Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Fabian Groffen (grobian)" <grobian@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/gentoo-alt/prefix: usecases.xml
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2008 12:21:32
1 grobian 08/01/05 12:21:21
3 Added: usecases.xml
4 Log:
5 Add usecases doc. It is actually a GuideMLed version of my tex sources for the article in Linux+ magazine, Gentoo edition. Since that whole party was cancelled, the article may serve some purpose, instead of chancelessly rotting away on one of my disks.
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/gentoo-alt/prefix/usecases.xml
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: usecases.xml
14 ===================================================================
15 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
16 <!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "/dtd/guide.dtd">
17 <!-- $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/xml/htdocs/proj/en/gentoo-alt/prefix/usecases.xml,v 1.1 2008/01/05 12:21:20 grobian Exp $ -->
19 <guide link="/proj/en/gentoo-alt/prefix/usecases.xml" lang="en">
20 <title>Gentoo Prefixed Portage Use Cases</title>
22 <author title="Author">
23 <mail link="grobian@g.o">Fabian Groffen</mail>
24 </author>
26 <abstract>
27 Use cases for a Prefixed environment.
28 </abstract>
31 <!-- The content of this document is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license -->
32 <!-- See -->
33 <license/>
35 <version>1.0</version>
36 <date>2008-01-05</date>
38 <chapter>
39 <title>Gentoo/Alt:Prefix - what's in it?</title>
41 <section><!-- {{{ Introduction -->
42 <title>Introduction</title>
43 <body>
45 <p>
46 Usually when one thinks of Gentoo, its Linux distribution
47 comes to mind. However, there is more that Gentoo has to
48 offer. To the extreme, Gentoo has its <e>Alt</e> project that
49 deals with non-Linux operating systems. Most visible in
50 Gentoo/Alt are currently the BSD and Prefix projects. While
51 the former focusses on providing some form of Gentoo on all
52 kinds of BSD systems, the latter targets nearly every platform
53 including Gentoo Linux itself. What both have in common, is
54 that they use Gentoo Portage to install software on the target
55 systems.
56 </p>
57 <p>
58 Among the various Linux distributions, Gentoo is one of the
59 few that is source based. In fact, Gentoo is a
60 meta-distribution, which more or less means that Gentoo
61 provides <e>how</e> to install a package, instead of the
62 package itself in a binary form. This property allows to
63 easily <e>reuse</e> the meta-data that exists for a package to
64 install it on another kind of platform. This is one of the
65 reasons why the Gentoo Linux distribution targets so many
66 (rare) architectures: reuse allows for easy maintenance. The
67 Gentoo/Alt project builds further on this particular property.
68 With relatively small efforts, the meta-packages (ebuilds) can
69 be made to install from the same sources on non-Linux
70 operating systems.
71 </p>
72 <p>
73 In this article we focus on the Prefix project. The project
74 itself is experimental, thus not intended for use in any
75 settings where an experimental nature is not appreciated, such
76 as production environments. However, the early experiences
77 with the project are interesting enough to be discussed in
78 this article. Gentoo Prefix has some unusual properties,
79 which makes it useful for a number of occasions. Two use
80 cases follow.
81 </p>
83 </body>
84 </section><!-- }}} -->
86 <section><!-- {{{ Use Cases -->
87 <title>Use Cases</title>
88 <body>
90 <p><b>Case 1: A student at the University</b></p>
91 <p>
92 A student X wants to compile and run some self-developed
93 software on the Sun workstations provided by his university.
94 The development tools required for the student's project go
95 far beyond what the system administrators like to install, and
96 other than that, they don't have time to look into it. With
97 the student obviously having no administrative privileges to
98 the Sun workstations, he cannot "just" install the required
99 software tools himself. Even if the student wants to use
100 non-official package installers, he still needs administrative
101 privileges, as those installers like to place the binaries in
102 places which by default are not writeable for the student.
103 The only option left for the student is to compile and install
104 the software he needs manually himself. This typically
105 requires some time, expertise and work. Not always does
106 software compile out of the box. Sometimes due to
107 "dependencies" on other packages, and quite often a number
108 of packages needs to be installed in the right order before it
109 all works. A lot of work, just to get the self-developed
110 package only to compile.
