Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Thomas Anderson (tanderson)" <tanderson@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs: 20090914.txt
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 00:45:47
1 tanderson 09/09/27 00:45:45
3 Added: 20090914.txt
4 Log:
5 Add log from September 14 meeting, summary to be committed when approved.
7 Revision Changes Path
8 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20090914.txt
10 file :
11 plain:
13 Index: 20090914.txt
14 ===================================================================
15 18:00 <@lu_zero> =)
16 18:00 * dertobi123 yawns
17 18:01 * lu_zero yawns as well
18 18:01 <@dertobi123> luca!
19 18:01 <@lu_zero> quite an annoying monday ^^;
20 18:02 <@lu_zero> dertobi123 I'm ALIVE!
21 18:02 <@lu_zero> (sort of)
22 18:02 <@dertobi123> great :)
23 18:02 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+m] by solar
24 18:02 <@dertobi123> so, rollcall?
25 18:02 <@ulm> here
26 18:02 <@lu_zero> \o/
27 18:03 <@solar> solar here. but might have to leave. see above note
28 18:03 <@dertobi123> k
29 18:04 <@dertobi123> leio, Betelgeuse, Calchan ... wake up!
30 18:04 -!- arkanoid [n=arkanoid@exherbo/developer/arkanoid] has joined #gentoo-council
31 18:05 <@ulm> sigh
32 18:05 <@leio> sorry, I've been sick
33 18:07 <@dertobi123> ok, agenda item 1.1: who's logging?
34 18:08 <@leio> I'm always logging, fixed my clock now as well.
35 18:08 <@dertobi123> ok
36 18:08 <@dertobi123> for 1.2 we have Betelgeuse and Calchan missing
37 18:09 <@leio> has the agenda been publicized?
38 18:09 <@ulm> leio: see topic
39 18:09 * dertobi123 sighs
40 18:09 * leio looks at topic
41 18:09 <@dertobi123> look at the topic, gentoo-council@g.o, dev-announce@g.o and council@g.o please
42 18:10 <@leio> ok, I see, I just didn't see it in my client, because I apparently haven't opened mail client to filter it for the past days due to being ill, sorry
43 18:11 <@dertobi123> so, who wants to chair this meeting?
44 18:12 <@lu_zero> dertobi123 you would?
45 18:13 <@dertobi123> if noone else does ... yeah
46 18:13 <@dertobi123> any updates on 2.1 "everything on 10 years gentoo"?
47 18:13 <@dertobi123> if you need voice please /msg
48 18:14 -!- miknix [n=miknix@gentoo/developer/miknix] has quit [Client Quit]
49 18:15 <@solar> it's been going fine. the 20th is our cutoff day and 4th is the bday
50 18:16 <@dertobi123> solar: you're going to take a new snapshot on 20th or putting in security updates until then?
51 18:17 <@Betelgeuse> i am online in a couple minutes
52 18:18 <@Betelgeuse> phone now
53 18:21 <@dertobi123> well, lets move on
54 18:21 <@dertobi123> 3.1
55 18:21 <@dertobi123> ciaranm answered this topic is obsolete
56 18:21 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+v tsunam_] by dertobi123
57 18:21 <@Betelgeuse> need to setup better reminders
58 18:21 <@dertobi123> tsunam_: can you confirm?
59 18:22 <@dertobi123> (or ulm?)
60 18:22 <@dertobi123> or Fauli?
61 18:22 <@solar> tsunam/jmbsvicetto: ping ^
62 18:22 <@solar> my understanding is userrel is not saying it's obsolete
63 18:22 <@ulm> i haven't heard anything from them
64 18:25 * dertobi123 sighs
65 18:25 <@ulm> see
66 18:25 <@ulm> but I don't know if such a meeting took place
67 18:25 <@dertobi123> so we do skip this one? any objections?
68 18:26 <@dertobi123> if there's still something to discuss or decide we can do so via mail
69 18:26 <@ulm> dertobi123: fauli has something to say
70 18:26 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [-v Fauli] by dertobi123
71 18:26 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+v Fauli] by dertobi123
72 18:26 <@dertobi123> args
73 18:26 <@lu_zero> ^^
74 18:26 <@dertobi123> yeah
75 18:26 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [+v trelane] by solar
76 18:26 <+Fauli> :)
77 18:26 <@solar> trelane is asking to speak
78 18:26 <@lu_zero> well that
79 18:26 <@lu_zero> Fauli first
80 18:27 <+Fauli> The only thing I wanted to add, that I neither have heard anything or any progress.
