Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Roy Bamford (neddyseagoon)" <neddyseagoon@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/foundation/en/minutes/2011: 20111120_trustee.log.txt 20111120_trustee_log.txt
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 20:33:32
1 neddyseagoon 11/11/21 20:33:15
3 Added: 20111120_trustee_log.txt 20111120_trustee_log.txt
4 Removed: 20111120_trustee.log.txt 20111120_trustee.log.txt
5 Third time lucky - all to fix a filename typo
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9 Revision Changes Path
10 1.1 xml/htdocs/foundation/en/minutes/2011/20111120_trustee_log.txt
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15 Index: 20111120_trustee_log.txt
16 ===================================================================
17 19:09 * NeddySeagoon banges the gavel to open the November 2011 Gentoo Foundation Inc. Trustees meeting
18 19:10 <@NeddySeagoon> Roll Call
19 19:10 <@dabbott> present
20 19:10 <@quantumsummers|c> present
21 19:10 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm looging
22 19:10 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, robbat2|na
23 19:10 <@rich0> present
24 19:11 <@NeddySeagoon> I seen to recall robbat2 said he may have some difficulty, so lets start
25 19:11 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 3 Old Business
26 19:12 <@NeddySeagoon> Election Recording Date ... hmmm.
27 19:12 <@dabbott> I like the idea of the elections after the Annual Report
28 19:12 <@NeddySeagoon> I propose the close of our January meeting, if we want to hold elections at the customary time
29 19:12 <@quantumsummers|c> what is the date of the next election? In March somewhere?
30 19:12 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, its nomination in Feb, voting in Mar
31 19:13 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, yeah end of Jan is not a bad idea, like we have done before
32 19:13 <@quantumsummers|c> I will note that my wife is due at the end of Jan, however
33 19:13 <@dabbott> so 5 months until the Annual Report
34 19:13 <@NeddySeagoon> We could move it closerto the AGM, so new trustees take their seats at the close of the AGM
35 19:13 <@dabbott> perfect
36 19:13 <@quantumsummers|c> I am OK with that as well
37 19:14 <@rich0> I'm pretty flexible - it doesn't matter that much in practice and we can always try it and see how it works. Does create the lame-duck issue if you announce well before effective.
38 19:14 <@rich0> But that works for POTUS.
39 19:14 <@NeddySeagoon> I have a mild preference of nonminations in July, votes in Aug so the old team present at the AGM
40 19:15 <@rich0> If there is a membership revolt and they kick out all the trustees we can at least loot the treasury on the way out that way. :) (uh, did somebody mention logging)
41 19:15 <@NeddySeagoon> thoughts ?>
42 19:15 <@quantumsummers|c> seems fine to me
43 19:15 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, yeah, I did and am
44 19:15 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon, ++
45 19:15 <@dabbott> NeddySeagoon, ++
46 19:15 <@quantumsummers|c> no looting on my watch unless I get 25%
47 19:16 <@quantumsummers|c> :D
48 19:16 <@NeddySeagoon> Motion - that the Trustee eclection be move to better coincide with the AGM.
49 19:17 <@quantumsummers|c> seconded
50 19:17 <@rich0> do we want to go ahead and specify the target, or wait till we get closer?
51 19:17 <@quantumsummers|c> lets set it
52 19:17 <@rich0> ie dates/etc.
53 19:17 <@rich0> So, elections in Aug, nominations in July, meeting in June is recording date?
54 19:17 <@NeddySeagoon> This also means the elections project will not be slacking at FOSDEM
55 19:18 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, that works for me
56 19:18 <@dabbott> sounds good
57 19:18 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon, care to revise your motion?
58 19:19 <@rich0> assuming quantumsummers is fine with it?
59 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Motion that Trustee elsections be elections in Aug, nominations in July, meeting in June is recording date to better alighn with the AGM
60 19:19 <@quantumsummers|c> yes
61 19:19 <@quantumsummers|c> seconded
62 19:19 <@rich0> aye
63 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Vote please
64 19:19 <@dabbott> aye
65 19:19 <@quantumsummers|c> +1
66 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> aye
67 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Montion carried
68 19:20 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers your turn ... SFLC Update, Certified Public Accountant and 501(c)(3) registration status
69 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> Ok, so
70 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> sflc: our previous council has moved to the software conservancy or gnome foundation so I hear
71 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> Karen, that is
72 19:21 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, Ah well, do we have a new name ?
73 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> I need to setup a meeting to see who will be our contact going forward
74 19:22 <@robbat2|na> hi
75 19:22 <@quantumsummers|c> on my list for Monday
76 19:22 <@quantumsummers|c> hello robbat2|na
77 19:22 <@NeddySeagoon> hi robbat2|na
78 19:22 <@robbat2|na> ah, i messed up the start time
79 19:22 <@dabbott> hi robbat2|na
80 19:22 <@robbat2|na> aye on election dates
81 19:22 <@dabbott> Motion Trustee elections be elections in Aug, nominations in July, meeting in June is recording date to better align with the AGM in AUG
82 19:23 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I guess that means the SFLC has made no progress on anything, its it could well be a step backwards.
83 19:23 <@quantumsummers|c> that is fairly accurate
84 19:23 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, not much you can add to that until after your meeting then
85 19:23 <@quantumsummers|c> that could also explain why I have received no response for a long time from karen
86 19:23 <@dabbott> good thing they are free
87 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> that is true, dabbott
88 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> anyway, we'll get that taken care of, I just need to make contact again.
89 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> lets see
90 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> financials
91 19:24 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, does it need to be you? You nave a lot on just now
92 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: no it does not
93 19:25 <@quantumsummers|c> I would like to have more than one person with them
94 19:25 <@quantumsummers|c> I think that may make it easier
95 19:25 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, rich0 how about picking up the pieces with the SFLC ?
96 19:25 <@dabbott> I can send them an email
97 19:26 <@rich0> I don't mind getting involved. What is our end-goal with them anyway?
98 19:26 <@quantumsummers|c> dabbott: let me setup a meeting first then I can pass the torch
99 19:26 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, it means you would become the point of contact with SFLC. Its more than just an email ?
100 19:26 <@quantumsummers|c> the main goal with them is assistance with license issues and other IP-related matters
101 19:26 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, that sounds like a plan
102 19:26 <@quantumsummers|c> ok
103 19:26 <@NeddySeagoon> maybe a 3 way session
104 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> yep
105 19:27 <@dabbott> ok sure, quantumsummers|a send me what you have I will contact them and let them know I will be a contact
106 19:27 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, you and rich0 sort it out between you
107 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, we'll get that going
108 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> how about both rich0 and dabbott
109 19:27 <@NeddySeagoon> I don't have an issue with that
110 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> really I think all of us should be in contact with them
111 19:27 <@rich0> Either is fine with me.