111 </p>
113 <p><b>Case 2: Companies deploying software</b></p>
114 <p>
115 Company Y has its own product P. By the nature of P, it is
116 compiled at the customer's machines, highly tuned and
117 configured for the customer's needs. Also the maintenance,
118 patches and requirement changes are done by Y. Unfortunately,
119 the customers of Y are very much bound to the machines and
120 operating systems they use on that. Big contracts, and
121 secured "trust" in the form of SLAs and years of experience
122 make Y's customers want to use whatever they have been using
123 for years. Even though administrative privileges are within
124 reach of Y for the systems to build on, Y likes to avoid that
125 since not only Y's software runs on the systems. A fix for
126 one, can break things for the other. The nature of Y's
127 customers simply doesn't allow breakage, hence changing the
128 system is the very last resort. However, for Y to install its
129 product, it needs some more recent, or extra development
130 tools. Like the student from case 1, the only option left, is
131 to manually compile and install what is necessary, including
132 the burden of tracking the "dependencies".
133 </p>
135 <p>
136 Next to these two use cases, many others exist. It is not
137 hard to think of not being at an university, but on a company
138 workstation or laptop. Or just that a user doesn't like to
139 "pollute" the main system by installing (non-vendor)
140 packages. In all cases, Gentoo Prefix provides a solution.
141 Simply put, Gentoo Prefix allows to install packages from
142 source, without administrative privileges, into a custom
143 location in the file system hierarchy (the prefix). Since
144 Gentoo Prefix uses the Portage package manager, it also deals
145 with all (possible) dependencies, and compile time options to
146 enable or disable certain functionality. Last, but not least,
147 the packages provided are -- as usual within Gentoo -- fairly
148 up-to-date, so the chance for "outdated software" is really
149 small.
150 </p>
152 </body>
153 </section><!-- }}} -->
155 <section><!-- {{{ Installing Gentoo Prefix -->
156 <title>Installing Gentoo Prefix</title>
157 <body>
159 <p>
160 How does Gentoo Prefix work then? Without the details, it
161 works like a normal Gentoo Linux system: packages are simply
162 <e>emerged</e>. However, before one can do that, Gentoo
163 Prefix first has to be installed. While at this time of
164 writing there is no installer or live-CD, the only way to
165 install Gentoo Prefix is by bootstrapping using a special
166 script. Detailed descriptions of how to do that on for
167 example Mac OS X can be found on the project website.
168 Installing via that documentation remains the only way for as
169 long as "one button" installers are not available. For users
170 that are familiar with installing Gentoo Linux without the
171 installer just by following the documentation, will find some
172 resemblance in how Gentoo Prefix is installed. Step by step
173 instructions, with per step explanation of why and what for.
174 </p>
176 <p>
177 The bootstrapping process consists of three phases, 1)
178 installing the core tools, 2) using Portage to emerge a base
179 system, and 3) using portage to rebuild all of the installed
180 packages with custom optimisations and features.
181 </p>
183 <p>
184 While the whole process is boring overall, it results in an
185 up-to-date and ready to use developer (sub-)system. Phase 1)
186 is mainly installing the tools that Portage itself needs to
187 function properly. Packages that are installed here are a
188 recent Python, findutils, and so on, in total a number of 10
189 packages. The final step of this phase is to install Portage
190 itself. This allows to continue with the next phase, where
191 packages are only installed using Portage. Phase 2) starts by
192 <e>emerging</e> build utilities in an order such that
193 dependencies are met. Because these utilities are so
194 "basic", Portage often doesn't take them into account as
195 package dependencies, since they belong to the <e>base
196 profile</e>. Hence, the dependency calculation of Portage
197 will not create a correct graph for these packages, resulting
198 in failures during compilation. For this reason, A number of
199 packages is emerged without dependency calculation in a fixed
200 order. After this the final step of this phase is to use the
201 dependency system of Portage to emerge the special target
202 "system", which includes all the packages that should be
203 available on a system to function properly. Once all these
204 packages are available, the last phase, 3), can be executed.
