Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Jason Wever <weeve@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Cc: Donnie Berkholz <spyderous@g.o>, sparc@g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Modular X plans
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 06:16:09
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-dev] Modular X plans by Ferris McCormick
2 Hash: SHA1
4 On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Ferris McCormick wrote:
6 >> | With mach64, the problem on sparc has been the hardware itself, if I
7 >> | remember correctly. That is, kernel, xorg are fine, but the mach64
8 >> | card
9 >> | used on U5/U10 is memory-deficient. Someone who has looked at it more
10 >> | recently than I have will correct this. (There is a mach64-based sparc
11 >> | frame buffer which should be OK for DRI, but I've never seen one. I'll
12 >> | chase it down in the framebuffer handbook a little later.)
13 >>
14 >> My u5 works just fine with DRI at 800x600 resolution, 16-bit color. Any
15 >> higher than this and you're right, not enough memory.
16 >
17 > That is new information for me; I had been led to believe otherwise, and
18 > I have not been in a position to verify for myself. Thanks.
20 The few times I have tried this, I hadn't been using that screen res/combo
21 so that could be a problem.
23 mach64 shows up a few ways on SPARC which can make life tricky. In the
24 Ultra 5/10 boxes, it comes as an onboard framebuffer in either 2MB or 4MB
25 RAM sizes depending on the age of the box. Similarly, the Blade 100/150
26 has a mach64 with 8MB of RAM onboard (which is what I tested DRI on many
27 moons ago). Also there is the PGX24 framebuffer IIRC which is a PCI card
28 version of the mach64 that can be used in machines like an Ultra 30 or 60
29 where there is no onboard framebuffer.
32 Another note is that the radeon driver should probably be considered for
33 the DRI list as the XVR-100 Sun framebuffer is a rebranded ATI Radeon 7000
34 VE. I have one I can test with/on once I get back from LWE.
36 Cheers,
37 - --
38 Jason Wever
39 Gentoo/Sparc Co-Team Lead
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