Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (jmbsvicetto)" <jmbsvicetto@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/meeting-logs: kde-project-meeting-log-20090820.txt kde-project-meeting-summary-20090820.txt
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 2009 22:37:09
1 jmbsvicetto 09/08/22 22:37:03
3 Added: kde-project-meeting-log-20090820.txt
4 kde-project-meeting-summary-20090820.txt
5 Log:
6 Added the log and summary for the 20090820 KDE meeting.
8 Revision Changes Path
9 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-log-20090820.txt
11 file :
12 plain:
14 Index: kde-project-meeting-log-20090820.txt
15 ===================================================================
16 [20:55:28] <scarabeus> 57 secs
17 [20:55:40] <wired> =]
18 [20:56:45] <scarabeus> okey
19 [20:56:50] <scarabeus> i guess we will have to wait
20 [20:57:05] <scarabeus> since 3 devs; 2 hts and 2 exherbos are not exactly desired combo
21 [20:57:18] <reavertm> I'm here
22 [20:57:19] <wired> lol
23 [20:58:00] --> bonsaikitten (i=quassel@gentoo/developer/bonsaikitten) has joined #gentoo-meetings
24 [20:58:02] --> dagger (n=quassel@gentoo/developer/dagger) has joined #gentoo-meetings
25 [20:58:12] <wired> that helped... a bit :)
26 [20:58:23] --> yngwin (n=yngwin@gentoo/developer/yngwin) has joined #gentoo-meetings
27 [20:58:25] --> Ingmar (i=ingmar@exherbo/developer/ingmar) has joined #gentoo-meetings
28 [20:58:33] --> ayoy (n=ayoy@×××××××××××××××××.fi) has joined #gentoo-meetings
29 [20:58:43] <yngwin> here
30 [20:59:10] <scarabeus> ok
31 [20:59:14] <scarabeus> looks better :]
32 [20:59:19] <scarabeus> so for the tampakrap
33 [20:59:21] <scarabeus>
34 [20:59:30] <scarabeus> i count him as excuses due to personal matters
35 [20:59:41] --> Gentoochild (n=bla@××××××××××××××××××.de) has joined #gentoo-meetings
36 [20:59:43] <scarabeus> please read the above paste
37 [20:59:50] <yngwin> pesa has no internet currently
38 [21:00:35] <yngwin> and ayoy is being grilled by his recruiter
39 [21:01:03] <scarabeus> ok
40 [21:01:16] <scarabeus> anyone said that he will be late?
41 [21:01:32] <scarabeus> otherwise i just wrote up our roll-call, i count everyone whom joined as here
42 [21:01:34] <yngwin> not that i know
43 [21:01:42] <yngwin> ok
44 [21:02:08] <scarabeus> ok so i would say lets start with topic 1
45 [21:02:12] <yngwin> i'm having a headache, so i'd like to keep this short on my end
46 [21:02:37] <scarabeus> for that i count as relevant tampakraps opinion, and reavertm's they are the last one working on it
47 [21:02:51] <scarabeus> so since tampakrap said it in mail i would ask reavertm if he has something to add
48 [21:02:52] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I'll talk to tampakrap, but 2 things about the KDE3 overlay
49 [21:03:07] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: 1. Let's call it kde-junk, kde-sunset, or something like that.
50 [21:03:27] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: no problem i have all powers about gitosis
51 [21:03:36] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: 2. We can't drop any ebuilds from the tree before at least the end of the year
52 [21:03:37] <scarabeus> just sent me after decided name
53 [21:03:51] <scarabeus> with 2 i agree
54 [21:03:56] <jmbsvicetto> The reason is that we shouldn't tie an overlay to a specific kde version
55 [21:03:57] <scarabeus> i would start it after 4.4
56 [21:04:01] <scarabeus> if nothing evil happen
57 [21:04:17] <jmbsvicetto> At least not before we get 2 KDE4 minor versions marked stable
58 [21:04:22] <bonsaikitten> I is here, mostly :)
59 [21:04:38] <jmbsvicetto> So if we got 4.2 and 4.3 marked stable, then we could consider dropping 3.5 from the tree
60 [21:04:38] <wired> we'll probably need an announcement and a news item and any other possible means of communication to alert current kde3 users that they have to add the overlay if they want kde3
61 [21:04:59] <wired> a few months before we remove it
62 [21:05:04] <scarabeus> that is simple news item
63 [21:05:13] <scarabeus> ad it can go hand in hand with mask :]
64 [21:05:23] <scarabeus> i think 3 month mask for this is good idea :]
65 [21:05:26] <dagger> I think we should make such news after first kde4 goes stable
66 [21:05:32] <wired> its simple but it can also be devastating if we forget :p
67 [21:05:44] <scarabeus> and before i forget "DID ANYONE FIND SOME CONTRIBUTORS?"
68 [21:06:10] <reavertm> I suppose we'll find some gentoo devs still with 3.5
69 [21:06:13] <yngwin> iirc sping showed some interest before the summer
70 [21:06:37] <yngwin> he's resuming recruitment process now
71 [21:07:00] <scarabeus> will you talk to him and find out?
72 [21:07:07] <scarabeus> *mind
73 [21:07:08] <yngwin> i can yes
74 [21:07:28] <Ronis_BR> I don't know if my opinion counts, but I really agree to dagger, you should announce that even befor kde4 is marked as stable. It may be very painful for some users to make the change.
75 [21:07:49] <scarabeus> he has point ^
76 [21:08:16] <reavertm> scarabeus: kde3 packages moved to overlay won't be subject of package.mask, will they?
