Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Alec Warner <antarus@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: GLEP 49 - Package manager requirements
Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 16:07:54
In Reply to: [gentoo-dev] RFC: GLEP 49 - Package manager requirements by Paul de Vrieze
1 Paul de Vrieze wrote:
2 > The promissed glep on package manager requirements. Please comment on it.
3 > There are some parts that may be controversial (portage has in the past not
4 > provided support for reverting to stable either), but please keep the
5 > discussion on topic.
6 >
7 > Paul
8 >
9 >
11 s/primary/official/g
13 This primary business is silly IMHO. GCC is Gentoo's official compiler,
14 baselayout is the "official" init system, etc...
16 There is precedent here, and you are ignoring it.
18 Basically this whole GLEP is a reactive farse. I realize thats not your
19 intention, you seriously want a defined manner in which many package
20 managers can live. However reading the GLEP it seems to be built
21 completely against Paludis; stacking the deck as it were. However I
22 left other comments below ;)
26 >
27 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 >
29 > [Gentoo] <> [*Gentoo Linux Home
30 > <>*] [*GLEP Index
31 > <>*] [*GLEP Source
32 > <>*]
33 >
34 > GLEP: 49
35 > Title: Alternative Package Manager requirements
36 > Version: 2214
37 > Last-Modified: 2006-05-20 14:51:41 +0200 (Sat, 20 May 2006)
38 > <>
39 >
40 > Author: Paul de Vrieze <pauldv at>,
41 > Status: Draft
42 > Type: Standards Track
43 > Content-Type: text/x-rst <glep-0002.html>
44 > Created: 18-May-2006
45 > Post-History: 19-May-2006
46 >
47 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 >
49 > Contents
50 >
51 > * Abstract <#abstract>
52 > * Motivation <#motivation>
53 > * Rationale <#rationale>
54 > * Backwards Compatibility <#backwards-compatibility>
55 > * Categories of package managers <#categories-of-package-managers>
56 > * Package manager requirements <#package-manager-requirements>
57 > o primary package manager requirements
58 > <#primary-package-manager-requirements>
59 > o candidate primary package manager requirements
60 > <#candidate-primary-package-manager-requirements>
61 > o secondary package manager requirements
62 > <#secondary-package-manager-requirements>
63 > o third party package manager requirements
64 > <#third-party-package-manager-requirements>
65 > * transition phases <#transition-phases>
66 > o primary package manager transition phase
67 > <#primary-package-manager-transition-phase>
68 > o Secondary package manager to candidate primary package
69 > manager transition
70 > <#secondary-package-manager-to-candidate-primary-package-manager-transition>
71 > o Third party to other transition
72 > <#third-party-to-other-transition>
73 > * References <#references>
74 > * Copyright <#copyright>
75 >
76 >
77 > Abstract <#id7>
78 >
79 > This GLEP describes four classes of package managers. What the
80 > requirements for them are, and what support they can receive.
81 >
82 >
83 > Motivation <#id8>
84 >
85 > To set a standard that package managers that seek gentoo project
86 > approval and support should adhere to.
87 >
88 >
89 > Rationale <#id9>
90 >
91 > Currently portage is showing its age. The code of portage does not seem
92 > to be salvageable for new versions. There are two known alternative
93 > package managers that claim a level of portage compatibility. These
94 > alternatives are paludis <> [1] <#id1> and
95 > pkgcore <> [2]
96 > <#id3>. Before these alternatives are developed further, a set of rules
97 > should be created to level the playing field and ensuring that decisions
98 > can be made clearly.
99 >
100 >
101 > Backwards Compatibility <#id10>
102 >
103 > Not a problem for this GLEP. There is no previous standard as the issue
104 > did not exist before. This GLEP is to prevent future compatibility issues.
105 >
106 >
107 If there is Official and 'everything else" I think this whole section
108 can be dropped.
110 > Categories of package managers <#id11>
111 >
112 > We distinguish four categories of package managers. While a package
113 > manager can transition from one category to another, it can not be in
114 > two categories at the same time. It can be in a state of transition though.
115 >
116 > /Primary Package Manager/
117 > There is one primary package manager. Currently this position is
118 > held by portage. The primary package manager is assigned by the
119 > council and all packages in the official tree must be installable by
120 > a useable version of the primary package manager.