112 19:27 <@dabbott> same here
113 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, I'll get the ball rolling on Monday'
114 19:28 <@NeddySeagoon> fine
115 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> so, lets see next
116 19:28 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, Certified Public Accountant
117 19:28 <@rich0> It probably wouldn't hurt for us to think of some specific things we want to accomplish with them. Maybe sort out the logo?
118 19:28 <@rich0> (belay that - until we get to it)
119 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> sounds good
120 19:28 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, they already have a list of stuff ...
121 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> CPA, this got a little more complicated than I had hoped, so they filed typical extension
122 19:29 <@quantumsummers|c> this is normal, and I do this every year actually
123 19:29 <@quantumsummers|c> so we are still working on getting everything together
124 19:29 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, do we have a CPA under contract ?
125 19:29 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: yes
126 19:30 <@quantumsummers|c> this includes the 1023 application, which there is some interesting stuff going on at the IRS apparently which has delayed nearly all FLOSS applications as well as several other types of orgs
127 19:30 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, thats good to know, can you post the details to the alias please. We all need to know it
128 19:30 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: sure, I'll scan the paperwork next week, its all at my office
129 19:31 <@quantumsummers|c> meant to do that awhile ago, and clearly forgot, sorry
130 19:31 <@quantumsummers|c> in terms of other financial info
131 19:31 <@NeddySeagoon> thanks. quantumsummers|a I anticipate you won't have much time/bet much sleep in the new year
132 19:31 <@NeddySeagoon> bet -> get
133 19:31 <@quantumsummers|c> we shall see, I don't get much now
134 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> we have everyone reimbursed for GSOC travel and Donnie has submitted his invoice for foundation reimbursement
135 19:32 <@NeddySeagoon> thats good. Nobody should be out of pocket for that
136 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> I have one outstanding bug open for reimbursement for a recent hardware purchase
137 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> we should receive the funds from google soon
138 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> which is our main income for the year
139 19:33 <@quantumsummers|c> I forget the exact number but with travel, etc, its maybe $9K
140 19:33 <@NeddySeagoon> On a related topic, how do we keep track of projects in progress ? rich0 maybe your tracker should be expanded
141 19:33 <@quantumsummers|c> I have been filing bugs for things that involve money for the most part
142 19:33 <@rich0> I see my tracker being mainly for recurring activities.
143 19:33 <@rich0> Wouldn't bugs be best for single instances of stuff in progress?
144 19:34 <@quantumsummers|c> robbat2|na: I mentioned this in -infra, but maybe we should have a foundation group for private info/bugs
145 19:34 <@NeddySeagoon> I know that we have a mips project in progress, there was a similar request for alpha, which seemed to have stalled
146 19:34 <@quantumsummers|c> as in restrict access, not sure if it matters really
147 19:34 <@rich0> In fact, in an ideal world you could use the tracker to trigger creating a new bug. The tracker is the crontab, and the bug is the process.
148 19:34 <@rich0> quantumsummers|a, ++
149 19:35 <@rich0> I see this as an issue too. Right now stuff just goes around on the alias for confidentiality, and we never really close the loop properly to make sure we don't drop things.
150 19:35 <@quantumsummers|c> anyway, I was told its fairly easy, robbat2|na would know more
151 19:35 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, that sould pretty good. Where do we keep track of funds committed by not yet spent ?
152 19:35 <@rich0> Bugzilla is perfect for tracking things that have a start and an end, and we can lock the bugs that are sensitive, and leave open the ones that are in there now.
153 19:35 <@robbat2|na> quantumsummers|a, there is a trustees group under the foundation product already
154 19:35 <@quantumsummers|c> rich0: yeah, I agree it would be handy to have a place to manage things more centrally and for future proofing
155 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> robbat2|na: I mean a restrict access bit
156 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> as in there is one already to restrict it to devs only, etc
157 19:36 <@robbat2|na> quantumsummers|a, ah. ok. done
158 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> the product is there, yes. might add a few things to it beyond "proposal"
159 19:36 <@rich0> Yup, just like security bugs, but trustees only and the CC list.
160 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks robbat2|na
161 19:37 <@NeddySeagoon> that sounds good
162 19:37 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, paypal stuff
163 19:37 <@NeddySeagoon> anyway, sorry for the digression
164 19:37 <@rich0> I think the templates/organization is a nice to have, but the security is critical since that is what is keeping us out. We can't go posting bank account numbers even on dev-only bugs.
165 19:37 <@quantumsummers|c> I am removing some previous persons SSN and replacing it with our EIN
166 19:37 <@quantumsummers|c> that is some paperwork that I have to submit
167 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> it will make it easier moving forward to hand over control to more than one person or another single person, etc
168 19:38 <@NeddySeagoon> I saw the process - it looks horrendus
169 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> nah, not too bad really
170 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> just paperwork, I have all the info I think
171 19:38 <@NeddySeagoon> Go ahead then quantumsummers|a
172 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> will do
173 19:39 <@quantumsummers|c> we were able to get the server to replace osprey and the HDDs that robbat2|na wanted
174 19:39 <@quantumsummers|c> I need to order 2 new caddies however, once I find where on the dell site
175 19:40 <@NeddySeagoon> thats good
176 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> could not locate that on friday
177 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> so, some cost there but surely <$100
178 19:40 <@NeddySeagoon> maybe someone in -infra knows where
179 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> we overpaid for the HDDs due to Thai floods
180 19:40 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, well, we are committed now
181 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> yes
182 19:41 <@quantumsummers|c> I have the part number, but could not find it, will probably just call
183 19:41 <@robbat2|na> quantumsummers|a, we should double-check the caddys for the goog boxes as well
184 19:41 <@robbat2|na> ping me after the meeting re that stuff
185 19:41 <@NeddySeagoon> as another aside, my work uses google mail etc. I get all the foundation stuff in google docs coming up when I'm logged in for work
186 19:42 <@quantumsummers|c> robbat2|na: alrighty
187 19:42 <@quantumsummers|c> the google docs stuff can be nice actually
188 19:43 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I don't mind but my work might
189 19:43 <@quantumsummers|c> ah true, you should switch your .forward
190 19:43 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I don't have a .forward, I don't think
191 19:44 <@quantumsummers|c> how on earth then
192 19:44 <@quantumsummers|c> weird
193 19:44 <@dabbott> you can set up a gmail account just for gentoo stuff
194 19:44 <@NeddySeagoon> anyway, back to the agenda
195 19:44 <@robbat2|na> NeddySeagoon, you use a personal gmail account for work?
196 19:44 <@robbat2|na> or your google accounts are associated together
197 19:44 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2|na, No. The company uses gmail
198 19:45 <@quantumsummers|c> I do not see how that could happen
199 19:45 <@robbat2|na> weird
200 19:45 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, lets not pursue it now, but if anyone has any ideas ...
201 19:46 <@quantumsummers|c> ok
202 19:46 <@quantumsummers|c> so, I think that is all from me. Unless someone can remind me of something I have forgotten to cover ...
