Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Alex Alexander (wired)" <wired@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs: 20100823-summary.txt 20100823.txt
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2010 21:01:19
1 wired 10/08/23 21:01:13
3 Added: 20100823-summary.txt 20100823.txt
4 Log:
5 added log and summary for 2010-08-23 council meeting
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20100823-summary.txt
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: 20100823-summary.txt
14 ===================================================================
15 Gentoo Council 2010/08/23 meeting agenda / summary:
17 * roll call
18 here:
19 jmbsvicetto
20 halcy0n
21 betelgeuse
22 wired
23 chainsaw
24 ssuominen ( proxying scarabeus )
25 missing:
26 ferringb ( called him, no answer )
28 ** items for discussion / vote **
29 - EAPI 4 status
30 3 bugs left
31 #273642 #273625 #273633
32 repoman not updated yet
33 support for EAPI 4_pre1 not enabled yet
35 - GLEP 54 -
39 passed, 4 to 2
40 yes
41 jmbsvicetto
42 chainsaw
43 ssuominen
44 wired
45 no
46 halcy0n
47 because GLEP 55 was turned down
48 betelgeuse
49 because GLEP 55 was turned down
50 would vote yes if we waited for a year
51 or did something else reasonable to
52 avoid warnings
54 - GLEP 55 -
55 voted down 4 to 2
56 no
57 jmbsvicetto
58 chainsaw
59 ssuominen
60 wired
61 yes
62 halcy0n
63 betelgeuse
65 * per Betelgeuse's request, do we want to find a solution for the issues raised by glep 55
66 yes
67 betelguese
68 chainsaw
69 halcy0n
70 jmbsvicetto
71 wired
72 no
73 ssuominen
75 ** we should focus on finding an acceptable implemention or just vote on all the proposed ones
77 * go through bugs assigned to the Council
80 234706
81 no new info
83 256451
84 done
86 256453
87 done
89 237381
90 no new info
92 * decide who's chairing the next meeting
93 jmbsvicetto
95 * choose next meeting's date
96 20100913 19H00 UTC
98 * open floor - listen to the community
99 * antarus wants an espresso machine
103 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20100823.txt
105 file :
106 plain:
108 Index: 20100823.txt
109 ===================================================================
110 [21:59:59] <wired> i guess its about time
111 [22:00:04] *** Joins: lavajoe (~joe@gentoo/developer/lavajoe)
112 [22:00:09] <Chainsaw> Ready here :)
113 [22:00:11] <wired> rollcall! Betelgeuse Chainsaw ferringb Halcy0n jmbsvicetto scarabeus ( ssuominen )
114 [22:00:15] <Betelgeuse> wired: around
115 [22:00:20] <jmbsvicetto> around
116 [22:00:38] <Halcy0n> here
117 [22:00:54] <Chainsaw> wired: Present.
118 [22:01:14] <wired> great
119 [22:01:16] <wired> ferringb?
120 [22:01:51] <wired> lets give him a couple of minutes
121 [22:04:57] <Halcy0n> Want me to call Brian?
122 [22:05:12] <wired> could you please?
123 [22:05:33] <wired> or I will
124 [22:05:55] <Halcy0n> Its free for me to call if you want. I just can't find his number.
125 [22:06:34] <wired> problem solved
126 [22:07:09] *** Quits: ali_bush (~alistair@gentoo/developer/alibush) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
127 [22:07:39] <jmbsvicetto> Did we poke anyone to get an EAPI-4 status update?
128 [22:08:17] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: few_ said to look at the tracker bug
129 [22:08:29] <wired> ok so brian is not answering
130 [22:08:32] <wired> lets move on
131 [22:08:32] <Betelgeuse> 08:45 < few_> Betelgeuse: just in case nobody shows up to report about the portage eapi 4 status in the council meeting: it's all in bug 273620. whatever is marked as fixed can be made usable in the next release.
132 [22:08:34] <willikins> Betelgeuse: "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage EAPI 4 implementation"; Portage Development, Core; NEW; SebastianLuther@×××.de:dev-portage@g.o
133 [22:08:46] <wired> Betelgeuse: thanks, was about to paste that myself
134 [22:10:05] *** Joins: antarus (~antarus@gentoo/developer/antarus)
135 [22:10:13] <wired> it seems that the only open bugs there are bug 273642
136 [22:10:15] <willikins> wired: "USE is calculated differently (EAPI 4)"; Portage Development, Core; NEW; SebastianLuther@×××.de:dev-portage@g.o
137 [22:10:18] <wired> and bug 273625
138 [22:10:20] <willikins> wired: "Slot operator dependencies (EAPI 4)"; Portage Development, Core; NEW; SebastianLuther@×××.de:dev-portage@g.o
139 [22:10:47] <jmbsvicetto> few_ is around. Anyone has any questions?