121 > /Candidate Primary Package Managers/
122 > A candidate Primary Package Manager does aim, or show an aim, at
123 > replacing the current primary package manager. At a point where the
124 > package manager is deemed stable a decision must be made whether
125 > this package manager should become the new primary package manager.
126 > At that point the primary package manager transition phase
127 > <#primary-package-manager-transition-phase> starts.
128 > /Secondary Package Managers/
129 >
130 > A secondary package manager is a package manager that coexists with
131 > the primary package manager, while not aiming to replace it. Package
132 > managers that would fall into this category are:
133 >
134 > * Experimental package managers. Package managers whose purpose
135 > it is to try out new features.
136 > * Focussed package managers. For example a package manager that
137 > allows the use of rpm formatted binary packages would be an
138 > example.
139 >
140 > /Third Party Package Managers/
141 > A third party package manager is any package manager that lacks
142 > recognition from gentoo as being in any other category. A third
143 > party package manager may or may not have a gentoo package, but is
144 > not supported beyond that.
145 >
146 >
147 > Package manager requirements <#id12>
148 >
149 > As a package manager is in a state of higher support there are higher
150 > requirements to it. The purpose of these requirements is to ensure the
151 > unity of the distribution and the package tree. For this purpose it is
152 > needed that there is only one primary package manager.
154 One official package manager, but many can be used.
156 >
157 >
158 > primary package manager requirements <#id13>
159 >
160 > The primary package manager is the package manager that sets the
161 > standards for the tree. All ebuilds in the tree must function with the
162 > primary package manager. As the primary package manager sets the
163 > standard it does not have to maintain compatibility with other package
164 > managers.
166 This outlook inhibits innovation in the tree. I agree with stephen, in
167 that the tree should set the standard. If you want a new feature in the
168 tree, I think a proposal would be good ( not a GLEP necessarily, but a
169 tree proposal ). I think crap goes in that is not discussed in advance...
171 One could say, the official package manager sets the standard such that
172 someone needs to have support in the package manager for it to operate
173 properly.
175 However in many industries you find the opposite. First a standard is
176 set, then a prototype (reference board, whathaveyou) is created, then it
177 is released for companies to use. Here you want the opposite. The
178 feature as an idea is created, portage implements it, then the other
179 package managers copy it? Sounds silly ;)
180 >
181 > The primary package manager does however have the responsibility that it
182 > must be very stable. The primary package manager must maintain
183 > compatibility with old versions of itself for extended periods of time.
184 > This compatibilty time is set by the council. The suggested time would
185 > be one year from the point that there is a compatible stable version for
186 > all supported architectures.
188 To be honest even portage never did this. We waited "as long as we felt
189 necessary" and then broke compat.
191 >
192 > Another compatibilty requirement for the primary package manager is a
193 > limited forward compatibility. It must always be possible to transition
194 > from the unstable version of the primary package manager to a stable
195 > version. This may be done either by first introducing reading
196 > compatibility for a new format and only having write support later.
197 > Another way would be the provision of a conversion tool that ensures
198 > that the on disk information maintained by the package manager is
199 > supported by the stable package manager.
200 >
201 > The primary package manager is maintained on official gentoo
202 > infrastructure, under control of gentoo developers.
204 This has no reasoning behind it, in my eyes.
206 >
207 >
208 > candidate primary package manager requirements <#id14>
209 >
210 > A candidate primary package manager aims to replace the primary package
211 > manager. The council is responsible for deciding whether this is done.
212 > The requirements are there to ensure that it is actually possible to
213 > transition a candidate primary package manager into the primary package
214 > manager.
215 >
216 > First of all, there must exist a transition path. This means that the on
217 > disk data of the primary package manager can be used by (or converted to
218 > a format usable by) the candidate primary package manager.
219 >
220 > Second, there must be a test path. It must be possible for the
221 > developers to test out the candidate primary package manager on their
222 > working systems. This means that the transition path must exist. This
223 > also means that there are no serious obstacles for reverting to the
224 > current primary package manager.
225 >
226 > Third, there must exist an ebuild test path. It must be possible for
227 > package managers to test ebuilds in one tree for both the primary as
228 > well as the candidate primary package manager. It is not an issue if
229 > this requires a special mode for the candidate primary package manager.
