Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Anthony G. Basile" <blueness@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] proj/blogs-gentoo:master commit in: plugins/jetpack/languages/, plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/, ...
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2017 00:34:48
Message-Id: 1483489641.8f0ed12d83c648763b1c538698bfa0b3005a88c3.blueness@gentoo
1 commit: 8f0ed12d83c648763b1c538698bfa0b3005a88c3
2 Author: Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
3 AuthorDate: Wed Jan 4 00:27:21 2017 +0000
4 Commit: Anthony G. Basile <blueness <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Wed Jan 4 00:27:21 2017 +0000
6 URL:
8 Update plugin jetpack to 4.4.2
10 plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/admin.js | 4 +-
11 plugins/jetpack/_inc/jetpack-strings.php | 50 +-
12 .../lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-admin-page.php | 32 +-
13 .../lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php | 4 +-
14 .../admin-pages/class.jetpack-settings-page.php | 28 +-
15 .../class.jetpack-core-api-module-endpoints.php | 28 +-
16 plugins/jetpack/changelog.txt | 23 +-
17 plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-debugger.php | 2 +-
18 plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-options.php | 29 +-
19 plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php | 11 +-
20 plugins/jetpack/class.json-api-endpoints.php | 21 +-
21 plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack-rtl.css | 5 +-
22 plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack.css | 5 +-
23 plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php | 4 +-
24 .../class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php | 4 +
25 .../class.jetpack-json-api-themes-get-endpoint.php | 2 +-
26 .../jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php | 4 +-
27 plugins/jetpack/languages/ | Bin 191128 -> 235893 bytes
28 plugins/jetpack/languages/ | Bin 223957 -> 251256 bytes
29 plugins/jetpack/languages/ | Bin 158714 -> 175071 bytes
30 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ar.json | 2 +-
31 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ary.json | 2 +-
32 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-bg_BG.json | 2 +-
33 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-de_DE.json | 2 +-
34 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-el.json | 2 +-
35 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_AU.json | 2 +-
36 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_CA.json | 2 +-
37 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_NZ.json | 2 +-
38 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-eo.json | 2 +-
39 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_AR.json | 2 +-
40 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_CL.json | 2 +-
41 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_ES.json | 2 +-
42 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_VE.json | 2 +-
43 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fa_IR.json | 2 +-
44 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fi.json | 2 +-
45 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fr_BE.json | 2 +-
46 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fr_FR.json | 2 +-
47 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-he_IL.json | 2 +-
48 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hr.json | 2 +-
49 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hu_HU.json | 2 +-
50 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-id_ID.json | 2 +-
51 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-it_IT.json | 2 +-
52 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ja.json | 2 +-
53 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ko_KR.json | 2 +-
54 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-nb_NO.json | 2 +-
55 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-nl_NL.json | 2 +-
56 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-pt_BR.json | 2 +-
57 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ro_RO.json | 2 +-
58 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ru_RU.json | 2 +-
59 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sq.json | 2 +-
60 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sv_SE.json | 2 +-
61 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-tr_TR.json | 2 +-
62 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-zh_CN.json | 2 +-
63 plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-zh_TW.json | 2 +-
64 .../modules/contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php | 1 +
65 plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css.php | 30 +-
66 .../jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css-4.7.php | 948 +++++++++++++++++++++
67 plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css.php | 6 +-
68 .../custom-css/css/customizer-control.css | 138 +++
69 .../custom-css/js/core-customizer-css-preview.js | 42 +
70 .../custom-css/js/core-customizer-css.js | 199 +++++
71 .../custom-css/custom-css/preprocessors.php | 1 +
72 .../jetpack/modules/custom-css/migrate-to-core.php | 200 +++++
73 plugins/jetpack/modules/likes.php | 1 +
74 plugins/jetpack/modules/module-info.php | 2 +-
75 .../related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php | 2 +
76 plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharedaddy.php | 2 +-
77 .../jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing-service.php | 2 +
78 .../modules/theme-tools/featured-content.php | 24 +-
79 plugins/jetpack/readme.txt | 33 +-
80 .../jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php | 9 +-
81 .../sync/class.jetpack-sync-module-full-sync.php | 37 +-
82 .../jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-options.php | 62 ++
83 73 files changed, 1908 insertions(+), 155 deletions(-)
85 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/admin.js b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/admin.js
86 index 8af1192..8312935 100644
87 --- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/admin.js
88 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/admin.js
89 @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ displayName:"JetpackConnect",render:function(){var e=this.props.connectUrl+"&fro
90 args:{numberOfViews:(0,E.numberFormat)(s)}}),className:"tooltip class"},{label:(0,E.translate)("Click to view detailed stats.")}]})}),n)},statsErrors:function(){return(0,f.default)(this.props.statsData,["general","errors"],!1)},renderStatsArea:function(){if(this.props.isModuleActivated("stats")){var e=this.statsErrors();if(e)return(0,d.default)(e,function(e){console.log(e)}),u.default.createElement("div",{className:"jp-at-a-glance__stats-inactive"},u.default.createElement("span",null,(0,E.translate)("Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}",{components:{a:u.default.createElement("a",{href:""+this.props.siteRawUrl})}})));var t=this.statsChart(this.props.activeTab());return u.default.createElement("div",{className:"jp-at-a-glance__stats-container"},u.default.createElement("div",{className:"jp-at-a-glance__stats-chart"},u.default.createElement(_.default,{data:t,barClick:this.b
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107 on",value:function(){var e=this.state,t=e.left,;return{left:t,top:n}}},{key:"show",value:function(){var e=this;return this.props.showDelay?(this.debug("showing in %o",this.props.showDelay+"ms"),this.clearShowTimer(),void(this._openDelayTimer=setTimeout(function(){e.setState({show:!0})},this.props.showDelay))):(this.setState({show:!0}),null)}},{key:"hide",value:function(){this.unbindClickoutHandler(),this.setState({show:!1}),this.clearShowTimer()}},{key:"clearShowTimer",value:function(){return this._openDelayTimer?(clearTimeout(this._openDelayTimer),void(this._openDelayTimer=null)):null}},{key:"close",value:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]&&arguments[0];return this.props.isVisible?void this.props.onClose(e):(this.debug("popover should be already closed"),null)}},{key:"render",value:function(){if(! this.debug("is hidden. return no render"),null;if(!this.props.context)return this.debug("No `context` to tie. return no render"),null;
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109 r(e,t){return l.set(e,t),function(){l.delete(e)}}function a(e){l.forEach(function(t,n){u(n,||,e)})}function o(e){e||(e=document),c.bind(e,"click",a)}var i=n(871).default,s=n(872).default,c=s(n(873)),u=s(n(874));t=e.exports=r,t.globalClick=a,t.install=o;var l=new i.Map;"undefined"!=typeof document&&t.install(document)},function(e,t){!function(t,n,r){"use strict";function a(e){return null!==e&&("object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e)}function o(e){return"function"==typeof e}function i(e,t,n){e&&!vt(e=n?e:e[ge],Bt)&&xt(e,Bt,t)}function s(e){return,-1)}function c(e){var t,n;return e==r?e===r?"Undefined":"Null":"string"==typeof(n=(t=Ne(e))[Bt])?n:s(t)}function u(){for(var e=N(this),t=arguments.length,n=Ce(t),r=0,a=Ut._,o=!1;t>r;)(n[r]=arguments[r++])===a&&(o=!0);return function(){var r,i=this,s=arguments.length,c=0,u=0;if(!o&&!s)return d(e,n,i);if(r=n.slice(),o)for(;t>c;c++)r[c]===a&&(r[c]=arguments[u++]);for(;s>u;)r.push(arguments[u++]);return d(e,
110 r,i)}}function l(e,t,n){if(N(e),~n&&t===r)return e;switch(n){case 1:return function(n){return,n)};case 2:return function(n,r){return,n,r)};case 3:return function(n,r,a){return,n,r,a)}}return function(){return e.apply(t,arguments)}}function d(e,t,n){var a=n===r;switch(0|t.length){case 0:return a?e();case 1:return a?e(t[0]),t[0]);case 2:return a?e(t[0],t[1]),t[0],t[1]);case 3:return a?e(t[0],t[1],t[2]),t[0],t[1],t[2]);case 4:return a?e(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]),t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3]);case 5:return a?e(t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4]),t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4])}return e.apply(n,t)}function p(e){return gt(O(e))}function f(e){return e}function h(){return this}function m(e,t){if(vt(e,t))return e[t]}function M(e){return C(e),Mt?mt(e).concat(Mt(e)):mt(e)}function _(e,t){for(var n,r=p(e),a=ht(r),o=a.length,i=0;o>i;)if(r[n=a[i++]]===t)return n}function v(e){return De(e).split(",")}function g(e){var t=1==e,n=2==e,a=3==e,o=4==e,
111 i=6==e,s=5==e||i;return function(c){for(var u,d,p=Ne(O(this)),f=arguments[1],h=gt(p),m=l(c,f,3),M=L(h.length),_=0,v=t?Ce(M):n?[]:r;M>_;_++)if((s||_ in h)&&(u=h[_],d=m(u,_,p),e))if(t)v[_]=d;else if(d)switch(e){case 3:return!0;case 5:return u;case 6:return _;case 2:v.push(u)}else if(o)return!1;return i?-1:a||o?o:v}}function b(e){return function(t){var n=p(this),r=L(n.length),a=E(arguments[1],r);if(e&&t!=t){for(;r>a;a++)if(A(n[a]))return e||a}else for(;r>a;a++)if((e||a in n)&&n[a]===t)return e||a;return!e&&-1}}function y(e,t){return"function"==typeof e?e:t}function A(e){return e!=e}function T(e){return isNaN(e)?0:Nt(e)}function L(e){return e>0?kt(T(e),Tt):0}function E(e,t){var e=T(e);return e<0?St(e+t,0):kt(e,t)}function w(e){return e>9?e:"0"+e}function z(e,t,n){var r=a(t)?function(e){return t[e]}:t;return function(t){return De(n?t:this).replace(e,r)}}function S(e){return function(t){var n,a,o=De(O(this)),i=T(t),s=o.length;return i<0||i>=s?e?"":r:(n=o.charCodeAt(i),n<55296||n>56319||i+
112 1===s||(a=o.charCodeAt(i+1))<56320||a>57343?e?o.charAt(i):n:e?o.slice(i,i+2):(n-55296<<10)+(a-56320)+65536)}}function k(e,t,n){if(!e)throw Re(n?t+n:t)}function O(e){if(e==r)throw Re("Function called on null or undefined");return e}function N(e){return k(o(e),e," is not a function!"),e}function C(e){return k(a(e),e," is not an object!"),e}function D(e,t,n){k(e instanceof t,n,": use the 'new' operator!")}function P(e,t){return{enumerable:!(1&e),configurable:!(2&e),writable:!(4&e),value:t}}function x(e,t,n){return e[t]=n,e}function j(e){return Dt?function(t,n,r){return pt(t,n,P(e,r))}:x}function W(e){return me+"("+e+")_"+(++Pt+Ot())[ye](36)}function Y(e,t){return qe&&qe[e]||(t?qe:Wt)(me+at+e)}function q(e,t){for(var n in t)xt(e,n,t[n]);return e}function B(e){!Dt||!n&&ot(e)||pt(e,Rt,{configurable:!0,get:h})}function R(e,r,a){var i,s,c,u,d=e&Vt,p=d?t:e&Jt?t[r]:(t[r]||tt)[ge],f=d?It:It[r]||(It[r]={});d&&(a=r);for(i in a)s=!(e&Xt)&&p&&i in p&&(!o(p[i])||ot(p[i])),c=(s?p:a)[i],n||!d||o(p[i]
113 )?e&Gt&&s?u=l(c,t):e&Qt&&!n&&p[i]==c?(u=function(e){return this instanceof c?new c(e):c(e)},u[ge]=c[ge]):u=e&Kt&&o(c)?l(st,c):c:u=a[i],n&&p&&!s&&(d?p[i]=c:delete p[i]&&xt(p,i,c)),f[i]!=c&&xt(f,i,u)}function H(e,t){xt(e,ne,t),ze in et&&xt(e,ze,t)}function I(e,t,n,r){e[ge]=ut(r||nn,{next:P(1,n)}),i(e,t+" Iterator")}function U(e,t,r,a){var o=e[ge],s=m(o,ne)||m(o,ze)||a&&m(o,a)||r;if(n&&(H(o,s),s!==r)){var c=lt( e));i(c,t+" Iterator",!0),vt(o,ze)&&H(c,h)}return tn[t]=s,tn[t+" Iterator"]=h,s}function F(e,t,n,r,a,o){function i(e){return function(){return new n(this,e)}}I(n,t,r);var s=i(Zt+en),c=i(en);a==en?c=U(e,t,c,"values"):s=U(e,t,s,"entries"),a&&R(Kt+Xt*rn,t,{entries:s,keys:o?c:i(Zt),values:c})}function X(e,t){return{value:t,done:!!e}}function V(e){var n=Ne(e),r=t[me],a=(r&&r[we]||ze)in n;return a||ne in n||vt(tn,c(n))}function J(e){var n=t[me],r=e[n&&n[we]||ze],a=r||e[ne]||tn[c(e)];return C(}function K(e,t,n){return n?d(e,t):e(t)}function G(e){var t=!0,n={next:fun
114 ction(){throw 1},return:function(){t=!1}};n[ne]=h;try{e(n)}catch(e){}return t}function Q(e){var t=e.return;t!==r&&}function $(e,t){try{e(t)}catch(e){throw Q(t),e}}function Z(e,t,n,r){$(function(e){for(var a,o=l(n,r,t?2:1);!(;)if(K(o,a.value,t)===!1)return Q(e)},J(e))}var ee,te,ne,re,ae="Object",oe="Function",ie="Array",se="String",ce="Number",ue="RegExp",le="Date",de="Map",pe="Set",fe="WeakMap",he="WeakSet",me="Symbol",Me="Promise",_e="Math",ve="Arguments",ge="prototype",be="constructor",ye="toString",Ae=ye+"Tag",Te="toLocaleString",Le="hasOwnProperty",Ee="forEach",we="iterator",ze="@@"+we,Se="process",ke="createElement",Oe=t[oe],Ne=t[ae],Ce=t[ie],De=t[se],Pe=t[ce],xe=(t[ue],t[le],t[de]),je=t[pe],We=t[fe],Ye=t[he],qe=t[me],Be=t[_e],Re=t.TypeError,He=t.RangeError,Ie=t.setTimeout,Ue=t.setImmediate,Fe=t.clearImmediate,Xe=t.parseInt,Ve=t.isFinite,Je=t[Se],Ke=Je&&Je.nextTick,Ge=t.document,Qe=Ge&&Ge.documentElement,$e=(t.navigator,t.define),Ze=t.console||{},et=Ce[
115 ge],tt=Ne[ge],nt=Oe[ge],rt=1/0,at=".",ot=l(/./.test,/\[native code\]\s*\}\s*$/,1),it=tt[ye],,ct=nt.apply,ut=Ne.create,lt=Ne.getPrototypeOf,dt=Ne.setPrototypeOf,pt=Ne.defineProperty,ft=(Ne.defineProperties,Ne.getOwnPropertyDescriptor),ht=Ne.keys,mt=Ne.getOwnPropertyNames,Mt=Ne.getOwnPropertySymbols,_t=Ne.isFrozen,vt=l(st,tt[Le],2),gt=Ne,bt=Ne.assign||function(e,t){for(var n=Ne(O(e)),r=arguments.length,a=1;r>a;)for(var o,i=gt(arguments[a++]),s=ht(i),c=s.length,u=0;c>u;)n[o=s[u++]]=i[o];return n},yt=et.push,At=(et.unshift,et.slice,et.splice,et.indexOf,et[Ee]),Tt=9007199254740991,Lt=Be.pow,Et=Be.abs,wt=Be.ceil,zt=Be.floor,St=Be.max,kt=Be.min,Ot=Be.random,Nt=Be.trunc||function(e){return(e>0?zt:wt)(e)},Ct="Reduce of empty object with no initial value",Dt=!!function(){try{return 2==pt({},"a",{get:function(){return 2}}).a}catch(e){}}(),Pt=0,xt=j(1),jt=qe?x:xt,Wt=qe||W,Yt=Y("unscopables"),qt=et[Yt]||{},Bt=Y(Ae),Rt=Y("species"),Ht=s(Je)==Se,It={},Ut=n?t:It,Ft=t.core,Xt=1,Vt=2,Jt=4,K
116 t=8,Gt=16,Qt=32;"undefined"!=typeof e&&e.exports?e.exports=It:o($e)&&$e.amd?$e(function(){return It}):re=!0,(re||n)&&(It.noConflict=function(){return t.core=Ft,It},t.core=It),ne=Y(we);var $t=Wt("iter"),Zt=1,en=2,tn={},nn={},rn="keys"in et&&!("next"in[].keys());H(nn,h),!function(e,n,r,a){ot(qe)||(qe=function(t){k(!(this instanceof qe),me+" is not a "+be);var n=W(t),o=jt(ut(qe[ge]),e,n);return r[n]=o,Dt&&a&&pt(tt,n,{configurable:!0,set:function(e){xt(this,n,e)}}),o},xt(qe[ge],ye,function(){return this[e]})),R(Vt+Qt,{Symbol:qe});var o={for:function(e){return vt(n,e+="")?n[e]:n[e]=qe(e)},iterator:ne||Y(we),,n),species:Rt,toStringTag:Bt=Y(Ae,!0),unscopables:Yt,pure:Wt,set:jt,useSetter:function(){a=!0},useSimple:function(){a=!1}};"hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,match,replace,search,split,toPrimitive"),function(e){o[e]=Y(e)}),R(Jt,me,o),i(qe,me),R(Jt+Xt*!ot(qe),ae,{getOwnPropertyNames:function(e){for(var t,n=mt(p(e)),a=[],o=0;n.length>o;)vt(r,t=n[o++])||a.push(t);r
117 eturn a},getOwnPropertySymbols:function(e){for(var t,n=mt(p(e)),a=[],o=0;n.length>o;)vt(r,t=n[o++])&&a.push(r[t]);return a}}),i(Be,_e,!0),i(t.JSON,"JSON",!0)}(Wt("tag"),{},{},!0),!function(){var e={assign:bt,is:function(e,t){return e===t?0!==e||1/e===1/t:e!=e&&t!=t}};"__proto__"in tt&&function(t,n){try{n=l(st,ft(tt,"__proto__").set,2),n({},et)}catch(e){t=!0}e.setPrototypeOf=dt=dt||function(e,r){return C(e),k(null===r||a(r),r,": can't set as prototype!"),t?e.__proto__=r:n(e,r),e}}(),R(Jt,ae,e)}(),!function(){function e(e,t){var n=Ne[e],r=It[ae][e],o=0,i={};if(!r||ot(r)){i[e]=1==t?function(e){return a(e)?n(e):e}:2==t?function(e){return!a(e)||n(e)}:3==t?function(e){return!!a(e)&&n(e)}:4==t?function(e,t){return n(p(e),t)}:function(e){return n(p(e))};try{n(at)}catch(e){o=1}R(Jt+Xt*o,ae,i)}}e("freeze",1),e("seal",1),e("preventExtensions",1),e("isFrozen",2),e("isSealed",2),e("isExtensible",3),e("getOwnPropertyDescriptor",4),e("getPrototypeOf"),e("keys"),e("getOwnPropertyNames")}(),!functio
118 n(e){R(Jt,ce,{EPSILON:Lt(2,-52),isFinite:function(e){return"number"==typeof e&&Ve(e)},isInteger:e,isNaN:A,isSafeInteger:function(t){return e(t)&&Et(t)<=Tt},MAX_SAFE_INTEGER:Tt,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER:-Tt,parseFloat:parseFloat,parseInt:Xe})}(Pe.isInteger||function(e){return!a(e)&&Ve(e)&&zt(e)===e}),!function(){function e(t){return Ve(t=+t)&&0!=t?t<0?-e(-t):a(t+o(t*t+1)):t}function t(e){return 0==(e=+e)?e:e>-1e-6&&e<1e-6?e+e*e/2:r(e)-1}var n=Be.E,r=Be.exp,a=Be.log,o=Be.sqrt,i=Be.sign||function(e){return 0==(e=+e)||e!=e?e:e<0?-1:1};R(Jt,_e,{acosh:function(e){return(e=+e)<1?NaN:Ve(e)?a(e/n+o(e+1)*o(e-1)/n)+1:e},asinh:e,atanh:function(e){return 0==(e=+e)?e:a((1+e)/(1-e))/2},cbrt:function(e){return i(e=+e)*Lt(Et(e),1/3)},clz32:function(e){return(e>>>=0)?32-e[ye](2).length:32},cosh:function(e){return(r(e=+e)+r(-e))/2},expm1:t,fround:function(e){return new Float32Array([e])[0]},hypot:function(e,t){for(var n,r=0,a=arguments.length,i=a,s=Ce(a),c=-rt;a--;){if(n=s[a]=+arguments[a],n==rt||n==-rt)return
119 rt;n>c&&(c=n)}for(c=n||1;i--;)r+=Lt(s[i]/c,2);return c*o(r)},imul:function(e,t){var n=65535,r=+e,a=+t,o=n&r,i=n&a;return 0|o*i+((n&r>>>16)*i+o*(n&a>>>16)<<16>>>0)},log1p:function(e){return(e=+e)>-1e-8&&e<1e-8?e-e*e/2:a(1+e)},log10:function(e){return a(e)/Be.LN10},log2:function(e){return a(e)/Be.LN2},sign:i,sinh:function(e){return Et(e=+e)<1?(t(e)-t(-e))/2:(r(e-1)-r(-e-1))*(n/2)},tanh:function(e){var n=t(e=+e),a=t(-e);return n==rt?1:a==rt?-1:(n-a)/(r(e)+r(-e))},trunc:Nt})}(),!function(e){function t(e){if(s(e)==ue)throw Re()}R(Jt,se,{fromCodePoint:function(t){for(var n,r=[],a=arguments.length,o=0;a>o;){if(n=+arguments[o++],E(n,1114111)!==n)throw He(n+" is not a valid code point");r.push(n<65536?e(n):e(((n-=65536)>>10)+55296,n%1024+56320))}return r.join("")},raw:function(e){for(var t=p(e.raw),n=L(t.length),r=arguments.length,a=[],o=0;n>o;)a.push(De(t[o++])),o<r&&a.push(De(arguments[o]));return a.join("")}}),R(Kt,se,{codePointAt:S(!1),endsWith:function(e){t(e);var n=De(O(this)),a=argum
120 ents[1],o=L(n.length),i=a===r?o:kt(L(a),o);return e+="",n.slice(i-e.length,i)===e},includes:function(e){return t(e),!!~De(O(this)).indexOf(e,arguments[1])},repeat:function(e){var t=De(O(this)),n="",r=T(e);if(0>r||r==rt)throw He("Count can't be negative");for(;r>0;(r>>>=1)&&(t+=t))1&r&&(n+=t);return n},startsWith:function(e){t(e);var n=De(O(this)),r=L(kt(arguments[1],n.length));return e+="",n.slice(r,r+e.length)===e}})}(De.fromCharCode),!function(){R(Jt+Xt*G(Ce.from),ie,{from:function(e){var t,n,a,o=Ne(O(e)),i=arguments[1],s=i!==r,c=s?l(i,arguments[2],2):r,u=0;if(V(o))n=new(y(this,Ce)),$(function(e){for(;!(;u++)n[u]=s?c(a.value,u):a.value},J(o));else for(n=new(y(this,Ce))(t=L(o.length));t>u;u++)n[u]=s?c(o[u],u):o[u];return n.length=u,n}}),R(Jt,ie,{of:function(){for(var e=0,t=arguments.length,n=new(y(this,Ce))(t);t>e;)n[e]=arguments[e++];return n.length=t,n}}),B(Ce)}(),!function(){R(Kt,ie,{copyWithin:function(e,t){var n=Ne(O(this)),a=L(n.length),o=E(e,a),i=E(t,a),s=arg
121 uments[2],c=s===r?a:E(s,a),u=kt(c-i,a-o),l=1;for(i<o&&o<i+u&&(l=-1,i=i+u-1,o=o+u-1);u-- >0;)i in n?n[o]=n[i]:delete n[o],o+=l,i+=l;return n},fill:function(e){for(var t=Ne(O(this)),n=L(t.length),a=E(arguments[1],n),o=arguments[2],i=o===r?n:E(o,n);i>a;)t[a++]=e;return t},find:g(5),findIndex:g(6)}),n&&("find,findIndex,fill,copyWithin,entries,keys,values"),function(e){qt[e]=!0}),Yt in et||xt(et,Yt,qt))}(),!function(e){F(Ce,ie,function(e,t){jt(this,$t,{o:p(e),i:0,k:t})},function(){var e=this[$t],t=e.o,n=e.k,a=e.i++;return!t||a>=t.length?(e.o=r,X(1)):n==Zt?X(0,a):n==en?X(0,t[a]):X(0,[a,t[a]])},en),tn[ve]=tn[ie],F(De,se,function(e){jt(this,$t,{o:De(e),i:0})},function(){var t,n=this[$t],r=n.o,a=n.i;return a>=r.length?X(1):(,a),n.i+=t.length,X(0,t))})}(S(!0)),o(Ue)&&o(Fe)||function(e){function n(e){if(vt(m,e)){var t=m[e];delete m[e],t()}}function r(e){n(}var a,i,s,c=t.postMessage,p=t.addEventListener,f=t.MessageChannel,h=0,m={};Ue=function(e){for(var t=[],n=1;argum
122 ents.length>n;)t.push(arguments[n++]);return m[++h]=function(){d(o(e)?e:Oe(e),t)},a(h),h},Fe=function(e){
123 delete m[e]},Ht?a=function(e){Ke(,e))}:p&&o(c)&&!t.importScripts?(a=function(e){c(e,"*")},p("message",r,!1)):o(f)?(i=new f,s=i.port2,i.port1.onmessage=r,a=l(s.postMessage,s,1)):a=Ge&&e in Ge[ke]("script")?function(t){Qe.appendChild(Ge[ke]("script"))[e]=function(){Qe.removeChild(this),n(t)}}:function(e){Ie(n,0,e)}}("onreadystatechange"),R(Vt+Gt,{setImmediate:Ue,clearImmediate:Fe}),!function(e,t){o(e)&&o(e.resolve)&&e.resolve(t=new e(function(){}))==t||function(t,n){function i(e){var t;return a(e)&&(t=e.then),!!o(t)&&t}function s(e){var t,r=e[n],a=r.c,o=0;if(r.h)return!0;for(;a.length>o;)if(t=a[o++],||s(t.P))return!0}function c(e,n){var r=e.c;(n||r.length)&&t(function(){var t=e.p,a=e.v,c=1==e.s,u=0;if(n&&!s(t))Ie(function(){s(t)||(Ht?!Je.emit("unhandledRejection",a,t):o(Ze.error)&&Ze.error("Unhandled promise rejection",a))},1e3);else for(;r.length>u;)!function(t){var n,r,o=c?;try{o?(c||(e.h=!0),n=o===!0?a:o(a),n===t.P?t.rej(Re(Me+"-chain cycle")):(r=i(n))?
124 ll(n,t.res,t.rej):t.res(n)):t.rej(a)}catch(e){t.rej(e)}}(r[u++]);r.length=0})}function u(e){var t,n,r=this;if(!r.d){r.d=!0,r=r.r||r;try{(t=i(e))?(n={r:r,d:!1},,l(u,n,1),l(d,n,1))):(r.v=e,r.s=1,c(r))}catch(e){||{r:r,d:!1},e)}}}function d(e){var t=this;t.d||(t.d=!0,t=t.r||t,t.v=e,t.s=2,c(t,!0))}function p(e){var t=C(e)[Rt];return t!=r?t:e}e=function(t){N(t),D(this,e,Me);var a={p:this,c:[],s:0,d:!1,v:r,h:!1};xt(this,n,a);try{t(l(u,a,1),l(d,a,1))}catch(e){,e)}},q(e[ge],{then:function(t,a){var i=C(C(this)[be])[Rt],s={ok:!o(t)||t,fail:!!o(a)&&a},u=s.P=new(i!=r?i:e)(function(e,t){s.res=N(e),s.rej=N(t)}),l=this[n];return l.c.push(s),l.s&&c(l),u},catch:function(e){return this.then(r,e)}}),q(e,{all:function(e){var t=p(this),n=[];return new t(function(r,a){Z(e,!1,yt,n);var o=n.length,i=Ce(o);o?,function(e,n){t.resolve(e).then(function(e){i[n]=e,--o||r(i)},a)}):r(i)})},race:function(e){var t=p(this);return new t(function(n,r){Z(e,!1,function(e){t.resolve(e).then
125 (n,r)})})},reject:function(e){return new(p(this))(function(t,n){n(e)})},resolve:function(e){return a(e)&&n in e&&lt(e)===this[ge]?e:new(p(this))(function(t,n){t(e)})}})}(Ke||Ue,Wt("record")),i(e,Me),B(e),R(Vt+Xt*!ot(e),{Promise:e})}(t[Me]),!function(){function e(e,t,a,o,s,c){function u(e,t){return t!=r&&Z(t,s,e[f],e),e}function l(e,t){var r=h[e];n&&(h[e]=function(e,n){var,0===e?0:e,n);return t?this:a})}var f=s?"set":"add",h=e&&e[ge],v={};if(ot(e)&&(c||!rn&&vt(h,Ee)&&vt(h,"entries"))){var b,y=e,A=new e,T=A[f](c?{}:-0,1);G(function(t){new e(t)})&&(e=function(n){return D(this,e,t),u(new y,n)},e[ge]=h,n&&(h[be]=e)),c||A[Ee](function(e,t){b=1/t===-rt}),b&&(l("delete"),l("has"),s&&l("get")),(b||T!==A)&&l(f,!0)}else e=c?function(n){D(this,e,t),jt(this,d,g++),u(this,n)}:function(n){var a=this;D(a,e,t),jt(a,p,ut(null)),jt(a,_,0),jt(a,m,r),jt(a,M,r),u(a,n)},q(q(e[ge],a),o),c||!Dt||pt(e[ge],"size",{get:function(){return O(this[_])}});return i(e,t),B(e),v[t]=e,R(Vt+Qt+Xt*!ot(e),v)
126 ,c||F(e,t,function(e,t){jt(this,$t,{o:e,k:t})},function(){for(var e=this[$t],t=e.k,n=e.l;n&&n.r;)n=n.p;return e.o&&(e.l=n=n?n.n:e.o[M])?t==Zt?X(0,n.k):t==en?X(0,n.v):X(0,[n.k,n.v]):(e.o=r,X(1))},s?Zt+en:en,!s),e}function t(e,t){if(!a(e))return("string"==typeof e?"S":"P")+e;if(_t(e))return"F";if(!vt(e,d)){if(!t)return"E";xt(e,d,++g)}return"O"+e[d]}function o(e,n){var r,a=t(n);if("F"!=a)return e[p][a];for(r=e[M];r;r=r.n)if(r.k==n)return r}function s(e,n,a){var i,s,c=o(e,n);return c?c.v=a:(e[m]=c={i:s=t(n,!0),k:n,v:a,p:i=e[m],n:r,r:!1},e[M]||(e[M]=c),i&&(i.n=c),e[_]++,"F"!=s&&(e[p][s]=c)),e}function c(e,t,n){return _t(C(t))?u(e).set(t,n):(vt(t,f)||xt(t,f,{}),t[f][e[d]]=n),e}function u(e){return e[h]||xt(e,h,new xe)[h]}var d=Wt("uid"),p=Wt("O1"),f=Wt("weak"),h=Wt("leak"),m=Wt("last"),M=Wt("first"),_=Dt?Wt("size"):"size",g=0,b={},y={clear:function(){for(var e=this,t=e[p],n=e[M];n;n=n.n)n.r=!0,n.p&&(n.p=n.p.n=r),delete t[n.i];e[M]=e[m]=r,e[_]=0},delete:function(e){var t=this,n=o(t,e);if(n
127 ){var r=n.n,a=n.p;delete t[p][n.i],n.r=!0,a&&(a.n=r),r&&(r.p=a),t[M]==n&&(t[M]=r),t[m]==n&&(t[m]=a),t[_]--}return!!n},forEach:function(e){for(var t,n=l(e,arguments[1],3);t=t?t.n:this[M];)for(n(t.v,t.k,this);t&&t.r;)t=t.p},has:function(e){return!!o(this,e)}};xe=e(xe,de,{get:function(e){var t=o(this,e);return t&&t.v},set:function(e,t){return s(this,0===e?0:e,t)}},y,!0),je=e(je,pe,{add:function(e){return s(this,e=0===e?0:e,e)}},y);var A={delete:function(e){return!!a(e)&&(_t(e)?u(this).delete(e):vt(e,f)&&vt(e[f],this[d])&&delete e[f][this[d]])},has:function(e){return!!a(e)&&(_t(e)?u(this).has(e):vt(e,f)&&vt(e[f],this[d]))}};We=e(We,fe,{get:function(e){if(a(e)){if(_t(e))return u(this).get(e);if(vt(e,f))return e[f][this[d]]}},set:function(e,t){return c(this,e,t)}},A,!0,!0),n&&7!=(new We).set(Ne.freeze(b),7).get(b)&&"delete,has,get,set"),function(e){var t=We[ge][e];We[ge][e]=function(n,r){if(a(n)&&_t(n)){var o=u(this)[e](n,r);return"set"==e?this:o}return,n,r)}}),Ye=e(
128 Ye,he,{add:function(e){return c(this,e,!0)}},A,!1,!0)}(),!function(){function e(e){var t,n=[];for(t in e)n.push(t);jt(this,$t,{o:e,a:n,i:0})}function t(e){return function(t){C(t);try{return e.apply(r,arguments),!0}catch(e){return!1}}}function n(e,t){var o,i=arguments.length<3?e:arguments[2],s=ft(C(e),t);return s?vt(s,"value")?s.value:s.get===r?,t,i):r}function o(e,t,n){var i,s,c=arguments.length<4?e:arguments[3],u=ft(C(e),t);if(!u){if(a(s=lt(e)))return o(s,t,n,c);u=P(0)}return vt(u,"value")?!(u.writable===!1||!a(c))&&(i=ft(c,t)||P(0),i.value=n,pt(c,t,i),!0):u.set!==r&&(,n),!0)}I(e,ae,function(){var e,t=this[$t],n=t.a;do if(t.i>=n.length)return X(1);while(!((e=n[t.i++])in t.o));return X(0,e)});var i=Ne.isExtensible||f,s={apply:l(st,ct,3),construct:function(e,t){var n=N(arguments.length<3?e:arguments[2])[ge],r=ut(a(n)?n:tt),,r,t);return a(o)?o:r},defineProperty:t(pt),deleteProperty:function(e,t){var n=ft(C(e),t);return!(n&&!n.config
129 urable)&&delete e[t]},enumerate:function(t){return new e(C(t))},get:n,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:function(e,t){return ft(C(e),t)},getPrototypeOf:function(e){return lt(C(e))},has:function(e,t){return t in e},isExtensible:function(e){return!!i(C(e))},ownKeys:M,preventExtensions:t(Ne.preventExtensions||f),set:o};dt&&(s.setPrototypeOf=function(e,t){return dt(C(e),t),!0}),R(Vt,{Reflect:{}}),R(Jt,"Reflect",s)}(),!function(){function e(e){return function(t){var n,r=p(t),a=ht(t),o=a.length,i=0,s=Ce(o);if(e)for(;o>i;)s[i]=[n=a[i++],r[n]];else for(;o>i;)s[i]=r[a[i++]];return s}}R(Kt,ie,{includes:b(!0)}),R(Kt,se,{at:S(!0)}),R(Jt,ae,{getOwnPropertyDescriptors:function(e){var t=p(e),n={};return,function(e){pt(n,e,P(0,ft(t,e)))}),n},values:e(!1),entries:e(!0)}),R(Jt,ue,{escape:z(/([\\\-[\]{}()*+?.,^$|])/g,"\\$1",!0)})}(),!function(e){function t(e){if(e){var t=e[ge];xt(t,ee,t.get),xt(t,n,t.set),xt(t,r,t.delete)}}ee=Y(e+"Get",!0);var n=Y(e+pe,!0),r=Y(e+"Delete",!0);R(Jt,me,{referenceGet:
130 ee,referenceSet:n,referenceDelete:r}),xt(nt,ee,h),t(xe),t(We)}("reference"),!function(e){function t(e,t){jt(this,$t,{o:p(e),a:ht(e),i:0,k:t})}function n(e){return function(n){return new t(n,e)}}function o(e){var t=1==e,n=4==e;return function(a,o,i){var s,c,u,d=l(o,i,3),f=p(a),h=t||7==e||2==e?new(y(this,te)):r;for(s in f)if(vt(f,s)&&(c=f[s],u=d(c,s,a),e))if(t)h[s]=u;else if(u)switch(e){case 2:h[s]=c;break;case 3:return!0;case 5:return c;case 6:return s;case 7:h[u[0]]=u[1]}else if(n)return!1;return 3==e||n?n:h}}function i(e){return function(t,n,a){N(n);var o,i,s,c=p(t),u=ht(c),l=u.length,d=0;for(e?o=a==r?new(y(this,te)):Ne(a):arguments.length<3?(k(l,Ct),o=c[u[d++]]):o=Ne(a);l>d;)if(vt(c,i=u[d++]))if(s=n(o,c[i],i,t),e){if(s===!1)break}else o=s;return o}}function s(e,t){return(t==t?_(e,t):c(e,A))!==r}te=function(e){var t=ut(null);return e!=r&&(V(e)?Z(e,!0,function(e,n){t[e]=n}):bt(t,e)),t},te[ge]=null,I(t,e,function(){var e,t=this[$t],n=t.o,a=t.a,o=t.k;do if(t.i>=a.length)return t.o=r,X
131 (1);while(!vt(n,e=a[t.i++]));return o==Zt?X(0,e):o==en?X(0,n[e]):X(0,[e,n[e]])});var c=o(6),u={keys:n(Zt),values:n(en),entries:n(Zt+en),forEach:o(0),map:o(1),filter:o(2),some:o(3),every:o(4),find:o(5),findKey:c,mapPairs:o(7),reduce:i(!1),turn:i(!0),keyOf:_,includes:s,has:vt,get:m,set:j(0),isDict:function(e){return a(e)&&lt(e)===te[ge]}};if(ee)for(var f in u)!function(e){function t(){for(var t=[this],n=0;n<arguments.length;)t.push(arguments[n++]);return d(e,t)}e[ee]=function(){return t}}(u[f]);R(Vt+Xt,{Dict:q(te,u)})}("Dict"),!function(e,t){function n(t,r){return this instanceof n?(this[$t]=J(t),void(this[e]=!!r)):new n(t,r)}function a(n){function r(n,r,a){this[$t]=J(n),this[e]=n[e],this[t]=l(r,a,n[e]?2:1)}return I(r,"Chain",n,o),H(r[ge],h),r}I(n,"Wrapper",function(){return this[$t].next()});var o=n[ge];H(o,function(){return this[$t]});var i=a(function(){var n=this[$t].next();return n.done?n:X(0,K(this[t],n.value,this[e]))}),s=a(function(){for(;;){var n=this[$t].next();if(n.done||K(t
132 his[t],n.value,this[e]))return n}});q(o,{of:function(t,n){Z(this,this[e],t,n)},array:function(e,t){var n=[];return Z(e!=r?,t):this,!1,yt,n),n},filter:function(e,t){return new s(this,e,t)},map:function(e,t){return new i(this,e,t)}}),n.isIterable=V,n.getIterator=J,R(Vt+Xt,{$for:n})}("entries",Wt("fn")),R(Vt+Xt,{delay:function(e){return new Promise(function(t){Ie(t,e,!0)})}}),!function(e,t){function n(n){var a=this,o={};return xt(a,e,function(e){return e!==r&&e in a?vt(o,e)?o[e]:o[e]=l(a[e],a,-1)})[e](n)}It._=Ut._=Ut._||{},R(Kt+Xt,oe,{part:u,only:function(e,t){var n=N(this),r=L(e),a=arguments.length>1;return function(){for(var e=kt(r,arguments.length),o=Ce(e),i=0;e>i;)o[i]=arguments[i++];return d(n,o,a?t:this)}}}),xt(Ut._,ye,function(){return e}),xt(tt,e,n),Dt||xt(et,e,n)}(Dt?W("tie"):Te,tt[Te]),!function(){function e(e,t){for(var n,r=M(p(t)),a=r.length,o=0;a>o;)pt(e,n=r[o++],ft(t,n));return e}R(Jt+Xt,ae,{isObject:a,classof:c,define:e,make:function(t,n){return e(ut(
133 t),n)}})}(),R(Kt+Xt,ie,{turn:function(e,t){N(e);for(var n=t==r?[]:Ne(t),a=gt(this),o=L(a.length),i=0;o>i&&e(n,a[i],i++,this)!==!1;);return n}}),n&&(qt.turn=!0),!function(e){function t(e){jt(this,$t,{l:L(e),i:0})}I(t,ce,function(){var e=this[$t],t=e.i++;return t<e.l?X(0,t):X(1)}),U(Pe,ce,function(){return new t(this)}),e.random=function(e){var t=+this,n=e==r?0:+e,a=kt(t,n);return Ot()*(St(t,n)-a)+a},"round,floor,ceil,abs,sin,asin,cos,acos,tan,atan,exp,sqrt,max,min,pow,atan2,acosh,asinh,atanh,cbrt,clz32,cosh,expm1,hypot,imul,log1p,log10,log2,sign,sinh,tanh,trunc"),function(t){var n=Be[t];n&&(e[t]=function(){for(var e=[+this],t=0;arguments.length>t;)e.push(arguments[t++]);return d(n,e)})}),R(Kt+Xt,ce,e)}({}),!function(){var e,t={"&":"&amp;","<":"&lt;",">":"&gt;",'"':"&quot;","'":"&apos;"},n={};for(e in t)n[t[e]]=e;R(Kt+Xt,se,{escapeHTML:z(/[&<>"']/g,t),unescapeHTML:z(/&(?:amp|lt|gt|quot|apos);/g,n)})}(),!function(e,t,n,r,a,o,i,s,c){function u(t){return function(u,l){function
134 d(e){return p[t+e]()}var p=this,f=n[vt(n,l)?l:r];return De(u).replace(e,function(e){switch(e){case"s":return d(a);case"ss":return w(d(a));case"m":return d(o);case"mm":return w(d(o));case"h":return d(i);case"hh":return w(d(i));case"D":return d(le);case"DD":return w(d(le));case"W":return f[0][d("Day")];case"N":return d(s)+1;case"NN":return w(d(s)+1);case"M":return f[2][d(s)];case"MM":return f[1][d(s)];case"Y":return d(c);case"YY":return w(d(c)%100)}return e})}}function l(e,r){function a(e){var n=[];return,function(r){n.push(r.replace(t,"$"+e))}),n}return n[e]=[v(r.weekdays),a(1),a(2)],It}R(Kt+Xt,le,{format:u("get"),formatUTC:u("getUTC")}),l(r,{weekdays:"Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday",months:"January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December"}),l("ru",{weekdays:"�郋�郕�迮�迮郇�迮,�郋郇迮迡迮郅�郇邽郕,��郋�郇邽郕,苤�迮迡訄,虴迮�赲迮�迣,���郇邽�訄,苤�訇訇郋�訄",months:"觓郇赲訄�:�|�,�
135 壬菩紼€訄郅:�|�,�訄��:訄|,�郈�迮郅:�|�,�訄:�|邿,��郇:�|�,��郅:�|�,�赲迣���:訄|,苤迮郇��訇�:�|�,�郕��訇�:�|�,�郋�訇�:�|�,�迮郕訄訇�:�|�"}),It.locale=function(e){return vt(n,e)?r=e:r},It.addLocale=l}(/\b\w\w?\b/g,/:(.*)\|(.*)$/,{},"en","Seconds","Minutes","Hours","Month","FullYear"),R(Vt+Xt,{global:t}),!function(e){function t(t,n){,function(t){t in et&&(e[t]=l(st,et[t],n))})}t("pop,reverse,shift,keys,values,entries",1),t("indexOf,every,some,forEach,map,filter,find,findIndex,includes",3),t("join,slice,concat,push,splice,unshift,sort,lastIndexOf,reduce,reduceRight,copyWithin,fill,turn"),R(Jt,ie,e)}({}),!function(e){!n||!e||ne in e[ge]||xt(e[ge],ne,tn[ie]),tn.NodeList=tn[ie]}(t.NodeList),!function(e,t){"assert,clear,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,isIndependentlyComposed,log,markTimeline,profile,profileEnd,table,time,timeEnd,timeline,timelineEnd,timeStamp,trace,warn"),function(n){e[
136 n]=function(){if(t&&n in Ze)return[n],Ze,arguments)}}),R(Vt+Xt,{log:bt(e.log,e,{enable:function(){t=!0},disable:function(){t=!1}})})}({},!0)}("undefined"!=typeof self&&self.Math===Math?self:Function("return this")(),!1),e.exports={default:e.exports,__esModule:!0}},function(e,t){"use strict";t.default=function(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e.default:e},t.__esModule=!0},function(e,t){var n=window.addEventListener?"addEventListener":"attachEvent",r=window.removeEventListener?"removeEventListener":"detachEvent",a="addEventListener"!==n?"on":"";t.bind=function(e,t,r,o){return e[n](a+t,r,o||!1),r},t.unbind=function(e,t,n,o){return e[r](a+t,n,o||!1),n}},function(e,t){function n(e,t){return e===t||!!(16&e.compareDocumentPosition(t))}e.exports=n},function(e,t,n){function r(e){var t,n;for(t=[],n=0;n<e.length;n++)t.push(o[e[n]%64]);return t.join("")}function a(e){if("undefined"!=typeof window){if("undefined"!=typeof window.crypto)return r(window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(e))
137 );for(var t=new Array(e),a=0;a<e;a++)t[a]=Math.floor(256*Math.random());return r(t)}var o=n(876);try{return r(o.randomBytes(e))}catch(t){return r(o.pseudoRandomBytes(e))}}var o="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_";e.exports=a},function(e,t,n){(function(e){function r(){var e=[]" ");throw new Error([e,"we accept pull requests",""].join("\n"))}function a(e,t){for(var n in e)t(e[n],n)}var o=n(881);t.createHash=n(883),t.createHmac=n(895),t.randomBytes=function(t,n){if(!n||! new e(o(t));try{,void 0,new e(o(t)))}catch(e){n(e)}},t.getHashes=function(){return["sha1","sha256","sha512","md5","rmd160"]};var i=n(896)(t);t.pbkdf2=i.pbkdf2,t.pbkdf2Sync=i.pbkdf2Sync,a(["createCredentials","createCipher","createCipheriv","createDecipher","createDecipheriv","createSign","createVerify","createDiffieHellman"],function(e){t[e]=function(){r("sorry,",e,"is not implemented yet")}
138 })}).call(t,n(877).Buffer)},function(e,t,n){(function(e,r){"use strict";function a(){try{var e=new Uint8Array(1);return e.__proto__={__proto__:Uint8Array.prototype,foo:function(){return 42}},"function"==typeof e.subarray&&0===e.subarray(1,1).byteLength}catch(e){return!1}}function o(){return e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?2147483647:1073741823}function i(t,n){if(o()<n)throw new RangeError("Invalid typed array length");return e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(t=new Uint8Array(n),t.__proto__=e.prototype):(null===t&&(t=new e(n)),t.length=n),t}function e(t,n,r){if(!(e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||this instanceof e))return new e(t,n,r);if("number"==typeof t){if("string"==typeof n)throw new Error("If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string");return l(this,t)}return s(this,t,n,r)}function s(e,t,n,r){if("number"==typeof t)throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number');return"undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&t instanceof ArrayBuffer?f(e,t,n,r):"string"==typeof t?d(e,t,n)
139 :h(e,t)}function c(e){if("number"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number');if(e<0)throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative')}function u(e,t,n,r){return c(t),t<=0?i(e,t):void 0!==n?"string"==typeof r?i(e,t).fill(n,r):i(e,t).fill(n):i(e,t)}function l(t,n){if(c(n),t=i(t,n<0?0:0|m(n)),!e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(var r=0;r<n;++r)t[r]=0;return t}function d(t,n,r){if("string"==typeof r&&""!==r||(r="utf8"),!e.isEncoding(r))throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding');var a=0|_(n,r);t=i(t,a);var o=t.write(n,r);return o!==a&&(t=t.slice(0,o)),t}function p(e,t){var n=t.length<0?0:0|m(t.length);e=i(e,n);for(var r=0;r<n;r+=1)e[r]=255&t[r];return e}function f(t,n,r,a){if(n.byteLength,r<0||n.byteLength<r)throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds");if(n.byteLength<r+(a||0))throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds");return n=void 0===r&&void 0===a?new Uint8Array(n):void 0===a?new Uint8Array(n,r):new Uint8Array(n,r,a),e.TYPED_
140 ARRAY_SUPPORT?(t=n,t.__proto__=e.prototype):t=p(t,n),t}function h(t,n){if(e.isBuffer(n)){var r=0|m(n.length);return t=i(t,r),0===t.length?t:(n.copy(t,0,0,r),t)}if(n){if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&n.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer||"length"in n)return"number"!=typeof n.length||G(n.length)?i(t,0):p(t,n);if("Buffer"===n.type&&Z( p(t,}throw new TypeError("First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.")}function m(e){if(e>=o())throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+o().toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|e}function M(t){return+t!=t&&(t=0),e.alloc(+t)}function _(t,n){if(e.isBuffer(t))return t.length;if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&"function"==typeof ArrayBuffer.isView&&(ArrayBuffer.isView(t)||t instanceof ArrayBuffer))return t.byteLength;"string"!=typeof t&&(t=""+t);var r=t.length;if(0===r)return 0;for(var a=!1;;)switch(n){case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return r;case"utf8":case"utf
141 -8":case void 0:return F(t).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*r;case"hex":return r>>>1;case"base64":return J(t).length;default:if(a)return F(t).length;n=(""+n).toLowerCase(),a=!0}}function v(e,t,n){var r=!1;if((void 0===t||t<0)&&(t=0),t>this.length)return"";if((void 0===n||n>this.length)&&(n=this.length),n<=0)return"";if(n>>>=0,t>>>=0,n<=t)return"";for(e||(e="utf8");;)switch(e){case"hex":return D(this,t,n);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return k(this,t,n);case"ascii":return N(this,t,n);case"latin1":case"binary":return C(this,t,n);case"base64":return S(this,t,n);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return P(this,t,n);default:if(r)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+e);e=(e+"").toLowerCase(),r=!0}}function g(e,t,n){var r=e[t];e[t]=e[n],e[n]=r}function b(t,n,r,a,o){if(0===t.length)return-1;if("string"==typeof r?(a=r,r=0):r>2147483647?r=2147483647:r<-2147483648&&(r=-2147483648),r=+r,isNaN(r)&&(r=o?0:t.length-1),r<0&&(r=t.length+r),r>=t.lengt
142 h){if(o)return-1;r=t.length-1}else if(r<0){if(!o)return-1;r=0}if("string"==typeof n&&(n=e.from(n,a)),e.isBuffer(n))return 0===n.length?-1:y(t,n,r,a,o);if("number"==typeof n)return n=255&n,e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&"function"==typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?o?,n,r),n,r):y(t,[n],r,a,o);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")}function y(e,t,n,r,a){function o(e,t){return 1===i?e[t]:e.readUInt16BE(t*i)}var i=1,s=e.length,c=t.length;if(void 0!==r&&(r=String(r).toLowerCase(),"ucs2"===r||"ucs-2"===r||"utf16le"===r||"utf-16le"===r)){if(e.length<2||t.length<2)return-1;i=2,s/=2,c/=2,n/=2}var u;if(a){var l=-1;for(u=n;u<s;u++)if(o(e,u)===o(t,l===-1?0:u-l)){if(l===-1&&(l=u),u-l+1===c)return l*i}else l!==-1&&(u-=u-l),l=-1}else for(n+c>s&&(n=s-c),u=n;u>=0;u--){for(var d=!0,p=0;p<c;p++)if(o(e,u+p)!==o(t,p)){d=!1;break}if(d)return u}return-1}function A(e,t,n,r){n=Number(n)||0;var a=e.length-n;r?(r=Number(
143 r),r>a&&(r=a)):r=a;var o=t.length;if(o%2!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid hex string");r>o/2&&(r=o/2);for(var i=0;i<r;++i){var s=parseInt(t.substr(2*i,2),16);if(isNaN(s))return i;e[n+i]=s}return i}function T(e,t,n,r){return K(F(t,e.length-n),e,n,r)}function L(e,t,n,r){return K(X(t),e,n,r)}function E(e,t,n,r){return L(e,t,n,r)}function w(e,t,n,r){return K(J(t),e,n,r)}function z(e,t,n,r){return K(V(t,e.length-n),e,n,r)}function S(e,t,n){return 0===t&&n===e.length?Q.fromByteArray(e):Q.fromByteArray(e.slice(t,n))}function k(e,t,n){n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var r=[],a=t;a<n;){var o=e[a],i=null,s=o>239?4:o>223?3:o>191?2:1;if(a+s<=n){var c,u,l,d;switch(s){case 1:o<128&&(i=o);break;case 2:c=e[a+1],128===(192&c)&&(d=(31&o)<<6|63&c,d>127&&(i=d));break;case 3:c=e[a+1],u=e[a+2],128===(192&c)&&128===(192&u)&&(d=(15&o)<<12|(63&c)<<6|63&u,d>2047&&(d<55296||d>57343)&&(i=d));break;case 4:c=e[a+1],u=e[a+2],l=e[a+3],128===(192&c)&&128===(192&u)&&128===(192&l)&&(d=(15&o)<<18|(63&c)<<12|(63&u)<<6|63&l,
144 d>65535&&d<1114112&&(i=d))}}null===i?(i=65533,s=1):i>65535&&(i-=65536,r.push(i>>>10&1023|55296),i=56320|1023&i),r.push(i),a+=s}return O(r)}function O(e){var t=e.length;if(t<=ee)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,e);for(var n="",r=0;r<t;)n+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,e.slice(r,r+=ee));return n}function N(e,t,n){var r="";n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var a=t;a<n;++a)r+=String.fromCharCode(127&e[a]);return r}function C(e,t,n){var r="";n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var a=t;a<n;++a)r+=String.fromCharCode(e[a]);return r}function D(e,t,n){var r=e.length;(!t||t<0)&&(t=0),(!n||n<0||n>r)&&(n=r);for(var a="",o=t;o<n;++o)a+=U(e[o]);return a}function P(e,t,n){for(var r=e.slice(t,n),a="",o=0;o<r.length;o+=2)a+=String.fromCharCode(r[o]+256*r[o+1]);return a}function x(e,t,n){if(e%1!==0||e<0)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(e+t>n)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function j(t,n,r,a,o,i){if(!e.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a B
145 uffer instance');if(n>o||n<i)throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');if(r+a>t.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function W(e,t,n,r){t<0&&(t=65535+t+1);for(var a=0,o=Math.min(e.length-n,2);a<o;++a)e[n+a]=(t&255<<8*(r?a:1-a))>>>8*(r?a:1-a)}function Y(e,t,n,r){t<0&&(t=4294967295+t+1);for(var a=0,o=Math.min(e.length-n,4);a<o;++a)e[n+a]=t>>>8*(r?a:3-a)&255}function q(e,t,n,r,a,o){if(n+r>e.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(n<0)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function B(e,t,n,r,a){return a||q(e,t,n,4,3.4028234663852886e38,-3.4028234663852886e38),$.write(e,t,n,r,23,4),n+4}function R(e,t,n,r,a){return a||q(e,t,n,8,1.7976931348623157e308,-1.7976931348623157e308),$.write(e,t,n,r,52,8),n+8}function H(e){if(e=I(e).replace(te,""),e.length<2)return"";for(;e.length%4!==0;)e+="=";return e}function I(e){return e.trim?e.trim():e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}function U(e){return e<16?"0"+e.toString(16):e.toString(16)}function F(e,t){t=t||1/0;f
146 or(var n,r=e.length,a=null,o=[],i=0;i<r;++i){if(n=e.charCodeAt(i),n>55295&&n<57344){if(!a){if(n>56319){(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}if(i+1===r){(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}a=n;continue}if(n<56320){(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189),a=n;continue}n=(a-55296<<10|n-56320)+65536}else a&&(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);if(a=null,n<128){if((t-=1)<0)break;o.push(n)}else if(n<2048){if((t-=2)<0)break;o.push(n>>6|192,63&n|128)}else if(n<65536){if((t-=3)<0)break;o.push(n>>12|224,n>>6&63|128,63&n|128)}else{if(!(n<1114112))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((t-=4)<0)break;o.push(n>>18|240,n>>12&63|128,n>>6&63|128,63&n|128)}}return o}function X(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n<e.length;++n)t.push(255&e.charCodeAt(n));return t}function V(e,t){for(var n,r,a,o=[],i=0;i<e.length&&!((t-=2)<0);++i)n=e.charCodeAt(i),r=n>>8,a=n%256,o.push(a),o.push(r);return o}function J(e){return Q.toByteArray(H(e))}function K(e,t,n,r){for(var a=0;a<r&&!(a+n>=t.length||a>=e.length);++a)t[a+n]=e[a];return a}f
147 unction G(e){return e!==e}var Q=n(878),$=n(879),Z=n(880);t.Buffer=e,t.SlowBuffer=M,t.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50,e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=void 0!==r.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?r.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT:a(),t.kMaxLength=o(),e.poolSize=8192,e._augment=function(t){return t.__proto__=e.prototype,t},e.from=function(e,t,n){return s(null,e,t,n)},e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&(e.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,e.__proto__=Uint8Array,"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.species&&e[Symbol.species]===e&&Object.defineProperty(e,Symbol.species,{value:null,configurable:!0})),e.alloc=function(e,t,n){return u(null,e,t,n)},e.allocUnsafe=function(e){return l(null,e)},e.allocUnsafeSlow=function(e){return l(null,e)},e.isBuffer=function(e){return!(null==e||!e._isBuffer)},,n){if(!e.isBuffer(t)||!e.isBuffer(n))throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");if(t===n)return 0;for(var r=t.length,a=n.length,o=0,i=Math.min(r,a);o<i;++o)if(t[o]!==n[o]){r=t[o],a=n[o];break}return r<a?-1:a<r?1:0},e.isEncoding=fu
148 nction(e){switch(String(e).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":case"base64":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1}},e.concat=function(t,n){if(!Z(t))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');if(0===t.length)return e.alloc(0);var r;if(void 0===n)for(n=0,r=0;r<t.length;++r)n+=t[r].length;var a=e.allocUnsafe(n),o=0;for(r=0;r<t.length;++r){var i=t[r];if(!e.isBuffer(i))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');i.copy(a,o),o+=i.length}return a},e.byteLength=_,e.prototype._isBuffer=!0,e.prototype.swap16=function(){var e=this.length;if(e%2!==0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(var t=0;t<e;t+=2)g(this,t,t+1);return this},e.prototype.swap32=function(){var e=this.length;if(e%4!==0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");for(var t=0;t<e;t+=4)g(this,t,t+3),g(this,t+1,t+2);return this},e.prototype.s
149 wap64=function(){var e=this.length;if(e%8!==0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits");for(var t=0;t<e;t+=8)g(this,t,t+7),g(this,t+1,t+6),g(this,t+2,t+5),g(this,t+3,t+4);return this},e.prototype.toString=function(){var e=0|this.length;return 0===e?"":0===arguments.length?k(this,0,e):v.apply(this,arguments)},e.prototype.equals=function(t){if(!e.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===t||,t)},e.prototype.inspect=function(){var e="",n=t.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return this.length>0&&(e=this.toString("hex",0,n).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "),this.length>n&&(e+=" ... ")),"<Buffer "+e+">"},,n,r,a,o){if(!e.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");if(void 0===n&&(n=0),void 0===r&&(r=t?t.length:0),void 0===a&&(a=0),void 0===o&&(o=this.length),n<0||r>t.length||a<0||o>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(a>=o&&n>=r)return 0;if(a>=o)return-1;if(n>=r)return 1;if
150 (n>>>=0,r>>>=0,a>>>=0,o>>>=0,this===t)return 0;for(var i=o-a,s=r-n,c=Math.min(i,s),u=this.slice(a,o),l=t.slice(n,r),d=0;d<c;++d)if(u[d]!==l[d]){i=u[d],s=l[d];break}return i<s?-1:s<i?1:0},e.prototype.includes=function(e,t,n){return this.indexOf(e,t,n)!==-1},e.prototype.indexOf=function(e,t,n){return b(this,e,t,n,!0)},e.prototype.lastIndexOf=function(e,t,n){return b(this,e,t,n,!1)},e.prototype.write=function(e,t,n,r){if(void 0===t)r="utf8",n=this.length,t=0;else if(void 0===n&&"string"==typeof t)r=t,n=this.length,t=0;else{if(!isFinite(t))throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");t=0|t,isFinite(n)?(n=0|n,void 0===r&&(r="utf8")):(r=n,n=void 0)}var a=this.length-t;if((void 0===n||n>a)&&(n=a),e.length>0&&(n<0||t<0)||t>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");r||(r="utf8");for(var o=!1;;)switch(r){case"hex":return A(this,e,t,n);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return T(this,e,t,n);case"ascii":return L(this,e,t,n);case
151 "latin1":case"binary":return E(this,e,t,n);case"base64":return w(this,e,t,n);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return z(this,e,t,n);default:if(o)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+r);r=(""+r).toLowerCase(),o=!0}},e.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",||this,0)}};var ee=4096;e.prototype.slice=function(t,n){var r=this.length;t=~~t,n=void 0===n?r:~~n,t<0?(t+=r,t<0&&(t=0)):t>r&&(t=r),n<0?(n+=r,n<0&&(n=0)):n>r&&(n=r),n<t&&(n=t);var a;if(e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)a=this.subarray(t,n),a.__proto__=e.prototype;else{var o=n-t;a=new e(o,(void 0));for(var i=0;i<o;++i)a[i]=this[i+t]}return a},e.prototype.readUIntLE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||x(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e],a=1,o=0;++o<t&&(a*=256);)r+=this[e+o]*a;return r},e.prototype.readUIntBE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||x(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e+--t],a=1;t>0&&(a*=256);)r+=this[e+--t]*a;return r},e.prototype.readUInt8=function(e,t){return t||x(e,1,th
152 is.length),this[e]},e.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,2,this.length),this[e]|this[e+1]<<8},e.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,2,this.length),this[e]<<8|this[e+1]},e.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,4,this.length),(this[e]|this[e+1]<<8|this[e+2]<<16)+16777216*this[e+3]},e.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,4,this.length),16777216*this[e]+(this[e+1]<<16|this[e+2]<<8|this[e+3])},e.prototype.readIntLE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||x(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e],a=1,o=0;++o<t&&(a*=256);)r+=this[e+o]*a;return a*=128,r>=a&&(r-=Math.pow(2,8*t)),r},e.prototype.readIntBE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||x(e,t,this.length);for(var r=t,a=1,o=this[e+--r];r>0&&(a*=256);)o+=this[e+--r]*a;return a*=128,o>=a&&(o-=Math.pow(2,8*t)),o},e.prototype.readInt8=function(e,t){return t||x(e,1,this.length),128&this[e]?(255-this[e]+1)*-1:this[e]},e.prototype.readInt16LE=function(e,t){t||x(e,2,this.length);var n=this[e]|this[e+1]<<8;retu
153 rn 32768&n?4294901760|n:n},e.prototype.readInt16BE=function(e,t){t||x(e,2,this.length);var n=this[e+1]|this[e]<<8;return 32768&n?4294901760|n:n},e.prototype.readInt32LE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,4,this.length),this[e]|this[e+1]<<8|this[e+2]<<16|this[e+3]<<24},e.prototype.readInt32BE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,4,this.length),this[e]<<24|this[e+1]<<16|this[e+2]<<8|this[e+3]},e.prototype.readFloatLE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,4,this.length),$.read(this,e,!0,23,4)},e.prototype.readFloatBE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,4,this.length),$.read(this,e,!1,23,4)},e.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,8,this.length),$.read(this,e,!0,52,8)},e.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(e,t){return t||x(e,8,this.length),$.read(this,e,!1,52,8)},e.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,n=0|n,!r){var a=Math.pow(2,8*n)-1;j(this,e,t,n,a,0)}var o=1,i=0;for(this[t]=255&e;++i<n&&(o*=256);)this[t+i]=e/o&255;return t+n},e.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,n=0|n,!r){v
154 ar a=Math.pow(2,8*n)-1;j(this,e,t,n,a,0)}var o=n-1,i=1;for(this[t+o]=255&e;--o>=0&&(i*=256);)this[t+o]=e/i&255;return t+n},e.prototype.writeUInt8=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,1,255,0),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),this[n]=255&t,n+1},e.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,2,65535,0),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=255&t,this[n+1]=t>>>8):W(this,t,n,!0),n+2},e.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,2,65535,0),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=t>>>8,this[n+1]=255&t):W(this,t,n,!1),n+2},e.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,4,4294967295,0),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n+3]=t>>>24,this[n+2]=t>>>16,this[n+1]=t>>>8,this[n]=255&t):Y(this,t,n,!0),n+4},e.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,4,4294967295,0),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=t>>>24,this[n+1]=t>>>16,this[n+2]=t>>>8,this[n+3]=255&t):Y(this,t,n,!1),n+4},e.prototype.writeInt
155 LE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,!r){var a=Math.pow(2,8*n-1);j(this,e,t,n,a-1,-a)}var o=0,i=1,s=0;for(this[t]=255&e;++o<n&&(i*=256);)e<0&&0===s&&0!==this[t+o-1]&&(s=1),this[t+o]=(e/i>>0)-s&255;return t+n},e.prototype.writeIntBE=function(e,t,n,r){
156 if(e=+e,t=0|t,!r){var a=Math.pow(2,8*n-1);j(this,e,t,n,a-1,-a)}var o=n-1,i=1,s=0;for(this[t+o]=255&e;--o>=0&&(i*=256);)e<0&&0===s&&0!==this[t+o+1]&&(s=1),this[t+o]=(e/i>>0)-s&255;return t+n},e.prototype.writeInt8=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,1,127,-128),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(t=Math.floor(t)),t<0&&(t=255+t+1),this[n]=255&t,n+1},e.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,2,32767,-32768),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=255&t,this[n+1]=t>>>8):W(this,t,n,!0),n+2},e.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,2,32767,-32768),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=t>>>8,this[n+1]=255&t):W(this,t,n,!1),n+2},e.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,4,2147483647,-2147483648),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=255&t,this[n+1]=t>>>8,this[n+2]=t>>>16,this[n+3]=t>>>24):Y(this,t,n,!0),n+4},e.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(t,n,r){return t=+t,n=0|n,r||j(this,t,n,4,2147483647,-2147483648),t<0&&(t=4294967
157 295+t+1),e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[n]=t>>>24,this[n+1]=t>>>16,this[n+2]=t>>>8,this[n+3]=255&t):Y(this,t,n,!1),n+4},e.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(e,t,n){return B(this,e,t,!0,n)},e.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(e,t,n){return B(this,e,t,!1,n)},e.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(e,t,n){return R(this,e,t,!0,n)},e.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(e,t,n){return R(this,e,t,!1,n)},e.prototype.copy=function(t,n,r,a){if(r||(r=0),a||0===a||(a=this.length),n>=t.length&&(n=t.length),n||(n=0),a>0&&a<r&&(a=r),a===r)return 0;if(0===t.length||0===this.length)return 0;if(n<0)throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds");if(r<0||r>=this.length)throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds");if(a<0)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");a>this.length&&(a=this.length),t.length-n<a-r&&(a=t.length-n+r);var o,i=a-r;if(this===t&&r<n&&n<a)for(o=i-1;o>=0;--o)t[o+n]=this[o+r];else if(i<1e3||!e.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(o=0;o<i;++o)t[o+n]=this[o+r];else,this.s
158 ubarray(r,r+i),n);return i},e.prototype.fill=function(t,n,r,a){if("string"==typeof t){if("string"==typeof n?(a=n,n=0,r=this.length):"string"==typeof r&&(a=r,r=this.length),1===t.length){var o=t.charCodeAt(0);o<256&&(t=o)}if(void 0!==a&&"string"!=typeof a)throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string");if("string"==typeof a&&!e.isEncoding(a))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+a)}else"number"==typeof t&&(t=255&t);if(n<0||this.length<n||this.length<r)throw new RangeError("Out of range index");if(r<=n)return this;n>>>=0,r=void 0===r?this.length:r>>>0,t||(t=0);var i;if("number"==typeof t)for(i=n;i<r;++i)this[i]=t;else{var s=e.isBuffer(t)?t:F(new e(t,a).toString()),c=s.length;for(i=0;i<r-n;++i)this[i+n]=s[i%c]}return this};var te=/[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g}).call(t,n(877).Buffer,function(){return this}())},function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){var t=e.length;if(t%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");return"="===e[t-2]?2:"="===e[t-1]?1:0}function r(e){r
159 eturn 3*e.length/4-n(e)}function a(e){var t,r,a,o,i,s,c=e.length;i=n(e),s=new l(3*c/4-i),a=i>0?c-4:c;var d=0;for(t=0,r=0;t<a;t+=4,r+=3)o=u[e.charCodeAt(t)]<<18|u[e.charCodeAt(t+1)]<<12|u[e.charCodeAt(t+2)]<<6|u[e.charCodeAt(t+3)],s[d++]=o>>16&255,s[d++]=o>>8&255,s[d++]=255&o;return 2===i?(o=u[e.charCodeAt(t)]<<2|u[e.charCodeAt(t+1)]>>4,s[d++]=255&o):1===i&&(o=u[e.charCodeAt(t)]<<10|u[e.charCodeAt(t+1)]<<4|u[e.charCodeAt(t+2)]>>2,s[d++]=o>>8&255,s[d++]=255&o),s}function o(e){return c[e>>18&63]+c[e>>12&63]+c[e>>6&63]+c[63&e]}function i(e,t,n){for(var r,a=[],i=t;i<n;i+=3)r=(e[i]<<16)+(e[i+1]<<8)+e[i+2],a.push(o(r));return a.join("")}function s(e){for(var t,n=e.length,r=n%3,a="",o=[],s=16383,u=0,l=n-r;u<l;u+=s)o.push(i(e,u,u+s>l?l:u+s));return 1===r?(t=e[n-1],a+=c[t>>2],a+=c[t<<4&63],a+="=="):2===r&&(t=(e[n-2]<<8)+e[n-1],a+=c[t>>10],a+=c[t>>4&63],a+=c[t<<2&63],a+="="),o.push(a),o.join("")}t.byteLength=r,t.toByteArray=a,t.fromByteArray=s;for(var c=[],u=[],l="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array
160 ?Uint8Array:Array,d="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",p=0,f=d.length;p<f;++p)c[p]=d[p],u[d.charCodeAt(p)]=p;u["-".charCodeAt(0)]=62,u["_".charCodeAt(0)]=63},function(e,t){,t,n,r,a){var o,i,s=8*a-r-1,c=(1<<s)-1,u=c>>1,l=-7,d=n?a-1:0,p=n?-1:1,f=e[t+d];for(d+=p,o=f&(1<<-l)-1,f>>=-l,l+=s;l>0;o=256*o+e[t+d],d+=p,l-=8);for(i=o&(1<<-l)-1,o>>=-l,l+=r;l>0;i=256*i+e[t+d],d+=p,l-=8);if(0===o)o=1-u;else{if(o===c)return i?NaN:(f?-1:1)*(1/0);i+=Math.pow(2,r),o-=u}return(f?-1:1)*i*Math.pow(2,o-r)},t.write=function(e,t,n,r,a,o){var i,s,c,u=8*o-a-1,l=(1<<u)-1,d=l>>1,p=23===a?Math.pow(2,-24)-Math.pow(2,-77):0,f=r?0:o-1,h=r?1:-1,m=t<0||0===t&&1/t<0?1:0;for(t=Math.abs(t),isNaN(t)||t===1/0?(s=isNaN(t)?1:0,i=l):(i=Math.floor(Math.log(t)/Math.LN2),t*(c=Math.pow(2,-i))<1&&(i--,c*=2),t+=i+d>=1?p/c:p*Math.pow(2,1-d),t*c>=2&&(i++,c/=2),i+d>=l?(s=0,i=l):i+d>=1?(s=(t*c-1)*Math.pow(2,a),i+=d):(s=t*Math.pow(2,d-1)*Math.pow(2,a),i=0));a>=8;e[n+f]=255&s,f+=h,s/=256,
161 a-=8);for(i=i<<a|s,u+=a;u>0;e[n+f]=255&i,f+=h,i/=256,u-=8);e[n+f-h]|=128*m}},function(e,t){var n={}.toString;e.exports=Array.isArray||function(e){return"[object Array]"}},function(e,t,n){(function(t,r){!function(){var a=("undefined"==typeof window?t:window)||{};_crypto=a.crypto||a.msCrypto||n(882),e.exports=function(e){if(_crypto.getRandomValues){var t=new r(e);return _crypto.getRandomValues(t),t}if(_crypto.randomBytes)return _crypto.randomBytes(e);throw new Error("secure random number generation not supported by this browser\nuse chrome, FireFox or Internet Explorer 11")}}()}).call(t,function(){return this}(),n(877).Buffer)},function(e,t){},function(e,t,n){(function(t){function r(e){return function(){var n=[],r={update:function(e,r){return t.isBuffer(e)||(e=new t(e,r)),n.push(e),this},digest:function(r){var a=t.concat(n),o=e(a);return n=null,r?o.toString(r):o}};return r}}var a=n(884),o=r(n(892)),i=r(n(894));e.exports=function(e){return"md5"===e?new o:"rmd160"===e?new i:a
162 (e)}}).call(t,n(877).Buffer)},function(e,t,n){var t=e.exports=function(e){var n=t[e];if(!n)throw new Error(e+" is not supported (we accept pull requests)");return new n},r=n(877).Buffer,a=n(885)(r);t.sha1=n(886)(r,a),t.sha256=n(890)(r,a),t.sha512=n(891)(r,a)},function(e,t){e.exports=function(e){function t(t,n){this._block=new e(t),this._finalSize=n,this._blockSize=t,this._len=0,this._s=0}return t.prototype.init=function(){this._s=0,this._len=0},t.prototype.update=function(t,n){"string"==typeof t&&(n=n||"utf8",t=new e(t,n));for(var r=this._len+=t.length,a=this._s=this._s||0,o=0,i=this._block;a<r;){for(var s=Math.min(t.length,o+this._blockSize-a%this._blockSize),c=s-o,u=0;u<c;u++)i[a%this._blockSize+u]=t[u+o];a+=c,o+=c,a%this._blockSize===0&&this._update(i)}return this._s=a,this},t.prototype.digest=function(e){var t=8*this._len;this._block[this._len%this._blockSize]=128,this._block.fill(0,this._len%this._blockSize+1),t%(8*this._blockSize)>=8*this._finalSize&&(this._update(this._block)
163 ,this._block.fill(0)),this._block.writeInt32BE(t,this._blockSize-4);var n=this._update(this._block)||this._hash();return e?n.toString(e):n},t.prototype._update=function(){throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass")},t}},function(e,t,n){var r=n(887).inherits;e.exports=function(e,t){function n(){return h.length?h.pop().init():this instanceof n?(this._w=f,,64,56),this._h=null,void this.init()):new n}function a(e,t,n,r){return e<20?t&n|~t&r:e<40?t^n^r:e<60?t&n|t&r|n&r:t^n^r}function o(e){return e<20?1518500249:e<40?1859775393:e<60?-1894007588:-899497514}function i(e,t){return e+t|0}function s(e,t){return e<<t|e>>>32-t}var c=0,u=4,l=8,d=12,p=16,f=new("undefined"==typeof Int32Array?Array:Int32Array)(80),h=[];return r(n,t),n.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520,,this},n.prototype._POOL=h,n.prototype._update=function(e){var t,n,r,c,u,l,d,p,f,h;t=l=th
164 is._a,n=d=this._b,r=p=this._c,c=f=this._d,u=h=this._e;for(var m=this._w,M=0;M<80;M++){var _=m[M]=M<16?e.readInt32BE(4*M):s(m[M-3]^m[M-8]^m[M-14]^m[M-16],1),v=i(i(s(t,5),a(M,n,r,c)),i(i(u,_),o(M)));u=c,c=r,r=s(n,30),n=t,t=v}this._a=i(t,l),this._b=i(n,d),this._c=i(r,p),this._d=i(c,f),this._e=i(u,h)},n.prototype._hash=function(){h.length<100&&h.push(this);var t=new e(20);return t.writeInt32BE(0|this._a,c),t.writeInt32BE(0|this._b,u),t.writeInt32BE(0|this._c,l),t.writeInt32BE(0|this._d,d),t.writeInt32BE(0|this._e,p),t},n}},function(e,t,n){(function(e,r){function a(e,n){var r={seen:[],stylize:i};return arguments.length>=3&&(r.depth=arguments[2]),arguments.length>=4&&(r.colors=arguments[3]),m(n)?r.showHidden=n:n&&t._extend(r,n),y(r.showHidden)&&(r.showHidden=!1),y(r.depth)&&(r.depth=2),y(r.colors)&&(r.colors=!1),y(r.customInspect)&&(r.customInspect=!0),r.colors&&(r.stylize=o),c(r,e,r.depth)}function o(e,t){var n=a.styles[t];return n?"["+a.colors[n][0]+"m"+e+"["+a.colors[n][1]+"m":e}func
165 tion i(e,t){return e}function s(e){var t={};return e.forEach(function(e,n){t[e]=!0}),t}function c(e,n,r){if(e.customInspect&&n&&w(n.inspect)&&n.inspect!==t.inspect&&(!n.constructor||n.constructor.prototype!==n)){var a=n.inspect(r,e);return g(a)||(a=c(e,a,r)),a}var o=u(e,n);if(o)return o;var i=Object.keys(n),m=s(i);if(e.showHidden&&(i=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n)),E(n)&&(i.indexOf("message")>=0||i.indexOf("description")>=0))return l(n);if(0===i.length){if(w(n)){var": """;return e.stylize("[Function"+M+"]","special")}if(A(n))return e.stylize(,"regexp");if(L(n))return e.stylize(,"date");if(E(n))return l(n)}var _="",v=!1,b=["{","}"];if(h(n)&&(v=!0,b=["[","]"]),w(n)){var": """;_=" [Function"+y+"]"}if(A(n)&&(_=" ",L(n)&&(_=" ",E(n)&&(_=" "+l(n)),0===i.length&&(!v||0==n.length))return b[0]+_+b[1];if(r<0)return A(n)?e.sty
166 lize(,"regexp"):e.stylize("[Object]","special");e.seen.push(n);var T;return T=v?d(e,n,r,m,i){return p(e,n,r,m,t,v)}),e.seen.pop(),f(T,_,b)}function u(e,t){if(y(t))return e.stylize("undefined","undefined");if(g(t)){var n="'"+JSON.stringify(t).replace(/^"|"$/g,"").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/\\"/g,'"')+"'";return e.stylize(n,"string")}return v(t)?e.stylize(""+t,"number"):m(t)?e.stylize(""+t,"boolean"):M(t)?e.stylize("null","null"):void 0}function l(e){return"[""]"}function d(e,t,n,r,a){for(var o=[],i=0,s=t.length;i<s;++i)N(t,String(i))?o.push(p(e,t,n,r,String(i),!0)):o.push("");return a.forEach(function(a){a.match(/^\d+$/)||o.push(p(e,t,n,r,a,!0))}),o}function p(e,t,n,r,a,o){var i,s,u;if(u=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t,a)||{value:t[a]},u.get?s=u.set?e.stylize("[Getter/Setter]","special"):e.stylize("[Getter]","special"):u.set&&(s=e.stylize("[Setter]","special")),N(r,a)||(i="["+a+"]"),s||(
167 dexOf(u.value)<0?(s=M(n)?c(e,u.value,null):c(e,u.value,n-1),s.indexOf("\n")>-1&&(s=o?s.split("\n").map(function(e){return" "+e}).join("\n").substr(2):"\n"+s.split("\n").map(function(e){return" "+e}).join("\n"))):s=e.stylize("[Circular]","special")),y(i)){if(o&&a.match(/^\d+$/))return s;i=JSON.stringify(""+a),i.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)?(i=i.substr(1,i.length-2),i=e.stylize(i,"name")):(i=i.replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/\\"/g,'"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g,"'"),i=e.stylize(i,"string"))}return i+": "+s}function f(e,t,n){var r=0,a=e.reduce(function(e,t){return r++,t.indexOf("\n")>=0&&r++,e+t.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g,"").length+1},0);return a>60?n[0]+(""===t?"":t+"\n ")+" "+e.join(",\n ")+" "+n[1]:n[0]+t+" "+e.join(", ")+" "+n[1]}function h(e){return Array.isArray(e)}function m(e){return"boolean"==typeof e}function M(e){return null===e}function _(e){return null==e}function v(e){return"number"==typeof e}function g(e){return"string"==typeof e}function b(e){return"symbol"==typeof e
168 }function y(e){return void 0===e}function A(e){return T(e)&&"[object RegExp]"===S(e)}function T(e){return"object"==typeof e&&null!==e}function L(e){return T(e)&&"[object Date]"===S(e)}function E(e){return T(e)&&("[object Error]"===S(e)||e instanceof Error)}function w(e){return"function"==typeof e}function z(e){return null===e||"boolean"==typeof e||"number"==typeof e||"string"==typeof e||"symbol"==typeof e||"undefined"==typeof e}function S(e){return}function k(e){return e<10?"0"+e.toString(10):e.toString(10)}function O(){var e=new Date,t=[k(e.getHours()),k(e.getMinutes()),k(e.getSeconds())].join(":");return[e.getDate(),x[e.getMonth()],t].join(" ")}function N(e,t){return,t)}var C=/%[sdj%]/g;t.format=function(e){if(!g(e)){for(var t=[],n=0;n<arguments.length;n++)t.push(a(arguments[n]));return t.join(" ")}for(var n=1,r=arguments,o=r.length,i=String(e).replace(C,function(e){if("%%"===e)return"%";if(n>=o)return e;swit
169 ch(e){case"%s":return String(r[n++]);case"%d":return Number(r[n++]);case"%j":try{return JSON.stringify(r[n++])}catch(e){return"[Circular]"}default:return e}}),s=r[n];n<o;s=r[++n])i+=M(s)||!T(s)?" "+s:" "+a(s);return i},t.deprecate=function(n,a){function o(){if(!i){if(r.throwDeprecation)throw new Error(a);r.traceDeprecation?console.trace(a):console.error(a),i=!0}return n.apply(this,arguments)}if(y(e.process))return function(){return t.deprecate(n,a).apply(this,arguments)};if(r.noDeprecation===!0)return n;var i=!1;return o};var D,P={};t.debuglog=function(e){if(y(D)&&(D={NODE_ENV:"production"}.NODE_DEBUG||""),e=e.toUpperCase(),!P[e])if(new RegExp("\\b"+e+"\\b","i").test(D)){var;P[e]=function(){var r=t.format.apply(t,arguments);console.error("%s %d: %s",e,n,r)}}else P[e]=function(){};return P[e]},t.inspect=a,a.colors={bold:[1,22],italic:[3,23],underline:[4,24],inverse:[7,27],white:[37,39],grey:[90,39],black:[30,39],blue:[34,39],cyan:[36,39],green:[32,39],magenta:[35,39],red:[31,
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173 s._g|0,this._h=m+this._h|0},n.prototype._hash=function(){var t=new e(32);return t.writeInt32BE(this._a,0),t.writeInt32BE(this._b,4),t.writeInt32BE(this._c,8),t.writeInt32BE(this._d,12),t.writeInt32BE(this._e,16),t.writeInt32BE(this._f,20),t.writeInt32BE(this._g,24),t.writeInt32BE(this._h,28),t},n}},function(e,t,n){var r=n(887).inherits;e.exports=function(e,t){function n(){this.init(),this._w=c,,128,112)}function a(e,t,n){return e>>>n|t<<32-n}function o(e,t,n){return e&t^~e&n}function i(e,t,n){return e&t^e&n^t&n}var s=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122
174 ,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,40
175 00239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591],c=new Array(160);return r(n,t),n.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1779033703,this._b=-1150833019,this._c=1013904242,this._d=-1521486534,this._e=1359893119,this._f=-1694144372,this._g=528734635,this._h=1541459225,this._al=-205731576,this._bl=-2067093701,this._cl=-23791573,this._dl=1595750129,this._el=-1377402159,this._fl=725511199,this._gl=-79577749,this._hl=327033209,this._len=this._s=0,this},n.prototype._update=function(e){var t,n,r,c,u,l,d,p,f,h,m,M,_,v,g,b,y=this._w;t=0|this._a,n=0|this._b,r=0|this._c,c=0|this._d,u=0|this._e,l=0|this._f,d=0|this._g,p=0|this._h,f=0|this._al,h=0|this._bl,m=0|this._cl,M=0|this._dl,_=0|this._el,v=0|this._fl,g=0|this._gl,b=0|this._hl;for(var A=0;A<80;A++){var T,L,E=2*A;if(A<16)T=y[E]=
176 e.readInt32BE(4*E),L=y[E+1]=e.readInt32BE(4*E+4);else{var w=y[E-30],z=y[E-30+1],S=a(w,z,1)^a(w,z,8)^w>>>7,k=a(z,w,1)^a(z,w,8)^a(z,w,7);w=y[E-4],z=y[E-4+1];var O=a(w,z,19)^a(z,w,29)^w>>>6,N=a(z,w,19)^a(w,z,29)^a(z,w,6),C=y[E-14],D=y[E-14+1],P=y[E-32],x=y[E-32+1];L=k+D,T=S+C+(L>>>0<k>>>0?1:0),L+=N,T=T+O+(L>>>0<N>>>0?1:0),L+=x,T=T+P+(L>>>0<x>>>0?1:0),y[E]=T,y[E+1]=L}var j=i(t,n,r),W=i(f,h,m),Y=a(t,f,28)^a(f,t,2)^a(f,t,7),q=a(f,t,28)^a(t,f,2)^a(t,f,7),B=a(u,_,14)^a(u,_,18)^a(_,u,9),R=a(_,u,14)^a(_,u,18)^a(u,_,9),H=s[E],I=s[E+1],U=o(u,l,d),F=o(_,v,g),X=b+R,V=p+B+(X>>>0<b>>>0?1:0);X+=F,V=V+U+(X>>>0<F>>>0?1:0),X+=I,V=V+H+(X>>>0<I>>>0?1:0),X+=L,V=V+T+(X>>>0<L>>>0?1:0);var J=q+W,K=Y+j+(J>>>0<q>>>0?1:0);p=d,b=g,d=l,g=v,l=u,v=_,_=M+X|0,u=c+V+(_>>>0<M>>>0?1:0)|0,c=r,M=m,r=n,m=h,n=t,h=f,f=X+J|0,t=V+K+(f>>>0<X>>>0?1:0)|0}this._al=this._al+f|0,this._bl=this._bl+h|0,this._cl=this._cl+m|0,this._dl=this._dl+M|0,this._el=this._el+_|0,this._fl=this._fl+v|0,this._gl=this._gl+g|0,this._hl=this._hl+b|0,th
177 is._a=this._a+t+(this._al>>>0<f>>>0?1:0)|0,this._b=this._b+n+(this._bl>>>0<h>>>0?1:0)|0,this._c=this._c+r+(this._cl>>>0<m>>>0?1:0)|0,this._d=this._d+c+(this._dl>>>0<M>>>0?1:0)|0,this._e=this._e+u+(this._el>>>0<_>>>0?1:0)|0,this._f=this._f+l+(this._fl>>>0<v>>>0?1:0)|0,this._g=this._g+d+(this._gl>>>0<g>>>0?1:0)|0,this._h=this._h+p+(this._hl>>>0<b>>>0?1:0)|0},n.prototype._hash=function(){function t(e,t,r){n.writeInt32BE(e,r),n.writeInt32BE(t,r+4)}var n=new e(64);return t(this._a,this._al,0),t(this._b,this._bl,8),t(this._c,this._cl,16),t(this._d,this._dl,24),t(this._e,this._el,32),t(this._f,this._fl,40),t(this._g,this._gl,48),t(this._h,this._hl,56),n},n}},function(e,t,n){function r(e,t){e[t>>5]|=128<<t%32,e[(t+64>>>9<<4)+14]=t;for(var n=1732584193,r=-271733879,a=-1732584194,l=271733878,d=0;d<e.length;d+=16){var p=n,f=r,h=a,m=l;n=o(n,r,a,l,e[d+0],7,-680876936),l=o(l,n,r,a,e[d+1],12,-389564586),a=o(a,l,n,r,e[d+2],17,606105819),r=o(r,a,l,n,e[d+3],22,-1044525330),n=o(n,r,a,l,e[d+4],7,-17641
178 8897),l=o(l,n,r,a,e[d+5],12,1200080426),a=o(a,l,n,r,e[d+6],17,-1473231341),r=o(r,a,l,n,e[d+7],22,-45705983),n=o(n,r,a,l,e[d+8],7,1770035416),l=o(l,n,r,a,e[d+9],12,-1958414417),a=o(a,l,n,r,e[d+10],17,-42063),r=o(r,a,l,n,e[d+11],22,-1990404162),n=o(n,r,a,l,e[d+12],7,1804603682),l=o(l,n,r,a,e[d+13],12,-40341101),a=o(a,l,n,r,e[d+14],17,-1502002290),r=o(r,a,l,n,e[d+15],22,1236535329),n=i(n,r,a,l,e[d+1],5,-165796510),l=i(l,n,r,a,e[d+6],9,-1069501632),a=i(a,l,n,r,e[d+11],14,643717713),r=i(r,a,l,n,e[d+0],20,-373897302),n=i(n,r,a,l,e[d+5],5,-701558691),l=i(l,n,r,a,e[d+10],9,38016083),a=i(a,l,n,r,e[d+15],14,-660478335),r=i(r,a,l,n,e[d+4],20,-405537848),n=i(n,r,a,l,e[d+9],5,568446438),l=i(l,n,r,a,e[d+14],9,-1019803690),a=i(a,l,n,r,e[d+3],14,-187363961),r=i(r,a,l,n,e[d+8],20,1163531501),n=i(n,r,a,l,e[d+13],5,-1444681467),l=i(l,n,r,a,e[d+2],9,-51403784),a=i(a,l,n,r,e[d+7],14,1735328473),r=i(r,a,l,n,e[d+12],20,-1926607734),n=s(n,r,a,l,e[d+5],4,-378558),l=s(l,n,r,a,e[d+8],11,-2022574463),a=s(a,l,n
179 ,r,e[d+11],16,1839030562),r=s(r,a,l,n,e[d+14],23,-35309556),n=s(n,r,a,l,e[d+1],4,-1530992060),l=s(l,n,r,a,e[d+4],11,1272893353),a=s(a,l,n,r,e[d+7],16,-155497632),r=s(r,a,l,n,e[d+10],23,-1094730640),n=s(n,r,a,l,e[d+13],4,681279174),l=s(l,n,r,a,e[d+0],11,-358537222),a=s(a,l,n,r,e[d+3],16,-722521979),r=s(r,a,l,n,e[d+6],23,76029189),n=s(n,r,a,l,e[d+9],4,-640364487),l=s(l,n,r,a,e[d+12],11,-421815835),a=s(a,l,n,r,e[d+15],16,530742520),r=s(r,a,l,n,e[d+2],23,-995338651),n=c(n,r,a,l,e[d+0],6,-198630844),l=c(l,n,r,a,e[d+7],10,1126891415),a=c(a,l,n,r,e[d+14],15,-1416354905),r=c(r,a,l,n,e[d+5],21,-57434055),n=c(n,r,a,l,e[d+12],6,1700485571),l=c(l,n,r,a,e[d+3],10,-1894986606),a=c(a,l,n,r,e[d+10],15,-1051523),r=c(r,a,l,n,e[d+1],21,-2054922799),n=c(n,r,a,l,e[d+8],6,1873313359),l=c(l,n,r,a,e[d+15],10,-30611744),a=c(a,l,n,r,e[d+6],15,-1560198380),r=c(r,a,l,n,e[d+13],21,1309151649),n=c(n,r,a,l,e[d+4],6,-145523070),l=c(l,n,r,a,e[d+11],10,-1120210379),a=c(a,l,n,r,e[d+2],15,718787259),r=c(r,a,l,n,e[d+9]
180 ,21,-343485551),n=u(n,p),r=u(r,f),a=u(a,h),l=u(l,m)}return Array(n,r,a,l)}function a(e,t,n,r,a,o){return u(l(u(u(t,e),u(r,o)),a),n)}function o(e,t,n,r,o,i,s){return a(t&n|~t&r,e,t,o,i,s)}function i(e,t,n,r,o,i,s){return a(t&r|n&~r,e,t,o,i,s)}function s(e,t,n,r,o,i,s){return a(t^n^r,e,t,o,i,s)}function c(e,t,n,r,o,i,s){return a(n^(t|~r),e,t,o,i,s)}function u(e,t){var n=(65535&e)+(65535&t),r=(e>>16)+(t>>16)+(n>>16);return r<<16|65535&n}function l(e,t){return e<<t|e>>>32-t}var d=n(893);e.exports=function(e){return d.hash(e,r,16)}},function(e,t,n){(function(t){function n(e,n){if(e.length%o!==0){var r=e.length+(o-e.length%o);e=t.concat([e,i],r)}for(var a=[],s=n?e.readInt32BE:e.readInt32LE,c=0;c<e.length;c+=o)a.push(,c));return a}function r(e,n,r){for(var a=new t(n),o=r?a.writeInt32BE:a.writeInt32LE,i=0;i<e.length;i++),e[i],4*i,!0);return a}function a(e,a,o,i){t.isBuffer(e)||(e=new t(e));var c=a(n(e,i),e.length*s);return r(c,o,i)}var o=4,i=new t(o);i.fill(0);var s=8;e.expo
181 rts={hash:a}}).call(t,n(877).Buffer)},function(e,t,n){(function(t){function n(e,t,n){return e^t^n}function r(e,t,n){return e&t|~e&n}function a(e,t,n){return(e|~t)^n}function o(e,t,n){return e&n|t&~n}function i(e,t,n){return e^(t|~n)}function s(e,t){return e<<t|e>>>32-t}function c(e){var n=[1732584193,4023233417,2562383102,271733878,3285377520];"string"==typeof e&&(e=new t(e,"utf8"));var r=m(e),a=8*e.length,o=8*e.length;r[a>>>5]|=128<<24-a%32,r[(a+64>>>9<<4)+14]=16711935&(o<<8|o>>>24)|4278255360&(o<<24|o>>>8);for(var i=0;i<r.length;i+=16)_(n,r,i);for(var i=0;i<5;i++){var s=n[i];n[i]=16711935&(s<<8|s>>>24)|4278255360&(s<<24|s>>>8)}var c=M(n);return new t(c)}e.exports=c;var u=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8,3,10,14,4,9,15,8,1,2,7,0,6,13,11,5,12,1,9,11,10,0,8,12,4,13,3,7,15,14,5,6,2,4,0,5,9,7,12,2,10,14,1,3,8,11,6,15,13],l=[5,14,7,0,9,2,11,4,13,6,15,8,1,10,3,12,6,11,3,7,0,13,5,10,14,15,8,12,4,9,1,2,15,5,1,3,7,14,6,9,11,8,12,2,10,0,4,13,8,6,4,
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278 isitors to stay in touch."):(0,c.translate)("Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.")):s.default.createElement("div",null,(0,c.translate)("{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}",{components:{link:s.default.createElement(p.default,{className:"jp-module-settings__external-link",icon:!0,iconSize:16,href:e.configure_url})},args:{module_slug:"akismet"===e.module?"Akismet":"Backups"}}));case"custom-css":case"widgets":case"publicize":case"sharedaddy":default:return"publicize"===e.module&&(e.configure_url=this.props.adminUrl+"options-general.php?page=sharing"),s.default.createElement("div",null,(0,c.translate)("{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}",{components:{link:s.default.createElement(p.default,{className:"jp-module-settings__external-link",icon:!0,iconSize:16,href:e.configure_url})},
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286 l:(0,c.translate)('Show a "follow comments" option in the comment form.')})),s.default.createElement(z.FormButton,{className:"is-primary",isSubmitting:this.props.isSavingAnyOption(),disabled:this.props.shouldSaveButtonBeDisabled()})))}});t.SubscriptionsSettings=x=(0,k.ModuleSettingsForm)(x);var j=t.StatsSettings=s.default.createClass({displayName:"StatsSettings",render:function(){return s.default.createElement("form",{onSubmit:this.props.onSubmit},s.default.createElement(z.FormFieldset,null,s.default.createElement(z.FormLegend,null,(0,c.translate)("Admin Bar")),s.default.createElement(S.ModuleSettingCheckbox,(0,o.default)({name:"admin_bar"},this.props,{label:(0,c.translate)("Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar")}))),s.default.createElement(z.FormFieldset,null,s.default.createElement(z.FormLegend,null,(0,c.translate)("Smiley")),s.default.createElement(S.ModuleSettingCheckbox,(0,o.default)({name:"hide_smile"},this.props,{label:(0,c.translate)("Hide the stats smiley
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291 ailAddress,". ",s.default.createElement("span",null,"�",(0,c.translate)("{{a}}Edit{{/a}}",{components:{a:s.default.createElement("a",{href:""})}}))),s.default.createElement(z.FormButton,{className:"is-primary",isSubmitting:this.props.isSavingAnyOption(),disabled:this.props.shouldSaveButtonBeDisabled()})))}});t.MonitorSettings=Y=(0,k.ModuleSettingsForm)(Y);var q=t.SingleSignOnSettings=s.default.createClass({displayName:"SingleSignOnSettings",render:function(){return s.default.createElement("form",{onSubmit:this.props.onSubmit},s.default.createElement(z.FormFieldset,null,s.default.createElement(S.ModuleSettingCheckbox,(0,o.default)({name:"jetpack_sso_match_by_email"},this.props,{label:(0,c.translate)("Match By Email")})),s.default.createElement(S.ModuleSettingCheckbox,(0,o.default)({name:"jetpack_sso_require_two_step"},this.props,{label:(0,c.translate)("Require Two-Step Authentication")})),s.default.createElement(z.FormButton,{className:"is-prim
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447 u did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}",{components:{a:o.default.createElement("a",{href:"",target:"_blank"}),p:o.default.createElement("p",null)}});break;case"wrong_state":n=(0,s.translate)("You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.");break;case"invalid_client":n=(0,s.translate)("We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.");break;case"invalid_grant":n=(0,s.translate)('There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click "Connect to" again.');break;case"site_inaccessible":case"site_requires_authorization":n=(0,s.translate)("Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s",{args:{error_key:e}});break;case"not_public":n=(0,s.translate)("{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitc
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480 did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}",{components:{a:o.default.createElement("a",{href:"",target:"_blank"}),p:o.default.createElement("p",null)}});break;case"wrong_state":n=(0,s.translate)("You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.");break;case"invalid_client":n=(0,s.translate)("We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.");break;case"invalid_grant":n=(0,s.translate)('There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click "Connect to" again.');break;case"site_inaccessible":case"site_requires_authorization":n=(0,s.translate)("Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s",{args:{error_key:e}});break;case"not_public":n=(0,s.translate)("{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch
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489 "Akismet",(0,g.translate)("Keep those spammers away!"),"","spam security comments pro"],["backups",(0,g.translate)("Site Backups"),(0,g.translate)("Keep your site backed up!"),"","backup restore pro security"]],w=!1,z=void 0;return(0,p.default)(A,function(e){"vaultpress"!==e.module?L.push([e.module,s(e.module).name,s(e.module).description,s(e.module).learn_more_button,s(e.module).long_description,s(e.module).search_terms,s(e.module).additional_search_queries,s(e.module).short_description,s(e.module).feature.toString()]):""}),"undefined"==typeof f.product_slug||"jetpack_business"!==f.product_slug&&"jetpack_business_monthly"!==f.product_slug||(w=!0),{var c="scan"===e[0]||"akismet"===e[0]||"backups"===e[0]||"seo-tools"===e[0],d={},p=m(e[0]),f=p?(0,g.translate)("Unavailable in Dev Mode"):i.default.createElement(l.ModuleToggle,{slug:e[0],activated:r(e[0]),toggling:o(e[0]),toggleModule:n}),v=p?"devmode-disabled"
490 :"";return c&&(d={module:e[0],configure_url:""},("seo-tools"!==e[0]||"seo-tools"===e[0]&&!w)&&(f=i.default.createElement(O.default,{proFeature:e[0],siteAdminUrl:t})),e[1]=i.default.createElement("span",null,e[1],i.default.createElement(h.default,{compact:!0,href:"#/plans"},(0,g.translate)("Pro"))),_||("akismet"===e[0]&&b("akismet/akismet.php")?d.configure_url=t+"admin.php?page=akismet-key-config":"scan"!==e[0]&&"backups"!==e[0]||!b("vaultpress/vaultpress.php")||(d.configure_url=""))),1===e.length?i.default.createElement("h1",null,e[0]):i.default.createElement(u.default,{key:e[0],className:v,header:e[1],searchTerms:e.toString().replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm,""),subheader:e[2],summary:f,expandedSummary:f,clickableHeaderText:!0,onOpen:function(){return y.default.tracks.recordEvent("jetpack_wpa_settings_card_open",{card:e[0],path:"/search"})}},r(e[0])||c?i.default.createElement(E.AllModuleSettings,{module:c?d:s(e[0])}):i.default.createElement("div",{dangerous
491 lySetInnerHTML:a(s(e[0]))}),i.default.createElement("br",null),i.default.createElement("div",{className:"jp-module-settings__learn-more"},i.default.createElement(h.default,{borderless:!0,compact:!0,href:e[3]},i.default.createElement(M.default,{icon:"help-outline"}),i.default.createElement("span",{className:"screen-reader-text"},(0,g.translate)("Learn More")))))}),i.default.createElement("div",null,i.default.createElement(T.default,null),i.default.createElement(v.default,{filter:d(),noResultsText:(0,g.translate)("No Results Found.")},z))};t.default=(0,s.connect)(function(e){return{isModuleActivated:function(t){return(0,w.isModuleActivated)(e,t)},isTogglingModule:function(t){return(0,w.isActivatingModule)(e,t)||(0,w.isDeactivatingModule)(e,t)},getModule:function(t){return(0,w.getModule)(e,t)},getModules:function(){return(0,w.getModules)(e)},searchTerm:function(){return(0,z.getSearchTerm)(e)},sitePlan:(0,S.getSitePlan)(e),unavailableInDevMode:function(t){return(0,L.isUnavailableInDevMo
492 de)(e,t)},isFetchingPluginsData:(0,N.isFetchingPluginsData)(e),isPluginActive:function(t){return(0,N.isPluginActive)(e,t)}}},function(e){return{toggleModule:function(t,n){return e(n?(0,w.deactivateModule)(t):(0,w.activateModule)(t))}}})(C)},function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(e){return e&&e.__esModule?e:{default:e}}Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var a=n(142),o=r(a),i=o.default.createClass({displayName:"Hider",propTypes:{hide:o.default.PropTypes.bool},render:function(){return o.default.createElement("div",{className:"design-assets__group",style:this.props.hide?{display:"none"}:{}},this.props.children)}}),s=o.default.createClass({displayName:"FilterSummary",getDefaultProps:function(){return{noResultsText:"No Results Found"}},propTypes:{noResultsText:o.default.PropTypes.string},render:function(){return 0===this.props.items.length?o.default.createElement("p",null,this.props.noResultsText):null}});t.default=o.default.createClass({displayName:"Collection",shouldWeHid
493 e:function(e){var t=void 0,n=void 0;return t=this.props.filter||"",n=e.props.searchTerms,this.props.component?e.type.displayName.toLowerCase()!==this.props.component.replace(/-([a-z])/g,"$1"):(e.props.searchKeywords&&(n+=" "+e.props.searchKeywords),!(!t||n.toLowerCase().indexOf(t)>-1))},visibleExamples:function(e){return e.filter(function(e){return!e.props.hide})},render:function(){var e=this,t=void 0,n=void 0;return,function(t){return o.default.createElement(i,{hide:e.shouldWeHide(t),key:"example-"+t.type.displayName},t)}),this.props.component||(t=o.default.createElement(s,{items:this.visibleExamples(n),total:this.props.children.length,noResultsText:this.props.noResultsText})),o.default.createElement("div",{className:"collection"},t,n)}}),e.exports=t.default}]);
494 \ No newline at end of file
496 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/jetpack-strings.php b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/jetpack-strings.php
497 index 8bbc431..012e682 100644
498 --- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/jetpack-strings.php
499 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/jetpack-strings.php
500 @@ -36,11 +36,6 @@ __( "%(slug)s has been activated.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/ac
501 __( "Activating %(slug)s��", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/state/modules/actions.js:94
502 __( "There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/main.jsx:82
503 __( "There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/main.jsx:68
504 -__( "Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:113
505 -__( "Show falling snow in the holiday period.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:100
506 -__( "Holiday Snow", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:99
507 -__( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:87
508 -__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:57
509 _x( "Spam comments blocked.", "Example: \"412 Spam comments blocked\"", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/akismet.jsx:129
510 __( "Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/akismet.jsx:108
511 __( "Invalid Key", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/akismet.jsx:102
512 @@ -90,6 +85,11 @@ __( "Malware Scanning", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/scan.jsx:28
513 __( "{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/site-verification.jsx:43
514 __( "Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/site-verification.jsx:27
515 __( "Site Verification Tools", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/at-a-glance/site-verification.jsx:21
516 +__( "Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:113
517 +__( "Show falling snow in the holiday period.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:100
518 +__( "Holiday Snow", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:99
519 +__( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:87
520 +__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/appearance/index.jsx:57
521 __( " for Linux", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/apps/index.jsx:192
522 __( " for Windows", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/apps/index.jsx:188
523 __( " for Mac OS X", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/apps/index.jsx:183
524 @@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ __( "All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in
525 __( "Feel the performance", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/apps/index.jsx:30
526 __( "Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/apps/index.jsx:25
527 __( "Powerful features on every device.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/apps/index.jsx:21
528 +__( "View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:206
529 +__( "View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:191
530 +__( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:184
531 +__( "Pro", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:139
532 +__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:123
533 +__( "Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:53
534 __( "Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/connection-settings.jsx:57
535 __( "You are connected as ", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/connection-settings.jsx:47
536 __( "The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/connection-settings.jsx:37
537 @@ -124,12 +130,6 @@ __( "Manage your Jetpack connection.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-setti
538 __( "Connection Settings", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/index.jsx:88
539 __( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/index.jsx:79
540 __( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/general-settings/index.jsx:46
541 -__( "View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:206
542 -__( "View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:191
543 -__( "Learn More", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:184
544 -__( "Pro", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:139
545 -__( "Unavailable in Dev Mode", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:123
546 -__( "Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/engagement/index.jsx:53
547 __( "Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:203
548 __( "Enjoy priority support", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:202
549 __( "Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:198
550 @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ __( "On-demand security scanning", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.j
551 __( "If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:170
552 __( "Need more? Running a business site?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:169
553 __( "Create a new poll", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:160
554 -__( "Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:158
555 +__( "Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, email or on your iPad or iPhone.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:158
556 __( "Surveys & Polls", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:157
557 __( "Activate SEO Tools", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:146
558 __( "Configure Site SEO", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/plans/plan-body.jsx:137
559 @@ -238,10 +238,10 @@ __( "Disconnect Jetpack", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/connect-button/
560 __( "Do you really want to disconnect your site from", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/connect-button/index.jsx:71
561 __( "Link to", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/connect-button/index.jsx:65
562 __( "Unlink me from", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/connect-button/index.jsx:48
563 -_x( "Settings", "Noun. Displayed to screen readers.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-section-header/index.jsx:43
564 __( "Pro", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-item/index.jsx:98
565 __( "Active", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-item/index.jsx:87
566 __( "Updates Needed", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-item/index.jsx:81
567 +_x( "Settings", "Noun. Displayed to screen readers.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/dash-section-header/index.jsx:43
568 _x( "Privacy", "Shorthand for Privacy Policy.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:126
569 __( "Automattic's Privacy Policy", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:124
570 _x( "Terms", "Shorthand for Terms of Service.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/footer/index.jsx:117
571 @@ -288,6 +288,13 @@ __( "Drive more traffic to your site", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/je
572 __( "No account? Create one for free��", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-connect/index.jsx:35
573 __( "Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-connect/index.jsx:30
574 __( "Welcome to Jetpack", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-connect/index.jsx:25
575 +__( "Skip this step", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:83
576 +__( "Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:82
577 +__( "Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:75
578 +__( "Jetpack's recommended features include:", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:67
579 +__( "Activate Recommended Features", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:57
580 +__( "Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:54
581 +__( "Jump Start your Site", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:48
582 __( "Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-notices/dismissable.jsx:40
583 __( "You have successfully disconnected Jetpack", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-notices/dismissable.jsx:37
584 __( "Let us know!", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-notices/feedback-dash-request.jsx:36
585 @@ -315,17 +322,15 @@ __( "We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack
586 __( "You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-notices/state-notices.jsx:53
587 __( "{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-notices/state-notices.jsx:42
588 __( "Cheatin' uh?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jetpack-notices/state-notices.jsx:39
589 -__( "Skip this step", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:83
590 -__( "Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:82
591 -__( "Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:75
592 -__( "Jetpack's recommended features include:", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:67
593 -__( "Activate Recommended Features", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:57
594 -__( "Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:54
595 -__( "Jump Start your Site", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/jumpstart/index.jsx:48
596 __( "Send us Feedback", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/masthead/index.jsx:45
597 __( "Send us Feedback", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/masthead/index.jsx:43
598 __( "Need Help?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/masthead/index.jsx:37
599 __( "Need Help?", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/masthead/index.jsx:35
600 +_x( "Apps", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:63
601 +_x( "At a Glance", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:50
602 +_x( "Plans", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:39
603 +_x( "Apps", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:34
604 +_x( "At a Glance", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:29
605 __( "News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:818
606 __( "Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:808
607 __( "Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/index.jsx:806
608 @@ -422,11 +427,6 @@ __( "Configure your Security Scans", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/modu
609 __( "You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:82
610 __( "Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:76
611 __( "Search your content.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/module-settings/modules-per-tab-page.jsx:49
612 -_x( "Apps", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:63
613 -_x( "At a Glance", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:50
614 -_x( "Plans", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:39
615 -_x( "Apps", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:34
616 -_x( "At a Glance", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation/index.jsx:29
617 _x( "Writing", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation-settings/index.jsx:123
618 _x( "Engagement", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation-settings/index.jsx:118
619 _x( "General", "Navigation item.", "jetpack" ), // _inc/client/components/navigation-settings/index.jsx:113
621 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-admin-page.php b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-admin-page.php
622 index bfb4593..f37c5bd 100644
623 --- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-admin-page.php
624 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-admin-page.php
625 @@ -41,10 +41,6 @@ abstract class Jetpack_Admin_Page {
626 self::$block_page_rendering_for_idc = (
627 Jetpack::validate_sync_error_idc_option() && ! Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'safe_mode_confirmed' )
628 );
629 -
630 - if ( ! self::$block_page_rendering_for_idc ) {
631 - add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'additional_styles' ) );
632 - }
633 }
635 function add_actions() {
636 @@ -71,6 +67,10 @@ abstract class Jetpack_Admin_Page {
637 add_action( "admin_print_styles-$hook", array( $this, 'admin_styles' ) );
638 add_action( "admin_print_scripts-$hook", array( $this, 'admin_scripts' ) );
640 + if ( ! self::$block_page_rendering_for_idc ) {
641 + add_action( "admin_print_styles-$hook", array( $this, 'additional_styles' ) );
642 + }
643 +
644 // Check if the site plan changed and deactivate modules accordingly.
645 add_action( 'current_screen', array( $this, 'check_plan_deactivate_modules' ) );
647 @@ -136,12 +136,36 @@ abstract class Jetpack_Admin_Page {
648 wp_style_add_data( 'jetpack-admin', 'suffix', $min );
649 }
651 + /**
652 + * Checks if WordPress version is too old to have REST API.
653 + *
654 + * @since 4.3
655 + *
656 + * @return bool
657 + */
658 function is_wp_version_too_old() {
659 global $wp_version;
660 return ( ! function_exists( 'rest_api_init' ) || version_compare( $wp_version, '4.4-z', '<=' ) );
661 }
663 /**
664 + * Checks if REST API is enabled.
665 + *
666 + * @since 4.4.2
667 + *
668 + * @return bool
669 + */
670 + function is_rest_api_enabled() {
671 + return
672 + /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php */
673 + apply_filters( 'rest_enabled', true ) &&
674 + /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php */
675 + apply_filters( 'rest_jsonp_enabled', true ) &&
676 + /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/rest-api/class-wp-rest-server.php */
677 + apply_filters( 'rest_authentication_errors', true );
678 + }
679 +
680 + /**
681 * Checks the site plan and deactivates modules that were active but are no longer included in the plan.
682 *
683 * @since 4.4.0
685 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php
686 index eeec3c2..1d1ac0b 100644
687 --- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php
688 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-react-page.php
689 @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ class Jetpack_React_Page extends Jetpack_Admin_Page {
690 return; // No need to handle the fallback redirection if we are not on the Jetpack page
691 }
693 - // Adding a redirect meta tag for older WordPress versions
694 - if ( $this->is_wp_version_too_old() ) {
695 + // Adding a redirect meta tag for older WordPress versions or if the REST API is disabled
696 + if ( $this->is_wp_version_too_old() || ! $this->is_rest_api_enabled() ) {
697 $this->is_redirecting = true;
698 add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'add_fallback_head_meta' ) );
699 }
701 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-settings-page.php b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-settings-page.php
702 index 1f3dd3e..dd9b5ea 100644
703 --- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-settings-page.php
704 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/admin-pages/class.jetpack-settings-page.php
705 @@ -30,39 +30,50 @@ class Jetpack_Settings_Page extends Jetpack_Admin_Page {
707 // We have static.html so let's continue trying to fetch the others
708 $noscript_notice = @file_get_contents( JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/build/static-noscript-notice.html' );
709 - $version_notice = @file_get_contents( JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/build/static-version-notice.html' );
710 + $version_notice = $rest_api_notice = @file_get_contents( JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/build/static-version-notice.html' );
711 $ie_notice = @file_get_contents( JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '_inc/build/static-ie-notice.html' );
713 $noscript_notice = str_replace(
714 '#HEADER_TEXT#',
715 - esc_html( __( 'You have JavaScript disabled', 'jetpack' ) ),
716 + esc_html__( 'You have JavaScript disabled', 'jetpack' ),
717 $noscript_notice
718 );
719 $noscript_notice = str_replace(
720 '#TEXT#',
721 - esc_html( __( "Turn on JavaScript to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ) ),
722 + esc_html__( "Turn on JavaScript to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ),
723 $noscript_notice
724 );
726 $version_notice = str_replace(
727 '#HEADER_TEXT#',
728 - esc_html( __( 'You are using an outdated version of WordPress', 'jetpack' ) ),
729 + esc_html__( 'You are using an outdated version of WordPress', 'jetpack' ),
730 $version_notice
731 );
732 $version_notice = str_replace(
733 '#TEXT#',
734 - esc_html( __( "Update WordPress to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ) ),
735 + esc_html__( "Update WordPress to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ),
736 $version_notice
737 );
739 + $rest_api_notice = str_replace(
740 + '#HEADER_TEXT#',
741 + esc_html( __( 'WordPress REST API is disabled', 'jetpack' ) ),
742 + $rest_api_notice
743 + );
744 + $rest_api_notice = str_replace(
745 + '#TEXT#',
746 + esc_html( __( "Enable WordPress REST API to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ) ),
747 + $rest_api_notice
748 + );
749 +
750 $ie_notice = str_replace(
751 '#HEADER_TEXT#',
752 - esc_html( __( 'You are using an unsupported browser version.', 'jetpack' ) ),
753 + esc_html__( 'You are using an unsupported browser version.', 'jetpack' ),
754 $ie_notice
755 );
756 $ie_notice = str_replace(
757 '#TEXT#',
758 - esc_html( __( "Update your browser to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ) ),
759 + esc_html__( "Update your browser to unlock Jetpack's full potential!", 'jetpack' ),
760 $ie_notice
761 );
763 @@ -73,6 +84,9 @@ class Jetpack_Settings_Page extends Jetpack_Admin_Page {
764 if ( $this->is_wp_version_too_old() ) {
765 echo $version_notice;
766 }
767 + if ( ! $this->is_rest_api_enabled() ) {
768 + echo $rest_api_notice;
769 + }
770 echo $noscript_notice;
771 echo $ie_notice;
772 ?>
774 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/core-api/class.jetpack-core-api-module-endpoints.php b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/core-api/class.jetpack-core-api-module-endpoints.php
775 index d14ce4c..59980b2 100644
776 --- a/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/core-api/class.jetpack-core-api-module-endpoints.php
777 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/_inc/lib/core-api/class.jetpack-core-api-module-endpoints.php
778 @@ -7,19 +7,6 @@ class Jetpack_Core_API_Module_Toggle_Endpoint
779 extends Jetpack_Core_API_XMLRPC_Consumer_Endpoint {
781 /**
782 - * List of modules that require WPCOM public access.
783 - *
784 - * @since 4.3.0
785 - *
786 - * @var array
787 - */
788 - private $modules_requiring_public = array(
789 - 'photon',
790 - 'enhanced-distribution',
791 - 'json-api',
792 - );
793 -
794 - /**
795 * Check if the module requires the site to be publicly accessible from WPCOM.
796 * If the site meets this requirement, the module is activated. Otherwise an error is returned.
797 *
798 @@ -68,17 +55,6 @@ class Jetpack_Core_API_Module_Toggle_Endpoint
799 );
800 }
802 - if (
803 - in_array( $module_slug, $this->modules_requiring_public )
804 - && ! $this->is_site_public()
805 - ) {
806 - return new WP_Error(
807 - 'rest_cannot_publish',
808 - esc_html__( 'This module requires your site to be set to publicly accessible.', 'jetpack' ),
809 - array( 'status' => 424 )
810 - );
811 - }
812 -
813 if ( Jetpack::activate_module( $module_slug, false, false ) ) {
814 return rest_ensure_response( array(
815 'code' => 'success',
816 @@ -1093,9 +1069,9 @@ class Jetpack_Core_API_Module_Data_Endpoint {
817 }
819 $data = json_decode( base64_decode( $vaultpress->contact_service( 'plugin_data' ) ) );
820 - if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
821 + if ( is_wp_error( $data ) || ! isset( $data->backups->last_backup ) ) {
822 return $data;
823 - } else if ( ! $data->backups->last_backup ) {
824 + } else if ( empty( $data->backups->last_backup ) ) {
825 return rest_ensure_response( array(
826 'code' => 'success',
827 'message' => esc_html__( 'VaultPress is active and will back up your site soon.', 'jetpack' ),
829 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/changelog.txt b/plugins/jetpack/changelog.txt
830 index d61b16a..5ab42c5 100644
831 --- a/plugins/jetpack/changelog.txt
832 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/changelog.txt
833 @@ -1,14 +1,33 @@
834 == Changelog ==
836 += 4.4.2 =
837 +
838 +* Release date: December 6, 2016
839 +
840 +This release improves Jetpack compatibility with WordPress 4.7.
841 +
842 +**Compatibility changes**
843 +
844 +* Custom CSS: Made the Custom CSS feature of Jetpack compatible with the CSS Customizer editor in WordPress 4.7.
845 +* Sync: improved compatibility with the wp-missed-schedule plugin.
846 +
847 +**Bug fixes**
848 +
849 +* Featured Content: made sure there is no infinite loop when removing the featured tag from the tag list.
850 +* Admin: made sure help tabs are not being hidden.
851 +* Admin: made At a Glance page work nicely when there is no backup data yet.
852 +* Sync: now making sure that needed classes are loaded, preventing errors.
853 +* Sync: cleared out unneeded scheduled jobs.
854 +
855 = 4.4.1 =
857 * Release date: November 22, 2016
859 **Bug Fixes**
861 -* Fixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on
862 +* Fixes an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on
863 the Jetpack dashboard when `WP_DEBUG` was enabled.
864 -* Fixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying
865 +* Fixes an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who are paying
866 monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn� be able to enable SEO Tools.
868 = 4.4 =
870 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-debugger.php b/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-debugger.php
871 index e5b7e11..c9756ee 100644
872 --- a/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-debugger.php
873 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-debugger.php
874 @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ class Jetpack_Debugger {
875 </div>
877 <div id="email_div" class="formbox">
878 - <label class="h" for="your_email"><?php esc_html_e( 'E-mail', 'jetpack' ); ?></label>
879 + <label class="h" for="your_email"><?php esc_html_e( 'Email', 'jetpack' ); ?></label>
880 <span class="errormsg"><?php esc_html_e( 'Use a valid email address.', 'jetpack' ); ?></span>
881 <input name="your_email" type="text" id="your_email" value="<?php esc_html_e( $current_user->user_email, 'jetpack'); ?>" size="40">
882 </div>
884 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-options.php b/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-options.php
885 index eca3c0f..1b8c86e 100644
886 --- a/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-options.php
887 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack-options.php
888 @@ -2,11 +2,22 @@
890 class Jetpack_Options {
892 + /**
893 + * An array that maps a grouped option type to an option name.
894 + * @var array
895 + */
896 private static $grouped_options = array(
897 'compact' => 'jetpack_options',
898 'private' => 'jetpack_private_options'
899 );
901 + /**
902 + * Returns an array of option names for a given type.
903 + *
904 + * @param string $type The type of option to return. Defaults to 'compact'.
905 + *
906 + * @return array
907 + */
908 public static function get_option_names( $type = 'compact' ) {
909 switch ( $type ) {
910 case 'non-compact' :
911 @@ -67,10 +78,19 @@ class Jetpack_Options {
912 'gplus_authors', // (array) The Google+ authorship information for connected users.
913 'last_heartbeat', // (int) The timestamp of the last heartbeat that fired.
914 'jumpstart', // (string) A flag for whether or not to show the Jump Start. Accepts: new_connection, jumpstart_activated, jetpack_action_taken, jumpstart_dismissed.
915 - 'hide_jitm' // (array) A list of just in time messages that we should not show because they have been dismissed by the user
916 + 'hide_jitm', // (array) A list of just in time messages that we should not show because they have been dismissed by the user
917 + 'custom_css_4.7_migration', // (bool) Whether Custom CSS has scanned for and migrated any legacy CSS CPT entries to the new Core format.
918 );
919 }
921 + /**
922 + * Is the option name valid?
923 + *
924 + * @param string $name The name of the option
925 + * @param string|null $group The name of the group that the option is in. Default to null, which will search non_compact.
926 + *
927 + * @return bool Is the option name valid?
928 + */
929 public static function is_valid( $name, $group = null ) {
930 if ( is_array( $name ) ) {
931 $compact_names = array();
932 @@ -105,6 +125,8 @@ class Jetpack_Options {
933 *
934 * @param string $name Option name
935 * @param mixed $default (optional)
936 + *
937 + * @return mixed
938 */
939 public static function get_option( $name, $default = false ) {
940 if ( self::is_valid( $name, 'non_compact' ) ) {
941 @@ -158,6 +180,8 @@ class Jetpack_Options {
942 * @param string $name Option name
943 * @param mixed $value Option value
944 * @param string $autoload If not compact option, allows specifying whether to autoload or not.
945 + *
946 + * @return bool Was the option successfully updated?
947 */
948 public static function update_option( $name, $value, $autoload = null ) {
949 /**
950 @@ -207,6 +231,8 @@ class Jetpack_Options {
951 * Updates jetpack_options and/or deletes jetpack_$name as appropriate.
952 *
953 * @param string|array $names
954 + *
955 + * @return bool Was the option successfully deleted?
956 */
957 public static function delete_option( $names ) {
958 $result = true;
959 @@ -214,7 +240,6 @@ class Jetpack_Options {
961 if ( ! self::is_valid( $names ) ) {
962 trigger_error( sprintf( 'Invalid Jetpack option names: %s', print_r( $names, 1 ) ), E_USER_WARNING );
963 -
964 return false;
965 }
968 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php b/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php
969 index 7299c24..0f012c3 100644
970 --- a/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php
971 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/class.jetpack.php
972 @@ -5651,10 +5651,15 @@ p {
974 // This is a silly loop depth. Better way?
975 foreach( $deprecated_list AS $hook => $hook_alt ) {
976 - if( isset( $wp_filter[ $hook ] ) && is_array( $wp_filter[ $hook ] ) ) {
977 - foreach( $wp_filter[$hook] AS $func => $values ) {
978 + if ( has_action( $hook ) ) {
979 + foreach( $wp_filter[ $hook ] AS $func => $values ) {
980 foreach( $values AS $hooked ) {
981 - _deprecated_function( $hook . ' used for ' . $hooked['function'], null, $hook_alt );
982 + if ( is_callable( $hooked['function'] ) ) {
983 + $function_name = 'an anonymous function';
984 + } else {
985 + $function_name = $hooked['function'];
986 + }
987 + _deprecated_function( $hook . ' used for ' . $function_name, null, $hook_alt );
988 }
989 }
990 }
992 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/class.json-api-endpoints.php b/plugins/jetpack/class.json-api-endpoints.php
993 index 69f457d..8eb1495 100644
994 --- a/plugins/jetpack/class.json-api-endpoints.php
995 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/class.json-api-endpoints.php
996 @@ -1475,17 +1475,30 @@ abstract class WPCOM_JSON_API_Endpoint {
997 function copy_hooks( $from_hook, $to_hook, $base_paths ) {
998 global $wp_filter;
999 foreach ( $wp_filter as $hook => $actions ) {
1000 - if ( $from_hook <> $hook )
1001 +
1002 + if ( $from_hook != $hook ) {
1003 continue;
1004 + }
1005 +
1006 foreach ( (array) $actions as $priority => $callbacks ) {
1007 foreach( $callbacks as $callback_key => $callback_data ) {
1008 $callback = $callback_data['function'];
1009 - $reflection = $this->get_reflection( $callback ); // use reflection api to determine filename where function is defined
1010 +
1011 + // use reflection api to determine filename where function is defined
1012 + $reflection = $this->get_reflection( $callback );
1013 +
1014 if ( false !== $reflection ) {
1015 $file_name = $reflection->getFileName();
1016 foreach( $base_paths as $base_path ) {
1017 - if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $base_path ) ) { // only copy hooks with functions which are part of the specified files
1018 - $wp_filter[ $to_hook ][ $priority ][ 'cph' . $callback_key ] = $callback_data;
1019 +
1020 + // only copy hooks with functions which are part of the specified files
1021 + if ( 0 === strpos( $file_name, $base_path ) ) {
1022 + add_action(
1023 + $to_hook,
1024 + $callback_data['function'],
1025 + $priority,
1026 + $callback_data['accepted_args']
1027 + );
1028 }
1029 }
1030 }
1032 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack-rtl.css b/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack-rtl.css
1033 index de75b87..7accc83 100644
1034 --- a/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack-rtl.css
1035 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack-rtl.css
1036 @@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ div[class^=gr_custom_container]{border:1px solid gray;border-radius:10px;padding
1037 .widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget ul{list-style-type:none;margin-right:0}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget li{border:0;display:inline;margin-left:.5em}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget li a{border:0;text-decoration:none}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .genericon{font-family:Genericons}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text{clip:rect(1px,1px,1px,1px);position:absolute!important;height:1px;width:1px;overflow:hidden}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text:active,.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text:focus,.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text:hover{background-color:#f1f1f1;border-radius:3px;box-shadow:0 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6);clip:auto!important;color:#21759b;display:block;font-size:14px;font-size:.875rem;font-weight:700;height:auto;right:5px;line-height:normal;padding:15px 23px 14px;text-decoration:none;top:5px;width:auto;z-index:100000}
1038 .widgets-grid-layout{width:100%}.widgets-grid-layout:after,.widgets-grid-layout:before{content:" ";display:table}.widgets-grid-layout:after{clear:both}.widget-grid-view-image{float:right;max-width:50%}.widget-grid-view-image a{display:block;margin:0 0 4px 2px}.widget-grid-view-image:nth-child(even){float:left}.widget-grid-view-image:nth-child(even) a{margin:0 2px 4px 0}.widgets-grid-layout .widget-grid-view-image img{max-width:100%;height:auto}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul{overflow:hidden;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li{background:100% 0;clear:none;float:right;margin:0 0 -3px -5px;padding:0 0 6px 8px;border:none;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li a{background:100% 0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.widgets-multi-column-grid .avatar{vertical-align:middle}.widgets-list-layout{padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-list-layout li:after,.widgets-list-layout li:before{content:"";display:table}.widgets-list-layout
1039 li:after{clear:both}.widgets-list-layout li{zoom:1;margin-bottom:1em;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-list-layout .widgets-list-layout-blavatar{float:right;width:21.276596%;max-width:40px;height:auto}.widgets-list-layout-links{float:left;width:73.404255%}.widgets-list-layout span{opacity:.5}.widgets-list-layout span:hover{opacity:.8}
1040 .jetpack-image-container:after{clear:both}.jetpack-image-container:after,.jetpack-image-container:before{display:table;content:""}
1041 -.widgets-multi-column-grid ul{overflow:hidden;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li{background:100% 0;clear:none;float:right;margin:0 0 -3px -5px;padding:0 0 6px 8px;border:none;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li a{background:100% 0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.widgets-multi-column-grid .avatar{vertical-align:middle}.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-240,.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-48{max-width:48px;max-height:48px}
1042 \ No newline at end of file
1043 +.widgets-multi-column-grid ul{overflow:hidden;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li{background:100% 0;clear:none;float:right;margin:0 0 -3px -5px;padding:0 0 6px 8px;border:none;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li a{background:100% 0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.widgets-multi-column-grid .avatar{vertical-align:middle}.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-240,.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-48{max-width:48px;max-height:48px}
1044 +/*!
1045 +* Do not modify this file directly. It is compiled SASS code.
1046 +*/#wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc.hide{display:none}#wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc .jp-idc-admin-bar{background:#fff;border-radius:2px;color:#23282d;padding:4px 8px;font-size:12px}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc .dashicons{color:#23282d;font-family:dashicons}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc .dashicons:before{font-size:16px}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc:hover .ab-item{background:inherit}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc:hover .jp-idc-admin-bar{background:#eee}
1047 \ No newline at end of file
1049 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack.css b/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack.css
1050 index 8fe1bba..cbbb89c 100644
1051 --- a/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack.css
1052 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/css/jetpack.css
1053 @@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ div[class^=gr_custom_container]{border:1px solid gray;border-radius:10px;padding
1054 .widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget ul{list-style-type:none;margin-left:0}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget li{border:0;display:inline;margin-right:.5em}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget li a{border:0;text-decoration:none}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .genericon{font-family:Genericons}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text{clip:rect(1px,1px,1px,1px);position:absolute!important;height:1px;width:1px;overflow:hidden}.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text:active,.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text:focus,.widget_wpcom_social_media_icons_widget .screen-reader-text:hover{background-color:#f1f1f1;border-radius:3px;box-shadow:0 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,.6);clip:auto!important;color:#21759b;display:block;font-size:14px;font-size:.875rem;font-weight:700;height:auto;left:5px;line-height:normal;padding:15px 23px 14px;text-decoration:none;top:5px;width:auto;z-index:100000}
1055 .widgets-grid-layout{width:100%}.widgets-grid-layout:after,.widgets-grid-layout:before{content:" ";display:table}.widgets-grid-layout:after{clear:both}.widget-grid-view-image{float:left;max-width:50%}.widget-grid-view-image a{display:block;margin:0 2px 4px 0}.widget-grid-view-image:nth-child(even){float:right}.widget-grid-view-image:nth-child(even) a{margin:0 0 4px 2px}.widgets-grid-layout .widget-grid-view-image img{max-width:100%;height:auto}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul{overflow:hidden;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li{background:0 0;clear:none;float:left;margin:0 -5px -3px 0;padding:0 8px 6px 0;border:none;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li a{background:0 0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.widgets-multi-column-grid .avatar{vertical-align:middle}.widgets-list-layout{padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-list-layout li:after,.widgets-list-layout li:before{content:"";display:table}.widgets-list-layout li:aft
1056 er{clear:both}.widgets-list-layout li{zoom:1;margin-bottom:1em;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-list-layout .widgets-list-layout-blavatar{float:left;width:21.276596%;max-width:40px;height:auto}.widgets-list-layout-links{float:right;width:73.404255%}.widgets-list-layout span{opacity:.5}.widgets-list-layout span:hover{opacity:.8}
1057 .jetpack-image-container:after{clear:both}.jetpack-image-container:after,.jetpack-image-container:before{display:table;content:""}
1058 -.widgets-multi-column-grid ul{overflow:hidden;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li{background:0 0;clear:none;float:left;margin:0 -5px -3px 0;padding:0 8px 6px 0;border:none;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li a{background:0 0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.widgets-multi-column-grid .avatar{vertical-align:middle}.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-240,.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-48{max-width:48px;max-height:48px}
1059 \ No newline at end of file
1060 +.widgets-multi-column-grid ul{overflow:hidden;padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li{background:0 0;clear:none;float:left;margin:0 -5px -3px 0;padding:0 8px 6px 0;border:none;list-style-type:none!important}.widgets-multi-column-grid ul li a{background:0 0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0}.widgets-multi-column-grid .avatar{vertical-align:middle}.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-240,.widget_jetpack_my_community .avatar-48{max-width:48px;max-height:48px}
1061 +/*!
1062 +* Do not modify this file directly. It is compiled SASS code.
1063 +*/#wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc.hide{display:none}#wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc .jp-idc-admin-bar{background:#fff;border-radius:2px;color:#23282d;padding:4px 8px;font-size:12px}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc .dashicons{color:#23282d;font-family:dashicons}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc .dashicons:before{font-size:16px}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc:hover .ab-item{background:inherit}#wpadminbar #wp-admin-bar-jetpack-idc:hover .jp-idc-admin-bar{background:#eee}
1064 \ No newline at end of file
1066 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php b/plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php
1067 index a667773..08b0b34 100644
1068 --- a/plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php
1069 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/jetpack.php
1070 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
1071 * Plugin URI:
1072 * Description: Bring the power of the cloud to your self-hosted WordPress. Jetpack enables you to connect your blog to a account to use the powerful features normally only available to users.