81 18:27 <@dertobi123> ok, thanks Fauli
82 18:27 <+tsunam_> I'm here sorry for my delay
83 18:28 <+tsunam_> dertobi123: to answer the query. No this is not resolved, ciaran would just like to have it considered resolved
84 18:28 <@dertobi123> so, is there any progress?
85 18:29 <+tsunam_> that's pending the discussion on this matter
86 18:29 <+tsunam_> dertobi123: however I'm not hopeful that there will be progress quite frankly. But that gets into my personal experiences with the management of the PMS project and I'll avoid bringing that into the matter as it serves no purpsoes in the discussion
87 18:30 <+tsunam_> would help if I could type correctly however ~_~
88 18:30 <@ulm> tsunam_: that will be addressed in 3.2
89 18:30 <@lu_zero> =\
90 18:30 <@lu_zero> trelane you wanted to add something
91 18:30 <+tsunam_> to address this issue however, there is currently one method of change for anything currently
92 18:31 <+tsunam_> that's an EAPI
93 18:31 <+tsunam_> by the name its and Ebuild API
94 18:31 <+tsunam_> there's things that have been added to be under the PMS standard that are not directly ebuilds
95 18:32 <+trelane> (I'm deferring to tsunam_ to finish)
96 18:32 <@Betelgeuse> pms = package manager spec
97 18:32 <+tsunam_> following a guideline is appropriate for getting the approval however an EAPI has a far more rigorous(sp?) process for approval as it should
98 18:32 <@Betelgeuse> not ebuild api
99 18:33 <@ulm> the crucial question is if package.mask directories were established Portage behaviour before EAPI 0
100 18:33 <@ulm> if yes then PMS should just be updated
101 18:33 <@Betelgeuse> no
102 18:33 <@ulm> if no then it should go into EAPI 4
103 18:34 <@dertobi123> ulm: ack
104 18:34 <@Betelgeuse> it's a vdry recent feature
105 18:34 <+tsunam_> ulm: that's the issue I see is that EAPI is for ebuilds
106 18:34 <+Fauli> tsunam_: But PMS specifies the surroundings, too.
107 18:34 <+tsunam_> its shoehorning something into a system that its not really well served by
108 18:34 <+Fauli> And profiles is a surrounding.
109 18:34 <+tsunam_> Fauli: it does, and I'm not suggesting that PMS shouldn't
110 18:35 <+tsunam_> Fauli: what I'm suggesting is that EAPI's are quite possibly not the best location for those surrounding items
111 18:35 <+Fauli> Betelgeuse: Zac told on the bug that it was available in all 2.1 versions.
112 18:35 <+trelane> Betelgeuse, Zac with specificity says it is not a very recent feature
113 18:35 <+Fauli> tsunam_: Where else?
114 18:35 <@Betelgeuse> 2.1 is recent
115 18:35 <+tsunam_> that there might and could/should be implemented a new method of modifications to those surrounding features
116 18:36 <+Fauli> tsunam_: I see it differently, but this leads to far. Let's concentrate on this topic.
117 18:37 <+tsunam_> Betelgeuse: branch 2.1 created 3 years ago
118 18:37 <+tsunam_> Betelgeuse: not so recent
119 18:37 <+trelane> Betelgeuse, package.* support has been existant since the 2.1 dev cycle
120 18:38 <@leio> and when was EAPI-0 defined?
121 18:38 <+trelane> leio, October of last year IIRC
122 18:38 <@Betelgeuse> EAPI 0 is supposed to be very ancient portage
123 18:38 <+tsunam_> Fauli: that's something to discuss the where...perhaps another mechinism within PMS
124 18:39 <+tsunam_> Fauli/ALL: I don't wish to remove anything from PMS
125 18:39 <+trelane> Betelgeuse, was a specific version ever set? 3 years is pretty ancient in software terms
126 18:39 <+tsunam_> All I'm suggesting/wishing for is that there's consideration that EAPI's are not the best area for things that are surrounding and not directly related to Ebuild API
127 18:39 <@Betelgeuse> I would write a long explanation if my phone allowed
128 18:40 <@Betelgeuse> my laptop refuses to connect
129 18:40 <@dertobi123> ok, to sum up: there's something to discuss which could (and should!) happen on a mailinglist
130 18:40 <+Fauli> tsunam_: Profiles are directly linked to ebuilds as some syntax (package atoms) will be used there.