203 19:46 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, 501(c)(3) registration status ... I guess thats stalled meanwhile?
204 19:47 <@quantumsummers|c> not stalled, just work-in-progress
205 19:47 <@quantumsummers|c> still working on it
206 19:47 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
207 19:47 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2|na, SSL Options Update and New Masterdistfiles Machine
208 19:48 <@robbat2|na> SSL option: no change, and i'm actually really happy about that w/ more CA failures being reported.
209 19:48 <@robbat2|na> as a potential improvement for now
210 19:48 <@NeddySeagoon> should we drop this from the agenda then ?
211 19:49 <@NeddySeagoon> CA failures == SSL breaking u around us ?
212 19:49 <@robbat2|na> for now I think so. i've started on DNSSEC deployment for Gentoo, and we can send other trust metrics via that later
213 19:49 <@NeddySeagoon> u -> up
214 19:49 <@robbat2|na> yes
215 19:50 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
216 19:50 <@robbat2|na> there's some RFCs on sending ssl cert fingerprints via DNS
217 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> +1 to that
218 19:50 <@robbat2|na> which when combined with DNSSEC, and when the browsers pick them up, will negate a lot of the CA system
219 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> with dnssec that could be a big improvement
220 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> nice
221 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> I just spent a ton of money on thawte certs
222 19:51 <@robbat2|na> any objections to dropping it for now, w/ a review in 3/4 months?
223 19:51 <@NeddySeagoon> nope
224 19:51 <@quantumsummers|c> I wish we didnt have to, but better to not have a false sense of sec I suppose
225 19:52 <@quantumsummers|c> nicely, if thawte goes down I sue for large sum of money
226 19:52 <@quantumsummers|c> insurance is nice I guess
227 19:52 <@robbat2|na> i don't think we'd have gotten their insurance clauses anyway w/ free certs
228 19:52 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, I don't think so either
229 19:52 <@NeddySeagoon> you can insure against technolgy changing?
230 19:53 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: you can insure anything :D
231 19:53 <@robbat2|na> for the right price
232 19:53 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2|na, New Masterdistfiles Machine
233 19:53 <@quantumsummers|c> whether the company will survive your claim, that is another issue
234 19:54 <@quantumsummers|c> New Masterdistfiles Machine == osprey replacement?
235 19:54 <@robbat2|na> yes
236 19:54 <@robbat2|na> i haven't seen a response on the ticket if the arrived at osuosl yet
237 19:54 <@robbat2|na> but i'm not sure if it was set to to cc to infra correctly
238 19:54 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, its there
239 19:55 <@robbat2|na> ok, so just caddys + install left
240 19:55 <@NeddySeagoon> sounds like progress anyway
241 19:55 <@quantumsummers|c> yes
242 19:55 <@quantumsummers|c> although you can install with the current 2 caddies
243 19:55 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, Foundation Activity Tracker Update
244 19:55 <@rich0> At this point we're mostly in execution mode.
245 19:55 <@quantumsummers|c> there are 2 500GB HDDs that are extra now also
246 19:56 <@rich0> Quick question - did we ever file in Missouri?
247 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I think that went out, yes
248 19:56 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, and everyone thought it was a bad idea to add projects on progress ...
249 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I signed the stuff awhile ago
250 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I'll poke the cpa
251 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I suspect the answer is yes
252 19:56 <@rich0> I think the tracker basically meets it core purpose as an activity reminder. I'd still like to see the per-task pages beefed up, but I don't see that as being essential.
253 19:57 <@rich0> Ok, if yes then I'll go ahead and create dates on those filings (for 2012).
254 19:57 <@NeddySeagoon> Lets run with it a while
255 19:57 <@rich0> Did we file the 990?
256 19:57 <@quantumsummers|c> rich0: we filed an extension
257 19:57 <@quantumsummers|c> so, we have another 6 months
258 19:57 <@rich0> Does that cover the new mexico AG as well?
259 19:58 <@quantumsummers|c> we file a different thing for NM
260 19:58 <@quantumsummers|c> that is filed
261 19:58 <@rich0> One of the NM requirements is a copy of the 990.
262 19:58 <@quantumsummers|c> apparently was filed on Nov 2 by Heather, although I have no idea why they waited
263 19:59 <@quantumsummers|c> not for the PRC stuff
264 19:59 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 4 Bugs
265 19:59 <@quantumsummers|c> rich0: link me to that
266 19:59 <@rich0> Ok, feel free to move on with the agenda and I'll send to quantumsummers
267 19:59 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks
268 19:59 <@NeddySeagoon> Do we need to discuss any bugs in detail ?
269 20:01 <@robbat2|na> i think they're all in execution or pending external input
270 20:01 <@quantumsummers|c> the one 296766, can be closed
271 20:01 <@quantumsummers|c> that is all done
272 20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats what I like to hear, it makes the meeting faster
273 20:02 <@dabbott> Bug 363871 can that be closed
274 20:02 < willikins> dabbott: "Consider StartSSL certificate offer"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; IN_P; robbat2:infra-bugs
275 20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 5 New Busines
276 20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, do we need to write to them to say no thanks, or leave it until we reconsider ?
277 20:03 <@robbat2|na> i'll write some emails on it
278 20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> thanks robbat2|na
279 20:04 <@NeddySeagoon> George Boyce | Use of Gentoo Artwork ... Alien Cow Abductors
280 20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> That artwork in under a CCA licence and our logo is a small part of it, so I don't think we can object
281 20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> is*
282 20:07 <@dabbott> his request was "I would like permission to use this particular artwork to support a non-profit project under development and described at"
283 20:07 <@rich0> So, what do we want to offer them.
284 20:08 <@rich0> Should we state that we explicitly give him permission to use it as described?
285 20:08 <@NeddySeagoon> I don't think he needs to ask ... the CCA applies. Its likewhoas wallpaper
286 20:09 <@rich0> So, should we tell him that he doesn't need to ask?
287 20:09 <@rich0> Seems like the current non-commercial policy is that he can use it as long as he clarifies that he has nothing to do with us.
288 20:09 <@NeddySeagoon> He needs to follow whatever licence likewhoa released to artwork unde
289 20:09 <@rich0> Well, he also has to comply with the logo guidelines regardless of the artwork license.
290 20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> what does everyone else think ?
291 20:10 <@rich0> The artwork license only covers copyright, not trademark.
292 20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, good point
293 20:10 <@dabbott> its peaches artwork i believe
294 20:10 <@dabbott>
295 20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> Oops - he needs to get the attribution right :)
296 20:10 <@dabbott> licensed under CC-BY-SA/2.5
297 20:11 <@rich0> From a trademark his use is fine if he is non-commercial.
298 20:11 <@rich0> If he is commercial we'd need to give him an exemption, since it isn't being used to denote that something contains 'gentoo inside" or whatever.
