Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: thegeezer <thegeezer@×××××××××.net>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Secure DNS servers
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 20:26:27
In Reply to: [gentoo-user] Re: Secure DNS servers by James
1 On 06/16/2014 08:57 PM, James wrote:
2 > Michael Orlitzky <mjo <at>> writes:
3 >
4 >> On 06/16/2014 02:15 PM, James wrote:
5 >>> Hello,
6 >>>
7 >>> I'm reading up on how to secure DNS primary and secondary servers.
8 >>> I guess DNSSEC is pretty important. Any other areas I should read
9 >>> up on? It's been a few years since I admin'd a dns server....
10 >> The benefits of DNSSEC are debatable. We're moving the centralized trust
11 >> from one group of scumbags (the CAs) to another group of scumbags (the
12 >> registrars). So the benefits to authentication are not entirely clear-cut.
13 except for the preventions of dns injection/ spoof floods
14 >> But, DNSSEC will eventually allow us to do away with the SSL racket, and
15 >> that can only improve security through the widespread adoption of
16 >> encryption. So it's a good thing either way.
17 > Sven's also into "selinux". I see no selinux policies or rules. Maybe
18 > I should drop him a line about selinux related to dns primary servers?
19 > Surely a selinux policy for a primary only selinux dns server would
20 > been keen? Not needed ? Overkill ?
21 how paranoid are you?
22 are you using SSL and fear the heartbleed will appear here too?
23 > I was going to read up a bit, before asking him questions I should
24 > have discovered from robust research on the subject......
25 >
26 >
27 >
28 >>> The iptables suggests seem trite and old.
29 >> Which suggestion? For a DNS server, you probably want something like,
30 >>
31 >> iptables -P INPUT DROP
32 >> iptables -A INPUT -p ALL -i lo -j ACCEPT
33 >> iptables -A INPUT -p ALL -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
34 >> -j ACCEPT
35 >> iptables -A INPUT -p ALL -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP
36 >> # Allow SSH, up to you
37 >> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
38 >> # And allow DNS traffic
39 >> iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
40 >> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
41 how secure do you need this to be? how about
43 iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --sport 53 -j ACCEPT
44 iptables -A OUTPUT DROP
45 in case your machine gets hacked ?
46 do you control all the clients connecting to the DNS ? then disable UDP
47 dns which is what the entire world uses, and then you can much more
48 easily control spoof flood amplification
49 >
50 > Ah, you've added to this iptables listing:
51 >
52 >
53 >
54 >
55 > So, I am looking for a minimal listing of flags that is sufficient
56 > for a dns primary server, ssh and only necessary other services
57 > (make.conf).
58 it all depends on where the balance lays for you. do you have a text
59 only requirement for dns and no ssl ?
60 do you require ldap support or ip6 ?
61 a minimal set for ISC BIND i think is nothing -- you can boot minimal
62 gentoo and websync and emerge net-dns/bind
63 a minimal gentoo running bind can easily fit with into a couple of GB
64 (or nothing with PXE boot) and 256MB RAM so you can have a hundred boxes
65 working in tandem.
66 assuming of course you have very small zones to load
67 >
68 > I'm thinking there should be tremendously reduced set of C libraries
69 > so as to remove potential issues found on other services, or a
70 > secure, blessed C library commonly used for ultra tight servers.
71 you might also like to consider looking at embedded setups or
72 alternative to glibc such as uclibc but this is a little offtopic.
73 > I was also thinking of not mounting some partitions rw, but r only
74 > so a manual reboot would be need to modify settings critical to
75 > security on the primary server. Good idea? Other similar ideas?
76 >
77 A wise idea, but then you are trading off manageability for security.
78 ah security, the eternal balance, and only you can know where the
79 tipping point lies.