1073 * Author: Automattic
1074 - * Version: 4.4.1
1075 + * Version: 4.4.2
1076 * Author URI:
1077 * License: GPL2+
1078 * Text Domain: jetpack
1079 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
1081 define( 'JETPACK__MINIMUM_WP_VERSION', '4.5' );
1083 -define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '4.4.1' );
1084 +define( 'JETPACK__VERSION', '4.4.2' );
1085 define( 'JETPACK_MASTER_USER', true );
1086 define( 'JETPACK__API_VERSION', 1 );
1087 define( 'JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
1089 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php
1090 index 499a429..cddee7d 100644
1091 --- a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php
1092 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/class.wpcom-json-api-update-term-endpoint.php
1093 @@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ class WPCOM_JSON_API_Update_Term_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_Taxonomy_Endpoi
1094 }
1096 $data = wp_update_term( $term->term_id, $taxonomy, $update );
1097 + if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) {
1098 + return $data;
1099 + }
1100 +
1101 $term = get_term_by( 'id', $data['term_id'], $taxonomy );
1103 $return = $this->get_taxonomy( $term->slug, $taxonomy, $args['context'] );
1105 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-themes-get-endpoint.php b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-themes-get-endpoint.php
1106 index 20a4ac4..cfc352a 100644
1107 --- a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-themes-get-endpoint.php
1108 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/class.jetpack-json-api-themes-get-endpoint.php
1109 @@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
1111 class Jetpack_JSON_API_Themes_Get_Endpoint extends Jetpack_JSON_API_Themes_Endpoint {
1112 // GET /sites/%s/themes/%s
1113 - protected $needed_capabilities = 'activate_themes';
1114 + protected $needed_capabilities = 'switch_themes';
1115 }
1117 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php
1118 index 15b5e73..b560874 100644
1119 --- a/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php
1120 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack/json-api-jetpack-endpoints.php
1121 @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-themes-get-e
1122 require_once( $json_jetpack_endpoints_dir . 'class.jetpack-json-api-themes-new-endpoint.php' );
1124 // POST /sites/%s/themes/%new
1125 -new Jetpack_JSON_API_Themes_new_Endpoint( array(
1126 +new Jetpack_JSON_API_Themes_New_Endpoint( array(
1127 'description' => 'Install a theme to your jetpack blog',
1128 'group' => '__do_not_document',
1129 'stat' => 'themes:new',
1130 @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ new Jetpack_JSON_API_Themes_Get_Endpoint( array(
1131 'description' => 'Get a single theme on a jetpack blog',
1132 'group' => '__do_not_document',
1133 'stat' => 'themes:get:1',
1134 - 'method' => 'POST',
1135 + 'method' => 'GET',
1136 'path' => '/sites/%s/themes/%s',
1137 'path_labels' => array(
1138 '$site' => '(int|string) The site ID, The site domain',
1140 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/
1141 index f11ecfd..49275f9 100644
1142 Binary files a/plugins/jetpack/languages/ and b/plugins/jetpack/languages/ differ
1144 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/
1145 index 07bbc95..3f674a8 100644
1146 Binary files a/plugins/jetpack/languages/ and b/plugins/jetpack/languages/ differ
1148 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/
1149 index 8495ed4..180ee48 100644
1150 Binary files a/plugins/jetpack/languages/ and b/plugins/jetpack/languages/ differ
1152 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ar.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ar.json
1153 index 69f0113..ccca61c 100644
1154 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ar.json
1155 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ar.json
1156 @@ -1 +1 @@
1157 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-03-07 20:53:58+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"ar","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and ha
1158 rd work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click th
1159 reat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelistin
1160 g an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading
1161 Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of vi
1162 ews in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[n
1163 ull,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome t
1164 o {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enab
1165 le powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers at
1166 tack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor t
1167 o create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Dev
1168 elopment Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"
1169 Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store
1170 ":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","","","","","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need upd
1171 ating. ","","","","","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the
1172 holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[nu
1173 ll,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"
1174 "],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetS
1175 ettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","","","","","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","","","","","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %
1176 (date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load you
1177 r gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscr
1178 ibe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please
1179 try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈堛媯塈� Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"塈堥堛堻塈�堜"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"��堬� 堨堿堭塈堙 �媯塈堹�堜 �� 堮媟�堛��"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"塈堻堛堮堹塈� �堮媟媟 �堥�堭 �堿堸塈堥"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"媢堭媔 媢��塈� ��堻� \"�堛媢��\" ��媯� 塈�堛堹���塈堛 媢� �堻� 塈��堶堛�� 塈��堛媢�� 堥�媔�媢 堧�堥堭."],"Related":[null,"�堭堛堥媟"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"堛堧�堹 �� 堨媔塈�堜 媢�塈��� IP 塈��堻�
1180 臾框脅� 堥�堳堭堜 �堧��塈 �堹 堛堛媞�堭 ���塈 堥�� ��堬�� ���堛堥� �塈���塈�媢 塈�堧堮堭�. 堻堛堣堹� 堨堬塈�堜 媢��塈� IP �� 塈��塈埵�堜 堧堹�塈� 堨�� 堨堬塈�堛� �� �塈埵�堜 塈�堻�塈堶 �堹��."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"堨堹塈堭堜 塈��塈埵�堜 塈�堥�媔塈堙"],"Email Address":[null,"媢��塈� 塈�堥堭�堹 塈�堨��堛堭���"],"Publicize":[null,"塈��奡堭"],"Site Stats":[null,"堨堶媯塈埵�塈堛 塈����媢"],"Featured Images":[null,"塈�媯�堭 塈�堥塈堭堬堜"],"Excerpts":[null,"��堛媟�塈堛"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"堛���� 塈�奡�塈堹塈堛 ��堸塈 塈����媢."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"堛���� �奡堭�媢塈堛 Portfolio ��堸塈 塈����媢."],"Preview":[null,"�媢塈��堜"],"Color Scheme":[null,"�婺塈� 塈�堧��塈�"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"堛堿塈�� 塈�媢堥塈堭塈堛"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"塈堻堛堮堹� 塈��
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1182 blems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"��堿堹 �奡塈�� 堶塈��塈� �媢 �媞�堭 �塈堹堭 媢�� 塈�堭堥媟 �媢 Jetpack. �堭堿� 塈��堶塈��堜 �堭堜 堧堮堭� �� ��堛 �塈堶�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"��媢�"],"Settings":[null,"塈�堨媢堹塈堹塈堛"],"Learn More":[null,"堛媢�� 塈��堬�堹"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈�塈堛媯塈� 堥� Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"堛媯堶�堶 塈�堧堮媟塈堙"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1183 \ No newline at end of file
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1185 rd work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click th
1186 reat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelistin
1187 g an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading
1188 Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of vi
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1190 ull,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome t
1191 o {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enab
1192 le powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers at
1193 tack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One
1194 -click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Y
1195 our site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect
1196 with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction
1197 free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","","","","","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","","","","","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[nu
1198 ll,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""
1199 ],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{
1200 a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always aroun
1201 d to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at V
1202{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","","","","","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","","","","","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at
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1204 waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement too
1205 ls to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈堛媯塈� Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpac
1206 k review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"塈堥堛堻塈�堜"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"��堬� 堨堿堭塈堙 �媯塈堹�堜 �� 堮媟�堛��"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"塈堻堛堮堹塈� �堮媟媟 �堥�堭 �堿堸塈堥"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"媢堭媔 媢��塈� ��堻� \"�堛媢��\" ��媯� 塈�堛堹���塈堛 媢� �堻� 塈��堶堛�� 塈��堛媢�� 堥�媔�媢 堧�堥堭."],"Related":[null,"�堭堛堥媟"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"堛堧�堹 �� 堨媔塈�堜 媢�塈��� IP 塈��堻堛堮堹�堜 堥�堳堭堜 �堧��塈 �堹 堛堛媞�堭 ���塈 堥�� ��堬�� ���堛堥� �塈���塈�媢 塈�堧堮堭�. 堻堛堣堹� 堨堬塈�堜 媢��塈� IP �� 塈��塈埵�堜 堧堹��
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1209 堭堿� 塈��堶塈��堜 �堭堜 堧堮堭� �� ��堛 �塈堶�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"��媢�"],"Settings":[null,"塈�堨媢堹塈堹塈堛"],"Learn More":[null,"堛媢�� 塈��堬�堹"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈�塈堛媯塈� 堥� Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"堛媯堶�堶 塈�堧堮媟塈堙"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
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1218 ],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect o
1219 f your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}
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1221 on":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}
1222 }Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see d
1223 etailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[nul
1224 l,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Ha
1225 ppiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws a
1226 re found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, tra
1227 ck stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your sit
1228 e.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","","","","","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","","","","","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Ke
1229 y":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"Ther
1230 e was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contact
1231 Link}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a
1232 }}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","","","","","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","","","","","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"
1233 :[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"塈堥堹堧 堻堭�媢塈 堥���媢�"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we ment
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1235 more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your Word
1236 Press blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈堛媯塈� Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"塈堥堛堻塈�堜"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"��堬� 堨堿堭塈堙 �媯塈堹�堜 �� 堮媟�堛��"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"塈堻堛堮堹塈� �堮媟媟 �堥�堭 �堿堸塈堥"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"媢堭媔 媢��塈� ��堻� \"�堛媢��\" ��媯� 塈�堛堹���塈堛 媢� �堻� 塈��堶堛�� 塈��堛媢�� 堥�媔�媢 堧�堥堭."],"Related":[null,"�堭堛堥媟"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Remov
1237 ing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"堛堧�堹 �� 堨媔塈�堜 媢�塈��� IP 塈��堻堛堮堹�堜 堥�堳堭堜 �堧��塈 �堹 堛堛媞�堭 ���塈 堥�� ��堬�� ���堛堥� �塈���塈�媢 塈�堧堮堭�. 堻堛堣堹� 堨堬塈�堜 媢��塈� IP �� 塈��塈埵�堜 堧堹�塈� 堨�� 堨堬塈�堛� �� �塈埵�堜 塈�堻�塈堶 �堹��."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"堨堹塈堭堜 塈��塈埵�堜 塈�堥�媔塈堙"],"Email Address":[null,"媢��塈� 塈�堥堭�堹 塈�堨��堛堭���"],"Publicize":[null,"塈��奡堭"],"Site Stats":[null,"堨堶媯塈埵�塈堛 塈����媢"],"Featured Images":[null,"塈�媯�堭 塈�堥塈堭堬堜"],"Excerpts":[null,"��堛媟�塈堛"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"堛���� 塈�奡�塈堹塈堛 ��堸塈 塈����媢."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"堛���� �奡堭�媢塈堛 Portfolio ��堸塈 塈����媢."],"Preview":[null,"�媢塈��堜"],"Color Scheme":[null,"�婺塈� 塈�堧��塈�"],"Ignored Phrase
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1239 r_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"��堿堹 �奡塈�� 堶塈��塈� �媢 �媞�堭 �塈堹堭 媢�� 塈�堭堥媟 �媢 Jetpack. �堭堿� 塈��堶塈��堜 �堭堜 堧堮堭� �� ��堛 �塈堶�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"�堿堥 堧� ���� ���媢� �堛塈堶 ��媢��� �塈堻堛堮堹塈� 堿�堛 堥塈�: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"��媢�"],"Settings":[null,"塈�堨媢堹塈堹塈堛"],"Learn More":[null,"堛媢�� 塈��堬�堹"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈�塈堛媯塈� 堥� Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"堛媯堶�堶 �
1240 戒�框煥忪�"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"塈堮堛堥塈堭 �堹� 堛�塈�� ���媢� �媢 堿�堛 堥塈�."]}
1241 \ No newline at end of file
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1243 ],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect o
1244 f your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}
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1246 on":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}
1247 }Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see d
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1250 ],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your
1251 Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""],"WordPress
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1253 pdating. ":["Need updating. ","","","","","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4t
1254 h.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from
1255 m. %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":
1256 [null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats
1257 found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","","","","","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","","","","","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[
1258 null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"塈堥堹堧 堻堭�媢塈 堥���媢�"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any d
1259 evice, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community
1260 .":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please co
1261 ntact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈堛媯塈� Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"塈堥堛堻塈�堜"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"��堬� 堨堿堭塈堙 �媯塈堹�堜 �� 堮媟�堛��"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"塈堻堛堮堹塈� �堮媟媟 �堥�堭 �堿堸塈堥"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"媢堭媔 媢��塈� ��堻� \"�堛媢��\" ��媯� 塈�堛堹���塈堛 媢� �堻� 塈��堶堛�� 塈��堛媢�� 堥�媔�媢 堧�堥堭."],"Related":[null,"�堭堛堥媟"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"堛堧�堹 �� 堨媔塈�堜 媢�塈��� IP 塈��堻堛堮堹�堜 堥�堳堭堜 �堧��塈 �堹 堛堛媞�堭 �
1262 ��塈 堥�� ��堬�� ���堛堥� �塈���塈�媢 塈�堧堮堭�. 堻堛堣堹� 堨堬塈�堜 媢��塈� IP �� 塈��塈埵�堜 堧堹�塈� 堨�� 堨堬塈�堛� �� �塈埵�堜 塈�堻�塈堶 �堹��."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"堨堹塈堭堜 塈��塈埵�堜 塈�堥�媔塈堙"],"Email Address":[null,"媢��塈� 塈�堥堭�堹 塈�堨��堛堭���"],"Publicize":[null,"塈��奡堭"],"Site Stats":[null,"堨堶媯塈埵�塈堛 塈����媢"],"Featured Images":[null,"塈�媯�堭 塈�堥塈堭堬堜"],"Excerpts":[null,"��堛媟�塈堛"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"堛���� 塈�奡�塈堹塈堛 ��堸塈 塈����媢."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"堛���� �奡堭�媢塈堛 Portfolio ��堸塈 塈����媢."],"Preview":[null,"�媢塈��堜"],"Color Scheme":[null,"�婺塈� 塈�堧��塈�"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"堛堿塈�� 塈�媢堥塈堭塈堛"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"塈堻堛堮堹� 塈��奡� 塈�堛��塈埵� ��媞堜 �堛堻堛堮堹� 塈�
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1264 se try again later.":[null,"��堿堹 �奡塈�� 堶塈��塈� �媢 �媞�堭 �塈堹堭 媢�� 塈�堭堥媟 �媢 Jetpack. �堭堿� 塈��堶塈��堜 �堭堜 堧堮堭� �� ��堛 �塈堶�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"�堿堥 堧� ���� ���媢� �堛塈堶 ��媢��� �塈堻堛堮堹塈� 堿�堛 堥塈�: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"��媢�"],"Settings":[null,"塈�堨媢堹塈堹塈堛"],"Learn More":[null,"堛媢�� 塈��堬�堹"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�媟媢 塈�塈堛媯塈� 堥� Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"堛媯堶�堶 塈�堧堮媟塈堙"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"塈堮堛堥塈堭 �堹� 堛�塈�� ���媢� �媢 堿�堛 堥塈�."]}
1265 \ No newline at end of file
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1273 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
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1275 g blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will elimina
1276 te comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registere
1277 d Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following
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1279 :[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customi
1280 zation services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal
1281 is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Colle
1282 ct responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to W
1283":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimize
1284 d for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play"
1285 :[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome w
1286 ork!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec
1287 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking f
1288 rom %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,"�郅邽�迮�訄"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""
1289 ],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSett
1290 ings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this s
1291 tep":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely
1292 free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Li
1293 ke Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 郇訄 �訄郱�邽�迮郇邽��訄"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"�郋-邾訄郅郕郋 ���迮�. Monitor �迮 赲邽 訄郅訄�邾邽�訄 赲 �迮訄郅郇郋 赲�迮邾迮, 訄郕郋 �訄邿��� 赲邽 郈訄迡郇迮."],"Track your growth":[null,"苤郅迮迡迮�迮 �訄��迮迠訄 �邽"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"�郱郈郋郅郱赲訄邿�迮 �訄郱迣郅訄��赲訄郇迮 郱訄 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�郇郋 �郈郋迡迮郅�郇迮 郇訄 赲訄�邽�迮 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽 � 郈�邽��迮郅邽, 郈郋�郅迮迡郋赲訄�迮郅邽 邽 迡��迣邽 郋� ��郅 �赲��."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�訄�郋�迮�迮 郈郋赲迮�迮 ��訄�邽郕
1294 ��邾 �訄邿�訄 �邽"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"��郱郇邽郕郇訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾 郈�邽 赲��郕訄 � Jetpack; 邽郱郕郅��迮�迮 邽 赲郕郅��迮�迮 �訄郱�邽�迮郇邽迮�郋 邽 郋郈邽�訄邿�迮 郋�郇郋赲郋."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"苠��訇赲訄 迡訄 ��迮 赲郅迮郱郅邽 赲�赲 赲訄�邽� WordPress 訇郅郋迣 迡郋郕訄�郋 郋�郋�邽郱邽�訄�迮 Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�訄郱郕訄�迮�迮 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�訄郈邽�迮�迮 郋�郱邽赲 郱訄 Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"S
1295 miley":[null,"苺�邾邽赲郕訄"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�郱邽�郕赲訄郇迮 郇訄 迡赲����郈郕郋赲訄 訄赲�迮郇�邽郕訄�邽�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"�郋郕訄郱赲訄郇迮 郇訄 迣郋郅�邾 邽 郱訄訇迮郅迮迠邽邾 邽郱迣郅迮迡"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�郋郕訄郱赲訄郇迮 郇訄 �迮迡�� \"苤赲��郱訄郇邽\", 郱訄 迡訄 �訄郱迡迮郅邽 �訄郱迡迮郅訄 郋� 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽�迮"],"Related":[null,"苤赲��郱訄郇邽"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"苺訇迮迡迮�迮 �迮 �迮 ��迮 迡郋訇訄赲邽郅邽 �迮��郋 邽郱郈郋郅郱赲訄郇邽�迮 IP 訄迡�迮�邽, ��邿-郕訄�郋 邾郋迠迮 迡訄 �訄 �訄郱郅邽�郇邽 赲郕��邽, 赲 郋�邽�訄 邽 郇訄 迡��迣邽 邾迮��訄. �郱��邽赲訄郇迮�郋 郇訄 訄迡�迮� 郋� �郈邽��
1296 碟� �迮 迣郋 郈�迮邾訄�郇迮 邽 郋� 赲訄�邽� �郈邽��郕 � 郈郋郱赲郋郅迮郇邽 訄迡�迮�邽."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 郇訄 �郈邽��郕 � 郈郋郱赲郋郅迮郇邽 訄迡�迮�邽"],"Email Address":[null,"E-mail 訄迡�迮�"],"Publicize":[null,"�訄郱迣郅訄��赲訄郇迮"],"Site Stats":[null,"苤�訄�邽��邽郕邽 郱訄 �訄邿�訄"],"Featured Images":[null,"�訄��邽郇郕邽 郱訄 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽�迮"],"Excerpts":[null,""],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��赲訄郇迮 郇訄 郈�迮郈郋��郕邽 郱訄 �訄邿�訄."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��赲訄郇迮 郇訄 郈�郋迮郕�邽 郱訄 郈郋���郋郅邽郋 郇訄 �訄邿�訄."],"Preview":[null,"��迮迣郅迮迡"],"Color Scheme":[null,"虷赲迮�郋赲訄 ��迮邾訄"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"��迮郇迮訇�迮迣赲訄郇邽 ��訄郱邽"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�赲�郋邾訄�邽�郇郋 郋郈�迮迡迮郅�郇迮 郇訄 迮郱邽郕訄 郱訄 郕郋�迮郕���訄
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1298 :[null," 迮 赲�郱郈�迮郈����赲訄郇 邽 郇迮 邾郋迠迮 迡訄 郱訄��訄郇邽 赲訄�邽� Jetpack. �郈邽�訄邿�迮 郋�郇郋赲郋 郈郋-郕��郇郋."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"�郕�邽赲迮郇"],"Settings":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Learn More":[null,"�訄��迮�迮 郈郋赲迮�迮"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�訄郱郕訄�訄郇迮 郇訄 Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"�����訄郇�赲訄郇迮 郇訄 迣�迮�郕邽"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1299 \ No newline at end of file
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1301 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
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1303 g blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will elimina
1304 te comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registere
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1307 :[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customi
1308 zation services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal
1309 is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advan
1310 ced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engi
1311 nes for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor you
1312 r visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside
1313 of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[nu
1314 ll,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"
1315 Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,"�郅邽�迮�訄"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help u
1316 s improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"��迮迡郅訄迣訄邾迮 郈�郅郇
1317 訄 訇迮郱郈郅訄�郇訄 郈郋迡迡��迠郕訄 郱訄 赲�邽�郕邽 郈郋��迮訇邽�迮郅邽 郇訄 Jetpack. ��迡迮郅�� 郇邽 郱訄 郈郋迡迡��迠郕訄 迮 赲邽郇訄迣邽 迣郋�郋赲 迡訄 郈郋邾郋迣郇迮."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Aki
1318 smet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on Wor
1319":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"���郱 ��訄�� 郇訄 赲訄�邽� �訄邿�"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack �迮 郈郋迡迡��迠訄 郋� 郇�郕郋邽 郋� 郇訄邿-�迮�郇邽�郇邽�迮 邽 郋�迡訄迡迮郇邽 �郋�訄 赲 郋訇�郇郋���訄. 苠迮 �訄 郇訄
1320 赲��郕�迡迮 郈郋 �赲迮�訄 邽 �訄 迣郋�郋赲邽 迡訄 赲邽 郈郋邾郋迣郇訄�."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack 邽郱郈郋郅郱赲訄 邾郋迡迮�郇訄 �邽��迮邾訄 郱訄 ��訄�邽�郇郋 ��迡��迠訄郇邽迮 郇訄 郱訄 迡訄 郱訄�迮迠迡訄 赲訄�邽�迮 郈�迮郕�訄�郇邽 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽� 訇��郱郋 邽 郋郈�邽邾邽郱邽�訄郇郋 郱訄 赲��郕郋 ����郋邿��赲郋, 郇訄郈�郅郇郋 訇迮郱郈郅訄�郇郋."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"苤郅迮迡迮郇迮 赲 �迮訄郅郇郋 赲�迮邾迮."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"苤
1321 郈迮�迮 �郈郋郕郋邿郇郋 � Protect - 邽郇����邾迮郇���, 郕郋邿�郋 迮 郈�迮迡郋�赲�訄�邽郅 邾邽郅邽訄�迡邽 郇迮郋�郋�邽郱邽�訄郇邽 郋郈邽�邽 郱訄 赲�郋迡 郈郋 邾邽郅邽郋郇邽 �訄邿�郋赲迮."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"��迮迡郋�赲�訄�迮�迮 訄�訄郕邽 郕�邾 �訄邿�訄."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"苤邽迣��郇郋�� 郇訄 �訄邿�訄 邽 �郈郋郕郋邿��赲邽迮"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"���迠�迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅邽�迮 �邽 訄郇迣訄迠邽�訄郇邽 郕訄�郋 邽邾 迡訄迡迮�迮 郈郋-迡郋訇�邽 赲�郱邾郋迠郇郋��邽 郱訄 �郈郋迡迮郅�郇迮 邽 郱訄 �迮�迮郇迮
1322 ��迮郱 �赲��郱訄郇邽 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽."],"Increase page views.":[null,"�郋赲迮�迮 郈�迮迣郅迮迠迡訄郇邽� 郇訄 ���訄郇邽�邽�迮 赲邽."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"�訄邿�迮 郇訄 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅邽�迮 �邽 邽郇����邾迮郇�邽 郱訄 �郈郋迡迮郅�郇迮 郇迮 邽 訄訇郋郇邽�訄郇迮 郕�邾 ��迡��迠訄郇邽迮�郋 赲邽."],"Build a community.":[null,"苤�郱迡訄邿�迮 郋訇�迮��赲郋."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�赲�郋邾訄�邽郱邽�訄郇 �郋�邽訄郅迮郇 邾訄�郕迮�邽郇迣."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 郇訄 �訄郱�邽�迮郇邽��訄"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"�郋-邾訄郅郕郋 ���迮�. Monitor �迮 赲邽 訄郅訄�邾邽�訄 赲 ��
1323 菩匾鉼請� 赲�迮邾迮, 訄郕郋 �訄邿��� 赲邽 郈訄迡郇迮."],"Track your growth":[null,"苤郅迮迡迮�迮 �訄��迮迠訄 �邽"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"�郱郈郋郅郱赲訄邿�迮 �訄郱迣郅訄��赲訄郇迮 郱訄 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�郇郋 �郈郋迡迮郅�郇迮 郇訄 赲訄�邽�迮 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽 � 郈�邽��迮郅邽, 郈郋�郅迮迡郋赲訄�迮郅邽 邽 迡��迣邽 郋� ��郅 �赲��."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�訄�郋�迮�迮 郈郋赲迮�迮 ��訄�邽郕 ��邾 �訄邿�訄 �邽"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"��郱郇邽郕郇訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾 郈�邽 赲��郱郕訄�訄 � Jetpack. �郋郅� 郋郈邽�訄邿�迮 郋�郇郋赲郋 迡訄 �迮 �赲��迠迮�迮 �"],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"��郱郇邽郕郇訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾 郈�邽 赲��郕訄 � Jetpack; 邽郱郕郅��迮�
1324 迮 邽 赲郕郅��迮�迮 �訄郱�邽�迮郇邽迮�郋 邽 郋郈邽�訄邿�迮 郋�郇郋赲郋."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"苠��訇赲訄 迡訄 ��迮 赲郅迮郱郅邽 赲�赲 赲訄�邽� WordPress 訇郅郋迣 迡郋郕訄�郋 郋�郋�邽郱邽�訄�迮 Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack 邽邾訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾.{{/s}} �郱赲邽郇�赲訄邾迮 �迮 郱訄 郇迮�迡郋訇��赲郋�郋. �郋郅� 郋郈邽�訄邿�迮 郋�郇郋赲郋 郈郋-郕��郇郋. �郕郋 郈�郋訇郅迮邾�� �迮 郈郋赲�郋�邽, �赲��迠迮�迮 �迮 � �迮�郇邽�迮�郕訄�訄 郈郋迡迡��迠郕訄 邽 郈�迮迡訄邿�迮 �郋赲訄 ��郋訇�迮郇邽迮: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�訄郱郕訄�迮�迮 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�訄郈邽�迮�迮 郋�郱邽赲 郱訄 Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."
1325 :[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"苺�邾邽赲郕訄"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�郱邽�郕赲訄郇迮 郇訄 迡赲����郈郕郋赲訄 訄赲�迮郇�邽郕訄�邽�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"�郋郕訄郱赲訄郇迮 郇訄 迣郋郅�邾 邽 郱訄訇迮郅迮迠邽邾 邽郱迣郅迮迡"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�郋郕訄郱赲訄郇迮 郇訄 �迮迡�� \"苤赲��郱訄郇邽\", 郱訄 迡訄 �訄郱迡迮郅邽 �訄郱迡迮郅訄 郋� 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽�迮"],"Related":[null,"苤赲��郱訄郇邽"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"苺訇迮迡迮�迮 �迮 �迮 ��迮 迡郋訇訄赲邽郅邽 �迮��郋 邽郱郈郋郅郱赲訄郇邽�迮 IP 訄迡�迮�邽, ��邿-郕訄�郋 邾郋迠迮 迡訄 �訄 �訄郱郅邽�郇邽 赲郕��邽, 赲 郋�邽�訄 邽 郇訄 迡��迣邽 邾迮��訄. �郱��邽赲訄郇迮�郋 郇訄 訄迡�迮� �
1326 憾� �郈邽��郕訄 �迮 迣郋 郈�迮邾訄�郇迮 邽 郋� 赲訄�邽� �郈邽��郕 � 郈郋郱赲郋郅迮郇邽 訄迡�迮�邽."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 郇訄 �郈邽��郕 � 郈郋郱赲郋郅迮郇邽 訄迡�迮�邽"],"Email Address":[null,"E-mail 訄迡�迮�"],"Publicize":[null,"�訄郱迣郅訄��赲訄郇迮"],"Site Stats":[null,"苤�訄�邽��邽郕邽 郱訄 �訄邿�訄"],"Featured Images":[null,"�訄��邽郇郕邽 郱訄 郈�訇郅邽郕訄�邽邽�迮"],"Excerpts":[null,""],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��赲訄郇迮 郇訄 郈�迮郈郋��郕邽 郱訄 �訄邿�訄."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��赲訄郇迮 郇訄 郈�郋迮郕�邽 郱訄 郈郋���郋郅邽郋 郇訄 �訄邿�訄."],"Preview":[null,"��迮迣郅迮迡"],"Color Scheme":[null,"虷赲迮�郋赲訄 ��迮邾訄"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"��迮郇迮訇�迮迣赲訄郇邽 ��訄郱邽"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�赲�郋邾訄�邽�郇郋 郋郈�迮迡迮郅�郇迮 郇訄 迮郱邽郕訄 郱訄 郕郋�
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1328 �郋赲訄 郋郱郇訄�訄赲訄, �迮 郇迮�郋 郇迮 迮 郇訄�迮迡 郈郋 郕郋郇�邽迣��訄�邽��訄 郇訄 ���赲��訄 赲邽."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," 迮 赲�郱郈�迮郈����赲訄郇 邽 郇迮 邾郋迠迮 迡訄 郱訄��訄郇邽 赲訄�邽� Jetpack. �郈邽�訄邿�迮 郋�郇郋赲郋 郈郋-郕��郇郋."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}�訄�邽�� Jetpack 邽邾訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾.{{/s}} �迮 迮 赲�郱邾郋迠郇郋 赲��郱郕訄 � �郋 郈�邽郇�邽郈 �郋赲訄 郋郱郇訄�訄赲訄, �迮 �訄邿��� 赲邽 郇迮 迮 郈�訇郅邽�郇郋 迡郋���郈迮郇 (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"苤訄邿��� 赲邽 ���訇赲訄 迡訄 迮 郈�訇郅邽�郇郋 迡郋���郈迮郇 郱訄 迡訄 邽郱郈郋郅郱赲訄 Jetpack: %(e
1329 rror_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack 訇迮�迮 ��郈迮�郇郋 邽郱郕郅��迮郇"],"Active":[null,"�郕�邽赲迮郇"],"Settings":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Learn More":[null,"�訄��迮�迮 郈郋赲迮�迮"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�訄郱郕訄�訄郇迮 郇訄 Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"�����訄郇�赲訄郇迮 郇訄 迣�迮�郕邽"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"��郋訇赲訄邿�迮 ��赲邾迮��邽邾郋���訄 郇訄 �訄邿�訄 �邽 � Jetpack."]}
1330 \ No newline at end of file
1332 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-de_DE.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-de_DE.json
1333 index fa847b3..54ba4a8 100644
1334 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-de_DE.json
1335 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-de_DE.json
1336 @@ -1 +1 @@
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1338 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
1339 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
1340 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make
1341 it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered
1342 users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regener
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1344 ed.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Cr
1345 eate one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goa
1346 l is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on
1347 your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected
1348 as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions,
1349 giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A d
1350 esktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}}
1351 to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating r
1352 ecommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At
1353 A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, f
1354 ull support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!"
1355 :[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null
1356 ,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null
1357 ,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null
1358 ,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Plugins verwalten"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Absolut stressfrei��� Monitor sendet dir Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit, falls Ihre Website einmal nicht verf羹gbar sein sollte."],"Track your growth":[null,"Ihre Entwicklung nachverfolgen"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Verwenden Sie &#8222;Publizieren&#8220;, um Ihre Beitr瓣ge automatisch mit Freunden, Followern und der ganzen Welt zu teilen."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Mehr Traffic f羹r Ihre Website"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then
1359 connect again.":[null,"Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktivieren Sie das Jetpack-Plugin, aktivieren Sie es erneut und stellen Sie dann wieder eine Verbindung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Sie m羹ssen in Ihrem angemeldet bleiben, w瓣hrend Sie Jetpack autorisieren."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smilie"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung erfordern"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Ein gro�es und optisch auff瓣lliges Layout verwenden"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related s
1360 ection from posts":[null,"Eine &#8222;�hnliche Beitr瓣ge&#8220;-�berschrift anzeigen, um den Bereich von den Beitr瓣gen abzugrenzen"],"Related":[null,"�hnliche Beitr瓣ge"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"F羹gen Sie unbedingt die IP-Adressen hinzu, die Sie am h瓣ufigsten verwenden, da sie zu Hause, im B羹ro und an anderen Standorten unterschiedlich sein k繹nnen. Wenn Sie eine IP-Adresse aus der folgenden Liste entfernen, wird sie aus Ihrer Positivliste entfernt."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist-Verwaltung"],"Email Address":[null,"E-Mail-Adresse"],"Publicize":[null,"Publizieren"],"Site Stats":[null,"Website Statistiken"],"Featured Images":[null,"Beitragsbilder"],"Excerpts":[null,"Ausz羹ge"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Aktivieren Sie die Referenzen f羹r diese Website."],"Enable Portfo
1361 lio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktiviere Portfolio-Projekte f羹r diese Website."],"Preview":[null,"Vorschau"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Farbschema"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Zu ignorierende Ausdr&uuml;cke"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Automatisch erkannte Sprache zum Korrekturlesen von Beitr瓣gen und Seiten benutzen"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"&Uuml;berfl&uuml;ssige S&auml;tze"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Zu vermeidende Formulierungen"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Sprache"],"Jargon":[null,"Umgangssprache"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verborgene Verben"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doppelte Verneinung"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritische Zeichen"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplexe S&auml;tze"],"Bias Language":[null,"Wertende Sprache"],"English Options":[null,"Optionen nur f羹r die englische Sprache"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturlesen"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack verbinden"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s
1362 . This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit Ihrem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuchen Sie es sp瓣ter noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Einstellungen"],"Learn More":[null,"Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack trennen"],"Debug":[null,"Debug-Infos"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1363 \ No newline at end of file
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1365 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
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1367 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make
1368 it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered
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1371 ed.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Cr
1372 eate one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goa
1373 l is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare P
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1375 can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for t
1376 rends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"
1377 for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If
1378 we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s
1379 has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying J
1380 etpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"Wor
1381 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"
1382 {{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance
1383 your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of m
1384 ind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Man
1385 age Plugins":[null,"Plugins verwalten"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Absolut stressfrei��� Monitor sendet dir Benachrichtigungen in Echtzeit, falls Ihre Website einmal nicht verf羹gbar sein sollte."],"Track your growth":[null,"Ihre Entwicklung nachverfolgen"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Verwenden Sie &#8222;Publizieren&#8220;, um Ihre Beitr瓣ge automatisch mit Freunden, Followern und der ganzen Welt zu teilen."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Mehr Traffic f羹r Ihre Website"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Bei der Verbindung von Jetpack ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Deaktivieren Sie das Jetpack-Plugin, aktivieren Sie es erneut und stellen Sie dann wieder eine Verb
1386 indung her."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Sie m羹ssen in Ihrem angemeldet bleiben, w瓣hrend Sie Jetpack autorisieren."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack wird getrennt"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smilie"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Zwei-Schritt-Authentifizierung erfordern"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Ein gro�es und optisch auff瓣lliges Layout verwenden"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Eine &#8222;�hnliche Beitr瓣ge&#8220;-�berschrift anzeigen, um den Bereich von den Beitr瓣gen abzugrenzen"],"Related":[null,"�hnliche Beitr瓣ge"],"Make s
1387 ure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"F羹gen Sie unbedingt die IP-Adressen hinzu, die Sie am h瓣ufigsten verwenden, da sie zu Hause, im B羹ro und an anderen Standorten unterschiedlich sein k繹nnen. Wenn Sie eine IP-Adresse aus der folgenden Liste entfernen, wird sie aus Ihrer Positivliste entfernt."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist-Verwaltung"],"Email Address":[null,"E-Mail-Adresse"],"Publicize":[null,"Publizieren"],"Site Stats":[null,"Website Statistiken"],"Featured Images":[null,"Beitragsbilder"],"Excerpts":[null,"Ausz羹ge"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Aktivieren Sie die Referenzen f羹r diese Website."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktiviere Portfolio-Projekte f羹r diese Website."],"Preview":[null,"Vorschau"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Farbschema"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Zu igno
1388 rierende Ausdr&uuml;cke"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Automatisch erkannte Sprache zum Korrekturlesen von Beitr瓣gen und Seiten benutzen"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"&Uuml;berfl&uuml;ssige S&auml;tze"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Zu vermeidende Formulierungen"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Sprache"],"Jargon":[null,"Umgangssprache"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verborgene Verben"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doppelte Verneinung"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritische Zeichen"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplexe S&auml;tze"],"Bias Language":[null,"Wertende Sprache"],"English Options":[null,"Optionen nur f羹r die englische Sprache"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturlesen"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack verbinden"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try
1389 again later.":[null," hat gerade Probleme und kann sich nicht mit Ihrem Jetpack Plugin verbinden. Bitte versuchen Sie es sp瓣ter noch einmal."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Einstellungen"],"Learn More":[null,"Mehr erfahren"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack trennen"],"Debug":[null,"Debug-Infos"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1390 \ No newline at end of file
1392 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-el.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-el.json
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1395 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-el.json
1396 @@ -1 +1 @@
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1398 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1399 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
1400 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
1401 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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1404 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
1405 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
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1407 on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connec
1408 ted as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distraction
1409 s, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"
1410 A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/
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1413 "At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free
1414 , full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to g
1415 o!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[n
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1417 ull,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[n
1418 ull,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"�庣帢�庰巹�庣�庢 ��怷�庛峟��彖"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�帤峸帠庢�庰 �庰�庣����庰�怷�� 庰�庣�庥峟��庰� ��怷彖 庣����怷�� �怷�"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Pl
1419 ease try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�巹彖庰�帢庣 帢�怷��彖帤庰�庢 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"峊�怷��庰��庣庥峸 ��峸�庢 庰�帢弇峸庛庰��庢� 庥�帤庣庥怷� �庰 帤�怷 帣峸弮帢�帢"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"��怷帣怷弇峸 弮庰 �弮怷��怷 ���弇"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"峓�庢�庣弮怷�怷庣峸��庰 �庢彖 庥庰�帢弇巹帤帢 \"峉�庰�庣庥峎 庛峟弮帢�帢\" 帠庣帢 彖帢 帤庣帢���巹�庰�庰 �帢 ��庰�庣庥峎 庛峟弮帢�帢 帢�� �庣� 帤庢弮怷�庣庰��庰庣� �帢�"],"Related":[null,"峉�庰�庣庥峎"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing
1420 an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"�庰帣帢庣�庛庰巹�庰 ��庣 ��怷�庛峟�帢�庰 �庣� �庣怷 ���彖峎 ��庢�庣弮怷�怷庣怷�弮庰彖庰� 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庰庣� IP. �庣 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庰庣� IP 帢弇弇峎庤怷�彖 帢�� �怷 ��巹�庣 ��怷 帠�帢�庰巹怷 庥帢庣 峎弇弇庰� �怷�怷庛庰�巹庰�. � 帤庣帢帠�帢�峸 弮庣帢� 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庢� 帢�� 庰帤� 庛帢 帢�帢庣�峟�庰庣 �庢彖 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庢 帢�� �庢彖 弇巹��帢 庰帠庥庰庥�庣弮峟彖�彖 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庰�彖 (whitelist)."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"�庣帢�庰巹�庣�庢 �庰�庥峸� �巹��帢�"],"Email Address":[null,"�庣庰�庛�彖�庢 email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize."],"Site Stats":[null,"峉�帢�庣��庣庥峎"],"Featured Images":[null,"��怷帣庰帣弇庢弮峟彖庰� 庰庣庥�彖庰�."],"Excerpts":[null,"��怷��峎�弮帢�帢"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�彖庰�帠怷�怷巹庢�庢 ����庰�彖"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":
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1422 磁�"],"Proofreading":[null,"�弇庰帠�怷� 怷�庛�怷帠�帢�巹帢� 庥帢庣 帤庣��庛��庢"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"峉�彖帤庰�庢 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"���峸 �庢彖 ��庣帠弮峸 �怷 帢彖�庣弮庰���巹庤庰庣 ��怷帣弇峸弮帢�帢 庥帢庣 帤庰彖 弮�怷�庰巹 彖帢 庰�庣庥怷庣彖�彖峸�庰庣 弮庰 �怷 Jetpack. �帢�帢庥帢弇� ��怷��帢庛庰巹��庰 徆帢彖峎."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"�彖庰�帠�"],"Settings":[null
1423 ,"峞�庛弮巹�庰庣�"],"Learn More":[null,"�峎庛庰�庰 �庰�庣����庰�帢"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"��怷��彖帤庰�庢 Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"���庰�庢 ��帢弇弮峎��彖"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1424 \ No newline at end of file
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1426 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1427 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
1428 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
1429 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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1432 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
1433 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
1434 goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compar
1435 e Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. Y
1436 ou can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch fo
1437 r trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"WordPress.
1438 com for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site.
1439 If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slu
1440 g)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoyin
1441 g Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"
1442 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""
1443 ],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhan
1444 ce your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace o
1445 f mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"
1446 Manage Plugins":[null,"�庣帢�庰巹�庣�庢 ��怷�庛峟��彖"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�帤峸帠庢�庰 �庰�庣����庰�怷�� 庰�庣�庥峟��庰� ��怷彖 庣����怷�� �怷�"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�巹彖庰�帢庣 帢�怷��彖帤庰�庢 Jet
1447 pack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"峊�怷��庰��庣庥峸 ��峸�庢 庰�帢弇峸庛庰��庢� 庥�帤庣庥怷� �庰 帤�怷 帣峸弮帢�帢"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"��怷帣怷弇峸 弮庰 �弮怷��怷 ���弇"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"峓�庢�庣弮怷�怷庣峸��庰 �庢彖 庥庰�帢弇巹帤帢 \"峉�庰�庣庥峎 庛峟弮帢�帢\" 帠庣帢 彖帢 帤庣帢���巹�庰�庰 �帢 ��庰�庣庥峎 庛峟弮帢�帢 帢�� �庣� 帤庢弮怷�庣庰��庰庣� �帢�"],"Related":[null,"峉�庰�庣庥峎"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"�庰帣帢庣�庛庰巹�庰 ��庣 ��怷�庛峟�帢�庰 �庣� �庣怷 ���彖峎 ��庢�庣弮怷�怷庣怷�弮庰
1448 彖庰� 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庰庣� IP. �庣 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庰庣� IP 帢弇弇峎庤怷�彖 帢�� �怷 ��巹�庣 ��怷 帠�帢�庰巹怷 庥帢庣 峎弇弇庰� �怷�怷庛庰�巹庰�. � 帤庣帢帠�帢�峸 弮庣帢� 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庢� 帢�� 庰帤� 庛帢 帢�帢庣�峟�庰庣 �庢彖 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庢 帢�� �庢彖 弇巹��帢 庰帠庥庰庥�庣弮峟彖�彖 帤庣庰�庛�彖�庰�彖 (whitelist)."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"�庣帢�庰巹�庣�庢 �庰�庥峸� �巹��帢�"],"Email Address":[null,"�庣庰�庛�彖�庢 email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize."],"Site Stats":[null,"峉�帢�庣��庣庥峎"],"Featured Images":[null,"��怷帣庰帣弇庢弮峟彖庰� 庰庣庥�彖庰�."],"Excerpts":[null,"��怷��峎�弮帢�帢"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�彖庰�帠怷�怷巹庢�庢 ����庰�彖"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�彖庰�帠怷�怷巹庢�庢 �怷����弇庣怷�."],"Preview":[null,"��怷庰�庣�庥��庢�庢"],"Color Scheme":[null,"峓��弮帢�庣庥�� ��彖帤�帢�弮��"],"Ignored Phras
1449 es":[null,"峖�峎�庰庣� �怷� �帢�帢弇庰巹�庛庢庥帢彖"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"����弮帢�庢 庰�庣弇怷帠峸 帠弇���帢� 帠庣帢 怷�庛怷帠�帢�庣庥� 峟弇庰帠�怷 庥帢庣 帤庣��庛��庢."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"�庰�庣��峟� ��峎�庰庣�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�庥��峎�庰庣� ��怷� 帢�怷��帠峸"],"Passive Voice":[null,"�帢庛庢�庣庥峸 ��彖峸"],"Jargon":[null,"��帠庥�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"����峎 �峸弮帢�帢"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�庣�弇峸 峎�彖庢�庢"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"峇�彖怷庣 庥帢庣 �彖庰�弮帢�帢"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"�怷弇��弇怷庥庰� 庰庥��峎�庰庣�"],"Bias Language":[null,"�峟徆庰庣� 弮庰 ��怷庥帢�峎弇庢�庢"],"English Options":[null,"��庣弇怷帠峟� �帠帠弇庣庥�彖"],"Proofreading":[null,"�弇庰帠�怷� 怷�庛�怷帠�帢�巹帢� 庥帢庣 帤庣��庛��庢"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"峉�彖帤庰�庢 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact WordPress
1450 .com: %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"���峸 �庢彖 ��庣帠弮峸 �怷 帢彖�庣弮庰���巹庤庰庣 ��怷帣弇峸弮帢�帢 庥帢庣 帤庰彖 弮�怷�庰巹 彖帢 庰�庣庥怷庣彖�彖峸�庰庣 弮庰 �怷 Jetpack. �帢�帢庥帢弇� ��怷��帢庛庰巹��庰 徆帢彖峎."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"�彖庰�帠�"],"Settings":[null,"峞�庛弮巹�庰庣�"],"Learn More":[null,"�峎庛庰�庰 �庰�庣����庰�帢"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"��怷��彖帤庰�庢 Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"���庰�庢 ��帢弇弮峎�
1451 �彖"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1452 \ No newline at end of file
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1455 index 3bedf7d..19863b6 100644
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1460 an rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Learn more...":[null,"Learn more..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam
1461 -protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[nu
1462 ll,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Need more? Running a business site?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"On-demand securit
1463 y scanning"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Advanced SEO tools"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":[null,"More Info"],"Search your content.":[null,"Search your content."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden."
1464 ],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your Current IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Link your account to to start using this feature."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Se
1465 arch for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search
1466 engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"],"Upgra
1467 de Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Admin Bar"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in"],"Report Vis
1468 ibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Receive Monitor Email Notifications"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails will be sent to "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Match By Email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Background Color":[null,"Background Colour"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobile Promos"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mob
1469 ile theme"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Centre{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Meta key example:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configure Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configure Testimonials"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page
1470 is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Use Markdown for comments"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack
1471 connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are
1472 disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or
1473 create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"No account? Create one for free��"],"Saving��":[null,"Saving��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Updates Needed"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Automated, comprehensive protec
1474 tion from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatically backup your entire site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Keep those spammers away!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Backups"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Keep your site backed up!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No Results Found."],"Threats found!":[null,"Threats found!"],"Set up":[null,"Set up"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll b
1475 e here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam
1476 protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Surveys & Polls"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, email or on your iPad or iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Create a new poll"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Real-time ba
1477 ckups"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"One-click threat resolution"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Advanced polls and ratings"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Lock out the bad guys"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of m
1478 ind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Connection Settings"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Manage your Jetpack connection."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"You are connected as ":[null,"You are connected as "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site must be accessib
1479 le by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Powerful features on every device."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Feel the performance"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Bulk and automatic updates"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to tu
1480 rn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Focus on your Writing"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimised for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Try the New Editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Connect with your Visitors"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understa
1481 nd your visitors from anywhere in the world."],"View Your Stats":[null,"View Your Stats"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Connect with the Community"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favourite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Launch Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Get WordPress apps for any screen."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"In Your Pocket"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much mo
1482 re from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices."]," in the App Store":[null," in the App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," in Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"On Your Desktop"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Malware Scanning"],"Threats found":[null,"Threats found"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activ
1483 ate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Needs updating. ","Need updating. "],"All plugins are up
1484 -to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site,
1485 please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Invalid Key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Holiday Snow"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Show falling snow in the holiday period."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activating recommended features��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended
1486 features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error
1487 )s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Unlinked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"At A Glance"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hi
1488 deOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Like us on Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Follow Jetpack on Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobil
1489 e}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Go to the support forums"],"Go to":[null,"Go to"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Act
1490 ivate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Site Verification Tools"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Image Performance %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"Whoops! Your A
1491 kismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading��":[null,"Loading��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}
1492 }View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Skip this step":[null,"Skip this step"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart proces
1493 s"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activate Recommended Features"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start your Site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnect from"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."
1494 ],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Did we mention free, professional support?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites
1495 ."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of WordPress.
1496 com to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send us Feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Need Help?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Manage Plugins"]
1497 ,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicise to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to
1498 stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Leave a Jetpack review"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related sec
1499 tion from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist Management"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicise"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Featured Images"],"Excerpts":[null,"Excerpts"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Enable Testimonials for this site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site."],"Preview":[null,"Preview"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Colour Scheme"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected lan
1500 guage to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"WordPress.
1501 com is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack."]}
1502 \ No newline at end of file
1503 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-18 23:40:10+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"en_AU","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Configure your VideoPress settings."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you c
1504 an rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Learn more...":[null,"Learn more..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam
1505 -protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[nu
1506 ll,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Need more? Running a business site?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"On-demand securit
1507 y scanning"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Advanced SEO tools"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":[null,"More Info"],"Search your content.":[null,"Search your content."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden."
1508 ],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your Current IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Link your account to to start using this feature."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Se
1509 arch for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search
1510 engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"],"Upgra
1511 de Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Admin Bar"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in"],"Report Vis
1512 ibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Receive Monitor Email Notifications"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails will be sent to "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Match By Email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Background Color":[null,"Background Colour"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobile Promos"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mob
1513 ile theme"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Centre{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Meta key example:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configure Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configure Testimonials"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page
1514 is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Use Markdown for comments"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack
1515 connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are
1516 disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or
1517 create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"No account? Create one for free��"],"Saving��":[null,"Saving��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Updates Needed"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Automated, comprehensive protec
1518 tion from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatically backup your entire site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Keep those spammers away!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Backups"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Keep your site backed up!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No Results Found."],"Threats found!":[null,"Threats found!"],"Set up":[null,"Set up"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll b
1519 e here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam
1520 protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Surveys & Polls"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Create a new poll"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Real-time backups"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"One-click threat resolution"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Advanced polls and ratings"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute
1521 -force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Lock out the bad guys"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything."],"Connec
1522 tion Settings":[null,"Connection Settings"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Manage your Jetpack connection."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"You are connected as ":[null,"You are connected as "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Powerful features on
1523 every device."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Feel the performance"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Bulk and automatic updates"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Focus on your Writing"],"Our new edito
1524 r is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimised for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Try the New Editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Connect with your Visitors"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world."],"View Your Stats":[null,"View Your Stats"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Connect with the Community"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"The WordPress apps all
1525 have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favourite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Launch Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Get WordPress apps for any screen."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"In Your Pocket"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices."]," in the App Store":[null," in the App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," in Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"On Your Desktop"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a perman
1526 ent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Malware Scanning"],"Threats found":[null,"Threats found"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."]
1527 ,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Needs updating. ","Need updating. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is
1528 improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Ak
1529 ismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Invalid Key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Holiday Snow"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Show falling snow in the holiday period."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activating recommended features��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"D
1530 eactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(
1531 error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Unlinked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"At A Glance"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/
1532 hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Like us on Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Follow Jetpack on Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Go to the W
1533 support forums"],"Go to":[null,"Go to"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Goog
1534 le, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Site Verification Tools"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Image Performance %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[nul
1535 l,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading��":[null,"Loading��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":
1536 [null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Skip this step":[null,"Skip this step"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activate Recommended Features"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended fe
1537 atures.":[null,"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start your Site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnect from"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you."],"Did we mention free, professional support?
1538 ":[null,"Did we mention free, professional support?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."]
1539 ,"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visito
1540 rs the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send us Feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Need Help?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Manage Plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicise to automatically s
1541 hare your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again late
1542 r, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Leave a Jetpack review"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, of
1543 fice or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist Management"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicise"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Featured Images"],"Excerpts":[null,"Excerpts"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Enable Testimonials for this site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site."],"Preview":[null,"Preview"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Colour Scheme"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"D
1544 iacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with
1545 is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack."]}
1546 \ No newline at end of file
1548 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_CA.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_CA.json
1549 index 977cd8d..700d2d4 100644
1550 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_CA.json
1551 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_CA.json
1552 @@ -1 +1 @@
1553 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-10-24 12:53:25+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"en_CA","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Pe
1554 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1555 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Search your content."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image he
1556 lps collect stats but should still work when hidden."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your Current IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Link your account to to start using this feature."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are
1557 you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easi
1558 er for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The W
1559 ordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Admin Bar"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registered Users: Count the page view
1560 s of registered users who are logged in"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Receive Monitor Email Notifications"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails will be sent to "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Match By Email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Background Color":[null,"Background Colour"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobile Promos"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show a promo f
1561 or the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configure Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configure Testimonials"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is fir
1562 st published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Use Markdown for comments"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' eh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 questio
1563 n survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_developmen
1564 t_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welco
1565 me to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"No account? Create one for free��"],"Saving��":[null,"Saving��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Updates Needed"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site St
1566 ats"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatically backup your entire site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Keep those spammers away!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Backups"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Keep your site backed up!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No Results Found."],"Threats found!":[null,"Threats found!"],"Set up":[null,"Set up"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threat
1567 s, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-
1568 the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Surveys & Polls"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Create a new poll"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Real-time backups"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"One-click threat resolution"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Advanced polls and ratings"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade
1569 security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Lock out the bad guys"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Connect
1570 ion Settings"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Manage your Jetpack connection."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"You are connected as ":[null,"You are connected as "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Powerful features on every device."],"Manage all
1571 your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Feel the performance"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Bulk and automatic updates"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Focus on your Writing"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimize
1572 d for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Try the New Editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Connect with your Visitors"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world."],"View Your Stats":[null,"View Your Stats"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Connect with the Community"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and fu
1573 ll featured readers so you can catch up with your favourite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Launch Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Get WordPress apps for any screen."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"In Your Pocket"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices."]," in the App Store":[null," in the App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," in Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"On your Desktop"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. No
1574 t to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Malware Scanning"],"Threats found":[null,"Threats found"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blockin
1575 g malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Needs updating. ","Need updating. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimizing you
1576 r image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spa
1577 m defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Invalid Key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Holiday Snow"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Show falling snow in the holiday period."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activating recommended features��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been de
1578 activated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Un
1579 linked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"At A Glance"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink
1580 }}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Like us on Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Follow Jetpack on Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Go to the support forums"],"Go to":[null,"Go to"],"We offer free, full suppo
1581 rt to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null
1582 ,"Site Verification Tools"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Image Performance %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{
1583 {/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading��":[null,"Loading��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your s
1584 tats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Skip this step":[null,"Skip this step"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activate Recommended Features"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,
1585 "Jump Start your Site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnect from"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Did we mention free, professional support?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content deli
1586 very network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimized images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your si
1587 te goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your con
1588 tent."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send us Feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Need Help?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Manage Plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic t
1589 o your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disc
1590 onnecting Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Leave a Jetpack review"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist."],"Whitelist Ma
1591 nagement":[null,"Whitelist Management"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Featured Images"],"Excerpts":[null,"Excerpts"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Enable Testimonials for this site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site."],"Preview":[null,"Preview"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Colour Scheme"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Lan
1592 guage"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publi
1593 cly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack."]}
1594 \ No newline at end of file
1595 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-10-24 12:53:25+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"en_CA","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Pe
1596 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1597 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Search your content."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image he
1598 lps collect stats but should still work when hidden."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your Current IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Link your account to to start using this feature."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are
1599 you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Search for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easi
1600 er for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The W
1601 ordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Admin Bar"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registered Users: Count the page view
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1603 or the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configure Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configure Testimonials"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is fir
1604 st published":[null,"A post or page is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Use Markdown for comments"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' eh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 questio
1605 n survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fuelled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_developmen
1606 t_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welco
1607 me to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"No account? Create one for free��"],"Saving��":[null,"Saving��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Updates Needed"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site St
1608 ats"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatically backup your entire site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Keep those spammers away!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Backups"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Keep your site backed up!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No Results Found."],"Threats found!":[null,"Threats found!"],"Set up":[null,"Set up"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threat
1609 s, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-
1610 the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Surveys & Polls"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Create a new poll"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Real-time backups"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"One-click threat resolution"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Advanced polls and ratings"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Lock out the bad guys"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your rea
1611 ders, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Connection Settings"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Manage your Jetpack connection."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"You are connected as ":[null,"You are connected as "],"Link your account to to get the
1612 most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Powerful features on every device."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Feel the performance"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"All the WordPress apps are built for spee
1613 d. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Bulk and automatic updates"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Focus on your Writing"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Try the New Editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Connect with your Visitors"],"Monito
1614 r your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world."],"View Your Stats":[null,"View Your Stats"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Connect with the Community"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favourite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Launch Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Get WordPress apps for any screen."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"In
1615 Your Pocket"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices."]," in the App Store":[null," in the App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," in Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"On your Desktop"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":
1616 [null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Malware Scanning"],"Threats found":[null,"Threats found"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{
1617 {a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Needs updating. ","Need updating. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install a
1618 nd activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Invalid Key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Holiday Snow"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Show falling snow in the holiday period."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Show falling
1619 snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activating recommended features��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating
1620 %(slug)s address��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Unlinked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"At A Glance"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering tw
1621 o simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Like us on Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Follow Jetpack on Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, o
1622 r{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Go to the support forums"],"Go to":[null,"Go to"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Se
1623 rvice":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Site Verification Tools"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Image Performance %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage a
1624 nd turn on auto updates{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading��":[null,"Loading��"],"Down
1625 time Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security o
1626 n":[null,"Manage security on"],"Skip this step":[null,"Skip this step"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activate Recommended Features"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start your Site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnect from"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make
1627 your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Did we mention free, professional support?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimiz
1628 ed images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the pow
1629 er of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to hel
1630 p you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send us Feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Need Help?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Manage Plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting J
1631 etpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Leave a Jetpack review"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visuall
1632 y striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist Management"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Featured Images"],"Excerpts":[null,"Excerpts"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Enable Testimonials for this site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Enabl
1633 e Portfolio Projects for this site."],"Preview":[null,"Preview"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Colour Scheme"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means somet
1634 hing is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnec
1635 t Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack."]}
1636 \ No newline at end of file
1638 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_NZ.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_NZ.json
1639 index d4dca56..3e9ae6a 100644
1640 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_NZ.json
1641 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-en_NZ.json
1642 @@ -1 +1 @@
1643 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-21 07:54:22+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"en_NZ","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Configure your VideoPress settings."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you c
1644 an rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Learn more...":[null,"Learn more..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam
1645 -protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[nu
1646 ll,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Need more? Running a business site?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"On-demand securit
1647 y scanning"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Advanced SEO tools"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":[null,"More Info"],"Search your content.":[null,"Search your content."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden."
1648 ],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your Current IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Link your account to to start using this feature."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Se
1649 arch for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search
1650 engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"],"Upgra
1651 de Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Admin Bar"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in"],"Report Vis
1652 ibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Receive Monitor Email Notifications"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails will be sent to "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Match By Email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Background Color":[null,"Background Colour"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobile Promos"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mob
1653 ile theme"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Centre{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Meta key example:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configure Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configure Testimonials"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page
1654 is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Use Markdown for comments"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack
1655 connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are
1656 disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or
1657 create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"No account? Create one for free��"],"Saving��":[null,"Saving��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Updates Needed"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Automated, comprehensive protec
1658 tion from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatically backup your entire site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Keep those spammers away!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Backups"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Keep your site backed up!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No Results Found."],"Threats found!":[null,"Threats found!"],"Set up":[null,"Set up"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll b
1659 e here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam
1660 protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Surveys & Polls"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, email or on your iPad or iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Create a new poll"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Real-time ba
1661 ckups"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"One-click threat resolution"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Advanced polls and ratings"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Lock out the bad guys"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of m
1662 ind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Connection Settings"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Manage your Jetpack connection."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"You are connected as ":[null,"You are connected as "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site must be accessib
1663 le by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Powerful features on every device."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Feel the performance"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Bulk and automatic updates"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to tu
1664 rn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Focus on your Writing"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimised for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Try the New Editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Connect with your Visitors"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understa
1665 nd your visitors from anywhere in the world."],"View Your Stats":[null,"View Your Stats"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Connect with the Community"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favourite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Launch Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Get WordPress apps for any screen."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"In Your Pocket"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much mo
1666 re from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices."]," in the App Store":[null," in the App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," in Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"On Your Desktop"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Malware Scanning"],"Threats found":[null,"Threats found"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activ
1667 ate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Needs updating. ","Need updating. "],"All plugins are up
1668 -to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site,
1669 please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Invalid Key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Holiday Snow"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Show falling snow in the holiday period."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activating recommended features��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended
1670 features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error
1671 )s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Unlinked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"At A Glance"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hi
1672 deOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Like us on Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Follow Jetpack on Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobil
1673 e}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Go to the support forums"],"Go to":[null,"Go to"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Act
1674 ivate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Site Verification Tools"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Image Performance %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"Whoops! Your A
1675 kismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading��":[null,"Loading��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}
1676 }View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":[null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Skip this step":[null,"Skip this step"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart proces
1677 s"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activate Recommended Features"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start your Site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnect from"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."
1678 ],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Did we mention free, professional support?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites
1679 ."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of WordPress.
1680 com to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send us Feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Need Help?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Manage Plugins"]
1681 ,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicise to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to
1682 stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Leave a Jetpack review"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related sec
1683 tion from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist Management"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicise"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Featured Images"],"Excerpts":[null,"Excerpts"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Enable Testimonials for this site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site."],"Preview":[null,"Preview"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Colour Scheme"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected lan
1684 guage to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"WordPress.
1685 com is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack."]}
1686 \ No newline at end of file
1687 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-21 07:54:22+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"en_NZ","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Configure your VideoPress settings."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"How much is your website worth?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"For less than the price of a coffee a month you c
1688 an rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configure Site SEO"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activate SEO Tools"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe."],"Learn more...":[null,"Learn more..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"With this plan you are provided with spam
1689 -protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[nu
1690 ll,"Backups & Security Scanning"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Tools"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Need more? Running a business site?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"On-demand securit
1691 y scanning"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Advanced SEO tools"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configure your SEO settings."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"You are running Jetpack on a staging server."],"More Info":[null,"More Info"],"Search your content.":[null,"Search your content."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden."
1692 ],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Your Current IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Link your account to to start using this feature."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Se
1693 arch for a Jetpack feature."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configure your Security Scans"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"This module has no configuration options"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Let search
1694 engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift"],"Upgra
1695 de Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings"]," Likes are:":[null," Likes are:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Comments headline"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Admin Bar"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in"],"Report Vis
1696 ibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Receive Monitor Email Notifications"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails will be sent to "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Match By Email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available"],"Background Color":[null,"Background Colour"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobile Promos"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mob
1697 ile theme"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Centre{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Meta key example:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic"],"Copied!":[null,"Copied!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenerate address"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configure Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configure Testimonials"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatically proofread content when: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"A post or page
1698 is first published"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"A post or page is updated"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatic Language Detection"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Add a phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Use Markdown for comments"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Cheatin' uh?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack
1699 connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Your Jetpack is already connected."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"You're fueled up and ready to go."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Submit Beta feedback"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are
1700 disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Let us know!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Welcome to Jetpack"],"Please connect to or
1701 create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customisation services."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"No account? Create one for free��"],"Saving��":[null,"Saving��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Save Settings"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Updates Needed"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Stats Icon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activate Site Stats"],"Automated, comprehensive protec
1702 tion from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatically backup your entire site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Security Scanning"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Keep those spammers away!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Backups"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Keep your site backed up!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No Results Found."],"Threats found!":[null,"Threats found!"],"Set up":[null,"Set up"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll b
1703 e here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Your site is on Development Mode"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam
1704 protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"State-of-the-art spam defence powered by Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"View your spam stats"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configure Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"View your security dashboard"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configure VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Surveys & Polls"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Create a new poll"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Real-time backups"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"One-click threat resolution"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Advanced polls and ratings"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compare Plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maximum grade security"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute
1705 -force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defence and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimised for WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Lock out the bad guys"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your back end safe from intruders."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Enjoy priority support"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything."],"Connec
1706 tion Settings":[null,"Connection Settings"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Manage your Jetpack connection."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to"],"You are connected as ":[null,"You are connected as "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Powerful features on
1707 every device."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Feel the performance"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Bulk and automatic updates"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Focus on your Writing"],"Our new edito
1708 r is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimised for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Try the New Editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Connect with your Visitors"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world."],"View Your Stats":[null,"View Your Stats"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Connect with the Community"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"The WordPress apps all
1709 have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favourite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Launch Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Get WordPress apps for any screen."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"In Your Pocket"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices."]," in the App Store":[null," in the App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," in Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"On Your Desktop"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a perman
1710 ent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Malware Scanning"],"Threats found":[null,"Threats found"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}."]
1711 ,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Needs updating. ","Need updating. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack is
1712 improving and optimising your image speed."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email."],"Security":[null,"Security"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Protection"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}install Ak
1713 ismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For state-of-the-art spam defence, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Invalid Key"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Unavailable in Dev Mode"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Holiday Snow"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Show falling snow in the holiday period."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activating recommended features��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Recommended features active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been activated."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s"],"D
1714 eactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deactivating %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s has been deactivated."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s settings��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Updated %(slug)s settings."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Updating %(slug)s address��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerated %(slug)s address ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetting Jetpack options��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Options reset."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Options failed to reset."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(
1715 error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Unlinking from"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Unlinked from"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error unlinking from %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"At A Glance"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/
1716 hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Like us on Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Follow Jetpack on Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Go to the W
1717 support forums"],"Go to":[null,"Go to"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic's Privacy Policy"]," Terms of Service":[null," Terms of Service"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Goog
1718 le, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Site Verification Tools"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Image Performance %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Plugin Updates"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No threats found, you're good to go!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[nul
1719 l,"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.","Uh oh, %(number)s threats found."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down."],"Loading��":[null,"Loading��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Downtime Monitoring"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"All-time comments"],"All-time views":[null,"All-time views"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s View","%(number)s Views"],"Best overall day":[null,"Best overall day"],"Views today":[null,"Views today"],"Months":[null,"Months"],"Weeks":
1720 [null,"Weeks"],"Days":[null,"Days"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Click to view detailed stats."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Views: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Week of %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Manage security on"],"Skip this step":[null,"Skip this step"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack's recommended features include:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activate Recommended Features"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended fe
1721 atures.":[null,"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start your Site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnect from"],"Link to":[null,"Link to"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Unlink me from"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you."],"Did we mention free, professional support?
1722 ":[null,"Did we mention free, professional support?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilises the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimised for any device, and its completely free."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lightning fast, optimised images"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatic site updates."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Live site monitoring."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites."]
1723 ,"Block site attacks.":[null,"Block site attacks."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site security and peace of mind"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Increase page views."],"Give visito
1724 rs the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content."],"Build a community.":[null,"Build a community."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Sharing & Like Buttons"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automated social marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send us Feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Need Help?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Manage Plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down."],"Track your growth":[null,"Track your growth"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use Publicise to automatically s
1725 hare your posts with friends, followers, and the world."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Drive more traffic to your site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorise Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again late
1726 r, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnecting Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Leave a Jetpack review"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Require Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use a large and visually striking layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts"],"Related":[null,"Related"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, of
1727 fice or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist Management"],"Email Address":[null,"Email Address"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicise"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Featured Images"],"Excerpts":[null,"Excerpts"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Enable Testimonials for this site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site."],"Preview":[null,"Preview"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Colour Scheme"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignored Phrases"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundant Phrases"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases to Avoid"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passive Voice"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Hidden Verbs"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Double Negatives"],"D
1728 iacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritical Marks"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complex Phrases"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bias Language"],"English Options":[null,"English Options"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proofreading"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connect Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with
1729 is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Active"],"Settings":[null,"Settings"],"Learn More":[null,"Learn More"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnect Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack."]}
1730 \ No newline at end of file
1732 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-eo.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-eo.json
1733 index 47f28c0..591e009 100644
1734 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-eo.json
1735 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-eo.json
1736 @@ -1 +1 @@
1737 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-17 12:20:48+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"eo","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Ni prezentas niajn plej pageblajn sekurkopiojn kaj sekurecan tarifon �is nun"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work
1738 safe.":[null,"La profesia konto tenas sekure viajn datumojn, retejon kaj ellabora警ojn."],"Learn more...":[null,"Por lerni pli..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Via retejo havas la personan konton de Jetpack"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"Tiu konto provizas vin per trud-protekto, �iutagaj sekurkopioj (�is 30 tagoj) kaj senlima tenejospaco."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security
1739 scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Altnivelaj ser�-optimumigiloj"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search you
1740 r content.":[null,"Priser�i vian enhavon."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administri videblecon de �atoj, de la agordoj de la kunhaviga modulo{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Ka�i la ridmienon de statistika警oj. Tiu bildo helpas kolekti informojn sed devus ankora躑 funkcii kiam ka�ita."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Via nuna IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Meto de IP sur la akceptita listo preventas blokon de �i fare de Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 kaj IPv6 estas akcepteblaj. {{br/}} To specifi gamon, entajpu la malaltan valoron kaj la altan valoron apartigitajn de streketo. Ekzemple:"],"Link your account to Word
1741 to start using this feature.":[null,"Por uzi tiun econ, ligu vian konton al"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Estas nekonservitaj agordoj en la langeto kiuj malaperos se vi forlasos �in. �u da躑rigi?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Tio restarigos �iujn opciojn de Jetpack, �u vi �ertas?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Ser�i econ de Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Promociu vian Jetpack, por ke nia moderna sekureca observado trovu malicajn dosierojn kaj tuj informu vin, por via �iama scio pri �io, kio okazas en via retejo."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Vi povas vidi la informojn pri sekureca observado en la sekcio \"Je ekrig
1742 ardo\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Agordi la sekurecajn observadojn"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Tiu moduloj ne estas agordebla"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Sciigu al ser�iloj kaj vizitantoj, ke vi estas serioza pri la fidindeco de via retejo, per promocio de Jetpack. Niaj kontra躑trudaj iloj forigos trudajn komentojn, protektos vian reputacion �e ser�iloj kaj plifaciligos komunikadon de vizitantoj."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Realtempaj foraj sekurkopioj kun a躑tomataj restarigoj donas al vi trankvilon, por ke vi povu koncentri�i pri verko de bonega enha
1743 vo kaj pliigo de trafiko, dum ni protektas �iun parton de via investa警o. Promocii�u hodia躑."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Difini viajn agordojn %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonanto"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Nun haveblas granda �isdatigo de iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"La aplika警o WordPress por Android ricevas renovigon"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Enfokusi�o pri promocio: VideoPress por nuptoj"]," Likes are:":[null,"�atoj de estas:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titolo de komentoj"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Kelkaj atentokaptaj vortoj por kura�igi viajn legantojn komenti."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"�u legantoj povas aboni viajn afi�ojn, komentojn a躑 amba躑?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form
1744 ":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi blogon\" en la komento-formularo."],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi komentojn\" en la komento-formularo."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Administra panelo"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Meti tabelon de 48 horoj da rigardoj en la administran panelon"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registritaj uzantoj: kalkuli la pa�rigardojn de ensalutintaj registritaj uzantoj"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Videbleco de raportoj: elektu la rolojn kiuj rajtas vidi statistika警ajn raportojn"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Ricevi avizojn de Observilo retpo�te"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Retleteroj estos senditaj al"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Redakti{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Kongrui la躑 retpo�tadreso"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when av
1745 ailable":[null,"Montri metadumojn (Exif) pri foto en karuselo, kiam haveblas"],"Background Color":[null,"Fonkoloro"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Rulumi senfine (montras 7 afi�ojn en �iu �argo)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Spuri �iun afi�o-�argon en senfina rulumado kiel pa�o-rigardon en Google-analizo"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Porpo�aj reklamoj"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Montri reklamon por la WordPressaj aplika警oj por portebla警oj, en la piedo de la porpo�a etoso"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Entajpu la valoron de \"content\" de via metadatuma �losilo por a躑tentigo de via blogo kun {{a}}la administra panelo de Google-ser�ilo{{/a}}, {{a1}}administrejo por retejestroj �e Bin
1746 g{{/a1}} kaj {{a2}}a躑tentigo de retejoj �e Pinterest{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Montri �iujn bildojn de via galerio en mojosa mozaiko"],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiita!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Emfazi kaj kopii la sekvan tekston al via tondejo:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Ree generi adreson"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Agordi tekojn"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Agordi atestojn"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"A躑tomate provlegi enhavon kiam:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Afi�o a躑 pa�o estas unuafoje publikigita"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Afi�o a躑 pa�o estas �isdatigita"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"A躑tomata rekono de lingvo"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"La provlegilo subtenas la anglan, francan, germanan, portugalan kaj hispanan."],"Enable proofreadi
1747 ng for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Ebligi provlegadon por la sekvaj reguloj de gramatiko kaj stilo:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Aldoni frazon"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Uzi Markdown por komentoj"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Ser�iloj trovos la retejo-mapojn �e tiuj �i lokoj:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Retejomapo: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapo de nova警ejo: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Vi ruzemas, �u ne?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}�u vi farus la komplezon rakonti al ni la kialojn de la nekompleta konekti�o al Jetpack, per tiu �i {{a}}2-demanda enketo{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack-konekti�o estas deviga por la funkciado de niaj senpagaj sekurecaj kaj t
1748 rafikaj ebloj.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bonvenon al {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Via Jetpack jam estas konektita."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi, Jetpack nun estas aktiva."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Vi nune uzas programistan version de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Sendi pritakson pri beta fazo"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista re�imo{{/a}} per la filtrilo jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Kelkaj ebloj estas malebligitaj."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista re�i
1749 mo{{/a}} per la konstanto JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Kelkaj ebloj estas malebligitaj."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista re�imo{{/a}} �ar mankas punkto en la URL de via retejo (ekz. http://localhost).{{br/}}Kelkaj ebloj estas malebligitaj."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Vi, %(userName)s, ne estas konektita al"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Kion vi volas vidi en via administra panelo de Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Lasu nin scii!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Bonvole konekti�u al a躑 kreu konton, por ekuzi Jetpack. Tio ebligos povajn sekurecan, trafikan kaj tajloran servojn.
1750 "],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"�u neniu konto? Vi povas senpage krei konton..."],"Saving��":[null,"Konservas..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Konservi agordojn"],"Updates Needed":[null,"�isdatigoj bezonataj"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"�u vi vere volas malkonekti vian retejon disde"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Piktogramo por statistika警oj de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu statistika警ojn de la retejo{{/a}} por vidi detalitajn statistika警ojn, �atojn, sekvantojn, abonantojn kaj pli! {{a1}}Lerni pli{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktivigi statistika警ojn de la retejo"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"A躑tomata, multampleksa protekto kontra躑 minacoj kaj atakoj."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"La plej altnivela defendo kontra躑 truda警
1751 oj"],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"A躑tomate krei sekurkopiojn de via tuta retejo."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sekureca skanado"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"A躑tomate skani vian retejon kontra躑 oftaj minacoj kaj atakoj."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tenu trudulojn for!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Retejaj sekurkopioj"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Tenu sekurkopiojn de viaj retejoj!"],"Pro":[null,"Profesia"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Neniuj rezultoj trovitaj."],"Threats found!":[null,"Minacoj trovitaj!"],"Set up":[null,"Agordi"],"Upgrade":[null,"�isdatigi"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVA"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Kodrompistoj, robot-retoj kaj trudistoj atakas retejojn hazarde.
1752 Ilia celo estas ataki �ie, ofte. Nia celo estas helpi vin prepari per bloko de tiuj �i minacoj, kaj en la plej malbona kazo, ni �eestos por helpi vin restarigi vian retejon al la anta躑a bonstato."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Via retejo havas la paka警on Jetpack Senpage"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Via retejo �uas la paka警on Jetpack-altgrada"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Via retejo �uas la paka警on Jetpack-profesia"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Via retejo estas en programista re�imo"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"La plej altnivela defendo kontra躑 truda警oj povigita de Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"
1753 Rigardi viajn statistika警ojn pri truda警oj"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Agordi Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Rigardi vian sekurecan panelon"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Agordi VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Enketoj kaj opinisonda警oj"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Senlimaj sonda警oj, senlimaj respondoj. Vi povas uzi la redaktilon de enketoj por rapide krei enketojn kaj sonda警ojn. Respondoj estas kolektitaj per via retejo, retpo�te a躑 per via iPad a躑 iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Krei novan sonda警on"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopioj"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Unu-klaka solvo de minaco"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Altnivelaj sonda警oj kaj pritaksoj"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Kompari planojn"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"La maksimumo en sekureco"],"Real-time
1754 backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"El�losu la friponojn"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Fortikigita filtrado de truda警oj protektas vian markon, viajn legantojn kaj plibonigas rezultojn �e ser�iloj. Protekto kontra躑 brutfortaj ensalutprovoj donas trankvilon kaj sekurigon al via administra sekcio."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Vi rajtas esti prioritato por subteno"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�u vi bezonas helpon? Feli�o-in�eniero povas respondi al demandoj pri via retejo, via konto a躑 kio ajn."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Konekto-agordoj"]
1755 ,"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Administri vian Jetpack-konekti�on."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"La retejo estas en programista re�imo, do vi ne povas konekti �in al"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Vi estas konektita kiel"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Ligu vian konton al por plene profiti de Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Via retejo devas esti malferma al ser�iloj por �usta funkcio de tiu �i eco. Vi povas �an�i tion en {{a}}Lego-agordoj{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Rigardi {{a}}�iujn statistika警ojn{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Rigardi viajn {{a}}retpo�tajn sekvantojn{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Povaj ecoj de en �iu apa
1756 rato."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administri �iujn viajn retejojn de unu panelo."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Rimarki la rendimenton"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"�iuj aplika警oj por WordPress estas dizajnitaj esti rapidaj. Vi tuj rimarkos la diferencon en rendimento, kiam la pa�oj �argi�as preska躑 tuje kaj vi ne devas atendi."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Amasaj kaj a躑tomataj �isdatigoj"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"La plimulto de sekurecaj problemoj estas en eksdataj kromprogramoj. Uzu niajn aplika警ojn por la interreto kaj la labortablo por �alti a躑tomatajn �isdatigojn a躑 por permane �isdatigi kromprogramojn en �iuj viaj retejoj, de unu
1757 loko."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Ensorbi�i en verkadon"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Nia nova redaktilo estas fulmrapida, optimumigita por verkistoj kaj �i forigas distra警ojn, por plia koncentri�o al laboro."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Provi la novan redaktilon"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Rilati kun viaj vizitantoj"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Vi povas observi viajn vizitantojn per altnivela statistiko. Spuri tendencojn, lerni pri la plej �atata enhavo kaj kompreni viajn vizitantojn el �ie en la mondo."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Rigardi viajn statistika警ojn"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Rilati kun la komunumo"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up wi
1758 th your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"La aplika警oj de WordPress �iuj havas impone rapidajn kaj eco-plenajn legilojn por ke vi tenu vin informita �e viaj �atataj retejoj kaj ali�u al la konversacio, �ie, �iam."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lan�i Legilon"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiro venas je hazardaj tempoj."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Vi povas instali aplika警ojn de WordPress por �ia ekrano."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"En via Po�o"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Vi povas aperigi enhavon, sekvi statistika警ojn, pritrakti komentojn kaj multe pli, de �ie en la mondo. Niaj aplika警oj por porteblaj aparatoj estas liberprogramaj, senpagaj kaj haveblaj al vi en aparatoj Apple kaj Android."]," in the App Store":[null,"
1759 en la App Store/aplika警o-vendejo"]," in Google Play":[null," en Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Sur via labortablo"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Labortabla aplika警o por doni al WordPress por�iaman lokon en via komputilo. Anka躑 sendistran medion �uatan sen devo verki ene de retumilo."]," for Mac OS X":[null," por Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," por Vindozo"]," for Linux":[null," por Linukso"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Skanado kontra躑 fiprogramoj"],"Threats found":[null,"Minacoj trovitaj"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por a躑tomata, multampleksa skanado kontra躑 sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For au
1760 tomated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Por a躑tomata, ampleksa observado de sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}promociu vian konton{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack aktive blokas malicajn ensalut-provojn. Detaloj montri�os post nelonge!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"La sumo de malicaj atakoj blokitaj de via retejo."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Protekti{{/a}} por teni vian retejon protektita de malicaj ensalut-provoj."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s kromprogramo","%(number)s kromprogramoj"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Bezonas �isdatigon.","Bezonas �isdatigojn."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�iuj kromprogramoj estas �isdataj. Bonega laboro!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on a
1761 uto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Administri{{/a}} por �alti a躑tomatajn �isdatigojn kaj por administri viajn kromprogramojn de"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack plibonigas kaj optimumigas la rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Sekureco"],"Performance":[null,"Rendimento"],"Backups":[null,"Sekurkopioj"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Rigardi detalojn pri la sekurkopio{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por a躑tomate krei sekurkopion de via tuta retejo, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Por a躑tomate krei sekurkopion de via tuta retejo, bonvole {{a}}promocii�u{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev
1762 Mode.":[null,"Ne haveblas en programista re�imo."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protekto kontra躑 truda警oj"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Por la plej moderna defendo kontra躑 truda警oj, bonvole {{a}}instalu Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Por la plej moderna defendo kontra躑 truda警oj, bonvole {{a}}aktivigu Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Nevalida �losilo"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Nehaveblas en programista re�imo"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Festema ne�o"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Montri falantan ne�on dum la festo-tempo."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Montri falantan ne�on en mia blogo ekde la 1a de decembro �is la 4a de januaro."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Aktivigas rekomenditajn ecojn..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj estas aktivaj."],"Recommended
1763 features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj malsukcesis aktivi�i. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Aktivigas %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s estis aktivigita."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s malsukcesis aktivi�i. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Malaktivigas %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s estis malaktivigita."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s fiaskis en malaktivi�o. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"�isdatigas agordojn de %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"�isdatigis agordojn de %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum �isdatigo de agordoj de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"�isdatigas adreson de %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regeneris adreson %(slug)s."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s"
1764 :[null,"Eraro dum regenero de adreso %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Restarigas opciojn de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Opcioj estas restarigitaj."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Opcioj mise ne restari�is."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Eraro okazis dum malkonekto de Jetpack. Eraro: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Malligi�as de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Malligita de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Eraro okazis dum malligi�o de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Je ekrigardo"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Kli�a警oj"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"�u vi volas eldiri la kialon? Nur {{a}}respondo al du simplaj demandoj{{/a}} helpus nin plibonigi Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Le
1765 ave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}�u vi �uas Jetpack a躑 havas pritakson?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Lasu recenzon{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}sekvu nin �e Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, kaj{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}�atu nin �e Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"�atu nin �e Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Sekvu Jetpack �e Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Rigard
1766 u nian help-pa�on{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}kontrolu la forumojn por solvoj{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, a躑{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}rekte kontaktu nin{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Rekte kontakti helpteamon de Jetpack"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Iri al la helpforumoj de"],"Go to":[null,"Iri al"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ni donas senpagan, plenan helpon al �iuj uzantoj de Jetpack. Nia helpteamo �iam �eestas por helpi vin."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Feli�o-in�eniero de Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Privateca politiko de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Kondi�oj por uzado de"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and in
1767 crease ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu a躑tentigon de retejo{{/a}} por konfirmi vian retejon kaj plibonigi rangadon �e Google, Bing, kaj Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Iloj por a躑tentigo de retejo estas aktivaj. Certigu konfirmon de via retejo �e Google, Bing, kaj Pinterest por pli �usta indeksado kaj rangado. {{a}}Konfirmi nun{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Iloj por a躑tentigo de retejo"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Photon{{/a}} por plibonigi la rendimenton kaj rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Rendimento de bildoj %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigi Administri kaj �alti a躑tomatan �isdatigadon{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto upda
1768 tes{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�alti a躑tomatajn �isdatigojn de kromprogramoj{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"�isdatigoj de kromprogramoj"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Aj! Via Akismet-�losilo mankas a躑 estas nevalida. {{akismetSettings}}Iru al agordoj de Akismet por ripari{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Neniuj minacoj trovitaj, vi pretas flugi!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kontakti helpon{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Vidi detalojn �e{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Ho ne, %(number)s minaco trovita.","Ho ne, %(number)s minacoj trovitaj."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Observilon{{/a}} por ricevi avertojn se via retejo paneos."],"Loading��":[null,"�argas..."],"Downtime Mon
1769 itoring":[null,"Observado de periodo de nefunkciado"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vidi pliajn statistika警ojn �e {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vidi malnovajn statistika警ojn{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Komentoj dekomence"],"All-time views":[null,"Rigardoj dekomence"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","Rigardo de %(number)s","Rigardoj de %(number)s"],"Best overall day":[null,"La plej bona tago �enerale"],"Views today":[null,"Rigardoj hodia躑"],"Months":[null,"Monatoj"],"Weeks":[null,"Semajnoj"],"Days":[null,"Tagoj"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Io misis dum �argo de statistika警oj. Bonvole provu denove pli poste a躑 {{a}}rigardu viajn statistika警ojn nun �e{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Alklaku por vidi detalitajn statistika警ojn."],"Views: %(n
1770 umberOfViews)s":[null,"Rigardoj: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semajno de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administri sekurecon �e"],"Skip this step":[null,"Ne fari tiun pa�on"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Ne fari la Rapidlan�on de Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Ecoj povas esti (mal)aktivigitaj la躑pla�e."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj de Jetpack estas inkluzive de:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktivigi rekomenditajn ecojn"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Rapide plibonigu vian retejon per aktivigo de la rekomenditaj ecoj de Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Rapidlan�i vian retejon"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Malkonekti�i de"],"Link to":[null,"Ligi al"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Malligi min de WordPre
1771"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Ali�u al la milionoj da uzantoj dependantaj de Jetpack por plibonigi kaj sekurigi iliajn retejojn. Ni estas pasiaj pri WordPress kaj �eestas por plifaciligi vian vivon."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack estas subtenata de kelkaj el la plej kompetentaj kaj pasiaj homoj en la komunumo. Ili trovi�as �irka躑 la terglobo kaj pretas helpi vin."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�u ni menciis jam senpagan, profesian helpon?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiligas la plej modernan enhav-liveran reton de
1772 por �argi viajn belegajn bildojn super-rapide. Optimumigita por �ia aparato, kaj estas senpage."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Fulmrapidaj, optimumigitaj bildoj"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Neniam maltrafu sekurecan eldonon a躑 mal�paru tempon per �isdatigo de pluraj retejoj."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"A躑tomataj �isdatigoj al la retejo."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Realtempa observado de retejo."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Trankvili�u per Protekti, la ilo respondeca por la blokado de miliardoj da ensalut-atakoj trans milionoj da retejoj."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Bloki atakojn kontra躑 la retejo."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blokas malicajn ensalut-provo
1773 jn, lasas vin scii se via retejo paneos kaj povas a躑tomate �isdatigi viajn kromprogramojn, por ke vi ne maltrankvili�u."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Reteja sekureco kaj trankvileco"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack jungas la povon de por montri al vi detalitajn informojn pri viaj vizitantojn, kion ili legas kaj de kie ili venas."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Tenu la atenton de vizitantoj per plia enhavo por kunhavigi kaj legi, fare de Rilataj afi�oj."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Pliigu pa�rigardojn."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Donu al vizitantoj la ilojn por kunhavigi kaj aboni vian enhavon."],"Build a community.":[null,"Konstruu komunumon."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Butonoj de kunhavigado kaj �ato
1774 j"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"A躑tomata socia merkatado."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack havas multaj ilojn pri trafiko kaj intereso por helpi vin akiri pliajn vizitantojn al via retejo kaj por teni la intereson."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Donu al ni pritakson"],"Need Help?":[null,"�u vi bezonas helpon?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Administri kromprogramojn"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Mal�tre�i�u. Observilo sendos al vi avertojn realtempe se via retejo iam paneos."],"Track your growth":[null,"Sekvi vian kreskon"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Uzu Publici por a躑tomate kunhavigi viajn afi�ojn kun amikoj, sekvantoj kaj �irka躑 la mondo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Allogi pliajn okulojn al via retejo"],"There was an issue connecting
1775 your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null," Eraro dum konekti�o kun Jetpack. Bonvole alklaku al \"Konekti�i kun\" denove."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Eraro dum konekti�o kun Jetpack; malaktivigu poste reaktivigu la kromprogramon Jetpack, post tio ree konekti�u."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Vi bezonas resti ensalutinta al via WordPressa blogo dum vi rajtigas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias{{/s}} Ni pardonpetas pro la problemo. Bonvole provu denove pli poste, se la problemo da躑ros bonvole kontaktu helpon uzante tiun �i mesa�on: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekto de Jetpack"],"Lea
1776 ve a Jetpack review":[null,"Lasi recenzon de Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�u vi bezonas helpon? La teamo de Jetpack �eestas por vi."],"Smiley":[null,"Ridmieno"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Devigi du-pa�an a躑tentigon"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Uzu grandan kaj okulfrapan aran�on"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Montri kapon \"Rilataj\" por pli klare apartigi la rilatan sekcion de afi�oj"],"Related":[null,"Rilataj"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aldonu viajn plej ofte uzitajn IP-adresojn, �ar ili povas �an�i�i inter viaj hejma, oficeja kaj alia lokoj. Forvi�o de IP-adreso de la suba listo forvi�os �in de via akceptita listo."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administra
1777 do de akceptita listo"],"Email Address":[null,"Retpo�ta adreso"],"Publicize":[null,"Publikigi"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistika警oj de la retejo"],"Featured Images":[null,"Elstarigitaj bildoj"],"Excerpts":[null,"Eltira警oj"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Ebligi atestojn por tiu �i retejo."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Ebligi Teko-projektojn por tiu �i retejo."],"Preview":[null,"Anta躑rigardi"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Kolorskemo"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignoritaj frazoj"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Uzi a躑tomate trovitan lingvon por provlegi afi�ojn kaj pa�ojn"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Ripetaj frazoj"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Evitindaj frazoj"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasivo"],"Jargon":[null,"譬argono"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Ka�itaj verboj"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Duobla neado"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakrita警oj"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Kompleksaj frazoj"],"Bias Language":[null,"Ant
1778 a躑ju�a lingva警o"],"English Options":[null,"Anglaj opcioj"],"Proofreading":[null,"Provlegado"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Konekti Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne povis kontakti %(error_key)s. Tio kutime signifas, ke io estas mal�uste agordita �e via interreta gastiganto."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," nun spertas problemojn kaj ne povas fueli vian Jetpack. Bonvole provu denove poste."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias.{{/s}} Konekto de tiu �i retejo kun ne eblas. Tio kutime signifas, ke via retejo ne estas publike alirebla (localhost)."],"Your website needs to
1779 be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Via retejo bezonas esti publike alirebla por uzi Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Vi sukcese malkonektis Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Aktivaj"],"Settings":[null,"Agordoj"],"Learn More":[null,"Lerni pli"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekti Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Sencimigi"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Elprovi la kongruecon de via retejo kun Jetpack."]}
1780 \ No newline at end of file
1781 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-17 12:20:48+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"eo","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Certigu ke via retejo estas facile trovebla fare de ser�iloj, per optimumigaj iloj por via enhavo kaj sociaj afi�oj."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktivigu tiun modulon por uzi la altnivelajn ser�ilajn ilojn."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Agordi vian VideoPress."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Kiom valoras via retejo?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Por malpli ol la kosto de kafotaso vi povus e
1782 sti trankvila, sciante ke via laboro havas sekurkopion."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Agordi retejan ser�optimumigon"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Aktivigo de ser�optimumigaj iloj"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Ni prezentas niajn plej pageblajn sekurkopiojn kaj sekurecan tarifon �is nun"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"La profesia konto tenas sekure viajn datumojn, retejon kaj ellabora警ojn."],"Learn more...":[null,"Por lerni pli..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Via retejo havas la personan konton de Jetpack"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"Tiu konto provizas vin per trud-protekto, �iutagaj sekurkopioj (�is 30 tagoj) kaj senlima tenejospaco."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority suppor
1783 t.":[null,"Tiu abono donas trud-protekton, �iutagajn sekurkopiojn (�is 30 tagoj), senliman tenadon de sekurkopioj, sekurecan skanadon kaj prioritatan helpon."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"Vi ricevas trud-protekton, realtempajn sekurkopiojn (en senlima arkivo), senliman tenadon de sekurkopioj, sekurecan skanadon, ser�-optimumigajn ilojn, PollDaddy kaj prioritatan helpon."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�iutagaj sekurkopioj de la datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado kaj unuklakaj restarigoj (povigitaj de VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�iutagaj sekurkopioj de la datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado, unuklakaj restarig
1784 oj, sekureca skanado kaj prioritata helpo (povigitaj de VaultPress). "],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Sekurkopioj k. sekureca skanado"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopiado de �iuj datumoj de via retejo kun senlima tenado, unuklakaj restarigoj, a躑tomata sekureca skanado, unuklaka minaca solvo kaj prioritata helpo (povigitaj de VaultPress). "],"SEO Tools":[null,"Ser�-optimumigo"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Altnivelaj ser�optimumigaj iloj por helpi trovi vian retejon kiam homoj ser�as rilatan enhavon."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"�u vi bezonas pli? �u vi havas komercan retejon?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"Se via retej
1785 o gravas al vi, konsideru protekton kaj plibonigon de �i per niaj altnivelaj ebloj."],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"La躑peta sekureca skanado"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Altnivelaj ser�-optimumigiloj"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Agordo de ser�ila optimumigo."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"La plej facila maniero al�uti senreklamajn kaj senmarkajn filmojn al via retejo. Vi ricevos statistika警ojn pri ludado de filmoj kaj la ludilo estas malpeza kaj respondema."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Vi uzas Jetpack en klontesta servilo."],"More Info":[null,"Pliaj informoj"],"Search your content.":[null,"Priser�i vian enhavon."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administri videblecon de �atoj, de la agordoj de la kunhaviga modulo{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley f
1786 ace image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Ka�i la ridmienon de statistika警oj. Tiu bildo helpas kolekti informojn sed devus ankora躑 funkcii kiam ka�ita."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Via nuna IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Meto de IP sur la akceptita listo preventas blokon de �i fare de Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 kaj IPv6 estas akcepteblaj. {{br/}} To specifi gamon, entajpu la malaltan valoron kaj la altan valoron apartigitajn de streketo. Ekzemple:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Por uzi tiun econ, ligu vian konton al"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Estas nekonservitaj agordoj en la
1787 langeto kiuj malaperos se vi forlasos �in. �u da躑rigi?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Tio restarigos �iujn opciojn de Jetpack, �u vi �ertas?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Ser�i econ de Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Promociu vian Jetpack, por ke nia moderna sekureca observado trovu malicajn dosierojn kaj tuj informu vin, por via �iama scio pri �io, kio okazas en via retejo."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Vi povas vidi la informojn pri sekureca observado en la sekcio \"Je ekrigardo\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Agordi la sekurecajn observadojn"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Tiu moduloj ne estas agordebla"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious abo
1788 ut your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Sciigu al ser�iloj kaj vizitantoj, ke vi estas serioza pri la fidindeco de via retejo, per promocio de Jetpack. Niaj kontra躑trudaj iloj forigos trudajn komentojn, protektos vian reputacion �e ser�iloj kaj plifaciligos komunikadon de vizitantoj."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Realtempaj foraj sekurkopioj kun a躑tomataj restarigoj donas al vi trankvilon, por ke vi povu koncentri�i pri verko de bonega enhavo kaj pliigo de trafiko, dum ni protektas �iun parton de via investa警o. Promocii�u hodia躑."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Difini viajn agordojn %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}
1789 "],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonanto"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Nun haveblas granda �isdatigo de iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"La aplika警o WordPress por Android ricevas renovigon"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Enfokusi�o pri promocio: VideoPress por nuptoj"]," Likes are:":[null,"�atoj de estas:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titolo de komentoj"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Kelkaj atentokaptaj vortoj por kura�igi viajn legantojn komenti."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"�u legantoj povas aboni viajn afi�ojn, komentojn a躑 amba躑?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi blogon\" en la komento-formularo."],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Montri opcion \"sekvi komentojn\" en la komento-formularo."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Administra panelo"
1790 ],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Meti tabelon de 48 horoj da rigardoj en la administran panelon"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registritaj uzantoj: kalkuli la pa�rigardojn de ensalutintaj registritaj uzantoj"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Videbleco de raportoj: elektu la rolojn kiuj rajtas vidi statistika警ajn raportojn"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Ricevi avizojn de Observilo retpo�te"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Retleteroj estos senditaj al"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Redakti{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Kongrui la躑 retpo�tadreso"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Montri metadumojn (Exif) pri foto en karuselo, kiam haveblas"],"Background Color":[null,"Fonkoloro"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Rulumi senfine (montras 7 afi�ojn en �iu �argo)"],"Tr
1791 ack each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Spuri �iun afi�o-�argon en senfina rulumado kiel pa�o-rigardon en Google-analizo"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Porpo�aj reklamoj"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Montri reklamon por la WordPressaj aplika警oj por portebla警oj, en la piedo de la porpo�a etoso"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Entajpu la valoron de \"content\" de via metadatuma �losilo por a躑tentigo de via blogo kun {{a}}la administra panelo de Google-ser�ilo{{/a}}, {{a1}}administrejo por retejestroj �e Bing{{/a1}} kaj {{a2}}a躑tentigo de retejoj �e Pinterest{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Ekzemplo de metadatuma �losilo:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Montri �iujn bildojn de via galerio en mo
1792 josa mozaiko"],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiita!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Emfazi kaj kopii la sekvan tekston al via tondejo:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Ree generi adreson"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Agordi tekojn"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Agordi atestojn"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"A躑tomate provlegi enhavon kiam:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Afi�o a躑 pa�o estas unuafoje publikigita"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Afi�o a躑 pa�o estas �isdatigita"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"A躑tomata rekono de lingvo"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"La provlegilo subtenas la anglan, francan, germanan, portugalan kaj hispanan."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Ebligi provlegadon por la sekvaj reguloj de gramatiko kaj stilo:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Aldoni frazon"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Uz
1793 i Markdown por komentoj"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Ser�iloj trovos la retejo-mapojn �e tiuj �i lokoj:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Retejomapo: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapo de nova警ejo: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Vi ruzemas, �u ne?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}�u vi farus la komplezon rakonti al ni la kialojn de la nekompleta konekti�o al Jetpack, per tiu �i {{a}}2-demanda enketo{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack-konekti�o estas deviga por la funkciado de niaj senpagaj sekurecaj kaj trafikaj ebloj.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bonvenon al {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Via Jetpack jam
1794 estas konektita."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi, Jetpack nun estas aktiva."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Vi estas fuelita kaj preta flugi."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Vi nune uzas programistan version de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Sendi pritakson pri beta fazo"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista re�imo{{/a}} per la filtrilo jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Kelkaj ebloj estas malebligitaj."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista re�imo{{/a}} per la konstanto JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Kelkaj ebloj estas malebligitaj."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some
1795 features are disabled.":[null,"Nun en {{a}}programista re�imo{{/a}} �ar mankas punkto en la URL de via retejo (ekz. http://localhost).{{br/}}Kelkaj ebloj estas malebligitaj."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Vi, %(userName)s, ne estas konektita al"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Kion vi volas vidi en via administra panelo de Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Lasu nin scii!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bonvenon al Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Bonvole konekti�u al a躑 kreu konton, por ekuzi Jetpack. Tio ebligos povajn sekurecan, trafikan kaj tajloran servojn."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"�u neniu konto? Vi povas senpage krei konton..."],"Saving��":[null,"Konservas..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Konservi agordojn"],"Updates Needed":[null
1796 ,"�isdatigoj bezonataj"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"�u vi vere volas malkonekti vian retejon disde"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Piktogramo por statistika警oj de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu statistika警ojn de la retejo{{/a}} por vidi detalitajn statistika警ojn, �atojn, sekvantojn, abonantojn kaj pli! {{a1}}Lerni pli{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktivigi statistika警ojn de la retejo"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"A躑tomata, multampleksa protekto kontra躑 minacoj kaj atakoj."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"La plej altnivela defendo kontra躑 truda警oj"],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"A躑tomate krei sekurkopiojn de via tuta retejo."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sekureca skanado"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats
1797 and attacks.":[null,"A躑tomate skani vian retejon kontra躑 oftaj minacoj kaj atakoj."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tenu trudulojn for!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Retejaj sekurkopioj"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Tenu sekurkopiojn de viaj retejoj!"],"Pro":[null,"Profesia"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Neniuj rezultoj trovitaj."],"Threats found!":[null,"Minacoj trovitaj!"],"Set up":[null,"Agordi"],"Upgrade":[null,"�isdatigi"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVA"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Kodrompistoj, robot-retoj kaj trudistoj atakas retejojn hazarde. Ilia celo estas ataki �ie, ofte. Nia celo estas helpi vin prepari per bloko de tiuj �i minacoj, kaj en la plej malbona kazo, ni �eestos por helpi vin restarigi vian retejon al la anta躑a bonstat
1798 o."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Via retejo havas la paka警on Jetpack Senpage"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Promocii�u al paga abono, por rajtigi vin al monduma sekureco, protektiloj kontra躑 truda警oj kaj �ui esti prioritato por helpo. "],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Via retejo �uas la paka警on Jetpack-altgrada"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Via retejo �uas la paka警on Jetpack-profesia"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Via retejo estas en programista re�imo"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Post via konekti�o, vi povos promocii�i al paga abono, por rajtigi vin al monduma sekureco, protektiloj kontra躑 truda警oj kaj �ui esti prioritato por helpo."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"La p
1799 lej altnivela defendo kontra躑 truda警oj povigita de Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Rigardi viajn statistika警ojn pri truda警oj"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Agordi Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Rigardi vian sekurecan panelon"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Agordi VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Enketoj kaj opinisonda警oj"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Krei novan sonda警on"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Realtempaj sekurkopioj"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Unu-klaka solvo de minaco"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Altnivelaj sonda警oj kaj pritaksoj"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Kompari planojn"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"La maksimumo en sekureco"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Realtempa sekurkopiado kun senlima spaco, unu-klakaj restarigoj, fortikigita observado kontra躑 truda警o
1800 j, defendo kontra躑 fiprogramoj kaj protekto kontra躑 brutfortaj ensalutoj - �io tio en unu loko kaj optimumigita por WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"El�losu la friponojn"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Fortikigita filtrado de truda警oj protektas vian markon, viajn legantojn kaj plibonigas rezultojn �e ser�iloj. Protekto kontra躑 brutfortaj ensalutprovoj donas trankvilon kaj sekurigon al via administra sekcio."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Vi rajtas esti prioritato por subteno"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�u vi bezonas helpon? Feli�o-in�eniero povas respondi al demandoj pri via retejo, via konto a躑 kio ajn."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Konekto-agordoj"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Administri vi
1801 an Jetpack-konekti�on."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"La retejo estas en programista re�imo, do vi ne povas konekti �in al"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Vi estas konektita kiel"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Ligu vian konton al por plene profiti de Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Via retejo devas esti malferma al ser�iloj por �usta funkcio de tiu �i eco. Vi povas �an�i tion en {{a}}Lego-agordoj{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Rigardi {{a}}�iujn statistika警ojn{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Rigardi viajn {{a}}retpo�tajn sekvantojn{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Povaj ecoj de en �iu aparato."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.
1802 ":[null,"Administri �iujn viajn retejojn de unu panelo."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Rimarki la rendimenton"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"�iuj aplika警oj por WordPress estas dizajnitaj esti rapidaj. Vi tuj rimarkos la diferencon en rendimento, kiam la pa�oj �argi�as preska躑 tuje kaj vi ne devas atendi."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Amasaj kaj a躑tomataj �isdatigoj"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"La plimulto de sekurecaj problemoj estas en eksdataj kromprogramoj. Uzu niajn aplika警ojn por la interreto kaj la labortablo por �alti a躑tomatajn �isdatigojn a躑 por permane �isdatigi kromprogramojn en �iuj viaj retejoj, de unu loko."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Ensorbi�i en v
1803 erkadon"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Nia nova redaktilo estas fulmrapida, optimumigita por verkistoj kaj �i forigas distra警ojn, por plia koncentri�o al laboro."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Provi la novan redaktilon"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Rilati kun viaj vizitantoj"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Vi povas observi viajn vizitantojn per altnivela statistiko. Spuri tendencojn, lerni pri la plej �atata enhavo kaj kompreni viajn vizitantojn el �ie en la mondo."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Rigardi viajn statistika警ojn"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Rilati kun la komunumo"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhe
1804 re, any time.":[null,"La aplika警oj de WordPress �iuj havas impone rapidajn kaj eco-plenajn legilojn por ke vi tenu vin informita �e viaj �atataj retejoj kaj ali�u al la konversacio, �ie, �iam."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lan�i Legilon"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiro venas je hazardaj tempoj."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Vi povas instali aplika警ojn de WordPress por �ia ekrano."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"En via Po�o"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Vi povas aperigi enhavon, sekvi statistika警ojn, pritrakti komentojn kaj multe pli, de �ie en la mondo. Niaj aplika警oj por porteblaj aparatoj estas liberprogramaj, senpagaj kaj haveblaj al vi en aparatoj Apple kaj Android."]," in the App Store":[null," en la App Store/aplika警o-vendejo"]," in G
1805 oogle Play":[null," en Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Sur via labortablo"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Labortabla aplika警o por doni al WordPress por�iaman lokon en via komputilo. Anka躑 sendistran medion �uatan sen devo verki ene de retumilo."]," for Mac OS X":[null," por Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," por Vindozo"]," for Linux":[null," por Linukso"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Skanado kontra躑 fiprogramoj"],"Threats found":[null,"Minacoj trovitaj"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por a躑tomata, multampleksa skanado kontra躑 sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, pl
1806 ease {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Por a躑tomata, ampleksa observado de sekurecaj minacoj, bonvole {{a}}promociu vian konton{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack aktive blokas malicajn ensalut-provojn. Detaloj montri�os post nelonge!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"La sumo de malicaj atakoj blokitaj de via retejo."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Protekti{{/a}} por teni vian retejon protektita de malicaj ensalut-provoj."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s kromprogramo","%(number)s kromprogramoj"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Bezonas �isdatigon.","Bezonas �isdatigojn."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�iuj kromprogramoj estas �isdataj. Bonega laboro!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from
1807 ":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Administri{{/a}} por �alti a躑tomatajn �isdatigojn kaj por administri viajn kromprogramojn de"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack plibonigas kaj optimumigas la rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack observas vian retejon. Se ni opinias, ke via retejo paneis, vi ricevos retleteron."],"Security":[null,"Sekureco"],"Performance":[null,"Rendimento"],"Backups":[null,"Sekurkopioj"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Rigardi detalojn pri la sekurkopio{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Por a躑tomate krei sekurkopion de via tuta retejo, bonvole {{a}}instalu kaj aktivigu{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Por a躑tomate krei sekurkopion de via tuta retejo, bonvole {{a}}promo
1808 cii�u{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Ne haveblas en programista re�imo."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protekto kontra躑 truda警oj"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Por la plej moderna defendo kontra躑 truda警oj, bonvole {{a}}instalu Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Por la plej moderna defendo kontra躑 truda警oj, bonvole {{a}}aktivigu Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Nevalida �losilo"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Nehaveblas en programista re�imo"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Festema ne�o"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Montri falantan ne�on dum la festo-tempo."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Montri falantan ne�on en mia blogo ekde la 1a de decembro �is la 4a de januaro."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Aktivigas rekomenditajn ecojn..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Rekomenditaj
1809 ecoj estas aktivaj."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj malsukcesis aktivi�i. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Aktivigas %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s estis aktivigita."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s malsukcesis aktivi�i. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Malaktivigas %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s estis malaktivigita."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s fiaskis en malaktivi�o. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"�isdatigas agordojn de %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"�isdatigis agordojn de %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum �isdatigo de agordoj de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"�isdatigas adreson de %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regeneris adreson %(slug)s."],"Error regene
1810 rating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Eraro dum regenero de adreso %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Restarigas opciojn de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Opcioj estas restarigitaj."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Opcioj mise ne restari�is."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Eraro okazis dum malkonekto de Jetpack. Eraro: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Malligi�as de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Malligita de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Eraro okazis dum malligi�o de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Je ekrigardo"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Kli�a警oj"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"�u vi volas eldiri la kialon? Nur {{a}}respondo al du simplaj demandoj{{/a}} helpus nin plibonigi Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback
1811 ?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}�u vi �uas Jetpack a躑 havas pritakson?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Lasu recenzon{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}sekvu nin �e Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, kaj{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}�atu nin �e Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"�atu nin �e Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Sekvu Jetpack �e Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMob
1812 ile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Rigardu nian help-pa�on{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}kontrolu la forumojn por solvoj{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, a躑{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}rekte kontaktu nin{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Rekte kontakti helpteamon de Jetpack"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Iri al la helpforumoj de"],"Go to":[null,"Iri al"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ni donas senpagan, plenan helpon al �iuj uzantoj de Jetpack. Nia helpteamo �iam �eestas por helpi vin."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Feli�o-in�eniero de Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Privateca politiko de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Kondi�oj por uzado de"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verificati
1813 on{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu a躑tentigon de retejo{{/a}} por konfirmi vian retejon kaj plibonigi rangadon �e Google, Bing, kaj Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Iloj por a躑tentigo de retejo estas aktivaj. Certigu konfirmon de via retejo �e Google, Bing, kaj Pinterest por pli �usta indeksado kaj rangado. {{a}}Konfirmi nun{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Iloj por a躑tentigo de retejo"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Photon{{/a}} por plibonigi la rendimenton kaj rapidon de viaj bildoj."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Rendimento de bildoj %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigi Administri kaj �alti a躑tomatan �isdatigadon{{/a
1814 }}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�alti a躑tomatajn �isdatigojn de kromprogramoj{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"�isdatigoj de kromprogramoj"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Aj! Via Akismet-�losilo mankas a躑 estas nevalida. {{akismetSettings}}Iru al agordoj de Akismet por ripari{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Neniuj minacoj trovitaj, vi pretas flugi!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kontakti helpon{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Vidi detalojn �e{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Ho ne, %(number)s minaco trovita.","Ho ne, %(number)s minacoj trovitaj."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivigu Observilon{{/a}} por ricevi avertojn se via retejo paneos."],"Loading��
1815 ":[null,"�argas..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Observado de periodo de nefunkciado"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vidi pliajn statistika警ojn �e {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vidi malnovajn statistika警ojn{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Komentoj dekomence"],"All-time views":[null,"Rigardoj dekomence"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","Rigardo de %(number)s","Rigardoj de %(number)s"],"Best overall day":[null,"La plej bona tago �enerale"],"Views today":[null,"Rigardoj hodia躑"],"Months":[null,"Monatoj"],"Weeks":[null,"Semajnoj"],"Days":[null,"Tagoj"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Io misis dum �argo de statistika警oj. Bonvole provu denove pli poste a躑 {{a}}rigardu viajn statistika警ojn nun �e{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Alklaku por vidi detali
1816 tajn statistika警ojn."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Rigardoj: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semajno de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administri sekurecon �e"],"Skip this step":[null,"Ne fari tiun pa�on"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Ne fari la Rapidlan�on de Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Ecoj povas esti (mal)aktivigitaj la躑pla�e."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Rekomenditaj ecoj de Jetpack estas inkluzive de:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktivigi rekomenditajn ecojn"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Rapide plibonigu vian retejon per aktivigo de la rekomenditaj ecoj de Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Rapidlan�i vian retejon"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Malkonekti�i de"],"Link to":[null,"Ligi al"],"Unlink me from WordPress
1817 .com":[null,"Malligi min de"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Ali�u al la milionoj da uzantoj dependantaj de Jetpack por plibonigi kaj sekurigi iliajn retejojn. Ni estas pasiaj pri WordPress kaj �eestas por plifaciligi vian vivon."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack estas subtenata de kelkaj el la plej kompetentaj kaj pasiaj homoj en la komunumo. Ili trovi�as �irka躑 la terglobo kaj pretas helpi vin."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�u ni menciis jam senpagan, profesian helpon?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiligas la plej modernan en
1818 hav-liveran reton de por �argi viajn belegajn bildojn super-rapide. Optimumigita por �ia aparato, kaj estas senpage."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Fulmrapidaj, optimumigitaj bildoj"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Neniam maltrafu sekurecan eldonon a躑 mal�paru tempon per �isdatigo de pluraj retejoj."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"A躑tomataj �isdatigoj al la retejo."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Realtempa observado de retejo."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Trankvili�u per Protekti, la ilo respondeca por la blokado de miliardoj da ensalut-atakoj trans milionoj da retejoj."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Bloki atakojn kontra躑 la retejo."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Je
1819 tpack blokas malicajn ensalut-provojn, lasas vin scii se via retejo paneos kaj povas a躑tomate �isdatigi viajn kromprogramojn, por ke vi ne maltrankvili�u."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Reteja sekureco kaj trankvileco"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack jungas la povon de por montri al vi detalitajn informojn pri viaj vizitantojn, kion ili legas kaj de kie ili venas."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Tenu la atenton de vizitantoj per plia enhavo por kunhavigi kaj legi, fare de Rilataj afi�oj."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Pliigu pa�rigardojn."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Donu al vizitantoj la ilojn por kunhavigi kaj aboni vian enhavon."],"Build a community.":[null,"Konstruu komunumon."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[nul
1820 l,"Butonoj de kunhavigado kaj �atoj"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"A躑tomata socia merkatado."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack havas multaj ilojn pri trafiko kaj intereso por helpi vin akiri pliajn vizitantojn al via retejo kaj por teni la intereson."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Donu al ni pritakson"],"Need Help?":[null,"�u vi bezonas helpon?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Administri kromprogramojn"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Mal�tre�i�u. Observilo sendos al vi avertojn realtempe se via retejo iam paneos."],"Track your growth":[null,"Sekvi vian kreskon"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Uzu Publici por a躑tomate kunhavigi viajn afi�ojn kun amikoj, sekvantoj kaj �irka躑 la mondo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Allogi pliajn okulojn al via retej
1821 o"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null," Eraro dum konekti�o kun Jetpack. Bonvole alklaku al \"Konekti�i kun\" denove."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Eraro dum konekti�o kun Jetpack; malaktivigu poste reaktivigu la kromprogramon Jetpack, post tio ree konekti�u."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Vi bezonas resti ensalutinta al via WordPressa blogo dum vi rajtigas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias{{/s}} Ni pardonpetas pro la problemo. Bonvole provu denove pli poste, se la problemo da躑ros bonvole kontaktu helpon uzante tiun �i mesa�on: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":
1822 [null,"Malkonekto de Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Lasi recenzon de Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�u vi bezonas helpon? La teamo de Jetpack �eestas por vi."],"Smiley":[null,"Ridmieno"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Devigi du-pa�an a躑tentigon"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Uzu grandan kaj okulfrapan aran�on"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Montri kapon \"Rilataj\" por pli klare apartigi la rilatan sekcion de afi�oj"],"Related":[null,"Rilataj"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aldonu viajn plej ofte uzitajn IP-adresojn, �ar ili povas �an�i�i inter viaj hejma, oficeja kaj alia lokoj. Forvi�o de IP-adreso de la suba listo forvi�os �in de via akceptita listo."],"Whit
1823 elist Management":[null,"Administrado de akceptita listo"],"Email Address":[null,"Retpo�ta adreso"],"Publicize":[null,"Publikigi"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistika警oj de la retejo"],"Featured Images":[null,"Elstarigitaj bildoj"],"Excerpts":[null,"Eltira警oj"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Ebligi atestojn por tiu �i retejo."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Ebligi Teko-projektojn por tiu �i retejo."],"Preview":[null,"Anta躑rigardi"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Kolorskemo"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignoritaj frazoj"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Uzi a躑tomate trovitan lingvon por provlegi afi�ojn kaj pa�ojn"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Ripetaj frazoj"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Evitindaj frazoj"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasivo"],"Jargon":[null,"譬argono"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Ka�itaj verboj"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Duobla neado"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakrita警oj"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Kompleksaj
1824 frazoj"],"Bias Language":[null,"Anta躑ju�a lingva警o"],"English Options":[null,"Anglaj opcioj"],"Proofreading":[null,"Provlegado"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Konekti Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne povis kontakti %(error_key)s. Tio kutime signifas, ke io estas mal�uste agordita �e via interreta gastiganto."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," nun spertas problemojn kaj ne povas fueli vian Jetpack. Bonvole provu denove poste."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Via Jetpack misfunkcias.{{/s}} Konekto de tiu �i retejo kun ne eblas. Tio kutime signifas, ke via retejo ne estas publike alirebla (lo
1825 calhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Via retejo bezonas esti publike alirebla por uzi Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Vi sukcese malkonektis Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Aktivaj"],"Settings":[null,"Agordoj"],"Learn More":[null,"Lerni pli"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Malkonekti Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Sencimigi"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Elprovi la kongruecon de via retejo kun Jetpack."]}
1826 \ No newline at end of file
1828 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_AR.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_AR.json
1829 index 62f89de..847458e 100644
1830 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_AR.json
1831 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_AR.json
1832 @@ -1 +1 @@
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1834 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1835 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
1836 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Este m籀dulo no tiene opciones de configuraci籀n."],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools wil
1837 l eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Que los motores de b繳squeda y tus visitantes sepan que te tom獺s en serio la integridad de tus sitios mejorando Jetpack. Nuestras herramientas anti-spam eliminar獺n el spam de comentarios, proteger獺n tu posicionamiento en buscadores y har獺n f獺cil a tus visitantes seguir en contacto."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],
1838 "Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to
1839 verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' u
1840 h?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are no
1841 t connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those
1842 spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powere
1843 d by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],
1844 "Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and
1845 automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"
1846 "],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[nu
1847 ll,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a
1848 }}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %
1849 (error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forum
1850 Link}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Perfo
1851 rmance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Somethin
1852 g happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They'
1853 re located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and whe
1854 re they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Relaj獺te. Monitor te enviar獺 alertas en tiempo real si tu sitio se cae."],"Track your growth":[null,"Segu穩 tu crecimiento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Us獺 Publicitar para compartir autom獺ticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores y el mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"
1855 Tra矇 m獺s tr獺fico a tu sitio"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Tuvimos un inconveniente conectando Jetpack. Desactiv獺 y reactiv獺 el plugin Jetpack, luego conect獺te de nuevo."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Ten矇s que mantener la sesi籀n iniciada en tu blog WordPress mientras autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pasos es obliga
1856 toria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usar un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo."],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Asegur獺te de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si borr獺s una direcci籀n IP de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicitar"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺genes destacad
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1858 ack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora y no puede reabastecer tu Jetpack. Por favor, prob獺 de nuevo luego."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1859 \ No newline at end of file
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1861 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1862 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
1863 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Este m籀dulo no tiene opciones de configuraci籀n."],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools wil
1864 l eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Que los motores de b繳squeda y tus visitantes sepan que te tom獺s en serio la integridad de tus sitios mejorando Jetpack. Nuestras herramientas anti-spam eliminar獺n el spam de comentarios, proteger獺n tu posicionamiento en buscadores y har獺n f獺cil a tus visitantes seguir en contacto."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],
1865 "Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to
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1867 h?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are no
1868 t connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those
1869 spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powere
1870 d by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[
1871 null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites
1872 in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you
1873 on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin
1874 ":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Ho
1875 liday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error
1876 )s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],
1877 "Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Yo
1878 ur Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews
1879 )s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content deli
1880 very network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the t
1881 ools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Relaj獺te. Monitor te enviar獺 alertas en tiempo real si tu sitio se cae."],"Track your growth":[null,"Segu穩 tu crecimiento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Us獺 Publicitar para compartir autom獺ticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores y el mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Tra矇 m獺s tr獺fico a tu sitio"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactiv
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1885 nd is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora y no puede reabastecer tu Jetpack. Por favor, prob獺 de nuevo luego."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1886 \ No newline at end of file
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1894 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1895 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
1896 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
1897 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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1900 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
1901 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
1902 goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or
1903 on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connec
1904 ted as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distraction
1905 s, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"
1906 A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/
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1909 "At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free
1910 , full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to g
1911 o!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[n
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1915 ":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pasos es obligatoria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usa un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo. "],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aseg繳rate de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si eliminas una direcci籀n IP de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la
1916 lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Difundir"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺genes destacadas"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extractos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activar testimonios para este sitio."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activa Proyectos de Porfolio para este sitio."],"Preview":[null,"Vista previa"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Combinaci籀n de colores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utilizar idioma detectado autom獺ticamente para corregir entradas y p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases para Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz Pasiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jerga"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doble negaciones"],"Diacritical Marks":[null
1917 ,"Signos Diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases Complejas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Sesgos de Idioma"],"English Options":[null,"Opciones de Ingl矇s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revisi籀n"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora mismo y no puede repostar tu Jetpack. Por favor, int&#233;ntalo m&#225;s tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn M
1918 ore":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1919 \ No newline at end of file
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1921 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
1922 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
1923 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
1924 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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1927 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
1928 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
1929 goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compar
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1931 ou can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch fo
1932 r trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"WordPress.
1933 com for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site.
1934 If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slu
1935 g)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoyin
1936 g Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"
1937 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""
1938 ],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhan
1939 ce your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace o
1940 f mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"
1941 Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authen
1942 tication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pasos es obligatoria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usa un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo. "],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aseg繳rate de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si eliminas una direcci籀n IP de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Difundir"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩stic
1943 as del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺genes destacadas"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extractos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activar testimonios para este sitio."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activa Proyectos de Porfolio para este sitio."],"Preview":[null,"Vista previa"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Combinaci籀n de colores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utilizar idioma detectado autom獺ticamente para corregir entradas y p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases para Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz Pasiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jerga"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doble negaciones"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signos Diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases Complejas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Sesgos de Idioma"],"English Options":[null,"Opciones de Ingl矇s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Rev
1944 isi籀n"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora mismo y no puede repostar tu Jetpack. Por favor, int&#233;ntalo m&#225;s tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
1945 \ No newline at end of file
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1948 index aa1125f..858ab48 100644
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1951 @@ -1 +1 @@
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1953 he Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Tu sitio tiene el plan Personal de Jetpack"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copias de seguridad diarias de todos los datos de tu sitio con espacio ilimitado y restauraci籀n en un clic (gestionado por VaultPress)"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Copias de segurida
1954 d y escaneado de seguridad"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"Herramientas de SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"Escaneos de seguridad a demanda"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Herramientas de SEO avanzadas"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configurar tus ajustes de SEO."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"La forma m獺s sencilla de se subir v穩deos sin anuncios ni marcas. Obtienes estad穩sticas las
1955 reproducciones de video y de las veces que se ha compartido y el reproductor es ligero y adaptable."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Est獺s ejecutando Jetpack en un servidor de desarrollo."],"More Info":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Search your content.":[null,"Busca en tu contenido."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administra la visibilidad de los Me gusta desde los ajustes del m籀dulo de Compartir{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Se ocult籀 la imagen de la cara sonriente de las estad穩sticas. La imagen ayuda a recoger las estad穩sticas pero deber穩a funcionar cuando se oculta."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Tu IP actual: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Poner en la lista blanca una direcci籀n IP evita que sea bloqueado por Jetpack cada vez que se accede."],"IPv4 an
1956 d IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 y IPv6 son aceptables. {{br/}} Para especificar un rango, introduzca el valor bajo y el valor alto separado por un gui籀n. Ejemplo:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Vincula tu cuenta de para empezar a utilizar esta funci籀n."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Hay ajustes sin guardar en esta pesta簽a que se perder獺n si la dejas. 聶Quieres proceder?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Esto restablecer獺 todas las opciones de Jetpack, 聶est獺s seguro?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Buscar una caracter穩stica de Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unawa
1957 re of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Actualiza Jetpack y nuestro esc獺ner de seguridad de 繳ltima generaci籀n cazar獺 archivos maliciosos y te informar獺 inmediatamente para que nunca dejes de estar al tanto de lo que pasa en tu web."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Tu puedes ver la informaci籀n acerca del escaneo de seguridad en la secci籀n \"De un vistazo\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configura tus escaneos de seguridad"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Este m籀dulo no tiene opciones de configuraci籀n"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Deja que los buscadores y tus visitantes sepan que te tomas en serio la integridad de tus p獺ginas web pas獺ndose a Jetpack. Nuestras herramient
1958 as anti-spam eliminan el spam en los comentarios, protegen tu SEO y hace mas f獺cil a los visitantes estar en contacto."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Los Backups offsite en tiempo real con restauraciones autom獺ticas te traer獺n tranquilidad, as穩 te podr獺s enfocar en escribir buen contenido e incrementar el tr獺fico mientras nosotros protegemos cada uno de los aspectos de tu inversi籀n. Actual穩zate hoy."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configura tus ajustes de %(module_slug)s {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Suscriptor"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Gran actualizaci籀n de iPhone/Ipad disponible"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"La aplicaci籀n Android para WordPress recibe un enorme estiramiento facial"],"Upgrade F
1959 ocus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Actualizar Foco: VideoPress para bodas"]," Likes are:":[null,"Los Me gusta de son:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Encabezado de los comentarios"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Expresiones pegadizas para motivar a tus lectores a comentar."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"聶Tus lectores pueden suscribirse a tus entradas, comentarios o ambos?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Muestra las opciones \"sigue al blog\" en el formulario de comentarios"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Muestra la opci籀n \"sigue los comentarios\" en el formulario de comentarios."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barra de administraci籀n"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Poner un gr獺fico mostrando las visitas de las 繳ltimas 48 horas en la barra de administraci籀n"],"Registered Users: Count the page vie
1960 ws of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Usuarios registrados: Cuenta las p獺ginas vistas de los usuarios registrados que han iniciado sesi籀n"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Informe de visibilidad: Elige los perfiles que ser獺n capaces de ver los informes de estad穩sticas."],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Recibir notificaciones de la monitorizaci籀n por correo electr籀ncio."],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Los correos electr籀nicos ser獺n enviados a"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Editar{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Coincidencia por correo electr籀nico"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Muestra los metadatos de la foto (Exif) en carrousel cuando est矇n disponibles."],"Background Color":[null,"Color de fondo"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinito (muestra 7 entradas en cada carga)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in
1961 Google Analytics":[null,"Traza cada carga de una entrada en un Scroll Infinito como una p獺gina vista en Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promos para m籀vil"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Muestra una promo de las aplicaciones de WordPress para m籀viles en el pie de la versi籀n m籀vil del tema."],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Introduce el valor de tu clave meta \"content\" para verificar tu sitio con {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a}} y {{a}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Ejemplo de Meta Key:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Muestra todas las fotos de tu galer穩a en un genial mosaico"],"Copied!":[null,"癒Copiado!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:
1962 ":[null,"Realza y copia el texto siguiente a tu portapapeles: "],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenera la direcci籀n"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configura los Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configurar testimonios"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Prueba de lectura autom獺tica del contenido cuando:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Una entrada o p獺gina es publicada por primera vez"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Una entrada o p獺gina est獺 actualizada."],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Detecci籀n autom獺tica de idioma"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"El corrector funciona con ingl矇s, franc矇s, alem獺n, portugu矇s y espa簽ol."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Activar la prueba de lectura la la siguiente gram獺tica y reglas de estilo:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"A簽ade una frase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Utiliza el lenguaje de marc
1963 as para los comentarios"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Los buscadores pueden encontrar los mapas del sitio en las siguientes localizaciones:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa del sitio: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa del sitio de noticias: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"聶Haciendo trampas?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}聶Te importar穩a decirnos por qu矇 no has completado la conexi籀n con Jetpack en esta {{a}}encuesta de 2 preguntas?{{/a}}{{/p}}{{p}}La conexi籀n con Jetpack es obligatoria para que funcionen nuestras caracter穩sticas gratuitas de tr獺fico y seguridad.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bienvenido a {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],
1964 "Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Tu Jetpack ya est獺 conectado."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Est獺s completo de combustible y listo para ir, ahora Jetpack est獺 activo"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Est獺s completo de combustible y listo para ir."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"En este momento est獺s ejecutando una versi籀n de desarrollo de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Env穩a tus sugerencias"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actualmente en {{a}}Mode Desarrollo{{/a}} v穩a el filtro jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Algunas funciones est獺n desactivadas."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actualmente en {{a}}Mode Desarrollo{{/a}} v穩a la constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Algunas funciones est獺n
1965 desactivadas."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actualmente en {{a}}modo de desarrollo{{/a}} ya que la URL de tu sitio no tiene un punto (p.ej. http://localhost).{{br/}}Algunas funcionalidades se han desactivado."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Tu, %(userName)s, no est獺s conectado a"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"聶Qu矇 te gustar穩a ver en el Escritorio de tu Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"癒H獺znolo saber!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bienvenido a Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Por favor, con矇ctate a o crea una cuenta de para empezar a usar Jetpack. Esto activar獺 potentes servicios de seguridad, tr獺fico y personalizaci籀n."],"No accoun
1966 t? Create one for free��":[null,"聶No tienes cuenta? Crea una gratis��"],"Saving��":[null,"Guardando..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Guardar ajustes"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Se necesitan actualizaciones"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"聶De verdad quieres desconectar tu sitio de"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Icono de estad穩sticas de Jeptpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"癒{{a}}Activa las Estad穩sticas del sitio{{/a}} para ver estad穩sticas detalladas, me gusta, seguidores, suscriptores y m獺s! {{a1}}Aprende m獺s{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activar estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Protecci籀n automatizada y comprensible de amenazas y ataques."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Defensa anti spam de calidad profesional."],"Automatically backup your en
1967 tire site.":[null,"Hace copias de seguridad del sitio completo autom獺ticamente."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Escaneo de seguridad"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Explorar autom獺ticamente tu sitio en busca de amenazas y ataques comunes."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"癒Manten los spammer lejos!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Copias de seguridad del sitio"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"癒Manten copias de seguridad de tu sitio!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No se han encontrado resultados."],"Threats found!":[null,"癒Amenazas encontradas!"],"Set up":[null,"Configurar"],"Upgrade":[null,"Actualiza"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Los hackers, botnets y spammers at
1968 acan webs indiscriminadamente. Su objetivo es atacar por todos lados y a menudo. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte a prepararte bloqueando estas amenazas, y en el peor de los casos estaremos aqu穩 para ayudarte a restaurar tu sitio a su antigua gloria."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Tu sitio est獺 en el plan gratuito de Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Actualiza a Premium o Pro para desvelar herramientas de seguridad y protecci籀n de spam sin igual adem獺s de obtener soporte prioritario."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Tu sitio est獺 en el plan Premium de Jetpack"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Tus sitio est獺 en el plan profesional de Jetpack"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Tu sitio web est獺 en modo de desarrollo"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools,
1969 and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Defensa anti spam de calidad profesional potenciada por Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Ver tus estad穩sticas de spam"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configurar Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Ver tu escritorio de seguridad"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configura VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Cuestionarios y encuestas"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Encuentas ilimitadas, respuestas ilimitadas. Utiliza el editor de encuestas para crearlas r獺pida y facilmente. Recoge respuestas en tu sitio web, correo electr籀nico o en tu iPad/iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Crear nueva encuesta"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Copias de seguridad en tiempo real"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Soluci籀n a amenazas a un clic"
1970 ],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Encuestas y valoraciones avanzadas"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Comparar planes"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"M獺ximo grado de seguridad"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Copias de seguridad en tiempo real con espacio ilimitado, restauraciones con un solo clic, monitorizaci籀n de spam a prueba de bombas, protecci籀n contra malware y contra acceso por fuerza bruta - todo en un solo lugar y optimizado para WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Bloquear a los malos"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Filtrado de correo basura a prueba de balas, protege tu marca, tus lectores y mejora el SEO. Protecci籀n de inicio de sesi籀n por f
1971 uerza bruta, ayuda a mantener la paz mental y te mantiene a salvo de intrusos a tu panel de administraci籀n."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Disfruta de soporte prioritario"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"聶Necesitas ayuda? Un ingeniero feliz puede responder a tus preguntas sobre tu sitio, tu cuenta o c籀mo hacer algo."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Opciones de conexi籀n"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Gestiona tu conexi籀n a Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"El sitio est獺 en el modo de desarrollo, as穩 que no puedes conectarte a"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Est獺s conectado como"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Conecta tu cuenta a para conseguir el m獺ximo de Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work p
1972 roperly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Tu sitio debe ser accesible a los motores de b繳squeda para que esta caracter穩stica funcione correctamente. Puedes cambiar esto en los {{a}}Ajustes de lectura{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Ver {{a}}todas las estad穩sticas{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Ver tus {{a}}seguidores por correo electr籀nico{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Funcionalidades potentes de en cualquier dispositivo."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Gestiona todos tus sitios desde un solo escritorio."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Comprueba el rendimiento "],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Todas las aplicaciones WordPress est獺n creadas pensando en la velocidad. Observar獺s la diferencia en rendimiento inmedi
1973 atamente, con p獺ginas que se cargan casi al instante y menos esperas en general."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Actualizaciones en masa y autom獺ticas."],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"La mayor穩a de los fallos de seguridad se encuentran en los plugins obsoletos. Utiliza tus aplicaciones web y de escritorio para activar las actualizaciones autom獺ticas o actualiza los plugins manualmente todos tus sitios web en un solo lugar."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"C矇ntrate en escribir"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Nuestro nuevo editor es r獺pido como el rayo, optimizado para los escritores y elimina distracciones, d獺ndote la posibilidad de centrarte en tu trabajo."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Prueba el nuevo editor
1974 "],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Conecta con tus visitantes"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitoriza a tus visitantes con estad穩sticas avanzadas. Observa las tendencias, aprende que contenido funciona mejor y comprende a tus visitantes de cualquier lugar del mundo."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Ver tus estad穩sticas"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Conectar con la comunidad"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Las aplicaciones de WordPress tienen todas lectores impresionantemente r獺pidos y plenos de funcionalidades para que puedas ver tus sitios favoritos y unirte a la conversaci籀n en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lanzar el lector"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywher
1975 e.":[null,"La inspitaci籀n te llega en cualquier momento, en cualquier parte."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Obtener aplicaciones de WordPress para cualquier pantalla."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"En tu bolsillo"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publicar contenidos, consultar estad穩sticas, moderar comentarios y muchas m獺s cosas desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Nuestras aplicaciones m籀viles son de c籀figo abierto, gratuitas y disponibles para ti en dispositivos Apple o Android."]," in the App Store":[null," en la App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," en Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"En tu escritorio"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web bro
1976 wser.":[null,"Una aplicaci籀n de escritorio que da a WordPress un hogar permanente en el ordenador. Por no mencionar el ambiente libre de distracciones al escribir fuera de un navegador web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," para Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," para Windows"]," for Linux":[null," para Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Escaneado de Malware"],"Threats found":[null,"Amenzas encontradas"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Para la exploraci籀n autom獺tica y completa de las amenazas de seguridad, por favor {{a}}instala y activa{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Para la exploraci籀n autom獺tica y completa de las amenazas de seguridad, por favor {{a}}actualiza tu cuenta{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login att
1977 empts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetapck est獺 bloqueando activamente intentos de acceso maliciosos. 癒Muy pronto se mostraran datos aqu穩 mismo!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total de ataques maliciosos bloqueados en tu sitio."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activa Proteger{{/a}} para mantener tu sitio protegido de intentos de acceso malintencionados."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Necesita actualizarse.","Necesitan actualizarse."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Todos los plugins est獺n actualizados. 癒Buen trabajo!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activa Gestionar{{/a}} para activar las actualizaciones autom獺ticas y gestionar tus plugins desde"],"Jetpack is improving an
1978 d optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jeptack est獺 mejorando y optimizando la velocidad de tus im獺genes."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack est獺 monitorizando tu sitio. Si creemos que tu sitio est獺 ca穩do, recibir獺s un correo electr籀nico."],"Security":[null,"Seguridad"],"Performance":[null,"Rendimiento"],"Backups":[null,"Copias de seguridad"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Ver detalles de la copia de seguridad{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Para hacer autom獺ticamente una copia de seguridad de tu sitio completo, por favor {{a}}instala y activa{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Para hacer una copia de respaldo autom獺ticamente de tu sitio completo, por favor {{a}}癒actualiza!{{/a}}"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"No disponible en el modo de
1979 sarrollador."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protecci籀n de spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Para una defensa contra el spam de calidad profesional por favor {{a}}instala Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Si quieres un protector contra el spas que est矇 a la 繳ltima, {{a}}activa Akismet{{a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Clave no v獺lida"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"No disponible en modo desarrollador"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Nieve en Navidad"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Muestra nieve cayendo cuando es Navidad."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Mostrar nieva cayendo en mi blogs desde el 1 de diciembre hasta el 4 de enero."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activando funcionalidades recomendadas..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Funcionalidades de recomendaci籀n activas."],"Recommended features faile
1980 d to activate. %(error)s":[null,"No se pudieron activar las funcionalidades recomendadas. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activando %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s se ha activado."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s fall籀 al activarse. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Desactivando %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s ha sido desactivado."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s no se desactivaron. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Actualizando %(slug)s ajustes��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Ajustes de %(slug)s actualizados."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error actualizando los ajustes %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Actualizando la direcci籀n %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerar %(slug)s direcciones."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,
1981 "Error regenerando la direcci籀n %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetear opciones de jetpack"],"Options reset.":[null,"Ajustes restablecidos."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Fallo al restablecer las opciones."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error desconectando Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Desconectando de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Desconectado de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error al desconectar de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"De un vistazo"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"聶Te importar穩a decirnos por qu矇? Simplemente {{a}}contestando dos sencillas preguntas{{/a}} nos ayudar獺s a mejorar Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}}
1982 {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}聶Disfrutas de Jetpack o tienes alguna duda?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}D矇janos una rese簽a{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}s穩guenos en Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} y{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}s穩guenos en Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Danos un Me gusta en Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Sigue a Jetpack en Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"
1983 :[null,"{{supportLink}}Revisa nuestra p獺gina de soporte{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}mira a ver si hay respuesta en los foros{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} o{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}cont獺ctanos directamente{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contacta con el personal de soporte de Jetpack directamente"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Ir a los foros de soporte de"],"Go to":[null,"Vea a"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ofrecemos soporte completo y gratuito a todos nuestros usuarios de Jetpack. Nuestro equipo de soporte est獺 siempre a tu lado. "],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Ingeniero feliz de Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Pol穩tica de privacidad de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"T矇
1984 rminos del servicio de"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activa Verificaci籀n de Sitio{{/a}} Para verificar tu sitio y mejorar en los rankings con Google, Bing y Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"La herramientas de Verificaci籀n de Sitio est獺n activas. Aseg繳rate de que tus sitio est獺 verificado por Google, Bing y Pinterest para indexaci籀n y ranking correctos. {{a}}Verifica ahora{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Herramientas de verificaci籀n del sitio"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activar Photon{{/a}} para mejorar el rendimiento y velocidad de carga de tus im獺genes."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Rendimiento de imagen %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate
1985 Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activa Gestionar y conecta las actualizaciones autom獺ticas{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activar las actualizaciones autom獺ticas de plugins{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Actualizaciones de plugins"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"癒Vaya! Tus claves de Akismet se han perdido o no son v獺lidas. {{akismetSettings}}Ve a la las opciones de Akismet para arreglarlo {{/akismetSettings}}"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No se encontraron amenazas.癒Adelante!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contacta con soporte{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Ver detalles en{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","癒Vaya! Se encontr籀 %(number)s amenza.","癒Vaya! Se encontraron %(number)s amenzas."],"{{a}}Activate Monit
1986 or{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activa Monitor{{/a}} para recibir avisos si tu sitio se cae."],"Loading��":[null,"Cargando..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Monitorizaci籀n de ca穩das"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Ver m獺s estad穩sticas en {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Ver m獺s estad穩sticas{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Todos los comentarios"],"All-time views":[null,"Visitas de todo el periodo"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s visita","%(number)s visitas"],"Best overall day":[null,"El mejor d穩a"],"Views today":[null,"Visualizaciones hoy"],"Months":[null,"Meses"],"Weeks":[null,"Semanas"],"Days":[null,"D穩as"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Algo pas籀 al cargar las estad穩sticas. Por favor, int矇ntalo de nuevo m獺s tarde o {{a}}
1987 ve tus estad穩sticas ahora en{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Haz clic para ver estad穩ticas detalladas."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"VIsitas: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semana del %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Gestiona la seguridad en"],"Skip this step":[null,"Saltar este paso"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Omite el proceso de Impulsa tu sitio de Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Las funcionalidades puedes ser activadas y desactivadas en cualquier momento."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Las funcionalidades recomendadas de Jetpack incluyen:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activar funcionalidades recomendadas"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Mejora tu sitio rapidamente activando las funcionalidades recomendadas de Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Da un im
1988 pulso a tu sitio"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Desconectar de"],"Link to":[null,"Conecta con"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Desconectame de"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"�nete a los millones de usuarios que conf穩an en Jetpack para mejorar y securizar sus sitios. Nos apasiona WordPress y aqu穩 te hacemos la vida m獺s f獺cil."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"El soporte de Jetpack lo hacen algunas de las personas m獺s apasionadas y t矇cnicas de la comunidad. Est獺n por todo el mundo listos para ayudarte."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"聶Has dicho soporte profesional y gratis?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art conte
1989 nt delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiliza la red de entrega de contenidos de calidad profesional de para cargar tus fant獺sticas im獺genes super r獺pido. Optimizado para cualquier dispositivo, y totalmente gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"R獺pidas como un rayo, im獺genes optimizadas"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Nunca te pierdas una actualizaci籀n de seguridad o pierdas tiempo actualizando varios sitios."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Actualizaciones autom獺ticas del sitio."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitorizaci籀n de sitio a tiempo real."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gana tranquilidad con Protect, la herramienta que bloquea billones de ataques de acceso en millones de sitios."],"Block site attack
1990 s.":[null,"Ataques de bloqueo al sitio."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack bloquea intentos de acceso malintencionados, te permite saber si tu sitio se ha ca穩do, y puedes actualizar autom獺ticamente tus plugins, para que no tengas que preocuparte de nada."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Seguridad del sitio y tranquilidad de esp穩ritu"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack utiliza el poder de para mostrarte estad穩sticas detalladas de tus visitantes, lo que est獺n leyendo y de d籀nde vienen."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Mant矇n a los visitantes implicados, ofreci矇ndoles m獺s cosas que compartir y leer con las Entradas relacionadas.
