Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Michał Górny" <mgorny@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sys-libs/compiler-rt/
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 19:18:14
Message-Id: 1498591074.9cb59a513422600810ca59870ec76fc3d3d7e7c1.mgorny@gentoo
1 commit: 9cb59a513422600810ca59870ec76fc3d3d7e7c1
2 Author: Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
3 AuthorDate: Mon Jun 26 14:48:02 2017 +0000
4 Commit: Michał Górny <mgorny <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Tue Jun 27 19:17:54 2017 +0000
6 URL:
8 sys-libs/compiler-rt: Bump to 4.0.1
10 sys-libs/compiler-rt/Manifest | 1 +
11 sys-libs/compiler-rt/compiler-rt-4.0.1.ebuild | 137 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12 2 files changed, 138 insertions(+)
14 diff --git a/sys-libs/compiler-rt/Manifest b/sys-libs/compiler-rt/Manifest
15 index cd5ce0eae32..f9fb630a53b 100644
16 --- a/sys-libs/compiler-rt/Manifest
17 +++ b/sys-libs/compiler-rt/Manifest
18 @@ -1 +1,2 @@
19 DIST compiler-rt-4.0.0.src.tar.xz 1435104 SHA256 d3f25b23bef24c305137e6b44f7e81c51bbec764c119e01512a9bd2330be3115 SHA512 ed52436a2399ca82c1af46a523e89e88c23367f74cd110f0267af49a72aa4912ae8f48c6093e6b01c9ea68c48354a12201d26baf721d254fb017ddb98af2e3dd WHIRLPOOL ea5d6fbb34809067825306b1158979946c43c8aec458d946f8c853f3c0e0cd72a6c92a8e4ad8d1b35e10f9bd079a73dd26fde368f919937ad413bdfd83ab4018
20 +DIST compiler-rt-4.0.1.src.tar.xz 1434100 SHA256 a3c87794334887b93b7a766c507244a7cdcce1d48b2e9249fc9a94f2c3beb440 SHA512 cfeb625884b273f7c0e6767b81a8d3e5f24e0b96a510d5764d9d47a0e215fc841b4cb9d1843c8fb428cd21def720cfbfe8d3593ff5bb390548ebc8c32a902649 WHIRLPOOL 8b33c6841cacefe98da92435418b13b8f8ed97a982903be827e5c37f937dc9001975d6a709d60423b21509dd5670ee2e90cb34c96473fb4a66c2ab6f47af09e5
22 diff --git a/sys-libs/compiler-rt/compiler-rt-4.0.1.ebuild b/sys-libs/compiler-rt/compiler-rt-4.0.1.ebuild
23 new file mode 100644
24 index 00000000000..f448e2740c7
25 --- /dev/null
26 +++ b/sys-libs/compiler-rt/compiler-rt-4.0.1.ebuild
27 @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
28 +# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
29 +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
30 +
31 +EAPI=6
32 +
34 +# (needed due to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE != Gentoo)
35 +CMAKE_MIN_VERSION=3.7.0-r1
36 +PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
37 +
38 +# TODO: fix unnecessary dep on Python upstream
39 +inherit cmake-utils flag-o-matic llvm python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
40 +
41 +DESCRIPTION="Compiler runtime library for clang (built-in part)"
43 +SRC_URI="${PV/_//}/${P/_/}.src.tar.xz"
44 +
45 +LICENSE="|| ( UoI-NCSA MIT )"
46 +SLOT="${PV%_*}"
47 +KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86"
48 +IUSE="+clang test"
49 +
50 +LLVM_SLOT=${SLOT%%.*}
51 +RDEPEND="!=sys-libs/compiler-rt-${SLOT}*:0"
52 +# llvm-4 needed for --cmakedir
53 +DEPEND="
54 + >=sys-devel/llvm-4
55 + clang? ( sys-devel/clang )
56 + test? ( =sys-devel/clang-${PV%_*}*:${LLVM_SLOT} )
57 + ${PYTHON_DEPS}"
58 +
59 +S=${WORKDIR}/${P/_/}.src
60 +
61 +# least intrusive of all
63 +
64 +pkg_setup() {
65 + llvm_pkg_setup
66 + python-any-r1_pkg_setup
67 +}
68 +
69 +test_compiler() {
