Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "James Le Cuirot (chewi)" <chewi@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/java/meeting-logs: java-project-meeting-log-20150306.txt
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2015 22:34:33
1 chewi 15/03/06 22:34:29
3 Added: java-project-meeting-log-20150306.txt
4 Log:
5 Java project meeting log for 20150306.
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/java/meeting-logs/java-project-meeting-log-20150306.txt
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: java-project-meeting-log-20150306.txt
14 ===================================================================
15 21:00 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> so first topic: Who makes the decision that to become Gentoo Java dev we require Java quizes? Can we loosen that for gnu_andrew? (fordfrog)
16 21:00 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> just for him?
17 21:00 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> :P
18 21:00 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> he's not gonna package java packages, just java
19 21:01 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I was one who pushed for quizzes back in the day, but it wasn't so much for requirement as to get familiar with the java stuff
20 21:01 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> if we largely agree to loosen it for him, I'm fine with that
21 21:01 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> ok fine..
22 21:01 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> but generally, I think it should apply
23 21:01 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> sorry monsieurp :P
24 21:01 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I think I might have even brought up the concept, but it was never implemented, like it wasn't part of recruiting and no policy ever said to join java team to must pass the java quiz
25 21:01 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> i'm for too to make exception for him, but just for him
26 21:01 #gentoo-java: * monsieurp sobs
27 21:02 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would not be making exceptions for people
28 21:02 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> there is a different between java app package and java packager
29 21:02 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> monsieurp: your accident with inherit the other day goes to show how important it is ;)
30 21:02 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> difference*
31 21:02 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would make it the rule, its not required to take the java quiz to join the team, but its recommended
32 21:02 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> fordfrog: that is true, but there is no difference between gentoo developers
33 21:02 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> wltjr, gnu_andrew works and will work just on packaging icedtea ... it's not java package
34 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> technically anyone can touch any ebuild, its only in recent years they have become policy natzis, but I don't even think now you have to be part of a team or herd to touch a package or packages
35 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> fordfrog: I am familiar, just saying no exceptions were ever made for me to return
36 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: true
37 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> and not just saying me, I hired a business consultant firm years ago
38 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: nobody's perfect though
39 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> they said treat everyone the same, no special treatment, even family, friends, given everyone the same fair good service
40 21:03 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: only Brits, apparently
41 21:04 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> so I would keep the quiz, and for anyone who is to be part of the team and actively work the java packages its good to do the quiz
42 21:04 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> but having 3 quizzes to become a java dev, increases the work and decreases the chance of new devs
43 21:04 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I mean there is no perl quiz, and those ebuilds are pretty different
44 21:05 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> same for others
45 21:05 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> wltjr, that might be true but it's not the current topic
46 21:05 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> Perl is a bit simpler, you can only have one version of Perl installed
47 21:05 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> so generally we agree on that for gnu_andrew if he's gonna maintain just icedtea family
48 21:05 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Perl ebuilds are fairly straightforward
49 21:05 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> fordfrog: well your asking about the quiz requirements, I am telling you that comes from the java team, and I was the one who some what started that, and in hind sight isn't the best idea
50 21:06 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I think we're broadly in agreement anyway so let's move on
51 21:06 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> fordfrog: I know your speaking of gnu_andrew, I am speaking in general, but he really isn't going to be part of the team per se, just managing 1 ebuild, so is no different than a regular gentoo dev
52 21:06 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I am just saying should not do something for gnu_andrew that would not be done for another, things should be fair treatment all around
53 21:06 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> EAPIs
54 21:06 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> wltjr, yes. wrt the quizzes, if you have some idea, you can put them on the java project page or ask someone
55 21:06 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> next topic: Upgrading EAPI0/EAPI1/EAPI2 ebuilds - (mrueg)
56 21:07 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I've misplaced those numbers mrueg gave us but we're pretty bad for EAPI 1
57 21:07 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> does it technically hurt?
58 21:07 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> does it break something?
