Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: Fernando Meira <fmeira@×××××.com>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] visualizar particion windows
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 11:34:20
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-user] visualizar particion windows by "Johám-Luís Miguéns Vila"
1 To see/access a windows partition, you should mount it.
3 you can do something like this (assuming your windoz fs is ntfs):
4 $ mount -t ntfs /dev/hdaX /mnt/windows
5 where hdaX is the windoz partition.
6 Don't forget to make /mnt/windows beforehand ($ mkdir /mnt/windows)
8 Check "man mount" in any case.
10 (will you need translation?)
11 Cheers,
12 Fernando
14 On 8/12/05, Johám-Luís Miguéns Vila <galiza.ceive@×××××.com> wrote:
15 >
16 > On 12:38 Fri 12 Aug , CRASH-BURN wrote:
17 > > hola soy nuevo en gentoo y me gustaria se me pudierais decir algun
18 > > modo de ver la particion de windows atravez de gentoo como otras
19 > > muchas distribucones
20 > >
21 > > --
22 > > gentoo-user@g.o mailing list
23 > Deberías postear esto en la lista en español, o bien hacerlo en inglés.
24 > Además no se entiende muy bien la pregunta, elabórala un poco más. A qué
25 > te
26 > refieres con "ver la partición de windows a través de gentoo como con
27 > otras
28 > muchas distribuciones"? Qué escritorio pretendes utilizar para eso?
29 > salud
30 >
31 > translation (~):
32 >
33 > > hi, i'm a gentoo newbie and i would like to know any way to see window's
34 > >partitions as i saw it when using any other distributions.
35 >
36 > I told him to post it at spanish mailing list, or translating it into
37 > english... Also i asked him to elaborate a little more the question,
38 > because
39 > i think it's not much understandable.
40 >
41 > cheers
42 > --
43 > [sinatura]
44 > A ouvir (mpd): Mísia - Minha Alma De Amor Sedenta, Sequiosa
45 > >>> GPG KeyID:0x9D2FD6C8 -
46 > [\sinatura]
47 >
48 >
49 >


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-user] visualizar particion windows Norberto Bensa <nbensa@×××.net>