Gentoo Archives: gentoo-nfp

From: Rich Freeman <rich0@g.o>
To: gentoo-nfp <gentoo-nfp@l.g.o>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-nfp] Questions For Gentoo Foundation Trustee Candidates
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 20:51:05
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-nfp] Questions For Gentoo Foundation Trustee Candidates by Roy Bamford
1 On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 3:59 PM Roy Bamford <neddyseagoon@g.o> wrote:
2 >
3 >
4 > This problem will not go away if we join an umbrella.
5 >
6 > Gentoo will still have to manage its own assets, defend its own
7 > trademarks and so on.
8 >
10 Certainly those assets will still exist, but they would be owned and
11 managed by the umbrella legally. If the distro wanted to tell
12 somebody to stop using our trademark we would somehow have to bring it
13 to the attention of the umbrella and ask them to do it, since legally
14 it would be THEIR trademark, not "ours" (since legally there is no
15 "ours/us").
17 I think the question you asked is still useful in the way that you
18 asked it, as it doesn't hurt to discuss how we might see the distro
19 interacting with the umbrella. Presumably somebody will be in the
20 position of interacting with the umbrella to tell them what to do on
21 our behalf, so we can talk about how we might see that working.
23 I'm not sure if anybody has already talked to the various umbrellas
24 about how this typically works, but I'm not sure you could really have
25 any kind of contract with them. A contract requires two parties, and
26 even if the Foundation signs off as one of them if it dissolves it no
27 longer even exists to bring up a dispute. I imagine they probably
28 would probably document a "donation" of all the Foundation's assets to
29 the umbrella, and then anything going forward from there would just
30 operate under the umbrella's own bylaws and documented procedures.
31 The relationship between all of us and the umbrella legally would be
32 the same as the relationship between any random Gentoo team like the
33 amd64 arch team and the existing Foundation. That is, between a
34 non-legal-entity composed of random individuals with varying legal
35 relationships with the Foundation (they may or may not be members),
36 and a legal corporation that ultimately gets its own say as to whether
37 they go along with it.
39 I don't think legally you can really force any of these umbrellas to
40 do anything except to the degree that we get to put people on their
41 board or voting membership. You have to do your due diligence
42 beforehand and then trust them to continue operating the way you want
43 them to. It is no different when you sign code over to the FSF or
44 license it GPL v3+ - you have no guarantee that GPL v4 won't give
45 EvilCorp the right to do whatever they want with your code/etc, but
46 you have to just trust that the FSF is unlikely to ever do this.
47 (Arguably the FSFe FLA approach works better in that regard, and I
48 completely advocate it being used within Gentoo, but that is a
49 separate topic and IMO can be implemented whether the Foundation
50 remains or we use an umbrella.)
52 That said, for any random Gentoo Foundation member the situation isn't
53 all that different. None of us has any more power legally over what
54 the Foundation does with our code/donations/whatever than the one vote
55 we get to cast annually for the Trustees, and some hypothetical powers
56 to override them that are unlikely to ever actually be used. To the
57 extent that we get to become members of the umbrella we would have the
58 same limited influence there.
60 This is already a long-ish post, but maybe I should point out that
61 there are other options available to us. For example, the Gentoo
62 Foundation could turn over all its MONEY to the umbrella org, but not
63 its copyrights or trademarks. It would still have to file taxes, but
64 if we have no financial transactions except maybe a trademark renewal
65 every ten years then that burden will be greatly reduced. Then if we
66 had to do some kind of legal action we could ask the umbrella to be
67 our representatives assuming they were willing. That is just a
68 thought, and the candidates can consider that as they outline their
69 own ideas...
71 --
72 Rich