59 21:07 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> this isn't our highest priority but I don't want to be the group holding everyone else back
60 21:07 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> killing old EAPIs allows the PMS and implementations to be simplified
61 21:07 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> which is good
62 21:08 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> wow that again... well if packages were being maintained EAPI would be moot
63 21:08 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> long ago we went bumping packages for EAPI changes
64 21:08 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: was about to say as much
65 21:08 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> anytime you touch a package it should be updated to latest EAPI
66 21:08 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> hopefully a lot of things will be bumped/chucked soon anyway
67 21:09 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> we probably shouldn't bother just bumping the EAPI for ancient versions of things
68 21:09 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> how many Java ebuilds with an EAPI < 5 are in the tree at the moment?
69 21:09 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> so we have two options, either we update affected packages (just eapi) or we let it happen some day through bumps
70 21:09 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> this is interesting -> ?
71 21:09 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> 2008-02-12.log:15:12 <@Betelgeuse> gnu_andrew: Did you look at the quizes?
72 21:09 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> lol
73 21:09 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> omg :-D
74 21:09 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi>
75 21:09 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> 2008-05-22.log:18:40 < gnu_andrew> I need to complete the quiz right?
76 21:09 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I have history of this stuff I keep trying to tell you all :)
77 21:10 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> matrix never forgets ;-)
78 21:10 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> looking for when the java quiz idea came about
79 21:10 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> dev-java 42
80 21:10 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> fuck
81 21:10 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> !
82 21:10 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> that's a lot
83 21:10 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> as I mentioned before
84 21:10 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> java has been hurting since 2008, why does this surprise people I have been saying it for years
85 21:11 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> we're the highest for EAPI 0, 1 and 2 :(
86 21:11 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> 42 is actually the lowest of those three lol
87 21:11 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> why I am not to pleased with those who were dev when i were that are not doing much, fordfrog is one of the few that maintained packages then and is still now... current stuff
88 21:11 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> general java ebuilds have been neglected
89 21:11 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> so what's your plan, Chewi? how do you wanna go about tackling them?
90 21:11 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> and even when I was bumping ecj I got nit picked on my contributions and they put a lower EAPI into tree or something
91 21:12 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I would say don't worry about EAPI 0 or 2 for now
92 21:12 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> plenty of other offenders in those groups
93 21:12 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> well, we have the two choices, i suggest we try to bump the eapis (without ebuild bump) and if we find out it's impossible, we will go the "let it happen" way, opinions?
94 21:12 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> but we should knock some of those EAPI 1s on the head because there aren't many others in that group
95 21:12 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would start with packages that are current, can be bumped and updated
96 21:12 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would then remove packages that are dead, jikes, and others sevletapi
97 21:13 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would then update the rest that might not have changed
98 21:13 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> going after straight EAPI does not make sense, its lowest priority really of the java issues
99 21:13 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> that's a lot of work for such a small team...
100 21:13 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> hold on, let me see what some of these packages are
104 21:15 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> back :)
105 21:15 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi_: geez
106 21:15 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I believe there are packages in tree that are not deps of any other, so not sure those are priority to go after
107 21:15 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> right I've got the list of EAPI 1 packages
108 21:15 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> fairly random mix but some stuff we need to keep around
109 21:16 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> care to share it?
110 21:16 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> fordfrog: I am not optomistic, I have waited 7+ years, I think progress will be made, but everyone has jobs and a real life, this is allot of work
111 21:16 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> qgrep -H "EAPI=1"; qgrep -H "EAPI=\"1"
112 21:16 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> not to be negative nancy, but let me put it this way
113 21:16 #gentoo-java: < mrueg> Chewi_: you can also use
114 21:16 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> dev-java/java-dep-check, dev-java/commons-lang/commons-lang-2.6.ebuild probably need to stay, for example
115 21:16 #gentoo-java: < mrueg> it'll print out eapi1 ones.