140 [22:11:12] *** Quits: nirbheek (~nirbheek@gentoo/developer/flyingspaghettimonster/nirbheek) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
141 [22:11:23] <few_> there is a third: bug 273633
142 [22:11:25] <willikins> few_: "Controllable compression and docompress (EAPI 4)"; Portage Development, Core; NEW; SebastianLuther@×××.de:dev-portage@g.o
143 [22:11:55] <wired> few_: right i missed it thanks
144 [22:11:56] <zmedico> all the stuff that's implemented should be listed in the tracker bug and here too:;a=blob_plain;f=doc/package/ebuild/eapi/4.docbook;hb=HEAD
145 [22:12:32] <Betelgeuse> I think we should roll that together with GLEP 55 if approved today and start getting EAPI 4 out.
146 [22:12:40] <Betelgeuse> zmedico said GLEP 55 already has code
147 [22:12:57] <Betelgeuse> zmedico: 54 does too?
148 [22:14:28] <zmedico> well, glep 54 isn't implemented but it would affect all the same places as the glep 55 patch
149 [22:15:01] <Betelgeuse> It would take some time to get PMS in order any way
150 [22:16:16] <Betelgeuse> zmedico: Also how's repoman wrt EAPI 4?
151 [22:17:16] <ssuominen> It would be nice to have special version string, called for example 'scm' or 'live' to replace 9999 a-like versioning. But .ebuild stops at .ebuild, extra suffix is just ugly and complicates workflow
152 [22:17:47] <zmedico> Betelgeuse: it's hard to say about repoman because we haven't enabled support for EAPI 4_pre1 yet
153 [22:18:12] <Betelgeuse> zmedico: I was thinking we might want to check some || die stuff but any way not really that relevant now
154 [22:18:16] <Betelgeuse> wired: Shouldn't we move on?
155 [22:18:19] <wired> yes
156 [22:18:57] <zmedico> ssuominen: a possible alternative to the -scm would be just to add a _scm suffix that's similar to the existing version suffixes
157 [22:19:07] <wired> lets talk about GLEP 54
158 [22:19:34] <jmbsvicetto> zmedico: would it be possible to have just ${PN}_scm ?
159 [22:19:39] <wired> zmedico: thats kind of what I was thinking
160 [22:19:54] <Betelgeuse> wired: shouldn't talk have happened at mailing lists?
161 [22:20:00] <zmedico> jmbsvicetto: we could allow that since we're changing version rules anyway
162 [22:20:06] <jmbsvicetto> ok
163 [22:20:28] <wired> Betelgeuse: well, it should, but i guess we can do some basic talk before we vote on it
164 [22:20:37] <Betelgeuse> Also we have the option to bikeshed before EAPI 4 is offically approved.
165 [22:20:46] <Betelgeuse> zmedico: I presume changing naming etc is quite trivial?
166 [22:20:56] <Betelgeuse> Once the approach is in.
167 [22:21:17] <ulm> Betelgeuse: the issue is about hyphen vs underscore, not live vs scm
168 [22:21:25] <wired> Im all for GLEP 54, but I strongly prefer _ and live
169 [22:21:33] <ulm> see
170 [22:21:47] <ulm> all this has been discussed ad nauseam one year ago
171 [22:22:32] <Chainsaw> ulm: You have a point, even versionator relies on those hyphens.
172 [22:22:33] <zmedico> Betelgeuse: changing naming of ebuilds? yeah pretty trivial, along the lines of the glep 55 patch.
173 [22:23:17] *** Joins: Ford_Prefect (~arun@gentoo/developer/ford-prefect)
174 [22:23:19] <ssuominen> GLEP-54, yes. GLEP-55, no.
175 [22:23:29] <wired> ^^ im with ssuominen
176 [22:23:38] <Halcy0n> If its a well defined standard, it doesn't matter if its a - or a _.
177 [22:23:42] <jmbsvicetto> GELP-54, yes. GLEP-55, no.
178 [22:23:52] <jmbsvicetto> GLEP*
179 [22:24:06] <Betelgeuse> And how do you guys propose doing 54 without 55?
180 [22:24:12] <Halcy0n> That was my question :)
181 [22:24:32] <zmedico> you just use a new regex
182 [22:24:34] <Chainsaw> I don't believe 54 is workable without 55, and I don't like 55.
183 [22:24:38] <Chainsaw> So no on both.