230 > It is not an issue either if compatibilty can be achieved by unmerging
231 > the package in the candidate primary package manager.
232 >
233 > Fourth, there must be support. This means that the package manager is
234 > actively maintained under control of gentoo. If it is not maintained on
235 > gentoo infrastructure, the means must be there to move the package
236 > manager, with its change history, to gentoo infrastructure. This means
237 > that it must be maintained on a gentoo supported versioning system, or
238 > on a version system whose history can be converted to a gentoo supported
239 > versioning system.
241 Again I don't see a reason for it to be on Gentoo infra, or even for it
242 to be managed by Gentoo developers offsite. As long as it's active.
243 One could say Portage is a bit dormant, sure bugs get fixed
244 features...take a while, as many people will note :)
246 >
247 >
248 > secondary package manager requirements <#id15>
249 >
250 > A secondary package manager is a package manager that instead of
251 > directly aiming at replacing portage as primary package manager. As such
252 > a secondary package manager does not set the standard on the tree, but
253 > follows the standard set by the primary package manager.
254 >
255 > There are two kinds of secondary package managers. The first kind is
256 > formed by those that do not maintain their own installed package
257 > database, but work with the package database of the primary package
258 > manager. While these package managers can put additional information in
259 > the database, these entries must remain compatible with the primary
260 > package managers. Verification, reference, and deinstallation by the
261 > primary package manager must remain functional.
262 >
263 > The second kind is formed by those package managers that maintain their
264 > own package database, or a package database incompatible with the
265 > primary package manager. To ensure the secondary role of these package
266 > managers the support in the tree for these package manager is provided
267 > along with restrictions.
268 >
269 > The first restriction is that no packages in the tree must rely on the
270 > secondary package manager. While packages may provide a level of support
271 > (while being compatible with the primary package manager) this may not
272 > result in a significant increase of features. If this were allowed, this
273 > would mean that while they technically work with the primary package
274 > manager, there would be significant incentive to use the secondary
275 > package manager. As the use of this secondary package manager disallows
276 > the paralel use of the primary package manager, this would result in
277 > users using the secondary package manager as their primary package manager.
278 >
279 > Users are allowed to make their own choices. However by making the tree
280 > favor a package manager that is not the primary package manager, this
281 > will lead to the secondary package manager becomming the effective
282 > primary package manager. As this will be a decision by default instead
283 > of a concious choice by the council, this is an undesirable result.
284 >
285 > There is one exclusion for the restriction of packages that only work
286 > with or have significant improvements with the secondary package
287 > manager. That is packages that by their nature are only usable with this
288 > secondary package manager. An example would be a graphical frontend to
289 > the secondary package manager.
290 >
291 > If a secondary package manager works along the primary package manager,
292 > but by itself does not have the capabilities of becoming a primary
293 > package manager the risks of choice by default are lower. As a result,
294 > the council could choose to allow the inclusion of packages that work
295 > only or significantly better with this secondary package manager. For
296 > example at a point where there is a stable, functional, package manager
297 > that can handle RPM format packages, the council could decide to include
298 > these packages directly in the tree, instead of using wrapper scripts
299 > for those packages that are only provided in the RPM format. Such a
300 > decision does imply that the maintainers of the primary package manager
301 > must take this secondary package manager into account.
302 >
303 >
304 > third party package manager requirements <#id16>
305 >
306 > A third party package manager is just that. It is a package manager
307 > without any support within gentoo. As there is no control by gentoo over
308 > the package manager this means that there are no requirements on the
309 > package manager.
310 >
311 > This complete lack of control however also translates to the fact that
312 > gentoo can not make package manager specific changes to support this
313 > package manager. Package manager specific means that it is possible to
314 > request changes that make the tree more independent of the primary
315 > package manager. These changes must however be agnostic of the package
316 > manager, and only make it easier to have alternative package managers.
317 >
318 >
319 > transition phases <#id17>
320 >
321 >
322 > primary package manager transition phase <#id18>
323 >
324 > A candidate primary package manager can be chosen to become primary
325 > package manager. This can only happen by council decision. This decision
326 > can only be made when the candiate primary package manager is stable on
327 > all stable architectures. (all architectures except experimental ones).
