Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: james <garftd@×××××××.net>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-dev] Re: Please stay on-topic.
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2016 20:25:09
In Reply to: Please stay on-topic. (was: Re: Thread moving to -nfp LIST [Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentooo 501(c) accounting]) by "Andreas K. Huettel"
1 On 12/08/2016 02:15 PM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
3 > Hash: SHA512
4 >
5 > Am Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2016, 15:08:17 schrieb james:
6 >> On 12/07/2016 04:39 PM, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
7 >>> On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 04:01:53PM -0500, james wrote:
8 >>>> Can you cross post to gentoo-dev? I'm not subscribed to that list.
9 >>>> Should not a wider community, particularly devs be part of the
10 >>>> discussion?
11 >>>
12 >>> Please DO subscribe.
13 >>
14 >> Nope. I strongly believe that if your wider dev community had a deeper
15 >> understanding of the responsibility chain...
16 > <snip>
17 >
18 > Even if I'm repeating myself... Please keep the mailing lists on topic.
20 Problems caused by gentoo developer behaviors, are "on topic" for this
21 list. Your position only serves to obfuscate remedies.
24 > While the topics of gentoo-project are widespread, conspiracy theories and US
25 > politics are definitely not on-topic here.
28 And this sort of analysis is at the heart of why Gentoo is going to be
29 categorized, as a "Boys Club" or a "tax dodge" or a "Fiefdom in the eyes
30 of the IRS. The Gentoo Code of Conduct is quintessentially important to
31 future viability of the distro. The devs all need to hear about these
32 issues. Read on and you will see an action plan, the reasons for it and
33 bit more detail, for those that require a bit more anecdotal evidence.
34 Satisfactory resolution can not be achieved by the Council, nor the
35 Foundation. It must be embraced by the wider gentoo dev community. In
36 fact remedies proposed here can be implemented by a hand full of astute
37 devs, should their convictions diverge from the council or foundation.
38 Therefore, this is a paramount issue for those with dev status and those
39 of us that have been participating with gentoo for quite a few years and
40 have first hand witnessed these dev-induced malfeasant actions.
44 *please listen* and we can save this distro from the fiefdom of
45 constrained control, largely made possible by the dev community and the
46 senior (privileged) devs whom also have a tainted history with Gentoo.
47 Many senior devs have "clean hands" as we all know. Gentoo is not alone,
48 there is, Alpine linux, now the fiefdom of Docker, and the linux
49 kernel project are both viable candidates too, for scrutiny. In fact
50 there are many charity-tech organizations (particularly 501(c) which
51 can be portrayed as not being open but merely tax-avoidance schemes;
52 this effects us all, deeply.
55 > Also, to confirm what robbat2 suggested, Gentoo Foundation organizational
56 > questions including how to deal with the IRS (should that even be discussed on
57 > a publicly archived list?) find their best audience on the nfp list.
59 This can all be cleaned up. But decisive action needs to occur. Just
60 read on or lodge your complaints with the Council if you feel the need.
63 > After all, whoever wants to participate can subscribe there, and whoever
64 > doesn't subscribe there probably doesn't *want* to hear about it.
66 Where are you statistics? Let's hold a vote and ask gentoo-users to
67 participate, if they like. A move to silence would be very interesting
68 as a point of argument against your position. Perhaps Mr. Robbins can
69 weigh on his experiences and perspectives? Other, bitter devs that have
70 left? Countless others that have been mistreated (at least in their
71 eyes) during their attempted journey to dev status?
74 SO::
76 Only three things need to occur, to fix this mess. The past is not a
77 problem, if when confronted with the truth the distro leaders take
78 significant corrective actions. Converting what accounting records are
79 known to gnucash, is trivial. So here are (3) actionable steps that can
80 be achieved in short order and some of the reasons from the IRS point of
81 view as to why they are of timely, actionable significance.
84 (1) A GLEP that expedites and makes forking gentoo, relative as easy as
85 possible.
87 (2) An easy and straightforward method(s) to install gentoo. Stage-4,
88 CD, ansible, ignition etc etc.
90 (3) A documented pathway to become a dev on gentoo, with all
91 requirements, tests and re-testing documented fairly and applied to all,
92 new devs and existing devs alike.