1991 "],"Increase page views.":[null,"Incrementa las p獺ginas vistas."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Da a los visitantes herramientas para compartir y suscribirse a tu contenido."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construye una comunidad."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Botones de compartir y me gusta"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social automatizado."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack tiene muchas herramientas de tr獺fico e implicaci籀n para ayudarte a conseguir m獺s visitantes a tu sitio y mantenerlos ah穩."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"M獺ndanos tus impresiones"],"Need Help?":[null,"聶Necesitas ayuda?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gestionar plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Estr矇sate menos. Supervisar te enviar獺 alertas en tiempo real si tu sitio esta inactivo."],"Track you
1992 r growth":[null,"Monitoriza tu crecimiento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utiliza Publicize para compartir autom獺ticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores, y con el mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dirige m獺s tr獺fico a tu sitio"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Hubo un problema conectando con tu Jetpack. Por favor haz click en \"Conecta con\" de nuevo."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Hemos tenido una incidencia conectando Jetpack; desactiva y vuelve a activar el plugin de Jetpack, y conecta otra vez."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Debes permanecer conectado a tu blog de WordPress mientras autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inc
1993 onvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Tu Jetpack tiene un problema.{{/s}} Lamentamos las molestias. Por favor, int矇ntalo m獺s tarde. Si el problema contin繳a, por favor contacta con el soporte con este mensaje: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Deja una rese簽a de Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"聶Necesitas ayuda? El equipo de Jetpack te puede ayudar."],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pasos es obligatoria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usa un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo. "],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure
1994 to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aseg繳rate de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si eliminas una direcci籀n IP de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Difundir"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺genes destacadas"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extractos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activar testimonios para este sitio."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activa Proyectos de Porfolio para este sitio."],"Preview":[null,"Vista previa"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Combinaci籀n de colores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignora
1995 das"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utilizar idioma detectado autom獺ticamente para corregir entradas y p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases para Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz Pasiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jerga"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doble negaciones"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signos Diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases Complejas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Sesgos de Idioma"],"English Options":[null,"Opciones de Ingl矇s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revisi籀n"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack no puede ponerse en contacto con %(error_key)s. Esto generalmente significa que algo no est獺 configurado correctamente en el servidor de tu sitio."]," is currently
1996 having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora mismo y no puede repostar tu Jetpack. Por favor, int矇ntalo m獺s tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Tu Jetpack tiene un fallo.{{/s}} No es posible conectar este sitio con Esto significa normalmente que tu sitio no es p繳blico (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Tu web tiene que ser accesible al p繳blico para usar Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Has desconectado Jetpack con 矇xito"],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with
1997 Jetpack.":[null,"Comprueba la compatibilidad de tu sitio con Jetpack."]}
1998 \ No newline at end of file
1999 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-15 19:35:02+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"es","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,"Aprender m獺s..."],"Your site is on t
2000 he Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Tu sitio tiene el plan Personal de Jetpack"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copias de seguridad diarias de todos los datos de tu sitio con espacio ilimitado y restauraci籀n en un clic (gestionado por VaultPress)"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Copias de segurida
2001 d y escaneado de seguridad"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"Herramientas de SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"Escaneos de seguridad a demanda"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Herramientas de SEO avanzadas"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configurar tus ajustes de SEO."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"La forma m獺s sencilla de se subir v穩deos sin anuncios ni marcas. Obtienes estad穩sticas las
2002 reproducciones de video y de las veces que se ha compartido y el reproductor es ligero y adaptable."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Est獺s ejecutando Jetpack en un servidor de desarrollo."],"More Info":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Search your content.":[null,"Busca en tu contenido."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administra la visibilidad de los Me gusta desde los ajustes del m籀dulo de Compartir{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Se ocult籀 la imagen de la cara sonriente de las estad穩sticas. La imagen ayuda a recoger las estad穩sticas pero deber穩a funcionar cuando se oculta."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Tu IP actual: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Poner en la lista blanca una direcci籀n IP evita que sea bloqueado por Jetpack cada vez que se accede."],"IPv4 an
2003 d IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 y IPv6 son aceptables. {{br/}} Para especificar un rango, introduzca el valor bajo y el valor alto separado por un gui籀n. Ejemplo:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Vincula tu cuenta de para empezar a utilizar esta funci籀n."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Hay ajustes sin guardar en esta pesta簽a que se perder獺n si la dejas. 聶Quieres proceder?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Esto restablecer獺 todas las opciones de Jetpack, 聶est獺s seguro?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Buscar una caracter穩stica de Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unawa
2004 re of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Actualiza Jetpack y nuestro esc獺ner de seguridad de 繳ltima generaci籀n cazar獺 archivos maliciosos y te informar獺 inmediatamente para que nunca dejes de estar al tanto de lo que pasa en tu web."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Tu puedes ver la informaci籀n acerca del escaneo de seguridad en la secci籀n \"De un vistazo\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configura tus escaneos de seguridad"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Este m籀dulo no tiene opciones de configuraci籀n"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Deja que los buscadores y tus visitantes sepan que te tomas en serio la integridad de tus p獺ginas web pas獺ndose a Jetpack. Nuestras herramient
2005 as anti-spam eliminan el spam en los comentarios, protegen tu SEO y hace mas f獺cil a los visitantes estar en contacto."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Los Backups offsite en tiempo real con restauraciones autom獺ticas te traer獺n tranquilidad, as穩 te podr獺s enfocar en escribir buen contenido e incrementar el tr獺fico mientras nosotros protegemos cada uno de los aspectos de tu inversi籀n. Actual穩zate hoy."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configura tus ajustes de %(module_slug)s {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Suscriptor"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Gran actualizaci籀n de iPhone/Ipad disponible"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"La aplicaci籀n Android para WordPress recibe un enorme estiramiento facial"],"Upgrade F
2006 ocus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Actualizar Foco: VideoPress para bodas"]," Likes are:":[null,"Los Me gusta de son:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Encabezado de los comentarios"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Expresiones pegadizas para motivar a tus lectores a comentar."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"聶Tus lectores pueden suscribirse a tus entradas, comentarios o ambos?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Muestra las opciones \"sigue al blog\" en el formulario de comentarios"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Muestra la opci籀n \"sigue los comentarios\" en el formulario de comentarios."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barra de administraci籀n"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Poner un gr獺fico mostrando las visitas de las 繳ltimas 48 horas en la barra de administraci籀n"],"Registered Users: Count the page vie
2007 ws of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Usuarios registrados: Cuenta las p獺ginas vistas de los usuarios registrados que han iniciado sesi籀n"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Informe de visibilidad: Elige los perfiles que ser獺n capaces de ver los informes de estad穩sticas."],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Recibir notificaciones de la monitorizaci籀n por correo electr籀ncio."],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Los correos electr籀nicos ser獺n enviados a"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Editar{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Coincidencia por correo electr籀nico"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Muestra los metadatos de la foto (Exif) en carrousel cuando est矇n disponibles."],"Background Color":[null,"Color de fondo"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scroll infinito (muestra 7 entradas en cada carga)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in
2008 Google Analytics":[null,"Traza cada carga de una entrada en un Scroll Infinito como una p獺gina vista en Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promos para m籀vil"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Muestra una promo de las aplicaciones de WordPress para m籀viles en el pie de la versi籀n m籀vil del tema."],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Introduce el valor de tu clave meta \"content\" para verificar tu sitio con {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a}} y {{a}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Ejemplo de Meta Key:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Muestra todas las fotos de tu galer穩a en un genial mosaico"],"Copied!":[null,"癒Copiado!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:
2009 ":[null,"Realza y copia el texto siguiente a tu portapapeles: "],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenera la direcci籀n"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configura los Portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configurar testimonios"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Prueba de lectura autom獺tica del contenido cuando:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Una entrada o p獺gina es publicada por primera vez"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Una entrada o p獺gina est獺 actualizada."],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Detecci籀n autom獺tica de idioma"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"El corrector funciona con ingl矇s, franc矇s, alem獺n, portugu矇s y espa簽ol."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Activar la prueba de lectura la la siguiente gram獺tica y reglas de estilo:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"A簽ade una frase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Utiliza el lenguaje de marc
2010 as para los comentarios"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Los buscadores pueden encontrar los mapas del sitio en las siguientes localizaciones:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa del sitio: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa del sitio de noticias: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"聶Haciendo trampas?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}聶Te importar穩a decirnos por qu矇 no has completado la conexi籀n con Jetpack en esta {{a}}encuesta de 2 preguntas?{{/a}}{{/p}}{{p}}La conexi籀n con Jetpack es obligatoria para que funcionen nuestras caracter穩sticas gratuitas de tr獺fico y seguridad.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bienvenido a {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],
2011 "Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Tu Jetpack ya est獺 conectado."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Est獺s completo de combustible y listo para ir, ahora Jetpack est獺 activo"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Est獺s completo de combustible y listo para ir."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"En este momento est獺s ejecutando una versi籀n de desarrollo de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Env穩a tus sugerencias"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actualmente en {{a}}Mode Desarrollo{{/a}} v穩a el filtro jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Algunas funciones est獺n desactivadas."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actualmente en {{a}}Mode Desarrollo{{/a}} v穩a la constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Algunas funciones est獺n
2012 desactivadas."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actualmente en {{a}}modo de desarrollo{{/a}} ya que la URL de tu sitio no tiene un punto (p.ej. http://localhost).{{br/}}Algunas funcionalidades se han desactivado."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Tu, %(userName)s, no est獺s conectado a"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"聶Qu矇 te gustar穩a ver en el Escritorio de tu Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"癒H獺znolo saber!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bienvenido a Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Por favor, con矇ctate a o crea una cuenta de para empezar a usar Jetpack. Esto activar獺 potentes servicios de seguridad, tr獺fico y personalizaci籀n."],"No accoun
2013 t? Create one for free��":[null,"聶No tienes cuenta? Crea una gratis��"],"Saving��":[null,"Guardando..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Guardar ajustes"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Se necesitan actualizaciones"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"聶De verdad quieres desconectar tu sitio de"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Icono de estad穩sticas de Jeptpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"癒{{a}}Activa las Estad穩sticas del sitio{{/a}} para ver estad穩sticas detalladas, me gusta, seguidores, suscriptores y m獺s! {{a1}}Aprende m獺s{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activar estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Protecci籀n automatizada y comprensible de amenazas y ataques."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Defensa anti spam de calidad profesional."],"Automatically backup your en
2014 tire site.":[null,"Hace copias de seguridad del sitio completo autom獺ticamente."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Escaneo de seguridad"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Explorar autom獺ticamente tu sitio en busca de amenazas y ataques comunes."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"癒Manten los spammer lejos!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Copias de seguridad del sitio"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"癒Manten copias de seguridad de tu sitio!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"No se han encontrado resultados."],"Threats found!":[null,"癒Amenazas encontradas!"],"Set up":[null,"Configurar"],"Upgrade":[null,"Actualiza"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Los hackers, botnets y spammers at
2015 acan webs indiscriminadamente. Su objetivo es atacar por todos lados y a menudo. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarte a prepararte bloqueando estas amenazas, y en el peor de los casos estaremos aqu穩 para ayudarte a restaurar tu sitio a su antigua gloria."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Tu sitio est獺 en el plan gratuito de Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Actualiza a Premium o Pro para desvelar herramientas de seguridad y protecci籀n de spam sin igual adem獺s de obtener soporte prioritario."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Tu sitio est獺 en el plan Premium de Jetpack"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Tus sitio est獺 en el plan profesional de Jetpack"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Tu sitio web est獺 en modo de desarrollo"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools,
2016 and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Defensa anti spam de calidad profesional potenciada por Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Ver tus estad穩sticas de spam"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configurar Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Ver tu escritorio de seguridad"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configura VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Cuestionarios y encuestas"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Crear nueva encuesta"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Copias de seguridad en tiempo real"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Soluci籀n a amenazas a un clic"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Encuestas y valoraciones avanzadas"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Comparar planes"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"M獺ximo grado de seguridad"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null
2017 ,"Copias de seguridad en tiempo real con espacio ilimitado, restauraciones con un solo clic, monitorizaci籀n de spam a prueba de bombas, protecci籀n contra malware y contra acceso por fuerza bruta - todo en un solo lugar y optimizado para WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Bloquear a los malos"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Filtrado de correo basura a prueba de balas, protege tu marca, tus lectores y mejora el SEO. Protecci籀n de inicio de sesi籀n por fuerza bruta, ayuda a mantener la paz mental y te mantiene a salvo de intrusos a tu panel de administraci籀n."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Disfruta de soporte prioritario"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"聶Necesitas ayuda? Un ingeniero feliz puede responder a tus preguntas s
2018 obre tu sitio, tu cuenta o c籀mo hacer algo."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Opciones de conexi籀n"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Gestiona tu conexi籀n a Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"El sitio est獺 en el modo de desarrollo, as穩 que no puedes conectarte a"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Est獺s conectado como"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Conecta tu cuenta a para conseguir el m獺ximo de Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Tu sitio debe ser accesible a los motores de b繳squeda para que esta caracter穩stica funcione correctamente. Puedes cambiar esto en los {{a}}Ajustes de lectura{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Ver {{a}}todas las estad穩sticas{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Ver tus {
2019 {a}}seguidores por correo electr籀nico{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Funcionalidades potentes de en cualquier dispositivo."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Gestiona todos tus sitios desde un solo escritorio."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Comprueba el rendimiento "],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Todas las aplicaciones WordPress est獺n creadas pensando en la velocidad. Observar獺s la diferencia en rendimiento inmediatamente, con p獺ginas que se cargan casi al instante y menos esperas en general."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Actualizaciones en masa y autom獺ticas."],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"La mayor穩a de los f
2020 allos de seguridad se encuentran en los plugins obsoletos. Utiliza tus aplicaciones web y de escritorio para activar las actualizaciones autom獺ticas o actualiza los plugins manualmente todos tus sitios web en un solo lugar."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"C矇ntrate en escribir"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Nuestro nuevo editor es r獺pido como el rayo, optimizado para los escritores y elimina distracciones, d獺ndote la posibilidad de centrarte en tu trabajo."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Prueba el nuevo editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Conecta con tus visitantes"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitoriza a tus visitantes con estad穩sticas avanzadas. Observa las tendencias, aprende que contenido funciona mejor y comprende a tus v
2021 isitantes de cualquier lugar del mundo."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Ver tus estad穩sticas"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Conectar con la comunidad"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Las aplicaciones de WordPress tienen todas lectores impresionantemente r獺pidos y plenos de funcionalidades para que puedas ver tus sitios favoritos y unirte a la conversaci籀n en cualquier lugar, en cualquier momento."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lanzar el lector"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"La inspitaci籀n te llega en cualquier momento, en cualquier parte."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Obtener aplicaciones de WordPress para cualquier pantalla."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"En tu bolsillo"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and availab
2022 le to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publicar contenidos, consultar estad穩sticas, moderar comentarios y muchas m獺s cosas desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Nuestras aplicaciones m籀viles son de c籀figo abierto, gratuitas y disponibles para ti en dispositivos Apple o Android."]," in the App Store":[null," en la App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," en Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"En tu escritorio"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Una aplicaci籀n de escritorio que da a WordPress un hogar permanente en el ordenador. Por no mencionar el ambiente libre de distracciones al escribir fuera de un navegador web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," para Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," para Windows"]," for Linux":[null,"
2023 para Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Escaneado de Malware"],"Threats found":[null,"Amenzas encontradas"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Para la exploraci籀n autom獺tica y completa de las amenazas de seguridad, por favor {{a}}instala y activa{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Para la exploraci籀n autom獺tica y completa de las amenazas de seguridad, por favor {{a}}actualiza tu cuenta{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetapck est獺 bloqueando activamente intentos de acceso maliciosos. 癒Muy pronto se mostraran datos aqu穩 mismo!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total de ataques maliciosos bloqueados en tu sitio."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}
2024 Activa Proteger{{/a}} para mantener tu sitio protegido de intentos de acceso malintencionados."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Necesita actualizarse.","Necesitan actualizarse."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Todos los plugins est獺n actualizados. 癒Buen trabajo!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activa Gestionar{{/a}} para activar las actualizaciones autom獺ticas y gestionar tus plugins desde"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jeptack est獺 mejorando y optimizando la velocidad de tus im獺genes."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack est獺 monitorizando tu sitio. Si creemos que tu sitio est獺 ca穩do, recibir獺s un correo electr籀nico."],"Security":[null,"Seguridad"],"Performance":[n
2025 ull,"Rendimiento"],"Backups":[null,"Copias de seguridad"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Ver detalles de la copia de seguridad{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Para hacer autom獺ticamente una copia de seguridad de tu sitio completo, por favor {{a}}instala y activa{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Para hacer una copia de respaldo autom獺ticamente de tu sitio completo, por favor {{a}}癒actualiza!{{/a}}"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"No disponible en el modo desarrollador."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protecci籀n de spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Para una defensa contra el spam de calidad profesional por favor {{a}}instala Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Si quieres un protector contra el spas que est矇 a la
2026 繳ltima, {{a}}activa Akismet{{a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Clave no v獺lida"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"No disponible en modo desarrollador"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Nieve en Navidad"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Muestra nieve cayendo cuando es Navidad."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Mostrar nieva cayendo en mi blogs desde el 1 de diciembre hasta el 4 de enero."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activando funcionalidades recomendadas..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Funcionalidades de recomendaci籀n activas."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"No se pudieron activar las funcionalidades recomendadas. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activando %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s se ha activado."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s fall籀 al activarse. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Desactivando %(slug)s�
2027 €�"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s ha sido desactivado."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s no se desactivaron. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Actualizando %(slug)s ajustes��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Ajustes de %(slug)s actualizados."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error actualizando los ajustes %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Actualizando la direcci籀n %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerar %(slug)s direcciones."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Error regenerando la direcci籀n %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetear opciones de jetpack"],"Options reset.":[null,"Ajustes restablecidos."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Fallo al restablecer las opciones."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Ha ocurrido un error desconectando Jetpack. Error: %(error
2028 )s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Desconectando de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Desconectado de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error al desconectar de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"De un vistazo"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Clich矇s"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"聶Te importar穩a decirnos por qu矇? Simplemente {{a}}contestando dos sencillas preguntas{{/a}} nos ayudar獺s a mejorar Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}聶Disfrutas de Jetpack o tienes alguna duda?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}D矇janos un
2029 a rese簽a{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}s穩guenos en Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} y{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}s穩guenos en Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Danos un Me gusta en Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Sigue a Jetpack en Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Revisa nuestra p獺gina de soporte{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}mira a ver si hay respuesta en los foros{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} o{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}cont獺ctanos directamente{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contacta con el pe
2030 rsonal de soporte de Jetpack directamente"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Ir a los foros de soporte de"],"Go to":[null,"Vea a"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ofrecemos soporte completo y gratuito a todos nuestros usuarios de Jetpack. Nuestro equipo de soporte est獺 siempre a tu lado. "],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Ingeniero feliz de Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Pol穩tica de privacidad de Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"T矇rminos del servicio de"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activa Verificaci籀n de Sitio{{/a}} Para verificar tu sitio y mejorar en los rankings con Google, Bing y Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing,
2031 and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"La herramientas de Verificaci籀n de Sitio est獺n activas. Aseg繳rate de que tus sitio est獺 verificado por Google, Bing y Pinterest para indexaci籀n y ranking correctos. {{a}}Verifica ahora{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Herramientas de verificaci籀n del sitio"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activar Photon{{/a}} para mejorar el rendimiento y velocidad de carga de tus im獺genes."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Rendimiento de imagen %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activa Gestionar y conecta las actualizaciones autom獺ticas{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activar las actualizaciones autom獺ticas de plugins{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Actualizaciones de plugins"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet s
2032 ettings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"癒Vaya! Tus claves de Akismet se han perdido o no son v獺lidas. {{akismetSettings}}Ve a la las opciones de Akismet para arreglarlo {{/akismetSettings}}"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"No se encontraron amenazas.癒Adelante!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contacta con soporte{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Ver detalles en{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","癒Vaya! Se encontr籀 %(number)s amenza.","癒Vaya! Se encontraron %(number)s amenzas."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activa Monitor{{/a}} para recibir avisos si tu sitio se cae."],"Loading��":[null,"Cargando..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Monitorizaci籀n de ca穩das"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Ver m獺s estad穩sticas en {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View
2033 Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Ver m獺s estad穩sticas{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Todos los comentarios"],"All-time views":[null,"Visitas de todo el periodo"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s visita","%(number)s visitas"],"Best overall day":[null,"El mejor d穩a"],"Views today":[null,"Visualizaciones hoy"],"Months":[null,"Meses"],"Weeks":[null,"Semanas"],"Days":[null,"D穩as"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Algo pas籀 al cargar las estad穩sticas. Por favor, int矇ntalo de nuevo m獺s tarde o {{a}}ve tus estad穩sticas ahora en{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Haz clic para ver estad穩ticas detalladas."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"VIsitas: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semana del %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Gestiona la seguridad en"],"Skip this step":[null,"Saltar este pas
2034 o"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Omite el proceso de Impulsa tu sitio de Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Las funcionalidades puedes ser activadas y desactivadas en cualquier momento."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Las funcionalidades recomendadas de Jetpack incluyen:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activar funcionalidades recomendadas"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Mejora tu sitio rapidamente activando las funcionalidades recomendadas de Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Da un impulso a tu sitio"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Desconectar de"],"Link to":[null,"Conecta con"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Desconectame de"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier."
2035 :[null,"�nete a los millones de usuarios que conf穩an en Jetpack para mejorar y securizar sus sitios. Nos apasiona WordPress y aqu穩 te hacemos la vida m獺s f獺cil."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"El soporte de Jetpack lo hacen algunas de las personas m獺s apasionadas y t矇cnicas de la comunidad. Est獺n por todo el mundo listos para ayudarte."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"聶Has dicho soporte profesional y gratis?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiliza la red de entrega de contenidos de calidad profesional de para cargar tus fant獺sticas im獺genes super r獺pido. Optimizado para cualquier dispositivo, y totalmente gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"R�
2036 ︾idas como un rayo, im獺genes optimizadas"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Nunca te pierdas una actualizaci籀n de seguridad o pierdas tiempo actualizando varios sitios."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Actualizaciones autom獺ticas del sitio."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitorizaci籀n de sitio a tiempo real."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gana tranquilidad con Protect, la herramienta que bloquea billones de ataques de acceso en millones de sitios."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Ataques de bloqueo al sitio."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack bloquea intentos de acceso malintencionados, te permite saber si tu sitio se ha ca穩do, y puedes actualizar autom獺ticamente tus plugins, para que no tengas
2037 que preocuparte de nada."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Seguridad del sitio y tranquilidad de esp穩ritu"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack utiliza el poder de para mostrarte estad穩sticas detalladas de tus visitantes, lo que est獺n leyendo y de d籀nde vienen."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Mant矇n a los visitantes implicados, ofreci矇ndoles m獺s cosas que compartir y leer con las Entradas relacionadas."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Incrementa las p獺ginas vistas."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Da a los visitantes herramientas para compartir y suscribirse a tu contenido."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construye una comunidad."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Botones de compartir y me gusta"],"Automated social marketing.
2038 ":[null,"Marketing social automatizado."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack tiene muchas herramientas de tr獺fico e implicaci籀n para ayudarte a conseguir m獺s visitantes a tu sitio y mantenerlos ah穩."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"M獺ndanos tus impresiones"],"Need Help?":[null,"聶Necesitas ayuda?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gestionar plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Estr矇sate menos. Supervisar te enviar獺 alertas en tiempo real si tu sitio esta inactivo."],"Track your growth":[null,"Monitoriza tu crecimiento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utiliza Publicize para compartir autom獺ticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores, y con el mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dirige m獺s tr獺fico a tu sitio"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Pl
2039 ease click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Hubo un problema conectando con tu Jetpack. Por favor haz click en \"Conecta con\" de nuevo."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Hemos tenido una incidencia conectando Jetpack; desactiva y vuelve a activar el plugin de Jetpack, y conecta otra vez."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Debes permanecer conectado a tu blog de WordPress mientras autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Tu Jetpack tiene un problema.{{/s}} Lamentamos las molestias. Por favor, int矇ntalo m獺s tarde. Si el problema contin繳a, por favor contacta con el soporte con este mensaje: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpac
2040 k"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Deja una rese簽a de Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"聶Necesitas ayuda? El equipo de Jetpack te puede ayudar."],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pasos es obligatoria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usa un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo. "],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aseg繳rate de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si eliminas una direcci籀n I
2041 P de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Difundir"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺genes destacadas"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extractos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activar testimonios para este sitio."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activa Proyectos de Porfolio para este sitio."],"Preview":[null,"Vista previa"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Combinaci籀n de colores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utilizar idioma detectado autom獺ticamente para corregir entradas y p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases para Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz Pasiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jerga"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negative
2042 s":[null,"Doble negaciones"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signos Diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases Complejas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Sesgos de Idioma"],"English Options":[null,"Opciones de Ingl矇s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revisi籀n"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack no puede ponerse en contacto con %(error_key)s. Esto generalmente significa que algo no est獺 configurado correctamente en el servidor de tu sitio."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora mismo y no puede repostar tu Jetpack. Por favor, int矇ntalo m獺s tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[nul
2043 l,"{{s}}Tu Jetpack tiene un fallo.{{/s}} No es posible conectar este sitio con Esto significa normalmente que tu sitio no es p繳blico (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Tu web tiene que ser accesible al p繳blico para usar Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Has desconectado Jetpack con 矇xito"],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Comprueba la compatibilidad de tu sitio con Jetpack."]}
2044 \ No newline at end of file
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2047 index e46bc6f..f42541f 100644
2048 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_VE.json
2049 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-es_VE.json
2050 @@ -1 +1 @@
2051 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-12 14:28:33+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"es_VE","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Pe
2052 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
2053 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
2054 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
2055 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
2056 red users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Rege
2057 nerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already conn
2058 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
2059 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
2060 goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or
2061 on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connec
2062 ted as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distraction
2063 s, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"
2064 A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/
2065 a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activatin
2066 g recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],
2067 "At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free
2068 , full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ofrecemos asistencia completa y gratuita a todos los usuarios de Jetpack. Nuestro equipo de asistencia siempre est獺 a tu disposici籀n."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is m
2069 issing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week
2070 of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Da un impulso a tu sitio"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack es mantenido por algunas de las personas m獺s preparadas y apasionadas de la comunidad. Situadas por todo el m
2071 undo y listas para echarte una mano."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiliza la m獺s moderna red de distribuci籀n de contenidos (CDN) de para cargar tus magn穩ficas im獺genes s繳per r獺pido y de forma optimizada para cualquier dispositivo, y es completamente gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitorizaci籀n en vivo del sitio "],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gana tranquilidad con Protect, la herramienta que bloquea billones de ataques de acceso en millones de sitios."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"
2072 Bloquea los ataques a tu sitio"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Seguridad del sitio y tranquilidad"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Mant矇n a los visitantes enganchados, ofreci矇ndoles m獺s para compartir y leer con las Entradas Relacionadas."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Incrementa el n繳mero de p獺ginas vistas"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Da a los visitantes las herramientas para Compartir y Suscribirse a tu contenido."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construye una comunidad"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null
2073 ,"Marketing social automatizado"],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Estr矇sate menos. Supervisar te enviar獺 alertas en tiempo real si tu sitio esta inactivo."],"Track your growth":[null,"Monitoriza tu crecimiento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utiliza Publicize para compartir autom獺ticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores, y con el mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dirige m獺s tr獺fico a tu sitio"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Hubo un error conectando con tu Jetpack. Por favor haz clic para &#8220;conectar con; de nuevo."],"We had an issue connecting
2074 Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Hemos tenido una incidencia conectando Jetpack; desactiva y vuelve a activar el plugin de Jetpack, y conecta otra vez."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Debes permanecer conectado a tu blog de WordPress mientras autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"<strong>Tu Jetpack tiene un problema.</strong> Lamentamos la molestia. Por favor int矇ntalo m獺s tarde. Si el problema contin繳a, por favor contacta con el soporte con este mensaje: %s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pas
2075 os es obligatoria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usa un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo. "],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aseg繳rate de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si eliminas una direcci籀n IP de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Difundir"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺gen
2076 es destacadas"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extractos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activar testimonios para este sitio."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activa Proyectos de Porfolio para este sitio."],"Preview":[null,"Vista previa"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Combinaci籀n de colores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utilizar idioma detectado autom獺ticamente para corregir entradas y p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases para Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz Pasiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jerga"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doble negaciones"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signos Diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases Complejas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Sesgos de Idioma"],"English Options":[null,"Opciones de Ingl矇s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revisi籀n"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetp
2077 ack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack no pudo ponerse en contacto con %s. Esto generalmente significa que algo no est獺 configurado correctamente en su alojamiento web."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora mismo y no puede repostar tu Jetpack. Por favor, int&#233;ntalo m&#225;s tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"<strong>Tu Jetpack tiene un fallo.</strong> No es posible conectar este sitio con Esto significa normalmente que tu sitio no es p&#250;blico (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Tu sitio necesita ser p&#250;blico
2078 para utilizar Jetpack: %s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Te has desconectado correctamente Jetpack."],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Pon a prueba la compatibilidad&#8217;s de tu sitio con Jetpack."]}
2079 \ No newline at end of file
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2081 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
2082 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
2083 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
2084 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
2085 red users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Rege
2086 nerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already conn
2087 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
2088 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
2089 goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compar
2090 e Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. Y
2091 ou can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch fo
2092 r trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"WordPress.
2093 com for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site.
2094 If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slu
2095 g)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoyin
2096 g Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ofrecemos asistencia completa y gratuita a todos los usuarios de Jetpack. Nuestro e
2097 quipo de asistencia siempre est獺 a tu disposici籀n."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[nul
2098 l,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivat
2099 ed at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Da un impulso a tu sitio"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack es mantenido por algunas de las personas m獺s preparadas y apasionadas de la comunidad. Situadas por todo el mundo y listas para echarte una mano."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load yo
2100 ur gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utiliza la m獺s moderna red de distribuci籀n de contenidos (CDN) de para cargar tus magn穩ficas im獺genes s繳per r獺pido y de forma optimizada para cualquier dispositivo, y es completamente gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitorizaci籀n en vivo del sitio "],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Gana tranquilidad con Protect, la herramienta que bloquea billones de ataques de acceso en millones de sitios."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Bloquea los ataques a tu sitio"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to wo
2101 rry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Seguridad del sitio y tranquilidad"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Mant矇n a los visitantes enganchados, ofreci矇ndoles m獺s para compartir y leer con las Entradas Relacionadas."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Incrementa el n繳mero de p獺ginas vistas"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Da a los visitantes las herramientas para Compartir y Suscribirse a tu contenido."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construye una comunidad"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social automatizado"],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""
2102 ],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Estr矇sate menos. Supervisar te enviar獺 alertas en tiempo real si tu sitio esta inactivo."],"Track your growth":[null,"Monitoriza tu crecimiento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utiliza Publicize para compartir autom獺ticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores, y con el mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dirige m獺s tr獺fico a tu sitio"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Hubo un error conectando con tu Jetpack. Por favor haz clic para &#8220;conectar con; de nuevo."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Hemos tenido una incidencia conectando Jetpack; desactiva y vuelve a activar el plugin de Jetpack,
2103 y conecta otra vez."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Debes permanecer conectado a tu blog de WordPress mientras autorizas Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"<strong>Tu Jetpack tiene un problema.</strong> Lamentamos la molestia. Por favor int矇ntalo m獺s tarde. Si el problema contin繳a, por favor contacta con el soporte con este mensaje: %s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"La autentificaci籀n en dos pasos es obligatoria"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Usa un dise簽o grande y visualmente atractivo. "],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the relate
2104 d section from posts":[null,"Mostrar el texto \"Relacionado\" para separar m獺s claramente la secci籀n de las entradas"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aseg繳rate de a簽adir las direcciones IP que utilices con m獺s frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. Si eliminas una direcci籀n IP de la siguiente lista, se eliminar獺 tambi矇n de la lista blanca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gesti籀n de la lista blanca"],"Email Address":[null,"Direcci籀n de email"],"Publicize":[null,"Difundir"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estad穩sticas del sitio"],"Featured Images":[null,"Im獺genes destacadas"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extractos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activar testimonios para este sitio."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Act
2105 iva Proyectos de Porfolio para este sitio."],"Preview":[null,"Vista previa"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Combinaci籀n de colores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utilizar idioma detectado autom獺ticamente para corregir entradas y p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases para Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz Pasiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jerga"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbos ocultos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doble negaciones"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signos Diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases Complejas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Sesgos de Idioma"],"English Options":[null,"Opciones de Ingl矇s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revisi籀n"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack no pudo ponerse en contacto c
2106 on %s. Esto generalmente significa que algo no est獺 configurado correctamente en su alojamiento web."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," tiene problemas ahora mismo y no puede repostar tu Jetpack. Por favor, int&#233;ntalo m&#225;s tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"<strong>Tu Jetpack tiene un fallo.</strong> No es posible conectar este sitio con Esto significa normalmente que tu sitio no es p&#250;blico (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Tu sitio necesita ser p&#250;blico para utilizar Jetpack: %s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Te has desconectado correctamente Jetpack."],"Active":[null,"Activo"],"Settings":[null,"Configuraci籀
2107 n"],"Learn More":[null,"M獺s Informaci籀n"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Pon a prueba la compatibilidad&#8217;s de tu sitio con Jetpack."]}
2108 \ No newline at end of file
2110 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fa_IR.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fa_IR.json
2111 index fae2202..8073e0e 100644
2112 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fa_IR.json
2113 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fa_IR.json
2114 @@ -1 +1 @@
2115 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-19 10:48:21+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"fa","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal p
2116 lan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[nul
2117 l,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"�媟塈�堥 堮�堹 堭塈 堥琠塈��堹."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}堭��堛�撻唱旋� 堹�堻堛�胰忪楮舍€� 堭塈 塈堬 竄堛�婺��塈堛 椈�堹�塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠�胰啡忪旋� �堹�堭�堛 琠��堹{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect sta
2118 ts but should still work when hidden.":[null,"���堛� 堛媯��堭 堮�堹塈�琠 堞�塈堭. 塈�� 堛媯��堭 堹堭 堿�媢�K旋� 堞�塈堭 琠�琠 ���抹� 塈�塈 塈痧堭 ���堛� 堥塈奡堹 �� 堥塈�堹 琠塈堭 琠�堹."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"堞��擄� 琠���� 奡�塈: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"痧堸塈奡堛� �琠 �奡塈�� 堞��擄� 堹堭 ��堭堻堛 堻��堹 �塈�媢 塈堬 堞� ���棻� 琠� 堛�堻媟 堿堛�據� �堻堹�堹 奡�堹."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"堞��擄€抄� �堻堮�� 蛓 � 蛚 �塈堥��佻� �堻堛�堹. {{br/}} 堥堭塈� 堸琠堭琠堭堹� �琠 堥塈堬�� ��堹塈堭 椈塈��� � 堥塈�塈� 堞� 堭塈 堥塈 �琠 堮媟 堛�堭� 堿堹塈 琠��堹. �堳塈�:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[
2119 null,"堥堭塈� 堞媞塈堬 堥� 塈堻堛�塈堹� 塈堬 塈�� ���痧�� 堶堻塈堥 堮�堹 堭塈 堥� 椈���堹 堹��堹."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"堛媞��堭塈堛 堸堮�堭��楮脅€抄� 堹堭 塈�� 堻堭堥堭痧 �堿�堹 堹塈堭�堹 琠� 堹堭 媯�堭堛 堛堭琠�拂斛脅� 堞� 塈堬 堥�� 堮�塈��堹 堭�堛. 塈堹塈�� 堹塈堹� 奡�堹�"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"塈�� 琠塈堭 堥塈媢堳 堥塈堬�奡塈�� ���� 痧堬����抄� 堿堛�據� ���棻胰� �媟�埵��堹�"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"堿堻堛堿� 堥堭塈� ���痧� 堿堛�據�."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"堿堛�據� 堭塈 塈堭堛�塈 堹��堹 � 椈��奡痧堭 塈���堛� �塈 �堭 堥堹塈�堬塈堭� 堭塈 奡琠塈堭 � 堥��胰斬� �
2120 胰紲忪斛� ���抹� 堛塈 ����� 塈堬 堞��� 堹堭 �堥�胰戒臾戒� ���胰啡斛� 堥��框佩� ��塈��堹."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"���舍戒� 塈媟�塈媢塈堛 堹堭堥塈堭�� 椈��奡 塈���堛� 堭塈 堹堭 堥堮奡 竄堹堭 �琠 �痧塈�罈 堥堥���堹."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"椈��奡�抄� 塈���堛� 堮�堹 堭塈 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 琠��堹"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"塈�� 椈�堹�塈� ��� 痧堬���� 椈�琠堭堥�堹��抄� �堹塈堭堹"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"堥塈 堥��斬紲斛喀戒� 堿堛�據� 塈堿塈堬� 堹��堹 ��堛�堭�塈� 堿堻堛堿� � 堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈� 堥堹塈��堹 奡�塈 堹堭 ��堭堹 �琠椈塈堭�痧� ��
2121 兩€胰戒� 堮�堹 堻堮堛�胴� �堻堛�堹. 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 椈塈堹�堭堬���堻� �塈 塈堬 堻埵�� 奡�塈 椈塈堻堹塈堭� ���抹� � 堥� 堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈� 琠�琠 ���抹� 堹堭 堛�塈堻 堥�塈��堹."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"椈奡堛�堥塈��胴旋� 堥��胰斬� 堹堭 堥�堭�� 塈堬 �堥�胰戒� 堥塈 堥塈堬�奡塈�� 堮�堹琠塈堭� 堞堭塈�奡 堮塈媟堭 堭塈 堥� 塈堭�媞塈� ���K斛� 堛塈 堥堛�塈��堹 堛�堭琠堬堛塈� 堭塈 堭�� ��奡堛� �媟塈�堥 媢塈�� � 塈�堬塈�奡 奡堹堞�堹 堥痧堸塈堭�堹. ���紱戒� �塈 塈堬 ���� 堿�堥��抄� 堻堭�塈���胰啡忪旋� 奡�塈 椈塈堻堹塈堭� ���抹�. ���� 塈�堭�堬 塈堭堛�塈 堹��堹."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}堛�婺��塈堛 %(modul
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2128 ur Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"塈�堬��� Jetpack 奡�塈 �堛媯� 奡堹� 塈堻堛."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"塈�堬��� �媢塈� 塈堻堛 奡�塈 堞�塈堹� � 堥塈 塈�痧�堬� 椈�奡 堥堭��堹."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"奡�塈 堥塈 塈�痧�堬� � 堞�塈堹� 堭�堛� �堻堛�堹."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"奡�塈 堹堭堶塈� 塈堿堭塈� �堻堮� 堹堭堶塈� 堛�堻媢� Jetpack �堻堛�堹."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"塈堭堻塈� 堥塈堬堮�堭堹 �堻堮� 堞堬�塈�奡�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(user
2129 Name)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"堥� �塈 塈媟�塈媢 堹��堹!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"堥� Jetpack 堮�奡 堞�堹�堹"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,"堸堮�堭�...."],"Save Settings":[null,"堸堮�堭� 堛�婺��塈堛"],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"
2130 Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock wo
2131 rld-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO.
2132 Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the d
2133 ifference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch R
2134 eader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your ac
2135 count{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",[""]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",[""]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],
2136 "Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(
2137 slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,"琠��奡�"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"�塈 堭塈 堹堭
2138 ��堻堥�琠 �塈�琠 琠��堹"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"堹�堥塈� 琠堭堹� Jetpack 堹堭 堛�埵�堛堭"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"堥塈 椈奡堛�堥塈�� Jetpack 堥媟�堭 �堻堛��� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 堥痧�堭�堹"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"堥堭��堹 堥� 塈�堿�� 椈奡堛�堥塈��"],"Go to":[null,"堥堭��堹 堥�"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"�塈 椈奡堛�堥塈�� 堭塈�痧塈� � 琠塈��� 堥堭塈� ���� 琠塈堭堥堭塈� 堿堛�據� 塈堭塈埵� ���脅�. 堛�� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� 堥堭塈� 琠�琠 堥� 奡�塈 ���奡
2139 � 堹堭 堹堻堛堭堻 塈堻堛."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"���堹堻�� Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""
2140 ],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.",[""]],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}} �奡塈�堹� 堞�塈堭 堥�奡堛堭 堹堭{{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views",[""]],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,"堭堹 奡堹� 塈堬 塈��
2141 �堭堶��"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"堭堹 奡堹� 塈堬 奡堭�媢 堻堭�媢 Jetpack "],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"���痧��� 堹堭 �堭 堬�塈�� �� 堛�塈��堹 �媢塈� �塈 媞�堭�媢塈� 奡��堹."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"���痧��抄� 椈�奡��塈堹� Jetpack 奡塈��:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�媢塈��喀忪羞� ���痧��抄� 椈�奡��塈堹�"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"堻堭媢堛 堻塈�堛 堭塈 塈�堬塈�奡 堹��堹 堥塈 �媢塈� 堻塈堬� ���痧� �塈� 椈�奡��塈堹� Jetpack"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"奡堭�媢� 堿�奡� 堥堭塈� �堥�胰戒臾戒� 堹塈奡堛��佩忪欺�"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPr
2142 ess and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack 堛�堻媟 堥堭堮� 塈堬 ����臾旋� � 媢�塈���胰臾旋� 塈�堭塈堹 塈堬 堻堭塈堻堭 堿塈�媢� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� ���棻�. 椈奡堛�堥塈�塈� 塈堬 ��塈媟 �堮堛�� 堿�塈� � 堞�塈堹�� 琠�琠 堥� 奡�塈 �堻堛�堹."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack 塈堬 ��堭 堭�堬 ��堿�堹 堹堭 奡堥琠�� 堛�堬�媢 堥堭塈� 堥塈堭痧�堭� 媢琠堻�抄� 堬�堥塈� 奡�塈 堥塈 堻堭媢堛� ����戒壽忪脅� 堬�塈堹 � 堥�����楮脅� 堥堭塈� ���� 堹堻堛痧塈��� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ���抹�. 琠塈��塈� 堭塈�痧塈�."],"
2143 Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"堥堭�堬堭堻塈�� 堮�堹琠塈堭 堻塈�堛."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�婺塈堭堛 堬�堹� 堥堭 �堥�胰戒�."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"堥塈 堶�塈婺堛� 塈堥堬塈堭� 琠� ����塈堭堹�塈 堶���� 堳堥堛 �堭�堹 堭塈 堹堭 �������� �堥�胰戒� �堻堹�堹 琠堭堹� 塈堻堛� 堞堭塈�奡 堮塈媟堭 堹塈奡堛��佩忪欺�."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"堶��塈堛 堥� �堥�胰戒� 堭塈 �堻堹�堹 琠��堹."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"塈���堛 �堥痧塈� � 堞堭塈�奡 堮塈媟堭"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to s
2144 how you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈� 堭塈 堥塈 竄��奡堛��抄� �堭堛堥媟罈 琠� ��堬�塈� 堥�奡堛堭� 堥堭塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠�胰啡忪旋� � 堮�塈�堹� 堹堭 塈堮堛�塈堭奡塈� �堭塈堭 ���脅胰� 堹堭 堛媢塈�� �痧塈� 堹塈堭�堹."],"Increase page views.":[null,"堥塈堬堹�堹 塈堬 媯�堶��� 堭塈 塈�堬塈�奡 堹��堹."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"堥� 堥塈堬堹�堹 琠��堹痧塈� 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� �塈堬� 堥堭塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠�胰啡忪旋� � �奡堛堭琠�楮脅€胰� �堶堛�塈� 堮�堹 堭塈 堥堹��堹."],"Build a community.":[null,"�琠 堿塈�媢� 堥堻塈堬�堹."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"堹琠�� 塈奡堛堭塈琠 痧堸塈堭� � �塈�琠"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"堥塈堬塈堭�塈堥� 塈堿堛�塈媢� 堮�堹琠塈�
2145 �."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,"塈堭堻塈� 堥塈堬堮�堭堹"],"Need Help?":[null,"堭塈���塈�� 堥�奡堛堭�"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"�堹�堭�堛 塈�堬�����"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"琠�堛堭 �媔婺堭堥 堥塈奡�堹. 塈痧堭 �堥�胰戒� 奡�塈 堹堭 �堭 堬�塈� 堻��媟 琠�堹� �塈��堛�堭 塈媟�塈媢塈堛 �堶婺��抄� 堭塈 堥堭塈� 奡�塈 塈堭堻塈� 堮�塈�堹 琠堭堹."],"Track your growth":[null,"堭奡堹 堮�堹 堭塈 堹�堥塈� 琠��堹"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"堥堭塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠 堮�堹琠塈堭 ��奡堛��� 堥塈 堹�堻堛塈�� 堹�堥塈��抹胭胰戒� � 堿�塈��塈�� 塈堬 竄塈媟�塈媢�斛喀戒� 塈堻堛�塈堹� 琠��堹."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"堛堭塈��琠 堥�奡堛堭� 堥�
2146 堻�堛 �堥�胰戒臾戒� 堭�塈�� 琠��堹"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"�奡琠�� 堹堭 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據� 奡�塈 堭堮 堹塈堹. �媟�塈� 堹�堥塈堭� 堭�� 竄�堛媯��楮脅� 堥� WordPress.com罈 琠��琠 琠��堹."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"�奡琠�� 堹堭 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據� 堹塈奡堛��: 塈�堬���� 堿堛�據� 堭塈 媞�堭�媢塈� � 堻椈堻 �媢塈� 琠��堹 � 堞�痧塈� 堹�堥塈堭� �堛媯� 奡��堹."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"��痧塈� �堿塈堬琠堭堹� Jetpack �塈堬� 塈堻堛 堹堭 �堥�楮� WordPress 堮�堹 堳堥堛 �堭�堹 琠堭堹� 堥塈奡�堹."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s
2147 }}堿堛�據� 奡�塈 �奡琠� 琠��琠� 堹塈堭堹.{{/s}} 塈堬 堥塈堥堛 �奡琠� 椈�奡�K脅� 媢堸堭堮�塈���. �媟�塈� 堹堭 堬�塈�� 堹�痧堭 堹�堥塈堭� 堞堬�塈�奡 琠��堹� 塈痧堭 �奡琠� 塈堹塈�� 堹塈奡堛 �媟�塈� 媔�� 塈堭堻塈� 塈�� 椈�塈� 堥塈 椈奡堛�堥塈�� 堛�塈堻 堥痧�堭�堹: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"堹堭 堶塈� �媟媢 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據�"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�婺堭 堮�堭堹 堹堭堥塈堭�� 堿堛�據� 堭塈 堥���堻�堹"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"堥� 琠�琠 ��塈堬 堹塈堭�堹� 堛�� 堿堛�據� 堹堭 琠�塈堭 奡�塈堻堛."],"Smiley":[null,"堮�堹塈�琠"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"塈�堬塈���拂斛脅� 塈媯塈�堛�喧相� 堹��堭堶���抄�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"塈堬 �琠 ��堹�塈� 堥堬堭痧 � 塈堬 �婺堭 堹�堹塈堭� 堥堭堿堻堛� 塈堻堛�塈堹� 琠��堹"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related s
2148 ection from posts":[null,"堻堭塈��堹 竄�堭堛堥媟罈 ��塈�奡 堹塈堹��棻� 堛塈 堥堮奡 �堭堛堥媟 塈堬 ��奡堛��� �堛�塈�堬 痧堭堹堹."],"Related":[null,"�堭堛堥媟"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"�媟�埵� 奡��堹 琠� 塈堬 椈堭塈堻堛�塈堹��臾旋� �奡塈���抄� 堞��擄� 堮�堹 塈堻堛�塈堹� 琠��堹 �堭塈琠� 塈���� ��琠� 塈堻堛 堥�� �堶� 琠塈堭� 堮塈�� � �琠塈��抄� 堹�痧堭 堛媞��堭 琠��堹. 堶堸� �琠 �琠 �奡塈�� 堞��擄� 塈堬 ��堭堻堛 堬�堭 堞� 堭塈 塈堬 ��堭堻堛 堻��堹 奡�塈 堶堸� 堮�塈�堹 琠堭堹."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"�堹�堭�堛 ��堭堻堛 堻��堹"],"Email Address":[null,"堭塈�塈�奡塈��"],"Publicize":[null,"塈媟�塈媢 堭堻塈��"],"Site Stats":[null,"堞�塈堭 �堥�胰戒�"],"Featured Images":[null,"堛
2149 媯塈��堭 ����"],"Excerpts":[null,"�琠�堹���"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"堥� 琠塈堭 塈�堹塈堮堛� 痧�塈��戒€� 堥堭塈� 塈�� �堥�胰戒�"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�媢塈��喀忪羞� 椈堭����抄� ������拂忪� 堥堭塈� 塈�� �堥�胰戒�."],"Preview":[null,"椈�奡�抄�"],"Color Scheme":[null,"堭�痧�佻胴�"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛 �塈堹�堹� 痧堭�堛� 奡堹�"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"塈堻堛�塈堹� 塈堬 堬堥塈�� 琠� 堮�堹琠塈堭 奡�塈堻塈�� ���棻� 堥堭塈� ������桓戒� ��奡堛��� � 媯�堶���"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛 堶奡�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛� 琠� 堥塈�堹 塈堬 堞��塈 椈堭��堬 琠堭堹"],"Passive Voice":[null,"堶塈�堛 �堿���"],"Jargon":[null,"堛堮媯媯�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"塈�媢塈� 椈��塈�"],"Double Negatives":[null,"堹�
2150 堥塈堭 ���� 琠堭堹���"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"塈媢堭塈堥�胰啡忪旋€�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛 椈���堹�"],"Bias Language":[null,"堬堥塈� 堛堥媢�媔�胰斛�"],"English Options":[null,"痧堬����抄� 塈�痧��堻�"],"Proofreading":[null,"������桓戒�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�堛媯��拂斛脅� 堿堛�據�"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"奡�塈 堥塈 �����堛 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據� 堭�
2151 � �媟媢 琠堭堹��抄�."],"Active":[null,"�媢塈�"],"Settings":[null,"堛�婺��塈堛"],"Learn More":[null,"堥�奡堛堭 堥堹塈��堹"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"堿堹塈琠堭堹� 堿堛�據�"],"Debug":[null,"塈奡琠塈��紲胰抄�"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
2152 \ No newline at end of file
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2154 l,""],"Learn more...":[null,"塈媟�塈媢塈堛 堥�奡堛堭..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"椈奡堛�堥塈��胴旋� � 塈堻琠� 塈���堛�"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, on
2155 e-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"塈堥堬塈堭 堻埵�"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"堥�奡堛堭 塈堶堛�塈堿 堹塈堭�堹� 堻塈�堛 堛堿塈堭� 塈堿堭塈 琠堭堹�堹�"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"On-demand 塈堻琠� 塈���堛�"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"塈堥堬塈堭 堶堭���抄� 堻埵�"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"椈�琠堭堥�堹� 堛�婺��塈堛 堻埵�."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,"塈媟�塈媢塈堛 堥�
2156 楮臾�"],"Search your content.":[null,"�媟塈�堥 堮�堹 堭塈 堥琠塈��堹."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}堭��堛�撻唱旋� 堹�堻堛�胰忪楮舍€� 堭塈 塈堬 竄堛�婺��塈堛 椈�堹�塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠�胰啡忪旋� �堹�堭�堛 琠��堹{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"���堛� 堛媯��堭 堮�堹塈�琠 堞�塈堭. 塈�� 堛媯��堭 堹堭 堿�媢�K旋� 堞�塈堭 琠�琠 ���抹� 塈�塈 塈痧堭 ���堛� 堥塈奡堹 �� 堥塈�堹 琠塈堭 琠�堹."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"堞��擄� 琠���� 奡�塈: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"痧堸塈奡堛� �琠 �奡塈�� 堞��擄� 堹堭 ��堭堻堛 堻��堹 �塈�媢 塈堬 堞� ���棻� 琠� 堛�堻媟 堿堛�據� �堻堹�堹 奡�堹."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value s
2157 eparated by a dash. Example:":[null,"堞��擄€抄� �堻堮�� 蛓 � 蛚 �塈堥��佻� �堻堛�堹. {{br/}} 堥堭塈� 堸琠堭琠堭堹� �琠 堥塈堬�� ��堹塈堭 椈塈��� � 堥塈�塈� 堞� 堭塈 堥塈 �琠 堮媟 堛�堭� 堿堹塈 琠��堹. �堳塈�:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"堥堭塈� 堞媞塈堬 堥� 塈堻堛�塈堹� 塈堬 塈�� ���痧�� 堶堻塈堥 堮�堹 堭塈 堥� 椈���堹 堹��堹."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"堛媞��堭塈堛 堸堮�堭��楮脅€抄� 堹堭 塈�� 堻堭堥堭痧 �堿�堹 堹塈堭�堹 琠� 堹堭 媯�堭堛 堛堭琠�拂斛脅� 堞� 塈堬 堥�� 堮�塈��堹 堭�堛. 塈堹塈�� 堹塈堹� 奡�堹�"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"塈�� 琠塈堭 堥塈媢堳 堥塈堬�奡塈�� ���� 痧堬����抄� 堿堛�據� ���棻胰� �媟�埵��堹�"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":
2158 [null,"堿堻堛堿� 堥堭塈� ���痧� 堿堛�據�."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"堿堛�據� 堭塈 塈堭堛�塈 堹��堹 � 椈��奡痧堭 塈���堛� �塈 �堭 堥堹塈�堬塈堭� 堭塈 奡琠塈堭 � 堥��胰斬� 痧堬塈堭奡 ���抹� 堛塈 ����� 塈堬 堞��� 堹堭 �堥�胰戒臾戒� ���胰啡斛� 堥��框佩� ��塈��堹."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"���舍戒� 塈媟�塈媢塈堛 堹堭堥塈堭�� 椈��奡 塈���堛� 堭塈 堹堭 堥堮奡 竄堹堭 �琠 �痧塈�罈 堥堥���堹."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"椈��奡�抄� 塈���堛� 堮�堹 堭塈 椈�琠堭堥�堹� 琠��堹"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"塈�� 椈�堹�塈� ��� 痧堬���� 椈�琠堭堥�堹��抄� �堹塈堭堹"],"Let search engines and visitors know
2159 that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"堥塈 堥��斬紲斛喀戒� 堿堛�據� 塈堿塈堬� 堹��堹 ��堛�堭�塈� 堿堻堛堿� � 堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈� 堥堹塈��堹 奡�塈 堹堭 ��堭堹 �琠椈塈堭�痧� �堥�胰戒� 堮�堹 堻堮堛�胴� �堻堛�堹. 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 椈塈堹�堭堬���堻� �塈 塈堬 堻埵�� 奡�塈 椈塈堻堹塈堭� ���抹� � 堥� 堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈� 琠�琠 ���抹� 堹堭 堛�塈堻 堥�塈��堹."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"椈奡堛�堥塈��胴旋� 堥��胰斬� 堹堭 堥�堭�� 塈堬 �堥�胰戒� 堥塈 堥塈堬�奡塈�� 堮�堹琠塈堭� 堞堭塈�奡 堮塈媟堭 堭塈 堥� 塈堭�媞塈� ���K斛� 堛塈 堥堛
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2165 tomatic Language Detection":[null,"奡�塈堻塈�� 堮�堹琠塈堭 堬堥塈�"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"��堭塈�奡痧堭 塈堬 塈�痧��堻���堭塈�堻���堞��塈���椈堭堛媞塈�� � 塈堻椈塈��塈�� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� �� 琠�堹."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"�媢塈�堻塈堬� ��堭塈�奡痧堭 堥堭塈� ��塈��� 痧堭塈��堭� � 塈堻堛塈�� 堬�堭:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"塈媔塈�� 琠堭堹� �琠 媢堥塈堭堛"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"塈堻堛�塈堹� 塈堬 �堹� �塈� �奡塈�� 痧堸塈堭� 堥堭塈� 堹�堹痧塈�"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"��堛�堭�塈� 堿堻堛堿� ��奡� 堻塈�堛 堭塈 堹堭 塈�� �琠塈� ��塈堥�堹:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"��奡� 堻塈�堛: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"塈堮堥塈堭 ��奡� 堻塈�堛: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"塈堸�堛 �
2166 � 琠���"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"堮�奡 堞�堹�堹 堥� {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"塈�堬��� Jetpack 奡�塈 �堛媯� 奡堹� 塈堻堛."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"塈�堬��� �媢塈� 塈堻堛 奡�塈 堞�塈堹� � 堥塈 塈�痧�堬� 椈�奡 堥堭��堹."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"奡�塈 堥塈 塈�痧�堬� � 堞�塈堹� 堭�堛� �堻堛�堹."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"奡�塈 堹堭堶塈� 塈堿堭塈� �堻堮� 堹堭堶塈� 堛�堻媢� Jetpack �堻堛�堹."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"塈堭堻塈� 堥塈堬堮�堭堹 �堻堮� 堞堬�塈�奡�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{
2167 /a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"堥� �塈 塈媟�塈媢 堹��堹!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"堥� Jetpack 堮�奡 堞�堹�堹"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,"堸堮�堭�...."],"Save Settings":[null,"堸堮�堭� 堛�婺��塈堛"],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[
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2169 ttack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,"椈�琠堭堥�堹� Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-tim
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2171 onnected as ":[null,"奡�塈 �堛媯� 奡堹� 塈�堹 堥� 媢��塈�"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"堛�堭琠堬 堥堭 堭�� ��奡堛�"],
2172 "Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"塈�堛堶塈� �琠 ��堭塈�奡痧堭 堿堹�堹"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"塈堛媯塈� 堥� 堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈�"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"�奡塈�堹� 堞�塈堭 堥塈堬堹�堹"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"塈堛媯塈� 堥� 塈�堿��"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,"塈堿堭塈� 堮�塈��堹�"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"痧堭�堛� 塈椈��琠�奡� �堭堹椈堭堻 堥堭塈� �堭 堹堻堛痧塈��."],"In Your P
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2174 nstall and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",["%(number)s 塈�堬���"]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",["��塈堬��堹 堥堭�堬堭堻塈��."]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"塈���堛"],"Performance":[null,"媢��琠堭堹"],"Backups":[null,"椈奡堛�堥塈� 痧�堭
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2177 ll,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"�塈 堭塈 堹堭 ��堻堥�琠 �塈�琠 琠��堹"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"堹�堥塈� 琠堭堹� Jetpack 堹堭 堛�埵�堛堭"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"堥塈 椈奡堛�堥塈�� Jetpack 堥媟�堭 �堻堛��� 塈堭堛堥塈媟 堥痧�堭�堹"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"堥堭��堹 堥� 塈�堿��
2178 � 椈奡堛�堥塈��"],"Go to":[null,"堥堭��堹 堥�"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"�塈 椈奡堛�堥塈�� 堭塈�痧塈� � 琠塈��� 堥堭塈� ���� 琠塈堭堥堭塈� 堿堛�據� 塈堭塈埵� ���脅�. 堛�� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� 堥堭塈� 琠�琠 堥� 奡�塈 ���奡� 堹堭 堹堻堛堭堻 塈堻堛."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"���堹堻�� Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"塈堥堬塈堭�塈� 堛塈埵�堹 堻塈�堛"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed o
2179 f your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,"堥堭�堬堭堻塈�� 塈�堬���"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.",[""]],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,"堥塈堭痧堸塈堭�..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"�婺塈堭堛 堥堭 Downtime"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}} �奡塈�堹� 堞�塈堭 堥�奡堛堭 堹堭{{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"��� �
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2181 atures include:":[null,"���痧��抄� 椈�奡��塈堹� Jetpack 奡塈��:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�媢塈��喀忪羞� ���痧��抄� 椈�奡��塈堹�"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"堻堭媢堛 堻塈�堛 堭塈 塈�堬塈�奡 堹��堹 堥塈 �媢塈� 堻塈堬� ���痧� �塈� 椈�奡��塈堹� Jetpack"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"奡堭�媢� 堿�奡� 堥堭塈� �堥�胰戒臾戒� 堹塈奡堛��佩忪欺�"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack 堛�堻媟 堥堭堮� 塈堬 ����臾旋� � 媢�塈���胰臾旋� 塈�
2182 堭塈堹 塈堬 堻堭塈堻堭 堿塈�媢� 椈奡堛�堥塈�� ���棻�. 椈奡堛�堥塈�塈� 塈堬 ��塈媟 �堮堛�� 堿�塈� � 堞�塈堹�� 琠�琠 堥� 奡�塈 �堻堛�堹."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack 塈堬 ��堭 堭�堬 ��堿�堹 堹堭 奡堥琠�� 堛�堬�媢 堥堭塈� 堥塈堭痧�堭� 媢琠堻�抄� 堬�堥塈� 奡�塈 堥塈 堻堭媢堛� ����戒壽忪脅� 堬�塈堹 � 堥�����楮脅� 堥堭塈� ���� 堹堻堛痧塈��� 塈堻堛�塈堹� ���抹�. 琠塈��塈� 堭塈�痧塈�."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"堥堭�堬堭堻塈�� 堮�堹琠塈堭 堻塈�堛."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�婺塈堭堛 堬�堹� 堥堭 �堥�胰戒�."],"Gain
2183 peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"堥塈 堶�塈婺堛� 塈堥堬塈堭� 琠� ����塈堭堹�塈 堶���� 堳堥堛 �堭�堹 堭塈 堹堭 �������� �堥�胰戒� �堻堹�堹 琠堭堹� 塈堻堛� 堞堭塈�奡 堮塈媟堭 堹塈奡堛��佩忪欺�."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"堶��塈堛 堥� �堥�胰戒� 堭塈 �堻堹�堹 琠��堹."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"塈���堛 �堥痧塈� � 堞堭塈�奡 堮塈媟堭"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"堥塈堬堹�堹琠��堹痧塈� 堭塈 堥塈 竄��奡堛��抄� �堭堛堥媟罈 琠� ��堬��
2184 抄� 堥�奡堛堭� 堥堭塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠�胰啡忪旋� � 堮�塈�堹� 堹堭 塈堮堛�塈堭奡塈� �堭塈堭 ���脅胰� 堹堭 堛媢塈�� �痧塈� 堹塈堭�堹."],"Increase page views.":[null,"堥塈堬堹�堹 塈堬 媯�堶��� 堭塈 塈�堬塈�奡 堹��堹."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"堥� 堥塈堬堹�堹 琠��堹痧塈� 塈堥堬塈堭�塈� �塈堬� 堥堭塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠�胰啡忪旋� � �奡堛堭琠�楮脅€胰� �堶堛�塈� 堮�堹 堭塈 堥堹��堹."],"Build a community.":[null,"�琠 堿塈�媢� 堥堻塈堬�堹."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"堹琠�� 塈奡堛堭塈琠 痧堸塈堭� � �塈�琠"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"堥塈堬塈堭�塈堥� 塈堿堛�塈媢� 堮�堹琠塈堭."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,"塈堭堻塈� 堥塈堬堮�堭堹"],"Need Help?":[null,"堭塈���塈�� 堥�奡堛堭�"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"�堹�堭�堛 塈�堬�����"]
2185 ,"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"琠�堛堭 �媔婺堭堥 堥塈奡�堹. 塈痧堭 �堥�胰戒� 奡�塈 堹堭 �堭 堬�塈� 堻��媟 琠�堹� �塈��堛�堭 塈媟�塈媢塈堛 �堶婺��抄� 堭塈 堥堭塈� 奡�塈 塈堭堻塈� 堮�塈�堹 琠堭堹."],"Track your growth":[null,"堭奡堹 堮�堹 堭塈 堹�堥塈� 琠��堹"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"堥堭塈� 塈奡堛堭塈琠 堮�堹琠塈堭 ��奡堛��� 堥塈 堹�堻堛塈�� 堹�堥塈��抹胭胰戒� � 堿�塈��塈�� 塈堬 竄塈媟�塈媢�斛喀戒� 塈堻堛�塈堹� 琠��堹."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"堛堭塈��琠 堥�奡堛堭� 堥� 堻�堛 �堥�胰戒臾戒� 堭�塈�� 琠��堹"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"�奡琠�� 堹堭 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據� 奡�塈 堭堮 堹塈堹. �媟�塈� 堹�堥塈堭� 堭�� 竄�堛媯��楮脅� 堥� WordPress.com罈 琠��琠
2186 琠��堹."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"�奡琠�� 堹堭 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據� 堹塈奡堛��: 塈�堬���� 堿堛�據� 堭塈 媞�堭�媢塈� � 堻椈堻 �媢塈� 琠��堹 � 堞�痧塈� 堹�堥塈堭� �堛媯� 奡��堹."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"��痧塈� �堿塈堬琠堭堹� Jetpack �塈堬� 塈堻堛 堹堭 �堥�楮� WordPress 堮�堹 堳堥堛 �堭�堹 琠堭堹� 堥塈奡�堹."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}堿堛�據� 奡�塈 �奡琠� 琠��琠� 堹塈堭堹.{{/s}} 塈堬 堥塈堥堛 �奡琠� 椈�奡�K脅� 媢堸堭堮�塈���. �媟�塈� 堹堭 堬�塈�� 堹�痧堭 堹�堥塈堭� 堞堬�塈�奡 琠��堹� 塈痧堭 �奡琠� 塈堹塈�� 堹塈奡堛 �媟�塈� 媔�� 塈堭堻塈� 塈�� 椈�塈� 堥塈 椈奡堛�堥塈
2187 �� 堛�塈堻 堥痧�堭�堹: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"堹堭 堶塈� �媟媢 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據�"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�婺堭 堮�堭堹 堹堭堥塈堭�� 堿堛�據� 堭塈 堥���堻�堹"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"堥� 琠�琠 ��塈堬 堹塈堭�堹� 堛�� 堿堛�據� 堹堭 琠�塈堭 奡�塈堻堛."],"Smiley":[null,"堮�堹塈�琠"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"塈�堬塈���拂斛脅� 塈媯塈�堛�喧相� 堹��堭堶���抄�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"塈堬 �琠 ��堹�塈� 堥堬堭痧 � 塈堬 �婺堭 堹�堹塈堭� 堥堭堿堻堛� 塈堻堛�塈堹� 琠��堹"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"堻堭塈��堹 竄�堭堛堥媟罈 ��塈�奡 堹塈堹��棻� 堛塈 堥堮奡 �堭堛堥媟 塈堬 ��奡堛��� �堛�塈�堬 痧堭堹堹."],"Related":[null,"�堭堛堥媟"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or o
2188 ther locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"�媟�埵� 奡��堹 琠� 塈堬 椈堭塈堻堛�塈堹��臾旋� �奡塈���抄� 堞��擄� 堮�堹 塈堻堛�塈堹� 琠��堹 �堭塈琠� 塈���� ��琠� 塈堻堛 堥�� �堶� 琠塈堭� 堮塈�� � �琠塈��抄� 堹�痧堭 堛媞��堭 琠��堹. 堶堸� �琠 �琠 �奡塈�� 堞��擄� 塈堬 ��堭堻堛 堬�堭 堞� 堭塈 塈堬 ��堭堻堛 堻��堹 奡�塈 堶堸� 堮�塈�堹 琠堭堹."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"�堹�堭�堛 ��堭堻堛 堻��堹"],"Email Address":[null,"堭塈�塈�奡塈��"],"Publicize":[null,"塈媟�塈媢 堭堻塈��"],"Site Stats":[null,"堞�塈堭 �堥�胰戒�"],"Featured Images":[null,"堛媯塈��堭 ����"],"Excerpts":[null,"�琠�堹���"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"堥� 琠塈堭 塈�堹塈堮堛� 痧�塈��戒€� 堥堭塈� 塈�� �堥�胰戒�"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�媢塈��喀忪羞� 椈堭����抄� �����
2189 �拂忪� 堥堭塈� 塈�� �堥�胰戒�."],"Preview":[null,"椈�奡�抄�"],"Color Scheme":[null,"堭�痧�佻胴�"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛 �塈堹�堹� 痧堭�堛� 奡堹�"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"塈堻堛�塈堹� 塈堬 堬堥塈�� 琠� 堮�堹琠塈堭 奡�塈堻塈�� ���棻� 堥堭塈� ������桓戒� ��奡堛��� � 媯�堶���"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛 堶奡�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛� 琠� 堥塈�堹 塈堬 堞��塈 椈堭��堬 琠堭堹"],"Passive Voice":[null,"堶塈�堛 �堿���"],"Jargon":[null,"堛堮媯媯�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"塈�媢塈� 椈��塈�"],"Double Negatives":[null,"堹�堥塈堭 ���� 琠堭堹���"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"塈媢堭塈堥�胰啡忪旋€�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"媢堥塈堭塈堛 椈���堹�"],"Bias Language":[null,"堬堥塈� 堛堥媢�媔�胰斛�"],"English Options":[null,"痧堬����抄� 塈�痧��堻�"],"Proofreading":[null,"���
2190 €桓戒�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�堛媯��拂斛脅� 堿堛�據�"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"奡�塈 堥塈 �����堛 塈堛媯塈� 堿堛�據� 堭塈 �媟媢 琠堭堹��抄�."],"Active":[null,"�媢塈�"],"Settings":[null,"堛�婺��塈堛"],"Learn More":[null,"堥�奡堛堭 堥堹塈��堹"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"堿堹塈琠堭堹� 堿堛�據�"],"Debug":[null,"塈奡琠塈��紲胰抄�"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null
2191 ,"堥堭堭堻� ��塈��痧 堥�堹� 堻塈�堛 奡�塈 堥塈 Jetpack."]}
2192 \ No newline at end of file
2194 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fi.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fi.json
2195 index 4a453e7..72f345c 100644
2196 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fi.json
2197 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fi.json
2198 @@ -1 +1 @@
2199 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-07-21 13:45:43+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"fi","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Perso
2200 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
2201 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
2202 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make
2203 it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered
2204 users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regener
2205 ate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connect
2206 ed.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Cr
2207 eate one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goa
2208 l is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on
2209 your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected
2210 as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions,
2211 giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A d
2212 esktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}}
2213 to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating r
2214 ecommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At
2215 A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, f
2216 ull support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!"
2217 :[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null
2218 ,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null
2219 ,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null
2220 ,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Lis瓣osien hallinta"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"J瓣nnit瓣 v瓣hemm瓣n. Seuranta (Monitor)-moduuli l瓣hett瓣瓣 tosiaikaisia h瓣lytyksi瓣 jos sivusto joskus poistuu verkosta."],"Track your growth":[null,"Seuraa kasvua"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"K瓣yt瓣 Kasvata julkisuutta (Publicize)-moduulia automaattisesti jakamaan artikkelit tuttaville, seuraajille ja koko maailmalle."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Hanki lis瓣瓣 liikennett瓣 sivustolle"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect aga
2221 in.":[null,"Yhteyden luonti Jetpackiin ei onnistunut. Poista Jetpack-lis瓣osa k瓣yt繹st瓣 ja sen j瓣lkeen ota se k瓣ytt繹繹n - yhdist瓣 sen j瓣lkeen uudelleen."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Kun valtuutat Jetpack-lis瓣osaa, on oltava kirjautuneena sivustolle."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Yhteys Jetpackiin poistetaan"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Hymi繹"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Edellyt瓣 kaksivaiheista oikeellisuuden tarkistusta"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"K瓣yt瓣 suurempaa ja n瓣ytt瓣v瓣mp瓣瓣 asettelua"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"N瓣yt瓣 \"Aiheeseen
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2224 st.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," palvelussa on nyt ongelmia ja se ei voi tankata Jetpack lis瓣osaasi. Yrit瓣 my繹hemmin uudelleen, ole hyv瓣."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"K瓣yt繹ss瓣"],"Settings":[null,"Asetukset"],"Learn More":[null,"Lue lis瓣瓣"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Katkaise Jetpack liitos"],"Debug":[null,"Testaustila"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
2225 \ No newline at end of file
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2227 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
2228 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
2229 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make
2230 it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered
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2233 ed.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Cr
2234 eate one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goa
2235 l is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare P
2236 lans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You
2237 can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for t
2238 rends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"
2239 for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If
2240 we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s
2241 has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying J
2242 etpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"Wor
2243 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"
2244 {{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance
2245 your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of m
2246 ind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Man
2247 age Plugins":[null,"Lis瓣osien hallinta"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"J瓣nnit瓣 v瓣hemm瓣n. Seuranta (Monitor)-moduuli l瓣hett瓣瓣 tosiaikaisia h瓣lytyksi瓣 jos sivusto joskus poistuu verkosta."],"Track your growth":[null,"Seuraa kasvua"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"K瓣yt瓣 Kasvata julkisuutta (Publicize)-moduulia automaattisesti jakamaan artikkelit tuttaville, seuraajille ja koko maailmalle."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Hanki lis瓣瓣 liikennett瓣 sivustolle"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Yhteyden luonti Jetpackiin ei onnistunut. Poista Jetpack-lis瓣osa k瓣yt繹st瓣 ja sen j瓣lkeen ota se k瓣ytt繹繹n - yhdist瓣 sen j瓣lkeen uudelleen."],"You need to stay l
2248 ogged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Kun valtuutat Jetpack-lis瓣osaa, on oltava kirjautuneena sivustolle."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Yhteys Jetpackiin poistetaan"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Hymi繹"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Edellyt瓣 kaksivaiheista oikeellisuuden tarkistusta"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"K瓣yt瓣 suurempaa ja n瓣ytt瓣v瓣mp瓣瓣 asettelua"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"N瓣yt瓣 \"Aiheeseen liittyy\" selite jotta aiheeseen liittyv瓣t [artikkelit] erottuvat selvemmin [sivuston] artikkeleista."],"Related":[null,"Aiheeseen liittyy"],"Make sure to add your most frequently u
2249 sed IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Varmista, ett瓣 lis瓣瓣t useimmin k瓣ytt瓣m瓣si IP-ositteet koska ne voivat vaihtua kodin, toimiston tai muun paikan mukaan. Kun poistat IP-osoitteen alla olevasta listasta, se poistuu sallitut listasta."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Sallitut listan hallinta"],"Email Address":[null,"S瓣hk繹postiosoite"],"Publicize":[null,"Kasvata julkisuutta"],"Site Stats":[null,"Sivuston tilastot"],"Featured Images":[null,"Artikkelikuvat"],"Excerpts":[null,"Otteet"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Ota k瓣ytt繹繹n K瓣ytt瓣j瓣kokemukset t瓣ll瓣 sivustolla."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Ota k瓣ytt繹繹n Ty繹n瓣yte/portfolio projektit t瓣ll瓣 sivustolla."],"Preview":[null,"Esikatsele"],"Color Scheme":[null,"V瓣riasetelma"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Sivuutettavat ilmaukset"],"Use automatically detected l
2250 anguage to proofread posts and pages":[null,"K瓣yt瓣 automaattisesti havaittua kielt瓣 artikkelien ja sivujen oikoluvussa."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Turhat ilmaukset"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"V瓣ltett瓣v瓣t ilmaisut"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passiivinen ilmaisu"],"Jargon":[null,"Ammattikieli/-slangi"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Piilotetut verbit"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Kaksoiskiellot"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Tarkemerkit (\"aksentit\")"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Vaikeaselkoiset lauseet"],"Bias Language":[null,"Ei neutraali-/asenteellinen kieli"],"English Options":[null,"Englannin kielen valinnat"],"Proofreading":[null,"Oikoluku"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Yhdist瓣 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," palvelussa on nyt ongelmia ja se ei v
2251 oi tankata Jetpack lis瓣osaasi. Yrit瓣 my繹hemmin uudelleen, ole hyv瓣."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"K瓣yt繹ss瓣"],"Settings":[null,"Asetukset"],"Learn More":[null,"Lue lis瓣瓣"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Katkaise Jetpack liitos"],"Debug":[null,"Testaustila"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
2252 \ No newline at end of file
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2260 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
2261 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
2262 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
2263 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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2266 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
2267 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
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2269 on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connec
2270 ted as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distraction
2271 s, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"
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2277 o!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[n
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2280 mated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null
2281 ,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"D矇connexion de Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Exiger l&rsquo;authentification � deux facteurs"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Utilisez une mise en forme large et visuellement attrayante"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Afficher un en-t礙te \"Sur le m礙me th癡me\" pour s矇parer plus clairement cette section du reste des articles"],"Related":[null,"Sur le m礙me th癡me"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Veillez � ajouter les adresses IP les plus fr矇quemment utilis矇es, ces derni癡res pouvant 礙tre diff矇rentes suivant votre domicile, votre lieu de travail et d'
2282 autres lieux. La suppression d'une adresse IP de la liste ci-apr癡s entra簾ne sa suppression de votre liste blanche."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestion de la liste blanche"],"Email Address":[null,"Adresse e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Stats du Site"],"Featured Images":[null,"Images � la Une"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extraits"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activer les t矇moignages sur ce site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activer les projets Portfolio sur ce site."],"Preview":[null,"Aper癟u"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Jeu de couleurs"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Phrases ignor矇es"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utiliser la d矇tection automatique de la langue pour corriger le contenu."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Phrases redondantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases � 矇viter"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voix passive"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbes cach矇s"]
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2284 ":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Actif"],"Settings":[null,"R矇glages"],"Learn More":[null,"Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"D矇connecter Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"D矇bugguer"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
2285 \ No newline at end of file
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2287 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
2288 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
2289 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
2290 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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2293 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
2294 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
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2302 g Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"
2303 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""
2304 ],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhan
2305 ce your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Faites d矇coller votre site"],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitorin
2306 g.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,"
2307 "],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"D矇connexion de Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Re
2308 quire Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Exiger l&rsquo;authentification � deux facteurs"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Utilisez une mise en forme large et visuellement attrayante"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Afficher un en-t礙te \"Sur le m礙me th癡me\" pour s矇parer plus clairement cette section du reste des articles"],"Related":[null,"Sur le m礙me th癡me"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Veillez � ajouter les adresses IP les plus fr矇quemment utilis矇es, ces derni癡res pouvant 礙tre diff矇rentes suivant votre domicile, votre lieu de travail et d'autres lieux. La suppression d'une adresse IP de la liste ci-apr癡s entra簾ne sa suppression de votre liste blanche."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestion de la liste blanche"],"Em
2309 ail Address":[null,"Adresse e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Stats du Site"],"Featured Images":[null,"Images � la Une"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extraits"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activer les t矇moignages sur ce site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activer les projets Portfolio sur ce site."],"Preview":[null,"Aper癟u"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Jeu de couleurs"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Phrases ignor矇es"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utiliser la d矇tection automatique de la langue pour corriger le contenu."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Phrases redondantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases � 矇viter"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voix passive"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbes cach矇s"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doubles n矇gations"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signes diacritiques"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Phrases complexes"],"Bias Language":[null,"Langage Figur矇"]
2310 ,"English Options":[null,"Options pour l'anglais"],"Proofreading":[null,"Autocorrection"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connecter Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," a actuellement des soucis et ne peut pas alimenter votre Jetpack. Veuillez essayer utl矇rieurement."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Actif"],"Settings":[null,"R矇glages"],"Learn More":[null,"Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"D矇connecter Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"D矇buggue
2311 r"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
2312 \ No newline at end of file
2314 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fr_FR.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fr_FR.json
2315 index ea7f505..cf896fb 100644
2316 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fr_FR.json
2317 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-fr_FR.json
2318 @@ -1 +1 @@
2319 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-10-13 18:48:30+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"fr","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Person
2320 al plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":
2321 [null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Rechercher parmi votre contenu."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}G矇rer la visibilit矇 des Likes depuis r矇glages du module de partage{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Masquer l'image de l�姓
2322 otic繫ne de statistiques. Cette image aide � collecter les statistiques, mais tout devrait fonctionner m礙me si l�mage est masqu矇e."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Votre IP actuelle&nbsp;: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Ajouter une adresse IP � votre liste blanche l�mp礙che d�泱re bloqu矇e par Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Vous pouvez utiliser des adresses IPv4 et IPv6. {{br/}} Pour sp矇cifier une plage d�Ps, saisissez la valeur basse et la valeur haute s矇par矇es par un tiret. Exemple&nbsp;:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Lier votre compte � pour commencer � utiliser cette fonctionnalit矇."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Il y
2323 a des r矇glages non sauvegard矇s dans cet onglet; ils seront seront perdus si vous le fermez. Continuer&nbsp;?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Cela r矇initialisera toutes les options de Jetpack, souhaitez-vous continuer&nbsp;?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Recherchez une fonctionnalit矇 Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Mettez � niveau Jetpack et notre scanner de s矇curit矇 de pointe localisera les fichiers malveillants et les signalera imm矇diatement afin que vous soyez toujours inform矇 des activit矇s sur votre site Web."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Vous pouvez consulter les informations concernant les analyses de s矇curit矇 dans la rubrique \"D'un coup d'�il\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Conf
2324 igurez vos analyses de s矇curit矇"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ce module ne poss癡de aucune option de configuration"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Faites savoir aux moteurs de recherche et aux visiteurs que vous prenez l'int矇grit矇 de vos sites Web au s矇rieux en mettant � jour Jetpack. Nos outils anti-spam 矇limineront les commentaires ind矇sirables, prot癡geront votre r矇f矇rencement et permettront aux visiteurs de rester plus facilement en contact."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Soyez tranquille gr璽ce aux sauvegardes hors site en temps r矇el avec restaurations automatique
2325 s et concentrez-vous sur la r矇daction de contenu exceptionnel et l'augmentation du trafic tandis que nous prot矇geons tous les aspects de votre investissement. Optez pour une mise � niveau d癡s aujourd'hui."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configurez vos param癡tres %(module_slug)s {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonn矇"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Une mise � jour importante pour iPhone/iPad est d矇sormais disponible"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Remaniement en profondeur de l'application WordPress pour Android"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Priorit矇 de la mise � niveau�: VideoPress d矇di矇 aux mariages"]," Likes are:":[null,"Les mentions J'aime de sont�:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titre du commentaire"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Quelques mots pour inciter vos lecteurs � laisser un commentaire."]
2326 ,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Les lecteurs peuvent-ils s'abonner � vos articles et/ou commentaires�?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Ajouter la locution \"Suivre le Blog\" au formulaire de commentaires"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Ajouter l'option \"s'abonner aux commentaires\" au formulaire de commentaire."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barre d'administration"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Ins矇rer un graphique dans la barre d'administration, affichant le nombre de pages vues pendant les derni癡res 48�heures"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Utilisateurs enregistr矇s�: Compter les pages vues par les utilisateurs enregistr矇s et connect矇s"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Visibilit矇 des rapports�: S矇lectionner les r繫les qui ont la capacit矇 de
2327 voir les rapports statistiques"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Recevoir des e-mails d'alerte de Jetpack Monitor"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Les e-mails seront envoy矇s � "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Modifier{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Associer par e-mail"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Afficher les m矇tadonn矇es de vos photos (Exif) dans le carrousel, lorsqu'elles sont disponibles"],"Background Color":[null,"Couleur d'arri癡re-plan"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Faire d矇filer � l'infini (affiche 7�articles � chaque chargement)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Suivre chaque nouveau chargement d'articles comme une nouvelle Page Vue dans Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promos pour mobile"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Afficher un message de promotion des applications WordPres
2328 s pour mobile au bas de votre th癡me pour mobile"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Entrez la valeur \"content\" du tag m矇ta pour v矇rifier votre blog avec {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} et {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Affichez vos galeries dans une mosa簿que d'images"],"Copied!":[null,"Copie termin矇e"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"S矇lectionnez le texte suivant et copiez-le dans le Presse-papiers�:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"G矇n矇rer une nouvelle adresse"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configurer les portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configurer les t矇moignages"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Activer automatiquement le
2329 correcteur orthographique�: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Un article ou une page est publi矇 pour la premi癡re fois"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Un article ou une page est mis � jour"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"D矇tection automatique de la langue"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Le correcteur prend en charge l'anglais, le fran癟ais, l'allemand, le portugais et l'espagnol."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Activer le correcteur des r癡gles de grammaire et de style pour�: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Ajouter une phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Utiliser Markdown pour les commentaires"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Les moteurs de recherche trouveront les sitemaps � ces emplacements�:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap�: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap Actual
2330 it矇s�: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"On triche, hein�?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Pouvez-vous nous expliquer pourquoi vous n'avez pas finalis矇 votre connexion Jetpack en r矇pondant aux {{a}}2�questions de ce sondage{{/a}}�?{{/p}}{{p}}Une connexion � Jetpack est requise pour utiliser nos fonctions gratuites de s矇curit矇 et de trafic.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bienvenue sur {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}�!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Votre Jetpack est d矇j� connect矇."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Vous 礙tes pr礙t � d矇marrer, Jetpack est d矇sormais actif."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Vous 礙tes pr礙t � d矇marrer."],"You are currently ru
2331 nning a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Vous utilisez actuellement une version de d矇veloppement de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Envoyer vos retours � propos de la Beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actuellement en {{a}}mode de d矇veloppement{{/a}} via le filtre jetpack_development_mode .{{br/}}Certaines fonctionnalit矇s sont d矇sactiv矇es."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actuellement en {{a}}mode de d矇veloppement{{/a}} via la constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Certaines fonctionnalit矇s sont d矇sactiv矇es."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actuellement en {{a}}mode de d矇veloppement{{/a}}, car il manque un point dans l'URL de votre site (par ex., http://localhost).{{b
2332 r/}}Certaines fonctionnalit矇s sont d矇sactiv矇es."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s, vous n'礙tes pas connect矇e �"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Que souhaitez-vous voir sur votre tableau de bord Jetpack�?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Informez-nous�!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bienvenue sur Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Pour commencer � utiliser Jetpack, connectez-vous � votre compte ou cr矇ez-en un. Cela activera des services exceptionnels de s矇curit矇, de trafic et de personnalisation."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Pas de compte�? Cr矇ez-en un gratuitement..."],"Saving��":[null,"Enregistrement en cours��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Enregistrer les param癡tres"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Mises � jour n矇cessaires"],"Do y
2333 ou really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Voulez-vous vraiment d矇connecter votre site de�?"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ic繫ne des statistiques de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activez les statistiques du site{{/a}} pour afficher des statistiques d矇taill矇es, les mentions J'aime, les followers, les abonn矇s et bien plus encore�! {{a1}}En savoir plus{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activer les statistiques du site"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Protection compl癡te et automatique contre les menaces et les attaques."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Sauvegardez automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Scan de S矇curit矇"],"Automatically scan you
2334 r site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Scannez automatiquement votre site � la recherche d'attaques et de menaces courantes."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tenez ces exp矇diteurs de courrier ind矇sirable � distance�!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Sauvegardes du site"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Sauvegardez votre site�!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Aucun r矇sultat."],"Threats found!":[null,"Menace d矇tect矇e�!"],"Set up":[null,"Configurer"],"Upgrade":[null,"Mettre � jour"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIF"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Les pirates, les botnets et les exp矇diteurs de courrier ind矇sirable attaquent les sites Web sans aucune distinction. Ils ont pour but d'attaquer partout et souvent. Notre objectif es
2335 t de vous aider � vous pr矇parer en bloquant ces menaces, et en cas de sc矇nario catastrophe, nous aiderons votre site � retrouver sa gloire d'antan."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Votre site utilise l'offre Free Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Votre site utilise l'offre Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Votre site utilise l'offre Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Votre site est en mode de d矇veloppement"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable via Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Afficher vos statistiques de spam"],"Configure Akismet
2336 ":[null,"Configurer Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Afficher votre tableau de bord de s矇curit矇"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configurer VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"�tudes et sondages"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"�tudes illimit矇es, r矇ponses illimit矇es. Utilisez l�妻iteur d�孤udes pour cr矇er des 矇tudes rapidement et facilement. Collecter des r矇ponses via votre site Web, par e-mail ou sur votre iPad ou iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Cr矇er un sondage"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Sauvegardes en temps r矇el"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"R矇solution de menace en un clic"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"�valuations et sondages avanc矇s"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Comparer les plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"S矇curit矇 maximale"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one
2337 -click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Enfermez les m矇chants"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Le filtre anti-spam infaillible prot癡ge votre marque, vos lecteurs et am矇liore votre r矇f矇rencement. La protection contre les attaques de connexion par force brute vous permet d'avoir l'esprit tranquille et vous prot癡ge contre les intrus."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Profitez de l'assistance prioritaire"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Besoin d'aide�? Nos Happiness�Engineers sont l� pour r矇pondre � vos questions sur votre site ou votre compte, et vous expliquer comment proc矇der."],"Conn
2338 ection Settings":[null,"Param癡tres de connexion"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"G矇rez votre connexion Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Le site est en mode de d矇veloppement, vous ne pouvez donc pas vous connecter �"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Vous 礙tes connect矇 en tant que "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Liez votre compte � pour tirer le meilleur parti de Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Votre site doit 礙tre accessible par des moteurs de recherche pour que cette option fonctionne correctement. Vous pouvez apporter des modifications dans les {{a}}options de lecture{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Afficher {{a}}toutes les statistiques{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Afficher
2339 vos {{a}}abonn矇s par e-mail{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Des fonctionnalit矇s WordPress puissantes sur chaque appareil."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"G矇rez tous vos sites � partir d'un seul tableau de bord."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Appr矇ciez les performances"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Toutes les applications WordPress sont con癟ues pour la vitesse. Vous remarquerez imm矇diatement la diff矇rence au niveau des performances, avec des changements de pages quasi instantan矇s et moins de temps d'attente."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Mises � jour group矇es et automatiques"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"La plupart
2340 des failles de s矇curit矇 se trouvent dans des extensions obsol癡tes. Utilisez nos applications Web et de bureau pour activer les mises � jour automatiques ou mettre � jour manuellement les extensions pour tous vos sites Web au m礙me endroit."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Concentrez-vous sur la r矇daction"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Notre nouvel 矇diteur est rapide comme l'矇clair, optimis矇 pour les r矇dacteurs et 矇limine les distractions afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur votre travail."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Essayer le nouvel 矇diteur"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Interagir avec vos visiteurs"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Surveillez vos visiteurs � l'aide des statistiques avanc矇es. Soyez � l'aff羶t des
2341 tendances, d矇couvrez le contenu le plus performant et comprenez vos visiteurs n'importe o羅 dans le monde."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Afficher vos statistiques"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Interagissez avec la communaut矇"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Les applications WordPress sont toutes dot矇es de lecteurs 矇tonnamment rapides et complets qui vous permettent de vous mettre � jour avec vos sites favoris et de rejoindre une conversation n'importe o羅 et � tout moment."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lancer le Lecteur"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"L'inspiration se manifeste � tout moment, n'importe o羅."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Obtenez les applications WordPress sur n'importe quel 矇cran."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Dans votre poche"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much m
2342 ore from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publiez du contenu, suivez les statistiques, mod矇rez les commentaires et bien plus encore, de n'importe o羅 dans le monde. Nos applications mobiles sont Open Source, gratuites et disponibles sur les appareils Apple et Android."]," in the App Store":[null," sur l'App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," sur Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Sur votre bureau"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Une application de bureau qui installe de fa癟on permanente WordPress sur votre ordinateur. Sans oublier l'environnement sans distraction dont vous b矇n矇ficiez lorsque vous r矇digez en dehors d'un navigateur Internet."]," for Mac OS X":[null," pour Mac OS X
2343 "]," for Windows":[null," pour Windows"]," for Linux":[null," pour Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Recherche de programmes malveillants"],"Threats found":[null,"Menace d矇tect矇e"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pour un scan complet et automatique des menaces de s矇curit矇, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour un scan complet et automatique des menaces de s矇curit矇, {{a}}mettez � niveau votre compte{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack bloque activement les tentatives de connexion malveillantes. Les donn矇es s'afficheront bient繫t ici�!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Toutes les attaques malveillantes ont 矇t矇 bloqu矇es sur
2344 votre site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activez la protection{{/a}} pour prot矇ger votre site contre les tentatives de connexion malveillantes."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s extension","%(number)s extensions"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Mise � jour n矇cessaire. ","Mise � jour n矇cessaire. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Toutes les extensions sont � jour. Excellent travail�!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activez la gestion{{/a}} pour activer les mises � jour automatiques et g矇rer vos extensions depuis"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack am矇liore et optimise la vitesse de chargement de vos images."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[n
2345 ull,"S矇curit矇"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Sauvegardes"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Afficher les d矇tails de sauvegarde{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pour sauvegarder automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour sauvegarder automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site, proc矇dez � une {{a}}mise � jour�!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Indisponible en mode de d矇veloppement."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protection contre le contenu ind矇sirable"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable, {{a}}installez Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour une protection de pointe
2346 contre le contenu ind矇sirable, {{a}}activez Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Cl矇 non valide"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Indisponible en mode de d矇veloppement"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Neige"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Activer les chutes de neige pendant les vacances."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Activer les chutes de neige sur mon blog du 1er�d矇cembre au 4�janvier."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activation des fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es en cours..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es activ矇es"],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"�chec de l�ctivation des fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activation de %(slug)s en cours��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s a 矇t矇 activ矇."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"�chec de l'activation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"]
2347 ,"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"D矇sactivation de %(slug)s en cours��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s a 矇t矇 d矇sactiv矇."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"�chec de la d矇sactivation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Mise � jour des param癡tres %(slug)s en cours..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Param癡tres %(slug)s mis � jour."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Erreur lors de la mise � jour des param癡tres %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Mise � jour de l'adresse %(slug)s en cours..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Nouvelle adresse %(slug)s g矇n矇r矇e."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Erreur lors de la g矇n矇ration d'une nouvelle adresse %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"R矇initialisation des options de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Options r矇initialis矇es."],"Options failed to reset.":
2348 [null,"�chec de la r矇initialisation des options."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la d矇connexion de Jetpack. Erreur�: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Suppression du lien de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Lien supprim矇 de"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Erreur lors de la suppression du lien de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"D'un coup d'�il"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Lieux communs"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Nous diriez-vous pourquoi�? R矇pondez {{a}}simplement � deux questions 矇l矇mentaires{{/a}}pour nous aider � am矇liorer Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{
2349 hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Vous appr矇ciez Jetpack ou recevoir des feedbacks�?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Donnez-nous votre avis{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}suivez-nous sur Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} et{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}ajoutez-nous sur Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Ajoutez-nous sur Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Suivez Jetpack sur Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Consultez notre page d'assistance{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}
2350 cherchez des r矇ponses sur les forums{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} ou{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contactez-nous directement{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contactez directement l'assistance de Jetpack"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Rendez-vous sur les forums de"],"Go to":[null,"Rendez-vous sur"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Nous offrons une assistance compl癡te et gratuite � tous les utilisateurs de Jetpack. Notre 矇quipe d'assistance est toujours � votre disposition."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Happiness Engineer chez Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Politique de confidentialit矇 d'Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Conditions d'utilisation de"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify yo
2351 ur site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activez la v矇rification de site{{/a}} pour v矇rifier votre site et am矇liorer son classement sur Google, Bing et Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Les outils de v矇rification du site sont actifs. Assurez-vous que votre site est v矇rifi矇 par Google, Bing et Pinterest pour une indexation et un classement plus pr矇cis. {{a}}V矇rifier maintenant{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Outils de v矇rification du site"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activez Photon{{/a}} pour am矇liorer les performances et la vitesse de vos images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performances en termes d'image %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activer la gestion et les
2352 mises � jour automatiques{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activer les mises � jour automatiques d'extensions{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Mises � jour d'extensions"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Oups�! Votre cl矇 Akismet est manquante ou n'est pas valide. {{akismetSettings}}Acc矇dez aux param癡tres d'Akismet pour corriger ce probl癡me{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Aucune menace trouv矇e, la voie est libre�!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contacter l'assistance{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Afficher les d矇tails sur{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Oups, %(number)s menace trouv矇e.","Oups, %(number)s menaces trouv矇es."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{
2353 {a}}Activez la surveillance{{/a}} pour recevoir des notifications si votre site est indisponible."],"Loading��":[null,"Chargement en cours..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Surveillance des interruptions"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Voir plus de stats sur {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Voir les anciennes stats{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Commentaires depuis la cr矇ation"],"All-time views":[null,"Vues depuis la cr矇ation"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s vue","%(number)s vues"],"Best overall day":[null,"Meilleure journ矇e globale"],"Views today":[null,"Vues aujourd'hui"],"Months":[null,"Mois"],"Weeks":[null,"Semaines"],"Days":[null,"Jours"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des statistiques. R矇essayez ult矇rieurement ou {{a
2354 }}consultez vos statistiques maintenant sur{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Cliquez pour afficher les statistiques d矇taill矇es."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Vues�: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semaine de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"G矇rer la s矇curit矇 sur"],"Skip this step":[null,"Ignorer cette 矇tape"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Ignorer le processus Jumpstart de Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Les fonctionnalit矇s peuvent 礙tre activ矇es ou d矇sactiv矇es � tout moment."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Les fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es de Jetpack comprennent�:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activer les fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Am矇liorez rapidement votre site en activant les fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es de Jetpac
2355 k."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Faites d矇coller votre site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Se d矇connecter de"],"Link to":[null,"M'associer �"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Me d矇sassocier de"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Rejoignez les millions d'utilisateurs qui comptent sur Jetpack pour am矇liorer et s矇curiser leurs sites. Nous nous passionnons pour WordPress et nous sommes ici pour vous faciliter la vie."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack est pourvu d'un service d'assistance compos矇 des membres les plus qualifi矇s et passionn矇s de la communaut矇. Ils sont pr矇sents dans le monde entier pour vous aider."],"Did we mention free, professional sup
2356 port?":[null,"Avons-nous 矇voqu矇 l'assistance professionnelle gratuite�?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilise le r矇seau sophistiqu矇 de transmission de contenu de afin d'acc矇l矇rer le chargement de vos plus belles images. Optimis矇 pour n'importe quel appareil et enti癡rement gratuit."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Des images optimis矇es � la vitesse de l'矇clair"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Vous ne serez jamais en retard et ne perdrez pas de temps avec la mise � jour d'extensions sur tous vos sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Mises � jour automatiques de votre site."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Surveillance de votre site en temps r矇el."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login atta
2357 cks across millions of sites.":[null,"Am矇liorez la s矇curit矇 de votre site avec Protect, un outil ayant d矇j� bloqu矇 des milliards d'attaques sur des millions de sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blocage des attaques contre votre site."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack bloque les tentatives de connexion malveillantes, vous informe lorsque votre site est indisponible et peut automatiquement mettre � jour vos extensions. Vous n'aurez plus aucun souci."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"S矇curit矇 de votre site et tranquillit矇 d'esprit"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack tire parti du pouvoir de afin de vous proposer un aper癟u d矇taill矇 de vos visiteurs, de leurs lectures et de leur
2358 provenance."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Gardez vos visiteurs engag矇s, en leur donnant plus � lire et partager, gr璽ce aux articles similaires."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Am矇liorez le trafic sur votre site."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Donnez � vos visiteurs tous les outils dont ils ont besoin pour partager vos articles et s'abonner � votre contenu."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construisez une communaut矇."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Boutons de partage et J'aime"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social automatis矇."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack poss癡de de nombreux outils de trafic et d'engagement afin de vous aider � g矇n矇rer davantage de lecteurs et � les garder."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Envoyez-nous votre feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Beso
2359 in d�ide�?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"G矇rer les extensions"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Ne vous inqui矇tez pas. Monitor vous alertera si votre site est indisponible."],"Track your growth":[null,"Suivez votre croissance"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utilisez Publicize pour partager automatiquement vos articles avec vos amis, vos abonn矇s et le monde."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Am矇liorez le trafic sur votre site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Un probl癡me est survenu lors de la connexion de votre Jetpack Cliquez de nouveau sur \"Se connecter �\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Nous avons rencontr矇 un probl癡me lors de l&rsquo;autorisation de Jetpack; d矇activez et r
2360 矇activez l&rsquo;extension, et essayez une nouvelle fois."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Vous devez rester connect矇 � votre blog pendant l'autorisation de Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} Veuillez nous excuser pour ce d矇sagr矇ment. Veuillez r矇essayer ult矇rieurement. Si le probl癡me persiste, contactez l'assistance avec ce message�: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"D矇connexion de Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Laisser un commentaire sur Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Besoin d'aide�? L'矇quipe Jetpack est � votre disposition."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Exiger l&rsquo;authentification � deux facteurs"],"Use a large a
2361 nd visually striking layout":[null,"Utilisez une mise en forme large et visuellement attrayante"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Afficher un en-t礙te \"Sur le m礙me th癡me\" pour s矇parer plus clairement cette section du reste des articles"],"Related":[null,"Sur le m礙me th癡me"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Veillez � ajouter les adresses IP les plus fr矇quemment utilis矇es, ces derni癡res pouvant 礙tre diff矇rentes suivant votre domicile, votre lieu de travail et d'autres lieux. La suppression d'une adresse IP de la liste ci-apr癡s entra簾ne sa suppression de votre liste blanche."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestion de la liste blanche"],"Email Address":[null,"Adresse e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Stats du Site"]
2362 ,"Featured Images":[null,"Images � la Une"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extraits"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activer les t矇moignages sur ce site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activer les projets Portfolio sur ce site."],"Preview":[null,"Aper癟u"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Jeu de couleurs"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Phrases ignor矇es"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Utiliser la d矇tection automatique de la langue pour corriger le contenu."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Phrases redondantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases � 矇viter"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voix passive"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbes cach矇s"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doubles n矇gations"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signes diacritiques"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Phrases complexes"],"Bias Language":[null,"Langage Figur矇"],"English Options":[null,"Options pour l'anglais"],"Proofreading":[null,"Autocorrection"],"Connect Jetp
2363 ack":[null,"Connecter Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne pouvait pas contacter�: %(error_key)s. Dans la plupart des cas, cela signifie que quelque chose n'est pas configur矇 correctement sur votre h矇bergement."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," a actuellement des soucis et ne peut pas alimenter votre Jetpack. Veuillez essayer utl矇rieurement."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} La connexion de ce site � n'est pas possible. Ceci est g矇n矇ralement provoqu矇 par un site non accessible au public (par exemple, un site sur localhost)."],"Your website needs to b
2364 e publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Votre site doit 礙tre accessible au public pour utiliser Jetpack�: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Vous avez correctement d矇connect矇 Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Actif"],"Settings":[null,"R矇glages"],"Learn More":[null,"Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"D矇connecter Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"D矇boguer"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testez la compatibilit矇 de votre site avec Jetpack."]}
2365 \ No newline at end of file
2366 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-27 09:50:03+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"fr","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Person
2367 al plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":
2368 [null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Rechercher parmi votre contenu."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}G矇rer la visibilit矇 des Likes depuis r矇glages du module de partage{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Masquer l'image de l�姓
2369 otic繫ne de statistiques. Cette image aide � collecter les statistiques, mais tout devrait fonctionner m礙me si l�mage est masqu矇e."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Votre IP actuelle&nbsp;: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Ajouter une adresse IP � votre liste blanche l�mp礙che d�泱re bloqu矇e par Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Vous pouvez utiliser des adresses IPv4 et IPv6. {{br/}} Pour sp矇cifier une plage d�Ps, saisissez la valeur basse et la valeur haute s矇par矇es par un tiret. Exemple&nbsp;:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Lier votre compte � pour commencer � utiliser cette fonctionnalit矇."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Il y
2370 a des r矇glages non sauvegard矇s dans cet onglet; ils seront seront perdus si vous le fermez. Continuer&nbsp;?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Cela r矇initialisera toutes les options de Jetpack, souhaitez-vous continuer&nbsp;?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Recherchez une fonctionnalit矇 Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Mettez � niveau Jetpack et notre scanner de s矇curit矇 de pointe localisera les fichiers malveillants et les signalera imm矇diatement afin que vous soyez toujours inform矇 des activit矇s sur votre site Web."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Vous pouvez consulter les informations concernant les analyses de s矇curit矇 dans la rubrique \"D'un coup d'�il\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Conf
2371 igurez vos analyses de s矇curit矇"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ce module ne poss癡de aucune option de configuration"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Faites savoir aux moteurs de recherche et aux visiteurs que vous prenez l'int矇grit矇 de vos sites Web au s矇rieux en mettant � jour Jetpack. Nos outils anti-spam 矇limineront les commentaires ind矇sirables, prot癡geront votre r矇f矇rencement et permettront aux visiteurs de rester plus facilement en contact."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Soyez tranquille gr璽ce aux sauvegardes hors site en temps r矇el avec restaurations automatique
2372 s et concentrez-vous sur la r矇daction de contenu exceptionnel et l'augmentation du trafic tandis que nous prot矇geons tous les aspects de votre investissement. Optez pour une mise � niveau d癡s aujourd'hui."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configurez vos param癡tres %(module_slug)s {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonn矇"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Une mise � jour importante pour iPhone/iPad est d矇sormais disponible"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Remaniement en profondeur de l'application WordPress pour Android"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Priorit矇 de la mise � niveau�: VideoPress d矇di矇 aux mariages"]," Likes are:":[null,"Les mentions J'aime de sont�:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titre du commentaire"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Quelques mots pour inciter vos lecteurs � laisser un commentaire."]
2373 ,"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Les lecteurs peuvent-ils s'abonner � vos articles et/ou commentaires�?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Ajouter la locution \"Suivre le Blog\" au formulaire de commentaires"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Ajouter l'option \"s'abonner aux commentaires\" au formulaire de commentaire."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barre d'administration"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Ins矇rer un graphique dans la barre d'administration, affichant le nombre de pages vues pendant les derni癡res 48�heures"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Utilisateurs enregistr矇s�: Compter les pages vues par les utilisateurs enregistr矇s et connect矇s"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Visibilit矇 des rapports�: S矇lectionner les r繫les qui ont la capacit矇 de
2374 voir les rapports statistiques"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Recevoir des e-mails d'alerte de Jetpack Monitor"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Les e-mails seront envoy矇s � "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Modifier{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Associer par e-mail"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Afficher les m矇tadonn矇es de vos photos (Exif) dans le carrousel, lorsqu'elles sont disponibles"],"Background Color":[null,"Couleur d'arri癡re-plan"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Faire d矇filer � l'infini (affiche 7�articles � chaque chargement)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Suivre chaque nouveau chargement d'articles comme une nouvelle Page Vue dans Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promos pour mobile"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Afficher un message de promotion des applications WordPres
2375 s pour mobile au bas de votre th癡me pour mobile"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Entrez la valeur \"content\" du tag m矇ta pour v矇rifier votre blog avec {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} et {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Affichez vos galeries dans une mosa簿que d'images"],"Copied!":[null,"Copie termin矇e"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"S矇lectionnez le texte suivant et copiez-le dans le Presse-papiers�:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"G矇n矇rer une nouvelle adresse"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configurer les portfolios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configurer les t矇moignages"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Activer automatiquement le
2376 correcteur orthographique�: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Un article ou une page est publi矇 pour la premi癡re fois"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Un article ou une page est mis � jour"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"D矇tection automatique de la langue"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Le correcteur prend en charge l'anglais, le fran癟ais, l'allemand, le portugais et l'espagnol."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Activer le correcteur des r癡gles de grammaire et de style pour�: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Ajouter une phrase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Utiliser Markdown pour les commentaires"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Les moteurs de recherche trouveront les sitemaps � ces emplacements�:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap�: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap Actual
2377 it矇s�: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"On triche, hein�?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Pouvez-vous nous expliquer pourquoi vous n'avez pas finalis矇 votre connexion Jetpack en r矇pondant aux {{a}}2�questions de ce sondage{{/a}}�?{{/p}}{{p}}Une connexion � Jetpack est requise pour utiliser nos fonctions gratuites de s矇curit矇 et de trafic.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bienvenue sur {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}�!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Votre Jetpack est d矇j� connect矇."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Vous 礙tes pr礙t � d矇marrer, Jetpack est d矇sormais actif."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Vous 礙tes pr礙t � d矇marrer."],"You are currently ru
2378 nning a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Vous utilisez actuellement une version de d矇veloppement de Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Envoyer vos retours � propos de la Beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actuellement en {{a}}mode de d矇veloppement{{/a}} via le filtre jetpack_development_mode .{{br/}}Certaines fonctionnalit矇s sont d矇sactiv矇es."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actuellement en {{a}}mode de d矇veloppement{{/a}} via la constante JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Certaines fonctionnalit矇s sont d矇sactiv矇es."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Actuellement en {{a}}mode de d矇veloppement{{/a}}, car il manque un point dans l'URL de votre site (par ex., http://localhost).{{b
2379 r/}}Certaines fonctionnalit矇s sont d矇sactiv矇es."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s, vous n'礙tes pas connect矇e �"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Que souhaitez-vous voir sur votre tableau de bord Jetpack�?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Informez-nous�!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bienvenue sur Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Pour commencer � utiliser Jetpack, connectez-vous � votre compte ou cr矇ez-en un. Cela activera des services exceptionnels de s矇curit矇, de trafic et de personnalisation."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Pas de compte�? Cr矇ez-en un gratuitement..."],"Saving��":[null,"Enregistrement en cours��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Enregistrer les param癡tres"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Mises � jour n矇cessaires"],"Do y
2380 ou really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Voulez-vous vraiment d矇connecter votre site de�?"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ic繫ne des statistiques de Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activez les statistiques du site{{/a}} pour afficher des statistiques d矇taill矇es, les mentions J'aime, les followers, les abonn矇s et bien plus encore�! {{a1}}En savoir plus{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activer les statistiques du site"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Protection compl癡te et automatique contre les menaces et les attaques."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Sauvegardez automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Scan de S矇curit矇"],"Automatically scan you
2381 r site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Scannez automatiquement votre site � la recherche d'attaques et de menaces courantes."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tenez ces exp矇diteurs de courrier ind矇sirable � distance�!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Sauvegardes du site"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Sauvegardez votre site�!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Aucun r矇sultat."],"Threats found!":[null,"Menace d矇tect矇e�!"],"Set up":[null,"Configurer"],"Upgrade":[null,"Mettre � jour"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIF"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Les pirates, les botnets et les exp矇diteurs de courrier ind矇sirable attaquent les sites Web sans aucune distinction. Ils ont pour but d'attaquer partout et souvent. Notre objectif es
2382 t de vous aider � vous pr矇parer en bloquant ces menaces, et en cas de sc矇nario catastrophe, nous aiderons votre site � retrouver sa gloire d'antan."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Votre site utilise l'offre Free Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Votre site utilise l'offre Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Votre site utilise l'offre Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Votre site est en mode de d矇veloppement"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable via Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Afficher vos statistiques de spam"],"Configure Akismet
2383 ":[null,"Configurer Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Afficher votre tableau de bord de s矇curit矇"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configurer VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"�tudes et sondages"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Cr矇er un sondage"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Sauvegardes en temps r矇el"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"R矇solution de menace en un clic"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"�valuations et sondages avanc矇s"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Comparer les plans"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"S矇curit矇 maximale"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Enfermez les m矇chants"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders."
