Gentoo Archives: gentoo-releng-autobuilds

From: catalyst@×××××××××××××××××××××.org
To: releng@g.o, gentoo-releng-autobuilds@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-releng-autobuilds] [ia64-auto] Catalyst non-fatal build error - installcd-stage1.spec
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2018 13:56:17
1 Starting rsync from /home/catalyst/tmp/default/stage3-ia64-20180607T031004Z/
2 to /home/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-ia64-20180607T031004Z/ (This may take some time) ...
4 --- Running action sequence: unpack_snapshot
5 Valid snapshot cache, skipping unpack of portage tree...
6 --- Running action sequence: config_profile_link
7 Configuring profile link...
8 --- Running action sequence: setup_confdir
9 Configuring /etc/portage...
10 --- Running action sequence: portage_overlay
11 --- Running action sequence: bind
12 --- Running action sequence: chroot_setup
13 Setting up chroot...
15 Warning!!!!
16 Overriding certain env variables may cause catastrophic failure.
17 If your build fails look here first as the possible problem.
18 Catalyst assumes you know what you are doing when setting
19 these variables.
20 Catalyst Maintainers use VERY minimal envscripts if used at all
21 You have been warned
23 --- Running action sequence: setup_environment
24 --- Running action sequence: build_packages
25 Copying to /tmp
26 copying to /home/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-ia64-20180607T031004Z//tmp
27 copying to /home/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-ia64-20180607T031004Z//tmp
28 Ensure the file has the executable bit set
29 Running in chroot /home/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-ia64-20180607T031004Z/
30 >>> Regenerating /etc/
31 Updating portage with USE=""
32 emerge --quiet --usepkg --buildpkg --newuse --oneshot --update --newuse sys-apps/portage
33 emerge --quiet --usepkg --buildpkg --newuse --update --deep --newuse app-accessibility/brltty app-admin/pwgen app-admin/syslog-ng app-arch/unzip app-crypt/gnupg app-misc/screen app-portage/mirrorselect app-text/wgetpaste net-analyzer/traceroute net-dialup/mingetty net-fs/cifs-utils net-fs/nfs-utils net-irc/irssi net-misc/dhcpcd net-misc/iputils net-misc/ntp net-misc/rdate net-proxy/dante sys-apps/busybox sys-apps/ethtool sys-apps/fxload sys-apps/hdparm sys-apps/hwsetup sys-apps/iproute2 sys-apps/sdparm sys-block/parted sys-fs/cryptsetup sys-fs/dosfstools sys-fs/e2fsprogs sys-fs/jfsutils sys-fs/mdadm sys-fs/reiserfsprogs sys-fs/xfsprogs sys-libs/gpm sys-power/acpid www-client/links app-misc/livecd-tools
34 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/ncurses-6.1-r2
35 [ebuild R ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r9
36 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6.22-r1
37 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/hwdata-gentoo-0.4
38 [ebuild N ] net-dialup/mingetty-1.08-r1
39 [ebuild N ] sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2017.09.28
40 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libaio-0.3.110
41 [ebuild N ] dev-util/boost-build-1.65.0
42 [ebuild N ] app-admin/killproc-2.13-r1
43 [ebuild N ] net-analyzer/netselect-0.3-r3
44 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/ivykis-0.42.2
45 [ebuild N ] app-admin/pwgen-2.07
46 [ebuild N ] net-analyzer/traceroute-2.0.20
47 [ebuild N ] net-misc/rdate-1.4-r4
48 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/fxload-20081013-r1
49 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/hdparm-9.52
50 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/jfsutils-1.1.15
51 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/reiserfsprogs-3.6.25
52 [ebuild R ] net-libs/libmnl-1.0.4
53 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/keyutils-1.5.9-r4
54 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/zlib-1.2.11-r1
55 [ebuild R ] app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.3
56 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.7
57 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/npth-1.3
58 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libffi-3.2.1
59 [ebuild N ] media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-1.5.0
60 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.9.6-r1
61 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/file-5.32-r1
62 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/gmp-6.1.2
63 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libltdl-2.4.6
64 [ebuild N ] media-libs/libpng-1.6.34
65 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/boost-1.65.0
66 [ebuild N ] virtual/jpeg-0-r2
67 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/ethtool-4.13
68 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/busybox-1.28.0
69 [ebuild N ] app-eselect/eselect-lib-bin-symlink-0.1.1
70 [ebuild N ] app-eselect/eselect-pinentry-0.7
71 [ebuild N ] app-text/wgetpaste-2.28
72 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/readline-7.0_p3
73 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/kmod-24
74 [ebuild N ] sys-power/acpid-2.0.28
75 [ebuild R ] net-firewall/iptables-1.6.1-r3
76 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/openrc-0.34.11
77 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/sg3_utils-1.42
78 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/rescan-scsi-bus-1.57-r1
79 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/sdparm-1.10
80 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/expat-2.2.5
81 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.13-r2
82 [ebuild R ] net-libs/libtirpc-1.0.2-r1
83 [ebuild N ] net-proxy/dante-1.4.1-r1
84 [ebuild N ] net-libs/rpcsvc-proto-1.3.1-r1
