Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: John Green <jg012b8403_2@×××××××××××××.uk>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Latex spacing problem
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 17:53:32
In Reply to: [gentoo-user] Latex spacing problem by Joseph
1 Joseph wrote:
3 >Is there any Tetex/Latex guru on the list?
4 >
5 >I'm trying to modify the formation line in purchase_order.tex form.
6 >I think this line is responsible how the entry items are formated:
7 >
8 >\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{}lp{\descrwidth}@{\extracolsep
9 >\fill}rlrrr@{}}
10 >
11 >However, the line above if the part number is long the description is
12 >not wrap up to the next line. Just the next columns are keep scrolling
13 >to the right.
14 >So, text Amount Total scrolls of the page.
15 >
16 >I've tried to copy the formating string from invoice.tex form (that
17 >correctly wraps up the description column):
18 >\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}rlXlrlrrr@{}}
19 >
20 >but it doesn't work correctly.
21 >Anybody knows what to change so when the part number is long, the
22 >description section would wrap up to the next line.
23 >
24 >
25 >
26 I suggest you ask on the usenet group comp.text.tex. The group is active.
28 John Green
29 --
30 gentoo-user@g.o mailing list