2384 :[null,"Le filtre anti-spam infaillible prot癡ge votre marque, vos lecteurs et am矇liore votre r矇f矇rencement. La protection contre les attaques de connexion par force brute vous permet d'avoir l'esprit tranquille et vous prot癡ge contre les intrus."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Profitez de l'assistance prioritaire"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Besoin d'aide�? Nos Happiness�Engineers sont l� pour r矇pondre � vos questions sur votre site ou votre compte, et vous expliquer comment proc矇der."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Param癡tres de connexion"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"G矇rez votre connexion Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Le site est en mode de d矇veloppement, vous ne pouvez donc pas vous connecter �"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Vous 礙tes connect矇 en tant que "],"Link your account
2385 to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Liez votre compte � pour tirer le meilleur parti de Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Votre site doit 礙tre accessible par des moteurs de recherche pour que cette option fonctionne correctement. Vous pouvez apporter des modifications dans les {{a}}options de lecture{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Afficher {{a}}toutes les statistiques{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Afficher vos {{a}}abonn矇s par e-mail{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Des fonctionnalit矇s WordPress puissantes sur chaque appareil."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"G矇rez tous vos sites � partir d'un seul tableau de bord."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Appr矇ciez les performances"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll noti
2386 ce the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Toutes les applications WordPress sont con癟ues pour la vitesse. Vous remarquerez imm矇diatement la diff矇rence au niveau des performances, avec des changements de pages quasi instantan矇s et moins de temps d'attente."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Mises � jour group矇es et automatiques"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"La plupart des failles de s矇curit矇 se trouvent dans des extensions obsol癡tes. Utilisez nos applications Web et de bureau pour activer les mises � jour automatiques ou mettre � jour manuellement les extensions pour tous vos sites Web au m礙me endroit."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Concentrez-vous sur la r矇daction"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distrac
2387 tions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Notre nouvel 矇diteur est rapide comme l'矇clair, optimis矇 pour les r矇dacteurs et 矇limine les distractions afin que vous puissiez vous concentrer sur votre travail."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Essayer le nouvel 矇diteur"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Interagir avec vos visiteurs"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Surveillez vos visiteurs � l'aide des statistiques avanc矇es. Soyez � l'aff羶t des tendances, d矇couvrez le contenu le plus performant et comprenez vos visiteurs n'importe o羅 dans le monde."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Afficher vos statistiques"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Interagissez avec la communaut矇"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any t
2388 ime.":[null,"Les applications WordPress sont toutes dot矇es de lecteurs 矇tonnamment rapides et complets qui vous permettent de vous mettre � jour avec vos sites favoris et de rejoindre une conversation n'importe o羅 et � tout moment."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lancer le Lecteur"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"L'inspiration se manifeste � tout moment, n'importe o羅."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Obtenez les applications WordPress sur n'importe quel 矇cran."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Dans votre poche"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publiez du contenu, suivez les statistiques, mod矇rez les commentaires et bien plus encore, de n'importe o羅 dans le monde. Nos applications mobiles sont Open Source, gratuites et disponibles sur les appareils Apple et Android."]," in the App Store":[n
2389 ull," sur l'App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," sur Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Sur votre bureau"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Une application de bureau qui installe de fa癟on permanente WordPress sur votre ordinateur. Sans oublier l'environnement sans distraction dont vous b矇n矇ficiez lorsque vous r矇digez en dehors d'un navigateur Internet."]," for Mac OS X":[null," pour Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," pour Windows"]," for Linux":[null," pour Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Recherche de programmes malveillants"],"Threats found":[null,"Menace d矇tect矇e"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pour un scan complet et automatique des
2390 menaces de s矇curit矇, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour un scan complet et automatique des menaces de s矇curit矇, {{a}}mettez � niveau votre compte{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack bloque activement les tentatives de connexion malveillantes. Les donn矇es s'afficheront bient繫t ici�!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Toutes les attaques malveillantes ont 矇t矇 bloqu矇es sur votre site."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activez la protection{{/a}} pour prot矇ger votre site contre les tentatives de connexion malveillantes."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s extension","%(number)s extensions"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Mise � jour n矇cessaire. ","Mise � jour
2391 n矇cessaire. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Toutes les extensions sont � jour. Excellent travail�!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activez la gestion{{/a}} pour activer les mises � jour automatiques et g矇rer vos extensions depuis"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack am矇liore et optimise la vitesse de chargement de vos images."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"S矇curit矇"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Sauvegardes"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Afficher les d矇tails de sauvegarde{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pour sauvegarder automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site, {{a}}installez et activez{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automa
2392 tically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour sauvegarder automatiquement l'ensemble de votre site, proc矇dez � une {{a}}mise � jour�!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Indisponible en mode de d矇veloppement."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protection contre le contenu ind矇sirable"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable, {{a}}installez Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pour une protection de pointe contre le contenu ind矇sirable, {{a}}activez Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Cl矇 non valide"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Indisponible en mode de d矇veloppement"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Neige"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Activer les chutes de neige pendant les vacances."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Activer les chutes d
2393 e neige sur mon blog du 1er�d矇cembre au 4�janvier."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Activation des fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es en cours..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es activ矇es"],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"�chec de l�ctivation des fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Activation de %(slug)s en cours��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s a 矇t矇 activ矇."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"�chec de l'activation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"D矇sactivation de %(slug)s en cours��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s a 矇t矇 d矇sactiv矇."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"�chec de la d矇sactivation de %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Mise � jour des param癡tres %(slug)s en cours..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Param癡tres %(s
2394 lug)s mis � jour."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Erreur lors de la mise � jour des param癡tres %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Mise � jour de l'adresse %(slug)s en cours..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Nouvelle adresse %(slug)s g矇n矇r矇e."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Erreur lors de la g矇n矇ration d'une nouvelle adresse %(slug). %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"R矇initialisation des options de Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Options r矇initialis矇es."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"�chec de la r矇initialisation des options."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Une erreur est survenue lors de la d矇connexion de Jetpack. Erreur�: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Suppression du lien de"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Lien supprim矇 de"],"Error unlinking from %(e
2395 rror)s":[null,"Erreur lors de la suppression du lien de %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"D'un coup d'�il"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Lieux communs"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Nous diriez-vous pourquoi�? R矇pondez {{a}}simplement � deux questions 矇l矇mentaires{{/a}}pour nous aider � am矇liorer Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Vous appr矇ciez Jetpack&nbsp;?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Donnez-nous votre avis{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}suivez-nous sur Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} et{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}ajou
2396 tez-nous sur Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Ajoutez-nous sur Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Suivez Jetpack sur Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Consultez notre page d'assistance{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}cherchez des r矇ponses sur les forums{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} ou{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contactez-nous directement{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contactez directement l'assistance de Jetpack"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Rendez-vous sur les forums de"],"Go to":[null,"Rendez-
2397 vous sur"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Nous offrons une assistance compl癡te et gratuite � tous les utilisateurs de Jetpack. Notre 矇quipe d'assistance est toujours � votre disposition."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Happiness Engineer chez Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Politique de confidentialit矇 d'Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Conditions d'utilisation de"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activez la v矇rification de site{{/a}} pour v矇rifier votre site et am矇liorer son classement sur Google, Bing et Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Les outils de v矇rification du site sont ac
2398 tifs. Assurez-vous que votre site est v矇rifi矇 par Google, Bing et Pinterest pour une indexation et un classement plus pr矇cis. {{a}}V矇rifier maintenant{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Outils de v矇rification du site"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activez Photon{{/a}} pour am矇liorer les performances et la vitesse de vos images."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performances en termes d'image %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activer la gestion et les mises � jour automatiques{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activer les mises � jour automatiques d'extensions{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Mises � jour d'extensions"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Oups�! Votre cl矇 Akismet est manquante ou n'est pas valide. {{akismetSettings}}Acc矇
2399 dez aux param癡tres d'Akismet pour corriger ce probl癡me{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Aucune menace trouv矇e, la voie est libre�!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contacter l'assistance{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Afficher les d矇tails sur{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Oups, %(number)s menace trouv矇e.","Oups, %(number)s menaces trouv矇es."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activez la surveillance{{/a}} pour recevoir des notifications si votre site est indisponible."],"Loading��":[null,"Chargement en cours..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Surveillance des interruptions"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Voir plus de stats sur {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Voir les anciennes stats{{/b
2400 utton}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Commentaires depuis la cr矇ation"],"All-time views":[null,"Vues depuis la cr矇ation"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s vue","%(number)s vues"],"Best overall day":[null,"Meilleure journ矇e globale"],"Views today":[null,"Vues aujourd'hui"],"Months":[null,"Mois"],"Weeks":[null,"Semaines"],"Days":[null,"Jours"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement des statistiques. R矇essayez ult矇rieurement ou {{a}}consultez vos statistiques maintenant sur{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Cliquez pour afficher les statistiques d矇taill矇es."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Vues�: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Semaine de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"G矇rer la s矇curit矇 sur"],"Skip this step":[null,"Ignorer cette 矇tape"],"Skip the Jetpa
2401 ck Jumpstart process":[null,"Ignorer le processus Jumpstart de Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Les fonctionnalit矇s peuvent 礙tre activ矇es ou d矇sactiv矇es � tout moment."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Les fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es de Jetpack comprennent�:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activer les fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Am矇liorez rapidement votre site en activant les fonctionnalit矇s recommand矇es de Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Faites d矇coller votre site"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Se d矇connecter de"],"Link to":[null,"M'associer �"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Me d矇sassocier de"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life
2402 easier.":[null,"Rejoignez les millions d'utilisateurs qui comptent sur Jetpack pour am矇liorer et s矇curiser leurs sites. Nous nous passionnons pour WordPress et nous sommes ici pour vous faciliter la vie."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack est pourvu d'un service d'assistance compos矇 des membres les plus qualifi矇s et passionn矇s de la communaut矇. Ils sont pr矇sents dans le monde entier pour vous aider."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Avons-nous 矇voqu矇 l'assistance professionnelle gratuite�?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack utilise le r矇seau sophistiqu矇 de transmission de contenu de afin d'acc矇l矇rer le chargement de vos plus belles images. Optimis矇 pour
2403 n'importe quel appareil et enti癡rement gratuit."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Des images optimis矇es � la vitesse de l'矇clair"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Vous ne serez jamais en retard et ne perdrez pas de temps avec la mise � jour d'extensions sur tous vos sites."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Mises � jour automatiques de votre site."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Surveillance de votre site en temps r矇el."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Am矇liorez la s矇curit矇 de votre site avec Protect, un outil ayant d矇j� bloqu矇 des milliards d'attaques sur des millions de sites."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blocage des attaques contre votre site."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack
2404 bloque les tentatives de connexion malveillantes, vous informe lorsque votre site est indisponible et peut automatiquement mettre � jour vos extensions. Vous n'aurez plus aucun souci."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"S矇curit矇 de votre site et tranquillit矇 d'esprit"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack tire parti du pouvoir de afin de vous proposer un aper癟u d矇taill矇 de vos visiteurs, de leurs lectures et de leur provenance."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Gardez vos visiteurs engag矇s, en leur donnant plus � lire et partager, gr璽ce aux articles similaires."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Am矇liorez le trafic sur votre site."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Donnez � vos visiteurs tous les outils dont ils ont besoin pou
2405 r partager vos articles et s'abonner � votre contenu."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construisez une communaut矇."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Boutons de partage et J'aime"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social automatis矇."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack poss癡de de nombreux outils de trafic et d'engagement afin de vous aider � g矇n矇rer davantage de lecteurs et � les garder."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Envoyez-nous votre feedback"],"Need Help?":[null,"Besoin d�ide�?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"G矇rer les extensions"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Ne vous inqui矇tez pas. Monitor vous alertera si votre site est indisponible."],"Track your growth":[null,"Suivez votre croissance"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utilisez Publicize pour partag
2406 er automatiquement vos articles avec vos amis, vos abonn矇s et le monde."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Am矇liorez le trafic sur votre site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Un probl癡me est survenu lors de la connexion de votre Jetpack Cliquez de nouveau sur \"Se connecter �\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Nous avons rencontr矇 un probl癡me lors de l&rsquo;autorisation de Jetpack; d矇activez et r矇activez l&rsquo;extension, et essayez une nouvelle fois."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Vous devez rester connect矇 � votre blog pendant l'autorisation de Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{
2407 {s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} Veuillez nous excuser pour ce d矇sagr矇ment. Veuillez r矇essayer ult矇rieurement. Si le probl癡me persiste, contactez l'assistance avec ce message�: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"D矇connexion de Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Laisser un commentaire sur Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Besoin d'aide�? L'矇quipe Jetpack est � votre disposition."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Exiger l&rsquo;authentification � deux facteurs"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Utilisez une mise en forme large et visuellement attrayante"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Afficher un en-t礙te \"Sur le m礙me th癡me\" pour s矇parer plus clairement cette section du reste des articles"],"Related":[null,"Sur le m礙me th癡me"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can chang
2408 e between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Veillez � ajouter les adresses IP les plus fr矇quemment utilis矇es, ces derni癡res pouvant 礙tre diff矇rentes suivant votre domicile, votre lieu de travail et d'autres lieux. La suppression d'une adresse IP de la liste ci-apr癡s entra簾ne sa suppression de votre liste blanche."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestion de la liste blanche"],"Email Address":[null,"Adresse e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Stats du Site"],"Featured Images":[null,"Images � la Une"],"Excerpts":[null,"Extraits"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Activer les t矇moignages sur ce site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Activer les projets Portfolio sur ce site."],"Preview":[null,"Aper癟u"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Jeu de couleurs"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Phrases ignor矇es"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread
2409 posts and pages":[null,"Utiliser la d矇tection automatique de la langue pour corriger le contenu."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Phrases redondantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Phrases � 矇viter"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voix passive"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbes cach矇s"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doubles n矇gations"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Signes diacritiques"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Phrases complexes"],"Bias Language":[null,"Langage Figur矇"],"English Options":[null,"Options pour l'anglais"],"Proofreading":[null,"Autocorrection"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Connecter Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne pouvait pas contacter�: %(error_key)s. Dans la plupart des cas, cela signifie que quelque chose n'est pas configur矇 correctement sur votre h矇bergement."]," is currently having problems and is unable to f
2410 uel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," a actuellement des soucis et ne peut pas alimenter votre Jetpack. Veuillez essayer utl矇rieurement."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Votre Jetpack a un petit souci.{{/s}} La connexion de ce site � n'est pas possible. Ceci est g矇n矇ralement provoqu矇 par un site non accessible au public (par exemple, un site sur localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Votre site doit 礙tre accessible au public pour utiliser Jetpack�: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Vous avez correctement d矇connect矇 Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Actif"],"Settings":[null,"R矇glages"],"Learn More":[null,"Plus d&rsquo;info."],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"D矇connecter Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"D矇boguer"],
2411 "Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testez la compatibilit矇 de votre site avec Jetpack."]}
2412 \ No newline at end of file
2414 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-he_IL.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-he_IL.json
2415 index 0a4ff60..a683ac4 100644
2416 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-he_IL.json
2417 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-he_IL.json
2418 @@ -1 +1 @@
2419 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-09-07 05:31:06+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"he_IL","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Pe
2420 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
2421 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
2422 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"��蚺�蚸 ��蚳 蛌���� 蚸� Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"���蛈蛁�蛌 蚸�蚳�� 蚸� Jetpack 蛂�蚳蚹 ������ ��蛌蚹�� 蚸��� ��蛌蚳 蚹�蛈�� ������� ������ 蛁���� �����蛌, ��� ���� ��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� ����蛌 ���蛁 蛌��� ��� 蚸�蛌蚳�蚸 ��蛌蚳 �����蚳�� 蚸��."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \
2423 "At a Glance\" section.":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳 �蚳��蛌 �蛌 ����蛁 蛁� 蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 ����� ��蚹�蛁 '��� ����'."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"���蚳蛌 蛌蛈�蚳� 蚸� 蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 �����"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"������ �� ��� �蚺蚸蚳���蛌 ���蚳蛌 蛌蛈�蚳�"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"蚸�蚳�� 蚸� Jetpack ����蚸 ����蛁� ��蚺�蚸 ����蚹蚳�� �蛌 ���蛂 �蚳蛈��� �蛈�� ���蚸蚳� 蚸� �蛌蚳� �����蚳�� 蚸��. ����� 蚸��� ����蛁蛌 蛌����蛌 ��� ���蚹� 蛌����蛌 ���, ���� 蛁� �-SEO 蚸��, ��蚹�� 蛁� ��蚹蚳�� �蚸��蚳 蛁� 蚹蚸蚳."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus
2424 on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"������� ���蚰 ��蛌蚳 ���� ��蛌 蛁� 蚸���蚳�� ��������� ��蚺蚸蚳�� �� 蚸���蛌 �蚺蚸, ��� �蚺蚸蚳 ��蛌�蚹� ��蛌��蛌 蛌��� �蚸��� �����蛌 �蛌蛁��蚳�, ���� 蚸��� ����� 蛁� �� ���� 蚸� ��蚸蚹蛁� 蚸��. �蚸�蚳� ����."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}���蚳蛌 蛌蛈�蚳� 蚸�%(module_slug)s ����蚳�蛌 蚸��{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"���� 蚳蚸�� �蛁������"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"蛁���� ���� �-iPhone/iPad ���� 蛁�蚸��"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"�蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 WordPress �-Android 蛁�蚳� '�蛌��蛌 蚺���' 蚳蛈���蛌"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"���蛈蛌 蚸�蚳��: VideoPress ��蛌���蛌"],"WordPr
2425 Likes are:":[null,"����蚹�� 蚸� ��:"],"Comments headline":[null,"蚸�蚳蛌 ��蛌蚳蛌 蚸� 蛌����蛌"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"�����蛂 ��� ����� 蚸��蚳�� �蚹�蚳��� 蚸��� �����."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"��� �蚹�蚳��� ������ ���蚳蚸� �蛁������ 蚸� 蚺�蛂��� �� 蛌����蛌 蚸��, �� �蚸����?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �蚺蚸蚳�蛌 '蛁蚹�� ��蚳 �����' ���蚺蛂 �蛌����"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �蚺蚸蚳�蛌 '�蛁蚹� ��蚳 蛌����蛌'' ���蚺蛂 �蛌����蛌."],"Admin Bar":[null,"蛂蚳�� �����"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"�蛈�� �蛂蚳�� ������ 蚸� 蛌蚳蚸�� ��蛈�� 48 蚸蛁�蛌 蚸� 蛈蚺��蛌"],"Registered Users: Count the page views o
2426 f registered users who are logged in":[null,"�蚸蛌�蚸�� 蚳蚸����: 蛂蚺�蚳蛌 �蛈蚺��蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸� �蚸蛌�蚸�� 蚳蚸���� �����蚳��"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"�蚳��蛌 �����蛌: ���蚳蛌 �蛌蚺蚹���� 蚸����� �蛈蚺�蛌 �����蛌 �蛂���蛂��蚹�"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"蚹��蛌 ���蛁�蛌 ����蚳 �������"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"��������� ��蚸��� �� "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}蛁蚳���{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"�蛌��� �蚳� ������"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"�蛈�蛌 ���-�蛌���� 蚸� �蛌���� (Exif) �蚹蚳�蛂��, �蚸�� ������"],"Background Color":[null,"蛈�蛁 蚳蚹蛁"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"����� ���蛂�蚺�蛌 (�蛈�� 7 蚺�蛂��� ��� �蛁���)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post loa
2427 d as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"�蛁蚹� ��蚳 �� �蛁��蛌 蚺�蛂� 蛁� ����� ���蛂�蚺�蛌 �蛈蚺��� �蛁��� �-Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"蚹������� �����"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"�蛈�蛌 蚹����� ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 ����� 蚸� WordPress ���蛌蚳蛌 �蛌�蛌��� 蚸� 蛁蚳�蛌 �蛁�蛈�� �����"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �� 蛌����蛌 ���蚳�� 蚸�� �蚺蛂�蚺蛂 �����"],"Copied!":[null,"��蛁蛌蚹!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"�蚸 �蛂�� ���蛁蛌�蚹 �蛌 ��蚹蛂� ��� ���� 蚸��:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"�蛈��
2428 侈� �蛌��蛌 ���蚸"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"���蚳蛌 蛌�蚹� 蛁����蛌"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"���蚳蛌 ���蛈�蛌"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"蛌��蛈蛁 ���� �������蛌 ��蚹蚳�� �����: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"蚺�蛂� �� 蛁��� �蛌蚺蚳蛂��� �蚳�蚸���"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"蚺�蛂� �� 蛁��� �蛌蛁�����"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"����� 蚸蚺� �������"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"���蚹 ����蛌 蛌��� ������蛌, 蛈蚳蚺蛌�蛌, �蚳���蛌, 蚺�蚳�����蛌 �蛂蚺蚳��蛌."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"�蚺蚸�蚳 ���� ����� ��蚹��蚹 ��蛂���� �����: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"��蛂蚺蛌 蛈�蚳�蛅 �����"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"蚸���蚸 �-Markdown �蛌����蛌"],"Search engin
2429 es will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"���蛁� ��蚺�蚸 ��蛈�� �蛌 �蚺�蛌 ��蛌蚳�� ���蚹���� �����:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"�蚺蛌 �蛌蚳: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"�蚺蛌 �蛌蚳 ��蚸�蛌: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"�蚳��, ��?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}��蚺蛌 �� �蛂蚺蚳 ��� ���蛁 �� �蚸��蛌 �蛌 ��蛌��蚳�蛌 �-Jetpack {{a}}�蛂蚹蚳 �� 蚸�� 2 蚸���蛌{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}����蚳 �-Jetpack ��� ���� ��� 蚸蛌����蛌 ������ ��蛌蛁��蚳� �������蛌 蚸��� �蛁���.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"�蚳���� ����� �-{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jet
2430 pack is already connected.":[null,"�-Jetpack 蚸�� ��蚳 ����蚳."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"���� ���� ������, Jetpack 蚺蛁�� �蛁蛌."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"���� ���� ������, �蚺蚸蚳 �蛈�蛌 ��蚳�."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�蚳�� 蚸�蛁蚸� ��� 蚸���蚸 ��蚳蛂蛌 蚺�蛌�� 蚸� Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�蚳�蛁 {{a}}��蛈� 蚺�蛌��{{/a}} �蚳� ��蛂�� jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}��蚹 ��蛌����蛌 ��蚸�蛌�蛌."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�蚳�蛁 {{a}}��蛈� 蚺�蛌�� {{/a}} �蚳� �蚹��蛁 JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}��蚹 ��蛌����蛌 ��蚸�蛌�蛌."],"Currently i
2431 n {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�蚳�蛁 {{a}}��蛈� 蚺�蛌��{{/a}} ����� 蚸�蛂蚳� �蚹��� ��蛌��蛌 �-URL 蚸� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}��蚹 ��蛌����蛌 ��蚸�蛌�蛌."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"��� ��, %(userName)s, ����蚳 �"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"�� ���蛌 蚳�蛈� �蚳��蛌 ���� ��蚹蚳� 蚸� Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"蛂蚺蚳� ���!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"�蚳���� ����� �-Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"��� ��蛌��� ��蚸蛌�蚸 �-Jetpack, �蚸 ��蛌��蚳 ��蚸��� �� ��蛈�蚳 �蚸��� ���. 蚺蛁��� �� 蛌�蚺蚸蚳 蚸�蚳�
2432 蛌�� ��蛁���� 蚸� �����, 蛌蛁��蚳� ��蛌��� ��蚸�蛌."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"��� �� �蚸���? ��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� ��蛈�蚳 �蚸��� �����..."],"Saving��":[null,"蚸��蚳..."],"Save Settings":[null,"蚸��蚳蛌 ���蚳�蛌"],"Updates Needed":[null,"��蚳蚸�� 蛁������"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"��� ���蛌 �蚳蛈��� ��蛌蚹 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� �"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"蛂�� �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� 蚸� Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂���� 蚸� ��蛌蚳{{/a}} ��� �蚳��蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� �蚺�蚳���, ���蚹��, 蛁�蚹���, ������ �蛁��! {{a1}}���蛁 ��蛂蛅{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"�蚺蛁�蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂�
2433 � 蚸� ��蛌蚳"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"���� �������蛌 ��蚹�蚺� �蚺�� ������ ��蛌蚹蚺�蛌."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"���� ��蚸��蛌 �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"����� ������� 蚸� ��蛌蚳 ����."],"Security Scanning":[null,"蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 �����"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"蛂蚳�蚹� �������蛌 蚸� ��蛌蚳 ��� ����蛌 ������ ��蛌蚹蚺�蛌 �蚺�蛈��."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"��蚳��蚹 �蛌 �蚺�蛈� ���蚳 ����!"],"Site Backups":[null,"������� 蚸� �蛌蚳��"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"�蚸��蚳 蛁� ������ 蚸� ��蛌蚳 蚸��!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"�� ��蛈�� 蛌�蛈��蛌."],"Threats found!":[null,"��蛈�� ������!"],"Set up":[null,"���蚳�"],"Upgrade":[null,
2434 "蚸�蚳��"],"ACTIVE":[null,"蚺蛁��"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"��蚹蚳��, ������� ��蚺�蛈� ���蚳 ��� 蛌�蚹蚺�� �蛌蚳� ����蚳�� ��� �����. ���蚳� 蚸��� ��� �蛌蚹�蛅 ��� �蚹�� - ��蛁蛌�� 蚹蚳���蛌. ���蚳� 蚸��� ��� �蛂��蛁 �� ��蛌���� ���蛈蛁�蛌 �蛂��蛌 ������ ���, ��蛌蚳��蚸�� ��蚳�蛁�� ���蛌蚳, ���� 蚸� ��� �����蚳 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈�� �蚹���."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� �蛌����蛌 �����蛌 蚸� Free Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetp
2435 ack Premium plan":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� �蛌����蛌 Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� �蛌����蛌 蚸� Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"���� ��蚸��蛌 ���蛌 Akismet ��� 蛌����蛌 ���."],"View your spam stats":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� 蚸� 蛌����蛌 ���"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"���蚳蛌 Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"�蛈�蛌 ��� ��蚹蚳� 蚸� ������"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"���蚳蛌 VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"蛂蚹蚳��"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Col
2436 lect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"蛂蚹蚳�� ��� �����, 蛌蚸���蛌 ��� �����. 蛁�蚳� �蛂蚹蚳�� ��蚺蚸蚳 ��蛈�蚳 蛂蚹蚳�� ����蚳�蛌 ��蚹��蛌. 蛌蚸���蛌 ��蛌� ��蛂�蛅 �蚳� ��蛌蚳, ������� �� �-iPad �� iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"�蛈�蚳蛌 蛂蚹蚳 ��蚸"],"Real-time backups":[null,"������� ���� ��蛌"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"蚺蛌蚳�� ������� ����蛈� ��蛌"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"蛂蚹蚳�� ���蚳���� �蛌蚹����"],"Compare Plans":[null,"�蚸���蛌 蛌�����蛌"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"����� �蚳�� ��蚳��蛌"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"��蚸��蚳 �蛌 �蚳蛁�� ���蚰"],"Bulletproof sp
2437 am filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"蛂���� ����蛌� ������ 蚸� 蛌����蛌 ��� ��� 蛁� ���蛌� ��蚹�蚳��� 蚸�� ��蚸蚺蚳 �蛌 �-SEO. ���� �蚺�� �蛂����蛌 ���蛂� ���蛈蛁�蛌 ����蚸 蛂�蛂�� �蛂��蛁蛌 �蚸��蚳 蛁� 蚸���蛌 �蚺蚸�, �蚸��蚳蛌 蛁��� �蚺�� 蚺��蚸��."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� �����蛌 �蛁��蚺�蛌 �蚹��蛌 蛌����"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�蚳�蚸� 蛁�蚳�? �蛈�� 蛌���� �蛁�� �� 蛁� 蚸���蛌 ���蚸� ��蛌蚳, ��蚸��� �� �� 蚺蛁��� ��蚳蛌 蚸�蚳蛈��� �蛁蚸�蛌."],"Connection Settings":[null,"���蚳�蛌 ����蚳"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"����� �����蚳 蚸�
2438 � �-Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"�蛌蚳 �� ��蛈� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��, ��� ��� �� �蚺蚸蚳�蛌 ��蛌��蚳 ��"],"You are connected as ":[null,"�蛌��蚳蛌 �蛌�蚳 "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"��� ��蚺�蚹 �蛌 ���蚳� �-Jetpack, ����蚰 �蚹蚸蚳 �蛌 ��蚸��� ��"],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"��� 蚸蛌���� �� 蛌蚺蛁� ���蚺� 蛌蚹��, ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ����蛌 ���蚸 ����蛁� ��蚺�蚸. �蚺蚸蚳 �蚸��蛌 ��蛌 蛌�蛌{{a}}���蚳�蛌 蚹蚳���{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"�蛈�蛌 {{a}}�� ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂����{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"�蛈�蛌 {{a}}�蛁�蚹��� 蚸�� ������� {{/a}}"],"Powerf
2439 ul features on every device.":[null,"蛌����蛌 蚳��蛌 蛁�蛈�� ��� ��蚸�蚳."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"���� �蛌 �� ��蛌蚳�� 蚸�� ���� �蚹蚳� ����."],"Feel the performance":[null,"��蚳��蚸 �蛌 ���蛈�蛁��"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"�� ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 蚸� WordPress ���蛁��蛌 ����蛌 ���蚳�蛌. ��蛌� ������ ����� ���蛈�蛁�� ���蚺� �����, 蛁� �蛁���蛌 蛁����� 蚸�蛌蚳�蚸�蛌 ��蛁� �����蛌, �蚺��蛌 ��� ��蛌�� ���蚺� ����."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"蛁������ �蛈��蚳 �蛁������ ���������"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your
2440 websites in one convenient place.":[null,"蚳�� ���蚹���� ������ ��蛈��� �蛌�蛂蚺�� ���蚸���. ����蚰 ��蚸蛌�蚸 ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 �����蚳����蛌 ��蚸������蛌 蚸��� ��� �蚺蛁�� 蛁������ ��������� �� �蛁��� 蛌�蛂蚺�� ���蚺� ���� ��� ��蛌蚳�� 蚸��, ��蚹�� ��� ���."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"��蛌�蚹� ��蛌���"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"�蛁�蚳� ���蚸 蚸��� ���蚳 ������, ��蛌�� ���蚺� ����� ���蛌��� ��蛈�蛈� �蛂��蛌 �蛁蛌, ��� ��蚺蚸蚳 �� ��蛌�蚹� �蛁����."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�蛌�蛂�蛌 �蛁�蚳� ���蚸"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"��蛌��蚳 ���蚹蚳�� 蚸��"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best a
2441 nd understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"���蚳 �蛌 ���蚹蚳�� 蚸�� ���蛈蛁�蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� �蛌蚹����. ����蛌 ����蛌, ����� ����� 蛌��� �蚸 ���蛈�蛁�� ������ ���蛌蚳, ������ �蛌 ���蚹蚳�� 蚸�� ��� �蚹�� �蛁���."],"View Your Stats":[null,"��蛈�� �蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂���� 蚸��"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"��蛌��蚳 �蚹����"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"��� �蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 WordPress �蚸 蚹�蚳��� ���蚳�� ������ ��蛁�� 蛌����蛌 ����蛌, �� 蚸蛌��� ��蛌蛁��� ��蛌蚳�� ������� 蛁��� ���蛈�蚳蛅 �蚸��� ��� �蚹��, ��� 蛁蛌."],"Launch Reader":[null,"�蚸蚹蛌 Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"��蚸蚳�
2442 � 蛌�蚹蚺蛌 ��� 蛁蛌 ���� �蚹��."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� �蚹�� �蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 蚸� WordPress ��� �蛂�."],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"�蚺蚳蛂� 蛌���, �蛁蚹�� ��蚳 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂����, ��蚸蚳 蛌����蛌 �蛁�� �蚳�� ��蛌蚳 ��� �蚹�� �蛁���. ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 蚸��� ����� �� ��蚹�蚳 蚺蛌��, ������蛌 ������蛌 �� ���蚸�蚳� Apple �� Android."]," in the App Store":[null," �-App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," �-Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web brows
2443 er.":[null,"�蚺��蚹蛈�� 蚸�����蛌 蚸�蛁��蚹� �-WordPress ��蛌 蚹��蛁 ���蚸� 蚸��. 蚸�� �����蚳 �蛌 �蛂���� ����蛌 ��蚺蚳蛁�蛌 蚸�蚹���� �蚸��蛌��� ���蚰 ��蚺�蚺� ����蚳��."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 ���蛌�蚳 蛌����蛌 ������蛌"],"Threats found":[null,"��蛈�� ������"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�蛂蚳�蚹� �������蛌 ��蚹�蚺� 蚸� ����� �����, �蚸{{a}}��蛌蚹�� ���蚺蛁�� �蛌 {{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"�蛂蚳�蚹� �������蛌 ��蚹�蚺� 蚸� ����� �����, �蚸
2444 {{a}}�蚸�蚳� �蛌 ��蚸���{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack ��蛂� ���蚺� 蚺蛁�� �蛂����蛌 ���蛂� �������. �蚹蚳�� ��蛈�� ��� �蛌����!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"蛂�\"� �蛌蚹蚺�蛌 ������蛌 蚸��蛂�� ��蛌蚳 蚸��."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 Protect{{/a}} ��� �蚸��蚳 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� �蚺�� �蛂����蛌 ���蛂� �������."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s 蛌�蛂蛅","%(number)s 蛌�蛂蚺��"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","�蚹�蚹 �蛁����. ","�蚹�蚹�� �蛁����. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�� �蛌�蛂蚺�� �蛁������. 蛁���� ���蚳蛌!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugin
2445 s from":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 Manage{{/a}} ��� ��蚺蛁�� 蛁������ ��������� ����� �蛌 �蛌�蛂蚺�� 蚸�� �"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"�����"],"Performance":[null,"��蛈�蛁��"],"Backups":[null,"�������"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}�蛈�蛌 蚺蚳�� �����{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ���蚺� �������, �蚸 {{a}}��蛌蚹�� ���蚺蛁�� �蛌{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ���蚺� �������, �蚸 {{a}}�蚸�蚳�!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[nul
2446 l,"�� ����� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��."],"Spam Protection":[null,"���� �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"����� ��蚸��蛌 �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���, �蚸 {{a}}��蛌蚹�� �蛌 Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"����� ��蚸��蛌 �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���, {{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"�蚺蛌� �� 蛌蚹蛅"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"�� ���� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"蚸�� �蛌蚹�蚺蛌 �����"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"�蛈� 蚸�� ��蚳� �蛌蚹�蚺蛌 �����."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"�蛈� 蚸�� ��蚳� ����� 蚸�� ��� �-1 ��蛈��蚳 蛁� 4 �����蚳."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"�蚺蛁�� 蛌����蛌 ����蛈�蛌..."],"Recommended features
2447 active.":[null,"�蛌����蛌 �����蛈�蛌 蚺蛁���蛌."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"�蚺蛁�� �蛌%(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s ��蚺蛁�."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"��蚸�� ��蚺蛁�� 蚸� %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"�蚸��蛌 �蛌%(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s ��蚸�蛌."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"�蛁���%(slug)s ���蚳�蛌��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"蛁�����%(slug)s ���蚳�蛌."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"蚸���� �蛁����%(slug)s ���蚳�蛌. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"�蛁���%(slug)s �蛌��蛌��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"��蛈蚳�%(slug)s �蛌��蛌."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Rese
2448 tting Jetpack options��":[null,"��蚺蛂 �蚺蚸蚳���蛌 Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"��蚺�蛂 �蚺蚸蚳���蛌."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"��蚺�蛂 ��蚺蚸蚳���蛌 ��蚸�."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"��蚳蛁� 蚸���� ����� �蛌�蛌蚹�蛌 �-Jetpack. 蚸����: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"����� �蚹�蚸�蚳 ��"],"Unlinked from":[null,"����� �蚹�蚸�蚳 ��"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"蚸���� ������ �蚹�蚸�蚳 �� %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"��� ����"],"Clich矇s":[null,"蚹��蚸��蛌"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"�蚸�� ��蛁蛌 ���蛁. �蚸�� �蚹�� {{a}}蛌蚸���蛌 �蚸蛌� 蚸���蛌 蚹蛈蚳�蛌{{/a}} ��� 蚸��蛁 ��蛈� �蚸蚺蚳 �蛌 Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}
2449 }Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}�蚸 �� 蚳蚹 ����� ����蛌 蛁� Jetpack, �� 蚸�蚳蛈��� ��蚸��蚳 �蚸��?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}��蚸�蚳蛌 ��蚹�蚳蛌{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}�蚺蚸蚳 �蛁蚹�� ��蚳��� ������蚳{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, ���� ��{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}�蛁蚸�蛌 ��� '���蚹' �蚺��蛂��蚹{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"蛂���� '���蚹' �蚺��蛂��蚹"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"�蛁蚹� ��蚳 Jetpack ������蚳"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/h
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2451 �蚸蛌�蚸� Jetpack 蚸���. 蛈��蛌 �蛌���� 蚸��� 蛌��� ���� �蚸�蚳�蛌��."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"�蛈�� 蛌���� �-Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"������蛌 �蚺蚳���蛌 蚸� Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"蛌��� 蚸���蚸 �"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌 ����蛌 �蛌蚳{{/a}} ��� ���蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 ������蚳 �蛌 ���蚳�� 蛁� Google,�� Bing �-Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌蚳�� 蚺蛁����. �蚸 ����� 蚸��蛌蚳 蚸�� ����蛌 ���蛈蛁�蛌 Google,�� Bing �-Pinterest �蚹��蛌 ��蚺蛌�� ���蚳�� ����蚹�� ��蛌蚳. {{a}}����蛌 蛁�蚸��{{/a}}"],"Si
2452 te Verification Tools":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌蚳��"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌Photon{{/a}} �蚸�蚺�蚳 ���蛈�蛁�� �����蚳�蛌 蚸� �蛌����蛌 蚸��."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"��蛈�蛁� 蛌����蛌%(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌Manage ��蚺蛁�蛌 蛁������ ���������{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌 蛁������ ��������� 蚸� 蛌�蛂蚺��{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"蛁����� 蛌�蛂蚺��"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"�����蚺蛂! �蚺蛌� Akismet 蚸�� �蛂蚳 �� �� 蛌蚹蛅. {{akismetSettings}}�蚸 �蛁��蚳 �� ���蚳�蛌 Akismet ��� �蛌蚹� ��蛌�.{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"��
2453 ��蛈�� ������, �蚺蚸蚳 ��蛌��� �蛁���!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蛈�蚳蛌 蚹蚸蚳 蛁� �蛌����{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蛈�蛌 蚺蚳��� �{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","��� �����, %(number)s ��蛈� ����.","��� �����, %(number)s ��蛈�� ������."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� ������蚳{{/a}} ��� �蚹�� ���蛁�蛌 �� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蚹�蚳蛂."],"Loading��":[null,"��蛁���"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"����蚳 ��� �蚸�蛌�"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"蛌����蛌 ��� ������"],"All-time views":[null,"蛈蚺��蛌 ��� ������"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s
2454 蛈蚺���","%(number)s 蛈蚺��蛌"],"Best overall day":[null,"�����蛌 ���蛌蚳 ���蚳� �� ����"],"Views today":[null,"蛈蚺��蛌 ����"],"Months":[null,"���蚸��"],"Weeks":[null,"蚸��蛁�蛌"],"Days":[null,"����"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"�蚸�� 蚹蚳� �蛁蛌 �蛁��蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂����. �蚸 ��蛂�蛌 蚸�� ����蚳 ��蛌蚳 ��{{a}}��蛈�� �蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂���� 蚸�� 蛁�蚸�� �{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"�蚸 ����蚰 ��� ��蛈�� �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� �蚺�蚳���."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null," 蛈蚺��蛌: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"蚸��蛁 �蛌�� %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"����� ����� �"],"Skip this step":[null,"����� 蛁� 蚸�� ��"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart pr
2455 ocess":[null,"����� 蛁� 蛌���� �蚳�蚹蛌 ��蚳蚰 蚸� Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳 ��蚺蛁�� �� ��蚸��蛌 �蛌 �蛌����蛌 ��� 蛁蛌."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"�蛌����蛌 �����蛈�蛌 蚸� Jetpack �����蛌:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�蚺蛁�蛌 蛌����蛌 ����蛈�蛌"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� �蚸蚺蚳 ����蚳�蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���蛈蛁�蛌 �蚺蛁�蛌 �蛌����蛌 �����蛈�蛌 蚸� Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"�蚳�蚹蛌 �蚳蚰 ��蛌蚳 蚸��"],"Disconnect from":[null,"�蛌�蛌蚹�蛌 �"],"Link to":[null,"蚹�蚸�蚳 �"],"Unlink me from":[null,"����� �蚹�蚸�蚳 蚸�� ��"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We'
2456 re passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"���� �� ��蛈�蚳蛅 �� ������� ��蚸蛌�蚸�� 蚸�蛂蛌���� 蛁� Jetpack �蚸�蚺�蚳 ��蛌蚳�� 蚸��� ������� 蚸���. ��� ������ ���� WordPress, ���蛈��� ��� ��� ��蚹� 蛁� ����."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack �蛌�� 蛁� ��� ��� ����蚸�� ��蛂�蚳�� �������� ���蛌蚳 �蚹����. �� �蚺��蚳�� ��� 蚹蛈��蛌 蛌�� ������� �蛁��蚳."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"��� ���蚳�� 蛌���� �蚹蛈�蛁�蛌 �����?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack �蚸蛌�蚸 �蚳蚸蛌 ��蛌蚹��蛌 蚸�
2457 � �蚸���蛌 蛌��� ��� ��蛁�� �蛌 �蛌����蛌 �������蛌 蚸�� ����蚳�蛌 蚸��. �蚸�蚳�蛌 ��蛌�� ��� ��蚸�蚳, ���蛌� ����� ���蚳�."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"�蛁��蛌 蛌����蛌 ������蛌 ����蚳�蛌 蚸��"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"����蛌 �蚸�蚳�蛌 ��, �蛁��� �� ��蛂蚳 �� 蛁���� ����� ��� ���� 蛈�蚳� ����� ��� 蛁� 蛁���� �蛌蚳�� �蚳����."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"蛁������ ��������� 蚸� �蛌蚳��."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�蛁蚹� ��蚳 �蛌蚳 ���� ��蛌."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"����蛌 �蚸���蛌 �蚺蚸 蛁� Protect, ���� 蚸�蛂� �����蚳��� 蚸� �蛌蚹蚺�蛌 ���蛂� �������� �蛌蚳��."],"Block site a
2458 ttacks.":[null,"�蛂��蛌 �蛌蚹蚺�蛌 蛁� �蛌蚳."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack ��蛂� �蛂����蛌 �蛌��蚳�蛌 �������, �����蛁 �� �� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蚹�蚳, ��� ���� �蛁��� ���蚺� ������� �蛌 �蛌�蛂蚺�� 蚸��, ��� 蚸�� 蛌��� �� 蛂��� �����."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"����蛌 ��蛌蚳 �蚳�蚸 蚸蚹�"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack 蚳�蛌� �蛁�蚳蛌� �蛌 �蛁�蛈�� 蚸� ��� ��蛈�� �蚺��� 蛌����蛌 �蚺�蚳��蛌 蛁� ���蚹蚳�� 蚸��, �� �� 蚹�蚳��� ������ �� ���蛁��."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"
2459 �蛈�蛌 蚺�蛂��� 蚹蚸�蚳�� ��� �蛌蛌 ���蚹蚳�� ��蛌蚳 蛌��� �蚸�蛌�蛅 ��蚹蚳��� ���� �蚸��蚳 蛁� 蚳�蛌 蛁���� �����."],"Increase page views.":[null,"����蛌 ���蛌 蛈蚺��蛌 �蛁���."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"��蛁��蚹 ���蚹蚳�� �蛌 ����� �蚸蛌蛅 �蛌 �蛌��� 蚸�� ����蚳蚸� �蛁������ �����."],"Build a community.":[null,"����蛌 蚹����."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"�蚺蛌�蚳� 蚸�蛌�蛅 ����蚹"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"蚸���蚹 ������� �蚳蚸蛌�蛌 ��蚳蛌��蛌."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"�-Jetpack �蚸 ���� 蚸� 蛌蛁��蚳� ��蛈�蚳蛌 �蛁�蚳��� �蚹蚳� ����蚸��, 蚸�蛂��蛁� ��蚸�� 蛈�蚺�� 蚳��� ��蛌蚳 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蚸��蚳 ��蛌� 蚸�."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"蚸�
2460 � �蚸��"],"Need Help?":[null,"�蚳�蚸� 蛁�蚳�?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"����� 蛌�蛂蚺��"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"蚺��蛌 ��蚰. ��蛁蚹� �蚸�� �� �蛌蚳��蛌 ���� ��蛌 �� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蚹�蚳蛂."],"Track your growth":[null,"�蛁蚹� 蛈����"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"蚸���蚸 ��蚺蚸蚳�蛌 '蚸�蛌�蛅 �������' ��� �蚸蛌蛅 �������蛌 �蛌 �蚺�蛂��� 蚸�� 蛁� ��蚳��, 蛁�蚹��� ��� �蛁���."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�蚸��蛌 ��蛌蚳 蛌蛁��蚳� ��蛌蚳 蚸��"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"��蚳蛁� �蛁�� �����蚳 Jetpack 蛁��蚳�. �蚸 ����蚰 蚸�� 蛁� '�蛌��蚳�蛌 �'."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the
2461 Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"���蛌� ��� �蛁�� �����蚳 Jetpack; �蚸 ����蛌 ���蚺蛁�� ���蚸 �蛌 蛌�蛂蛅 Jetpack ��� ��蛌��蚳 蚸��."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"���� WordPress 蛈蚳�� ���蚸�蚳 ����蚳 ���� ��蚸�蚳 Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}�蚸 蛌蚹�� �-Jetpack 蚸��.{{/s}} ��� �蛌�蛈��� 蛁� ��-�����蛌. ���� ��蛂�蛌 蚸�� ����蚳 ��蛌蚳 ��� ��蛁�� ��蚸�蛌, �蚺��蛌 �蛌���� �蛈�蚳�蛅 ����蛁� ����: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"��蛌蚹 �蛌 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�蚸�蚳蛌 ��蚹�蚳蛌 蛁� Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�蚳�蚸� 蛁�蚳�? 蛈��蛌 Je
2462 tpack �蚸�蚳�蛌�!"],"Smiley":[null,"蛂�����"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�蚳蚸� ����� �蚸�� 蚸����"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"�蚸蛌�蚸 �蚺蚳�蛂� ����� ��蚳蚸��� ������ �������蛌"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�蛈� ��蛌蚳蛌 '蚹蚸�蚳�' ��� ��蚺蚳�� �蛈�蚳� �蚳�蚳� ��蛌蚳 �蛌 �蛂蛁�蛅 �蚹蚸�蚳 ��蚳蚸���蛌"],"Related":[null,"蚹蚸�蚳"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"���� ���蛂�蛅 �蛌 �蛌���蛌 �-IP ��蚺�蛈�蛌 ���蛌蚳 �蚸���蚸 ���蚳 蚸�� 蛁蚸���蛌 ��蚸蛌��蛌 �蚺� ���蚹�� 蚸�� - ��蛌, �蚸蚳� �蛁��. �蛂蚳蛌 �蛌��蛌 IP ��蚳蚸��� ���� 蛌蛂�蚳 ��蛌� �蚳蚸��蛌 ���蛌
2463 蚳�� 蚸��."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"����� 蚳蚸��� ���� (蚳蚸��蛌 蚸����� ������)"],"Email Address":[null,"�蛌��蛌 ���蚳 ��蚹�蚳���"],"Publicize":[null,"�蚺蛈�"],"Site Stats":[null,"蛂���蛂��蚹蛌 �蛌蚳"],"Featured Images":[null,"蛌����蛌 �蚳����蛌"],"Excerpts":[null,"蛌蚹蛈�蚳��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�蚺蛁�蛌 ���蛈�蛌 ��蛌蚳 ��."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳� 蚺蚳��蚹��� 蚸� 蚺�蚳�蚺���� ��蛌蚳 ��."],"Preview":[null,"蛌蛈��� �蚹����"],"Color Scheme":[null,"蛁蚳�蛌 蛈�蛁��"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"������� ��蛌蛁���蛌"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�蚸蛌�蚸 ������ 蚸蚺� ������� ����蛌 蚳蚸���蛌 �蛁�����."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"������� ���蛌蚳��"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�����蛁 ��������"],"Passive Voice":[nu
2464 ll,"�蚺� 蛂���"],"Jargon":[null,"�蚸�� 蛁���蛌 (�'�蚳���)"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"蚺蛁��� ������"],"Double Negatives":[null,"蚸���� �蚺��� (���� �����)"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"蛂���� ��蚹��"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"������� ��蚳����"],"Bias Language":[null,"����蛌 蚸蚺�"],"English Options":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳���蛌 �����蛌"],"Proofreading":[null,"����"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�蚸 ���蚳 �蛌 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack �� �蛈��� ��蛈�蚳 蚹蚸蚳 蛁� %(error_key)s. ��蚳� ��� �� 蚹�蚳� ��蚸蚳 �蚸�� ����蚳 �� ���� �蚸蚳蛌 蚸��."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"���蚳�蚺蚳蛂.蚹�� �蚸 �蛁��蛌 �蚳�蛁 ����� ����� �蛌��蚹
2465 �蛌 � Jetpack 蚸��. ��蚹蚸� �蛂� 蚸�� ����蚳 ��蛌蚳."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}�蚸 蛌蚹�� �-Jetpack 蚸��.{{/s}} �� ��蛌� ���蚳 �蛌蚳 �� �� �蚸�蛁�蛌 ���蚳 ��蚳� ��� ��� 蚸��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ���蚸 �蛈���蚳 (�蚳� �蚹���)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蛈蚳�� ����蛌 ���蚸 �蛈���蚳 ��� ��蚸蛌�蚸 �-Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"��蛌蚹蛌 ��蛈��� �蛌 ��蚸��� 蚸�� �-Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"蚺蛁��"],"Settings":[null,"���蚳�蛌"],"Learn More":[null,"��� 蛁��"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�蛌蚹 �蛌 Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"��蛌�蚳 蚸����蛌"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpac
2466 k.":[null,"���蚹蛌 蛌����蛌 ��蛌蚳 蛁� Jetpack."]}
2467 \ No newline at end of file
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2469 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
2470 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
2471 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"��蚺�蚸 ��蚳 蛌���� 蚸� Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"���蛈蛁�蛌 蚸�蚳�� 蚸� Jetpack 蛂�蚳蚹 ������ ��蛌蚹�� 蚸��� ��蛌蚳 蚹�蛈�� ������� ������ 蛁���� �����蛌, ��� ���� ��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� ����蛌 ���蛁 蛌��� ��� 蚸�蛌蚳�蚸 ��蛌蚳 �����蚳�� 蚸��."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \
2472 "At a Glance\" section.":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳 �蚳��蛌 �蛌 ����蛁 蛁� 蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 ����� ��蚹�蛁 '��� ����'."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"���蚳蛌 蛌蛈�蚳� 蚸� 蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 �����"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"������ �� ��� �蚺蚸蚳���蛌 ���蚳蛌 蛌蛈�蚳�"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"蚸�蚳�� 蚸� Jetpack ����蚸 ����蛁� ��蚺�蚸 ����蚹蚳�� �蛌 ���蛂 �蚳蛈��� �蛈�� ���蚸蚳� 蚸� �蛌蚳� �����蚳�� 蚸��. ����� 蚸��� ����蛁蛌 蛌����蛌 ��� ���蚹� 蛌����蛌 ���, ���� 蛁� �-SEO 蚸��, ��蚹�� 蛁� ��蚹蚳�� �蚸��蚳 蛁� 蚹蚸蚳."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus
2473 on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"������� ���蚰 ��蛌蚳 ���� ��蛌 蛁� 蚸���蚳�� ��������� ��蚺蚸蚳�� �� 蚸���蛌 �蚺蚸, ��� �蚺蚸蚳 ��蛌�蚹� ��蛌��蛌 蛌��� �蚸��� �����蛌 �蛌蛁��蚳�, ���� 蚸��� ����� 蛁� �� ���� 蚸� ��蚸蚹蛁� 蚸��. �蚸�蚳� ����."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}���蚳蛌 蛌蛈�蚳� 蚸�%(module_slug)s ����蚳�蛌 蚸��{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"���� 蚳蚸�� �蛁������"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"蛁���� ���� �-iPhone/iPad ���� 蛁�蚸��"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"�蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 WordPress �-Android 蛁�蚳� '�蛌��蛌 蚺���' 蚳蛈���蛌"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"���蛈蛌 蚸�蚳��: VideoPress ��蛌���蛌"],"WordPr
2474 Likes are:":[null,"����蚹�� 蚸� ��:"],"Comments headline":[null,"蚸�蚳蛌 ��蛌蚳蛌 蚸� 蛌����蛌"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"�����蛂 ��� ����� 蚸��蚳�� �蚹�蚳��� 蚸��� �����."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"��� �蚹�蚳��� ������ ���蚳蚸� �蛁������ 蚸� 蚺�蛂��� �� 蛌����蛌 蚸��, �� �蚸����?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �蚺蚸蚳�蛌 '蛁蚹�� ��蚳 �����' ���蚺蛂 �蛌����"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �蚺蚸蚳�蛌 '�蛁蚹� ��蚳 蛌����蛌'' ���蚺蛂 �蛌����蛌."],"Admin Bar":[null,"蛂蚳�� �����"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"�蛈�� �蛂蚳�� ������ 蚸� 蛌蚳蚸�� ��蛈�� 48 蚸蛁�蛌 蚸� 蛈蚺��蛌"],"Registered Users: Count the page views o
2475 f registered users who are logged in":[null,"�蚸蛌�蚸�� 蚳蚸����: 蛂蚺�蚳蛌 �蛈蚺��蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸� �蚸蛌�蚸�� 蚳蚸���� �����蚳��"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"�蚳��蛌 �����蛌: ���蚳蛌 �蛌蚺蚹���� 蚸����� �蛈蚺�蛌 �����蛌 �蛂���蛂��蚹�"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"蚹��蛌 ���蛁�蛌 ����蚳 �������"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"��������� ��蚸��� �� "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}蛁蚳���{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"�蛌��� �蚳� ������"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"�蛈�蛌 ���-�蛌���� 蚸� �蛌���� (Exif) �蚹蚳�蛂��, �蚸�� ������"],"Background Color":[null,"蛈�蛁 蚳蚹蛁"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"����� ���蛂�蚺�蛌 (�蛈�� 7 蚺�蛂��� ��� �蛁���)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post loa
2476 d as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"�蛁蚹� ��蚳 �� �蛁��蛌 蚺�蛂� 蛁� ����� ���蛂�蚺�蛌 �蛈蚺��� �蛁��� �-Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"蚹������� �����"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"�蛈�蛌 蚹����� ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 ����� 蚸� WordPress ���蛌蚳蛌 �蛌�蛌��� 蚸� 蛁蚳�蛌 �蛁�蛈�� �����"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �� 蛌����蛌 ���蚳�� 蚸�� �蚺蛂�蚺蛂 �����"],"Copied!":[null,"��蛁蛌蚹!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"�蚸 �蛂�� ���蛁蛌�蚹 �蛌 ��蚹蛂� ��� ���� 蚸��:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"�蛈��
2477 侈� �蛌��蛌 ���蚸"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"���蚳蛌 蛌�蚹� 蛁����蛌"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"���蚳蛌 ���蛈�蛌"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"蛌��蛈蛁 ���� �������蛌 ��蚹蚳�� �����: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"蚺�蛂� �� 蛁��� �蛌蚺蚳蛂��� �蚳�蚸���"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"蚺�蛂� �� 蛁��� �蛌蛁�����"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"����� 蚸蚺� �������"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"���蚹 ����蛌 蛌��� ������蛌, 蛈蚳蚺蛌�蛌, �蚳���蛌, 蚺�蚳�����蛌 �蛂蚺蚳��蛌."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"�蚺蚸�蚳 ���� ����� ��蚹��蚹 ��蛂���� �����: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"��蛂蚺蛌 蛈�蚳�蛅 �����"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"蚸���蚸 �-Markdown �蛌����蛌"],"Search engin
2478 es will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"���蛁� ��蚺�蚸 ��蛈�� �蛌 �蚺�蛌 ��蛌蚳�� ���蚹���� �����:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"�蚺蛌 �蛌蚳: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"�蚺蛌 �蛌蚳 ��蚸�蛌: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"�蚳��, ��?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}��蚺蛌 �� �蛂蚺蚳 ��� ���蛁 �� �蚸��蛌 �蛌 ��蛌��蚳�蛌 �-Jetpack {{a}}�蛂蚹蚳 �� 蚸�� 2 蚸���蛌{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}����蚳 �-Jetpack ��� ���� ��� 蚸蛌����蛌 ������ ��蛌蛁��蚳� �������蛌 蚸��� �蛁���.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"�蚳���� ����� �-{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jet
2479 pack is already connected.":[null,"�-Jetpack 蚸�� ��蚳 ����蚳."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"���� ���� ������, Jetpack 蚺蛁�� �蛁蛌."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"���� ���� ������, �蚺蚸蚳 �蛈�蛌 ��蚳�."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�蚳�� 蚸�蛁蚸� ��� 蚸���蚸 ��蚳蛂蛌 蚺�蛌�� 蚸� Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�蚳�蛁 {{a}}��蛈� 蚺�蛌��{{/a}} �蚳� ��蛂�� jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}��蚹 ��蛌����蛌 ��蚸�蛌�蛌."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�蚳�蛁 {{a}}��蛈� 蚺�蛌�� {{/a}} �蚳� �蚹��蛁 JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}��蚹 ��蛌����蛌 ��蚸�蛌�蛌."],"Currently i
2480 n {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�蚳�蛁 {{a}}��蛈� 蚺�蛌��{{/a}} ����� 蚸�蛂蚳� �蚹��� ��蛌��蛌 �-URL 蚸� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}��蚹 ��蛌����蛌 ��蚸�蛌�蛌."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"��� ��, %(userName)s, ����蚳 �"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"�� ���蛌 蚳�蛈� �蚳��蛌 ���� ��蚹蚳� 蚸� Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"蛂蚺蚳� ���!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"�蚳���� ����� �-Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"��� ��蛌��� ��蚸蛌�蚸 �-Jetpack, �蚸 ��蛌��蚳 ��蚸��� �� ��蛈�蚳 �蚸��� ���. 蚺蛁��� �� 蛌�蚺蚸蚳 蚸�蚳�
2481 蛌�� ��蛁���� 蚸� �����, 蛌蛁��蚳� ��蛌��� ��蚸�蛌."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"��� �� �蚸���? ��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� ��蛈�蚳 �蚸��� �����..."],"Saving��":[null,"蚸��蚳..."],"Save Settings":[null,"蚸��蚳蛌 ���蚳�蛌"],"Updates Needed":[null,"��蚳蚸�� 蛁������"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"��� ���蛌 �蚳蛈��� ��蛌蚹 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� �"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"蛂�� �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� 蚸� Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂���� 蚸� ��蛌蚳{{/a}} ��� �蚳��蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� �蚺�蚳���, ���蚹��, 蛁�蚹���, ������ �蛁��! {{a1}}���蛁 ��蛂蛅{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"�蚺蛁�蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂�
2482 � 蚸� ��蛌蚳"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"���� �������蛌 ��蚹�蚺� �蚺�� ������ ��蛌蚹蚺�蛌."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"���� ��蚸��蛌 �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"����� ������� 蚸� ��蛌蚳 ����."],"Security Scanning":[null,"蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 �����"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"蛂蚳�蚹� �������蛌 蚸� ��蛌蚳 ��� ����蛌 ������ ��蛌蚹蚺�蛌 �蚺�蛈��."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"��蚳��蚹 �蛌 �蚺�蛈� ���蚳 ����!"],"Site Backups":[null,"������� 蚸� �蛌蚳��"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"�蚸��蚳 蛁� ������ 蚸� ��蛌蚳 蚸��!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"�� ��蛈�� 蛌�蛈��蛌."],"Threats found!":[null,"��蛈�� ������!"],"Set up":[null,"���蚳�"],"Upgrade":[null,
2483 "蚸�蚳��"],"ACTIVE":[null,"蚺蛁��"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"��蚹蚳��, ������� ��蚺�蛈� ���蚳 ��� 蛌�蚹蚺�� �蛌蚳� ����蚳�� ��� �����. ���蚳� 蚸��� ��� �蛌蚹�蛅 ��� �蚹�� - ��蛁蛌�� 蚹蚳���蛌. ���蚳� 蚸��� ��� �蛂��蛁 �� ��蛌���� ���蛈蛁�蛌 �蛂��蛌 ������ ���, ��蛌蚳��蚸�� ��蚳�蛁�� ���蛌蚳, ���� 蚸� ��� �����蚳 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈�� �蚹���."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� �蛌����蛌 �����蛌 蚸� Free Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetp
2484 ack Premium plan":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� �蛌����蛌 Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� �蛌����蛌 蚸� Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蛈� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"���� ��蚸��蛌 ���蛌 Akismet ��� 蛌����蛌 ���."],"View your spam stats":[null,"�蛈�蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� 蚸� 蛌����蛌 ���"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"���蚳蛌 Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"�蛈�蛌 ��� ��蚹蚳� 蚸� ������"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"���蚳蛌 VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"蛂蚹蚳��"],"Create a new poll":[null,"�蛈�蚳蛌 蛂蚹蚳 ��蚸"],"Real-time backups":[null,"������� ����
2485 ��蛌"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"蚺蛌蚳�� ������� ����蛈� ��蛌"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"蛂蚹蚳�� ���蚳���� �蛌蚹����"],"Compare Plans":[null,"�蚸���蛌 蛌�����蛌"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"����� �蚳�� ��蚳��蛌"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"��蚸��蚳 �蛌 �蚳蛁�� ���蚰"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"蛂���� ����蛌� ������ 蚸� 蛌����蛌 ��� ��� 蛁� ���蛌� ��蚹�蚳��� 蚸�� ��蚸蚺蚳 �蛌 �-SEO. ���� �蚺�� �蛂����蛌 ���蛂� ���蛈蛁�蛌 ����蚸 蛂�蛂�� �蛂��蛁蛌 �蚸��蚳 蛁�
2486 蚸���蛌 �蚺蚸�, �蚸��蚳蛌 蛁��� �蚺�� 蚺��蚸��."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� �����蛌 �蛁��蚺�蛌 �蚹��蛌 蛌����"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�蚳�蚸� 蛁�蚳�? �蛈�� 蛌���� �蛁�� �� 蛁� 蚸���蛌 ���蚸� ��蛌蚳, ��蚸��� �� �� 蚺蛁��� ��蚳蛌 蚸�蚳蛈��� �蛁蚸�蛌."],"Connection Settings":[null,"���蚳�蛌 ����蚳"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"����� �����蚳 蚸�� �-Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"�蛌蚳 �� ��蛈� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��, ��� ��� �� �蚺蚸蚳�蛌 ��蛌��蚳 ��"],"You are connected as ":[null,"�蛌��蚳蛌 �蛌�蚳 "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"��� ��蚺�蚹 �蛌 ���蚳� �-Jetpack, ����蚰 �蚹蚸蚳 �蛌 ��蚸
2487 ��� ��"],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"��� 蚸蛌���� �� 蛌蚺蛁� ���蚺� 蛌蚹��, ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ����蛌 ���蚸 ����蛁� ��蚺�蚸. �蚺蚸蚳 �蚸��蛌 ��蛌 蛌�蛌{{a}}���蚳�蛌 蚹蚳���{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"�蛈�蛌 {{a}}�� ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂����{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"�蛈�蛌 {{a}}�蛁�蚹��� 蚸�� ������� {{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"蛌����蛌 蚳��蛌 蛁�蛈�� ��� ��蚸�蚳."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"���� �蛌 �� ��蛌蚳�� 蚸�� ���� �蚹蚳� ����."],"Feel the performance":[null,"��蚳��蚸 �蛌 ���蛈�蛁��"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with
2488 near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"�� ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 蚸� WordPress ���蛁��蛌 ����蛌 ���蚳�蛌. ��蛌� ������ ����� ���蛈�蛁�� ���蚺� �����, 蛁� �蛁���蛌 蛁����� 蚸�蛌蚳�蚸�蛌 ��蛁� �����蛌, �蚺��蛌 ��� ��蛌�� ���蚺� ����."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"蛁������ �蛈��蚳 �蛁������ ���������"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"蚳�� ���蚹���� ������ ��蛈��� �蛌�蛂蚺�� ���蚸���. ����蚰 ��蚸蛌�蚸 ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 �����蚳����蛌 ��蚸������蛌 蚸��� ��� �蚺蛁�� 蛁������ ��������� �� �蛁��� 蛌�蛂蚺�� ���蚺� ���� ��� ��蛌蚳�� 蚸��, ��蚹�� ��� ���."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"��蛌��
2489 忸� ��蛌���"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"�蛁�蚳� ���蚸 蚸��� ���蚳 ������, ��蛌�� ���蚺� ����� ���蛌��� ��蛈�蛈� �蛂��蛌 �蛁蛌, ��� ��蚺蚸蚳 �� ��蛌�蚹� �蛁����."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�蛌�蛂�蛌 �蛁�蚳� ���蚸"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"��蛌��蚳 ���蚹蚳�� 蚸��"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"���蚳 �蛌 ���蚹蚳�� 蚸�� ���蛈蛁�蛌 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� �蛌蚹����. ����蛌 ����蛌, ����� ����� 蛌��� �蚸 ���蛈�蛁�� ������ ���蛌蚳, ������ �蛌 ���蚹蚳�� 蚸�� ��� �蚹�� �蛁���."],"View Your Stats":[null,"��蛈�� �蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂���� 蚸��"
2490 ],"Connect with the Community":[null,"��蛌��蚳 �蚹����"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"��� �蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 WordPress �蚸 蚹�蚳��� ���蚳�� ������ ��蛁�� 蛌����蛌 ����蛌, �� 蚸蛌��� ��蛌蛁��� ��蛌蚳�� ������� 蛁��� ���蛈�蚳蛅 �蚸��� ��� �蚹��, ��� 蛁蛌."],"Launch Reader":[null,"�蚸蚹蛌 Reader"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"��蚸蚳�� 蛌�蚹蚺蛌 ��� 蛁蛌 ���� �蚹��."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� �蚹�� �蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 蚸� WordPress ��� �蛂�."],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"�蚺蚳蛂� 蛌���, �蛁蚹��
2491 ��蚳 �蛌���� 蛂���蛂����, ��蚸蚳 蛌����蛌 �蛁�� �蚳�� ��蛌蚳 ��� �蚹�� �蛁���. ��蚺��蚹蛈��蛌 蚸��� ����� �� ��蚹�蚳 蚺蛌��, ������蛌 ������蛌 �� ���蚸�蚳� Apple �� Android."]," in the App Store":[null," �-App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," �-Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"�蚺��蚹蛈�� 蚸�����蛌 蚸�蛁��蚹� �-WordPress ��蛌 蚹��蛁 ���蚸� 蚸��. 蚸�� �����蚳 �蛌 �蛂���� ����蛌 ��蚺蚳蛁�蛌 蚸�蚹���� �蚸��蛌��� ���蚰 ��蚺�蚺� ����蚳��."]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null,"
2492 for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"蛂蚳�蚹�蛌 ���蛌�蚳 蛌����蛌 ������蛌"],"Threats found":[null,"��蛈�� ������"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�蛂蚳�蚹� �������蛌 ��蚹�蚺� 蚸� ����� �����, �蚸{{a}}��蛌蚹�� ���蚺蛁�� �蛌 {{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"�蛂蚳�蚹� �������蛌 ��蚹�蚺� 蚸� ����� �����, �蚸{{a}}�蚸�蚳� �蛌 ��蚸���{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack ��蛂� ���蚺� 蚺蛁�� �蛂����蛌 ���蛂� �������. �蚹蚳�� ��蛈�� ��� �蛌����!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"蛂�\"� �蛌蚹蚺�蛌 ������蛌 蚸��蛂�� ��蛌蚳 蚸��."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to ke
2493 ep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 Protect{{/a}} ��� �蚸��蚳 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� �蚺�� �蛂����蛌 ���蛂� �������."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s 蛌�蛂蛅","%(number)s 蛌�蛂蚺��"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","�蚹�蚹 �蛁����. ","�蚹�蚹�� �蛁����. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�� �蛌�蛂蚺�� �蛁������. 蛁���� ���蚳蛌!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 Manage{{/a}} ��� ��蚺蛁�� 蛁������ ��������� ����� �蛌 �蛌�蛂蚺�� 蚸�� �"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"�����"],"Performance":[null,"��蛈�蛁��
2494 "],"Backups":[null,"�������"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}�蛈�蛌 蚺蚳�� �����{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ���蚺� �������, �蚸 {{a}}��蛌蚹�� ���蚺蛁�� �蛌{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� ���蚺� �������, �蚸 {{a}}�蚸�蚳�!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"�� ����� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��."],"Spam Protection":[null,"���� �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"����� ��蚸��蛌 �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���, �蚸 {{a}}��蛌蚹�� �蛌 Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"����� ��蚸��蛌 �蚺�� 蛌����蛌 ���,
2495 {{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� �蛌 Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"�蚺蛌� �� 蛌蚹蛅"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"�� ���� ��蛈� 蚺�蛌��"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"蚸�� �蛌蚹�蚺蛌 �����"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"�蛈� 蚸�� ��蚳� �蛌蚹�蚺蛌 �����."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"�蛈� 蚸�� ��蚳� ����� 蚸�� ��� �-1 ��蛈��蚳 蛁� 4 �����蚳."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"�蚺蛁�� 蛌����蛌 ����蛈�蛌..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"�蛌����蛌 �����蛈�蛌 蚺蛁���蛌."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"�蚺蛁�� �蛌%(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s ��蚺蛁�."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"��蚸�� ��蚺蛁�� 蚸� %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"�蚸��蛌 �蛌%(slug)s��"],"%(slug
2496 )s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s ��蚸�蛌."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"�蛁���%(slug)s ���蚳�蛌��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"蛁�����%(slug)s ���蚳�蛌."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"蚸���� �蛁����%(slug)s ���蚳�蛌. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"�蛁���%(slug)s �蛌��蛌��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"��蛈蚳�%(slug)s �蛌��蛌."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"��蚺蛂 �蚺蚸蚳���蛌 Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"��蚺�蛂 �蚺蚸蚳���蛌."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"��蚺�蛂 ��蚺蚸蚳���蛌 ��蚸�."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"��蚳蛁� 蚸���� ����� �蛌�蛌蚹�蛌 �-Jetpack. 蚸����: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"����� �蚹�蚸�蚳 �
2497 �"],"Unlinked from":[null,"����� �蚹�蚸�蚳 ��"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"蚸���� ������ �蚹�蚸�蚳 �� %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"��� ����"],"Clich矇s":[null,"蚹��蚸��蛌"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"�蚸�� ��蛁蛌 ���蛁. �蚸�� �蚹�� {{a}}蛌蚸���蛌 �蚸蛌� 蚸���蛌 蚹蛈蚳�蛌{{/a}} ��� 蚸��蛁 ��蛈� �蚸蚺蚳 �蛌 Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}�蚸 �� 蚳蚹 ����� ����蛌 蛁� Jetpack, �� 蚸�蚳蛈��� ��蚸��蚳
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2500 Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌 ����蛌 �蛌蚳{{/a}} ��� ���蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 ������蚳 �蛌 ���蚳�� 蛁� Google,�� Bing �-Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌蚳�� 蚺蛁����. �蚸 ����� 蚸��蛌蚳 蚸�� ����蛌 ���蛈蛁�蛌 Google,�� Bing �-Pinterest �蚹��蛌 ��蚺蛌�� ���蚳�� ����蚹�� ��蛌蚳. {{a}}����蛌 蛁�蚸��{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"��� ����蛌 �蛌蚳��"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌Photon{{/a}} �蚸�蚺�蚳 ���蛈�蛁�� �����蚳�蛌 蚸� �蛌����蛌 蚸��."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"��蛈�蛁� 蛌����蛌%(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌Manage ��
2501 蚺蛁�蛌 蛁������ ���������{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蚺蛁�蛌 蛁������ ��������� 蚸� 蛌�蛂蚺��{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"蛁����� 蛌�蛂蚺��"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"�����蚺蛂! �蚺蛌� Akismet 蚸�� �蛂蚳 �� �� 蛌蚹蛅. {{akismetSettings}}�蚸 �蛁��蚳 �� ���蚳�蛌 Akismet ��� �蛌蚹� ��蛌�.{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"�� ��蛈�� ������, �蚺蚸蚳 ��蛌��� �蛁���!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蛈�蚳蛌 蚹蚸蚳 蛁� �蛌����{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蛈�蛌 蚺蚳��� �{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","��� �����, %(number)s ��蛈� ����.","��� �����, %(number)s ��蛈�� ���
2502 ���."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}�蚸 ��蚺蛁�� ������蚳{{/a}} ��� �蚹�� ���蛁�蛌 �� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蚹�蚳蛂."],"Loading��":[null,"��蛁���"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"����蚳 ��� �蚸�蛌�"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"蛌����蛌 ��� ������"],"All-time views":[null,"蛈蚺��蛌 ��� ������"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s 蛈蚺���","%(number)s 蛈蚺��蛌"],"Best overall day":[null,"�����蛌 ���蛌蚳 ���蚳� �� ����"],"Views today":[null,"蛈蚺��蛌 ����"],"Months":[null,"���蚸��"],"Weeks":[null,"蚸��蛁�蛌"],"Days":[null,"����"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"�蚸�� 蚹蚳� �蛁蛌 �蛁��蛌 ��蛌���� �
2503 蛂���蛂����. �蚸 ��蛂�蛌 蚸�� ����蚳 ��蛌蚳 ��{{a}}��蛈�� �蛌 ��蛌���� �蛂���蛂���� 蚸�� 蛁�蚸�� �{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"�蚸 ����蚰 ��� ��蛈�� �蛌���� 蛂���蛂���� �蚺�蚳���."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null," 蛈蚺��蛌: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"蚸��蛁 �蛌�� %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"����� ����� �"],"Skip this step":[null,"����� 蛁� 蚸�� ��"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"����� 蛁� 蛌���� �蚳�蚹蛌 ��蚳蚰 蚸� Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳 ��蚺蛁�� �� ��蚸��蛌 �蛌 �蛌����蛌 ��� 蛁蛌."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"�蛌����蛌 �����蛈�蛌 蚸� Jetpack �����蛌:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�蚺蛁�蛌 蛌����蛌 ����蛈�蛌"],"Quickly enhan
2504 ce your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"��蚺蚸蚳�蛌� �蚸蚺蚳 ����蚳�蛌 �蛌 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���蛈蛁�蛌 �蚺蛁�蛌 �蛌����蛌 �����蛈�蛌 蚸� Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"�蚳�蚹蛌 �蚳蚰 ��蛌蚳 蚸��"],"Disconnect from":[null,"�蛌�蛌蚹�蛌 �"],"Link to":[null,"蚹�蚸�蚳 �"],"Unlink me from":[null,"����� �蚹�蚸�蚳 蚸�� ��"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"���� �� ��蛈�蚳蛅 �� ������� ��蚸蛌�蚸�� 蚸�蛂蛌���� 蛁� Jetpack �蚸�蚺�蚳 ��蛌蚳�� 蚸��� ������� 蚸���. ��� ������ ���� WordPress, ���蛈��� ��� ��� ��蚹� 蛁� ����."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They
2505 're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack �蛌�� 蛁� ��� ��� ����蚸�� ��蛂�蚳�� �������� ���蛌蚳 �蚹����. �� �蚺��蚳�� ��� 蚹蛈��蛌 蛌�� ������� �蛁��蚳."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"��� ���蚳�� 蛌���� �蚹蛈�蛁�蛌 �����?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack �蚸蛌�蚸 �蚳蚸蛌 ��蛌蚹��蛌 蚸� �蚸���蛌 蛌��� ��� ��蛁�� �蛌 �蛌����蛌 �������蛌 蚸�� ����蚳�蛌 蚸��. �蚸�蚳�蛌 ��蛌�� ��� ��蚸�蚳, ���蛌� ����� ���蚳�."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"�蛁��蛌 蛌����蛌 ������蛌 ����蚳�蛌 蚸��"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"����蛌 �蚸�蚳�蛌
2506 ��, �蛁��� �� ��蛂蚳 �� 蛁���� ����� ��� ���� 蛈�蚳� ����� ��� 蛁� 蛁���� �蛌蚳�� �蚳����."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"蛁������ ��������� 蚸� �蛌蚳��."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�蛁蚹� ��蚳 �蛌蚳 ���� ��蛌."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"����蛌 �蚸���蛌 �蚺蚸 蛁� Protect, ���� 蚸�蛂� �����蚳��� 蚸� �蛌蚹蚺�蛌 ���蛂� �������� �蛌蚳��."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"�蛂��蛌 �蛌蚹蚺�蛌 蛁� �蛌蚳."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack ��蛂� �蛂����蛌 �蛌��蚳�蛌 �������, �����蛁 �� �� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蚹�蚳, ��� ���� �蛁��� ���蚺� ������� �蛌 �蛌�蛂蚺�� 蚸��, ��� 蚸�
2507 � 蛌��� �� 蛂��� �����."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"����蛌 ��蛌蚳 �蚳�蚸 蚸蚹�"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack 蚳�蛌� �蛁�蚳蛌� �蛌 �蛁�蛈�� 蚸� ��� ��蛈�� �蚺��� 蛌����蛌 �蚺�蚳��蛌 蛁� ���蚹蚳�� 蚸��, �� �� 蚹�蚳��� ������ �� ���蛁��."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"�蛈�蛌 蚺�蛂��� 蚹蚸�蚳�� ��� �蛌蛌 ���蚹蚳�� ��蛌蚳 蛌��� �蚸�蛌�蛅 ��蚹蚳��� ���� �蚸��蚳 蛁� 蚳�蛌 蛁���� �����."],"Increase page views.":[null,"����蛌 ���蛌 蛈蚺��蛌 �蛁���."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"��蛁��蚹 ���蚹蚳�� �蛌 ����� �蚸蛌蛅 �蛌 �蛌��� 蚸�� ����蚳蚸� �蛁����
2508 �� �����."],"Build a community.":[null,"����蛌 蚹����."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"�蚺蛌�蚳� 蚸�蛌�蛅 ����蚹"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"蚸���蚹 ������� �蚳蚸蛌�蛌 ��蚳蛌��蛌."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"�-Jetpack �蚸 ���� 蚸� 蛌蛁��蚳� ��蛈�蚳蛌 �蛁�蚳��� �蚹蚳� ����蚸��, 蚸�蛂��蛁� ��蚸�� 蛈�蚺�� 蚳��� ��蛌蚳 ��蛌蚳 蚸�� ��蚸��蚳 ��蛌� 蚸�."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"蚸���蛌 �蚸��"],"Need Help?":[null,"�蚳�蚸� 蛁�蚳�?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"����� 蛌�蛂蚺��"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"蚺��蛌 ��蚰. ��蛁蚹� �蚸�� �� �蛌蚳��蛌 ���� ��蛌 �� ��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蚹�蚳蛂."],"Track your growth":[null,"�蛁蚹� 蛈����"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends,
2509 followers, and the world.":[null,"蚸���蚸 ��蚺蚸蚳�蛌 '蚸�蛌�蛅 �������' ��� �蚸蛌蛅 �������蛌 �蛌 �蚺�蛂��� 蚸�� 蛁� ��蚳��, 蛁�蚹��� ��� �蛁���."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�蚸��蛌 ��蛌蚳 蛌蛁��蚳� ��蛌蚳 蚸��"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"��蚳蛁� �蛁�� �����蚳 Jetpack 蛁��蚳�. �蚸 ����蚰 蚸�� 蛁� '�蛌��蚳�蛌 �'."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"���蛌� ��� �蛁�� �����蚳 Jetpack; �蚸 ����蛌 ���蚺蛁�� ���蚸 �蛌 蛌�蛂蛅 Jetpack ��� ��蛌��蚳 蚸��."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"���� WordPress 蛈蚳�� ���蚸�蚳 ����蚳 ���� ��蚸�蚳 Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the in
2510 convenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}�蚸 蛌蚹�� �-Jetpack 蚸��.{{/s}} ��� �蛌�蛈��� 蛁� ��-�����蛌. ���� ��蛂�蛌 蚸�� ����蚳 ��蛌蚳 ��� ��蛁�� ��蚸�蛌, �蚺��蛌 �蛌���� �蛈�蚳�蛅 ����蛁� ����: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"��蛌蚹 �蛌 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�蚸�蚳蛌 ��蚹�蚳蛌 蛁� Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�蚳�蚸� 蛁�蚳�? 蛈��蛌 Jetpack �蚸�蚳�蛌�!"],"Smiley":[null,"蛂�����"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�蚳蚸� ����� �蚸�� 蚸����"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"�蚸蛌�蚸 �蚺蚳�蛂� ����� ��蚳蚸��� ������ �������蛌"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�蛈� ��蛌蚳蛌 '蚹蚸�蚳�' ��� ��蚺蚳�� �蛈�
2511 蚳� �蚳�蚳� ��蛌蚳 �蛌 �蛂蛁�蛅 �蚹蚸�蚳 ��蚳蚸���蛌"],"Related":[null,"蚹蚸�蚳"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"���� ���蛂�蛅 �蛌 �蛌���蛌 �-IP ��蚺�蛈�蛌 ���蛌蚳 �蚸���蚸 ���蚳 蚸�� 蛁蚸���蛌 ��蚸蛌��蛌 �蚺� ���蚹�� 蚸�� - ��蛌, �蚸蚳� �蛁��. �蛂蚳蛌 �蛌��蛌 IP ��蚳蚸��� ���� 蛌蛂�蚳 ��蛌� �蚳蚸��蛌 ���蛌蚳�� 蚸��."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"����� 蚳蚸��� ���� (蚳蚸��蛌 蚸����� ������)"],"Email Address":[null,"�蛌��蛌 ���蚳 ��蚹�蚳���"],"Publicize":[null,"�蚺蛈�"],"Site Stats":[null,"蛂���蛂��蚹蛌 �蛌蚳"],"Featured Images":[null,"蛌����蛌 �蚳����蛌"],"Excerpts":[null,"蛌蚹蛈�蚳��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�蚺蛁�蛌 ���蛈�蛌 �
2512 臥� ��."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳� 蚺蚳��蚹��� 蚸� 蚺�蚳�蚺���� ��蛌蚳 ��."],"Preview":[null,"蛌蛈��� �蚹����"],"Color Scheme":[null,"蛁蚳�蛌 蛈�蛁��"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"������� ��蛌蛁���蛌"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�蚸蛌�蚸 ������ 蚸蚺� ������� ����蛌 蚳蚸���蛌 �蛁�����."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"������� ���蛌蚳��"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�����蛁 ��������"],"Passive Voice":[null,"�蚺� 蛂���"],"Jargon":[null,"�蚸�� 蛁���蛌 (�'�蚳���)"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"蚺蛁��� ������"],"Double Negatives":[null,"蚸���� �蚺��� (���� �����)"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"蛂���� ��蚹��"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"������� ��蚳����"],"Bias Language":[null,"����蛌 蚸蚺�"],"English Options":[null,"�蚺蚸蚳���蛌 �����蛌"],"Proofreading"
2513 :[null,"����"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�蚸 ���蚳 �蛌 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack �� �蛈��� ��蛈�蚳 蚹蚸蚳 蛁� %(error_key)s. ��蚳� ��� �� 蚹�蚳� ��蚸蚳 �蚸�� ����蚳 �� ���� �蚸蚳蛌 蚸��."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"���蚳�蚺蚳蛂.蚹�� �蚸 �蛁��蛌 �蚳�蛁 ����� ����� �蛌��蚹 �蛌 � Jetpack 蚸��. ��蚹蚸� �蛂� 蚸�� ����蚳 ��蛌蚳."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}�蚸 蛌蚹�� �-Jetpack 蚸��.{{/s}} �� ��蛌� ���蚳 �蛌蚳 �� �� �蚸�蛁�蛌 ���蚳 ��蚳� ��� ��� 蚸��蛌蚳 蚸�� ���� �
2514 ��蚸 �蛈���蚳 (�蚳� �蚹���)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"��蛌蚳 蚸�� 蛈蚳�� ����蛌 ���蚸 �蛈���蚳 ��� ��蚸蛌�蚸 �-Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"��蛌蚹蛌 ��蛈��� �蛌 ��蚸��� 蚸�� �-Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"蚺蛁��"],"Settings":[null,"���蚳�蛌"],"Learn More":[null,"��� 蛁��"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�蛌蚹 �蛌 Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"��蛌�蚳 蚸����蛌"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"���蚹蛌 蛌����蛌 ��蛌蚳 蛁� Jetpack."]}
2515 \ No newline at end of file
2517 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hr.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hr.json
2518 index 310988a..99ddd3b 100644
2519 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hr.json
2520 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hr.json
2521 @@ -1 +1 @@
2522 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-19 09:37:41+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"hr","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Predstavljamo na禳 napristupa�niji plan sigurnosnih kopija
2523 i sigurnosti"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Osobni plan �uva va禳e podatke, web-stranicu i sav ulo鱉eni trud."],"Learn more...":[null,"Saznajte vi禳e..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranice je na Jetpack Osobnom planu"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"S ovim planom osigurana vam je za禳tita od spama, dnevne sigurnosne kopije (do 30 dana), i neograni�eni prostor za pohranu."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"S ovim planom osigurana vam je za禳tita od spama, dnevne sigurnosne kopije (do 30 dana), i neograni�eni prostor za pohranu sigurnosnih kopija, sigurnosnim skeniranjem i prioritetna podr禳ka."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security s
2524 canning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"Dobijete za禳titu od spama, trenutne sigurnosne kopije (neograni�ene arhive), neograni�eni prostor za pohranu sigurnosnih kopija, sigurnosno skeniranje, SEO alate, PollDaddy i prioritetnu podr禳ku."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Dnevne sigurnosne kopije svih podataka va禳e web-stranice s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu i vra�anje na prethodno stanje jednim klikom (koriste�i VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Dnevne sigurnosne kopije svih podataka va禳e web-stranice s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu i vra�anje na prethodno stanje jednim klikom, sigurnosno skeniranje i prioritetna podr禳ka (koriste�i VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije i Sigurnosno skeniran
2525 je"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Trenutne sigurnosne kopije svih podataka va禳e web-stranice s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu i vra�anje na prethodno stanje jednim klikom, automatsko sigurnosno skeniranje, rje禳avanje prijetnji jednim klikom i prioritetna podr禳ka (koriste�i VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Alati"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Napredni SEO alati koji �e pomo�i da se lak禳e prona�e va禳a web-stranica kada ljudi tra鱉e relevantni sadr鱉aj."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The ea
2526 siest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Pretra鱉ite svoj sadr鱉aj"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Upravljajte vidljivo禳�u Lajkova iz postavki modula Dijeljenje{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Sakrij sliku smje禳ka statistike. Slika poma鱉e u prikupljanju statistike ali bi trebala funkcionirati i kada je skrivena."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Va禳a trenutni IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Postavljanjem IP adrese u bijelu listu sprje�ava Jetpack da ju ikad blokira."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and hi
2527 gh value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 i IPv6 su prihvatljivi. {{br/}} Kako bi naveli raspon, unesite najni鱉u i najvi禳u vrijednost odvojene crticom, Primjer:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Pove鱉ite svoj ra�un s kako bi zapo�eli koristiti ovu mogu�nost."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Na ovoj kartici postoje ne snimljene postavke koje �e se izgubiti ako ju zatvorite. Nastaviti?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Ovo �e resetirati sve Jetpack opcije, jeste li sigurni?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Pretraga Jetpak mogu�nosti."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"A鱉urirajte Jetpack i na禳 najsuvremeniji sigu
2528 rnosni skener uhvatiti �e zlokobne datoteke i prijaviti ih odmah, tako da uvijek znate 禳to se doga�a na va禳oj web-stranici."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Informacije o sigurnosnim skeniranjima mo鱉ete vidjeti u sekciji \"Kratki pregled\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Konfigurirajte Sigurnosna skeniranja"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ovaj modul nema konfiguracijskih opcija"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Poka鱉ite ptre鱉iva�ima i posjetiteljima da ste ozbiljni kada je u pitanju integritet va禳e web-stranice i a鱉urirajte Jetpack. Na禳i anti-spam alati eliminirati �e spam komentare, za禳titi va禳 SEO, i posjetiteljima olaka禳ati da ostanu u kontaktu s vama."],"Real-time offsite b
2529 ackups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije u realnom vremenu izvan lokacije va禳e web-stranice s automatiziranim vra�anjem na prija禳nje stanje pru鱉a vam brigu. Tako se mo鱉ete fokusirati na kreiranje odli�nog sadr鱉aja i pove�anje prometa, dok mi 禳titimo svaki apekt va禳e investicije. A鱉urirajte danas."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Konfigurirajte svoje %(module_slug)s postavke{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Pretplatnik"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Veliko iPhone/iPad a鱉uriranje je sada dostupno"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Aplikacija WordPress za Android dobila je veliko pobolj禳anje"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Fokus a鱉uriranja: VideoPress za vjen�anja"]," Likes are:":[null,"Word
2530 lajkovi su:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Zaglavlje komentara"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Par privla�nih rije�i kojima �ete motivirati va禳e �itatelje na komentiranje."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Mogu li se �itatelji pretplatiti na va禳e objave, komentare ili oboje?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Prika鱉i opcije \"prati blog\" u formi za komentare."],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Prika鱉i opciju \"prati komentare\" u formi za komentare."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Administratorska traka"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Postavi grafikon koji prikazuje pregled stranica u zadnjih 48 sati u administratorskoj traci"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registrirani korisnici: Broji preglede stranica registriranih korisnika koji su prijavljeni"],"Report Visibil
2531 ity: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Vidljivost izvje禳taja: Odaberite uloge koje �e mo�i vidjeti statisti�ke izvje禳taje"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Primi Monitor obavijesti e-po禳tom"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"E-po禳ta �e biti poslana za"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Uredi{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Podudara se s e-po禳tom"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Prika鱉i meta podatke fotografija (Exif) u vrtuljku, kada su dostupni"],"Background Color":[null,"Pozadinska boja"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Beskona�no pomicanje (Prikazuje 7 objava u svakom u�itavanju)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Prati svako u�itavanje objave u Beskona�nom pomicanju kao pregled stranice u Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobilni promo"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme
2532 ":[null,"Prika鱉i promo za WordPress mobilne aplikacije u podno鱉ju mobilne teme."],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Unesite \"sadr鱉aj\" svog meta podatak klju�a kako bi verificirali svoj blog s {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} i {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Primjer meta klju�a:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Prika鱉i sve slike galerije u cool mozaiku."],"Copied!":[null,"Kopirano!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Ozna�ite i kopirajte sljede�i tekst:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regeneriranje adrese"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Konfiguracija Portfolia"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Konfiguracija Preporuka"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatski lekturiraj sa
2533 dr鱉aj kada:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Objava ili stranica je prva objavljena"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Objava ili stranica je a鱉urirana"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatska detekcija jezika"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Lektoriranje podr鱉ava Engleski, Francuski, Njema�ki, Portugalski i �panjolski jezik."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Omogu�i lekturiranje za sljede�a gramati�ka i stilska pravila:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Dodajte frazu"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Koristite Markdown za komentare"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Tra鱉ilice �e prona�i mape stranica na ovim lokacijama:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa stranica: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa stranice Vijesti: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Varamo, jeli?"],"{{p}}Would yo
2534 u mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Mo鱉ete li nam re�i za禳to niste dovr禳ili spajanje s Jetpackom u ovom {{a}}upitniku s dva pitanja{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Spajanje s Jetpackom je potrebno kako bi radile na禳e besplatne funkcije sigurnosti i prometa.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Dobro do禳li u {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Va禳 Jetpack je ve� spojen."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Sve je spremno za kori禳tenje, Jetpack je aktiviran."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Sve je spremno za kori禳tenje."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Trenutno koristite razvojnu ina�icu Jetpacka."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Po禳aljite Beta povrat
2535 nu informaciju"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Trenutno ste u {{a}}Razvojnom na�inu rada{{/a}} koriste�i jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Neke mogu�nosti su onesposobljene."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Trenutno ste u {{a}}Razvojnom na�inu rada{{/a}} putem JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG konstante.{{br/}}Neke mogu�nosti su onesposobljene."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Trenutno ste u {{a}}Razvojnom na�inu rada{{/a}} jer va禳em URL-u nedostaje to�ka (npr. http://localhost).{{br/}}Neke mogu�nosti su onesposobljene."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Vi, %(userName)s, niste spojeni s"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[nul
2536 l,"�to bi 鱉eljeli vidjeti na svojoj Jetpack Nadzornoj plo�i?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Dojavite nam!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Dobro do禳li u Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Spojite se ili kreirajte ra�un kako bi po�eli koristiti Jetpack. Ovo �e vam omogu�iti mo�ne servise sigurnosti, prometa i prilagodbi."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Nemate ra�un? Kreirajte ga besplatno..."],"Saving��":[null,"Snimanje..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Snimi postavke"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Potrebna a鱉uriranja"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Je li zbilja 鱉elite odspojiti svoju web-stranicu od"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Ikona statistike"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[n
2537 ull,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Statistiku web-stranice{{/a}} kako bi vidjeli detaljnu statistiku, lajkove, pratitelje, pretplatnike i jo禳 puno toga! {{a1}}Saznajte vi禳e{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktiviraj Statistiku web-stranice"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatizirana, sveobuhvatna za禳tita od prijetnji i napada."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Najmodernija obrana od spama."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatski napravi sigurnosnu kopiju cijele web-stranice."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sigurnosno skeniranje"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatski skenira va禳u web-stranicu za poznate prijetnje i napade."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Dr鱉ite te spamere podalje!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije web-stranice"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"�uvajte stranicu s sigurnosnom kopijom!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Pretraga nema
2538 rezultata."],"Threats found!":[null,"Prona�ene su prijetnje!"],"Set up":[null,"Postavljanje"],"Upgrade":[null,"A鱉uriranje"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVNO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hakeri, botnetovi i spameri napadaju web-stranice bez kriterija. Njihov cilj je napadati svugdje i �esto. Na禳 cilj je pomo�i vam pripremiti se, blokiraju�i ove prijetnje, i u najgorem slu�aju, biti �emo ovdje kako bi vam pomogli vratiti va禳u web-stranicu na prija禳nje stanje."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica koristi Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Nadogradite na pla�enu opciju kako bi otklju�ali svjetski poznate opcije sigurnost
2539 i, za禳tite od spama i prioritetnu podr禳ku."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica koristi Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica koristi Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica je trenutno u Razvojnom na�inu rada"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Kada se spojite, mo鱉ete nadograditi na pla�enu opciju kako bi otklju�ali svjetski poznate opcije sigurnosti, za禳tite od spama i prioritetnu podr禳ku."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Najmodernija obrana od spama koju pokre�e Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Pregled spam statistike"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Konfiguriraj Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Pregled nadzorne plo�e sigurnosti"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Konfiguracija Va
2540 ultPressa"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Ankete i glasovanja"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Neograni�ene ankete i odgovori. Upotrijebite ure�iva� anketa kako bi brzo i jednostavno kreirali ankete.Sakupite odgovore na web-stranici, e-po禳ti ili va禳em iPad ili iPhone-u."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Kreiraj novu anketu"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Trenutne Sigurnosne kopije"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Rje禳avanje prijetnji jednim klikom"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Napredne ankete i rejtinzi"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Usporedi planove"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Sigurnost najvi禳eg razreda"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Trenutne Sigurnosne kopije s neog
2541 rani�enim prostorom za pohranu, vra�anjem na prija禳nje stanje s jednim klikom, nepropusnim spam nadzorom, obranom od malwarea i za禳tita od napade sirovom snagom - sve na jednom mjestu i optimizirano za WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Blokiraj lo禳e tipove"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Nepogre禳ivo spam filtriranje 禳titi va禳 brend, �itatelje i pobolj禳ava SEO. Za禳tita prijave od napade sirovom snagom omogu�uje vam mirnu savjest i 禳titi administratorski dio stranice od uljeza."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"U鱉ivajte u prioritetnoj podr禳ci"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Trebate pomo�? In鱉enjera sre�e mo鱉e vam odgovoriti na pitanja o va禳oj webstranici, va禳em ra�unu ili kako ne禳to napraviti."],"Connect
2542 ion Settings":[null,"Postavke konekcije"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Upravljanje Jetpack konekcijom."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica je trenutno u Razvojnom na�inu rada, stoga se ne mo鱉ete spojiti s"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Spojeni ste kao"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Pove鱉ite svoj ra�un s kako bi maksimalno iskoristili Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica treba biti dostupna putem pretra鱉iva�a kako bi ova zna�ajka radila ispravno. Ovo mo鱉ete promijeniti u {{a}}Postavkama �itanja{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Pregledaj {{a}}Svu statistiku{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Pregledajte svoje {{a}}Pratitelje e-po禳tom{{/a}}"],"Powerful WordP
2543 features on every device.":[null,"Mo�ne zna�ajke na svakom ure�aju."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Upravljajte svim svojim web-stranicama s jedne nadzorne plo�e."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Osjetite performanse"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Sve WordPress aplikacije su izra�ene za brzinu. Odmah �ete primijetiti razlike u performansama, s skoro trenutnim u�itavanjem stranica i manje �ekanja."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Grupna i automatska a鱉uriranja"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Najvi禳e se sigurnosnih mana nalazi u nea鱉uriranim dodacima. Upotrijebite na禳e web i desktop aplikacije kako bi uklju�ili automatsko a鱉uriranje
2544 , ili manualno a鱉urirali za sve web-stranice s jednog prikladnog mjesta."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Fokusirajte se na pisanje"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Na禳 novi ure�iva� je brz, opitimiziran za spisatelje i eliminira odvla�enje pa鱉nje, omogu�uju�i da se fokusirate na va禳 sadr鱉aj."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Isku禳ajte novi Ure�iva�"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Spojite se s va禳im posjetiteljima"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Pratite svoje posjetitelje s naprednom statistikom. Pratite trendove, u�ite koji sadr鱉aj ima najve�i promet i razumijte svoje posjetitelje od bilo kuda u svijetu."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Pregledajte svoj status"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Spoji s Zajednicom"],"The WordPre
2545 ss apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Sve WordPress aplikacije imaju �ita�e impresivne brzine i s svim zna�ajkama, tako da mo鱉ete ostati u toku s va禳im omiljenim web-stranicama i pridru鱉iti se raspravama od bilo kuda i u svako vrijeme."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Pokreni �ita�"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiracija dolazi bilo kada i bilo gdje."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"WordPress aplikacije za svaki zaslon."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"U va禳em d鱉epu"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Objavljujte sadr鱉aj, pratite statistiku, moderirajte komentare i jo禳 puno toga od bilo gdje u svijetu. Na禳e mobilne aplikacije su otvorenog koda, besplatne i dostupne za Apple il
2546 i Android ure�aje."]," in the App Store":[null," u App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," u Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Na va禳em Desktopu"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Desktop aplikacija koja Wordpressu pru鱉a trajni dom na va禳em ra�unalu. A da ne spominjemo okru鱉enje koje sprje�ava odvla�enje pa鱉nje koje dobivate pisanjem izvan internet preglednika."]," for Mac OS X":[null," za Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," za Windows"]," for Linux":[null," za Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Skeniranje Malwarea"],"Threats found":[null,"Prona�ene prijetnje"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Za automatsko, opse鱉no sigurnosno
2547 skeniranje sigurnosnih prijetnji, {{a}}instalirajte i aktivirajte{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Za automatsko, opse鱉no sigurnosno skeniranje sigurnosnih prijetnji, {{a}}nadogradite svoj ra�un{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack aktivno blokira zlo�udne poku禳aje prijave. Podaci �e se uskoro ovdje prikazati."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Ukupan broj blokiranih zlo�udnih napada na va禳u web-stranicu."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivna za禳tita{{/a}} za za禳titu va禳e web-stranice od zlo�udnih poku禳aja prijave."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s dodatak","%(number)s dodatka","%(number)s dodataka"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Potrebno a鱉uriranje.","Potrebna a鱉uriranja.","Potr
2548 ebnih a鱉uriranja."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Svi dodaci su a鱉urirani. Odli�an posao!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Upravljanje{{/a}} kako bi uklju�ili automatsko a鱉uriranje i upravljali dodacima s"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack pobolj禳ava i optimizira brzinu va禳ih slika."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack nadzire va禳u web-stranicu. Ako nam se u�ini da web-stranice nije online, poslati �emo vam poruku e-po禳tom."],"Security":[null,"Sigurnost"],"Performance":[null,"Performanse"],"Backups":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Pregledaj detalje sigurnosne kopije{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Za automatsku sigurnosnu
2549 kopiju cijele web-stranice napravite {{a}}instalirajte i aktivirajte{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Za automatsku sigurnosnu kopiju cijele web-stranice napravite {{a}}nadogradnju!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Nedostupno u Razvojnom na�inu rada."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam za禳tita"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Za najmoderniju spam za禳titu {{a}}instalirajte Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Za najmoderniju spam za禳titu {{a}}aktivirajte Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Neispravan klju�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Nedostupno u razvojnom modu"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Blagdanski snijeg"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Prika鱉i padaju�i snijeg u blagdanskom periodu."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Prika鱉i padaju�i snije
2550 g na mojem blogu od 1. prosinca do 4. sije�nja."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Aktiviranje preporu�enih zna�ajki..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Preporu�ene zna�ajke su aktivne."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Preporu�ene zna�ajke nisu se uspjele aktivirati. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Aktiviranje %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s je aktivirano."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s nije se uspjelo aktivirati. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deaktiviranje %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s je deaktivirano."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"Neuspjela deaktivacija %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"A鱉uriranje postavki %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s postavke a鱉urirane."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Gre禳ka pri a鱉uriranju
2551 %(slug)s postavki. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"A鱉uriranje %(slug)s adrese."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerirana %(slug)s adresa."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Gre禳ka u regeneriranju %(slug)s adrese. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetiranje Jetpack opcija..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Reset opcija."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Opcije nisu uspje禳no resetirane."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Dogodila se gre禳ka pri odspjajanju Jetpacka. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Odspajanje od"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Odspojen od"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Gre禳ka pri odspajanju od %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Kratki pregled"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Kli禳eji"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve
2552 Jetpack.":[null,"鬚elite nam re�i za禳to? Samo {{a}}odgovaranjem na dva jednostavna pitanja{{/a}} pomogli bi nam pobolj禳ati Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}U鱉ivate u Jetpacku i imate povratne informacije?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Napi禳ite osvrt{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}pratite nas na Twitteru{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, i{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}lajkajte nas na Facebooku{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Lajkajte nas na Facebooku"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Zaprati Jetpack na Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{
2553 hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Pregledajte na禳u stranicu za podr禳ku{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}provjerite forume u potrazi za odgovorima{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, ili{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}nas direktno kontaktirajte{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Direktno kontaktiraj osoblje Jetpack podr禳ke."],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Posjeti forume podr禳ke"],"Go to":[null,"Posjeti"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Nudimo besplatnu, potpunu podr禳ku svim Jetpack korisnicima. Na禳 tim za podr禳ku uvijek je tu da vam pomogne.
2554 "],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack in鱉enjer sre�e"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic Polica Privatnosti"]," Terms of Service":[null," Uvjeti Usluge"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Verifikacija web-stranice{{/a}} kako bi verificirali svoju web-stranicu i pobolj禳ali ranking s Google, Bing, i Pinterestom."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Alati Verifikacije web-stranice su aktivni. Potrudite se verificirati web-stranicu s Google, Bing, and Pinterestom za 禳to to�nije indeksiranje i rangiranje. {{a}}Verificiraj odmah{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Alati Verifikacije web-stranice"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivira
2555 jte Photon{{/a}} za pobolj禳anje performansi i brzine va禳ih slika."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performanse slika %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivirajte Upravljanje i uklju�ite automatsko a鱉uriranje{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Uklju�ite automatsko a鱉uriranje dodataka{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"A鱉uriranja dodataka"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Ups! Va禳 Akismet klju�.nedostaje ili je neispravan. {{akismetSettings}}Otvorite Akismet postavke kako bi ovo popravili{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Nisu prona�ene prijetnje, nastavite bez briga!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kontaktiraj podri禳ku{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Pogledaj detalje na{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["
2556 Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s prijetnja prona�ena.","Uh oh, %(number)s prijetnje prona�ene.","Uh oh, %(number)s prijetnja prona�eno."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Monitor{{/a}} za primanje obavijesti ako va禳a web-stranica postane nedostupna."],"Loading��":[null,"U�itavanje..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Pra�enje vremena zastoja"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Pogledajte vi禳e statistike na {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Prika鱉i staru Statistiku{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Svi komentari"],"All-time views":[null,"Svi pregledi"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s pregled","%(number)s pregleda","%(number)s pregleda"],"Best overall day":[null,"Najposje�eniji dan"],"Views today":[null,"Pregleda danas"],"Months":[null,"Mjeseci"],"Weeks":[null,"Tjedana"],"Days":[
2557 null,"Dana"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Ne禳to se dogodilo prilikom u�itavanja statistike. Poku禳ajte ponovno kasnije ili {{a}}odmah pregledajte statistiku na{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Kliknite za pregled detaljne statistike."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Pregleda: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Tjedan %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Upravljanje sigurno禳�u na"],"Skip this step":[null,"Presko�i ovaj korak"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Presko�i Jetpack proces Ubrzani po�etak"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Mogu�nosti mo鱉ete aktivirati ili deaktivirati bilo kad."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Preporu�ene Jetpack mogu�nosti uklju�uju:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktiviraj preporu�ene mogu�nosti"],"Quickly enh
2558 ance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Brzo pobolj禳ajte svoju web-stranicu aktivacijom preporu�enih Jetpack mogu�nosti."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Brzo pokrenite svoju stranicu"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Odspoji s"],"Link to":[null,"Povezivanje s"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Odspajanje s"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Pridru鱉ite se milijunima korisnika koji se oslanjaju da ima Jetpack pobolj禳a i u�ini web-stranicu sigurnijom. Posve�eni smo WordPressu i tu samo kako bi vam olak禳ali 鱉ivot."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack podr禳ku pru鱉aju neki od tehni�ki najpotkovanijih i strastvenih ljudi u zajednici
2559 . Smje禳teni diljem svijeta i spremni vam pomo�i."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Jesmo li spomenuli besplatnu, profesionalnu pomo�?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack upotrijebljava najsuvremeniju mre鱉u za serviranje sadr鱉aja kako bi u�itao va禳e prekrasne slike super brzo. Optimizirano za svaki ure�aj, i potpuno je besplatno."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Super brze, optimizirane slike"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Nemojte vi禳e zaostajati za sigurnosnim izdanjima, ili tro禳iti vrijeme na a鱉uriranje vi禳e web-stranica."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatsko a鱉uriranje web-stranica."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Aktivno nadziranje stranice."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked bil
2560 lions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Osigurajte si mirnu savjest s Za禳titom, alatom koji je blokirao milijardu napada na formu za prijavu na milijunima stranica."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokiraj napade na stranicu."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blokira zlonamjerne poku禳aje prijave, javlja vam ako web-stranica nije online, i mo鱉e automatski a鱉urirati va禳e dodatke, tako da se vi ne morate brinuti."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Sigurnost web-stranice i mirna savjest."],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack koristi snagu kako bi vam prikazo detaljni uvid u va禳e posjetitelje, 禳to �itaju i odakle dolaze."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share a
2561 nd read with Related Posts.":[null,"Zadr鱉ite posjetitelje anga鱉iranima, pru鱉aju�i im vi禳e za dijeljenje i �itanje s Srodnim objavama."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Pove�ajte pregled stranica."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Pru鱉ite posjetiteljima alate da Dijele sadr鱉aj i Pretplate se na va禳 sadr鱉aj."],"Build a community.":[null,"Izgradite zajednicu."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Gumbi za dijeljenje i lajkanje"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automatizirani dru禳tveni marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack ima puno alata za promet i anga鱉man koji vam mogu pomo�i privu�i vi禳e posjetitelja na va禳u web-stranicu i du鱉e ih zadr鱉ati tamo, "],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Po禳aljite nam povratne informacije"],"Need Help?":[null,"Trebate pomo�?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Upravljanje Dodacima"],"Stress less. Monitor will send
2562 you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Manje brige. Monitor �e vam trenutno poslati obavijesti ako se va禳a stranica ikada sru禳i."],"Track your growth":[null,"Pratite svoj rast"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Pomo�u Publiciranja mo鱉ete automatski podijeliti svoje objave s prijateljima, pratiteljima i svijetom."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Privucite vi禳e prometa na svoju web-stranicu"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Dogodio se problem s spajanjem Jetpacka. Kliknite ponovno na \"Pove鱉i se s\""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Dogodio se problem s spajanjem Jetpacka; deaktivirajte a zatim reaktivirajte Jetpack dodatak, i ponovno se spojite."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpac
2563 k.":[null,"Trebate ostati prijavljeni na va禳em WordPress blogu dok autorizirate Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Va禳 Jetpack ima problema.{{/s}} Ispri�avamo se zbog neugodnosti. Poku禳ajte ponovno kasnije, ako se problem nastavi, kontaktirajte podr禳ku s ovom porukom: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Odspoji Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Napi禳ite recenziju o Jetpacku"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Trebate pomo�? Jetpack tim je ovdje za vas."],"Smiley":[null,"Smje禳ko"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Uklju�i Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Upotrijebi veliki i vizualno upe�atljivi izgled"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Prika鱉i zaglavlje \"Srodno\"
2564 kako bi jasnije odijelili sekciju srodno od objava."],"Related":[null,"Srodno"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Dodajte svoje najkori禳tenije IP adrese, jer se mogu razlikovati izme�u va禳ih lokacija kao 禳to su ku�a, ured i druge lokacije. Uklanjanje IP adrese iz liste ispod, ukloniti �e ju tako�er i iz bijele liste."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Upravljanje bijelom listom"],"Email Address":[null,"Adresa e-po禳te"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicirati"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistike stranice"],"Featured Images":[null,"Istaknute slike"],"Excerpts":[null,"Izvatci"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Uklju�i Preporuke za ovu web-stranicu."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Uklju�i Portfolio projekte za ovu stranicu."],"Preview":[null,"Pretpregled"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Shema Boja"]
2565 ,"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignorirane fraze"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Upotrijebi automatski detektiran jezik za lekturiranje objava i stranica"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Suvi禳ne fraze"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Fraze za Izbjegavanje"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasivni glas"],"Jargon":[null,"鬚argon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Skriveni glagoli"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dvostruki negativi"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakriti�ke oznake"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Kompleksne fraze"],"Bias Language":[null,"Pristrani Jezik"],"English Options":[null,"Opcije Engleskog"],"Proofreading":[null,"Lektura"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Spoji Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne mo鱉e kontaktirati %(error_key)s. Ovo obi�no zna�i da je ne禳to krivo konfigurirano na va禳em web hostu."]," is currently havi
2566 ng problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," trenutno ima neke probleme i ne mo鱉e aktivirati va禳 Jetpack. Molimo vas da poku禳ate kasnije. "],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Va禳 Jetpack ima problem.{{/s}} Povezivanje ove web-stranice s nije mogu�e. Ovo obi�no zna�i da va禳a stranica nije javno dostupna (localhost). "],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica mora biti javno dostupan da bi mogao koristiti Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Uspje禳no ste odspojili Jetpack."],"Active":[null,"Aktivno"],"Settings":[null,"Postavke"],"Learn More":[null,"Saznaj vi禳e"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Odspoji Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Ispravljanje gre禳aka"],"Test your site� c
2567 ompatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testirajte kompatibilnost web-stranice s Jetpackom."]}
2568 \ No newline at end of file
2569 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-19 09:37:41+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"hr","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Predstavljamo na禳 napristupa�niji plan sigurnosnih kopija
2570 i sigurnosti"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Osobni plan �uva va禳e podatke, web-stranicu i sav ulo鱉eni trud."],"Learn more...":[null,"Saznajte vi禳e..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranice je na Jetpack Osobnom planu"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"S ovim planom osigurana vam je za禳tita od spama, dnevne sigurnosne kopije (do 30 dana), i neograni�eni prostor za pohranu."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"S ovim planom osigurana vam je za禳tita od spama, dnevne sigurnosne kopije (do 30 dana), i neograni�eni prostor za pohranu sigurnosnih kopija, sigurnosnim skeniranjem i prioritetna podr禳ka."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security s
2571 canning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"Dobijete za禳titu od spama, trenutne sigurnosne kopije (neograni�ene arhive), neograni�eni prostor za pohranu sigurnosnih kopija, sigurnosno skeniranje, SEO alate, PollDaddy i prioritetnu podr禳ku."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Dnevne sigurnosne kopije svih podataka va禳e web-stranice s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu i vra�anje na prethodno stanje jednim klikom (koriste�i VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Dnevne sigurnosne kopije svih podataka va禳e web-stranice s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu i vra�anje na prethodno stanje jednim klikom, sigurnosno skeniranje i prioritetna podr禳ka (koriste�i VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije i Sigurnosno skeniran
2572 je"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Trenutne sigurnosne kopije svih podataka va禳e web-stranice s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu i vra�anje na prethodno stanje jednim klikom, automatsko sigurnosno skeniranje, rje禳avanje prijetnji jednim klikom i prioritetna podr禳ka (koriste�i VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO Alati"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Napredni SEO alati koji �e pomo�i da se lak禳e prona�e va禳a web-stranica kada ljudi tra鱉e relevantni sadr鱉aj."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The ea
2573 siest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Pretra鱉ite svoj sadr鱉aj"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Upravljajte vidljivo禳�u Lajkova iz postavki modula Dijeljenje{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Sakrij sliku smje禳ka statistike. Slika poma鱉e u prikupljanju statistike ali bi trebala funkcionirati i kada je skrivena."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Va禳a trenutni IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Postavljanjem IP adrese u bijelu listu sprje�ava Jetpack da ju ikad blokira."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and hi
2574 gh value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 i IPv6 su prihvatljivi. {{br/}} Kako bi naveli raspon, unesite najni鱉u i najvi禳u vrijednost odvojene crticom, Primjer:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Pove鱉ite svoj ra�un s kako bi zapo�eli koristiti ovu mogu�nost."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Na ovoj kartici postoje ne snimljene postavke koje �e se izgubiti ako ju zatvorite. Nastaviti?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Ovo �e resetirati sve Jetpack opcije, jeste li sigurni?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Pretraga Jetpak mogu�nosti."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"A鱉urirajte Jetpack i na禳 najsuvremeniji sigu
2575 rnosni skener uhvatiti �e zlokobne datoteke i prijaviti ih odmah, tako da uvijek znate 禳to se doga�a na va禳oj web-stranici."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Informacije o sigurnosnim skeniranjima mo鱉ete vidjeti u sekciji \"Kratki pregled\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Konfigurirajte Sigurnosna skeniranja"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ovaj modul nema konfiguracijskih opcija"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Poka鱉ite ptre鱉iva�ima i posjetiteljima da ste ozbiljni kada je u pitanju integritet va禳e web-stranice i a鱉urirajte Jetpack. Na禳i anti-spam alati eliminirati �e spam komentare, za禳titi va禳 SEO, i posjetiteljima olaka禳ati da ostanu u kontaktu s vama."],"Real-time offsite b
2576 ackups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije u realnom vremenu izvan lokacije va禳e web-stranice s automatiziranim vra�anjem na prija禳nje stanje pru鱉a vam brigu. Tako se mo鱉ete fokusirati na kreiranje odli�nog sadr鱉aja i pove�anje prometa, dok mi 禳titimo svaki apekt va禳e investicije. A鱉urirajte danas."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Konfigurirajte svoje %(module_slug)s postavke{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Pretplatnik"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Veliko iPhone/iPad a鱉uriranje je sada dostupno"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Aplikacija WordPress za Android dobila je veliko pobolj禳anje"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Fokus a鱉uriranja: VideoPress za vjen�anja"]," Likes are:":[null,"Word
2577 lajkovi su:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Zaglavlje komentara"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Par privla�nih rije�i kojima �ete motivirati va禳e �itatelje na komentiranje."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Mogu li se �itatelji pretplatiti na va禳e objave, komentare ili oboje?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Prika鱉i opcije \"prati blog\" u formi za komentare."],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Prika鱉i opciju \"prati komentare\" u formi za komentare."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Administratorska traka"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Postavi grafikon koji prikazuje pregled stranica u zadnjih 48 sati u administratorskoj traci"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Registrirani korisnici: Broji preglede stranica registriranih korisnika koji su prijavljeni"],"Report Visibil
2578 ity: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Vidljivost izvje禳taja: Odaberite uloge koje �e mo�i vidjeti statisti�ke izvje禳taje"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Primi Monitor obavijesti e-po禳tom"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"E-po禳ta �e biti poslana za"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Uredi{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Podudara se s e-po禳tom"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Prika鱉i meta podatke fotografija (Exif) u vrtuljku, kada su dostupni"],"Background Color":[null,"Pozadinska boja"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Beskona�no pomicanje (Prikazuje 7 objava u svakom u�itavanju)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Prati svako u�itavanje objave u Beskona�nom pomicanju kao pregled stranice u Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobilni promo"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme
2579 ":[null,"Prika鱉i promo za WordPress mobilne aplikacije u podno鱉ju mobilne teme."],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Unesite \"sadr鱉aj\" svog meta podatak klju�a kako bi verificirali svoj blog s {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} i {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Primjer meta klju�a:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Prika鱉i sve slike galerije u cool mozaiku."],"Copied!":[null,"Kopirano!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Ozna�ite i kopirajte sljede�i tekst:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regeneriranje adrese"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Konfiguracija Portfolia"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Konfiguracija Preporuka"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatski lekturiraj sa
2580 dr鱉aj kada:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Objava ili stranica je prva objavljena"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Objava ili stranica je a鱉urirana"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatska detekcija jezika"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Lektoriranje podr鱉ava Engleski, Francuski, Njema�ki, Portugalski i �panjolski jezik."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Omogu�i lekturiranje za sljede�a gramati�ka i stilska pravila:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Dodajte frazu"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Koristite Markdown za komentare"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Tra鱉ilice �e prona�i mape stranica na ovim lokacijama:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa stranica: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa stranice Vijesti: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Varamo, jeli?"],"{{p}}Would yo
2581 u mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Mo鱉ete li nam re�i za禳to niste dovr禳ili spajanje s Jetpackom u ovom {{a}}upitniku s dva pitanja{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Spajanje s Jetpackom je potrebno kako bi radile na禳e besplatne funkcije sigurnosti i prometa.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Dobro do禳li u {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Va禳 Jetpack je ve� spojen."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Sve je spremno za kori禳tenje, Jetpack je aktiviran."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Sve je spremno za kori禳tenje."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Trenutno koristite razvojnu ina�icu Jetpacka."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Po禳aljite Beta povrat
2582 nu informaciju"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Trenutno ste u {{a}}Razvojnom na�inu rada{{/a}} koriste�i jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Neke mogu�nosti su onesposobljene."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Trenutno ste u {{a}}Razvojnom na�inu rada{{/a}} putem JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG konstante.{{br/}}Neke mogu�nosti su onesposobljene."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Trenutno ste u {{a}}Razvojnom na�inu rada{{/a}} jer va禳em URL-u nedostaje to�ka (npr. http://localhost).{{br/}}Neke mogu�nosti su onesposobljene."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Vi, %(userName)s, niste spojeni s"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[nul
2583 l,"�to bi 鱉eljeli vidjeti na svojoj Jetpack Nadzornoj plo�i?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Dojavite nam!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Dobro do禳li u Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Spojite se ili kreirajte ra�un kako bi po�eli koristiti Jetpack. Ovo �e vam omogu�iti mo�ne servise sigurnosti, prometa i prilagodbi."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Nemate ra�un? Kreirajte ga besplatno..."],"Saving��":[null,"Snimanje..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Snimi postavke"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Potrebna a鱉uriranja"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Je li zbilja 鱉elite odspojiti svoju web-stranicu od"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack Ikona statistike"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[n
2584 ull,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Statistiku web-stranice{{/a}} kako bi vidjeli detaljnu statistiku, lajkove, pratitelje, pretplatnike i jo禳 puno toga! {{a1}}Saznajte vi禳e{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktiviraj Statistiku web-stranice"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatizirana, sveobuhvatna za禳tita od prijetnji i napada."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Najmodernija obrana od spama."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatski napravi sigurnosnu kopiju cijele web-stranice."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sigurnosno skeniranje"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatski skenira va禳u web-stranicu za poznate prijetnje i napade."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Dr鱉ite te spamere podalje!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije web-stranice"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"�uvajte stranicu s sigurnosnom kopijom!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Pretraga nema
2585 rezultata."],"Threats found!":[null,"Prona�ene su prijetnje!"],"Set up":[null,"Postavljanje"],"Upgrade":[null,"A鱉uriranje"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVNO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hakeri, botnetovi i spameri napadaju web-stranice bez kriterija. Njihov cilj je napadati svugdje i �esto. Na禳 cilj je pomo�i vam pripremiti se, blokiraju�i ove prijetnje, i u najgorem slu�aju, biti �emo ovdje kako bi vam pomogli vratiti va禳u web-stranicu na prija禳nje stanje."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica koristi Free Jetpack Plan"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Nadogradite na pla�enu opciju kako bi otklju�ali svjetski poznate opcije sigurnost
2586 i, za禳tite od spama i prioritetnu podr禳ku."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica koristi Jetpack Premium plan"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica koristi Jetpack Professional plan"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica je trenutno u Razvojnom na�inu rada"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Kada se spojite, mo鱉ete nadograditi na pla�enu opciju kako bi otklju�ali svjetski poznate opcije sigurnosti, za禳tite od spama i prioritetnu podr禳ku."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Najmodernija obrana od spama koju pokre�e Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Pregled spam statistike"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Konfiguriraj Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Pregled nadzorne plo�e sigurnosti"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Konfiguracija Va
2587 ultPressa"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Ankete i glasovanja"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Kreiraj novu anketu"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Trenutne Sigurnosne kopije"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Rje禳avanje prijetnji jednim klikom"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Napredne ankete i rejtinzi"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Usporedi planove"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Sigurnost najvi禳eg razreda"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Trenutne Sigurnosne kopije s neograni�enim prostorom za pohranu, vra�anjem na prija禳nje stanje s jednim klikom, nepropusnim spam nadzorom, obranom od malwarea i za禳tita od napade sirovom snagom - sve na jednom mjestu i optimizirano za WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Blokiraj lo禳e tipove"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute f
2588 orce login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Nepogre禳ivo spam filtriranje 禳titi va禳 brend, �itatelje i pobolj禳ava SEO. Za禳tita prijave od napade sirovom snagom omogu�uje vam mirnu savjest i 禳titi administratorski dio stranice od uljeza."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"U鱉ivajte u prioritetnoj podr禳ci"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Trebate pomo�? In鱉enjera sre�e mo鱉e vam odgovoriti na pitanja o va禳oj webstranici, va禳em ra�unu ili kako ne禳to napraviti."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Postavke konekcije"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Upravljanje Jetpack konekcijom."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica je trenutno u Razvojnom na�inu rada, stoga se ne mo鱉ete spojiti s"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Spojeni ste kao"],"Link you
2589 r account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Pove鱉ite svoj ra�un s kako bi maksimalno iskoristili Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica treba biti dostupna putem pretra鱉iva�a kako bi ova zna�ajka radila ispravno. Ovo mo鱉ete promijeniti u {{a}}Postavkama �itanja{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Pregledaj {{a}}Svu statistiku{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Pregledajte svoje {{a}}Pratitelje e-po禳tom{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Mo�ne zna�ajke na svakom ure�aju."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Upravljajte svim svojim web-stranicama s jedne nadzorne plo�e."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Osjetite performanse"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance im
2590 mediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Sve WordPress aplikacije su izra�ene za brzinu. Odmah �ete primijetiti razlike u performansama, s skoro trenutnim u�itavanjem stranica i manje �ekanja."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Grupna i automatska a鱉uriranja"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Najvi禳e se sigurnosnih mana nalazi u nea鱉uriranim dodacima. Upotrijebite na禳e web i desktop aplikacije kako bi uklju�ili automatsko a鱉uriranje, ili manualno a鱉urirali za sve web-stranice s jednog prikladnog mjesta."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Fokusirajte se na pisanje"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Na禳 novi ure�iva� je brz, opitimiziran za spisatelje i eliminira odvla�enje pa鱉nje
2591 , omogu�uju�i da se fokusirate na va禳 sadr鱉aj."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Isku禳ajte novi Ure�iva�"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Spojite se s va禳im posjetiteljima"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Pratite svoje posjetitelje s naprednom statistikom. Pratite trendove, u�ite koji sadr鱉aj ima najve�i promet i razumijte svoje posjetitelje od bilo kuda u svijetu."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Pregledajte svoj status"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Spoji s Zajednicom"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Sve WordPress aplikacije imaju �ita�e impresivne brzine i s svim zna�ajkama, tako da mo鱉ete ostati u toku s va禳im omiljenim web-stranicama i pridru鱉iti se raspravama od bilo kuda i u svako vrijeme
2592 ."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Pokreni �ita�"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspiracija dolazi bilo kada i bilo gdje."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"WordPress aplikacije za svaki zaslon."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"U va禳em d鱉epu"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Objavljujte sadr鱉aj, pratite statistiku, moderirajte komentare i jo禳 puno toga od bilo gdje u svijetu. Na禳e mobilne aplikacije su otvorenog koda, besplatne i dostupne za Apple ili Android ure�aje."]," in the App Store":[null," u App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," u Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Na va禳em Desktopu"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browse
2593 r.":[null,"Desktop aplikacija koja Wordpressu pru鱉a trajni dom na va禳em ra�unalu. A da ne spominjemo okru鱉enje koje sprje�ava odvla�enje pa鱉nje koje dobivate pisanjem izvan internet preglednika."]," for Mac OS X":[null," za Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," za Windows"]," for Linux":[null," za Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Skeniranje Malwarea"],"Threats found":[null,"Prona�ene prijetnje"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Za automatsko, opse鱉no sigurnosno skeniranje sigurnosnih prijetnji, {{a}}instalirajte i aktivirajte{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Za automatsko, opse鱉no sigurnosno skeniranje sigurnosnih prijetnji, {{a}}nadogradite svoj ra�un{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data
2594 will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack aktivno blokira zlo�udne poku禳aje prijave. Podaci �e se uskoro ovdje prikazati."],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Ukupan broj blokiranih zlo�udnih napada na va禳u web-stranicu."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivna za禳tita{{/a}} za za禳titu va禳e web-stranice od zlo�udnih poku禳aja prijave."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s dodatak","%(number)s dodatka","%(number)s dodataka"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Potrebno a鱉uriranje.","Potrebna a鱉uriranja.","Potrebnih a鱉uriranja."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Svi dodaci su a鱉urirani. Odli�an posao!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Upravljanje{{/a}} kako bi uklju�ili automatsko a鱉uriranje i upravljali dodacima s"],"Jetpack is improving and
2595 optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack pobolj禳ava i optimizira brzinu va禳ih slika."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack nadzire va禳u web-stranicu. Ako nam se u�ini da web-stranice nije online, poslati �emo vam poruku e-po禳tom."],"Security":[null,"Sigurnost"],"Performance":[null,"Performanse"],"Backups":[null,"Sigurnosne kopije"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Pregledaj detalje sigurnosne kopije{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Za automatsku sigurnosnu kopiju cijele web-stranice napravite {{a}}instalirajte i aktivirajte{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Za automatsku sigurnosnu kopiju cijele web-stranice napravite {{a}}nadogradnju!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Nedostupno u Razvojnom na�inu rada."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam z
2596 a禳tita"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Za najmoderniju spam za禳titu {{a}}instalirajte Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Za najmoderniju spam za禳titu {{a}}aktivirajte Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Neispravan klju�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Nedostupno u razvojnom modu"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Blagdanski snijeg"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Prika鱉i padaju�i snijeg u blagdanskom periodu."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Prika鱉i padaju�i snijeg na mojem blogu od 1. prosinca do 4. sije�nja."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Aktiviranje preporu�enih zna�ajki..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Preporu�ene zna�ajke su aktivne."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Preporu�ene zna�ajke nisu se uspjele aktivirati. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[nu
2597 ll,"Aktiviranje %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s je aktivirano."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s nije se uspjelo aktivirati. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deaktiviranje %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s je deaktivirano."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"Neuspjela deaktivacija %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"A鱉uriranje postavki %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s postavke a鱉urirane."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Gre禳ka pri a鱉uriranju %(slug)s postavki. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"A鱉uriranje %(slug)s adrese."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Regenerirana %(slug)s adresa."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Gre禳ka u regeneriranju %(slug)s adrese. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Resetiranje Jetpack opcija..."],"Options re
2598 set.":[null,"Reset opcija."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Opcije nisu uspje禳no resetirane."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Dogodila se gre禳ka pri odspjajanju Jetpacka. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Odspajanje od"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Odspojen od"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Gre禳ka pri odspajanju od %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Kratki pregled"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Kli禳eji"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"鬚elite nam re�i za禳to? Samo {{a}}odgovaranjem na dva jednostavna pitanja{{/a}} pomogli bi nam pobolj禳ati Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{
2599 /hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}U鱉ivate u Jetpacku i imate povratne informacije?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Napi禳ite osvrt{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}pratite nas na Twitteru{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, i{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}lajkajte nas na Facebooku{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Lajkajte nas na Facebooku"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Zaprati Jetpack na Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Pregledajte na禳u stranicu za podr禳ku{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}provjerite forume u potraz
2600 i za odgovorima{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, ili{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}nas direktno kontaktirajte{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Direktno kontaktiraj osoblje Jetpack podr禳ke."],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Posjeti forume podr禳ke"],"Go to":[null,"Posjeti"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Nudimo besplatnu, potpunu podr禳ku svim Jetpack korisnicima. Na禳 tim za podr禳ku uvijek je tu da vam pomogne."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack in鱉enjer sre�e"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic Polica Privatnosti"]," Terms of Service":[null," Uvjeti Usluge"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Verifikacija web-str
2601 anice{{/a}} kako bi verificirali svoju web-stranicu i pobolj禳ali ranking s Google, Bing, i Pinterestom."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Alati Verifikacije web-stranice su aktivni. Potrudite se verificirati web-stranicu s Google, Bing, and Pinterestom za 禳to to�nije indeksiranje i rangiranje. {{a}}Verificiraj odmah{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Alati Verifikacije web-stranice"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivirajte Photon{{/a}} za pobolj禳anje performansi i brzine va禳ih slika."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performanse slika %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivirajte Upravljanje i uklju�ite automatsko a鱉uriranje{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Uklju�ite automatsko a鱉uriranje do
2602 dataka{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"A鱉uriranja dodataka"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Ups! Va禳 Akismet klju�.nedostaje ili je neispravan. {{akismetSettings}}Otvorite Akismet postavke kako bi ovo popravili{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Nisu prona�ene prijetnje, nastavite bez briga!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kontaktiraj podri禳ku{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Pogledaj detalje na{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, %(number)s prijetnja prona�ena.","Uh oh, %(number)s prijetnje prona�ene.","Uh oh, %(number)s prijetnja prona�eno."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiviraj Monitor{{/a}} za primanje obavijesti ako va禳a web-stranica postane nedostupna."],"Loading��":[nul
2603 l,"U�itavanje..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Pra�enje vremena zastoja"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Pogledajte vi禳e statistike na {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Prika鱉i staru Statistiku{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Svi komentari"],"All-time views":[null,"Svi pregledi"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s pregled","%(number)s pregleda","%(number)s pregleda"],"Best overall day":[null,"Najposje�eniji dan"],"Views today":[null,"Pregleda danas"],"Months":[null,"Mjeseci"],"Weeks":[null,"Tjedana"],"Days":[null,"Dana"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Ne禳to se dogodilo prilikom u�itavanja statistike. Poku禳ajte ponovno kasnije ili {{a}}odmah pregledajte statistiku na{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Kliknite za pregled detaljne statistike."],"
2604 Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Pregleda: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Tjedan %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Upravljanje sigurno禳�u na"],"Skip this step":[null,"Presko�i ovaj korak"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Presko�i Jetpack proces Ubrzani po�etak"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Mogu�nosti mo鱉ete aktivirati ili deaktivirati bilo kad."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Preporu�ene Jetpack mogu�nosti uklju�uju:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktiviraj preporu�ene mogu�nosti"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Brzo pobolj禳ajte svoju web-stranicu aktivacijom preporu�enih Jetpack mogu�nosti."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Brzo pokrenite svoju stranicu"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Odspoji s"],"Link to":[null,"Povezivanje s"],"Unlink me from Wor
2605":[null,"Odspajanje s"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Pridru鱉ite se milijunima korisnika koji se oslanjaju da ima Jetpack pobolj禳a i u�ini web-stranicu sigurnijom. Posve�eni smo WordPressu i tu samo kako bi vam olak禳ali 鱉ivot."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack podr禳ku pru鱉aju neki od tehni�ki najpotkovanijih i strastvenih ljudi u zajednici. Smje禳teni diljem svijeta i spremni vam pomo�i."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Jesmo li spomenuli besplatnu, profesionalnu pomo�?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack upotrijebljava n
2606 ajsuvremeniju mre鱉u za serviranje sadr鱉aja kako bi u�itao va禳e prekrasne slike super brzo. Optimizirano za svaki ure�aj, i potpuno je besplatno."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Super brze, optimizirane slike"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Nemojte vi禳e zaostajati za sigurnosnim izdanjima, ili tro禳iti vrijeme na a鱉uriranje vi禳e web-stranica."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatsko a鱉uriranje web-stranica."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Aktivno nadziranje stranice."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Osigurajte si mirnu savjest s Za禳titom, alatom koji je blokirao milijardu napada na formu za prijavu na milijunima stranica."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokiraj napade na stranicu."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your pl
2607 ugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blokira zlonamjerne poku禳aje prijave, javlja vam ako web-stranica nije online, i mo鱉e automatski a鱉urirati va禳e dodatke, tako da se vi ne morate brinuti."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Sigurnost web-stranice i mirna savjest."],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack koristi snagu kako bi vam prikazo detaljni uvid u va禳e posjetitelje, 禳to �itaju i odakle dolaze."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Zadr鱉ite posjetitelje anga鱉iranima, pru鱉aju�i im vi禳e za dijeljenje i �itanje s Srodnim objavama."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Pove�ajte pregled stranica."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Pru鱉ite posjetiteljima alate da Dijele sadr鱉aj i Pretplate se na va禳 sadr鱉aj."],"B
2608 uild a community.":[null,"Izgradite zajednicu."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Gumbi za dijeljenje i lajkanje"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Automatizirani dru禳tveni marketing."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack ima puno alata za promet i anga鱉man koji vam mogu pomo�i privu�i vi禳e posjetitelja na va禳u web-stranicu i du鱉e ih zadr鱉ati tamo, "],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Po禳aljite nam povratne informacije"],"Need Help?":[null,"Trebate pomo�?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Upravljanje Dodacima"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Manje brige. Monitor �e vam trenutno poslati obavijesti ako se va禳a stranica ikada sru禳i."],"Track your growth":[null,"Pratite svoj rast"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Pomo�u Publiciranja mo鱉ete automatski podijeliti svoje objave
2609 s prijateljima, pratiteljima i svijetom."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Privucite vi禳e prometa na svoju web-stranicu"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Dogodio se problem s spajanjem Jetpacka. Kliknite ponovno na \"Pove鱉i se s\""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Dogodio se problem s spajanjem Jetpacka; deaktivirajte a zatim reaktivirajte Jetpack dodatak, i ponovno se spojite."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Trebate ostati prijavljeni na va禳em WordPress blogu dok autorizirate Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Va禳 Jetpack ima problema.{{/s}} Ispri�avamo se zbog neugodnosti. Poku禳ajte p
2610 onovno kasnije, ako se problem nastavi, kontaktirajte podr禳ku s ovom porukom: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Odspoji Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Napi禳ite recenziju o Jetpacku"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Trebate pomo�? Jetpack tim je ovdje za vas."],"Smiley":[null,"Smje禳ko"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Uklju�i Two-Step Authentication"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Upotrijebi veliki i vizualno upe�atljivi izgled"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Prika鱉i zaglavlje \"Srodno\" kako bi jasnije odijelili sekciju srodno od objava."],"Related":[null,"Srodno"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Dodajte svoje najkori禳tenije IP adrese, jer se mogu razlikovati izme�u
2611 va禳ih lokacija kao 禳to su ku�a, ured i druge lokacije. Uklanjanje IP adrese iz liste ispod, ukloniti �e ju tako�er i iz bijele liste."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Upravljanje bijelom listom"],"Email Address":[null,"Adresa e-po禳te"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicirati"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistike stranice"],"Featured Images":[null,"Istaknute slike"],"Excerpts":[null,"Izvatci"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Uklju�i Preporuke za ovu web-stranicu."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Uklju�i Portfolio projekte za ovu stranicu."],"Preview":[null,"Pretpregled"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Shema Boja"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignorirane fraze"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Upotrijebi automatski detektiran jezik za lekturiranje objava i stranica"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Suvi禳ne fraze"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Fraze za Izbjegavanje"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasivni glas"],"Jargon":[null,"鬚argon"],"Hidden Ve
2612 rbs":[null,"Skriveni glagoli"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dvostruki negativi"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakriti�ke oznake"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Kompleksne fraze"],"Bias Language":[null,"Pristrani Jezik"],"English Options":[null,"Opcije Engleskog"],"Proofreading":[null,"Lektura"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Spoji Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ne mo鱉e kontaktirati %(error_key)s. Ovo obi�no zna�i da je ne禳to krivo konfigurirano na va禳em web hostu."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," trenutno ima neke probleme i ne mo鱉e aktivirati va禳 Jetpack. Molimo vas da poku禳ate kasnije. "],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost)."
2613 :[null,"{{s}}Va禳 Jetpack ima problem.{{/s}} Povezivanje ove web-stranice s nije mogu�e. Ovo obi�no zna�i da va禳a stranica nije javno dostupna (localhost). "],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Va禳a web-stranica mora biti javno dostupan da bi mogao koristiti Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Uspje禳no ste odspojili Jetpack."],"Active":[null,"Aktivno"],"Settings":[null,"Postavke"],"Learn More":[null,"Saznaj vi禳e"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Odspoji Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Ispravljanje gre禳aka"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testirajte kompatibilnost web-stranice s Jetpackom."]}
2614 \ No newline at end of file
2616 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hu_HU.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hu_HU.json
2617 index 1a04bfe..a5d2a08 100644
2618 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hu_HU.json
2619 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-hu_HU.json
2620 @@ -1 +1 @@
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2623 ate-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"A biztons獺gi elemz矇sr�l az \"�ttekint矇s\" szekci籀ban kaphatunk inform獺ci籀kat."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ennek a modulnak nincsenek be獺ll穩t獺si lehet�s矇gei"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Setti
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2626 l your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Sikeres m獺sol獺s."],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Portf籀li籀k konfigur獺l獺sa"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"V矇lem矇nyek konfigur獺l獺sa"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatikus lektor獺lt tartalom, ha:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Bejegyz矇s vagy oldal els� k繹zz矇t矇telekor"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Bejegyz矇s vagy oldal friss穩tve"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatikus nyelvfelismer矇s"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"A lektor獺l獺st t獺mogatja az Angol, Francia, N矇met, Portug獺l, Spanyol nyelveket."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,"Egy kifejez矇s hozz獺ad獺sa"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the s
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2628 "Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s, nem csatlakozik a"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Mit szeretn矇nk l獺tni a Jetpack vez矇rl�pultj獺n?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Tudassa vel羹nk!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"�dv繹z繹lj羹k a Jetpack-ben"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"M矇g nem rendelkez羹nk felhaszn獺l籀i fi籀kkal? Hozzunk l矇tre egyet ingyen..."],"Saving��":[null,"Ment矇se..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sok ment矇se"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Fr
2629 iss穩t矇s sz羹ks矇ges"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack statisztik獺k ikon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Honlap statisztik獺k bekapcsol獺sa{{/a}} 獺ltal l獺thatjuk honlapunk r矇szletes statisztik獺j獺t, kedvel�it, k繹vet�it, feliratkoz籀it, 矇s 穩gy tov獺bb egy矇b statisztikai adatokat! {{a1}}Tov獺bbi inform獺ci籀k err�l{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Honlap statisztik獺k bekapcsol獺sa"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatiz獺lt, 獺tfog籀 v矇delem a fenyeget矇sek 矇s t獺mad獺sok kiv矇d矇s矇hez."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"A legkorszer鑄bb spam v矇delem."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatikusan biztons獺gi m獺solat a teljes honlapunkr籀l."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Biztons獺gi ellen�rz矇s"],"Automatically scan y
2630 our site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatikusan ellen�rzi a honlapunkon a k繹z繹ns矇ges fenyeget矇seket 矇s t獺mad獺sokat."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tartsuk t獺vol azokat a spammereket!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Honlap biztons獺gi ment矇sei"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Nincs tal獺lat."],"Threats found!":[null,"Fenyeget矇sek tal獺lhat籀ak!"],"Set up":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sa"],"Upgrade":[null,"El�fizet矇s"],"ACTIVE":[null,"BEKAPCSOLT"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"A honlapunkhoz ingyenes Jetpack csomag tartozik"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"A honlap Jetpack Pr矇mium csomaggal rendelkezik"],"Your si
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2632 zehasonl穩t獺sa"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maxim獺lis szint鑄 biztons獺g"],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,"Csatlakoz獺si be獺ll穩t獺sok"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"A Jetpack csatlakoz獺s kezel矇se"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,"Kapcsol籀dva, mint "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":
2633 [null,"{{a}}Minden statisztika{{/a}} megtekint矇se"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Csoportos 矇s automatikus friss穩t矇sek"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"F籀kuszban az 穩r獺sunk"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Pr籀b獺ljuk ki az 繳j szerkeszt�t"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Kapcso
2634 latba l矇phet羹nk a l獺togat籀kkal"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"Statisztik獺ink megtekint矇se"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Csatlakoztassuk egy k繹z繹ss矇ghez"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Szerezz羹nk be WordPress alkalmaz獺sokat b獺rmilyen k矇perny�re"],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null," az App Store t獺rol籀ban"
2635 ]," in Google Play":[null," a Google Play t獺rol籀ban"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," a Mac OS X sz獺m獺ra"]," for Windows":[null," a Windows sz獺m獺ra"]," for Linux":[null," a Linux sz獺m獺ra"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"K獺rt矇kony programok keres矇se"],"Threats found":[null,"Fenyeget矇st tal獺lt"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activ
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2637 ull,""],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam v矇delem"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,"�rv矇nytelen kulcs"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,"�nnepi h籀"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s bekapcsol獺sa��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s be lett kapcsolva."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s modult nem siker羹lt aktiv獺lni. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s kikapcsol獺sa��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updati
2638 ng %(slug)s settings��":[null,"%(slug)s be獺ll穩t獺sok friss穩t矇se..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s be獺ll穩t獺sok friss穩tve."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sok vissza獺ll穩t獺sa folyamatban..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sok vissza獺ll穩t獺sa"],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sokat nem siker羹lt vissza獺ll穩tani."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,"Elv獺laszt獺sa a fi籀kunkt籀l."],"Unlinked from":[null,"Elv獺lasztva a fi籀kunkt籀l."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,"�ttekint矇s"],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions
2639 {{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Megmondan獺nk, hogy mi矇rt? Csak {{a}}k矇t egyszer鑄 k矇rd矇sre kellene v獺laszolni.{{/a}} Ezzel seg穩tene t繹k矇letes穩teni a Jetpackot."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Lelj羹k 繹r繹m羹nket a Jetpack-ban vagy k羹ld羹nk visszajelz矇st?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Hagyjunk egy 獺ttekint矇st{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}k繹vess羹k a Twitter-t{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, 矇s{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}kedvelj羹k a Facebook-on{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Kedvelj minket Facebookon"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"K繹vess羹
2640 k a Jetpackot a Twitteren"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Tekints羹k meg a t獺mogat獺s honlapj獺t{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}ellen�rizz羹k a f籀rumokban a v獺laszokat{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, vagy{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}l矇pj羹nk kapcsolatba vel羹k{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Kapcsolat a Jetpack t獺mogat獺s szem矇lyzet矇hez k繹zvetlen羹l"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Menj羹nk a t獺mogat獺si f籀rumokhoz"],"Go to":[null,"Menj羹nk a獺mogat獺shoz"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to he
2641 lp you.":[null,"Ingyenesen, teljes m矇rt矇kben t獺mogatunk minden kedves Jetpack felhaszn獺l籀nkat. �gyf矇lszolg獺latunk mindig jelen van, hogy seg穩tsen."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack boldog m矇rn繹ke"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null," szolg獺ltat獺s felt矇telei"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Weboldal ellen�rz� eszk繹z繹k"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kapcsoljuk be a Kezel矇st 矇s kapcsoljuk be az automatikus friss穩t矇s funkci籀t{{/a}}"],"
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2643 oldal獺n {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}R矇gi t穩pus繳 statisztikai oldal megtekint矇se{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Eddigi hozz獺sz籀l獺sok"],"All-time views":[null,"Eddigi megtekint矇s"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s megtekint矇s","%(number)s megtekint矇s"],"Best overall day":[null,"�sszes穩tett legjobb nap"],"Views today":[null,"Mai megtekint矇sek"],"Months":[null,"Havi"],"Weeks":[null,"Heti"],"Days":[null,"Napi"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"R矇szletes statisztika megtekint矇s矇hez kattintsunk ide."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Megtekint矇s: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,"Biztons獺g kezel矇se a"],"Skip this step":[null,"Ennek a l矇p矇snek a kihagy獺sa"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process
2644 ":[null,"Jetpack rep羹l�rajt folyamat獺nak kihagy獺sa"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Rep羹l�rajttal ind穩tsuk honlapunkat"],"Disconnect from":[null," kapcsolat bont獺sa"],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,"Kapcsolat megszak穩t獺sa k繹ztem 矇s a k繹z繹tt"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art W
2645 content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Vill獺mgyors, optimaliz獺lt k矇pek"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatikus honlap friss穩t矇sek."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�l� honlap ellen�rz矇s"],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokkolt honlap t獺mad獺sok."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],
2646 "Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Megoszt獺s 矇s kedvel矇s gombok"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Visszajelz矇s k羹ld矇se"],"Need Help?":[null,"Sz羹ks矇g羹nk van seg穩ts矇gre?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"B�v穩tm矇nyek kezel矇se"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Agg籀djunk kevesebbet. A Monitor szolg獺ltat獺s azonnal figyelmeztet矇st k羹ld, ha az oldalunk el矇rhetetlenn矇 v獺lik."],"Track your growth":[null,"K繹vesd nyomon a n繹veked矇st"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive mor
2647 e traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack lev獺laszt獺sa"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Sz羹ks矇g羹nk van seg穩ts矇gre? A Jetpack csapata itt 矇rhet� el."],"Smiley":[null,"Hangulatjel"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"K矇tl矇pcs�s hiteles穩t矇s"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Haszn獺ljunk nagy 矇s vizu獺lisan leny鑄g繹z� elrendez矇st"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more c
2648 learly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mutassa a \\\"Kapcsol籀d籀\\\" fejl矇c矇t vil獺gosabban, elk羹l繹n穩tve az adott szakasz hozz獺sz籀l獺s獺t籀l"],"Related":[null,"Kapcsol籀d籀 bejegyz矇sek"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Gy�z�dj羹nk meg arr籀l, hogy a leggyakrabban haszn獺lt IP-c穩meket adjuk meg, mert v獺lthatunk az otthoni, irodai vagy egy矇b helyek k繹z繹tti felhaszn獺l獺sok k繹z繹tt. IP-c穩m elt獺vol穩t獺sa el�tt az enged矇lyez�list獺b籀l t獺vol穩tsuk el az IP c穩met."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Enged矇lyez�lista kezel矇s"],"Email Address":[null,"Email c穩m"],"Publicize":[null,"N矇pszer鑄s穩t矇s"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statisztika"],"Featured Images":[null,"Kiemelt k矇pek"],"Excerpts":[null,"Bevezet�k"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"V矇lem矇nyek tartalom t穩pus
2649 enged矇lyez矇se, ezen a honlapon."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Portf籀li籀 tartalom t穩pus enged矇lyez矇se, ezen a honlapon."],"Preview":[null,"El�n矇zet"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Sz穩nminta"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Mell�z繹tt kifejez矇sek"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Haszn獺lja az automatikusan 矇szlelt nyelvi lektor獺l獺st a bejegyz矇sekn矇l 矇s oldalakon"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redud獺ns eszk繹z繹k"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Ker羹lend� mondatok"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Szenved� alak"],"Jargon":[null,"Szaksz籀"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Rejtett ig矇k"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dupla negat穩vumok"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritikus jelek"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplex kifejez矇sek"],"Bias Language":[null,"F矇lre矇rtelmezhet� szavak"],"English Options":[null,"Angol be獺ll穩t獺sok"],"Proofreading":[null,"Lektor獺l獺s"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Csatlakoz獺s a Jetpackhoz"],"Jetpack could not contac
2650 t %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack nem tud kapcsol籀dni a %(error_key)s. Ez gyakran azt jelenti, hogy a kiszolg獺l籀don valami rosszul van be獺ll穩tva."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," most nem tudja kiszolg獺lni a Jetpacket. Pr籀b獺ld 繳jra k矇s�bb."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Hiba l矇pett fel a Jetpack haszn獺lata k繹zben.{{/s}} Nem lehet a honlaphoz kapcsol籀dni. Ez annyit jelent, hogy val籀sz穩n鑄leg a weboldalunk nem 矇rhet� el nyilv獺nosan (pl. saj獺t g矇p羹nkr�l fut)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"A webhely羹nknek nyilv獺nosan el矇rhet�nek kell lennie,
2651 a Jetpack haszn獺lat獺hoz: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Sikeres lecsatlakoz獺s a Jetpackr�l."],"Active":[null,"Akt穩v"],"Settings":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sok"],"Learn More":[null,"B�vebben"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack lev獺laszt獺sa"],"Debug":[null,"Hibakeres矇s"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Honlap Jetpack kompatibilit獺s ellen�rz矇se."]}
2652 \ No newline at end of file
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2654 e megakad獺lyozza, hogy valaha is blokkolja a Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 矇s IPv6 is elfogadott. {{br/}} Tartom獺ny megad獺s獺hoz 穩rjuk be a legalacsonyabb 矇s a legmagasabb 矇rt矇ket egy k繹t�jellel elv獺lasztva. P矇ld獺ul:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Kapcsoljuk 繹ssze a ennek a funkci籀nak a haszn獺lat獺hoz."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"El nem mentett v獺ltoz獺sok vannak ezen a lapon, amik elvesznek, ha elnavig獺lunk. Biztosan ezt szeretn矇nk?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Ezzel minden Jetpack be獺ll穩t獺s elveszik. Biztosan folytatni szeretn矇nk?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Keres矇s a Jetpack funkci籀k k繹z繹tt."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our st
2655 ate-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"A biztons獺gi elemz矇sr�l az \"�ttekint矇s\" szekci籀ban kaphatunk inform獺ci籀kat."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ennek a modulnak nincsenek be獺ll穩t獺si lehet�s矇gei"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Setti
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2658 l your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Sikeres m獺sol獺s."],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Portf籀li籀k konfigur獺l獺sa"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"V矇lem矇nyek konfigur獺l獺sa"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Automatikus lektor獺lt tartalom, ha:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Bejegyz矇s vagy oldal els� k繹zz矇t矇telekor"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Bejegyz矇s vagy oldal friss穩tve"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Automatikus nyelvfelismer矇s"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"A lektor獺l獺st t獺mogatja az Angol, Francia, N矇met, Portug獺l, Spanyol nyelveket."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,"Egy kifejez矇s hozz獺ad獺sa"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the s
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2661 iss穩t矇s sz羹ks矇ges"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack statisztik獺k ikon"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Honlap statisztik獺k bekapcsol獺sa{{/a}} 獺ltal l獺thatjuk honlapunk r矇szletes statisztik獺j獺t, kedvel�it, k繹vet�it, feliratkoz籀it, 矇s 穩gy tov獺bb egy矇b statisztikai adatokat! {{a1}}Tov獺bbi inform獺ci籀k err�l{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Honlap statisztik獺k bekapcsol獺sa"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatiz獺lt, 獺tfog籀 v矇delem a fenyeget矇sek 矇s t獺mad獺sok kiv矇d矇s矇hez."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"A legkorszer鑄bb spam v矇delem."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Automatikusan biztons獺gi m獺solat a teljes honlapunkr籀l."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Biztons獺gi ellen�rz矇s"],"Automatically scan y
2662 our site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Automatikusan ellen�rzi a honlapunkon a k繹z繹ns矇ges fenyeget矇seket 矇s t獺mad獺sokat."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tartsuk t獺vol azokat a spammereket!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Honlap biztons獺gi ment矇sei"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Nincs tal獺lat."],"Threats found!":[null,"Fenyeget矇sek tal獺lhat籀ak!"],"Set up":[null,"Be獺ll穩t獺sa"],"Upgrade":[null,"El�fizet矇s"],"ACTIVE":[null,"BEKAPCSOLT"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"A honlapunkhoz ingyenes Jetpack csomag tartozik"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"A honlap Jetpack Pr矇mium csomaggal rendelkezik"],"Your si
2663 te is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"A honlap Jetpack Professzion獺l csomaggal rendelkezik"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"A legkorszer鑄bb spam v矇delem az Akismet t獺mogat獺s獺val."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Spam statisztik獺k megtekint矇se"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Akismet be獺ll穩t獺sa"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Biztons獺gi vez矇rl�pult megtekint矇se"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress be獺ll穩t獺sa"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Felm矇r矇sek 矇s szavaz獺sok"],"Create a new poll":[null,"�j szavaz獺s l矇trehoz獺sa"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Val籀s idej鑄 biztons獺gi ment矇sek"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,"Csomagok 繹sszehasonl穩t獺sa"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maxim獺lis szint鑄 biztons獺g"],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and
2664 improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,"Csatlakoz獺si be獺ll穩t獺sok"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"A Jetpack csatlakoz獺s kezel矇se"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,"Kapcsol籀dva, mint "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Minden statisztika{{/a}} megtekint矇se"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your si
2665 tes from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Csoportos 矇s automatikus friss穩t矇sek"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"F籀kuszban az 穩r獺sunk"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Pr籀b獺ljuk ki az 繳j szerkeszt�t"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Kapcsolatba l矇phet羹nk a l獺togat籀kkal"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in
2666 the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"Statisztik獺ink megtekint矇se"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Csatlakoztassuk egy k繹z繹ss矇ghez"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Szerezz羹nk be WordPress alkalmaz獺sokat b獺rmilyen k矇perny�re"],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null," az App Store t獺rol籀ban"]," in Google Play":[null," a Google Play t獺rol籀ban"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. N
2667 ot to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," a Mac OS X sz獺m獺ra"]," for Windows":[null," a Windows sz獺m獺ra"]," for Linux":[null," a Linux sz獺m獺ra"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"K獺rt矇kony programok keres矇se"],"Threats found":[null,"Fenyeget矇st tal獺lt"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s b�v穩tm矇ny","%(number)s b�v穩tm矇ny"]
2668 ,"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Friss穩t矇sre van sz羹ks矇g.","Friss穩t矇sekre van sz羹ks矇g."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Minden b�v穩tm矇ny naprak矇sz. Sz矇p munka!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Biztons獺g"],"Performance":[null,"Teljes穩tm矇ny"],"Backups":[null,"Biztons獺gi ment矇sek"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Biztons獺gi ment矇s tov獺bbi r矇szleteinek megtekint矇se{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam v矇delem"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}act
2669 ivate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,"�rv矇nytelen kulcs"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,"�nnepi h籀"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s bekapcsol獺sa��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s be lett kapcsolva."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s modult nem siker羹lt aktiv獺lni. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s kikapcsol獺sa��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"%(slug)s be獺ll穩t獺sok friss穩t矇se..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s be獺ll穩t獺sok friss穩tve."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings.
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2671 ."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Lelj羹k 繹r繹m羹nket a Jetpack-ban vagy k羹ld羹nk visszajelz矇st?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Hagyjunk egy 獺ttekint矇st{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}k繹vess羹k a Twitter-t{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, 矇s{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}kedvelj羹k a Facebook-on{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Kedvelj minket Facebookon"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"K繹vess羹k a Jetpackot a Twitteren"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMob
2672 ile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Tekints羹k meg a t獺mogat獺s honlapj獺t{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}ellen�rizz羹k a f籀rumokban a v獺laszokat{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, vagy{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}l矇pj羹nk kapcsolatba vel羹k{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Kapcsolat a Jetpack t獺mogat獺s szem矇lyzet矇hez k繹zvetlen羹l"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Menj羹nk a t獺mogat獺si f籀rumokhoz"],"Go to":[null,"Menj羹nk a獺mogat獺shoz"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ingyenesen, teljes m矇rt矇kben t獺mogatunk minden kedves Jetpack felhaszn獺l籀nkat. �gyf矇lszolg獺latunk mindig jelen van, hogy seg穩tsen."],"Jetpack Happiness Engin
2673 eer":[null,"Jetpack boldog m矇rn繹ke"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null," szolg獺ltat獺s felt矇telei"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Weboldal ellen�rz� eszk繹z繹k"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kapcsoljuk be a Kezel矇st 矇s kapcsoljuk be az automatikus friss穩t矇s funkci籀t{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}B�v穩tm矇ny automatikus friss穩t矇s矇nek bekapcsol獺sa{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"B�v穩tm矇ny friss穩t矇sek"],"Whoops! Your
2674 Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kapcsolat a t獺mogat獺shoz{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}R矇szletek megtekint矇se a honlapj獺n{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh! Sajnos, %(number)s fenyeget矇s tal獺lhat籀.","Uh! Sajnos, %(number)s fenyeget矇s tal獺lhat籀."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,"Bet繹lt矇s..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Le獺ll獺s megfigyel矇s"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}M矇g t繹bb statisztika a oldal獺n {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}R矇gi t穩pus繳 statisztikai oldal megtekint矇se{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Eddigi ho
2675 zz獺sz籀l獺sok"],"All-time views":[null,"Eddigi megtekint矇s"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s megtekint矇s","%(number)s megtekint矇s"],"Best overall day":[null,"�sszes穩tett legjobb nap"],"Views today":[null,"Mai megtekint矇sek"],"Months":[null,"Havi"],"Weeks":[null,"Heti"],"Days":[null,"Napi"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"R矇szletes statisztika megtekint矇s矇hez kattintsunk ide."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Megtekint矇s: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,"Biztons獺g kezel矇se a"],"Skip this step":[null,"Ennek a l矇p矇snek a kihagy獺sa"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Jetpack rep羹l�rajt folyamat獺nak kihagy獺sa"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activa
2676 te Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Rep羹l�rajttal ind穩tsuk honlapunkat"],"Disconnect from":[null," kapcsolat bont獺sa"],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,"Kapcsolat megszak穩t獺sa k繹ztem 矇s a k繹z繹tt"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null
2677 ,"Vill獺mgyors, optimaliz獺lt k矇pek"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatikus honlap friss穩t矇sek."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�l� honlap ellen�rz矇s"],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokkolt honlap t獺mad獺sok."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your c
2678 ontent.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Megoszt獺s 矇s kedvel矇s gombok"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Visszajelz矇s k羹ld矇se"],"Need Help?":[null,"Sz羹ks矇g羹nk van seg穩ts矇gre?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"B�v穩tm矇nyek kezel矇se"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Agg籀djunk kevesebbet. A Monitor szolg獺ltat獺s azonnal figyelmeztet矇st k羹ld, ha az oldalunk el矇rhetetlenn矇 v獺lik."],"Track your growth":[null,"K繹vesd nyomon a n繹veked矇st"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deacti
2679 vate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack lev獺laszt獺sa"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Sz羹ks矇g羹nk van seg穩ts矇gre? A Jetpack csapata itt 矇rhet� el."],"Smiley":[null,"Hangulatjel"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"K矇tl矇pcs�s hiteles穩t矇s"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Haszn獺ljunk nagy 矇s vizu獺lisan leny鑄g繹z� elrendez矇st"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mutassa a \\\"Kapcsol籀d籀\\\" fejl矇c矇t vil獺gosabban, elk羹l繹n穩tve az adott szakasz hozz獺sz籀l獺s獺t籀l"],"Related":[null
2680 ,"Kapcsol籀d籀 bejegyz矇sek"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Gy�z�dj羹nk meg arr籀l, hogy a leggyakrabban haszn獺lt IP-c穩meket adjuk meg, mert v獺lthatunk az otthoni, irodai vagy egy矇b helyek k繹z繹tti felhaszn獺l獺sok k繹z繹tt. IP-c穩m elt獺vol穩t獺sa el�tt az enged矇lyez�list獺b籀l t獺vol穩tsuk el az IP c穩met."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Enged矇lyez�lista kezel矇s"],"Email Address":[null,"Email c穩m"],"Publicize":[null,"N矇pszer鑄s穩t矇s"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statisztika"],"Featured Images":[null,"Kiemelt k矇pek"],"Excerpts":[null,"Bevezet�k"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"V矇lem矇nyek tartalom t穩pus enged矇lyez矇se, ezen a honlapon."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Portf籀li籀 tartalom t穩pus enged矇lyez矇se, ezen a honlapon."],"Preview":[null,"El�n矇zet"],"
2681 Color Scheme":[null,"Sz穩nminta"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Mell�z繹tt kifejez矇sek"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Haszn獺lja az automatikusan 矇szlelt nyelvi lektor獺l獺st a bejegyz矇sekn矇l 矇s oldalakon"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redud獺ns eszk繹z繹k"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Ker羹lend� mondatok"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Szenved� alak"],"Jargon":[null,"Szaksz籀"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Rejtett ig矇k"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dupla negat穩vumok"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritikus jelek"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplex kifejez矇sek"],"Bias Language":[null,"F矇lre矇rtelmezhet� szavak"],"English Options":[null,"Angol be獺ll穩t獺sok"],"Proofreading":[null,"Lektor獺l獺s"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Csatlakoz獺s a Jetpackhoz"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack nem tud kapcsol籀dni a %(error_key)s. Ez
2682 gyakran azt jelenti, hogy a kiszolg獺l籀don valami rosszul van be獺ll穩tva."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," most nem tudja kiszolg獺lni a Jetpacket. Pr籀b獺ld 繳jra k矇s�bb."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Hiba l矇pett fel a Jetpack haszn獺lata k繹zben.{{/s}} Nem lehet a honlaphoz kapcsol籀dni. Ez annyit jelent, hogy val籀sz穩n鑄leg a weboldalunk nem 矇rhet� el nyilv獺nosan (pl. saj獺t g矇p羹nkr�l fut)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"A webhely羹nknek nyilv獺nosan el矇rhet�nek kell lennie, a Jetpack haszn獺lat獺hoz: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Sikeres lecsatlakoz獺s a Jetpackr�l."],"Active":[null,"Akt穩v"],"Settings":[null,"Be獺
2683 ll穩t獺sok"],"Learn More":[null,"B�vebben"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack lev獺laszt獺sa"],"Debug":[null,"Hibakeres矇s"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Honlap Jetpack kompatibilit獺s ellen�rz矇se."]}
2684 \ No newline at end of file
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2687 index b730b01..95c5fc4 100644
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2689 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-id_ID.json
2690 @@ -1 +1 @@
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2692 al plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":
2693 [null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and I
2694 Pv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Cari fitur Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack dan pemindai keamanan canggih kami akan memburu file berbahaya dan langsung melaporkannya sehingga Anda akan selalu mengetahui yang terjadi pada situs web Anda."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Anda dapat melihat informasi tentang pemindaian keamanan di bagian \"Selayang Pandang\"."]
