Gentoo Archives: gentoo-embedded

From: Pierre Cassimans <kammicazze@×××××××.com>
To: gentoo-embedded@l.g.o
Subject: RE: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version 0.08
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 06:36:22
Message-Id: BAY109-F127272F175C2C952057F85CBB20@phx.gbl
In Reply to: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version 0.08 by Heath Holcomb
1 >From: Heath Holcomb <liquidcable@×××××.com>
2 >Reply-To: gentoo-embedded@l.g.o
3 >To: "'gentoo-embedded@l.g.o'" <gentoo-embedded@l.g.o>
4 >Subject: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version 0.08
5 >Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 19:19:38 -0500
6 >
7 >Version 0.08
8 >Please add, delete, modify. Thanks!
9 >
10 >Small fixes, but one very important. All work arounds are back.
11 >
12 >I've update my website with this version also.
13 >
14 >
15 >
16 >
17 >#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 ># Embedded Gentoo How-To for x86
19 >#
20 ># A how-to guide to setup a Gentoo embedded environment, you must be root.
21 ># These commands are to be run on your development system,
22 ># any x86 Gentoo Linux computer will do. The system should be fast,
23 ># to speed development. The target can be any x86 based SBC. I'm
24 ># using a Geode based SBC. Latter I'll use a Via based SBC.
25 >#
26 ># versio 0.08
27 ># 2005.8.13
28 >#
29 ># Heath Holcomb (heath at
30 ># Ned Ludd (original commands posted)
31 ># Lloyd Sargent (contributor)
32 ># Yuri Vasilevski (contributor)
33 ># Mike George (contributor)
34 ># Kammi Cazze (contributor)
35 ># Marius Schaefer (contributor)
36 >#
37 ># Definitions and Terms
38 ># system_rootfs = your regular rootfs, development computer
39 ># development_rootfs = what you use to build the embedded_rootfs
40 ># embedded_rootfs = rootfs you deploy to the target system
41 ># SBC = single board computer (here it's an x86 based)
42 >#
43 ># References
44 >#
45 >#
46 >#
47 ># Gentoo embedded mailing list (gentoo-embedded@l.g.o)
48 >#
49 >#
50 ># Overview of process (steps)
51 ># 1 - Prepare the development_rootfs from your system_rootfs
52 ># 2 - Build the development_rootfs
53 ># 3 - Build the embedded_rootfs
54 ># 4 - Build and install non-system programs to the embedded_rootfs
55 ># 5 - Build and install a kernel to the embedded_rootfs
56 ># 6 - Deploy embedded_rootfs to target
57 >#
58 >#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 >
60 >#----- Step 1 - Prepare the development_rootfs from your system_rootfs
61 >-------
62 >
63 ># You must be root.
64 >su -
65 >cd /opt
66 >
67 ># Create the development_rootfs directory.
68 ># I use i586 because of target is a Geode processor.
69 >mkdir -p /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/usr/portage
70 >
71 ># Download the latest stage 1 tarball.
72 >wget \
73 >\
74 >stage1-x86-uclibc-2005.0.tar.bz2
75 >
76 ># Untar the stage to the development_rootfs.
77 >tar -xvjpf stage1-x86-uclibc-2005.0.tar.bz2 -C
78 >/opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/
79 >
80 ># Mount the proc and portage directories to your development_rootfs.
81 ># Makes your system_rootfs's proc and portage directory available from
82 >inside
83 ># of your development_rootfs (after chrooting).
84 >mount --bind /proc /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/proc/
85 >mount --bind /usr/portage /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/usr/portage
86 >
87 ># Copy over DNS information to the development_rootfs.
88 >cp /etc/resolv.conf /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux/etc/resolv.conf
89 >
90 ># Chroot into the development_rootfs.
91 >chroot /opt/i586-gentoo-uclibc-linux /bin/bash --login
92 >
93 >
94 >#----- Step 2 - Build the development_rootfs
95 >---------------------------------
96 >
97 ># Create new environment and load variables into memory.
98 >env-update
99 >source /etc/profile
100 >
101 ># Modify make.conf file to your liking/needs.
102 >nano -w /etc/make.conf
103 ># This is for my target, Geode x86 processor.
