Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: Sam James <sam@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sys-apps/portage/
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2022 02:14:39
Message-Id: 1659319746.5822c8bfb303c07999181c24ae34b78178e8e7c2.sam@gentoo
1 commit: 5822c8bfb303c07999181c24ae34b78178e8e7c2
2 Author: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
3 AuthorDate: Mon Aug 1 02:08:38 2022 +0000
4 Commit: Sam James <sam <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Mon Aug 1 02:09:06 2022 +0000
6 URL:
8 sys-apps/portage: drop 3.0.32, 3.0.33
10 Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam <AT>>
12 sys-apps/portage/Manifest | 2 -
13 sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.32.ebuild | 274 ---------------------------------
14 sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.33.ebuild | 273 --------------------------------
15 3 files changed, 549 deletions(-)
17 diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/Manifest b/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
18 index 3ebb037dab5b..493de57177f7 100644
19 --- a/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
20 +++ b/sys-apps/portage/Manifest
21 @@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
22 DIST portage-3.0.30.tar.bz2 1157316 BLAKE2B 56939618f4915f77dca6bb85d4a7cf98e50133b524f68a0b192c0a928ca209a0cb944c174dda78f1b5a071c02c190857ea8a7ecd514301c45e897b302542f52e SHA512 accec770f63180b6d5d4cd08ef50f0cd01aa5701104156523f1a735d8ec3313a3b513629a33d8863285736515b6a3d56fc21498404da3a0f89b196655a98db7d
23 -DIST portage-3.0.32.tar.gz 1452442 BLAKE2B 9f46ba0651c742b447e04b6573ba5e9527399d80d3aede1cc47a7c08405befd3ce586f7f523111df9145ca19ffce89a1a563ee9329b093dfd6387f273e49290d SHA512 09e9bfc38a5fffb8ead2d67136c4aef006cd9b0922faf7f63fa8ee326e56389ec65199dc22c53e8bfcd6251e8e8309f8cef7045feab842b4bc8ddd3e0bc79fa0
24 -DIST portage-3.0.33.tar.bz2 1110583 BLAKE2B 9d8db052a7091f7b5c4ab77221fbfc98b4cfb738988597bf38d4e8311b57b5f8f5d99c9a285db934e1d46b03b4c8a39e3e0347c965d7c3fbbf568357588db2ff SHA512 28358fb1b1bb8634c9267ad84762549b499cf59e15a1e59f3db7d27a04b3325083457d3fc4af0fa4cf9574f8cd0349baaf0fccd49e8aa72963ebe61370f5c34b
25 DIST portage-3.0.34.tar.bz2 1110794 BLAKE2B 32239a8319448e63fa249296b492c88504039cf5aabe3e1ffcb2423c95fd26a048d9717c8f673d670acf0f9fa290d12dbf194df08a5a0f11311db856e41ba714 SHA512 c3566a6bed5a87b7dc6882eeafe77b2511e5be3e4919159309303477ca97e1b5c1eb134fe5fc0d8a5f5c2880f1eb5c72592b8104a726bad5ed83b4ed2eed5193
27 diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.32.ebuild b/sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.32.ebuild
28 deleted file mode 100644
29 index d5a59b7698c0..000000000000
30 --- a/sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.32.ebuild
31 +++ /dev/null
32 @@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
33 -# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
34 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
35 -
36 -EAPI=7
37 -
38 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( pypy3 python3_{8..11} )
39 -PYTHON_REQ_USE='bzip2(+),threads(+)'
41 -
42 -inherit distutils-r1 linux-info toolchain-funcs tmpfiles prefix
43 -
44 -DESCRIPTION="The package management and distribution system for Gentoo"
46 -# Switch back to bzip2 for next release
47 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
48 -
50 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
51 -SLOT="0"
52 -IUSE="apidoc build doc gentoo-dev +ipc +native-extensions +rsync-verify selinux test xattr"
53 -RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
54 -
56 - app-arch/xz-utils
57 - test? ( dev-vcs/git )"
58 -DEPEND="!build? ( $(python_gen_impl_dep 'ssl(+)') )
59 - >=app-arch/tar-1.27
60 - dev-lang/python-exec:2
61 - >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 sys-devel/patch
62 - doc? ( app-text/xmlto ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4 )
63 - apidoc? (
64 - dev-python/sphinx[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
65 - dev-python/sphinx-epytext[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
66 - )"
67 -# Require sandbox-2.2 for bug #288863.