96 Why (1):: This allows most anyone be a gentoo dev. Lots of viable forks
97 can be a home for learning, training and development of a wide diversity
98 of different levels on technical competence, demonstrated by
99 successfully being 'a gentoo or gentoo-fork developer'. Technologies
100 like Java, could easily be supported should they choose to allow
101 non-sources into the ebuild process, for their gentoo-forked-distro.
102 Each fork can have their own dev rules. Anyone can fork gentoo and the
103 master of that fork, manages that gentoo-sub-culture as they deem
104 reasonable. Migration to dev-proper, can be a more difficult pathway,
105 but needs to be open and fair. Training is conducted in the forks; one
106 fork could be just for training for those seeking dev-status in
107 gentoo-proper. Seriously, being a dev is no big deal. The quintessential
108 quality or skill, is knowing which ebuilds to monkey with which ebuilds
109 to leave alone.
111 This enables (by active promotion) any individual, corporation or
112 business to benefit from a deployment of gentoo or a customized version
113 of gentoo, just like a privileged few corporations have benefited
114 (google, CoreOS etc). Without many companies at least testing and some
115 using gentoo, Gentoo is mostly a fiefdom of certain companies. This is
116 evidenced by the history of devs that work at these companies and have
117 been or currently are gentoo devs. It's back-channel control, evidenced
118 by irc and other venues where only certain folks can listen. Since we
119 can assume the IRS and various other governmental agencies, and some
120 private companies like google, pretty much have every bit and byte of
121 gentoo's history logged; let's not pretend that the past is some big
122 unknown. It is hidden and camouflaged from the public, particularly the
123 older issues and evidence streams, but that's really not a problem, once
124 lawyers get involved. Much is publically available too. It's just how
125 things occurred.
127 Forking Gentoo just opens up and encourages all to benefit from 100%
128 source builds, gentoo style.
132 Why (2):: When the IRS looks at gentoo, the most common tool and metric
133 they'll use is "What do the other charities in this category do?"
135 Statistically, linux distros have 'an automated or semi-automated'
136 installation. Since gentoo has had many, including stage-4, CD and usb
137 and such, it can be viewed as a vindictive policy that only serves to
138 block others while creating a control mechanism to the point of
139 exclusion. The current artificial barriers to installation, aka "follow
140 the handbook" will be viewed by discerning eyes as a significant
141 and unnecessary obstruction to wider public use. Any dev can make
142 arguments as the virtues of a painful, manual install, but economically
143 it is an unnecessary blocker or a recalcitrant hindrance to progress and
144 that is one of easy pathways to justify re-classification of gentoo, as
145 a fiefdom. A lack of easy installation semantics, is intentional,
146 destructive, and economically disadvantages small companies and most
147 individuals from the wonderful benefits of Gentoo. In the eyes of the
148 IRS, a fiefdom is often more serious than a known "criminal enterprise".
149 If you do not believe me, find a retired IRS agent and ask them in their
150 experiences, what the IRS does to a fiefdom, masquerading as a charity?
154 WHY (3):: Update the exam every (2) years and require all devs take the
155 exam to re-qualify. Publish the old exams and correct answers, once the
156 exams are updated. It's about ensuring a basic knowledge base and should
157 be allowed to be re-taken, without restriction until correct. IRC is
158 vindictive and there are numerous cases where than can easily be
159 established by the legal community as corrosive, at best, to those that
160 are the victims. That's why everybody else has written exams, once they
161 have been sued (in the corporate world). Linux distros live in a
162 different world and no doubt many enjoying the benefits of 501(c)
163 status, and have many of the same types of problems as Gentoo.
167 The dev community is constrained and undocumented as to how to become a
168 dev., historically. Immediately create a written exam that is all one
169 has to pass be a gentoo dev and combine that with other reasonable
170 requirements and a few ebuilds created from scratch. Require all devs to
171 take the written exam, on a bi-annual basis. As many retries as
172 necessary to pass should the exam should be generously available. New
173 EAPI skills are just one temporal development that should be the target
174 of the dev exams. Dev status should be about a fair and open assessment
175 of skills and historical accomplishments (your body of ebuild works).
176 The current irc-oral-nighmare examination is merely a prejudicial
177 blocker (ask an attorney) that can be and has been applied subjectively.