299 20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, Its non-commercial - to expose children to robots
300 20:13 <@rich0> Seems to me that he needs to 1. Check with the artist on their license and comply, and 2. follow the non-commercial guidelines on the logo page and state that the logo is a trademark of gentoo and he isn't gentoo and so on.
301 20:13 <@rich0> Or, we could give him a pass on having to do #2.
302 20:13 <@NeddySeagoon> I would like to help him ... I'll put together an email for trustees to review.
303 20:13 <@NeddySeagoon> Does everyone agree we want to support this ?
304 20:13 <@rich0> And did I mention that this whole mess is something that would be wonderful to get the SFLC to help out with?
305 20:14 <@quantumsummers|c> yes, their help would be nice
306 20:14 <@rich0> I definitely want to remove any burdens.
307 20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> Its educational after all and thats a part of our stated objectives
308 20:14 <@dabbott> thanks NeddySeagoon he was confused over the different licenses involved
309 20:14 <@rich0> Whatever form that has to take - we shouldn't be standing in their way.
310 20:14 <@quantumsummers|c> tbh, I am more than a little upset at the way we were sort of "dropped" if you will
311 20:14 <@quantumsummers|c> or forgotten more likely
312 20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I told him it would bediscussed now
313 20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> its not dropped
314 20:15 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, I see no reason that he cannot use that image without our logo in ther
315 20:15 <@quantumsummers|c> I meant sflc forgot us
316 20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> Ah ok.
317 20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> I will put together a reply on this and send it to the alias for comment
318 20:16 <@rich0> Sounds good.
319 20:16 <@dabbott> again thanks
320 20:16 <@NeddySeagoon> I will put a placeholder into George too
321 20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> next item Gentoo Logo Usage Policy
322 20:17 <@rich0> Ugh
323 20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> This could be a long one and we have been running 70 min already, should we hold this over ?
324 20:18 <@rich0> I think that makes sense, or maybe consider it as something to bring up in our SFLC re-engagement?
325 20:18 <@NeddySeagoon> that sounds good but SFLC won't respond quickly
326 20:18 <@rich0> My suggestion is that we come up with some kind of holistic policy that covers copyright/trademark/etc so that we don't have these confusing double-treatments.
327 20:18 <@rich0> But we don't have to hash that out now.
328 20:19 <@rich0> Maybe we should consider reading the stuff in the agenda as homework in the meantime.
329 20:19 <@dabbott> lets brainstorm on the ml
330 20:19 <@rich0> Yes - sounds good.
331 20:19 <@NeddySeagoon> I like that - maybe two logos like Debian. We have two already. The G and the unoffcial LArry
332 20:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Moving on ...
333 20:19 <@rich0> Maybe, or even if it is just one have one policy that covers both copyright and trademark.
334 20:19 <@rich0> Ok, onwards...
335 20:19 <@robbat2|na> i'll send in a link for the ubuntu equiv link as well
336 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 6 Membership Applications ... None
337 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> Part 3 Cleanup ...
338 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 18th Dec 2011 19:00 UTC
339 20:20 <@quantumsummers|c> +1
340 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> That works for me
341 20:20 <@dabbott> fine here
342 20:21 <@robbat2|na> should work fine for me, might be slightly late
343 20:21 <@rich0> +1
344 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> fine.
345 20:21 <@robbat2|na> (that's a weekend of christmas parties here)
346 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> you party early robbat2|na. We start for hogmany aroudn Dec 25th
347 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
348 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbot ?
349 20:22 <@dabbott> none
350 20:22 <@robbat2|na> no AOB from me
351 20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, you always have something
352 20:22 <@quantumsummers|c> nope, just chuck testa
353 20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, heh
354 20:23 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, did Heather get our good standing fixed and find out what happened ?
355 20:23 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: she had not heard back on Friday when I went home, I'll contact again on Monday.
356 20:23 <@quantumsummers|c> I'm sure we are fine though, just slow processing
357 20:23 <@NeddySeagoon> As long the she is onto it
358 20:23 <@rich0> Yup - if we talked to them we should be fine.
359 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> we made the deadline, no worries
360 20:24 <@rich0> Wheels of government turn slowly.
361 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> just freaked me out a bit
362 20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats all from me, I think
363 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks for pointing that out dabbott
364 20:24 <@rich0> Yeah, I understand the feeling. Glad you spotted it.
365 20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> Responsibilities
366 20:24 <@rich0> Rather than a slashdot submitter. :)
367 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> oh, I will be having a gentoo onesie made for my boy, so if anyone wants one, I will have another made (organic cotton)
368 20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> I will write to George Boyce and post the log
369 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> will have pics, etc for the front page :P
370 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks
371 20:25 <@rich0> Oh boy...
372 20:25 <@dabbott> can we switch everything to missouri and drop nm
373 20:25 <@quantumsummers|c> not likely to drop NM
374 20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, Oh, you know its just the one then ?
375 20:25 <@quantumsummers|c> yes, and a boy
376 20:25 <@dabbott> once missouri is good
377 20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> I do have something else.
378 20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> The Sec ad ?
379 20:25 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, lets run it unless someone here wants the job
380 20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> Do we want to post the ad as is or does it need more work ?
381 20:26 <@quantumsummers|c> I have a python/django membership app that makes that stuff fairly simple
382 20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I would like to appont an officer who is not a trustee
383 20:26 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: seems ok, I am just concerned since the person will have signatory power
384 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> it would be nice to have some level of trust
385 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> maybe meet them face to face, etc
386 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> I am paranoid though
387 20:27 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I want to keep the bard low for enquires, we can ask for more info once we have some nibbles
388 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> ok
389 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> sounds good
390 20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, last time we ran that ad, we got exactly one response - you
391 20:28 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, I know. Hard to believe that
392 20:28 <@quantumsummers|c> crazy, no one wants to volunteer for that stuff
393 20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm quite keen to expand the management of the foundation beyond the trustees
394 20:28 <@quantumsummers|c> as am I
395 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> Can we get it on the front page ?
396 20:29 <@dabbott> quantumsummers|a, what about max he even sent an resume
397 20:29 <@quantumsummers|c> dabbott can do that
398 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> I can put an announce and discuss on the forums
399 20:29 <@quantumsummers|c> dabbott: email him, great idea
400 20:29 <@quantumsummers|c> Max would be a good candidate
401 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> fine
402 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> put the ad up and email him a pointer
403 20:30 <@quantumsummers|c> cool
404 20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> that was all I had, so onto Open Floor
405 20:31 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting
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416 19:09 * NeddySeagoon banges the gavel to open the November 2011 Gentoo Foundation Inc. Trustees meeting
417 19:10 <@NeddySeagoon> Roll Call
418 19:10 <@dabbott> present
419 19:10 <@quantumsummers|c> present
420 19:10 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm looging
421 19:10 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, robbat2|na
422 19:10 <@rich0> present
423 19:11 <@NeddySeagoon> I seen to recall robbat2 said he may have some difficulty, so lets start
424 19:11 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 3 Old Business
425 19:12 <@NeddySeagoon> Election Recording Date ... hmmm.
