Gentoo Archives: gentoo-commits

From: "Tomas Chvatal (scarabeus)" <scarabeus@g.o>
To: gentoo-commits@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-commits] gentoo commit in xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/meeting-logs: kde-project-meeting-log-20100604.txt kde-project-meeting-summary-20100604.txt
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 18:51:54
1 scarabeus 10/06/04 18:51:50
3 Added: kde-project-meeting-log-20100604.txt
4 kde-project-meeting-summary-20100604.txt
5 Log:
6 Add meeting log and summary.
8 Revision Changes Path
9 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-log-20100604.txt
11 file :
12 plain:
14 Index: kde-project-meeting-log-20100604.txt
15 ===================================================================
16 [21:59:58] * scarabeus has changed topic for #gentoo-meetings to: "Gentoo meetings | KDE Team meeting | topics:"
17 [22:00:43] -*- ABCD is here
18 [22:00:45] <scarabeus> lets get slowly started
19 [22:00:51] <scarabeus> so step 0: roll call
20 [22:00:51] -*- dilfridge is here
21 [22:00:52] -*- wired suprizingly here
22 [22:00:52] <scarabeus> who is around
23 [22:01:02] --> krytzz (~quassel@quassel/user/krytzz) has joined #gentoo-meetings
24 [22:01:17] <scarabeus> thats all?
25 [22:01:22] <wired> lol
26 [22:01:34] --> deathwing00 (~deathwing@gentoo/developer/Deathwing00) has joined #gentoo-meetings
27 [22:01:37] -*- ABCD is here (again, because I said it before roll call started)
28 [22:01:38] <deathwing00> w00t?
29 [22:01:50] <dilfridge> wot?
30 [22:01:52] <deathwing00> ok, before anyone brings up any topic
31 [22:01:56] <deathwing00> let me say just one thing
32 [22:02:39] <deathwing00> my commit access will be disabled starting this month June 2010 and will be re-enabled July 2011, as I will be doing an MBA that will take most of my time away, besides I was promoted to team leader in Flumotion and that adds me even more workload
33 [22:02:48] <deathwing00> said that, good luck guys :)
34 [22:02:58] <scarabeus> deathwing00: cheers, and happy birthday :]
35 [22:03:01] <wired> you really think you won't have time for 1 commit? hehe
36 [22:03:15] <dilfridge> good luck to you too :)
37 [22:03:35] --> mschiff (~mschiff@×××××××××××××××××××××.de) has joined #gentoo-meetings
38 [22:03:37] <deathwing00> :)
39 [22:03:38] <scarabeus> !herd kde
40 [22:03:38] <deathwing00> thanks
41 [22:03:38] <willikins> (kde) abcd, alexxy, carlo, cryos, dagger, deathwing00, jmbsvicetto, keytoaster, lxnay, mrpouet, patrick, scarabeus, spatz, sping, tampakrap, tgurr, wired
42 [22:03:43] <scarabeus> wake up rest of you
43 [22:03:47] <scarabeus> there is more than 10 people
44 [22:04:16] <deathwing00> scarabeus: laters then :)
45 [22:04:24] <deathwing00> I'll still be around in jabber ;)
46 [22:04:25] <dilfridge> hmm... time for small talk...
47 [22:04:27] <-- deathwing00 (~deathwing@gentoo/developer/Deathwing00) has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
48 [22:04:47] <scarabeus> ok, lets get started, and i will kick their asses later
49 [22:05:02] <scarabeus> so 4.4 and its stabilisation
50 [22:05:08] <bonsaikitten> rrrrrrringdingding!
51 [22:05:12] <scarabeus> the bug is not moving anyhow promisingly
52 [22:05:36] <dilfridge> many things are there since 4.3.x times
53 [22:06:10] <scarabeus> yes the main quesiton is
54 [22:06:16] <scarabeus> how about we put 4.4.4 to main tree
55 [22:06:21] <scarabeus> and ask for stabilisation in 1 week
56 [22:06:25] <scarabeus> no matter what is left
57 [22:06:43] <ABCD> sounds fine to me - 4.4.4 should just be bugfixes on 4.4.3, right? :D
58 [22:06:46] <scarabeus> but basic thing i would like to say is that i would like to see designated team that would handle the stables
59 [22:06:49] <dilfridge> probably not better nor worse than 4.4.3
60 [22:06:52] <scarabeus> they will run the stable
61 [22:07:05] <scarabeus> and will be responsible for proactively stabling and pestering us all for fixing stable bugs
62 [22:07:12] -*- dilfridge hears some coconuts in the background
63 [22:07:48] <dilfridge> well who else besides me runs 4.4.[34] here still?