178 There is nothing wrong with posting the questions and answers to
179 previous exams; in fact that should be routine. Being a gentoo dev, to
180 be legally fair, should be about obtaining a certification, much like
181 RHEL or Cisco or other relevant technical standards. Right now, it a
182 boys club, that can easily be viewed as a significant and unnecessary
183 'cost barrier to entry' to an extraordinarily valuable fiefdom.
186 CoreOS is little more than binary gentoo, with a few slick management
187 tools, although I guessing they'd beg to differ. It's easy to install
188 and easier to manage, with our without a formal business relationship. I
189 like CoreOS, I think it's great. But my point is they have automated
190 installation, and share those codes. So Gentoo's position on making it
191 so dam convoluted to install and refusing to offer any form of simple,
192 CD based install, is extremely prejudicial to new folks interested in
193 the power of gentoo. That is the essence of a fiefdom. We have
194 assimilated a wide variety of CoreOS ebuilds into gentoo, to lower their
195 cost of ebuild management, one could argue. But the complete set of
196 CoreOS ebuilds required to bring gentoo up to commercial viability has
197 intentionally been not supported. Just go read about CoreOS's "ignition"
198 or "bare-metal" it's a robust method to install from bare metal, before
199 systemd or other init system commitments have to be instantiated.
200 Simply brilliant and totally awesome!
202 One could argue that systemd is being promoted as an additional false
203 blocker on gentoo and the wider linux distros. This "favoring of
204 systemd" when the rank and file users of gentoo favor anything but
205 systemd, only furthers the arguments of collusion between distro and
206 linux kernel blockers to competition. Before you argue, show me the
207 cluster codes and the wiki pages within gentoo, and detail how to build
208 a Gentoo cluster, that does not rely on Systemd. I do not wish to argue
209 systemd at the gentoo level, but do wish to include systemd policy at
210 the linux-kernel-level as a blocker to free and open competition from
211 traditional Open source /linux/uinx. In the entire history of linux
212 there has never been such an orchestrated and contrive and required
213 piece of linux kernel code, that violates so many historical semantics
214 of both linux and open source as systemd. CHOICE, the mantra of FOSS
215 and linux is being severely and artificially constrained by the
216 commercial interests behind systemd. The uptake of systemd is the
217 smoking gun of evidence that many tech projects, proclaiming to be
218 charities are, in deed, a ruse for constrained, monopolistic behavior,
219 orchestrated by the few that have beneficial relationships with specific
220 corporations. It's not speculation it is the basis of valid economic
221 arguments that can be use by the IRS, in the name of taxation, Homeland
222 security, and in the name of a national security threat. Any number of
223 hungry lawyers that just need a payday can participate. So this tainted
224 behavior by the linux kernel folks now infects most linux distros and it
225 is anti-competive at best and most likely monopolistic and vindictive,
226 were it to be litigated fully. Luckily, I'm not sure the new
227 administration has the talent to litigate or resolve this sort of
228 monopolistic behavior. The fact that such actions can bring in billions
229 of dollars to the federal treasury, well, I'm not so sure that's not of
230 extreme interest to the new leaders of the IRS.
236 Now any senior Gentoo dev and the council may classify this next part as
237 "conspiracy theory" but it's not. It's reality and it does effect all of
238 the gentoo linux community, the wider linux user folks and 501(c)
239 organizations that use or are integral to the linux community::
241 The new administration is going to need billions/trillions of dollars to
242 finance the rebuilding of American industry (fact). The IRS is their
243 chief agent to "bring in the revenues" (fact). The IRS can reclassify
244 the linux kernel project, as a tax dodge, a fiefdom and a threat to
245 national security, for a large array of previous "sins". (needs to be
246 proven, but the way the IRS works, they "squeeze" but one company, the
247 word get's and the deal cutting commences in a fury-rush to settle) (so
248 FACT). This "squeeze" automatically makes any number of Large
249 Corporations, around the world, tax liable (fact) and motivated to
250 appease the new leadership team (we shall see).
252 Many global corps will sell out to cut a quick deal, and pay all sorts
253 of fees, penalties and back taxes to cover the value of what the linux
254 kernel has done for their product sales. I.E. they pay the linux kernel
255 taxes on behave of their interest and gains for using a tax-dodge like
256 the linux-kernel. There will be a rush to move industry back to the US.
