Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Brian Harring <ferringb@×××××.com>
To: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccreesh@××××××××××.com>
Cc: gentoo-pms@l.g.o, gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-pms] GLEP: gentoo sync based unified deps proposal
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012 16:06:27
Message-Id: 20120916160528.GD23030@localhost
In Reply to: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-pms] GLEP: gentoo sync based unified deps proposal by Ciaran McCreesh
1 On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 03:39:49PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
2 > On Sun, 16 Sep 2012 06:52:11 -0700
3 > Brian Harring <ferringb@×××××.com> wrote:
4 > > The live version of the doc is available at
5 > >
6 >
7 > I think you're being a bit glib with your dismissal of the labels
8 > parsing scheme. You've got the following problems, that labels don't
9 > have:
10 >
11 > You dismiss the dep:build? ( dep:run? ( ) ) problem as "don't do that".
13 x? ( !x? ( dep ) ) already exists syntactically. dep:build? (
14 dep:run? ( blah ) ) is no different, so yes, I dismiss it- frankly
15 with prejudice since you keep bringing that example up but ignoring
16 that it's not a new issue (plus ignoring that it never occurs in the
17 wild because it's a self-solving issue).
20 > Labels doesn't have this problem: it doesn't try to reuse an existing
21 > syntax precisely because the existing syntax is extremely awkward for
22 > this kind of thing.
24 Labels have a human comprehension problem, and require a fair amount
25 more work for the various parsers.
27 You may not agree on that view, but there seems to be some consensus
28 on that (as much as one ever gets in gentoo at least).
31 > You say there's an implict "build,run". This can't be an implicit
32 > "dep:build,run? ( )" using that syntax, however, since then you
33 > wouldn't be able to put a dep:post? inside it by the above.
35 You're misunderstanding; you're thinking about it as to how exheres
36 labels are done which is basically
37 build+run: ${DEPENDENCIES}
39 One thing to keep in mind here; I don't mind making the parser do some
40 extra work if it's easier on devs to deal with (including
41 aesthetically; like it or not, dependencies is needed, and screaming
42 "labels are the one true religion" isn't going to get us to where we
43 need to go- pragmatic compromise will).
45 Either way, in the absense of an explicit dep context, dep:build,run?
46 is assumed. The parser/visitation implementation is admittedly more
47 complex, but it's not in the realm of 'hard'. This is assuming a
48 non-shit implementation mind you.
50 Either way, my focus here is on the human, as I've stated.
53 > So again
54 > you've got a special case to deal with simply because of the syntax --
55 > your syntax doesn't correspond directly to the meaning of dependencies.
57 "doesn't correspond directly to the meaning of dependencies" is a
58 vague assertion; back that one up. I'm assuming you're complaining
59 that conditionals are being used (the "but they're not USE flags!" bit
60 which is a subjective view of the conditional namespace).
62 If that's not what you're referencing, then frankly I'll just go with
63 "explain to me how this same critique doesn't apply to labels".
66 > There's also the issue of what negations do at the top level...
68 Yeah, I did skimp on that one; technically speaking, negations aren't
69 required if they prove too much of a pain in the ass. Negation at the
70 top level could be interpretted two ways:
72 1) negating against all possible dep types; thus a !dep:build? would
73 be dep:post,run? . Too slick in my view, but who knows, othes may
74 think it straight forward.
76 2) Treat it as a negation of the implicit dep:build,run; meaning
77 !dep:build? would be dep:run?.
79 Unsure of which is preferably at this juncture.
81 > You discourage grouping of dependencies by the use flag that selects
82 > them (see xscreensaver in your examples). Logically, "xscreensaver
83 > related things" belong together.
85 I do not discourage grouping. The example is an automated
86 conversion, as explicitly mentioned in the doc.
88 A secondary condensing of those deps I'll add to make clear it's
89 supported.
92 > Your negation example also tries to
93 > bring related dependencies together. But it's a mess. What if one of
94 > the dependencies was a build dependency, and one a run dependency?
95 > You'd end up with something silly like this:
96 >
97 > dep:build,run? (
98 > !dep:run? ( dev-util/diffball )
99 > !dep:build? ( dev-util/bsdiff )
100 > )
102 Ciaran, we use a fucking bash format. We lost the ability to block
103 silly idiocy long ago via that choice.
105 As said, 'x? ( !x? ( dep ) )' already exists, despite being dumb. The
106 beauty of it however is that the syntax rules themselves make it such
107 that it doesn't ever actually come up in real world usage- the dep
108 wouldn't be used fundamentally.
110 My intention is a syntax/format that is natural to the dev, and
111 doesn't force them to do silly shit. If they choose to do silly shit,
112 that's on their head; trying to explicitly ban all possible dumb uses
113 just makes the rules worse via increased complexity.
115 Also, just to be clear, this critique applies to exheres labels just
116 the same. That example, rewritten to drop the negations is thus:
118 dep:build,run? (
119 dep:build? ( dev-util/diffball )
120 dep:run? ( dev-util/bsdiff )
121 )
123 Yep. That's pretty dumb. But no less retarded than someone doing the
124 following in labels:
126 build+run:
127 build: dev-util/diffball
128 run: dev-util/bsdiff
130 Which I'll note isn't banned in your usage, despite the idiocy of such
131 a construct.