77 [21:08:17] <dagger> some people dont like kde4 and we wont change it. We just need to make sure they've got enough time to get use to overlay
78 [21:08:28] <reavertm> (they shouldn't imho)
79 [21:08:29] <wired> we just need to make sure that people will have the overlay added before we remove the ebuilds
80 [21:08:32] <scarabeus> reavertm: wont
81 [21:08:39] <wired> and i agree we reavertm we shouldnt mask it
82 [21:08:40] <ABCD> I would suggest announcing loudly and often, in many venues so that (hopefully) very few users are taken by suprise
83 [21:08:41] <reavertm> (just have keywords dropped probably)
84 [21:08:44] <yngwin> and it needs to be stable before it is marked stable
85 [21:08:46] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: news item, planet blog entries, forums thread, front page announcement, ... ;)
86 [21:09:04] <dagger> jmbsvicetto: sounds good
87 [21:09:40] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: can you do it, please please our PR farry
88 [21:10:22] <yngwin> i'd wait with too widespread announcements until there is a stable candidate
89 [21:10:45] <reavertm> indeed
90 [21:11:00] <scarabeus> well i was not saying NOW i mean when the time will come
91 [21:11:04] <reavertm> (which movesus towards second topic)
92 [21:11:04] <dagger> that moves us to point no 2
93 [21:11:25] <scarabeus> wait a bit, i have one problem with kde3
94 [21:11:44] <scarabeus> i have seen that debian ship more patches marked as security for kde3 than we even have as bugs
95 [21:11:55] --> ahf (i=ahf@irssi/staff/ahf) has joined #gentoo-meetings
96 [21:12:14] <yngwin> we need people now to start maintaining kde3
97 [21:12:49] <scarabeus> or mask it right after we stable first kde4, dont say remove just mask for sec-issues
98 [21:13:17] <dagger> kde3 is dead end. I think we need to decide how long are we going to maintain it
99 [21:13:26] <yngwin> users wont be happy, but i have to agree
100 [21:14:04] <reavertm> I'd suggest faster gentoo stable releases so that we can keep up with stable version being the one actually yet supported by upstream
101 [21:14:08] <scarabeus> i think we can write some news item onto the homepage/spread as news
102 [21:14:20] <scarabeus> and if noone will volunteer to work on it in 7 days...
103 [21:14:22] <reavertm> for example 4.2 branch is no longer mainataned...
104 [21:14:26] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: ok
105 [21:14:30] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: About the news
106 [21:14:48] <yngwin> i agree, we need to recruit kde3 maintainers immediately
107 [21:14:49] --> tampakrap (n=tuxicity@gentoo/developer/tampakrap) has joined #gentoo-meetings
108 [21:15:04] <scarabeus> tampakrap: you, here, how, why
109 [21:15:11] <dagger> go home!
110 [21:15:14] <tampakrap> just for logs bye
111 [21:15:14] <jmbsvicetto> reavertm: What do you mean about the package.mask? Do you mean masking KDE3 ebuilds now or after they're moved to the overlay?
112 [21:15:16] <dagger> ^^
113 [21:15:58] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: he was worried if we would keep the mask in tree after we move it to the overlay, which is NO
114 [21:16:13] <reavertm> what scarab said
115 [21:16:19] <yngwin> if we mask it, we might as well move it
116 [21:16:40] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus / reavertm: I see and I agree with you - no
117 [21:16:55] <scarabeus> no, users sometimes hate overlays, unmasking is simple
118 [21:17:00] <scarabeus> or we actualy can let them decide
119 [21:17:10] <jmbsvicetto> But we shouldn't mask it until some time after we get KDE-4 marked stable
120 [21:17:14] <scarabeus> i would start with the anouncing call for maintainers on homepage and on all pcs
121 [21:17:27] <scarabeus> then we will know if someone cares
122 [21:17:32] <scarabeus> we can recruit the peeps
123 [21:17:35] <scarabeus> we have the powah
124 [21:17:37] <scarabeus> :]
125 [21:17:37] <jmbsvicetto> I'm sorry, but half my brain is being pulled to #gentoo-userrel
126 [21:17:55] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: yes that we mentioned too, after at least 1 kde4 stabled
127 [21:18:48] <yngwin> but if there are security issues that nobody is fixing, we may need to mask earlier
128 [21:19:04] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: anouncement on homepage and as newsitem if noone reply in timely manner (week) then after
129 [21:19:04] <scarabeus> kde4 is stabilised we will right away mask it as security threat. then it will live until
130 [21:19:04] <scarabeus> kde4.4 but masked/or in overlay (to be decided).
131 [21:19:16] <scarabeus> this is my braindead summary
132 [21:19:51] <reavertm> agreed
133 [21:19:55] <dagger> I would say make kde4.a stable, than make kde4.b stable and mask kde3
134 [21:20:23] <dagger> unless critical bugs will force us to make it earlier
135 [21:20:30] <scarabeus> dagger: there must be security ones
136 [21:20:32] <dagger> mask*
137 [21:20:49] <scarabeus> just browse debian patches
138 [21:20:51] <Gentoochild> another thing to consider when ditching KDE3 is whether all kde3 apps are available for kde4 (like k3b)
139 [21:21:06] <dagger> k3b for kde4 works perfectly
140 [21:21:10] <scarabeus> Gentoochild: security has privilege
141 [21:21:13] <Gentoochild> (was jsut an exampolke)
142 [21:21:14] <reavertm> dagger: not really
143 [21:21:14] <yngwin> mythtv seems to be a problem
144 [21:21:30] <reavertm> I wonder whether leaving kdelibs:3.5 + some apps would be a problem
145 [21:21:32] <dagger> reavertm: I'm using it 2-3 times a week for cd dvd5/9 - all fine
146 [21:21:43] <wired> reavertm thats what i was thinking as well
147 [21:22:00] <wired> maybe we can leave kdelibs3 and a few apps around for a little longer (like +6 months)
148 [21:22:10] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: I wouldn't mask it, but after we get one KDE4 version marked stable, we should start warning users *publicly* to the status of KDE3 security
149 [21:22:13] <reavertm> dagger: try writing udf image wth verify - it will lock on 50% on disk eject, but that's off topic
150 [21:22:29] <reavertm> jmbsvicetto: what are those security issue? khtml?
