
149 -
150 - # move package-installed docs
151 - mv "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/
152 - rmdir "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc
153 -
154 - # clean out examples if not needed
155 - if use !examples ; then
156 - rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/examples || die "Failed to remove examples"
157 - fi
158 -}
159 -
160 -src_test() {
161 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
162 - emake check || die "emake check failed"
163 -}
165 diff --git a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.0.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.0.ebuild
166 deleted file mode 100644
167 index 58220e1..00000000
168 --- a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.0.ebuild
169 +++ /dev/null
170 @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
171 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
172 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
173 -# $Id$
174 -
175 -inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
176 -
178 -NUSMV_PV="${PV}"
180 -NUSMV_A="${NUSMV_P}.tar.gz"
181 -NUSMV_S="${WORKDIR}/${NUSMV_P}/nusmv"
182 -
183 -MINISAT_PN="MiniSat"
184 -MINISAT_PV="1.14"
188 -
189 -CUDD_PN="cudd"
190 -CUDD_PV=""
191 -CUDD_P="${CUDD_PN}-${CUDD_PV}"
192 -#CUDD_A is none
194 -
195 -DESCRIPTION="NuSMV: new symbolic model checker"
196 -HOMEPAGE=""
197 -# The Homepage is _very_ slow, 2Kb/sec or worse.
198 -# So we use our own mirror.
199 -# Additionally, MiniSat is distributed with a slightly different filename
200 -# So we mirror it ourselves
201 -SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${NUSMV_A}
202 -${NUSMV_A}
203 - minisat? ( mirror://gentoo/${MINISAT_A} )"
204 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
205 -SLOT="0"
206 -KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
207 -IUSE="minisat examples"
208 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/expat"
210 - virtual/latex-base
211 - dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
212 - app-text/ghostscript-gpl
213 - www-client/lynx
214 - dev-lang/perl"
215 -# the above 4 are for docs, which aren't optional yet patches welcome to
216 -# avoid building the docs but I suspect anybody using this package will
217 -# actually need them
218 -S="${NUSMV_S}"
219 -
220 -src_unpack() {
221 - unpack ${NUSMV_A}
222 - if use minisat; then
223 - cd "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/MiniSat
224 - unpack ${MINISAT_A}
225 - epatch ${MINISAT_P}_nusmv.patch
226 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}-optimizedlib.patch
227 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}_gcc41.patch
228 - fi
229 -
230 - cd "${CUDD_S}"
231 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${CUDD_PN}-no-pentium4.patch
232 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = amd64 ]] ; then
233 - mv Makefile_64bit Makefile || die
234 - fi
235 -
236 - for i in ${NUSMV_S}/doc/{user-man,tutorial}/ ; do
237 - sed -i.orig \
238 - '/install_sh_DATA/s!$(datadir)!$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)!g' \
239 - ${i} || die "sed $i failed"
240 - done
241 -}
242 -
243 -src_compile() {
244 - rm -f ${NUSMV_S}/${MINISAT_P}
245 - if use minisat; then
246 - cd ${MINISAT_S}
247 - # do NOT merge these targets
248 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" r || die "Failed to build minisat bin"
249 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" lr || die "Failed to build minisat lib"
250 - ln -sf ${MINISAT_S} "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/${MINISAT_P}
251 - fi
252 -
253 - cd ${CUDD_S}
254 - emake clean || die "Failed to clean cudd out."
255 - emake \
256 - CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
257 - RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" ICFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
258 - || die "Failed to build cudd."