2695 ,"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Konfigurasikan Pemindaian Keamanan Anda"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Modul ini tidak dilengkapi pilihan konfigurasi"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Tunjukkan kepada pengunjung dan mesin pencarian bahwa Anda serius dengan integritas situs web Anda dengan meningkatkan Jetpack. Alat anti-spam kami akan menyingkirkan spam komentar, melindungi SEO Anda, dan memudahkan pengunjung untuk terus terhubung."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Pencadangan luar situs realtime dengan pemulihan otomatis membereskan segalanya, jadi Anda bisa fokus menulis kont
2696 en yang hebat dan meningkatkan lalu lintas kunjungan selagi kami melindungi setiap aspek investasi Anda. Upgrade sekarang juga."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Konfigurasikan %(module_slug)s Pengaturan {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Pelanggan"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Tersedia Pembaruan Besar untuk iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Desain WordPress untuk Aplikasi Android Mengalami Perubahan Besar"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Fokus Upgrade: VideoPress Untuk Pernikahan"]," Likes are:":[null,"Tombol Suka"],"Comments headline":[null,"Sorotan komentar"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Tambahkan sepatah dua patah kata yang menarik untuk memancing komentar pembaca."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Bisakah pembaca berlangganan pos Anda, komentar, atau keduanya?"],"Show a \
2697 "follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti blog\" dalam formulir komentar"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti komentar\" dalam formulir komentar."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Bilah Admin"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Meletakkan bagan yang menunjukkan tampilan selama 48 jam pada bilah admin"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Pengguna Terdaftar: Menghitung tayangan halaman untuk pengguna terdaftar yang sudah login"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Kenampakan Laporan: Memilih peran yang dapat melihat laporan statistik"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Terima Pemberitahuan Email Monitor"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Email akan dikirimkan ke "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Cocokkan Dengan Email"],"Show photo
2698 metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Menampilkan metadata foto (Exif) pada carousel, jika tersedia"],"Background Color":[null,"Warna Latar Belakang"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Gulir tak terbatas (Menampilkan 7 pos pada setiap penyajian)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Melacak setiap sajian pos pada Guliran tak terbatas sebagai tampilan halaman pada Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promo Seluler"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Menampilkan promo untuk WordPress mobile apps di footer tema seluler"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Menampilkan semua gambar galeri Anda dalam mozaik canti
2699 k"],"Copied!":[null,"Telah disalin!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Sorot dan salin teks berikut ke clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Buat ulang alamat"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Konfigurasikan Portofolio"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Konfigurasikan Testimoni"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Memeriksa ejaan konten secara otomatis ketika: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Sebuah pos atau halaman telah diterbitkan pertama kali"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Sebuah pos atau halaman telah diperbarui"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Deteksi Bahasa Otomatis"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Fitur pemeriksaan ulang mendukung bahasa Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, Portugis, dan Spanyol."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Aktifkan pemeriksaan ulang untuk peraturan tata bahasa dan gaya bahasa berikut: "],"Add a phras
2700 e":[null,"Tambahkan frasa"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Gunakan Markdown untuk komentar"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Mesin pencarian akan menemukan peta situs di lokasi berikut:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Peta Situs: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Peta Situs Baru: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Curang ya?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Apakah Anda bersedia memberi tahu kami alasan Anda tidak mengisi koneksi Jetpack dalam {{a}}survei 2 pertanyaan{{/a}} ini?{{/p}}{{p}}Koneksi Jetpack diperlukan agar fitur-fitur keamanan dan lalu lintas gratis kami dapat berfungsi.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Selamat datang di {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s
2701 }}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack Anda telah tersambung."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Bahan bakar telah terisi dan siap meluncur, Jetpack telah aktif."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Bahan bakar telah terisi dan siap meluncur."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Saat ini Anda menjalankan Jetpack versi pengembangan."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sedang dalam {{a}}Mode Pengembangan{{/a}} melalui penyaring jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sedang dalam {{a}}Mode Pengembangan{{/a}} melalui konstanta JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} becaus
2702 e your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sedang dalam {{a}}Mode Pengembangan{{/a}} karena tidak ada titik pada URL situs (contohnya, http://localhost).{{br/}}Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Anda, %(userName)s, tidak terhubung ke"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Apa yang ingin Anda lihat di Dasbor Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Beri tahu kami!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Selamat datang di Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Hubungkan atau buat akun untuk mulai menggunakan Jetpack. Ini akan mengaktifkan layanan keamanan, lalu lintas, dan kustomisasi yang andal."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Belum punya akun? Buat akun gratis��"],"Saving��":[null,"Menyimpan�
2703 �"],"Save Settings":[null,"Simpan Pengaturan"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Memerlukan Pembaruan"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Anda benar-benar ingin memutus sambungan situs dari"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ikon Statistik Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Statistik Situs{{/a}} untuk melihat detail statistik, jumlah suka, pengikut, pelanggan, dan lainnya! {{a1}}Pelajari Selengkapnya{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktifkan Statistik Situs"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Perlindungan otomatis dan komprehensif terhadap ancaman dan serangan."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Cadangkan seluruh situs secara otomatis."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Pemindaian Keamanan"],"Automa
2704 tically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Pindai situs secara otomatis untuk menemukan ancaman dan serangan umum."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Jauhkan spammer!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Cadangan Situs"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Pastikan situs Anda selalu dicadangkan!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Tidak Ada Hasil yang Ditemukan."],"Threats found!":[null,"Ancaman ditemukan!"],"Set up":[null,"Siapkan"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIF"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Peretas, botnet, dan spammer menyerang situs web tanpa pandang bulu. Tujuan mereka adalah sering menyerang membabi-buta. Tujuan kami adalah membantu Anda bersiap dengan memblokir ancaman ini, dan dalam skenario terbur
2705 uk kami siap membantu Anda memulihkan situs ke masa kejayaannya."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Situs Anda menggunakan Paket Free Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Situs Anda menggunakan paket Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Situs Anda menggunakan paket Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Situs Anda dalam Mode Pengembangan"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih yang didukung oleh Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Lihat statistik spam Anda"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Konfigurasikan Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Lihat dasbor keamana
2706 n Anda"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Konfigurasikan VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Survei & Polling"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Survei tanpa batas, respons tanpa batas. Gunakan penyunting survei untuk membuat survei dengan cepat dan mudah. Kumpulkan respons melalui situs web, email, atau dengan iPad atau iPhone Anda."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Buat polling baru"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Cadangan realtime"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Resolusi ancaman sekali klik"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Polling dan rating tingkat lanjut"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Bandingkan Paket"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Keamanan tingkat maksimum"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for Wor
2707 dPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Jangan biarkan penjahat masuk"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Penyaringan spam tangguh melindungi merek Anda, pembaca, dan meningkatkan SEO. Perlindungan terhadap login paksa membantu menjaga ketenangan pikiran dan mengamankan backend Anda dari penyusup."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Nikmati dukungan prioritas"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Perlu bantuan? Happiness Engineer dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang situs Anda, akun Anda, atau cara melakukan apa pun."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Pengaturan Koneksi"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Kelola koneksi Jetpack Anda."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Situs berada dalam M
2708 ode Pengembangan sehingga tidak dapat terhubung ke"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Anda terhubung sebagai "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Tautkan akun Anda ke untuk memanfaatkan Jetpack semaksimal mungkin."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Situs Anda harus dapat diakses oleh mesin pencarian agar fitur ini dapat berfungsi dengan benar. Anda dapat mengubahnya di {{a}}Pengaturan Pembacaan{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Lihat {{a}}Semua Statistik{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Lihat {{a}}Pengikut Email{{/a}} Anda"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Fitur andal di semua perangkat."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Kelola semua situs Anda dari satu dasbor."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Rasakan performanya"
2709 ],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Semua aplikasi WordPress dibuat untuk kecepatan. Anda akan langsung merasakan perbedaan performanya, dengan pemuatan halaman yang nyaris seketika dan tak perlu menunggu lama."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Pembaruan massal dan otomatis"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Sebagian besar kecacatan keamanan terdapat pada plugin lama. Gunakan aplikasi Web dan Desktop kami untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis atau perbarui plugin secara manual untuk semua situs web Anda di satu tempat yang praktis."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Fokus pada Tulisan Anda"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to
2710 focus on your work.":[null,"Penyunting baru kami secepat kilat, dioptimalkan untuk penulis dan menyingkirkan gangguan, sehingga Anda bisa fokus pada pekerjaan."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Coba Penyunting Baru"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Terhubung dengan Pengunjung"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Pantau pengunjung dengan statistik tingkat lanjut Ikuti tren, ketahui konten dengan performa terbaik, dan pahami pengunjung dari mana saja Anda berada."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Lihat Statistik Anda"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Terhubung dengan Komunitas"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Semua aplikasi WordPress memiliki pembaca yang luar biasa cepat dan berfitur lengkap, sehingga Anda bisa mengikuti
2711 perkembangan situs favorit dan bergabung dalam percakapan di mana pun, kapan pun."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Luncurkan Pembaca"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspirasi bisa datang kapan saja, di mana saja."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Dapatkan aplikasi WordPress untuk layar apa pun."],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publikasikan konten, lacak statistik, moderasi komentar, dan banyak lagi lainnya dari mana pun Anda berada. Aplikasi seluler kami merupakan sumber terbuka, gratis, dan tersedia di perangkat Apple maupun Android."]," in the App Store":[null," di App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," di Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to m
2712 ention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Aplikasi desktop yang memberikan tempat permanen bagi WordPress di komputer Anda. Belum lagi lingkungan bebas gangguan yang Anda dapatkan dengan menulis di luar perambah web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," untuk Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," untuk Windows"]," for Linux":[null," untuk Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Pemindaian Malware"],"Threats found":[null,"Ancaman ditemukan"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Untuk pemindaian ancaman keamanan yang otomatis dan komprehensif, {{a}}instal dan aktifkan{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk pemindaian ancaman keamanan yang otomatis dan komprehensif, {{a}}upgrade akun Anda{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is
2713 actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack secara aktif memblokir upaya login berbahaya. Data akan ditampilkan di sini sebentar lagi!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total serangan berbahaya yang diblokir pada situs Anda."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Lindungi{{/a}} untuk memastikan situs Anda terlindung dari upaya login berbahaya."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugin"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Memerlukan pembaruan. ","Memerlukan pembaruan. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Semua plugin sudah terbaru. Kerja bagus!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Kelola{{/a}} untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis dan mengelola plugin Anda dari"],"Jetpack is improving an
2714 d optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Keamanan"],"Performance":[null,"Performa"],"Backups":[null,"Pencadangan"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Lihat detail cadangan{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Untuk mencadangkan seluruh situs secara otomatis, silakan {{a}}instal dan aktifkan{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk mencadangkan seluruh situs secara otomatis, silakan {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Tidak tersedia dalam Mode Pengembangan."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Perlindungan Spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih, {{a}}instal Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, plea
2715 se {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih, {{a}}aktifkan Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Kunci Tidak Valid"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Tidak tersedia dalam Mode Pengembangan"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Salju Liburan"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Tampilkan hujan salju selama masa liburan."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Tampilkan hujan salju di blog saya mulai 1 Des sampai 4 Jan."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Mengaktifkan fitur yang disarankan��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Fitur yang disarankan telah aktif."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Mengaktifkan %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s telah diaktifkan."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s gagal diaktifkan. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Menonaktifkan %(slug)s��"],"%(sl
2716 ug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s telah dinonaktifkan."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Memperbarui pengaturan %(slug)s��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Pengaturan %(slug)s diperbarui."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error saat memperbarui pengaturan %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Memperbarui alamat %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Membuat ulang alamat %(slug)s."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Mengatur ulang pilihan Jetpack��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Pilihan diatur ulang."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Pilihan gagal diatur ulang."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Terjadi error saat memutus sambungan Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Menghapus tautan dari"],"Unlinked from WordPress
2717 .com.":[null,"Tautan dihapus dari"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error saat menghapus tautan dari %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Selayang Pandang"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Klise"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Maukah Anda menceritakan alasannya? Hanya dengan {{a}}menjawab dua pertanyaan sederhana,{{/a}} Anda membantu kami meningkatkan Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Suka Jetpack atau ada umpan balik?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Berikan ulasan untuk kami{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}ikuti kami
2718 di Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, dan{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}sukai kami di Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Sukai kami di Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Ikuti Jetpack di Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Lihat halaman dukungan kami{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}lihat forum untuk mendapatkan jawaban{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, atau{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}hubungi kami secara langsung{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Hubungi staf dukungan Jetpack secara langsung"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Kunjungi for
2719 um dukungan"],"Go to":[null,"Buka"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Kami menawarkan dukungan lengkap dan gratis kepada semua pengguna Jetpack kami. Tim dukungan kami selalu siap membantu Anda."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Happiness Engineer Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Kebijakan Privasi Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Ketentuan Layanan"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Verifikasi Situs{{/a}} untuk memverifikasi situs Anda dan meningkatkan pemeringkatan dengan Google, Bing, dan Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Peralatan Verifikasi Situs sudah
2720 aktif. Pastikan situs Anda diverifikasi dengan Google, Bing, dan Pinterest untuk mendapatkan pengindeksan dan pemeringkatan yang lebih akurat. {{a}}Verifikasi sekarang{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Peralatan Verifikasi Situs"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Photon{{/a}} untuk meningkatkan kinerja dan kecepatan gambar Anda."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Kinerja Gambar %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Kelola dan hidupkan pembaruan otomatis{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Hidupnya pembaruan plugin otomatis{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Pembaruan Plugin"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Waduh! Kunci Akismet Anda tidak ada atau tidak valid. {{akismetSettings}}Buka pengaturan Akismet untuk memperbaikinya{{/akismetSetti
2721 ngs}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Tidak ada ancaman, Anda aman dan siap melanjutkan!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Hubungi dukungan{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Lihat rinciannya di{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Ups, ada %(number)s ancaman.","Ups, ada %(number)s ancaman."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Monitor{{/a}} untuk menerima pemberitahuan jika situs Anda lumpuh."],"Loading��":[null,"Memuat��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Pemantauan Waktu Henti"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"Komentar sepanjang waktu"],"All-time views":[null,"Tampilan sepanjang waktu"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s Tampilan","%(number)s Tampilan"],"Best overall day":[null,"Terbaik
2722 sepanjang hari"],"Views today":[null,"Tampilan hari ini"],"Months":[null,"Bulan"],"Weeks":[null,"Minggu"],"Days":[null,"Hari"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Terjadi sesuatu saat memuat statistik. Coba lagi nanti atau {{a}}lihat statistik Anda sekarang di{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klik untuk melihat statistik terperinci."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Tampilan: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Minggu dari %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Kelola keamanan di"],"Skip this step":[null,"Lewati langkah ini"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Lewati proses Jumpstart Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Fitur yang bida diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan kapan saja."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Fitur Jetpack yang disarankan meliputi:"],"Activate Recomme
2723 nded Features":[null,"Aktifkan Fitur yang Disarankan"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Tingkatkan situs Anda secara cepat dengan mengaktifkan fitur Jetpack yang disarankan."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start Situs Anda"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Putuskan dari"],"Link to":[null,"Tautkan ke"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Hapus tautan saya dari"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Bergabunglah dengan jutaan pengguna yang mengandalkan Jetpack untuk meningkatkan dan mengamankan situs mereka. Kami bersungguh-sungguh dengan WordPress dan ini akan membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"J
2724 etpack didukung oleh beberapa orang paling teknis dan bersemangat dalam komunitas. Mereka berada di seluruh dunia dan siap membantu Anda."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Apakah kami menyebutkan dukungan profesional gratis?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack menggunakan jaringan pengantaran konten yang canggih untuk memuat gambar keren Anda super cepat. Dioptimalkan untuk perangkat apa saja, dan sepenuhnya gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Gambar yang dioptimalkan secepat kilat"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Jangan pernah mengandalkan rilis keamanan atau membuang waktu untuk memperbarui beberapa situs."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Pembaruan situs otomatis."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Pemantauan situs langsung."
2725 ],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Dapatkan ketenangan pikiran dengan Proteksi, alat yang telah memblokir miliaran serangan login di jutaan situs."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokir serangan ke situs."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack memblokir upaya login berbahaya, memberi tahu Anda ketika situs Anda lumpuh, dan dapat memperbarui plugin Anda secara otomatis, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Keamanan situs dan ketenangan pikiran"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack memanfaatkan kekuatan untuk memberitahukan tentang wawasan terperinci terkait pengunjung Anda, apa yang
2726 mereka baca, dan dari mana asal mereka."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Pertahankan agar pengunjung tetap berinteraksi, dengan memberi mereka lebih banyak hal untuk dibagikan dan dibaca dengan Pos Terkait."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Tingkatkan penayangan halaman."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Beri pengunjung alat untuk berbagi dan berlangganan konten Anda."],"Build a community.":[null,"Bangun komunitas."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Tombol Berbagi & Suka"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Pemasaran sosial otomatis."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack memiliki banyak alat keterlibatan dan lalu lintas untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak pemirsa situs Anda dan mempertahankan mereka."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Berikan Tanggapan"],"Need Help?":[null,"Perlu Bantuan?"],"Man
2727 age Plugins":[null,"Kelola Plugin"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stres berkurang. Monitor akan mengirimi Anda pemberitahuan real-time jika situs Anda lumpuh."],"Track your growth":[null,"Lacak pertumbuhan Anda"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Gunakan Publikasikan untuk otomatis berbagi pos Anda dengan teman, pengikut, dan dunia."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dorong lebih banyak lalu-lintas ke situs Anda"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Ada masalah dalam menyambungkan Jetpack Anda. Harap klik lagi �ambungkan ke��."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Kami mengalami masalah dalam menyambungkan Jetpack; nonaktifkan dulu lalu aktifkan kembali plugin Jetpack, lalu sambungkan kembali."],"
2728 You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Anda harus tetap masuk di blog WordPress saat Anda mengotorisasi Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack Anda mengalami masalah.{{/s}} Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. Harap coba lagi nanti. Jika masalah berlanjut, hubungi dukungan dengan pesan ini: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Putuskan Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Berikan ulasan untuk Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Perlu bantuan? Tim Jetpack di sini siap membantu Anda!"],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Mengharuskan Autentifikasi Dua Langkah"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Gunakan tata letak yang menarik secara visual"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more c
2729 learly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Tampilkan judul \"Terkait\" untuk menegaskan pemisahan antara seksi terkait dari pos."],"Related":[null,"Terkait"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Pastikan Anda menambahkan alamat IP yang paling sering digunakan karena ini dapat berubah antara rumah, kantor, atau lokasi Anda yang lain. Menghapus sebuah alamat IP dari daftar di bawah akan menghapusnya dari daftar putih Anda."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Pengelolaan Daftar Putih"],"Email Address":[null,"Alamat Surat Elektronik"],"Publicize":[null,"Publikasikan"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistik Situs"],"Featured Images":[null,"Gambar Andalan"],"Excerpts":[null,"Nukilan"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Aktifkan Testimonial untuk situs ini."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Akti
2730 fkan Proyek Portofolio untuk situs ini."],"Preview":[null,"Pratampil"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Skema Warna"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frase yang Diabaikan"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Gunakan bahasa yang terdeteksi secara otomatis untuk memeriksa ejaan dalam tulisan dan halaman"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frase Berlebihan"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frase untuk Dihindari"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Suara Pasif"],"Jargon":[null,"Prokem"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Kata Tersembunyi"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Negatif Ganda"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Tanda-tanda Diakritik"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frase Kompleks"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bahasa Bias"],"English Options":[null,"Pilihan Bahasa Inggris"],"Proofreading":[null,"Pemeriksaan Ejaan"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Menyambungkan Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack tidak dapat
2731 menghubungi %(error_key)s. Hal ini biasanya berarti ada sesuatu yang tidak dikonfigurasi dengan benar pada host web Anda."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," sedang mengalami masalah dan tidak dapat menyalakan Jetpack Anda. Silahkan coba kembali lain waktu."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack Anda mengalami masalah.{{/s}} Situs ini tidak dapat disambungkan dengan Ini berarti bahwa situs Anda tidak dapat diakses secara publik (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Situs web Anda perlu dapat diakses secara publik untuk menggunakan Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Anda telah berhasil memutuskan Jetpack"],"Activ
2732 e":[null,"Aktif"],"Settings":[null,"Pengaturan"],"Learn More":[null,"Pelajari Lebih Lanjut"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Putus dengan Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Uji kompatibilitas situs Anda dengan Jetpack."]}
2733 \ No newline at end of file
2734 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-09-11 00:59:11+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"id","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Person
2735 al plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":
2736 [null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and I
2737 Pv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Cari fitur Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Upgrade Jetpack dan pemindai keamanan canggih kami akan memburu file berbahaya dan langsung melaporkannya sehingga Anda akan selalu mengetahui yang terjadi pada situs web Anda."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Anda dapat melihat informasi tentang pemindaian keamanan di bagian \"Selayang Pandang\"."]
2738 ,"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Konfigurasikan Pemindaian Keamanan Anda"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Modul ini tidak dilengkapi pilihan konfigurasi"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Tunjukkan kepada pengunjung dan mesin pencarian bahwa Anda serius dengan integritas situs web Anda dengan meningkatkan Jetpack. Alat anti-spam kami akan menyingkirkan spam komentar, melindungi SEO Anda, dan memudahkan pengunjung untuk terus terhubung."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Pencadangan luar situs realtime dengan pemulihan otomatis membereskan segalanya, jadi Anda bisa fokus menulis kont
2739 en yang hebat dan meningkatkan lalu lintas kunjungan selagi kami melindungi setiap aspek investasi Anda. Upgrade sekarang juga."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Konfigurasikan %(module_slug)s Pengaturan {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Pelanggan"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Tersedia Pembaruan Besar untuk iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Desain WordPress untuk Aplikasi Android Mengalami Perubahan Besar"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Fokus Upgrade: VideoPress Untuk Pernikahan"]," Likes are:":[null,"Tombol Suka"],"Comments headline":[null,"Sorotan komentar"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Tambahkan sepatah dua patah kata yang menarik untuk memancing komentar pembaca."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Bisakah pembaca berlangganan pos Anda, komentar, atau keduanya?"],"Show a \
2740 "follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti blog\" dalam formulir komentar"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Menampilkan pilihan \"ikuti komentar\" dalam formulir komentar."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Bilah Admin"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Meletakkan bagan yang menunjukkan tampilan selama 48 jam pada bilah admin"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Pengguna Terdaftar: Menghitung tayangan halaman untuk pengguna terdaftar yang sudah login"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Kenampakan Laporan: Memilih peran yang dapat melihat laporan statistik"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Terima Pemberitahuan Email Monitor"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Email akan dikirimkan ke "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Cocokkan Dengan Email"],"Show photo
2741 metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Menampilkan metadata foto (Exif) pada carousel, jika tersedia"],"Background Color":[null,"Warna Latar Belakang"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Gulir tak terbatas (Menampilkan 7 pos pada setiap penyajian)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Melacak setiap sajian pos pada Guliran tak terbatas sebagai tampilan halaman pada Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promo Seluler"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Menampilkan promo untuk WordPress mobile apps di footer tema seluler"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Menampilkan semua gambar galeri Anda dalam mozaik canti
2742 k"],"Copied!":[null,"Telah disalin!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Sorot dan salin teks berikut ke clipboard:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Buat ulang alamat"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Konfigurasikan Portofolio"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Konfigurasikan Testimoni"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Memeriksa ejaan konten secara otomatis ketika: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Sebuah pos atau halaman telah diterbitkan pertama kali"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Sebuah pos atau halaman telah diperbarui"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Deteksi Bahasa Otomatis"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Fitur pemeriksaan ulang mendukung bahasa Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, Portugis, dan Spanyol."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Aktifkan pemeriksaan ulang untuk peraturan tata bahasa dan gaya bahasa berikut: "],"Add a phras
2743 e":[null,"Tambahkan frasa"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Gunakan Markdown untuk komentar"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Mesin pencarian akan menemukan peta situs di lokasi berikut:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Peta Situs: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Peta Situs Baru: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Curang ya?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Apakah Anda bersedia memberi tahu kami alasan Anda tidak mengisi koneksi Jetpack dalam {{a}}survei 2 pertanyaan{{/a}} ini?{{/p}}{{p}}Koneksi Jetpack diperlukan agar fitur-fitur keamanan dan lalu lintas gratis kami dapat berfungsi.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Selamat datang di {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s
2744 }}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack Anda telah tersambung."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Bahan bakar telah terisi dan siap meluncur, Jetpack telah aktif."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Bahan bakar telah terisi dan siap meluncur."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Saat ini Anda menjalankan Jetpack versi pengembangan."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sedang dalam {{a}}Mode Pengembangan{{/a}} melalui penyaring jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sedang dalam {{a}}Mode Pengembangan{{/a}} melalui konstanta JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} becaus
2745 e your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sedang dalam {{a}}Mode Pengembangan{{/a}} karena tidak ada titik pada URL situs (contohnya, http://localhost).{{br/}}Beberapa fitur dinonaktifkan."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Anda, %(userName)s, tidak terhubung ke"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Apa yang ingin Anda lihat di Dasbor Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Beri tahu kami!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Selamat datang di Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Hubungkan atau buat akun untuk mulai menggunakan Jetpack. Ini akan mengaktifkan layanan keamanan, lalu lintas, dan kustomisasi yang andal."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Belum punya akun? Buat akun gratis��"],"Saving��":[null,"Menyimpan�
2746 �"],"Save Settings":[null,"Simpan Pengaturan"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Memerlukan Pembaruan"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Anda benar-benar ingin memutus sambungan situs dari"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ikon Statistik Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Statistik Situs{{/a}} untuk melihat detail statistik, jumlah suka, pengikut, pelanggan, dan lainnya! {{a1}}Pelajari Selengkapnya{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktifkan Statistik Situs"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Perlindungan otomatis dan komprehensif terhadap ancaman dan serangan."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Cadangkan seluruh situs secara otomatis."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Pemindaian Keamanan"],"Automa
2747 tically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Pindai situs secara otomatis untuk menemukan ancaman dan serangan umum."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Jauhkan spammer!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Cadangan Situs"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Pastikan situs Anda selalu dicadangkan!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Tidak Ada Hasil yang Ditemukan."],"Threats found!":[null,"Ancaman ditemukan!"],"Set up":[null,"Siapkan"],"Upgrade":[null,"Upgrade"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIF"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Peretas, botnet, dan spammer menyerang situs web tanpa pandang bulu. Tujuan mereka adalah sering menyerang membabi-buta. Tujuan kami adalah membantu Anda bersiap dengan memblokir ancaman ini, dan dalam skenario terbur
2748 uk kami siap membantu Anda memulihkan situs ke masa kejayaannya."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Situs Anda menggunakan Paket Free Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Situs Anda menggunakan paket Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Situs Anda menggunakan paket Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Situs Anda dalam Mode Pengembangan"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih yang didukung oleh Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Lihat statistik spam Anda"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Konfigurasikan Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Lihat dasbor keamana
2749 n Anda"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Konfigurasikan VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Survei & Polling"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Buat polling baru"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Cadangan realtime"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Resolusi ancaman sekali klik"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Polling dan rating tingkat lanjut"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Bandingkan Paket"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Keamanan tingkat maksimum"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Jangan biarkan penjahat masuk"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Penyaringan spam tangguh melindungi merek Anda, pembaca, dan meningkatkan SEO. Perlindungan terhada
2750 p login paksa membantu menjaga ketenangan pikiran dan mengamankan backend Anda dari penyusup."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Nikmati dukungan prioritas"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Perlu bantuan? Happiness Engineer dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang situs Anda, akun Anda, atau cara melakukan apa pun."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Pengaturan Koneksi"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Kelola koneksi Jetpack Anda."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Situs berada dalam Mode Pengembangan sehingga tidak dapat terhubung ke"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Anda terhubung sebagai "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Tautkan akun Anda ke untuk memanfaatkan Jetpack semaksimal mungkin."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You
2751 can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Situs Anda harus dapat diakses oleh mesin pencarian agar fitur ini dapat berfungsi dengan benar. Anda dapat mengubahnya di {{a}}Pengaturan Pembacaan{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Lihat {{a}}Semua Statistik{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Lihat {{a}}Pengikut Email{{/a}} Anda"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Fitur andal di semua perangkat."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Kelola semua situs Anda dari satu dasbor."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Rasakan performanya"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Semua aplikasi WordPress dibuat untuk kecepatan. Anda akan langsung merasakan perbedaan performanya, dengan pemuatan halaman yang nyaris seketika dan tak perlu menunggu lama."],"Bulk and automatic updates":
2752 [null,"Pembaruan massal dan otomatis"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Sebagian besar kecacatan keamanan terdapat pada plugin lama. Gunakan aplikasi Web dan Desktop kami untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis atau perbarui plugin secara manual untuk semua situs web Anda di satu tempat yang praktis."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Fokus pada Tulisan Anda"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Penyunting baru kami secepat kilat, dioptimalkan untuk penulis dan menyingkirkan gangguan, sehingga Anda bisa fokus pada pekerjaan."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Coba Penyunting Baru"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Terhubung dengan Pengunjung"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the
2753 best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Pantau pengunjung dengan statistik tingkat lanjut Ikuti tren, ketahui konten dengan performa terbaik, dan pahami pengunjung dari mana saja Anda berada."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Lihat Statistik Anda"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Terhubung dengan Komunitas"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Semua aplikasi WordPress memiliki pembaca yang luar biasa cepat dan berfitur lengkap, sehingga Anda bisa mengikuti perkembangan situs favorit dan bergabung dalam percakapan di mana pun, kapan pun."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Luncurkan Pembaca"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspirasi bisa datang kapan saja, di mana saja."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Dapatkan aplikasi WordPress untuk layar apa pun."],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track
2754 stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Publikasikan konten, lacak statistik, moderasi komentar, dan banyak lagi lainnya dari mana pun Anda berada. Aplikasi seluler kami merupakan sumber terbuka, gratis, dan tersedia di perangkat Apple maupun Android."]," in the App Store":[null," di App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," di Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Aplikasi desktop yang memberikan tempat permanen bagi WordPress di komputer Anda. Belum lagi lingkungan bebas gangguan yang Anda dapatkan dengan menulis di luar perambah web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," untuk Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null,"Wor
2755 untuk Windows"]," for Linux":[null," untuk Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Pemindaian Malware"],"Threats found":[null,"Ancaman ditemukan"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Untuk pemindaian ancaman keamanan yang otomatis dan komprehensif, {{a}}instal dan aktifkan{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk pemindaian ancaman keamanan yang otomatis dan komprehensif, {{a}}upgrade akun Anda{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack secara aktif memblokir upaya login berbahaya. Data akan ditampilkan di sini sebentar lagi!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total serangan berbahaya yang diblokir pada situs Anda."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious logi
2756 n attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Lindungi{{/a}} untuk memastikan situs Anda terlindung dari upaya login berbahaya."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugin"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Memerlukan pembaruan. ","Memerlukan pembaruan. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Semua plugin sudah terbaru. Kerja bagus!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Kelola{{/a}} untuk mengaktifkan pembaruan otomatis dan mengelola plugin Anda dari"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Keamanan"],"Performance":[null,"Performa"],"Backups":[null,"Pencadangan"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Lihat detail cadangan{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}in
2757 stall and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Untuk mencadangkan seluruh situs secara otomatis, silakan {{a}}instal dan aktifkan{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk mencadangkan seluruh situs secara otomatis, silakan {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Tidak tersedia dalam Mode Pengembangan."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Perlindungan Spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih, {{a}}instal Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Untuk pertahanan terhadap spam paling canggih, {{a}}aktifkan Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Kunci Tidak Valid"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Tidak tersedia dalam Mode Pengembangan"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Salju Liburan"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Tampilkan hujan salju selama masa liburan."],"Show
2758 falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Tampilkan hujan salju di blog saya mulai 1 Des sampai 4 Jan."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Mengaktifkan fitur yang disarankan��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Fitur yang disarankan telah aktif."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Mengaktifkan %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s telah diaktifkan."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s gagal diaktifkan. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Menonaktifkan %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s telah dinonaktifkan."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Memperbarui pengaturan %(slug)s��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Pengaturan %(slug)s diperbarui."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Error saat memperbarui pengaturan %(slug)s. %(error)s
2759 "],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Memperbarui alamat %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Membuat ulang alamat %(slug)s."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Mengatur ulang pilihan Jetpack��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Pilihan diatur ulang."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Pilihan gagal diatur ulang."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Terjadi error saat memutus sambungan Jetpack. Error: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Menghapus tautan dari"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Tautan dihapus dari"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Error saat menghapus tautan dari %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Selayang Pandang"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Klise"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Maukah Anda menceritakan alasa
2760 nnya? Hanya dengan {{a}}menjawab dua pertanyaan sederhana,{{/a}} Anda membantu kami meningkatkan Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Suka Jetpack atau ada umpan balik?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Berikan ulasan untuk kami{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}ikuti kami di Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, dan{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}sukai kami di Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Sukai kami di Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Ikuti Jetpack di Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLin
2761 k}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Lihat halaman dukungan kami{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}lihat forum untuk mendapatkan jawaban{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, atau{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}hubungi kami secara langsung{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Hubungi staf dukungan Jetpack secara langsung"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Kunjungi forum dukungan"],"Go to":[null,"Buka"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Kami menawarkan dukungan lengkap dan gratis kepada semua pengguna Jetpack kami. Tim dukungan kami selalu siap membantu Anda."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Happin
2762 ess Engineer Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Kebijakan Privasi Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Ketentuan Layanan"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Verifikasi Situs{{/a}} untuk memverifikasi situs Anda dan meningkatkan pemeringkatan dengan Google, Bing, dan Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Peralatan Verifikasi Situs sudah aktif. Pastikan situs Anda diverifikasi dengan Google, Bing, dan Pinterest untuk mendapatkan pengindeksan dan pemeringkatan yang lebih akurat. {{a}}Verifikasi sekarang{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Peralatan Verifikasi Situs"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Photon{{/a}} untuk meningkatka
2763 n kinerja dan kecepatan gambar Anda."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Kinerja Gambar %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Kelola dan hidupkan pembaruan otomatis{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Hidupnya pembaruan plugin otomatis{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Pembaruan Plugin"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Waduh! Kunci Akismet Anda tidak ada atau tidak valid. {{akismetSettings}}Buka pengaturan Akismet untuk memperbaikinya{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Tidak ada ancaman, Anda aman dan siap melanjutkan!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Hubungi dukungan{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Lihat rinciannya di{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Ups, ada %(number)s ancaman.
2764 ","Ups, ada %(number)s ancaman."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktifkan Monitor{{/a}} untuk menerima pemberitahuan jika situs Anda lumpuh."],"Loading��":[null,"Memuat��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Pemantauan Waktu Henti"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"Komentar sepanjang waktu"],"All-time views":[null,"Tampilan sepanjang waktu"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s Tampilan","%(number)s Tampilan"],"Best overall day":[null,"Terbaik sepanjang hari"],"Views today":[null,"Tampilan hari ini"],"Months":[null,"Bulan"],"Weeks":[null,"Minggu"],"Days":[null,"Hari"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Terjadi sesuatu saat memuat statistik. Coba lagi nanti atau {{a}}lihat statistik Anda sekarang di{{/a}}"],"
2765 Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klik untuk melihat statistik terperinci."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Tampilan: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Minggu dari %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Kelola keamanan di"],"Skip this step":[null,"Lewati langkah ini"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Lewati proses Jumpstart Jetpack"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Fitur yang bida diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan kapan saja."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Fitur Jetpack yang disarankan meliputi:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktifkan Fitur yang Disarankan"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Tingkatkan situs Anda secara cepat dengan mengaktifkan fitur Jetpack yang disarankan."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start Situs Anda"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Putuskan dari"],"Link to":[
2766 null,"Tautkan ke"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Hapus tautan saya dari"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Bergabunglah dengan jutaan pengguna yang mengandalkan Jetpack untuk meningkatkan dan mengamankan situs mereka. Kami bersungguh-sungguh dengan WordPress dan ini akan membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack didukung oleh beberapa orang paling teknis dan bersemangat dalam komunitas. Mereka berada di seluruh dunia dan siap membantu Anda."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Apakah kami menyebutkan dukungan profesional gratis?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optim
2767 ized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack menggunakan jaringan pengantaran konten yang canggih untuk memuat gambar keren Anda super cepat. Dioptimalkan untuk perangkat apa saja, dan sepenuhnya gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Gambar yang dioptimalkan secepat kilat"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Jangan pernah mengandalkan rilis keamanan atau membuang waktu untuk memperbarui beberapa situs."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Pembaruan situs otomatis."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Pemantauan situs langsung."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Dapatkan ketenangan pikiran dengan Proteksi, alat yang telah memblokir miliaran serangan login di jutaan situs."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokir serangan ke situs."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down
2768 , and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack memblokir upaya login berbahaya, memberi tahu Anda ketika situs Anda lumpuh, dan dapat memperbarui plugin Anda secara otomatis, sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Keamanan situs dan ketenangan pikiran"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack memanfaatkan kekuatan untuk memberitahukan tentang wawasan terperinci terkait pengunjung Anda, apa yang mereka baca, dan dari mana asal mereka."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Pertahankan agar pengunjung tetap berinteraksi, dengan memberi mereka lebih banyak hal untuk dibagikan dan dibaca dengan Pos Terkait."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Tingkatkan penayangan halaman."],"Give visitors the tools to share and sub
2769 scribe to your content.":[null,"Beri pengunjung alat untuk berbagi dan berlangganan konten Anda."],"Build a community.":[null,"Bangun komunitas."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Tombol Berbagi & Suka"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Pemasaran sosial otomatis."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack memiliki banyak alat keterlibatan dan lalu lintas untuk membantu Anda mendapatkan lebih banyak pemirsa situs Anda dan mempertahankan mereka."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Berikan Tanggapan"],"Need Help?":[null,"Perlu Bantuan?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Kelola Plugin"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stres berkurang. Monitor akan mengirimi Anda pemberitahuan real-time jika situs Anda lumpuh."],"Track your growth":[null,"Lacak pertumbuhan Anda"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Gu
2770 nakan Publikasikan untuk otomatis berbagi pos Anda dengan teman, pengikut, dan dunia."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dorong lebih banyak lalu-lintas ke situs Anda"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Ada masalah dalam menyambungkan Jetpack Anda. Harap klik lagi �ambungkan ke��."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Kami mengalami masalah dalam menyambungkan Jetpack; nonaktifkan dulu lalu aktifkan kembali plugin Jetpack, lalu sambungkan kembali."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Anda harus tetap masuk di blog WordPress saat Anda mengotorisasi Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack Anda menga
2771 lami masalah.{{/s}} Kami mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanan ini. Harap coba lagi nanti. Jika masalah berlanjut, hubungi dukungan dengan pesan ini: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Putuskan Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Berikan ulasan untuk Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Perlu bantuan? Tim Jetpack di sini siap membantu Anda!"],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Mengharuskan Autentifikasi Dua Langkah"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Gunakan tata letak yang menarik secara visual"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Tampilkan judul \"Terkait\" untuk menegaskan pemisahan antara seksi terkait dari pos."],"Related":[null,"Terkait"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":
2772 [null,"Pastikan Anda menambahkan alamat IP yang paling sering digunakan karena ini dapat berubah antara rumah, kantor, atau lokasi Anda yang lain. Menghapus sebuah alamat IP dari daftar di bawah akan menghapusnya dari daftar putih Anda."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Pengelolaan Daftar Putih"],"Email Address":[null,"Alamat Surat Elektronik"],"Publicize":[null,"Publikasikan"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistik Situs"],"Featured Images":[null,"Gambar Andalan"],"Excerpts":[null,"Nukilan"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Aktifkan Testimonial untuk situs ini."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktifkan Proyek Portofolio untuk situs ini."],"Preview":[null,"Pratampil"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Skema Warna"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frase yang Diabaikan"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Gunakan bahasa yang terdeteksi secara otomatis untuk memeriksa ejaan dalam tulisan dan halaman"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frase Berlebihan"],
2773 "Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frase untuk Dihindari"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Suara Pasif"],"Jargon":[null,"Prokem"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Kata Tersembunyi"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Negatif Ganda"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Tanda-tanda Diakritik"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frase Kompleks"],"Bias Language":[null,"Bahasa Bias"],"English Options":[null,"Pilihan Bahasa Inggris"],"Proofreading":[null,"Pemeriksaan Ejaan"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Menyambungkan Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack tidak dapat menghubungi %(error_key)s. Hal ini biasanya berarti ada sesuatu yang tidak dikonfigurasi dengan benar pada host web Anda."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," sedang mengalami masalah dan tidak dapat menyalakan Jetpack Anda. Silahkan coba kembali lain waktu."],"
2774 {{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack Anda mengalami masalah.{{/s}} Situs ini tidak dapat disambungkan dengan Ini berarti bahwa situs Anda tidak dapat diakses secara publik (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Situs web Anda perlu dapat diakses secara publik untuk menggunakan Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Anda telah berhasil memutuskan Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Aktif"],"Settings":[null,"Pengaturan"],"Learn More":[null,"Pelajari Lebih Lanjut"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Putus dengan Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Uji kompatibilitas situs Anda dengan Jetpack."]}
2775 \ No newline at end of file
2777 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-it_IT.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-it_IT.json
2778 index f5501b8..6a5ad93 100644
2779 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-it_IT.json
2780 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-it_IT.json
2781 @@ -1 +1 @@
2782 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-10-21 10:32:07+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"it","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Perso
2783 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
2784 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Cerca del contenuto."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Gestisci la visibilit� dei Like dalle impostazioni del modulo Condivisione{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Nascondi lo smiley delle stati
2785 stiche. L'immagine aiuta a raccogliere i dati ma dovrebbe continuare a funzionare anche se 癡 nascosta. "],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Il tuo IP attuale: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Inserire un indirizzo IP nella whitelist fa in modo che Jetpack non lo blocchi mai. "],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 e IPv6 sono accettabili. {{br/}} Per specificare un range, inserisci il valore basso e quello alto separati da un trattino. Esempio:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Connetti il tuo account per usare questa funzionalit�."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Ci sono delle impostazioni non salvate che verrano perse se abbandoni qui. Vuoi procedere?"],"This wi
2786 ll reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Questa azione resetter� le opzioni di Jetpack, confermi?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Cerca una funzionalit� di Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Puoi vedere l'informazione riguardo la scansione di sicurezza nella sezione di riepilogo."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configura le tue Scansioni di Sicurezza"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Questo modulo non ha opzioni di configurazione"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Fai sapere a
2787 i motori di ricerca e ai visitatori che prendi sul serio l'integrit� del tuo sito web aggiornando JetPack. I nostri strumenti anti spam elimineranno un commento spam per proteggere la tua SEO, e rendere pi羅 semplice per i visitatori rimanere in contatto."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"I backup esterni in tempo reale con ripristini automatici regalano la pace dei sensi, cos穫 ti puoi concentrare sullo scrivere un gran contenuto e aumentare il traffico mentre noi proteggiamo ogni aspetto del tuo investimento. Aggiorna oggi."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configura le impostazioni di %(module_slug) {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Ora disponibile un importante aggiornamento per iPhone/iPad"],"The WordP
2788 ress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Focus Upgrade: VideoPress per matrimoni"]," Likes are:":[null,"I Mi Piace di sono:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titolo dei commenti"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Poche e accattivanti parole per motivare i tuoi lettori a commentare."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"I lettori possono abbonarsi ai tuoi articoli, ai commenti o ad entrambi? "],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui blog\""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui commenti\"."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barra amministrativa"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Inserisci nella barra amministrativa un grafico che mostra le ultime 48 ore di visualizzazioni"],"Registered
2789 Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Utenti registrati: conta le pagine viste degli utenti registrati che hanno effettuato l'accesso."],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Report Visibilit�: Scegli i ruoli che potranno vedere i report delle statistiche"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Le email verranno inviate a"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Modifica{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,"Colore di sfondo"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Scrolla all'infinito (Mostra 7 articoli ad ogni caricamento)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Traccia ogni caricamento di un articolo con Scroll Infinito come una visualizzazione di pagine in Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo
2790 for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Inserisci il tuo valore di chiave meta \"contenuto\" per verificare il tuo blog con {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a}} e {{a}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Mostra tutte le tue gallerie fotografiche in un bel mosaico "],"Copied!":[null,"Copiato!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Evidenzia e copia il seguente testo nei tuoi appunti:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Rigenera indirizzi"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configura Portfolio"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configura Testimonial"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first pub
2791 lished":[null,"Un articolo o una pagina sono stati pubblicati per la prima volta"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Un articolo o una pagina sono stati aggiornati"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Riconoscimento automatico della lingua"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Il correttore di bozze supporta Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Portoghese e Spagnolo."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Abilita il correttore di bozze per le seguenti regole di grammatica e stile:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Aggiungi una frase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Usa Markdown per i commenti"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"I motori di ricerca cercheranno le sitemap in queste posizioni:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap delle notizie: {{a}}%(url){{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you
2792 did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack 癡 gi� connesso."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Tutto 癡 stato sistemato e sei pronto a partire, adesso Jetpack 癡 attivo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are di
2793 sabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"Faccelo sapere!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,"Salvataggio in corso..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Salva impostazioni"],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Icona delle statistiche di Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Attiva Statistiche Sito"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automa
2794 tically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tieni lontani gli spammer!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Backup del sito"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Nessun risultato trovato."],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,"Imposta"],"Upgrade":[null,"Aggiorna"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ATTIVO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Profession
2795 al plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Il tuo sito 癡 in modalit� sviluppatore"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configura Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configura VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,"Confronta i piani"],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monito
2796 ring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Gestisci la connessione di Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Questo sito 癡 in modalit� sviluppatore, quindi non pu簷 connettersi a"],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change th
2797 is in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn
2798 what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"Visualizza le tue statistiche"],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null," nell'App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," su Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environ
2799 ment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," per Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," per Windows"]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugin"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates
2800 and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Sicurezza"],"Performance":[null,"Prestazioni"],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Visualizza i dettagli del backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st
2801 until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s 癡 stato attivato."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Disattivazione di %(slug)s in corso..."],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s 癡 stato disattivato."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinkin
2802 g from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Segui Jetpack su Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""]
2803 ,"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contatta direttamente lo staff del supporto di Jetpack"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Visita i forum si supporto di"],"Go to":[null,"Vai al supporto di"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Happiness Engineer di Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,"Termini del Servizio di"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],
2804 "Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contatta il supporto{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,"Visualizzazioni odierne
2805 "],"Months":[null,"Mesi"],"Weeks":[null,"Settimane"],"Days":[null,"Giorni"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Fai clic per visualizzare le statistiche dettagliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,"Salta questo passaggio"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnetti da"],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure t
2806 heir sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitoraggio del sito in tempo reale."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update yo
2807 ur plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,"Crea una comunit�."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,"Hai bisogno di aiuto?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gestisci i plugin"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stai tranquillo. Monitor ti invier� degli avvisi in real-time se il tuo sito dov
2808 esse diventare inaccessibile."],"Track your growth":[null,"Segui lo sviluppo"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Usa la funzione Pubblicizza per condividere in modo automatico i tuoi articoli con gli amici, con chi ti segue e con il mondo intero."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Porta pi羅 traffico al tuo sito"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"C'癡 stato un problema nella connessione Jetpack. Fai clic di nuovo su \"Collega Jetpack\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"C'癡 stato un problema con la connessione Jetpack; disattiva e poi riattiva il plugin Jetpack, poi riprova a connetterti."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Devi essere connesso al tuo blog WordPress durante l'autorizzazione di Jetpack."],"{{s}}Yo
2809 ur Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Riprova pi羅 tardi e, se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto con questo messaggio: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnessione di Jetpack in corso"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Scrivi una recensione su Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Ti serve aiuto? Il team Jetpack 癡 a tua disposizione."],"Smiley":[null,"Smile"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Richiede Autenticazione a 2 fattori (Two-Step)"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Utilizza un layout ampio e di grande impatto visivo"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostra l'intestazione \"Correlati\" per separare in modo pi羅 chiaro la
2810 sezione correlata dagli articoli"],"Related":[null,"Correlati"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aggiungere gli indirizzi IP usati pi羅 di frequente, poich矇 possono cambiare tra casa, ufficio e altre ubicazioni. La rimozione di un indirizzo IP dall'elenco riportato di seguito ne comporta la rimozione anche dalla lista bianca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestione della lista bianca"],"Email Address":[null,"Indirizzo e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Pubblicizza"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistiche Sito"],"Featured Images":[null,"Immagini in primo piano"],"Excerpts":[null,"Stralci"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Attiva le Testimonianze per questo sito."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Attiva Progetti Portfolio per questo sito."],"Preview":[null,"Anteprima"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Sche
2811 ma colore"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frasi ignorate"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Usa il rilevamento automatico del linguaggio per la revisione di articoli e pagine"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frasi Ridondanti"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frasi da evitare"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Forma passiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Gergo"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbi nascosti"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doppie negazioni"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Segni diacritici"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frasi complesse"],"Bias Language":[null,"Linguaggio fazioso"],"English Options":[null,"Opzioni inglese"],"Proofreading":[null,"Correttore di bozze"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Collega Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack non riesce a contattare %(error_key)s. Di solito questo significa che c'癡 un errore nella configurazione del tuo web hos
2812 t."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"Al momento ha dei problemi e non pu簷 alimentare il tuo Jetpack. Riprova pi羅 tardi."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Non 癡 possibile collegare questo sito con Di solito questo significa che il tuo sito non 癡 accessibile pubblicamente (il tuo localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Per poter utilizzare Jetpack il tuo sito deve avere permessi di accesso pubblico: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Hai disconnesso Jetpack."],"Active":[null,"Attivo"],"Settings":[null,"Impostazioni"],"Learn More":[null,"Per saperne di pi羅"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Dis
2813 connetti Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testa la compatibilit� del tuo sito con Jetpack."]}
2814 \ No newline at end of file
2815 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-10-21 10:32:07+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"it","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Perso
2816 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
2817 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Cerca del contenuto."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Gestisci la visibilit� dei Like dalle impostazioni del modulo Condivisione{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Nascondi lo smiley delle stati
2818 stiche. L'immagine aiuta a raccogliere i dati ma dovrebbe continuare a funzionare anche se 癡 nascosta. "],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Il tuo IP attuale: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Inserire un indirizzo IP nella whitelist fa in modo che Jetpack non lo blocchi mai. "],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 e IPv6 sono accettabili. {{br/}} Per specificare un range, inserisci il valore basso e quello alto separati da un trattino. Esempio:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Connetti il tuo account per usare questa funzionalit�."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Ci sono delle impostazioni non salvate che verrano perse se abbandoni qui. Vuoi procedere?"],"This wi
2819 ll reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Questa azione resetter� le opzioni di Jetpack, confermi?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Cerca una funzionalit� di Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Puoi vedere l'informazione riguardo la scansione di sicurezza nella sezione di riepilogo."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configura le tue Scansioni di Sicurezza"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Questo modulo non ha opzioni di configurazione"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Fai sapere a
2820 i motori di ricerca e ai visitatori che prendi sul serio l'integrit� del tuo sito web aggiornando JetPack. I nostri strumenti anti spam elimineranno un commento spam per proteggere la tua SEO, e rendere pi羅 semplice per i visitatori rimanere in contatto."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"I backup esterni in tempo reale con ripristini automatici regalano la pace dei sensi, cos穫 ti puoi concentrare sullo scrivere un gran contenuto e aumentare il traffico mentre noi proteggiamo ogni aspetto del tuo investimento. Aggiorna oggi."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configura le impostazioni di %(module_slug) {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Subscriber"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Ora disponibile un importante aggiornamento per iPhone/iPad"],"The WordP
2821 ress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Focus Upgrade: VideoPress per matrimoni"]," Likes are:":[null,"I Mi Piace di sono:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titolo dei commenti"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Poche e accattivanti parole per motivare i tuoi lettori a commentare."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"I lettori possono abbonarsi ai tuoi articoli, ai commenti o ad entrambi? "],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui blog\""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Mostra nel modulo del commento l'opzione \"segui commenti\"."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barra amministrativa"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Inserisci nella barra amministrativa un grafico che mostra le ultime 48 ore di visualizzazioni"],"Registered
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2823 for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Inserisci il tuo valore di chiave meta \"contenuto\" per verificare il tuo blog con {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} e {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Mostra tutte le tue gallerie fotografiche in un bel mosaico "],"Copied!":[null,"Copiato!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Evidenzia e copia il seguente testo nei tuoi appunti:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Rigenera indirizzi"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configura Portfolio"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configura Testimonial"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first
2824 published":[null,"Un articolo o una pagina sono stati pubblicati per la prima volta"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Un articolo o una pagina sono stati aggiornati"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Riconoscimento automatico della lingua"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Il correttore di bozze supporta Inglese, Francese, Tedesco, Portoghese e Spagnolo."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Abilita il correttore di bozze per le seguenti regole di grammatica e stile:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Aggiungi una frase"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Usa Markdown per i commenti"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"I motori di ricerca cercheranno le sitemap in queste posizioni:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Sitemap delle notizie: {{a}}%(url){{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why
2825 you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack 癡 gi� connesso."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Tutto 癡 stato sistemato e sei pronto a partire, adesso Jetpack 癡 attivo."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features ar
2826 e disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"Faccelo sapere!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,"Salvataggio in corso..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Salva impostazioni"],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Icona delle statistiche di Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Attiva Statistiche Sito"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Au
2827 tomatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Tieni lontani gli spammer!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Backup del sito"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Nessun risultato trovato."],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,"Imposta"],"Upgrade":[null,"Aggiorna"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ATTIVO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Profes
2828 sional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Il tuo sito 癡 in modalit� sviluppatore"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configura Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configura VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,"Confronta i piani"],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering pr
2829 otects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Gestisci la connessione di Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Questo sito 癡 in modalit� sviluppatore, quindi non pu簷 connettersi a"],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every dev
2830 ice.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"Visualizza le tue statistiche"],"Connect with the Comm
2831 unity":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null," nell'App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," su Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," per Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," per Wi
2832 ndows"]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugin"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site i
2833 s down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Sicurezza"],"Performance":[null,"Prestazioni"],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Visualizza i dettagli del backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"
2834 Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s 癡 stato attivato."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Disattivazione di %(slug)s in corso..."],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s 癡 stato disattivato."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"W
2835 ould you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Segui Jetpack su Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contatta direttamente lo staff del supporto di Jetpack"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Visita i forum si suppor
2836 to di"],"Go to":[null,"Vai al supporto di"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Happiness Engineer di Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,"Termini del Servizio di"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null
2837 ,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contatta il supporto{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}} Visualizza pi羅 statistiche su {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,"Visualizzazioni odierne"],"Months":[null,"Mesi"],"Weeks":[null,"Settimane"],"Days":[null,"Giorni"],"Something happened while loading s
2838 tats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Fai clic per visualizzare le statistiche dettagliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,"Salta questo passaggio"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,"Disconnetti da"],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supporte
2839 d by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitoraggio del sito in tempo reale."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harne
2840 sses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,"Crea una comunit�."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,"Hai bisogno di aiuto?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gestisci i plugin"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stai tranquillo. Monitor ti invier� degli avvisi in real-time se il tuo sito dovesse diventare inaccessibile."],"Track your growth":[null,"Segui lo sviluppo"],"Use Publicize to automatically
2841 share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Usa la funzione Pubblicizza per condividere in modo automatico i tuoi articoli con gli amici, con chi ti segue e con il mondo intero."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Porta pi羅 traffico al tuo sito"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"C'癡 stato un problema nella connessione Jetpack. Fai clic di nuovo su \"Collega Jetpack\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"C'癡 stato un problema con la connessione Jetpack; disattiva e poi riattiva il plugin Jetpack, poi riprova a connetterti."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Devi essere connesso al tuo blog WordPress durante l'autorizzazione di Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continu
2842 es please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Ci scusiamo per l'inconveniente. Riprova pi羅 tardi e, se il problema persiste, contatta il supporto con questo messaggio: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Disconnessione di Jetpack in corso"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Scrivi una recensione su Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Ti serve aiuto? Il team Jetpack 癡 a tua disposizione."],"Smiley":[null,"Smile"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Richiede Autenticazione a 2 fattori (Two-Step)"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Utilizza un layout ampio e di grande impatto visivo"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostra l'intestazione \"Correlati\" per separare in modo pi羅 chiaro la sezione correlata dagli articoli"],"Related":[null,"Correlati"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP
2843 addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Aggiungere gli indirizzi IP usati pi羅 di frequente, poich矇 possono cambiare tra casa, ufficio e altre ubicazioni. La rimozione di un indirizzo IP dall'elenco riportato di seguito ne comporta la rimozione anche dalla lista bianca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestione della lista bianca"],"Email Address":[null,"Indirizzo e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Pubblicizza"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistiche Sito"],"Featured Images":[null,"Immagini in primo piano"],"Excerpts":[null,"Stralci"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Attiva le Testimonianze per questo sito."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Attiva Progetti Portfolio per questo sito."],"Preview":[null,"Anteprima"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Schema colore"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frasi ignorate"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts a
2844 nd pages":[null,"Usa il rilevamento automatico del linguaggio per la revisione di articoli e pagine"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frasi Ridondanti"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frasi da evitare"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Forma passiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Gergo"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbi nascosti"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Doppie negazioni"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Segni diacritici"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frasi complesse"],"Bias Language":[null,"Linguaggio fazioso"],"English Options":[null,"Opzioni inglese"],"Proofreading":[null,"Correttore di bozze"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Collega Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack non riesce a contattare %(error_key)s. Di solito questo significa che c'癡 un errore nella configurazione del tuo web host."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later
2845 .":[null,"Al momento ha dei problemi e non pu簷 alimentare il tuo Jetpack. Riprova pi羅 tardi."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack ha riscontrato un errore tecnico.{{/s}} Non 癡 possibile collegare questo sito con Di solito questo significa che il tuo sito non 癡 accessibile pubblicamente (il tuo localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Per poter utilizzare Jetpack il tuo sito deve avere permessi di accesso pubblico: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Hai disconnesso Jetpack."],"Active":[null,"Attivo"],"Settings":[null,"Impostazioni"],"Learn More":[null,"Per saperne di pi羅"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Disconnetti Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testa la comp
2846 atibilit� del tuo sito con Jetpack."]}
2847 \ No newline at end of file
2849 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ja.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ja.json
2850 index c57aa84..c49780b 100644
2851 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ja.json
2852 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ja.json
2853 @@ -1 +1 @@
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2855 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
2856 null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,"閰喋�����"],"Search your content.":[null,"�喋���璊揣��"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}��€�詻�潦閮剖��扼€���銵函內�嗆��恣�{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"蝯梯��
2857 �具�嫘��扎�潦��扼�寧���”蝷箝��€��桃�蝯梯���桀��雿踴������銵函內�怒��艾�撘�蝬�����€�"],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"�曉�� IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"IP �U��研���胯��嫘��怨蕭����etpack ���������具��芥��芥��整���"],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 �� IPv6 �蝙�典�賬�€{br/}} �研�詻������怒���€扎擃��扎����€��乓�扎�閮�������:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"�璈�蝙�����怒�U�艾�� �恍€��������"],"There are unsaved set
2858 tings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"�踴�����典仃���艾��整��芯�摮憭����€�銵��整��� ?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Jetpack �柴��嫘�株身摰��芥�����整��敶摰���� ?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Jetpack �格��賬�璊揣����€�"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Jetpack ���� �格��啜�准�芥����准�喋�芣��柴����~�怒�璊��氬�怠����扼€�扎��找��絲��������芥��具����具瘙箝��艾������"],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"�颯�乓��嫘���恍����胯€€�
2859 ���胯�扼�扼�閬扼�����€�"],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"�颯�乓��嫘��������"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"��U�乓�怒�舀����扼�����"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Jetpack ����啜�潦����蝝U�喋�喋�赤�€�€�扎��桀��冽€扼��怠��������內����€��撖曄���怒������喋�喋�����€EO ��霅瑯��赤�€�蝪∪��怒�扎���具�蝬��������€�"],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect ev
2860 ery aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"�芥�怒�扎��柴��扎����胯���刻�儔���摰����具���������鞈�����典��怒� �桐�霅瑯����芥��€��氬����喋����嗡�����������恍�銝准��€����U���研���整�����"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}%(module_slug)s 閮剖������{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"鞈潸狎��"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"iPhone/iPad �桀之撟�U����潦���具�����怒���"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"WordPress for Android �U��芥�憭批��芥��乓�U"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"�U���研�瘜函��:�艾��喋�具 VideoPress"]," Likes are:":[null,"�
2861 �����踴:"],"Comments headline":[null,"�喋�喋��柴����押��"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"隤剛€�喋�喋������潦�扼���"],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"隤剛€�阮�整��胯�~�€����胯��桐腹�嫘�鞈潸狎�扼��整��� ?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"�喋�喋���潦��怒€��准���押�潦€��扼�”蝷�"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"�喋�喋���潦��怒€�~����准���扼�”蝷箝€�"],"Admin Bar":[null,"蝞∠��"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"蝞∠���恍���48���柴��乓�啜銵具�銵函內���"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"�駁皜�艾�嗚:�准�扎銝准�駁�艾�嗚�柴��潦�
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2867 tures are disabled.":[null,"�曉 JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG 摰�怒��{a}}��U�{/a}}�怒����€{br/}}���扎��格��賬�∪�扼���"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�萸� URL �怒������賬��艾��� (靘�: http://localhost) ����肚{a}}��U�{/a}}�怒����€{br/}}���扎��格��賬�∪�扼���"],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s 瑽 �急蝬�������"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Jetpack �€��乓��潦��思��”蝷箝����具������ ?"],"Let us know!":[null,"��閬��������� !"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack �詻�����"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful
2868 security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Jetpack �柴��拍��憪���胯€ �U�艾��亦����€�怒�喋������艾����€�����撥��颯�乓����押�����胯€���怒�踴��扎�柴�潦��嫘���具��������怒��€�"],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"�U�艾�����~�芥��游���雿�����€�"],"Saving��":[null,"靽�銝�..."],"Save Settings":[null,"閮剖���摮�"],"Updates Needed":[null,"�湔��閬�"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"�萸� �桅€��敶閫���� ?"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack 蝯梯��U�喋"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}�萸�蝯梯�����孵�{{/a}}��底��蝯
2869 梯���€���€��押�胯�頃隤剛€�押��Ⅱ隤��整����{a1}}���怨底��{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"�萸�蝯梯�����孵�"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"����撖整�������靽風��"],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"\t�嫘���格��啣��桅敺~€�"],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"�萸�雿��芸��扼���U����整���"],"Security Scanning":[null,"�颯�乓��嫘��"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"���������扎��艾€�扎�����怒�准�喋��整���"],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"�嫘��€縑��������� !"],"Site Backups":[null,"�萸����胯��"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"�萸��撣詻���胯������� !"],"Pro":[null,"��
2870 �"],"No Results Found.":[null,"閬���整��€�"],"Threats found!":[null,"�����扎���� !"],"Set up":[null,"�颯����"],"Upgrade":[null,"�U���研��"],"ACTIVE":[null,"�"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"���怒�������€���縑���扎��撌桀�急���整�������€�蝜�餅������艾���扼�� �桃璅���准��胯����具������怠������萸��潦��€��芥�晞�嫘��扎����桃�敺拙�����隡����整���"],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"�萸� Jetpack �⊥���喋�乓�艾��整�"],"Upgrade to a paid
2871 plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"�萸� Jetpack �����押�怠�����"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"�萸� Jetpack ����扼��怒��押�怠�����"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"�萸���U��芥�艾��整�"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Akismet ��靘�����詻�€�啣��桅敺~€�"],"View your spam stats":[null,"�嫘��絞閮�銵函內��"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Akismet ������"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"�颯�乓��€��乓��潦��”蝷箝���"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress ������"],"Surveys & Polls":
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2873 d optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"�芾€�蝺��箝�"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"摰����嫘������踴�怒��€��押��隤剛€�摰��EO ��銝�������€�敶���啜�單�撖整���霅瑯��摰���敺��€噩�亥€�����具��摰�����€�"],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"�芸��萸��潦����拍����"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�萸��潦���閬�� ?�萸��潦��嫘���€�扎���怒�喋��整��舀�雿瘜�扎��艾鞈芸��怒�蝑���€�"],"Connection Settings":[null,"��閮剖�"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[n
2874 ull,"Jetpack ���恣���整�����"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"�萸���U��芥�艾����€ �券€��扼��整��€�"],"You are connected as ":[null,"��皜:"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack ��憭折��暑�具������€�怒�喋��� �具�喋���整�����"],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"�璈�迤撣詻��具�����胯€�蝝U�喋�喋��萸��U�颯�扼���閬����整����株身摰�{a}}銵函內閮剖�{{/a}}��憭������整���"],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}��艾蝯梯��{{/a}}�”蝷箝���"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�~�怒��押�胯{{/a
2875 }}�”蝷箝���"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null," �桀撥�璈���嫘�柴���嫘瘣餌����€�"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"���柴���乓��潦�����艾�萸��蝞∠�����€�"],"Feel the performance":[null,"���押��嫘�摰�"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"��艾 WordPress �U��芥������柴��雿����€����詻�潦����⊥���剔葬�芥����潦��喋�桅������急�������整���"],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"銝€�祈���"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient p
2876 lace.":[null,"�颯��桀�€�准�芥�����桐��瑕��臬���押�扎�怒���€ �柴�扼��U��芥����胯����U��芥�雿輻���1���抒陛��芸��湔��喋���€��嫘�柴�扎��柴��押�扎����湔�����€�"],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"�瑞��急瓷�准���"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null," �格���具����潦撽�桅€漲���€�扎�潦���急��拙����艾����€�������皜��€�璆准瘝⊿�扼�����芥�艾��整���"],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�啜����踴�岫��"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"閮芸��蝜���"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand
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2879 es WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"�蝙��喋��潦�潦 WordPress �怠�雿蔭��靘����嫘�����蝑葉�急���������芥����押�嗚�����蝑�銵��整���"]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"��艾�U�准��"],"Threats found":[null,"璊����憡�"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�颯�乓����桀��祉��芾��准�喋���具�����胯€aultPress �{a}}�扎�嫘��潦���單��孵�{{/a}}�������"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of secu
2880 rity threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"�颯�乓����桀��祉��芾��准�喋���具�����胯€{a}}�U�艾���U���研�{/a}}�������"],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack �舀����准�扎閰西����准��胯��艾��整�������~��急隞�銵函內���整� !"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"�萸����������餅��桀�閮��"],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}靽風���孵�{{/a}}������准�扎閰西����萸��撣詻靽風����€�"],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",["%(number)s 隞嗚��啜��"]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",["�湔��閬�€�"]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�
2881 ��嫘�柴��押�扎�舀��啜�€��氬����扼� !"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}蝞∠����孵�{{/a}}��芸��湔��喋�€ �柴��押�扎�恣���整�����"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack �舐�銵函內�漲��銝�€�拙����€�"],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"�颯�乓�"],"Performance":[null,"���押���"],"Backups":[null,"���胯��"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}���胯���株底蝝啜�銵函內{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�萸�雿��芸��扼���U�����胯€aultPress �{a}}�扎�嫘��潦���單��孵�{{/a}}�����
2882 ��"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"�萸�雿��芸��扼���U�����胯€{a}}�U���研�{/a}}��銵��艾����€�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"��U��胯��拍�����整��€�"],"Spam Protection":[null,"�嫘��紋蝑�"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"�嫘���格��啣��桅敺~�瘣餌���怒�{a}}Akismet ��喋��哂{/a}}�������"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"�嫘���格��啣��桅敺~�瘣餌���怒�{a}}Akismet ���孵�{{/a}}�������"],"Invalid Key":[null,"�∪�芥��"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"��U��胯��拍�����整���"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"���桅"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"�����恍����摮�
2883 ”蝷箝��整���"],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"12��1�乓���1��4�乓�扼€��准�恍����摮�銵函內��€�"],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"�����格��賬���葉��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"�����格��賬��扼���"],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"�����格��賬��憭望������%(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s ���孵�銝凌€�"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s ���孵����整��€�"],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s �格��孵��怠仃���整��€�%(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s ��孵�銝凌€�"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s ��孵����整��€�"],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s �桃�孵��怠仃���整��€�%(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings�
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2890 {{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}�U��踴���孵�{{/a}}���具€�扎����艾���游��恍€������€�"],"Loading��":[null,"隤准颲潦銝凌€�"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"�€�艾�踴��U��踴"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}} �抒絞閮��晞閰喟敦�”蝷漬{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}�抒��桃絞閮��晞�銵函內{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"�冽��葉�柴�~�"],"All-time views":[null,"�冽��葉�桅閬扳"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views",["%(number)s��"]],"Best overall day":[null,"�€擃�"],"Views today":[null,"隞�桅閬扳"],"Months":[null,"��"],"Weeks":[null,"��"],"Days":[null,"��"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"蝯梯���柴�潦�銝准�啣虜��
2891 ��整��€��具�岫銵����{a}} �扼��蝯梯���”蝷箝��整�{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"閰喟敦�芰絞閮��晞�銵函內���怒�胯���€�"],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"�脰戍��:%(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"%(date)s�桅€�"],"Manage security on":[null," �扼�准�芥����蝞∠�"],"Skip this step":[null,"��嫘�����准���"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Jetpack �柴����踴���准�嫘�嫘��"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"���賬���扎���孵��整��舐�孵��扼��整���"],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack �柴����璈�怒�活�柴�������€�"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�����格��賬���"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended featu
2892 res.":[null,"Jetpack �柴����璈���嫘�����萸��撘瑕��扼��整���"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"�萸��詻�喋��嫘�潦�"],"Disconnect from":[null," �具���圾��"],"Link to":[null," �詻�芥��"],"Unlink me from":[null," �詻�芥�航圾��"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Jetpack �扼�扎��桀撥��颯�乓�撘瑕����整��艾�����艾�嗚�桐��~�芥��整������ WordPress �恍��勗��扼€犖��柴������胯���怒�����乓€�����€�"],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack �胯€��
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2894 閬���整��€�"],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"�萸��芸��湔��"],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�萸��押���潦€�"],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"雿銝��柴�扎��找�����准�扎�餅����准��胯��艾��� Protect �����������整��€�"],"Block site attacks.":[null,"�萸��格������"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack �胯€����准�扎閰西����准��胯���扎����艾���券€�€��押�扎���U����潦����柴���嫘�遙�����€�"],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"�萸��颯�乓��典���"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to
2895 show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack �� �柴��胯��具��艾€�扎�閮芸���U���撖���桅��隤准�����柴�潦��扯赤�����芥�底蝝啜瘣���蝷箝��整���"],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"�a€��鈭�����扼€����隤准��������怒�扎��怒�押�������具��扼��整���"],"Increase page views.":[null,"��詻��乓������"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"�萸�赤�€��鈭�捆��扼���頃隤准��������柴��潦��靘��整���"],"Build a community.":[null,"�喋��乓���桐��€�"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"��€����!���踴"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�芸��賬
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2897 ����准�潦€��葉�桐犖��冽�蝔踴��芸��望�����€�"],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�萸��������"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Jetpack �具���������整��€€ �券€�����銝€摨艾�芥��胯��艾����€�"],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Jetpack �具���������整��€etpack ��嫘������怒�����摨阡€��������"],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack 隤釆�扼 WordPress ��啜�准�扎���整�扼����具�敹��扼���"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please con
2898 tact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack �怒�押����艾��整��{/s}}��靘踴������衣�迅��������啜���������銝€摨艾�閰艾�������押�����活�柴��潦���萸��潦��怒���窗������%(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ���圾�支葉"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Jetpack �柴��潦��詻�"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�萸��潦���閬�� ?Jetpack �����扼���隡���€�"],"Smiley":[null,"�嫘��扎"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"鈭挾��閮潦�敹��扼�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"閬���喋��胯����之���柴�扎�艾��蝙��"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�a€��鈭�阮�桀�乓��扎������€�
2899 �a€�€��箝��”蝷箝���"],"Related":[null,"�a€�"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"IP �U��研�航摰��瑕���桐��桀�€�抒�芥��游������€��蝜雿輻�� IP �U��研�蕭�����������誑銝�芥���� IP �U��研���扎�����胯��嫘������扎���€�"],"Whitelist Management":[null,"��扎��芥�恣��"],"Email Address":[null,"�~�怒���"],"Publicize":[null,"���芥�扎�望� "],"Site Stats":[null,"�萸�絞閮���"],"Featured Images":[null,"�U�准���餃�"],"Excerpts":[null,"��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"��萸��刻������€�"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"��萸�
2900 扎��扼��潦���芥��詻�胯����孵�����"],"Preview":[null,"����"],"Color Scheme":[null,"� "],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"�∟���隤"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�阮�摰��潦�格甇��芸��璊��閮€隤�雿踴�"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"��芾�����"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�∟�����潦"],"Passive Voice":[null,"����"],"Jargon":[null,"�寞��刻�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"����"],"Double Negatives":[null,"鈭��血�"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"�粹�箏蝚�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"��圾�芾�����"],"Bias Language":[null,"��U閮€隤�"],"English Options":[null,"�梯�閮剖�"],"Proofreading":[null,"�⊥迤"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack �券€�"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack �� WordPress
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2902 ������閬����整�:%(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack �桅€��圾�扎��整���"],"Active":[null,"�"],"Settings":[null,"閮剖�"],"Learn More":[null,"���怨底��"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ���圾��"],"Debug":[null,"���"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"�萸� Jetpack 撖曉����嫘��扼��整���"]}
2903 \ No newline at end of file
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2905 n rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"1������1�胯�喋������鴃�潦��氬��虫�����喋��喋� (�整��舐�瘣颯蝟扼�芥��萸��) ����U���€�敹��€�"],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"�萸�� SEO 閮剖�"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"SEO ��怒����"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"�€���靘⊥�柴���U���颯�乓���喋��晶隞�"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"��賬��怒��押�胯€��潦��扎���氬��虫�����喋���摰�思��~�€�"],"Learn more...":[null,"���怨底��"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Jetpack ��賬��怒��押���拍銝准�€�"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"
2906 ���喋�胯€��靽風���乓���胯�� (�€憭�30�仿�靽�)��園��柴��潦��靘���€�"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"���喋�胯€��靽風���乓���胯�� (�€憭�30�仿�靽�)��園��柴���U����潦��准�芥����准�喋€���������整���"],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"餈瑟��~�怠紋蝑€�U�踴����U��� (�U�怒��園�) ��園��柴���U����潦��准�芥����准�喋€EO ��怒€ollDaddy������拍�扼��整���"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space an
2907 d one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�∪��嫘��潦�具�喋�芥��臬儔�� (VaultPress ��) ��€瘥�柴�扎���踴���U��€�"],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�∪��嫘��潦�具�喋�芥��臬儔�€��准�芥����准�喋€���� (VaultPress ��) ��€瘥�柴�扎���踴���U��€�"],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"���胯���具�准�芥����准��"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�∪��嫘��潦��喋�芥��胯敺拙����准�芥����准�喋€�喋�芥��胯�株�憡圾瘙箝€���� (VaultPress ��)
2908 ��€�芥�怒�扎����胯����"],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO ���"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"�a€�€扼擃��喋����艾�嗚��蝝U����怒�扎����扎��艾����������擃漲�� SEO ��怒€�"],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"���急��賬�敹��扼��� ? �����萸���銝准�� ?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"�萸�����具�血之鈭�€��擃漲�芣��賬�瘣餌��靽風�����閮����€�"],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"�芥���喋��颯�乓��嫘��"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"擃漲�� SEO ���"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"SEO 閮剖�������€�"],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to
2909 your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"摨����押��喋�柴���颯��萸��U���潦����€�陛��寞��扼����颯���典��U��絞閮��晞����扼����研�扎�航遢��研��瑯�撖曉��扼���"],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"�嫘��潦�喋�萸��� Jetpack ��銵葉�扼���"],"More Info":[null,"閰喋�����"],"Search your content.":[null,"�喋���璊揣��"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}��€�詻�潦閮剖��扼€���銵函內�嗆��恣�{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"蝯梯���具�嫘��扎�潦��扼�寧���”蝷箝��€��桃�蝯梯���桀��雿踴������銵函內�怒��
2910 ������雿��整���"],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"�曉�� IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"IP �U��研���胯��嫘��怨蕭����etpack ���������具��芥��芥��整���"],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 �� IPv6 �蝙�典�賬�€{br/}} �研�詻������怒���€扎擃��扎����€��乓�扎�閮�������:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"�璈�蝙�����怒�U�艾�� �恍€��������"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"�踴�����典仃���艾��整��芯�摮憭����
2911 €�銵��整��� ?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Jetpack �柴��嫘�株身摰��芥�����整��敶摰���� ?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Jetpack �格��賬�璊揣����€�"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Jetpack ���� �格��啜�准�芥����准�喋�芣��柴����~�怒�璊��氬�怠����扼€�扎��找��絲��������芥��具����具瘙箝��艾������"],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"�颯�乓��嫘���恍����胯€€�閬€�胯�扼�扼�閬扼�����€�"],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"�颯�乓��嫘���身摰�"],"This mo
2912 dule has no configuration options":[null,"��U�乓�怒�航身摰��扼�����"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Jetpack ����啜�潦����蝝U�喋�喋�赤�€�€�扎��桀��冽€扼��怠��������內����€��撖曄���怒������喋�喋�����€EO ��霅瑯��赤�€�蝪∪��怒�扎���具�蝬��������€�"],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"�芥�怒�扎��柴��扎����胯���刻�儔���摰���
2913 �具���������鞈�����典��怒� �桐�霅瑯����芥��€��氬����喋����嗡�����������恍�銝准��€����U���研���整�����"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}%(module_slug)s�株身摰{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"鞈潸狎��"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"iPhone/iPad �桀之撟�U����潦���具�����怒���"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"WordPress for Android �U��芥�憭批��芥��乓�U"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"�U���研�瘜函��:�艾��喋�具 VideoPress"]," Likes are:":[null,"������踴:"],"Comments headline":[null,"�喋�喋��柴����押��"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"隤剛€�
2914 喋�喋������潦�扼���"],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"隤剛€��阮��~��鞈潸狎�扼������� ?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"�喋�喋���潦��怒€��准���押�潦€��扼�”蝷�"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"�喋�喋���潦��怒€�~����准���扼�”蝷�"],"Admin Bar":[null,"蝞∠��"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"蝞∠���恍���48���柴��乓�啜銵具�銵函內"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"�駁皜�艾�嗚:�准�扎銝准�駁�艾�嗚�柴��潦��潦��怒�喋���"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"銵函內�嗆����: 蝯梯��研��潦��”蝷箝��璅拚��啜�潦��
2915 ���艾�����"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"�U��踴�~�恍€��靽~���"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"�~�怒甈~摰��恍€縑���整�:"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}蝺券�{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"�~�怎��"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"���柴�踵��� (Exif) �����怒�潦�怠��怨”蝷箝���"],"Background Color":[null,"���"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"�⊿��嫘�准�� (隤准颲潦�柴��喋�阮��7隞嗉”蝷�)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"�⊿��嫘�准�怒�隤准颲潦���1��詻��乓�具��� Google �U��芥����嫘�怒�喋���"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"�U��扎摨�"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"WordPress �U��扎�U��芥摨����怒���
2916 ����踴�怨”蝷箝��整�"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"{{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}�{a1}}Bing �艾���嫘�潦�喋�慮{/a1}}�{a2}}Pinterest �萸��閮慮{/a2}}�扼��准��閮潦���胯�踴�� \"content\" �桀€扎��亙��������"],"Meta key example:":[null,"�~�准�桐�:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"��艾�柴�押�潛���U�扎敶W��扯”蝷箝���"],"Copied!":[null,"�喋��澆�鈭� !"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"隞乩��柴��准����押���艾€�芥����潦��怒����:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"�U��研����"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"����押�芥�閮剖�"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"�恥瑽憯啜��
2917 身摰�"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"隞乩��桀��喋����芸��⊥迤��:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"�阮�整��臬摰��潦����祇�����"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"�阮�整��臬摰��潦��啜���"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"�芸�閮€隤���"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"�⊥迤�胯€隤€��押�寡����扎�隤€��怒��研隤€���嫘��扎隤��具�����€�"],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"隞乩��格�瘜����嫘�扎�柴�潦�怠紋���⊥迤����:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"��潦�蕭����"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"�喋�喋�甈 Markdown 閮��蝙��"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"璊揣�具�詻�臭誑銝�湔��怒���扎�����
2918 ��扼��整���"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"�萸����: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"��潦�柴�扎�����: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"���������������€�"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}�{{a}}2��U�晞�{/a}}�� Jetpack �亦���鈭��芥�������������整��� ?{{/p}}{{p}}�⊥��柴�准�芥��������璈���拍�����怒�etpack �亦���閬�€{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} �詻����� !"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack �胯��扼甇�虜�恍€����艾��整���"],"You'
2919 re fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"皞����� ! Jetpack �舀��嫘�芥�艾��整���"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"皞����� !"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�曉�etpack �桅��箝��潦�扼��銵��艾��整���"],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"��輻��詻��潦����胯��縑"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�曉 jetpack_development_mode ��怒�潦��{{a}}��U�{/a}}�怒����€{br/}}���扎��格��賬�∪�扼���"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�曉 JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG 摰�怒��{a}}��U�{/a}}�怒����€{br/}}���扎��格��賬�∪�扼���"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mo
2920 de{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�萸� URL �怒������賬��艾��� (靘�: http://localhost) ����肚{a}}��U�{/a}}�怒����€{br/}}���扎��格��賬�∪�扼���"],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s 瑽 �急蝬�������"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Jetpack �€��乓��潦��思��”蝷箝����具������ ?"],"Let us know!":[null,"��閬��������� !"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack �詻�����"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Jetpack �柴��拍��憪���胯€ �U�艾��亦����€�怒�喋������艾����€��
2921 ���撥��颯�乓����押�����胯€���怒�踴��扎�柴�潦��嫘���具��������怒��€�"],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"�U�艾�����~�芥��游���雿�����€�"],"Saving��":[null,"靽�銝�..."],"Save Settings":[null,"閮剖���摮�"],"Updates Needed":[null,"�湔��閬�"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"�萸� �桅€��敶閫���� ?"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack 蝯梯��U�喋"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}�萸�蝯梯�����孵�{{/a}}��底��蝯梯���€���€��押�胯�頃隤剛€�押��Ⅱ隤��整����{a1}}���怨底��{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"�萸�蝯梯�����孵�"
2922 ],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"����撖整�������靽風��"],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"\t�嫘���格��啣��桅敺~€�"],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"�萸�雿��芸��扼���U����整���"],"Security Scanning":[null,"�颯�乓��嫘��"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"���������扎��艾€�扎�����怒�准�喋��整���"],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"�嫘��€縑��������� !"],"Site Backups":[null,"�萸����胯��"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"�萸��撣詻���胯������� !"],"Pro":[null,"�"],"No Results Found.":[null,"閬���整��€�"],"Threats found!":[null,"�����扎���� !"],"Set up":[null,"�颯����"],"Upgrade":[null,"�U���研��"],"ACTI
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2924 �靽風��怒€����瘣餌����€�"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"�萸� Jetpack �����押�怠�����"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"�萸� Jetpack ����扼��怒��押�怠�����"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"�萸���U��芥�艾��整�"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"�亦���鈭������研��U��整��胯��剔��怒���啜�潦��扼��整���擃��柴�准�芥���€��靽風��怒€������具��������怒��€�"],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Akismet ��靘�����詻�€�啣��桅敺~€�"],"View your spam stats":[null,"�嫘��絞閮�銵函內��"],"Configure Aki
2925 smet":[null,"Akismet �身摰�"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"�颯�乓��€��乓��潦��”蝷箝���"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress �身摰�"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"�U�晞��巨"],"Create a new poll":[null,"�啗��巨�桐���"],"Real-time backups":[null,"�芥�怒�扎��柴���U���"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"�胯�胯��扯�憡�閫�捱"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"擃漲�芣�蟡具閰鴃"],"Compare Plans":[null,"��喋�瘥�"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"�€憭抒��柴�准�芥���"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"摰寥��∪��芥�怒�扎����胯����喋�芥��臬儔�€�摰����������怒�扼�脣鴃���蝺����准�扎�餅��怠紋��靽風�€
2926 ��嫘1���扼€ordPress �急��拙�������具�����€�"],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"�芾€�蝺��箝�"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"摰����嫘������踴�怒��€��押��隤剛€�摰��EO ��銝�������€�敶���啜�單�撖整���霅瑯��摰���敺��€噩�亥€�����具��摰�����€�"],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"�芸��萸��潦����拍����"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�萸��潦���閬�� ?�萸��潦��嫘���€�扎���怒�喋��整��舀�雿瘜�扎��艾鞈芸��怒�蝑���€�"],"Connection Settings":[n
2927 ull,"��閮剖�"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Jetpack ���恣���整�����"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"�萸���U��芥�艾����€ �券€��扼��整��€�"],"You are connected as ":[null,"��皜:"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack ��憭折��暑�具������€�怒�喋��� �具�喋���整�����"],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"�璈�迤撣詻��具�����胯€�蝝U�喋�喋��萸��U�颯�扼���閬����整����株身摰�{a}}銵函內閮剖�{{/a}}��憭������整���"],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}��艾蝯梯��{{/a}}�”蝷箝���"],"View your {{a}}Email F
2928 ollowers{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�~�怒��押�胯{{/a}}�”蝷箝���"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null," �桀撥�璈���嫘�柴���嫘瘣餌����€�"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"���柴���乓��潦�����艾�萸��蝞∠�����€�"],"Feel the performance":[null,"���押��嫘�摰�"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"��艾 WordPress �U��芥������柴��雿����€����詻�潦����⊥���剔葬�芥����潦��喋�桅������急�������整���"],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"銝€�祈���"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update pl
2929 ugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"�颯��桀�€�准�芥�����桐��瑕��臬���押�扎�怒���€ �柴�扼��U��芥����胯����U��芥�雿輻���1���抒陛��芸��湔��喋���€��嫘�柴�扎��柴��押�扎����湔�����€�"],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"�瑞��急瓷�准���"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null," �格���具����潦撽�桅€漲���€�扎�潦���急��拙����艾����€�������皜��€�璆准瘝⊿�扼�����芥�艾��整���"],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�啜����踴�岫��"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"閮芸��蝜���"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for tre
2930 nds, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"擃漲�芰絞閮��晞�瘣餌�€赤�€��������€��蝣箄��€�柴���喋�����押��嫘��胯����乓���扼€��葉�柴���赤�€�扎��衣�閫��瘛晞����具��扼��整���"],"View Your Stats":[null,"蝯梯���”蝷箝���"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"�喋��乓���函���"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"��艾 WordPress �U��芥�胯€���押������������賬��剛�����潦��潦���具�����€��柴��€��扎�€���瘞�乓��柴�扎��閬扼���閰晞�����具��扼��整���"],"Launch Reader":[null,"Reader �
2931 �韏瑕���"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"�扎�嫘��研�瑯�喋���皝扼������整��€�"],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"���芰�U�拍�航�� WordPress �U��芥��交�����€�"],"In Your Pocket":[null,"����急��⊥酋��"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"�喋���祇��絞閮��晞餈質楚��~�蝞∠��芥���整��整�����葉�柴����銵��€ �柴��怒��胯�潦��喋�潦�扼��€pple ���扎�� Android ���扎�抒��交��扼��整���"]," in the App Store":[null,"App Store ��"]," in Google Play":[null,"Google Play ��"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"
2932 ��胯���銝�拍"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"�蝙��喋��潦�潦 WordPress �怠�雿蔭��靘����嫘�����蝑葉�急���������芥����押�嗚�����蝑�銵��整���"]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"��艾�U�准��"],"Threats found":[null,"璊����憡�"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�颯�乓����桀��祉��芾��准�喋���具�����胯€aultPress �{a}}�扎�嫘��潦���單��孵�{{/a}}����
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2934 "]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"��艾��啜�喋�€�啜�€��氬����扼� !"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}蝞∠����孵�{{/a}}��芸��湔��喋�€ �柴��押�扎�恣���整�����"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack �舐�銵函內�漲��銝�€�拙����€�"],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack ��扎��閬葉�扼���扎����艾����典�准����胯€�潦������€�"],"Security":[null,"�颯�乓�"],"Performance":[null,"���押���"],"Backups":[null,"���胯��"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}���胯���株底蝝啜�銵函內{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, pleas
2935 e {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�萸�雿��芸��扼���U�����胯€aultPress �{a}}�扎�嫘��潦���單��孵�{{/a}}�������"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"�萸�雿��芸��扼���U�����胯€{a}}�U���研�{/a}}��銵��艾����€�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"��U��胯��拍�����整��€�"],"Spam Protection":[null,"�嫘��紋蝑�"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"�嫘���格��啣��桅敺~�瘣餌���怒�{a}}Akismet ��喋��哂{/a}}�������"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"�嫘���格��啣��桅敺~�瘣餌���怒�{a}}Akismet ���孵�{{/a}}�������"],"Invalid Key":[null,"�∪�芥��"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[n
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2943 隤��{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.",["%(number)s������扎������"]],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}�U��踴���孵�{{/a}}���具€�扎����艾���游��恍€������€�"],"Loading��":[null,"隤准颲潦銝凌€�"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"�€�艾�踴��U��踴"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}} �抒絞閮��晞閰喟敦�”蝷漬{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}�抒��桃絞閮��晞�銵函內{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"�冽��葉�柴�~�"],"All-time views":[null,"�冽��葉�桅閬扳"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views",["%(number)s��"]],"Best overall day":[null,"�€擃�"],"Views today":[null,"隞�桅閬扳"],"Months":[null,"��"],"Weeks":[null,"��"],"Days":[null,"��"],"Som
2944 ething happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"蝯梯���柴�潦�銝准�啣虜����整��€��具�岫銵����{a}} �扼��蝯梯���”蝷箝��整�{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"閰喟敦�芰絞閮��晞�銵函內���怒�胯���€�"],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"�脰戍��:%(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"%(date)s�桅€�"],"Manage security on":[null," �扼�准�芥����蝞∠�"],"Skip this step":[null,"��嫘�����准���"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Jetpack �柴����踴���准�嫘�嫘��"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"���賬���扎���孵��整��舐�孵��扼��整���"],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack �柴����璈�怒�活�柴����
2945 柴����整���"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�����格��賬���"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Jetpack �柴����璈���嫘�����萸��撘瑕��扼��整���"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"�萸��詻�喋��嫘�潦�"],"Disconnect from":[null," �具���圾��"],"Link to":[null," �詻�芥��"],"Unlink me from":[null," �詻�芥�航圾��"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Jetpack �扼�扎��桀撥��颯�乓�撘瑕����整��艾�����艾�嗚�桐��~�芥��整������ WordPress �恍��勗��扼€犖��柴������胯���怒�����乓€�����€�"],"Jetpack
2946 is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack �胯€���銵�准�冽�甈脯���犖��柴�������艾������€��葉�押��扼�����萸��潦�����整���"],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"���怒€��准�萸��潦�����具�����€�"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack �扼� �格��啜�喋��喋��縑����潦�蝙�具��艾€車憿�撖�餃�����准���€�柴���嫘�蝙�具�€��具�⊥��扼���"],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"擃€�€�拙������"],"Never fall behind on a security release or
2947 waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"�颯�乓��柴�芥�嫘������€��啜�萸��格�啜�典之�芣����脯�敹��胯������"],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"�萸��芸��湔��"],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�萸��押���潦€�"],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"雿銝��柴�扎��找�����准�扎�餅����准��胯��艾��� Protect �����������整��€�"],"Block site attacks.":[null,"�萸��格������"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack �胯€����准�扎閰西����准��胯���扎����艾���券€�€��押�扎���U����潦����柴��
2948 �艾�隞颯�������"],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"�萸��颯�乓��典���"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack �� �柴��胯��具��艾€�扎�閮芸���U���撖���桅��隤准�����柴�潦��扯赤�����芥�底蝝啜�扎�萸���內��€�"],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"�a€��鈭�����扼€����隤准��������怒�扎��怒�押�������具��扼��整���"],"Increase page views.":[null,"��詻��乓������"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"�萸�赤�€��鈭�捆��扼���頃隤准��������柴��潦��靘��整���"],"Build a co
2949 mmunity.":[null,"�喋��乓���桐��€�"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"��€����!���踴"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�芸��賬�瑯�怒��潦��喋��"],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack �怒��������喋�潦�~���怒��冽����艾��艾€�扎�閮芸���憓�������扎��怎��整����萸��潦���€�"],"Send us Feedback":[null,"��潦����胯��€�����"],"Need Help?":[null,"�萸��潦���閬�� ?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"��啜�喋蝞∠�"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"�嫘��研�遢皜���€��潭��賬����銝€�萸���€�艾���游���U�踴��U�潦��折€���整���"],"Track your growth"
2950 :[null,"�萸�憓��嗆��株蕭頝�"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"���芥�扎�蝙�������押�胯���葉�桐犖��冽�蝔踴��芸��望�����€�"],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�萸��������"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Jetpack �具���������整��€€ �券€�����銝€摨艾�芥��胯��艾����€�"],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Jetpack �具���������整��€etpack ��嫘������怒�����摨阡€��������"],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack 隤釆�扼 WordPress ��啜�准�扎��
2951 �整�扼����具�敹��扼���"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack �怒�押����艾��整��{/s}}��靘踴������衣�迅��������啜���������銝€摨艾�閰艾�������押�����活�柴��潦���萸��潦��怒���窗������%(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ���圾�支葉"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Jetpack �柴��潦��詻�"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�萸��潦���閬�� ?Jetpack �����扼���隡���€�"],"Smiley":[null,"�嫘��扎"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"鈭挾��閮潦�敹��扼�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"閬���喋��胯����之���柴
2952 �扎�艾��蝙��"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�a€��鈭�阮�桀�乓��扎������€��€��箝��”蝷箝���"],"Related":[null,"�a€�"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"IP �U��研�航摰��瑕���桐��桀�€�抒�芥��游������€��蝜雿輻�� IP �U��研�蕭�����������誑銝�芥���� IP �U��研���扎�����胯��嫘������扎���€�"],"Whitelist Management":[null,"��扎��芥�恣��"],"Email Address":[null,"�~�怒���"],"Publicize":[null,"���芥�扎�望� "],"Site Stats":[null,"�萸�絞閮���"],"Featured Images":[null,"�U�准���餃�"],"Excerpts
2953 ":[null,"��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"��萸��刻������€�"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"��萸�����押�芥��准�扼������€�"],"Preview":[null,"����"],"Color Scheme":[null,"� "],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"�∟���隤"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�阮�摰��潦�格甇��芸��璊��閮€隤�雿踴�"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"��芾�����"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�∟�����潦"],"Passive Voice":[null,"����"],"Jargon":[null,"�寞��刻�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"����"],"Double Negatives":[null,"鈭��血�"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"�粹�箏蝚�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"��圾�芾�����"],"Bias Language":[null,"��U閮€隤�"],"English Options":[null,"�梯�閮剖�"],"Proofreading":[null,"�⊥迤"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpac
2954 k �券€�"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack �� �券€��扼��整����:%(error_key)s����虜�eb ����桐����株身摰�����������喋��艾��整���"]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," �氬���怒���� Jetpack ���拍�����整��€��颯��銝€摨艾�閰艾�������"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack �怒�押����艾��整��{/s}}��萸�� �恍€��扼��整��€���虜��雿踴��柴�扎���������具������ (localhost)��"],"
2955 Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Jetpack ��具���胯€�扎��������胯�孵���������閬����整�:%(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack �桅€��圾�扎��整���"],"Active":[null,"�"],"Settings":[null,"閮剖�"],"Learn More":[null,"���怨底��"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ���圾��"],"Debug":[null,"���"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"�萸� Jetpack 撖曉����嫘��扼��整���"]}
2956 \ No newline at end of file
2958 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ko_KR.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ko_KR.json
2959 index b091c0e..e028cef 100644
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2961 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ko_KR.json
2962 @@ -1 +1 @@
2963 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-03-07 20:53:58+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=1; plural=0;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"ko_KR","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Persona
2964 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
2965 null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IP
2966 v6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make i
2967 t easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered u
2968 sers who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,""],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,""],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,""],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,""],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerat
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2970 .":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Crea
2971 te one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal
2972 is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on y
2973 our iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected a
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2975 ving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A des
2976 ktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",[""]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",[""]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to
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2978 mended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A G
2979 lance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full
2980 support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[nu
2981 ll,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.",[""]],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views",[""]],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"
2982 Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"
2983 Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"
2984 Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"
2985 �茫 �國盒 �渥� 鴗�"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"�月��潺收"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�� �刷� �賄� ��"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"�禹� �陷�渠� ����� �科���"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"篣€窸� 窵€�� ��� 貐渠 賱��� 賱收�萼 � \"窵€�沔" �月� ��"],"Related":[null,"窵€��"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"鴔�, 鴔, �� �月斥 �伊��� �圉 �禺鴔� �� �萼 �爰�� 穈€�� �ˉ �科�� IP 鴥潰�諝� 黺����. 謔科�賄��� IP 鴥潰�諝� �掠�庖 ��賈收�欠�� �掠�拘���."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"��賈收�
2986 �� 窵€謔�"],"Email Address":[null,"�� �堅 鴥潰�"],"Publicize":[null,"窸虛�"],"Site Stats":[null,"�科�� �虛�"],"Featured Images":[null,"�寢 �渠站鴔€"],"Excerpts":[null,"�"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�� �科�賄��� 黺� 篣€�� �科�拘���."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�� �科�賄� �秒�渠收�� ��� ���."],"Preview":[null,"諯賈收貐湊萼"],"Color Scheme":[null,"����"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"諡渥��� 窱禺爰"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�� 穈��� �賄諝� �科� 篣€窸� �鴔€ 窱�"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"鴗陬 窱禺爰"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"篣���"],"Passive Voice":[null,"����"],"Jargon":[null,"�爰�拖"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"�到� �"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�渥� 賱€��"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"窱禺� 賱€��"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"貐蛙�� 窱禺爰"],"Bias Language":[null,"麆刺�
2987 � �賄"],"English Options":[null,"� �蛙�"],"Proofreading":[null,"窱�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�茫 �國盒"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"�����月儢渥 鴔€篣� 諡賄�穈€ ��� �茫�� � �� ��. ���� �木� �渠陷�賄�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"�"],"Settings":[null,"�木�"],"Learn More":[null,"�� ��貐湊萼"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack 賱收"],"Debug":[null,"��篞�"],"Test your
2988 site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
2989 \ No newline at end of file
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2991 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
2992 null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IP
2993 v6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make i
2994 t easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered u
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2997 .":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Crea
2998 te one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal
2999 is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Pla
3000 ns":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You ca
3001 n change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for tre
3002 nds, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," f
3003 or Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",[""]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",[""]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we
3004 think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has
3005 been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpa
3006 ck or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"WordPre
3007 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.",[""]],"{{a}}
3008 Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views",[""]],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your s
3009 ite by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind wi
3010 th Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Pl
3011 ugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�茫 �國盒 �渥� 鴗�"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"�月��潺收"],"Require Two-Step Authentication
3012 ":[null,"�� �刷� �賄� ��"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"�禹� �陷�渠� ����� �科���"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"篣€窸� 窵€�� ��� 貐渠 賱��� 賱收�萼 � \"窵€�沔" �月� ��"],"Related":[null,"窵€��"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"鴔�, 鴔, �� �月斥 �伊��� �圉 �禺鴔� �� �萼 �爰�� 穈€�� �ˉ �科�� IP 鴥潰�諝� 黺����. 謔科�賄��� IP 鴥潰�諝� �掠�庖 ��賈收�欠�� �掠�拘���."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"��賈收�欠 窵€謔�"],"Email Address":[null,"�� �堅 鴥潰�"],"Publicize":[null,"窸虛�"],"Site Stats":[null,"�科�� �虛�"],"Featured Images":[null,"�寢 �渠站鴔€"],"Excerpts"
3013 :[null,"�"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�� �科�賄��� 黺� 篣€�� �科�拘���."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�� �科�賄� �秒�渠收�� ��� ���."],"Preview":[null,"諯賈收貐湊萼"],"Color Scheme":[null,"����"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"諡渥��� 窱禺爰"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"�� 穈��� �賄諝� �科� 篣€窸� �鴔€ 窱�"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"鴗陬 窱禺爰"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"篣���"],"Passive Voice":[null,"����"],"Jargon":[null,"�爰�拖"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"�到� �"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�渥� 賱€��"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"窱禺� 賱€��"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"貐蛙�� 窱禺爰"],"Bias Language":[null,"麆刺��� �賄"],"English Options":[null,"� �蛙�"],"Proofreading":[null,"窱�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�茫 �國盒"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s
3014 . This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"�����月儢渥 鴔€篣� 諡賄�穈€ ��� �茫�� � �� ��. ���� �木� �渠陷�賄�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"�"],"Settings":[null,"�木�"],"Learn More":[null,"�� ��貐湊萼"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack 賱收"],"Debug":[null,"��篞�"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
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3018 index aae9210..5a5eee6 100644
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3020 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-nb_NO.json
3021 @@ -1 +1 @@
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3023 nt to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Det er innstillinger i denne fanen som vil g疇 tapt om du forlater den. Fortsette?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Dette vil tilbakestille alle Jetpack-innstillingene. Er du sikker?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"S繪k etter en Jetpack-modul."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Denne modulen har ingen innstillinger"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will el
3024 iminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,"Overskrift kommentarer"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Vis et \"F繪lg nettstedet\"-alternativ i kommentarskjemaet"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin
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3026 nter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[nul
3027 l,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Din Jetpack er allrede oppkoblet."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Du er tanket opp og klar til 疇 kj繪re. Jetpack er n疇 aktiv,"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Du er tanket opp og klar til 疇 kj繪re,"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Du kj繪rer for tiden en utviklingsversjon av Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some fea
3028 tures are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"La oss f疇 h繪re!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Velkommen til Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,"Lagrer��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Lagre innstillinger"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Oppdateringer er n繪dvendig"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Vil du virkelig koble ditt nettsted fra"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ikon for Jetpack nettstedstatistikk"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes
3029 , followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver Nettstedstatistikk{{/a}} for 疇 se detaljert bes繪kstatistikk, likinger, f繪lgere, abonnenter og mer! {{a1}}L疆r mer{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktiver nettstedstatistikk"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Den fremste form for beskyttelse mot useri繪s innsending."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sikkerhetsgjennoms繪king"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"S繪k automatisk gjennom ditt nettstede etter trusler og angrep."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,"Sikkerhetskopier av nettstedet"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Hold ditt nettsted sikkhertskopiert!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Ingen resultater funnet."],"Threats found!":[null,"Sikkerhetstrusler er funnet!"],"Set up":[null,"Oppset
3030 t"],"Upgrade":[null,"Oppgrader"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIV"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,"Vis din useri繪s-statistikk"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Konfigurer Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Vis ditt sikkerhets-kontrollpanel"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your
3031 iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,"Sanntids sikkerhetskopier"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,"Innstillinger for oppkobling"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for thi
3032 s feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Vis {{a}}all statistikk{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Vis dine {{a}}epost-f繪lgere{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administrer alle dine nettsteder fra et sentralt kontrollpanel."],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Hold fokus p疇 din skriving"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distraction
3033 s, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Pr繪v den nye editoren"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Kom i kontakt med dine bes繪kende"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"F繪lg dine be繪kende med avansert statistikk. Bli oppmerksom p疇 trender, l疆r hvilket innhold som gj繪r det best og forst疇 dine bes繪kende fra hele verden."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Vis din statistikk"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Kom i kontakt med nettsamfunnet"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,"I lomma di"],"Publish content, track stats, mode
3034 rate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,"P疇 din skrivebordmaskin"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,"Trusler funnet"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automatisk, omfattende skanning etter sikkerhetstrusler, vennligst {{a}}installer og aktiver{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning
3035 of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s utvidelse","%(number)s utvidelser"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Trenger oppdatering.","Trenger oppdateringer."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Alle utvidelser oppdatert. Godt gjort!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver Administrasjon{{/a}} for 疇 sl疇 p疇 automatiske oppdateringer og administrere dine utvidelser fra"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Sikkerhet"],"Performance":[null,"Ytelse"],"Backups":[null,"Sikkerhetskopier"],"{{a}}Vi
3036 ew backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Vis detaljer om sikkerhetskopi{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For fremragende beskyttelse mot useri繪se kommentarer, vennligst {{a}}aktiver Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Sn繪 i julen"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Vis fallende sn繪 i juletiden."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Anbefalte moduler er aktive."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %
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3038 ror)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,"P疇 et 繪yeblikk"],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to
3039 support":[null,"G疇 til"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Vi tilbyr gratis og full brukerst繪tte til alle v疇re Jetpack-brukere. V疇rt brukerst繪tte-team er alltid tilstede for 疇 hjelpe deg."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver Netstedsverifisering{{/a}} for 疇 verfisere ditt nettsted 繪ke rankingen p疇 Google, Bing og Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Verk繪y for nettstedsverifisering"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image
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3041 s":[null,"M疇neder"],"Weeks":[null,"Uker"],"Days":[null,"Dager"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klikk for 疇 se detaljert statistikk."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Visninger: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Hurtigstart for ditt nettsted"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Koble fra"],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secur
3042 e their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatiske oppdateringer av nettstedet."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokk矇r netstedsangrep"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, an
3043 d can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Sikkerhet for nettstedet og fred for sjelen"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack utnytter kraften til for 疇 vise deg detaljert innsikt i dine bes繪kende, hva de leser og hvor de kommer fra."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Gi dine bes繪kende mulighet til 疇 dele og abonnere p疇 ditt innhold."],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send oss
3044 tilbakemelding"],"Need Help?":[null,"Trenger du hjelp?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Behandle utvidelser"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress ned. Overv疇k-modulen vil 繪yeblikkelig sende deg varsel om ditt nettsted skulle g疇 ned."],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Led mer trafikk til ditt nettsted"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""
3045 ],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Frakobler Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Legg inn en vurdering av Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Trenger du hjelp? Jetpack-teamet er her for deg!"],"Smiley":[null,"Smilefjes"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Forlang tofaktor.autensering"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Bruk en stor og visuelt sl疇ende utforming"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Vis en topptekst for avsnittet relatert innhold slik at det skilles tydeligere fra innlegget"],"Related":[null,"Relatert"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Pass p疇 疇 legge til dine mest brukte IP-adresser siden de kan variere mellom hjemme, kontoret og andre steder. Fjerner du en adresse fra listen nedenfor
3046 blir den fjernet fra hvitelisten."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administrering av hvitliste"],"Email Address":[null,"Epostadresse"],"Publicize":[null,"Publiser"],"Site Stats":[null,"Nettstedsstatistikk"],"Featured Images":[null,"Fremhevede bilder"],"Excerpts":[null,"Utdrag"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Gj繪r innholdstypen omtaler tilgjengelig p疇 dette nettstedet."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktiver portef繪lje-prosjekter for dette nettstedet."],"Preview":[null,"Forh疇ndsvis"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Fargeoppsett"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignorerte setninger"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Bruk automatisk oppdaget spr疇k for 疇 korrekturlese innlegg og sider"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Overfl繪dige setninger"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Uttrykk for 疇 unng疇"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passiv stemme"],"Jargon":[null,"Sjargong"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Skjulte verb"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dobbel nega
3047 sjon"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritiske merker"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplekse setninger"],"Bias Language":[null,"Forutinntatt spr疇k"],"English Options":[null,"Valg for engelsk"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturlesing"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Tilkoble Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack kunne i koble til %(error_key)s. Dette skyldes vanligvis at noe er satt opp feil hos ditt nettvert eller p疇 din server."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," har for 繪yeblikket problemer og er ute av stand til 疇 gi drivstoff til din Jetpack. Vennligst pr繪v igjen senere."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}Din Jetpack
3048 har en feil.{{/s}} Det er ikke mulig 疇 koble dette nettstedet til Dette betyr vanligvis at nettstedet ditt ikke er offentlig tilgjengelig (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Ditt nettsted m疇 v疆re offentlig tilgjengelig for 疇 bruk Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Du har frakoblet Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Innstillinger"],"Learn More":[null,"L疆r mer"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Frakoble Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Sjekk ditt nettsteds kompatibilitet med Jetpack."]}
3049 \ No newline at end of file
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3051 rk safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,"L疆r mer..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Ditt nettsted er p疇 Jetpacks personlige modell"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-clic
3052 k restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO-verkt繪y"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Avanserte SEO-verkt繪y"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,"Mer informasjon"],"Search your content.":[null,"S繪k i ditt innhold"],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Bestem synligheten for likinger fra
3053 innstilliger for deling{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Skjul smilefjeset som statistikken bruker. Miniatyrbildet hjelper til med 疇 samle inn statistikken, men det skal likevel virke om det skjules."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Koble din brukerkonto til for 疇 ta i bruk denne funksjonen."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Det er innstillinger i denne fanen som vil g疇 tapt om du forlater den. Fortsette?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Dette vil tilbakestille alle Jetpack-innst
3054 illingene. Er du sikker?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"S繪k etter en Jetpack-modul."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Denne modulen har ingen innstillinger"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your
3055 %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Konfigurer dine innstillinger for %(module_slug){{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonnent"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,"Overskrift kommentarer"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Noen f疇 fangende ord for 疇 motivere dine lesere til 疇 kommentere."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Kan lesere abonnere via epost p疇 dine innlegg, kommentarer eller begge?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Vis et \"F繪lg nettstedet\"-alternativ i kommentarskjemaet"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Vis en \"F繪lg kommentarer\"-avkrysning under kommentar-skjemaet."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Verkt繪ylinjen"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views
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3057 me":[null,""],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Vis dine bildegallerier som en kul mosaikk."],"Copied!":[null,"Kopiert!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":
3058 [null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Jukser vi?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Din Jetpack er allrede oppkoblet."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Du er tanket opp og klar til 疇 kj繪re. Jetpack er n疇 aktiv,"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Du er tanket opp og klar til 疇 kj繪re,"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Du kj繪rer for tiden en utviklingsversjon av Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[nu
3059 ll,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"For tiden {{a}}utviklingsmodus{{/a}} gjennom konstanten JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Flere funksjoner er n疇 ikke tilgjengelige."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"La oss f疇 h繪re!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Velkommen til Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Ingen konto? Opprett en gratis..."],"Saving��":[null,"Lagrer��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Lagre innstillinger"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Oppdateringer er n繪dvendig"]
3060 ,"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Vil du virkelig koble ditt nettsted fra"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ikon for Jetpack nettstedstatistikk"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver Nettstedstatistikk{{/a}} for 疇 se detaljert bes繪kstatistikk, likinger, f繪lgere, abonnenter og mer! {{a1}}L疆r mer{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktiver nettstedstatistikk"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Den fremste form for beskyttelse mot useri繪s innsending."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,"Sikkerhetsgjennoms繪king"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"S繪k automatisk gjennom ditt nettstede etter trusler og angrep."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,"S
3061 ikkerhetskopier av nettstedet"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Hold ditt nettsted sikkhertskopiert!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Ingen resultater funnet."],"Threats found!":[null,"Sikkerhetstrusler er funnet!"],"Set up":[null,"Oppsett"],"Upgrade":[null,"Oppgrader"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIV"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Ditt nettsted har gratismodellen i Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Oppgrader til en betalt modell for 疇 l疇se opp sikkerhet i verdensklasse, beskyttelse mot useri繪s innsending og prioritert brukerst繪tte."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is
3062 on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Ditt nettsted er i utviklermodus"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,"Vis din useri繪s-statistikk"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Konfigurer Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Vis ditt sikkerhets-kontrollpanel"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,"Sanntids sikkerhetskopier"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"L
3063 ock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,"Innstillinger for oppkobling"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Ditt nettsted er i utviklermodus s疇 du kan ikke koble til"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Du er tilkoblet som"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Ditt nettsted m疇 v疆re tigjengelig for s繪kemotorer for at denne funksjone
3064 n skal virke skikkelig. Du kan endre dette p疇 {{a}}Innstillinger - Lesing{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Vis {{a}}all statistikk{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Vis dine {{a}}epost-f繪lgere{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administrer alle dine nettsteder fra et sentralt kontrollpanel."],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Hold fokus p疇 din skriving"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, givi
3065 ng you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Pr繪v den nye editoren"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Kom i kontakt med dine bes繪kende"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"F繪lg dine be繪kende med avansert statistikk. Bli oppmerksom p疇 trender, l疆r hvilket innhold som gj繪r det best og forst疇 dine bes繪kende fra hele verden."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Vis din statistikk"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Kom i kontakt med nettsamfunnet"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,"I lomma di"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate co
3066 mments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,"P疇 din skrivebordmaskin"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," for Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," for Windows"]," for Linux":[null," for Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,"Trusler funnet"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"For automatisk, omfattende skanning etter sikkerhetstrusler, vennligst {{a}}installer og aktiver{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of secu
3067 rity threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Totalt antall blokkert angrep p疇 ditt nettsted."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver beskyttelse{{/a}} for 疇 holde dutt nettsted beskyttet mot ondsinnede innloggingsfors繪k.."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s utvidelse","%(number)s utvidelser"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Trenger oppdatering.","Trenger oppdateringer."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Alle utvidelser oppdatert. Godt gjort!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver Administrasjon{{/a}} for 疇 sl疇 p疇 automatiske oppdateringer og administrere dine utvidelser fra"],"Jetpack is improving and
3068 optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack forbedrer og optimaliserer hastigheten p疇 dine bilder."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack overv疇ker nettstedet ditt. Hvis vi tror ditt nettsted er nede vil du motta en epost."],"Security":[null,"Sikkerhet"],"Performance":[null,"Ytelse"],"Backups":[null,"Sikkerhetskopier"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Vis detaljer om sikkerhetskopi{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Utilgjengelig i utviklermodus"],"Spam Protection":[null,"Beskyttelse mot useri繪se kommentarer"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"For fremragende beskyttelse mot us
3069 eri繪se kommentarer, vennligst {{a}}aktiver Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Sn繪 i julen"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Vis fallende sn繪 i juletiden."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Anbefalte moduler er aktive."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Deaktiverer %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Err
3070 or regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Tilbakestilling av innstillinger for Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Innstillinger tilbakestilt."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Innstillingene kunne ikke tilbakestilles."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,"P疇 et 繪yeblikk"],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""]
3071 ,"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Lik oss p疇 Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"F繪lg Jetpack p疇 Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,"G疇 til"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Vi tilbyr gratis og full brukerst繪tte til alle v疇re Jetpack-brukere. V疇rt brukerst繪tte-team er alltid tilstede for 疇 hjelpe deg."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and inc
3072 rease ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver Netstedsverifisering{{/a}} for 疇 verfisere ditt nettsted 繪ke rankingen p疇 Google, Bing og Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Verk繪y for nettstedsverifisering"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktiver administrasjon og skru p疇 automatiske oppdateringer{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Skru p疇 automatiske oppdateringer for utvidelser{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Oppdateringer av utvidelser"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found,
3073 you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Kontakt brukerst繪tten{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,"Laster..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Overv疇ling av nedetid"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vis mer staistikk p疇 {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vis den gamle statistikken{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Kommentarer til all tid"],"All-time views":[null,"Visninger til all tid"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number) visning","%(number) visninger"],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,"Visninger i dag"],"Months":[null,"M疇neder"],"Weeks":[null,"Uker"],"Days":[null,"Dager"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please
3074 try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Noe uventet hende ved lastingen av staistikken. Vennligst pr繪v igjen senere eller {{a}}vis din statistikk p疇 n疇{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klikk for 疇 se detaljert statistikk."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Visninger: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Uken med %(date)"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administrer din sikkerhet p疇"],"Skip this step":[null,"Hopp over dette trinnet"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Hopp over Jetpacks hurtigstart-prosess."],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Funksjoner kan aktiveres eller deaktivers n疇r som helst."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpacks anbefalte funksjoner inkluderer:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Akriver anbefalte funksjoner"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Gi di
3075 tt nettsted et raskt l繪ft ved 疇 aktivere de anbefalre funksjonene i Jetpack."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Hurtigstart for ditt nettsted"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Koble fra"],"Link to":[null,"Koble til"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Koble meg fra"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Bli med blant de millioner brukere som baserer seg p疇 Jetpack for 疇 l繪fte og sikre sine nettsteder, Vi er lideskapelige til WordPress og er for for 疇 gj繪re livet ditt enklere."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack er st繪ttet av noen av de mest dyktige og lidenskapelige medlemmene av nettsamfunnet. De befinner seg verden rundt og er klare til 疇 hjelpe deg."],"Did we me
3076 ntion free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack benytter det toppmoderne nettverket for 疇 laste din fantastiske fotosamling superhurtig. Optimalisert for enhver enhet, og helt gratis."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Lynarske, optimaliserte bilder"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Aldri overse en dikkherhetsoppdatering eller kast bort tid p疇 疇 oppdatere mange nettsteder."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Automatiske oppdateringer av nettstedet."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Sanntids nettstedsoverv疇king"],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"F疇 sjelefred med Beskyttelse, verkt繪yet som har blokkert milliarder av nettstedsangrep p�
3077 � millioner ev nettsteder."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blokk矇r netstedsangrep"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blokkerer ondsinnede innloggingsfors繪k, lar deg vit om ditt nettsted g疇r ned og kan oppdatere dine utvidelser automatisk, slik at du ikke trenger bekrymre deg."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Sikkerhet for nettstedet og fred for sjelen"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack utnytter kraften til for 疇 vise deg detaljert innsikt i dine bes繪kende, hva de leser og hvor de kommer fra."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Hold dine bes繪kende engasjert ved 疇 gi dem mer 疇 dele og lese gjennpm relaterte innlegg,"],"Increase pag
3078 e views.":[null,"�k sidevisningene."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Gi dine bes繪kende mulighet til 疇 dele og abonnere p疇 ditt innhold."],"Build a community.":[null,"Bygg et nettsamfunn"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Delings- og liking-knapper"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack har mange verkt繪y for trafikk- og engasjment for 疇 hjelpe deg f疇 lfere lesere p疇 ditt nettsted og holde dem der."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Send oss tilbakemelding"],"Need Help?":[null,"Trenger du hjelp?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Behandle utvidelser"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Stress ned. Overv疇k-modulen vil 繪yeblikkelig sende deg varsel om ditt nettsted skulle g疇 ned."],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friend
3079 s, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Led mer trafikk til ditt nettsted"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Frakobler Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Legg inn en vurdering av Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Trenger du hjelp? Jetpack-teamet er her for deg!"],"Smiley":[null,"Smilefjes"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Forlang tofaktor.autensering"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Bruk en
3080 stor og visuelt sl疇ende utforming"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Vis en topptekst for avsnittet relatert innhold slik at det skilles tydeligere fra innlegget"],"Related":[null,"Relatert"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Pass p疇 疇 legge til dine mest brukte IP-adresser siden de kan variere mellom hjemme, kontoret og andre steder. Fjerner du en adresse fra listen nedenfor blir den fjernet fra hvitelisten."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administrering av hvitliste"],"Email Address":[null,"Epostadresse"],"Publicize":[null,"Publiser"],"Site Stats":[null,"Nettstedsstatistikk"],"Featured Images":[null,"Fremhevede bilder"],"Excerpts":[null,"Utdrag"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Gj繪r innholdstypen omtaler tilgjengelig p疇 dette nettsted
3081 et."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktiver portef繪lje-prosjekter for dette nettstedet."],"Preview":[null,"Forh疇ndsvis"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Fargeoppsett"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignorerte setninger"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Bruk automatisk oppdaget spr疇k for 疇 korrekturlese innlegg og sider"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Overfl繪dige setninger"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Uttrykk for 疇 unng疇"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passiv stemme"],"Jargon":[null,"Sjargong"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Skjulte verb"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dobbel negasjon"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritiske merker"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplekse setninger"],"Bias Language":[null,"Forutinntatt spr疇k"],"English Options":[null,"Valg for engelsk"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturlesing"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Tilkoble Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly confi
3082 gured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack kunne i koble til %(error_key)s. Dette skyldes vanligvis at noe er satt opp feil hos ditt nettvert eller p疇 din server."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," har for 繪yeblikket problemer og er ute av stand til 疇 gi drivstoff til din Jetpack. Vennligst pr繪v igjen senere."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}Din Jetpack har en feil.{{/s}} Det er ikke mulig 疇 koble dette nettstedet til Dette betyr vanligvis at nettstedet ditt ikke er offentlig tilgjengelig (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Ditt nettsted m疇 v疆re offentlig tilgjengelig for 疇 bruk Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":
3083 [null,"Du har frakoblet Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Innstillinger"],"Learn More":[null,"L疆r mer"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Frakoble Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Debug"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Sjekk ditt nettsteds kompatibilitet med Jetpack."]}
3084 \ No newline at end of file
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3092 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
3093 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
3094 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make
3095 it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered
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3098 ed.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Cr
3099 eate one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goa
3100 l is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on
3101 your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected
3102 as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions,
3103 giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A d
3104 esktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}}
3105 to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating r
3106 ecommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At
3107 A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, f
3108 ull support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!"
3109 :[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null
3110 ,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null
3111 ,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null
3112 ,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[
3113 null,"Jetpack wordt losgekoppeld"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Tweestaps-authenticatie is vereist"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Gebruik een grote en visueel opvallende layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Toon een 'Gerelateerde' header om duidelijker de gerelateerde sectie te scheiden van berichten"],"Related":[null,"Gerelateerd"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Zorg ervoor dat u de meestgebruikte IP-adressen toevoegt, omdat deze kunnen wisselen tussen thuis, kantoor of andere locaties. Als u een IP-adres uit de lijst hieronder verwijdert, verwijdert u het ook uit de whitelist."],"Whitelist Managem
3114 ent":[null,"Whitelist-beheer"],"Email Address":[null,"E-mailadres"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Uitgelichte afbeeldingen"],"Excerpts":[null,"Samenvattingen"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Beoordelingen inschakelen voor deze site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Portfolioprojecten inschakelen voor deze site."],"Preview":[null,"Voorvertoning"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Kleurenschema"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Genegeerde zinnen"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Gebruik de automatisch gedetecteerde taal om berichten en pagina's te proeflezen."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Overbodige zinnen"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Te vermijden zinnen"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passieve stem"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verborgen werkwoorden"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dubbele ontkenningen"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritische tekens"],"Complex Phras
3115 es":[null,"Complexe zinnen"],"Bias Language":[null,"Voorkeurstaal"],"English Options":[null,"Engelse opties"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proeflezen"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack verbinden"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," ondervindt momenteel problemen en kan Jetpack niet opstarten. Probeer het later nogmaals."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Actief"],"Settings":[null,"Instellingen"],"Learn More":[null,"Kom meer te weten"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,
3116 "Jetpack loskoppelen"],"Debug":[null,"Foutopsporing"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
3117 \ No newline at end of file
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3119 nal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools"
3120 :[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
3121 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make
3122 it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered
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3125 ed.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Cr
3126 eate one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goa
3127 l is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare P
3128 lans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You
3129 can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for t
3130 rends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"
3131 for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If
3132 we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s
3133 has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying J
3134 etpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"Wor
3135 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"
3136 {{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance
3137 your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of m
3138 ind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Man
3139 age Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack wordt losgekoppeld"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authenticati
3140 on":[null,"Tweestaps-authenticatie is vereist"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Gebruik een grote en visueel opvallende layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Toon een 'Gerelateerde' header om duidelijker de gerelateerde sectie te scheiden van berichten"],"Related":[null,"Gerelateerd"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Zorg ervoor dat u de meestgebruikte IP-adressen toevoegt, omdat deze kunnen wisselen tussen thuis, kantoor of andere locaties. Als u een IP-adres uit de lijst hieronder verwijdert, verwijdert u het ook uit de whitelist."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Whitelist-beheer"],"Email Address":[null,"E-mailadres"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site Stats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Uitgelichte afbeeldingen"
3141 ],"Excerpts":[null,"Samenvattingen"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Beoordelingen inschakelen voor deze site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Portfolioprojecten inschakelen voor deze site."],"Preview":[null,"Voorvertoning"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Kleurenschema"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Genegeerde zinnen"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Gebruik de automatisch gedetecteerde taal om berichten en pagina's te proeflezen."],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Overbodige zinnen"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Te vermijden zinnen"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passieve stem"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verborgen werkwoorden"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dubbele ontkenningen"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diacritische tekens"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Complexe zinnen"],"Bias Language":[null,"Voorkeurstaal"],"English Options":[null,"Engelse opties"],"Proofreading":[null,"Proeflezen"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack verb
3142 inden"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," ondervindt momenteel problemen en kan Jetpack niet opstarten. Probeer het later nogmaals."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Actief"],"Settings":[null,"Instellingen"],"Learn More":[null,"Kom meer te weten"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack loskoppelen"],"Debug":[null,"Foutopsporing"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
3143 \ No newline at end of file
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3146 index b198fad..f8e67d3 100644
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3148 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-pt_BR.json
3149 @@ -1 +1 @@
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3151 ersonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO To
3152 ols":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Pesquise seu conte繳do."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Gerencie a visibilidade das curtidas em \"Configura癟繭es do m籀dulo de compartilhamento\"{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"You
3153 r Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Seu IP atual: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Isso redefinir獺 todas as op癟繭es do Jetpack. Voc礙 tem certeza?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Pesquisar por um recurso do Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans"
3154 :[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,"Assinante"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,"Curtidas do est瓊o:"],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments
3155 or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barra de administra癟瓊o"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails ser瓊o enviados para"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Editar{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,"Cor do fundo"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter y
3156 our meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Copiado!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configurar portf籀lios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configurar depoimentos"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Um post ou p獺gina 矇 publicado"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Um post ou p獺gina 矇 atualizado"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Detec癟瓊o autom獺tica de idioma"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,"Adicione uma frase"],"Use M
3157 arkdown for comments":[null,"Usar Markdown nos coment獺rios"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa do site: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Novos mapas do site: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bem-vindo ao {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Seu Jetpack j獺 est獺 conectado."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 abastecido e pronto para decolar. Jetpack est獺 ativo agora."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 abastecido e pronto para decolar."],"You are currently running a
3158 development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 usando uma vers瓊o de desenvolvimento do Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Enviar opini瓊o sobre o beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"O {{a}}Modo de desenvolvimento{/a}} est獺 ativado atualmente pelo filtro jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Alguns recursos est瓊o desabilitados."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"Nos avise!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bem-vindo ao Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpa
3159 ck. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Sem conta? Crie uma gratuitamente..."],"Saving��":[null,"Salvando..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Salvar configura癟繭es"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Atualiza癟繭es necess獺rias"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Voc礙 tem certeza que quer desconectar seu site do"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"�cone de estat穩sticas do Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Ativar estat穩sticas do site"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Fazer backup de todo seu site automaticamente."],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats an
3160 d attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,"Backups do site"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Mantenha backups do seu site!"],"Pro":[null,"Pr籀"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Nenhum resultado encontrado."],"Threats found!":[null,"Amea癟as encontradas!"],"Set up":[null,"Configurar"],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,"ATIVO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Seu site est獺 no plano gratuito do Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,
3161 ""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,"Ver suas estat穩sticas de spam"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configurar o Akistmet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configurar o VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,"Comparar planos"],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in o
3162 ne place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 conectado como"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Conecte sua conta ao para ter o melhor o Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Ver {{a}}todas a
3163 s estat穩sticas{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Ver seus {{a}}seguidores por email{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Teste o novo editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn w
3164 hat content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"Ver suas estat穩sticas"],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,"Abrir leitor"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Em seu bolso"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Em seu computador"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing ou
3165 tside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," para Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," para Windows"]," for Linux":[null," para Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,"Amea癟as encontradas"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Precisa de atualiza癟瓊o.","Precisam de atualiza癟瓊o."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Aw
3166 esome work!":[null,"Todos os plugins est瓊o atualizados. �timo trabalho!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Seguran癟a"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Ver detalhes do backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,"Chave inv獺lida."],"Unavailable in
3167 Dev Mode":[null,"Indispon穩vel no modo de desenvolvimento"],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Ativando %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s foi atualizado."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options rese
3168 t.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hid
3169 eOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto update
3170 s{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your s
3171 tats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,"Me desconectar do"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to he
3172 lp you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep
3173 visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gerenciar plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Relaxe. O Monitor te enviar獺 alertas em tempo real caso seu site sair do ar."],"Track your growth":[null,"Acompanhe o seu crescimento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use o Publicize para compartilhar automaticamente seus posts com amigos, seguidores e o resto do mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Obtenha
3174 mais tr獺fego para seu site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Houve um problema de conex瓊o com o Jetpack, desative e reative o plugin Jetpack e ent瓊o conecte novamente."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Voc礙 deve permanecer logado no seu blog WordPress enquanto autoriza o Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando o Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Fa癟a uma avalia癟瓊o do Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Precisa de ajuda? A equipe do Jetpack est獺 � sua disposi癟瓊o!"],"Smiley":[null,"Emoticons"],"Requir
3175 e Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Exige Autentica癟瓊o Dois Fatores "],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use um layout grande e visualmente marcante"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar um cabe癟alho \"Relacionado\" para separar mais claramente a se癟瓊o de posts relacionados"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Adicione os seus endere癟os de IP usados com mais frequ礙ncia porque eles podem ser diferentes em casa, no escrit籀rio ou em outros lugares. Removendo um endere癟o de IP da lista abaixo, ele ser獺 removido da lista branca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gerenciamento de lista branca"],"Email Address":[null,"Endere癟o de e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estat穩sticas d
3176 o site"],"Featured Images":[null,"Imagens em Destaque"],"Excerpts":[null,"Resumos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Ativar depoimentos para este site."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Ativar Portfolio de projetos neste site"],"Preview":[null,"Visualizar"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Esquema de Cores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use o idioma detectado automaticamente para revisar posts e p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases a Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz passiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jarg瓊o"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Esconder Verbos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dupla Negativa"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Sinais diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases complexas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Linguagem Preconceituosa"],"English Options":[null,"Op癟繭es em Ingl礙s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revis瓊o"],"Connect Jetpack":[
3177 null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," est獺 com problemas e est獺 incapaz de acionar seu Jetpack. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Seu site precisa ser acess穩vel ao p繳blico para usar o Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Voc礙 desconectou o Jetpack com sucesso."],"Active":[null,"Ativo"],"Settings":[null,"Configura癟繭es"],"Learn More":[null,"Saiba mais"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Depur
3178 ar"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Teste a compatibilidade do seu site com o Jetpack."]}
3179 \ No newline at end of file
3180 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-10-29 05:06:26+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"pt_BR","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack P
3181 ersonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO To
3182 ols":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,"Pesquise seu conte繳do."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Gerencie a visibilidade das curtidas em \"Configura癟繭es do m籀dulo de compartilhamento\"{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"You
3183 r Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"Seu IP atual: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Isso redefinir獺 todas as op癟繭es do Jetpack. Voc礙 tem certeza?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Pesquisar por um recurso do Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans"
3184 :[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,"Assinante"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,"Curtidas do est瓊o:"],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments
3185 or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,"Barra de administra癟瓊o"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,""],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,""],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,""],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emails ser瓊o enviados para"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Editar{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,""],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,""],"Background Color":[null,"Cor do fundo"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,""],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,""],"Mobile Promos":[null,""],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,""],"Enter y
3186 our meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,""],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,""],"Copied!":[null,"Copiado!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,""],"Regenerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configurar portf籀lios"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configurar depoimentos"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Um post ou p獺gina 矇 publicado"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Um post ou p獺gina 矇 atualizado"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Detec癟瓊o autom獺tica de idioma"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,"Adicione uma frase"],"Use M
3187 arkdown for comments":[null,"Usar Markdown nos coment獺rios"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Mapa do site: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Novos mapas do site: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bem-vindo ao {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Seu Jetpack j獺 est獺 conectado."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 abastecido e pronto para decolar. Jetpack est獺 ativo agora."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 abastecido e pronto para decolar."],"You are currently running a
3188 development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 usando uma vers瓊o de desenvolvimento do Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Enviar opini瓊o sobre o beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"O {{a}}Modo de desenvolvimento{/a}} est獺 ativado atualmente pelo filtro jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Alguns recursos est瓊o desabilitados."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,"Nos avise!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bem-vindo ao Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpa
3189 ck. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Sem conta? Crie uma gratuitamente..."],"Saving��":[null,"Salvando..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Salvar configura癟繭es"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Atualiza癟繭es necess獺rias"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Voc礙 tem certeza que quer desconectar seu site do"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"�cone de estat穩sticas do Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Ativar estat穩sticas do site"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Fazer backup de todo seu site automaticamente."],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats an
3190 d attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,"Backups do site"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Mantenha backups do seu site!"],"Pro":[null,"Pr籀"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Nenhum resultado encontrado."],"Threats found!":[null,"Amea癟as encontradas!"],"Set up":[null,"Configurar"],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,"ATIVO"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Seu site est獺 no plano gratuito do Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,
3191 ""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,"Ver suas estat穩sticas de spam"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configurar o Akistmet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configurar o VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,"Comparar planos"],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login
3192 protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,"Voc礙 est獺 conectado como"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Conecte sua conta ao para ter o melhor o Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Ver {{a}}todas as estat穩sticas{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Ver seus {{a}}seguidores por email{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage
3193 all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Teste o novo editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,"Ver suas estat穩sticas"],"Connect with the Community":[null
3194 ,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,"Abrir leitor"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Em seu bolso"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Em seu computador"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null," para Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," para Windows"]," fo
3195 r Linux":[null," para Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,"Amea癟as encontradas"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s plugin","%(number)s plugins"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Precisa de atualiza癟瓊o.","Precisam de atualiza癟瓊o."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Todos os plugins est瓊o atualizados. �timo trabalho!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""]
3196 ,"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"Seguran癟a"],"Performance":[null,"Performance"],"Backups":[null,"Backups"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Ver detalhes do backup{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,"Chave inv獺lida."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Indispon穩vel no modo de desenvolvimento"],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st
3197 until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Ativando %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s foi atualizado."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from Word
3198":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the WordPress.or
3199 g support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet set
3200 tings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on WordPress.c
3201 om":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,"Me desconectar do"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery
3202 super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content
3203 .":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gerenciar plugins"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Relaxe. O Monitor te enviar獺 alertas em tempo real caso seu site sair do ar."],"Track your growth":[null,"Acompanhe o seu crescimento"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Use o Publicize para compartilhar automaticamente seus posts com amigos, seguidores e o resto do mundo."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Obtenha mais tr獺fego para seu site"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate
3204 then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Houve um problema de conex瓊o com o Jetpack, desative e reative o plugin Jetpack e ent瓊o conecte novamente."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Voc礙 deve permanecer logado no seu blog WordPress enquanto autoriza o Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando o Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Fa癟a uma avalia癟瓊o do Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Precisa de ajuda? A equipe do Jetpack est獺 � sua disposi癟瓊o!"],"Smiley":[null,"Emoticons"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Exige Autentica癟瓊o Dois Fatores "],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Use um layout grande e visualmente marcante"],"Show a \"Relat
3205 ed\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Mostrar um cabe癟alho \"Relacionado\" para separar mais claramente a se癟瓊o de posts relacionados"],"Related":[null,"Relacionado"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Adicione os seus endere癟os de IP usados com mais frequ礙ncia porque eles podem ser diferentes em casa, no escrit籀rio ou em outros lugares. Removendo um endere癟o de IP da lista abaixo, ele ser獺 removido da lista branca."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gerenciamento de lista branca"],"Email Address":[null,"Endere癟o de e-mail"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicize"],"Site Stats":[null,"Estat穩sticas do site"],"Featured Images":[null,"Imagens em Destaque"],"Excerpts":[null,"Resumos"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Ativar depoimentos para este site."],"Enable Portfolio
3206 Projects for this site.":[null,"Ativar Portfolio de projetos neste site"],"Preview":[null,"Visualizar"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Esquema de Cores"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Frases ignoradas"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Use o idioma detectado automaticamente para revisar posts e p獺ginas"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Frases Redundantes"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Frases a Evitar"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voz passiva"],"Jargon":[null,"Jarg瓊o"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Esconder Verbos"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dupla Negativa"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Sinais diacr穩ticos"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Frases complexas"],"Bias Language":[null,"Linguagem Preconceituosa"],"English Options":[null,"Op癟繭es em Ingl礙s"],"Proofreading":[null,"Revis瓊o"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectar Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""],"
3207 is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," est獺 com problemas e est獺 incapaz de acionar seu Jetpack. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Seu site precisa ser acess穩vel ao p繳blico para usar o Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Voc礙 desconectou o Jetpack com sucesso."],"Active":[null,"Ativo"],"Settings":[null,"Configura癟繭es"],"Learn More":[null,"Saiba mais"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Desconectar Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Depurar"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Teste a compatibilidade do seu site com o Jetpack."]}
3208 \ No newline at end of file
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3211 index 0ef3df6..83d5a7e 100644
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3213 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ro_RO.json
3214 @@ -1 +1 @@
3215 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-22 11:12:32+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"ro","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Asigur�-te c� situl t�u este u�or de g�sit de c�tre motoarele de c�utare cu instrumente SEO pentru con�inut �i articole sociale."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activeaz� aceast� extensie pentru a folosi instrumente SEO avansate."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Configureaz�-�i set�rile VideoPress."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Care este valoarea de sitului t�u?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy kn
3216 owing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Pentru un pre� pe lun� mai mic dec璽t pre�ul unei cafele te po�i relaxa lini�tit �tiind c� munca ta grea (sau mijlocul de trai) are o copie de siguran��."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configureaz� SEO sit"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activeaz� instrumente SEO"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introduce cele mai accesibile copii de siguran�� �i planuri de securitate de p璽n� acum"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Planul Personal 簾�i p�streaz� datele, situl �i munca grea 簾n siguran��."],"Learn more...":[null,"Afl� mai mult..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Personal Jetpack"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"Cu acest plan �i se ofer� protec�ie contra spam, copii de siguran�� zilnice (p璽n� l
3217 a 30 de zile) �i spa�iu de stocare nelimitat."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"Cu acest plan �i se ofer� protec�ie contra spam, copii de siguran�� zilnice (p璽n� la 30 de zile), spa�iu de stocare nelimitat, scanare de securitate �i suport prioritar."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"Prime�ti protec�ie contra spam, copii de siguran�� 簾n timp real (arhiv� nelimitat�), spa�iu de stocare nelimitat pentru copii de siguran��, scanare de securitate, instrumente SEO, PollDaddy, �i suport prioritar."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copie de siguran�� zilnic� a tuturor datelor sitului t�u cu spa�iu nelimitat �i restaur�ri cu un s
3218 ingur clic (propulsat de VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copie de siguran�� zilnic� a tuturor datelor sitului t�u cu spa�iu nelimitat, restaur�ri cu un singur clic, scanare de securitate automat� �i suport prioritar (propulsat de VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Copii de siguran�� �i scanare de securitate"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copie de siguran�� 簾n timp real a tuturor datelor sitului t�u cu spa�iu nelimitat, restaur�ri cu un singur clic, scanare de securitate automat�, rezolu�ia amenin�are cu un singur clic �i suport prioritar (propulsat de VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"Instrumente SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site ge
3219 t found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Instrumente SEO avansate pentru a-�i ajuta situl s� fie g�sit c璽nd oamenii caut� un con�inut relevant."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Ai nevoie de mai mult? Rulezi un sit de afaceri?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"Dac� situl este important pentru tine, ia 簾n considerare protejarea �i 簾mbun�t��irea lui cu unele dintre func�ionalit��ile noastre avansate:"],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"Scanare de securitate la cerere"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Instrumente SEO avansate"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configureaz�-�i set�rile SEO."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"Cel mai simplu mod de a 簾nc�rca publicitate gratuit� �i videouri f�r� brand pe situl t�u.