328 >
329 > After the decision has been made to replace the primary package manager,
330 > the transition phase starts. The use of the old stable package manager
331 > must remain supported for a period of 6 months. This means that core
332 > packages must be installable by this package manager. Further the
333 > possibility to convert the system automatically to the new primary
334 > package manager must be available for at least 18 months, but preferably
335 > longer (enable installing the new package manager from the old one).
336 >
337 > During the transition phase packages are allowed in the tree that use
338 > the new features of the new primary package manager. While backward
339 > compatibility with the previous primary package manager must be
340 > maintained a forward compatibility is no longer needed.
341 >
342 >
343 > Secondary package manager to candidate primary package manager
344 > transition <#id19>
345 >
346 > The transition from secondary package manager to candidate primary
347 > package manager is straightforward. The secondary package manager must
348 > satisfy all requirements for a candidate primary package manager. At
349 > that point its maintainers can announce that they are changing the
350 > status to candidate primary package manager. This allows a greater
351 > support from gentoo in achieving that goal.
352 >
353 >
354 > Third party to other transition <#id20>
355 >
356 > When a third party package manager wants to transition into one of the
357 > other categories (except primary package manager) it must satisfy all
358 > requirements for that category.
359 >
360 >
361 > References <#id21>
362 >
363 > [1] <#id2>
364 >
365 > [2] <#id4>
366 >
367 > [3] <#id6>
368 >
369 >
370 > Copyright <#id22>
371 >
372 > This document is copyright 2006 by Paul de Vrieze and licensed under the
373 > Open Publication License <> [3] <#id5>.
374 >
375 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
376 > View document source <glep-pkg.txt>. Generated on: 2006-05-20 12:51 UTC.
377 > Generated by Docutils <> from
378 > reStructuredText <> source.
379 >
380 >
381 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 >
383 > GLEP: 49
384 > Title: Alternative Package Manager requirements
385 > Version: $Revision: 2214 $
386 > Last-Modified: $Date: 2006-05-20 14:51:41 +0200 (Sat, 20 May 2006) $
387 > Author: Paul de Vrieze <pauldv@g.o>,
388 > Status: Draft
389 > Type: Standards Track
390 > Content-Type: text/x-rst
391 > Created: 18-May-2006
392 > Post-History: 19-May-2006
393 >
394 >
395 > Abstract
396 > ========
397 >
398 > This GLEP describes four classes of package managers. What the requirements for
399 > them are, and what support they can receive.
400 >
401 >
402 > Motivation
403 > ==========
404 >
405 > To set a standard that package managers that seek gentoo project approval and
406 > support should adhere to.
407 >
408 >
409 > Rationale
410 > =========
411 >
412 > Currently portage is showing its age. The code of portage does not seem to be
413 > salvageable for new versions. There are two known alternative package managers
414 > that claim a level of portage compatibility. These alternatives are `paludis`_
415 > and `pkgcore`_. Before these alternatives are developed further, a set of rules
416 > should be created to level the playing field and ensuring that decisions can be
417 > made clearly.
418 >
419 >
420 > Backwards Compatibility
421 > =======================
422 >
423 > Not a problem for this GLEP. There is no previous standard as the issue did not
424 > exist before. This GLEP is to prevent future compatibility issues.
425 >
426 >
427 > Categories of package managers
428 > ==============================
429 >
430 > We distinguish four categories of package managers. While a package manager can
431 > transition from one category to another, it can not be in two categories at the
432 > same time. It can be in a state of transition though.
433 >
434 > *Primary Package Manager*
435 > There is one primary package manager. Currently this position is held by
436 > portage. The primary package manager is assigned by the council and all
437 > packages in the official tree must be installable by a useable version of the
438 > primary package manager.
439 >
440 > *Candidate Primary Package Managers*
441 > A candidate Primary Package Manager does aim, or show an aim, at replacing
442 > the current primary package manager. At a point where the package manager is
443 > deemed stable a decision must be made whether this package manager should
444 > become the new primary package manager. At that point the `primary package
445 > manager transition phase`_ starts.
446 >
447 > *Secondary Package Managers*
448 > A secondary package manager is a package manager that coexists with the
449 > primary package manager, while not aiming to replace it. Package managers
450 > that would fall into this category are:
451 >
452 > - Experimental package managers. Package managers whose purpose it is to try
453 > out new features.