68 -# For whirlpool hash, require python[ssl] (bug #425046).
69 -# For compgen, require bash[readline] (bug #445576).
70 -# app-portage/gemato goes without PYTHON_USEDEP since we're calling
71 -# the executable.
73 - acct-user/portage
74 - app-arch/zstd
75 - >=app-arch/tar-1.27
76 - dev-lang/python-exec:2
77 - >=sys-apps/findutils-4.4
78 - !build? (
79 - >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
80 - >=app-shells/bash-5.0:0[readline]
81 - >=app-admin/eselect-1.2
82 - rsync-verify? (
83 - >=app-portage/gemato-14.5[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
84 - >=sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20180706
85 - >=app-crypt/gnupg-2.2.4-r2[ssl(-)]
86 - )
87 - )
88 - elibc_glibc? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-2.2 )
89 - elibc_musl? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-2.2 )
90 - kernel_linux? ( sys-apps/util-linux )
91 - >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.17
92 - selinux? ( >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.0.94[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
93 - xattr? ( kernel_linux? (
94 - >=sys-apps/install-xattr-0.3
95 - ) )
96 - !<app-admin/logrotate-3.8.0
97 - !<app-portage/gentoolkit-0.4.6
98 - !<app-portage/repoman-2.3.10
99 - !~app-portage/repoman-3.0.0"
100 -PDEPEND="
101 - !build? (
102 - >=net-misc/rsync-2.6.4
103 - >=sys-apps/file-5.41
104 - >=sys-apps/coreutils-6.4
105 - )"
106 -# coreutils-6.4 rdep is for date format in emerge-webrsync #164532
107 -# NOTE: FEATURES=installsources requires debugedit and rsync
108 -
109 -pkg_pretend() {
111 -
112 - if use native-extensions && tc-is-cross-compiler; then
113 - einfo "Disabling USE=native-extensions for cross-compilation (bug #612158)"
114 - fi
115 -
116 - check_extra_config
117 -}
118 -
119 -python_prepare_all() {
120 - local PATCHES=(
121 - )
122 -
123 - distutils-r1_python_prepare_all
124 -
125 - sed -e "s:^VERSION = \"HEAD\"$:VERSION = \"${PV}\":" -i lib/portage/ || die
126 -
127 - if use gentoo-dev; then
128 - einfo "Disabling --dynamic-deps by default for gentoo-dev..."
129 - sed -e 's:\("--dynamic-deps", \)\("y"\):\1"n":' \
130 - -i lib/_emerge/ || \
131 - die "failed to patch"
132 -
133 - einfo "Enabling additional FEATURES for gentoo-dev..."
134 - echo 'FEATURES="${FEATURES} ipc-sandbox network-sandbox strict-keepdir"' \
135 - >> cnf/make.globals || die
136 - fi
137 -
138 - if use native-extensions && ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then
139 - printf "[build_ext]\nportage_ext_modules=true\n" >> \
140 - setup.cfg || die
141 - fi
142 -
143 - if ! use ipc ; then
144 - einfo "Disabling ipc..."
145 - sed -e "s:_enable_ipc_daemon = True:_enable_ipc_daemon = False:" \
146 - -i lib/_emerge/ || \
147 - die "failed to patch"
148 - fi
149 -
150 - if use xattr && use kernel_linux ; then
151 - einfo "Adding FEATURES=xattr to make.globals ..."
152 - echo -e '\nFEATURES="${FEATURES} xattr"' >> cnf/make.globals \
153 - || die "failed to append to make.globals"
154 - fi
155 -
156 - if use build || ! use rsync-verify; then
157 - sed -e '/^sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest/s|yes|no|' \
158 - -e '/^sync-webrsync-verify-signature/s|yes|no|' \
159 - -i cnf/repos.conf || die "sed failed"
160 - fi
161 -
162 - if [[ -n ${EPREFIX} ]] ; then
163 - einfo "Setting portage.const.EPREFIX ..."
164 - hprefixify -e "s|^(EPREFIX[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\").*|\1${EPREFIX}\"|" \
165 - -w "/_BINARY/" lib/portage/
166 -
167 - einfo "Prefixing shebangs ..."