131 18:40 <+Fauli> dertobi123: Propose one.
132 18:40 <+tsunam_> leio: believe and don't quote me that PMS came into being about 2007, so the draft would of started about then as well
133 18:41 <@dertobi123> -dev or -pms mailinglist, dev to reach more people
134 18:41 <@dertobi123> Fauli: ^^
135 18:41 <+Fauli> Ok.
136 18:41 <+trelane> dertobi123, this has been discussed ad infinitum et ad nauseum on the bug referenced in tsunam_'s request and is now before the council for some sort of direction forward.
137 18:41 <@ulm> tsunam_: December 2006 if I believe the git log
138 18:42 <@ulm> but I don't know if that was already any usable version
139 18:42 <@dertobi123> trelane: there's been lots of discussion, but no real suggestions for improvements
140 18:43 <+tsunam_> dertobi123: because quite frankly any suggestion is soundly rejected
141 18:43 <+tsunam_> because "there's EAPI" for that
142 18:43 <@dertobi123> rejected by whom?
143 18:43 <+trelane> dertobi123, I for one would like clarified ciaran's notion that EAPI's do amend the profiles/ portion of the tree. There seems to be a great deal of confusion on this issue.
144 18:43 <+trelane> dertobi123, Ciaran
145 18:43 <+trelane> (hence that bug's existence)
146 18:44 <@dertobi123> simply put it, it doesn't matter what ciaranm is rejecting
147 18:44 <+trelane> dertobi123, then could he possibly stop rejecting it if he has no power to do so as it only muddies the issue?
148 18:44 <@dertobi123> at least not for gentoo
149 18:45 <+trelane> (by the way I think we're organically proceeding to 3.2 in this discussion here)
150 18:45 <+tsunam_> I'd like to keep them seperate if possible
151 18:45 <+tsunam_> as they are two different issues
152 18:45 <@dertobi123> we're not going solve 3.1 today
153 18:45 <@dertobi123> +to
154 18:45 <+trelane> agreed, dertobi123 with the chair's permission I'd like to proceed to 3.2 (I think tsunam_ would as well), thus leaving 3.1 unresolved
155 18:46 <@dertobi123> if there are no other objections, then lets move on to 3.2 - let's get 3.1 discussed on lists and on our agenda for our next meeting
156 18:46 <@dertobi123> -other
157 18:46 <+Fauli> Ok
158 18:47 <@ulm> fine with me
159 18:47 <@lu_zero> ok
160 18:47 <@solar> ok
161 18:47 <@dertobi123> ok, 3.2
162 18:47 <+trelane> I'd like to start by discussing the background of 3.2 as it affects (effects?) the previously mentioned bug
163 18:47 <@dertobi123> as 3.2 was proposed by ulm i'd like to hear from him first of all
164 18:48 <@ulm> trelane: we've just decided the discussion on said bug is finished for this meeting
165 18:48 <@ulm> dertobi123: see my message to -council, where I proposed 3.2.{1,2,3}
166 18:49 <@ulm> I'd like to hear the council members' opinion on it
167 18:49 <@dertobi123> so we can vote upon that, ok?
168 18:49 <@solar> I would go with 3.2.3
169 18:49 <+tsunam_> I'd at least like some kind of idea if the council believes that there would be value in having changes to the surrounding items implemented on a fairly quick basis, but I'll bring that up in whatever discussion place it takes point in
170 18:49 * lu_zero would as well
171 18:50 <@ulm> solar: please be more specific
172 18:50 <@dertobi123> lu_zero: as well, please
173 18:50 <@solar> as the existing system does not really work for the masses and seems targeted towards benefiting a very few while limiting the rest of gentoo and it's ideas
174 18:51 <@dertobi123> i'd choose 3.2.1 if we do opt to keep pms/eapi and it's surroundings and not choose some *completely* different
175 18:52 <@ulm> solar: but we also need some process for updating the spec
176 18:52 <@lu_zero> I'm not exactly happy with both .1 and .2 proposals
177 18:53 <@lu_zero> and seems that the pms related stuff usually lead to feuds
178 18:53 <@dertobi123> solar: what would be your different and improved system?
