Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: Sebastien Fabbro <bicatali@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] dev/bicatali:master commit in: profiles/
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 23:31:58
Message-Id: 1455755091.69db4a3656a3c4c08aa69f63bad776935fa4b31c.bicatali@gentoo
1 commit: 69db4a3656a3c4c08aa69f63bad776935fa4b31c
2 Author: Sébastien Fabbro <bicatali <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
3 AuthorDate: Thu Feb 18 00:24:51 2016 +0000
4 Commit: Sebastien Fabbro <bicatali <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Thu Feb 18 00:24:51 2016 +0000
6 URL:
8 autogenerated data
10 profiles/use.local.desc | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+)
13 diff --git a/profiles/use.local.desc b/profiles/use.local.desc
14 new file mode 100644
15 index 0000000..bf12bd7
16 --- /dev/null
17 +++ b/profiles/use.local.desc
18 @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
19 +# This file is deprecated as per GLEP 56 in favor of metadata.xml. Please add
20 +# your descriptions to your package's metadata.xml ONLY.
21 +# * generated automatically using egencache *
22 +
23 +dev-libs/starpu:cuda - Enable NVIDIA CUDA toolkit support
24 +dev-libs/starpu:gcc-plugin - Enable GCC extension plugin (experimental)
25 +dev-libs/starpu:opencl - Enable OpenCL support
26 +net-fs/cvmfs:aufs - Use AUFS instead of OverlayFS for the server
27 +net-fs/cvmfs:server - Install the CVMFS server (needs apache and OverlayFS)
28 +net-fs/cvmfs:test-programs - Install unit test programs
29 +sci-astronomy/wcslib:fits - Enable support for the FITS format through sci-libs/cfitsio
30 +sci-astronomy/wcslib:pgplot - Builds PGBSOX routines, needs sci-libs/pgplot library
31 +sci-libs/armadillo:arpack - Link with sci-libs/arpack libraries for eigen decomposition
32 +sci-libs/armadillo:atlas - Link with sci-libs/atlas libraries for cblas and clapack
33 +sci-libs/armadillo:mkl - Use matrix allocation from the Intel MKL sci-libs/mkl
34 +sci-libs/armadillo:superlu - Use SuperLU for sparse linear equation solving sci-libs/superlu
35 +sci-libs/armadillo:tbb - Use matrix allocation from the Threads Building Blocks dev-cpp/tbb
36 +sci-libs/ceres-solver:c++11 - Use C++11 compiler features instead of internal ones
37 +sci-libs/ceres-solver:cxsparse - Enable simple support for sparse matrix algebra from sci-libs/cxsparse with no LAPACK dependencies
38 +sci-libs/ceres-solver:gflags - Use dev-cpp/gflags for flag parsing
39 +sci-libs/ceres-solver:protobuf - Use dev-libs/protobuf to encode structured data
40 +sci-libs/ceres-solver:schur - Enable fixed-size schur specializations (disable if binary size is an issue)
41 +sci-libs/ceres-solver:sparse - Enable support for sparse matrix algebra with various packages from SuiteSparse instead of Eigen Sparse
42 +sci-libs/cfitsio:tools - Build execs fpack, funpack, imcopy, fitscopy, listhead
43 +sci-libs/gdal:armadillo - Use sci-libs/armadillo for faster TPS transform computation
44 +sci-libs/gdal:aux_xml - Enable Portable Auxilliary Metadata generation
45 +sci-libs/gdal:fits - Enable support for NASA's sci-libs/cfitsio library
46 +sci-libs/gdal:geos - Add support for geometry engine (sci-libs/geos)
47 +sci-libs/gdal:gml - Enable support for dev-libs/xerces-c C++ API
48 +sci-libs/gdal:hdf5 - Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format v5 (sci-libs/hdf5)
49 +sci-libs/gdal:mdb - Enable support for Microsoft Access database
50 +sci-libs/gdal:ogdi - Enable support for the open geographic datastore interface (sci-libs/ogdi)
51 +sci-libs/gdal:opencl - Enable OpenCL support
52 +sci-libs/gdal:spatialite - Enable Spatial DBMS over sqlite dev-db/spatialite
53 +sci-libs/gdal:xls - Add the dev-libs/freexl library for xls import support
54 +sci-libs/netcdf:dap - Support for remote data access with the built-in OPeNDAP client
55 +sci-libs/netcdf:hdf - Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format v.4 sci-libs/hdf
56 +sci-libs/netcdf:tools - Build the utilities nccopy, ncgen and ncdump
57 +sci-libs/vtk:R - Enable support for dev-lang/R
58 +sci-libs/vtk:all-modules - Build all modules
59 +sci-libs/vtk:boost - Add support for boost
60 +sci-libs/vtk:cg - Use nvidia's cg shaders
61 +sci-libs/vtk:gdal - Support for gdal formated data
62 +sci-libs/vtk:imaging - Building Imaging modules
63 +sci-libs/vtk:json - Support for json formated data
64 +sci-libs/vtk:kaapi - Use sci-libs/xkaapi to handle smp support
65 +sci-libs/vtk:offscreen - Offscreen rendering through OSMesa
66 +sci-libs/vtk:rendering - Building Redering modules
67 +sci-libs/vtk:tbb - Use dev-cpp/tbb to handle smp support
68 +sci-libs/vtk:views - Building Views modules
69 +sci-libs/vtk:web - Install web component
70 +sci-libs/vtk:xdmf2 - Support for xdmf2 formated data