116 21:16 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> serlvetapi never got removed when we had many active devs, nor did all ebuilds get updated to current EAPI, its a difficult goal even when you have many active devs, more so when you dont
117 21:17 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> fordfrog: I think at some point the amount of packages will have to be trimmed down to an amount that can be maintained etc
118 21:17 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> things like resin which there is no maintainer, might have to be removed from tree, to an overlay till a maintainer shows
119 21:17 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> I guess all we can say for now is we acknowledge the problem, the number will go down, but it's not priority #1
120 21:18 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> ok, so we let it be, right?
121 21:18 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi_: ok
122 21:18 #gentoo-java: < Chewi_> ok
123 21:18 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> next topic: Almost every project uses Maven now but Maven doesn't play well with Portage. What to do about that? (Chewi)
124 21:18 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> if we can bump a package or two when time permits, just do it (like closing down old bugs, basically)
125 21:18 #gentoo-java: * Chewi_ takes a deep breath
126 21:19 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> problem is bumping some packages require bumping deps, and you quickly get into allot of work
127 21:19 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, stop playing and give us your idea on the topic ;-)
128 21:19 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I think most of you are familiar with my plan now
129 21:19 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it's not concrete yet but
130 21:19 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I'm not a fan of running Maven directly. building it alone is a nightmare with little to gain.
131 21:20 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> trying to tame the binary version seems tricky
132 21:20 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> Red Hat are spending many paid man hours of it
133 21:20 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> we just need to build the packages, we do not need to use maven for that
134 21:20 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> exactly
135 21:21 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: are they getting somewhere? (RH)
136 21:21 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> monsieurp: I only know what zxiiro told us but it sounds like they're only just about coping
137 21:21 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> okay..
138 21:21 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I have now demonstrated many times that java-pkg-simple does an admirable job but a new eclass built for the purpose would do even better
139 21:21 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I don't think redhat or most others have any duplicate jar policies so they can get away with much
140 21:22 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> if you haven't noticed, Maven has standardised a lot of things that Ant left open
141 21:22 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> there are generally two levels of maven packages, simple ones, that contain just deps and maybe something more. and complicated once
142 21:22 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> like the directory structure of a project
143 21:23 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> even running the tests follows quite a strict pattern
144 21:23 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> so, maybe a dumb idea, we could make a simple parser that maps the deps to our packages and scan for source and target and build the package based on that ... but maybe i'm wrong
145 21:23 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so you should need to specify very little in the ebuilds
146 21:23 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> fordfrog: already got something like that in mind
147 21:23 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, that'd be cool
148 21:23 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would be curious what kiorky's thoughts on such would be
149 21:23 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I would like to build a tool that can read a pom.xml and generate a rough ebuild
150 21:24 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> which is why you mentioned python the other day
151 21:24 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it could even generate a rough DEPEND list if we include the Maven artifact ID in metadata.xml
152 21:24 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, i suggest it would instead generate the ebuild methods that could be overriden if needed
153 21:24 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> +1
154 21:24 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> so not a tool that statically generates the ebuild but instead dynamically based on the pom
155 21:25 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> a maven eclass
156 21:25 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> yes
157 21:25 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> fordfrog: and fill the blanks if needed, as you've said
158 21:25 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> I like this idea
159 21:25 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> fordfrog: I don't think there'll need to be much method stuff to be honest
160 21:25 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> replicated, again I think kiorky might have good input there if we can solicit such from him
161 21:25 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> a skeleton ebuild
162 21:25 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> if you look at most java-pkg-simple ebuilds, there are often no functions at all
163 21:25 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> in such case, if that would work, the ebuilds would be really simple for maven packages
164 21:25 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it's only the test stuff that it doesn't deal with
165 21:26 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> storing the artifact ID in metadata.xml (there's already an ideal tag for this) would make the turnaround much quicker for adding new packages
166 21:27 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> you wouldn't have to spend so long figuring out what the hell provides a certain dep
167 21:27 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> which can be tricky sometimes
168 21:27 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> yes, we would need some database for mapping
169 21:27 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> or "database" :-)
170 21:27 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: just have to make sure it doesn't violate any policies on metadata.xml, not sure if you can put other stuff in there
171 21:27 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it wouldn't need to be exact, just enough to get you 90% of the way there
172 21:28 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> well, my idea was to automate this
173 21:28 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: I checked the DTD, we'd need a small adjustment made
174 21:28 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: yeah but you might have to submit such as a glep not sure, its a pretty strict format of whats allowed and not
175 21:28 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> fordfrog: you always need to specify deps in an ebuild anyway, it can't come from the pom.xml at build time
176 21:28 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr>
177 21:28 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: which programming language do you wanna use for this task?