179 18:53 <@Betelgeuse> The spec is not a problem. Portage coding is.
180 18:53 <@solar> the current system more or less has to be approved by outside forces that many ppl plain and simply don't get along with. When you have that direct conflict all the time it hurts more than helps us as a distro.
181 18:53 <@solar> dertobi123: I don't know the end solution. But 3.2.1 and 2.3.2 are not without problems
182 18:53 <+tsunam_> gent's can you link to the 3.2.1, 3.2.2,3.2.3 specs for those who are not aware of what the solutions you are talking about
183 18:53 <@solar> s/2.3.3/3.2.2/
184 18:54 <@dertobi123> i'm pretty sure we could find something better, than 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 ... yeah
185 18:54 <@solar> it's in the topic.
186 18:54 <@ulm> tsunam_:
187 18:54 <@Betelgeuse> ciaramn is fine with Gentoo devs in charge
188 18:55 <@lu_zero> even if the dev would be bonsaikitten ?
189 18:55 <+trelane> Betelgeuse, he causes a huge problem for the larger community
190 18:56 <@Betelgeuse> not every dev
191 18:56 <+trelane> no, but quite a few of them. for PMS to work it must be easy for outside projects such as Gentoo, Sabayon, and yes even Paludis to interface with
192 18:57 <@Betelgeuse> he asked me and dev_zero at least
193 18:57 <+trelane> right now only 1/3 of those groups can interface
194 18:57 <+trelane> s/Gentoo/Funtoo in the above please
195 18:57 <+trelane> though adding Patrick I'd say Gentoo might be apt as well
196 18:57 <@dertobi123> so, to sum up: we tend to prefer 3.2.3 ... let's collect ideas for 3.2.3 until our next meeting and/or on list
197 18:58 <@dertobi123> objections?
198 18:58 <@ulm> dertobi123: right, let's postpone it. also calchan is not here, he also had some ideas about this topic
199 18:58 <@lu_zero> ok
200 18:58 <+tsunam_> what will occur in the meantime?
201 18:58 <+trelane> dertobi123, I'd like to specify a lpcation for this (preferably a bug) where commentary and a proposal can be worked on
202 18:58 <@Betelgeuse> i can't see agenda easily
203 18:59 <@dertobi123> trelane: file one, but discussion should happen on a list (again -dev or -pms would make sense)
204 18:59 <@ulm> trelane: bugzilla is horrible for long discussions
205 18:59 <@ulm> dertobi123: let's go for -pms, and we can announce it on -dev-announce once
206 18:59 <@Betelgeuse> mail list please
207 19:00 <@dertobi123> ulm: ok
208 19:00 <+trelane> I'm fine with -pms so long as this doesn't drag out on -dev?
209 19:00 <+trelane> I will agree with Ciaran regarding the trolls.
210 19:00 <@dertobi123> let's get it discussed on -pms
211 19:00 <+trelane> it hurts both sides of the argument.
212 19:00 <+trelane> thanks :)
213 19:00 <+tsunam_> I'll have to read the archives on that then as I don't subscribe to -pms
214 19:00 <@dertobi123> so, i'd propose to postpone 4, doesn't make sense to handle it today as Calchan is missing
215 19:01 <@Betelgeuse> fine
216 19:01 <@dertobi123> 5.1 next meeting, next logical date is october 12th
217 19:01 <+tsunam_> Betelgeuse: you stated "not all devs" are you suggesting that if the Council wanted to put a member onto a advisory board and it wasn't approved by the current management that we'd have a larger issue to deal with at that time?
218 19:01 <@dertobi123> ok for everyone?
219 19:01 <@Betelgeuse> if someone is missing we should call them
220 19:02 <@lu_zero> dertobi123 ok
221 19:02 <@ulm> ok
222 19:03 <@Betelgeuse> fine
223 19:03 <@dertobi123> okies, so 5.2 - who's taking care of our agenda for october 12th?
224 19:03 <@solar> Being that there was missing members from the council at this meeting. How would be feel about getting back together before then?
225 19:04 <@Betelgeuse> I will write a post on PMS when by a computer
226 19:04 <@Betelgeuse> i can do earlier
227 19:04 <@dertobi123> solar: depends. if people request items for the agenda and don't show up it's quite useless to schedule a meeting before then. if there's useful discussion regarding that eapi/pms stuff we can of course schedule a meeting inbetween our regular schedule.
