Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Brian Harring <ferringb@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] glep 42 (news) round six
Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2005 05:56:03
In Reply to: [gentoo-dev] glep 42 (news) round six by Ciaran McCreesh
1 On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 04:15:45AM +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
2 > Here we go again... Changes:
3 >
4 > * We're now supporting overlays, multiple repositories and magic flying
5 > chickens. To do this, we're shoving a whole load of new requirements
6 > onto Portage. Said requirements are documented under `Required Portage
7 > Enhancements`_. I now expect to get heavily flamed by a different set
8 > of Portage developers.
10 You forgot the magic mushroom badgers and snake.
13 > * Change to yyyy-mm-dd for GLEP 45 compatibility. Rereremove the
14 > timestamp on the Posted: header.
15 >
16 > * Tweak Display-If-{Profile,Installed} to work with multiple
17 > repositories.
18 >
19 > * Use ${repoid} rather than magic-chicken for news-*.* files.
21 Drop the magic-chicken crap (especially in light of your comments
22 about 'professional' news inline in the glep).
24 Killjoy maybe, but it detracts from the point of the glep.
26 > * Be specific on how news-repoid.skip can work.
28 Still haven't gotten into specifics, merely a different bit of hand
29 waving.
32 > You are encouraged to reply to this thread saying "I agree with ciaranm
33 > that repository IDs should not be allowed to contain spaces".
34 >
35 > TODO: ferringb wants spaces added to the first item on the list. I don't,
36 > because it makes repo id -> filename mappings nasty.
37 >
38 > * Every repository (including overlays) will require a unique identifier. It is
39 > assumed that an identifier will be a string consisting of characters from
40 > ``a`` to ``z``, ``A`` to ``Z``, ``0`` to ``9``, ``+`` (plus), ``-`` (hyphen),
41 > ``:`` (colon) and ``_`` (underscore).
43 Not really. Just requires your code to be space safe.
45 You write good code, right? Especially since you need to keep our
46 path handling safe for osx (/volumes) and for users who do strange
47 things?
49 The news handling crap should be able to take spaces- remember the
50 comments about user aliasing of repostory ID's down the line. I don't
51 care if the actual metadata/repo_id lacks spaces, but the handling
52 code must be able to take spaces, as such the requirement that spaces
53 not be used is arbitrary and uneeded.
56 > * Portage must provide a way for external programs to obtain a list of all
57 > repository identifiers for a given system. It is assumed that this will be in
58 > the form of a ``portageq`` command (e.g. ``portageq get_repo_ids``).
59 >
60 > * Portage must provide a way for external programs to obtain the base path for
61 > a repository with a given ID. It is assumed that this will be in the form of
62 > a ``portageq`` command (e.g. ``portageq get_repo_root gentoo-x86``).
63 >
64 > * Portage must extend ``portageq has_version`` to support restrictions to a
65 > given repository ID.
66 >
67 > * Portage must extend ``portageq`` to implement a command which returns whether
68 > or not the profile used for a given repository ID matches a certain base path
69 > (e.g. ``portageq profile_used default-linux/sparc/sparc64/2004.3 gentoo-x86``).
71 profile_in_use, maybe.
74 > These extensions are assumed during the following specification.
75 >
76 > News Item Identities
77 > --------------------
78 >
79 > Each news item will have a unique identifier. This identifier will be in the
80 > form ``yyyy-mm-dd-short-name``, where ``yyyy`` is the year (e.g. ``2005``),
81 > ``mm`` is the month (``01`` through ``12``) and dd is the day of the month
82 > (``01`` through ``31``). The ``short-name`` is a very short name describing the
83 > news item (e.g. ``yoursql-updates``), consisting only of the characters ``a-z``,
84 > ``0-9``, ``+`` (plus), ``:`` (colon), ``-`` (hyphen) and ``_`` (underscore).
85 >
86 > News Item Directories
87 > ---------------------
88 >
89 > Each news item will be represented by a directory whose name is the same as the
90 > news item's identifier.
91 >
92 > The directory will contain a file named ``yyyy-mm-dd-short-name.en.txt``, which
93 > contains the text of the news item, in English, in the format described below.
94 >
95 > If a news item is translated, other files named ``yyyy-mm-dd-short-name.xx.txt``
96 > (where ``xx`` is the ISO 639 [#iso-639]_ two letter country code) will also be
97 > provided. However, only the English version of a news item is authoritative.
98 > This anglocentricity is justified by precedent [#glep-34]_.