259 -
260 - local myconf="$(use_enable minisat) --enable-pslparser"
261 - if use minisat; then
262 - myconf="${myconf}
263 - --with-minisat-incdir=../${MINISAT_P}
264 - --with-minisat-libdir=../${MINISAT_P}"
265 - fi
266 -
267 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
268 - econf ${myconf}
269 - emake || die "emake failed"
270 -
271 - VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts emake docs
272 -}
273 -
274 -src_install() {
275 - into /usr
276 - if use minisat; then
277 - newbin ${MINISAT_S}/minisat_release minisat
278 - fi
279 -
280 - dodir /usr/share/nusmv/doc
281 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
282 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
283 - # duplicate items
284 - rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/{LGPL-2.1,README*,NEWS}
285 - # real docs
287 - dodoc doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf
288 - dodoc doc/user-man/nusmv.pdf
289 -
290 - # move package-installed docs
291 - mv "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/
292 - rmdir "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc
293 -
294 - # clean out examples if not needed
295 - if use !examples ; then
296 - rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/examples || die "Failed to remove examples"
297 - fi
298 -}
299 -
300 -src_test() {
301 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
302 - emake check || die "emake check failed"
303 -}
305 diff --git a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.2.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.2.ebuild
306 deleted file mode 100644
307 index 38ce8b0..00000000
308 --- a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.2.ebuild
309 +++ /dev/null
310 @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
311 -# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
312 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
313 -# $Id$
314 -
315 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
316 -
318 -NUSMV_PV="${PV}"
320 -NUSMV_A="${NUSMV_P}.tar.gz"
321 -NUSMV_S="${WORKDIR}/${NUSMV_P}/nusmv"
322 -
323 -MINISAT_PN="MiniSat"
324 -MINISAT_PV="1.14"
328 -
329 -CUDD_PN="cudd"
330 -CUDD_PV=""
331 -CUDD_P="${CUDD_PN}-${CUDD_PV}"
332 -#CUDD_A is none
334 -
335 -DESCRIPTION="NuSMV: new symbolic model checker"
336 -HOMEPAGE=""
337 -SRC_URI="${NUSMV_A}
338 - minisat? ( mirror://gentoo/${MINISAT_A} )"
339 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
340 -SLOT="0"
341 -KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
342 -IUSE="minisat examples"
343 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/expat"
345 - virtual/latex-base
346 - dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
347 - app-text/ghostscript-gpl
348 - www-client/lynx
349 - dev-lang/perl"
350 -# the above 4 are for docs, which aren't optional yet patches welcome to
351 -# avoid building the docs but I suspect anybody using this package will
352 -# actually need them
353 -S="${NUSMV_S}"
354 -
355 -src_unpack() {
356 - unpack ${NUSMV_A}
357 - if use minisat; then
358 - cd "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/MiniSat
359 - unpack ${MINISAT_A}
360 - epatch ${MINISAT_P}_nusmv.patch
361 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}-optimizedlib.patch
362 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}_gcc41.patch
363 - fi
364 -
365 - cd "${CUDD_S}"
366 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = amd64 ]] ; then
367 - mv Makefile_64bit Makefile || die
368 - fi
369 - sed -i Makefile -e 's/-mcpu=[^\s]*//' || die
370 -
371 - for i in ${NUSMV_S}/doc/{user-man,tutorial}/ ; do
372 - sed -i.orig \
373 - '/install_sh_DATA/s!$(datadir)!$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)!g' \
374 - ${i} || die "sed $i failed"
375 - done
376 -}
377 -
378 -src_compile() {
379 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = x86 ]] ; then
381 - fi
382 -
383 - rm -f ${NUSMV_S}/${MINISAT_P}
384 - if use minisat; then
385 - cd ${MINISAT_S}
386 - # do NOT merge these targets
387 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" r || die "Failed to build minisat bin"
388 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" lr || die "Failed to build minisat lib"
389 - ln -sf ${MINISAT_S} "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/${MINISAT_P}
390 - fi
391 -
392 - cd ${CUDD_S}
393 - emake clean || die "Failed to clean cudd out."
394 - emake \
395 - CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
396 - RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" ICFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
397 - || die "Failed to build cudd."