178 21:28 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: yeah it's not a change I was going to make lightly, I'll find out who to speak to
179 21:29 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> monsieurp: probably Python
180 21:29 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: even though a small adjustment I think it would end up being a global adjustment, and I think such requires a glep I could be wrong
181 21:29 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, i thought it is possible, like it works already for some flags for example
182 21:30 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: cool! :) I can help then.
183 21:30 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> <!-- specify a type of package identification tracker -->
184 21:30 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> <!ELEMENT remote-id (#PCDATA)>
185 21:30 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> <!ATTLIST remote-id type (bitbucket|cpan|cpan-module|cpe|cran|ctan|freecode|freshmeat|github|gitorious|google-code|launchpad|pear|pecl|pypi|rubyforge|rubygems|sourceforge|sourceforge-jp|vim) #REQUIRED>
186 21:30 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would try to do less python, but that is just me, I dislike java stuff depending on python, I know portage is, but even that would be nice to have the stuff in other
187 21:30 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> that's from the DTD
188 21:30 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> we just need an extra type in there
189 21:30 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> wltjr: I was going to suggest doing it in Java since Java has top-notch support for XML data
190 21:30 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi:
191 21:31 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> wltjr: and, well, we're dealing with Java stuff
192 21:31 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> what I thought would also be cool is if we could avoid repeating ourselves like we've had to do with EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH
193 21:31 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> monsieurp: you could, but there is no support for such and not sure if that would be acceptable or not
194 21:31 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it should be possible to go through DEPEND and work out what should go in the classpath
195 21:31 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> monsieurp: offhand might get into circular deps
196 21:32 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> circular deps were a concern
197 21:32 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> not sure I could stomach writing much Java
198 21:32 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> thing is, most portage libraries are written in Python
199 21:32 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> so.. you don't have much choice
200 21:32 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> and while we might lose some Java integration, we could gain some Portage integration and do some clever tricks there
201 21:32 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I would say C, C++, Bash, or Python
202 21:33 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> please no, not bash
203 21:33 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> and we can always shell out to Java if we have too
204 21:33 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: I think you will have to make a glep for such, that glep talks about the same thing you want to do, update dtd file
205 21:33 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> if we have to parse an XML stream, Bash is *not* the right tool for the task.
206 21:33 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I don't want to rely heavily on Bash because I know from prior experience (Eclipse stuff) that working with XML in Bash is pure hell :)
207 21:33 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> rule of thumb, anything that effects all of gentoo, glep
208 21:34 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Chewi: +1
209 21:34 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: it's cool, I'll do whatever needs to be done
210 21:34 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I am a big fan of libxml, if I ever rewrite the xml rewriter I would use that
211 21:34 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> but this is early days
212 21:34 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I'll prototype this baby up ASAP and see how it goes
213 21:34 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I did stuff with it for tomcat long ago, terrd, parsed tomcats old xml status into rrdtool format
214 21:34 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> guys, we are going too deep on technical stuff i guess, lets agree on the packaging concept
215 21:35 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> fordfrog: I just wanted some feedback on my rough ideas
216 21:35 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> sounds positive :)
217 21:35 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> fordfrog: yes true, time is ticking
218 21:35 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, can we move now on?
219 21:35 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I'll keep you guys posted on it anyway
220 21:35 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so yeah
221 21:36 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> +1 for your idea Chewi, sounds good, you have our blessing :P
222 21:36 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> next topic: Java has no preprocessor, hence build-time dependencies are rarely optional. This has become a major burden. Maybe Soot can help? (Chewi)
223 21:36 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> ercpe misunderstood this one
224 21:36 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> what is it that you meant
225 21:36 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> i do not understand it either. can you shed some light on it?