426 19:12 <@dabbott> I like the idea of the elections after the Annual Report
427 19:12 <@NeddySeagoon> I propose the close of our January meeting, if we want to hold elections at the customary time
428 19:12 <@quantumsummers|c> what is the date of the next election? In March somewhere?
429 19:12 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, its nomination in Feb, voting in Mar
430 19:13 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, yeah end of Jan is not a bad idea, like we have done before
431 19:13 <@quantumsummers|c> I will note that my wife is due at the end of Jan, however
432 19:13 <@dabbott> so 5 months until the Annual Report
433 19:13 <@NeddySeagoon> We could move it closerto the AGM, so new trustees take their seats at the close of the AGM
434 19:13 <@dabbott> perfect
435 19:13 <@quantumsummers|c> I am OK with that as well
436 19:14 <@rich0> I'm pretty flexible - it doesn't matter that much in practice and we can always try it and see how it works. Does create the lame-duck issue if you announce well before effective.
437 19:14 <@rich0> But that works for POTUS.
438 19:14 <@NeddySeagoon> I have a mild preference of nonminations in July, votes in Aug so the old team present at the AGM
439 19:15 <@rich0> If there is a membership revolt and they kick out all the trustees we can at least loot the treasury on the way out that way. :) (uh, did somebody mention logging)
440 19:15 <@NeddySeagoon> thoughts ?>
441 19:15 <@quantumsummers|c> seems fine to me
442 19:15 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, yeah, I did and am
443 19:15 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon, ++
444 19:15 <@dabbott> NeddySeagoon, ++
445 19:15 <@quantumsummers|c> no looting on my watch unless I get 25%
446 19:16 <@quantumsummers|c> :D
447 19:16 <@NeddySeagoon> Motion - that the Trustee eclection be move to better coincide with the AGM.
448 19:17 <@quantumsummers|c> seconded
449 19:17 <@rich0> do we want to go ahead and specify the target, or wait till we get closer?
450 19:17 <@quantumsummers|c> lets set it
451 19:17 <@rich0> ie dates/etc.
452 19:17 <@rich0> So, elections in Aug, nominations in July, meeting in June is recording date?
453 19:17 <@NeddySeagoon> This also means the elections project will not be slacking at FOSDEM
454 19:18 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, that works for me
455 19:18 <@dabbott> sounds good
456 19:18 <@rich0> NeddySeagoon, care to revise your motion?
457 19:19 <@rich0> assuming quantumsummers is fine with it?
458 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Motion that Trustee elsections be elections in Aug, nominations in July, meeting in June is recording date to better alighn with the AGM
459 19:19 <@quantumsummers|c> yes
460 19:19 <@quantumsummers|c> seconded
461 19:19 <@rich0> aye
462 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Vote please
463 19:19 <@dabbott> aye
464 19:19 <@quantumsummers|c> +1
465 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> aye
466 19:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Montion carried
467 19:20 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers your turn ... SFLC Update, Certified Public Accountant and 501(c)(3) registration status
468 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> Ok, so
469 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> sflc: our previous council has moved to the software conservancy or gnome foundation so I hear
470 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> Karen, that is
471 19:21 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, Ah well, do we have a new name ?
472 19:21 <@quantumsummers|c> I need to setup a meeting to see who will be our contact going forward
473 19:22 <@robbat2|na> hi
474 19:22 <@quantumsummers|c> on my list for Monday
475 19:22 <@quantumsummers|c> hello robbat2|na
476 19:22 <@NeddySeagoon> hi robbat2|na
477 19:22 <@robbat2|na> ah, i messed up the start time
478 19:22 <@dabbott> hi robbat2|na
479 19:22 <@robbat2|na> aye on election dates
480 19:22 <@dabbott> Motion Trustee elections be elections in Aug, nominations in July, meeting in June is recording date to better align with the AGM in AUG
481 19:23 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I guess that means the SFLC has made no progress on anything, its it could well be a step backwards.
482 19:23 <@quantumsummers|c> that is fairly accurate
483 19:23 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, not much you can add to that until after your meeting then
484 19:23 <@quantumsummers|c> that could also explain why I have received no response for a long time from karen
485 19:23 <@dabbott> good thing they are free
486 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> that is true, dabbott
487 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> anyway, we'll get that taken care of, I just need to make contact again.
488 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> lets see
489 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> financials
490 19:24 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, does it need to be you? You nave a lot on just now
491 19:24 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: no it does not
492 19:25 <@quantumsummers|c> I would like to have more than one person with them
493 19:25 <@quantumsummers|c> I think that may make it easier
494 19:25 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, rich0 how about picking up the pieces with the SFLC ?
495 19:25 <@dabbott> I can send them an email
496 19:26 <@rich0> I don't mind getting involved. What is our end-goal with them anyway?
497 19:26 <@quantumsummers|c> dabbott: let me setup a meeting first then I can pass the torch
498 19:26 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, it means you would become the point of contact with SFLC. Its more than just an email ?
499 19:26 <@quantumsummers|c> the main goal with them is assistance with license issues and other IP-related matters
500 19:26 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, that sounds like a plan
501 19:26 <@quantumsummers|c> ok
502 19:26 <@NeddySeagoon> maybe a 3 way session
503 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> yep
504 19:27 <@dabbott> ok sure, quantumsummers|a send me what you have I will contact them and let them know I will be a contact
505 19:27 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, you and rich0 sort it out between you
506 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, we'll get that going
507 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> how about both rich0 and dabbott
508 19:27 <@NeddySeagoon> I don't have an issue with that
509 19:27 <@quantumsummers|c> really I think all of us should be in contact with them
510 19:27 <@rich0> Either is fine with me.
511 19:27 <@dabbott> same here
512 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, I'll get the ball rolling on Monday'
513 19:28 <@NeddySeagoon> fine
514 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> so, lets see next
515 19:28 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, Certified Public Accountant
516 19:28 <@rich0> It probably wouldn't hurt for us to think of some specific things we want to accomplish with them. Maybe sort out the logo?
517 19:28 <@rich0> (belay that - until we get to it)
518 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> sounds good
519 19:28 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, they already have a list of stuff ...
520 19:28 <@quantumsummers|c> CPA, this got a little more complicated than I had hoped, so they filed typical extension
521 19:29 <@quantumsummers|c> this is normal, and I do this every year actually
522 19:29 <@quantumsummers|c> so we are still working on getting everything together
523 19:29 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, do we have a CPA under contract ?