151 [21:22:37] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: If that upsets upstream, I don't care. Maybe it might lead someone to start fixing issues
152 [21:22:41] <scarabeus> reavertm: khtml as starters
153 [21:22:42] <yngwin> jmbsvicetto: no it's very simple: if there are security issues they need to be fixed or the affected packages masked
154 [21:22:47] <scarabeus> there was some more in kdelibs and parts
155 [21:22:56] <scarabeus> simple tracking debian can work
156 [21:22:57] <reavertm> maybe it's easier just to dump kde desktop (along with affected apps) and leave kdelibs + some apps that are known to work
157 [21:22:59] <scarabeus> but we need that maintainer
158 [21:23:23] <Ronis_BR> I use Kile very often, and the kde4 version of if is far far away to be usable...
159 [21:23:35] --> ABCD_ (n=ABCD@gentoo/contributor/abcd) has joined #gentoo-meetings
160 [21:23:53] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: As a Gentoo policy, you're right. But in that case we should probably have masked KDE-3 a few months ago
161 [21:24:03] <yngwin> yes
162 [21:24:11] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: yes but now we will have stable replacement
163 [21:24:14] <yngwin> so let's try to make things right asap
164 [21:24:29] <-- ABCD (n=ABCD@gentoo/contributor/abcd) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
165 [21:24:32] <scarabeus> i would say wait with this decision we can wait for the anouncement and proceed if noone appears
166 [21:24:33] <ABCD_> could someone PM me the logs from "<scarabeus> this is my braindead summary" through my re-joining?
167 [21:24:48] <-> ABCD_ is now known as ABCD
168 [21:24:50] <reavertm> I suppose masking the only stable kde release is not an option so please make sure we have one left :P
169 [21:25:08] <wired> sure hold on
170 [21:25:45] <yngwin> reavertm: if no maintainers step up, that is currently our only option
171 [21:26:38] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: ok
172 [21:26:48] <reavertm> then we should do as scarabeus said
173 [21:27:07] <dagger> can we make a poll on forums, to see how many users still use kde3 and how many moved to kde4?
174 [21:27:33] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: but we should all be aware that even when kde-4 gets marked stable, it's very unlikely that any arch besides x86, amd64, ppc and ppc64 will get it marked stable soon
175 [21:27:34] <yngwin> yes we can
176 [21:27:35] <scarabeus> dagger: well usage is not our issue, we need maintainers
177 [21:27:37] <dagger> of course it will represent only small percentage of users, but should give us some guidelines
178 [21:27:51] <ayoy> hey there
179 [21:27:54] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: i bet on hppa
180 [21:28:01] <yngwin> jmbsvicetto: sure, i dont think it will be marked stable soon on any arch
181 [21:28:09] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: so masking kde-3 will upset quite a few users from these arches, but it will also upset people in the other arches
182 [21:28:35] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: Don't forget ia64 or sparc
183 [21:28:42] <yngwin> so the key is to get some ppl to step up and maintain&fix
184 [21:28:55] <scarabeus> yes
185 [21:29:01] <scarabeus> so exactly what i said
186 [21:29:05] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: sparc is still tied to qt-webkit dying with alignment issues
187 [21:29:20] <scarabeus> so no cookies for sparc
188 [21:29:32] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: i agree it is bad solution, but it is worse to leave it rot around
189 [21:29:40] <scarabeus> at least 1 maintainer
190 [21:29:48] <scarabeus> it is not so hard, the ebuilds are mostly cleaned and fixed
191 [21:29:56] <scarabeus> they just need the patches and testing
192 [21:29:57] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: And unfortunately, it seems each day KDE upstream is more concerned with Windows,OS/X than with Linux alternative arches
193 [21:30:15] <scarabeus> i expected that one
194 [21:30:34] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I'm not arguing against your proposal. I'm just making a few "warning" ;)
195 [21:30:46] <scarabeus> so you can show the logs when they blame you :P
196 [21:30:48] <scarabeus> :DDDDD
197 [21:30:58] <yngwin> they can still unmask or use overlay if they want kde3
198 [21:31:02] <scarabeus> i would say lets go for next subject
199 [21:31:22] <reavertm> agreed
200 [21:32:06] <scarabeus> i summarised it really nicely and jorge as boss can tweak it more to reflect us so we all write our proposals for it
201 [21:32:15] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: one Q, did you see carlo lately?
202 [21:32:31] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: he did kde3 commits when he was around, so that is why i ask :]
203 [21:33:18] <scarabeus> the awkard silence...
204 [21:33:36] <scarabeus> okey so for the 4.2 stabling i would say vote?