184 [22:24:55] <zmedico> you scan the ebuild dir for valid ebuild names
185 [22:25:03] <zmedico> using a different regex for each format
186 [22:25:23] <Betelgeuse> Of course we can do it if we wait until people are expected to be on a new Portage version
187 [22:25:24] <zmedico> ebuid extension is irrelevant
188 [22:25:28] *** Joins: darkside_ (~darkside@gentoo/developer/darkside)
189 [22:25:36] <Chainsaw> Halcy0n: I'd prefer mandating the underscore though, to avoid violating any assumptions in current code.
190 [22:25:38] <Betelgeuse> Meaning the standard year and screw earlier versions.
191 [22:25:47] <jmbsvicetto> I'm open for a onetime change of the extension (.eb ?), if we use it to put up rules to ensure we can get changes in the future without requiring extension changes
192 [22:25:55] <Halcy0n> The standard year sucks.
193 [22:26:02] <Betelgeuse> Halcy0n: indeed
194 [22:26:33] <wired> zmedico: how would reasonably old (1yo) portage react to foo-live or foo-1_live?
195 [22:27:10] <zmedico> wired: it would just give a short warning message during dep calc and move on
196 [22:27:14] <jmbsvicetto> about the EAPI argument, I don't agree with the claims on GLEP-55, including the "limitation" in forcing EAPI to be set on a clear position of the file
197 [22:27:26] <wired> @council ^^ i don't see an issue with that
198 [22:27:45] <jmbsvicetto> s/of/in/
199 [22:27:57] <Chainsaw> Okay, so it seems we can do 54 without 55. What's the opinion on mandating the underscore?
200 [22:28:02] <wired> zmedico: for every {-,_}live ebuild in tree?
201 [22:28:17] <jmbsvicetto> wired: I'd rather see a new discussion taking the time to address the issue of supported features of a repo.
202 [22:28:33] <zmedico> wired: well, every one that's pulled into the dependency graph for whatever reason
203 [22:28:56] <wired> jmbsvicetto: sorry?
204 [22:28:59] <Chainsaw> zmedico: The main concern is that it wouldn't abort so that a newer python/portage can be merged.
205 [22:29:00] <Halcy0n> We really should have had these discussions on the mailing lists if you guys felt this way :)
206 [22:29:10] <zmedico> wired: one warning for each .ebuild file with unrecognized version part
207 [22:29:11] <jmbsvicetto> There have been talks about adding a file to every repo to specify features supported by the repo. It could be just at the root level, or it could also be used at the category or package level
208 [22:29:13] <Chainsaw> zmedico: Which I believe you've addressed :)
209 [22:29:25] <zmedico> Chainsaw: yeah, won't abort
210 [22:29:33] <Chainsaw> jmbsvicetto: That sounds as invasive as GLEP55, I'd like to have that punted back to the mailing list.
211 [22:30:00] <jmbsvicetto> Chainsaw: I'm not proposing to move forward with that. I'm proposing we take the time to discuss that (on mls)
212 [22:30:05] *** Joins: nirbheek (~nirbheek@gentoo/developer/flyingspaghettimonster/nirbheek)
213 [22:30:31] <wired> zmedico: that sounds good then, we could have GLEP 54 without severe consequences
214 [22:30:45] <Chainsaw> wired: Agreed, revising my vote. GLEP 54 yes, GLEP 55 no.
215 [22:30:53] <zmedico> wired: sure
216 [22:30:55] <jmbsvicetto> Chainsaw: if we decide to do a major change in the file format (including a file extension change), we might take the chance to address as many issues as possible
217 [22:30:56] <Chainsaw> wired: Point about the underscores remains, but nobody seems willing to answer that.
218 [22:31:14] <wired> Chainsaw: +1 for underscore here
219 [22:31:22] <Betelgeuse> I voted yes to both previously and don't think anything has been presented since then.
220 [22:31:22] <jmbsvicetto> Chainsaw: I'm ok with forcing it to be '_'
221 [22:31:34] <wired> hyphen seems to make it harder for no apparent reason
222 [22:31:52] <Chainsaw> wired: Indeed. Principle of least astonishment.
223 [22:31:54] <Halcy0n> wired: _ has the same reprecussions anyway, since its a valid part of the version string right now as well.
224 [22:32:23] <wired> Halcy0n: true, but it doesn't split PN from PV
225 [22:32:35] <Betelgeuse> wired: I propose we vote on if this council thinks the problem of changing global scope should be addressed?
226 [22:32:45] <Halcy0n> Either way, I approve of GLEP 54, with my own minor bikeshedding of it be "live" vs "scm" which was brought up in one of the previous discussions.