104 >/*
105 >USE="bitmap-fonts minimal truetype-fonts mmx"
106 >CHOST="i586-gentoo-linux-uclibc"
107 >CFLAGS="-march=i586 -Os -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmx"
109 >FEATURES="buildpkg"
110 >
111 >VIDEO_CARDS="chips"
112 >UCLIBC_CPU="586MMX"
113 >*/
115 As it is a x86 howto, here are the possible values for UCLIBC_CPU:
117 386, 486, ELAN, 586, 586MMX, 686, PENTIUMII, PENTIUMIII,PENTIUM4, K6, K7,
120 For people with VIA boards, take CYRIXIII or NEHEMIAH.
122 >
123 ># Set profile to use 2.6 kernel.
124 ># The current stage uses 2.4 by default, and for most cases you are going
125 ># to want a 2.6.x kernel.
126 >cd /etc/
127 >unlink make.profile
128 >ln -s ../usr/portage/profiles/uclibc/x86 make.profile
129 >
130 ># Start the bootstrap script.
131 >cd /usr/portage/scripts
132 >./ -p -v
133 >./
134 >
135 ># Workaround - bootstraping
136 ># Failure compiling uclibc (gcc-config error: Could not run/locate "gcc")?
137 ># If you get a failure while bootstrap is compileing uclibc here are the
138 >steps
139 ># to work around the problem.
140 >gcc-config 1
141 >source /etc/profile
142 >./
143 >
144 ># Emerge the system ebuild for the development_rootfs.
145 >emerge -e system
146 >
147 ># Workaround - emerge system
148 ># During emerge -e system, python-fchksum failes complaing about
149 ># gcc-config error: Could not run/locate "i386-gentoo-linux-uclibc-gcc"
150 ># The following commands work around this problem.
151 >emerge python
152 >emerge -e system
154 I still had to do
156 USE="-sandbox" emerge -e system
158 to work around the bug with groff.
160 >
161 >#----- Step 3 - Build the embedded_rootfs
162 >------------------------------------
163 >
164 ># Create the embedded_rootfs directory.
165 >mkdir /embedded_rootfs
166 >
167 ># Emerge baselayout-lite into embedded_rootfs.
168 ># This gives your system a basic file structure.
169 ># 1.0_pre1 is the only one that is stable, right?
170 >cd /usr/portage/sys-apps/baselayout-lite/
171 >ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge baselayout-lite-1.0_pre1.ebuild
172 >
173 ># Workaround - baselayout-lite
174 ># Baselayout-lite is still beta, so a few fixes are needed.
175 ># There needs to be a directory "log" in /var.
176 ># Inittab calls for /usr/bin/tail, but it needs to /usr/bin.
177 >mkdir /embedded_rootfs/var/log
178 >nano -w /embedded_rootfs/etc/inittab
179 >/*
180 >#tty3::respawn:/usr/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages
181 >tty3::respawn:/bin/tail -f /var/log/messages
182 >*/
183 >
184 ># Emerge uclibc into the embedded_rootfs.
185 ># Use the -K option because we don't get the extra files created by the
186 ># build/emerge process into our embedded rootfs which needs to be as
187 ># small as possible.
188 >ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K uclibc
189 >
190 ># Emerge busybox into the embedded_rootfs.
191 ># First you must emerge it into your development_rootfs.
192 ># This does not create the symlinks in our development embedded rootfs.
193 >emerge busybox
194 >ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K busybox
196 Busybox is emerged with emerge -e system. Should we emerge busybox again?
198 >
199 ># Create the symlinks for busybox in the embedded_rootfs.
200 >mkdir /embedded_rootfs/proc
201 >mount -o bind /proc/ /embedded_rootfs/proc/
202 >chroot /embedded_rootfs /bin/busybox --install -s
203 >umount /embedded_rootfs/proc
204 >
205 ># Set time zone in your embedded_rootfs.
206 ># See for details.
207 ># For central standard time in the US, use "CST6CDT".
208 >nano -w /embedded_rootfs/etc/TZ
209 >/*
210 >CST6CDT
211 >*/
212 >
213 ># Install a boot loader (usually grub or lilo).
214 ># Once you copy/deploy your embedded_rootfs to your target SBC you will
215 ># have to run grub on the command line to write to the master boot record
216 ># (MBR).
217 ># For some reason not all of /boot/grub is copied over to the
218 ># embedded_rootfs, so a extra manual copy step is needed.
219 ># The --nodeps gets rip of the run time need of ncurses.
220 >emerge --nodeps grub
221 >ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K --nodeps grub
222 >cp -R /boot/grub /embedded_rootfs/boot/
223 >
224 ># Modify your boot configure file.
225 ># The example below is for a gurb, for a boot partition on /dev/hda1 and
226 >only
227 ># one partition on the target SBC system.