205 [21:34:04] <yngwin> i vote hell no
206 [21:34:05] <wired> i say we go for 4.3
207 [21:34:10] <dagger> hell no
208 [21:34:13] <wired> so no =]
209 [21:34:21] <dagger> 4.3 is the way to go
210 [21:34:25] <reavertm> I vote.. wait for 4.3.1
211 [21:34:34] -*- yngwin is with reavertm
212 [21:34:45] <reavertm> there's one 'problem'
213 [21:34:51] <dagger> yeah, 4.3.1 sounds like the best candidate
214 [21:34:53] <scarabeus> you know my opinion but for the record 4.3
215 [21:35:00] <reavertm> kde 4.3 will need phonon-4.4pre
216 [21:35:08] <scarabeus> the snapshot is stable
217 [21:35:11] <scarabeus> where is the issue
218 [21:35:20] <yngwin> what snapshot
219 [21:35:21] <reavertm> which is good as it works very well, just doen't look official (and it's not, it's our snapshot)
220 [21:35:26] <scarabeus> phonon
221 [21:35:39] <scarabeus> reavertm: i would say it is ook
222 [21:35:46] <scarabeus> it works peachy for everyone around here
223 [21:35:49] <reavertm> second thing - akonadi-server sqlite USE flag could be masked in profile
224 [21:35:59] <scarabeus> reavertm: why? it is so borked?
225 [21:36:04] <scarabeus> i didnt get time to test it yet
226 [21:36:13] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: ok
227 [21:36:13] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: carlo? no
228 [21:36:13] <yngwin> no prblems with phonon
229 [21:36:42] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I'll have to double check, but I think he's got under undertakers view
230 [21:36:42] <reavertm> no idea, works for me, but upstream says sqlite threads support is broken sometimes and may cause data loss when using sqlite backend
231 [21:36:47] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: meaning is subject to retirement for inactivity
232 [21:36:54] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: understood
233 [21:37:00] <reavertm> and I think would just need better testinb whether it's really the case
234 [21:37:04] <jmbsvicetto> About KDE4, 4.2.4
235 [21:37:08] <dagger> data loss = mask it
236 [21:37:15] <jmbsvicetto> If we wait for 4.3, time will fly by us
237 [21:37:35] <yngwin> 4.2.4 is not stable, boss
238 [21:37:35] <reavertm> (mysql is enabled by default for now and sqlite is marked as experimental in pkg_postinst anyway)
239 [21:37:40] <jmbsvicetto> 4.3.0 has some nasty bugs that upstream has admitted already and 4.3.1 shouldn't be out before 1st or 2nd week of September
240 [21:37:42] <yngwin> neither is 4.3.0
241 [21:37:48] <dagger> jmbsvicetto: yes and no. 4.2 is no longer maintained, and 4.3.1 will give us some time to fix some bugs in 4.3
242 [21:37:58] <jmbsvicetto> Add at least 1 month to that for asking for it to be marked stable and we'll be getting very close to the year's end
243 [21:38:38] <scarabeus> yep, but i think we need 1 month to fix all the issues we have in the tracker anyway
244 [21:38:39] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: I think 4.2.4 is not a perfect release, but it's getting very close and will allow us to have a stable version almost 2 months before 4.3
245 [21:38:52] <dagger> I believe having 4.3.1 stable by the time 4.3.3 is released sounds good
246 [21:38:55] <reavertm> of course before anyone thinks of any kde4 stabilization, blocker bugs needs to be fixed first
247 [21:38:59] <yngwin> 4.2.4 is usable, but certainly not stable
248 [21:39:13] <jmbsvicetto> 4.2.4 is my vote - but majority rules ;)
249 [21:39:23] <scarabeus> yeah we rule and you rock :]
250 [21:39:28] <scarabeus> (you know the joke right?)
251 [21:39:35] -*- reavertm knows
252 [21:39:35] <dagger> 4.3.0 is more stable than 4.2.4 ;)
253 [21:39:45] -*- scarabeus confirm
254 [21:39:50] <Ronis_BR> If i can vote, I vote on 4.3.1, 4.3.0 crashes sometimes...
255 [21:40:03] <Ronis_BR> much more than 4.2.4 in fact
256 [21:40:09] <reavertm> actually stability wise i have never had plasma crash yet on 4.3.9999 (and there were some on 4.2 for me)
257 [21:40:16] <dagger> i never had a crash on 4.3.0, but saw some bugs about it
258 [21:40:36] <yngwin> i'm having plasma issues with both 4.2.4 and 4.3.0
259 [21:41:05] <reavertm> my vote is to go with 4.3.1 (or 4.3.0 with some patches added) and if so - remove 4.2.4 from tree
260 [21:41:18] <yngwin> well, not on 4.2 anymore as i upgraded both boxes now
261 [21:41:24] <dagger> the only plasmoid which crashes plasma for me is microblogging = 100% crash rate
262 [21:41:30] <Ronis_BR> reavertm: I don't mean a plasma crash, but dolphin crashes, konqueror crashes sometimes, and plasma crashes :D but it isn't often and it "recover" itself all the times here
263 [21:41:56] <reavertm> I doubt anyone still uses 4.2 - adding 4.3 umasked was epic kill for idea of stabilizing 4.2
264 [21:42:01] <yngwin> on 4.2.4 i had plasma crashes completely freeze up X
265 [21:42:23] <scarabeus> i am for that removal
266 [21:42:26] <scarabeus> 4.2
267 [21:42:27] <dagger> so, do we need to count the votes than?
268 [21:42:36] <scarabeus> dagger: no need, only boss was for 4.2
269 [21:42:36] <dagger> or is it decided
270 [21:42:40] <Ronis_BR> yngwin: i can be video drivers issue, I have never had a X freeze up with kde 4.2.*
271 [21:42:49] <yngwin> nvidia
272 [21:42:53] <Ronis_BR> yngwin: ati
273 [21:42:59] <reavertm> nvidia, worksformetm
274 [21:43:08] <wired> what reavertm said
275 [21:43:10] <scarabeus> btwwho is working on stable bugs?
