Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: Daniel Campbell <zlg@g.o>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Re: from Firefox52: NO pure ALSA?, WAS: Firefox 49.0 & Youtube... Audio: No
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2016 09:03:54
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-user] Re: from Firefox52: NO pure ALSA?, WAS: Firefox 49.0 & Youtube... Audio: No by ""
1 On 12/16/2016 06:04 PM, Taiidan@×××.com wrote:
2 > Thoughts:
3 > Pulseaudio, ahavi, systemd, etc, any and all pottering products - it
4 > really makes me wonder as to why the developers of every major distro
5 > suddenly all at once forced them all a community that didn't want or
6 > need them, with no easy way to disable them.
7 >
8 > Firefox is a browser made by those who are all too willing to compromise
9 > their morals for profit (ads on newtab, google tracking software, pocket
10 > and telefonia integration, not even as an addon just simply no way to
11 > remove them), it is long overdue for a major fork. (gnu icecat exists,
12 > but it needs more developers to be a real fork)
13 >
14 > It reminds me of facebook, with each and every update there is yet
15 > another obscure security/privacy setting or change that a power-user
16 > needs to fiddle with...
17 >
19 It generally comes down to convenience for a lot of maintainers.
20 Apparently some maintainers (mostly Arch and Debian) had a lot of
21 problems with the older software and would rather Embrace what was new
22 than maintain what was old. Others choose to go with the new thing so
23 they can close a bunch of old bugs or get rid of what they consider 'bad
24 code'... by replacing it with newer and (at the time) untested code.
25 Their time, their rules, I suppose. But I don't buy into that.
27 Additionally, at least one of the projects you listed were actively
28 suggested and peddled to the greater community. I won't go into
29 conspiracy stuff since you really don't need to; the facts are damning
30 enough:
32 * Poettering and his followers have actively pushed for systemd to be
33 default init on distributions. This is evidenced by Lennart's joining of
34 the GNOME Foundation and suggesting that systemd be a dependency of
35 GNOME back in 2011 [1], and followed of course by Fedora, Red Hat, and
36 SuSE, given his ties to others in those communities.
38 * One particular follower caused a lot of drama on Debian's mailing list
39 a while back, [2] derailing it into systemd-pushing. Said conduct was
40 *congratulated* and *encouraged* by Mr. Poettering on Google+. [3]
42 * There was a culture change at Arch after Aaron Griffin took the helm.
43 Whatever happened during the time between Judd's stepping down (Oct 1st,
44 2007) and systemd being pushed onto user machines (August of 2012 iirc),
45 it resulted in a few Arch developers gaining commit access to the main
46 systemd repository [4] and the general treatment of Fedora and Red Hat
47 as primary upstream by Arch.
49 Sources:
50 [1]
52 [2]
53 [3]
55 (Ctrl+F "debian-devel"; from Dec 19th 2012)
56 [4]
57 "falconindy" -> Dave Reisner
61 "tomegun" -> Tom Gundersen
65 (cross-referenced from
66 . As such, it
67 does not count merge-commits, which are irrelevant to this claim.)
69 ---
71 (Everything laid out above is factual, with credible sources. No libel
72 or slander is intended in this e-mail. It is meant solely for
73 informative purposes. My opinion is below, and does not reflect Gentoo
74 policy or goals whatsoever.)
76 And again, because someone will inevitably cry foul and not read:
80 Some people don't think software evangelism or peddling is bad. They're
81 entitled to that opinion. I personally find it horribly myopic, and
82 would rather a piece of software stand on its own merits, without a
83 marketing team trying to get people to use it. The push for these pieces
84 of software (all written by one particular guy...ain't that funny?)
85 stands out from the typical libre software projects (Random examples:
86 cgit, fluxbox, pelican, Tox), who at most get one large announcement and
87 maybe a few reblogs. Some may argue it's because these projects have a
88 good media team. I think evangelism taints software and detracts from
89 its merit. There's a fine line between "awareness" and "propaganda", and
90 it's important to walk it carefully.
92 These days, systemd evangelism is somewhat dead, unless you're a new
93 distro. Instead, the angle du jour is to court application makers and
94 figure out what they want to see in Pulse or systemd or whatever, then
95 put it in so the application developer will use it. Users are then
96 forced to adopt the packages or go without the program that they need
97 and/or use. This was attempted with kdbus (to force udev to run with
98 systemd -- good thing we forked it!), which has gone back to the drawing
99 board, and has been very effective with pulse (Steam, Skype, OBS Studio,
100 now Firefox...) This is a very shrewd practice that works on the
101 socially or politically unaware, and doubly so when combined with their
102 "technical or nothing" outlook on community.
104 Any person -- user or developer -- who chooses to ignore the world
105 around them in favor of the computer screen in front of them is missing
106 the rest of the libre software picture. It's all powered by people, and
107 every project will unavoidably have both its technical and its social
108 merit tested at some point or another. Ignoring it (or worse, forbidding
109 it) shows a distinct lack of maturity and introspection, imo. This
110 applies to both technical and social, though obviously I'm talking about
111 social merit, which fewer projects get right.
113 I currently run Pulse because OBS Studio requires it if you're going to
114 stream output *and* input; a use case that's possible with ALSA but docs
115 are scant on doing it right. A lot of people don't realize that Pulse is
116 actually on top of -- and requires -- ALSA. Have you tried using
117 media-sound/apulse with the new Firefox build(s)? I had a lot of success
118 with it when I was still purely ALSA; I'd like to return to that, if
119 only to send a message that homogenization agendas aren't welcome on my
120 machines. Just keep in mind that it (apulse) was meant solely for Skype.
121 The fact that it runs with other programs is just a bonus (or it
122 demonstrates how easily Pulse can be replaced and shim'd... depending on
123 your outlook).
125 As for Firefox, I don't really need sound in it. I use (and maintain,
126 full disclosure!) media-video/smtube and it works really well, though
127 I've only tested it on youtube so far. There's also net-misc/youtube-dl
128 if you want to hold onto videos for later. It supports more than
129 youtube, too! Should there ever be a hard dependency on Pulse, I'll
130 reject it and find some other browser project. I've been drifting away
131 from the Web for a year or two now, so I won't personally miss out on
132 much if I stop using Firefox (except the myriad security problems that
133 come with a browser + JS). The browser space is long overdue for some
134 competition. I'll gladly try out alternatives.
136 Sorry for the essay. I've discussed the subject a lot in the past and
137 hope that whatever others choose for their software, they choose *after*
138 investigating the situation and learning more. That way, they're making
139 the decision for themselves instead of following others. systemd is just
140 one choice among many, and I'm proud to be part of a distribution that
141 respects and enables user choice. I wouldn't have become a developer
142 otherwise.
143 --
144 Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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