454 >
455 > - Focussed package managers. For example a package manager that allows the
456 > use of rpm formatted binary packages would be an example.
457 >
458 >
459 > *Third Party Package Managers*
460 > A third party package manager is any package manager that lacks recognition
461 > from gentoo as being in any other category. A third party package manager may
462 > or may not have a gentoo package, but is not supported beyond that.
463 >
464 >
465 > Package manager requirements
466 > ============================
467 >
468 > As a package manager is in a state of higher support there are higher
469 > requirements to it. The purpose of these requirements is to ensure the unity of
470 > the distribution and the package tree. For this purpose it is needed that there
471 > is only one primary package manager.
472 >
473 >
474 > primary package manager requirements
475 > ------------------------------------
476 >
477 > The primary package manager is the package manager that sets the standards for
478 > the tree. All ebuilds in the tree must function with the primary package
479 > manager. As the primary package manager sets the standard it does not have to
480 > maintain compatibility with other package managers.
481 >
482 > The primary package manager does however have the responsibility that it must be
483 > very stable. The primary package manager must maintain compatibility with old
484 > versions of itself for extended periods of time. This compatibilty time is set
485 > by the council. The suggested time would be one year from the point that there
486 > is a compatible stable version for all supported architectures.
487 >
488 > Another compatibilty requirement for the primary package manager is a limited
489 > forward compatibility. It must always be possible to transition from the
490 > unstable version of the primary package manager to a stable version. This may be
491 > done either by first introducing reading compatibility for a new format and only
492 > having write support later. Another way would be the provision of a conversion
493 > tool that ensures that the on disk information maintained by the package manager
494 > is supported by the stable package manager.
495 >
496 > The primary package manager is maintained on official gentoo infrastructure,
497 > under control of gentoo developers.
498 >
499 >
500 > candidate primary package manager requirements
501 > ------------------------------------------------
502 >
503 > A candidate primary package manager aims to replace the primary package
504 > manager. The council is responsible for deciding whether this is done. The
505 > requirements are there to ensure that it is actually possible to transition a
506 > candidate primary package manager into the primary package manager.
507 >
508 > First of all, there must exist a transition path. This means that the on disk
509 > data of the primary package manager can be used by (or converted to a format
510 > usable by) the candidate primary package manager.
511 >
512 > Second, there must be a test path. It must be possible for the developers to
513 > test out the candidate primary package manager on their working systems. This
514 > means that the transition path must exist. This also means that there are no
515 > serious obstacles for reverting to the current primary package manager.
516 >
517 > Third, there must exist an ebuild test path. It must be possible for package
518 > managers to test ebuilds in one tree for both the primary as well as the
519 > candidate primary package manager. It is not an issue if this requires a special
520 > mode for the candidate primary package manager. It is not an issue either if
521 > compatibilty can be achieved by unmerging the package in the candidate primary
522 > package manager.
523 >
524 > Fourth, there must be support. This means that the package manager is actively
525 > maintained under control of gentoo. If it is not maintained on gentoo
526 > infrastructure, the means must be there to move the package manager, with its
527 > change history, to gentoo infrastructure. This means that it must be maintained
528 > on a gentoo supported versioning system, or on a version system whose history
529 > can be converted to a gentoo supported versioning system.
530 >
531 >
532 > secondary package manager requirements
533 > --------------------------------------
534 >
535 > A secondary package manager is a package manager that instead of directly aiming
536 > at replacing portage as primary package manager. As such a secondary package
537 > manager does not set the standard on the tree, but follows the standard set by
538 > the primary package manager.
539 >
540 > There are two kinds of secondary package managers. The first kind is formed by
541 > those that do not maintain their own installed package database, but work with
542 > the package database of the primary package manager. While these package
543 > managers can put additional information in the database, these entries must
544 > remain compatible with the primary package managers. Verification, reference,
545 > and deinstallation by the primary package manager must remain functional.
546 >
547 > The second kind is formed by those package managers that maintain their own
548 > package database, or a package database incompatible with the primary package
549 > manager. To ensure the secondary role of these package managers the support in
550 > the tree for these package manager is provided along with restrictions.