257 Trump has to do very little, other than grant audiences and take victory
258 laps, as he chooses. Naturally, Trump, being a deal maker will bring
259 back millions of jobs and thousands of manufacturing facilities to US
260 controlled soil. This return is strategic to national defense, so even
261 what's left of the establishment-corrupted-republicans are going to have
262 to get on-board (speculation), they'll be allowed to funnel some
263 proceeds to the DoD, as is always the goal of establishment republicans.
264 Democrats will be glad and supportive as jobs for their constituents
265 will also be in the mix of benefits.
267 Likewise Brexit, Italy, china and others will smartly-rush to complete
268 their industrial bases and local markets so all the world will prosper.
269 Those H1B visas folks here in the US, dude, international VCs and
270 Globalist organizations are all going to start a rigorous recruitment of
271 that talent, so as to build up their home nations. India reigns supreme
272 here, but all will look to incentivize those H1B folks to return home
273 and enjoy commercial prosperity and be part of their own, national
274 resurgence. Trump will champion the prosperity rights of those H1B visa
275 folks that return home asap and their homeland governments will join in
276 to, welcoming home those H1B visa folks, many which have been abused by
277 global corporations while here in the US.
279 The world shall proper, without limit, and 'Trump the Chump' ( propular
280 Democratic chant) then becomes hailed as 'Trump the Champ' of human
281 rights and prosperity for all peoples around the world. Yes the global
282 elites will pay some new taxes (to their designation home country) but
283 they'll financially heal up, just fine, and peace will flourish around
284 the globe. Can you imagine how Pakistan and Iran and others will prosper
285 when most of their smartest citizens return home to start new
286 businesses? America will prosper mightily too, probably the most, as
287 deep patriotism rebound and economic prosperity is had, but all.
288 There is more than sufficient talent and new talent available, despite
289 the BS that TECH purpots, right here now in American. Numerous experts
290 have kept tabs on the numbers of STEM college kids, who are US citizens,
291 that are routinely discriminated against for jobs. Fully one half of
292 them never get stem jobs. California has class about lawsuit against
293 quite a few TECH giants for discrimination against older (particularly
294 white-male) workers. Stupid hyperbole like "goolyness" is the defense.
296 A Tsunami is coming in that direction, once it is branded a "national
297 defense" issue. TECHs intentional efforts to marginalize millions of
298 American Citizens, is not going to play well with the new leaders of the
299 IRS. (fact and already a deep promise). And yes a forkable gentoo, can
300 and should lead the charge of global tech prosperity. In fact, Gentoo is
301 uniquely positioned to be in a position of leadership. Do you have any
302 idea of the millions and millions of dollars in government program
303 grants that are going to be available to those 'charities' that assist
304 the new administration ? Prosperity and nationalism for all nations,
305 despite what academics and globalist say, is going to very, very good
306 for middle class folks and wise, fleet-footed business leaders.
309 The history of the linux kernel project is littered with dead companies,
310 many because they could not get their devices to be supported by the
311 linux kernel project. Regardless of reason, all of those technical
312 arguments will not hold up in a court of law, because
313 most of the kernel is optional; just don't compile in those sources
314 you do not like. Do no harm. Dirt simple, economically. Blockers,
315 regardless of good intentions, standards, or whatever, have
316 disadvantaged companies to the tune of billions and billions of dollars.
317 Some filtering might be justifiable, but a large amount of what has
318 occurred, was baseless and destructive to competition. Other
319 corporations did the exact same thing and it was blessed and included
320 in the sources. The linux kernel project is ripe for labeling as any
321 number of disruptive, noncompetitive or national security threats.
324 The IRS, and any number of agencies can pierce this 'holy vial' of
325 economic hippocracy, with trivial effort, because legally all you have
326 to do is find one example, historically, where one company did something
327 and others were not allow the same opportunity and the entire hoax is
328 legally exposed. Corporate American and many international companies
329 have been "doodling the linux kernel" for a long time to their
330 competitive advantage over other competing companies. It continues on
331 today:: here is a prime example where it can be argued that Intel and
332 Nvidia are the economic beneficiaries of blocking AMD [1] as a
333 competitor, via verbiage and hubris that others have been allow to
334 orchestrate. If I were AMD, I'd go public, go legal and to Home Land
335 Security and start pleading their case. This clearly shows deception as
336 blatant economic discrimination by the linux-kernel-folks. Just make
337 it modular, for now, and AMD can use profits from the sale of equipment,
338 to hire folks to do things as 'the brain trust' at the linux kernel so
339 demand. As a blocker, AMD will be burdened and unnecessarily delayed, so
340 Intel and Nvidia continue to prosper in an unfair and unreasonably
341 contrived deception.
