Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise thread -- a try of clarification
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 12:27:34
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise thread -- a try of clarification by Markus Ullmann
1 On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 02:49 +0200, Markus Ullmann wrote:
2 > > Excellent. So we're moving the history from being in a single location
3 > > (the bug) to being in multiple locations. That will definitely improve
4 > > the development process. Another thing that people tend to miss is that
5 > > not all improved versions of ebuilds submitted to bugzilla are done byt
6 > > he original authors. There are many cases where an initial ebuild is
7 > > done, a developer makes comments on what needs to be changed, and
8 > > *another* contributor gives a fixed ebuild. How exactly will this
9 > > streamline that process? No offense, but everything I have seen looks
10 > > as if it will add even *more* overhead to actually getting packages into
11 > > the tree. The only thing this seems to provide is a half-baked
12 > > repository for the users to get marginally-tested ebuilds for software
13 > > that wasn't interesting enough for inclusion in the tree.
14 >
15 > we want to encourage users to contribute and if they do good
16 > contributions in bugzilla they get commit access to the overlay. and
17 > then the workload is drastically reduced...
19 You didn't answer anything I asked here.
21 > > This is a bug for an ebuild that the user does not think is related to
22 > > the pam_skey. Go back and read what I wrote.
23 > >
24 >
25 > it was agreed upon that we don't keep extra bugzilla or whatever for all
26 > things on o.g.o but keep track of all issues within bugs.g.o. and btw,
27 > most work on "new" bugs is done by bug wranglers and not the common
28 > devs. So if they say the workload from it is too high, I'll take it as
29 > valid reason as they have to handle it.
31 I'm sorry, but you're avoiding the question here. How will the
32 bug-wranglers even *know* that this is related to a package in the
33 overlay? They wouldn't. As I ststed *repeatedly* now. The user has
34 not mentioned that they're using pam_skey, as is a common occurrence in
35 bugs.
37 > > Again, read what I wrote. I said that the developer would see "sunrise"
38 > > in the PORTDIR_OVERLAY of the user's emerge --info, which you reiterated
39 > > without considering. This is a login bug. At no point did they make
40 > > mention of having installed pam_skey from this overlay. This means that
41 > > I, as the developer getting this bug, am now responsible for looking at
42 > > *every package* in the sunrise overlay to determine if *any* of them
43 > > could *possibly* be affecting this package or causing this bug, then
44 > > asking the user if they have any of them installed.
45 >
46 > why would a pam dev get this bug? as far as I know bug wranglers work, a
47 > check whether the ebuild is in tree is one of the first ones... So the
48 > chance that it really hits the pam dev is damn small...
50 Because the user has "pam" in USE and there's nothing else indiciating
51 that they're using some pam packages from an overlay that has absolutely
52 no hint as to its contents. Also, as I have said, while the bug
53 wranlgers are wonderful and really do reduce our workload, they're
54 *nowhere* near perfect. There are *tons* of bugs that go to the wrong
55 people, or are simply invalid once the actual maintainers see it. The
56 bug wranglers cannot be expected to be experts on every package. Your
57 comments make it sound like they will be.
59 > We're not the first large overlay project, there are other ones out
60 > there already and these "wrong" bugs aren't a new thing arising here...
62 No. You're the first large overlay project that is on official Gentoo
63 infrastructure, even after it was agreed that there wouldn't be
64 something like this. With the non-official projects, we simply don't
65 support any bugs from anyone using them. It's that simple. With this
66 project, you're vying for official status, meaning we cannot do that.
67 This will be an *enormous* time sink for the entire ebuild developer
68 pool.
70 > > Wouldn't this process be *infinitely* easier if instead of "sunrise"
71 > > there was a "pam" overlay with *only* the pam stuff?