524 19:29 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: yes
525 19:30 <@quantumsummers|c> this includes the 1023 application, which there is some interesting stuff going on at the IRS apparently which has delayed nearly all FLOSS applications as well as several other types of orgs
526 19:30 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, thats good to know, can you post the details to the alias please. We all need to know it
527 19:30 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: sure, I'll scan the paperwork next week, its all at my office
528 19:31 <@quantumsummers|c> meant to do that awhile ago, and clearly forgot, sorry
529 19:31 <@quantumsummers|c> in terms of other financial info
530 19:31 <@NeddySeagoon> thanks. quantumsummers|a I anticipate you won't have much time/bet much sleep in the new year
531 19:31 <@NeddySeagoon> bet -> get
532 19:31 <@quantumsummers|c> we shall see, I don't get much now
533 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> we have everyone reimbursed for GSOC travel and Donnie has submitted his invoice for foundation reimbursement
534 19:32 <@NeddySeagoon> thats good. Nobody should be out of pocket for that
535 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> I have one outstanding bug open for reimbursement for a recent hardware purchase
536 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> we should receive the funds from google soon
537 19:32 <@quantumsummers|c> which is our main income for the year
538 19:33 <@quantumsummers|c> I forget the exact number but with travel, etc, its maybe $9K
539 19:33 <@NeddySeagoon> On a related topic, how do we keep track of projects in progress ? rich0 maybe your tracker should be expanded
540 19:33 <@quantumsummers|c> I have been filing bugs for things that involve money for the most part
541 19:33 <@rich0> I see my tracker being mainly for recurring activities.
542 19:33 <@rich0> Wouldn't bugs be best for single instances of stuff in progress?
543 19:34 <@quantumsummers|c> robbat2|na: I mentioned this in -infra, but maybe we should have a foundation group for private info/bugs
544 19:34 <@NeddySeagoon> I know that we have a mips project in progress, there was a similar request for alpha, which seemed to have stalled
545 19:34 <@quantumsummers|c> as in restrict access, not sure if it matters really
546 19:34 <@rich0> In fact, in an ideal world you could use the tracker to trigger creating a new bug. The tracker is the crontab, and the bug is the process.
547 19:34 <@rich0> quantumsummers|a, ++
548 19:35 <@rich0> I see this as an issue too. Right now stuff just goes around on the alias for confidentiality, and we never really close the loop properly to make sure we don't drop things.
549 19:35 <@quantumsummers|c> anyway, I was told its fairly easy, robbat2|na would know more
550 19:35 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, that sould pretty good. Where do we keep track of funds committed by not yet spent ?
551 19:35 <@rich0> Bugzilla is perfect for tracking things that have a start and an end, and we can lock the bugs that are sensitive, and leave open the ones that are in there now.
552 19:35 <@robbat2|na> quantumsummers|a, there is a trustees group under the foundation product already
553 19:35 <@quantumsummers|c> rich0: yeah, I agree it would be handy to have a place to manage things more centrally and for future proofing
554 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> robbat2|na: I mean a restrict access bit
555 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> as in there is one already to restrict it to devs only, etc
556 19:36 <@robbat2|na> quantumsummers|a, ah. ok. done
557 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> the product is there, yes. might add a few things to it beyond "proposal"
558 19:36 <@rich0> Yup, just like security bugs, but trustees only and the CC list.
559 19:36 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks robbat2|na
560 19:37 <@NeddySeagoon> that sounds good
561 19:37 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, paypal stuff
562 19:37 <@NeddySeagoon> anyway, sorry for the digression
563 19:37 <@rich0> I think the templates/organization is a nice to have, but the security is critical since that is what is keeping us out. We can't go posting bank account numbers even on dev-only bugs.
564 19:37 <@quantumsummers|c> I am removing some previous persons SSN and replacing it with our EIN
565 19:37 <@quantumsummers|c> that is some paperwork that I have to submit
566 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> it will make it easier moving forward to hand over control to more than one person or another single person, etc
567 19:38 <@NeddySeagoon> I saw the process - it looks horrendus
568 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> nah, not too bad really
569 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> just paperwork, I have all the info I think
570 19:38 <@NeddySeagoon> Go ahead then quantumsummers|a
571 19:38 <@quantumsummers|c> will do
572 19:39 <@quantumsummers|c> we were able to get the server to replace osprey and the HDDs that robbat2|na wanted
573 19:39 <@quantumsummers|c> I need to order 2 new caddies however, once I find where on the dell site
574 19:40 <@NeddySeagoon> thats good
575 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> could not locate that on friday
576 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> so, some cost there but surely <$100
577 19:40 <@NeddySeagoon> maybe someone in -infra knows where
578 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> we overpaid for the HDDs due to Thai floods
579 19:40 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, well, we are committed now
580 19:40 <@quantumsummers|c> yes
581 19:41 <@quantumsummers|c> I have the part number, but could not find it, will probably just call
582 19:41 <@robbat2|na> quantumsummers|a, we should double-check the caddys for the goog boxes as well
583 19:41 <@robbat2|na> ping me after the meeting re that stuff
584 19:41 <@NeddySeagoon> as another aside, my work uses google mail etc. I get all the foundation stuff in google docs coming up when I'm logged in for work
585 19:42 <@quantumsummers|c> robbat2|na: alrighty
586 19:42 <@quantumsummers|c> the google docs stuff can be nice actually
587 19:43 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I don't mind but my work might
588 19:43 <@quantumsummers|c> ah true, you should switch your .forward
589 19:43 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I don't have a .forward, I don't think
590 19:44 <@quantumsummers|c> how on earth then
591 19:44 <@quantumsummers|c> weird
592 19:44 <@dabbott> you can set up a gmail account just for gentoo stuff
593 19:44 <@NeddySeagoon> anyway, back to the agenda
594 19:44 <@robbat2|na> NeddySeagoon, you use a personal gmail account for work?
595 19:44 <@robbat2|na> or your google accounts are associated together
596 19:44 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2|na, No. The company uses gmail
597 19:45 <@quantumsummers|c> I do not see how that could happen
598 19:45 <@robbat2|na> weird
599 19:45 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, lets not pursue it now, but if anyone has any ideas ...
600 19:46 <@quantumsummers|c> ok
601 19:46 <@quantumsummers|c> so, I think that is all from me. Unless someone can remind me of something I have forgotten to cover ...
602 19:46 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, 501(c)(3) registration status ... I guess thats stalled meanwhile?
603 19:47 <@quantumsummers|c> not stalled, just work-in-progress
604 19:47 <@quantumsummers|c> still working on it
605 19:47 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
606 19:47 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2|na, SSL Options Update and New Masterdistfiles Machine
607 19:48 <@robbat2|na> SSL option: no change, and i'm actually really happy about that w/ more CA failures being reported.
608 19:48 <@robbat2|na> as a potential improvement for now
609 19:48 <@NeddySeagoon> should we drop this from the agenda then ?
