Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Francesco Riosa <vivo75@×××××.com>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Reverse use of Python/Ruby versions
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2017 22:49:14
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-dev] Reverse use of Python/Ruby versions by Brian Dolbec
1 On 10/04/2017 00:20, Brian Dolbec wrote:
2 > On Sun, 9 Apr 2017 23:36:18 +0200
3 > Francesco Riosa <vivo75@×××××.com> wrote:
4 >
5 >> On 09/04/2017 18:15, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
6 >>> Not sure if this is practical, it may be less work if the use of
7 >>> Python and Ruby versions ( maybe others ) is reversed. Rather than
8 >>> adding all the versions that the ebuild supports. What if it only
9 >>> included versions it did not support?
10 >>>
11 >>> Rational
12 >>> When new versions are added. Ebuilds must be updated to support the
13 >>> new version. This can require editing a decent amount of ebuilds.
14 >>> Many may work fine with the new version. Making this extra needless
15 >>> work. From a user point of view, You cannot move to the newer
16 >>> version without keeping older around till all are updated to the
17 >>> newer version.
18 >>>
19 >>> Now one could say its the same work to mark versions not supported.
20 >>> But I think there is less of that. Also if something supports and
21 >>> older version and not newer, it may stand out more failing.
22 >>> Requiring someone to reduce to the older version, and maybe filing
23 >>> bugs to get it updated to the newer version.
24 >>>
25 >>> Python 2.7 stuff aside. I am not sure how many Python and Ruby
26 >>> packages break with a newer release. In pythons case I think once
27 >>> they support Python 3.x, there is little chance if it breaking with
28 >>> further 3.x releases. Not sure about Ruby.
29 >>>
30 >>> I could be very wrong and the present way of doing things being the
31 >>> only way. However if this is feasible it may lead to less work. It
32 >>> would allow all packages to move to a newer version. Also allowing
33 >>> punting of older sooner. This leaves the versions solely up to the
34 >>> eclasses. Then ebuilds simply mark the unsupported versions. Just
35 >>> like we do now with adding versions it does support.
36 >>>
37 >>> Which if something was say only Python 2.7. It would have a >= to
38 >>> excluded any newer version of Python. That said, we could do the
39 >>> same with the current way. Saying this supports Python/Ruby >=SLOT.
40 >>>
41 >>> Either way I do not think the current way is the best way. You have
42 >>> to add every version/slot to ebuilds that work fine with any
43 >>> version. When new ones are added, the ebuild has to be touched
44 >>> again. When it may work fine with a new version without requiring
45 >>> the ebuild to be modified.
46 >>>
47 >>> This came up with some stuff requiring ruby23 as I moved to 24.
48 >>> Looking around some stuff has Python 3.5 some 3.6, but all 3.4. So
49 >>> I will stick to 3.4 till everything is at 3.6. Otherwise no point
50 >>> and still have other versions.
51 >>>
52 >>> The approach mentioned above, if the packages do not have issue. I
53 >>> could go ahead and switch to ruby24 and pyton 3.6 across the board.
54 >>> Which I cannot do now till a bunch of ebulids have their targets
55 >>> increased.
56 >>>
57 >> +1 to the python part, cannot speak about ruby.
58 >> or totally automate the addition of python versions to ebuilds at the
59 >> exact time of bumping dev-lang/python.
60 >>
61 >>
62 >
63 > This could be partially automated using buildbot. The easiest would be
64 > for pkgs containing working test suites. Those that pass could be
65 > auto-enabled with that python with ~arch keywords. I think if a stable
66 > pkg is to be added the new python, it should be via a revision bump and
67 > ~arch'ing the keywords. But we could enforce the bot to rev-bump all
68 > ebuilds just as easily.
69 >
70 > Pkgs without tests, those would be harder and
71 > we could do some basic tests on those, like syntax, test imports, but
72 > would require additional means of testing in order to qualify for an
73 > auto-python addition.
74 >
75 > It should also be possible for the bot to scrape for
76 > comppatible python versions. Many of the pkgs I have been working with
77 > recently have them listed. Also there is travis.yml files in many
78 > upstream pkg repos which can also be scraped for tested pythons.
79 >
80 > It could certainly reduce the manpower needed to keep things up to date.
81 >
82 All good ideas, if William proposal is rejected, I'd like to request a
83 mandatory step like this when a new minor 3.x python version is added to
84 the tree.
85 No idea if that's feasible for ruby too.