398 -
399 - local myconf="$(use_enable minisat) --enable-pslparser"
400 - if use minisat; then
401 - myconf="${myconf}
402 - --with-minisat-incdir=../${MINISAT_P}
403 - --with-minisat-libdir=../${MINISAT_P}"
404 - fi
405 -
406 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
407 - econf ${myconf}
408 - emake || die "emake failed"
409 -
410 - VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts emake docs
411 -}
412 -
413 -src_install() {
414 - into /usr
415 - if use minisat; then
416 - newbin ${MINISAT_S}/minisat_release minisat
417 - fi
418 -
419 - dodir /usr/share/nusmv/doc
420 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
421 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
422 - # duplicate items
423 - rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/{LGPL-2.1,README*,NEWS}
424 - # real docs
426 - dodoc doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf
427 - dodoc doc/user-man/nusmv.pdf
428 -
429 - # move package-installed docs
430 - mv "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/
431 - rmdir "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc
432 -
433 - # clean out examples if not needed
434 - if use !examples ; then
435 - rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/examples || die "Failed to remove examples"
436 - fi
437 -}
438 -
439 -src_test() {
440 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
441 - emake check || die "emake check failed"
442 -}
444 diff --git a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.3.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.3.ebuild
445 deleted file mode 100644
446 index 9fa6a28..00000000
447 --- a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.3.ebuild
448 +++ /dev/null
449 @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
450 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
451 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
452 -# $Id$
453 -
454 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
455 -
457 -NUSMV_PV="${PV}"
459 -NUSMV_A="${NUSMV_P}.tar.gz"
460 -NUSMV_S="${WORKDIR}/${NUSMV_P}/nusmv"
461 -
462 -MINISAT_PN="MiniSat"
463 -MINISAT_PV="1.14"
467 -
468 -CUDD_PN="cudd"
469 -CUDD_PV=""
470 -CUDD_P="${CUDD_PN}-${CUDD_PV}"
471 -#CUDD_A is none
473 -
474 -DESCRIPTION="NuSMV: new symbolic model checker"
475 -HOMEPAGE=""
476 -SRC_URI="${NUSMV_A}
477 - minisat? ( mirror://gentoo/${MINISAT_A} )"
478 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
479 -SLOT="0"
480 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
481 -IUSE="minisat examples"
482 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/expat"
484 - virtual/latex-base
485 - dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
486 - app-text/ghostscript-gpl
487 - www-client/lynx
488 - dev-lang/perl"
489 -# the above 4 are for docs, which aren't optional yet patches welcome to
490 -# avoid building the docs but I suspect anybody using this package will
491 -# actually need them
492 -S="${NUSMV_S}"
493 -
494 -src_unpack() {
495 - unpack ${NUSMV_A}
496 - if use minisat; then
497 - cd "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/MiniSat
498 - unpack ${MINISAT_A}
499 - epatch ${MINISAT_P}_nusmv.patch
500 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}-optimizedlib.patch
501 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}_gcc41.patch
502 - fi
503 -
504 - cd "${CUDD_S}"
505 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = amd64 ]] ; then
506 - mv Makefile_64bit Makefile || die
507 - fi
508 - sed -i Makefile -e 's/-mcpu=[^\s]*//' || die
509 -
510 - for i in ${NUSMV_S}/doc/{user-man,tutorial}/ ; do
511 - sed -i.orig \
512 - '/install_sh_DATA/s!$(datadir)!$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)!g' \
513 - ${i} || die "sed $i failed"
514 - done
515 -}
516 -
517 -src_compile() {
518 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = x86 ]] ; then
520 - fi
521 -
522 - rm -f ${NUSMV_S}/${MINISAT_P}
523 - if use minisat; then
524 - cd ${MINISAT_S}
525 - # do NOT merge these targets
526 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" r || die "Failed to build minisat bin"
527 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" lr || die "Failed to build minisat lib"
528 - ln -sf ${MINISAT_S} "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/${MINISAT_P}
529 - fi
530 -
531 - cd ${CUDD_S}
532 - emake clean || die "Failed to clean cudd out."
533 - emake \
534 - CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
535 - RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" ICFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
536 - || die "Failed to build cudd."
537 -
538 - local myconf="$(use_enable minisat) --enable-pslparser"
539 - if use minisat; then
540 - myconf="${myconf}
541 - --with-minisat-incdir=../${MINISAT_P}
542 - --with-minisat-libdir=../${MINISAT_P}"
543 - fi
544 -
545 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
546 - econf ${myconf}
547 - emake || die "emake failed"
548 -
549 - VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts emake docs
550 -}
551 -
552 -src_install() {
553 - into /usr
554 - if use minisat; then
555 - newbin ${MINISAT_S}/minisat_release minisat
556 - fi
557 -
558 - dodir /usr/share/nusmv/doc
559 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
560 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
561 - # duplicate items