276 [21:43:20] <scarabeus> i saw only reaver commenting on them and i closed few
277 [21:43:24] <scarabeus> but the list is still large
278 [21:43:29] <dagger> intel 4500hd and nvidia here. Nvidia doesn't like new kernel and heci (from staging) driver
279 [21:43:34] <scarabeus> i need to ask you to pick 1-2 from there and fix them
280 [21:43:39] <reavertm> some of them are gfx driver issues
281 [21:43:54] <reavertm> yeah, we need them fixed asap
282 [21:44:16] <yngwin> ok, can we move on?
283 [21:44:33] <scarabeus> i want to hear that they read what i wrote ^
284 [21:44:39] <scarabeus> :D
285 [21:44:57] <reavertm> summary of no. 2 please :)
286 [21:45:32] <scarabeus>
287 [21:45:34] <scarabeus> here you are
288 [21:45:50] --> Coopy (n=Coop@××××××××××××××××××××××.net) has joined #gentoo-meetings
289 [21:46:01] <dagger> looks good
290 [21:46:28] <scarabeus> yngwin: next topic is yours
291 [21:47:07] <yngwin> ok, we're ready to add qt4-tng.eclass to portage, no alternative names have been proposed
292 [21:47:39] <yngwin> i plan to do a review this weekend and send it to -dev ml for rfc
293 [21:48:06] <scarabeus> qt4-superstar could go?
294 [21:48:09] <scarabeus> qt4-meh
295 [21:48:11] <scarabeus> :]
296 [21:48:12] <wired> lol
297 [21:48:15] <dagger> qt4-blah ?
298 [21:48:17] <wired> qt4-v2 ?
299 [21:48:23] <ayoy> qt5
300 [21:48:25] <scarabeus> :D
301 [21:48:26] <yngwin> qt4-thisistheoneyouwant
302 [21:48:27] <wired> im a bit worried about tng, it sounds good and all
303 [21:48:31] <wired> ayoy: LOL
304 [21:48:39] <-- |Francis| (n=kvirc@××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××.fr) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
305 [21:48:48] <wired> but what if we want to replace it again in the distant future
306 [21:48:59] <Ronis_BR> what is tng?
307 [21:49:01] <dagger> qt4-tng sounds a lil bit like star trek, but I think we can live with it ;p
308 [21:49:04] <yngwin> well, you can send bikeshedding proposals once the rfc is on ml
309 [21:49:04] <scarabeus> well you can live with one damn eclass like us
310 [21:49:08] <wired> it doesnt sound like it
311 [21:49:10] <scarabeus> Ronis_BR: the next generation
312 [21:49:11] <wired> it is startrek
313 [21:49:12] <wired> :p
314 [21:49:16] <Ronis_BR> O_o
315 [21:49:30] <Ronis_BR> wierd :)
316 [21:49:39] <Gentoochild> to baldly go where no-one has gone before
317 [21:49:44] --> |Francis| (n=kvirc@××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××.fr) has joined #gentoo-meetings
318 [21:49:48] -*- wired wonders if after tng we'll have the-empire-strikes-back or something
319 [21:49:51] <wired> :P
320 [21:49:55] <scarabeus> to baldly compile what noone else was able to do
321 [21:50:03] <dagger> wired: lol
322 [21:50:08] <yngwin> wired: good name for kde3 overlay maybe?
323 [21:50:13] <wired> :D
324 [21:50:16] <ayoy> lol
325 [21:50:21] <scarabeus> yngwin: i am open for proposals
326 [21:50:27] <scarabeus> and i have strong feelings for this one
327 [21:50:31] <scarabeus> :}
328 [21:50:32] <Ronis_BR> eheheh
329 [21:50:38] <ayoy> but isn't qt4-tng or whatever meant to replace the old qt4.eclass?
330 [21:50:47] <yngwin> eventually yes
331 [21:51:00] <wired> qties4.eclass
332 [21:51:01] <wired> :D
333 [21:51:07] <dagger> we can't just dump the old one and put the new one in place
334 [21:51:11] <yngwin> no
335 [21:51:12] <scarabeus> you cant
336 [21:51:13] <ayoy> dagger: sure
337 [21:51:17] <scarabeus> you would break the ebulds
338 [21:51:22] <scarabeus> *current
339 [21:51:22] <dagger> yep
340 [21:51:24] <wired> yes we need a migration
341 [21:51:30] <reavertm> you guys should really "learn" how to make drastic eclass changes in place like we do :D (with no new eclasses involved)
342 [21:51:33] <Ronis_BR> qt4-tng is a gentoo version with patches or not?
343 [21:51:36] <yngwin> unless you want to check all ebuilds that use qt4.eclass wrt new functionality
344 [21:51:39] <scarabeus> reavertm: see this is reason why i slapped you everytime for backcompat
345 [21:51:50] <reavertm> scarabeus: with kde-misc? :P
346 [21:51:58] <wired> its TNG folks
347 [21:52:05] <wired> does picard look like kirk to you?