3220 Ob�ii statistici cu privire la redarea videoului �i partaj�ri, iar playerul este u�or �i responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Rulezi Jetpack pe un server de a�teptare."],"More Info":[null,"Mai multe informa�ii"],"Search your content.":[null,"Caut�-�i con�inutul."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administreaz� vizibilitatea aprecierilor din set�rile extensiei Partajare{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Ascunde imaginea fa�� z璽mbitoare din statistici. Imaginea ajut� la colectarea statisticilor dar ar trebui s� func�ioneze �i atunci c璽nd este ascuns�."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"IP-ul t�u actual: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"�nscrierea 簾n lista alb� a unei adrese IP 簾mpiedic� ca aceasta s� fie blocat� vreodat� de Jetpack."],"IP
3221 v4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 �i IPv6 sunt acceptabile. {{br/}} Pentru a specifica un interval, introdu valoarea mic� �i valoarea mare separate printr-o liniu��. Exemplu:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Leag�-�i contul la pentru a 簾ncepe s� folose�ti aceast� func�ionalitate."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Exist� set�ri nesalvate 簾n aceast� fil� care se vor pierde dac� o p�r�se�ti. Continui?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Acest lucru va reseta toate op�iunile Jetpack, e�ti sigur?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Caut� o func�ionalitate Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them imme
3222 diately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Actualizeaz� Jetpack �i scanerul nostru modern de securitate va depista fi�ierele ostile �i le va raporta imediat a�a c� nu e�ti niciodat� surprins de ceea ce se 簾nt璽mpl� pe situl t�u."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Po�i vedea informa�ia despre scanarea de securitate 簾n sec�iunea \"Dintr-o privire\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configureaz�-�i scan�rile de securitate"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Aceast� extensie nu are op�iuni de configurare"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Las� motoarele de c�utare �i vizitatorii s� �tie c� e�ti serios cu privire la integritatea siturilor t
3223 ale web prin actualizarea Jetpack. Instrumentele noastre anti-spam vor elimina comentariile spam, 簾�i protejeaz� SEO �i vizitatorii pot mai u�or s� r�m璽n� 簾n contact."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Copiile de rezerv� 簾n timp real din afara sitului cu restaur�ri automate ofer� siguran�� a�a c� te po�i concentra pe scrisul unui con�inut minunat �i pe cre�terea traficului 簾n timp ce noi 簾�i protej�m fiecare aspect al investi�iei."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configureaz�-�i set�rile %(module_slug)s {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonat"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Este disponibil� o important� actualizare pentru iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Aplica�ia WordPress pen
3224 tru Android prime�te o mare 簾mbun�t��ire vizual�"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Actualizare 簾n aten�ie: VideoPress pentru nun�i"]," Likes are:":[null,"Aprecierile sunt:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titlu comentarii"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"C璽teva cuvinte atr�g�toare pentru a-�i motiva cititorii s� comenteze."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Cititorii se pot abona la articole, comentarii sau la ambele?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Arat� o op�iune \"urm�rire blog\" 簾n formularul de comentariu"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Arat� o op�iune \"urm�rire comentarii\" 簾n formularul de comentariu."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Bar� de administrare"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Pune o diagram� care arat� vizualiz�rile 簾n 48 de ore de 簾n bara de administ
3225 rare"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Utilizatori 簾nregistra�i: num�r� vizualiz�rile de pagin� ale utilizatorilor 簾nregistra�i care sunt autentifica�i."],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Raport vizibilitate: selecteaz� rolurile care vor putea fi v�zute 簾n rapoarte statistici"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Prime�te notific�ri prin email de la Monitor"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emailurile vor fi trimise la"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Editare{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Potrivire prin email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Arat� metadatele fotografiei (Exif) 簾n carusel, c璽nd sunt disponibile"],"Background Color":[null,"Culoare fundal"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Deruleaz� la infinit (arat� 7 articole pe fiecare 簾nc�rcare)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a p
3226 age view in Google Analytics":[null,"Urm�re�te fiecare 簾nc�rcare de articol prin Derulare infinit� ca o vizualizare de pagin� 簾n Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Reclame pentru mobil"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Arat� o reclam� 簾n aplica�iile pentru mobil WordPress 簾n subsolul temei pentru mobil"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Introdu valoarea \"con�inut\" a cheii tale meta pentru a-�i verifica blogul cu {{a}}Consola de c�utare Google{{/a}}, {{a1}}Centrul webmaster Bing{{/a1}} �i {{a2}}Verificare sit Pinterest{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Exemplu de cheie meta:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Afi�eaz�-�i toate imaginile din galerie 簾ntr-un mozaic frumos"],"Copied!":[null,"Copiat!"],"Highlight and copy the
3227 following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Eviden�iaz� �i copiaz� urm�torul text 簾n clipboard-ul t�u:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenereaz� adres�"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configureaz� portofolii"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configureaz� testimoniale"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Corecteaz� automat con�inutul c璽nd: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Un articol sau o pagin� este publicat(�) prima dat�"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Un articol sau o pagin� este actualizat(�)"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Detectare automat� a limbii"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Corectura se face pentru limba englez�, francez�, german�, portughez� �i spaniol�."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Activeaz� corectura pentru urm�toarele reguli gramaticale �i de stil:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Adaug� o expresie"],"Use Markdo
3228 wn for comments":[null,"Folose�te Markdown pentru comentarii"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Motoarele de c�utare vor g�si h�r�ile sit 簾n aceste loca�ii:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart� sit: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart� sit �tiri: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Tri�ezi cumva?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Te superi dac� ne spui de ce nu ai finalizat conexiunea Jetpack 簾n aceste {{a}}2 sondaje cu 簾ntreb�ri{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Este necesar� o conexiune Jetpack pentru ca func�ionalit��ile noastre gratuite de securitate �i de trafic s� func�ioneze.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bine ai venit la {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s
3229 }}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack-ul t�u este deja conectat."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"E�ti plin de energie �i gata s� porne�ti, Jetpack este activ acum."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"E�ti plin de energie �i gata s� porne�ti."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Acum rulezi o versiune de dezvoltare a Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Trimite impresii beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Acum 簾n {{a}}Mod dezvoltare{{/a}} via filtrul jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Unele func�ionalit��i sunt dezactivate."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Acum 簾n {{a}}Mod dezvoltare{{/a}} via constanta JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Unele func�ionalit��i sunt dezactivate."],"Currently in {{a}
3230 }Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Acum 簾n {{a}}Mod dezvoltare{{/a}} deoarece URL-ul sitului t�u nu are un punct (de exemplu: http://localhost).{{br/}}Unele func�ionalit��i sunt dezactivate."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Tu, %(userName)s, nu e�ti conectat la"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Ce ai vrea s� vezi 簾n panoul t�u de control Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Anun��-ne!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bine ai venit la Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Te rog conecteaz�-te sau creeaz� un cont pentru a 簾ncepe s� folose�ti Jetpack. Acesta 簾�i va da acces la servicii puternice de securitate, de trafic �i de personalizare."],"No account? Create one
3231 for free��":[null,"N-ai cont? Creeaz� unul gratuit..."],"Saving��":[null,"Se salveaz�..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Salveaz� set�rile"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Actualiz�ri necesare"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Sigur vrei s�-�i deconectezi situl de la"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Icon statistici Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� statistici sit{{/a}} pentru a vedea statistici detaliate, aprecieri, urm�ritori, abona�i, �i altele! {{a1}}Afl� mai multe{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activeaz� statistici sit"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Protec�ie automatizat�, comprehensiv� 簾mpotriva amenin��rilor �i atacurilor."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Ap�rare contra spam modern�."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"F�-�i a
3232 utomat copie de rezerv� pentru 簾ntregul sit."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Scanare de securitate"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Scaneaz�-�i automat situl pentru amenin��ri comune �i atacuri."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"�ine ace�ti spameri departe!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Copii de rezerv� sit"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"F�-�i copie de rezerv� pentru sit!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Niciun rezultat g�sit."],"Threats found!":[null,"Amenin��ri g�site!"],"Set up":[null,"Ini�ializeaz�"],"Upgrade":[null,"Actualizeaz�"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVEAZ�"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackerii, bo�ii de re�ea �i spamerii atac� siturile web f�r� discriminare.
3233 Scopul lor este de a ataca pretutindeni �i deseori. Scopul nostru este s� te ajut�m la preg�tirea bloc�rii acestor amenin��ri �i 簾n cel mai grav scenariu vom fi aici s� te ajut�m s�-�i restaurezi situl la gloria de alt�dat�."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Gratuit Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Actualizeaz� la un plan pl�tit pentru a debloca securitatea de clas� mondial�, instrumentele de protec�ie spam �i suportul prioritar."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Premium Jetpack"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Profesionist Jetpack"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n Mod dezvoltare"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority suppor
3234 t.":[null,"Dup� ce te-ai conectat, po�i face actualizarea la un plan pl�tit pentru a debloca securitatea de clas� mondial�, instrumentele de protec�ie spam �i suportul prioritar."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Ap�rare contra spam modern� propulsat� de Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i statisticile spam"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configureaz� Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i panoul control de securitate"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configureaz� VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Sondaje �i vot�ri"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Sondaje nelimitate, r�spunsuri nelimitate. Folose�te editorul de sondaj pentru a crea sondaje rapid �i u�or. Colectezi r�spunsurile pe situl t�u web, prin email sau pe iPad ori iPhone."],"Create a ne
3235 w poll":[null,"Creeaz� un sondaj nou"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Copii de rezerv� 簾n timp real"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Solu�ionare amenin�are cu un singur clic"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Sondaje �i evalu�ri avansate"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compar� planuri"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Securitate de grad maxim"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Copie de rezerv� 簾n timp real cu spa�iu nelimitat, restaur�ri cu un singur clic, monitorizare spam anti-glon�, ap�rare contra malware �i protec�ie 簾mpotriva atacurilor cu for��-brut� la autentificare - toate 簾ntr-un singur loc �i optimizate pentru WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Blocheaz� b�ie�ii r�i"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps
3236 maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Filtrarea spamului anti-glon� 簾�i protejeaz� brandul, cititorii �i 簾mbun�t��e�te SEO. Protec�ia pentru autentificare ostil� te ajut� s� n-ai nicio grij� �i 簾�i p�streaz� partea administrativ� a sitului 簾n siguran�� fa�� de intru�i."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Bucur�-te de suport prioritar"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Ai nevoie de ajutor? Un inginer de fericire poate r�spunde la 簾ntreb�ri despre situl t�u, contul t�u sau cum s� faci orice."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Set�ri conexiune"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Administreaz�-�i conexiunea Jetpack"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Situl este 簾n Mod dezvoltare, deci nu te po�i conecta la"],"You are connected as ":[null,"E�ti conectat ca"],"Li
3237 nk your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Leag�-�i contul la pentru a ob�ine maximum de la Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Situl t�u trebuie s� fie accesibil pentru motoarele de c�utare pentru ca aceast� func�ionalitate s� func�ioneze corespunz�tor. Po�i modifica acest lucru 簾n {{a}}Set�ri Afi�are{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Vezi {{a}}toate statisticile{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i {{a}}urm�ritorii prin email{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Func�ionalit��i puternice pe fiecare dispozitiv."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administreaz�-�i toate siturile dintr-un singur panou de control."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Sim�i performan�a"],"All the WordPress apps are bu
3238 ilt for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Toate aplica�iile WordPress sunt construite pentru vitez�. Vei observa diferen�a de performan�� imediat, cu 簾nc�rc�ri de pagin� aproape instantanee �i cu mai pu�in� a�teptare peste tot."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Actualiz�ri 簾n mas� �i automate"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Cele mai multe defecte de securitate se g�sesc 簾n modulele neactualizate. Folose�te aplica�iile noastre Web �i Desktop pentru a activa actualiz�rile automate sau actualizeaz� modulele manual pentru toate siturile tale web 簾ntr-un loc convenabil."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Concentreaz�-te pe scris"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions,
3239 giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Noul nostru editor este extrem de rapid, optimizat pentru scriitori �i elimin� distragerile, oferindu-�i posibilitatea de a te concentra pe munca ta."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�ncearc� noul editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Conecteaz�-te cu vizitatorii t�i"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitorizeaz�-�i vizitatorii cu statistici avansate. Uit�-te la tendin�e, afl� care con�inut are cele mai bune performan�e �i 簾n�elege-�i vizitatorii de oriunde din lume."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i statisticile"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Conecteaz�-te cu Comunitatea"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Toate aplica�ii
3240 le WordPress au cititori reprezentativi impresionant de rapizi �i dedica�i, deci po�i s�-i atragi cu siturile tale preferate �i s� se al�ture conversa�iei oriunde, oric璽nd."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lanseaz� Cititor"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspira�ia apare 簾n orice moment, oriunde."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Prime�ti aplica�ii WordPress pentru orice ecran."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"�n buzunarul t�u"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Public� con�inut, urm�re�te statistici, modereaz� comentarii �i multe altele de oriunde 簾n lume. Aplica�iile noastre mobile sunt surs� deschis�, gratuite �i disponibile pentru tine pe dispozitive Apple sau Android."]," in the App Store":[null," 簾n App Store"]," in Google Play":[null,"WordPr
3241 簾n Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Pe desktopul t�u"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"O aplicatie pentru desktop care ofer� pentru WordPress un c�min permanent pe computerul t�u. Ca s� nu mai vorbim despre mediul liber de distragere atunci c璽nd scrii 簾n afara unui navigator web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," pentru Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," pentru Windows"]," for Linux":[null," pentru Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Scanare malware"],"Threats found":[null,"Amenin��ri g�site"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pentru scanarea automatizat�, comprehensiv� a amenin��rilor de securitate, te rog {{a}}instaleaz� �i activeaz�{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automat
3242 ed, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru scanarea automatizat�, comprehensiv� a amenin��rilor de securitate, te rog {{a}}actualizeaz�-�i contul{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack blocheaz� 簾n mod activ 簾ncerc�rile de autentificare ostile. Datele vor afi�a aici 簾n cur璽nd!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total 簾ncerc�ri de autentificare ostile blocate pe situl t�u."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Protec�ie{{/a}} pentru a-�i p�stra situl protejat la 簾ncerc�rile de autentificare ostile."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s modul","%(number)s module","%(number)s de module"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Necesit� actualizare.","Necesit� actualizare.","Necesit� actualizare."],"All plugins are up-to-
3243 date. Awesome work!":[null,"Toate modulele sunt actualizate. Bun lucru!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Administrare{{/a}} pentru a activa actualiz�rile automate �i pentru a-�i administra modulele din"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack 簾�i 簾mbun�t��e�te �i 簾�i optimizeaz� viteza imaginii."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack 簾�i monitorizeaz� situl. Dac� ni se pare c� situl t�u a c�zut, vei primi un email."],"Security":[null,"Securitate"],"Performance":[null,"Performan��"],"Backups":[null,"Copii de rezerv�"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Vezi detalii copie de rezerv�{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pentru a-�i face automat o copie de rezerv� a 簾ntre
3244 gului sit, te rog {{a}}instaleaz� �i activeaz�{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru a-�i face automat o copie de rezerv� a 簾ntregului sit, te rog {{a}}actualizeaz�!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Indisponibil 簾n Mod dezvoltare"],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protec�ie spam"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru ap�rare contra spam modern�, te rog {{a}}instaleaz� Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru ap�rare contra spam modern�, te rog {{a}}activeaz� Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Cheie invalid�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Indisponibil 簾n Mod dezvoltare"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Z�pad� de s�rb�tori"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Arat� ninsoare 簾n perioada s�rb�torilor."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Ar
3245 at� ninsoare pe blogul meu de la 1 decembrie p璽n� pe 4 ianuarie."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Se activeaz� func�ionalit��i recomandate..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Func�ionalit��i recomandate active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Func�ionalit��ile recomandate au e�uat la activare. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Se activeaz� %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s a fost activat."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s a e�uat la activare. %(error)d"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Se dezactiveaz� %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s a fost dezactivat."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s a e�uat la dezactivare. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Se actualizeaz� set�rile %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Set�ri %(slug)s actualizate."],"Error updating %(slug)s settin
3246 gs. %(error)s":[null,"Eroare la actualizarea set�rilor %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Se actualizeaz� adresa %(slug)s..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Adresa %(slug)s regenerat�."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Eroare la regenerarea adresei %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Se reseteaz� op�iunile Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Op�iuni resetate."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Op�iunile au e�uat la resetare."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"A fost o eroare la deconectarea Jetpack. Eroare: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Anulare leg�tur� de la"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Leg�tur� anulat� de la"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Eroare la anularea leg�turii de la %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Dintr-o privire"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Cli�ee"]
3247 ,"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Vrei s� ne spui de ce? Doar {{a}}r�spunz璽nd la dou� 簾ntreb�ri simple{{/a}} ne-ar ajuta s� 簾mbun�t��im Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}��i place Jetpack sau ai impresii?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Las�-ne o recenzie{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}urm�re�te-ne pe Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} sau{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}apreciaz�-ne pe Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Apreciaz�-ne pe Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":
3248 [null,"Urm�re�te Jetpack pe Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Vezi pagina noastr� pentru suport{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}verific� forumurile pentru r�spunsuri{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} sau{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contacteaz�-ne direct{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Contacteaz� direct echipa pentru suport"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Mergi la forumurile pentru suport"],"Go to":[null,"Mergi la"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Oferim gratuit suport
3249 complet tuturor utilizatorilor no�tri Jetpack. Echipa noastr� de suport este 簾ntotdeauna 簾n preajm� pentru a te ajuta."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Inginer de fericire Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Politica de confiden�ialitate Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Termenii de utilizare a serviciului"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Verificare sit{{/a}} pentru a-�i verifica situl �i pentru a cre�te ierarhizarea din Google, Bing �i Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Uneltele de verificare sit sunt active. Asigur�-te c� situl t�u este verificat cu Google, Bing �i Pinterest pentru o indexare mai precis� �i o ierarhizare superioar�. {{a}}Verific� acum{{/a}}"],"Site
3250 Verification Tools":[null,"Unelte de verificare sit"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Foton{{/a}} pentru a 簾mbun�t��i performan�a �i viteza imaginilor tale."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performan�� imagine %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Administrare �i activeaz� actualiz�ri automate{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� actualiz�ri automate modul{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Actualiz�ri modul"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Hopa! Cheia ta Askimet lipse�te sau este invalid�. {{akismetSettings}}Mergi la set�ri Akismet pentru a corecta{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Nicio amenin�are g�sit�, foarte bine!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contacteaz�
3251 � suportul{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Vezi detalii la{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Aoleu, %(number)s amenin�are g�sit�.","Aoleu, %(number)s amenin��ri g�site.","Aoleu, %(number)s de amenin��ri g�site."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Monitorul{{/a}} pentru a primi notific�ri c璽nd situl t�u nu func�ioneaz�."],"Loading��":[null,"Se 簾ncarc�..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Monitorizare timp de nefunc�ionare"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vezi mai multe statistici pe{{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vezi statisticile vechi{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Total comentarii"],"All-time views":[null,"Total vizualiz�ri"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s vizualizare","%(number)s vizuali
3252 z�ri","%(number)s de vizualiz�ri"],"Best overall day":[null,"Cea mai bun� zi 簾n ansamblu"],"Views today":[null,"Vizualiz�ri ast�zi"],"Months":[null,"Luni"],"Weeks":[null,"S�pt�m璽ni"],"Days":[null,"Zile"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"S-a 簾nt璽mplat ceva 簾n timpul 簾nc�rc�rii statisticilor. Te rog 簾ncearc� din nou mai t璽rziu sau {{a}}vizualizeaz�-�i statisticile acum pe{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"D� clic pentru a vedea statistici detaliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Vizualiz�ri: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"S�pt�m璽n� de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administreaz� securitatea pe"],"Skip this step":[null,"Sari acest pas"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Sari peste procesul Jetpack Salt la start"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Fun
3253 c�ionalit��ile pot fi activate sau dezactivate 簾n orice moment."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Func�ionalit��ile Jetpack recomandate includ:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activeaz� func�ionalit��i recomandate"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"��i 簾mbun�t��e�te rapid situl prin activarea func�ionalit��ilor Jetpack recomandate."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Salt la start pentru situl t�u"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Deconecteaz� de la"],"Link to":[null,"Leg�tur� la"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Anuleaz�-mi leg�tura de la"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Al�tur�-te milioanelor de utilizatori care se bazeaz� pe Jetpack pentru a-�i 簾mbun�t��i �i securiza siturile. Sunte
3254 m pasiona�i de WordPress �i suntem aici pentru a-�i face via�a mai u�oar�."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack este sus�inut de unele dintre cele mai tehnice �i pasionate persoane din comunitate. Ele se afl� 簾n 簾ntreaga lume �i sunt gata s� te ajute."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Am men�ionat suport gratuit, profesionist?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack folose�te re�eaua modern� de livrare de con�inut a pentru a 簾nc�rca imaginile tale superbe foarte rapid. Optimizat� pentru orice dispozitiv �i este complet gratuit�."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Fulger�tor de rapide, imagini optimizate"],"Never fall behind on a security releas
3255 e or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Nu r�m璽i niciodat� 簾n urm� cu vreo versiune de securitate sau pierz璽ndu-�i timpul cu actualizarea mai multor situri."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Actualiz�ri sit automate."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitorizarea sitului live."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Nu ai nicio grij� cu Protec�ie, instrumentul care a blocat miliarde de atacurile de autentificare pe milioane de situri."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blocheaz� atacurile sitului."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocheaz� 簾ncerc�ri de autentificare ostile, te anun�� dac� situl t�u nu func�ioneaz� �i 簾�i poate actualiza automat modulele, a�a c� nu trebuie s�-�i faci griji."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"S
3256 ecuritate sit �i nicio grij�"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack valorific� puterea pentru a-�i ar�ta informa�ii detaliate despre vizitatorii t�i, ce citesc �i de unde vin."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"�ine vizitatorii conecta�i oferindu-le mai multe de partajat �i de citit cu Articole similare."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Cre�te vizualiz�rile de pagin�."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Ofer�-le vizitatorilor instrumente pentru a partaja �i a se abona la con�inutul t�u."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construie�te o comunitate."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Partajare �i butoane de apreciere"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social automatizat."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools t
3257 o help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack are multe instrumente de trafic �i de participare pentru a te ajuta s� ai mai mul�i vizitatori pe situl t�u �i s�-i �ii acolo."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Trimite-ne impresii"],"Need Help?":[null,"Ai nevoie de ajutor?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Administreaz� module"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"F�r� stres. Monitorul 簾�i va trimite alerte 簾n timp real dac� vreodat� situl t�u va c�dea."],"Track your growth":[null,"Urm�re�te-�i cre�terea"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Folose�te Publicitate pentru a partaja automat articolele tale cu prieteni, urm�ritori �i restul lumii."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Adu mai mult trafic pe situl t�u"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Am avut o p
3258 roblem� de conectare a Jetpack; Te rog d� clic din nou pe &#8222;Conectare la;."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Am avut o problem� de conectare a Jetpack; dezactiveaz� �i reactiveaz� modulul Jetpack, apoi conecteaz�-te din nou."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Trebuie s� stai autentificat(�) 簾n blogul t�u WordPress 簾n timp ce 簾�i autorizezi Jetpack-ul."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-ul t�u are o sc�pare.{{/s}} Ne pare r�u pentru nepl�cerile create. Te rog re簾ncearc� mai t璽rziu, iar dac� problema persist� te rog contacteaz� suportul cu acest mesaj: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Deconectare Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack revi
3259 ew":[null,"Las� o recenzie pentru Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Ai nevoie de ajutor? Echipa Jetpack este aici pentru tine."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Necesit� autentificare 簾n-doi-pa�i"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Folose�te un aranjament vizual mare �i de impact"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Arat� un subtitlu \"Similare\" pentru a separa mai clar sec�iunea aceasta de articolul efectiv"],"Related":[null,"Similare"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Asigur�-te c� ai ad�ugat adresele IP cele mai frecvent utilizate. Eliminarea unei adrese IP din lista de mai jos o va �terge �i din lista alb�."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administrare list�
3260 alb�"],"Email Address":[null,"Adres� email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicitate"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistici sit"],"Featured Images":[null,"Imagini reprezentative"],"Excerpts":[null,"Rezumate"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Permite testimonialele pentru acest sit."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Permite proiecte de portofoliu pentru acest sit."],"Preview":[null,"Previzualizare"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Schem� de culoare"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Expresii ignorate"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Folose�te detectarea automat� a limbii pentru corectarea articolelor �i paginilor "],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Expresii redundante"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Expresii de evitat"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voce pasiv�"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbe ascunse"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dubl� negare"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Semne diacritice"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Expresii complexe"
3261 ],"Bias Language":[null,"Limbaj deplasat"],"English Options":[null,"Op�iuni englez�"],"Proofreading":[null,"Corectur�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectare la Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack nu a putut contacta %(error_key)s. De obicei, 簾nseamn� c� ceva nu este configurat corect pe gazda ta web."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"Momentan are o problem� �i nu se poate conecta cu Jetpack. Te rug�m s� 簾ncerci din nou mai t璽rziu."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-ul t�u are o sc�pare.{{/s}} Conectarea acestui sit cu nu este posibil�. De obicei, asta 簾nseamn� c� situl t�u
3262 nu este accesibil publicului (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Situl t�u web trebuie s� fie accesibil publicului pentru a folosi Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Te-ai deconectat cu succes de la Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Activ�"],"Settings":[null,"Set�ri"],"Learn More":[null,"Afl� mai multe"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Deconecteaz� Jetpack-ul"],"Debug":[null,"Depanare"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testeaz� compatibilitatea sitului t�u cu Jetpack."]}
3263 \ No newline at end of file
3264 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-29 17:59:35+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < 20)) ? 1 : 2);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"ro","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Asigur�-te c� situl t�u este u�or de g�sit de c�tre motoarele de c�utare cu instrumente SEO pentru con�inut �i articole sociale."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Activeaz� aceast� extensie pentru a folosi instrumente SEO avansate."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Configureaz�-�i set�rile VideoPress."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Care este valoarea de sitului t�u?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy kn
3265 owing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"Pentru un pre� pe lun� mai mic dec璽t pre�ul unei cafele te po�i relaxa lini�tit �tiind c� munca ta grea (sau mijlocul de trai) are o copie de siguran��."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Configureaz� SEO sit"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Activeaz� instrumente SEO"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Introduce cele mai accesibile copii de siguran�� �i planuri de securitate de p璽n� acum"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Planul Personal 簾�i p�streaz� datele, situl �i munca grea 簾n siguran��."],"Learn more...":[null,"Afl� mai mult..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Personal Jetpack"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"Cu acest plan �i se ofer� protec�ie contra spam, copii de siguran�� zilnice (p璽n� l
3266 a 30 de zile) �i spa�iu de stocare nelimitat."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"Cu acest plan �i se ofer� protec�ie contra spam, copii de siguran�� zilnice (p璽n� la 30 de zile), spa�iu de stocare nelimitat, scanare de securitate �i suport prioritar."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"Prime�ti protec�ie contra spam, copii de siguran�� 簾n timp real (arhiv� nelimitat�), spa�iu de stocare nelimitat pentru copii de siguran��, scanare de securitate, instrumente SEO, PollDaddy, �i suport prioritar."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copie de siguran�� zilnic� a tuturor datelor sitului t�u cu spa�iu nelimitat �i restaur�ri cu un s
3267 ingur clic (propulsat de VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copie de siguran�� zilnic� a tuturor datelor sitului t�u cu spa�iu nelimitat, restaur�ri cu un singur clic, scanare de securitate automat� �i suport prioritar (propulsat de VaultPress)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Copii de siguran�� �i scanare de securitate"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Copie de siguran�� 簾n timp real a tuturor datelor sitului t�u cu spa�iu nelimitat, restaur�ri cu un singur clic, scanare de securitate automat�, rezolu�ia amenin�are cu un singur clic �i suport prioritar (propulsat de VaultPress)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"Instrumente SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site ge
3268 t found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Instrumente SEO avansate pentru a-�i ajuta situl s� fie g�sit c璽nd oamenii caut� un con�inut relevant."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Ai nevoie de mai mult? Rulezi un sit de afaceri?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"Dac� situl este important pentru tine, ia 簾n considerare protejarea �i 簾mbun�t��irea lui cu unele dintre func�ionalit��ile noastre avansate:"],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"Scanare de securitate la cerere"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Instrumente SEO avansate"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Configureaz�-�i set�rile SEO."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"Cel mai simplu mod de a 簾nc�rca publicitate gratuit� �i videouri f�r� brand pe situl t�u.
3269 Ob�ii statistici cu privire la redarea videoului �i partaj�ri, iar playerul este u�or �i responsiv."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Rulezi Jetpack pe un server de a�teptare."],"More Info":[null,"Mai multe informa�ii"],"Search your content.":[null,"Caut�-�i con�inutul."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administreaz� vizibilitatea aprecierilor din set�rile extensiei Partajare{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Ascunde imaginea fa�� z璽mbitoare din statistici. Imaginea ajut� la colectarea statisticilor dar ar trebui s� func�ioneze �i atunci c璽nd este ascuns�."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"IP-ul t�u actual: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"�nscrierea 簾n lista alb� a unei adrese IP 簾mpiedic� ca aceasta s� fie blocat� vreodat� de Jetpack."],"IP
3270 v4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 �i IPv6 sunt acceptabile. {{br/}} Pentru a specifica un interval, introdu valoarea mic� �i valoarea mare separate printr-o liniu��. Exemplu:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Leag�-�i contul la pentru a 簾ncepe s� folose�ti aceast� func�ionalitate."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"Exist� set�ri nesalvate 簾n aceast� fil� care se vor pierde dac� o p�r�se�ti. Continui?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"Acest lucru va reseta toate op�iunile Jetpack, e�ti sigur?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Caut� o func�ionalitate Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them imme
3271 diately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Actualizeaz� Jetpack �i scanerul nostru modern de securitate va depista fi�ierele ostile �i le va raporta imediat a�a c� nu e�ti niciodat� surprins de ceea ce se 簾nt璽mpl� pe situl t�u."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"Po�i vedea informa�ia despre scanarea de securitate 簾n sec�iunea \"Dintr-o privire\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Configureaz�-�i scan�rile de securitate"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Aceast� extensie nu are op�iuni de configurare"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Las� motoarele de c�utare �i vizitatorii s� �tie c� e�ti serios cu privire la integritatea siturilor t
3272 ale web prin actualizarea Jetpack. Instrumentele noastre anti-spam vor elimina comentariile spam, 簾�i protejeaz� SEO �i vizitatorii pot mai u�or s� r�m璽n� 簾n contact."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Copiile de rezerv� 簾n timp real din afara sitului cu restaur�ri automate ofer� siguran�� a�a c� te po�i concentra pe scrisul unui con�inut minunat �i pe cre�terea traficului 簾n timp ce noi 簾�i protej�m fiecare aspect al investi�iei."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Configureaz�-�i set�rile %(module_slug)s {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abonat"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"Este disponibil� o important� actualizare pentru iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Aplica�ia WordPress pen
3273 tru Android prime�te o mare 簾mbun�t��ire vizual�"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Actualizare 簾n aten�ie: VideoPress pentru nun�i"]," Likes are:":[null,"Aprecierile sunt:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Titlu comentarii"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"C璽teva cuvinte atr�g�toare pentru a-�i motiva cititorii s� comenteze."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"Cititorii se pot abona la articole, comentarii sau la ambele?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Arat� o op�iune \"urm�rire blog\" 簾n formularul de comentariu"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Arat� o op�iune \"urm�rire comentarii\" 簾n formularul de comentariu."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Bar� de administrare"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Pune o diagram� care arat� vizualiz�rile 簾n 48 de ore de 簾n bara de administ
3274 rare"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Utilizatori 簾nregistra�i: num�r� vizualiz�rile de pagin� ale utilizatorilor 簾nregistra�i care sunt autentifica�i."],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Raport vizibilitate: selecteaz� rolurile care vor putea fi v�zute 簾n rapoarte statistici"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Prime�te notific�ri prin email de la Monitor"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Emailurile vor fi trimise la"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Editare{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Potrivire prin email"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Arat� metadatele fotografiei (Exif) 簾n carusel, c璽nd sunt disponibile"],"Background Color":[null,"Culoare fundal"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Deruleaz� la infinit (arat� 7 articole pe fiecare 簾nc�rcare)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a p
3275 age view in Google Analytics":[null,"Urm�re�te fiecare 簾nc�rcare de articol prin Derulare infinit� ca o vizualizare de pagin� 簾n Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Reclame pentru mobil"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Arat� o reclam� 簾n aplica�iile pentru mobil WordPress 簾n subsolul temei pentru mobil"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Introdu valoarea \"con�inut\" a cheii tale meta pentru a-�i verifica blogul cu {{a}}Consola de c�utare Google{{/a}}, {{a1}}Centrul webmaster Bing{{/a1}} �i {{a2}}Verificare sit Pinterest{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Exemplu de cheie meta:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Afi�eaz�-�i toate imaginile din galerie 簾ntr-un mozaic frumos"],"Copied!":[null,"Copiat!"],"Highlight and copy the
3276 following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Eviden�iaz� �i copiaz� urm�torul text 簾n clipboard-ul t�u:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Regenereaz� adres�"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Configureaz� portofolii"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Configureaz� testimoniale"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Corecteaz� automat con�inutul c璽nd: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Un articol sau o pagin� este publicat(�) prima dat�"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Un articol sau o pagin� este actualizat(�)"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Detectare automat� a limbii"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Corectura se face pentru limba englez�, francez�, german�, portughez� �i spaniol�."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Activeaz� corectura pentru urm�toarele reguli gramaticale �i de stil:"],"Add a phrase":[null,"Adaug� o expresie"],"Use Markdo
3277 wn for comments":[null,"Folose�te Markdown pentru comentarii"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Motoarele de c�utare vor g�si h�r�ile sit 簾n aceste loca�ii:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart� sit: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart� sit �tiri: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Tri�ezi cumva?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Te superi dac� ne spui de ce nu ai finalizat conexiunea Jetpack 簾n aceste {{a}}2 sondaje cu 簾ntreb�ri{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Este necesar� o conexiune Jetpack pentru ca func�ionalit��ile noastre gratuite de securitate �i de trafic s� func�ioneze.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"Bine ai venit la {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s
3278 }}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack-ul t�u este deja conectat."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"E�ti plin de energie �i gata s� porne�ti, Jetpack este activ acum."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"E�ti plin de energie �i gata s� porne�ti."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Acum rulezi o versiune de dezvoltare a Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Trimite impresii beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Acum 簾n {{a}}Mod dezvoltare{{/a}} via filtrul jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Unele func�ionalit��i sunt dezactivate."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Acum 簾n {{a}}Mod dezvoltare{{/a}} via constanta JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Unele func�ionalit��i sunt dezactivate."],"Currently in {{a}
3279 }Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Acum 簾n {{a}}Mod dezvoltare{{/a}} deoarece URL-ul sitului t�u nu are un punct (de exemplu: http://localhost).{{br/}}Unele func�ionalit��i sunt dezactivate."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Tu, %(userName)s, nu e�ti conectat la"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Ce ai vrea s� vezi 簾n panoul t�u de control Jetpack?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Anun��-ne!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Bine ai venit la Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Te rog conecteaz�-te sau creeaz� un cont pentru a 簾ncepe s� folose�ti Jetpack. Acesta 簾�i va da acces la servicii puternice de securitate, de trafic �i de personalizare."],"No account? Create one
3280 for free��":[null,"N-ai cont? Creeaz� unul gratuit..."],"Saving��":[null,"Se salveaz�..."],"Save Settings":[null,"Salveaz� set�rile"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Actualiz�ri necesare"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Sigur vrei s�-�i deconectezi situl de la"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Icon statistici Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� statistici sit{{/a}} pentru a vedea statistici detaliate, aprecieri, urm�ritori, abona�i, �i altele! {{a1}}Afl� mai multe{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Activeaz� statistici sit"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Protec�ie automatizat�, comprehensiv� 簾mpotriva amenin��rilor �i atacurilor."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Ap�rare contra spam modern�."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"F�-�i a
3281 utomat copie de rezerv� pentru 簾ntregul sit."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Scanare de securitate"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Scaneaz�-�i automat situl pentru amenin��ri comune �i atacuri."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"�ine ace�ti spameri departe!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Copii de rezerv� sit"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"F�-�i copie de rezerv� pentru sit!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Niciun rezultat g�sit."],"Threats found!":[null,"Amenin��ri g�site!"],"Set up":[null,"Ini�ializeaz�"],"Upgrade":[null,"Actualizeaz�"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ACTIVEAZ�"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hackerii, bo�ii de re�ea �i spamerii atac� siturile web f�r� discriminare.
3282 Scopul lor este de a ataca pretutindeni �i deseori. Scopul nostru este s� te ajut�m la preg�tirea bloc�rii acestor amenin��ri �i 簾n cel mai grav scenariu vom fi aici s� te ajut�m s�-�i restaurezi situl la gloria de alt�dat�."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Gratuit Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Actualizeaz� la un plan pl�tit pentru a debloca securitatea de clas� mondial�, instrumentele de protec�ie spam �i suportul prioritar."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Premium Jetpack"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n planul Profesionist Jetpack"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Situl t�u este 簾n Mod dezvoltare"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority suppor
3283 t.":[null,"Dup� ce te-ai conectat, po�i face actualizarea la un plan pl�tit pentru a debloca securitatea de clas� mondial�, instrumentele de protec�ie spam �i suportul prioritar."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Ap�rare contra spam modern� propulsat� de Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i statisticile spam"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configureaz� Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i panoul control de securitate"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configureaz� VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Sondaje �i vot�ri"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Creeaz� un sondaj nou"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Copii de rezerv� 簾n timp real"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Solu�ionare amenin�are cu un singur clic"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Sondaje �i evalu�ri avansate"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Compar� planuri"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Securitate de grad maxim"],"Real-time backup w
3284 ith unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Copie de rezerv� 簾n timp real cu spa�iu nelimitat, restaur�ri cu un singur clic, monitorizare spam anti-glon�, ap�rare contra malware �i protec�ie 簾mpotriva atacurilor cu for��-brut� la autentificare - toate 簾ntr-un singur loc �i optimizate pentru WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"Blocheaz� b�ie�ii r�i"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Filtrarea spamului anti-glon� 簾�i protejeaz� brandul, cititorii �i 簾mbun�t��e�te SEO. Protec�ia pentru autentificare ostil� te ajut� s� n-ai nicio grij� �i 簾�i p�streaz� partea administrativ� a sitului 簾n siguran�� fa�� de intru�i."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"Bucu
3285 r�-te de suport prioritar"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Ai nevoie de ajutor? Un inginer de fericire poate r�spunde la 簾ntreb�ri despre situl t�u, contul t�u sau cum s� faci orice."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Set�ri conexiune"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Administreaz�-�i conexiunea Jetpack"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Situl este 簾n Mod dezvoltare, deci nu te po�i conecta la"],"You are connected as ":[null,"E�ti conectat ca"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Leag�-�i contul la pentru a ob�ine maximum de la Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Situl t�u trebuie s� fie accesibil pentru motoarele de c�utare pentru ca ace
3286 ast� func�ionalitate s� func�ioneze corespunz�tor. Po�i modifica acest lucru 簾n {{a}}Set�ri Afi�are{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Vezi {{a}}toate statisticile{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i {{a}}urm�ritorii prin email{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Func�ionalit��i puternice pe fiecare dispozitiv."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administreaz�-�i toate siturile dintr-un singur panou de control."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Sim�i performan�a"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Toate aplica�iile WordPress sunt construite pentru vitez�. Vei observa diferen�a de performan�� imediat, cu 簾nc�rc�ri de pagin� aproape instantanee �i cu mai pu�in� a�teptare peste tot."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"A
3287 ctualiz�ri 簾n mas� �i automate"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Cele mai multe defecte de securitate se g�sesc 簾n modulele neactualizate. Folose�te aplica�iile noastre Web �i Desktop pentru a activa actualiz�rile automate sau actualizeaz� modulele manual pentru toate siturile tale web 簾ntr-un loc convenabil."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Concentreaz�-te pe scris"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Noul nostru editor este extrem de rapid, optimizat pentru scriitori �i elimin� distragerile, oferindu-�i posibilitatea de a te concentra pe munca ta."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�ncearc� noul editor"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Conecteaz�-te cu vizitatorii t�i"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced
3288 stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Monitorizeaz�-�i vizitatorii cu statistici avansate. Uit�-te la tendin�e, afl� care con�inut are cele mai bune performan�e �i 簾n�elege-�i vizitatorii de oriunde din lume."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Vizualizeaz�-�i statisticile"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Conecteaz�-te cu Comunitatea"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Toate aplica�iile WordPress au cititori reprezentativi impresionant de rapizi �i dedica�i, deci po�i s�-i atragi cu siturile tale preferate �i s� se al�ture conversa�iei oriunde, oric璽nd."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Lanseaz� Cititor"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Inspira�ia apare 簾n orice moment, oriunde."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Prime
3289 �ti aplica�ii WordPress pentru orice ecran."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"�n buzunarul t�u"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Public� con�inut, urm�re�te statistici, modereaz� comentarii �i multe altele de oriunde 簾n lume. Aplica�iile noastre mobile sunt surs� deschis�, gratuite �i disponibile pentru tine pe dispozitive Apple sau Android."]," in the App Store":[null," 簾n App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," 簾n Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Pe desktopul t�u"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"O aplicatie pentru desktop care ofer� pentru WordPress un c�min permanent pe computerul t�u. Ca s� nu mai vorbim despre mediul l
3290 iber de distragere atunci c璽nd scrii 簾n afara unui navigator web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," pentru Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," pentru Windows"]," for Linux":[null," pentru Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Scanare malware"],"Threats found":[null,"Amenin��ri g�site"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pentru scanarea automatizat�, comprehensiv� a amenin��rilor de securitate, te rog {{a}}instaleaz� �i activeaz�{{/a}} VaultPress."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru scanarea automatizat�, comprehensiv� a amenin��rilor de securitate, te rog {{a}}actualizeaz�-�i contul{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack blocheaz� 簾n mod activ 簾ncerc�rile de autentif
3291 icare ostile. Datele vor afi�a aici 簾n cur璽nd!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Total 簾ncerc�ri de autentificare ostile blocate pe situl t�u."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Protec�ie{{/a}} pentru a-�i p�stra situl protejat la 簾ncerc�rile de autentificare ostile."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s modul","%(number)s module","%(number)s de module"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Necesit� actualizare.","Necesit� actualizare.","Necesit� actualizare."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Toate modulele sunt actualizate. Bun lucru!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Administrare{{/a}} pentru a activa actualiz�rile automate �i pentru a-�i administra modulele din"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null
3292 ,"Jetpack 簾�i 簾mbun�t��e�te �i 簾�i optimizeaz� viteza imaginii."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack 簾�i monitorizeaz� situl. Dac� ni se pare c� situl t�u a c�zut, vei primi un email."],"Security":[null,"Securitate"],"Performance":[null,"Performan��"],"Backups":[null,"Copii de rezerv�"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Vezi detalii copie de rezerv�{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Pentru a-�i face automat o copie de rezerv� a 簾ntregului sit, te rog {{a}}instaleaz� �i activeaz�{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru a-�i face automat o copie de rezerv� a 簾ntregului sit, te rog {{a}}actualizeaz�!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Indisponibil 簾n Mod dezvoltare"],"Spam Protection":[null,"Protec�ie spam"],"For state
3293 -of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru ap�rare contra spam modern�, te rog {{a}}instaleaz� Akismet{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Pentru ap�rare contra spam modern�, te rog {{a}}activeaz� Akismet{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Cheie invalid�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Indisponibil 簾n Mod dezvoltare"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Z�pad� de s�rb�tori"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Arat� ninsoare 簾n perioada s�rb�torilor."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Arat� ninsoare pe blogul meu de la 1 decembrie p璽n� pe 4 ianuarie."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Se activeaz� func�ionalit��i recomandate..."],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Func�ionalit��i recomandate active."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"Func�ionalit��ile recomandate au e�uat la activare. %(error)s"],"
3294 Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Se activeaz� %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s a fost activat."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s a e�uat la activare. %(error)d"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Se dezactiveaz� %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s a fost dezactivat."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s a e�uat la dezactivare. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Se actualizeaz� set�rile %(slug)s..."],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"Set�ri %(slug)s actualizate."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Eroare la actualizarea set�rilor %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Se actualizeaz� adresa %(slug)s..."],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"Adresa %(slug)s regenerat�."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Eroare la regenerarea adresei %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"S
3295 e reseteaz� op�iunile Jetpack..."],"Options reset.":[null,"Op�iuni resetate."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Op�iunile au e�uat la resetare."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"A fost o eroare la deconectarea Jetpack. Eroare: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Anulare leg�tur� de la"],"Unlinked from":[null,"Leg�tur� anulat� de la"],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Eroare la anularea leg�turii de la %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Dintr-o privire"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Cli�ee"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Vrei s� ne spui de ce? Doar {{a}}r�spunz璽nd la dou� 簾ntreb�ri simple{{/a}} ne-ar ajuta s� 簾mbun�t��im Jetpack."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hi
3296 deOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}��i place Jetpack sau ai impresii?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Las�-ne o recenzie{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}urm�re�te-ne pe Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} sau{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}apreciaz�-ne pe Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Apreciaz�-ne pe Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Urm�re�te Jetpack pe Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Vezi pagina noastr� pentru suport{{/suppor
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3298 Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Verificare sit{{/a}} pentru a-�i verifica situl �i pentru a cre�te ierarhizarea din Google, Bing �i Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Uneltele de verificare sit sunt active. Asigur�-te c� situl t�u este verificat cu Google, Bing �i Pinterest pentru o indexare mai precis� �i o ierarhizare superioar�. {{a}}Verific� acum{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Unelte de verificare sit"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Foton{{/a}} pentru a 簾mbun�t��i performan�a �i viteza imaginilor tale."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performan�� imagine %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,
3299 "{{a}}Activeaz� Administrare �i activeaz� actualiz�ri automate{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� actualiz�ri automate modul{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Actualiz�ri modul"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Hopa! Cheia ta Askimet lipse�te sau este invalid�. {{akismetSettings}}Mergi la set�ri Akismet pentru a corecta{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Nicio amenin�are g�sit�, foarte bine!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Contacteaz� suportul{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Vezi detalii la{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Aoleu, %(number)s amenin�are g�sit�.","Aoleu, %(number)s amenin��ri g�site.","Aoleu, %(number)s de amenin��ri g�site."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if y
3300 our site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Activeaz� Monitorul{{/a}} pentru a primi notific�ri c璽nd situl t�u nu func�ioneaz�."],"Loading��":[null,"Se 簾ncarc�..."],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Monitorizare timp de nefunc�ionare"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vezi mai multe statistici pe{{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Vezi statisticile vechi{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Total comentarii"],"All-time views":[null,"Total vizualiz�ri"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s vizualizare","%(number)s vizualiz�ri","%(number)s de vizualiz�ri"],"Best overall day":[null,"Cea mai bun� zi 簾n ansamblu"],"Views today":[null,"Vizualiz�ri ast�zi"],"Months":[null,"Luni"],"Weeks":[null,"S�pt�m璽ni"],"Days":[null,"Zile"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"S-a 簾nt璽mplat ceva 簾n timpul 簾nc
3301 �rc�rii statisticilor. Te rog 簾ncearc� din nou mai t璽rziu sau {{a}}vizualizeaz�-�i statisticile acum pe{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"D� clic pentru a vedea statistici detaliate."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Vizualiz�ri: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"S�pt�m璽n� de %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administreaz� securitatea pe"],"Skip this step":[null,"Sari acest pas"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Sari peste procesul Jetpack Salt la start"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Func�ionalit��ile pot fi activate sau dezactivate 簾n orice moment."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Func�ionalit��ile Jetpack recomandate includ:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Activeaz� func�ionalit��i recomandate"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"��i 簾mbun�t��e�te rapid situl p
3302 rin activarea func�ionalit��ilor Jetpack recomandate."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Salt la start pentru situl t�u"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Deconecteaz� de la"],"Link to":[null,"Leg�tur� la"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Anuleaz�-mi leg�tura de la"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Al�tur�-te milioanelor de utilizatori care se bazeaz� pe Jetpack pentru a-�i 簾mbun�t��i �i securiza siturile. Suntem pasiona�i de WordPress �i suntem aici pentru a-�i face via�a mai u�oar�."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack este sus�inut de unele dintre cele mai tehnice �i pasionate persoane din comunitate. Ele se afl� 簾n 簾ntreaga lume �i su
3303 nt gata s� te ajute."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"Am men�ionat suport gratuit, profesionist?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack folose�te re�eaua modern� de livrare de con�inut a pentru a 簾nc�rca imaginile tale superbe foarte rapid. Optimizat� pentru orice dispozitiv �i este complet gratuit�."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Fulger�tor de rapide, imagini optimizate"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Nu r�m璽i niciodat� 簾n urm� cu vreo versiune de securitate sau pierz璽ndu-�i timpul cu actualizarea mai multor situri."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Actualiz�ri sit automate."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Monitorizarea sitului live."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of lo
3304 gin attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Nu ai nicio grij� cu Protec�ie, instrumentul care a blocat miliarde de atacurile de autentificare pe milioane de situri."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Blocheaz� atacurile sitului."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack blocheaz� 簾ncerc�ri de autentificare ostile, te anun�� dac� situl t�u nu func�ioneaz� �i 簾�i poate actualiza automat modulele, a�a c� nu trebuie s�-�i faci griji."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Securitate sit �i nicio grij�"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack valorific� puterea pentru a-�i ar�ta informa�ii detaliate despre vizitatorii t�i, ce citesc �i de unde vin."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them m
3305 ore to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"�ine vizitatorii conecta�i oferindu-le mai multe de partajat �i de citit cu Articole similare."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Cre�te vizualiz�rile de pagin�."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Ofer�-le vizitatorilor instrumente pentru a partaja �i a se abona la con�inutul t�u."],"Build a community.":[null,"Construie�te o comunitate."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Partajare �i butoane de apreciere"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social automatizat."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack are multe instrumente de trafic �i de participare pentru a te ajuta s� ai mai mul�i vizitatori pe situl t�u �i s�-i �ii acolo."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Trimite-ne impresii"],"Need Help?":[null,"Ai nevoie de ajutor?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Administreaz� module"],"Stress less. Monit
3306 or will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"F�r� stres. Monitorul 簾�i va trimite alerte 簾n timp real dac� vreodat� situl t�u va c�dea."],"Track your growth":[null,"Urm�re�te-�i cre�terea"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Folose�te Publicitate pentru a partaja automat articolele tale cu prieteni, urm�ritori �i restul lumii."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Adu mai mult trafic pe situl t�u"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Am avut o problem� de conectare a Jetpack; Te rog d� clic din nou pe &#8222;Conectare la;."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Am avut o problem� de conectare a Jetpack; dezactiveaz� �i reactiveaz� modulul Jetpack, apoi conecteaz�-te din nou."],"You need to stay logged in to yo
3307 ur WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Trebuie s� stai autentificat(�) 簾n blogul t�u WordPress 簾n timp ce 簾�i autorizezi Jetpack-ul."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-ul t�u are o sc�pare.{{/s}} Ne pare r�u pentru nepl�cerile create. Te rog re簾ncearc� mai t璽rziu, iar dac� problema persist� te rog contacteaz� suportul cu acest mesaj: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Deconectare Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Las� o recenzie pentru Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Ai nevoie de ajutor? Echipa Jetpack este aici pentru tine."],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Necesit� autentificare 簾n-doi-pa�i"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Folose�te un aranjament vizual mare �i de impact"],"Sh
3308 ow a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Arat� un subtitlu \"Similare\" pentru a separa mai clar sec�iunea aceasta de articolul efectiv"],"Related":[null,"Similare"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Asigur�-te c� ai ad�ugat adresele IP cele mai frecvent utilizate. Eliminarea unei adrese IP din lista de mai jos o va �terge �i din lista alb�."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administrare list� alb�"],"Email Address":[null,"Adres� email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicitate"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistici sit"],"Featured Images":[null,"Imagini reprezentative"],"Excerpts":[null,"Rezumate"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Permite testimonialele pentru acest sit."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Permite proiecte de portofoliu pentru
3309 acest sit."],"Preview":[null,"Previzualizare"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Schem� de culoare"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Expresii ignorate"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Folose�te detectarea automat� a limbii pentru corectarea articolelor �i paginilor "],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Expresii redundante"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Expresii de evitat"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Voce pasiv�"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Verbe ascunse"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dubl� negare"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Semne diacritice"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Expresii complexe"],"Bias Language":[null,"Limbaj deplasat"],"English Options":[null,"Op�iuni englez�"],"Proofreading":[null,"Corectur�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Conectare la Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack nu a putut contacta %(error_key)s. De o
3310 bicei, 簾nseamn� c� ceva nu este configurat corect pe gazda ta web."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"Momentan are o problem� �i nu se poate conecta cu Jetpack. Te rug�m s� 簾ncerci din nou mai t璽rziu."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-ul t�u are o sc�pare.{{/s}} Conectarea acestui sit cu nu este posibil�. De obicei, asta 簾nseamn� c� situl t�u nu este accesibil publicului (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Situl t�u web trebuie s� fie accesibil publicului pentru a folosi Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Te-ai deconectat cu succes de la Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"Activ�"],"Settings":[null,"Set�ri"],"
3311 Learn More":[null,"Afl� mai multe"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Deconecteaz� Jetpack-ul"],"Debug":[null,"Depanare"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Testeaz� compatibilitatea sitului t�u cu Jetpack."]}
3312 \ No newline at end of file
3314 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ru_RU.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ru_RU.json
3315 index 1b44cce..cb96020 100644
3316 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ru_RU.json
3317 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-ru_RU.json
3318 @@ -1 +1 @@
3319 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-22 11:27:20+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"ru","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"�郕�邽赲邽��邿�迮 ��郋� 邾郋迡�郅�, ��郋訇� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 迡郋郈郋郅郇邽�迮郅�郇�迮 SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"�訄���郋邿�迮 赲訄�邽 郈訄�訄邾迮��� VideoPress."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"苤郕郋郅�郕郋 ��郋邽� 赲訄� �訄邿�?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard w
3320 ork (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"�訄���郋邽�� SEO �訄邿�訄"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"�郕�邽赲邽�郋赲訄�� SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"��迮迡��訄赲郅�迮邾 郇訄�邽 �訄邾�迮 迡郋���郈郇�迮 �訄�邽�� 迡郅� �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迣郋 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽� 邽 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"苠訄�邽� �迮�郋郇訄郅�郇�邿 �郋��訄郇邽� 赲訄�邽 迡訄郇郇�迮, �訄邿� 邽 �迮郱�郅��訄�� ���迡訄 赲 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽."],"Learn more...":[null,"苺郱郇訄�� 訇郋郅��迮..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"�訄� �訄邿� 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮� �訄�邽� Jetpack �迮��郋郇訄郅�郇�邿"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"�訄 ��郋邾 �訄�邽�迮 郈�迮迡郋��訄赲郅�迮�
3321 �� 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� �郈訄邾訄, 迮迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 ( 迡郋 30 迡郇迮邿) 邽 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇郋迮 邾迮��郋."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"�訄 ��郋邾 �訄�邽�迮 郈�迮迡郋��訄赲郅�迮��� 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� �郈訄邾訄, 迮迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 (迡郋 30 迡郇迮邿) , 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇郋迮 邾迮��郋, 郈�郋赲迮�郕訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇訄� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕訄."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"�� 郈郋郅��訄迮�迮 郱訄�邽�� 郋� �郈訄邾訄, �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迮 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 赲 �迮訄郅�郇郋邾 赲�迮邾迮郇邽 (訇迮郱郅邽邾邽�郇�邿 訄��邽赲), 訇迮郱郅邽邾邽�郇郋迮 ��訄郇邽郅邽�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇��
3322 郕郋郈邽邿, 郈�郋赲迮�郕� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽, 邽郇����邾迮郇�� SEO, PollDaddy 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 赲�迮� 迡訄郇郇�� �訄邿�訄 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 邾迮��郋邾 迡郅� ��訄郇迮郇邽� 邽 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮 (郋� VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 赲�迮� 迡訄郇郇�� �訄邿�訄 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 邾迮��郋邾 迡郅� ��訄郇迮郇邽� 邽 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮, 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋邿 郈�郋赲迮�郕郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕郋邿 (郋� Va
3323 ultPress). "],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 邽 郈�郋赲迮�郕訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 赲�迮� 迡訄郇郇�� �訄邿�訄 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 邾迮��郋邾 迡郅� ��訄郇迮郇邽� 邽 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮, 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋邿 郈�郋赲迮�郕郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽, ����訄郇迮郇邽迮邾 �迣�郋郱 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕郋邿 (郋� VaultPress). "],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"苺郅���迮郇郇�迮 SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇�� ��郋訇� 郈郋邾郋�� 郅�迡�邾 邽���邽邾 �郋郋�赲迮�
3324 紼菩� �郋迡迮�迠訄郇邽迮 郇訄邿�邽 赲訄� �訄邿�."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"��迠郇郋 訇郋郅��迮? 苺 赲訄� 迡迮郅郋赲郋邿 �訄邿�?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"��郅邽 赲訄� �訄邿� 赲訄邾 赲訄迠迮郇, 郈郋迡�邾訄邿�迮 郱訄�邽�邽�� 邽 �郅���邽�� 迮迣郋 � 郈郋邾郋��� 郇迮郕郋�郋��� 郇訄�邽� �郅���迮郇郇�� 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��迮邿: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"��郋赲迮�郕訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 郈郋 ��迮訇郋赲訄郇邽�"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"苺郅���迮郇郇�迮 SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"�訄���郋邿�迮 赲訄�邽 SEO 郈訄�訄邾迮���."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null
3325 ,"Jetpack �訄訇郋�訄迮� 郇訄 �迮��郋赲郋邾 �迮�赲迮�迮."],"More Info":[null,"�郋郅��迮 邽郇�郋�邾訄�邽邽"],"Search your content.":[null,"�郋邽�郕 郈郋 赲訄�迮邾� 郕郋郇�迮郇��."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 赲邽迡邽邾郋��邽 郅訄邿郕郋赲 赲 郇訄���郋邿郕訄� 邾郋迡�郅� �訄�邽郇迣訄{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"苤郕���� ��訄�邽��邽�迮�郕邽邿 �邾訄邿郅邽郕. 衪�訄 郈邽郕�郋迣�訄邾邾訄 郈郋邾郋迣訄迮� �郋訇邽�訄�� ��訄�邽��邽郕�, 郇郋 訇�迡迮� 赲�� 迮�� �訄訇郋�訄�� 赲 �郕���郋邾 �迮迠邽邾迮."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"�訄� �迮郕��邽邿 IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"�迮郅郋�郈邽�郇邽郇迣 邽 IP-訄迡�迮�訄 郈�迮迡郋�赲�訄�訄�� 郋� 郕訄郕郋邿-郅邽訇郋 訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲郕邽
3326 郋� Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 邽 IPv6 迡郋郈���邽邾�. {{br/}} �郅� �郕訄郱訄郇邽� 迡邽訄郈訄郱郋郇訄, 赲赲迮迡邽�迮 郇邽迠郇迮迮 邽 赲迮��郇迮迮 郱郇訄�迮郇邽�, �訄郱迡迮郅�郇郇�迮 迡迮�邽�郋邾. �訄郈�邽邾迮�:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"��邽赲�迠邽�迮 �赲郋邿 訄郕郕訄�郇� 郇訄 迡郅� �郋迣郋, ��郋訇� 郇訄�訄�� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� ��� ��郇郕�邽�."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"���訄郅邽�� 郇迮�郋��訄郇�郇郇�迮 郇訄���郋邿郕邽, 郕郋�郋��迮 訇�迡�� 郈郋�迮��郇�, 迮�郅邽 赲� 郈郋郕邽郇迮�迮 ��� 赲郕郅訄迡郕�. ��� �訄赲郇郋 郈郋郕邽郇���?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"衪�郋 郋訇郇�
3327 鉼解� 赲�迮 郇訄���郋邿郕邽 Jetpack! �� �赲迮�迮郇�?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"�訄邿迡邽�迮 郕郋邾郈郋郇迮郇� Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"�郋赲訄� 赲迮��邽� Jetpack 邽 郇訄� 郈迮�迮迡郋赲郋邿 �郕訄郇迮� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 郈�迮迡郇訄郱郇訄�迮郇� 迡郅� 郈郋邽�郕訄 赲�迮迡郋郇郋�郇�� �訄邿郅郋赲. 苳�郇郕�邽� 邾迣郇郋赲迮郇郇郋迣郋 郋郈郋赲迮�迮郇邽� 郈郋郱赲郋郅邽� 赲訄邾 赲�迮迣迡訄 訇��� 赲 郕���迮 �郋迣郋, ��郋 郈�郋邽��郋迡邽� 郇訄 赲訄�迮邾 �訄邿�迮."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"苤赲迮迡迮郇邽� 郋 郈�郋赲迮�郕迮 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 �邾. 赲 �訄郱迡迮郅迮 竄��訄�郕邽邿 郋訇郱郋�罈."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕訄 郈�郋赲迮�郋�
3328 � 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"� ��郋邾 邾郋迡�郅迮 郈訄�訄邾迮��� 郕郋郇�邽迣��訄�邽邽 郇迮 郈�迮迡��邾郋��迮郇�"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"�訇郇郋赲邽�迮 Jetpack, ��郋訇� 赲訄�邽 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅邽 邽 郈郋邽�郕郋赲�迮 �邽��迮邾� 郱郇訄郅邽, 郇訄�郕郋郅�郕郋 �迮��迮郱郇郋 赲� 郋�郇郋�邽�迮�� 郕 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 赲迮訇-�訄邿�郋赲. �訄�邽 ��迮迡��赲訄 訇郋��訇� �郋 �郈訄邾郋邾 郈郋邾郋迣�� 邽郱訇訄赲邽���� 郋� 郇訄郱郋邿郅邽赲�� 郕郋邾邾迮郇�訄�邽迮赲 邽 郋訇郅迮迣�邽�� 郋訇�迮郇邽迮 � 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅�邾邽, 郇迮 郈郋郱赲郋郅邽赲 赲訄�迮邾� �訄邿�� 郋郈���邽���� 赲 �迮郱�郅��訄�訄� 郈郋邽�郕訄."],"Real-time offsite backups with a
3329 utomated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"�郅� 郱訄�邽�� 赲訄�迮迣郋 ���迡訄 邽 ��迮迡��赲 邾� 赲郇迮迡�邽郅邽 �邽��迮邾� �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迣郋 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽� 郇訄 �迡訄郅迮郇郇�� 郈郅郋�訄迡郕� 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �迮訄郅�郇郋迣郋 赲�迮邾迮郇邽 � 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽邾 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾. 苠迮郈迮�� 赲� 邾郋迠迮�迮 郇迮 郋�赲郅迮郕訄���� 郋� �訄訇郋�� 邽 郈郋�赲��邽�� 赲�迮 �赲郋迮 赲�迮邾� �郋郱迡訄郇邽� �迮迣郋-�郋 郈郋-郇訄��郋��迮邾� 郈�迮郕�訄�郇郋迣郋. ��郈郋郅郇邽�迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 �迮迣郋迡郇�."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}�訄���郋邿郕訄 郈訄�訄邾迮��郋赲 %(module_slug)s{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"�郋迡郈邽��邽郕"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"�郋���郈郇郋 訇郋郅��
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3339 ty, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"虴�郋訇� 郇訄�訄�� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� Jetpack, 赲郋邿迡邽�迮 赲 ��迮�郇�� 郱訄郈邽�� 邽郅邽 �郋郱迡訄邿�迮 迮迮. 衪�郋 郈郋郱赲郋郅邽� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 邾郋�郇�迮 ��郇郕�邽邽 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽, �郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽� ��訄�邽郕郋邾 邽 郈迮��郋郇訄郅邽郱訄�邽邽."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"�迮� ��迮�郇郋邿 郱訄郈邽�邽? 苤郋郱迡訄邿�迮 迮迮 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇郋��"],"Saving��":[null,"苤郋��訄郇迮郇邽迮��"],"Save Settings":[null,"苤郋��訄郇邽�� 郇訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Updates Needed":[null,"苠�迮訇����� 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽�"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"��郕郅��邽�� �訄邿� 郋�"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"�郇訄�郋郕 ��訄�邽��邽郕邽 Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{
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3342 €� 訄�訄郕郋赲訄�� 郕訄郕 邾郋迠郇郋 訇郋郅��迮 邽 �訄�迮. �訄�訄 郱訄迡訄�訄 �郋��郋邽� 赲 �郋邾, ��郋訇� 郱訄�邽�邽�� 赲訄� 郈��迮邾 訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲郕邽 ��邽� �迣�郋郱. � 迡訄迠迮 郈�邽 �訄邾郋邾 郈郅郋�郋邾 �訄郱赲邽�邽邽 �郋訇��邽邿 邾� 郈郋邾郋迠迮邾 赲訄邾 赲郋���訄郇郋赲邽�� 赲訄� �訄邿� 赲郋 赲�迮邾 迮迣郋 赲迮郅邽郕郋郅迮郈邽邽."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"�郅� 赲訄�迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮��� 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇訄� 赲迮��邽� Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"��郈郋郅郇邽�迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 迡郋 郈郅訄�郇郋邿 郈郋迡郈邽�郕邽, ��郋訇� �訄郱訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲訄�� �邽��迮邾� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邾邽�郋赲郋迣郋 ��郋赲郇�, ��迮迡��赲訄 郱訄�邽�� 郋� �郈訄邾訄 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"�郅� 赲�
3343 參菩創� �訄邿�訄 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮��� �訄�邽�郇�邿 郈郅訄郇 Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"�郅� 赲訄�迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮��� �訄�邽�郇�邿 郈郅訄郇 Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"�訄� �訄邿� 郇訄�郋迡邽��� 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �訄郱�訄訇郋�郕邽"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"�郋�郅迮 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽� 邾郋迠郇郋 赲�郈郋郅郇邽�� 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 迡郋 郈郅訄�郇郋邿 郈郋迡郈邽�郕邽, ��郋訇� �訄郱訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲訄�� �邽��迮邾� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邾邽�郋赲郋迣郋 ��郋赲郇�, ��迮迡��赲訄 郱訄�邽�� 郋� �郈訄邾訄 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"苤郋赲迮��迮郇郇訄� 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� �郈訄邾訄 � 郈郋邾郋��� 邾郋迡�郅� Akismet."],"Vie
3344 w your spam stats":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� ��訄�邽��邽郕邽 �郈訄邾訄"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕訄 Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� 郕郋郇�郋郅邽 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕訄 VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"�郈�郋��"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"�迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇郋迮 �邽�郅郋 郋郈�郋�郋赲 邽 郋�赲迮�郋赲. ������邿 邽 �迡郋訇郇�邿 �迮迡訄郕�郋� 迡郅� �郋郱迡訄郇邽� 郋郈�郋�郋赲. �郋郅��訄邿�迮 郋�赲迮�� 郇訄 赲迮訇-�訄邿�迮, 郈郋 �郅迮郕��郋郇郇郋邿 郈郋��迮 郅邽訇郋 郇訄 ����郋邿��赲迮 iPad 邽郅邽 iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"苤郋郱迡訄�� 郇郋赲�邿 郋郈�郋�"],"Real-time backups":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇郋迮 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �迮訄郅�郇郋迣郋
3345 赲�迮邾迮郇邽"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"苺���訄郇迮郇邽迮 �迣�郋郱 赲 郋迡邽郇 郕郅邽郕"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"�郋郈郋郅郇邽�迮郅�郇�迮 郋郈�郋�� 邽 �迮邿�邽郇迣邽"],"Compare Plans":[null,"苤�訄赲郇迮郇邽迮 �訄�邽�郇�� 郈郅訄郇郋赲"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"�訄邽赲���訄� ��迮郈迮郇� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇郋迮 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �迮訄郅�郇郋迣郋 赲�迮邾迮郇邽 邽 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 郈�郋���訄郇��赲郋邾, 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 赲 郋迡邽郇 郕郅邽郕, 郇訄迡迮迠郇郋迮 郋��郅迮迠邽赲訄郇邽迮 �郈訄邾訄, �郕訄郇邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 郇訄 郇訄郅邽�邽迮 赲�迮迡郋郇郋�郇�� 郈�郋迣�訄邾邾 邽 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� 訄�訄郕 邾迮�郋迡郋邾 郈郋迡訇郋�訄 郈訄�郋郅���� 赲�
3346 迮 赲 郋迡郇郋邾 �迮�迮郇邽邽, 郋郈�邽邾邽郱邽�郋赲訄郇郇郋邾 迡郅� WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"�訄�邽�訄 郋� 郱郅郋�邾��郅迮郇郇邽郕郋赲"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"�訄迡迮迠郇訄� �邽��迮邾訄 �邽郅���訄�邽邽 �郈訄邾訄 郱訄�邽�訄迮� 赲訄�� �邽�邾迮郇郇�� �邽邾赲郋郅邽郕� 邽 �邽�訄�迮郅迮邿 邽 郇迮 郈郋郱赲郋郅�迮� �訄邿�� 郋郈���邽���� 赲 �迮郱�郅��訄�訄� 郈郋邽�郕訄. �郅訄迣郋迡訄�� ��迮迡��赲� 郈�迮迡郋�赲�訄�迮郇邽� 訄�訄郕 邾迮�郋迡郋邾 郈郋迡訇郋�訄 郈訄�郋郅� 赲� 邾郋迠迮�迮 訇��� �赲迮�迮郇� 赲 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 �赲郋迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄, 郱訄�邽�迮郇郇郋迣郋 郋� 郈郋��郋�郋郇郇迮迣郋 赲邾迮�訄�迮郅���赲訄."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"��迮郇邽�迮 郈�迮邽邾��迮��赲訄 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇郋
3347 邿 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕邽"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"��迠郇訄 郈郋邾郋��? �訄�邽 邽郇迠迮郇迮�� ��訄���� 訇�迡�� �訄迡� 郋�赲迮�邽�� 郇訄 赲訄�邽 赲郋郈�郋�� 郈郋 郈郋赲郋迡� �訄邿�訄, ��迮�郇郋邿 郱訄郈邽�邽 邽 迡�."],"Connection Settings":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕邽 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽�"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅�邿�迮 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽迮邾 郕 Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"苤訄邿� 郇訄�郋迡邽��� 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �訄郱�訄訇郋�郕邽, 郈郋��郋邾� 迮迣郋 郇迮郅�郱� 郈郋迡郕郅��邽�� 郕"],"You are connected as ":[null,"�� 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇� 郕訄郕 "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"��邽赲�迠邽�迮 ��迮�郇�� 郱訄郈邽�� 郕 迡郅� 邾訄郕�邽邾訄郅�郇郋 ���迮郕�邽�
3348 紹請憶創� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄郇邽� Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"虴�郋訇� ��訄 ��郇郕�邽� �訄訇郋�訄郅訄 迡郋郅迠郇�邾 郋訇�訄郱郋邾, �訄邿� 迡郋郅迠迮郇 訇��� 迡郋���郈迮郇 郈郋邽�郕郋赲�邾 �邽��迮邾訄邾. 衪�郋 邾郋迠郇郋 邽郱邾迮郇邽�� 赲 �訄郱迡迮郅迮 {{a}}�訄���郋邿郕邽 ��迮郇邽�{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� {{a}}赲�迮邿 ��訄�邽��邽郕邽{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� {{a}}郈郋迡郈邽��邽郕郋赲 郈郋 �郅迮郕��郋郇郇郋邿 郈郋��迮{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮 邾郋�郇�迮 ��郇郕�邽邽 郇訄 郕訄迠迡郋邾 ����郋邿��赲迮."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅�邿�迮 赲�迮邾邽 �訄邿�訄邾邽 � 郈郋邾郋��� 郋迡郇郋邿 郕郋郇�郋�
3349 鉼�."],"Feel the performance":[null,"��迮郇邽�迮 赲��郋郕�� 郈�郋邽郱赲郋迡邽�迮郅�郇郋���"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"��迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽� WordPress �郋郱迡訄郇� 迡郅� 訇����郋邿 �訄訇郋��. �� ��訄郱� 迠迮 郱訄邾迮�邽�迮 �訄郱郇邽�� 赲 郈�郋邽郱赲郋迡邽�迮郅�郇郋��邽 � 郈郋��邽 邾郋邾迮郇�訄郅�郇郋邿 郱訄迣��郱郕郋邿 ���訄郇邽� 邽 邾迮郇��邽邾 赲�迮邾迮郇迮邾 郋迠邽迡訄郇邽�."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"�訄��郋赲�迮 邽 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽�"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"�郋郅��邽郇��赲郋 訇�迮�迮邿 赲 �邽��迮邾迮 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 赲郋郱郇邽郕訄迮� 邽郱-郱訄 ���訄�迮赲
3350 �邽� 郈郅訄迣邽郇郋赲. ��郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮 郇訄�邽 郇訄��郋郅�郇�迮 邽 赲迮訇-郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽�, ��郋訇� 赲郕郅��邽�� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮, 邽郅邽 郋訇郇郋赲郅�邿�迮 郈郅訄迣邽郇� 赲���郇�� 迡郅� 赲�迮� 赲迮訇-�訄邿�郋赲 赲 郋迡郇郋邾 �迡郋訇郇郋邾 邾迮��迮."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"苤郋��迮迡郋�郋���迮�� 郇訄 �訄訇郋�迮"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"�訄� 郇郋赲�邿 �迮迡訄郕�郋� 迡郅� 訄赲�郋�郋赲 郋訇郅訄迡訄迮� 邾郋郅郇邽迮郇郋�郇郋邿 �郕郋�郋���� 邽 郈郋郱赲郋郅�迮� 郈郋郅郇郋���� �郋��迮迡郋�郋�邽���� 郇訄 �訄訇郋�迮."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�郋�郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮�� 郇郋赲�邾 �迮迡訄郕�郋�郋邾"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"苤赲�郱� � 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅�邾邽"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn wh
3351 at content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"��郋�邾訄��邽赲訄邿�迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿 � 郈郋邾郋��� �訄��邽�迮郇郇郋邿 ��訄�邽��邽郕邽. 苤郅迮迡邽�迮 郱訄 �迮郇迡迮郇�邽�邾邽, 訄郇訄郅邽郱邽��邿�迮, 郕訄郕郋迮 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迮 �訄訇郋�訄迮� 郅���迮, 邽 �郱郇訄赲訄邿�迮 郈�迮迡郈郋��迮郇邽� 赲訄�邽� 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿 邽郱 郅�訇郋邿 �郋�郕邽 邾邽�訄."],"View Your Stats":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� ��訄�邽��邽郕邽"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"��邽�郋迮迡邽郇邽���� 郕 �郋郋訇�迮��赲�"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"��迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽� WordPress 郋訇郅訄迡訄�� 迡迮邿��赲邽�迮郅�郇郋 訇�����邾邽 邽 郈郋郅郇郋��郇郕�邽郋郇訄郅�郇�邾邽 �訄郱迡迮郅訄邾邽 竄虴�邽赲郋罈, 訇郅訄迣郋迡訄�� �迮邾� 赲�
3352 � 郅迮迣郕郋 邾郋迠迮�迮 郋��郅迮迠邽赲訄�� 郅�訇邽邾�迮 �訄邿�� 邽 ��訄��赲郋赲訄�� 赲 郋訇��迠迡迮郇邽��, 郕郋迣迡訄 邽 迣迡迮 赲訄邾 ��郋 �迡郋訇郇郋."],"Launch Reader":[null,"�訄郈���邽�� 竄虴�邽赲郋罈"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"�迡郋�郇郋赲迮郇邽迮 邾郋迠迮� 郈�邽邿�邽 赲 郅�訇郋迮 赲�迮邾� 邽 赲 郅�訇郋邾 邾迮��迮."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽� WordPress 迡郅� 郅�訇郋迣郋 ����郋邿��赲訄."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"苺 赲訄� 赲 郕訄�邾訄郇迮"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"��訇郅邽郕�邿�迮 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迮, 郋��郅迮迠邽赲訄邿�迮 ��訄�邽��邽郕�, 邾郋迡迮�邽��邿�迮 郕郋邾邾迮郇�訄�邽邽 邽 赲�郈郋郅郇�邿�迮 邾郇郋迠迮��赲郋 迡��迣邽� 迡迮邿��赲邽邿 邽郱 郅�訇�
3353 憶� �郋�郕邽 邾邽�訄. �訄�邽 邾郋訇邽郅�郇�迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽� 邽邾迮�� 郋�郕����邿 邽��郋迡郇�邿 郕郋迡, 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇� 邽 迡郋���郈郇� 迡郅� ����郋邿��赲 Apple 邽 Android."]," in the App Store":[null," 赲 App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," 赲 Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"�訄 赲訄�迮邾 �訄訇郋�迮邾 ��郋郅迮"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"�訄��郋郅�郇郋迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽迮, 郈�迮迡郋��訄赲郅���迮迮 WordPress 郈郋��郋�郇郇郋迮 邾迮��郋 郇訄 赲訄�迮邾 郕郋邾郈���迮�迮. ��郋邾迮 �郋迣郋, ��郋 赲訄邾 郇邽�迮迣郋 郇迮 訇�迡迮� 邾迮�訄��, 赲� 郈郋郅��訄迮�迮 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��� 郈邽�訄�� �迮郕��� 訇迮郱 赲迮訇-訇�訄�郱迮�訄."]," for Mac OS X":[null," 迡郅� Mac OS X"],"W
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3365 d of your images.":[null,"{{a}}�郕�邽赲邽��邿�迮 Photon{{/a}}, ��郋訇� 郈郋赲��邽�� 郈�郋邽郱赲郋迡邽�迮郅�郇郋��� 邽 �郕郋�郋��� 郋訇�訄訇郋�郕邽 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽邿."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"衪��迮郕�邽赲郇訄� �訄訇郋�訄 � 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽�邾邽 %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�郕�邽赲邽�郋赲訄�� �郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 邽 赲郕郅��邽�� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�郕郅��邽�� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 郈郅訄迣邽郇郋赲{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"�訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽� 郈郅訄迣邽郇郋赲"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"�邿! �郅�� Akismet 郋������赲�迮� 邽郅邽 郇迮迡迮邿��赲邽�迮郅迮郇. {{akismetSettings}}�郅� 邽�郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽� 郈迮�迮邿迡邽�迮 郕 郇
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3370 煩覜參� WordPress 邽 �郋�邽邾 �迡迮郅訄�� 赲訄�� 迠邽郱郇� 郈�郋�迮."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"�郋迡迡迮�迠郕訄 Jetpack 郋訇迮�郈迮�邽赲訄迮��� 郋迡郇邽邾邽 邽郱 郇訄邽訇郋郅迮迮 郕郋邾郈迮�迮郇�郇�� 邽 �赲郅迮�迮郇郇�� ��訄��郇邽郕郋赲 �郋郋訇�迮��赲訄. �郇邽 郇訄�郋迡���� 赲 �訄郱郅邽�郇�� ���訄郇訄� 邾邽�訄 邽 赲�迮迣迡訄 迣郋�郋赲� 郈郋邾郋�� 赲訄邾."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�� �郈郋邾邽郇訄郅邽 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇�� 郈�郋�迮��邽郋郇訄郅�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮� 郈迮�迮迡郋赲�� �迮�� 迡郋��訄赲郕邽 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迣郋, ��郋
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3372 ites.":[null,"�訄訇�迡��迮 郋 ��迮赲郋迣訄�, 郈郋迡郕郅��邽赲 �郅�迠訇� 郱訄�邽��, 郕郋�郋�訄� 郱訄訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲訄郅訄 邾邽郅郅邽訄�迡� 郈郋郈��郋郕 郇迮�訄郇郕�邽郋郇邽�郋赲訄郇郇郋迣郋 迡郋���郈訄 郕 邾邽郅郅邽郋郇訄邾 �訄邿�郋赲."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"�郅郋郕邽�郋赲郕訄 訄�訄郕 郇訄 �訄邿�."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"�訄訇�迡��迮 郋 ��迮赲郋迣訄�, 赲迮迡� Jetpack 訇郅郋郕邽��迮� 郱郅郋郇訄邾迮�迮郇郇�迮 郈郋郈��郕邽 赲�郋迡訄, �郋郋訇�訄迮� 赲訄邾, 迮�郅邽 赲訄� �訄邿� 赲��郋迡邽� 邽郱 ���郋�, 邽 邾郋迠迮� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽 郋訇郇郋赲郅��� 赲訄�邽 郈郅訄迣邽郇�."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"�迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��� �訄邿�訄��� 赲訄�迮 �郈郋郕郋邿��赲邽迮"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights ab
3373 out your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮� 赲�迮 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��邽, ��郋訇� 郈郋郕訄郱訄�� 赲訄邾 郈郋迡�郋訇郇�迮 �赲迮迡迮郇邽� 郋 赲訄�邽� 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅��: ��郋 郋郇邽 �邽�訄�� 邽 郋�郕�迡訄 郋郇邽 郈�邽�郋迡��."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"苺迡迮�迠邽赲訄邿�迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿, 郈�迮迡郅訄迣訄� 邽邾 郈�郋�邽�訄�� 郈郋�郋迠邽迮 郱訄郈邽�邽 邽 郈郋迡迮郅邽���� 邽邾邽 � 迡��郱��邾邽."],"Increase page views.":[null,"苺赲迮郅邽�邽赲訄邿�迮 郕郋郅邽�迮��赲郋 郈�郋�邾郋��郋赲 ���訄郇邽�."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"��迮迡郋��訄赲��迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅�邾 ��迮迡��赲訄, � 郈郋邾郋��� 郕郋�郋��� 郋郇邽 邾郋迣郅邽 訇� 郈郋迡迮郅邽���� 赲訄�邽邾 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾�邾 邽 郈郋迡郈邽�訄���� 郇訄 郇迮�
3374 創�."],"Build a community.":[null,"苤郋郱迡訄邿�迮 �郋郋訇�迮��赲郋."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"�郇郋郈郕邽 竄�郋迡迮郅邽����罈 邽 竄��訄赲邽���罈"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽邿 �郋�邽訄郅�郇�邿 邾訄�郕迮�邽郇迣."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack 郋訇郅訄迡訄迮� 邾郇郋迠迮��赲郋邾 邽郇����邾迮郇�郋赲 �郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽� ��訄�邽郕郋邾 邽 郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�迮郅�邾邽, 郕郋�郋��迮 郈郋郱赲郋郅��� 郈�邽赲郅迮�� 訇郋郅��迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿 郇訄 �訄邿� 邽 �迡迮�迠訄�� 邽�."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"��郈�訄赲邽�� 郋�郱�赲"],"Need Help?":[null,"��迠郇訄 郈郋邾郋��?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 郈郅訄迣邽郇訄邾邽"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"苠郋郅�郕郋 �郈郋郕郋邿��赲邽迮! �郋郇邽�郋� Jetpack ��訄
3375 郱� 郋�郈�訄赲邽� 赲訄邾 郋郈郋赲迮�迮郇邽迮 赲 �郅��訄迮 �訇郋� �訄邿�訄."],"Track your growth":[null,"�邽郇訄邾邽郕訄 �訄郱赲邽�邽�"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮 ��郇郕�邽� 竄��訇郅邽郕訄�邽�罈 迡郅� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋邿 郋�郈�訄赲郕邽 郱訄郈邽�迮邿 迡��郱��邾, 郈郋迡郈邽��邽郕訄邾 邽 赲�迮邾 郋��訄郅�郇�邾."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�郋赲����迮 郈郋�迮�訄迮邾郋��� �赲郋迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"��邽 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽邽 Jetpack 郈�郋邽郱郋�郅訄 郋�邽訇郕訄. �訄迠邾邽�迮 竄�郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽迮 郕 WordPress.com罈 迮�迮 �訄郱."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"��邽 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽邽 Jetpack 赲郋郱郇邽郕郅訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾訄. �
3376 菩匾碧覜紹解€�邿�迮 ��郋� 郈郅訄迣邽郇, 郱訄�迮邾 訄郕�邽赲邽��邿�迮 邽 郈郋迡郕郅��邽�迮 �郇郋赲訄."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"�迮 赲��郋迡邽�迮 邽郱 ����郇郋邿 郱訄郈邽�邽 赲 �赲郋迮邾 訇郅郋迣迮 WordPress, 郈郋郕訄 邽迡�� 訄赲�郋�邽郱訄�邽� Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}苤訇郋邿 赲 �訄訇郋�迮 Jetpack.{{/s}} ��邽郇郋�邽邾 邽郱赲邽郇迮郇邽� 郱訄 郇迮�迡郋訇��赲訄. �郋赲�郋�邽�迮 郈郋郈��郕� 郈郋郱迠迮. ��郅邽 ����訄郇邽�� 郇迮郈郋郅訄迡郕� 郇迮 �迡訄����, 郋�郈�訄赲��迮 赲 �郅�迠訇� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕邽 �郅迮迡���迮迮 �郋郋訇�迮郇邽迮. %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"��郕郅��迮郇邽迮 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"���訄赲邽�� 郋�郱�赲 郋 Jet
3377 pack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"��迠郇訄 郈郋邾郋��? �郋邾訄郇迡訄 Jetpack 赲�迮迣迡訄 迣郋�郋赲訄 赲訄邾 郈郋邾郋��."],"Smiley":[null,"苤邾訄邿郅邽郕"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"苠�迮訇�迮��� 迡赲���訄郕�郋�郇訄� 訄��迮郇�邽�邽郕訄�邽�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 郕��郈郇�� 邽 ���迮郕�郇�� �訄郱邾迮�郕�"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"�郋郕訄郱�赲訄�� 郱訄迣郋郅郋赲郋郕 竄�郋�郋迠迮迮罈, ��郋訇� 赲邽郱�訄郅�郇郋 郋�迡迮郅邽�� 郈郋�郋迠迮迮 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迮 郋� 郱訄郈邽�迮邿"],"Related":[null,"�郋�郋迠迮迮"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"�迮 郱訄訇�迡��迮 �郕訄郱訄�� IP-訄迡�迮�訄, 郕郋
3378 �郋��迮 赲� 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮�迮 迡郋邾訄, 郇訄 �訄訇郋�迮 邽 �.�迡. ��郅邽 �迡訄郅邽�� IP-訄迡�迮� 邽郱 �郈邽�郕訄 郇邽迠迮, 郋郇 �訄郕迠迮 訇�迡迮� �迡訄郅迮郇 邽郱 �郈邽�郕訄 �訄郱�迮�迮郇郇�� 訄迡�迮�郋赲."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 �郈邽�郕郋邾 �訄郱�迮�迮郇郇�� 訄迡�迮�郋赲"],"Email Address":[null,"E-mail 訄迡�迮�"],"Publicize":[null,"��訇郅邽郕訄�邽�"],"Site Stats":[null,"苤�訄�邽��邽郕訄 �訄邿�訄"],"Featured Images":[null,"�郱訇�訄郇郇�迮 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽�"],"Excerpts":[null,"虷邽�訄��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��邽�迮 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕� 郋�郱�赲郋赲 迡郅� ��郋迣郋 �訄邿�訄."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��邽�迮 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕� 郈�郋迮郕�郋赲 郈郋���郋郅邽郋 迡郅� ��郋迣郋 �訄邿�訄."],"Preview":[null,"��郋�邾郋��迮��"],"Color Scheme":[null,"虷赲迮�郋赲訄� ��迮邾訄"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"�迣郇
3379 郋�邽��迮邾�迮 ��訄郱�"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽 郋訇郇訄��迠迮郇郇�邿 �郱�郕 迡郅� 郈�郋赲迮�郕邽 迣�訄邾郋�郇郋��邽 郱訄郈邽�迮邿 邽 ���訄郇邽�"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"�迮郇�迠郇�迮 ��訄郱�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"苳�訄郱�, 郕郋�郋��迮 �郅迮迡�迮� 邽郱訇迮迣訄��"],"Passive Voice":[null,"苤��訄迡訄�迮郅�郇�邿 郱訄郅郋迣"],"Jargon":[null,"�訄�迣郋郇"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"苤郕����迮 迣郅訄迣郋郅�"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�赲郋邿郇郋迮 郋��邽�訄郇邽迮"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"�邽訄郕�邽�邽�迮�郕邽迮 郱郇訄郕邽"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"苤郅郋迠郇�迮 ��訄郱�"],"Bias Language":[null,"�迮郇郋�邾訄�邽赲郇訄� 郅迮郕�邽郕訄"],"English Options":[null,"\"�郇迣郅邽邿�郕邽迮\" 郇訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Proofreading":[null,"�郋��迮郕���訄"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�郋迡郕郅��邽�� Jetpack"],"Jetpack
3380 could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack 郇迮 �邾郋迣 郈郋迡郕郅��邽���� 郕 . �訇��郇郋 ��郋 郈�郋邽��郋迡邽� 邽郱-郱訄 郇迮郈�訄赲邽郅�郇�� 郇訄���郋迮郕 郇訄 赲迮訇-�郱郅迮."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"�訄 �迮邿�訄� 郈�郋訇郅迮邾� 邽 \"郱訄郈�訄赲邽��\" 赲訄� Jetpack 郇迮赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋. �郋迠訄郅�邿��訄, 郈郋郈�郋訇�邿�迮 �郇郋赲訄 �迮�迮郱 郇迮郕郋�郋�郋迮 赲�迮邾�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}苤訇郋邿 赲 �訄訇郋�迮 Jetpack.{{/s}} �迮赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋 郈郋迡郕郅��邽�� ��郋� �訄邿� 郕 �訇��郇郋 ��郋 郋郱郇訄�訄迮�, ��郋 赲訄� �訄邿�
3381 郇迮 �赲郅�迮��� 郋訇�迮迡郋���郈郇�邾 (�訄郱邾迮�迮郇 郇訄 郅郋郕訄郅�郇郋邾 �郱郅迮)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"�訄� �訄邿� 迡郋郅迠迮郇 訇��� 郋訇�迮迡郋���郈郇�邾, ��郋訇� 邽邾迮�� 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ��郈迮�郇郋 郋�郕郅��迮郇 郈郋 赲訄�迮邾� 郱訄郈�郋��"],"Active":[null,"�郕�邽赲郇郋"],"Settings":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Learn More":[null,"苺郱郇訄��"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"��郕郅��邽�� Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"��郅訄迡郕訄"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"��郋赲迮���迮 �郋赲邾迮��邽邾郋��� �訄邿�訄 � Jetpack."]}
3382 \ No newline at end of file
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3384 ork (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"�訄���郋邽�� SEO �訄邿�訄"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"�郕�邽赲邽�郋赲訄�� SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"��迮迡��訄赲郅�迮邾 郇訄�邽 �訄邾�迮 迡郋���郈郇�迮 �訄�邽�� 迡郅� �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迣郋 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽� 邽 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"苠訄�邽� �迮�郋郇訄郅�郇�邿 �郋��訄郇邽� 赲訄�邽 迡訄郇郇�迮, �訄邿� 邽 �迮郱�郅��訄�� ���迡訄 赲 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽."],"Learn more...":[null,"苺郱郇訄�� 訇郋郅��迮..."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"�訄� �訄邿� 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮� �訄�邽� Jetpack �迮��郋郇訄郅�郇�邿"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"�訄 ��郋邾 �訄�邽�迮 郈�迮迡郋��訄赲郅�迮�
3385 �� 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� �郈訄邾訄, 迮迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 ( 迡郋 30 迡郇迮邿) 邽 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇郋迮 邾迮��郋."],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"�訄 ��郋邾 �訄�邽�迮 郈�迮迡郋��訄赲郅�迮��� 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� �郈訄邾訄, 迮迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 (迡郋 30 迡郇迮邿) , 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇郋迮 邾迮��郋, 郈�郋赲迮�郕訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇訄� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕訄."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"�� 郈郋郅��訄迮�迮 郱訄�邽�� 郋� �郈訄邾訄, �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迮 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 赲 �迮訄郅�郇郋邾 赲�迮邾迮郇邽 (訇迮郱郅邽邾邽�郇�邿 訄��邽赲), 訇迮郱郅邽邾邽�郇郋迮 ��訄郇邽郅邽�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇��
3386 郕郋郈邽邿, 郈�郋赲迮�郕� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽, 邽郇����邾迮郇�� SEO, PollDaddy 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 赲�迮� 迡訄郇郇�� �訄邿�訄 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 邾迮��郋邾 迡郅� ��訄郇迮郇邽� 邽 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮 (郋� VaultPress)."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 赲�迮� 迡訄郇郇�� �訄邿�訄 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 邾迮��郋邾 迡郅� ��訄郇迮郇邽� 邽 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮, 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋邿 郈�郋赲迮�郕郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕郋邿 (郋� Va
3387 ultPress). "],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 邽 郈�郋赲迮�郕訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"�迠迮迡郇迮赲郇�迮 �迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽 赲�迮� 迡訄郇郇�� �訄邿�訄 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 邾迮��郋邾 迡郅� ��訄郇迮郇邽� 邽 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮, 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋邿 郈�郋赲迮�郕郋邿 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽, ����訄郇迮郇邽迮邾 �迣�郋郱 赲 郋迡郇郋 郇訄迠訄�邽迮 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕郋邿 (郋� VaultPress). "],"SEO Tools":[null,"SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"苺郅���迮郇郇�迮 SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇�� ��郋訇� 郈郋邾郋�� 郅�迡�邾 邽���邽邾 �郋郋�赲迮�
3388 紼菩� �郋迡迮�迠訄郇邽迮 郇訄邿�邽 赲訄� �訄邿�."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"��迠郇郋 訇郋郅��迮? 苺 赲訄� 迡迮郅郋赲郋邿 �訄邿�?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"��郅邽 赲訄� �訄邿� 赲訄邾 赲訄迠迮郇, 郈郋迡�邾訄邿�迮 郱訄�邽�邽�� 邽 �郅���邽�� 迮迣郋 � 郈郋邾郋��� 郇迮郕郋�郋��� 郇訄�邽� �郅���迮郇郇�� 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��迮邿: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"��郋赲迮�郕訄 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 郈郋 ��迮訇郋赲訄郇邽�"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"苺郅���迮郇郇�迮 SEO 邽郇����邾迮郇��"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"�訄���郋邿�迮 赲訄�邽 SEO 郈訄�訄邾迮���."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null
3389 ,"Jetpack �訄訇郋�訄迮� 郇訄 �迮��郋赲郋邾 �迮�赲迮�迮."],"More Info":[null,"�郋郅��迮 邽郇�郋�邾訄�邽邽"],"Search your content.":[null,"�郋邽�郕 郈郋 赲訄�迮邾� 郕郋郇�迮郇��."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 赲邽迡邽邾郋��邽 郅訄邿郕郋赲 赲 郇訄���郋邿郕訄� 邾郋迡�郅� �訄�邽郇迣訄{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"苤郕���� ��訄�邽��邽�迮�郕邽邿 �邾訄邿郅邽郕. 衪�訄 郈邽郕�郋迣�訄邾邾訄 郈郋邾郋迣訄迮� �郋訇邽�訄�� ��訄�邽��邽郕�, 郇郋 訇�迡迮� 赲�� 迮�� �訄訇郋�訄�� 赲 �郕���郋邾 �迮迠邽邾迮."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"�訄� �迮郕��邽邿 IP: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"�迮郅郋�郈邽�郇邽郇迣 邽 IP-訄迡�迮�訄 郈�迮迡郋�赲�訄�訄�� 郋� 郕訄郕郋邿-郅邽訇郋 訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲郕邽
3390 郋� Jetpack."],"IPv4 and IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"IPv4 邽 IPv6 迡郋郈���邽邾�. {{br/}} �郅� �郕訄郱訄郇邽� 迡邽訄郈訄郱郋郇訄, 赲赲迮迡邽�迮 郇邽迠郇迮迮 邽 赲迮��郇迮迮 郱郇訄�迮郇邽�, �訄郱迡迮郅�郇郇�迮 迡迮�邽�郋邾. �訄郈�邽邾迮�:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"��邽赲�迠邽�迮 �赲郋邿 訄郕郕訄�郇� 郇訄 迡郅� �郋迣郋, ��郋訇� 郇訄�訄�� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� ��� ��郇郕�邽�."],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"���訄郅邽�� 郇迮�郋��訄郇�郇郇�迮 郇訄���郋邿郕邽, 郕郋�郋��迮 訇�迡�� 郈郋�迮��郇�, 迮�郅邽 赲� 郈郋郕邽郇迮�迮 ��� 赲郕郅訄迡郕�. ��� �訄赲郇郋 郈郋郕邽郇���?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"衪�郋 郋訇郇�
3391 鉼解� 赲�迮 郇訄���郋邿郕邽 Jetpack! �� �赲迮�迮郇�?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"�訄邿迡邽�迮 郕郋邾郈郋郇迮郇� Jetpack."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"�郋赲訄� 赲迮��邽� Jetpack 邽 郇訄� 郈迮�迮迡郋赲郋邿 �郕訄郇迮� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 郈�迮迡郇訄郱郇訄�迮郇� 迡郅� 郈郋邽�郕訄 赲�迮迡郋郇郋�郇�� �訄邿郅郋赲. 苳�郇郕�邽� 邾迣郇郋赲迮郇郇郋迣郋 郋郈郋赲迮�迮郇邽� 郈郋郱赲郋郅邽� 赲訄邾 赲�迮迣迡訄 訇��� 赲 郕���迮 �郋迣郋, ��郋 郈�郋邽��郋迡邽� 郇訄 赲訄�迮邾 �訄邿�迮."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"苤赲迮迡迮郇邽� 郋 郈�郋赲迮�郕迮 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 �邾. 赲 �訄郱迡迮郅迮 竄��訄�郕邽邿 郋訇郱郋�罈."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕訄 郈�郋赲迮�郋�
3392 � 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"� ��郋邾 邾郋迡�郅迮 郈訄�訄邾迮��� 郕郋郇�邽迣��訄�邽邽 郇迮 郈�迮迡��邾郋��迮郇�"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"�訇郇郋赲邽�迮 Jetpack, ��郋訇� 赲訄�邽 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅邽 邽 郈郋邽�郕郋赲�迮 �邽��迮邾� 郱郇訄郅邽, 郇訄�郕郋郅�郕郋 �迮��迮郱郇郋 赲� 郋�郇郋�邽�迮�� 郕 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 赲迮訇-�訄邿�郋赲. �訄�邽 ��迮迡��赲訄 訇郋��訇� �郋 �郈訄邾郋邾 郈郋邾郋迣�� 邽郱訇訄赲邽���� 郋� 郇訄郱郋邿郅邽赲�� 郕郋邾邾迮郇�訄�邽迮赲 邽 郋訇郅迮迣�邽�� 郋訇�迮郇邽迮 � 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅�邾邽, 郇迮 郈郋郱赲郋郅邽赲 赲訄�迮邾� �訄邿�� 郋郈���邽���� 赲 �迮郱�郅��訄�訄� 郈郋邽�郕訄."],"Real-time offsite backups with a
3393 utomated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"�郅� 郱訄�邽�� 赲訄�迮迣郋 ���迡訄 邽 ��迮迡��赲 邾� 赲郇迮迡�邽郅邽 �邽��迮邾� �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迣郋 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽� 郇訄 �迡訄郅迮郇郇�� 郈郅郋�訄迡郕� 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �迮訄郅�郇郋迣郋 赲�迮邾迮郇邽 � 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽邾 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮邾. 苠迮郈迮�� 赲� 邾郋迠迮�迮 郇迮 郋�赲郅迮郕訄���� 郋� �訄訇郋�� 邽 郈郋�赲��邽�� 赲�迮 �赲郋迮 赲�迮邾� �郋郱迡訄郇邽� �迮迣郋-�郋 郈郋-郇訄��郋��迮邾� 郈�迮郕�訄�郇郋迣郋. ��郈郋郅郇邽�迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 �迮迣郋迡郇�."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}�訄���郋邿郕訄 郈訄�訄邾迮��郋赲 %(module_slug)s{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"�郋迡郈邽��邽郕"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"�郋���郈郇郋 訇郋郅��
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3395 �郋迡郈邽�訄���� 郇訄 訇郅郋迣罈 赲 �郋�邾迮 迡郅� 郕郋邾邾迮郇�邽�郋赲訄郇邽�"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"�郋郕訄郱�赲訄�� 郈訄�訄邾迮�� 竄�郋迡郈邽�訄���� 郇訄 郕郋邾邾迮郇�訄�邽邽罈 赲 �郋�邾迮 迡郅� 郕郋邾邾迮郇�邽�郋赲訄郇邽�"],"Admin Bar":[null,"�訄郇迮郅� 邽郇����邾迮郇�郋赲"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"�郋郕訄郱�赲訄�� 迣�訄�邽郕 郈郋�郅迮迡郇邽� 48 �訄�郋赲 郈�郋�邾郋��郋赲 郇訄 郈訄郇迮郅邽 邽郇����邾迮郇�郋赲"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"�訄�迮迣邽���邽�郋赲訄郇郇�� 郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�迮郅迮邿: 苺�邽��赲訄�� 郈�郋�邾郋��� ���訄郇邽�, 郈�郋邽郱赲迮迡迮郇郇�迮 訄赲�郋�邽郱郋赲訄郇郇�邾邽 郱訄�迮迣邽���邽�郋赲訄郇郇�邾邽 郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�迮郅�邾邽"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"�邽迡邽邾郋���
3396 郋��迮�訄: ��訇�訄�� �郋郅邽 郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�迮郅迮邿, 郕郋�郋��迮 訇�迡�� 邽邾迮�� 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��� 郈�郋�邾訄��邽赲訄�� 郋��迮�� ��訄�邽��邽郕邽"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"�訄���郋邽�� 郈郋郅��迮郇邽迮 �赲迮迡郋邾郅迮郇邽邿 郈郋 �郅迮郕��郋郇郇郋邿 郈郋��迮"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"苤郋郋訇�迮郇邽� 訇�迡�� 郋�郈�訄赲郅����� 郇訄 訄迡�迮� "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}��訄赲郕訄{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"苤郋郋�赲迮���赲邽迮 郈郋 訄迡�迮�� �郅迮郕��郋郇郇郋邿 郈郋���"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"�郋郕訄郱�赲訄�� 邾迮�訄迡訄郇郇�迮 �郋�郋迣�訄�邽邿 (Exif) 赲 郕訄���迮郅邽 (迮�郅邽 迡郋���郈郇郋)"],"Background Color":[null,"虷赲迮� �郋郇訄"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"�迮�郕郋郇迮�郇訄� 郈�郋郕���郕訄 (郈郋郕訄郱 7 郱訄郈邽�迮邿 郈�邽 郕訄迠迡郋邿 郱訄迣��郱郕迮)"],"Tr
3397 ack each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"���郅迮迠邽赲訄�� 郕訄迠迡�� 郱訄迣��郱郕� 郱訄郈邽�邽 � 訇迮�郕郋郇迮�郇郋邿 郈�郋郕���郕郋邿 赲 赲邽迡迮 ���訄郇邽�� 赲 Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"�迮郕郅訄邾訄 邾郋訇邽郅�郇�� 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽邿"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"�郋郕訄郱�赲訄�� �迮郕郅訄邾� 迡郅� 邾郋訇邽郅�郇�� 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽邿 WordPress 赲 郇邽迠郇迮邿 �訄��邽 �迮邾� 邾郋訇邽郅�郇�� 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽邿"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"�赲迮迡邽�迮 郱郇訄�迮郇邽迮 邾迮�訄郕郅��訄 \"content\" 迡郅� 郈�郋赲迮�郕邽 訇郅郋迣訄 � 郈郋邾郋��� {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}虷迮郇��訄 赲迮訇-邾訄��迮�訄 Bing{{/a1}} 邽 ��郇郕�邽邽 {{a2}}��
3398 郋赲迮�郕邽 �訄邿�郋赲 Pinterest{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"��邽邾迮� 邾迮�訄郕郅��訄: "],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"�郕郅��邽�� 郈郋郕訄郱 赲�迮� 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽邿 迣訄郅迮�迮邽 赲 赲邽迡迮 邾郋郱訄邽郕邽"],"Copied!":[null,"苤郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇郋!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"��迡迮郅邽�迮 邽 �郕郋郈邽��邿�迮 赲 訇��迮� 郋訇邾迮郇訄 �郅迮迡���邽邿 �迮郕��:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"苤郋郱迡訄�� 訄迡�迮� 郱訄郇郋赲郋"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"�訄���郋邽�� 郈郋���郋郅邽郋"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"�訄���郋邽�� 郋�郱�赲�"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"�赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽 邽�郈�訄赲郅��� �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迮, 迮�郅邽: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"�訄郈邽�� 邽郅邽 ���訄郇邽�訄 郋郈�訇郅邽郕郋赲訄郇訄 赲郈迮�赲�迮"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"�訄郈邽�� 邽郅邽 �
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3401 pack �迠迮 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Jetpack 訄郕�邽赲邽�郋赲訄郇. 苠迮郈迮�� 邾郋迠郇郋 郈�邽���郈訄�� 郕 �訄訇郋�迮."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"苠迮郈迮�� 邾郋迠郇郋 郈�邽���郈訄�� 郕 �訄訇郋�迮."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"苤迮邿�訄� 赲� �訄訇郋�訄迮�迮 赲 �迮��郋赲郋邿 赲迮��邽邽 Jetpack."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"��郈�訄赲邽�� 郋�郱�赲"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"苤迮邿�訄� 赲 {{a}}�迮迠邽邾迮 �訄郱�訄訇郋�郕邽{{/a}} 邽郱-郱訄 �邽郅���訄 jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}�迮郕郋�郋��迮 ��郇郕�邽邽 郋�郕郅��迮郇�."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"苤迮邿�訄� 赲 {{a}}�迮迠邽邾迮 �訄郱�訄訇郋�郕邽{{/a}} 邽
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3403 ty, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"虴�郋訇� 郇訄�訄�� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� Jetpack, 赲郋邿迡邽�迮 赲 ��迮�郇�� 郱訄郈邽�� 邽郅邽 �郋郱迡訄邿�迮 迮迮. 衪�郋 郈郋郱赲郋郅邽� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 邾郋�郇�迮 ��郇郕�邽邽 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽, �郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽� ��訄�邽郕郋邾 邽 郈迮��郋郇訄郅邽郱訄�邽邽."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"�迮� ��迮�郇郋邿 郱訄郈邽�邽? 苤郋郱迡訄邿�迮 迮迮 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇郋��"],"Saving��":[null,"苤郋��訄郇迮郇邽迮��"],"Save Settings":[null,"苤郋��訄郇邽�� 郇訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Updates Needed":[null,"苠�迮訇����� 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽�"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"��郕郅��邽�� �訄邿� 郋�"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"�郇訄�郋郕 ��訄�邽��邽郕邽 Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{
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3406 €� 訄�訄郕郋赲訄�� 郕訄郕 邾郋迠郇郋 訇郋郅��迮 邽 �訄�迮. �訄�訄 郱訄迡訄�訄 �郋��郋邽� 赲 �郋邾, ��郋訇� 郱訄�邽�邽�� 赲訄� 郈��迮邾 訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲郕邽 ��邽� �迣�郋郱. � 迡訄迠迮 郈�邽 �訄邾郋邾 郈郅郋�郋邾 �訄郱赲邽�邽邽 �郋訇��邽邿 邾� 郈郋邾郋迠迮邾 赲訄邾 赲郋���訄郇郋赲邽�� 赲訄� �訄邿� 赲郋 赲�迮邾 迮迣郋 赲迮郅邽郕郋郅迮郈邽邽."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"�郅� 赲訄�迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮��� 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇訄� 赲迮��邽� Jetpack"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"��郈郋郅郇邽�迮 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 迡郋 郈郅訄�郇郋邿 郈郋迡郈邽�郕邽, ��郋訇� �訄郱訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲訄�� �邽��迮邾� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邾邽�郋赲郋迣郋 ��郋赲郇�, ��迮迡��赲訄 郱訄�邽�� 郋� �郈訄邾訄 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"�郅� 赲�
3407 參菩創� �訄邿�訄 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮��� �訄�邽�郇�邿 郈郅訄郇 Jetpack Premium"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"�郅� 赲訄�迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮��� �訄�邽�郇�邿 郈郅訄郇 Jetpack Professional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"�訄� �訄邿� 郇訄�郋迡邽��� 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �訄郱�訄訇郋�郕邽"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"�郋�郅迮 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽� 邾郋迠郇郋 赲�郈郋郅郇邽�� 郋訇郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 迡郋 郈郅訄�郇郋邿 郈郋迡郈邽�郕邽, ��郋訇� �訄郱訇郅郋郕邽�郋赲訄�� �邽��迮邾� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 邾邽�郋赲郋迣郋 ��郋赲郇�, ��迮迡��赲訄 郱訄�邽�� 郋� �郈訄邾訄 邽 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"苤郋赲迮��迮郇郇訄� 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� �郈訄邾訄 � 郈郋邾郋��� 邾郋迡�郅� Akismet."],"Vie
3408 w your spam stats":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� ��訄�邽��邽郕邽 �郈訄邾訄"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕訄 Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� 郕郋郇�郋郅邽 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕訄 VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"�郈�郋��"],"Create a new poll":[null,"苤郋郱迡訄�� 郇郋赲�邿 郋郈�郋�"],"Real-time backups":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇郋迮 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �迮訄郅�郇郋迣郋 赲�迮邾迮郇邽"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"苺���訄郇迮郇邽迮 �迣�郋郱 赲 郋迡邽郇 郕郅邽郕"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"�郋郈郋郅郇邽�迮郅�郇�迮 郋郈�郋�� 邽 �迮邿�邽郇迣邽"],"Compare Plans":[null,"苤�訄赲郇迮郇邽迮 �訄�邽�郇�� 郈郅訄郇郋赲"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"�訄邽赲���訄� ��迮郈迮郇� 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-forc
3409 e login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇郋迮 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �迮訄郅�郇郋迣郋 赲�迮邾迮郇邽 邽 � 郇迮郋迣�訄郇邽�迮郇郇�邾 郈�郋���訄郇��赲郋邾, 赲郋���訄郇郋赲郅迮郇邽迮 赲 郋迡邽郇 郕郅邽郕, 郇訄迡迮迠郇郋迮 郋��郅迮迠邽赲訄郇邽迮 �郈訄邾訄, �郕訄郇邽�郋赲訄郇邽迮 郇訄 郇訄郅邽�邽迮 赲�迮迡郋郇郋�郇�� 郈�郋迣�訄邾邾 邽 郱訄�邽�訄 郋� 訄�訄郕 邾迮�郋迡郋邾 郈郋迡訇郋�訄 郈訄�郋郅���� 赲�迮 赲 郋迡郇郋邾 �迮�迮郇邽邽, 郋郈�邽邾邽郱邽�郋赲訄郇郇郋邾 迡郅� WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"�訄�邽�訄 郋� 郱郅郋�邾��郅迮郇郇邽郕郋赲"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"�訄迡迮迠郇訄� �邽��迮邾訄 �邽郅���訄�邽邽 �郈訄邾訄 郱訄�邽�訄迮� 赲訄�� �邽�邾迮郇郇�� �邽邾赲郋郅邽郕� 邽 �邽�
3410 參菩鉼菩� 邽 郇迮 郈郋郱赲郋郅�迮� �訄邿�� 郋郈���邽���� 赲 �迮郱�郅��訄�訄� 郈郋邽�郕訄. �郅訄迣郋迡訄�� ��迮迡��赲� 郈�迮迡郋�赲�訄�迮郇邽� 訄�訄郕 邾迮�郋迡郋邾 郈郋迡訇郋�訄 郈訄�郋郅� 赲� 邾郋迠迮�迮 訇��� �赲迮�迮郇� 赲 訇迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��邽 �赲郋迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄, 郱訄�邽�迮郇郇郋迣郋 郋� 郈郋��郋�郋郇郇迮迣郋 赲邾迮�訄�迮郅���赲訄."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"��迮郇邽�迮 郈�迮邽邾��迮��赲訄 郈�邽郋�邽�迮�郇郋邿 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕邽"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"��迠郇訄 郈郋邾郋��? �訄�邽 邽郇迠迮郇迮�� ��訄���� 訇�迡�� �訄迡� 郋�赲迮�邽�� 郇訄 赲訄�邽 赲郋郈�郋�� 郈郋 郈郋赲郋迡� �訄邿�訄, ��迮�郇郋邿 郱訄郈邽�邽 邽 迡�."],"Connection Settings":[null,"�訄���郋邿郕邽 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽�"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅�邿�迮 郈郋迡郕郅��
3411 迮郇邽迮邾 郕 Jetpack."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"苤訄邿� 郇訄�郋迡邽��� 赲 �迮迠邽邾迮 �訄郱�訄訇郋�郕邽, 郈郋��郋邾� 迮迣郋 郇迮郅�郱� 郈郋迡郕郅��邽�� 郕"],"You are connected as ":[null,"�� 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇� 郕訄郕 "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"��邽赲�迠邽�迮 ��迮�郇�� 郱訄郈邽�� 郕 迡郅� 邾訄郕�邽邾訄郅�郇郋 ���迮郕�邽赲郇郋迣郋 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄郇邽� Jetpack."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"虴�郋訇� ��訄 ��郇郕�邽� �訄訇郋�訄郅訄 迡郋郅迠郇�邾 郋訇�訄郱郋邾, �訄邿� 迡郋郅迠迮郇 訇��� 迡郋���郈迮郇 郈郋邽�郕郋赲�邾 �邽��迮邾訄邾. 衪�郋 邾郋迠郇郋 邽郱邾迮郇邽�� 赲 �訄郱迡迮郅迮 {{a}}�訄���郋邿郕邽 ��迮郇邽�{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"��
3412 郋�邾郋�� {{a}}赲�迮邿 ��訄�邽��邽郕邽{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"��郋�邾郋�� {{a}}郈郋迡郈邽��邽郕郋赲 郈郋 �郅迮郕��郋郇郇郋邿 郈郋��迮{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮 邾郋�郇�迮 ��郇郕�邽邽 郇訄 郕訄迠迡郋邾 ����郋邿��赲迮."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅�邿�迮 赲�迮邾邽 �訄邿�訄邾邽 � 郈郋邾郋��� 郋迡郇郋邿 郕郋郇�郋郅邽."],"Feel the performance":[null,"��迮郇邽�迮 赲��郋郕�� 郈�郋邽郱赲郋迡邽�迮郅�郇郋���"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"��迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽� WordPress �郋郱迡訄郇� 迡郅� 訇����郋邿 �訄訇郋��. �� ��訄郱� 迠迮 郱訄邾迮�邽�迮 �訄郱郇邽�� 赲 郈�郋邽郱赲郋迡邽�迮郅�郇郋��邽 � 郈郋��邽 邾郋邾迮郇�訄郅�郇郋邿 郱訄
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3414 iving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"�訄� 郇郋赲�邿 �迮迡訄郕�郋� 迡郅� 訄赲�郋�郋赲 郋訇郅訄迡訄迮� 邾郋郅郇邽迮郇郋�郇郋邿 �郕郋�郋���� 邽 郈郋郱赲郋郅�迮� 郈郋郅郇郋���� �郋��迮迡郋�郋�邽���� 郇訄 �訄訇郋�迮."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"�郋�郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮�� 郇郋赲�邾 �迮迡訄郕�郋�郋邾"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"苤赲�郱� � 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅�邾邽"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"��郋�邾訄��邽赲訄邿�迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿 � 郈郋邾郋��� �訄��邽�迮郇郇郋邿 ��訄�邽��邽郕邽. 苤郅迮迡邽�迮 郱訄 �迮郇迡迮郇�邽�邾邽, 訄郇訄郅邽郱邽��邿�迮, 郕訄郕郋迮 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迮 �訄訇郋�訄迮� 郅���迮, 邽 �郱郇訄赲訄邿�迮 郈�迮迡郈郋��迮郇邽� 赲訄�邽� 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿 邽郱 郅�訇郋邿 �郋�郕邽 邾邽�訄."],"View Your Stats":[null,"��郋�邾
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3416 郅�訇郋迣郋 ����郋邿��赲訄."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"苺 赲訄� 赲 郕訄�邾訄郇迮"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"��訇郅邽郕�邿�迮 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迮, 郋��郅迮迠邽赲訄邿�迮 ��訄�邽��邽郕�, 邾郋迡迮�邽��邿�迮 郕郋邾邾迮郇�訄�邽邽 邽 赲�郈郋郅郇�邿�迮 邾郇郋迠迮��赲郋 迡��迣邽� 迡迮邿��赲邽邿 邽郱 郅�訇郋邿 �郋�郕邽 邾邽�訄. �訄�邽 邾郋訇邽郅�郇�迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽� 邽邾迮�� 郋�郕����邿 邽��郋迡郇�邿 郕郋迡, 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇� 邽 迡郋���郈郇� 迡郅� ����郋邿��赲 Apple 邽 Android."]," in the App Store":[null," 赲 App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," 赲 Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"�訄 赲訄�迮邾 �訄訇郋�迮邾 ��郋郅迮"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not t
3417 o mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"�訄��郋郅�郇郋迮 郈�邽郅郋迠迮郇邽迮, 郈�迮迡郋��訄赲郅���迮迮 WordPress 郈郋��郋�郇郇郋迮 邾迮��郋 郇訄 赲訄�迮邾 郕郋邾郈���迮�迮. ��郋邾迮 �郋迣郋, ��郋 赲訄邾 郇邽�迮迣郋 郇迮 訇�迡迮� 邾迮�訄��, 赲� 郈郋郅��訄迮�迮 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��� 郈邽�訄�� �迮郕��� 訇迮郱 赲迮訇-訇�訄�郱迮�訄."]," for Mac OS X":[null," 迡郅� Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," 迡郅� Windows"]," for Linux":[null," 迡郅� Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"��郋赲迮�郕訄 郇訄郅邽�邽� 赲�迮迡郋郇郋�郇郋迣郋 ��"],"Threats found":[null,"�訇郇訄��迠迮郇� �迣�郋郱�"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�郅� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽郱邽�郋赲訄郇郇郋邿 郕郋邾郈郅迮郕�郇郋邿 郈�郋赲迮�郕邽 郇訄郅邽�邽� �
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3420 邿."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack 赲�郈郋郅郇�迮� 邾郋郇邽�郋�邽郇迣 �訄邿�訄. ��郅邽 郇訄邾 郈郋郕訄迠迮���, ��郋 赲訄� �訄邿� 郇迮 �訄訇郋�訄迮�, 赲� 郈郋郅��邽�迮 �郋郋訇�迮郇邽迮 郈郋 �郅迮郕��郋郇郇郋邿 郈郋��迮."],"Security":[null,"�迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋���"],"Performance":[null,"��郋邽郱赲郋迡邽�迮郅�郇郋���"],"Backups":[null,"�迮郱迮�赲郇�迮 郕郋郈邽邽"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}��郋�邾郋�� �赲迮迡迮郇邽邿 郋 �迮郱迮�赲郇郋邿 郕郋郈邽邽{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�郅� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋迣郋 �迮郱迮�赲郇郋迣郋 郕郋郈邽�郋赲訄郇邽� 赲�迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄 {{a}}���訄郇郋赲邽�迮 邽 訄郕�邽赲邽��邿�迮{{/a}} VaultPress."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"�郅� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕
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3434 � 郈郋邾郋�� 赲訄邾."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�� �郈郋邾邽郇訄郅邽 訇迮�郈郅訄�郇�� 郈�郋�迮��邽郋郇訄郅�郇�� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕�?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮� 郈迮�迮迡郋赲�� �迮�� 迡郋��訄赲郕邽 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾郋迣郋, ��郋訇� 赲訄�邽 郈�迮郕�訄�郇�迮 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽� 郱訄迣��迠訄郅邽�� 郕訄郕 邾郋迠郇郋 訇����迮迮. 衪�郋� 郈郅訄迣邽郇 郋郈�邽邾邽郱邽�郋赲訄郇 迡郅� 郅�訇郋迣郋 ����郋邿��赲訄 邽 訄訇�郋郅��郇郋 訇迮�郈郅訄�迮郇."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"�郋郅郇邽迮郇郋�郇訄� 郋郈�邽邾邽郱邽�郋赲訄郇郇訄� 郋訇�訄訇郋�郕訄 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽邿"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"�� 郇邽郕郋迣迡訄 郇迮 郈�郋郈���邽
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3436 郋 ��迮赲郋迣訄�, 赲迮迡� Jetpack 訇郅郋郕邽��迮� 郱郅郋郇訄邾迮�迮郇郇�迮 郈郋郈��郕邽 赲�郋迡訄, �郋郋訇�訄迮� 赲訄邾, 迮�郅邽 赲訄� �訄邿� 赲��郋迡邽� 邽郱 ���郋�, 邽 邾郋迠迮� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽 郋訇郇郋赲郅��� 赲訄�邽 郈郅訄迣邽郇�."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"�迮郱郋郈訄�郇郋��� �訄邿�訄��� 赲訄�迮 �郈郋郕郋邿��赲邽迮"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack 邽�郈郋郅�郱�迮� 赲�迮 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��邽, ��郋訇� 郈郋郕訄郱訄�� 赲訄邾 郈郋迡�郋訇郇�迮 �赲迮迡迮郇邽� 郋 赲訄�邽� 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅��: ��郋 郋郇邽 �邽�訄�� 邽 郋�郕�迡訄 郋郇邽 郈�邽�郋迡��."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"苺迡迮�迠邽赲訄邿�迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿, 郈�迮迡郅訄迣訄� 邽邾 郈�郋�邽�訄�� 郈郋�
3437 郋迠邽迮 郱訄郈邽�邽 邽 郈郋迡迮郅邽���� 邽邾邽 � 迡��郱��邾邽."],"Increase page views.":[null,"苺赲迮郅邽�邽赲訄邿�迮 郕郋郅邽�迮��赲郋 郈�郋�邾郋��郋赲 ���訄郇邽�."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"��迮迡郋��訄赲��迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅�邾 ��迮迡��赲訄, � 郈郋邾郋��� 郕郋�郋��� 郋郇邽 邾郋迣郅邽 訇� 郈郋迡迮郅邽���� 赲訄�邽邾 �郋迡迮�迠邽邾�邾 邽 郈郋迡郈邽�訄���� 郇訄 郇迮迣郋."],"Build a community.":[null,"苤郋郱迡訄邿�迮 �郋郋訇�迮��赲郋."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"�郇郋郈郕邽 竄�郋迡迮郅邽����罈 邽 竄��訄赲邽���罈"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽邿 �郋�邽訄郅�郇�邿 邾訄�郕迮�邽郇迣."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack 郋訇郅訄迡訄迮� 邾郇郋迠迮��赲郋邾 邽郇����邾迮郇�郋赲 �郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽� ��訄�邽郕郋邾 邽 郈郋郅�郱�
3438 憶紹參菩銑標�, 郕郋�郋��迮 郈郋郱赲郋郅��� 郈�邽赲郅迮�� 訇郋郅��迮 郈郋�迮�邽�迮郅迮邿 郇訄 �訄邿� 邽 �迡迮�迠訄�� 邽�."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"��郈�訄赲邽�� 郋�郱�赲"],"Need Help?":[null,"��迠郇訄 郈郋邾郋��?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"苺郈�訄赲郅迮郇邽迮 郈郅訄迣邽郇訄邾邽"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"苠郋郅�郕郋 �郈郋郕郋邿��赲邽迮! �郋郇邽�郋� Jetpack ��訄郱� 郋�郈�訄赲邽� 赲訄邾 郋郈郋赲迮�迮郇邽迮 赲 �郅��訄迮 �訇郋� �訄邿�訄."],"Track your growth":[null,"�邽郇訄邾邽郕訄 �訄郱赲邽�邽�"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱�邿�迮 ��郇郕�邽� 竄��訇郅邽郕訄�邽�罈 迡郅� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕郋邿 郋�郈�訄赲郕邽 郱訄郈邽�迮邿 迡��郱��邾, 郈郋迡郈邽��邽郕訄邾 邽 赲�迮邾 郋��訄郅�郇�邾."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"�郋赲����迮 郈郋�迮��
3439 匾菩標憾� �赲郋迮迣郋 �訄邿�訄"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"��邽 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽邽 Jetpack 郈�郋邽郱郋�郅訄 郋�邽訇郕訄. �訄迠邾邽�迮 竄�郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽迮 郕 WordPress.com罈 迮�迮 �訄郱."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"��邽 郈郋迡郕郅��迮郇邽邽 Jetpack 赲郋郱郇邽郕郅訄 郈�郋訇郅迮邾訄. �迮訄郕�邽赲邽��邿�迮 ��郋� 郈郅訄迣邽郇, 郱訄�迮邾 訄郕�邽赲邽��邿�迮 邽 郈郋迡郕郅��邽�迮 �郇郋赲訄."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"�迮 赲��郋迡邽�迮 邽郱 ����郇郋邿 郱訄郈邽�邽 赲 �赲郋迮邾 訇郅郋迣迮 WordPress, 郈郋郕訄 邽迡�� 訄赲�郋�邽郱訄�邽� Jetpack."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(erro
3440 r_key)s":[null,"{{s}}苤訇郋邿 赲 �訄訇郋�迮 Jetpack.{{/s}} ��邽郇郋�邽邾 邽郱赲邽郇迮郇邽� 郱訄 郇迮�迡郋訇��赲訄. �郋赲�郋�邽�迮 郈郋郈��郕� 郈郋郱迠迮. ��郅邽 ����訄郇邽�� 郇迮郈郋郅訄迡郕� 郇迮 �迡訄����, 郋�郈�訄赲��迮 赲 �郅�迠訇� 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕邽 �郅迮迡���迮迮 �郋郋訇�迮郇邽迮. %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"��郕郅��迮郇邽迮 Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"���訄赲邽�� 郋�郱�赲 郋 Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"��迠郇訄 郈郋邾郋��? �郋邾訄郇迡訄 Jetpack 赲�迮迣迡訄 迣郋�郋赲訄 赲訄邾 郈郋邾郋��."],"Smiley":[null,"苤邾訄邿郅邽郕"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"苠�迮訇�迮��� 迡赲���訄郕�郋�郇訄� 訄��迮郇�邽�邽郕訄�邽�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 郕��郈郇�� 邽 ���迮郕�郇�� �訄郱邾迮�郕�"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts
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3442 訄郇郇�迮 邽郱郋訇�訄迠迮郇邽�"],"Excerpts":[null,"虷邽�訄��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��邽�迮 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕� 郋�郱�赲郋赲 迡郅� ��郋迣郋 �訄邿�訄."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�郕郅��邽�迮 郈郋迡迡迮�迠郕� 郈�郋迮郕�郋赲 郈郋���郋郅邽郋 迡郅� ��郋迣郋 �訄邿�訄."],"Preview":[null,"��郋�邾郋��迮��"],"Color Scheme":[null,"虷赲迮�郋赲訄� ��迮邾訄"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"�迣郇郋�邽��迮邾�迮 ��訄郱�"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"��郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� 訄赲�郋邾訄�邽�迮�郕邽 郋訇郇訄��迠迮郇郇�邿 �郱�郕 迡郅� 郈�郋赲迮�郕邽 迣�訄邾郋�郇郋��邽 郱訄郈邽�迮邿 邽 ���訄郇邽�"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"�迮郇�迠郇�迮 ��訄郱�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"苳�訄郱�, 郕郋�郋��迮 �郅迮迡�迮� 邽郱訇迮迣訄��"],"Passive Voice":[null,"苤��訄迡訄�迮郅�郇�邿 郱訄郅郋迣"],"Jargon":[null,"�訄�迣郋郇"],"Hidden Ve
3443 rbs":[null,"苤郕����迮 迣郅訄迣郋郅�"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�赲郋邿郇郋迮 郋��邽�訄郇邽迮"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"�邽訄郕�邽�邽�迮�郕邽迮 郱郇訄郕邽"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"苤郅郋迠郇�迮 ��訄郱�"],"Bias Language":[null,"�迮郇郋�邾訄�邽赲郇訄� 郅迮郕�邽郕訄"],"English Options":[null,"\"�郇迣郅邽邿�郕邽迮\" 郇訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Proofreading":[null,"�郋��迮郕���訄"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"�郋迡郕郅��邽�� Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack 郇迮 �邾郋迣 郈郋迡郕郅��邽���� 郕 . �訇��郇郋 ��郋 郈�郋邽��郋迡邽� 邽郱-郱訄 郇迮郈�訄赲邽郅�郇�� 郇訄���郋迮郕 郇訄 赲迮訇-�郱郅迮."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"�訄 �迮邿�訄� 郈�郋訇郅迮邾� 邽 \"郱訄郈�訄赲邽��\" 赲訄� Jetpack �
3444 請菩紹憶煩標憶剷請�. �郋迠訄郅�邿��訄, 郈郋郈�郋訇�邿�迮 �郇郋赲訄 �迮�迮郱 郇迮郕郋�郋�郋迮 赲�迮邾�."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}苤訇郋邿 赲 �訄訇郋�迮 Jetpack.{{/s}} �迮赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋 郈郋迡郕郅��邽�� ��郋� �訄邿� 郕 �訇��郇郋 ��郋 郋郱郇訄�訄迮�, ��郋 赲訄� �訄邿� 郇迮 �赲郅�迮��� 郋訇�迮迡郋���郈郇�邾 (�訄郱邾迮�迮郇 郇訄 郅郋郕訄郅�郇郋邾 �郱郅迮)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"�訄� �訄邿� 迡郋郅迠迮郇 訇��� 郋訇�迮迡郋���郈郇�邾, ��郋訇� 邽邾迮�� 赲郋郱邾郋迠郇郋��� 邽�郈郋郅�郱郋赲訄�� Jetpack: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ��郈迮�郇郋 郋�郕郅��迮郇 郈郋 赲訄�迮邾� 郱訄郈�郋��"],"Active":[null,"�郕�邽赲郇郋"],"Settings":[
3445 null,"�訄���郋邿郕邽"],"Learn More":[null,"苺郱郇訄��"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"��郕郅��邽�� Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"��郅訄迡郕訄"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"��郋赲迮���迮 �郋赲邾迮��邽邾郋��� �訄邿�訄 � Jetpack."]}
3446 \ No newline at end of file
3448 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sq.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sq.json
3449 index df91092..844a09f 100644
3450 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sq.json
3451 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sq.json
3452 @@ -1 +1 @@
3453 -{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-19 07:44:39+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"sq_AL","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Sigurohuni q禱 sajti juaj gjendet leht禱 te motor禱t e k禱rkimit, p禱rmes mjetesh SEO p禱r l禱nd禱n dhe postimet tuaja shoq禱rore."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktivizojeni k禱t禱 modul q禱 t禱 p禱rdorni mjete t禱 thelluara SEO."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Form禱soni rregullimet tuaja VideoPress."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Sa vlen sajti juaj?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"P禱r m禱 pak
3454 se sa 癟mimi i nj禱 kafeje n禱 muaj mund t禱 preheni, duke e ditur se puna juaj e mundimshme (ose jetesa) 禱sht禱 e kopjeruajtur."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Form禱soni SEO Sajti"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Aktivizoni Mjete SEO"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Ju paraqesim planin ton禱 m禱 ekonomik deri m禱 sot p禱r kopjeruajtjet dhe sigurin禱"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Plani Personal i mban t禱 parrezikuara t禱 dh禱nat tuaja, sajtin dhe pun禱n tuaj t禱 shumt禱."],"Learn more...":[null,"M禱soni m禱 tep禱r��"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjendet n禱n planin Jetpack Personal"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"Me k禱t禱 plan ju jepet mbrojtje nga mesazhet e pad禱shiruar, kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme (deri n禱 30 dit禱), dhe depozit禱 e pakufizuar."],"With this plan you are provide
3455 d with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"Me k禱t禱 plan ju jepet mbrojtje nga mesazhet e pad禱shiruar, kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme (deri n禱 30 dit禱), depozit禱 kopjeruajtjesh e pakufizuar, kontrolle sigurie dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"P禱rfitoni mbrojtje nga mesazhet e pad禱shiruar, kopjeruajtje t禱 atyp禱ratyshme (arkiv i pakufizuar), depozit禱 kopjeruajtjesh e pakufizuar, kontrolle sigurie, mjete SEO, PollDaddy, dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme e krejt t禱 dh禱nave t禱 sajtit tuaj, pa kufizime hap禱sire p禱r to, rikthime me nj禱 klikim (me VaultPress-in)."],"Daily backup of all your site
3456 data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme e krejt t禱 dh禱nave t禱 sajtit tuaj, pa kufizime hap禱sire p禱r to, rikthime me nj禱 klikim, kontrolle t禱 automatizuar sigurie, dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si (me VaultPress-in)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Kopjeruajtje & Kontrolle Sigurie"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Kopjeruajtje e atyp禱ratyshme, pa kufizim hap禱sire, e krejt t禱 dh禱nave t禱 sajtit tuaj, rikthime me nj禱 klikim, kontrolle t禱 automatizuar sigurie, zgjidhje me nj禱 klikim e k禱rc禱nimeve, dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si (me baz禱 VaultPress-in)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"Mjete SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Mjete t禱
3457 thelluara SEO q禱 t禱 ndihmojn禱 n禱 gjetjen e sajtit tuaj kur njer禱zit k禱rkojn禱 p禱r l禱nd禱 q禱 lidhet me t禱."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Ju duhen m禱 tep禱r? Xhironi nj禱 sajt biznesi?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"N禱se sajti juaj 禱sht禱 i r禱nd禱sish禱m p禱r ju, shihni mund禱sin禱 e mbrojtjes dhe p禱rmir禱simit t禱 tij me disa nga ve癟orit禱 tona t禱 thelluara: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"Kontrolle sigurie sipas k禱rkesave"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Mjete SEO t禱 Thelluara"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Form禱soni rregullimet tuaja SEO."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"M禱nyra m禱 e leht禱 p禱r t禱 ngarkuar te sajti juaj video pa reklama dhe q禱 s&#8217;i p禱rkasin ndonj禱 marke. P禱rfitoni statistika mbi luaj
3458 tjen dhe ndarjen me t禱 tjer禱t t禱 videove dhe lojt禱si 禱sht禱 i pesh禱s s禱 leht禱 dhe reagues."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Po e xhironi Jetpack-un n禱 nj禱 sh禱rbyes provash."],"More Info":[null,"M禱 Tep禱r t禱 Dh禱na"],"Search your content.":[null,"K禱rkoni te l禱nda juaj."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administroni dukshm禱ri P禱lqimesh, q禱 nga Rregullimet p禱r Modulin e Ndarjeve Me t禱 Tjer禱{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Fshiheni figur禱n e emotikonit t禱 statistikave. Figura ndihmon t禱 grumbullohen statistika, por puna do t禱 vazhdonte edhe me t禱 t禱 fshehur."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"IP-ja Juaj e Tanishme: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Futja e nj禱 adrese IP n禱 list禱 lejimesh pengon bllokimin e saj nga Jetpack-u. "],"IPv4 and IPv6 ar
3459 e acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Jan禱 t禱 pranueshme IPv4 dhe IPv6. {{br/}} Q禱 t禱 jepet nj禱 interval, jepni vler禱n e ul禱t dhe at禱 t禱 lart禱 t禱 ndara me nj禱 vij禱 n禱 mes. Shembull:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Q禱 t禱 filloni t禱 p禱rdorni k禱t禱 ve癟ori, lidheni llogarin禱 tuaj me"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"N禱 k禱t禱 sked禱 ka rregullime t禱 paruajtura, q禱 do t禱 humbasin, n禱se dilni prej saj. T禱 vazhdohet?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"K禱shtu do t禱 kthehen n禱 fillimet krejt mund禱sit禱 Jetpack, jeni i sigurt?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"K禱rkoni p禱r nj禱 ve癟ori Jetpack-u."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files
3460 and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni Jetpack-un dhe kontrollori yn禱 i fjal禱s s禱 fundit p禱r sigurin禱 do t禱 ndjek禱 k禱mba-k禱mb禱s kartela dashakeqe dhe do t禱 njoftoj禱 menj禱her禱 p禱r t禱 tilla, q禱 k禱shtu t禱 mos jeni kurr禱 n禱 padijeni se 癟&#8217;ndodh n禱 sajtin tuaj."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"T禱 dh禱nat p禱r kontroll sigurie mund t&#8217;i shihni te ndarja \"Me nj禱 v禱shtrim\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Form禱soni Kontrollet tuaj t禱 Siguris禱"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ky modul nuk ka mund禱si form禱simi"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"B禱juani t禱 ditur motor禱ve t禱 k禱rkim
3461 it dhe vizitor禱ve se jeni serioz kur vjen puna te pacenueshm禱ria e sajteve tuaj, p禱rmes p禱rmir禱simit t禱 Jetpack-ut. Mjetet tona kund禱r mesazheve t禱 pad禱shiruara do t禱 eliminojn禱 mesazhe t禱 till禱 t禱 d禱rguar n禱 form禱 komentesh, mbrojn禱 SEO-n tuaj, dhe do t�a leht禱sojn禱 p禱rdorimin vizitor禱ve."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Kopjeruajtet e atyp禱ratyshme, jasht禱 sajti, me mund禱si rikthimi t禱 automatizuar ju lejojn禱 ta keni mendjen t禱 qet禱, q禱 t禱 p禱rqendroheni te shkrimi i gj禱rave t禱rheq禱se dhe shtimi i trafikut, teksa ne mbrojm禱 癟do aspekt t禱 investimit tuaj. P禱rmir禱sojeni q禱 sot."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Form禱soni Rregullimet p禱r %(module_slug)s tuaj {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Pajtimtar"],"Big iPhone/iPad U
3462 pdate Now Available":[null,"Gati Tani nj禱 P禱rdit禱sim i Madh p禱r iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Aplikacioni WordPress p禱r Android Nd禱rron Pamjen Goxha"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"P禱rmir禱soni Focus-in: VideoPress P禱r Dasma"]," Likes are:":[null,"P禱lqimet te jan禱:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Krye komentesh"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Pak fjal禱 karrem p禱r t禱 motivuar lexuesit tuaj t禱 komentojn禱."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"A munden lexuesit t禱 pajtohen te postimet tuaja, komentet tuaja apo te t禱 dyja grupet?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Shfaq te formulari i komenteve mund禱sin禱 \"ndiqni blogun\""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Shfaq te formulari i komenteve mund禱sin禱 \"ndiqini komentet\""],"Admin Bar":[null,"Shtyll禱 P禱rgjegj禱si"],"
3463 Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Vendosni te shtylla e p禱rgjegj禱sit nj禱 grafik q禱 tregon parjet e 48 or禱ve "],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"P禱rdorues t禱 Regjistruar: Num禱ro parje faqesh nga p禱rdorues t禱 regjistruar q禱 jan禱 t禱 futur"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Dukshm禱ri Raportesh: P禱rzgjidhni rolet q禱 do t禱 jen禱 n禱 gjendje t禱 shohin raporte statistikash"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Merrni Njoftime Email-i Nga Monitor-i"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Email-et do t禱 d禱rgohen te"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}P禱rpunim{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Me p禱rputhje Sipas Email-esh"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Shfaq te rrotullamja tejt禱dh禱na fotosh (Exif), n禱 past禱"],"Background Color":[null,"Ngjyr禱 Sfondi"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[nul
3464 l,"Rr禱shqit pambarimisht (Shfaq 7 postime p禱r 癟do ngarkim)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Ndiqni ngarkim postimesh nga Rr禱shqitja Pa Fund si parje faqeje te Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promocione P禱r Celular"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Shfaqni te fundfaqja e tem禱s p禱r celular nj禱 promocion p禱r aplikacione WordPress p禱r celular."],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Jepni vler禱n e ky癟it tuaj meta \"content\" q禱 t禱 verifikohet blogu juaj me {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} dhe {{a}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Shembull ky癟i meta:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Shfaqini krejt fotot e galeris禱 suaj
3465 n禱 trajt禱 mozaiku t禱 hijsh禱m"],"Copied!":[null,"U kopjua!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Theksojeni dhe kopjojeni tekstin vijues te e papastra juaj:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Riprodhoje adres禱n"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Form禱soni Portofole"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Form禱soni D禱shmi"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Ndreq l禱nd禱 vetvetiu kur:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Publikohet nj禱 postim apo faqe fillimisht"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"P禱rdit禱sohet nj禱 postim apo faqe"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Zbulim i Vetvetish禱m Gjuhe"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Kontrollori i drejtshkrimit mbulon gjuh禱t anglisht, fr禱ngjisht, gjermanisht, portugalisht dhe spanjisht."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Aktivizoni kontroll drejtshkrimi p禱r rregullat vijues gramatike dhe stilisti
3466 ke: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Shtoni nj禱 togfjal禱sh"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"P禱rdorni Markdown p禱r komentet"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Motor禱t e k禱rkimeve do t&#8217;i gjejn禱 hartat e sajtit n禱 k禱to vende:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart禱 sajti: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart禱 sajti Lajmesh: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Po b禱ni me hile, h禱?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}A ju mbetet qejfi t禱 na thoni pse s&#8217;e plot禱suat lidhjen e Jetpack-ut, p禱rmes k禱tij {{a}}pyet禱sori me 2 pyetje{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Q禱 t禱 funksionojn禱 ve癟orit禱 tona p禱r siguri falas dhe trafik, lypset lidhje e Jetpack-ut.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}
3467 }!":[null,"Mir禱 se vini te {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack-u juaj 禱sht禱 i lidhur tashm禱."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati p禱r udh禱, Jetpack-u tani 禱sht禱 aktiv."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati p禱r udh禱."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Jeni duke xhiruar nj禱 version zhvillim t禱 Jetpack-ut."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Parashtroni p禱rshtypje p禱r versionin Beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Gjendeni n禱n {{a}}M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim{{/a}}, p禱rmes funksionimit t禱 filtrit jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Disa ve癟ori jan禱 t禱 癟aktivizuara."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"G
3468 jendeni n禱n {{a}}M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim{{/a}}, p禱rmes konstantes JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Disa ve癟ori jan禱 t禱 癟aktivizuara."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"H禱p禱rh禱 n禱n {{a}}M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim{{/a}}, ngaq禱 URL-s禱 s禱 sajtit tuaj i mungon nj禱 pik禱 ( http://localhost).{{br/}}Disa nga ve癟orit禱 jan禱 癟aktivizuar."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Ju, %(userName)s, s&#8217;jeni i lidhur te"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"�&#8217;do t禱 donit t禱 shihnit te Pulti i JetPack-ut tuaj?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Na e b禱ni t禱 ditur!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Mir禱 se vini te Jetpack-u"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Ju lutemi, lidhuni me ose krijoni nj禱 l
3469 logari q禱 t禱 filloni t禱 p禱rdorni Jetpack-un. K禱shtu do t禱 aktivizohen sh禱rbime t禱 fuqishme sigurie, trafiku dhe p禱rshtatjesh."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Pa llogari? Krijoni nj禱 falas��"],"Saving��":[null,"Po ruhet��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Ruaji Rregullimet"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Lypsen P禱rdit禱sime"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Doni v禱rtet t禱 shk禱putet sajti juaj nga"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ikon禱 Statistikash Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti{{/a}} q禱 t禱 shihni statistika t禱 holl禱sishme, p禱lqime, ndjek禱s, pajtimtar禱, etj! {{a1}}M禱soni m禱 tep禱r{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Mbrojte e plot禱, e automatizuar, prej
3470 k禱rc禱nimesh dhe sulmesh."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Mbrojtje e fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Kopjeruani vetvetiu krejt sajtin tuaj."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Kontrolle Sigurie"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Kontrollojeni automatikisht sajtin tuaj p禱r k禱rc禱nime dhe sulme t禱 r禱ndomt禱."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Mbajini larg mesazhet e pad禱shiruara!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Kopjeruajtje Sajti"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Mbajeni sajtin tuaj t禱 kopjeruajtur."],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"S&#8217;u Gjet禱n P禱rfundime."],"Threats found!":[null,"U gjet禱n rreziqe!"],"Set up":[null,"Rregulloje"],"Upgrade":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threat
3471 s, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hacker-禱t, botnet-et dhe d禱rguesit e mesazheve t禱 pad禱shiruar i sulmojn禱 sajtet pa dallim. Synimi i tyre jan禱 sulmet kudo dhe sa m禱 shpesh. Synimi yn禱 禱sht禱 t&#8217;ju ndihmojm禱 t禱 p禱rgatiteni p禱r bllokimin e k禱tyre k禱rc禱nimeve dhe, n禱 rastin m禱 t禱 keq, na keni k禱tu p禱r t&#8217;ju ndihmuar ta riktheni sajtin tuaj n禱 lavdin禱 e m禱parshme."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjendet n禱n Planin Jetpack Falas"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni me nj禱 plan me pages禱 q禱 t&#8217;u hapni rrug禱 mjeteve t禱 klasit bot禱ror p禱r sigurin禱, mbrojtjen nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, dhe asistenc禱s me p禱rpar禱si."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjenden n禱n planin Jetpack Me Pages禱"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professi
3472 onal plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjenden n禱n planin Jetpack Profesional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Sajti juaj gjendet n禱n M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Pasi t禱 lidheni, mund ta p禱rmir禱soni me nj禱 plan me pages禱, q禱 t&#8217;u hapni rrug禱 mjeteve t禱 klasit bot禱ror p禱r sigurin禱, mbrojtjen nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, dhe asistenc禱s me p禱rpar禱si."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Mbrojtje e fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, ofruar nga Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Shihni statistika tuaja mbi mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Form禱soni Akismet-in"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Shihni pultin tuaj t禱 siguris禱"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Form禱soni VaultPress-in"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Pyet禱sor禱 & Sondazhe"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimite
3473 d responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"Pyet禱sor禱 pa kufi, p禱rgjigje pa kufi. P禱rdorni p禱rpunuesin e pyet禱sor禱 q禱 t禱 krijoni t禱 till禱 shpejt e shpejt dhe me leht禱si. Merrini p禱rgjigjet p禱rmes sajtit tuaj, email-it ose n禱 iPad apo iPhone."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Krijoni nj禱 pyet禱sor t禱 ri"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 atyp禱ratyshme"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Zgjidhje me nj禱 klikim p禱r k禱rc禱nimet"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Pyet禱sor禱 dhe vler禱sime t禱 p禱rparuar"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Krahasoni Planet"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Siguri e shkall禱s maksimum"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 atyp禱ratyshme pa kufizim madh禱sie
3474 , rikthime me nj禱 klikim, mbik禱qyrje e pathyeshme mesazhesh t禱 pad禱shiruar, mbrojtje nga malware dhe nga hyrje <em>brute-force</em> - t禱 gjitha n禱 nj禱 vend dhe t禱 optimizuara p禱r WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"L禱rini horrat p禱rjashta"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Filtrimi i pathyesh禱m kund禱r mesazheve t禱 pad禱shiruar mbron mark禱n tuaj, lexuesit tuaj, dhe p禱rmir禱son efektet SEO. Mbrojtja nga hyrje <em>brute force</em> ndihmon ta keni mendjen t禱 qet禱 dhe e mban rropullit禱 e sajtit tuaja t禱 parrezikuara nga t禱 paftuarit."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"G禱zojuni asistenc禱s me p禱rpar禱si"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Ju duhet ndihm禱? Nj禱 Inxhinier Lumturie mund t� p禱rgjigjet pyetjeve rreth s
3475 ajtit, llogaris禱 tuaj ose se si b禱het di癟ka."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Rregullime Lidhjeje"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Administroni lidhjen e Jetpack-ut tuaj."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Sajti gjendet n禱n M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim, ndaj s&#mund t禱 lidheni te"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Jeni lidhur si"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Lidheni llogarin禱 tuaj me, q禱 t禱 p禱rfitoni maksimumin prej Jetpack-ut."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Q禱 kjo ve癟ori t禱 funksionoj禱 si duhet, sajti juaj duhet t禱 jet禱 i duksh禱m p禱r motor禱t e k禱rkimeve. K禱t禱 mund ta ndryshoni te {{a}}Rregullimet p禱r Leximin{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Shihni {{a}}Krejt Statistikat{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/
3476 a}}":[null,"Shihni {{a}}Ndjek禱sit tuaj Me Email{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Ve癟ori t禱 fuqishme n禱 癟do pajisje."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administroni krejt sajtet tuaj prej nj禱 pulti t禱 vet禱m."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Prekeni performanc禱n"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Krejt aplikacionet WordPress jan禱 krijuar p禱r shpejt禱si. Do ta vini re menj禱her禱 dallimin n禱 funksionim, me ngarkime gati t禱 menj禱hershme faqesh dhe me m禱 pak pritje."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"P禱rdit禱sime t禱 vetvetishme dhe n禱 mas禱"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Shumica e t禱 metave t禱 siguris禱 gjenden n�
3477 � shtojca t禱 vjetruara. P禱rdorni aplikacionet tona p禱r web dhe desktop q禱 t禱 aktivizoni vet禱p禱rdit禱simet ose p禱rdit禱sojini shtojcat dorazi p禱r krejt sajtet tuaj, q禱 nga nj禱 vend i rehatsh禱m."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"P禱rqendrohuni te Shkrimet tuaja"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"P禱rpunuesi yn禱 i ri 禱sht禱 i shpejt禱 si rrufeja, i optimizuar p禱r shkrues dhe shmang t禱rheqjet e v禱mendjes, duke ju dh禱n禱 mund禱sin禱 t禱 p禱rqendroheni n禱 pun禱n tuaj."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Provoni P禱rpunuesin e Ri"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Lidhuni me Vizitor禱t tuaj"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Mbik禱qyrni vizitor禱t tuaj p禱rmes statistikash t禱 thelluara. Shihni p禱r tendenca, m禱soni 癟�禱nd禱 ec禱n m禱 m
3478 ir禱 dhe kuptoni vizitor禱t prej kudo n禱 bot禱."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Shihni Statistikat Tuaja"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Lidhuni me Bashk禱sin禱"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Aplikacionet WordPress kan禱 t禱 t禱ra mekanizma leximi q禱 lejojn禱 shpejt禱si mbres禱l禱n禱se dhe t禱 plot禱suar n禱 ve癟ori, q禱 k禱shtu t禱 ndiqni pa mundim sajtet tuaj t禱 parap禱lqyer dhe t禱 merrni pjes禱 n禱 diskutime kudo, kurdo."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Nis Lexuesin"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Frym禱zimi vjen n禱 癟far禱do kohe, ku t禱 jet禱."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Merrni aplikacione WordPress p禱r 癟far禱do ekrani."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Te Pocket-i juaj"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and ava
3479 ilable to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Botoni l禱nd禱, ndiqni statistika, moderoni komente dhe kaq shum禱 gj禱ra t禱 tjera, nga kudo n禱 bot禱. Aplikacionet tona p禱r celular jan禱 me burim t禱 hapur, falas dhe t禱 gatshme p禱r ju n禱 pajisje Apple ose Android."]," in the App Store":[null," n禱 App Store"]," in Google Play":[null," n禱 Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"N禱 Desktopin tuaj"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Nj禱 aplikacion desktopi q禱 i jep WordPress-it nj禱 sht禱pi t禱 q禱ndrueshme n禱 kompjuterin tuaj. Pa folur p禱r mjedisin pa kok禱癟arje q禱 p禱rfitoni nga shkrimi jasht禱 nj禱 shfletuesi web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," p禱r Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," p禱r Windows"]," for Linux":[null,"WordPre
3480 p禱r Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Kontrolle Kund禱r Malware-i"],"Threats found":[null,"U gjet禱n rreziqe"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"P禱r kontroll t禱 plot禱, t禱 automatizuar, p禱r k禱rc禱nime sigurie, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"P禱r kontroll t禱 plot禱, t禱 automatizuar, p禱r k禱rc禱nime sigurie, ju lutemi, {{a}}p禱rmir禱soni llogarin禱 tuaj{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack-u po bllokon n禱 m禱nyr禱 aktive p禱rpjekje dashakeqe p禱r hyrje. T禱 dh禱nat do t禱 shfaqen k禱t禱 s禱 af禱rmi!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Sulme dashakeq禱s t禱 bllokuar n禱 sajtin tuaj gjithsej."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from
3481 malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Protect-in{{/a}} q禱 ta mbani sajtin tuaj t禱 mbrojtur nga p禱rpjekje dashakeqe hyrjesh."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s shtojc禱","%(number)s shtojca"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Lyp p禱rdit禱sime.","Lypin p禱rdit禱sime."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Krejt shtojcat jan禱 t禱 p禱rdit禱suara. Pun禱 e paqme!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Manage{{/a}} q禱 t禱 aktivizohen vet禱p禱rdit禱simet dhe q禱 t禱 administroni shtojcat tuaja q禱 nga"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack-u po p禱rmir禱son dhe optimizon shpejt禱sin禱 p禱r figurat tuaja."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack-u po e mbik禱qyr sajtin tuaj. N禱se na duket se sajti juaj 禱sht禱 jasht禱 funksionimi, do
3482 t禱 merrni nj禱 email."],"Security":[null,"Siguri"],"Performance":[null,"Performanc禱"],"Backups":[null,"Kopjeruajtje"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Shihni holl禱si kopjeruajtjeje{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Q禱 t禱 kopjeruhet vetvetiu krejt sajti juaj, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Q禱 t禱 kopjeruhet vetvetiu krejt sajti juaj, ju lutemi, {{a}}p禱rmir禱sojeni!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"S�und t禱 kihet n禱n m禱nyr禱n Dev."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Mbrojtje nga t禱 Pad禱shiruarit"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"P禱r mbrojtje t禱 fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"P禱r
3483 mbrojtje t禱 fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}aktivizoni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Ky癟 i Pavlefsh禱m"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"S�und t禱 kihet n禱n m禱nyr禱n Dev"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Bor禱 Festash"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Shfaq r禱nie bore kur afrohen festat e fundvitit."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Shfaq n禱 blogun tim r禱nie bore nga 1 Dhjetori deri m禱 4 Janar."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Po aktivizohen ve癟ori t禱 k禱shilluara��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Ve癟orit禱 e k禱shilluara jan禱 aktive"],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"D禱shtoi aktivizimi i ve癟orive t禱 zgjedhura. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Po aktivizohet %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s 禱sht禱 aktivizuar."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"D禱shtoi aktivizimi i %(slug)s. %
3484 (error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Po 癟aktivizohet %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s u 癟aktivizua."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"D禱shtoi 癟aktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Po p禱rdit禱sohen rregullimet p禱r %(slug)s��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"U p禱rdit禱suan rregullimet p禱r %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Gabim n禱 p禱rdit禱simin e rregullimeve p禱r %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Po p禱rdit禱sohet adresa p禱r %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"U riprodhua adresa p禱r %(slug)s ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Gabim n禱 riprodhimin e adres禱s %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Po rikthehen n禱 fillimet mund禱sit禱 p禱r Jetpack-un��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Mund禱sit禱 u rikthyen te parazgjedhjet."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"D�
3485 哀htoi rikthimi i mund禱sive te parazgjedhjet."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Pati nj禱 gabim gjat禱 shk禱putjes s禱 jetpack-ut. Gabim: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Po shk禱putet nga WordPress.Com-i."],"Unlinked from":[null,"U shk禱put nga WordPress.Com-i."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Gabim gjat禱 heqjes s禱 lidhjes nga %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Me nj禱 V禱shtrim"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Klishe"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"A do t禱 na e tregonit pse-n禱? Thjesht {{a}}duke iu p禱rgjigjur dy pyetjeve t禱 thjeshta{{/a}} do t禱 na ndihmonte t禱 p禱rmir禱sojm禱 Jetpack-un."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}
3486 , and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Ju p禱lqen Jetpack-u ose doni t禱 thoni di癟ka?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Na lini p禱rshtypjet{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}ndiqnani n禱 Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, dhe{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}p禱lqenani n禱 Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"P禱lqenani n禱 Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Ndiqeni Jetpack-un n禱 Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Shihni faqen ton禱 t禱 asistenc禱s{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}kontrolloni p禱r p禱r
3487 gjigje te forumet{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, ose{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}lidhuni drejtp禱rs禱drejti me ne{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Lidhuni drejtp禱rdrejt me ekipin e asistenc禱s s禱 Jetpack-ut"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Kaloni te forumet e asistenc禱s"],"Go to":[null,"Shkoni te"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ofrojm禱 asistenc禱 falas, t禱 plot禱, p禱r krejt p禱rdoruesit tan禱 t禱 Jetpack-ut. Ekipi yn禱 i asistenc禱s 禱sht禱 p禱rher禱 i pranish禱m p禱r t&#8217;ju ndihmuar."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Inxhinier Lumturie Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Rregulla Privat禱sie te Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Kushte Sh禱rbimi te"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your s
3488 ite and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Verifikime Sajti{{/a}} q禱 t禱 verifikoni sajtin tuaj dhe t禱 ngjiteni n禱 klasifikime nga Google, Bing, dhe Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Mjetet e Verifikimit t禱 Sajtit jan禱 aktive. P禱r indeksim dhe klasifikim m禱 t禱 p禱rpikt禱, garantoni q禱 sajti juaj t禱 jet禱 verifikuar nga Google, Bing, dhe Pinterest. {{a}}Verifikojeni tani{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Mjete Verifikimi Sajti"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Photon-in{{/a}} q禱 t禱 zgjeroni funksionimin dhe shpejt禱sin禱 e ngarkimit t禱 figurave tuaja."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performanc禱 Figurash %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Adminis
3489 troni dhe vet禱p禱rdit禱simet {{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni vet禱p禱rdit禱sime shtojcash{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"P禱rdit禱sime Shtojcash"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"H禱m! Ky癟i juaj Akismet mungon ose 禱sht禱 i pavlefsh禱m. {{akismetSettings}}Kaloni te rregullimet p禱r Akismet-in q禱 ta ndreqni{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"S&#8217;u gjet禱n rreziqe, jeni gati t禱 vazhdoni!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Lidhuni Me Ata t禱 Asistenc禱s{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Shihni holl禱sit禱 te{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, u gjet %(number)s rrezik.","Uh oh, u gjet %(number)s rreziqe."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Mo
3490 nitor-in{{/a}} q禱 t禱 merrni njoftime, n禱se sajti juaj del jasht禱 funksionimi."],"Loading��":[null,"Po ngarkohet��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Mbik禱qyrje P禱r Ndalesa Funksionimi"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Shihni M禱 Tep禱r Statistika te {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Shihni Statistika t禱 Vjetra{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Komente gjat禱 krejt koh禱s"],"All-time views":[null,"Parje gjat禱 krejt koh禱s"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s Parje","%(number)s Parje"],"Best overall day":[null,"Dita m禱 e mir禱"],"Views today":[null,"Parje sot"],"Months":[null,"Muaj"],"Weeks":[null,"Jav禱"],"Days":[null,"Dit禱"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Di癟 ndodhi gjat禱 ngarkimit t禱 statistikave. Ju lutemi, provoni m禱 von禱 ose {{a}}shihini statistikat tuaja te WordPre
3491{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klikoni q禱 t禱 shihni statistika t禱 holl禱sishme."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Parje: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Java e %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administroni sigurin禱 te"],"Skip this step":[null,"Anashkalojeni k禱t禱 hap"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Anashkaloni procesin Jetpack Jumpstart"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Ve癟orit禱 mund t禱 aktivizohen ose 癟aktivizohen n禱 癟far禱do kohe."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Te ve癟orit禱 e k禱shilluara t禱 Jetpack-ut p禱rfshihen:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktivizoni Ve癟ori t禱 K禱shilluara"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni pa humbur koh禱 sajtin tuaj, p禱rmes aktivizimit t禱 ve癟orive Jetpack t禱 rekomanduara."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start Sajtin tuaj"]
3492 ,"Disconnect from":[null,"Shk禱putuni nga"],"Link to":[null,"Lidhje p禱r te"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Shk禱putm禱"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Bashkojuni miliona p禱rdoruesve q禱 bazohen te Jetpack-u p禱r thellimin e funksionimit dhe siguris禱 s禱 sajteve t禱 tyre. Jemi t禱 pasionuar pas WordPress-it dhe jemi k禱tu p禱r t&#8217;jua b禱r禱 m禱 t禱 leht禱 jet禱n."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack-u mbulohet nga disa prej personave m禱 t禱 pasionuar dhe m禱 t禱 aft禱 teknikisht n禱 bashk禱si. T禱 kudondodhur n禱 rruzull dhe gati p禱r t&#8217;ju ndihmuar."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"E p禱rmend禱m asistenc禱n profesio
3493 nale, falas?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack-u p禱rdor rrjetin e fjal禱s s禱 fundit t禱 shp禱rndarjes s禱 l禱nd禱s nga, p禱r t&#8217;i ngarkuar figurat tuaja t禱 hijshme me supershpejt禱si. T禱 optimizuara p禱r 癟far禱do pajisje, dhe 禱sht禱 plot禱sisht falas."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Figura t禱 optimizuara, t禱 shpejta si rrufe"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Mos mbesni kurr禱 mbrapa pas nj禱 versioni sigurie, apo t禱 humbni koh禱 duke p禱rdit禱suar shum禱 sajte nj禱rin pas tjetrit."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"P禱rdit禱sime t禱 vetvetishme sajti."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Mbik禱qyre e atyp禱ratyshme e sajtit."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[n
3494 ull,"Me Mbrojtjen, mjeti q禱 ka bllokuar miliarda sulme p禱r hyrje n禱 miliona sajte, e keni mendjen t禱 fjetur."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Bllokoni sulme mbi sajtin."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack-u i bllokon p禱rpjekjet dashakeqe p禱r hyrje, ju lejon t禱 m禱soni n禱se sajti jua doli jasht禱 p禱rdorimit, dhe mund t禱 p禱rdit禱soj禱 vetvetiu shtojcat tuaja, ndaj s�eni pse ta 癟ani kok禱n."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Siguri sajti dhe mendje t禱 fjetur"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack-u shfryt禱zon fuqin禱 e q禱 t�u shfaq禱 prirje t禱 holl禱sishme rreth vizitor禱ve tuaj, 癟�o lexojn禱, dhe se nga vijn禱."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read
3495 with Related Posts.":[null,"Mbajini vizitor禱t t禱 t禱rhequr, duke u dh禱n禱 m禱 tep禱r l禱nd禱 p禱r lexim dhe ndarje me t禱 tjer禱t, p禱rmes Postimesh t禱 Af禱rta."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Shtoni parjen e faqeve."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Jepuni vizitor禱ve mjete q禱 t禱 ndajn禱 me t禱 tjer禱 l禱nd禱 tuaj禱n dhe t禱 pajtohen n禱 t禱."],"Build a community.":[null,"Nd禱rtoni nj禱 bashk禱si."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Butona P禱r Ndarje Me t禱 Tjer禱t & P禱lqim"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social i automatizuar."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack-u p禱rmban mjaft mjete trafiku dhe angazhimi q禱 ju ndihmojn禱 t禱 kini m禱 tep禱r vizitor禱 n禱 sajt dhe t� mbani t禱 lidhur me t禱."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"D禱rgonani P禱rshtypjet"],"Need Help?":[null,"Ju duhet Ndihm禱?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Administroni S
3496 htojca"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"M禱 pak stres. Mbik禱qyr禱si do t&#8217;ju d禱rgoj禱 sinjalizime n禱 koh禱 reale, n禱se sajti juaj del ndonj禱her禱 jasht禱 funksionimi."],"Track your growth":[null,"Ndiqni ecurin禱 e rritjes tuaj"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"P禱rdorni Publicizimin q禱 t禱 ndani vetvetiu postimet tuaja me miq, ndjek禱s, dhe me publikun."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Shpini m禱 tep禱r trafik te sajti juaj"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Pati nj禱 problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riklikoni mbi \"Lidhe me\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Pat禱m nj禱 problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut; 癟aktivizojeni dhe mandej riaktivizojeni shtojc禱n Jetpac
3497 k, mandej rilidheni."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Lypset t禱 q禱ndroni i futur n禱 blogun tuaj WordPress teksa autorizoni Jetpack-un."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka nj禱 kle癟k禱.{{/s}} Na vjen keq p禱r ngat禱rres禱n. Ju lutemi, riprovoni m禱 von禱; n禱se problemi vazhdon, ju lutemi, lidhuni me ata t禱 asistenc禱s me k禱t禱 mesazh: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Po shk禱putet Jetpack-u"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Lini nj禱 shqyrtim mbi Jetpack-un"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Ju duhet ndihm禱? Ekipi i Jetpack-ut 禱sht禱 k禱tu."],"Smiley":[null,"Emotikon"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"K禱rko Mir禱fillt禱sim Me Dy Hapa"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"P禱rdorni nj禱 ske
3498 m禱 grafike t禱 madhe dhe q禱 bie n禱 sy"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Shfaq nj禱 krye \"T禱 af禱rta\", p禱r t禱 ndar禱 m禱 qartas pjes禱n e af禱rt nga vet禱 postimi"],"Related":[null,"T禱 af禱rta"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Sigurohuni se shtuat adresat IP t禱 p禱rdorura m禱 shpesh, ngaq禱 mund t禱 jen禱 t禱 ndryshme p禱r sht禱pin禱, zyr禱n apo vende t禱 tjera. Heqja e nj禱 adrese IP nga lista m禱 posht禱 do ta heq禱 at禱 prej list禱s s禱 lejimeve."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administrim Listash Lejimesh"],"Email Address":[null,"Adres禱 Email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicizoje"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistika Sajti"],"Featured Images":[null,"Figura t禱 Zgjedhura"],"Excerpts":[null,"Cop禱za"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Akti
3499 vizoni D禱shmit禱 p禱r k禱t禱 sajt."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktivizo Projekte Portofol p禱r k禱t禱 sajt."],"Preview":[null,"Paraparje"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Skem禱 Ngjyrash"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Togfjal禱sha t禱 Shp禱rfillur"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"P禱r ndreqjen gjuh禱sore n禱 postime dhe faqe p禱rdor gjuh禱n e zbuluar automatikisht"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Togfjal禱sha t禱 P禱rs禱ritur"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Togfjal禱sha P禱r T&#8217;u Shmangur"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Z禱 Pasiv"],"Jargon":[null,"Zhargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Folje t禱 Fshehura"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Negativ禱 t禱 Dyfisht禱"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Shenja Diakritike"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Togfjal禱sha Kompleks禱"],"Bias Language":[null,"Gjuh禱 Fyese"],"English Options":[null,"Mund禱si Anglishteje"],"Proofreading":[null,"Ndreqje gjuh禱sore"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Lidheni Jetpack-un"],"Jetpack could not co
3500 ntact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack-u s&#8217;u lidh dot me %(error_key)s. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur di癟ka te strehuesi juaj web s&#8217;禱sht禱 form禱suar si duhet."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," po ka probleme dhe s&#8217;禱sht禱 n禱 gjendje t禱 mbush禱 serbatorin e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riprovoni m禱 von禱."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka nj禱 parregullsi.{{/s}} Lidhja e k禱tij sajti me s&#8217;禱sht禱 e mundur. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur sajti juaj nuk hapet dot nga p禱rdoruesit (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Q禱 t禱 p禱rdor�
3501 � Jetpack-un, sajti juaj web duhet t禱 jet禱 i p禱rdorsh禱m publikisht: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"E shk禱put禱t me sukses Jetpack-un"],"Active":[null,"Aktive"],"Settings":[null,"Rregullime"],"Learn More":[null,"M禱soni M禱 Tep禱r"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Shk禱puteni Jetpack-un"],"Debug":[null,"Diagnostikojeni"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Provoni p禱rputhshm禱rin禱 mes sajtit tuaj dhe Jetpack-ut."]}
3502 \ No newline at end of file
3503 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-19 07:44:39+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"sq_AL","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,"Sigurohuni q禱 sajti juaj gjendet leht禱 te motor禱t e k禱rkimit, p禱rmes mjetesh SEO p禱r l禱nd禱n dhe postimet tuaja shoq禱rore."],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,"Aktivizojeni k禱t禱 modul q禱 t禱 p禱rdorni mjete t禱 thelluara SEO."],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,"Form禱soni rregullimet tuaja VideoPress."],"How much is your website worth?":[null,"Sa vlen sajti juaj?"],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,"P禱r m禱 pak
3504 se sa 癟mimi i nj禱 kafeje n禱 muaj mund t禱 preheni, duke e ditur se puna juaj e mundimshme (ose jetesa) 禱sht禱 e kopjeruajtur."],"Configure Site SEO":[null,"Form禱soni SEO Sajti"],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,"Aktivizoni Mjete SEO"],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,"Ju paraqesim planin ton禱 m禱 ekonomik deri m禱 sot p禱r kopjeruajtjet dhe sigurin禱"],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,"Plani Personal i mban t禱 parrezikuara t禱 dh禱nat tuaja, sajtin dhe pun禱n tuaj t禱 shumt禱."],"Learn more...":[null,"M禱soni m禱 tep禱r��"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Personal plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjendet n禱n planin Jetpack Personal"],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,"Me k禱t禱 plan ju jepet mbrojtje nga mesazhet e pad禱shiruar, kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme (deri n禱 30 dit禱), dhe depozit禱 e pakufizuar."],"With this plan you are provide
3505 d with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,"Me k禱t禱 plan ju jepet mbrojtje nga mesazhet e pad禱shiruar, kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme (deri n禱 30 dit禱), depozit禱 kopjeruajtjesh e pakufizuar, kontrolle sigurie dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si."],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,"P禱rfitoni mbrojtje nga mesazhet e pad禱shiruar, kopjeruajtje t禱 atyp禱ratyshme (arkiv i pakufizuar), depozit禱 kopjeruajtjesh e pakufizuar, kontrolle sigurie, mjete SEO, PollDaddy, dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si."],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme e krejt t禱 dh禱nave t禱 sajtit tuaj, pa kufizime hap禱sire p禱r to, rikthime me nj禱 klikim (me VaultPress-in)."],"Daily backup of all your site
3506 data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 p禱rditshme e krejt t禱 dh禱nave t禱 sajtit tuaj, pa kufizime hap禱sire p禱r to, rikthime me nj禱 klikim, kontrolle t禱 automatizuar sigurie, dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si (me VaultPress-in)."],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,"Kopjeruajtje & Kontrolle Sigurie"],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,"Kopjeruajtje e atyp禱ratyshme, pa kufizim hap禱sire, e krejt t禱 dh禱nave t禱 sajtit tuaj, rikthime me nj禱 klikim, kontrolle t禱 automatizuar sigurie, zgjidhje me nj禱 klikim e k禱rc禱nimeve, dhe asistenc禱 me p禱rpar禱si (me baz禱 VaultPress-in)."],"SEO Tools":[null,"Mjete SEO"],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,"Mjete t禱
3507 thelluara SEO q禱 t禱 ndihmojn禱 n禱 gjetjen e sajtit tuaj kur njer禱zit k禱rkojn禱 p禱r l禱nd禱 q禱 lidhet me t禱."],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,"Ju duhen m禱 tep禱r? Xhironi nj禱 sajt biznesi?"],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,"N禱se sajti juaj 禱sht禱 i r禱nd禱sish禱m p禱r ju, shihni mund禱sin禱 e mbrojtjes dhe p禱rmir禱simit t禱 tij me disa nga ve癟orit禱 tona t禱 thelluara: "],"On-demand security scanning":[null,"Kontrolle sigurie sipas k禱rkesave"],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,"Mjete SEO t禱 Thelluara"],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,"Form禱soni rregullimet tuaja SEO."],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,"M禱nyra m禱 e leht禱 p禱r t禱 ngarkuar te sajti juaj video pa reklama dhe q禱 s&#8217;i p禱rkasin ndonj禱 marke. P禱rfitoni statistika mbi luaj
3508 tjen dhe ndarjen me t禱 tjer禱t t禱 videove dhe lojt禱si 禱sht禱 i pesh禱s s禱 leht禱 dhe reagues."],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,"Po e xhironi Jetpack-un n禱 nj禱 sh禱rbyes provash."],"More Info":[null,"M禱 Tep禱r t禱 Dh禱na"],"Search your content.":[null,"K禱rkoni te l禱nda juaj."],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Administroni dukshm禱ri P禱lqimesh, q禱 nga Rregullimet p禱r Modulin e Ndarjeve Me t禱 Tjer禱{{/a}}"],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,"Fshiheni figur禱n e emotikonit t禱 statistikave. Figura ndihmon t禱 grumbullohen statistika, por puna do t禱 vazhdonte edhe me t禱 t禱 fshehur."],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,"IP-ja Juaj e Tanishme: %(ip)s"],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,"Futja e nj禱 adrese IP n禱 list禱 lejimesh pengon bllokimin e saj nga Jetpack-u. "],"IPv4 and IPv6 ar
3509 e acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,"Jan禱 t禱 pranueshme IPv4 dhe IPv6. {{br/}} Q禱 t禱 jepet nj禱 interval, jepni vler禱n e ul禱t dhe at禱 t禱 lart禱 t禱 ndara me nj禱 vij禱 n禱 mes. Shembull:"],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,"Q禱 t禱 filloni t禱 p禱rdorni k禱t禱 ve癟ori, lidheni llogarin禱 tuaj me"],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,"N禱 k禱t禱 sked禱 ka rregullime t禱 paruajtura, q禱 do t禱 humbasin, n禱se dilni prej saj. T禱 vazhdohet?"],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,"K禱shtu do t禱 kthehen n禱 fillimet krejt mund禱sit禱 Jetpack, jeni i sigurt?"],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"K禱rkoni p禱r nj禱 ve癟ori Jetpack-u."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files
3510 and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni Jetpack-un dhe kontrollori yn禱 i fjal禱s s禱 fundit p禱r sigurin禱 do t禱 ndjek禱 k禱mba-k禱mb禱s kartela dashakeqe dhe do t禱 njoftoj禱 menj禱her禱 p禱r t禱 tilla, q禱 k禱shtu t禱 mos jeni kurr禱 n禱 padijeni se 癟&#8217;ndodh n禱 sajtin tuaj."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"T禱 dh禱nat p禱r kontroll sigurie mund t&#8217;i shihni te ndarja \"Me nj禱 v禱shtrim\"."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"Form禱soni Kontrollet tuaj t禱 Siguris禱"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Ky modul nuk ka mund禱si form禱simi"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"B禱juani t禱 ditur motor禱ve t禱 k禱rkim
3511 it dhe vizitor禱ve se jeni serioz kur vjen puna te pacenueshm禱ria e sajteve tuaj, p禱rmes p禱rmir禱simit t禱 Jetpack-ut. Mjetet tona kund禱r mesazheve t禱 pad禱shiruara do t禱 eliminojn禱 mesazhe t禱 till禱 t禱 d禱rguar n禱 form禱 komentesh, mbrojn禱 SEO-n tuaj, dhe do t�a leht禱sojn禱 p禱rdorimin vizitor禱ve."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Kopjeruajtet e atyp禱ratyshme, jasht禱 sajti, me mund禱si rikthimi t禱 automatizuar ju lejojn禱 ta keni mendjen t禱 qet禱, q禱 t禱 p禱rqendroheni te shkrimi i gj禱rave t禱rheq禱se dhe shtimi i trafikut, teksa ne mbrojm禱 癟do aspekt t禱 investimit tuaj. P禱rmir禱sojeni q禱 sot."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Form禱soni Rregullimet p禱r %(module_slug)s tuaj {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Pajtimtar"],"Big iPhone/iPad U
3512 pdate Now Available":[null,"Gati Tani nj禱 P禱rdit禱sim i Madh p禱r iPhone/iPad"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Aplikacioni WordPress p禱r Android Nd禱rron Pamjen Goxha"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"P禱rmir禱soni Focus-in: VideoPress P禱r Dasma"]," Likes are:":[null,"P禱lqimet te jan禱:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Krye komentesh"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Pak fjal禱 karrem p禱r t禱 motivuar lexuesit tuaj t禱 komentojn禱."],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"A munden lexuesit t禱 pajtohen te postimet tuaja, komentet tuaja apo te t禱 dyja grupet?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Shfaq te formulari i komenteve mund禱sin禱 \"ndiqni blogun\""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Shfaq te formulari i komenteve mund禱sin禱 \"ndiqini komentet\""],"Admin Bar":[null,"Shtyll禱 P禱rgjegj禱si"],"
3513 Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Vendosni te shtylla e p禱rgjegj禱sit nj禱 grafik q禱 tregon parjet e 48 or禱ve "],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"P禱rdorues t禱 Regjistruar: Num禱ro parje faqesh nga p禱rdorues t禱 regjistruar q禱 jan禱 t禱 futur"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Dukshm禱ri Raportesh: P禱rzgjidhni rolet q禱 do t禱 jen禱 n禱 gjendje t禱 shohin raporte statistikash"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"Merrni Njoftime Email-i Nga Monitor-i"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"Email-et do t禱 d禱rgohen te"],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}P禱rpunim{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"Me p禱rputhje Sipas Email-esh"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Shfaq te rrotullamja tejt禱dh禱na fotosh (Exif), n禱 past禱"],"Background Color":[null,"Ngjyr禱 Sfondi"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[nul
3514 l,"Rr禱shqit pambarimisht (Shfaq 7 postime p禱r 癟do ngarkim)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Ndiqni ngarkim postimesh nga Rr禱shqitja Pa Fund si parje faqeje te Google Analytics"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Promocione P禱r Celular"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Shfaqni te fundfaqja e tem禱s p禱r celular nj禱 promocion p禱r aplikacione WordPress p禱r celular."],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,"Jepni vler禱n e ky癟it tuaj meta \"content\" q禱 t禱 verifikohet blogu juaj me {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a}}Bing Webmaster Center{{/a1}} dhe {{a}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}."],"Meta key example:":[null,"Shembull ky癟i meta:"],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"Shfaqini krejt fotot e galeris禱 suaj
3515 n禱 trajt禱 mozaiku t禱 hijsh禱m"],"Copied!":[null,"U kopjua!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"Theksojeni dhe kopjojeni tekstin vijues te e papastra juaj:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Riprodhoje adres禱n"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Form禱soni Portofole"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"Form禱soni D禱shmi"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"Ndreq l禱nd禱 vetvetiu kur:"],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Publikohet nj禱 postim apo faqe fillimisht"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"P禱rdit禱sohet nj禱 postim apo faqe"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Zbulim i Vetvetish禱m Gjuhe"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,"Kontrollori i drejtshkrimit mbulon gjuh禱t anglisht, fr禱ngjisht, gjermanisht, portugalisht dhe spanjisht."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"Aktivizoni kontroll drejtshkrimi p禱r rregullat vijues gramatike dhe stilisti
3516 ke: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"Shtoni nj禱 togfjal禱sh"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"P禱rdorni Markdown p禱r komentet"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Motor禱t e k禱rkimeve do t&#8217;i gjejn禱 hartat e sajtit n禱 k禱to vende:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart禱 sajti: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Hart禱 sajti Lajmesh: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Po b禱ni me hile, h禱?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}A ju mbetet qejfi t禱 na thoni pse s&#8217;e plot禱suat lidhjen e Jetpack-ut, p禱rmes k禱tij {{a}}pyet禱sori me 2 pyetje{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}Q禱 t禱 funksionojn禱 ve癟orit禱 tona p禱r siguri falas dhe trafik, lypset lidhje e Jetpack-ut.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}
3517 }!":[null,"Mir禱 se vini te {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack-u juaj 禱sht禱 i lidhur tashm禱."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati p禱r udh禱, Jetpack-u tani 禱sht禱 aktiv."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"E keni serbatorin plot dhe jeni gati p禱r udh禱."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"Jeni duke xhiruar nj禱 version zhvillim t禱 Jetpack-ut."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,"Parashtroni p禱rshtypje p禱r versionin Beta"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Gjendeni n禱n {{a}}M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim{{/a}}, p禱rmes funksionimit t禱 filtrit jetpack_development_mode.{{br/}}Disa ve癟ori jan禱 t禱 癟aktivizuara."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"G
3518 jendeni n禱n {{a}}M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim{{/a}}, p禱rmes konstantes JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG.{{br/}}Disa ve癟ori jan禱 t禱 癟aktivizuara."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"H禱p禱rh禱 n禱n {{a}}M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim{{/a}}, ngaq禱 URL-s禱 s禱 sajtit tuaj i mungon nj禱 pik禱 ( http://localhost).{{br/}}Disa nga ve癟orit禱 jan禱 癟aktivizuar."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"Ju, %(userName)s, s&#8217;jeni i lidhur te"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"�&#8217;do t禱 donit t禱 shihnit te Pulti i JetPack-ut tuaj?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Na e b禱ni t禱 ditur!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Mir禱 se vini te Jetpack-u"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Ju lutemi, lidhuni me ose krijoni nj禱 l
3519 logari q禱 t禱 filloni t禱 p禱rdorni Jetpack-un. K禱shtu do t禱 aktivizohen sh禱rbime t禱 fuqishme sigurie, trafiku dhe p禱rshtatjesh."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Pa llogari? Krijoni nj禱 falas��"],"Saving��":[null,"Po ruhet��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Ruaji Rregullimet"],"Updates Needed":[null,"Lypsen P禱rdit禱sime"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Doni v禱rtet t禱 shk禱putet sajti juaj nga"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Ikon禱 Statistikash Jetpack"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti{{/a}} q禱 t禱 shihni statistika t禱 holl禱sishme, p禱lqime, ndjek禱s, pajtimtar禱, etj! {{a1}}M禱soni m禱 tep禱r{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Aktivizoni Statistika Sajti"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Mbrojte e plot禱, e automatizuar, prej
3520 k禱rc禱nimesh dhe sulmesh."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Mbrojtje e fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"Kopjeruani vetvetiu krejt sajtin tuaj."],"Security Scanning":[null,"Kontrolle Sigurie"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Kontrollojeni automatikisht sajtin tuaj p禱r k禱rc禱nime dhe sulme t禱 r禱ndomt禱."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"Mbajini larg mesazhet e pad禱shiruara!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Kopjeruajtje Sajti"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Mbajeni sajtin tuaj t禱 kopjeruajtur."],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"S&#8217;u Gjet禱n P禱rfundime."],"Threats found!":[null,"U gjet禱n rreziqe!"],"Set up":[null,"Rregulloje"],"Upgrade":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni"],"ACTIVE":[null,"AKTIVE"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threat
3521 s, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Hacker-禱t, botnet-et dhe d禱rguesit e mesazheve t禱 pad禱shiruar i sulmojn禱 sajtet pa dallim. Synimi i tyre jan禱 sulmet kudo dhe sa m禱 shpesh. Synimi yn禱 禱sht禱 t&#8217;ju ndihmojm禱 t禱 p禱rgatiteni p禱r bllokimin e k禱tyre k禱rc禱nimeve dhe, n禱 rastin m禱 t禱 keq, na keni k禱tu p禱r t&#8217;ju ndihmuar ta riktheni sajtin tuaj n禱 lavdin禱 e m禱parshme."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjendet n禱n Planin Jetpack Falas"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni me nj禱 plan me pages禱 q禱 t&#8217;u hapni rrug禱 mjeteve t禱 klasit bot禱ror p禱r sigurin禱, mbrojtjen nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, dhe asistenc禱s me p禱rpar禱si."],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjenden n禱n planin Jetpack Me Pages禱"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professi
3522 onal plan":[null,"Sajti juaj gjenden n禱n planin Jetpack Profesional"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Sajti juaj gjendet n禱n M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,"Pasi t禱 lidheni, mund ta p禱rmir禱soni me nj禱 plan me pages禱, q禱 t&#8217;u hapni rrug禱 mjeteve t禱 klasit bot禱ror p禱r sigurin禱, mbrojtjen nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, dhe asistenc禱s me p禱rpar禱si."],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Mbrojtje e fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, ofruar nga Akismet."],"View your spam stats":[null,"Shihni statistika tuaja mbi mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Form禱soni Akismet-in"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"Shihni pultin tuaj t禱 siguris禱"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Form禱soni VaultPress-in"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Pyet禱sor禱 & Sondazhe"],"Create a new poll":[null,"K
3523 rijoni nj禱 pyet禱sor t禱 ri"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 atyp禱ratyshme"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Zgjidhje me nj禱 klikim p禱r k禱rc禱nimet"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Pyet禱sor禱 dhe vler禱sime t禱 p禱rparuar"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Krahasoni Planet"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Siguri e shkall禱s maksimum"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,"Kopjeruajtje t禱 atyp禱ratyshme pa kufizim madh禱sie, rikthime me nj禱 klikim, mbik禱qyrje e pathyeshme mesazhesh t禱 pad禱shiruar, mbrojtje nga malware dhe nga hyrje <em>brute-force</em> - t禱 gjitha n禱 nj禱 vend dhe t禱 optimizuara p禱r WordPress."],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"L禱rini horrat p禱rjashta"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of
3524 mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Filtrimi i pathyesh禱m kund禱r mesazheve t禱 pad禱shiruar mbron mark禱n tuaj, lexuesit tuaj, dhe p禱rmir禱son efektet SEO. Mbrojtja nga hyrje <em>brute force</em> ndihmon ta keni mendjen t禱 qet禱 dhe e mban rropullit禱 e sajtit tuaja t禱 parrezikuara nga t禱 paftuarit."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"G禱zojuni asistenc禱s me p禱rpar禱si"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Ju duhet ndihm禱? Nj禱 Inxhinier Lumturie mund t� p禱rgjigjet pyetjeve rreth sajtit, llogaris禱 tuaj ose se si b禱het di癟ka."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Rregullime Lidhjeje"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Administroni lidhjen e Jetpack-ut tuaj."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Sajti gjendet n禱n M禱nyr禱n Zhvillim, ndaj s&#mund t禱 lidheni te"],"You are connected as ":[null,"Jeni lidhu
3525 r si"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Lidheni llogarin禱 tuaj me, q禱 t禱 p禱rfitoni maksimumin prej Jetpack-ut."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Q禱 kjo ve癟ori t禱 funksionoj禱 si duhet, sajti juaj duhet t禱 jet禱 i duksh禱m p禱r motor禱t e k禱rkimeve. K禱t禱 mund ta ndryshoni te {{a}}Rregullimet p禱r Leximin{{/a}}."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"Shihni {{a}}Krejt Statistikat{{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"Shihni {{a}}Ndjek禱sit tuaj Me Email{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Ve癟ori t禱 fuqishme n禱 癟do pajisje."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"Administroni krejt sajtet tuaj prej nj禱 pulti t禱 vet禱m."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Prekeni performanc禱n"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll n
3526 otice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"Krejt aplikacionet WordPress jan禱 krijuar p禱r shpejt禱si. Do ta vini re menj禱her禱 dallimin n禱 funksionim, me ngarkime gati t禱 menj禱hershme faqesh dhe me m禱 pak pritje."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"P禱rdit禱sime t禱 vetvetishme dhe n禱 mas禱"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"Shumica e t禱 metave t禱 siguris禱 gjenden n禱 shtojca t禱 vjetruara. P禱rdorni aplikacionet tona p禱r web dhe desktop q禱 t禱 aktivizoni vet禱p禱rdit禱simet ose p禱rdit禱sojini shtojcat dorazi p禱r krejt sajtet tuaj, q禱 nga nj禱 vend i rehatsh禱m."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"P禱rqendrohuni te Shkrimet tuaja"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on
3527 your work.":[null,"P禱rpunuesi yn禱 i ri 禱sht禱 i shpejt禱 si rrufeja, i optimizuar p禱r shkrues dhe shmang t禱rheqjet e v禱mendjes, duke ju dh禱n禱 mund禱sin禱 t禱 p禱rqendroheni n禱 pun禱n tuaj."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Provoni P禱rpunuesin e Ri"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Lidhuni me Vizitor禱t tuaj"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Mbik禱qyrni vizitor禱t tuaj p禱rmes statistikash t禱 thelluara. Shihni p禱r tendenca, m禱soni 癟�禱nd禱 ec禱n m禱 mir禱 dhe kuptoni vizitor禱t prej kudo n禱 bot禱."],"View Your Stats":[null,"Shihni Statistikat Tuaja"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Lidhuni me Bashk禱sin禱"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"Aplikacionet WordPress kan禱 t禱 t禱ra mekanizma leximi q
3528 禱 lejojn禱 shpejt禱si mbres禱l禱n禱se dhe t禱 plot禱suar n禱 ve癟ori, q禱 k禱shtu t禱 ndiqni pa mundim sajtet tuaj t禱 parap禱lqyer dhe t禱 merrni pjes禱 n禱 diskutime kudo, kurdo."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Nis Lexuesin"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"Frym禱zimi vjen n禱 癟far禱do kohe, ku t禱 jet禱."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Merrni aplikacione WordPress p禱r 癟far禱do ekrani."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Te Pocket-i juaj"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"Botoni l禱nd禱, ndiqni statistika, moderoni komente dhe kaq shum禱 gj禱ra t禱 tjera, nga kudo n禱 bot禱. Aplikacionet tona p禱r celular jan禱 me burim t禱 hapur, falas dhe t禱 gatshme p禱r ju n禱 pajisje Apple ose Android."]," in the App Store":[null," n禱 App Store"]," in Google Play":[null,"WordPress.
3529 com n禱 Google Play"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"N禱 Desktopin tuaj"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"Nj禱 aplikacion desktopi q禱 i jep WordPress-it nj禱 sht禱pi t禱 q禱ndrueshme n禱 kompjuterin tuaj. Pa folur p禱r mjedisin pa kok禱癟arje q禱 p禱rfitoni nga shkrimi jasht禱 nj禱 shfletuesi web."]," for Mac OS X":[null," p禱r Mac OS X"]," for Windows":[null," p禱r Windows"]," for Linux":[null," p禱r Linux"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"Kontrolle Kund禱r Malware-i"],"Threats found":[null,"U gjet禱n rreziqe"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"P禱r kontroll t禱 plot禱, t禱 automatizuar, p禱r k禱rc禱nime sigurie, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizoni{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"For automated, compre
3530 hensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"P禱r kontroll t禱 plot禱, t禱 automatizuar, p禱r k禱rc禱nime sigurie, ju lutemi, {{a}}p禱rmir禱soni llogarin禱 tuaj{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack-u po bllokon n禱 m禱nyr禱 aktive p禱rpjekje dashakeqe p禱r hyrje. T禱 dh禱nat do t禱 shfaqen k禱t禱 s禱 af禱rmi!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"Sulme dashakeq禱s t禱 bllokuar n禱 sajtin tuaj gjithsej."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Protect-in{{/a}} q禱 ta mbani sajtin tuaj t禱 mbrojtur nga p禱rpjekje dashakeqe hyrjesh."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s shtojc禱","%(number)s shtojca"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","Lyp p禱rdit禱sime.","Lypin p禱rdit禱sime."],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"Krejt shtojcat jan禱 t禱 p禱rdit�
3531 哀uara. Pun禱 e paqme!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Manage{{/a}} q禱 t禱 aktivizohen vet禱p禱rdit禱simet dhe q禱 t禱 administroni shtojcat tuaja q禱 nga"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack-u po p禱rmir禱son dhe optimizon shpejt禱sin禱 p禱r figurat tuaja."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack-u po e mbik禱qyr sajtin tuaj. N禱se na duket se sajti juaj 禱sht禱 jasht禱 funksionimi, do t禱 merrni nj禱 email."],"Security":[null,"Siguri"],"Performance":[null,"Performanc禱"],"Backups":[null,"Kopjeruajtje"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Shihni holl禱si kopjeruajtjeje{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"Q禱 t禱 kopjeruhet vetvetiu krejt sajti juaj, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni dhe aktivizon
3532 i{{/a}} VaultPress-in."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"Q禱 t禱 kopjeruhet vetvetiu krejt sajti juaj, ju lutemi, {{a}}p禱rmir禱sojeni!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"S�und t禱 kihet n禱n m禱nyr禱n Dev."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Mbrojtje nga t禱 Pad禱shiruarit"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"P禱r mbrojtje t禱 fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}instaloni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"P禱r mbrojtje t禱 fjal禱s s禱 fundit nga mesazhe t禱 pad禱shiruar, ju lutemi, {{a}}aktivizoni Akismet-in{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Ky癟 i Pavlefsh禱m"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"S�und t禱 kihet n禱n m禱nyr禱n Dev"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Bor禱 Festash"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"Shfaq r禱nie bore kur afrohen festat e fundvitit."],"Show falling snow on my blog
3533 from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"Shfaq n禱 blogun tim r禱nie bore nga 1 Dhjetori deri m禱 4 Janar."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"Po aktivizohen ve癟ori t禱 k禱shilluara��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"Ve癟orit禱 e k禱shilluara jan禱 aktive"],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"D禱shtoi aktivizimi i ve癟orive t禱 zgjedhura. %(error)s"],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"Po aktivizohet %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s 禱sht禱 aktivizuar."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"D禱shtoi aktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"Po 癟aktivizohet %(slug)s��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s u 癟aktivizua."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,"D禱shtoi 癟aktivizimi i %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"Po p禱rdit禱sohen rregullimet p禱r %(slug)s��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"U p禱rdit禱suan rregullimet p禱r
3534 %(slug)s."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"Gabim n禱 p禱rdit禱simin e rregullimeve p禱r %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"Po p禱rdit禱sohet adresa p禱r %(slug)s��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"U riprodhua adresa p禱r %(slug)s ."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,"Gabim n禱 riprodhimin e adres禱s %(slug)s. %(error)s"],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Po rikthehen n禱 fillimet mund禱sit禱 p禱r Jetpack-un��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Mund禱sit禱 u rikthyen te parazgjedhjet."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"D禱shtoi rikthimi i mund禱sive te parazgjedhjet."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Pati nj禱 gabim gjat禱 shk禱putjes s禱 jetpack-ut. Gabim: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null,"Po shk禱putet nga WordPress.Com-i."],"Unlinked from":[null,"U shk禱put nga WordPress.Com-i."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,"Gabim
3535 gjat禱 heqjes s禱 lidhjes nga %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Me nj禱 V禱shtrim"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Klishe"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"A do t禱 na e tregonit pse-n禱? Thjesht {{a}}duke iu p禱rgjigjur dy pyetjeve t禱 thjeshta{{/a}} do t禱 na ndihmonte t禱 p禱rmir禱sojm禱 Jetpack-un."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Ju p禱lqen Jetpack-u ose doni t禱 thoni di癟ka?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Na lini p禱rshtypjet{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}ndiqnani n禱 Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, dhe{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}p禱lq
3536 enani n禱 Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"P禱lqenani n禱 Facebook"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Ndiqeni Jetpack-un n禱 Twitter"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Shihni faqen ton禱 t禱 asistenc禱s{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}kontrolloni p禱r p禱rgjigje te forumet{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, ose{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}lidhuni drejtp禱rs禱drejti me ne{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Lidhuni drejtp禱rdrejt me ekipin e asistenc禱s s禱 Jetpack-ut"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"Kaloni te forumet e asistenc禱s"],"Go to Jetpack.c
3537 om/support":[null,"Shkoni te"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"Ofrojm禱 asistenc禱 falas, t禱 plot禱, p禱r krejt p禱rdoruesit tan禱 t禱 Jetpack-ut. Ekipi yn禱 i asistenc禱s 禱sht禱 p禱rher禱 i pranish禱m p禱r t&#8217;ju ndihmuar."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Inxhinier Lumturie Jetpack"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Rregulla Privat禱sie te Automattic"]," Terms of Service":[null,"Kushte Sh禱rbimi te"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Verifikime Sajti{{/a}} q禱 t禱 verifikoni sajtin tuaj dhe t禱 ngjiteni n禱 klasifikime nga Google, Bing, dhe Pinterest."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Mjetet e Verifikimit
3538 t禱 Sajtit jan禱 aktive. P禱r indeksim dhe klasifikim m禱 t禱 p禱rpikt禱, garantoni q禱 sajti juaj t禱 jet禱 verifikuar nga Google, Bing, dhe Pinterest. {{a}}Verifikojeni tani{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Mjete Verifikimi Sajti"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Photon-in{{/a}} q禱 t禱 zgjeroni funksionimin dhe shpejt禱sin禱 e ngarkimit t禱 figurave tuaja."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"Performanc禱 Figurash %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Administroni dhe vet禱p禱rdit禱simet {{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni vet禱p禱rdit禱sime shtojcash{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"P禱rdit禱sime Shtojcash"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"H禱m! Ky癟i juaj Akismet mungon ose 禱sht禱 i pavlefsh禱m. {{akismetSettings}
3539 }Kaloni te rregullimet p禱r Akismet-in q禱 ta ndreqni{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"S&#8217;u gjet禱n rreziqe, jeni gati t禱 vazhdoni!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Lidhuni Me Ata t禱 Asistenc禱s{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Shihni holl禱sit禱 te{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Uh oh, u gjet %(number)s rrezik.","Uh oh, u gjet %(number)s rreziqe."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}Aktivizoni Monitor-in{{/a}} q禱 t禱 merrni njoftime, n禱se sajti juaj del jasht禱 funksionimi."],"Loading��":[null,"Po ngarkohet��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Mbik禱qyrje P禱r Ndalesa Funksionimi"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Shihni M禱 Tep禱r Statistika te {{/button}}"],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,"{{button}}Shihni Statisti
3540 ka t禱 Vjetra{{/button}}"],"All-time comments":[null,"Komente gjat禱 krejt koh禱s"],"All-time views":[null,"Parje gjat禱 krejt koh禱s"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s Parje","%(number)s Parje"],"Best overall day":[null,"Dita m禱 e mir禱"],"Views today":[null,"Parje sot"],"Months":[null,"Muaj"],"Weeks":[null,"Jav禱"],"Days":[null,"Dit禱"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"Di癟 ndodhi gjat禱 ngarkimit t禱 statistikave. Ju lutemi, provoni m禱 von禱 ose {{a}}shihini statistikat tuaja te{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Klikoni q禱 t禱 shihni statistika t禱 holl禱sishme."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"Parje: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"Java e %(date)s"],"Manage security on":[null,"Administroni sigurin禱 te"],"Skip this step":[null,"Anashkalojeni k禱t禱 hap"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"
3541 Anashkaloni procesin Jetpack Jumpstart"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"Ve癟orit禱 mund t禱 aktivizohen ose 癟aktivizohen n禱 癟far禱do kohe."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Te ve癟orit禱 e k禱shilluara t禱 Jetpack-ut p禱rfshihen:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"Aktivizoni Ve癟ori t禱 K禱shilluara"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"P禱rmir禱sojeni pa humbur koh禱 sajtin tuaj, p禱rmes aktivizimit t禱 ve癟orive Jetpack t禱 rekomanduara."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Jump Start Sajtin tuaj"],"Disconnect from":[null,"Shk禱putuni nga"],"Link to":[null,"Lidhje p禱r te"],"Unlink me from":[null,"Shk禱putm禱"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Bashkojuni miliona p禱rdoruesve q
3542 禱 bazohen te Jetpack-u p禱r thellimin e funksionimit dhe siguris禱 s禱 sajteve t禱 tyre. Jemi t禱 pasionuar pas WordPress-it dhe jemi k禱tu p禱r t&#8217;jua b禱r禱 m禱 t禱 leht禱 jet禱n."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack-u mbulohet nga disa prej personave m禱 t禱 pasionuar dhe m禱 t禱 aft禱 teknikisht n禱 bashk禱si. T禱 kudondodhur n禱 rruzull dhe gati p禱r t&#8217;ju ndihmuar."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"E p禱rmend禱m asistenc禱n profesionale, falas?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack-u p禱rdor rrjetin e fjal禱s s禱 fundit t禱 shp禱rndarjes s禱 l禱nd禱s nga, p禱r t&#8217;i ngarkuar figurat tuaja t禱 hijshme me supershpejt禱si. T禱 optimizuara p禱r 癟far禱do pa
3543 jisje, dhe 禱sht禱 plot禱sisht falas."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Figura t禱 optimizuara, t禱 shpejta si rrufe"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Mos mbesni kurr禱 mbrapa pas nj禱 versioni sigurie, apo t禱 humbni koh禱 duke p禱rdit禱suar shum禱 sajte nj禱rin pas tjetrit."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"P禱rdit禱sime t禱 vetvetishme sajti."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Mbik禱qyre e atyp禱ratyshme e sajtit."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Me Mbrojtjen, mjeti q禱 ka bllokuar miliarda sulme p禱r hyrje n禱 miliona sajte, e keni mendjen t禱 fjetur."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Bllokoni sulme mbi sajtin."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack-u i bllokon p禱rpjekjet dashakeqe p禱r hyrje, ju le
3544 jon t禱 m禱soni n禱se sajti jua doli jasht禱 p禱rdorimit, dhe mund t禱 p禱rdit禱soj禱 vetvetiu shtojcat tuaja, ndaj s�eni pse ta 癟ani kok禱n."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Siguri sajti dhe mendje t禱 fjetur"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack-u shfryt禱zon fuqin禱 e q禱 t�u shfaq禱 prirje t禱 holl禱sishme rreth vizitor禱ve tuaj, 癟�o lexojn禱, dhe se nga vijn禱."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Mbajini vizitor禱t t禱 t禱rhequr, duke u dh禱n禱 m禱 tep禱r l禱nd禱 p禱r lexim dhe ndarje me t禱 tjer禱t, p禱rmes Postimesh t禱 Af禱rta."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Shtoni parjen e faqeve."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Jepuni vizitor禱ve mjete q禱 t禱 ndajn禱 me t禱 tjer禱 l禱nd禱 tuaj禱n dhe t禱 pajtohen n禱 t禱."
3545 ],"Build a community.":[null,"Nd禱rtoni nj禱 bashk禱si."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Butona P禱r Ndarje Me t禱 Tjer禱t & P禱lqim"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Marketing social i automatizuar."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack-u p禱rmban mjaft mjete trafiku dhe angazhimi q禱 ju ndihmojn禱 t禱 kini m禱 tep禱r vizitor禱 n禱 sajt dhe t� mbani t禱 lidhur me t禱."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"D禱rgonani P禱rshtypjet"],"Need Help?":[null,"Ju duhet Ndihm禱?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Administroni Shtojca"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"M禱 pak stres. Mbik禱qyr禱si do t&#8217;ju d禱rgoj禱 sinjalizime n禱 koh禱 reale, n禱se sajti juaj del ndonj禱her禱 jasht禱 funksionimi."],"Track your growth":[null,"Ndiqni ecurin禱 e rritjes tuaj"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,
3546 "P禱rdorni Publicizimin q禱 t禱 ndani vetvetiu postimet tuaja me miq, ndjek禱s, dhe me publikun."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Shpini m禱 tep禱r trafik te sajti juaj"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Pati nj禱 problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riklikoni mbi \"Lidhe me\"."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Pat禱m nj禱 problem me lidhjen e Jetpack-ut; 癟aktivizojeni dhe mandej riaktivizojeni shtojc禱n Jetpack, mandej rilidheni."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Lypset t禱 q禱ndroni i futur n禱 blogun tuaj WordPress teksa autorizoni Jetpack-un."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpac
3547 k-u juaj ka nj禱 kle癟k禱.{{/s}} Na vjen keq p禱r ngat禱rres禱n. Ju lutemi, riprovoni m禱 von禱; n禱se problemi vazhdon, ju lutemi, lidhuni me ata t禱 asistenc禱s me k禱t禱 mesazh: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Po shk禱putet Jetpack-u"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Lini nj禱 shqyrtim mbi Jetpack-un"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Ju duhet ndihm禱? Ekipi i Jetpack-ut 禱sht禱 k禱tu."],"Smiley":[null,"Emotikon"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"K禱rko Mir禱fillt禱sim Me Dy Hapa"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"P禱rdorni nj禱 skem禱 grafike t禱 madhe dhe q禱 bie n禱 sy"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Shfaq nj禱 krye \"T禱 af禱rta\", p禱r t禱 ndar禱 m禱 qartas pjes禱n e af禱rt nga vet禱 postimi"],"Related":[null,"T禱 af禱rta"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing a
3548 n IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Sigurohuni se shtuat adresat IP t禱 p禱rdorura m禱 shpesh, ngaq禱 mund t禱 jen禱 t禱 ndryshme p禱r sht禱pin禱, zyr禱n apo vende t禱 tjera. Heqja e nj禱 adrese IP nga lista m禱 posht禱 do ta heq禱 at禱 prej list禱s s禱 lejimeve."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Administrim Listash Lejimesh"],"Email Address":[null,"Adres禱 Email"],"Publicize":[null,"Publicizoje"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistika Sajti"],"Featured Images":[null,"Figura t禱 Zgjedhura"],"Excerpts":[null,"Cop禱za"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Aktivizoni D禱shmit禱 p禱r k禱t禱 sajt."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktivizo Projekte Portofol p禱r k禱t禱 sajt."],"Preview":[null,"Paraparje"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Skem禱 Ngjyrash"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Togfjal禱sha t禱 Shp禱rfillur"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"P禱r ndreqjen gjuh禱sore n禱 postime dhe faqe p禱rdor gjuh�
3549 南 e zbuluar automatikisht"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Togfjal禱sha t禱 P禱rs禱ritur"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Togfjal禱sha P禱r T&#8217;u Shmangur"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Z禱 Pasiv"],"Jargon":[null,"Zhargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Folje t禱 Fshehura"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Negativ禱 t禱 Dyfisht禱"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Shenja Diakritike"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Togfjal禱sha Kompleks禱"],"Bias Language":[null,"Gjuh禱 Fyese"],"English Options":[null,"Mund禱si Anglishteje"],"Proofreading":[null,"Ndreqje gjuh禱sore"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Lidheni Jetpack-un"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack-u s&#8217;u lidh dot me %(error_key)s. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur di癟ka te strehuesi juaj web s&#8217;禱sht禱 form禱suar si duhet."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"Wor
3550 po ka probleme dhe s&#8217;禱sht禱 n禱 gjendje t禱 mbush禱 serbatorin e Jetpack-ut tuaj. Ju lutemi, riprovoni m禱 von禱."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack-u juaj ka nj禱 parregullsi.{{/s}} Lidhja e k禱tij sajti me s&#8217;禱sht禱 e mundur. Zakonisht kjo vjen kur sajti juaj nuk hapet dot nga p禱rdoruesit (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Q禱 t禱 p禱rdor禱 Jetpack-un, sajti juaj web duhet t禱 jet禱 i p禱rdorsh禱m publikisht: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"E shk禱put禱t me sukses Jetpack-un"],"Active":[null,"Aktive"],"Settings":[null,"Rregullime"],"Learn More":[null,"M禱soni M禱 Tep禱r"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Shk禱puteni Jetpack-un"],"Debug":[null,"Diagnostikojeni"],"Test your site� compatibility
3551 with Jetpack.":[null,"Provoni p禱rputhshm禱rin禱 mes sajtit tuaj dhe Jetpack-ut."]}
3552 \ No newline at end of file
3554 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sv_SE.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sv_SE.json
3555 index 4ce9ed9..485af4c 100644
3556 --- a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sv_SE.json
3557 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-sv_SE.json
3558 @@ -1 +1 @@
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3560 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
3561 ls":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 a
3562 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
3563 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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3565 nerate address":[null,""],"Configure Portfolios":[null,""],"Configure Testimonials":[null,""],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,""],"A post or page is first published":[null,""],"A post or page is updated":[null,""],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,""],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.":[null,""],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,""],"Add a phrase":[null,""],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,""],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,""],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,""],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,""],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,""],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,""],"Your Jetpack is already conn
3566 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
3567 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
3568 goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"View your spam stats":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,""],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Configure VaultPress":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,""],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or
3569 on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Create a new poll":[null,""],"Real-time backups":[null,""],"One-click threat resolution":[null,""],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,""],"Compare Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connec
3570 ted as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distraction
3571 s, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"
3572 A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""]," for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/
3573 a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activatin
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3575 "At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free
3576 , full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""]," Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to g
3577 o!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[n
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3579 ull,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[n
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3581 ":[null,"Kopplar bort Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"Kr瓣v tv疇stegsautentisering"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Anv瓣nd en st繹rre och vackrare layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Visa en \"Relaterat\"-rubrik f繹r att tydligare separera sektionen med relaterade inl瓣gg fr疇n sj瓣lva inl瓣ggen"],"Related":[null,"Relaterade"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Kontrollera dina vanligaste IP-adresser, eftersom de kan skilja sig mellan hemmet, kontoret och andra platser. Om du tar bort en IP-adress fr疇n listan nedan f繹rsvinner den fr疇n vitlistan ocks疇."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Hantering
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3583 lexa fraser"],"Bias Language":[null,"F繹rdomsfullt spr疇k"],"English Options":[null,"Engelska inst瓣llningar"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturl瓣sning"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Anslut Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," har st繹tt p疇 problem och kan inte f疇 fart p疇 din Jetpack. F繹rs繹k igen senare."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Inst瓣llningar"],"Learn More":[null,"L瓣s mer"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Koppla f
3584 r疇n Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Fels繹k"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
3585 \ No newline at end of file
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3587 rsonal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Too
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3589 nd IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,""],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,""],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,""],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,""],"This module has no configuration options":[null,""],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and m
3590 ake it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,""],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,""],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,""],"Subscriber":[null,""],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,""],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,""],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,""]," Likes are:":[null,""],"Comments headline":[null,""],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,""],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,""],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,""],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,""],"Admin Bar":[null,""],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,""],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registe
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3593 ected.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,""],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,""],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,""],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,""],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,""],"Let us know!":[null,""],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,""],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,""],"No account?
3594 Create one for free��":[null,""],"Saving��":[null,""],"Save Settings":[null,""],"Updates Needed":[null,""],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,""],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,""],"Activate Site Stats":[null,""],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,""],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,""],"Security Scanning":[null,""],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,""],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,""],"Site Backups":[null,""],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,""],"Pro":[null,""],"No Results Found.":[null,""],"Threats found!":[null,""],"Set up":[null,""],"Upgrade":[null,""],"ACTIVE":[null,""],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our
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3596 e Plans":[null,""],"Maximum grade security":[null,""],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,""],"Enjoy priority support":[null,""],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,""],"Connection Settings":[null,""],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,""],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,""],"You are connected as ":[null,""],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,""],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. Y
3597 ou can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,""],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,""],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,""],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,""],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,""],"Feel the performance":[null,""],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,""],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,""],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,""],"Focus on your Writing":[null,""],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,""],"Try the New Editor":[null,""],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,""],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch fo
3598 r trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,""],"View Your Stats":[null,""],"Connect with the Community":[null,""],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,""],"Launch Reader":[null,""],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,""],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,""],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,""]," in the App Store":[null,""]," in Google Play":[null,""],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,""],"WordPress.
3599 com for Mac OS X":[null,""]," for Windows":[null,""]," for Linux":[null,""],"Malware Scanning":[null,""],"Threats found":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,""],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,""],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","",""],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","",""],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,""],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site.
3600 If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,""],"Performance":[null,""],"Backups":[null,""],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,""],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,""],"Spam Protection":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,""],"Invalid Key":[null,""],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,""],"Holiday Snow":[null,""],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,""],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,""],"Activating recommended features��":[null,""],"Recommended features active.":[null,""],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slu
3601 g)s has been activated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,""],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,""],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,""],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,""],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,""],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,""],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,""],"Options reset.":[null,""],"Options failed to reset.":[null,""],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,""],"Unlinking from":[null,""],"Unlinked from":[null,""],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null,""],"At A Glance":[null,""],"Clich矇s":[null,""],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoyin
3602 g Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Like us on Facebook":[null,""],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,""],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,""],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,""],"Go to the support forums":[null,""],"Go to":[null,""],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,""],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,""],"
3603 Terms of Service":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,""],"Site Verification Tools":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,""],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,""],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,""],"Plugin Updates":[null,""],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,""],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,""],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,""],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,""],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","",""
3604 ],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,""],"Loading��":[null,""],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,""],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,""],"All-time views":[null,""],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","",""],"Best overall day":[null,""],"Views today":[null,""],"Months":[null,""],"Weeks":[null,""],"Days":[null,""],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,""],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,""],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,""],"Week of %(date)s":[null,""],"Manage security on":[null,""],"Skip this step":[null,""],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,""],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,""],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,""],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,""],"Quickly enhan
3605 ce your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,""],"Jump Start your Site":[null,""],"Disconnect from":[null,""],"Link to":[null,""],"Unlink me from":[null,""],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,""],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,""],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Gain peace o
3606 f mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"
3607 Manage Plugins":[null,""],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,""],"Track your growth":[null,""],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,""],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,""],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,""],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,""],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,""],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Kopplar bort Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,""],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Smiley":[null,"Smiley"],"Require Two-Step Authentication"
3608 :[null,"Kr瓣v tv疇stegsautentisering"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Anv瓣nd en st繹rre och vackrare layout"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"Visa en \"Relaterat\"-rubrik f繹r att tydligare separera sektionen med relaterade inl瓣gg fr疇n sj瓣lva inl瓣ggen"],"Related":[null,"Relaterade"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Kontrollera dina vanligaste IP-adresser, eftersom de kan skilja sig mellan hemmet, kontoret och andra platser. Om du tar bort en IP-adress fr疇n listan nedan f繹rsvinner den fr疇n vitlistan ocks疇."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Hantering av vitlista"],"Email Address":[null,"E-postadress"],"Publicize":[null,"Offentligg繹r"],"Site Stats":[null,"Statistik f繹r webbplats"],"Featured Images":[null,"Utvalda bilder"],"Exce
3609 rpts":[null,"Utdrag"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Aktivera omd繹men f繹r den h瓣r webbplatsen."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Aktivera portfolioprojekt f繹r den h瓣r webbplatsen."],"Preview":[null,"F繹rhandsgranska"],"Color Scheme":[null,"F瓣rgschema"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"Ignorerade fraser"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"Anv瓣nd ett automatiskt identifierat spr疇k f繹r korrekturl瓣sning av inl瓣gg och sidor"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"Redundanta fraser"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Fraser att undvika"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Passivt spr疇k"],"Jargon":[null,"Slang"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Dolda verb"],"Double Negatives":[null,"Dubbla negationer"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Diakritiska tecken"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Komplexa fraser"],"Bias Language":[null,"F繹rdomsfullt spr疇k"],"English Options":[null,"Engelska inst瓣llningar"],"Proofreading":[null,"Korrekturl瓣sning"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Ansl
3610 ut Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,""]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," har st繹tt p疇 problem och kan inte f疇 fart p疇 din Jetpack. F繹rs繹k igen senare."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,""],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,""],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,""],"Active":[null,"Aktiv"],"Settings":[null,"Inst瓣llningar"],"Learn More":[null,"L瓣s mer"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Koppla fr疇n Jetpack"],"Debug":[null,"Fels繹k"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,""]}
3611 \ No newline at end of file
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3614 index fbb37be..b62d6a9 100644
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3617 @@ -1 +1 @@
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3619 onal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools
3620 ":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
3621 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Jetpack 繹zelli�i aray覺n."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Jetpack� y羹kseltin ve son teknoloji 羹r羹n羹 g羹venlik taray覺c覺m覺z, k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 dosyalar覺 bulup an覺nda bildirerek web sitenizde olan bitenin s羹rekli fark覺nda olman覺z覺 sa�las覺n."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"G羹venlik taramas覺 ile ilgili bilgileri \"Bir Bak覺�ta\" b�
3622 郵羹m羹nde bulabilirsiniz."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"G羹venlik Taramalar覺n覺z覺 Yap覺land覺r覺n"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Bu mod羹lde yap覺land覺rma se癟ene�i yoktur"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Jetpack� y羹kselterek arama motorlar覺na ve ziyaret癟ilere web sitenizin do�rulu�u konusunda ciddi oldu�unuzu g繹sterin. Anti-spam ara癟lar覺m覺z istenmeyen yorumlar覺 ortadan kald覺r覺r, SEO�uzu korur ve ziyaret癟ilerin sizinle ileti�im kurmas覺n覺 kolayla�t覺r覺r."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Otomatik geri y羹kleme 繹zelli�iyle ger癟ek zamanl覺 site
3623 d覺�覺 yedeklemeler i癟inizin rahat olmas覺n覺 sa�lar. B繹ylece biz yat覺r覺m覺n覺z覺 her y繹nden korurken siz de t羹m dikkatinizi harika i癟erikler yazmaya 癟evirebilirsiniz. Bug羹n y羹kseltin."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Ayarlar覺n覺z覺 %(module_slug)s Yap覺land覺r覺n {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abone"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"B羹y羹k iPhone/iPad G羹ncellemesi 襤ndirilmeye Haz覺r"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Android i癟in WordPress Uygulamas覺 B羹y羹k Bir G繹rsel Geli�im Ya�ad覺"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Y羹kseltme Oda�覺: D羹�羹nler 襤癟in VideoPress"]," Likes are:":[null," Be�enileri:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Yorumlar ba�l覺�覺"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Ak覺lda kal覺c覺 birka癟 s繹zc羹kle okuyucular覺n覺z覺 yorum yapmaya te�vik edin."],"Can readers subscribe to your pos
3624 ts, comments or both?":[null,"Okuyucular yaz覺lar覺n覺za, yorumlar覺n覺za veya her ikisine de abone olabilir mi?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Yorum formunda �logu takip et�� se癟ene�ini g繹sterin"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Yorum formunda �orumlar覺 takip et�� se癟ene�ini g繹sterin."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Y繹netim �ubu�u"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Y繹netim 癟ubu�una 48 saatteki g繹r羹nt羹lemeleri g繹steren bir grafik yerle�tirin"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Kay覺tl覺 Kullan覺c覺lar Oturum a癟m覺� kay覺tl覺 kullan覺c覺lar覺n sayfa g繹r羹nt羹lemelerini say覺n"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Rapor G繹r羹n羹rl羹�羹: 襤statistik raporlar覺n覺 g繹r羹nt羹leyebilecek rolleri se癟in"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"E-posta 襤zleme Bildirimleri
3625 Al"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"E-postalar �uraya g繹nderilecek: "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}D羹zenle{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"E-postayla E�le�tir"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Mevcut oldu�unda, foto�raf meta verilerini (Exif) d繹ng羹 halinde g繹ster"],"Background Color":[null,"Arka Plan Rengi"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Sonsuz olarak kayd覺r (Her y羹klemede 7 yaz覺 g繹sterir)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Her bir s覺n覺rs覺z Kayd覺rma yaz覺s覺 y羹klemesini, Google Analytics'te sayfa g繹r羹nt羹leme olarak izleyin"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobil Tan覺t覺mlar"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Mobil teman覺n alt bilgi k覺sm覺nda WordPress mobil uygulamalar覺 i癟in bir tan覺t覺m g繹sterin"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bi
3626 ng Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,"Meta anahtar 繹rne�i: "],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"T羹m galeri resimlerinizi ho� bir mozaik i癟inde g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Copied!":[null,"Kopyaland覺!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"A�a�覺daki metni vurgulay覺p panonuza kopyalay覺n:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Adresi yeniden olu�turun"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Portf繹yleri Yap覺land覺r"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"G繹r羹�leri Yap覺land覺r"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"�u durumda i癟erikte otomatik olarak d羹zeltme okumas覺 yap: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Bir yaz覺 ya da sayfa ilk kez yay覺mland覺"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Bir yaz覺 ya da sayfa g羹ncellendi"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Otomatik Dil Alg覺lama"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spa
3627 nish.":[null,"D羹zeltme okuyucusu 襤ngilizce, Frans覺zca, Almanca, Portekizce ve 襤spanyolca dillerini destekler."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"�u dil bilgisi ve stil kurallar覺 i癟in d羹zeltme okumas覺n覺 etkinle�tirin: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"T羹mcecik ekle"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Yorumlar i癟in Markdown kullan覺n"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Arama motorlar覺, site haritalar覺n覺 �u konumlarda bulacak:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Site Haritas覺: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Haberler Site Haritas覺: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Hile mi yap覺yorsunuz?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Bu {{a}}2 soruluk anketi{{/a}} yan覺tlayarak
3628 Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺n覺 neden tamamlamad覺�覺n覺z覺 a癟覺klayabilir misiniz?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺, 羹cretsiz g羹venlik ve trafik 繹zelliklerimizin 癟al覺�abilmesi i癟in gereklidir.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} d羹nyas覺na ho� geldiniz!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack'iniz zaten ba�l覺."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Her �ey tamam, harekete haz覺rs覺n覺z. Jetpack art覺k etkin."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Her �ey tamam, harekete haz覺rs覺n覺z."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�u anda Jetpack�n geli�tirme s羹r羹m羹n羹 癟al覺�t覺r覺yorsunuz."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Jetpack_development_mode filtresi arac覺l覺�覺yla �u anda {{a}}Geli�tirme
3629 Modu{{/a}} kullan覺l覺yor.{{br/}}Baz覺 繹zellikler devre d覺�覺d覺r."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG sabiti arac覺l覺�覺yla �u anda {{a}}Geli�tirme Modu{{/a}} kullan覺l覺yor.{{br/}}Baz覺 繹zellikler devre d覺�覺d覺r."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sitenizin URL�inde nokta bulunmad覺�覺 i癟in (繹rne�in http://localhost) �u anda {{a}}Geli�tirme Modu{{/a}} kullan覺l覺yor.{{br/}}Baz覺 繹zellikler devre d覺�覺d覺r."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s kullan覺c覺 ad覺n覺zla� ba�l覺 de�ilsiniz."],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Jetpack Panonuzda neler g繹rmek istersiniz?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Bize haber verin!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack'e Ho� Geldiniz"]
3630 ,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Jetpack kullanmaya ba�lamak i癟in l羹tfen bir hesab覺na ba�lan覺n veya bir hesab覺 olu�turun. Bu i�lem g羹癟l羹 g羹venlik, trafik ve 繹zelle�tirme hizmetlerini etkinle�tirir."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Hesab覺n覺z yok mu? �cretsiz bir hesap olu�turun��"],"Saving��":[null,"Kaydediliyor��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Ayarlar覺 Kaydet"],"Updates Needed":[null,"G羹ncellemeler Gerekli"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Sitenizin ile ba�lant覺s覺n覺 kesmeyi ger癟ekten istiyor musunuz?"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack 襤statistikleri Simgesi"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"Ayr覺nt覺l覺 istatistikler, be�eniler, takip癟iler, a
3631 boneler ve daha fazlas覺n覺 g繹rmek i癟in {{a}}Site 襤statistiklerini Etkinle�tirin{{/a}}! {{a1}}Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Site 襤statistiklerini Etkinle�tir"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Tehdit ve sald覺r覺lara kar�覺 otomatik ve kapsaml覺 koruma."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"T羹m sitenizi otomatik olarak yedekleyin."],"Security Scanning":[null,"G羹venlik Taramas覺"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Sitenizi yayg覺n tehdit ve sald覺r覺lara y繹nelik �ekilde otomatik olarak taray覺n."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"襤stenmeyen posta g繹nderenleri uzak tutun!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Yedeklemeleri"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Sitenizi yedekleyin!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Hi癟bir Sonu癟 Bulunamad覺."],"Threats found!":[null,"Teh
3632 ditler bulundu!"],"Set up":[null,"Ayarla"],"Upgrade":[null,"Y羹kselt"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ETK襤N"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Korsanlar, botnet�er ve istenmeyen posta g繹nderenler t羹m web sitelerine sald覺r覺r. Hedefleri herkese durmadan sald覺rmakt覺r. Hedefimiz bu tehditleri engelleyerek haz覺rlanman覺za yard覺mc覺 olmak ve i�ler k繹t羹 gitti�inde sitenizi eski haline d繹nd羹rebilmeniz i癟in yard覺m覺n覺za ko�makt覺r."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Siteniz �cretsiz Jetpack Paketi kapsam覺nda"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Siteniz Jetpack Premium paketi kapsam覺nda"],"Your site is on the J
3633 etpack Professional plan":[null,"Siteniz Jetpack Professional paketi kapsam覺nda"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Siteniz Geli�tirme Modu�da"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Akismet taraf覺ndan desteklen son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺."],"View your spam stats":[null,"襤stenmeyen posta istatistiklerinizi g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Akismet� Yap覺land覺r"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"G羹venlik panonuzu g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress� Yap覺land覺r"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Anketler ve Oylamalar"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"S覺n覺rs覺z anket, s覺n覺rs覺z yan覺t. H覺zl覺ca ve kolayca
3634 anket olu�turmak i癟in anket d羹zenleyiciyi kullan覺n. Yan覺tlar覺 web siteniz, e-postan覺z veya iPad ya da iPhone ayg覺t覺n覺z 羹zerinden toplay覺n."],"Create a new poll":[null,"Yeni oylama olu�tur"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Ger癟ek zamanl覺 yedeklemeler"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Tek t覺kla tehlike 癟繹z羹m羹"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Geli�mi� oylamalar ve derecelendirmeler"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Planlar覺 Kar�覺la�t覺r"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maksimum derecede g羹venlik"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"K繹t羹 niyetlileri d覺�ar覺da tutun"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Ge癟ilmez isten
3635 meyen posta filtreleme, markan覺z覺 ve okuyucular覺n覺z覺 korur, SEO�uzu geli�tirir. Deneme yan覺lma y繹ntemiyle oturum a癟ma korumas覺, i癟inizin rahat olmas覺na yard覺mc覺 olur ve arka ucunuzu izinsiz giri� yapanlara kar�覺 g羹venli tutar."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"�ncelikli destekten yararlan覺n"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Yard覺ma m覺 ihtiyac覺n覺z var? Mutluluk M羹hendislerimiz siteniz, hesab覺n覺z ya da ba�ka bir konuyla ilgili sorular覺n覺z覺 yan覺tlayabilir."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Ba�lant覺 Ayarlar覺"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Jetpack ba�lant覺n覺z覺 y繹netin."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Site, Geli�tirme Modu�da, bu nedenle� ba�lanamazs覺n覺z."],"You are connected as ":[null,"�u kullan覺c覺 olarak ba�land覺n覺z: "],"Link your account to to get the
3636 most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack�en maksimum verim alabilmek i癟in hesab覺n覺z覺� ba�lay覺n."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Bu 繹zelli�in d羹zg羹n �ekilde 癟al覺�abilmesi i癟in siteniz, arama motorlar覺 taraf覺ndan eri�ilebilir olmal覺d覺r. Bunu {{a}}Okuma Ayarlar覺{{/a}} b繹l羹m羹nde de�i�tirebilirsiniz."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}T羹m 襤statistikleri{{/a}} G繹r羹nt羹le"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}E-posta Takip癟ilerinizi{{/a}} g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Her cihazda g羹癟l羹 繹zellikleri."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"T羹m sitelerinizi tek bir panodan y繹netin."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Performans覺 hissedin"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immedi
3637 ately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"T羹m WordPress uygulamalar覺 h覺zl覺 癟al覺�acak �ekilde tasarlanm覺�t覺r. Performans fark覺n覺 an覺nda hissedersiniz. Sayfalar hemen y羹klenir, bekleme s羹releri k覺sal覺r."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Toplu ve otomatik g羹ncellemeler"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"G羹venlik kusurlar覺n覺n 癟o�u g羹ncel olmayan eklentilerde bulunur. Web ve Masa羹st羹 uygulamalar覺m覺z覺 kullanarak rahat tek bir noktadan t羹m web siteleriniz i癟in, otomatik g羹ncellemeleri a癟覺n ya da eklentileri manuel olarak g羹ncelleyin."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Yazd覺klar覺n覺za odaklan覺n"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Yeni d羹zenleyicimiz son derece h覺zl覺
3638 d覺r, yazarlar i癟in optimize edilmi�tir ve dikkati da�覺tan her �eyi ortadan kald覺rarak i�inize odaklanman覺z覺 sa�lar."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Yeni D羹zenleyiciyi Deneyin"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Ziyaret癟ileriniz ile ba�lant覺 kurun"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Ziyaret癟ilerinizi geli�mi� istatistiklerle izleyin. E�ilimleri izleyin, hangi i癟eriklerin en iyi performans覺 g繹sterdi�ini 繹�renin ve d羹nyan覺n her yerinden ziyaret癟ilerinizi anlay覺n."],"View Your Stats":[null,"襤statistiklerinizi G繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Topluluk ile ba�lant覺 kurun"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"T羹m WordPress uygulamalar覺n覺n h覺zl覺 ve tam 繹zellikli okuyucula
3639 r覺 vard覺r. Bu sayede her an, her yerde sevdi�iniz siteleri kontrol edip sohbetin bir par癟as覺 olabilirsiniz."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Okuyucu�u Ba�lat"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"襤lham her an, her yerde gelebilir."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Her ekran i癟in WordPress uygulamalar覺 edinin."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Cebinizde"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"D羹nyan覺n her yerinden i癟erik yay覺mlay覺n, yorumlar覺 y繹netin ve 癟ok daha fazlas覺n覺 yap覺n. Mobil uygulamalar覺m覺z a癟覺k kaynakl覺d覺r, 羹cretsizdir, Apple ve Android cihazlarda hizmetinize sunulmu�tur."]," in the App Store":[null,"App Store�a"]," in Google Play":[null,"Google Play�e"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Masa羹st羹n羹zde"],"A desktop app that gives Wo
3640 rdPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"WordPress� bilgisayar覺n覺zda kal覺c覺 bir yer sa�layan bir masa羹st羹 uygulamas覺. Web taray覺c覺s覺 d覺�覺nda yazman覺n sa�lad覺�覺 dikkat da�覺t覺c覺 �eylerden uzak ortam覺 da unutmamak gerekir."]," for Mac OS X":[null,"Mac OS X i癟in"]," for Windows":[null,"Windows i癟in"]," for Linux":[null,"Linux i癟in"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"K繹t羹 Ama癟l覺 Yaz覺l覺m Taramas覺"],"Threats found":[null,"Tehditler bulundu"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"G羹venlik tehditlerinin otomatik ve kapsaml覺 olarak taranmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen VaultPress� {{a}}y羹kleyip etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a
3641 }}.":[null,"G羹venlik tehditlerinin otomatik ve kapsaml覺 olarak taranmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}hesab覺n覺z覺 y羹kseltin{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack etkin olarak k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 oturum a癟ma denemelerini engelliyor. Yak覺nda burada veriler g繹r羹nt羹lenecek!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"K繹t羹 ama癟l覺 sald覺r覺 sitenizde engellendi."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"Sitenizi k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 oturum a癟ma denemelerine kar�覺 korumak i癟in {{a}}Protect� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s eklenti","%(number)s eklenti"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","G羹ncellenmesi gerekiyor. ","G羹ncellenmesi gerekiyor. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"T羹m eklentiler g羹ncel. Harika bir i�!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage y
3642 our plugins from":[null,"Otomatik g羹ncelle�tirmeleri a癟mak ve eklentilerinizi y繹netmek i癟in {{a}}Manage�� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack g繹r羹nt羹 h覺z覺n覺z覺 iyile�tirip optimize ediyor."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,"Jetpack sitenizi izliyor. Sitenizin kullan覺m d覺�覺 oldu�unu d羹�羹n羹rsek bir e-posta al覺rs覺n覺z."],"Security":[null,"G羹venlik"],"Performance":[null,"Performans"],"Backups":[null,"Yedeklemeler"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Yedekleme ayr覺nt覺lar覺n覺 g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"T羹m sitenizi otomatik olarak yedeklemek i癟in l羹tfen VaultPress� {{a}}y羹kleyip etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"T羹m site
3643 nizi otomatik olarak yedeklemek i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}y羹kseltin!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Geli�tirme Modu�da kullan覺lamaz."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Korumas覺"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}Akismet� y羹kleyin{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}Akismet� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Ge癟ersiz Anahtar"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Geli�tirme Modu�da kullan覺lamaz"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Kar Tatili"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"K覺� tatili d繹neminde ya�an kar taneleri g繹ster."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"1 Aral覺k ile 4 Ocak aras覺nda blogumda ya�an kar taneleri g繹ster."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"�nerilen 繹zellikler etkinle�tiri
3644 liyor��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"�nerilen 繹zellikler etkin."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s etkinle�tiriliyor��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s etkinle�tirildi."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s etkinle�tirilemedi. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺l覺yor��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺ld覺."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"%(slug)s ayarlar覺 g羹ncelleniyor��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s ayarlar覺 g羹ncellendi."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s ayarlar覺 g羹ncellenirken hata olu�tu. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"%(slug)s adresi g羹ncelleniyor��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"%(slug)s adresi yeniden olu�turuldu."],"Error
3645 regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Jetpack se癟enekleri s覺f覺rlan覺yor��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Se癟enekler s覺f覺rland覺."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Se癟enekler s覺f覺rlanamad覺."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺 kesilirken bir hata olu�tu. Hata: %(error)s"],"Unlinking from":[null," ba�lant覺s覺 kald覺r覺l覺yor"],"Unlinked from":[null," ba�lant覺s覺 kald覺r覺ld覺."],"Error unlinking from %(error)s":[null," ba�lant覺s覺 kald覺r覺l覺rken hata olu�tu. %(error)s"],"At A Glance":[null,"Bir Bak覺�ta"],"Clich矇s":[null,"Kli�eler"],"Would you tell us why? Just {{a}}answering two simple questions{{/a}} would help us improve Jetpack.":[null,"Bunun nedenini bize s繹yleyebilir misiniz? Sadece {{a}}iki basit soruyu yan覺tlaman覺z{{/a}} Jetpack'i daha iyi hale getirmemize yard覺mc�
3646 � olacak."],"{{hideOnMobile}}Enjoying Jetpack or have feedback?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}Leave us a review{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}follow us on Twitter{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, and{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}like us on Facebook{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{hideOnMobile}}Jetpack� be�eniyor musunuz ya da geri bildirimde bulunmak istiyor musunuz?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}G繹r羹�羹n羹z羹 payla�覺n{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}Twitter�a bizi takip edin{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} ve{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}Facebook�a bizi be�enin{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Bizi Facebook'ta be�enin"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Twitter'da Jetpack� takip edin"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answ
3647 ers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Destek sayfam覺z覺 g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}forumlardaki yan覺tlar覺 kontrol edin{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} veya{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}do�rudan bizimle ileti�im kurun{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Jetpack destek ekibiyle do�rudan ileti�im kurun"],"Go to the support forums":[null," destek forumlar覺na gidin"],"Go to":[null," adresine gidin"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"T羹m Jetpack kullan覺c覺lar覺m覺za 羹cretsiz ve eksiksiz destek sunuyoruz. Destek ekibimiz her zaman size yard覺m etmeye haz覺r."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jet
3648 pack Mutluluk M羹hendisi"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic'in Gizlilik 襤lkesi"]," Terms of Service":[null," Hizmet Ko�ullar覺"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"Google, Bing ve Pinterest�e sitenizin do�rulanmas覺 ve s覺ralamas覺n覺n y羹kselmesi i癟in {{a}}Site Verification�� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"Site Do�rulama Ara癟lar覺 etkin. Daha do�ru endeksleme ve s覺ralama i癟in sitenizin Google, Bing ve Pinterest�e do�ruland覺�覺ndan emin olun. {{a}}Hemen do�rulay覺n{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"Site Do�rulama Ara癟lar覺"],"{{a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"G繹r羹nt羹lerinizin performans ve h覺z覺n覺 art覺rmak i�
3649 告n {{a}}Photon� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"G繹r羹nt羹 Performans覺 %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Y繹netim 繹zelli�ini etkinle�tirip otomatik g羹ncellemeleri a癟覺n{{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Otomatik eklenti g羹ncellemelerini a癟覺n{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"Eklenti G羹ncellemeleri"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Hata! Akismet anahtar覺n覺z eksik veya ge癟ersiz. {{akismetSettings}}D羹zeltmek i癟in Akismet ayarlar覺na gidin{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Tehdit bulunmad覺, 癟ekinmeden devam edin!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Destek Birimine Ba�vurun{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Ayr覺nt覺lar覺�a g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh
3650 oh, %(number)s threats found.","Eyvah, %(number)s tehdit bulundu.","Eyvah, %(number)s tehdit bulundu."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"Siteniz 癟繹kerse bildirimler almak i癟in {{a}}Monitor�� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Loading��":[null,"Y羹kleniyor��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Kesinti 襤zleme"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"T羹m zamanlarda toplam yorum say覺s覺"],"All-time views":[null,"T羹m zamanlarda toplam g繹r羹nt羹leme say覺s覺"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s G繹r羹nt羹leme","%(number)s G繹r羹nt羹leme"],"Best overall day":[null,"Toplamda en iyi g羹n"],"Views today":[null,"Bug羹nk羹 g繹r羹nt羹leme say覺s覺"],"Months":[null,"Ay"],"Weeks":[null,"Hafta"],"Days":[null,"G羹n"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[n
3651 ull,"襤statistikler y羹klenirken bir sorun ya�and覺. L羹tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin veya {{a}}istatistiklerinizi �imdi�a g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Ayr覺nt覺l覺 istatistikleri g繹r羹nt羹lemek i癟in t覺klay覺n."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"G繹r羹nt羹lemeler: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"%(date)s haftas覺"],"Manage security on":[null,"�a g羹venli�i y繹netin"],"Skip this step":[null,"Bu ad覺m覺 atla"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Jetpack H覺zl覺 Ba�latma i�lemini atla"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"�zellikler ne zaman istenirse etkinle�tirilebilir veya devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺labilir."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack'in 繹nerilen 繹zellikleri �unlar覺 i癟erir:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�nerilen �zellikleri Etkinle�tir"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommende
3652 d features.":[null,"Jetpack'in 繹nerilen 繹zelliklerini etkinle�tirerek sitenizi h覺zla geli�tirin."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Sitenizi H覺zl覺 Ba�lat覺n"],"Disconnect from":[null," Ba�lant覺s覺n覺 Kes"],"Link to":[null,"'a ba�lan"],"Unlink me from":[null," ba�lant覺m覺 kald覺r"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Sitelerini geli�tirmek ve g羹vene almak i癟in Jetpack�en yararlanan milyonlarca kullan覺c覺ya kat覺l覺n. WordPress bizim tutkumuz ve i�inizi kolayla�t覺rmak i癟in yard覺ma haz覺r覺z."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack, topluluktaki teknik becerisi en y羹ksek ve en tutkulu insanlardan baz覺lar覺 taraf覺ndan desteklenmektedir. D
3653 羹nyan覺n her yan覺na da�覺lm覺� durumdalar ve size yard覺m etmeye haz覺rlar."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�cretsiz profesyonel destekten bahsetmi� miydik?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack, m羹kemmel g繹r羹nt羹lerinizi inan覺lmaz bir h覺zda y羹klemek i癟in son teknoloji 羹r羹n羹 i癟erik teslimi a�覺n覺 kullan覺r. Her cihaz i癟in optimize edilmi�tir ve tamamen 羹cretsizdir."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Son derece h覺zl覺, optimize edilmi� g繹r羹nt羹ler"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Asla bir g羹venlik s羹r羹m羹nde ge癟 kalmay覺n veya birden fazla siteyi g羹ncellemek i癟in zaman kaybetmeyin."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Otomatik site g羹ncellemeleri."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Canl覺 site izleme."],"Ga
3654 in peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Milyonlarca sitede milyarlarca oturum a癟ma sald覺r覺s覺n覺 engellemi� Protect ile kafan覺z rahat olsun."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Site sald覺r覺lar覺n覺 engelleyin."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 oturum a癟ma denemelerini engeller, siteniz 癟繹kerse size haber verir ve eklentilerinizi otomatik olarak g羹ncelleyebilir, yani size dert edecek hi癟bir �ey kalmaz."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site g羹venli�i ve i癟 rahatl覺�覺"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack,�n g羹c羹nden yararlanarak size ziyaret癟ileriniz, neleri okuduklar覺 ve nereden gel
3655 dikleri hakk覺nda ayr覺nt覺l覺 bilgiler sunar."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Benzer Yaz覺lar ile payla�acak ve okuyacak daha fazla i癟erik sunarak ziyaret癟ilerinizin siteyle ili�kisini g羹癟lendirin."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Sayfa g繹r羹nt羹leme say覺s覺n覺 art覺r覺n."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"Ziyaret癟ilerinize i癟eriklerinizi payla�mak ve bunlara abone olmak i癟in gereken ara癟lar覺 sunun."],"Build a community.":[null,"Bir topluluk olu�turun."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Payla�ma ve Be�eni D羹�meleri"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Otomatik sosyal pazarlama."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack, sitenizi daha fazla insan覺n g繹r羹nt羹lemesine ve bunlar覺n sitede tutulmas覺na yard覺mc覺 olacak 癟ok say覺da trafik ve kat覺l覺m arac覺 sa�lar."],"Send us Feedb
3656 ack":[null,"Geri Bildirim g繹nderin"],"Need Help?":[null,"Yard覺ma m覺 ihtiyac覺n覺z var?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Eklentileri Y繹net"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Daha az stres. Monitor, sitenizin hizmet d覺�覺 kalmas覺 durumunda size ger癟ek zamanl覺 uyar覺lar g繹nderir."],"Track your growth":[null,"Geli�iminizi izleyin"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Yaz覺lar覺n覺z覺 arkada�lar覺n覺zla, takip癟ilerinizle ve t羹m d羹nyayla otomatik olarak payla�mak i癟in Duyuru'yu kullan覺n."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Sitenize daha fazla ziyaret癟i y繹nlendirin"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Jetpack'inize ba�lan覺rken bir sorun olu�tu. L羹tfen \"'a ba�lan\" se癟ene�ine yeniden t覺klay覺n."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetp
3657 ack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Jetpack'e ba�lan覺rken bir sorun ya�ad覺k. Jetpack eklentisini devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺p yeniden etkinle�tirin, ard覺ndan tekrar ba�lan覺n."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack'i yetkilendirirken WordPress blogunuzda oturum a癟m覺� olman覺z gerekir."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack'inizde bir hata var.{{/s}} Bu rahats覺zl覺ktan dolay覺 繹z羹r dileriz. L羹tfen daha sonra yeniden deneyin. Sorun h璽l璽 devam ediyorsa l羹tfen �u mesajla deste�e ba�vurun: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack Ba�lant覺s覺 Kesiliyor"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Jetpack'le ilgili g繹r羹�羹n羹z羹 payla�覺n"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Yard覺ma m覺 ihtiyac覺n覺z var? Jetpack ekibi sizin
3658 i癟in burada."],"Smiley":[null,"Y羹z 襤fadesi"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"襤ki Ad覺ml覺 Kimlik Do�rulamas覺 襤ste"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Geni� ve g繹rsel olarak 癟arp覺c覺 bir d羹zen kullan覺n."],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"襤lgili yaz覺lar覺 as覺l yaz覺dan daha a癟覺k �ekilde ay覺rmak i癟in bir \"襤lgili\" ba�l覺�覺 g繹ster"],"Related":[null,"襤lgili"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Evinizde, ofisinizde veya di�er yerlerde de�i�ebildi�i i癟in en s覺k kullan覺lan IP adreslerinizi eklemeye dikkat edin. A�a�覺daki listeden kald覺rd覺�覺n覺z IP adresi, g羹venilir adresler listenizden de 癟覺kar覺l覺r."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"G羹venilir Adresler Listesi Y繹netimi"],"Email Address":[null,
3659 "E-posta Adresi"],"Publicize":[null,"Duyuru"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site 襤statistikleri"],"Featured Images":[null,"�ne 癟覺kar覺lan g繹rseller"],"Excerpts":[null,"Al覺nt覺lar"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Bu site i癟in G繹r羹�ler'i etkinle�tirin."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Bu site i癟in Portfolyo Projelerini etkinle�tirin."],"Preview":[null,"�nizleme"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Renk �emas覺"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"G繹z ard覺 edilen c羹mleler"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"G繹nderilerde ve sayfalarda d羹zeltme okumas覺 yapmak i癟in otomatik olarak alg覺lanan dili kullan"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"A�dal覺 c羹mleler"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Ka癟覺n覺lacak c羹mleler"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasif ses"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Gizli fiiller"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�ifte negatifler"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Belirleyici i�aretler"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Karma�
3660 覺k c羹mleler"],"Bias Language":[null,"�nyarg覺l覺 dil"],"English Options":[null,"襤ngilizce ayarlar"],"Proofreading":[null,"D羹zeltme Okumas覺"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack'i Ba�la"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack, ile ileti�im kuramad覺: %(error_key)s. Bu genellikle, web sunucunuzda bir �eylerin yanl覺� yap覺land覺r覺ld覺�覺 anlam覺na gelir."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," �u anda sorun ya�覺yor ve Jetpack'inizi destekleyemiyor. L羹tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack'inizde bir hata var.{{/s}} Bu site ile aras覺nda ba�lant覺 kurmak m羹mk羹n de�i
3661 l. Bu genellikle, sitenizin herkesin eri�imine a癟覺k olmad覺�覺 anlam覺na gelir (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Jetpack'in kullan覺labilmesi i癟in web sitenizin herkesin eri�imine a癟覺k olmas覺 gerekir: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺n覺 ba�ar覺yla kestiniz"],"Active":[null,"Etkin"],"Settings":[null,"Ayarlar"],"Learn More":[null,"Daha Fazla Bilgi"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack Ba�lant覺s覺n覺 Kes"],"Debug":[null,"Ay覺klama"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Sitenizin Jetpack ile uyumlulu�unu test edin."]}
3662 \ No newline at end of file
3663 +{"":{"po-revision-date":"2016-11-14 09:55:34+0000","mime-version":"1.0","content-type":"text/plain; charset=UTF-8","content-transfer-encoding":"8bit","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);","x-generator":"GlotPress/2.3.0-alpha","language":"tr","project-id-version":"Plugins - Jetpack by - Development (trunk)"},"Make sure your site is easily found on search engines with SEO tools for your content and social posts.":[null,""],"Activate this module to use the advanced SEO tools.":[null,""],"Configure your VideoPress settings.":[null,""],"How much is your website worth?":[null,""],"For less than the price of a coffee a month you can rest easy knowing your hard work (or livelihood) is backed up.":[null,""],"Configure Site SEO":[null,""],"Activate SEO Tools":[null,""],"Introducing our most affordable backups and security plan yet":[null,""],"The Personal Plan keeps your data, site, and hard work safe.":[null,""],"Learn more...":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Pers
3664 onal plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools
3665 ":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and
3666 IPv6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"Jetpack 繹zelli�i aray覺n."],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"Jetpack� y羹kseltin ve son teknoloji 羹r羹n羹 g羹venlik taray覺c覺m覺z, k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 dosyalar覺 bulup an覺nda bildirerek web sitenizde olan bitenin s羹rekli fark覺nda olman覺z覺 sa�las覺n."],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"G羹venlik taramas覺 ile ilgili bilgileri \"Bir Bak覺�ta\" b�
3667 郵羹m羹nde bulabilirsiniz."],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"G羹venlik Taramalar覺n覺z覺 Yap覺land覺r覺n"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"Bu mod羹lde yap覺land覺rma se癟ene�i yoktur"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"Jetpack� y羹kselterek arama motorlar覺na ve ziyaret癟ilere web sitenizin do�rulu�u konusunda ciddi oldu�unuzu g繹sterin. Anti-spam ara癟lar覺m覺z istenmeyen yorumlar覺 ortadan kald覺r覺r, SEO�uzu korur ve ziyaret癟ilerin sizinle ileti�im kurmas覺n覺 kolayla�t覺r覺r."],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"Otomatik geri y羹kleme 繹zelli�iyle ger癟ek zamanl覺 site
3668 d覺�覺 yedeklemeler i癟inizin rahat olmas覺n覺 sa�lar. B繹ylece biz yat覺r覺m覺n覺z覺 her y繹nden korurken siz de t羹m dikkatinizi harika i癟erikler yazmaya 癟evirebilirsiniz. Bug羹n y羹kseltin."],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}Ayarlar覺n覺z覺 %(module_slug)s Yap覺land覺r覺n {{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"Abone"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"B羹y羹k iPhone/iPad G羹ncellemesi 襤ndirilmeye Haz覺r"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Android i癟in WordPress Uygulamas覺 B羹y羹k Bir G繹rsel Geli�im Ya�ad覺"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"Y羹kseltme Oda�覺: D羹�羹nler 襤癟in VideoPress"]," Likes are:":[null," Be�enileri:"],"Comments headline":[null,"Yorumlar ba�l覺�覺"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"Ak覺lda kal覺c覺 birka癟 s繹zc羹kle okuyucular覺n覺z覺 yorum yapmaya te�vik edin."],"Can readers subscribe to your pos
3669 ts, comments or both?":[null,"Okuyucular yaz覺lar覺n覺za, yorumlar覺n覺za veya her ikisine de abone olabilir mi?"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"Yorum formunda �logu takip et�� se癟ene�ini g繹sterin"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"Yorum formunda �orumlar覺 takip et�� se癟ene�ini g繹sterin."],"Admin Bar":[null,"Y繹netim �ubu�u"],"Put a chart showing 48 hours of views in the admin bar":[null,"Y繹netim 癟ubu�una 48 saatteki g繹r羹nt羹lemeleri g繹steren bir grafik yerle�tirin"],"Registered Users: Count the page views of registered users who are logged in":[null,"Kay覺tl覺 Kullan覺c覺lar Oturum a癟m覺� kay覺tl覺 kullan覺c覺lar覺n sayfa g繹r羹nt羹lemelerini say覺n"],"Report Visibility: Select the roles that will be able to view stats reports":[null,"Rapor G繹r羹n羹rl羹�羹: 襤statistik raporlar覺n覺 g繹r羹nt羹leyebilecek rolleri se癟in"],"Receive Monitor Email Notifications":[null,"E-posta 襤zleme Bildirimleri
3670 Al"],"Emails will be sent to ":[null,"E-postalar �uraya g繹nderilecek: "],"{{a}}Edit{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}D羹zenle{{/a}}"],"Match By Email":[null,"E-postayla E�le�tir"],"Show photo metadata (Exif) in carousel, when available":[null,"Mevcut oldu�unda, foto�raf meta verilerini (Exif) d繹ng羹 halinde g繹ster"],"Background Color":[null,"Arka Plan Rengi"],"Scroll infinitely (Shows 7 posts on each load)":[null,"Sonsuz olarak kayd覺r (Her y羹klemede 7 yaz覺 g繹sterir)"],"Track each infinite Scroll post load as a page view in Google Analytics":[null,"Her bir s覺n覺rs覺z Kayd覺rma yaz覺s覺 y羹klemesini, Google Analytics'te sayfa g繹r羹nt羹leme olarak izleyin"],"Mobile Promos":[null,"Mobil Tan覺t覺mlar"],"Show a promo for the WordPress mobile apps in the footer of the mobile theme":[null,"Mobil teman覺n alt bilgi k覺sm覺nda WordPress mobil uygulamalar覺 i癟in bir tan覺t覺m g繹sterin"],"Enter your meta key \"content\" value to verify your blog with {{a}}Google Search Console{{/a}}, {{a1}}Bi
3671 ng Webmaster Center{{/a1}} and {{a2}}Pinterest Site Verification{{/a2}}.":[null,""],"Meta key example:":[null,"Meta anahtar 繹rne�i: "],"Display all your gallery pictures in a cool mosaic":[null,"T羹m galeri resimlerinizi ho� bir mozaik i癟inde g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Copied!":[null,"Kopyaland覺!"],"Highlight and copy the following text to your clipboard:":[null,"A�a�覺daki metni vurgulay覺p panonuza kopyalay覺n:"],"Regenerate address":[null,"Adresi yeniden olu�turun"],"Configure Portfolios":[null,"Portf繹yleri Yap覺land覺r"],"Configure Testimonials":[null,"G繹r羹�leri Yap覺land覺r"],"Automatically proofread content when: ":[null,"�u durumda i癟erikte otomatik olarak d羹zeltme okumas覺 yap: "],"A post or page is first published":[null,"Bir yaz覺 ya da sayfa ilk kez yay覺mland覺"],"A post or page is updated":[null,"Bir yaz覺 ya da sayfa g羹ncellendi"],"Automatic Language Detection":[null,"Otomatik Dil Alg覺lama"],"The proofreader supports English, French, German, Portuguese and Spa
3672 nish.":[null,"D羹zeltme okuyucusu 襤ngilizce, Frans覺zca, Almanca, Portekizce ve 襤spanyolca dillerini destekler."],"Enable proofreading for the following grammar and style rules: ":[null,"�u dil bilgisi ve stil kurallar覺 i癟in d羹zeltme okumas覺n覺 etkinle�tirin: "],"Add a phrase":[null,"T羹mcecik ekle"],"Use Markdown for comments":[null,"Yorumlar i癟in Markdown kullan覺n"],"Search engines will find the sitemaps at these locations:":[null,"Arama motorlar覺, site haritalar覺n覺 �u konumlarda bulacak:"],"Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Site Haritas覺: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"News Sitemap: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}":[null,"Haberler Site Haritas覺: {{a}}%(url)s{{/a}}"],"Cheatin' uh?":[null,"Hile mi yap覺yorsunuz?"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}Bu {{a}}2 soruluk anketi{{/a}} yan覺tlayarak
3673 Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺n覺 neden tamamlamad覺�覺n覺z覺 a癟覺klayabilir misiniz?{{/p}}{{p}}Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺, 羹cretsiz g羹venlik ve trafik 繹zelliklerimizin 癟al覺�abilmesi i癟in gereklidir.{{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}} d羹nyas覺na ho� geldiniz!"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"Jetpack'iniz zaten ba�l覺."],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Her �ey tamam, harekete haz覺rs覺n覺z. Jetpack art覺k etkin."],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"Her �ey tamam, harekete haz覺rs覺n覺z."],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�u anda Jetpack�n geli�tirme s羹r羹m羹n羹 癟al覺�t覺r覺yorsunuz."],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Jetpack_development_mode filtresi arac覺l覺�覺yla �u anda {{a}}Geli�tirme
3674 Modu{{/a}} kullan覺l覺yor.{{br/}}Baz覺 繹zellikler devre d覺�覺d覺r."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG sabiti arac覺l覺�覺yla �u anda {{a}}Geli�tirme Modu{{/a}} kullan覺l覺yor.{{br/}}Baz覺 繹zellikler devre d覺�覺d覺r."],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"Sitenizin URL�inde nokta bulunmad覺�覺 i癟in (繹rne�in http://localhost) �u anda {{a}}Geli�tirme Modu{{/a}} kullan覺l覺yor.{{br/}}Baz覺 繹zellikler devre d覺�覺d覺r."],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"%(userName)s kullan覺c覺 ad覺n覺zla� ba�l覺 de�ilsiniz."],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"Jetpack Panonuzda neler g繹rmek istersiniz?"],"Let us know!":[null,"Bize haber verin!"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack'e Ho� Geldiniz"]
3675 ,"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"Jetpack kullanmaya ba�lamak i癟in l羹tfen bir hesab覺na ba�lan覺n veya bir hesab覺 olu�turun. Bu i�lem g羹癟l羹 g羹venlik, trafik ve 繹zelle�tirme hizmetlerini etkinle�tirir."],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"Hesab覺n覺z yok mu? �cretsiz bir hesap olu�turun��"],"Saving��":[null,"Kaydediliyor��"],"Save Settings":[null,"Ayarlar覺 Kaydet"],"Updates Needed":[null,"G羹ncellemeler Gerekli"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"Sitenizin ile ba�lant覺s覺n覺 kesmeyi ger癟ekten istiyor musunuz?"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack 襤statistikleri Simgesi"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"Ayr覺nt覺l覺 istatistikler, be�eniler, takip癟iler, a
3676 boneler ve daha fazlas覺n覺 g繹rmek i癟in {{a}}Site 襤statistiklerini Etkinle�tirin{{/a}}! {{a1}}Daha Fazla Bilgi Edinin{{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"Site 襤statistiklerini Etkinle�tir"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"Tehdit ve sald覺r覺lara kar�覺 otomatik ve kapsaml覺 koruma."],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"Son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺."],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"T羹m sitenizi otomatik olarak yedekleyin."],"Security Scanning":[null,"G羹venlik Taramas覺"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"Sitenizi yayg覺n tehdit ve sald覺r覺lara y繹nelik �ekilde otomatik olarak taray覺n."],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"襤stenmeyen posta g繹nderenleri uzak tutun!"],"Site Backups":[null,"Site Yedeklemeleri"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"Sitenizi yedekleyin!"],"Pro":[null,"Pro"],"No Results Found.":[null,"Hi癟bir Sonu癟 Bulunamad覺."],"Threats found!":[null,"Teh
3677 ditler bulundu!"],"Set up":[null,"Ayarla"],"Upgrade":[null,"Y羹kselt"],"ACTIVE":[null,"ETK襤N"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"Korsanlar, botnet�er ve istenmeyen posta g繹nderenler t羹m web sitelerine sald覺r覺r. Hedefleri herkese durmadan sald覺rmakt覺r. Hedefimiz bu tehditleri engelleyerek haz覺rlanman覺za yard覺mc覺 olmak ve i�ler k繹t羹 gitti�inde sitenizi eski haline d繹nd羹rebilmeniz i癟in yard覺m覺n覺za ko�makt覺r."],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"Siteniz �cretsiz Jetpack Paketi kapsam覺nda"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"Siteniz Jetpack Premium paketi kapsam覺nda"],"Your site is on the J
3678 etpack Professional plan":[null,"Siteniz Jetpack Professional paketi kapsam覺nda"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Siteniz Geli�tirme Modu�da"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"Akismet taraf覺ndan desteklen son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺."],"View your spam stats":[null,"襤stenmeyen posta istatistiklerinizi g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Akismet� Yap覺land覺r"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"G羹venlik panonuzu g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"VaultPress� Yap覺land覺r"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Anketler ve Oylamalar"],"Create a new poll":[null,"Yeni oylama olu�tur"],"Real-time backups":[null,"Ger癟ek zamanl覺 yedeklemeler"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"Tek t覺kla tehlike 癟繹z羹m羹"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"Geli�mi� oylamalar ve d
3679 erecelendirmeler"],"Compare Plans":[null,"Planlar覺 Kar�覺la�t覺r"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"Maksimum derecede g羹venlik"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"K繹t羹 niyetlileri d覺�ar覺da tutun"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"Ge癟ilmez istenmeyen posta filtreleme, markan覺z覺 ve okuyucular覺n覺z覺 korur, SEO�uzu geli�tirir. Deneme yan覺lma y繹ntemiyle oturum a癟ma korumas覺, i癟inizin rahat olmas覺na yard覺mc覺 olur ve arka ucunuzu izinsiz giri� yapanlara kar�覺 g羹venli tutar."],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"�ncelikli destekten yararlan覺n"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your
3680 account or how to do about anything.":[null,"Yard覺ma m覺 ihtiyac覺n覺z var? Mutluluk M羹hendislerimiz siteniz, hesab覺n覺z ya da ba�ka bir konuyla ilgili sorular覺n覺z覺 yan覺tlayabilir."],"Connection Settings":[null,"Ba�lant覺 Ayarlar覺"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"Jetpack ba�lant覺n覺z覺 y繹netin."],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"Site, Geli�tirme Modu�da, bu nedenle� ba�lanamazs覺n覺z."],"You are connected as ":[null,"�u kullan覺c覺 olarak ba�land覺n覺z: "],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack�en maksimum verim alabilmek i癟in hesab覺n覺z覺� ba�lay覺n."],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"Bu 繹zelli�in d羹zg羹n �ekilde 癟al覺�abilmesi i癟in siteniz, arama motorlar覺 taraf覺ndan eri�ilebilir olmal覺d覺r. Bunu {{
3681 a}}Okuma Ayarlar覺{{/a}} b繹l羹m羹nde de�i�tirebilirsiniz."],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}T羹m 襤statistikleri{{/a}} G繹r羹nt羹le"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}E-posta Takip癟ilerinizi{{/a}} g繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"Her cihazda g羹癟l羹 繹zellikleri."],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"T羹m sitelerinizi tek bir panodan y繹netin."],"Feel the performance":[null,"Performans覺 hissedin"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads and less waiting around.":[null,"T羹m WordPress uygulamalar覺 h覺zl覺 癟al覺�acak �ekilde tasarlanm覺�t覺r. Performans fark覺n覺 an覺nda hissedersiniz. Sayfalar hemen y羹klenir, bekleme s羹releri k覺sal覺r."],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"Toplu ve otomatik g羹ncellemeler"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Deskt
3682 op apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"G羹venlik kusurlar覺n覺n 癟o�u g羹ncel olmayan eklentilerde bulunur. Web ve Masa羹st羹 uygulamalar覺m覺z覺 kullanarak rahat tek bir noktadan t羹m web siteleriniz i癟in, otomatik g羹ncellemeleri a癟覺n ya da eklentileri manuel olarak g羹ncelleyin."],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"Yazd覺klar覺n覺za odaklan覺n"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"Yeni d羹zenleyicimiz son derece h覺zl覺d覺r, yazarlar i癟in optimize edilmi�tir ve dikkati da�覺tan her �eyi ortadan kald覺rarak i�inize odaklanman覺z覺 sa�lar."],"Try the New Editor":[null,"Yeni D羹zenleyiciyi Deneyin"],"Connect with your Visitors":[null,"Ziyaret癟ileriniz ile ba�lant覺 kurun"],"Monitor your visitors with advanced stats. Watch for trends, learn what content performs the best and understand your visitors
3683 from anywhere in the world.":[null,"Ziyaret癟ilerinizi geli�mi� istatistiklerle izleyin. E�ilimleri izleyin, hangi i癟eriklerin en iyi performans覺 g繹sterdi�ini 繹�renin ve d羹nyan覺n her yerinden ziyaret癟ilerinizi anlay覺n."],"View Your Stats":[null,"襤statistiklerinizi G繹r羹nt羹leyin"],"Connect with the Community":[null,"Topluluk ile ba�lant覺 kurun"],"The WordPress apps all have impressively fast and full featured readers so you can catch up with your favorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"T羹m WordPress uygulamalar覺n覺n h覺zl覺 ve tam 繹zellikli okuyucular覺 vard覺r. Bu sayede her an, her yerde sevdi�iniz siteleri kontrol edip sohbetin bir par癟as覺 olabilirsiniz."],"Launch Reader":[null,"Okuyucu�u Ba�lat"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"襤lham her an, her yerde gelebilir."],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"Her ekran i癟in WordPress uygulamalar覺 edinin."],"In Your Pocket":[null,"Cebinizde"],"Publish conte
3684 nt, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"D羹nyan覺n her yerinden i癟erik yay覺mlay覺n, yorumlar覺 y繹netin ve 癟ok daha fazlas覺n覺 yap覺n. Mobil uygulamalar覺m覺z a癟覺k kaynakl覺d覺r, 羹cretsizdir, Apple ve Android cihazlarda hizmetinize sunulmu�tur."]," in the App Store":[null,"App Store�a"]," in Google Play":[null,"Google Play�e"],"On Your Desktop":[null,"Masa羹st羹n羹zde"],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"WordPress� bilgisayar覺n覺zda kal覺c覺 bir yer sa�layan bir masa羹st羹 uygulamas覺. Web taray覺c覺s覺 d覺�覺nda yazman覺n sa�lad覺�覺 dikkat da�覺t覺c覺 �eylerden uzak ortam覺 da unutmamak gerekir."]," for Mac OS X":[null,"Mac OS
3685 X i癟in"]," for Windows":[null,"Windows i癟in"]," for Linux":[null,"Linux i癟in"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"K繹t羹 Ama癟l覺 Yaz覺l覺m Taramas覺"],"Threats found":[null,"Tehditler bulundu"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"G羹venlik tehditlerinin otomatik ve kapsaml覺 olarak taranmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen VaultPress� {{a}}y羹kleyip etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"G羹venlik tehditlerinin otomatik ve kapsaml覺 olarak taranmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}hesab覺n覺z覺 y羹kseltin{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack etkin olarak k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 oturum a癟ma denemelerini engelliyor. Yak覺nda burada veriler g繹r羹nt羹lenecek!"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[n
3686 ull,"K繹t羹 ama癟l覺 sald覺r覺 sitenizde engellendi."],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"Sitenizi k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 oturum a癟ma denemelerine kar�覺 korumak i癟in {{a}}Protect� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins","%(number)s eklenti","%(number)s eklenti"],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ","G羹ncellenmesi gerekiyor. ","G羹ncellenmesi gerekiyor. "],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"T羹m eklentiler g羹ncel. Harika bir i�!"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"Otomatik g羹ncelle�tirmeleri a癟mak ve eklentilerinizi y繹netmek i癟in {{a}}Manage�� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,"Jetpack g繹r羹nt羹 h覺z覺n覺z覺 iyile�tirip optimize ediyor."],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null
3687 ,"Jetpack sitenizi izliyor. Sitenizin kullan覺m d覺�覺 oldu�unu d羹�羹n羹rsek bir e-posta al覺rs覺n覺z."],"Security":[null,"G羹venlik"],"Performance":[null,"Performans"],"Backups":[null,"Yedeklemeler"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}Yedekleme ayr覺nt覺lar覺n覺 g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"T羹m sitenizi otomatik olarak yedeklemek i癟in l羹tfen VaultPress� {{a}}y羹kleyip etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"T羹m sitenizi otomatik olarak yedeklemek i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}y羹kseltin!{{/a}}."],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"Geli�tirme Modu�da kullan覺lamaz."],"Spam Protection":[null,"Spam Korumas覺"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}Akismet� y羹kleyin{{/a}}."],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, p
3688 lease {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"Son model istenmeyen posta savunmas覺 i癟in l羹tfen {{a}}Akismet� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Invalid Key":[null,"Ge癟ersiz Anahtar"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"Geli�tirme Modu�da kullan覺lamaz"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"Kar Tatili"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"K覺� tatili d繹neminde ya�an kar taneleri g繹ster."],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"1 Aral覺k ile 4 Ocak aras覺nda blogumda ya�an kar taneleri g繹ster."],"Activating recommended features��":[null,"�nerilen 繹zellikler etkinle�tiriliyor��"],"Recommended features active.":[null,"�nerilen 繹zellikler etkin."],"Recommended features failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Activating %(slug)s��":[null,"%(slug)s etkinle�tiriliyor��"],"%(slug)s has been activated.":[null,"%(slug)s etkinle�tirildi."],"%(slug)s failed to activate. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s etkinle�tirilemedi. %(error)s"],"Deactivating %(slug)s��":
3689 [null,"%(slug)s devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺l覺yor��"],"%(slug)s has been deactivated.":[null,"%(slug)s devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺ld覺."],"%(slug)s failed to deactivate. %(error)s":[null,""],"Updating %(slug)s settings��":[null,"%(slug)s ayarlar覺 g羹ncelleniyor��"],"Updated %(slug)s settings.":[null,"%(slug)s ayarlar覺 g羹ncellendi."],"Error updating %(slug)s settings. %(error)s":[null,"%(slug)s ayarlar覺 g羹ncellenirken hata olu�tu. %(error)s"],"Updating %(slug)s address��":[null,"%(slug)s adresi g羹ncelleniyor��"],"Regenerated %(slug)s address .":[null,"%(slug)s adresi yeniden olu�turuldu."],"Error regenerating %(slug)s address. %(error)s":[null,""],"Resetting Jetpack options��":[null,"Jetpack se癟enekleri s覺f覺rlan覺yor��"],"Options reset.":[null,"Se癟enekler s覺f覺rland覺."],"Options failed to reset.":[null,"Se癟enekler s覺f覺rlanamad覺."],"There was an error disconnecting Jetpack. Error: %(error)s":[null,"Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺 kesilirken bir hata olu�tu. Hata: %(error)s"],"Un
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3691 z ya da geri bildirimde bulunmak istiyor musunuz?{{/hideOnMobile}} {{reviewLink}}G繹r羹�羹n羹z羹 payla�覺n{{/reviewLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{twitterLink}}Twitter�a bizi takip edin{{/twitterLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} ve{{/hideOnMobile}} {{facebookLink}}Facebook�a bizi be�enin{{/facebookLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Like us on Facebook":[null,"Bizi Facebook'ta be�enin"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"Twitter'da Jetpack� takip edin"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}Destek sayfam覺z覺 g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}forumlardaki yan覺tlar覺 kontrol edin{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}} veya{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}do�rudan bizimle ileti�i
3692 m kurun{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"Jetpack destek ekibiyle do�rudan ileti�im kurun"],"Go to the support forums":[null," destek forumlar覺na gidin"],"Go to":[null," adresine gidin"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"T羹m Jetpack kullan覺c覺lar覺m覺za 羹cretsiz ve eksiksiz destek sunuyoruz. Destek ekibimiz her zaman size yard覺m etmeye haz覺r."],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Mutluluk M羹hendisi"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic'in Gizlilik 襤lkesi"]," Terms of Service":[null," Hizmet Ko�ullar覺"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"Google, Bing ve Pinterest�e sitenizin do�rulanmas覺 ve s覺ralamas覺n覺n y羹kselmesi i癟in {{a}
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3694 enti G羹ncellemeleri"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"Hata! Akismet anahtar覺n覺z eksik veya ge癟ersiz. {{akismetSettings}}D羹zeltmek i癟in Akismet ayarlar覺na gidin{{/akismetSettings}}."],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"Tehdit bulunmad覺, 癟ekinmeden devam edin!"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Destek Birimine Ba�vurun{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}Ayr覺nt覺lar覺�a g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(number)s threat found.":["Uh oh, %(number)s threats found.","Eyvah, %(number)s tehdit bulundu.","Eyvah, %(number)s tehdit bulundu."],"{{a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"Siteniz 癟繹kerse bildirimler almak i癟in {{a}}Monitor�� etkinle�tirin{{/a}}."],"Loading��":[null,"Y羹kleniyor��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"Kesinti 襤zleme"],"{{button}}View More Stats on Word
3695 {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"T羹m zamanlarda toplam yorum say覺s覺"],"All-time views":[null,"T羹m zamanlarda toplam g繹r羹nt羹leme say覺s覺"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views","%(number)s G繹r羹nt羹leme","%(number)s G繹r羹nt羹leme"],"Best overall day":[null,"Toplamda en iyi g羹n"],"Views today":[null,"Bug羹nk羹 g繹r羹nt羹leme say覺s覺"],"Months":[null,"Ay"],"Weeks":[null,"Hafta"],"Days":[null,"G羹n"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"襤statistikler y羹klenirken bir sorun ya�and覺. L羹tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin veya {{a}}istatistiklerinizi �imdi�a g繹r羹nt羹leyin{{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"Ayr覺nt覺l覺 istatistikleri g繹r羹nt羹lemek i癟in t覺klay覺n."],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"G繹r羹nt羹lemeler: %(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"%(date)s haftas覺"],"Ma
3696 nage security on":[null,"�a g羹venli�i y繹netin"],"Skip this step":[null,"Bu ad覺m覺 atla"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"Jetpack H覺zl覺 Ba�latma i�lemini atla"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"�zellikler ne zaman istenirse etkinle�tirilebilir veya devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺labilir."],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack'in 繹nerilen 繹zellikleri �unlar覺 i癟erir:"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"�nerilen �zellikleri Etkinle�tir"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"Jetpack'in 繹nerilen 繹zelliklerini etkinle�tirerek sitenizi h覺zla geli�tirin."],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"Sitenizi H覺zl覺 Ba�lat覺n"],"Disconnect from":[null," Ba�lant覺s覺n覺 Kes"],"Link to":[null,"'a ba�lan"],"Unlink me from":[null," ba�lant覺m覺 kald覺r"],"Join the millions
3697 of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"Sitelerini geli�tirmek ve g羹vene almak i癟in Jetpack�en yararlanan milyonlarca kullan覺c覺ya kat覺l覺n. WordPress bizim tutkumuz ve i�inizi kolayla�t覺rmak i癟in yard覺ma haz覺r覺z."],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"Jetpack, topluluktaki teknik becerisi en y羹ksek ve en tutkulu insanlardan baz覺lar覺 taraf覺ndan desteklenmektedir. D羹nyan覺n her yan覺na da�覺lm覺� durumdalar ve size yard覺m etmeye haz覺rlar."],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�cretsiz profesyonel destekten bahsetmi� miydik?"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack, m羹kemmel g繹r羹n
3698 t羹lerinizi inan覺lmaz bir h覺zda y羹klemek i癟in son teknoloji 羹r羹n羹 i癟erik teslimi a�覺n覺 kullan覺r. Her cihaz i癟in optimize edilmi�tir ve tamamen 羹cretsizdir."],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"Son derece h覺zl覺, optimize edilmi� g繹r羹nt羹ler"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"Asla bir g羹venlik s羹r羹m羹nde ge癟 kalmay覺n veya birden fazla siteyi g羹ncellemek i癟in zaman kaybetmeyin."],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"Otomatik site g羹ncellemeleri."],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"Canl覺 site izleme."],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"Milyonlarca sitede milyarlarca oturum a癟ma sald覺r覺s覺n覺 engellemi� Protect ile kafan覺z rahat olsun."],"Block site attacks.":[null,"Site sald覺r覺lar覺n覺 engelleyin."],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automaticall
3699 y update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack k繹t羹 ama癟l覺 oturum a癟ma denemelerini engeller, siteniz 癟繹kerse size haber verir ve eklentilerinizi otomatik olarak g羹ncelleyebilir, yani size dert edecek hi癟bir �ey kalmaz."],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"Site g羹venli�i ve i癟 rahatl覺�覺"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack,�n g羹c羹nden yararlanarak size ziyaret癟ileriniz, neleri okuduklar覺 ve nereden geldikleri hakk覺nda ayr覺nt覺l覺 bilgiler sunar."],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"Benzer Yaz覺lar ile payla�acak ve okuyacak daha fazla i癟erik sunarak ziyaret癟ilerinizin siteyle ili�kisini g羹癟lendirin."],"Increase page views.":[null,"Sayfa g繹r羹nt羹leme say覺s覺n覺 art覺r覺n."],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to
3700 your content.":[null,"Ziyaret癟ilerinize i癟eriklerinizi payla�mak ve bunlara abone olmak i癟in gereken ara癟lar覺 sunun."],"Build a community.":[null,"Bir topluluk olu�turun."],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Payla�ma ve Be�eni D羹�meleri"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"Otomatik sosyal pazarlama."],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack, sitenizi daha fazla insan覺n g繹r羹nt羹lemesine ve bunlar覺n sitede tutulmas覺na yard覺mc覺 olacak 癟ok say覺da trafik ve kat覺l覺m arac覺 sa�lar."],"Send us Feedback":[null,"Geri Bildirim g繹nderin"],"Need Help?":[null,"Yard覺ma m覺 ihtiyac覺n覺z var?"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Eklentileri Y繹net"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"Daha az stres. Monitor, sitenizin hizmet d覺�覺 kalmas覺 durumunda size ger癟ek zamanl覺 uyar覺lar g繹nderir."],"Track your growth":[null,"Geli�iminizi izleyin"],"
3701 Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Yaz覺lar覺n覺z覺 arkada�lar覺n覺zla, takip癟ilerinizle ve t羹m d羹nyayla otomatik olarak payla�mak i癟in Duyuru'yu kullan覺n."],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Sitenize daha fazla ziyaret癟i y繹nlendirin"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"Jetpack'inize ba�lan覺rken bir sorun olu�tu. L羹tfen \"'a ba�lan\" se癟ene�ine yeniden t覺klay覺n."],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"Jetpack'e ba�lan覺rken bir sorun ya�ad覺k. Jetpack eklentisini devre d覺�覺 b覺rak覺p yeniden etkinle�tirin, ard覺ndan tekrar ba�lan覺n."],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"Jetpack'i yetkilendirirken WordPress blogunuzda oturum a癟m覺� olman覺z gerekir."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s
3702 }} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack'inizde bir hata var.{{/s}} Bu rahats覺zl覺ktan dolay覺 繹z羹r dileriz. L羹tfen daha sonra yeniden deneyin. Sorun h璽l璽 devam ediyorsa l羹tfen �u mesajla deste�e ba�vurun: %(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack Ba�lant覺s覺 Kesiliyor"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Jetpack'le ilgili g繹r羹�羹n羹z羹 payla�覺n"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"Yard覺ma m覺 ihtiyac覺n覺z var? Jetpack ekibi sizin i癟in burada."],"Smiley":[null,"Y羹z 襤fadesi"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"襤ki Ad覺ml覺 Kimlik Do�rulamas覺 襤ste"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"Geni� ve g繹rsel olarak 癟arp覺c覺 bir d羹zen kullan覺n."],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"襤lgili yaz覺lar覺 as覺l yaz覺dan daha a癟覺k �ekilde ay覺
3703 rmak i癟in bir \"襤lgili\" ba�l覺�覺 g繹ster"],"Related":[null,"襤lgili"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Evinizde, ofisinizde veya di�er yerlerde de�i�ebildi�i i癟in en s覺k kullan覺lan IP adreslerinizi eklemeye dikkat edin. A�a�覺daki listeden kald覺rd覺�覺n覺z IP adresi, g羹venilir adresler listenizden de 癟覺kar覺l覺r."],"Whitelist Management":[null,"G羹venilir Adresler Listesi Y繹netimi"],"Email Address":[null,"E-posta Adresi"],"Publicize":[null,"Duyuru"],"Site Stats":[null,"Site 襤statistikleri"],"Featured Images":[null,"�ne 癟覺kar覺lan g繹rseller"],"Excerpts":[null,"Al覺nt覺lar"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"Bu site i癟in G繹r羹�ler'i etkinle�tirin."],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"Bu site i癟in Portfolyo Projelerini etkinle�tirin."],"Preview":[null,"�ni
3704 zleme"],"Color Scheme":[null,"Renk �emas覺"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"G繹z ard覺 edilen c羹mleler"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"G繹nderilerde ve sayfalarda d羹zeltme okumas覺 yapmak i癟in otomatik olarak alg覺lanan dili kullan"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"A�dal覺 c羹mleler"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"Ka癟覺n覺lacak c羹mleler"],"Passive Voice":[null,"Pasif ses"],"Jargon":[null,"Jargon"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"Gizli fiiller"],"Double Negatives":[null,"�ifte negatifler"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"Belirleyici i�aretler"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"Karma�覺k c羹mleler"],"Bias Language":[null,"�nyarg覺l覺 dil"],"English Options":[null,"襤ngilizce ayarlar"],"Proofreading":[null,"D羹zeltme Okumas覺"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack'i Ba�la"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack, ile ileti�im kuramad覺: %(error_key)s.