226 21:36 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I've mentioned this before but I'll show you a perfect example
227 21:37 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I think itext could be an example
228 21:37 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> it does not need the bc stuff most times to run, but it does to compile
229 21:37 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi>;a=blob;f=log4j-core/pom.xml;h=470a02a02113f92dfcb2610973f6b98a481fdc0c;hb=HEAD
230 21:38 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I had to package this
231 21:38 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it was hell
232 21:38 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> there is only one mandatory run time dependency
233 21:38 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> and tons of optional ones
234 21:38 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> but
235 21:38 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> you need all to compile
236 21:38 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> exactly
237 21:39 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> this is really starting to hurt us
238 21:39 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, what's your suggestion?
239 21:39 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> although I wouldn't say it's a bad thing for free software, Maven has made the problem worse
240 21:39 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I don't see a way around that really, have to modify code in all projects and even then not sure you could change it that way
241 21:39 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it's a slightly off the wall idea but there might be a way...
242 21:40 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> Soot can compile java source in several forms, including regular classes but it has a clever trick
243 21:40 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> even if you change imports, and put the stuff else where and do not directly import, it still has to compile, and will need to reference the stuff to compile, no equivalent of header files in java
244 21:40 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> Soot can create stubs on the fly where classes are missing
245 21:41 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> does it really work?
246 21:41 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I'm not sure
247 21:41 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> how are these deps resolved then at execution time?
248 21:41 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I did try it for log4j but it uses some Java source features that are too new
249 21:41 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> monsieurp: it's normal to simply leave out optional runtime deps in Java
250 21:41 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> not sure that would work, not a bad idea
251 21:42 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> so i guess we need more info before we can decide on that...
252 21:42 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> there is talk of Soot updating its dependencies to deal with newer Java
253 21:42 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> maybe I was just unlucky with log4j
254 21:42 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I think its a problem not specific to java really, more coding style, other languages could have compile time dependencies not used at runtime, but you can't make them optional because of code
255 21:42 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I think the last release was quite old too
256 21:42 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> might have better luck with git master
257 21:43 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: it's due to the lack of Java preprocessor
258 21:43 #gentoo-java: <+zxiiro> yeah redhat has full time staff maintaining maven stuff. They also have scripts that they created to automate the work and using xmvn to ensure they they are only using redhat compiled sources
259 21:43 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> no #ifdef
260 21:43 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: it might not be something that can be resolved, and why deps become a major issue in java packaging in gentoo
261 21:43 #gentoo-java: <+zxiiro> sorry for being late to the party :)
262 21:43 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> you want to package A, but it requires the rest of the alphabet... so you have to package that stuff first and none is used runtime...
263 21:44 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so I'm not saying this will definitely work but I wanted to make you guys aware
264 21:44 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> zxiiro: do they have any policies on not duplicating jars in a system?
265 21:44 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> guys, 15 mins left
266 21:44 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I'll experiment more when I get a chance
267 21:44 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> moving on
268 21:44 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> next topic: Increased use of third party libraries is slowly but surely dragging us into jar hell with version conflicts. Can we apply USE-style dependencies to the package.env format to avoid this? (Chewi)
269 21:44 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: I think if you look, you will find the same issue in other packages in other langauges
270 21:44 #gentoo-java: <+zxiiro> wltjr: yeah I think xmvn helps them with that somehow but honestly I haven't looked into it deeply enough to know for sure
271 21:44 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> this point is slightly related to the last one
272 21:45 #gentoo-java: <+zxiiro> if we want a similar system as them there's 2 things we need to bootstrap, Maven, and then Xmvn
273 21:45 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> so it means introducing java-specific use flags?
274 21:45 #gentoo-java: <+zxiiro> once we have those we can compile everythign else and guarentee we're only building sources we compile
275 21:45 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> zxiiro: stay on topic please :P
276 21:45 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> zxiiro: let's discuss maven after the meeting
277 21:45 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> if we can deal with optional run time deps then regular USE flags come into play but...