348 [21:52:07] <wired> :D
349 [21:52:10] <scarabeus> reavertm: yep :]
350 [21:52:20] <scarabeus> kirk had better chicks
351 [21:52:22] <scarabeus> they had skirts
352 [21:52:23] <dagger> ok, back to the point please
353 [21:52:24] <-- Coopy (n=Coop@××××××××××××××××××××××.net) has quit ("Leaving")
354 [21:52:29] <scarabeus> ok ok
355 [21:52:33] <scarabeus> i think tng is done
356 [21:52:49] <yngwin> as far as i'm concerned yes
357 [21:53:02] <reavertm> or just qt4-0.1.eclass
358 [21:53:10] <reavertm> (then 0.2 for next revision :P)
359 [21:53:13] <Ronis_BR> "Backcompat is to still commit in the present the errors commited in the past"
360 [21:53:15] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: you should push your versioned eclasses idea
361 [21:53:28] <scarabeus> ok anyway
362 [21:53:36] <scarabeus> the last thing is bit brainstorming
363 [21:53:42] <scarabeus> what shoudl we focus on in future
364 [21:53:45] <reavertm> too bad you can't do it in place
365 [21:54:32] <ABCD> I remember seeing an agenda item in some email about the unversioned sets
366 [21:54:35] <jmbsvicetto> sorry guys - mind at userrel
367 [21:55:11] <scarabeus> ABCD: i was waiting on jorge to come back so i left it as totaly last
368 [21:55:19] <ABCD> scarabeus: ok
369 [21:55:21] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: That idea wasn't mine, I just pulled it out of the dust ark ;)
370 [21:55:38] <scarabeus> :]
371 [21:55:46] <scarabeus> ok any ideas/proposals what we should focus
372 [21:55:51] <scarabeus> we will have new recruits
373 [21:55:51] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: The versioned eclasses
374 [21:55:58] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: i understood
375 [21:56:07] <scarabeus> and for them we need something creative to do
376 [21:56:12] <scarabeus> we cant just leave them fix bugs
377 [21:56:14] <scarabeus> same for us
378 [21:56:22] <scarabeus> if i would only fix bugs i would went insane
379 [21:57:10] <yngwin> in qt team we are actively looking at adding new qt4-based packages all the time
380 [21:57:13] <scarabeus> i had idea about branding, but then i cant draw
381 [21:57:22] <ayoy> :)
382 [21:57:33] <scarabeus> so someone else would have to mentor the idea
383 [21:57:34] <yngwin> documentation could use more work too
384 [21:57:49] <ayoy> I had an idea of qt-based portage gui
385 [21:57:56] <ayoy> but then I wouldn't use it
386 [21:58:00] <scarabeus> :D
387 [21:58:06] <dagger> ayoy: noone would I think :p
388 [21:58:09] <ayoy> :)
389 [21:58:10] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: There's always the "fix upstream build system" idea ;)
390 [21:58:21] <yngwin> there was a kde(3?) one iirc
391 [21:58:21] <wired> scarabeus: branding is actually a lovely idea, remember that gentoo kstart icon quantumsummers had?
392 [21:58:24] <wired> we need artists
393 [21:58:25] <reavertm> I have some task, not sure whether suitable for newcomers
394 [21:58:40] <scarabeus> i have tasks not suitable for myself :D
395 [21:58:44] <scarabeus> so go on
396 [21:58:45] <scarabeus> :]
397 [21:58:47] <reavertm> I need eclass for odbc driver management
398 [21:59:01] <reavertm> supporting iODBC and unixODBC interfaces
399 [21:59:35] <scarabeus> well that is totaly not beginner work
400 [21:59:37] <ayoy> ok, next
401 [21:59:40] <dagger> I'm sorry guys, but I will have to leave you now. I need to pick up my wife.
402 [21:59:48] <reavertm> registering/unregistring drivers, in similar way like in debian, (but separately - one for iODBC and one for unixODBC)
403 [21:59:56] <wired> c ya dagger
404 [22:00:21] <reavertm> (it should be easy, mostrly it's just invocation of unixodbc tool with creating some files in /etc)
405 [22:00:33] <scarabeus> well if you find interested recruit go for it
406 [22:00:36] --> Francois (n=francois@ has joined #gentoo-meetings
407 [22:00:50] <scarabeus> reavertm: question. how is your reviewing going by?
408 [22:01:08] <reavertm> I'm lazy to send fixed quizzes
409 [22:01:25] <scarabeus> gosh
410 [22:01:31] <scarabeus> please do so
411 [22:01:34] <scarabeus> sooon
412 [22:01:35] <scarabeus> :]
413 [22:01:35] <reavertm> nevermind
414 [22:01:47] <scarabeus> ok last topic is SETS
415 [22:01:53] <scarabeus> I hate the current state
416 [22:01:56] <scarabeus> i preffer metas more
417 [22:02:12] <scarabeus> so we need someone to write proper specs for what we need from sets
418 [22:02:12] <-- |Francis| (n=kvirc@××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××.fr) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
419 [22:02:21] <scarabeus> and talk about it with zac
420 [22:02:27] <scarabeus> and even better help him implementing
421 [22:02:34] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: ^ ?
422 [22:02:38] <reavertm> oh yes, have anyone read bug 272488 ?
423 [22:02:40] <scarabeus> am i right?
424 [22:02:53] <reavertm>
425 [22:03:04] <scarabeus> i did i liked
426 [22:03:08] <jmbsvicetto> reavertm: That sounds like an eselect and not eclass (odbc)
427 [22:03:09] <scarabeus> you volunteer?
