Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: Joonas Niilola <juippis@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] repo/gentoo:master commit in: sys-boot/udk/
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:00:34
Message-Id: 1588247995.d7d30a8e046ed0007ddb43df4491eb11b417e40a.juippis@gentoo
1 commit: d7d30a8e046ed0007ddb43df4491eb11b417e40a
2 Author: Stéphane Veyret <stephane <AT> neptura <DOT> org>
3 AuthorDate: Wed Apr 29 16:40:00 2020 +0000
4 Commit: Joonas Niilola <juippis <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
5 CommitDate: Thu Apr 30 11:59:55 2020 +0000
6 URL:
8 sys-boot/udk: Remove bad version
10 Signed-off-by: Stéphane Veyret <stephane <AT>>
11 Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <juippis <AT>>
13 sys-boot/udk/udk-2018.ebuild | 212 -------------------------------------------
14 1 file changed, 212 deletions(-)
16 diff --git a/sys-boot/udk/udk-2018.ebuild b/sys-boot/udk/udk-2018.ebuild
17 deleted file mode 100644
18 index 66b0fc8e9e9..00000000000
19 --- a/sys-boot/udk/udk-2018.ebuild
20 +++ /dev/null
21 @@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
22 -# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
23 -# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
24 -
25 -EAPI=7
26 -
27 -PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
28 -PYTHON_REQ_USE="sqlite"
29 -
30 -inherit flag-o-matic multiprocessing python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs
31 -
32 -DESCRIPTION="Tianocore UEFI Development kit"
34 -
35 -if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
36 - inherit git-r3
38 - KEYWORDS=""
39 -else
40 - MY_V="${PN^^}${PV}"
41 - SRC_URI="${MY_V}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
42 - doc? (${MY_V}/${MY_V} -> ${P} )"
43 - S="${WORKDIR}/edk2-v${MY_V}"
44 - KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
45 -fi
46 -
48 -SLOT="0"
49 -IUSE="doc examples"
51 -RESTRICT="strip"
52 -
55 - >=dev-lang/nasm-2.14.02
56 - >=sys-power/iasl-20160729
57 - doc? ( app-arch/unzip )"
58 -
59 -DOCDIR="${WORKDIR}/Documents"
60 -
61 -# Generated libs for EFI can contain WX sections
63 - usr/lib*/libBaseLib.a:*
64 - usr/lib*/libBaseIoLibIntrinsic.a:*
65 -"
66 -
67 -pkg_setup() {
68 - if [[ ${ARCH} == "amd64" ]]; then
69 - ARCH=X64
70 - elif [[ ${ARCH} == "x86" ]]; then
71 - ARCH=IA32
72 - fi
73 -
74 - # Select toolchain within predefined ones
75 - if tc-is-gcc; then
77 - elif tc-is-clang; then
79 - else
81 - fi
82 -}
83 -
84 -src_unpack() {
85 - default
86 -
87 - local doc_name
88 - local f
89 - if use doc; then
90 - pushd "${DOCDIR}" >/dev/null || die
91 - rm -f *.chm || die
92 - for f in *.zip; do
93 - unpack "${DOCDIR}/${f}"
94 - mv html "${}" || die
95 - done
96 - rm -f *.zip || die
97 - popd >/dev/null || die
98 - fi
99 -}
100 -
101 -src_configure() {
102 - # Compile of Base Tools is required for further setting up the environment
103 - # Base tools does not like parallel make
104 - sed -e "s:^\(BUILD_CFLAGS\s*=\).*$:\1 ${CFLAGS} -MD -fshort-wchar -fno-strict-aliasing -nostdlib -c -fPIC:" \
105 - -i "BaseTools/Source/C/Makefiles/header.makefile" \
106 - || die "Failed to update makefile header"
107 - local make_flags=(
108 - BUILD_CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
109 - BUILD_CXX="$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)"
110 - BUILD_AS="$(tc-getBUILD_AS)"
111 - BUILD_AR="$(tc-getBUILD_AR)"
112 - BUILD_LD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)"
113 - )
114 - emake "${make_flags[@]}" -j1 -C BaseTools
115 - .
116 -
117 - # Update UDK parameter files
118 - sed -e "s:^\(ACTIVE_PLATFORM\s*=\).*$:\1 MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dsc:" \
119 - -e "s:^\(TARGET\s*=\).*$:\1 RELEASE:" \
120 - -e "s:^\(TARGET_ARCH\s*=\).*$:\1 ${ARCH}:" \
121 - -e "s:^\(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG\s*=\).*$:\1 ${TOOLCHAIN_TAG}:" \
122 - -e "s:^\(MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER\s*=\).*$:\1 $(makeopts_jobs):" \
123 - -i "Conf/target.txt" || die "Failed to configure target file"
124 - sed -e "s:\(_\(CC\|ASM\|PP\|VFRPP\|ASLCC\|ASLPP\|DLINK\)_PATH\s*=\).*$:\1 $(tc-getCC):" \
125 - -e "s:\(_ASLDLINK_PATH\s*=\).*$:\1 $(tc-getLD):" \
126 - -e "s:\(_OBJCOPY_PATH\s*=\).*$:\1 $(tc-getOBJCOPY):" \
127 - -e "s:\(_RC_PATH\s*=\).*$:\1 $(tc-getOBJCOPY):" \
128 - -e "s:\(_SLINK_PATH\s*=\).*$:\1 $(tc-getAR):" \
129 - -i "Conf/tools_def.txt" \
130 - || die "Failed to prepare tools definition file"
131 -}
132 -
133 -src_compile() {
134 - build $(usex examples all libraries) || die "Failed to compile environment"
135 -
136 -# TODO * /var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r1/work/sandbox-2.10/libsandbox/trace.c:_do_ptrace():74: failure (Operation not permitted):
137 -# TODO * ISE:_do_ptrace: ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, ..., 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000): Operation not permitted
138 -}
139 -
140 -src_install() {
141 - local f
142 - local build_dir="${S}/Build/MdeModule/RELEASE_${TOOLCHAIN_TAG}/${ARCH}"
143 -
144 - for f in "${build_dir}"/*/Library/*/*/OUTPUT/*.lib; do
145 - local fn="lib${f##*/}"
146 - newlib.a "${f}" "${fn%.lib}.a"
147 - done
148 -
149 - insinto "/usr/share/${P}"
150 - doins "${S}/BaseTools/Scripts/"
151 -
152 - insinto "/usr/include/${PN}"
153 - doins "${S}/MdePkg/Include/"*.h
154 - doins -r "${S}/MdePkg/Include/"{${ARCH}/.,Guid,IndustryStandard,Library,Pi,Ppi,Protocol,Uefi}
155 - local hfile
156 - while read -d '' -r hfile; do
157 - doins -r "${hfile}/."
