Gentoo Archives: gentoo-user

From: Mark Knecht <markknecht@×××××.com>
To: gentoo-user@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Any big gotcha's when update from several (5) mnths
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 19:10:11
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-user] Any big gotcha's when update from several (5) mnths by Neil Bothwick
1 On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Neil Bothwick <neil@××××××××××.uk> wrote:
2 > On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:26:36 -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
3 >
4 >> I think you have a specific view that is likely the very best thing to
5 >> do for your situation, what ever that is, be it work, office, server
6 >> farm. I don't know. I'm guessing however, that in your world machines
7 >> are always turned on, burning power, and running cron jobs in those
8 >> environment makes lots of sense.
9 >
10 > Bear in mind I was saying an unattended cron is my reason FOR doing a
11 > separate fetch.
12 >
13 >> In my world, which is just a lowly home user of Linux for nearly 15
14 >> years now, many of the machines I take care of spend more time turned
15 >> off than on. cron jobs don't work when there's no power applied, and
16 >> while you can let the machine immediately catch up when the machine is
17 >> powered back up, in my world of futures trading I need to control CPU
18 >> and network usage to ensure that both downloads and builds don't
19 >> impact my opportunity to make a trade and hopefully make some money.
20 >> As I write this email I'm currently in my 23rd S&P futures trade of
21 >> the day which at this point is just about 5 hours old. Some of these
22 >> trades take only a few minutes and likely wouldn't execute correctly
23 >> if portage was building KDE.
24 >
25 > That is a rather different usage, certainly to mine and probably to the
26 > OP too. In your situation, where timely and correct updates are so
27 > important, I'd be tempted to build packages in a chroot on a less
28 > important system and do an emerge -ku world when everything was ready and
29 > the time was right.
30 >
32 I've considered researching that sort of thing a number of times in
33 the past, but in trading I have a 6 1/2 work day where I need the
34 _machine_, but not necessarily me, very focused on doing the trades.
35 All my trades are completely computerized and executed by hardware so
36 I need the network unobstructed and the hardware focused. However, as
37 for me, I'm typically programming new trading code which isn't
38 terribly focused while keeping an eye on the trading program to ensure
39 something hasn't gone haywire.
41 The other 5-6 hours a day that the machine is powered up I'm free to
42 build the box anyway that's being discussed, but I think similar to
43 Paul I prefer to download a few files nearly every day but then only
44 rebuild the machine once a week or so. It's a trade off between having
45 the box fully updated vs an 'it-ain't-broke-so-don't-fix-it sort of
46 attitude.
48 While writing this the 24th trade completed (a winner) and the 25th
49 trade has started. It's a good day when you make money while writing
50 email responses to gentoo-users... :-)
52 - Mark


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-user] Any big gotcha's when update from several (5) mnths Neil Bothwick <neil@××××××××××.uk>