428 [22:03:29] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I'll take this one
429 [22:03:47] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I've been meaning to write about it for a *long* time, but I keep postponning it
430 [22:03:48] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: use teh bug as base, i like the idea
431 [22:03:57] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: Can I ask you to poke me about it until I do? ;)
432 [22:04:54] <reavertm> jmbsvicetto: hmm, not really, it would be eclass for packages that provide odbc driver
433 [22:04:55] <jmbsvicetto> reavertm: I know the bug. My plan is to get back to the basics about sets
434 [22:05:07] <reavertm> it's not about switching between iodbc vs unixodbc
435 [22:05:07] <scarabeus> if you promise you wont mark me as your counter person for next lead vote ;]
436 [22:05:09] <scarabeus> :D
437 [22:05:11] <scarabeus> ok can do
438 [22:05:13] <reavertm> (it's determined at compilation time)
439 [22:05:18] <Ronis_BR> I wonder when gentoo guys will look at
440 [22:05:18] <jmbsvicetto> reavertm: ok, then I misunderstood. sorry
441 [22:05:46] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: Are you affraid instead I'll point to you when it gets time for the next election? ;)
442 [22:06:04] <scarabeus> :D
443 [22:06:20] <scarabeus> okey
444 [22:06:28] <scarabeus> anything else for the sets, we will leave them to you
445 [22:06:32] <scarabeus> and poke you about it :]
446 [22:06:42] <reavertm> jmbsvicetto: I think 2.2 style sets are dead end
447 [22:07:02] <reavertm> confusing syntax
448 [22:07:39] <yngwin> what i want is kde-latest-release sets
449 [22:07:58] <scarabeus> that is quite hard to make but i see the point :]
450 [22:08:00] <yngwin> so that 4.2.4 would be automatically updated to 4.3.0
451 [22:08:19] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: that's basically unversioned sets ;)
452 [22:08:21] <scarabeus> also i think we should stop encouraging set usage in docs
453 [22:08:24] <yngwin> yes
454 [22:08:33] <wired> the unversioned sets work like that :)
455 [22:08:39] <scarabeus> they dont
456 [22:08:44] <scarabeus> too much package fuzz movement
457 [22:08:52] <scarabeus> /
458 [22:09:07] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: they do - the problem is our "non-stopping" upstream ;)
459 [22:09:42] <yngwin> ok, anything else for the meeting?
460 [22:10:01] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: They have what we call here "bicho de carpinteiro". They can sit still for a minute and thus keep moving packages left and right, adding new ones, killing old ones and finding new and better ways to make distros life harder ;)
461 [22:10:11] <wired> do you guys think we should move the plasmoids from kde-testing to the tree?
462 [22:10:13] <jmbsvicetto> The can't sit still*
463 [22:10:24] <scarabeus> wired: we can
464 [22:10:30] <jmbsvicetto> wired: How good do you think they are?
465 [22:10:32] <scarabeus> just test them for leaks
466 [22:10:36] <scarabeus> and crashes
467 [22:10:38] <scarabeus> everytime
468 [22:10:40] <scarabeus> plasma is core
469 [22:10:44] <scarabeus> if it crashes it is PITA
470 [22:10:48] <wired> jmbsvicetto: some of them are pretty good, others i have no idea
471 [22:10:59] <scarabeus> wired: then add the one you like
472 [22:11:00] <wired> i mostly test that they build and occasionally that they load
473 [22:11:09] <jmbsvicetto> wired: I don't see a problem with adding good ones
474 [22:11:21] <scarabeus> but you really have to test them
475 [22:11:24] <jmbsvicetto> and what scarabeus said ;)
476 [22:11:31] <wired> ok so on a per-plasmoid basis
477 [22:11:36] <wired> kk
478 [22:11:55] <reavertm> well, kde developers doesn't test their code sometimes, so we should
479 [22:11:56] <Ronis_BR> you have already discussed about kdeprefix i think, haven't you?
480 [22:12:15] <scarabeus> Ronis_BR: that was decided long ago, not matter of this meeting
481 [22:12:15] <reavertm> Ronis_BR: yes, it's dead (for now)
482 [22:12:24] <Ronis_BR> ok
483 [22:12:30] <Ronis_BR> too bad, but ok :)
484 [22:12:40] <wired> Ronis_BR: we accept patches
485 [22:12:40] <wired> :D
486 [22:12:54] <ABCD> Ronis_BR: that was decided at the June meeting :)
487 [22:13:12] <scarabeus> ok i would like to dismiss the meeting for this moth
488 [22:13:14] <scarabeus> any objections?
489 [22:13:25] <Ronis_BR> ABCD: sorry, it is the first time that I hear about gentoo meetings :)
490 [22:13:39] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: Before we go, when should we have the next meeting?
491 [22:13:41] <scarabeus> Ronis_BR: its on the page, logs+summary
492 [22:13:53] <reavertm> I suppose we don't need more meeting recently - just people eager to work on issues :P
493 [22:13:54] <scarabeus> 17.9.
494 [22:13:57] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: ^
495 [22:14:02] <scarabeus> 3rd thursday in the month
496 [22:14:09] <scarabeus> 19:00 utc
497 [22:14:15] <scarabeus> if noone found it really evil or bad
498 [22:14:17] <jmbsvicetto> right
499 [22:14:33] <jmbsvicetto> Oh!!!
500 [22:14:38] <yngwin> scarabeus: i will be on holiday that week
501 [22:14:39] <reavertm> scarabeus: actually we could just meet in two weeks to evaluate work done
502 [22:14:40] <jmbsvicetto> One last item I forgot to add to the meeting
503 [22:14:50] <jmbsvicetto> Anyone willing to help solar about the 10.0 release?
504 [22:15:00] <ABCD> I'll have to check my class schedule for Fall semester again, but I think that will work (it does fall in the middle of the day here, though)
505 [22:15:10] <yngwin> jmbsvicetto: what kind of help
506 [22:15:15] <jmbsvicetto> I want to help with KDE (and if I can compiz), but it would be great if more people could help
507 [22:15:18] -*- scarabeus busy with x11stabling/overlays rework
508 [22:15:54] <jmbsvicetto> yngwin: solar and a few others are working on catalyst specs to build a live-dvd with x86/amd64 to celebrate Gentoo's 10th birthday
509 [22:16:08] <reavertm> catalyst....
510 [22:16:22] <yngwin> well thats release team work
511 [22:16:23] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: can they add ~ packages?