228 >nano -w /embedded_rootfs/boot/grub/grub.conf
229 >/*
230 >default 0
231 >timeout 10
232 >splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
233 >
234 >title=Linux 2.6.x
235 >root (hd0,0)
236 >kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.x root=/dev/hda1 vga=792
237 >*/
238 >
239 ># Set root password for the embedded_rootfs
240 >chroot /embedded_rootfs
241 >passwd
242 >rm /embedded_rootfs/etc/passwd-
243 >exit
245 Can you please check this again? See my previous post.
247 >
248 ># Modify fstab.
249 ># Below is mine, yours may vary.
250 >nano -w /embedded_rootfs/etc/fstab
251 >/*
252 >/dev/hda1 / reiserfs defaults 0 0
253 >none /proc proc defaults 0 0
254 >none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
255 >none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
256 >*/
257 >
258 ># Clean up the embedded_rootfs.
259 ># Don't know why these files are there in the first place, so if anyone
260 ># can tell me why.....
261 >rm -R /embedded_rootfs/var/db/pkg/*
262 >rm -R /embedded_rootfs/var/lib/portage/
263 >
264 >#---- Step 4 - Build and install non-system programs to the embedded_rootfs
265 >--
266 >
267 ># Emerge other software you need for you embedded target.
268 ># This is very wildly depending on your needs.
269 ># Also your proprietary application will be done here.
270 >emerge foo*
271 >ROOT=/embedded_rootfs emerge -K foo*
272 >
273 >
274 >#---- Step 5 - Build and install a kernel to the embedded_rootfs
275 >-------------
276 >
277 ># Install a kernel into embedded_rootfs.
278 ># First we will emerge it into our development_rootfs, then configure and
279 ># build it.
280 >emerge vanilla-sources
281 >cd /usr/src/
282 >cd linux
283 >make menuconfig
284 ># Configure your kernel for your TARGET SBC here. I HIGHLY suggest you
285 ># configure the kernel to compile everything into the kernel, and nothing
286 ># as a module.
287 >make
288 >ROOT=/embedded_rootfs make modules_install
289 >cp /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/bzImage
290 >/embedded_rootfs/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.x
291 >
292 ># A few notes on compiling your kernel.
293 ># If deploying to Compact Flash/DiskOnChip/SD use ext2, as the journaling
294 ># filing systems "write" to much for a flash device.
295 ># If deploying to a hard drive use a journaling filing system, such as
296 ># ext3 or reiserfs.
297 >
298 >
299 >#---- Step 6 - Deploy embedded_rootfs to target
300 >------------------------------
301 >
302 ># Prepare a Gentoo (or any Linux distro) system on the target SBC using a
303 ># harddrive. This is known as the target development rootfs.
304 ># We will create a partition (/embedded_rootfs) that will server as our
305 ># "test" partition to deploy our embedded_rootfs that we generate on our
306 ># development_system.
307 >#
308 ># I use the following partitions to speed development (yours may vary):
309 ># /dev/hda1 - /embedded_rootfs - 1 GB
310 ># /dev/hda2 - /boot - 100 MB
311 ># /dev/hda3 - swap - (size varies, 512 MB is a good number)
312 ># /dev/hda4 - / - (what is left, at least 1.5 GB per 2005.0 install guide
313 >specs)
314 >#
315 ># Copy over your embedded_rootfs from you development system to your target
316 ># system and the directory /embedded_rootfs. This needs to be done via NFS
317 >as
318 ># need to preserve the permissions.
319 >#
320 >#The following commands are done from the
321 ># target development rootfs.
322 >mount -t reiserfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/embedded_rootfs
323 >mount -t nfs\
324 >\
325 >/mnt/nfs_embedded_rootfs
326 >cp -adpR /mnt/nfs_embedded_rootfs/* /mnt/embedded_rootfs
327 >
328 >
329 ># Modify your target system's gurb.conf (or lilo.conf) for allow you to
330 >boot
331 ># to the embedded_rootfs partition.
332 >#
333 ># Reboot, and if all goes well you'll be greeted with a login prompt.
334 >#
335 ># Fin.
336 >
337 >
338 >--
339 >heath holcomb
340 >liquidcable at
341 >
342 >
343 >--
344 >gentoo-embedded@g.o mailing list
345 >
347 Pierre Cassimans
350 --
351 gentoo-embedded@g.o mailing list


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-embedded] x86 SBC Gentoo Embedded HotTo version 0.08 Natanael Copa <mlists@××××××.org>