70 + $(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} "${@}" -o /dev/null -x c - \
71 + <<<'int main() { return 0; }' &>/dev/null
72 +}
73 +
74 +src_configure() {
75 + # pre-set since we need to pass it to cmake
76 + BUILD_DIR=${WORKDIR}/${P}_build
77 +
78 + if use clang; then
79 + local -x CC=${CHOST}-clang
80 + local -x CXX=${CHOST}-clang++
81 + # ensure we can use clang before installing compiler-rt
82 + local -x LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -nodefaultlibs -lc"
83 + strip-unsupported-flags
84 + elif ! test_compiler; then
85 + local extra_flags=( -nodefaultlibs -lc )
86 + if test_compiler "${extra_flags[@]}"; then
87 + local -x LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} ${extra_flags[*]}"
88 + ewarn "${CC} seems to lack runtime, trying with ${extra_flags[*]}"
89 + fi
90 + fi
91 +
92 + local mycmakeargs=(
93 + -DCOMPILER_RT_INSTALL_PATH="${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/clang/${SLOT}"
94 + # use a build dir structure consistent with install
95 + # this makes it possible to easily deploy test-friendly clang
97 +
98 + # currently lit covers only sanitizer tests
102 + )
103 +
104 + cmake-utils_src_configure
105 +}
106 +
107 +src_test() {
108 + # prepare a test compiler
109 + # copy clang over since resource_dir is located relatively to binary
110 + # therefore, we can put our new libraries in it
111 + mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}"/lib/{llvm/${LLVM_SLOT}{/bin,$(get_libdir)},clang/${SLOT}/include} || die
112 + cp "${EPREFIX}"/usr/lib/llvm/${LLVM_SLOT}/bin/clang{,++} \
113 + "${BUILD_DIR}"/lib/llvm/${LLVM_SLOT}/bin/ || die
114 + cp "${EPREFIX}/usr/lib/clang/${SLOT}/include"/*.h \
115 + "${BUILD_DIR}/lib/clang/${SLOT}/include/" || die
116 +
117 + # builtins are not converted to lit yet, so run them manually
118 + local tests=() f
119 + cd "${S}"/test/builtins/Unit || die
120 + while read -r -d '' f; do
121 + # ppc subdir is unmaintained and lacks proper guards
122 + # (and ppc builtins do not seem to be used anyway)
123 + [[ ${f} == ./ppc/* ]] && continue
124 + # these are special
125 + [[ ${f} == ./cpu_model_test.c ]] && continue
126 + [[ ${f} == ./gcc_personality_test.c ]] && continue
127 + # unsupported
128 + [[ ${f} == ./trampoline_setup_test.c ]] && continue
129 + tests+=( "${f%.c}" )
130 + done < <(find -name '*.c' -print0)
131 +
132 + {
133 + echo "check: ${tests[*]/#/check-}" &&
134 + echo ".PHONY: check ${tests[*]/#/check-}" &&
135 + for f in "${tests[@]}"; do
136 + echo "check-${f}: ${f}" &&
137 + echo " ${f}"
138 + done
139 + } > Makefile || die
140 +
141 + local ABI
142 + for ABI in $(get_all_abis); do
143 + # not supported at all at the moment
144 + [[ ${ABI} == x32 ]] && continue
145 +
146 + rm -f "${tests[@]}" || die
147 +
148 + einfo "Running tests for ABI=${ABI}"
149 + # use -k to run all tests even if some fail
150 + emake -k \
151 + CC="${BUILD_DIR}/lib/llvm/${LLVM_SLOT}/bin/clang" \
152 + CFLAGS="$(get_abi_CFLAGS)" \
153 + CPPFLAGS='-I../../../lib/builtins' \
154 + LDFLAGS='-rtlib=compiler-rt' \
155 + LDLIBS='-lm'
156 + done
157 +}
158 +
159 +src_install() {
160 + cmake-utils_src_install
161 +
162 + # includes are mistakenly installed for all sanitizers and xray
163 + rm -rf "${ED}"usr/lib/clang/*/include || die
164 +}