168 - > "${T}/shebangs" || die
169 - while read -r -d $'\0' ; do
170 - local shebang=$(head -n1 "$REPLY")
171 - if [[ ${shebang} == "#!"* && ! ${shebang} == "#!${EPREFIX}/"* ]] ; then
172 - echo "${REPLY}" >> "${T}/shebangs" || die
173 - fi
174 - done < <(find . -type f -executable ! -name etc-update -print0)
175 -
176 - if [[ -s ${T}/shebangs ]]; then
177 - xargs sed -i -e "1s:^#!:#!${EPREFIX}:" < "${T}/shebangs" || die "sed failed"
178 - fi
179 -
180 - einfo "Adjusting make.globals, repos.conf and etc-update ..."
181 - hprefixify cnf/{make.globals,repos.conf} bin/etc-update
182 -
183 - if use prefix-guest ; then
184 - sed -e "s|^\(main-repo = \).*|\\1gentoo_prefix|" \
185 - -e "s|^\\[gentoo\\]|[gentoo_prefix]|" \
186 - -e "s|^\(sync-uri = \).*|\\1rsync://|" \
187 - -i cnf/repos.conf || die "sed failed"
188 - fi
189 -
190 - einfo "Adding FEATURES=force-prefix to make.globals ..."
191 - echo -e '\nFEATURES="${FEATURES} force-prefix"' >> cnf/make.globals \
192 - || die "failed to append to make.globals"
193 - fi
194 -
195 - cd "${S}/cnf" || die
196 - if [ -f "make.conf.example.${ARCH}".diff ]; then
197 - patch make.conf.example "make.conf.example.${ARCH}".diff || \
198 - die "Failed to patch make.conf.example"
199 - else
200 - eerror ""
201 - eerror "Portage does not have an arch-specific configuration for this arch."
202 - eerror "Please notify the arch maintainer about this issue. Using generic."
203 - eerror ""
204 - fi
205 -}
206 -
207 -python_compile_all() {
208 - local targets=()
209 - use doc && targets+=( docbook )
210 - use apidoc && targets+=( apidoc )
211 -
212 - if [[ ${targets[@]} ]]; then
213 - "${targets[@]}"
214 - fi
215 -}
216 -
217 -python_test() {
218 - test
219 -}
220 -
221 -python_install() {
222 - # Install sbin scripts to bindir for python-exec linking
223 - # they will be relocated in pkg_preinst()
224 - distutils-r1_python_install \
225 - --system-prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
226 - --bindir="$(python_get_scriptdir)" \
227 - --docdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
228 - --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html" \
229 - --portage-bindir="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/portage/${EPYTHON}" \
230 - --sbindir="$(python_get_scriptdir)" \
231 - --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}/etc" \
232 - "${@}"
233 -}
234 -
235 -python_install_all() {
236 - distutils-r1_python_install_all
237 -
238 - local targets=()
239 - use doc && targets+=(
240 - install_docbook
241 - --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
242 - )
243 - use apidoc && targets+=(
244 - install_apidoc
245 - --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
246 - )
247 -
248 - # install docs
249 - if [[ ${targets[@]} ]]; then
250 - "${targets[@]}"
251 - fi
252 -
253 - dotmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/portage-ccache.conf
254 -
255 - # Due to distutils/python-exec limitations
256 - # these must be installed to /usr/bin.
257 - local sbin_relocations='archive-conf dispatch-conf emaint env-update etc-update fixpackages regenworld'
258 - einfo "Moving admin scripts to the correct directory"
259 - dodir /usr/sbin
260 - for target in ${sbin_relocations}; do
261 - einfo "Moving /usr/bin/${target} to /usr/sbin/${target}"
262 - mv "${ED}/usr/bin/${target}" "${ED}/usr/sbin/${target}" || die "sbin scripts move failed!"
263 - done
264 -}
265 -
266 -pkg_preinst() {
267 - if ! use build; then
268 - python_setup
269 - local sitedir=$(python_get_sitedir)
270 - [[ -d ${D}${sitedir} ]] || die "${D}${sitedir}: No such directory"
271 - env -u DISTDIR \
274 - -u PORTDIR \
276 - PYTHONPATH="${D}${sitedir}${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}" \
277 - "${PYTHON}" -m portage._compat_upgrade.default_locations || die
278 -
280 - PYTHONPATH="${D}${sitedir}${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}" \
281 - "${PYTHON}" -m portage._compat_upgrade.binpkg_compression || die
282 -
284 - PYTHONPATH="${D}${sitedir}${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}" \
285 - "${PYTHON}" -m portage._compat_upgrade.binpkg_multi_instance || die
286 - fi
287 -
288 - # elog dir must exist to avoid logrotate error for bug #415911.