227 [22:33:07] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: yes from me on both - we should vote and we should address it
228 [22:33:36] <jmbsvicetto> Halcy0n: no objection from me on live and no preference between live or scm
229 [22:33:38] *** Quits: nirbheek (~nirbheek@gentoo/developer/flyingspaghettimonster/nirbheek) (Excess Flood)
230 [22:33:54] <Halcy0n> Also, I like GLEP55, but I don't like the proposed solution, but like the second one with a static extension with the eapi as part of the version.
231 [22:34:07] <wired> Betelgeuse: can you be more specific, what issue are you refering to?
232 [22:34:19] <Betelgeuse> wired: The problem that GLEP 55 aims to solve.
233 [22:34:29] <Chainsaw> Halcy0n: I like the principle, but I don't like the implementation.
234 [22:34:38] <Betelgeuse> wired: As people vote no I want to know if they want to just ignore it for now.
235 [22:34:44] <wired> ah
236 [22:34:51] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: iirc, ferringb has disputed the claim in the GLEP
237 [22:35:18] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: The parsing EAPI part or the performance?
238 [22:35:49] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: I haven't heard there being anything wrong with the Problem statement in the GLEP (of course it's been a while)
239 [22:35:54] <wired> lets clear things out for a minute here
240 [22:35:54] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: and it has been discussed before that we can (should) split the ebuild sourcing from a "pre-processing" step
241 [22:35:59] <wired> hold your GLEP 55 thoughts
242 [22:36:16] <wired> GLEP 54, can I have yes/no votes please
243 [22:36:22] <jmbsvicetto> yes
244 [22:36:27] <Betelgeuse> wired: It really makes sense to do 55 first
245 [22:36:34] <jmbsvicetto> + '-' restriction
246 [22:36:42] <jmbsvicetto> bah, '_'
247 [22:36:42] <Chainsaw> wired: GLEP 54: yes.
248 [22:36:59] <Halcy0n> Doing 54 without 55 seems like we are just hoping to not have warnigns displayed to users.
249 [22:37:04] <Chainsaw> wired: And indeed, underscore, not hyphen.
250 [22:37:14] <Halcy0n> I'm not willing to vote on 54 until 55 is decided.
251 [22:37:29] <jmbsvicetto> 55 then?
252 [22:37:34] <wired> ok then
253 [22:38:40] <wired> i really don't like suffix
254 [22:38:55] <jmbsvicetto> 55: no - I don't agree with the premises nor with the proposed solution
255 [22:39:12] <Chainsaw> wired: GLEP 55: no.
256 [22:39:23] <ssuominen> 55: no
257 [22:39:24] <wired> GLEP 55: no.
258 [22:39:58] <wired> Halcy0n / Betelgeuse?
259 [22:40:21] <Betelgeuse> yes (and I don't have particular ties to any of the proposed naming schemes in the GLEP)
260 [22:40:49] <Halcy0n> Yes (and I prefer the second naming scheme)
261 [22:41:01] <wired> okay
262 [22:41:15] <wired> glep 55 was voted down 4 to 2
263 [22:41:31] <Halcy0n> glep 54 is a no for me then
264 [22:41:41] <Betelgeuse> If performance doesn't really matter (would need some numbers) it could also be a subdirectory if people are tied to .ebuild
265 [22:42:03] <Halcy0n> Betelgeuse: if we stick with .ebuild, we are tied to waiting and can't use it immediately.
266 [22:42:19] <Betelgeuse> Halcy0n: Not if the new EAPIs move to a pkg sub directory
267 [22:42:27] <Halcy0n> Oh, I see what you mean now.
268 [22:42:41] <Halcy0n> I personally don't like that solution, for reasons brought up in the glep.
269 [22:42:56] <ssuominen> need to stick with .ebuild, anything else is just extra layer of complexity, the benefits from this certainly doesn't outweight the unconvinience
270 [22:43:01] <wired> lets revisit our GLEP 54 vote now
271 [22:43:05] <jmbsvicetto> glep54 - yes with '_' restriction
272 [22:43:18] <Chainsaw> wired: GLEP54, yes, underscore not dash.
273 [22:43:22] <wired> i vote yes with _ and preferably "live"
274 [22:43:29] <Betelgeuse> I don't like showing warnings on users so no.
275 [22:44:00] <Halcy0n> ssuominen: a one time change of the extension to "eb" shouldn't be anything that's another layer of complexity, but the conversation has moved on I guess.
276 [22:44:03] <wired> i recommend voting between "live" and "scm" now so we can avoid bikeshedding later
277 [22:44:04] <ssuominen> yes
278 [22:44:07] <jmbsvicetto> ssuominen: I'd be willing to have a one time extension change (.eb?) if we use it to implement large changes
279 [22:44:39] <jmbsvicetto> I can live with live or scm.