551 >
552 > The first restriction is that no packages in the tree must rely on the secondary
553 > package manager. While packages may provide a level of support (while being
554 > compatible with the primary package manager) this may not result in a
555 > significant increase of features. If this were allowed, this would mean that
556 > while they technically work with the primary package manager, there would be
557 > significant incentive to use the secondary package manager. As the use of this
558 > secondary package manager disallows the paralel use of the primary package
559 > manager, this would result in users using the secondary package manager as their
560 > primary package manager.
561 >
562 > Users are allowed to make their own choices. However by making the tree favor a
563 > package manager that is not the primary package manager, this will lead to the
564 > secondary package manager becomming the effective primary package manager. As
565 > this will be a decision by default instead of a concious choice by the council,
566 > this is an undesirable result.
567 >
568 > There is one exclusion for the restriction of packages that only work with or
569 > have significant improvements with the secondary package manager. That is
570 > packages that by their nature are only usable with this secondary package
571 > manager. An example would be a graphical frontend to the secondary package
572 > manager.
573 >
574 > If a secondary package manager works along the primary package manager, but by
575 > itself does not have the capabilities of becoming a primary package manager the
576 > risks of choice by default are lower. As a result, the council could choose to
577 > allow the inclusion of packages that work only or significantly better with this
578 > secondary package manager. For example at a point where there is a stable,
579 > functional, package manager that can handle RPM format packages, the council
580 > could decide to include these packages directly in the tree, instead of using
581 > wrapper scripts for those packages that are only provided in the RPM
582 > format. Such a decision does imply that the maintainers of the primary package
583 > manager must take this secondary package manager into account.
584 >
585 >
586 > third party package manager requirements
587 > ----------------------------------------
588 >
589 > A third party package manager is just that. It is a package manager without any
590 > support within gentoo. As there is no control by gentoo over the package manager
591 > this means that there are no requirements on the package manager.
592 >
593 > This complete lack of control however also translates to the fact that gentoo
594 > can not make package manager specific changes to support this package
595 > manager. Package manager specific means that it is possible to request changes
596 > that make the tree more independent of the primary package manager. These
597 > changes must however be agnostic of the package manager, and only make it easier
598 > to have alternative package managers.
599 >
600 >
601 > transition phases
602 > =================
603 >
604 > primary package manager transition phase
605 > ----------------------------------------
606 >
607 > A candidate primary package manager can be chosen to become primary package
608 > manager. This can only happen by council decision. This decision can only be
609 > made when the candiate primary package manager is stable on all stable
610 > architectures. (all architectures except experimental ones).
611 >
612 > After the decision has been made to replace the primary package manager, the
613 > transition phase starts. The use of the old stable package manager must remain
614 > supported for a period of 6 months. This means that core packages must be
615 > installable by this package manager. Further the possibility to convert the
616 > system automatically to the new primary package manager must be available for at
617 > least 18 months, but preferably longer (enable installing the new package
618 > manager from the old one).
619 >
620 > During the transition phase packages are allowed in the tree that use the new
621 > features of the new primary package manager. While backward compatibility with
622 > the previous primary package manager must be maintained a forward compatibility
623 > is no longer needed.
624 >
625 >
626 > Secondary package manager to candidate primary package manager transition
627 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 >
629 > The transition from secondary package manager to candidate primary package
630 > manager is straightforward. The secondary package manager must satisfy all
631 > requirements for a candidate primary package manager. At that point its
632 > maintainers can announce that they are changing the status to candidate primary
633 > package manager. This allows a greater support from gentoo in achieving that
634 > goal.
635 >
636 >
637 > Third party to other transition
638 > -------------------------------
639 >
640 > When a third party package manager wants to transition into one of the other
641 > categories (except primary package manager) it must satisfy all requirements for
642 > that category.
643 >
644 >
645 > References
646 > ==========
647 >
648 > .. _paludis:
649 > .. _pkgcore:
650 > .. _Open Publication License:
651 >
652 >
653 > Copyright
654 > =========
655 >
656 > This document is copyright 2006 by Paul de Vrieze and licensed under the
657 > `Open Publication License`_.
658 >
660 --
661 gentoo-dev@g.o mailing list


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-dev] RFC: GLEP 49 - Package manager requirements Paul de Vrieze <pauldv@g.o>