344 The linux kernel project is the 'one stop shop' Where Trump/Pence have
345 most of the tech industry, "by the balls". And it is known in keen
346 circles as such. That's why "TECH" is already the "bitch" of the ICEMAN.
347 Unknown is the size and methods of relief that shall be extracted. If
348 Trumps fails the citizens on fixing jobs and manufacturing and the
349 nation, then he'll be a one-term president. Trump needs revenue and
350 squeezing TECH is his best most fair alternative. After all, TECH, under
351 Obama have paid a tiny fraction, of what they should have paid in taxes,
352 while many other industries where heavily tax and regulated into oblivion.
355 Trump/Pense are the GoodCop/ICEMAN team and they are looking to clean
356 things up a bit and bring in revenue to fund a more equitably and
357 distributed industrial base in American. TECH, has run afoul. TECH,
358 particularly the purveyors of the Internet, went to ridiculous extremes
359 to defeat Trump/Pense in the election and they lost. There is a
360 house-cleaning coming, including the civil rights violations of many
361 American by TECH. The new government is going to get cart-blanche
362 permission to violate citizen's privacy, for national-security reasons
363 only, but TECH's days are numbered. All of this will either be embraced
364 by TECH (the wise ones that read the tea-leafs) or by the IRS and
365 Homeland Security, as part of a cleaning up of the IoT industries that
366 have become a national security threat and a haven for nefarious
367 activists. Home much of the illegal and nefarious activities of the IoT
368 Bots has ended up in the databases of TECH? Somebody has to pay, and
369 TECH has deep pockets, that mostly support democrats and are due to pay
370 some taxes.
373 GENTOO can be cleaned up, quite easily, and become the wonderful readily
374 available linux distro to fork or install, as it once was when
375 installation was a snap. In can and should be used, globally and thus
376 should play a key role in re-repatriating H1B folks into their own
377 homeland, in a most prosperous position. If Gentoo's leadership becomes
378 wise, we can save this distro and make it shine like no other linux
379 distro can, and the readers of this list know what I am saying is truth
380 and empowering to all people and to small to mid-sized businesses. A
381 small team of devs could pull off (1-3) if they decide to clean up
382 gentoo, without Council/Foundation approval. Let's remove the blockers
383 and make gentoo readily accessible to the masses, as all charities
384 should do. Perform task (1-3), rapidly and I'll personally put together
385 a team that handles the corrupted (jaded?) past problems of Gentoo and
386 that also launches gentoo into outstanding status at the IRS and a
387 pristine charity of good and moral conduct, quite worthy of donations
388 and research grants and philanthropic gifts. Guaranteed!
391 Right now, Gentoo is at best a boys club; probably a fiefdom, if the IRS
392 wants to use it as a stepping stone to those with deeper pockets in
393 TECH. God know we have lots of unemployed STEM folks that can
394 economically benefit, should the ICEMAN decided TECH needs to be audited
395 both the history and source codes in use by those TECH companies. Think
396 about it, TECH starts to pony up taxes and fines and all sorts of
397 revenue, to the ICEMAN and his teams, and millions of underemployed US
398 citizens get employed to audit these TECH companies, line by line. Why
399 TECH could create paychecks for millions of jobs here in the US and the
400 benefits would be widely distributed to other companies and places
401 around the US.
403 Regardless *THE ICEMAN COMMETH*. and how do we prepare?
407 [1]
411 > Andreas K. Huettel
412 > Gentoo Linux developer
413 > dilfridge@g.o
414 >
417 James Horton,
418 Optimist


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Please stay on-topic. "William L. Thomson Jr." <wlt-ml@××××××.com>
Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Please stay on-topic. Andrew Savchenko <bircoph@g.o>