99 >
100 > News Item Files
101 > ---------------
102 >
103 > A news item file is a text file, encoded using UTF-8 [#rfc-3629]_ for
104 > compatibility with and for the same reasons as existing Gentoo documentation
105 > [#docs-policy]_ and the tree [#glep-31]_.
106 >
107 > News items should be signed with a detached GPG signature: ::
109 why should vs must?
110 Should leaves open the possibility for a tree compromise and a news
111 item with Very Bad(tm) instructions stuck into it.
113 Moving towards getting the whole tree signed, introducing new
114 components that aren't required signed works against that.
116 > News Item Headers
117 > '''''''''''''''''
118 >
119 > The following headers describe the purpose and format of the news item:
120 >
121 > ``Title:``
122 > A short (maximum 44 characters) descriptive title. Mandatory.
123 >
124 > ``Author:``
125 > Author's name and email address, in the form ``Real Name <email@address>``.
126 > Mandatory; multiple author headers may be specified if appropriate.
127 >
128 > ``Translator:``
129 > For translated news items, the translator's name and email address. Multiple
130 > translator headers may be specified if appropriate.
131 >
132 > ``Content-Type:``
133 > Must be ``text/plain``. Mandatory.
134 >
135 > ``Posted:``
136 > Date of posting, in ``yyyy-mm-dd`` format (e.g. 2005-12-18) for
137 > compatibility with GLEP 45 [#glep-45]_. Mandatory.
138 >
139 > ``Revision:``
140 > Initially 1. Incremented every time a non-trivial change is made. Changes
141 > which require a re-read of the news item should instead use a new news item
142 > file. Mandatory.
143 non-trivial changes that don't require a re-read sounds like a
144 contradiction. Clarify, especially since portage will mark this as
145 read _once_ and only once.
147 > The following headers are used for filtering:
148 >
149 > ``Display-If-Installed:``
150 > A dependency atom or simple package name (for example,
152 Drop the 'simple package name'; it still is an atom.
154 > ``<dev-lang/php-5_alpha`` or ``net-www/apache``). If the user has the
155 > package specified installed from the repository from which the news item was
156 > obtained, the news item should be displayed.
158 This isn't incredibly useful if ranged versions are ever introduced.
159 Ammending the glep for that seems stupid, looser language might be
160 wise.
162 > ``Display-If-Keyword:``
163 > A keyword [#glep-22]_ name, for example ``mips`` or ``x86-fbsd``. If the
164 > user is on the keyword in question, the news item should be displayed.
165 >
166 > ``Display-If-Profile:``
167 > A profile path, for example ``default-linux/sparc/sparc64/server``. If the
168 > user is using the exact profile in question, or a subprofile of this
169 > profile, the news item should be displayed. This header may be used to
170 > replace ``deprecated`` files in the future.
171 >
172 > .. Note:: When performing package moves, developers must also update any
174 > relevant ``Display-If-Installed`` headers in news files.
175 Grounds for someone to get off their ass and do some work, but this
176 should be automated in some fashion- specifically detection of it
177 (auto-updating won't work with signing).
179 > The algorithm used to determine whether a news item is 'relevant' is as
180 > follows:
181 >
182 > * For each ``Display-If-`` header type which occurs at least once:
183 >
184 > + The news item is not relevant if none of the headers of this type are
185 > successfully matched.
186 >
187 > * Otherwise the news item is relevant.
188 >
189 > In particular, if no ``Display-If-`` header is specified, a news item will be
190 > relevant for all users.
192 implementation issue= be aware this must be cached. No caching ==
193 slowing down portage pissing off users.
195 All news items *will* need to be cached in some format here- just
196 because the keyword isn't what the user is running at the time of
197 sync, doesn't mean that the keyword won't be used for ROOT!="/" cross
198 compilation.
200 That's an implementation note, but I'm bringing it up since the time
201 to do the filter/cache instantiation is during portage initialization
202 (yes it sucks, but your stuck with stable)... so start thinking about
203 ways to make it fast, since python -c'import portage' is the slowest
204 part of portage queries
207 > News Item Quality Control
208 > -------------------------
209 >
210 > There have been complaints regarding the comprehensibility of some upgrade
211 > notices and news items in the past. This is understandable ??? not every Gentoo
213 '???' ?
215 > .. Note:: A previous draft of this GLEP allowed news items to be sent to
216 > ``gentoo-core`` instead of ``gentoo-dev``. It is possible that a situation
217 > may arise where this will be necessary (for example, a security update which
218 > must break backwards compatibility and which cannot be revealed to the public
219 > before a given date).