610 19:49 <@NeddySeagoon> CA failures == SSL breaking u around us ?
611 19:49 <@robbat2|na> for now I think so. i've started on DNSSEC deployment for Gentoo, and we can send other trust metrics via that later
612 19:49 <@NeddySeagoon> u -> up
613 19:49 <@robbat2|na> yes
614 19:50 <@NeddySeagoon> ok
615 19:50 <@robbat2|na> there's some RFCs on sending ssl cert fingerprints via DNS
616 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> +1 to that
617 19:50 <@robbat2|na> which when combined with DNSSEC, and when the browsers pick them up, will negate a lot of the CA system
618 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> with dnssec that could be a big improvement
619 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> nice
620 19:50 <@quantumsummers|c> I just spent a ton of money on thawte certs
621 19:51 <@robbat2|na> any objections to dropping it for now, w/ a review in 3/4 months?
622 19:51 <@NeddySeagoon> nope
623 19:51 <@quantumsummers|c> I wish we didnt have to, but better to not have a false sense of sec I suppose
624 19:52 <@quantumsummers|c> nicely, if thawte goes down I sue for large sum of money
625 19:52 <@quantumsummers|c> insurance is nice I guess
626 19:52 <@robbat2|na> i don't think we'd have gotten their insurance clauses anyway w/ free certs
627 19:52 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, I don't think so either
628 19:52 <@NeddySeagoon> you can insure against technolgy changing?
629 19:53 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: you can insure anything :D
630 19:53 <@robbat2|na> for the right price
631 19:53 <@NeddySeagoon> robbat2|na, New Masterdistfiles Machine
632 19:53 <@quantumsummers|c> whether the company will survive your claim, that is another issue
633 19:54 <@quantumsummers|c> New Masterdistfiles Machine == osprey replacement?
634 19:54 <@robbat2|na> yes
635 19:54 <@robbat2|na> i haven't seen a response on the ticket if the arrived at osuosl yet
636 19:54 <@robbat2|na> but i'm not sure if it was set to to cc to infra correctly
637 19:54 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, its there
638 19:55 <@robbat2|na> ok, so just caddys + install left
639 19:55 <@NeddySeagoon> sounds like progress anyway
640 19:55 <@quantumsummers|c> yes
641 19:55 <@quantumsummers|c> although you can install with the current 2 caddies
642 19:55 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, Foundation Activity Tracker Update
643 19:55 <@rich0> At this point we're mostly in execution mode.
644 19:55 <@quantumsummers|c> there are 2 500GB HDDs that are extra now also
645 19:56 <@rich0> Quick question - did we ever file in Missouri?
646 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I think that went out, yes
647 19:56 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, and everyone thought it was a bad idea to add projects on progress ...
648 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I signed the stuff awhile ago
649 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I'll poke the cpa
650 19:56 <@quantumsummers|c> I suspect the answer is yes
651 19:56 <@rich0> I think the tracker basically meets it core purpose as an activity reminder. I'd still like to see the per-task pages beefed up, but I don't see that as being essential.
652 19:57 <@rich0> Ok, if yes then I'll go ahead and create dates on those filings (for 2012).
653 19:57 <@NeddySeagoon> Lets run with it a while
654 19:57 <@rich0> Did we file the 990?
655 19:57 <@quantumsummers|c> rich0: we filed an extension
656 19:57 <@quantumsummers|c> so, we have another 6 months
657 19:57 <@rich0> Does that cover the new mexico AG as well?
658 19:58 <@quantumsummers|c> we file a different thing for NM
659 19:58 <@quantumsummers|c> that is filed
660 19:58 <@rich0> One of the NM requirements is a copy of the 990.
661 19:58 <@quantumsummers|c> apparently was filed on Nov 2 by Heather, although I have no idea why they waited
662 19:59 <@quantumsummers|c> not for the PRC stuff
663 19:59 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 4 Bugs
664 19:59 <@quantumsummers|c> rich0: link me to that
665 19:59 <@rich0> Ok, feel free to move on with the agenda and I'll send to quantumsummers
666 19:59 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks
667 19:59 <@NeddySeagoon> Do we need to discuss any bugs in detail ?
668 20:01 <@robbat2|na> i think they're all in execution or pending external input
669 20:01 <@quantumsummers|c> the one 296766, can be closed
670 20:01 <@quantumsummers|c> that is all done
671 20:01 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats what I like to hear, it makes the meeting faster
672 20:02 <@dabbott> Bug 363871 can that be closed
673 20:02 < willikins> dabbott: "Consider StartSSL certificate offer"; Gentoo Foundation, Proposals; IN_P; robbat2:infra-bugs
674 20:02 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 5 New Busines
675 20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbott, do we need to write to them to say no thanks, or leave it until we reconsider ?
676 20:03 <@robbat2|na> i'll write some emails on it
677 20:03 <@NeddySeagoon> thanks robbat2|na
678 20:04 <@NeddySeagoon> George Boyce | Use of Gentoo Artwork ... Alien Cow Abductors
679 20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> That artwork in under a CCA licence and our logo is a small part of it, so I don't think we can object
680 20:05 <@NeddySeagoon> is*
681 20:07 <@dabbott> his request was "I would like permission to use this particular artwork to support a non-profit project under development and described at"
682 20:07 <@rich0> So, what do we want to offer them.
683 20:08 <@rich0> Should we state that we explicitly give him permission to use it as described?
684 20:08 <@NeddySeagoon> I don't think he needs to ask ... the CCA applies. Its likewhoas wallpaper
685 20:09 <@rich0> So, should we tell him that he doesn't need to ask?
686 20:09 <@rich0> Seems like the current non-commercial policy is that he can use it as long as he clarifies that he has nothing to do with us.
687 20:09 <@NeddySeagoon> He needs to follow whatever licence likewhoa released to artwork unde
688 20:09 <@rich0> Well, he also has to comply with the logo guidelines regardless of the artwork license.
689 20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> what does everyone else think ?
690 20:10 <@rich0> The artwork license only covers copyright, not trademark.
691 20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, good point
692 20:10 <@dabbott> its peaches artwork i believe
693 20:10 <@dabbott>
694 20:10 <@NeddySeagoon> Oops - he needs to get the attribution right :)
695 20:10 <@dabbott> licensed under CC-BY-SA/2.5
696 20:11 <@rich0> From a trademark his use is fine if he is non-commercial.
697 20:11 <@rich0> If he is commercial we'd need to give him an exemption, since it isn't being used to denote that something contains 'gentoo inside" or whatever.
698 20:12 <@NeddySeagoon> rich0, Its non-commercial - to expose children to robots
699 20:13 <@rich0> Seems to me that he needs to 1. Check with the artist on their license and comply, and 2. follow the non-commercial guidelines on the logo page and state that the logo is a trademark of gentoo and he isn't gentoo and so on.
700 20:13 <@rich0> Or, we could give him a pass on having to do #2.