512 [22:16:35] <scarabeus> yngwin: there is no such team iirc
513 [22:16:36] <scarabeus> :D
514 [22:16:37] <reavertm> they could add kde 4.3 :)
515 [22:17:11] -*- yngwin sends thunderbolts scarabeus' way
516 [22:17:13] <scarabeus> because if kde3 will be there, we can simply grab sabayon, it will be more promotial
517 [22:17:23] <reavertm> and polished :P
518 [22:18:15] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: There's an release team
519 [22:18:26] <jmbsvicetto> But this is a "special edition"
520 [22:18:39] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: The point is to have KDE4, not 3.5.10
521 [22:18:40] <reavertm> solar or agaffney?
522 [22:19:33] <-- Francois (n=francois@ has quit (Client Quit)
523 [22:20:27] <wired> ...?
524 [22:20:36] <reavertm> release tem
525 [22:21:30] <yngwin>
526 [22:22:24] <scarabeus> ok guys anyway i have to run
527 [22:22:31] <scarabeus> here is the summary:
528 [22:22:33] <scarabeus> do logs yourself
529 [22:22:36] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: ^^
530 [22:22:39] <scarabeus> download it NOW
531 [22:22:44] <scarabeus> :D
532 [22:23:08] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: ok
533 [22:23:12] <-- tbeadle (n=quassel@×××××××××××××××××.net) has left #gentoo-meetings (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
534 [22:23:34] * scarabeus has changed topic for #gentoo-meetings to: "Rem tene, verba sequentur || Keep to the subject and the words will follow"
535 [22:23:50] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: can't find the file in packer
536 [22:23:54] <jmbsvicetto> pecker*
537 [22:24:29] <wired> jmbsvicetto: it downloads, its in public_html probably :D
538 [22:24:48] <wired> jmbsvicetto: i have logs, do you need them?
539 [22:24:51] -*- yngwin out
540 [22:25:14] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: please ignore me
541 [22:25:32] <jmbsvicetto> wired: I can't connect through http at the moment, but thanks
542 [22:25:55] <jmbsvicetto> wired: I got it from Tomas. I was just showing signs of my "split brains" :\
543 [22:26:03] <wired> heheheh
544 [22:26:09] <wired> no problem
545 [22:26:20] <wired> did you log the meeting or you want me to give you my log?
546 [22:26:57] <-- ABCD (n=ABCD@gentoo/contributor/abcd) has left #gentoo-meetings (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
547 [22:27:50] <wired> jmbsvicetto: ^^
548 [22:29:25] <jmbsvicetto> wired: I didn't log
549 [22:29:36] <jmbsvicetto> wired: Thanks for reminding me I forgot to add a rule to my irssi about this
550 [22:31:37] <-- ayoy (n=ayoy@×××××××××××××××××.fi) has left #gentoo-meetings ("kbai")
551 [22:32:27] <wired> jmbsvicetto: yw
552 [22:32:42] <wired> jmbsvicetto: so where do you want log? pecker?
553 [22:35:05] <wired> jmbsvicetto: ~wired/kde/200908_meeting.log
554 [22:36:24] <jmbsvicetto> wired: thanks
555 [22:40:10] <wired> :)
556 [22:41:49] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I have another request for you - starting Saturday, poke me for the logs/summary ;)
557 [23:10:08] <Gentoochild> \part
558 [23:10:16] <-- Gentoochild (n=bla@××××××××××××××××××.de) has left #gentoo-meetings ("Konversation terminated!")
559 [23:17:09] <scarabeus> btw you can leave now, next on the list is gnome meeting, and i dont think you want to slack around that ;D
560 [23:27:43] <reavertm> gnome meeting? nice
564 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-summary-20090820.txt
566 file :
567 plain:
569 Index: kde-project-meeting-summary-20090820.txt
570 ===================================================================
571 Roll-call:
572 pesa - excused (no net)
573 tampakrap - excused (family issues)
574 scarabeus, ABCD, ayoy, patrick, dagger, jmbsvicetto, revartm, wired, yngwin
576 KDE-3:
577 - As discussed before, the KDE team is going to move all KDE3 ebuilds to an overlay. The new
578 overlay hasn'te been named yet, but will probably be called kde-junk, kde-sunset or something
579 similar as we plan to use it for KDE stuff that is removed from the tree.
580 KDE3 is going to be moved to the overlay either after KDE-4.4 is out if nothing evil happens,
581 or after we get 2 KDE4 minor versions marked stable - which likely means around the end of
582 the year.
583 - We are still looking for KDE maintainers. It seems sping might be interested - yngwin will
584 talk to him.
585 - Due to the current state of the KDE3 tree source, the lack of support by upstream and the
586 increasing security concerns, it's likely that we'll mask KDE3 soon. We're delaying the mask
587 until we get a version of KDE4 marked stable - unless more security issues crop up.
588 We plan to make an anouncement on Gentoo homepage and to write a news item about the status
589 of the KDE3 tree and the security implications.
590 We plan to keep KDE3 around in the tree until KDE-4.4 is released (but it will likely remain
591 masked) until it's moved to the new overlay.
592 - Before we remove KDE3 from the tree, we plan to have a news item, planet blog entries, forums
593 thread and front page announcement about it so the kde3ers won't scream for help all over the
594 place - jmbsvicetto.
596 KDE-4:
597 - It was decided by a vote not to ask for 4.2.4 stabilization. It will be dropped from the tree.
598 - Instead, the current plan is to get 4.3.1 marked stable. For that, we need to focus on the
599 bugs in the tracker[1] and everyone needs to work on it.
601 QT4-TNG eclass:
602 Will be sent for review onto -dev in a week with the -tng name. No better name found out.
604 Future projects:
605 - Documentation polishing
606 - Branding the KDE
607 - Fix upstream buildsystem to allow install of different versions into a shared prefix
609 Sets:
610 . Adjust it as for bug #272488 or from the ground up for exact specs we need -
611 jmbsvicetto (we need to poke him about it often so he won't forget to do it)