289 - # This code runs in preinst in order to bypass the mapping of
290 - # portage:portage to root:root which happens after src_install.
291 - keepdir /var/log/portage/elog
292 - # This is allowed to fail if the user/group are invalid for prefix users.
293 - if chown portage:portage "${ED}"/var/log/portage{,/elog} 2>/dev/null ; then
294 - chmod g+s,ug+rwx "${ED}"/var/log/portage{,/elog}
295 - fi
296 -
297 - if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.3.77"; then
298 - elog "The emerge --autounmask option is now disabled by default, except for"
299 - elog "portions of behavior which are controlled by the --autounmask-use and"
300 - elog "--autounmask-license options. For backward compatibility, previous"
301 - elog "behavior of --autounmask=y and --autounmask=n is entirely preserved."
302 - elog "Users can get the old behavior simply by adding --autounmask to the"
303 - elog "make.conf EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS variable. For the rationale for this"
304 - elog "change, see"
305 - fi
306 -}
308 diff --git a/sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.33.ebuild b/sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.33.ebuild
309 deleted file mode 100644
310 index 26815216586a..000000000000
311 --- a/sys-apps/portage/portage-3.0.33.ebuild
312 +++ /dev/null
313 @@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
314 -# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
315 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
316 -
317 -EAPI=7
318 -
319 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( pypy3 python3_{8..11} )
320 -PYTHON_REQ_USE='bzip2(+),threads(+)'
322 -
323 -inherit distutils-r1 linux-info toolchain-funcs tmpfiles prefix
324 -
325 -DESCRIPTION="The package management and distribution system for Gentoo"
326 -HOMEPAGE=""
327 -SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
328 -
329 -LICENSE="GPL-2"
330 -KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
331 -SLOT="0"
332 -IUSE="apidoc build doc gentoo-dev +ipc +native-extensions +rsync-verify selinux test xattr"
333 -RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
334 -
335 -BDEPEND="
336 - app-arch/xz-utils
337 - test? ( dev-vcs/git )"
338 -DEPEND="!build? ( $(python_gen_impl_dep 'ssl(+)') )
339 - >=app-arch/tar-1.27
340 - dev-lang/python-exec:2
341 - >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 sys-devel/patch
342 - doc? ( app-text/xmlto ~app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4 )
343 - apidoc? (
344 - dev-python/sphinx[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
345 - dev-python/sphinx-epytext[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
346 - )"
347 -# Require sandbox-2.2 for bug #288863.
348 -# For whirlpool hash, require python[ssl] (bug #425046).
349 -# For compgen, require bash[readline] (bug #445576).
350 -# app-portage/gemato goes without PYTHON_USEDEP since we're calling
351 -# the executable.
352 -RDEPEND="
353 - acct-user/portage
354 - app-arch/zstd
355 - >=app-arch/tar-1.27
356 - dev-lang/python-exec:2
357 - >=sys-apps/findutils-4.4
358 - !build? (
359 - >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
360 - >=app-shells/bash-5.0:0[readline]
361 - >=app-admin/eselect-1.2
362 - rsync-verify? (
363 - >=app-portage/gemato-14.5[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
364 - >=sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20180706
365 - >=app-crypt/gnupg-2.2.4-r2[ssl(-)]
366 - )
367 - )
368 - elibc_glibc? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-2.2 )
369 - elibc_musl? ( >=sys-apps/sandbox-2.2 )
370 - kernel_linux? ( sys-apps/util-linux )
371 - >=app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.17
372 - selinux? ( >=sys-libs/libselinux-2.0.94[python,${PYTHON_USEDEP}] )
373 - xattr? ( kernel_linux? (
374 - >=sys-apps/install-xattr-0.3
375 - ) )
376 - !<app-admin/logrotate-3.8.0
377 - !<app-portage/gentoolkit-0.4.6
378 - !<app-portage/repoman-2.3.10
379 - !~app-portage/repoman-3.0.0"
380 -PDEPEND="
381 - !build? (
382 - >=net-misc/rsync-2.6.4
383 - >=sys-apps/file-5.41
384 - >=sys-apps/coreutils-6.4
385 - )"
386 -# coreutils-6.4 rdep is for date format in emerge-webrsync #164532
387 -# NOTE: FEATURES=installsources requires debugedit and rsync
388 -
389 -pkg_pretend() {
391 -
392 - if use native-extensions && tc-is-cross-compiler; then
393 - einfo "Disabling USE=native-extensions for cross-compilation (bug #612158)"
394 - fi
395 -
396 - check_extra_config
397 -}
398 -
399 -python_prepare_all() {
400 - local PATCHES=(
401 - )
402 -
403 - distutils-r1_python_prepare_all
404 -
405 - sed -e "s:^VERSION = \"HEAD\"$:VERSION = \"${PV}\":" -i lib/portage/ || die
406 -
407 - if use gentoo-dev; then
408 - einfo "Disabling --dynamic-deps by default for gentoo-dev..."
