Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: Grant <emailgrant@×××××.com>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] wireless access point setup - bridging vs. routing (Was: Atheros kernel driver)
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 02:10:12
In Reply to: [gentoo-user] wireless access point setup - bridging vs. routing (Was: Atheros kernel driver) by Stroller
1 >>>> I've almost got this working, but I don't know what to include in the
2 >>>> /etc/conf.d/hostapd INTERFACES variable since I don't have a br0
3 >>>> device or configuration.  Do I need one?  If I leave INTERFACES empty
4 >>>> and I don't start net.wlan0, I don't have a way to define the IP
5 >>>> address for the AP, and shorewall's "loc" zone is empty because
6 >>>> net.wlan0 hasn't started.
7 >>>
8 >>> What do you want to do with your accesspoint. You will need a bridge to a
9 >>> wired network if you want your ap attached to that wired network. This is
10 >>> quite usual though...
11 >>> Without a bridge to a wired network, only the wlan systems are connected
12 >>> and
13 >>> can not connect to your wired systems.
14 >>
15 >> That's no problem, I'm OK with keeping eth1 and wlan0 separate.  Right
16 >> now I just want to get wlan0 working.  Do you know how to do that?  I
17 >> can't start net.wlan0 because it chokes on master mode, so I don't
18 >> know how to specify an IP for the AP or how to fill shorewall's "loc"
19 >> zone as that is normally filled by net.wlan0.
20 >
21 > Hi there,
22 >
23 > I haven't used Shorewall, but for this you probably want to use bridging. I
24 > fear that may not be available in Shorewall's UI.
25 >
26 > I originally wrote <>,
27 > but that was some years ago now. It has had many contributions since, but I
28 > have no idea if it's up to date.
29 >
30 > Anyway, using the "simple NAT-forwarding setup" described in that article
31 > (surely possible in Shorewall) the wireless laptop can access the internet
32 > and wired PCs on the LAN. However it is not possible for wired PCs to (say)
33 > browse to file shares on the laptop without port-forwarding - because you
34 > use a NAT, you have exactly the same problem as accessing your home-server
35 > from the office.
36 >
37 > Bridging brings the wireless clients *seamlessly* into the wired LAN - they
38 > behave exactly like the wired clients do. One can install Apache on the
39 > wireless laptop and immediately connect to it from a wired PC. This is how
40 > all standalone ADSL wireless routers (eg Netgear DG834G) operate.
41 >
42 > I can't be of much practical help, as I have for some time been using a Fon
43 > access-point, which is plugged into a network switch near my desk and which
44 > gives me NATted wifi. It works, but I sure do miss teleportd
45 > <>, which is crippled without
46 > bridging.
47 >
48 > Stroller.
50 Thanks Stroller. I'm into bridging eth1 and wlan0, but the truth is I
51 don't even have an eth1 right now, although I plan to in the future.
52 When I get eth1 going I'll bridge em for sure.
54 - Grant