64 [22:08:15] <scarabeus> i have 4.4.3
65 [22:08:16] <jmbsvicetto> sorry, got distracted
66 [22:08:16] <scarabeus> :]
67 [22:08:18] -*- ABCD doesn't because his hard drive broke
68 [22:08:28] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: by accident you dont run stable huh? ;}
69 [22:09:40] <jmbsvicetto> I runn 4.4.4
70 [22:09:46] <dilfridge> also good
71 [22:09:48] <scarabeus> So any other ideas how to handle this situation?
72 [22:09:51] <jmbsvicetto> run*
73 [22:10:09] <dilfridge> well the only other alternative would be to stable 4.4.3
74 [22:10:10] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: about the 1 week we must be ready for arch teams to tell us they'll wait the usual month
75 [22:10:31] <scarabeus> nah, they wont get to that bug before the month will come anyway
76 [22:10:37] <jmbsvicetto> in any case, I think the most important issue is the deps. Are we sure all 4.4.4 deps are marked stable?
77 [22:10:50] <scarabeus> expect amd64 and x86 which mostly will do what we ask them
78 [22:10:52] <ABCD> did the deps change from 4.4.3?
79 [22:11:17] <scarabeus> dependecies were not changed
80 [22:11:22] <jmbsvicetto> ABCD: 4.4.3 isn't stable, right? iirc, the latest stable is 4.3.5
81 [22:11:29] <dilfridge> yes
82 [22:11:34] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: and no, I don't run stable
83 [22:11:55] <jmbsvicetto> also, what about kdepim? Will that only affect 4.5?
84 [22:11:58] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: i think our problem is that we all rock on ~ or even further
85 [22:12:01] -*- dilfridge has a fully stable x86 chroot rotting somewhere
86 [22:12:10] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: kdepim is affected only 4.5 and it is next topic :]
87 [22:12:20] <ABCD> jmbsvicetto: it isn't, but if its deps were stable, then there shouldn't be much of an issue
88 [22:12:21] <scarabeus> dilfridge: sadly you are not dev yet whom can fill those requests :]
89 [22:12:30] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: that's to be expected
90 [22:12:35] <jmbsvicetto> (us running ~)
91 [22:12:41] <scarabeus> yes
92 [22:12:49] <scarabeus> but then we would expect archies to fill stablerequests
93 [22:12:56] <scarabeus> we have tons of various packages just in ~
94 [22:13:00] <dilfridge> but anyway ~ is better than ~+pmasked
95 [22:13:03] <scarabeus> because nobody ever bothered to fill the bugs
96 [22:13:15] <jmbsvicetto> it's up to us to ask for packages to be marked stable, but it's up to arch teams to take care of it
97 [22:13:31] <dilfridge> (and to wait for 30days...)