72 >
73 > Then the pam devs are responsible for all the things with it. As it
74 > would surely be hosted on o.g.o then, we'll notice it and either shift
75 > all ebuilds we have in the sunrise tree over or do whatever is fine with
76 > pam devs. If they really dislike the m-w bugs out of their control, then
77 > a friendly note on irc, a friendly mail or whatever is enough and we
78 > won't touch things of them then...
80 Excellent job of avoiding the issue.
82 I asked how the pam developers would even *know* that there is pam crap
83 in your aptly-named "sunrise" overlay, and you respond with a comment
84 about how when the pam devs tell you to move the packages you will.
86 I am honestly seeing that this is starting to go nowhere as the answers
87 to my questions aren't being given, and instead the issues are being
88 avoided.
90 > > That is *exactly* what we get with the other overlays like php and
91 > > vmware. I *know* that if I'm looking at a glibc bug and the user has
92 > > "php" as an overlay, that it isn't going to be a concern.
93 >
94 > Well we don't keep ebuilds in there which have a maintainer in contrast
95 > to the php overlay. they may even keep newer versions of in-tree
96 > packages in their overlays.
98 That doesn't have anything to do with what I stated. Again, avoiding
99 the issue.
101 > > They do this in a very quick and cursory manner. They do a pretty good
102 > > job of it, but there are countless bugs which they do not catch that are
103 > > not assigned properly or end up being invalid due to user negligence.
104 > > The bug wranglers cannot be *expected* to perform this level of service,
105 > > lest they burn out and run away within a couple weeks. ;]
106 >
107 > Well a simple grep for "sunrise" in there will show the needed thing...
109 So I can mark any bug that has sunrise in it as INVALID, then, because
110 the overlay is going to be known to be in an unmaintained state?
112 Perfect.
114 > And, sorry, if one or another bug slips through. Wranglers are humans as
115 > well and humans make mistakes. Also you can't expect them to know about
116 > all issues. But that is a bit off-topic here.
118 No. It is *exactly* the topic that I am speaking of, which you're
119 avoiding.
121 > Just a last note on it: the main bug wrangler is helping us as well as
122 > commiting so I guess he notices the problems with sunrise...
124 So having one extra man on the team is going to alleviate all of the
125 problems? Excellent. My fears are quelled.
127 > > This is a prime example of totally glossing over any discussion to make
128 > > it sound promising for you. How exactly is a proxy maintainer going to
129 > > know that a new version of an ebuild has been committed? Either by
130 > > watching the overlay like a hawk, or when the maintainer
131 > > emails/pings/whatever and lets him know that there's a new version. How
132 > > exactly is this easier to track? Even better, if I am the proxy
133 > > maintainer for a particular set of ebuilds for one or more
134 > > user/maintainers, why do I need it in your big, bloated, and completely
135 > > inappropriately-named "sunshine" overlay versus a developer overlay of
136 > > my own? After all, I am the *only* proxy maintainer. Why should there
137 > > be the added *insecurity* of allowing any number of people that *I*
138 > > might not trust complete access to the small number of packages where I
139 > > am the proxy?
140 >
141 > Tracking:
142 > First we want people to get used to it. Adding some random features like
143 > automated email upon a special commit can be added easily with just two
144 > lines in the post-commit hook...
145 >
146 > Dev-Overlay:
147 > Well you're free to use the dev overlay for it. But if you keep it on
148 > the sunrise overlay, it (hopefully) gets more tested.
150 No offense, but this email was pretty much useless as you avoided my
151 questions with lots of vague references to how it will make things
152 "better" and didn't bother to actually thoughtfully answer any of my
153 points.
155 I'm through wasting my time with this. If I see a bug with sunrise,
156 it's going INVALID, as it is now apparent to me that the issues with the
157 project won't be resolved.
159 So long, and thanks for all the fish.
161 --
162 Chris Gianelloni
163 Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
164 x86 Architecture Team
165 Games - Developer
166 Gentoo Linux


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Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise thread -- a try of clarification Brian Harring <ferringb@×××××.com>