280 [22:44:45] <Betelgeuse> wired: I would like that vote on if people are categorily against 55 or just the particular scheme it prefers
281 [22:44:54] <Halcy0n> jmbsvicetto: you don't like one of the proposed solutions of having it be foo-1.2.3-eapi_4.eb?
282 [22:45:07] <jmbsvicetto> no
283 [22:45:14] <jmbsvicetto> I don't want the EAPI exposed in the file name
284 [22:45:18] <ssuominen> me either
285 [22:45:27] <Betelgeuse> Halcy0n: It doesn't have to be pkg/eapiX/ could be just pkg/new-apis/foo-1.ebuild
286 [22:45:38] <ssuominen> btw, i'm fine with both live or scm, the naming doesn't really bother me, long as it's short and to the point
287 [22:45:41] <wired> Betelgeuse: i don't like any of the proposed "solutions"
288 [22:45:43] <Betelgeuse> Halcy0n: so only a single readdir more
289 [22:45:56] <wired> personally I believe we can live with some old portage warnings
290 [22:45:57] <Halcy0n> Even having it easily fetchable in the ebuild is fine. I just don't see how you guys can go ahead with G54 when its clearly going to show warnings to users.
291 [22:46:15] <ssuominen> {package}-${version}.ebuild, profit. where ${version} can be scm or live or ...
292 [22:46:29] <wired> this thing has had so much bikeshedding its already pretty safe to apply glep 54 without breaking portage (when the glep was written it was not safe)
293 [22:46:59] <Betelgeuse> Halcy0n: yeah a feature for ricers should not show warnings to stable users
294 [22:47:29] <Chainsaw> There's a difference between warnings & breakage.
295 [22:47:35] <Betelgeuse> wired: s/old/current/
296 [22:47:53] <wired> Halcy0n: glep55 is about ebuild suffixes...
297 [22:47:55] <Chainsaw> Obviously it should not be phased in until a portage supporting the feature is marked stable.
298 [22:48:29] <Halcy0n> wired: g55 has other proposed solutions that we could talk about.
299 [22:48:29] <Chainsaw> A portage that warns until it is upgraded is acceptable. A portage that falls over so the situation is unrecoverable is not.
300 [22:48:52] <Chainsaw> (Ever tried upgrading an installation that is >6 months old? Warnings are the least of your problems)
301 [22:49:10] <jmbsvicetto> Halcy0n: GLEP-54 should be implemented on a new EAPI version
302 [22:49:42] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: o_O
303 [22:49:51] <Halcy0n> Its not going to understand the version no matter what you do at this point.
304 [22:50:03] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: ?
305 [22:50:32] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: just venting fustration a little
306 [22:50:41] <jmbsvicetto> ok
307 [22:51:03] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: as Halcy0n said you can't change version rules with our current way of naming files
308 [22:51:13] <Betelgeuse> Not tomorrow any way.
309 [22:51:19] <jmbsvicetto> sure
310 [22:51:26] <Chainsaw> You'd be about two months out before your first _live can go in, yes.
311 [22:51:40] <Halcy0n> Which is quite a crappy way to try and make the distribution move fowards.
312 [22:51:44] <Halcy0n> s/fowards/foward/
313 [22:51:55] * jmbsvicetto borrows an r to Halcy0n
314 [22:51:57] <Betelgeuse> And what about the next feature like GLEP 54?
315 [22:52:02] <Betelgeuse> The same thing again?
316 [22:52:04] <Betelgeuse> And then again?
317 [22:52:05] <Betelgeuse> And again?
318 [22:52:28] <Chainsaw> 55 is down. If you feel 54 depends on 55, reflect it in your vote please.
319 [22:52:31] <peper> Halcy0n: to be fair the gleps are from 2007
320 [22:52:33] * peper hides
321 [22:52:43] <Halcy0n> peper: yea, but I'm trying to be foward thinking here :)
322 [22:52:44] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: That's why I want a new discussion including the idea of adding repo version files so that we can finally address the issue
323 [22:53:02] <Betelgeuse> Chainsaw: Already did. But I wanted that vote if the problem should be solved.
324 [22:53:09] <Betelgeuse> wired: I think you should control the meeting a little more.
325 [22:53:24] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: I'm even willing to have a one time extension change for that - assuming the not having to wait 1 year to implement rule
326 [22:53:41] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: That's an option in 55.
327 [22:53:53] <wired> well we are having a civilized discussion here and these are all our topics :)
328 [22:54:19] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: the problem is 55 dismisses the choice of having EAPI inside the file and has a few premisses I don't agree with
329 [22:54:49] <Betelgeuse> wired: The point was voting to end the discussion :)
330 [22:55:15] <peper> jmbsvicetto: dismisses? It just shows some weak points
331 [22:55:20] <jmbsvicetto> wired: Did we get a full count on 54?