98 [22:13:36] <scarabeus> yes, and who else would have better motivation to ask for stables than people running it
99 [22:13:40] <jmbsvicetto> I'm planning to add a request for amarok soon
100 [22:13:56] <jmbsvicetto> but I need to check the status of the deps
101 [22:14:16] <jmbsvicetto> I'll probably go for or 2.3.1 directly and then drop all the older versions
102 [22:14:50] <scarabeus> sounds sane :]
103 [22:14:56] <jmbsvicetto> I'm also likely to merge amarok and amarok-utils as I don't see any interest on amarok-utils
104 [22:15:10] <scarabeus> so i guess my plan with arch team wont work since we dont have anyone interested in it :P
105 [22:15:21] <scarabeus> so only question left is which version 4.4.3 or 4.4.4
106 [22:15:31] <scarabeus> devs plz pick :]
107 [22:15:35] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: sounds also sane :]
108 [22:15:39] <jmbsvicetto> well, most of us already have the blessing to do the work for amd64
109 [22:16:05] <ABCD> I'd say 4.4.4 if we can convince the archies to do it in 7 days instead of 30
110 [22:16:06] <jmbsvicetto> at this point, we can probably target 4.4.4
111 [22:16:16] <scarabeus> ok
112 [22:16:28] <scarabeus> 3 out of 5 attending devs
113 [22:16:32] <scarabeus> added to summary
114 [22:16:37] <scarabeus> next topic then
115 [22:16:40] <scarabeus> kdepim 4.5
116 [22:16:45] <dilfridge> ugh
117 [22:16:49] <jmbsvicetto> ABCD: past history has showed that it takes a bit more than 1 or 2 weeks since we plan to ask for a package to get marked stable and to the request get to the arch teams ;)
118 [22:17:12] <wired> i also vote for 4.4.4
119 [22:17:19] <wired> btw we can stable amd64 ourselves
120 [22:17:26] --> raxas (~raxas@×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××.net) has joined #gentoo-meetings
121 [22:17:28] <jmbsvicetto> besides, has anyone hit any regression from 4.4.3 to 4.4.4?
122 [22:17:28] <scarabeus> yes yes
123 [22:17:33] <dilfridge> no
124 [22:17:47] <dilfridge> one last thing before we move on to kdepim
125 [22:17:48] <jmbsvicetto> I haven't, but I didn't check the kdm user thing yet
126 [22:17:56] <Wizzleby> No regressions from 4.4.3->4.4.4 here
127 [22:18:14] <dilfridge> we will probably be drowned in akonadi problems when 4.4.x gets stable
128 [22:18:25] <scarabeus> dilfridge: aware of that :/
129 [22:18:29] <jmbsvicetto> hmm, I did restart kdm on my desktop and it's working, so I don't think that's an issue afterall
130 [22:18:41] <dilfridge> (i was always too lazy to file a bug, but on my 3 machines it never started working properly)
131 [22:18:57] -*- scarabeus does not even have kdepim installed
132 [22:19:00] <scarabeus> too big pile of...
133 [22:19:06] <scarabeus> anyway
134 [22:19:10] <scarabeus> we have 3 options at our hands
135 [22:19:12] <dilfridge> I like(d) it...
136 [22:19:15] <jmbsvicetto> dilfridge: if you mean about kdepim, I don't have it installed locally :P
137 [22:19:22] <scarabeus> ship kdepim from trunk with 4.5 releases, our tarballs
138 [22:19:30] <scarabeus> make 4.5 work with 4.4 kdepim
139 [22:19:36] <scarabeus> or finaly package enterprise branch
140 [22:19:48] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: Perhaps we should start by making 2 questions:
141 [22:19:59] <jmbsvicetto> 1. Which devs care or want to "mess" with kdepim
142 [22:20:06] <krytzz> second is probably the easiest, as all distros wil do that right?
143 [22:20:32] <scarabeus> krytzz: second is indeed easiest
144 [22:20:39] <jmbsvicetto> 2. and depending on that we can just start a vote on the forums/mls/* explaining the issue to the users and getting a "vote" on how to proceed
145 [22:20:42] <dilfridge> jmbsvicetto: alexxy was interested but sadly is not here
146 [22:20:55] <scarabeus> i am definitely not interested in kdepim
147 [22:20:59] <scarabeus> if that part of kde disappeared
148 [22:21:01] <scarabeus> i would be happy man
149 [22:21:10] <scarabeus> among with semantic-desktop team
150 [22:21:11] <scarabeus> :D
151 [22:21:21] <jmbsvicetto> I don't plan to touch kdepim too
152 [22:21:23] -*- dilfridge would probably skip that release then as he need kdepim
153 [22:21:42] <scarabeus> dilfridge: pst, we switched to claws and thunderbird, they works
154 [22:21:49] <dilfridge> hehe
155 [22:22:01] <jmbsvicetto> I've always used FF and TB, so no change for me ;)
156 [22:22:11] <scarabeus> ok so seems noone is interested in this topic
157 [22:22:18] <scarabeus> so lets postrpone it, i will sent mail to alias
158 [22:22:23] <scarabeus> and i will pray that someone reply
159 [22:22:24] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: what about my proposal?
