Gentoo Archives: gentoo-project

From: Dirkjan Ochtman <djc@g.o>
To: gentoo-project@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-project] Evidence of idella4's damage to Gentoo, please
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2016 09:12:23
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-project] Evidence of idella4's damage to Gentoo, please by Daniel Campbell
1 On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 9:30 PM, Daniel Campbell <zlg@g.o> wrote:
2 > I fully concede I don't have the full picture, and a lot of the
3 > reasoning for that is it's kept so hush-hush. Naturally, my first
4 > reaction to secrecy is to find out why it's treated so specially when a
5 > lot of our affairs are left to public discourse. I'm open to new
6 > evidence and facts; any probing I've done into this subject has been met
7 > with hand-waving, which imo doesn't engender trust among us. So rather
8 > than beat around the bush, I chose to speak directly and candidly.
10 I respect that, and it's why I responded. I do think it would have
11 been better to handle this with ComRel through private channels, since
12 the larger issue appears to me that you don't trust ComRel's
13 judgement, and/or you dislike the secrecy around ComRel.
15 On the latter issue, I can understand the desire for privacy, but it
16 may also be the case that it's hard for ComRel to gain trust from the
17 broader community if they can't give a little more rationale behind
18 their decisions/reasoning. While I think we probably don't want this
19 stuff to be fully public, I think it would make sense for ComRel to
20 grant access to their documentation in specific cases where a
21 respected community member has reason to doubt a ComRel decision.
23 > I can understand a stance like that; are there bugs or a history of
24 > reversions that I can reference to corroborate this? At the core of it,
25 > there should be clear evidence that his contributions hurt or otherwise
26 > make maintaining the distribution difficult. I hope that if I were in
27 > that sort of situation, that efforts would be made to illustrate why my
28 > contributions were subpar and steps I could take to improve them in the
29 > long run. So if Ian's contributions really weren't helping us, there
30 > should be a history that indicates such.
32 There is; but I'm sorry, I have limited free time and don't really
33 want to spend it digging through emails and bugs from years ago. All I
34 wanted to state in my message that, as a somewhat impartial observer,
35 I agreed with the ComRel decision in this case. I think there are
36 other developers who would say the same, I'd be happy to name them
37 privately if you want to inquire more after this.
39 >> I respectfully but strongly disagree. Some people that are willing and
40 >> able to help can in the end turn out to be negative contributors. It
41 >> is imperative for our community that we can identify those people and
42 >> minimize their impact on the distribution both socially and
43 >> technically.
44 >
45 > I think I understand where you're coming from -- sometimes people can be
46 > toxic in their attitudes and make contributing a pain for other
47 > developers. I've not really seen any evidence of Ian being that type of
48 > person, however. Some off-color jokes that may have been in poor taste,
49 > maybe a misunderstanding or two, but that doesn't strike me as a big
50 > problem. We're a worldwide community, and naturally there may be
51 > language or cultural barriers or norms that clash. I think that's
52 > completely normal and expected. It's how we deal with those differences
53 > that gauges our social merit.
55 I'll just say I felt the same way about Ian in the beginning, but over
56 time had to admit I was wrong.
58 > If we're wanting to keep someone out -- be it Ian or someone else --
59 > *some* sort of evidence or reasoning is necessary. Evidence that shows a
60 > given person doesn't have the distribution's best interests in mind or
61 > evidence that someone can't work well with (many) others. Note the
62 > plural; sometimes two particular people just don't get along. Rather
63 > than expelling one of the two, I think it's fair to expect developers to
64 > acknowledge each others' differences but respect each other as people.
65 > If they can't respect each other, then they should be able to work on
66 > their own projects without harassing each other.
68 This just goes back to trust in ComRel, which I would argue is maybe a
69 wider/separate discussion (which could also encompass the other cases
70 you mention).
72 Cheers,
74 Dirkjan