332 [22:55:23] <wired> Betelgeuse: we voted on 55 but then you guys have objections on 54 cause of the 55 vote... so we talk :)
333 [22:55:29] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: "Easily fetchable EAPI inside the ebuild and one-time extension change" is an option there?
334 [22:55:41] <jmbsvicetto> peper: To get it to be considered took quite a large discussion in the mls ;)
335 [22:55:56] <jmbsvicetto> peper: the initial drafts ignored that option
336 [22:55:59] <Chainsaw> wired: They will vote no on 54 because 55 is down. Probably means 54 is down as well. Best take counts now.
337 [22:56:33] <wired> true
338 [22:57:07] <Betelgeuse> jmbsvicetto: We can consider the performance implications acceptable to get a solution that gets enough votes behind the GLEP but maybe not happening
339 [22:57:22] <Halcy0n> As I said, no to 54 without 55. I need to go to a meeting in 4 minutes, so lets please wrap this up.
340 [22:57:32] <peper> jmbsvicetto: Yes, because I didn't thinkg it would cause such a reaction from some folks. The proposed solution seemed the best to me and I didn't see the point of considering other approaches at first
341 [22:57:33] <wired> well 54 passes the vote, 4 to 2
342 [22:57:58] <Chainsaw> I can make it a tie and let it die if that ends the meeting?
343 [22:58:04] <Betelgeuse> Also the benefits of 55 are not really apparent now as it enables further development.
344 [22:58:05] <wired> with the underscore instead of the hyphen
345 [22:58:08] <jmbsvicetto> peper: ok, understood
346 [22:58:27] <wired> Chainsaw: there's no need, it'll end anyway :)
347 [22:58:34] <wired> do we have a preference between live and scm?
348 [22:58:38] <Chainsaw> wired: live
349 [22:58:42] <wired> live+1
350 [22:59:03] <wired> jmbsvicetto: ssuominen (who voted for)?
351 [22:59:21] <jmbsvicetto> I'll accept either
352 [22:59:22] <Chainsaw> wired: No on 54. Then both fail.
353 [22:59:36] <wired> Chainsaw: sorry?
354 [22:59:38] <Chainsaw> wired: And we don't have a broken tree.
355 [22:59:54] <jmbsvicetto> Chainsaw: 54 doesn't break the tree
356 [23:00:20] <Halcy0n> Not if you wait the normal year, which is apparently our development cycle now O:)
357 [23:00:20] <Betelgeuse> Depends on your definition of "broken"
358 [23:00:50] <ssuominen> yes to 54, long as it can be implented without 55. waiting is fine.
359 [23:00:59] <wired> Chainsaw: did you change your vote to no?
360 [23:01:20] <Halcy0n> It doesn't matter since it passed anyway without him changing his vote.
361 [23:01:33] <tanderson> Halcy0n++
362 [23:01:53] <wired> thats not true, if he votes no we have a tie...
363 [23:02:10] <Betelgeuse> The summary defenitely needs to list who voted what.
364 [23:02:16] <Chainsaw> Playing devils advocate, it doesn't matter either way.
365 [23:02:54] <peper> wired: a tie with 7 people? impressive ;p
366 [23:03:02] <wired> peper: ferringb is not here
367 [23:03:05] <Chainsaw> peper: One of whom is not present.
368 [23:03:11] <Chainsaw> peper: You can do it with 6.
369 [23:03:26] <wired> Chainsaw: please make clear what you voted so we can move on :)
370 [23:03:29] *** Quits: lavajoe (~joe@gentoo/developer/lavajoe) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
371 [23:03:48] <Chainsaw> wired: GLEP54: yes
372 [23:03:54] <wired> thanks
373 [23:03:56] <peper> I thought ssuominen is proxying for ferringb but now I see scarabeus is not here as well. nvm
374 [23:04:20] <wired> peper: underscore, live, glep 54 is a go
375 [23:05:08] <peper> wired: with foo_live or foo-live?
376 [23:05:09] <jmbsvicetto> so, are we done with the votes?
377 [23:05:25] <Chainsaw> peper: underscore, not dash.
378 [23:05:31] <Chainsaw> jmbsvicetto: I believe so.
379 [23:05:34] <wired> jmbsvicetto: yes
380 [23:05:50] <jmbsvicetto> So, do we have any updates in the open bugs?