160 [22:22:27] <krytzz> what about reavertm, he did some work with pim :p
161 [22:22:37] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: the forums are good idea, but first we need to pass step 1
162 [22:22:43] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: we could set a plan like the following:
163 [22:23:09] <jmbsvicetto> 1. give developers one week to express what they feel about kdepim and to see if anyone volunteers to work on it
164 [22:23:43] <jmbsvicetto> 2. if that fails or we can't find anyone willing to do it, make a public announcement about the issue, explain it and give a few options to users:
165 [22:24:11] <jmbsvicetto> 2.1 have interested parties show up and work in the overlay to get it done - (what can be given as option to the community)
166 [22:24:18] <scarabeus> ok
167 [22:24:25] <jmbsvicetto> 2.2 have users vote for us to just ignore kdepim until it gets working
168 [22:24:26] <krytzz> will 4.5 be released one month afterwards? in that case you could postpone the whole 4.5 release for 1 month?
169 [22:24:26] <ABCD> from what I heard, kdepim may show back up in 4.5.1 or 4.5.2
170 [22:24:28] <scarabeus> that sounds like nice sumup
171 [22:24:37] <jmbsvicetto> 2.3 give the above 3 options for someone to work on
172 [22:25:23] <scarabeus> ABCD: with shitload of bugs
173 [22:25:40] <ABCD> that's beside the point :D
174 [22:25:41] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: added your approach to summary, since it sounds like only sane :]
175 [22:25:45] <dilfridge> that's what 4.5.3456 will be for
176 [22:26:02] <scarabeus> koffice-2.2
177 [22:26:09] <scarabeus> dilfridge: i saw you working on it :]
178 [22:26:18] <dilfridge> yes and it works afaik
179 [22:26:21] <jmbsvicetto> That's another thing I don't plan to work on
180 [22:26:24] <scarabeus> so wanna be designated maintainer?
181 [22:26:38] <dilfridge> puh... I'm not actively using it so bad choice...
182 [22:26:53] <dilfridge> (whenever I tried ooo did the job better)
183 [22:27:13] <dilfridge> but I can look after it a bit yes
184 [22:27:33] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: we could perhaps use this chance to ask for volunteers to work on koffice and kdepim
185 [22:27:50] <jmbsvicetto> (not that I expect a horde to show up)
186 [22:28:19] <scarabeus> well we need 2.2.0 in main tree stabilised asap
187 [22:28:26] <scarabeus> because 2.1 is seriously useless
188 [22:28:29] <dilfridge> I'd rather volunteer for some kdepim stuff than koffice...
189 [22:28:49] <scarabeus> :DDD
190 [22:28:55] <-- brk (~brk@××××××××××××××.cz) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
191 [22:28:57] <jmbsvicetto> dilfridge: s/and/and or/
192 [22:29:00] <scarabeus> lets try same approach as for kdepim then
193 [22:29:27] <scarabeus> NEEEXT :D
194 [22:29:44] <scarabeus> so dagger sent me mail
195 [22:30:01] <scarabeus> if we would accept pulse patches
196 [22:30:01] <scarabeus> that makes it work in kmix
197 [22:30:02] <scarabeus> for now on we have policy that we dont backport patches
198 [22:30:41] <scarabeus> so lets vote about wheter to accept patches or be strictly what upstream sends
199 [22:30:57] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: since when? we always tried to follow upstream as closely as possible, but if someone is willing to apply a back-port and to keep it working, why not?
200 [22:31:03] -*- alexxy here =)
201 [22:31:07] <scarabeus> just write upstream/distro-patches based on what you want (only devs)
202 [22:31:15] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: acutaly we declined quite few backports
203 [22:31:39] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: for konsole in example
204 [22:31:42] <jmbsvicetto> as long as we don't want to do it and there's no one in the team willing to do it, it's ok by me
205 [22:31:57] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: iirc, ssuominem applied that patch again
206 [22:32:27] <jmbsvicetto> I don't follow commits closely, but by reading the bugzilla mail, I think a few have been applied
207 [22:33:12] <scarabeus> so lets keep status "if you keep it backported and polished you can have it..."?