158 - done < <(find "${S}" -name 'BaseTools' -prune -o -name 'MdePkg' -prune -o \
159 - -name 'CryptoPkg' -prune -o -type d -name Include -print0)
160 -
161 - dobin "${S}/BaseTools/Source/C/bin/GenFw"
162 -
163 - local HTML_DOCS
164 - use doc && HTML_DOCS=( "${DOCDIR}"/. )
165 - einstalldocs
166 -
167 - local ex_rebuild_dir
168 - local ex_name
169 - local ex_build_dir
170 - if use examples; then
171 - ex_rebuild_dir="${S}/${P}-exemples"
172 - for f in "${S}/MdeModulePkg/Application"/*; do
173 - ex_name="${f##*/}"
174 - ebegin "Install ${ex_name} example"
175 - mkdir -p "${ex_rebuild_dir}/${ex_name}" || die
176 - ex_build_dir="${build_dir}/MdeModulePkg/Application"
177 - ex_build_dir="${ex_build_dir}/${ex_name}/${ex_name}"
178 -
179 - copySourceFiles "${f}" "${ex_rebuild_dir}/${ex_name}"
180 - copySourceFiles "${ex_build_dir}/DEBUG" "${ex_rebuild_dir}/${ex_name}"
181 - createMakefile "${ex_rebuild_dir}/${ex_name}/Makefile" \
182 - "${ex_name}" "${ex_build_dir}/GNUmakefile"
183 -
184 - tar -C "${ex_rebuild_dir}" -cf "${ex_rebuild_dir}/${ex_name}.tar" \
185 - "${ex_name}" || die
186 -
187 - eend $?
188 - done
189 - docinto "examples"
190 - dodoc "${ex_rebuild_dir}"/*.tar
191 - fi
192 -}
193 -
194 -##
195 -# Parameters:
196 -# 1 - Path where to search for source files.
197 -# 2 - Path where source files must be copied.
198 -copySourceFiles() {
199 - local dest_file
200 - while read -d '' -r filename; do
201 - dest_file="${2}${filename#${1}}"
202 - mkdir -p "${dest_file%/*}" || die
203 - mv "${filename}" "${dest_file}" || die
204 - done < <(find "${1}" \( -name '*.h' -o -name '*.c' \) -print0)
205 -}
206 -
207 -##
208 -# Parameters:
209 -# 1 - Path of the file to create.
210 -# 2 - Name of the module.
211 -# 3 - Path of the generated Makefile.
212 -createMakefile() {
213 - local static_libs=$(sed -n '/^STATIC_LIBRARY_FILES\s*=/,/^\s*\$(OUTPUT_DIR)/{/^\s*\$(OUTPUT_DIR)/b;p}' ${3} \
214 - | sed -e 's:^\s*\$(BIN_DIR).*/\([^/]*\)\.lib:\t-l\1:' -e 's:\\$:\\\\\\n:' \
215 - | tr --delete '\n')
216 - local pecoff_header_size=$(grep -e '--defsym=PECOFF_HEADER_SIZE=' ${3} \
217 - | sed -e 's/^.*--defsym=PECOFF_HEADER_SIZE=\(\S*\).*$/\1/')
218 - local variables=$(grep -e '^IMAGE_ENTRY_POINT\s*=' -e '^CP\s*=' \
219 - -e '^RM\s*=' -e '^CC\s*=' -e '^DLINK\s*=' -e '^OBJCOPY\s*=' \
220 - -e '^GENFW\s*=' -e '^CC_FLAGS\s*=' -e '^DLINK_FLAGS\s*=' \
221 - -e '^OBJCOPY_FLAGS\s*=' -e '^GENFW_FLAGS\s*=' ${3} \
222 - | sed -e 's:$:\\n:' | tr --delete '\n')
223 - sed -e "s:«MODULE»:${2}:" \
224 - -e "s:«PACKAGE_NAME»:${PN}:" \
225 - -e "s:«LIB_DIR»:$(get_libdir):" \
226 - -e "s:«EFI_LDS»:/usr/share/${P}/" \
227 - -e "s:«STATIC_LIBS»:${static_libs}:" \
228 - -e "s:«MODULE_TYPE»:$(grep -e '^MODULE_TYPE\s*=' ${3} | tail -1):" \
229 - -e "s:«VARIABLES»:${variables}:" \
230 - -e "s:«PECOFF_HEADER_SIZE»:${pecoff_header_size}:" \
231 - "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-makefile.template" >${1} \
232 - || die "Failed to create Makefile"
233 -}