381 [23:05:54] <wired> yes
382 [23:05:55] <wired> bugs
383 [23:06:01] <wired> bug 256451 is done
384 [23:06:02] <peper> Chainsaw: well, no dash at all in PNV would be something new
385 [23:06:03] <willikins> wired: "Council meeting notes appear to be missing"; Doc Other, Other; RESO, FIXE; gentoo-bugs@××××××××××.uk:council@g.o
386 [23:06:14] <wired> bug 256453 is done
387 [23:06:15] <Betelgeuse> wired: So I don't get my vote in this meeting?
388 [23:06:16] <willikins> wired: "Documentation on Gentoo Council meeting processes, particularly regarding agenda items"; Doc Other, Other; RESO, FIXE; gentoo-bugs@××××××××××.uk:council@g.o
389 [23:06:28] <wired> Betelgeuse: you voted no?!
390 [23:06:46] <Betelgeuse> wired: The vote on if we want to solve the problems GLEP 55 was for.
391 [23:06:57] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: sorry, my bad
392 [23:07:07] <Betelgeuse> wired: I didn't ever see a clear vote count on that.
393 [23:07:12] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: I forgot your request
394 [23:07:14] <ulm> peper: foo_live doesn't make sense since you need to have ${PN}-${PV}
395 [23:07:18] <wired> Betelgeuse: you're right
396 [23:07:30] <peper> ulm: see scrollback..
397 [23:07:41] <jmbsvicetto> ulm: we talked about getting that
398 [23:07:57] <jmbsvicetto> ulm: having ${PN}_live
399 [23:08:25] <jmbsvicetto> wired: Yes from me in that we want to solve the issues raised by GLEP 55
400 [23:09:17] <wired> yes from me as well
401 [23:09:26] <Betelgeuse> yes
402 [23:09:26] <Halcy0n> yes
403 [23:10:01] <wired> Chainsaw: ssuominen?
404 [23:10:58] <Chainsaw> wired: I want to solve the issues in GLEP55, yes. Just not this way.
405 [23:11:20] <wired> ok. ssuominen?
406 [23:11:21] <Chainsaw> wired: Perhaps we should agree to shelve both, as it is unlikely we will agree on 54 now?
407 [23:11:57] <ssuominen> GLEP55 is a big no long as it talks about changing .ebuild or adding extra suffixes to it
408 [23:12:09] <Betelgeuse> ssuominen: That wasn't the question
409 [23:12:16] <wired> ssuominen: we're talking about the issues raised
410 [23:12:18] <wired> not the solution
411 [23:12:32] <ssuominen> I don't like the underscore, _
412 [23:12:50] <jmbsvicetto> ssuominen: please answer the question ;)
413 [23:12:52] <wired> i don't understand ;p
414 [23:12:54] <ssuominen> err wait
415 [23:13:12] <jmbsvicetto> 20:06 <@Betelgeuse> wired: The vote on if we want to solve the problems GLEP 55 was for.
416 [23:14:02] <ssuominen> no
417 [23:14:06] <ssuominen> shelve it
418 [23:14:18] <wired> ok
419 [23:14:19] <wired> thanks
420 [23:14:28] <jmbsvicetto> So, bugs again?
421 [23:14:28] <Betelgeuse> Can those people who voted yes now and no to GLEP 55 tell their preferred solution(s).
422 [23:15:00] <jmbsvicetto> Betelgeuse: That is something I'd like to talk in the mls. I don't have answers for now
423 [23:15:30] <Chainsaw> I would like to say shelve both for further discussion. And my apologies for being disruptive.
424 [23:16:03] <Chainsaw> (In the future my first vote is what goes, and nothing else. I am notoriously undecisive if I don't keep stop myself.)
425 [23:16:20] <Chainsaw> s/stop/stopping/
426 [23:16:56] <Betelgeuse> wired: your solution?
427 [23:18:00] <wired> Chainsaw is not making this easy
428 [23:18:07] <Chainsaw> I know.
429 [23:18:15] <wired> does anyone else feel we should discuss glep54 for two more weeks?
430 [23:18:23] <ssuominen> wired: o/
431 [23:18:47] <Chainsaw> Yes, let's go back to discussions.
432 [23:19:03] <Chainsaw> And we'll have a rule next meeting that I can't change my vote. Ever.
433 [23:19:55] <jmbsvicetto> Chainsaw: never say never
434 [23:20:19] <Chainsaw> jmbsvicetto: I certainly don't want a repeat of this.
435 [23:20:29] <antarus> Its like a gaggle of school girls in here
436 [23:20:36] <Chainsaw> Hi antarus.
437 [23:20:55] <wired> Chainsaw: lets say that glep 54 passed, but we will give it 2 weeks to see if we can find a better way to implement it (through a new solution to glep55)
438 [23:21:18] <peper> antarus: "A group of fat chicks; usually chit-chatting and usually snacking on fried foods.
