Gentoo Archives: gentoo-embedded

From: Chuck Robey <chuckr@××××××.org>
To: gentoo-embedded@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-embedded] Using Gentoo for project
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 19:56:47
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-embedded] Using Gentoo for project by Cliff Brake
1 Cliff Brake wrote:
3 > On 6/15/06, Chuck Robey <chuckr@××××××.org> wrote:
4 >
5 >> I wanted to see if I could begin a rather long-term project to make use
6 >> of Gentoo, to create a project for ultimate installation on a Zaurus
7 >> SL-C3000 (and where I would specify a rather large amount of available
8 >> disk space). The trouble right now is, I don' know the status of Gentoo
9 >> with regards to supporting such a project (even just supplying another
10 >> project that is close to it in architecture, such as also using the
11 >> Xscale processor, or maybe allowing the QT environment and a frame
12 >> buffer).
13 >>
14 >> If Gentoo has such a project, or any project that I might use as a jump
15 >> off point, could I please get and name of this project, and a pointer
16 >> either to a tarball, or maybe a documentation web page, and what mailing
17 >> list I could use. I'm trying for extra info.
18 >>
19 >> My idea right now is to base a project upon the Pengutronix PTXdist
20 >> build environment. It's based directly upon make, and doesn't try to
21 >> build it's own build tool, which I like a lot. I don't want to solicit
22 >> help here, you folks have your own projects to work on (although I
23 >> wouldn't reject such help), so don't worry about my asking for a huge
24 >> amunt of help from you, but please, coul dyou give me some Gentoo
25 >> pointers to get me started off? The Gentoo pages themselves seem to be
26 >> very bare of pointers to any Embedded project, it seems.
27 >
28 >
29 > Someone has gentoo running on a NSLU2 which has a Xscale ARM processor
30 > -- might be a good place to start:
31 >
32 Yes, I saw this ... all the things I have seen regarding installation of
33 Gentoo into a PDA (inclduing Xscale) target, they all seem to be
34 predicated upon having the target itself to build the gentoo upon. It
35 seems that there is no way to use any sort of cross-compiling to be able
36 to generate a gentoo system... I *think* I could capure a i586 gentoo
37 system, figure out each of the binaries, and make sure my system builds
38 them Iinclduing emerge, all the portage things), and then try to just
39 copy the config files. Is that what I must do? It just seems to me
40 that someone must have tried to assemble a gentoo environment before this.
42 >
43 >
44 > I personally really like Openembedded because it has good support for
45 > cross compiling apps and contains lots of packages. Running gentoo
46 > and other distros on Xscale targets is possible, but seems hardly
47 > practical due to the very long compile times.
48 >
49 > Cliff
50 >
52 --
53 gentoo-embedded@g.o mailing list