701 20:13 <@NeddySeagoon> I would like to help him ... I'll put together an email for trustees to review.
702 20:13 <@NeddySeagoon> Does everyone agree we want to support this ?
703 20:13 <@rich0> And did I mention that this whole mess is something that would be wonderful to get the SFLC to help out with?
704 20:14 <@quantumsummers|c> yes, their help would be nice
705 20:14 <@rich0> I definitely want to remove any burdens.
706 20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> Its educational after all and thats a part of our stated objectives
707 20:14 <@dabbott> thanks NeddySeagoon he was confused over the different licenses involved
708 20:14 <@rich0> Whatever form that has to take - we shouldn't be standing in their way.
709 20:14 <@quantumsummers|c> tbh, I am more than a little upset at the way we were sort of "dropped" if you will
710 20:14 <@quantumsummers|c> or forgotten more likely
711 20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I told him it would bediscussed now
712 20:14 <@NeddySeagoon> its not dropped
713 20:15 <@quantumsummers|c> ok, I see no reason that he cannot use that image without our logo in ther
714 20:15 <@quantumsummers|c> I meant sflc forgot us
715 20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> Ah ok.
716 20:15 <@NeddySeagoon> I will put together a reply on this and send it to the alias for comment
717 20:16 <@rich0> Sounds good.
718 20:16 <@dabbott> again thanks
719 20:16 <@NeddySeagoon> I will put a placeholder into George too
720 20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> next item Gentoo Logo Usage Policy
721 20:17 <@rich0> Ugh
722 20:17 <@NeddySeagoon> This could be a long one and we have been running 70 min already, should we hold this over ?
723 20:18 <@rich0> I think that makes sense, or maybe consider it as something to bring up in our SFLC re-engagement?
724 20:18 <@NeddySeagoon> that sounds good but SFLC won't respond quickly
725 20:18 <@rich0> My suggestion is that we come up with some kind of holistic policy that covers copyright/trademark/etc so that we don't have these confusing double-treatments.
726 20:18 <@rich0> But we don't have to hash that out now.
727 20:19 <@rich0> Maybe we should consider reading the stuff in the agenda as homework in the meantime.
728 20:19 <@dabbott> lets brainstorm on the ml
729 20:19 <@rich0> Yes - sounds good.
730 20:19 <@NeddySeagoon> I like that - maybe two logos like Debian. We have two already. The G and the unoffcial LArry
731 20:19 <@NeddySeagoon> Moving on ...
732 20:19 <@rich0> Maybe, or even if it is just one have one policy that covers both copyright and trademark.
733 20:19 <@rich0> Ok, onwards...
734 20:19 <@robbat2|na> i'll send in a link for the ubuntu equiv link as well
735 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> Item 6 Membership Applications ... None
736 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> Part 3 Cleanup ...
737 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> Date of Next Meeting - 18th Dec 2011 19:00 UTC
738 20:20 <@quantumsummers|c> +1
739 20:20 <@NeddySeagoon> That works for me
740 20:20 <@dabbott> fine here
741 20:21 <@robbat2|na> should work fine for me, might be slightly late
742 20:21 <@rich0> +1
743 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> fine.
744 20:21 <@robbat2|na> (that's a weekend of christmas parties here)
745 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> you party early robbat2|na. We start for hogmany aroudn Dec 25th
746 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> Any other business ...
747 20:21 <@NeddySeagoon> dabbot ?
748 20:22 <@dabbott> none
749 20:22 <@robbat2|na> no AOB from me
750 20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, you always have something
751 20:22 <@quantumsummers|c> nope, just chuck testa
752 20:22 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, heh
753 20:23 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, did Heather get our good standing fixed and find out what happened ?
754 20:23 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: she had not heard back on Friday when I went home, I'll contact again on Monday.
755 20:23 <@quantumsummers|c> I'm sure we are fine though, just slow processing
756 20:23 <@NeddySeagoon> As long the she is onto it
757 20:23 <@rich0> Yup - if we talked to them we should be fine.
758 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> we made the deadline, no worries
759 20:24 <@rich0> Wheels of government turn slowly.
760 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> just freaked me out a bit
761 20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> Thats all from me, I think
762 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks for pointing that out dabbott
763 20:24 <@rich0> Yeah, I understand the feeling. Glad you spotted it.
764 20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> Responsibilities
765 20:24 <@rich0> Rather than a slashdot submitter. :)
766 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> oh, I will be having a gentoo onesie made for my boy, so if anyone wants one, I will have another made (organic cotton)
767 20:24 <@NeddySeagoon> I will write to George Boyce and post the log
768 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> will have pics, etc for the front page :P
769 20:24 <@quantumsummers|c> thanks
770 20:25 <@rich0> Oh boy...
771 20:25 <@dabbott> can we switch everything to missouri and drop nm
772 20:25 <@quantumsummers|c> not likely to drop NM
773 20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|c, Oh, you know its just the one then ?
774 20:25 <@quantumsummers|c> yes, and a boy
775 20:25 <@dabbott> once missouri is good
776 20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> I do have something else.
777 20:25 <@NeddySeagoon> The Sec ad ?
778 20:25 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, lets run it unless someone here wants the job
779 20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> Do we want to post the ad as is or does it need more work ?
780 20:26 <@quantumsummers|c> I have a python/django membership app that makes that stuff fairly simple
781 20:26 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I would like to appont an officer who is not a trustee
782 20:26 <@quantumsummers|c> NeddySeagoon: seems ok, I am just concerned since the person will have signatory power
783 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> it would be nice to have some level of trust
784 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> maybe meet them face to face, etc
785 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> I am paranoid though
786 20:27 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, I want to keep the bard low for enquires, we can ask for more info once we have some nibbles
787 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> ok
788 20:27 <@quantumsummers|c> sounds good
789 20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> quantumsummers|a, last time we ran that ad, we got exactly one response - you
790 20:28 <@quantumsummers|c> yeah, I know. Hard to believe that
791 20:28 <@quantumsummers|c> crazy, no one wants to volunteer for that stuff
792 20:28 <@NeddySeagoon> I'm quite keen to expand the management of the foundation beyond the trustees
793 20:28 <@quantumsummers|c> as am I
794 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> Can we get it on the front page ?
795 20:29 <@dabbott> quantumsummers|a, what about max he even sent an resume
796 20:29 <@quantumsummers|c> dabbott can do that
797 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> I can put an announce and discuss on the forums
798 20:29 <@quantumsummers|c> dabbott: email him, great idea
799 20:29 <@quantumsummers|c> Max would be a good candidate
800 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> fine
801 20:29 <@NeddySeagoon> put the ad up and email him a pointer
802 20:30 <@quantumsummers|c> cool
803 20:30 <@NeddySeagoon> that was all I had, so onto Open Floor
804 20:31 * NeddySeagoon bangs the gavel to close the meeting