409 - sed -e 's:\("--dynamic-deps", \)\("y"\):\1"n":' \
410 - -i lib/_emerge/ || \
411 - die "failed to patch"
412 -
413 - einfo "Enabling additional FEATURES for gentoo-dev..."
414 - echo 'FEATURES="${FEATURES} ipc-sandbox network-sandbox strict-keepdir"' \
415 - >> cnf/make.globals || die
416 - fi
417 -
418 - if use native-extensions && ! tc-is-cross-compiler; then
419 - printf "[build_ext]\nportage_ext_modules=true\n" >> \
420 - setup.cfg || die
421 - fi
422 -
423 - if ! use ipc ; then
424 - einfo "Disabling ipc..."
425 - sed -e "s:_enable_ipc_daemon = True:_enable_ipc_daemon = False:" \
426 - -i lib/_emerge/ || \
427 - die "failed to patch"
428 - fi
429 -
430 - if use xattr && use kernel_linux ; then
431 - einfo "Adding FEATURES=xattr to make.globals ..."
432 - echo -e '\nFEATURES="${FEATURES} xattr"' >> cnf/make.globals \
433 - || die "failed to append to make.globals"
434 - fi
435 -
436 - if use build || ! use rsync-verify; then
437 - sed -e '/^sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest/s|yes|no|' \
438 - -e '/^sync-webrsync-verify-signature/s|yes|no|' \
439 - -i cnf/repos.conf || die "sed failed"
440 - fi
441 -
442 - if [[ -n ${EPREFIX} ]] ; then
443 - einfo "Setting portage.const.EPREFIX ..."
444 - hprefixify -e "s|^(EPREFIX[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\").*|\1${EPREFIX}\"|" \
445 - -w "/_BINARY/" lib/portage/
446 -
447 - einfo "Prefixing shebangs ..."
448 - > "${T}/shebangs" || die
449 - while read -r -d $'\0' ; do
450 - local shebang=$(head -n1 "$REPLY")
451 - if [[ ${shebang} == "#!"* && ! ${shebang} == "#!${EPREFIX}/"* ]] ; then
452 - echo "${REPLY}" >> "${T}/shebangs" || die
453 - fi
454 - done < <(find . -type f -executable ! -name etc-update -print0)
455 -
456 - if [[ -s ${T}/shebangs ]]; then
457 - xargs sed -i -e "1s:^#!:#!${EPREFIX}:" < "${T}/shebangs" || die "sed failed"
458 - fi
459 -
460 - einfo "Adjusting make.globals, repos.conf and etc-update ..."
461 - hprefixify cnf/{make.globals,repos.conf} bin/etc-update
462 -
463 - if use prefix-guest ; then
464 - sed -e "s|^\(main-repo = \).*|\\1gentoo_prefix|" \
465 - -e "s|^\\[gentoo\\]|[gentoo_prefix]|" \
466 - -e "s|^\(sync-uri = \).*|\\1rsync://|" \
467 - -i cnf/repos.conf || die "sed failed"
468 - fi
469 -
470 - einfo "Adding FEATURES=force-prefix to make.globals ..."