208 [22:33:17] <wired> backports++ from me if they fix stuff ;)
209 [22:33:32] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: together with the old "you break it, you fix it" ;)
210 [22:33:43] <wired> jmbsvicetto thats a must :P
211 [22:34:05] <scarabeus> ok added to summary
212 [22:34:13] <scarabeus> now the topic that is quite important
213 [22:34:23] <jmbsvicetto> oh and about pulseaudio, I no longer care!! /me is using phonon-vlc :)
214 [22:34:37] <wired> lol
215 [22:34:42] <scarabeus> so inactive people in team
216 [22:34:45] <scarabeus> what the f**k is everyone doing
217 [22:34:51] <scarabeus> there is 17 people in the team
218 [22:34:54] -*- jmbsvicetto goes hidding in the back
219 [22:34:55] <scarabeus> ...
220 [22:34:56] <scarabeus> :D
221 [22:35:14] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: I guess the other 16 guys are very active :P
222 [22:35:14] <scarabeus> on this meeting we have star attendance of 5 developers
223 [22:35:24] <scarabeus> very very active
224 [22:35:24] <wired> well
225 [22:35:40] <alexxy> he he =)
226 [22:35:50] <wired> scarabeus: you're to blame for this instance
227 [22:35:58] <wired> you chose FRIDAY EVENING
228 [22:36:05] <wired> failday for meeting :p
229 [22:36:09] <scarabeus> i dont mind attendance for meeting
230 [22:36:11] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: talking for myself, I took a lot of work when things were stalled, then you guys all started doing so much, I got used not needing to do too much ;)
231 [22:36:16] <alexxy> its beerday
232 [22:36:16] <alexxy> =)
233 [22:36:24] <scarabeus> but there is almost no activity on tree or ovelray by team members in kde area
234 [22:36:29] <krytzz> right... only people without friends are online now
235 [22:36:38] <scarabeus> not counting few active ones
236 [22:36:45] <jmbsvicetto> krytzz: thanks :P
237 [22:36:48] <scarabeus> so since joining team is really simple
238 [22:36:50] <wired> \o/
239 [22:37:10] <scarabeus> i would like to ask all those who are not really into working at least bit on kde remove themselves from herd
240 [22:37:17] <scarabeus> they are mostly active in other areas of gentoo
241 [22:37:31] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: Now you know how fun it is to have the pointy hat ;)
242 [22:37:36] <scarabeus> and it would at least show me list of people i can count in
243 [22:37:56] <wired> scarabeus: thats not going to work, most of them aren't even here :P
244 [22:38:11] <scarabeus> and i will forceremove everyone who dont have at least 1 commint in last 2 months
245 [22:38:17] <scarabeus> wired: it will be on summary
246 [22:38:36] <scarabeus> they can join in back and be active
247 [22:38:51] <scarabeus> or just commit here and there with our permission as other nonteam devs do now
248 [22:39:14] <scarabeus> bonsaikitten: that counts you too ;]
249 [22:39:35] <jmbsvicetto> scarabeus: ok, let me be clear about my commitment: I plan to do amarok as long as no one takes it out of me, I'm interested in phonon-vlc for the moment, I also have an interest on kdenetwork. I try to look at bugs and I get interested on stuff sent to packagers. I do however have a few other areas where there aren't active people on, so they sometimes take priority
250 [22:39:40] <-- ABCD (~abcd@gentoo/developer/abcd) has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
251 [22:40:03] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: you do commits in packages that have herd kde
252 [22:40:19] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: there are people that didnt do any commit in those 2 named months back any of that
253 [22:40:21] <bonsaikitten> scarabeus: yeah, that's fine with me
254 [22:40:23] <jmbsvicetto> yeah, but I know I don't do many commits
255 [22:40:26] <scarabeus> (i did some research)
256 [22:40:33] -*- alexxy plays with beta/rc/snaphsots stuff
257 [22:40:34] <scarabeus> jmbsvicetto: but you do something :]
258 [22:40:34] <bonsaikitten> I'm mostly honorific member ;)
259 [22:40:51] <wired> the last thing i did was fix koffice 2.1.81
260 [22:40:51] <wired> ;p
261 [22:40:55] <scarabeus> there is thin line between something and nothing
262 [22:41:27] -*- jmbsvicetto gives a swift kick in bonsaikitten's honorific *slacker* member :P
263 [22:42:04] <bonsaikitten> jmbsvicetto: you sound fat!