439 [23:21:22] <peper> what? :D
440 [23:21:37] <Betelgeuse> wired: GLEP 54 should go in as part of an EAPI an ywa
441 [23:21:41] <Betelgeuse> wired: And that takes some time.
442 [23:21:54] <wired> Betelgeuse: shhh ;p
443 [23:22:00] <antarus> peper: I think urban dictionary failed you there ;p
444 [23:22:02] <wired> what im trying to say is
445 [23:22:25] <wired> we all want glep54, lets not vote for it again, its passed, lets just focus on finding the best way to implement it
446 [23:22:43] <Betelgeuse> wired: It was already passed before the meeting started :)
447 [23:22:46] <jmbsvicetto> can we move on to bugs?
448 [23:22:50] <wired> yes please
449 [23:22:52] <jmbsvicetto> We're almost on 90 minutes
450 [23:23:05] <wired> bug 234706
451 [23:23:09] <willikins> wired: "Slacker arches"; Gentoo Linux, Unspecified; NEW; dberkholz@g.o:council@g.o
452 [23:23:13] <antarus> you guys need to learn how to cut the meeting short; its ok to delay items to the next one
453 [23:23:25] <antarus> but ignore me and finish ;p
454 [23:23:29] *** Joins: jbergstroem (~johan@××××××××××.nu)
455 [23:23:30] <wired> antarus: the purpose here is not to "get done with it" :P
456 [23:23:57] <jmbsvicetto> wired: anything worthy to discuss about bugs, besides the 2 closed bugs?
457 [23:24:01] <wired> Halcy0n: ^^ bug, any progress?
458 [23:24:10] <jmbsvicetto> I don't think there were any relevant updates to the others
459 [23:24:11] <wired> jmbsvicetto: your bug, any progress?
460 [23:24:39] <jmbsvicetto> no, I said I was going to address it in 1 month, not 2 weeks :P
461 [23:24:45] <wired> you never know ;p
462 [23:25:11] <wired> ok
463 [23:25:21] <jmbsvicetto> next meeting?
464 [23:25:31] <wired> next meeting date: 2010-09-13
465 [23:25:36] <wired> jmbsvicetto: you'll chair? =]
466 [23:25:53] <Chainsaw> wired: That works for me. 1900UTC as usual?
467 [23:26:16] <wired> Chainsaw: yes
468 [23:26:54] <Betelgeuse> ok for me
469 [23:26:57] <jmbsvicetto> wired: I will
470 [23:27:01] <wired> great
471 [23:27:11] <wired> anyone from the community wants to discuss anything?
472 [23:27:22] <antarus> sure
473 [23:27:29] <antarus> when are we getting an expresso machine?
474 [23:27:33] <antarus> cause my work has one
475 [23:27:35] <antarus> and damn its good
476 [23:27:39] * jmbsvicetto points to the foundation lounge
477 [23:27:45] <peper> are you going to resurrect the g55 threads on the m/l?
478 [23:27:46] <jmbsvicetto> antarus: they have the money ;)
479 [23:27:52] <NeddySeagoon> antarus, the Foundation has one too
480 [23:27:59] <wired> antarus: here are the keys, please don't lose them
481 [23:28:04] <Philantrop> peper: 55 is dead.
482 [23:28:34] <jmbsvicetto> peper: Seems a few of us want to discuss the issues GLEP 55 tried to address
483 [23:28:38] <wired> peper: we'll be talking about a solution
484 [23:28:46] <NeddySeagoon> Philantrop, I thought the principle of 55 was agreed but not the solutions
485 [23:28:54] <jmbsvicetto> peper: tried as it wasn't approved - no other meaning
486 [23:29:01] <peper> Philantrop: it's been dead for 3 years now. It just has this funny feature of coming back every now and again
487 [23:29:47] <wired> tbh i voted no for ebuild naming changes but Im willing to discuss other options
488 [23:29:54] <jmbsvicetto> peper: if needed, we can look for some silver bullets
489 [23:30:25] <antarus> peper: like the herpes
490 [23:30:28] <Betelgeuse> We should just vote on individual implementation options.
491 [23:30:30] <jmbsvicetto> ok, if there's nothing else, I'm going to look around for dinner
492 [23:30:49] <wired> Betelgeuse: maybe. we'll have a more detailed agenda on this next time :)
493 [23:31:03] <wired> great
494 [23:31:05] <Chainsaw> Something tells me both will be back in some form.
495 [23:31:25] <wired> thanks everyone
496 [23:31:30] <wired> meeting is now over