471 - echo -e '\nFEATURES="${FEATURES} force-prefix"' >> cnf/make.globals \
472 - || die "failed to append to make.globals"
473 - fi
474 -
475 - cd "${S}/cnf" || die
476 - if [ -f "make.conf.example.${ARCH}".diff ]; then
477 - patch make.conf.example "make.conf.example.${ARCH}".diff || \
478 - die "Failed to patch make.conf.example"
479 - else
480 - eerror ""
481 - eerror "Portage does not have an arch-specific configuration for this arch."
482 - eerror "Please notify the arch maintainer about this issue. Using generic."
483 - eerror ""
484 - fi
485 -}
486 -
487 -python_compile_all() {
488 - local targets=()
489 - use doc && targets+=( docbook )
490 - use apidoc && targets+=( apidoc )
491 -
492 - if [[ ${targets[@]} ]]; then
493 - "${targets[@]}"
494 - fi
495 -}
496 -
497 -python_test() {
498 - test
499 -}
500 -
501 -python_install() {
502 - # Install sbin scripts to bindir for python-exec linking
503 - # they will be relocated in pkg_preinst()
504 - distutils-r1_python_install \
505 - --system-prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
506 - --bindir="$(python_get_scriptdir)" \
507 - --docdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \
508 - --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html" \
509 - --portage-bindir="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/portage/${EPYTHON}" \
510 - --sbindir="$(python_get_scriptdir)" \
511 - --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}/etc" \
512 - "${@}"
513 -}
514 -
515 -python_install_all() {
516 - distutils-r1_python_install_all
517 -
518 - local targets=()
519 - use doc && targets+=(
520 - install_docbook
521 - --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
522 - )
523 - use apidoc && targets+=(
524 - install_apidoc
525 - --htmldir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html"
526 - )
527 -
528 - # install docs
529 - if [[ ${targets[@]} ]]; then
530 - "${targets[@]}"
531 - fi
532 -
533 - dotmpfiles "${FILESDIR}"/portage-ccache.conf
534 -
535 - # Due to distutils/python-exec limitations
536 - # these must be installed to /usr/bin.
537 - local sbin_relocations='archive-conf dispatch-conf emaint env-update etc-update fixpackages regenworld'
538 - einfo "Moving admin scripts to the correct directory"
539 - dodir /usr/sbin
540 - for target in ${sbin_relocations}; do
541 - einfo "Moving /usr/bin/${target} to /usr/sbin/${target}"
542 - mv "${ED}/usr/bin/${target}" "${ED}/usr/sbin/${target}" || die "sbin scripts move failed!"
543 - done
544 -}
545 -
546 -pkg_preinst() {
547 - if ! use build; then
548 - python_setup
549 - local sitedir=$(python_get_sitedir)
550 - [[ -d ${D}${sitedir} ]] || die "${D}${sitedir}: No such directory"
551 - env -u DISTDIR \
554 - -u PORTDIR \
556 - PYTHONPATH="${D}${sitedir}${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}" \
557 - "${PYTHON}" -m portage._compat_upgrade.default_locations || die
558 -
560 - PYTHONPATH="${D}${sitedir}${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}" \
561 - "${PYTHON}" -m portage._compat_upgrade.binpkg_compression || die
562 -
564 - PYTHONPATH="${D}${sitedir}${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}" \
565 - "${PYTHON}" -m portage._compat_upgrade.binpkg_multi_instance || die
566 - fi
567 -
568 - # elog dir must exist to avoid logrotate error for bug #415911.
569 - # This code runs in preinst in order to bypass the mapping of
570 - # portage:portage to root:root which happens after src_install.
571 - keepdir /var/log/portage/elog
572 - # This is allowed to fail if the user/group are invalid for prefix users.
573 - if chown portage:portage "${ED}"/var/log/portage{,/elog} 2>/dev/null ; then
574 - chmod g+s,ug+rwx "${ED}"/var/log/portage{,/elog}
575 - fi
576 -
577 - if has_version "<${CATEGORY}/${PN}-2.3.77"; then
578 - elog "The emerge --autounmask option is now disabled by default, except for"
579 - elog "portions of behavior which are controlled by the --autounmask-use and"
580 - elog "--autounmask-license options. For backward compatibility, previous"
581 - elog "behavior of --autounmask=y and --autounmask=n is entirely preserved."
582 - elog "Users can get the old behavior simply by adding --autounmask to the"
583 - elog "make.conf EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS variable. For the rationale for this"
584 - elog "change, see"
585 - fi
586 -}