135 > Your syntax also prevents the following:
136 >
137 > DEPENDENCIES="foo? ( $(make_foo_deps blah) )"
139 Err, no it doesn't. I think you're reading too literally into the
140 example mplayer translation I put in the doc- again, that was just a
141 quicky, automated form, you can push dep:blah down beneath
142 conditionals as necessary/desired.
144 If you see something claiming otherwise, or implying otherwise in the
145 glep, please tell me exactly where so I can fix the wording.
147 >
148 > and would encourage something like this instead:
149 >
151 > dep:build? ( foo? ( $(make_foo_build_deps blah) ) )
152 > dep:run? ( foo? ( $(make_foo_run_deps blah) ) )
153 > dep:build,run? ( foo? ( $(make_foo_build_and_run_deps blah) ) )
154 >
155 > which makes it much harder for the foo.eclass authors to switch what
156 > kinds of dependencies they use. For example, if foo.eclass starts
157 > needing an install dependency, your syntax requires every foo user to
158 > be updated, whereas labels does not. To get around that, you'd have to
159 > allow deeply embedded dep: blocks.
161 This critique is based on the same misunderstanding, just to be clear.
164 > You're also still speaking in terms of "rendering DEPEND" etc.
166 Babysteps. First switch the internals to DEPENDENCIES, render from
167 that to *DEPEND; in doing so, it's minimally disruptive for the PM,
168 and for devs.
170 > That's
171 > not really what we want, though. As you've observed, a lot of atoms are
172 > in both DEPEND and RDEPEND. Conceptually, it makes much more sense to
173 > consider such an atom to be a single dependency that is both a build
174 > and a runtime dependency than it does to consider it as two unrelated
175 > dependencies. This is especially the case now that we have := slot
176 > dependencies.
178 Agreed, but we're not going to get to where we want without going
179 through transition phases; at the PM level, minimally these
180 enhancements:
182 1) first, collapse dependencies down, than render the *DEPEND views,
183 thus enabling easy and quick initial integration; effectively
184 no impact on the api/functionality of the PM at this phase.
185 2) Start converting the internals of the PM over such that it
186 operates, directly from that parsed tree, rathrer having to
187 operate on a flatten/reduced/rendered version of it for each
188 context.
189 3) Once that's in place, start teaching the resolver how to make
190 better decisions via the better dependency groupping.
192 That's the rough roadmap for PM's were this to be added, exempting
193 integration of any new dependency types.
195 For devs, they're not going to migrated at the flip of a switch. Thus
196 the same general transition approach;
198 1) switch the focus to DEPENDENCIES via collapsing
199 depend/rdepend/pdepend into it. This allows existing code to work
200 in EAPI5 (or whichever this lands in).
201 2) New dependency forms should be added to DEPENDENCIES only; this is
202 a bit of a carrot to get folks to migrate.
203 3) As ebuilds/eclasses get further along, and <EAPI5 support gets
204 increasingly dropped, devs are encouraged (and hopefully willing
205 since the syntax should make their lives easier) to migrate to the
206 new form.
207 4) Some point down the line when we've neared an appropriate critical
208 mass, we discontinue the no longer necessary *DEPEND appending into
209 DEPENDENCIES; basically deprecate and/then ban *DEPEND in the EAPI
210 of that day. *DEPEND fades into the dust, same as how implicit
211 RDEPEND=${RDEPEND-${DEPEND}} was phased out.
214 > Ultimately, it comes down to the observation that the flag? ( ) syntax
215 > is strongly nested and hierarchical, but dependency roles aren't.
217 There is a bit of truth in that views on flag? ( ) vs the random-ass
218 context labeling (which is hierarchical- keep in mind your stack
219 pushing/popping confusion).
221 That said, just because it *is*, doesn't mean it has to get in the
222 way. Devs are already quite familiar w/ the hierarchical/nesting
223 behaviour of flag? ( ); I seriously doubt they are going to have
224 problems making dep:* work.
226 Basically, yes, there are some limitations; do they matter? Not
227 really, no.
229 Is it a perfect scheme? While a neat reuse of existing syntax, no,
230 it's not perfect.
232 But it's realistic, and *doable*. That counts for a fucking helluva
233 lot more than chasing the perfect solution.
235 I expect you'll inject some rant, but frankly REQUIRED_USE is a good
236 example of what I'm talking about; the synax sucks, it's a bit
237 painful, but it filled a needed gap and got the job done- 10% of EAPI4
238 ebuild are using it after all (please skip the required-use rant also,
239 whatever the flaws, one cannot argue w/ the usage).
242 > Labels can give all the advantages of your proposal (including the
243 > backwards compatibility, if that's desired), but without the need to
244 > shoehorn the idea into an unsuitable syntax.
246 If you want your proposal to go anywhere, you're going to need a
247 better transition plan then "and.... then devs convert their
248 ebuilds/eclasses". I'd suggested it prior, but no traction there.
250 Either way, you push your syntax, I'll push mine; I'm fine w/ devs
251 choosing the one that best fits their flow.
253 ~harring


Subject Author
[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-pms] GLEP: gentoo sync based unified deps proposal Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccreesh@××××××××××.com>
Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-pms] GLEP: gentoo sync based unified deps proposal Ian Stakenvicius <axs@g.o>