264 [22:42:08] <wired> you know I was looking at the slacker definition the other day and it said also known as bonsaikitten or patrick
265 [22:42:11] <wired> ;p
266 [22:42:12] <jmbsvicetto> bonsaikitten: :P
267 [22:42:22] <jmbsvicetto> wired: hehe
268 [22:42:31] <alexxy> =)
269 [22:42:50] <scarabeus> ?D
270 [22:42:52] <scarabeus> ok
271 [22:42:58] <alexxy> =P
272 [22:42:59] <jmbsvicetto> wired: He has a bit to learn to catch some champs ;)
273 [22:43:00] <scarabeus> i guess that is all of mine topics
274 [22:43:03] <wired> omg
275 [22:43:04] <scarabeus> so
276 [22:43:08] <scarabeus> you have something to discuss
277 [22:43:19] <scarabeus>
278 [22:43:19] <jmbsvicetto> a 40 minutes meeting? O_O
279 [22:43:23] <scarabeus> also here is current summary
280 [22:43:25] <alexxy> my 50 cents about kdepim
281 [22:43:29] <scarabeus> i planned 10 minutes for each
282 [22:43:34] <scarabeus> we were faster
283 [22:43:52] <alexxy> i plan to package tarballs for 4.5.0
284 [22:43:54] <alexxy> =)
285 [22:44:14] <dilfridge> nice
286 [22:44:18] <scarabeus> alexxy: that is mostly too late :P now you will have to work with others over mail :
287 [22:44:19] <scarabeus> ]
288 [22:44:29] <jmbsvicetto> reavertm: what are you planning to do with the cmake-utils eclass and was there any reason for the revert?
289 [22:45:52] <scarabeus> alexxy: also remember that people will want to kill you if you blow up their mail client :D
290 [22:46:03] <scarabeus> 1 thingie, anyone did log?
291 [22:46:06] <scarabeus> for the log...
292 [22:46:07] <scarabeus> :]
293 [22:46:12] <scarabeus> i have just summary
294 [22:46:14] <dilfridge> sure
295 [22:46:19] <alexxy> i have log
296 [22:46:21] <alexxy> =)
297 [22:46:45] <wired> so do i
300 1.1 xml/htdocs/proj/en/desktop/kde/meeting-logs/kde-project-meeting-summary-20100604.txt
302 file :
303 plain:
305 Index: kde-project-meeting-summary-20100604.txt
306 ===================================================================
307 Meeting topics:
308 0) roll-call
309 ABCD, alexxy, dilfridge, wired, scarabeus, deathwing00, patrick, jmbsvicetto
310 1) KDE 4.4 Stabilisation process. - creating stable team within kde team
311 We will add 4.4.4 to main tree, and start the required processes 7 days from that point.
312 No stable team since noone volunteer.
313 2) KDE 4.5 KDEPIM approach
314 a. give developers one week to express what they feel about kdepim and to see if anyone volunteers to work on it
315 b. if that fails or we can't find anyone willing to do it, make a public announcement about the issue, explain it and give a few options to users:
316 b.1 have interested parties show up and work in the overlay to get it done - (what can be given as option to the community)
317 b.2 have users vote for us to just ignore kdepim until it gets working
318 b.3 give the above 3 options for someone to work on
319 3) Koffice 2.2 and designated maintainer choice
320 we shall try same approach as for kdepim to see if anyone is interested
321 4) Accepting major patches that alter stable branch (pulseaudio) [vote]
322 so lets keep status "if you keep it backported and polished you can have it..." together with the old "you break it, you fix it"
323 5) People in the team and their inactivity
324 Everyone in team is asked to reconsider their status. If they are not really active team members they should just remove themselves.
325 Everyone with no evident work on kde packages for last 2 months will be removed from the team.
326 Anyone who wants to join back or just join is welcome and just need to ask and be active.
327 6) open floor