85 [ebuild N ] sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.7.8
86 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/nettle-3.4
87 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/iniparser-3.1-r1
88 [ebuild N ] app-accessibility/brltty-5.2-r1
89 [ebuild N ] sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.7.0
90 [ebuild N ] net-nds/rpcbind-0.2.4-r3
91 [ebuild N ] net-fs/cifs-utils-6.7
92 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2o-r3
93 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.8
94 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libevent-2.1.8
95 [ebuild N ] net-misc/curl-7.60.0
96 [ebuild N ] net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p11
97 [ebuild N ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.7-r2
98 [ebuild N ] app-misc/screen-4.6.1
99 [ebuild N ] dev-python/idna-2.5
100 [ebuild N ] dev-python/PySocks-1.6.7
101 [ebuild N ] dev-python/six-1.11.0
102 [ebuild N ] dev-python/pyasn1-0.2.3
103 [ebuild N ] dev-python/chardet-3.0.4
104 [ebuild N ] dev-python/asn1crypto-0.24.0
105 [ebuild N ] dev-python/enum34-1.1.6
106 [ebuild N ] dev-python/ply-3.9
107 [ebuild N ] dev-python/ipaddress-1.0.19
108 [ebuild N ] virtual/python-ipaddress-1.0-r1
109 [ebuild N ] dev-python/pycparser-2.14
110 [ebuild N ] dev-python/cffi-1.11.4
111 [ebuild N ] dev-python/cryptography-2.1.4-r1
112 [ebuild N ] dev-python/pyopenssl-17.5.0
113 [ebuild N ] dev-python/ndg-httpsclient-0.4.0
114 [ebuild N ] dev-python/urllib3-1.22
115 [ebuild N ] dev-python/requests-2.18.4
116 [ebuild N ] dev-python/ssl-fetch-0.4
117 [ebuild N ] net-misc/dhcpcd-7.0.1
118 [ebuild N ] net-dns/libidn2-2.0.4
119 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libtasn1-4.13
120 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.30.2-r1
121 [ebuild R ] sys-fs/eudev-3.2.5
122 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/mdadm-3.4
123 [ebuild N ] virtual/libudev-232
124 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/pciutils-3.4.1
125 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/dosfstools-4.0-r1
126 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.47-r2
127 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/popt-1.16-r2
128 [ebuild N ] sys-libs/libkudzu-
129 [ebuild N ] sys-apps/hwsetup-1.2-r3
130 [ebuild R ] sys-apps/acl-2.2.52-r1
131 [ebuild R ] virtual/acl-0-r2
132 [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gettext-
133 [ebuild R ] sys-libs/e2fsprogs-libs-1.43.9
134 [ebuild R ] sys-devel/binutils-2.30-r2
135 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.27-r1
136 [ebuild N ] dev-util/dialog-1.3.20170131
137 [ebuild N ] net-libs/gnutls-3.5.18
138 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/xfsprogs-4.14.0
139 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/elfutils-0.170-r1
140 [ebuild R ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.43.9
141 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.8.1
142 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libassuan-2.5.1
143 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.145-r2
144 [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libksba-1.3.5-r1
145 [ebuild N ] app-portage/mirrorselect-2.2.3
146 [ebuild N ] net-fs/nfs-utils-2.3.1-r3
147 [ebuild N ] app-misc/livecd-tools-2.4
148 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.32
149 [ebuild N ] app-crypt/pinentry-1.0.0-r2
150 [ebuild N ] sys-block/parted-3.2-r1
151 [ebuild N ] sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.7.5
152 [ebuild R ] dev-libs/glib-2.52.3
153 [ebuild N ] app-crypt/gnupg-2.2.4-r2
154 [ebuild N ] dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.23
155 [ebuild N ] app-admin/syslog-ng-3.13.2
156 [ebuild N ] net-irc/irssi-1.0.7
157 [ebuild N ] www-client/links-2.14-r1
159 The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
160 (see "package.use" in the portage(5) man page for more details)
161 # required by dev-python/cryptography-2.1.4-r1::gentoo
162 # required by dev-python/urllib3-1.22::gentoo
163 # required by dev-python/requests-2.18.4::gentoo
164 # required by dev-python/ssl-fetch-0.4::gentoo
165 # required by app-portage/mirrorselect-2.2.3::gentoo
166 # required by app-portage/mirrorselect (argument)
167 >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2o-r3 -bindist
169 Use --autounmask-write to write changes to config files (honoring
170 CONFIG_PROTECT). Carefully examine the list of proposed changes,
171 paying special attention to mask or keyword changes that may expose
172 experimental or unstable packages.
174 !!! catalyst: Error in attempt to build packages
177 Traceback (most recent call last):
178 File "modules/", line 1403, in build_packages
179 "Error in attempt to build packages",env=self.env)
180 File "/usr/lib/catalyst/modules/", line 541, in cmd
181 raise CatalystError,myexc
182 CatalystError
183 None
185 !!! catalyst: livecdbuild aborting due to error.
187 Traceback (most recent call last):
188 File "/usr/lib/catalyst/catalyst", line 218, in build_target
190 File "modules/", line 1304, in run
191 apply(getattr(self,x))
192 File "modules/", line 1408, in build_packages
193 "build aborting due to error."
194 CatalystError
195 !!! catalyst: Error encountered during run of target livecd-stage1
196 Catalyst aborting....
197 lockfile does not exist '/home/catalyst/tmp/default/livecd-stage1-ia64-20180607T031004Z/.catalyst_lock'
198 Command exited with non-zero status 1
199 46.37user 5.82system 1:08.03elapsed 76%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 88096maxresident)k
200 0inputs+0outputs (0major+60241minor)pagefaults 0swaps
204 Full build log at /tmp/catalyst-auto.20180607T031004Z.Z4fT2f/log/installcd-stage1.log