3705 Bu genellikle, web sunucunuzda bir �eylerin yanl覺� yap覺land覺r覺ld覺�覺 anlam覺na gelir."]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," �u anda sorun ya�覺yor ve Jetpack'inizi destekleyemiyor. L羹tfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin."],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}Jetpack'inizde bir hata var.{{/s}} Bu site ile aras覺nda ba�lant覺 kurmak m羹mk羹n de�il. Bu genellikle, sitenizin herkesin eri�imine a癟覺k olmad覺�覺 anlam覺na gelir (localhost)."],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"Jetpack'in kullan覺labilmesi i癟in web sitenizin herkesin eri�imine a癟覺k olmas覺 gerekir: %(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack ba�lant覺s覺n覺 ba�ar覺yla kestiniz"],"
3706 Active":[null,"Etkin"],"Settings":[null,"Ayarlar"],"Learn More":[null,"Daha Fazla Bilgi"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"Jetpack Ba�lant覺s覺n覺 Kes"],"Debug":[null,"Ay覺klama"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"Sitenizin Jetpack ile uyumlulu�unu test edin."]}
3707 \ No newline at end of file
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3710 index f3f33ce..4db0034 100644
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3712 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-zh_CN.json
3713 @@ -1 +1 @@
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3715 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
3716 null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IP
3717 v6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"�揣 Jetpack ���"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"�漣 Jetpack嚗�隞砍�餈�摰�急�蝔�撠��粉�箸��隞嗅僎蝡�亙�嚗誑靘踵��交�蝵�銝������"],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"�典隞亙��閫€����喳��冽��靽⊥��"],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"�蔭�函�
3718 ��冽��"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"甇斗芋���蔭�★"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"���漣 Jetpack 霈拇�蝝W���霈踹恥�仿��典��冽��函�蝡�摰�扼€�隞祉����曉�摰孵極�瑕隞交��方�霈箏��橘�靽�函��揣撘�隡�嚗僎霈抵挪摰X摰寞�靽��頂��"],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"撣西�刻����賜�摰�箏�憭遢�臬��餅��憿曆�敹改�霈拇�賢��葉蝎曉��啣�蝎曉蔗�捆��������賑�乩��斗����寥�U€��喳�蝥扼€�"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Se
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3723 g us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}�賢�刻�銝泯{a}}� 2 銝芷憸�靚�桀{{/a}}銝剖�霂�隞祆銝箔�銋瓷���� Jetpack 餈嚗{/p}}{{p}}敹◆�� Jetpack 餈嚗�隞砍�韐寧�摰�����賣��賣迤撣貉�銵€{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"甈Z�雿輻 {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}嚗�"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"�函� Jetpack 撌脰��乓€�"],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Jetpack �啣歇瞈€瘣鳴��典歇����嚗��嗅隞亙�憪€�"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"�典歇����嚗��嗅隞亙�憪€�"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�函�蝙�函��� Jetpack �����研€�"],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Curre
3724 ntly in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀��� jetpack_development_mode 餈誘�典�鈭{a}}撘€�芋撘{/a}}�{br/}}���撌脩��具€�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀��� JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG 撣豢憭�{{a}}撘€�芋撘{/a}}�{br/}}���撌脩��具€�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀�憭�{{a}}撘€�芋撘{/a}}嚗�銝箸���� URL 蝻箏�銝€銝芰嚗�憒� http://localhost嚗€{br/}}���撌脩��具€�"],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"�� (%(userName)s) 瘝⊥�餈����"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"�典�� Jetpack �批�X銝��啣鈭�摰對�"],"Let us know!":[
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3726 {{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"瞈€瘣餌��寧�霈�"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"�芸��Y�憡���駁敺~€�"],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"銝€瘚���捆�脣鴃��"],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"�芸憭遢�港葵蝡��"],"Security Scanning":[null,"摰�急�"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"�芸�急��函�蝡隞交�曉虜閫����餃��"],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"�踹������捆�€€�"],"Site Backups":[null,"蝡憭遢"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"憭遢�函�蝡嚗�"],"Pro":[null,"銝�"],"No Results Found.":[null,"瘝⊥��曉蝏���"],"Threats found!":[null,"�憡�嚗�"],"Set up":[null,"霈曄蔭"],"Upgrade":[null,"�漣"],"ACTIVE":[null,"��"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you pr
3727 epare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"暺恥�撠貊�瘥���捆�€€�銝��箏�唳�餌�蝡€�隞祉��格��舀�颱遙雿�蝵桀僎銝�撣詨�韏瑟�颯€�隞祉��格��舫€��餅迫餈�憡�撣桀�典�憟賢�憭��冽����銝��賑�臭誑撣桀�典�蝡餈��唬���甇�虜�嗆€€�"],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"�函�蝡雿輻��晶 Jetpack 憟�"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"�函�蝡雿輻� Jetpack 擃漣憟�"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"�函�蝡雿輻� Jetpack 銝�憟�"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"�函�蝡憭�撘€�芋撘�"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class se
3728 curity, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"�� Akismet ��銝€瘚���捆�脣鴃靽��"],"View your spam stats":[null,"�亦��函���捆蝏恣靽⊥"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"�蔭 Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"�亦��函�摰�批�X"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"�蔭 VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"靚��蟡�"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"���嗉��仿�瘀����嗅�憭€�刻��仿�瑞�颲嚗�臭誑頧餅敹恍€�遣靚�桀�€�蝵��摮隞嗆���� iPad �� iPhone �園�����"],"Create a new poll":[null,"�遣�唳�蟡�"],"Real-time backups":[null,"摰憭遢"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"銝€�桀�憡�閫��寞�"],"Advanced polls
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3733 nywhere, any time.":[null,"�€�� WordPress 摨蝔��賢�誘鈭箔儒�桃�頞翰銝��賡��函��粉�剁�隞乩噶�典隞亙��嗅瘜刻撌勗�甈Y�蝡撟園��園��啣��亙笆霂€�"],"Launch Reader":[null,"�臬�粉��"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"�菜����亥╲��"],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"�瑕��鈭遙雿�撟� WordPress 摨蝔���"],"In Your Pocket":[null,"�箏蒂�嫣噶"],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"隞���隞餅�雿蔭���捆��頦芰�霈∩縑�胯€恣�貉�霈箇�蝑€�隞祉�蝘餃摨蝔��臬�皞��晶��撟嗡��臭��典 Apple �� Android 霈曉�銝蝙�具€�"]," in the App Store":[null,"App Store 銝剔�"]," in Google Play":[null,"Google Play 銝剔�"],"On Your Des
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3735 ��暍{/a}}��"],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack 甇�蝘舀��唳�芣�敶�霂€�桀�敺翰�曄內�冽迨憭�"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"�冽���嫣��行���餅€餅��"],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}瞈€瘣� Protect{{/a}} 靽�函�蝡���嗆��餃�撠��噩摰喋€�"],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",["%(number)s 銝芣�隞�"]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",["�€閬�啜€�"]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�€��隞園�舀��啁��云璉�嚗�"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}瞈€瘣� Manage{{/a}} 隞交�撘€�芸�湔撟嗡� 蝞∠��函��辣��"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your si
3736 te. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"摰��"],"Performance":[null,"�扯"],"Backups":[null,"憭遢"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}�亦�憭遢霂衣�靽⊥{{/a}}��"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"閬�典�隞賣銝芰��對�霂暍{a}}摰�撟嗆�瘣認{/a}} VaultPress��"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"閬�典�隞賣銝芰��對�霂暍{a}}�漣嚗{/a}}"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"�典��芋撘葉銝�具€�"],"Spam Protection":[null,"��捆�脫"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"銝箔��瑕�銝€瘚���捆�脣鴃嚗窈{{a}}摰� Akismet{{/a}}��"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"銝箔��瑕�銝€瘚���捆�脣鴃嚗窈{{a}}瞈€瘣� Akismet{{/a}}��"],"Invalid Key":[nu
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3740 �"],"Follow Jetpack on Twitter":[null,"�� Twitter 銝瘜� Jetpack"],"{{supportLink}}View our support page{{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}},{{/hideOnMobile}} {{forumLink}}check the forums for answers{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}, or{{/hideOnMobile}} {{contactLink}}contact us directly{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}.{{/hideOnMobile}}":[null,"{{supportLink}}�亦��賑��△�┐{/supportLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}�{/hideOnMobile}}{{forumLink}}�亦�霈箏�撖餅蝑�{{/forumLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}嚗��{/hideOnMobile}}{{contactLink}}�湔�頂�賑{{/contactLink}}{{hideOnMobile}}�{/hideOnMobile}}"],"Contact Jetpack support staff directly":[null,"�湔�頂 Jetpack �舀�鈭箏�"],"Go to the support forums":[null,"頧砍 �舀�霈箏�"],"Go to":[null,"頧砍"],"We offer free, full support to all of our Jetpack users. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"�賑銝箸��� Jetpack �冽�
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3743 {a}}Activate Monitor{{/a}} to receive notifications if your site goes down.":[null,"{{a}}瞈€瘣� Monitor{{/a}}嚗誑靘踹�函�蝡�箇���嗆�園€��"],"Loading��":[null,"甇��蝸��"],"Downtime Monitoring":[null,"��園�"],"{{button}}View More Stats on {{/button}}":[null,""],"{{button}}View Old Stats{{/button}}":[null,""],"All-time comments":[null,"�€��渡�霂捏"],"All-time views":[null,"�€��渡�瘚�"],"%(number)s View":["%(number)s Views",["%(number)s 甈⊥�閫�"]],"Best overall day":[null,"�颱���€憟賜�銝€憭�"],"Views today":[null,"隞予��閫�"],"Months":[null,"��"],"Weeks":[null,"��"],"Days":[null,"憭�"],"Something happened while loading stats. Please try again later or {{a}}view your stats now on{{/a}}":[null,"�蝸蝏恣靽⊥�嗅�€窈蝔����{a}}蝡�� 銝��霈∩縑�砸{/a}}"],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"�孵隞交�祕蝏�霈∩縑�胯€
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3745 who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"�靘� Jetpack 憓撩�嗥��孵僎蝖桐�蝡摰��曆��冽敶葉��隞砍笆 WordPress �說�剜�嚗僎���霈拇��瘣餅頧餅��"],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"蝷曉銝剔��€�臭犖���剜���瑚�銝箸��銝� Jetpack ���€�隞砌�鈭����啣僎�嗅���€銝箸��撣桀��"],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�賑�臬��晶��銝��"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack �拍銝€瘚� �捆鈭支�蝵�頞翰�啣�頧賣�移蝢�€�撖嫣遙雿挽憭���
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3748 to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack �捂憭�����摨血極�瘀��臬葬�拇銝箇��孵撘憭挪摰W僎撠�隞祉��券�€�"],"Send us Feedback":[null,"��隞砍���擐�"],"Need Help?":[null,"�€閬葬�抬�"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"蝞∠��辣"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"�蝠��������孵�����Monitor ��臭誑摰��€��€�"],"Track your growth":[null,"頝葵�函����"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"雿輻 Publicize �芸銝��€�銝��函��冽�曹澈�函�����"],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"���函��寧�瘚�"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"餈�函� Jetpack �嗅�圈憸€窈�活�孵���亥�€�"],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack;
3749 deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"餈 Jetpack �嗅�圈憸�霂瑕��� Jetpack �辣���瞈€瘣鳴��嗅��活餈��"],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"�典�憿餃銝� Jetpack ���嗥敶�函� WordPress �恥��"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}�函� Jetpack �憸€{/s}}�賑撖寧甇文蒂�亦�銝噶瘛望�甇��窈蝔���嚗��憸��嗅��剁�霂瑁�蝟餅�犖�僎��隞乩�靽⊥嚗�%(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"�剖� Jetpack"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"霂遠 Jetpack"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�€閬葬�抬�Jetpack �a��敺��"],"Smiley":[null,"蝚"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�€閬舅甇亥恕霂�"],"
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3751 "],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"銝箸迨蝡�舐���★�栽€€�"],"Preview":[null,"憸�"],"Color Scheme":[null,"��寞�"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"敹賜��蝏�"],"Use automatically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"雿輻�芸璉€瘚�霂剛��交撖寞�蝡�憿菟"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"蝜���蝏�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�踹�雿輻��蝏�"],"Passive Voice":[null,"鋡怠霂剜€�"],"Jargon":[null,"銵�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"���霂�"],"Double Negatives":[null,"���血�"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"�蝚�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"憭���蝏�"],"Bias Language":[null,"甇扯��扯祗閮€"],"English Options":[null,"�梯祗�★"],"Proofreading":[null,"�∪笆"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"餈 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ��銝� �縑嚗�%(error_key)s
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3753 "靚�"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"瘚��函�蝡銝� Jetpack �摰寞€扼€�"]}
3754 \ No newline at end of file
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3756 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
3757 null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IP
3758 v6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"�揣 Jetpack ���"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"�漣 Jetpack嚗�隞砍�餈�摰�急�蝔�撠��粉�箸��隞嗅僎蝡�亙�嚗誑靘踵��交�蝵�銝������"],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"�典隞亙��閫€����喳��冽��靽⊥��"],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,"�蔭�函�
3759 ��冽��"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"甇斗芋���蔭�★"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"���漣 Jetpack 霈拇�蝝W���霈踹恥�仿��典��冽��函�蝡�摰�扼€�隞祉����曉�摰孵極�瑕隞交��方�霈箏��橘�靽�函��揣撘�隡�嚗僎霈抵挪摰X摰寞�靽��頂��"],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"撣西�刻����賜�摰�箏�憭遢�臬��餅��憿曆�敹改�霈拇�賢��葉蝎曉��啣�蝎曉蔗�捆��������賑�乩��斗����寥�U€��喳�蝥扼€�"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Se
3760 ttings {{/link}}":[null,"{{link}}�蔭�函� %(module_slug)s 霈曄蔭{{/link}}"],"Subscriber":[null,"霈a���"],"Big iPhone/iPad Update Now Available":[null,"iPhone/iPad �啣��閬��"],"The WordPress for Android App Gets a Big Facelift":[null,"Android �� WordPress 摨蝔�憭��之�"],"Upgrade Focus: VideoPress For Weddings":[null,"�漣�嚗�蝷� VideoPress"]," Likes are:":[null," �寡�嚗�"],"Comments headline":[null,"霂捏��"],"A few catchy words to motivate your readers to comment.":[null,"�賡��望�粉��銵刻�霈箇��葵�Y霂祗��"],"Can readers subscribe to your posts, comments or both?":[null,"霂餉€霈a��函�����霈箸��霈a�銝方€�嚗�"],"Show a \"follow blog\" options in the comment form":[null,"�刻�霈箄”�葉�曄內�瘜典�摰T€€★"],"Show a \"follow comments\" option in the comment form.":[null,"�刻�霈箄”�葉�曄內�瘜刻�霈算€€★��"],"Admin Bar":[null,"�
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3764 g us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}�賢�刻�銝泯{a}}� 2 銝芷憸�靚�桀{{/a}}銝剖�霂�隞祆銝箔�銋瓷���� Jetpack 餈嚗{/p}}{{p}}敹◆�� Jetpack 餈嚗�隞砍�韐寧�摰�����賣��賣迤撣貉�銵€{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"甈Z�雿輻 {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}嚗�"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"�函� Jetpack 撌脰��乓€�"],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"Jetpack �啣歇瞈€瘣鳴��典歇����嚗��嗅隞亙�憪€�"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"�典歇����嚗��嗅隞亙�憪€�"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"�函�蝙�函��� Jetpack �����研€�"],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Curre
3765 ntly in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀��� jetpack_development_mode 餈誘�典�鈭{a}}撘€�芋撘{/a}}�{br/}}���撌脩��具€�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀��� JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG 撣豢憭�{{a}}撘€�芋撘{/a}}�{br/}}���撌脩��具€�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀�憭�{{a}}撘€�芋撘{/a}}嚗�銝箸���� URL 蝻箏�銝€銝芰嚗�憒� http://localhost嚗€{br/}}���撌脩��具€�"],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"�� (%(userName)s) 瘝⊥�餈����"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"�典�� Jetpack �批�X銝��啣鈭�摰對�"],"Let us know!":[
3766 null,"霂瑕�霂�隞穿�"],"Welcome to Jetpack":[null,"甈Z�雿輻 Jetpack"],"Please connect to or create a account to start using Jetpack. This will enable powerful security, traffic, and customization services.":[null,"霂瑁��亙��撱箔�銝� 撣隞亙�憪蝙�� Jetpack��撠��舐�撘箏之���具€����芸�銋��~€�"],"No account? Create one for free��":[null,"瘝⊥�撣嚗�韐孵�撱箔�銝芬€�"],"Saving��":[null,"甇�靽�..."],"Save Settings":[null,"靽�霈曄蔭"],"Updates Needed":[null,"�€閬��"],"Do you really want to disconnect your site from":[null,"蝖桀�閬撘€蝡銝� ���亙�嚗�"],"Jetpack Stats Icon":[null,"Jetpack 蝏恣�暹�"],"{{a}}Activate Site Stats{{/a}} to see detailed stats, likes, followers, subscribers, and more! {{a1}}Learn More{{/a1}}":[null,"{{a}}瞈€瘣餌��寧�霈﹃{/a}}隞交�祕蝏�霈~€���銝€恥�€��游�靽⊥嚗{a1}}鈭圾霂行�
3767 {{/a1}}"],"Activate Site Stats":[null,"瞈€瘣餌��寧�霈�"],"Automated, comprehensive protection from threats and attacks.":[null,"�芸��Y�憡���駁敺~€�"],"State-of-the-art spam defense.":[null,"銝€瘚���捆�脣鴃��"],"Automatically backup your entire site.":[null,"�芸憭遢�港葵蝡��"],"Security Scanning":[null,"摰�急�"],"Automatically scan your site for common threats and attacks.":[null,"�芸�急��函�蝡隞交�曉虜閫����餃��"],"Keep those spammers away!":[null,"�踹������捆�€€�"],"Site Backups":[null,"蝡憭遢"],"Keep your site backed up!":[null,"憭遢�函�蝡嚗�"],"Pro":[null,"銝�"],"No Results Found.":[null,"瘝⊥��曉蝏���"],"Threats found!":[null,"�憡�嚗�"],"Set up":[null,"霈曄蔭"],"Upgrade":[null,"�漣"],"ACTIVE":[null,"��"],"Hackers, botnets and spammers attack websites indiscriminately. Their goal is to attack everywhere and often. Our goal is to help you pr
3768 epare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"暺恥�撠貊�瘥���捆�€€�銝��箏�唳�餌�蝡€�隞祉��格��舀�颱遙雿�蝵桀僎銝�撣詨�韏瑟�颯€�隞祉��格��舫€��餅迫餈�憡�撣桀�典�憟賢�憭��冽����銝��賑�臭誑撣桀�典�蝡餈��唬���甇�虜�嗆€€�"],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"�函�蝡雿輻��晶 Jetpack 憟�"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"�函�蝡雿輻� Jetpack 擃漣憟�"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"�函�蝡雿輻� Jetpack 銝�憟�"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"�函�蝡憭�撘€�芋撘�"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class se
3769 curity, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"�� Akismet ��銝€瘚���捆�脣鴃靽��"],"View your spam stats":[null,"�亦��函���捆蝏恣靽⊥"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"�蔭 Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"�亦��函�摰�批�X"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"�蔭 VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"靚��蟡�"],"Create a new poll":[null,"�遣�唳�蟡�"],"Real-time backups":[null,"摰憭遢"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"銝€�桀�憡�閫��寞�"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"擃漣�巨��蝥�"],"Compare Plans":[null,"瘥�憟�"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"�€擃漣�怎�摰��"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"�
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3771 �亥澈隞賣"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"撠���琿�亙 隞亙���� Jetpack��"],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"�函�蝡敹◆�臭��揣撘�霈輸嚗迨��甇�虜餈���臭誑�肚{a}}�粉霈曄蔭{{/a}}銝剜�寞迨憿嫘€�"],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"�亦�{{a}}�€��霈∩縑�砸{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"�亦��函�{{a}}�萄��桐辣蝎�{{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"�冽�銝芾挽憭��雿輻撘箏之�� ���"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"隞�銝芣�園�輻恣�����嫘€�"],"Feel the performance":[null,"���扯"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page-loads
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3785 .":[null,"�臭誑�瞈€瘣餅�����"],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack �刻����賢��穿�"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"瞈€瘣餅���"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"��瞈€瘣� Jetpack �刻����賢翰��撘箸���嫘€�"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"敹恍€�函���"],"Disconnect from":[null,"隞� �剖�餈"],"Link to":[null,"�唾���"],"Unlink me from":[null,"���� ���"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"�靘� Jetpack 憓撩�嗥��孵僎蝖桐�蝡摰��曆��冽敶葉��隞砍笆 WordPress �說�剜�嚗僎���霈拇��瘣餅頧餅��"],"Jetpack is supported by some of the most technical and passionate people
3786 in the community. They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,"蝷曉銝剔��€�臭犖���剜���瑚�銝箸��銝� Jetpack ���€�隞砌�鈭����啣僎�嗅���€銝箸��撣桀��"],"Did we mention free, professional support?":[null,"�賑�臬��晶��銝��"],"Jetpack utilizes the state-of-the-art content delivery network to load your gorgeous imagery super fast. Optimized for any device, and its completely free.":[null,"Jetpack �拍銝€瘚� �捆鈭支�蝵�頞翰�啣�頧賣�移蝢�€�撖嫣遙雿挽憭���撟嗡�摰�晶��"],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,"�漲敹怠��芰嚗��餈���"],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,"��瑟�摰�嚗€�銝�瘚芾晶�園�湔憭葵蝡��"],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"�芸蝡�湔��"],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"摰蝡
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3788 �"],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"雿輻��單�蝡€��賭蛹霈踹恥���游��臬鈭怠��粉��摰對�蝖桐�霈踹恥��摨艾€�"],"Increase page views.":[null,"��憿菟瘚��€�"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"銝箄挪摰X�靘鈭怠�霈a��函��捆�極�瑯€�"],"Build a community.":[null,"�遣蝷曉��"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"�曹澈���"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�芸�冗鈭方�€��"],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack �捂憭�����摨血極�瘀��臬葬�拇銝箇��孵撘憭挪摰W僎撠�隞祉��券�€�"],"Send us Feedback":[null,"��隞砍���擐�"],"Need Help?":[null,"�€閬葬�抬�"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"蝞∠��辣"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null
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3792 �"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"�踹�雿輻��蝏�"],"Passive Voice":[null,"鋡怠霂剜€�"],"Jargon":[null,"銵�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"���霂�"],"Double Negatives":[null,"���血�"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"�蝚�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"憭���蝏�"],"Bias Language":[null,"甇扯��扯祗閮€"],"English Options":[null,"�梯祗�★"],"Proofreading":[null,"�∪笆"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"餈 Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack ��銝� �縑嚗�%(error_key)s���虜銵函內�函� Web 銝餅銝��冽�鈭�霂舫�蝵柴€�"]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null," 敶�摮�桅�嚗�瘜蛹�函� Jetpack ���舀��窈蝔�����"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possi
3793 ble. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}�函� Jetpack �憸€{/s}}��撠迨蝡銝� 餈���虜銵函內�函�蝡銝�砍�霈輸嚗�唬蜓�綽���"],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"�函�蝵�敹◆�賢撘€霈輸�雿輻 Jetpack嚗�%(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"�典歇���剖� Jetpack"],"Active":[null,"撌脫�瘣�"],"Settings":[null,"霈曄蔭"],"Learn More":[null,"鈭圾�游�"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"�剖� Jetpack 餈"],"Debug":[null,"靚�"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"瘚��函�蝡銝� Jetpack �摰寞€扼€�"]}
3794 \ No newline at end of file
3796 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-zh_TW.json b/plugins/jetpack/languages/json/jetpack-zh_TW.json
3797 index bce13bc..04aa081 100644
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3800 @@ -1 +1 @@
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3802 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
3803 null,""],"Advanced SEO tools to help your site get found when people search for relevant content.":[null,""],"Need more? Running a business site?":[null,""],"If your site is important to you, consider protecting and improving it with some of our advanced features: ":[null,""],"On-demand security scanning":[null,""],"Advanced SEO tools":[null,""],"Configure your SEO settings.":[null,""],"The easiest way to upload ad-free and unbranded videos to your site. You get stats on video playback and shares and the player is lightweight and responsive.":[null,""],"You are running Jetpack on a staging server.":[null,""],"More Info":[null,""],"Search your content.":[null,""],"{{a}}Manage Likes visibility from the Sharing Module Settings{{/a}}":[null,""],"Hide the stats smiley face image. The image helps collect stats but should still work when hidden.":[null,""],"Your Current IP: %(ip)s":[null,""],"Whitelisting an IP address prevents it from ever being blocked by Jetpack.":[null,""],"IPv4 and IP
3804 v6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"�� Jetpack ���"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"�� Jetpack嚗����€�啣��冽€扳���撘��曉�⊥�瑼�銝衣��喳�隞仿€嚗�甇支�蝯�銝��潛蝬脩�銝�隞颱��啁���"],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"雿隞亙�蜇閬賬€�畾菜�����冽€扳���鞈���"],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,
3805 "閮剖�摰�扳���"],"This module has no configuration options":[null,"甇斗芋蝯��身摰��"],"Let search engines and visitors know that you are serious about your websites integrity by upgrading Jetpack. Our anti-spam tools will eliminate comment spam, protect your SEO, and make it easier for visitors to stay in touch.":[null,"�� Jetpack嚗���撘��赤摰Y���虜��蝬脩����湔€扼€������暸隞嗅極�瑕�皜��餈湧��霅瑚��� SEO嚗蒂霈赤摰Z憭�擛��蝜怒€�"],"Real-time offsite backups with automated restores deliver peace-of-mind, so you can focus on writing great content and increasing traffic while we protect every aspect of your investment. Upgrade today.":[null,"�單��啣�遢����憭�雿�敹蝙�剁��冽���霅瑚��敹��€惜�Y���嚗��臭誑撠釣�潭撖怎移敶拙摰孵���瘚����喳�蝝€�"],"{{link}}Configure your %(module_slug)s Settings {{/link}}":
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3815 ection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"�∠ Akismet �����唳�銵��舫���曇��胯€�"],"View your spam stats":[null,"瑼Z��餈湧蝯梯�鞈�"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"閮剖� Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"瑼Z�摰�批�銵冽"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"閮剖� VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"隤踵��蟡�"],"Unlimited surveys, unlimited responses. Use the survey editor to create surveys quickly and easily. Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,"�⊿��矽�伐��⊿����€蝙�刻矽�亦楊頛臬�喳頛�敹恍€撱箇�隤踵�€�雿�蝬脩��摮隞嗆��其��� iPad �� iPhone 銝���€�"],"Create a new poll":[null,"撱箇��啁��巨"],"Real-time backups":[null,"�單��遢"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"銝€�菜��斗�����"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"�脤��巨��
3816 閰�"],"Compare Plans":[null,"瘥��寞�"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"�€擃�蝝�摰��"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"���⊥�鈭箏ㄚ"],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"�游����曇��舐祟�貉憭�霅瑚����€���銝行��� SEO����蝣潛閫���餃�脰風�航�雿�敹蝙�剁�銝阡�靘菔€€脣敺垢��"],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"鈭怎�芸��舀��"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�€閬牧��嚗appiness Engineer �臭誑��雿�蝬脩��董���憿��隞
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3820 avorite sites and join the conversation anywhere, any time.":[null,"�€�� WordPress �蝔��賢�翰���典��賜��梯��剁��迨雿隞仿���⊥��雯蝡���嚗蒂�冽��典�閮���"],"Launch Reader":[null,"���梯���"],"Inspiration strikes any time, anywhere.":[null,"���冽��典�賢�賭��整€�"],"Get WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"銝��拍�澆�蝔株撟� WordPress �蝔���"],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"�∟�雿澈�其����賢隞亦銵典摰嫘€蕭頩斤絞閮���撖拇餈湧嚗��賭蝙�刻迂憭隞��賬€���銵��蝔��箏�鞎餌����蝣潘�雿隞亙 Apple �� Android 鋆蔭銝蝙�具€�"]," in the App Store":[null,"App Store 銝剔�"]," in Google P
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3822 ll,"憒��芸�銝�Y�摰�批�����隢{a}}��撣唾�{{/a}}��"],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack 甇�銝餃��餅��⊥��餃�岫�€ㄐ敺翰撠望�憿舐內鞈�嚗�"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"雿雯蝡���⊥��餅�蝮質���"],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}� Protect{{/a}} �舫甇V��雯蝡��唳��亙�閰衣�靘菜��"],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",["%(number)s ����撘�"]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",["�€閬�啜€�"]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�€����撘�舀��啁��研€�敺末嚗�"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}� Manage{{/a}} �舫����啣�蝞∠� ����撘€�"],"Jetpack is improving and
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3828 s. Our support team is always around to help you.":[null,"�€�€�� Jetpack 雿輻��靘��渡��祥�舀�����舀���冽��箔������"],"Jetpack Happiness Engineer":[null,"Jetpack Happiness Engineer"],"Automattic's Privacy Policy":[null,"Automattic �蝘�靽風�輻�"]," Terms of Service":[null," ��璇狡"],"{{a}}Activate Site Verification{{/a}} to verify your site and increase ranking with Google, Bing, and Pinterest.":[null,"{{a}}�蝬脩�撽�{{/a}}�舫�霅��雯蝡�銝阡€� Google�ing �� Pinterest ������"],"Site Verification Tools are active. Ensure your site is verified with Google, Bing, and Pinterest for more accurate indexing and ranking. {{a}}Verify now{{/a}}":[null,"蝬脩�撽�撌亙�銝准€�蝣箔�撌脤€� Google�ing �� Pinterest 撽�蝬脩�嚗誑靘踵蝎曄Ⅱ�圈€脰�蝺函���€{a}}蝡撽�{{/a}}"],"Site Verification Tools":[null,"蝬脩�撽�撌亙"],"{
3829 {a}}Activate Photon{{/a}} to enhance the performance and speed of your images.":[null,"{{a}}� Photon{{/a}} �舀�������€漲��"],"Image Performance %(photon)s":[null,"��� %(photon)s"],"{{a}}Activate Manage and turn on auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�蝞∠�銝阡����閃{/a}}"],"{{a}}Turn on plugin auto updates{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}��憭�蝔��芸��湔{{/a}}"],"Plugin Updates":[null,"憭�蝔��湔"],"Whoops! Your Akismet key is missing or invalid. {{akismetSettings}}Go to Akismet settings to fix{{/akismetSettings}}.":[null,"蝟�嚗��� Akismet ��箏仃��€{akismetSettings}}�� Akismet 閮剖�隞仿€脰�靽格迤{{/akismetSettings}}��"],"No threats found, you're good to go!":[null,"瘝��曉憡�嚗��臭誑��雿輻鈭�"],"{{a}}Contact Support{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�舐窗�舀��{{/a}}"],"{{a}}View details at{{/a}}":[null,"{{a}}�� 瑼Z�閰喟敦鞈�{{/a}}"],"Uh oh, %(numb
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3831 "],"Click to view detailed stats.":[null,"��銝瑼Z�閰喟敦�絞閮��€�"],"Views: %(numberOfViews)s":[null,"�汗甈⊥嚗�%(numberOfViews)s"],"Week of %(date)s":[null,"%(date)s �園€�"],"Manage security on":[null,"蝞∠� 銝�摰��"],"Skip this step":[null,"�仿�甇斗郊撽�"],"Skip the Jetpack Jumpstart process":[null,"�仿� Jetpack 敹恍€���摨�"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"雿隞仿���冽�����"],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack �刻���賢��穿�"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"��刻����"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"� Jetpack �刻���踝�敹恍€��雯蝡�鞈芥€�"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"蝬脩��憭扯���"],"Disconnect from":[null,"銝剜�� �€��"],"Link to":[null,"�����"],"Unlink me f
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3834 �雿������唬�����撘�隞乩噶雿�敹蝙�具€�"],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"蝬脩�摰�扯�摰��"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack �鈭� �撥憭批��踝��賢��箔�憿舐內��閮芸恥�赤摰a霈€�摰嫣誑�赤摰V�皞�閰喟敦瘣��勗���"],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"���蝡€��賢�箄赤摰X�靘憭�鈭怠��梯��摰對�蝬剜�隞€����€�"],"Increase page views.":[null,"憓�蝬脤��汗甈⊥��"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"�箄赤摰X�靘�鈭怠�閮�批捆�極�瑯€�"],"Build a community.":[null,"撱箇�蝷曄黎��"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"��鈭怒€�������"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�芸��
3835 冗鈭方��瑯€�"],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack ��蝔格���鈭�撌亙嚗��拇�詨��游�鈭箇€汗雿�蝬脩�嚗蒂霈����箏摰赤摰U€�"],"Send us Feedback":[null,"�喲€�閬�擖�"],"Need Help?":[null,"�€閬牧��嚗�"],"Manage Plugins":[null,"蝞∠�憭�蝔�"],"Stress less. Monitor will send you real-time alerts if your site ever goes down.":[null,"皜�憯��onitor �雿�蝬脩�銝剜�����郎蝷箝€�"],"Track your growth":[null,"餈質馱��雲頝�"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"雿輻 Publicize �喳�芸����€�瘜刻€��其���鈭思���蝡€�"],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"霈��雯蝡撘憭���"],"There was an issue connecting your Jetpack. Please click \"Connect to\" again.":[null,"��� Jetpack ��
3836 �������銝€甈~€€���€�"],"We had an issue connecting Jetpack; deactivate then reactivate the Jetpack plugin, then connect again.":[null,"�€�� Jetpack ���憿€�� Jetpack 憭�蝔�銝阡��啣��剁��嗅����銝€甈~€�"],"You need to stay logged in to your WordPress blog while you authorize Jetpack.":[null,"�� Jetpack ��嚗�敹�靽��餃�芸楛�� WordPress 蝬脰���"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}雿� Jetpack �潛����{/s}}��銝噶嚗隢�隢€�蝔��岫銝€甈∴�憒����潛�甇文�憿�隢蝯⊥�游��蒂���挾閮嚗�%(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"甇�銝剜�� Jetpack �€��"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�� Jetpack ��閰�"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you
3837 .":[null,"�€閬牧��嚗etpack ���冽����舀嚗�"],"Smiley":[null,"蝚�"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�€閬甇仿�撽�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"雿輻憭批���鈭箸釣�桃��敶W�"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"憿舐內��€�擐�隞交�Ⅱ�啣��賊���畾菔����脰��€��"],"Related":[null,"�賊�"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"隢Ⅱ摰�撌脣��亙虜�� IP 雿�嚗�憒振銝准€齒�砍恕�隞�蝵桃� IP 雿�����敺��寞��桃宏�� IP 雿�嚗府雿�撠�敺�閮望��桐葉蝘駁��"],"Whitelist Management":[null,"蝞∠��迂皜"],"Email Address":[null,"�餃��萎辣雿�"],"Publicize":[null,"摰�"],"Site Stats":[null,"蝬脰�蝯梯
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3840 l,"閮剖�"],"Learn More":[null,"�剛圾�游�"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"銝剜�� Jetpack �€��"],"Debug":[null,"�菟"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"皜祈岫雿�蝬脩��� Jetpack �摰寞€扼€�"]}
3841 \ No newline at end of file
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3843 l plan":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), and unlimited storage.":[null,""],"With this plan you are provided with spam-protection, daily backups (up to 30 days), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, and priority support.":[null,""],"You get spam-protection, real-time backups (unlimited archive), unlimited backup storage, security scanning, SEO tools, PollDaddy, and priority support.":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space and one-click restores (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Daily backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"Backups & Security Scanning":[null,""],"Real-time backup of all your site data with unlimited space, one-click restores, automated security scanning, one-click threat resolution, and priority support (powered by VaultPress).":[null,""],"SEO Tools":[
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3845 v6 are acceptable. {{br/}} To specify a range, enter the low value and high value separated by a dash. Example:":[null,""],"Link your account to to start using this feature.":[null,""],"There are unsaved settings in this tab that will be lost if you leave it. Proceed?":[null,""],"This will reset all Jetpack options, are you sure?":[null,""],"Search for a Jetpack feature.":[null,"�� Jetpack ���"],"Upgrade Jetpack and our state-of-the-art security scanner will hunt out malicious files and report them immediately so that you're never unaware of what is happening on your website.":[null,"�� Jetpack嚗����€�啣��冽€扳���撘��曉�⊥�瑼�銝衣��喳�隞仿€嚗�甇支�蝯�銝��潛蝬脩�銝�隞颱��啁���"],"You can see the information about security scanning in the \"At a Glance\" section.":[null,"雿隞亙�蜇閬賬€�畾菜�����冽€扳���鞈���"],"Configure your Security Scans":[null,
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3851 �"],"{{p}}Would you mind telling us why you did not complete the Jetpack connection in this {{a}}2 question survey{{/a}}?{{/p}}{{p}}A Jetpack connection is required for our free security and traffic features to work.{{/p}}":[null,"{{p}}雿���閮湔��隞€暻潭�券€遢{{a}}�急� 2 ��憿�隤踵{{/a}}銝剖��� Jetpack �����{{/p}}{{p}}�€��祥摰�扯�瘚���€閬� Jetpack �������{/p}}"],"Welcome to {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}!":[null,"甇∟�雿輻 {{s}}Jetpack %(jetpack_version)s{{/s}}嚗�"],"Your Jetpack is already connected.":[null,"雿� Jetpack 撌脤€����"],"You're fueled up and ready to go, Jetpack is now active.":[null,"雿歇皞�撠梁�嚗etpack �曉歇���"],"You're fueled up and ready to go.":[null,"雿歇皞�撠梁�嚗�"],"You are currently running a development version of Jetpack.":[null,"雿�銵��舫��潛��祉� Jetpack��"],"Submit Beta feedback":[null,""],"Currently in {{a}}Development
3852 Mode{{/a}} via the jetpack_development_mode filter.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�� jetpack_development_mode 蝭拚璇辣嚗�{{a}}�璅∪�{{/a}}銝准€{br/}}�典��撌脣��具€�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} via the JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG constant.{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�� JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG 撣豢嚗�{{a}}�璅∪�{{/a}}銝准€{br/}}�典��撌脣��具€�"],"Currently in {{a}}Development Mode{{/a}} because your site URL lacks a dot (e.g. http://localhost).{{br/}}Some features are disabled.":[null,"�桀��肚{a}}�璅∪�{{/a}}銝哨��雿�蝬脩� URL 蝻箏�銝€�� (靘� http://localhost)�{br/}}�典��撌脣��具€�"],"You, %(userName)s, are not connected to":[null,"雿�撣唾� %(userName)s 銝行�������"],"What would you like to see on your Jetpack Dashboard?":[null,"雿����� Jetpack �€銵冽憿舐內�芯��批捆嚗�"],"Let us know!":[null,"隢��
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3855 you prepare by blocking these threats, and in worst-case-scenarios we'll be here to help you restore your site to its former glory.":[null,"擏剖恥�悌撅雯頝臬���萎辣撖辣��隞餅�撠雯蝡�箸�€����格��舫蝜����澆��餅������格���雿�憟賣��誑�餅���憡�嚗蒂�冽�蝟���瘜���雿�蝬脩���璁株€€��"],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,"雿�蝬脩��桀�雿輻�祥�� Jetpack �寞�"],"Upgrade to a paid plan to unlock world-class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,"雿�蝬脩��桀�雿輻 Jetpack �脤��獢�"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"雿�蝬脩��桀�雿輻 Jetpack 撠平�獢�"],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"雿�蝬脩��桀��粹��潭芋撘�"],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to a paid plan in order to unlock world-class security, spam prot
3856 ection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,"�∠ Akismet �����唳�銵��舫���曇��胯€�"],"View your spam stats":[null,"瑼Z��餈湧蝯梯�鞈�"],"Configure Akismet":[null,"閮剖� Akismet"],"View your security dashboard":[null,"瑼Z�摰�批�銵冽"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"閮剖� VaultPress"],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"隤踵��蟡�"],"Create a new poll":[null,"撱箇��啁��巨"],"Real-time backups":[null,"�單��遢"],"One-click threat resolution":[null,"銝€�菜��斗�����"],"Advanced polls and ratings":[null,"�脤��巨����"],"Compare Plans":[null,"瘥��寞�"],"Maximum grade security":[null,"�€擃�蝝�摰��"],"Real-time backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense and brute-force login protection - all in one place and optimized for WordPress.":[null,""],"Lock out the bad guys":[null,"���⊥�鈭箏ㄚ"],
3857 "Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. Brute force login protection helps maintain peace of mind and keeps your backend safe from intruders.":[null,"�游����曇��舐祟�貉憭�霅瑚����€���銝行��� SEO����蝣潛閫���餃�脰風�航�雿�敹蝙�剁�銝阡�靘菔€€脣敺垢��"],"Enjoy priority support":[null,"鈭怎�芸��舀��"],"Need help? A Happiness Engineer can answer questions about your site, your account or how to do about anything.":[null,"�€閬牧��嚗appiness Engineer �臭誑��雿�蝬脩��董���憿��隞颱����雿撘€�"],"Connection Settings":[null,"���閮剖�"],"Manage your Jetpack connection.":[null,"蝞∠� Jetpack �����"],"The site is in Development Mode, so you can not connect to":[null,"蝬脩��桀��粹��潭芋撘��迨雿瘜€����"],"You are connected as ":[null,"雿歇雿輻隞乩�頨怠���
3858 蝯�"],"Link your account to to get the most out of Jetpack.":[null,"撠董�€���� �喳�游��� Jetpack ���賬€�"],"Your site must be accessible by search engines for this feature to work properly. You can change this in {{a}}Reading Settings{{/a}}.":[null,"雿�蝬脩�敹��迂��撘�摮�嚗迨��甇�虜�����臭誑�啜€{a}}�梯�閮剖�{{/a}}���湔迨閮剖���"],"View {{a}}All Stats{{/a}}":[null,"瑼Z�{{a}}�€�絞閮��{/a}}"],"View your {{a}}Email Followers{{/a}}":[null,"瑼Z�{{a}}�餃��萎辣�釣�{/a}}"],"Powerful features on every device.":[null,"�拍�澆�蝔株�蝵桐��撘瑕之�� ���"],"Manage all your sites from a single dashboard.":[null,"敺銝€�€銵冽蝞∠��€�雯蝡€�"],"Feel the performance":[null,"���"],"All the WordPress apps are built for speed. You'll notice the difference in performance immediately, with near-instant page
3859 -loads and less waiting around.":[null,"�€�� WordPress �蝔��賣���漲�€�€€����單釣���榆�堆��蝬脤�撟曆��舐��唾��伐���蝑€���蝮桃鈭€�"],"Bulk and automatic updates":[null,"憭折�����"],"Most security flaws are found in outdated plugins. Use our Web and Desktop apps to turn on auto-updates or update plugins manually for all your websites in one convenient place.":[null,"憭���冽€扳�瘣�臬������撘葉�潛�€蝙�冽���蝬脤����Y��蝔��舫����堆�雿��臭誑�葉�冽靘蹂蝙�函�雿蔭���€�雯蝡���啣���撘€�"],"Focus on your Writing":[null,"撠釣�潔��神雿�"],"Our new editor is lightning fast, optimized for writers and eliminates distractions, giving you the ability to focus on your work.":[null,"�€�啁�蝺刻摩�券€漲憌翰嚗歇�箔�摰園€脰��€雿喳�嚗��賢�皜�撟脫嚗�雿憭�瘜冽��
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3861 t WordPress apps for any screen.":[null,"銝��拍�澆�蝔株撟� WordPress �蝔���"],"In Your Pocket":[null,""],"Publish content, track stats, moderate comments and so much more from anywhere in the world. Our mobile apps are open source, free and available to you on Apple or Android devices.":[null,"�∟�雿澈�其����賢隞亦銵典摰嫘€蕭頩斤絞閮���撖拇餈湧嚗��賭蝙�刻迂憭隞��賬€���銵��蝔��箏�鞎餌����蝣潘�雿隞亙 Apple �� Android 鋆蔭銝蝙�具€�"]," in the App Store":[null,"App Store 銝剔�"]," in Google Play":[null,"Google Play 銝剔�"],"On Your Desktop":[null,""],"A desktop app that gives WordPress a permanent home on your computer. Not to mention the distraction free environment you get writing outside of a web browser.":[null,"獢���函�撘霈� WordPress �其���虫���瘞訾��飛撅研€迨憭�雿蝬脤��汗�其
3862 誑憭神雿�嚗��賭澈�撟脫�憓€�"]," for Mac OS X":[null,"Mac OS X ��"]," for Windows":[null,"Windows ��"]," for Linux":[null,"Linux ��"],"Malware Scanning":[null,"�⊥�頠���"],"Threats found":[null,"�曉憡�"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"憒��芸�銝�Y�摰�批�����隢{a}}摰�銝血��肚{/a}} VaultPress��"],"For automated, comprehensive scanning of security threats, please {{a}}upgrade your account{{/a}}.":[null,"憒��芸�銝�Y�摰�批�����隢{a}}��撣唾�{{/a}}��"],"Jetpack is actively blocking malicious login attempts. Data will display here soon!":[null,"Jetpack 甇�銝餃��餅��⊥��餃�岫�€ㄐ敺翰撠望�憿舐內鞈�嚗�"],"Total malicious attacks blocked on your site.":[null,"雿雯蝡���⊥��餅�蝮質���"
3863 ],"{{a}}Activate Protect{{/a}} to keep your site protected from malicious login attempts.":[null,"{{a}}� Protect{{/a}} �舫甇V��雯蝡��唳��亙�閰衣�靘菜��"],"%(number)s plugin":["%(number)s plugins",["%(number)s ����撘�"]],"Needs updating. ":["Need updating. ",["�€閬�啜€�"]],"All plugins are up-to-date. Awesome work!":[null,"�€����撘�舀��啁��研€�敺末嚗�"],"{{a}}Activate Manage{{/a}} to turn on auto updates and manage your plugins from":[null,"{{a}}� Manage{{/a}} �舫����啣�蝞∠� ����撘€�"],"Jetpack is improving and optimizing your image speed.":[null,""],"Jetpack is monitoring your site. If we think your site is down, you will receive an email.":[null,""],"Security":[null,"摰��"],"Performance":[null,"�"],"Backups":[null,"�遢"],"{{a}}View backup details{{/a}}.":[null,"{{a}}瑼Z��遢閰喟敦鞈�{{/a}}��"],"To automatically back up your entire site,
3864 please {{a}}install and activate{{/a}} VaultPress.":[null,"�亥��芸��遢�游€雯蝡�隢{a}}摰�銝血��肚{/a}} VaultPress��"],"To automatically back up your entire site, please {{a}}upgrade!{{/a}}.":[null,"�亥��芸��遢�游€雯蝡�隢{a}}��{{/a}}嚗�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode.":[null,"�璅∪�銝剔瘜蝙�具€�"],"Spam Protection":[null,"�閮�脰風"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}install Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"憒��€�啁��閮�脰風嚗�{{a}}摰� Akismet{{/a}}��"],"For state-of-the-art spam defense, please {{a}}activate Akismet{{/a}}.":[null,"憒��€�啁��閮�脰風嚗�{{a}}� Akismet{{/a}}��"],"Invalid Key":[null,"��⊥�"],"Unavailable in Dev Mode":[null,"�璅∪�銝剔瘜蝙��"],"Holiday Snow":[null,"蝭€�乩��芣���"],"Show falling snow in the holiday period.":[null,"�函��交��*蝷箔��芣��€�"],"Show falling snow on my blog from Dec 1st until Jan 4th.":[null,"敺� 12 ��
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3872 ess":[null,"�仿� Jetpack 敹恍€���摨�"],"Features can be activated or deactivated at any time.":[null,"雿隞仿���冽�����"],"Jetpack's recommended features include:":[null,"Jetpack �刻���賢��穿�"],"Activate Recommended Features":[null,"��刻����"],"Quickly enhance your site by activating Jetpack's recommended features.":[null,"� Jetpack �刻���踝�敹恍€��雯蝡�鞈芥€�"],"Jump Start your Site":[null,"蝬脩��憭扯���"],"Disconnect from":[null,"銝剜�� �€��"],"Link to":[null,"�����"],"Unlink me from":[null,"銝剜�� �€��"],"Join the millions of users who rely on Jetpack to enhance and secure their sites. We're passionate about WordPress and here to make your life easier.":[null,"�趕鞈� Jetpack ��曇�蝙�刻€�韏瑕�撘瑕�靽風蝬脩�摰���� WordPress �遛�望�嚗€�敺��
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3874 €�"],"Automatic site updates.":[null,"�芸�蝬脩��湔��"],"Live site monitoring.":[null,"�單�蝬脩�����"],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,"雿輻 Protect �航�雿�����狡撌亙撌脣�貊�砍€雯蝡����餅�撟曉��活��交�€�"],"Block site attacks.":[null,"�萇戌蝬脩��餅���"],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don� have to worry.":[null,"Jetpack ������餃�岫�雿�蝬脩����€雿������唬�����撘�隞乩噶雿�敹蝙�具€�"],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,"蝬脩�摰�扯�摰��"],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they�e reading, and where they�e coming from.":[null,"Jetpack �鈭� �撥憭�
3875 �嚗憭雿*蝷箸��赤摰U€赤摰a霈€�摰嫣誑�赤摰V�皞�閰喟敦瘣��勗���"],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,"���蝡€��賢�箄赤摰X�靘憭�鈭怠��梯��摰對�蝬剜�隞€����€�"],"Increase page views.":[null,"憓�蝬脤��汗甈⊥��"],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,"�箄赤摰X�靘�鈭怠�閮�批捆�極�瑯€�"],"Build a community.":[null,"撱箇�蝷曄黎��"],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"��鈭怒€�������"],"Automated social marketing.":[null,"�芸��冗鈭方��瑯€�"],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,"Jetpack ��蝔格���鈭�撌亙嚗��拇�詨��游�鈭箇€汗雿�蝬脩�嚗蒂霈����箏摰赤摰U€�"],"Send us Feedback":[null,"�喲€�閬�擖�"],"Need Help?":[null,"�€閬牧��嚗�"],"Manage
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3877 orize Jetpack.":[null,"�� Jetpack ��嚗�敹�靽��餃�芸楛�� WordPress 蝬脰���"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} We're sorry for the inconvenience. Please try again later, if the issue continues please contact support with this message: %(error_key)s":[null,"{{s}}雿� Jetpack �潛����{/s}}��銝噶嚗隢�隢€�蝔��岫銝€甈∴�憒����潛�甇文�憿�隢蝯⊥�游��蒂���挾閮嚗�%(error_key)s"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"甇�銝剜�� Jetpack �€��"],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"�� Jetpack ��閰�"],"Need help? The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,"�€閬牧��嚗etpack ���冽����舀嚗�"],"Smiley":[null,"蝚�"],"Require Two-Step Authentication":[null,"�€閬甇仿�撽�"],"Use a large and visually striking layout":[null,"雿輻憭批���鈭箸釣�桃��敶W�"],"Show a \"Related\" header to more clearly separate the related section from posts":[null,"憿舐內��
3878 ���擐�隞交�Ⅱ�啣��賊���畾菔����脰��€��"],"Related":[null,"�賊�"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"隢Ⅱ摰�撌脣��亙虜�� IP 雿�嚗�憒振銝准€齒�砍恕�隞�蝵桃� IP 雿�����敺��寞��桃宏�� IP 雿�嚗府雿�撠�敺�閮望��桐葉蝘駁��"],"Whitelist Management":[null,"蝞∠��迂皜"],"Email Address":[null,"�餃��萎辣雿�"],"Publicize":[null,"摰�"],"Site Stats":[null,"蝬脰�蝯梯�"],"Featured Images":[null,"�寡��"],"Excerpts":[null,"��"],"Enable Testimonials for this site.":[null,"�箸迨蝬脩��霅���"],"Enable Portfolio Projects for this site.":[null,"�箸迨蝬脩���犖雿���獢€�"],"Preview":[null,"�汗"],"Color Scheme":[null,"��寞�"],"Ignored Phrases":[null,"敹賜蝮桀神"],"Use automa
3879 tically detected language to proofread posts and pages":[null,"雿輻�芸�瑼X葫隤��∪�������"],"Redundant Phrases":[null,"���剛�"],"Phrases to Avoid":[null,"敹賜�剛�"],"Passive Voice":[null,"鋡怠�隤�"],"Jargon":[null,"�寞��刻�"],"Hidden Verbs":[null,"�梯���"],"Double Negatives":[null,"���血�"],"Diacritical Marks":[null,"霈蝚西�"],"Complex Phrases":[null,"銴��剛�"],"Bias Language":[null,"�榆�刻�"],"English Options":[null,"�望��賊�"],"Proofreading":[null,"�∪�"],"Connect Jetpack":[null,"��� Jetpack"],"Jetpack could not contact %(error_key)s. This usually means something is incorrectly configured on your web host.":[null,"Jetpack �⊥��舐鼠 WordPress.com嚗�%(error_key)s�€€虜隞�”��蝬脰楝銝餅��身摰�甇�Ⅱ��"]," is currently having problems and is unable to fuel up your Jetpack. Please try again later.":[null,"�桀���憿��⊥���雿etpack��
3880 �敺�閰艾€�"],"{{s}}Your Jetpack has a glitch.{{/s}} Connecting this site with is not possible. This usually means your site is not publicly accessible (localhost).":[null,"{{s}}雿� Jetpack �潛����{/s}}�⊥�撠迨蝬脩�������€€虜隞�”雿�蝬脩�銝行�迂�祇�摮� (localhost)��"],"Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: %(error_key)s":[null,"雿�蝬脩�敹��迂�祇�摮��雿輻 Jetpack嚗�%(error_key)s"],"You have successfully disconnected Jetpack":[null,"雿歇���� Jetpack 銝剜���"],"Active":[null,"�瑁�憟"],"Settings":[null,"閮剖�"],"Learn More":[null,"�剛圾�游�"],"Disconnect Jetpack":[null,"銝剜�� Jetpack �€��"],"Debug":[null,"�菟"],"Test your site� compatibility with Jetpack.":[null,"皜祈岫雿�蝬脩��� Jetpack �摰寞€扼€�"]}
3881 \ No newline at end of file
3883 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php
3884 index f75a0b8..12ae0fe 100644
3885 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php
3886 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/contact-form/grunion-contact-form.php
3887 @@ -1390,6 +1390,7 @@ class Grunion_Contact_Form extends Crunion_Contact_Form_Shortcode {
3888 * @return string HTML for the concat form.
3889 */
3890 static function parse( $attributes, $content ) {
3891 + require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '/sync/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php';
3892 if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_syncing() ) {
3893 return '';
3894 }
3896 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css.php
3897 index fba7b47..ede1f52 100644
3898 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css.php
3899 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css.php
3900 @@ -13,7 +13,35 @@
3901 */
3903 function jetpack_load_custom_css() {
3904 - include dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/custom-css/custom-css.php";
3905 + // If WordPress has the core version of Custom CSS, load our new version.
3906 + // @see
3907 + if ( function_exists( 'wp_get_custom_css' ) ) {
3908 + if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_update_custom_css_post' ) ) {
3909 + wp_die( 'Please run a SVN up to get the latest version of trunk, or update to at least 4.7 RC1' );
3910 + }
3911 + if ( ! Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'custom_css_4.7_migration' ) ) {
3912 + include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/custom-css/migrate-to-core.php';
3913 + }
3914 +
3916 + else {
3917 + if ( defined( 'WP_CLI' ) && WP_CLI ) {
3918 + function jetpack_custom_css_undo_data_migration_cli() {
3919 + Jetpack_Options::delete_option( 'custom_css_4.7_migration' );
3920 + WP_CLI::success( __( 'Option deleted, re-migrate via `wp jetpack custom-css migrate`.', 'jetpack' ) );
3921 + }
3922 + WP_CLI::add_command( 'jetpack custom-css undo-migrate', 'jetpack_custom_css_undo_data_migration_cli' );
3923 + }
3924 + }
3926 +
3927 + include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/custom-css/custom-css/preprocessors.php';
3928 + include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/custom-css/custom-css-4.7.php';
3929 + return;
3930 + }
3931 +
3932 + include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/custom-css/custom-css.php";
3933 + add_action( 'init', array( 'Jetpack_Custom_CSS', 'init' ) );
3934 }
3936 add_action( 'jetpack_modules_loaded', 'custom_css_loaded' );
3938 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css-4.7.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css-4.7.php
3939 new file mode 100644
3940 index 0000000..163fbec
3941 --- /dev/null
3942 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css-4.7.php
3943 @@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
3944 +<?php
3945 +
3946 +/**
3947 + * Class Jetpack_Custom_CSS_Enhancements
3948 + */
3949 +class Jetpack_Custom_CSS_Enhancements {
3950 + public static function add_hooks() {
3951 + add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'init' ) );
3952 + add_action( 'admin_menu', array( __CLASS__, 'admin_menu' ) );
3953 + add_action( 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_controls_enqueue_scripts' ) );
3954 + add_action( 'customize_register', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_register' ) );
3955 + add_filter( 'map_meta_cap', array( __CLASS__, 'map_meta_cap' ), 20, 2 );
3956 + add_action( 'customize_preview_init', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_preview_init' ) );
3957 + add_filter( '_wp_post_revision_fields', array( __CLASS__, '_wp_post_revision_fields' ), 10, 2 );
3958 + add_action( 'load-revision.php', array( __CLASS__, 'load_revision_php' ) );
3959 +
3960 + add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( __CLASS__, 'wp_enqueue_scripts' ) );
3961 +
3962 + // Handle Sass/LESS
3963 + add_filter( 'customize_value_custom_css', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_value_custom_css' ), 10, 2 );
3964 + add_filter( 'customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args' ), 10, 3 );
3965 + add_filter( 'update_custom_css_data', array( __CLASS__, 'update_custom_css_data' ), 10, 2 );
3966 +
3967 + // Handle Sass/LESS
3968 + add_filter( 'customize_value_custom_css', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_value_custom_css' ), 10, 2 );
3969 + add_filter( 'customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args' ), 10, 3 );
3970 +
3971 + // Stuff for stripping out the theme's default stylesheet...
3972 + add_filter( 'stylesheet_uri', array( __CLASS__, 'style_filter' ) );
3973 + add_filter( 'safecss_skip_stylesheet', array( __CLASS__, 'preview_skip_stylesheet' ) );
3974 +
3975 + // Stuff for overriding content width...
3976 + add_action( 'customize_preview_init', array( __CLASS__, 'preview_content_width' ) );
3977 + add_filter( 'jetpack_content_width', array( __CLASS__, 'jetpack_content_width' ) );
3978 + add_filter( 'editor_max_image_size', array( __CLASS__, 'editor_max_image_size' ), 10, 3 );
3979 + add_action( 'template_redirect', array( __CLASS__, 'set_content_width' ) );
3980 + add_action( 'admin_init', array( __CLASS__, 'set_content_width' ) );
3981 +
3982 + // Stuff?
3983 + }
3984 +
3985 + public static function init() {
3986 + $min = '.min';
3987 + if ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) {
3988 + $min = '';
3989 + }
3990 +
3991 + wp_register_style( 'jetpack-codemirror', plugins_url( "custom-css/css/codemirror.css", __FILE__ ), array(), '20120905' );
3992 + wp_register_style( 'jetpack-customizer-css', plugins_url( 'custom-css/css/customizer-control.css', __FILE__ ), array( 'jetpack-codemirror' ), '20140728' );
3993 + wp_register_script( 'jetpack-codemirror', plugins_url( "custom-css/js/codemirror.min.js", __FILE__ ), array(), '3.16', true );
3994 + wp_register_script( 'jetpack-customizer-css', plugins_url( 'custom-css/js/core-customizer-css.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'customize-controls', 'underscore', 'jetpack-codemirror' ), JETPACK__VERSION, true );
3995 +
3996 + wp_register_script( 'jetpack-customizer-css-preview', plugins_url( 'custom-css/js/core-customizer-css-preview.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'customize-selective-refresh' ), JETPACK__VERSION, true );
3997 + }
3998 +
3999 + public static function customize_preview_init() {
4000 + add_filter( 'wp_get_custom_css', array( __CLASS__, 'customize_preview_wp_get_custom_css' ) );
4001 + }
4002 +
4003 + public static function map_meta_cap( $caps, $cap ) {
4004 + if ( 'edit_css' === $cap ) {
4005 + $caps = array( 'edit_theme_options' );
4006 + }
4007 + return $caps;
4008 + }
4009 +
4010 + public static function admin_menu() {
4011 + // Add in our legacy page to support old bookmarks and such.
4012 + add_submenu_page( null, __( 'CSS', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Edit CSS', 'jetpack' ), 'edit_theme_options', 'editcss', array( __CLASS__, 'admin_page' ) );
4013 +
4014 + // Add in our new page slug that will redirect to the customizer.
4015 + $hook = add_theme_page( __( 'CSS', 'jetpack' ), __( 'Edit CSS', 'jetpack' ), 'edit_theme_options', 'editcss-customizer-redirect', array( __CLASS__, 'admin_page' ) );
4016 + add_action( "load-{$hook}", array( __CLASS__, 'customizer_redirect' ) );
4017 + }
4018 +
4019 + public static function customizer_redirect() {
4020 + wp_safe_redirect( self::customizer_link( array(
4021 + 'return_url' => wp_get_referer(),
4022 + ) ) );
4023 + }
4024 +
4025 + public static function prettify_post_revisions() {
4026 + add_filter( 'the_title', array( __CLASS__, 'post_title' ), 10, 2 );
4027 + }
4028 +
4029 + /**
4030 + * Shows Preprocessor code in the Revisions screen, and ensures that post_content_filtered
4031 + * is maintained on revisions
4032 + *
4033 + * @param array $fields Post fields pertinent to revisions
4034 + * @return array Modified array to include post_content_filtered
4035 + */
4036 + public static function _wp_post_revision_fields( $fields, $post ) {
4037 + // If we're passed in a revision, go get the main post instead.
4038 + if ( 'revision' === $post['post_type'] ) {
4039 + $main_post_id = wp_is_post_revision( $post['ID'] );
4040 + $post = get_post( $main_post_id, ARRAY_A );
4041 + }
4042 + if ( 'custom_css' === $post['post_type'] ) {
4043 + $fields['post_content'] = __( 'CSS', 'jetpack' );
4044 + $fields['post_content_filtered'] = __( 'Preprocessor', 'jetpack' );
4045 + }
4046 + return $fields;
4047 + }
4048 +
4049 + /**
4050 + * Get the published custom CSS post.
4051 + *
4052 + * @param string $stylesheet Optional. A theme object stylesheet name. Defaults to the current theme.
4053 + *
4054 + * @return WP_Post|null
4055 + */
4056 + public static function get_css_post( $stylesheet = '' ) {
4057 + return wp_get_custom_css_post( $stylesheet );
4058 + }
4059 +
4060 + public static function post_id( $stylesheet = '' ) {
4061 + $post = self::get_css_post( $stylesheet );
4062 + if ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) {
4063 + return $post->ID;
4064 + }
4065 + return 0;
4066 + }
4067 +
4068 + public static function echo_custom_css_partial() {
4069 + echo wp_get_custom_css();
4070 + }
4071 +
4072 + public static function admin_page() {
4073 + $post = null;
4074 + $stylesheet = null;
4075 + if ( isset( $_GET['id'] ) ) {
4076 + $post_id = absint( $_GET['id'] );
4077 + $post = get_post( $post_id );
4078 + if ( $post instanceof WP_Post && 'custom_css' === $post->post_type ) {
4079 + $stylesheet = $post->post_title;
4080 + }
4081 + }
4082 + ?>
4083 + <div class="wrap">
4084 + <?php self::revisions_switcher_box( $stylesheet ); ?>
4085 + <h1>
4086 + <?php
4087 + if ( $post ) {
4088 + printf( 'Custom CSS for &#8220;%1$s&#8221;', wp_get_theme( $stylesheet )->Name );
4089 + } else {
4090 + esc_html_e( 'Custom CSS', 'jetpack' );
4091 + }
4092 + if ( current_user_can( 'customize' ) ) {
4093 + printf(
4094 + ' <a class="page-title-action hide-if-no-customize" href="%1$s">%2$s</a>',
4095 + esc_url( self::customizer_link() ),
4096 + __( 'Manage with Live Preview', 'jetpack' )
4097 + );
4098 + }
4099 + ?>
4100 + </h1>
4101 + <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Custom CSS is now managed in the Customizer.', 'jetpack' ); ?></p>
4102 + <?php if ( $post ) : ?>
4103 + <div class="revisions">
4104 + <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'CSS', 'jetpack' ); ?></h3>
4105 + <textarea class="widefat" readonly><?php echo esc_textarea( $post->post_content ); ?></textarea>
4106 + <?php if ( $post->post_content_filtered ) : ?>
4107 + <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Preprocessor', 'jetpack' ); ?></h3>
4108 + <textarea class="widefat" readonly><?php echo esc_textarea( $post->post_content_filtered ); ?></textarea>
4109 + <?php endif; ?>
4110 + </div>
4111 + <?php endif; ?>
4112 + </div>
4113 +
4114 + <style>
4115 + .other-themes-wrap {
4116 + float: right;
4117 + background-color: #fff;
4118 + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
4119 + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
4120 + padding: 5px 10px;
4121 + margin-bottom: 10px;
4122 + }
4123 + .other-themes-wrap label {
4124 + display: block;
4125 + margin-bottom: 10px;
4126 + }
4127 + .other-themes-wrap select {
4128 + float: left;
4129 + width: 77%;
4130 + }
4131 + .other-themes-wrap button {
4132 + float: right;
4133 + width: 20%;
4134 + }
4135 + .revisions {
4136 + clear: both;
4137 + }
4138 + .revisions textarea {
4139 + min-height: 300px;
4140 + background: #fff;
4141 + }
4142 + </style>
4143 + <script>
4144 + (function($){
4145 + var $switcher = $('.other-themes-wrap');
4146 + $switcher.find('button').on('click', function(e){
4147 + e.preventDefault();
4148 + if ( $switcher.find('select').val() ) {
4149 + window.location.href = $switcher.find('select').val();
4150 + }
4151 + });
4152 + })(jQuery);
4153 + </script>
4154 + <?php
4155 + }
4156 +
4157 + public static function customizer_link( $args = array() ) {
4158 + $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
4159 + 'return_url' => urlencode( wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) ),
4160 + ) );
4161 +
4162 + return add_query_arg(
4163 + array(
4164 + array(
4165 + 'autofocus' => array(
4166 + 'section' => 'custom_css'
4167 + ),
4168 + ),
4169 + 'return' => $args['return_url'],
4170 + ),
4171 + admin_url( 'customize.php' )
4172 + );
4173 + }
4174 +
4175 + public static function inactive_themes_revision_links() {
4176 + $themes = self::get_all_themes_with_custom_css();
4177 + $stylesheet = get_stylesheet();
4178 + ?>
4179 +
4180 + <ul>
4181 + <?php foreach ( $themes as $theme_stylesheet => $data ) :
4182 + if ( $stylesheet === $theme_stylesheet ) {
4183 + continue;
4184 + }
4185 + $revisions = wp_get_post_revisions( $data['post']->ID, array( 'posts_per_page' => 1 ) );
4186 + if ( ! $revisions ) {
4187 + ?>
4188 + <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'id', $data['post']->ID, menu_page_url( 'editcss', 0 ) ) ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $data['label'] ); ?></a>
4189 + <?php printf( esc_html__( 'Last modified: %s', 'jetpack' ), get_the_modified_date( '', $data['post'] ) ); ?></li>
4190 + <?php
4191 + continue;
4192 + }
4193 + $revision = array_shift( $revisions );
4194 + ?>
4195 + <li><a href="<?php echo esc_url( get_edit_post_link( $revision->ID ) ); ?>"><?php echo esc_html( $data['label'] ); ?></a>
4196 + <?php printf( esc_html__( 'Last modified: %s', 'jetpack' ), get_the_modified_date( '', $data['post'] ) ); ?></li>
4197 + <?php endforeach; ?>
4198 + </ul>
4199 +
4200 + <?php
4201 + }
4202 +
4203 + public static function customize_controls_enqueue_scripts() {
4204 + wp_enqueue_style( 'jetpack-customizer-css' );
4205 + wp_enqueue_script( 'jetpack-customizer-css' );
4206 +
4207 + $content_help = __( 'Set a different content width for full size images.', 'jetpack' );
4208 + if ( ! empty( $GLOBALS['content_width'] ) ) {
4209 + $content_help .= sprintf( __( ' The default content width for the <strong>%s</strong> theme is %d pixels.', 'jetpack' ), wp_get_theme()->Name, intval( $GLOBALS['content_width'] ) );
4210 + }
4211 +
4212 + wp_localize_script( 'jetpack-customizer-css', '_jp_css_settings', array(
4213 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4214 + 'useRichEditor' => ! jetpack_is_mobile() && apply_filters( 'safecss_use_ace', true ),
4215 + 'areThereCssRevisions' => self::are_there_css_revisions(),
4216 + 'revisionsUrl' => self::get_revisions_url(),
4217 + 'cssHelpUrl' => '//',
4218 + 'l10n' => array(
4219 + 'mode' => __( 'Start Fresh', 'jetpack' ),
4220 + 'mobile' => __( 'On Mobile', 'jetpack' ),
4221 + 'contentWidth' => $content_help,
4222 + 'revisions' => _x( 'See full history', 'Toolbar button to see full CSS revision history', 'jetpack' ),
4223 + 'css_help_title' => _x( 'Help', 'Toolbar button to get help with custom CSS', 'jetpack' )
4224 + )
4225 + ));
4226 + }
4227 +
4228 + public static function are_there_css_revisions( $stylesheet = '' ) {
4229 + $post = wp_get_custom_css_post( $stylesheet );
4230 + if ( empty( $post ) ) {
4231 + return $post;
4232 + }
4233 + return (bool) wp_get_post_revisions( $post );
4234 + }
4235 +
4236 + public static function get_revisions_url( $stylesheet = '' ) {
4237 + $post = wp_get_custom_css_post( $stylesheet );
4238 +
4239 + // If we have any currently saved customizations...
4240 + if ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) {
4241 + $revisions = wp_get_post_revisions( $post->ID, array( 'posts_per_page' => 1 ) );
4242 + $revision = reset( $revisions );
4243 + return get_edit_post_link( $revision->ID );
4244 + }
4245 +
4246 + return admin_url( 'themes.php?page=editcss' );
4247 + }
4248 +
4249 + public static function get_themes() {
4250 + $themes = wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => null ) );
4251 + $all = array();
4252 + foreach ( $themes as $theme ) {
4253 + $all[ $theme->name ] = $theme->stylesheet;
4254 + }
4255 + return $all;
4256 + }
4257 +
4258 + public static function get_all_themes_with_custom_css() {
4259 + $themes = self::get_themes();
4260 + $custom_css = get_posts( array(
4261 + 'post_type' => 'custom_css',
4262 + 'post_status' => get_post_stati(),
4263 + 'number' => -1,
4264 + 'order' => 'DESC',
4265 + 'orderby' => 'modified',
4266 + ) );
4267 + $return = array();
4268 +
4269 + foreach ( $custom_css as $post ) {
4270 + $stylesheet = $post->post_title;
4271 + $label = array_search( $stylesheet, $themes );
4272 +
4273 + if ( ! $label ) {
4274 + continue;
4275 + }
4276 +
4277 + $return[ $stylesheet ] = array(
4278 + 'label' => $label,
4279 + 'post' => $post,
4280 + );
4281 + }
4282 +
4283 + return $return;
4284 + }
4285 +
4286 + public static function wp_enqueue_scripts() {
4287 + if ( is_customize_preview() ) {
4288 + wp_enqueue_script( 'jetpack-customizer-css-preview' );
4289 + wp_localize_script( 'jetpack-customizer-css-preview', 'jpCustomizerCssPreview', array(
4290 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4291 + 'preprocessors' => apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() ),
4292 + ));
4293 + }
4294 + }
4295 +
4296 + public static function sanitize_css( $css, $args = array() ) {
4297 + $args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
4298 + 'force' => false,
4299 + 'preprocessor' => null,
4300 + ) );
4301 +
4302 + if ( $args['force'] || ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) {
4303 +
4304 + $warnings = array();
4305 +
4306 + safecss_class();
4307 + $csstidy = new csstidy();
4308 + $csstidy->optimise = new safecss( $csstidy );
4309 +
4310 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'remove_bslash', false );
4311 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'compress_colors', false );
4312 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'compress_font-weight', false );
4313 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'optimise_shorthands', 0 );
4314 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'remove_last_;', false );
4315 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'case_properties', false );
4316 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'discard_invalid_properties', true );
4317 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'css_level', 'CSS3.0' );
4318 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'preserve_css', true );
4319 + $csstidy->set_cfg( 'template', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/csstidy/wordpress-standard.tpl' );
4320 +
4321 + // Test for some preg_replace stuff.
4322 + {
4323 + $prev = $css;
4324 + $css = preg_replace( '/\\\\([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/', '\\\\\\\\$1', $css );
4325 + // prevent content: '\3434' from turning into '\\3434'
4326 + $css = str_replace( array( '\'\\\\', '"\\\\' ), array( '\'\\', '"\\' ), $css );
4327 + if ( $css !== $prev ) {
4328 + $warnings[] = 'preg_replace found stuff';
4329 + }
4330 + }
4331 +
4332 + // Some people put weird stuff in their CSS, KSES tends to be greedy
4333 + $css = str_replace( '<=', '&lt;=', $css );
4334 +
4335 + // Test for some kses stuff.
4336 + {
4337 + $prev = $css;
4338 + // Why KSES instead of strip_tags? Who knows?
4339 + $css = wp_kses_split( $css, array(), array() );
4340 + $css = str_replace( '&gt;', '>', $css ); // kses replaces lone '>' with &gt;
4341 + // Why both KSES and strip_tags? Because we just added some '>'.
4342 + $css = strip_tags( $css );
4343 +
4344 + if ( $css != $prev ) {
4345 + $warnings[] = 'kses found stuff';
4346 + }
4347 + }
4348 +
4349 + // if we're not using a preprocessor
4350 + if ( ! $args['preprocessor'] ) {
4351 +
4352 + /**
4353 + * Fires before parsing the css with CSSTidy, but only if
4354 + * the preprocessor is not configured for use.
4355 + *
4356 + * @module custom-css
4357 + *
4358 + * @since 1.7.0
4359 + *
4360 + * @param obj $csstidy The csstidy object.
4361 + * @param string $css Custom CSS.
4362 + * @param array $args Array of custom CSS arguments.
4363 + */
4364 + do_action( 'safecss_parse_pre', $csstidy, $css, $args );
4365 +
4366 + $csstidy->parse( $css );
4367 +
4368 + /**
4369 + * Fires after parsing the css with CSSTidy, but only if
4370 + * the preprocessor is not configured for use.
4371 + *
4372 + * @module custom-css
4373 + *
4374 + * @since 1.7.0
4375 + *
4376 + * @param obj $csstidy The csstidy object.
4377 + * @param array $warnings Array of warnings.
4378 + * @param array $args Array of custom CSS arguments.
4379 + */
4380 + do_action( 'safecss_parse_post', $csstidy, $warnings, $args );
4381 +
4382 + $css = $csstidy->print->plain();
4383 + }
4384 + }
4385 + return $css;
4386 + }
4387 +
4388 + /**
4389 + * Override $content_width in customizer previews.
4390 + */
4391 + public static function preview_content_width() {
4392 + global $wp_customize;
4393 + if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) {
4394 + return;
4395 + }
4396 +
4397 + $setting = $wp_customize->get_setting( 'jetpack_custom_css[content_width]' );
4398 + if ( ! $setting ) {
4399 + return;
4400 + }
4401 +
4402 + $customized_content_width = (int) $setting->post_value();
4403 + if ( ! empty( $customized_content_width ) ) {
4404 + $GLOBALS['content_width'] = $customized_content_width;
4405 + }
4406 + }
4407 +
4408 + static function style_filter( $current ) {
4409 + if ( is_admin() ) {
4410 + return $current;
4411 + } elseif ( self::is_freetrial() && ( ! self::is_preview() || ! current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) ) {
4412 + return $current;
4413 + } elseif ( self::skip_stylesheet() ) {
4414 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4415 + return apply_filters( 'safecss_style_filter_url', plugins_url( 'custom-css/css/blank.css', __FILE__ ) );
4416 + }
4417 +
4418 + return $current;
4419 + }
4420 +
4421 + /**
4422 + * Determine whether or not we should have the theme skip its main stylesheet.
4423 + *
4424 + * @return mixed The truthiness of this value determines whether the stylesheet should be skipped.
4425 + */
4426 + static function skip_stylesheet() {
4427 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4428 + $skip_stylesheet = apply_filters( 'safecss_skip_stylesheet', null );
4429 + if ( ! is_null( $skip_stylesheet ) ) {
4430 + return $skip_stylesheet;
4431 + }
4432 +
4433 + $jetpack_custom_css = get_theme_mod( 'jetpack_custom_css', array() );
4434 + if ( isset( $jetpack_custom_css['replace'] ) ) {
4435 + return $jetpack_custom_css['replace'];
4436 + }
4437 +
4438 + return false;
4439 + }
4440 +
4441 + /**
4442 + * Override $content_width in customizer previews.
4443 + *
4444 + * Runs on `safecss_skip_stylesheet` filter.
4445 + */
4446 + public static function preview_skip_stylesheet( $skip_value ) {
4447 + global $wp_customize;
4448 + if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) {
4449 + return $skip_value;
4450 + }
4451 +
4452 + $setting = $wp_customize->get_setting( 'jetpack_custom_css[replace]' );
4453 + if ( ! $setting ) {
4454 + return $skip_value;
4455 + }
4456 +
4457 + $customized_replace = $setting->post_value();
4458 + if ( null !== $customized_replace ) {
4459 + return $customized_replace;
4460 + }
4461 +
4462 + return $skip_value;
4463 + }
4464 +
4465 + /**
4466 + * Add Custom CSS section and controls.
4467 + */
4468 + public static function customize_register( $wp_customize ) {
4469 +
4470 + // SETTINGS
4471 +
4472 + $wp_customize->add_setting( 'jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]', array(
4473 + 'default' => '',
4474 + 'transport' => 'postMessage',
4475 + 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_preprocessor' ),
4476 + ) );
4477 +
4478 + $wp_customize->add_setting( 'jetpack_custom_css[replace]', array(
4479 + 'default' => false,
4480 + 'transport' => 'refresh',
4481 + ) );
4482 +
4483 + $wp_customize->add_setting( 'jetpack_custom_css[content_width]', array(
4484 + 'default' => '',
4485 + 'transport' => 'refresh',
4486 + 'sanitize_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'intval_base10' ),
4487 + ) );
4488 +
4489 + // Add custom sanitization to the core css customizer setting.
4490 + foreach ( $wp_customize->settings() as $setting ) {
4491 + if ( $setting instanceof WP_Customize_Custom_CSS_Setting ) {
4492 + add_filter( "customize_sanitize_{$setting->id}", array( __CLASS__, 'sanitize_css_callback' ), 10, 2 );
4493 + }
4494 + }
4495 +
4496 + // CONTROLS
4497 +
4498 + // Overwrite the Core Control.
4499 + $core_custom_css = $wp_customize->get_control( 'custom_css' );
4500 + if ( $core_custom_css ) {
4501 + $wp_customize->remove_control( 'custom_css' );
4502 + $core_custom_css->type = 'jetpackCss';
4503 + $wp_customize->add_control( $core_custom_css );
4504 + }
4505 +
4506 + $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial( 'custom_css', array(
4507 + 'type' => 'custom_css',
4508 + 'selector' => '#wp-custom-css',
4509 + 'container_inclusive' => false,
4510 + 'fallback_refresh' => false,
4511 + 'settings' => array(
4512 + 'custom_css[' . $wp_customize->get_stylesheet() . ']',
4513 + 'jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]',
4514 + ),
4515 + 'render_callback' => array( __CLASS__, 'echo_custom_css_partial' ),
4516 + ) );
4517 +
4518 + $wp_customize->add_control( 'wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control', array(
4519 + 'type' => 'text',
4520 + 'label' => __( 'Media Width', 'jetpack' ),
4521 + 'section' => 'custom_css',
4522 + 'settings' => 'jetpack_custom_css[content_width]',
4523 + ) );
4524 +
4525 + $wp_customize->add_control( 'jetpack_css_mode_control', array(
4526 + 'type' => 'checkbox',
4527 + 'label' => __( 'Don\'t use the theme\'s original CSS.', 'jetpack' ),
4528 + 'section' => 'custom_css',
4529 + 'settings' => 'jetpack_custom_css[replace]',
4530 + ) );
4531 +
4532 + /**
4533 + * An action to grab on to if another Jetpack Module would like to add its own controls.
4534 + *
4535 + * @module custom-css
4536 + *
4537 + * @since 4.?.?
4538 + *
4539 + * @param $wp_customize The WP_Customize object.
4540 + */
4541 + do_action( 'jetpack_custom_css_customizer_controls', $wp_customize );
4542 +
4543 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4544 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
4545 + if ( ! empty( $preprocessors ) ) {
4546 + $preprocessor_choices = array(
4547 + '' => __( 'None', 'jetpack' ),
4548 + );
4549 +
4550 + foreach ( $preprocessors as $preprocessor_key => $processor ) {
4551 + $preprocessor_choices[$preprocessor_key] = $processor['name'];
4552 + }
4553 +
4554 + $wp_customize->add_control( 'jetpack_css_preprocessors_control', array(
4555 + 'type' => 'select',
4556 + 'choices' => $preprocessor_choices,
4557 + 'label' => __( 'Preprocessor', 'jetpack' ),
4558 + 'section' => 'custom_css',
4559 + 'settings' => 'jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]',
4560 + ) );
4561 + }
4562 +
4563 + }
4564 +
4565 + public static function sanitize_css_callback( $css, $setting ) {
4566 + global $wp_customize;
4567 + return self::sanitize_css( $css, array(
4568 + 'preprocessor' => $wp_customize->get_setting('jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]')->value(),
4569 + ) );
4570 + }
4571 +
4572 + public static function is_freetrial() {
4573 + return false;
4574 + }
4575 + public static function is_preview() {
4576 + return false;
4577 + }
4578 + public static function is_customizer_preview() {
4579 + return false;
4580 + }
4581 +
4582 + public static function customize_preview_wp_get_custom_css( $css ) {
4583 + global $wp_customize;
4584 +
4585 + $preprocessor = $wp_customize->get_setting('jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]')->value();
4586 +
4587 + // If it's empty, just return.
4588 + if ( empty( $preprocessor ) ) {
4589 + return $css;
4590 + }
4591 +
4592 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4593 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
4594 + if ( isset( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ] ) ) {
4595 + return call_user_func( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ]['callback'], $css );
4596 + }
4597 +
4598 + return $css;
4599 + }
4600 +
4601 + public static function customize_value_custom_css( $css, $setting ) {
4602 + // Find the current preprocessor
4603 + $jetpack_custom_css = get_theme_mod( 'jetpack_custom_css', array() );
4604 + if ( isset( $jetpack_custom_css['preprocessor'] ) ) {
4605 + $preprocessor = $jetpack_custom_css['preprocessor'];
4606 + }
4607 +
4608 + // If it's not supported, just return.
4609 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4610 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
4611 + if ( ! isset( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ] ) ) {
4612 + return $css;
4613 + }
4614 +
4615 + // Swap it for the `post_content_filtered` instead.
4616 + $post = wp_get_custom_css_post( $setting->stylesheet );
4617 + if ( $post && ! empty( $post->post_content_filtered ) ) {
4618 + $css = $post->post_content_filtered;
4619 + }
4620 +
4621 + return $css;
4622 + }
4623 +
4624 + /**
4625 + * Soon to be deprecated as the filter moves and new function added.
4626 + */
4627 + public static function customize_update_custom_css_post_content_args( $args, $css, $setting ) {
4628 + // Find the current preprocessor
4629 + $jetpack_custom_css = get_theme_mod( 'jetpack_custom_css', array() );
4630 + if ( empty( $jetpack_custom_css['preprocessor'] ) ) {
4631 + return $args;
4632 + }
4633 +
4634 + $preprocessor = $jetpack_custom_css['preprocessor'];
4635 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4636 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
4637 +
4638 + // If it's empty, just return.
4639 + if ( empty( $preprocessor ) ) {
4640 + return $args;
4641 + }
4642 +
4643 + if ( isset( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ] ) ) {
4644 + $args['post_content_filtered'] = $css;
4645 + $args['post_content'] = call_user_func( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ]['callback'], $css );
4646 + }
4647 +
4648 + return $args;
4649 + }
4650 +
4651 + public static function update_custom_css_data( $args, $stylesheet ) {
4652 + // Find the current preprocessor
4653 + $jetpack_custom_css = get_theme_mod( 'jetpack_custom_css', array() );
4654 + if ( empty( $jetpack_custom_css['preprocessor'] ) ) {
4655 + return $args;
4656 + }
4657 +
4658 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4659 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
4660 + $preprocessor = $jetpack_custom_css['preprocessor'];
4661 +
4662 + // If we have a preprocessor specified ...
4663 + if ( isset( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ] ) ) {
4664 + // And no other preprocessor has run ...
4665 + if ( empty( $args['preprocessed'] ) ) {
4666 + $args['preprocessed'] = $args['css'];
4667 + $args['css'] = call_user_func( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ]['callback'], $args['css'] );
4668 + } else {
4669 + trigger_error( 'Jetpack CSS Preprocessor specified, but something else has already modified the argument.', E_USER_WARNING );
4670 + }
4671 + }
4672 +
4673 + return $args;
4674 + }
4675 +
4676 + /**
4677 + * When on the edit screen, make sure the custom content width
4678 + * setting is applied to the large image size.
4679 + */
4680 + static function editor_max_image_size( $dims, $size = 'medium', $context = null ) {
4681 + list( $width, $height ) = $dims;
4682 +
4683 + if ( 'large' === $size && 'edit' === $context ) {
4684 + $width = Jetpack::get_content_width();
4685 + }
4686 +
4687 + return array( $width, $height );
4688 + }
4689 +
4690 + /**
4691 + * Override the content_width with a custom value if one is set.
4692 + */
4693 + static function jetpack_content_width( $content_width ) {
4694 + $custom_content_width = 0;
4695 +
4696 + $jetpack_custom_css = get_theme_mod( 'jetpack_custom_css', array() );
4697 + if ( isset( $jetpack_custom_css['content_width'] ) ) {
4698 + $custom_content_width = $jetpack_custom_css['content_width'];
4699 + }
4700 +
4701 + if ( $custom_content_width > 0 ) {
4702 + return $custom_content_width;
4703 + }
4704 +
4705 + return $content_width;
4706 + }
4707 +
4708 + /**
4709 + * Currently this filter function gets called on
4710 + * 'template_redirect' action and
4711 + * 'admin_init' action
4712 + */
4713 + static function set_content_width(){
4714 + // Don't apply this filter on the Edit CSS page
4715 + if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && 'editcss' === $_GET['page'] && is_admin() ) {
4716 + return;
4717 + }
4718 +
4719 + $GLOBALS['content_width'] = Jetpack::get_content_width();
4720 + }
4721 +
4722 + /**
4723 + * Make sure the preprocessor we're saving is one we know about.
4724 + *
4725 + * @param $preprocessor The preprocessor to sanitize.
4726 + * @return null|string
4727 + */
4728 + public static function sanitize_preprocessor( $preprocessor ) {
4729 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
4730 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
4731 + if ( empty( $preprocessor ) || array_key_exists( $preprocessor, $preprocessors ) ) {
4732 + return $preprocessor;
4733 + }
4734 + return null;
4735 + }
4736 +
4737 + /**
4738 + * Get the base10 intval.
4739 + *
4740 + * This is used as a setting's sanitize_callback; we can't use just plain
4741 + * intval because the second argument is not what intval() expects.
4742 + *
4743 + * @access public
4744 + *
4745 + * @param mixed $value Number to convert.
4746 + * @return int Integer.
4747 + */
4748 + public static function intval_base10( $value ) {
4749 + return intval( $value, 10 );
4750 + }
4751 +
4752 + public static function load_revision_php() {
4753 + add_action( 'admin_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'revision_admin_footer' ) );
4754 + }
4755 +
4756 + public static function revision_admin_footer() {
4757 + $post = get_post();
4758 + if ( 'custom_css' !== $post->post_type ) {
4759 + return;
4760 + }
4761 + $stylesheet = $post->post_title;
4762 + ?>
4763 +<script type="text/html" id="tmpl-other-themes-switcher">
4764 + <?php self::revisions_switcher_box( $stylesheet ); ?>
4765 +</script>
4766 +<style>
4767 +.other-themes-wrap {
4768 + float: right;
4769 + background-color: #fff;
4770 + -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
4771 + box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
4772 + padding: 5px 10px;
4773 + margin-bottom: 10px;
4774 +}
4775 +.other-themes-wrap label {
4776 + display: block;
4777 + margin-bottom: 10px;
4778 +}
4779 +.other-themes-wrap select {
4780 + float: left;
4781 + width: 77%;
4782 +}
4783 +.other-themes-wrap button {
4784 + float: right;
4785 + width: 20%;
4786 +}
4787 +.revisions {
4788 + clear: both;
4789 +}
4790 +</style>
4791 +<script>
4792 +(function($){
4793 + var switcher = $('#tmpl-other-themes-switcher').html(),
4794 + qty = $( switcher ).find('select option').length,
4795 + $switcher;
4796 +
4797 + if ( qty >= 3 ) {
4798 + $('h1.long-header').before( switcher );
4799 + $switcher = $('.other-themes-wrap');
4800 + $switcher.find('button').on('click', function(e){
4801 + e.preventDefault();
4802 + if ( $switcher.find('select').val() ) {
4803 + window.location.href = $switcher.find('select').val();
4804 + }
4805 + })
4806 + }
4807 +})(jQuery);
4808 +</script>
4809 + <?php
4810 + }
4811 +
4812 + public static function revisions_switcher_box( $stylesheet = '' ) {
4813 + $themes = self::get_all_themes_with_custom_css();
4814 + ?>
4815 + <div class="other-themes-wrap">
4816 + <label for="other-themes"><?php esc_html_e( 'Would you like to view the revisions of another theme instead?', 'jetpack' ); ?></label>
4817 + <select id="other-themes">
4818 + <option value=""><?php esc_html_e( 'Select a theme&hellip;', 'jetpack' ); ?></option>
4819 + <?php
4820 + foreach ( $themes as $theme_stylesheet => $data ) {
4821 + $revisions = wp_get_post_revisions( $data['post']->ID, array( 'posts_per_page' => 1 ) );
4822 + if ( ! $revisions ) {
4823 + ?>
4824 + <option value="<?php echo esc_url( add_query_arg( 'id', $data['post']->ID, menu_page_url( 'editcss', 0 ) ) ); ?>" <?php disabled( $stylesheet, $theme_stylesheet ); ?>>
4825 + <?php echo esc_html( $data['label'] ); ?>
4826 + <?php printf( esc_html__( '(modified %s ago)', 'jetpack' ), human_time_diff( strtotime( $data['post']->post_modified_gmt ) ) ); ?></option>
4827 + <?php
4828 + continue;
4829 + }
4830 + $revision = array_shift( $revisions );
4831 + ?>
4832 + <option value="<?php echo esc_url( get_edit_post_link( $revision->ID ) ); ?>" <?php disabled( $stylesheet, $theme_stylesheet ); ?>>
4833 + <?php echo esc_html( $data['label'] ); ?>
4834 + <?php printf( esc_html__( '(modified %s ago)', 'jetpack' ), human_time_diff( strtotime( $data['post']->post_modified_gmt ) ) ); ?></option>
4835 + <?php
4836 + }
4837 + ?>
4838 + </select>
4839 + <button class="button" id="other_theme_custom_css_switcher"><?php esc_html_e( 'Switch', 'jetpack' ); ?></button>
4840 + </div>
4841 + <?php
4842 + }
4843 +}
4844 +
4845 +Jetpack_Custom_CSS_Enhancements::add_hooks();
4846 +
4847 +if ( ! function_exists( 'safecss_class' ) ) :
4848 +function safecss_class() {
4849 + // Wrapped so we don't need the parent class just to load the plugin
4850 + if ( class_exists('safecss') ) {
4851 + return;
4852 + }
4853 +
4854 + require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/csstidy/class.csstidy.php' );
4855 +
4856 + class safecss extends csstidy_optimise {
4857 +
4858 + function postparse() {
4859 +
4860 + /**
4861 + * Fires after parsing the css.
4862 + *
4863 + * @module custom-css
4864 + *
4865 + * @since 1.8.0
4866 + *
4867 + * @param obj $this CSSTidy object.
4868 + */
4869 + do_action( 'csstidy_optimize_postparse', $this );
4870 +
4871 + return parent::postparse();
4872 + }
4873 +
4874 + function subvalue() {
4875 +
4876 + /**
4877 + * Fires before optimizing the Custom CSS subvalue.
4878 + *
4879 + * @module custom-css
4880 + *
4881 + * @since 1.8.0
4882 + *
4883 + * @param obj $this CSSTidy object.
4884 + **/
4885 + do_action( 'csstidy_optimize_subvalue', $this );
4886 +
4887 + return parent::subvalue();
4888 + }
4889 + }
4890 +}
4891 +endif;
4893 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css.php
4894 index e3fe598..398f10e 100644
4895 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css.php
4896 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css.php
4897 @@ -1804,6 +1804,7 @@ function custom_css_restore_revision( $_post_id, $_revision_id ) {
4898 return Jetpack_Custom_CSS::restore_revision( $_post_id, $_revision_id );
4899 }
4901 +if ( ! function_exists( 'safecss_class' ) ) :
4902 function safecss_class() {
4903 // Wrapped so we don't need the parent class just to load the plugin
4904 if ( class_exists('safecss') )
4905 @@ -1846,6 +1847,7 @@ function safecss_class() {
4906 }
4907 }
4908 }
4909 +endif;
4911 if ( ! function_exists( 'safecss_filter_attr' ) ) {
4912 function safecss_filter_attr( $css, $element = 'div' ) {
4913 @@ -1853,6 +1855,4 @@ if ( ! function_exists( 'safecss_filter_attr' ) ) {
4914 }
4915 }
4917 -add_action( 'init', array( 'Jetpack_Custom_CSS', 'init' ) );
4918 -
4919 -include dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/custom-css/preprocessors.php';
4920 +include_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/custom-css/preprocessors.php';
4922 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/css/customizer-control.css b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/css/customizer-control.css
4923 new file mode 100644
4924 index 0000000..3aff6ed
4925 --- /dev/null
4926 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/css/customizer-control.css
4927 @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
4928 +/* NOAUTORTL */
4929 +.for-codemirror, .CodeMirror {
4930 + font-family: Consolas, Monaco, monospace;
4931 + font-size: 12px;
4932 + line-height: 16px;
4933 + margin: 16px 0 0 0;
4934 + direction: ltr;
4935 + text-align: left;
4936 + border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
4937 + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
4938 +}
4939 +.for-codemirror {
4940 + width: 98%;
4941 + height: 300px;
4942 +}
4943 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control > label {
4944 + position: relative;
4945 + width: 100px;
4946 +}
4947 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control .customize-control-title {
4948 + padding-bottom: 6px;
4949 +}
4950 +#customize-controls #customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control input[type="text"], /* stronger selector to override new-customizer.css */
4951 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control input[type="text"] {
4952 + width: 64px;
4953 + padding-right: 22px;
4954 + text-align: right;
4955 +}
4956 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control input[type="text"] + span {
4957 + position: absolute;
4958 + left: 43px;
4959 + padding-top: 3px;
4960 + opacity: .8;
4961 +}
4962 +@-moz-document url-prefix() {
4963 + #customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control input[type="text"] + span {
4964 + top: 47px;
4965 + }
4966 +}
4967 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control input[type="text"]:focus + span {
4968 + opacity: 1;
4969 +}
4970 +
4971 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control .description {
4972 + display: block;
4973 + margin: 28px 0 0 0;
4974 + color: #aaa;
4975 +}
4976 +
4977 +#customize-control-wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control .description strong {
4978 + font-style: normal;
4979 +}
4980 +
4981 +#customize-control-jetpack_custom_css_control {
4982 + position: relative;
4983 +}
4984 +
4985 +.css-help {
4986 + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
4987 + background: #ffffff;
4988 + position: relative;
4989 + right: 0;
4990 + left: 0;
4991 + width: 100%;
4992 + padding: 0;
4993 + overflow: hidden;
4994 +}
4995 +
4996 +.css-help a {
4997 + float: none;
4998 + display: inline-block;
4999 + text-decoration: none;
5000 + border-bottom: 4px solid transparent;
5001 + color: #555d66;
5002 + padding: 7px 10px 5px;
5003 + transition: .15s color ease-in-out,.15s background-color ease-in-out,.15s border-color ease-in-out;
5004 +}
5005 +
5006 +.css-help a:hover {
5007 + color: #0073aa;
5008 + background-color: #f3f3f5;
5009 +}
5010 +
5011 +.css-help a:before {
5012 + display: inline-block;
5013 + position: relative;
5014 + font-family: dashicons;
5015 + font-size: 20px;
5016 + padding-right: 3px;
5017 + top: 5px;
5018 + line-height: 1px;
5019 +}
5020 +
5021 +.css-help a:focus {
5022 + color: #0073aa;
5023 + background-color: #f3f3f5;
5024 + border-bottom-color: #0073aa;
5025 + box-shadow: none;
5026 +}
5027 +
5028 +.css-help a#revisions-link:before {
5029 + content: "\f321";
5030 +}
5031 +
5032 +.css-help a#help-link:before {
5033 + content: "\f223";
5034 +}
5035 +
5036 +#sub-accordion-section-custom_css .customize-control {
5037 + margin: 12px 0;
5038 +}
5039 +
5040 +#sub-accordion-section-custom_css .customize-control-jetpackCss {
5041 + margin: 0 -12px;
5042 + width: calc( 100% + 24px );
5043 +}
5044 +
5045 +#customize-theme-controls #sub-accordion-section-custom_css .customize-control-title {
5046 + margin-left: 0;
5047 + margin-right: 0;
5048 +}
5049 +
5050 +#sub-accordion-section-custom_css #customize-control-jetpack_css_preprocessors_control select {
5051 + max-width: 75%;
5052 +}
5053 +
5054 +body.editing-css .wp-full-overlay-sidebar {
5055 + width: 500px;
5056 +}
5057 +
5058 +body.editing-css .wp-full-overlay.expanded {
5059 + margin-left: 500px;
5060 +}
5061 +
5062 +input[type=jetpackCss] {
5063 + display: none;
5064 +}
5065 +
5067 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/js/core-customizer-css-preview.js b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/js/core-customizer-css-preview.js
5068 new file mode 100644
5069 index 0000000..15090ee
5070 --- /dev/null
5071 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/js/core-customizer-css-preview.js
5072 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
5073 +// Originally based on
5074 +/* globals jpCustomizerCssPreview */
5075 +(function( api, $ ) {
5076 + if ( api.settingPreviewHandlers ) {
5077 + // No-op the custom_css preview handler since now handled by partial.
5078 + api.settingPreviewHandlers.custom_css = function() {};
5079 + } else {
5080 + parent.console.warn( 'Missing core patch that adds support for settingPreviewHandlers' );
5081 + }
5082 +
5083 + api.selectiveRefresh.partialConstructor.custom_css = api.selectiveRefresh.Partial.extend( {
5084 +
5085 + /**
5086 + * Refresh custom_css partial, using selective refresh if pre-processor and direct DOM manipulation if otherwise.
5087 + *
5088 + * @returns {jQuery.promise}
5089 + */
5090 + refresh: function() {
5091 + var partial = this,
5092 + preprocessor = api( 'jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]' ).get(),
5093 + deferred, setting;
5094 +
5095 + // Sass or Less require Partial -- so ajax call to get it from PHP.
5096 + // We can explicitly override for specific providers by testing if `'sass' === preprocessor`
5097 + if ( jpCustomizerCssPreview.preprocessors.hasOwnProperty( preprocessor ) ) {
5098 + return partial );
5099 + }
5100 +
5101 + // No special providers, just write what we got.
5102 + deferred = new $.Deferred();
5103 + setting = api( 'custom_css[' + api.settings.theme.stylesheet + ']' );
5104 + _.each( partial.placements(), function( placement ) {
5105 + placement.container.text( setting.get() );
5106 + } );
5107 +
5108 + deferred.resolve();
5109 + return deferred.promise();
5110 + }
5111 +
5112 + } );
5113 +
5114 +}( wp.customize, jQuery ));
5116 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/js/core-customizer-css.js b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/js/core-customizer-css.js
5117 new file mode 100644
5118 index 0000000..9b8facd
5119 --- /dev/null
5120 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/js/core-customizer-css.js
5121 @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
5122 +(function( wp, $, api ){
5123 + api.controlConstructor.jetpackCss = api.Control.extend({
5124 + modes: {
5125 + 'default': 'text/css',
5126 + 'less': 'text/x-less',
5127 + 'sass': 'text/x-scss'
5128 + },
5129 + _updating: false,
5130 + /**
5131 + * Fires when our control is ready for action. Gets everything set up.
5132 + * @return {null}
5133 + */
5134 + ready: function() {
5135 + this.opts = window._jp_css_settings;
5136 + // add our textarea
5137 + this.$input = $( '<textarea />', {
5138 + name:,
5139 + 'class': 'for-codemirror hidden'
5140 + } ).val( this.setting() );
5141 + this.container.append( this.$input );
5142 +
5143 + // keep the textarea and the setting synced up
5144 + api(, _.bind( function( setting ){
5145 + var element = new api.Element( this.$input );
5146 + this.elements = [ element ];
5147 + element.sync( setting );
5148 + element.set( setting() );
5149 + }, this ) );
5150 +
5151 + // should we use CodeMirror?
5152 + if ( this.opts.useRichEditor ) {
5153 + this.initCodeMirror();
5154 + } else {
5155 + this.$input.removeClass( 'hidden' );
5156 + }
5157 +
5158 + api.bind( 'ready', _.bind( this.addLabels, this ) );
5159 + },
5160 + /**
5161 + * Set up our CodeMirror instance
5162 + * @return {null}
5163 + */
5164 + initCodeMirror: function() {
5165 + this.editor = window.CodeMirror.fromTextArea( this.$input.get(0), {
5166 + mode: this.getMode(),
5167 + lineNumbers: true,
5168 + tabSize: 2,
5169 + indentWithTabs: true,
5170 + lineWrapping: true
5171 + } );
5172 + this.setEditorHeight();
5173 +
5174 + this.addListeners();
5175 + },
5176 + setEditorHeight: function() {
5177 + this.editor.setSize( null, $(document).height() * 0.5 );
5178 + },
5179 + /**
5180 + * Adds various listeners for CodeMirror to render and keep in sync
5181 + * with the textarea.
5182 + */
5183 + addListeners: function() {
5184 + var edited = false;
5185 +
5186 + // refresh the CodeMirror instance's rendering because it's initially hidden
5187 + // 250ms because that's the open animation duration
5188 + $( '#accordion-section-custom_css > .accordion-section-title' ).click( _.bind( _.debounce( this.editor.refresh, 250 ), this.editor ) );
5189 + // also refresh when focusing
5190 + this.editor.on( 'focus', function( editor ) {
5191 + editor.refresh();
5192 + });
5193 +
5194 + // React to window resizing for CodeMirror height
5195 + $( window ).resize( _.bind( _.debounce( this.setEditorHeight, 100 ), this ) );
5196 +
5197 + // when the CodeMirror instance changes, mirror to the textarea,
5198 + // where we have our "true" change event handler bound. This allows both to function.
5199 + this.editor.on( 'change', _.bind( function( editor ) {
5200 + this._updating = true;
5201 + this.$input.val( editor.getValue() ).trigger( 'change' );
5202 + this._updating = false;
5203 +
5204 + if ( ! edited ) {
5205 + && 'send', 'event', 'Customizer', 'Typed Custom CSS' );
5206 + edited = true;
5207 + }
5208 + }, this ) );
5209 +
5210 + this.editor.on( 'focus', function() {
5211 + && 'send', 'event', 'Customizer', 'Focused CSS Editor' );
5212 + } );
5213 +
5214 + // when others update the control, update CodeMirror
5215 + this.setting.bind( 'change', _.bind( this.externalChange, this ) );
5216 + },
5217 + /**
5218 + * Get the mode of the currently active preprocessor (if any),
5219 + * falling back to text/css
5220 + * @return {string} mode for CodeMirror
5221 + */
5222 + getMode: function() {
5223 + var mode = api( 'jetpack_custom_css[preprocessor]' )();
5224 + if ( '' === mode || ! this.modes[ mode ] ) {
5225 + mode = 'default';
5226 + }
5227 + return this.modes[ mode ];
5228 + },
5229 + /**
5230 + * If another control updates our setting, re-render the CodeMirror instance
5231 + * @return {null}
5232 + */
5233 + externalChange: function() {
5234 + // only if the change wasn't internal
5235 + if( ! this._updating ) {
5236 + this.editor.setValue( this.setting() );
5237 + }
5238 + },
5239 + /**
5240 + * Callback for when the CSS panel opens to refresh the CodeMirror rendering
5241 + * @param {string} id The panel being opened
5242 + * @return {null}
5243 + */
5244 + refresh: function( id ) {
5245 + if ( 'accordion-section-custom_css' === id ) {
5246 + setTimeout( _.bind( function(){
5247 + this.editor.refresh();
5248 + }, this), 300 );
5249 + }
5250 + },
5251 + /**
5252 + * Add some labels that the default checkbox controls don't allow.
5253 + * Add CSS Revisions and CSS Help links.
5254 + */
5255 + addLabels: function() {
5256 + this.addTitle( 'jetpack_css_mode_control', this.opts.l10n.mode );
5257 + this.addTitle( 'jetpack_mobile_css_control', );
5258 + this.addDesc( 'wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control', this.opts.l10n.contentWidth );
5259 + var widthControl = this._getControl( 'wpcom_custom_css_content_width_control' );
5260 + if ( widthControl ) {
5261 + widthControl.find( 'input' ).after( '<span>px</span>' );
5262 + }
5263 + $( '<div />', {
5264 + id: 'css-help-links',
5265 + 'class': 'css-help'
5266 + }).appendTo( this.container );
5267 + $( '<a />', {
5268 + id: 'help-link',
5269 + target: '_blank',
5270 + href: this.opts.cssHelpUrl,
5271 + text: this.opts.l10n.css_help_title
5272 + }).prependTo( '#css-help-links' );
5273 +
5274 + // Only show the revisions link if there are revisions
5275 + if ( this.opts.areThereCssRevisions ) {
5276 + $( '<a />', {
5277 + id: 'revisions-link',
5278 + target: '_blank',
5279 + href: this.opts.revisionsUrl,
5280 + text: this.opts.l10n.revisions
5281 + }).prependTo( '#css-help-links' );
5282 + }
5283 + },
5284 + /**
5285 + * Add a title to a control
5286 + * @param {string} controlId Control ID
5287 + * @param {string} title A title to add
5288 + */
5289 + addTitle: function( controlId, title ) {
5290 + var control = this._getControl( controlId );
5291 + if ( control ) {
5292 + control.prepend( '<span class="customize-control-title">' + title + '<span>' );
5293 + }
5294 + },
5295 + /**
5296 + * Add a description to a control
5297 + * @param {string} controlId Control ID
5298 + * @param {string} desc A description to add
5299 + */
5300 + addDesc: function( controlId, desc ) {
5301 + var control = this._getControl( controlId );
5302 + if ( control ) {
5303 + control.append( '<span class="description">' + desc + '<span>' );
5304 + }
5305 + },
5306 + /**
5307 + * Helper function to qet a control by ID
5308 + * @param {string} controlId Control ID
5309 + * @return {object} jQuery object of the container
5310 + */
5311 + _getControl: function( controlId ) {
5312 + var control = api.control.value( controlId );
5313 + if ( control ) {
5314 + return control.container;
5315 + }
5316 + return null;
5317 + }
5318 + });
5319 +
5320 +})( this.wp, jQuery, this.wp.customize );
5322 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/preprocessors.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/preprocessors.php
5323 index e107b53..7d561b3 100644
5324 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/preprocessors.php
5325 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/custom-css/preprocessors.php
5326 @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ function jetpack_sass_css_preprocess( $sass ) {
5327 require_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/preprocessors/' );
5329 $compiler = new scssc();
5330 + $compiler->setFormatter( 'scss_formatter' );
5332 try {
5333 return $compiler->compile( $sass );
5335 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/migrate-to-core.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/migrate-to-core.php
5336 new file mode 100644
5337 index 0000000..ce4e88a
5338 --- /dev/null
5339 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/custom-css/migrate-to-core.php
5340 @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
5341 +<?php
5342 +
5343 +class Jetpack_Custom_CSS_Data_Migration {
5344 + public static function add_hooks() {
5345 + add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'register_legacy_post_type' ) );
5346 + add_action( 'admin_init', array( __CLASS__, 'do_migration' ) );
5347 +
5348 + include_once( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/custom-css.php' );
5349 + if ( ! is_admin() ) {
5350 + add_action( 'init', array( 'Jetpack_Custom_CSS', 'init' ) );
5351 + }
5352 + }
5353 +
5354 + public static function do_migration() {
5355 + Jetpack_Options::update_option( 'custom_css_4.7_migration', true );
5356 + Jetpack::log( 'custom_css_4.7_migration', 'start' );
5357 +
5358 + if ( ! post_type_exists( 'safecss' ) ) {
5359 + self::register_legacy_post_type();
5360 + }
5361 +
5362 + /** This filter is documented in modules/custom-css/custom-css.php */
5363 + $preprocessors = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_preprocessors', array() );
5364 + $core_css_post = wp_get_custom_css_post();
5365 + $jetpack_css_post = self::get_post();
5366 + $revisions = self::get_all_revisions();
5367 +
5368 + // Migrate the settings from revision meta to theme mod.
5369 + $options = self::get_options( $jetpack_css_post->ID );
5370 + set_theme_mod( 'jetpack_custom_css', $options );
5371 +
5372 + if ( empty( $revisions ) || ! is_array( $revisions ) ) {
5373 + if ( $jetpack_css_post instanceof WP_Post ) {
5374 + // Feed in the raw, if the current setting is Sass/LESS, it'll filter it inside.
5375 + wp_update_custom_css_post( $jetpack_css_post->post_content );
5376 + return 1;
5377 + }
5378 + return null;
5379 + }
5380 +
5381 + $revisions = array_reverse( $revisions );
5382 + $themes = Jetpack_Custom_CSS_Enhancements::get_themes();
5383 + $migrated = array();
5384 +
5385 + foreach ( $revisions as $post_id => $post ) {
5386 + // Jetpack had stored the theme Name, not the stylesheet directory, for ... reasons.
5387 + // Get the stylesheet. If null, the theme is no longer available. Skip.
5388 + $stylesheet = isset( $themes[ $post->post_excerpt ] ) ? $themes[ $post->post_excerpt ] : null;
5389 + if ( empty( $stylesheet ) ) {
5390 + continue;
5391 + }
5392 +
5393 + $migrated[] = $post->ID;
5394 + $preprocessor = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'custom_css_preprocessor', true );
5395 + $css = $post->post_content;
5396 + $pre = '';
5397 +
5398 + // Do a revision by revision parsing.
5399 + if ( $preprocessor && isset( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ] ) ) {
5400 + $pre = $css;
5401 + $css = call_user_func( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ]['callback'], $pre );
5402 + }
5403 +
5404 + // Do we need to remove any filters here for users without `unfiltered_html` ?
5405 +
5406 + wp_update_custom_css_post( $css, array(
5407 + 'stylesheet' => $stylesheet,
5408 + 'preprocessed' => $pre,
5409 + ) );
5410 + }
5411 +
5412 + // If we've migrated some CSS for the current theme and there was already something there in the Core dataset ...
5413 + if ( $core_css_post && $jetpack_css_post ) {
5414 + $preprocessor = $options['preprocessor'];
5415 +
5416 + $css = $core_css_post->post_content;
5417 + $pre = $core_css_post->post_content_filtered;
5418 + if ( $preprocessor ) {
5419 + if ( $pre ) {
5420 + $pre .= "\r\n\r\n/*\r\n\t" . esc_js( __( 'CSS Migrated from Jetpack:', 'jetpack' ) ) . "\r\n*/\r\n\r\n";
5421 + }
5422 + $pre .= $jetpack_css_post->post_content;
5423 +
5424 + $css .= "\r\n\r\n/*\r\n\t" . esc_js( __( 'CSS Migrated from Jetpack:', 'jetpack' ) ) . "\r\n*/\r\n\r\n";
5425 + $css .= call_user_func( $preprocessors[ $preprocessor ]['callback'], $jetpack_css_post->post_content );
5426 + } else {
5427 + $css .= "\r\n\r\n/*\r\n\t" . esc_js( __( 'CSS Migrated from Jetpack:', 'jetpack' ) ) . "\r\n*/\r\n\r\n";
5428 + $css .= $jetpack_css_post->post_content;
5429 + }
5430 +
5431 + wp_update_custom_css_post( $css, array(
5432 + 'preprocessed' => $pre,
5433 + ) );
5434 + }
5435 +
5436 + Jetpack::log( 'custom_css_4.7_migration', sizeof( $migrated ) . 'revisions migrated' );
5437 + return sizeof( $migrated );
5438 + }
5439 +
5440 + public static function register_legacy_post_type() {
5441 + if ( post_type_exists( 'safecss' ) ) {
5442 + return;
5443 + }
5444 + // Register safecss as a custom post_type
5445 + // Explicit capability definitions are largely unnecessary because the posts are manipulated in code via an options page, managing CSS revisions does check the capabilities, so let's ensure that the proper caps are checked.
5446 + register_post_type( 'safecss', array(
5447 + 'label' => 'Custom CSS',
5448 + 'supports' => array( 'revisions' ),
5449 + 'can_export' => false,
5450 + 'rewrite' => false,
5451 + 'capabilities' => array(
5452 + 'edit_post' => 'edit_theme_options',
5453 + 'read_post' => 'read',
5454 + 'delete_post' => 'edit_theme_options',
5455 + 'edit_posts' => 'edit_theme_options',
5456 + 'edit_others_posts' => 'edit_theme_options',
5457 + 'publish_posts' => 'edit_theme_options',
5458 + 'read_private_posts' => 'read',
5459 + ),
5460 + ) );
5461 + }
5462 +
5463 + public static function get_post() {
5464 + /**
5465 + * Filter the ID of the post where Custom CSS is stored, before the ID is retrieved.
5466 + *
5467 + * If the callback function returns a non-null value, then post_id() will immediately
5468 + * return that value, instead of retrieving the normal post ID.
5469 + *
5470 + * @module custom-css
5471 + *
5472 + * @since 3.8.1
5473 + *
5474 + * @param null null The ID to return instead of the normal ID.
5475 + */
5476 + $custom_css_post_id = apply_filters( 'jetpack_custom_css_pre_post_id', null );
5477 + if ( ! is_null( $custom_css_post_id ) ) {
5478 + return get_post( $custom_css_post_id );
5479 + }
5480 +
5481 + $custom_css_post_id = wp_cache_get( 'custom_css_post_id' );
5482 +
5483 + if ( false === $custom_css_post_id ) {
5484 + $custom_css_posts = get_posts( array(
5485 + 'posts_per_page' => 1,
5486 + 'post_type' => 'safecss',
5487 + 'post_status' => 'publish',
5488 + 'orderby' => 'date',
5489 + 'order' => 'DESC',
5490 + ) );
5491 +
5492 + $custom_css_post_id = 0;
5493 + if ( count( $custom_css_posts ) > 0 ) {
5494 + $custom_css_post_id = $custom_css_posts[0]->ID;
5495 + }
5496 +
5497 + // Save post_id=0 to note that no safecss post exists.
5498 + wp_cache_set( 'custom_css_post_id', $custom_css_post_id );
5499 + }
5500 +
5501 + if ( ! $custom_css_post_id ) {
5502 + return false;
5503 + }
5504 +
5505 + return get_post( $custom_css_post_id );
5506 + }
5507 +
5508 + public static function get_all_revisions() {
5509 + $post = self::get_post();
5510 + $revisions = wp_get_post_revisions( $post->ID, array(
5511 + 'posts_per_page' => -1,
5512 + 'orderby' => 'date',
5513 + 'order' => 'DESC',
5514 + ) );
5515 +
5516 + return $revisions;
5517 + }
5518 +
5519 + public static function get_options( $post_id = null ) {
5520 + if ( empty( $post_id ) ) {
5521 + $post = self::get_post();
5522 + $post_id = $post->ID;
5523 + }
5524 +
5525 + $meta = get_post_meta( $post_id );
5526 +
5527 + $replace = false;
5528 + if ( isset( $meta['custom_css_add'][0] ) && 'no' === $meta['custom_css_add'][0] ) {
5529 + $replace = true;
5530 + }
5531 +
5532 + return array(
5533 + 'preprocessor' => isset( $meta['custom_css_preprocessor'][0] ) ? $meta['custom_css_preprocessor'][0] : '',
5534 + 'replace' => $replace,
5535 + 'content_width' => isset( $meta['content_width'][0] ) ? $meta['content_width'][0] : '',
5536 + );
5537 + }
5538 +}
5539 +
5540 +Jetpack_Custom_CSS_Data_Migration::add_hooks();
5542 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/likes.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/likes.php
5543 index 240ac38..464ce1e 100644
5544 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/likes.php
5545 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/likes.php
5546 @@ -974,6 +974,7 @@ class Jetpack_Likes {
5547 * similar logic and filters apply here, too.
5548 */
5549 function is_likes_visible() {
5550 + require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '/sync/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php';
5551 if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_syncing() ) {
5552 return false;
5553 }
5555 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/module-info.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/module-info.php
5556 index ee9f0db..3a3c054 100644
5557 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/module-info.php
5558 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/module-info.php
5559 @@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ add_action( 'jetpack_module_more_info_verification-tools', 'jetpack_verification
5560 * SEO Tools
5561 */
5562 function jetpack_seo_tools_more_link() {
5563 - echo '';
5564 + echo '';
5565 }
5566 add_action( 'jetpack_learn_more_button_seo-tools', 'jetpack_seo_tools_more_link' );
5569 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php
5570 index d88154a..ef2ba5c 100644
5571 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php
5572 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/related-posts/jetpack-related-posts.php
5573 @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ class Jetpack_RelatedPosts {
5574 * @returns string
5575 */
5576 public function get_target_html() {
5577 + require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '/sync/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php';
5578 if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_syncing() ) {
5579 return '';
5580 }
5581 @@ -223,6 +224,7 @@ EOT;
5582 * @returns string
5583 */
5584 public function get_target_html_unsupported() {
5585 + require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '/sync/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php';
5586 if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_syncing() ) {
5587 return '';
5588 }
5590 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharedaddy.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharedaddy.php
5591 index 18c04d3..83f07e9 100644
5592 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharedaddy.php
5593 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharedaddy.php
5594 @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function sharing_email_check_for_spam_via_akismet( $data ) {
5595 }
5597 function sharing_email_send_post_content( $data ) {
5598 - /* translators: included in e-mail when post is shared via e-mail. First item is sender's name. Second is sender's e-mail address. */
5599 + /* translators: included in email when post is shared via email. First item is sender's name. Second is sender's email address. */
5600 $content = sprintf( __( '%1$s (%2$s) thinks you may be interested in the following post:', 'jetpack' ), $data['name'], $data['source'] );
5601 $content .= "\n\n";
5602 $content .= $data['post']->post_title."\n";
5604 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing-service.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing-service.php
5605 index db90a5a..75a41ad 100644
5606 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing-service.php
5607 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/sharedaddy/sharing-service.php
5608 @@ -582,6 +582,8 @@ add_action( 'template_redirect', 'sharing_process_requests', 9 );
5610 function sharing_display( $text = '', $echo = false ) {
5611 global $post, $wp_current_filter;
5612 +
5613 + require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . '/sync/class.jetpack-sync-settings.php';
5614 if ( Jetpack_Sync_Settings::is_syncing() ) {
5615 return $text;
5616 }
5618 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/theme-tools/featured-content.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/theme-tools/featured-content.php
5619 index c80149a..d2fff91 100644
5620 --- a/plugins/jetpack/modules/theme-tools/featured-content.php
5621 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/theme-tools/featured-content.php
5622 @@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ class Featured_Content {
5623 public static $post_types = array( 'post' );
5625 /**
5626 + * The tag that is used to mark featured content. Users can define
5627 + * a custom tag name that will be stored in this variable.
5628 + *
5629 + * @see Featured_Content::hide_featured_term
5630 + */
5631 + public static $tag;
5632 +
5633 + /**
5634 * Instantiate.
5635 *
5636 * All custom functionality will be hooked into the "init" action.
5637 @@ -133,6 +141,11 @@ class Featured_Content {
5638 */
5639 public static function wp_loaded() {
5640 if ( self::get_setting( 'hide-tag' ) ) {
5641 + $settings = self::get_setting();
5642 +
5643 + // This is done before setting filters for get_terms in order to avoid an infinite filter loop
5644 + self::$tag = get_term_by( 'name', $settings['tag-name'], 'post_tag' );
5645 +
5646 add_filter( 'get_terms', array( __CLASS__, 'hide_featured_term' ), 10, 3 );
5647 add_filter( 'get_the_terms', array( __CLASS__, 'hide_the_featured_term' ), 10, 3 );
5648 }
5649 @@ -362,11 +375,16 @@ class Featured_Content {
5650 }
5652 $settings = self::get_setting();
5653 - $tag = get_term_by( 'name', $settings['tag-name'], 'post_tag' );
5655 - if ( false !== $tag ) {
5656 + if ( false !== self::$tag ) {
5657 foreach ( $terms as $order => $term ) {
5658 - if ( is_object( $term ) && ( $settings['tag-id'] === $term->term_id || $settings['tag-name'] === $term->name ) ) {
5659 + if (
5660 + is_object( $term )
5661 + && (
5662 + $settings['tag-id'] === $term->term_id
5663 + || $settings['tag-name'] === $term->name
5664 + )
5665 + ) {
5666 unset( $terms[ $order ] );
5667 }
5668 }
5670 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/readme.txt b/plugins/jetpack/readme.txt
5671 index 7650d64..3d39184 100644
5672 --- a/plugins/jetpack/readme.txt
5673 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/readme.txt
5674 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
5675 === Jetpack by ===
5676 Contributors: automattic, adamkheckler, aduth, akirk, allendav, alternatekev, andy, annezazu, apeatling, azaozz, batmoo, barry, beaulebens, blobaugh, cainm, cena, cfinke, chaselivingston, chellycat, csonnek, danielbachhuber, davoraltman, daniloercoli, designsimply, dllh, drawmyface, dsmart, dzver, ebinnion, eliorivero, enej, eoigal, erania-pinnera, ethitter, gcorne, georgestephanis, gibrown, goldsounds, hew, hugobaeta, hypertextranch, iammattthomas, iandunn, jacobshere, jblz, jeherve, jenhooks, jenia, jgs, jkudish, jmdodd, Joen, johnjamesjacoby, jshreve, koke, kraftbj, lamdayap, lancewillett, lschuyler, macmanx, martinremy, matt, matveb, mattwiebe, maverick3x6, mcsf, mdawaffe, michael-arestad, migueluy, mikeyarce, mkaz, nancythanki, nickmomrik, obenland, pento, professor44, rachelsquirrel, rdcoll, ryancowles, richardmuscat, richardmtl, roccotripaldi, samhotchkiss, scarstocea, sdquirk, stephdau, tmoorewp, Viper007Bond, westi, yoavf, zinigor
5677 Tags:, jet pack, comments, contact, gallery, performance, sharing, security, shortcodes, stats, subscriptions, widgets
5678 -Stable tag: 4.4.1
5679 +Stable tag: 4.4.2
5680 Requires at least: 4.5
5681 -Tested up to: 4.6.1
5682 +Tested up to: 4.7
5684 Increase your traffic, view your stats, speed up your site, and protect yourself from hackers with Jetpack.
5686 @@ -75,14 +75,33 @@ There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. [Learn more
5688 == Changelog ==
5690 += 4.4.2 =
5691 +
5692 +* Release date: December 6, 2016
5693 +
5694 +This release improves Jetpack compatibility with WordPress 4.7.
5695 +
5696 +**Compatibility changes**
5697 +
5698 +* Custom CSS: Made the Custom CSS feature of Jetpack compatible with the CSS Customizer editor in WordPress 4.7.
5699 +* Sync: improved compatibility with the wp-missed-schedule plugin.
5700 +
5701 +**Bug fixes**
5702 +
5703 +* Featured Content: made sure there is no infinite loop when removing the featured tag from the tag list.
5704 +* Admin: made sure help tabs are not being hidden.
5705 +* Admin: made At a Glance page work nicely when there is no backup data yet.
5706 +* Sync: now making sure that needed classes are loaded, preventing errors.
5707 +* Sync: cleared out unneeded scheduled jobs.
5708 +
5709 = 4.4.1 =
5711 * Release date: November 22, 2016
5713 **Bug Fixes**
5715 -* Fixed an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when `WP_DEBUG` was enabled.
5716 -* Fixed an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who were paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn� be able to enable SEO Tools.
5717 +* Fixes an issue where some users with slower servers would get an error on the Jetpack dashboard when `WP_DEBUG` was enabled.
5718 +* Fixes an issue where users on a Jetpack Professional plan who are paying monthly (as opposed to annually) wouldn� be able to enable SEO Tools.
5720 = 4.4 =
5722 @@ -250,3 +269,9 @@ There are opportunities for developers at all levels to contribute. [Learn more
5723 * The PHP warnings of Sitemaps stylesheets have been eliminated.
5724 * We�e done away with the warnings that appeared when Tonesque processes a file which claims to be one filetype, but is actually another.
5725 * We�e exterminated PHP notices that appeared when using Random Redirect, as well as when the author wasn't set.
5726 +
5727 +
5728 +== Upgrade Notice ==
5729 +
5730 += 4.4.2 =
5731 +Jetpack 4.4.2 fixes compatibility issues with WordPress 4.7. Please upgrade immediately.
5732 \ No newline at end of file
5734 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php b/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php
5735 index ea8adde..ad7dce7 100644
5736 --- a/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php
5737 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-actions.php
5738 @@ -332,12 +332,18 @@ class Jetpack_Sync_Actions {
5739 $full_sync_cron_schedule = apply_filters( 'jetpack_sync_full_sync_interval', self::DEFAULT_SYNC_CRON_INTERVAL_NAME );
5740 self::maybe_schedule_sync_cron( $full_sync_cron_schedule, 'jetpack_sync_full_cron' );
5741 }
5742 +
5743 + static function cleanup_on_upgrade() {
5744 + if ( wp_next_scheduled( 'jetpack_sync_send_db_checksum' ) ) {
5745 + wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'jetpack_sync_send_db_checksum' );
5746 + }
5747 + }
5748 }
5750 /**
5751 * If the site is using alternate cron, we need to init the listener and sender before cron
5752 * runs. So, we init at a priority of 9.
5753 - *
5754 + *
5755 * If the site is using a regular cron job, we init at a priority of 90 which gives plugins a chance
5756 * to add filters before we initialize.
5757 */
5758 @@ -349,3 +355,4 @@ if ( defined( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON' ) && ALTERNATE_WP_CRON ) {
5760 // We need to define this here so that it's hooked before `updating_jetpack_version` is called
5761 add_action( 'updating_jetpack_version', array( 'Jetpack_Sync_Actions', 'do_initial_sync' ), 10, 2 );
5762 +add_action( 'updating_jetpack_version', array( 'Jetpack_Sync_Actions', 'cleanup_on_upgrade' ) );
5764 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-module-full-sync.php b/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-module-full-sync.php
5765 index 2b8bd23..f40a2eb 100644
5766 --- a/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-module-full-sync.php
5767 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-module-full-sync.php
5768 @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
5769 <?php
5771 +require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/class.jetpack-sync-options.php';
5772 +
5773 /**
5774 * This class does a full resync of the database by
5775 * enqueuing an outbound action for every single object
5776 @@ -168,8 +170,7 @@ class Jetpack_Sync_Module_Full_Sync extends Jetpack_Sync_Module {
5778 /**
5779 * Fires when a full sync ends. This action is serialized
5780 - * and sent to the server with checksums so that we can confirm the
5781 - * sync was successful.
5782 + * and sent to the server.
5783 *
5784 * @since 4.2.0
5785 */
5786 @@ -267,14 +268,14 @@ class Jetpack_Sync_Module_Full_Sync extends Jetpack_Sync_Module {
5788 public function clear_status() {
5789 $prefix = self::STATUS_OPTION_PREFIX;
5790 - delete_option( "{$prefix}_started" );
5791 - delete_option( "{$prefix}_params" );
5792 - delete_option( "{$prefix}_queue_finished" );
5793 - delete_option( "{$prefix}_send_started" );
5794 - delete_option( "{$prefix}_finished" );
5795 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::delete_option( "{$prefix}_started" );
5796 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::delete_option( "{$prefix}_params" );
5797 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::delete_option( "{$prefix}_queue_finished" );
5798 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::delete_option( "{$prefix}_send_started" );
5799 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::delete_option( "{$prefix}_finished" );
5801 foreach ( Jetpack_Sync_Modules::get_modules() as $module ) {
5802 - delete_option( "{$prefix}_{$module->name()}_sent" );
5803 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::delete_option( "{$prefix}_{$module->name()}_sent" );
5804 }
5805 }
5807 @@ -286,37 +287,29 @@ class Jetpack_Sync_Module_Full_Sync extends Jetpack_Sync_Module {
5808 }
5810 private function get_status_option( $name, $default = null ) {
5811 - $prefix = self::STATUS_OPTION_PREFIX;
5812 -
5813 - $value = get_option( "{$prefix}_{$name}", $default );
5814 -
5815 - if ( ! $value ) {
5816 - // don't cast to int if we didn't find a value - we want to preserve null or false as sentinals
5817 - return $default;
5818 - }
5819 + $value = Jetpack_Sync_Options::get_option( self::STATUS_OPTION_PREFIX . "_$name", $default );
5821 return is_numeric( $value ) ? intval( $value ) : $value;
5822 }
5824 private function update_status_option( $name, $value, $autoload = false ) {
5825 - $prefix = self::STATUS_OPTION_PREFIX;
5826 - update_option( "{$prefix}_{$name}", $value, $autoload );
5827 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::update_option( self::STATUS_OPTION_PREFIX . "_$name", $value, $autoload );
5828 }
5830 private function set_enqueue_status( $new_status ) {
5831 - $this->write_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_enqueue_status', $new_status );
5832 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::update_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_enqueue_status', $new_status );
5833 }
5835 private function get_enqueue_status() {
5836 - return $this->read_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_enqueue_status' );
5837 + return Jetpack_Sync_Options::get_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_enqueue_status' );
5838 }
5840 private function set_config( $config ) {
5841 - $this->write_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_config', $config );
5842 + Jetpack_Sync_Options::update_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_config', $config );
5843 }
5845 private function get_config() {
5846 - return $this->read_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_config' );
5847 + return Jetpack_Sync_Options::get_option( 'jetpack_sync_full_config' );
5848 }
5850 private function write_option( $name, $value ) {
5852 diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-options.php b/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-options.php
5853 new file mode 100644
5854 index 0000000..fb93547
5855 --- /dev/null
5856 +++ b/plugins/jetpack/sync/class.jetpack-sync-options.php
5857 @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
5858 +<?php
5859 +
5860 +/**
5861 + * Simple class to read/write to the options table, bypassing
5862 + * problematic caching with get_option/set_option
5863 + **/
5864 +
5865 +class Jetpack_Sync_Options {
5866 +
5867 + static function delete_option( $name ) {
5868 + global $wpdb;
5869 + $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s", $name ) );
5870 + }
5871 +
5872 + static function update_option( $name, $value, $autoload = false ) {
5873 +
5874 + $autoload_value = $autoload ? 'yes' : 'no';
5875 +
5876 + // we write our own option updating code to bypass filters/caching/etc on set_option/get_option
5877 + global $wpdb;
5878 + $serialized_value = maybe_serialize( $value );
5879 + // try updating, if no update then insert
5880 + // TODO: try to deal with the fact that unchanged values can return updated_num = 0
5881 + // below we used "insert ignore" to at least suppress the resulting error
5882 + $updated_num = $wpdb->query(
5883 + $wpdb->prepare(
5884 + "UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = %s WHERE option_name = %s",
5885 + $serialized_value,
5886 + $name
5887 + )
5888 + );
5889 +
5890 + if ( ! $updated_num ) {
5891 + $updated_num = $wpdb->query(
5892 + $wpdb->prepare(
5893 + "INSERT IGNORE INTO $wpdb->options ( option_name, option_value, autoload ) VALUES ( %s, %s, '$autoload_value' )",
5894 + $name,
5895 + $serialized_value
5896 + )
5897 + );
5898 + }
5899 + return $updated_num;
5900 + }
5901 +
5902 + static function get_option( $name, $default = null ) {
5903 + global $wpdb;
5904 + $value = $wpdb->get_var(
5905 + $wpdb->prepare(
5906 + "SELECT option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name = %s LIMIT 1",
5907 + $name
5908 + )
5909 + );
5910 + $value = maybe_unserialize( $value );
5911 +
5912 + if ( $value === null && $default !== null ) {
5913 + return $default;
5914 + }
5915 +
5916 + return $value;
5917 + }
5918 +
5919 +}
5920 \ No newline at end of file