205 In this final phase, the tree with ebuilds is updated to the
206 most current version, and the compile time flags and features
207 can be set. After that, it mainly does a recompilation of all
208 packages compiled before, and adds some packages that may be
209 necessary for the updated features ("USE flags"). While
210 recompiling all packages previously compiled may sound like a
211 waste of time, it is done on purpose. First, in order to have
212 the new compile time flags become active, packages have to be
213 <e>re-emerged</e>. Since these compile time flags (CFLAGS)
214 often contain optimisations which greatly affect the speed and
215 performance of the utilities, it is worth to recompile for
216 this. Second, packages emerged in the second phase, sometimes
217 still use tools provided by the operating system being built
218 on, instead of those tools installed by Portage. These need
219 to be corrected, which is done by a recompilation.
220 </p>
222 <p>
223 After these phases, the (sub-)system is ready for use, and
224 packages of choice can be emerged in the system. These
225 packages can be libraries (libpcre, libxml2, ...),
226 applications (vim, mutt, ...) or whole graphical toolkits,
227 such as QT and GTK.
228 <!-- currently this doesn't work, so let's not mention it
229 And among contributions, also the
230 utilities for a typical LAMP setting are supported by Gentoo
231 Prefix. Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL, all working, without
232 administrative privileges.
233 -->
234 </p>
236 </body>
237 </section><!-- }}} -->
239 <section><!-- {{{ What is this Prefix? -->
240 <title>What is this Prefix?</title>
241 <body>
243 <p>
244 So far we have discussed what one can do with Gentoo Prefix.
245 The curious reader, however, may wonder how it is done, and
246 why it can do all of this installing without causing trouble.
247 The first thing that needs some explanation, is the name of
248 the project itself: Prefix. A prefix is some part put "in
249 front of" something else. In this case, it is a path put in
250 front of all other paths that Portage deals with. The main
251 reason why administrative privileges are often required, is
252 because the software is finally installed into a location that
253 a normal user in the system can write to. This is good, as it
254 protects the system from getting broken by mistakes from
255 unknowing users, but prevents the user from installing the
256 software. So the approach taken in Prefix Portage is to
257 deviate from these default locations, and shift everything
258 into an <e>offset</e>. This offset, which is prefixed to every
259 path Portage uses, can be freely chosen. This way, a user can
260 install into his own home directory, or to some large disk
261 space location which he has write permissions for. And here
262 is the reason why Prefix works for what it wants. It installs
263 into there where the user has full privileges to do what is
264 necessary: installing software.
265 </p>
267 <p>
268 Guarded with this offset, knowing that everything is installed
269 into this location, usage of the prefix consists of using
270 everything from this prefix, before even looking at what the
271 main operating system has installed. This is what Portage in
272 the prefix does. It simply changes the search paths such that
273 the prefix comes first. Simple as that, as far as Portage is
274 concerned. Knowledgeable readers on compiler and linker
275 workings will immediately wonder how Portage deals with them
276 and the offset. The simple answer is that compilers and
277 linkers installed by Portage in the prefix are configured such
278 that they look into the prefix first as well. Not only that,
279 but also does it make sure that compiled programs will keep on
280 looking in the prefix via <e>rpath</e> directions, which are a
281 bit too detailed for this article to discuss. The conclusion
282 is that programs compile and run using prefix provided tools
283 and libraries.
284 </p>
286 </body>
287 </section><!-- }}} -->
289 <section><!-- {{{ Conclusions -->
290 <title>Conclusions</title>
291 <body>
293 <p>
294 Gentoo Prefix is an easy way to enable using software
295 installed on a user base. This in particular is interesting
296 for situations where administrative privileges are not
297 available or simply not suitable. Gentoo Prefix is like Fink,
298 MacPorts or pkgsrc for Mac OS X systems, but not limited to
299 this operating system alone. The nature of Portage -- from
300 the Gentoo philosophy -- allows fine grained control over how
301 packages are installed, which is brought to users of many
302 platforms. Last but absolutely not least, we like to stress
303 that Gentoo Prefix is not a "finished" product. It is a
304 proof-of-concept that currently (quite successful) explores
305 the possibilities of using Gentoo Portage on systems other
306 than Gentoo Linux. Unprivileged installation of Gentoo Prefix
307 is one of the drives that allow the project to be quite
308 successful so far.
309 </p>
311 </body>
312 </section><!-- }}} -->
314 </chapter>
316 </guide>
318 <!-- vim: set expandtab ts=2 sw=2 foldmethod=marker foldenable: -->
319 <!-- kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; -->
323 --
324 gentoo-commits@g.o mailing list