278 21:46 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> even if we don't, Java-specific USE flags can still help
279 21:46 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I had an interesting case with minecraft-server
280 21:46 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it directly depended on log4j 2
281 21:46 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> java specific use flags?
282 21:46 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> Minecraft! bloody hell.
283 21:46 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> but a subdependency "optionally" depended on log4j 1
284 21:46 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so both versions got pulled in at once
285 21:46 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> osgi frameworks support several versions of single library during runtime afaik... but i guess it's unrelated :-)
286 21:47 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> luckily it doesn't explode but it does produce a warning
287 21:47 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> in other situations, this could get worse
288 21:47 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: did you look how it was brought in? how the classpath was built was it by an eclass or java-config
289 21:47 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: yes I know why it was, forget exactly which package it was
290 21:47 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> that goes in line with what i was talking about last night
291 21:47 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> it's not that the dependency was wrong but
292 21:48 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> log4j 1 isn't strictly required, it's only optional, and ideally it would only be pulled in if it's actually required
293 21:48 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> well.. if you do need all jars at compile time even though half of them are optional
294 21:48 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> Chewi: I am curious how the depency classpath was produced, I get that a sub depencency depending on log4j 1
295 21:48 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> (as you've just explained)
296 21:48 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> how do you want to create a modular system then?
297 21:48 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> this isn't really about compile time
298 21:48 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> I don't get it
299 21:49 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> its a classpath issue it goes inline with what I was talking about last night
300 21:49 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> package A depends on 1 jar from say ant-core, package B is a depdend of package A, and package B pulls in all ant-core jars
301 21:49 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> wltjr: ok, go on
302 21:49 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> so package A ends up with all ant-core jars, but it only needs 1
303 21:49 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> wltjr: that's less of a problem but it's similar, yes
304 21:50 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> hm I see.
305 21:50 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> just like Chewi package needs log4j 2, but log4j 1 ends up on classpath as a dep of a dep
306 21:50 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so I did look into whether this would be feasible
307 21:50 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> in theory, it looks great but in practice, it's kinda useless right?
308 21:50 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> the DEPEND string in package.env could be extended to support it
309 21:50 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I looked over the Python and had some rough ideas
310 21:50 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> maven has a feature that when you define dep, you can prevent its dep to create the chain
311 21:50 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> but its not a run time dep, but a compile time, package B is compiled, it does not need log4j 1 anymore unless that code is used, which since its a dep of one that uses log4j 2, it does not use the logging aspects of the library/dependency that pulls in log4j 1
312 21:51 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> cause you end up with all jars on your system anyway.
313 21:51 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I think you need 2 depends in package.env
314 21:51 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> OR
315 21:51 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> well not sure, even if you have a RDEP and DEP in package.env, you run into the same issues with deps
316 21:52 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> time is ticking
317 21:52 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> A doesnt need Z, but B does, so when you add B to the classpath of A, you get Z but you don't want Z
318 21:52 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> we should maybe hold a sort of "design" meeting and brainstorm ideas about how we could implement such system
319 21:52 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> how many times would we have this discussion again ? :)
320 21:52 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> to wrap up, this is one of my lesser priorities, but again, making you guys aware.
321 21:52 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> ok, next topic: gcc-4.9.2 has gone stable so we need to add gcj-jdk-4.9.2 to match. sera and TomWij previously dealt with this so someone new needs to step up. Should be straightforward. (Chewi)
322 21:52 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> kiorky: meeting done in 8 minutes, you can enlighten us then
323 21:53 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> monsieurp: just got the hillight, coming back from a run
324 21:53 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> kiorky: well this is more about creating a eclass to build maven stuff without needing maven per say, parsing the pom.xml, etc though you might have some ideas on the eclass, might join in with zxiiro after meeting on that
325 21:53 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> i have to read back the conversation
326 21:53 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> kiorky: the final work for all the conversations :)
327 21:53 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so who's gonna volunteer? you can see how much crap I've got to do already. ;)
328 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> how hard is it?