228 19:05 <@lu_zero> solar which time?
229 19:05 -!- arkanoid [n=arkanoid@exherbo/developer/arkanoid] has left #gentoo-council []
230 19:05 <+tsunam_> Betelgeuse: I would suggest that if Ciaranm is fine with Gentoo dev's being lead on PMS that it should extend to all dev's having a catch on "no no not this dev" is not commiting to the idea that he's suggesting he's okie with
231 19:06 <@Betelgeuse> do I get a slacker mark?
232 19:06 <@solar> tsunam_: imo what Ciaranm is is not not fine with is 100% moot to what we do at gentoo
233 19:06 <@leio> were you missing from previous meeting?
234 19:06 <@Betelgeuse> I was away last time
235 19:06 <@dertobi123> Betelgeuse: being 17 minutes late i'd say yes
236 19:07 <+tsunam_> solar: I agree and that's kind of the point I'm making..that IMO there's an attempted ACE card being held back
237 19:07 <@solar> if we can't think and act on our own. Then we all failed
238 19:07 <+tsunam_> to more or less veto a nomination
239 19:07 <@Betelgeuse> what was the limit
240 19:08 <@Betelgeuse> hard to access 39 atm
241 19:08 <@solar> you were here. There was no real voting that went on.
242 19:08 <+trelane> solar, while I agree, he's certainly still hijacking the agenda
243 19:08 <@dertobi123> okies, so again 5.2 - who's taking care of our agenda for october 12th?
244 19:08 <@Betelgeuse> i can do
245 19:09 <@Betelgeuse> unless slackered out
246 19:09 <+tsunam_> solar: no, but just saying depending on what the council comes up with for 3.2.3 it has potential
247 19:09 <@ulm> Betelgeuse: the meeting effectively started at 20:10 so I'd say you were not really late
248 19:09 <@dertobi123> ok, so next meeting on october 12th, Betelgeuse takes care of agenda
249 19:09 <@dertobi123> if it does make sense to have a meeting between the regular ones we decide so on list
250 19:09 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [-m] by solar
251 19:09 -!- mode/#gentoo-council [-vvvv trelane tsunam_ Fauli tanderson] by solar
252 19:09 <@dertobi123> next one is open floor
253 19:10 <@solar> tsunam_: sadly I think the council with probably be locked on this topic.
254 19:10 < tsunam_> solar: *nods*
255 19:10 <@solar> only way I see to solve the initial problem is to declare it obsolete
256 19:10 < jmbsvicetto> So the whole discussion about PMS will move to the -pms ml?
257 19:11 <@dertobi123> solar: might be an option.
258 19:11 <@solar> but it's good to have things documented. Everybody loves a manpage
259 19:11 -!- Zorry [n=zorry@fu/coder/zorry] has joined #gentoo-council
260 19:12 <@solar> but should it be what we live by?? Harder to solve that
261 19:12 < trelane> jmbsvicetto, seems so
262 19:12 <@dertobi123> it has its advantages, but when it's main advantage is to slow down development and cause endless discussions ...
263 19:12 < bonsaikitten> well, if it actively disallows innovation it's bad
264 19:13 <@dertobi123> not actively, in-actively it might
265 19:13 < bonsaikitten> uhm, package.mask as directory has been possible for >18 months
266 19:13 < jmbsvicetto> dertobi123: I don't think the discussion is what's "slowing down" development. Instead, the way the discussion is taking place and the people that currently have authority over it would be to blame
267 19:13 < bonsaikitten> not allowing it is kinda very silly
268 19:13 <@solar> I have to pee very badly. Thank you all for coming and sharing your input
269 19:14 <@solar> well not to the bathroom. But other input
270 19:14 <@dertobi123> heh
271 19:14 <@dertobi123> solar: have a nice pee :P
272 19:14 <@Betelgeuse> i would like to drive where i have computer working
273 19:14 < trelane> jmbsvicetto, I'd prefer to stop short of blaming Fauli as I would assert that effective control over the problem is effectively impossible
274 19:14 <@dertobi123> jmbsvicetto: agreed.
275 19:15 <@Betelgeuse> is the official part still on?
276 19:15 <@dertobi123> no, we're done