221 Drop that and just state that -core doesn't fly sans security
222 consideration; referencing one of the previous 5 versions isn't needed
223 (yes it's minor, but it's uneeded info).
225 > Server Side
226 > '''''''''''
227 >
228 > News items are to be made available via the standard rsync tree. This removes
229 > any need for polling of a remote source.
230 >
231 > A new repository will be created for news items. The type (CVS or Subversion),
232 > location and access controls on this repository are beyond the scope of this
233 > GLEP.
235 We generate a tree every 30 minutes. You aiming for every update, or
236 for less frequent (once an hour fex)?
238 Matters due to the fact rsync tree generation has a window it must not
239 overrun- minor but continuing the "lets be explicit" goal of yours.
242 > This repository will contain directories named ``yyyy/mm/``, where ``yyyy`` is
243 > the current year and ``mm`` is the current month number (01 for January through
244 > 12 for December). This separation will help keep news items more manageable.
245 >
246 > The contents of this repository will automatically be merged with the main rsync
247 > tree, placing the items in a ``metadata/news/`` directory. The method used for
248 > merging these items is beyond the scope of this GLEP ??? a similar setup is
249 > already used for merging GLSAs into the rsync tree.
250 >
251 > The main rsync tree will **not** use the ``yyyy/mm/`` subdirectory layout.
253 What shall it use? Again, be explicit.
256 > Client Side
257 > '''''''''''
258 >
259 > Whenever relevant unread news items are found, the package manager will create a
260 > file named ``/var/lib/gentoo/news/news-repoid.unread`` (if it does not
261 -file named ``/var/lib/gentoo/news/news-repoid.unread`` (if it does not
262 +file named ``/var/lib/gentoo/news/news-${repoid}.unread`` (if it does not
264 Clearer at a first read though imo.
266 > already exist) and append the news item identifier (eg
267 > ``2005-11-01-yoursql-updates``) on a new line.
269 Implementation details, but this handling will need to be integrated
270 into portage (eg, no external scripts). External scripts will slow
271 things down (shell overhead/fork/exec), plus portage is going to have
272 to query this cruft already for the notifications on emerge targets
273 (no we're not execing everytime for that either ;)
275 > Checks for new news messages should be displayed:
276 >
277 > * After an ``emerge sync``
278 > * After an ``emerge --pretend``
279 > * Before an ``emerge <target>`` (which may also include a red warning message)
280 > * Before an ``emerge --ask <target>`` sequence
282 ask is superfluous, nuke it.
284 You haven't stated how the 'package manager' will trigger the user's
285 reader of choice for these targets. Should also extend this to allow
286 a way to disable any news notices, lest someone's cronjob get hung
287 displaying news (feature or not, it's needed).
290 > The package manager must keep track of news items that have already been added
291 > to the unread list to avoid repeatedly marking a deleted news item. This could
292 > be handled via a ``news-repoid.skip`` file containing the IDs of news items that
293 > have already been added to a ``news-repoid.unread`` file, but this method is not
294 > required by this GLEP.
296 Specifics.
299 > Once a news item is marked for reading, third party tools (or traditional core
300 > Unix tools) can be used to display and view the news files.
301 >
302 > When a news item is read, its name should be removed from the
303 > ``news-repoid.unread`` file. If a news client acts as an interactive reader
304 > rather than a gateway, it should then add the name to a ````
305 > file in the same directory with the same file format.
307 implementation issue; you need locking on this. If portage has to
308 farm out to the users reader of choice, then it needs to lock the file
309 to keep readers/writers from screwing with each other.
311 Flock preferably, since it's faster then resorting to hardlink
312 trickery (yes this may be harder for shell crap, but so it goes since
313 hardlink locking sucks).
316 > News Item Removal
317 > -----------------
318 >
319 > News items can be removed (by removing the news file from the main tree) when
320 > they are no longer relevant, if they are made obsolete by a future news item or
321 > after a long period of time. This is the same as the method used for ``updates``
322 > entries.
324 implementation issue; updating unread/skip crap so it doesn't bloat is
325 required, but time frame also matters (crap sync resulting in news
326 getting removed, yet it still being valid, just missing from the local
327 tree).
329 > Integration with Existing Systems
330 > =================================
331 >
332 > It would be simple to convert these news items into the format used for news
333 > items on the Gentoo website or posts for the ``gentoo-announce`` mailing list.
334 >
335 > There is an existing automated tool [#forums-glsa]_ for posting GLSAs to the
336 > forums. A similar tool can be used for these news items.
338 Pawned it off on someone, or something you'll be doing?
340 ~harring


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-dev] glep 42 (news) round six Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@g.o>