329 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> recruit more help...
330 21:54 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> Chewi, well, i am not new, but you are :-P
331 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> I can't do it alone.
332 21:54 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> as you wrote "...someone new..." :-P
333 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> for real you all will not be able to do all this, you will get burned out and stuck in one area and it will tank the rest
334 21:54 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> not hard, looks like gcj-jdk hardly changes between versions
335 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> for once, wltjr is right
336 21:54 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> i can do only java so i could do only blind bumps...
337 21:54 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> fordfrog: :P
338 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> it's too much for the 5 of us
339 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> its just time, everyone has limited time, and there are numerous tasks
340 21:54 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> this is why I get upset at recruiting
341 21:55 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> i still think that maven in tree, from sources is too perpendicular
342 21:55 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I have watched this problem grow and grow and the numbers are never there to address the issue
343 21:55 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> and that any hacky pom to raw javac way will fail
344 21:55 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> either we maven, either we do without
345 21:55 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> guys, this is about resources so we can't solve it now, lets move on
346 21:55 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> next topic: apicheck has never been packaged and it also seems to struggle with modern Java. It depends on japitools, which hasn't been updated since 2006. Maybe this could be replaced with japi-checker. (Chewi)
347 21:55 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> bleh, I'll do it if I have to
348 21:55 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> kiorky: more than likely so not sure we can go with zxiiro suggestion of bootstrap maven itself and then use the tool
349 21:56 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> wltjr: the work i did was _only_ to bootstrap maven
350 21:56 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> i hope maven dependencies sanitized with time
351 21:56 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> might need to talk to Betelgeuse about that one if he will comment, I think that is something he implemented
352 21:56 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> as it's 7 years old
353 21:56 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I'm happy to look into fixing apicheck but I raised the point to make you all aware that it's currently broken
354 21:56 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> sincerly i doubt
355 21:56 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> ^^
356 21:56 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> kiorky: oh wow.... so we should not even attempt that then...
357 21:56 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> guys, just last 5 minutes on topic, then talk about anything you want to
358 21:57 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> wltjr: if someone can afford the charge, it is still doable
359 21:57 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> so if you're using apicheck, check the output carefully
360 21:57 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> not difficult
361 21:57 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> just a huge of initial work
362 21:57 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> getting recruiters on board to get the java team some help... but its not really a problem specific to just the java team :)
363 21:57 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> and a medium to maintain
364 21:57 #gentoo-java: <@fordfrog> ok, so i guess we're done!
365 21:57 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> ASM 4 and 5 are 100% compatible even though apicheck claimed otherwise
366 21:57 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> I'm not familiar with apicheck
367 21:57 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> what is it?
368 21:57 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> kiorky: given the state of general ebuilds and the amount that are EAPI < 4 or 5, its a massive task I doubt will ever be done
369 21:57 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> monsieurp: it's very important to determine how new versions should be slotted
370 21:58 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> (and sorry to break your meeting :()
371 21:58 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> but for some crazy reason, it's not packaged
372 21:58 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I will add it to javatoolkit
373 21:58 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> ??
374 21:58 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> who wrote it?
375 21:58 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> yeah who wrote it?
376 21:58 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> they should have packaged it, and I think I have an idea :)
377 21:58 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I don't know, maybe Betelgeuse
378 21:58 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> I've never heard of this tool before
379 21:58 #gentoo-java: < kiorky> wltjr: you mean various ebuilds in tree, or just the ebuilds i wrote ?
380 21:59 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> I have seen it, I am familiar I think it runs on all, its hooked into eclass
381 21:59 #gentoo-java: <+monsieurp> kiorky: ebuilds in tree
382 21:59 #gentoo-java: <+wltjr> kiorky: general ones in tree, java is hurting bad, but so are aspects of gentoo in general
383 21:59 #gentoo-java: <@Chewi> I think it used to live in some old svn repo that was killed off