Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwards@×××××.com>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: [gentoo-user] Re: What is a "packet"? Was: Checksum error
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 21:23:13
Message-Id: hb06ml$m3k$
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-user] Re: What is a "packet"? Was: Checksum error by Alan McKinnon
1 On 2009-10-12, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon@×××××.com> wrote:
3 > The subjective|objective case means the form of the word
4 > changes depending if it's the subject or object in the
5 > sentence. English does this with word position.
7 Pretty much only the personal pronouns have retained different
8 objective/subjective cases (I/me, he/him, she/her, who/whom,
9 we/us, they/them). Thee/thou were only recently been replaced
10 by "you" for both singular objective and subjective in very
11 formal english writing. Since English has evolved to primarily
12 use position to determine subject/object relationships, having
13 different noun cases is redundant. The nominative plural "ye"
14 has also gone away and been subsumed by "you", however there is
15 actualy information loss there, since there is no positional
16 way to distinguish between the singular and plural "you". Of
17 course in the southern US, the singular is "you" and plural is
18 "you all" or "y'll". Except for people who use "y'all" as
19 singular and "all y'all" as plural.
21 > "The boy kicked the ball." The subject is boy and the only way
22 > to tell is the it's before the verb. Which is a stupid idea
23 > actually.
25 It's probably just a result of my having grown up with a
26 positional verses notational language (is notational the right
27 word?), but the positional syntax seems a lot simpler to me.
29 IIRC, many of the changes in English as it evovled from its
30 Germanic roots have come from it being learned by a succession
31 of "invaders" (Vikings, Normans, etc.). That generally results
32 in the simplification of a language's grammar and syntax but an
33 odd admixture of actual words. For a good example of the
34 latter, the words for an animal and the culinary name for the
35 flesh don't match up in English. The animal is referred to by
36 the older English word (pig, cow, calf, sheep, deer), but what
37 you eat is referred to by the French words that came in with
38 the Normans (pork, beef, veal, mutton, venison). The people
39 that dealt with the animals were peasants who spoke English.
40 The people that ate the flesh were Normans who spoke French.
42 > You should be able to modify "ball" to show that it's indeed
43 > the object.
45 That seems to be an entirely "subjective" value judgement. Why
46 should one be able to do that? [Good pun, eh?]
48 > Then you could do this: "ball the boy kicked" which emphasises
49 > that it's the ball that was kicked.
51 I give up, why doesn't "the ball the boy kicked" work?
53 > [English has a few cases of this, I learned them 30 years ago
54 > and completely forget all examples right now].
55 >
56 > The only way to do this last in English is to say "the ball
57 > was kicked by the boy" which is a completely different
58 > sentence altogether (change of voice). Or you could use this
59 > horrible horrible hack: "the boy kicked the ball (and I
60 > should point out that it is indeed the ball he kicked and not
61 > the dog)"
62 >
63 > Like I said earlier in this thread, if English were a coding
64 > language it would be BrainFuck or intercal
66 Don't pretty much all programming languages use position to
67 differente the meanings of references to variables?
69 For example, in an assignment statement, the position of the
70 two names is significant in all programming languages I can
71 think of: i := j is never the same as j := i. You don't modify
72 the variable names to show whether it's the target of an
73 assignment or a reference. Except I guess in shel-like
74 languages (e.g. Perl), where you have to use a prefix
75 "dereference" operator to disambiguate between variable
76 references and string literals.
78 Are there any programming languages that use positionally
79 independent notation? The only thing I can think of is named
80 parameters:
82 funcname(paramA = 1234.5, paramB = "asdf")
84 Even in that example, the position of the funcname is
85 significant, as is the position of the parameter names/values
86 in relation to the "=" operator).
88 It's the same in mathematics for many/most operators i - j and
89 j - i aren't the same thing. The position of the variable
90 relative to the operator tells you want's going on. While a +
91 b is equal to b + a, that's a property of the particular
92 operator.
94 OK, this is waaay off topic now...
96 --
97 Grant Edwards grante Yow! Hello. I know
98 at the divorce rate among
99 unmarried Catholic Alaskan
100 females!!


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-user] Re: What is a "packet"? Was: Checksum error KH <gentoo-user@××××××××××××××××.de>
Re: [gentoo-user] Re: What is a "packet"? Was: Checksum error Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon@×××××.com>