562 - rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/{LGPL-2.1,README*,NEWS}
563 - # real docs
565 - dodoc doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf
566 - dodoc doc/user-man/nusmv.pdf
567 -
568 - # move package-installed docs
569 - mv "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/
570 - rmdir "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc
571 -
572 - # clean out examples if not needed
573 - if use !examples ; then
574 - rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/examples || die "Failed to remove examples"
575 - fi
576 -}
577 -
578 -src_test() {
579 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
580 - emake check || die "emake check failed"
581 -}
583 diff --git a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.4.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.4.ebuild
584 deleted file mode 100644
585 index 1f08cca..00000000
586 --- a/sci-mathematics/nusmv/nusmv-2.5.4.ebuild
587 +++ /dev/null
588 @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
589 -# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
590 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
591 -# $Id$
592 -
593 -inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs
594 -
596 -NUSMV_PV="${PV}"
598 -NUSMV_A="${NUSMV_P}.tar.gz"
599 -NUSMV_S="${WORKDIR}/${NUSMV_P}/nusmv"
600 -
601 -MINISAT_PN="MiniSat"
602 -MINISAT_PV="1.14"
606 -
607 -CUDD_PN="cudd"
608 -CUDD_PV=""
609 -CUDD_P="${CUDD_PN}-${CUDD_PV}"
610 -#CUDD_A is none
612 -
613 -DESCRIPTION="NuSMV: new symbolic model checker"
614 -HOMEPAGE=""
615 -SRC_URI="${NUSMV_A}
616 - minisat? ( mirror://gentoo/${MINISAT_A} )"
617 -LICENSE="LGPL-2.1"
618 -SLOT="0"
619 -KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
620 -IUSE="minisat examples"
621 -RDEPEND="dev-libs/expat"
623 - virtual/latex-base
624 - dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra
625 - app-text/ghostscript-gpl
626 - www-client/lynx
627 - dev-lang/perl"
628 -# the above 4 are for docs, which aren't optional yet patches welcome to
629 -# avoid building the docs but I suspect anybody using this package will
630 -# actually need them
631 -S="${NUSMV_S}"
632 -
633 -src_unpack() {
634 - unpack ${NUSMV_A}
635 - if use minisat; then
636 - cd "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/MiniSat
637 - unpack ${MINISAT_A}
638 - epatch ${MINISAT_P}_nusmv.patch
639 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}-optimizedlib.patch
640 - epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${MINISAT_P}_gcc41.patch
641 - fi
642 -
643 - cd "${CUDD_S}"
644 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = amd64 ]] ; then
645 - mv Makefile_64bit Makefile || die
646 - fi
647 - sed -i Makefile -e 's/-mcpu=[^\s]*//' || die
648 -
649 - for i in ${NUSMV_S}/doc/{user-man,tutorial}/ ; do
650 - sed -i.orig \
651 - '/install_sh_DATA/s!$(datadir)!$(DESTDIR)$(datadir)!g' \
652 - ${i} || die "sed $i failed"
653 - done
654 -}
655 -
656 -src_compile() {
657 - if [[ "$(tc-arch)" = x86 ]] ; then
659 - fi
660 - # With LTO, it tried to link for 6 hours on an i7 system before failing.
661 - filter-flags -flto -Wl,-flto
662 -
663 - rm -f ${NUSMV_S}/${MINISAT_P}
664 - if use minisat; then
665 - cd ${MINISAT_S}
666 - # do NOT merge these targets
667 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" r || die "Failed to build minisat bin"
668 - emake COPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" lr || die "Failed to build minisat lib"
669 - ln -sf ${MINISAT_S} "${WORKDIR}"/${NUSMV_P}/${MINISAT_P}
670 - fi
671 -
672 - cd ${CUDD_S}
673 - emake clean || die "Failed to clean cudd out."
674 - emake \
675 - CPP="$(tc-getCPP)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" \
676 - RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)" ICFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" \
677 - || die "Failed to build cudd."
678 -
679 - local myconf="$(use_enable minisat) --enable-pslparser"
680 - if use minisat; then
681 - myconf="${myconf}
682 - --with-minisat-incdir=../${MINISAT_P}
683 - --with-minisat-libdir=../${MINISAT_P}"
684 - fi
685 -
686 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
687 - econf ${myconf}
688 - einfo "Don't be alarmed if compileWriteUdg.o takes a very long time to compile, ~90 minutes on an i7"
689 - emake || die "emake failed"
690 -
691 - VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts emake docs
692 -}
693 -
694 -src_install() {
695 - into /usr
696 - if use minisat; then
697 - newbin ${MINISAT_S}/minisat_release minisat
698 - fi
699 -
700 - dodir /usr/share/nusmv/doc
701 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
702 - emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
703 - # duplicate items
704 - rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/{LGPL-2.1,README*,NEWS}
705 - # real docs
707 - dodoc doc/tutorial/tutorial.pdf
708 - dodoc doc/user-man/nusmv.pdf
709 -
710 - # move package-installed docs
711 - mv "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc/* "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/
712 - rmdir "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/doc
713 -
714 - # clean out examples if not needed
715 - if use !examples ; then
716 - rm -rf "${D}"/usr/share/nusmv/examples || die "Failed to remove examples"
717 - fi
718 -}
719 -
720 -src_test() {
721 - cd ${NUSMV_S}
722 - emake check || die "emake check failed"
723 -}