Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: "Michał Górny" <mgorny@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] dev-python/ package naming policy?
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2023 16:49:02
In Reply to: [gentoo-dev] dev-python/ package naming policy? by "Michał Górny"
1 On Sat, 2023-01-28 at 17:38 +0100, Michał Górny wrote:
2 > TL;DR: I'd like to propose naming dev-python/* packages following PyPI
3 > names whenever possible, case-preserving, with modifications only when
4 > necessary to match PN rules.
6 Based on existing remote-id entries, the following package names are
7 mismatched (PN on left, PyPI name on right). Note that some of the IDs
8 could be wrong, particularly because PyPI "autocorrects" - vs _.
12 aiohttp-cors | aiohttp_cors
13 anyqt | AnyQt
14 automat | Automat
15 aws-xray-sdk-python | aws-xray-sdk
16 blake3-py | blake3
17 boolean-py |
18 bottleneck | Bottleneck
19 cachecontrol | CacheControl
20 cangjie | CangJie
21 cerberus | Cerberus
22 certifi | certifi-system-store
23 chameleon | Chameleon
24 charset_normalizer | charset-normalizer
25 cheetah3 | Cheetah3
26 cherrypy | CherryPy
27 cjkwrap | CJKwrap
28 cli_helpers | cli-helpers
29 collective-checkdocs | collective.checkdocs
30 configupdater | ConfigUpdater
31 cx_Freeze | cx-Freeze
32 cython | Cython
33 deprecated | Deprecated
34 discogs-client | python3-discogs-client
35 django | Django
36 django_polymorphic | django-polymorphic
37 dogpile-cache | dogpile.cache
38 easyprocess | EasyProcess
39 editorconfig-core-py | EditorConfig
40 elasticsearch-py | elasticsearch7
41 ensurepip-pip | pip
42 ensurepip-setuptools | setuptools
43 ensurepip-wheels | pip
44 et_xmlfile | et-xmlfile
45 eyeD3 | eyed3
46 flask-api | Flask-API
47 flask-babel | Flask-Babel
48 flask-compress | Flask-Compress
49 flask-cors | Flask-Cors
50 flask-debug | Flask-Debug
51 flask-gravatar | Flask-Gravatar
52 flask-htmlmin | Flask-HTMLmin
53 flask-login | Flask-Login
54 flask | Flask
55 flask-migrate | Flask-Migrate
56 flask-paranoid | Flask-Paranoid
57 flask-script | Flask-Script
58 flask-sphinx-themes | Flask-Sphinx-Themes
59 flit_core | flit-core
60 flit_scm | flit-scm
61 flufl-lock | flufl.lock
62 genshi | Genshi
63 github3 |
64 gmpy | gmpy2
65 google-reauth-python | google-reauth
66 hcloud-python | hcloud
67 imapclient | IMAPClient
68 importlib_metadata | importlib-metadata
69 importlib_resources | importlib-resources
70 indexed_gzip | indexed-gzip
71 jack-client | JACK-Client
72 jaraco-classes | jaraco.classes
73 jaraco-collections | jaraco.collections
74 jaraco-context | jaraco.context
75 jaraco-envs | jaraco.envs
76 jaraco-functools | jaraco.functools
77 jaraco-itertools | jaraco.itertools
78 jaraco-logging | jaraco.logging
79 jaraco-path | jaraco.path
80 jaraco-stream |
81 jaraco-test | jaraco.test
82 jaraco-text | jaraco.text
83 jinja | Jinja2
84 js2py | Js2Py
85 jschema_to_python | jschema-to-python
86 jupyter_client | jupyter-client
87 jupyter_console | jupyter-console
88 jupyter_core | jupyter-core
89 jupyter_events | jupyter-events
90 jupyter_kernel_test | jupyter-kernel-test
91 jupyterlab_pygments | jupyterlab-pygments
92 jupyterlab_server | jupyterlab-server
93 jupyter_packaging | jupyter-packaging
94 jupyter_server_mathjax | jupyter-server-mathjax
95 jupyter_server | jupyter-server
96 keyrings-alt | keyrings.alt
97 keystoneauth | keystoneauth1
98 libcloud | apache-libcloud
99 libpillowfight | pypillowfight
100 libsass-python | libsass
101 line_profiler | line-profiler
102 logbook | Logbook
103 m2crypto | M2Crypto
104 mako | Mako
105 mapbox_earcut | mapbox-earcut
106 markdown | Markdown
107 markupsafe | MarkupSafe
108 markups | Markups
109 mdx_gh_links | mdx-gh-links
110 memory_profiler | memory-profiler
111 mergedict | configclass
112 minikanren | miniKanren
113 minimock | MiniMock
114 mkdocs_pymdownx_material_extra | mkdocs-pymdownx-material-extra
115 mypy_extensions | mypy-extensions
116 myst_parser | myst-parser
117 nest_asyncio | nest-asyncio
118 netcdf4-python | netCDF4
119 notebook_shim | notebook-shim
120 octave_kernel | octave-kernel
121 oslo-concurrency | oslo.concurrency
122 oslo-config | oslo.config
123 oslo-context | oslo.context
124 oslo-i18n | oslo.i18n
125 oslo-log | oslo.log
126 oslo-serialization | oslo.serialization
127 oslo-utils | oslo.utils
128 owslib | OWSLib
129 pallets-sphinx-themes | Pallets-Sphinx-Themes
130 parse_type | parse-type
131 pastedeploy | PasteDeploy
132 paste | Paste
133 pebble | Pebble
134 pillow | Pillow
135 pkgcraft-python | pkgcraft
136 pmw | Pmw
137 podman-py | podman
138 pretty-yaml | pyaml
139 prometheus_client | prometheus-client
140 prompt_toolkit | prompt-toolkit
141 protobuf-python | protobuf
142 pure_eval | pure-eval
143 pushbullet-py |
144 py-amqp | amqp
145 pyaudio | PyAudio
146 pychromecast | PyChromecast
147 pycson | cson
148 pygments-github-lexers | pygments-github-lexers
149 pygments | Pygments
150 pygobject | PyGObject
151 pygresql | PyGreSQL
152 pyhamcrest | PyHamcrest
153 pyicu | PyICU
154 pyjwt | PyJWT
155 pykerberos | kerberos
156 pylatex | PyLaTeX
157 pymysql | PyMySQL
158 pynacl | PyNaCl
159 pyopengl_accelerate | PyOpenGL-accelerate
160 pyopengl | PyOpenGL
161 pyopenssl | pyOpenSSL
162 pyproject-hooks | pyproject_hooks
163 pyre2 | fb-re2
164 pyrfc3339 | pyRFC3339
165 pyside2 | PySide2
166 pyside6 | PySide6
167 pysol_cards | pysol-cards
168 pysvg | pysvg-py3
169 pytables | tables
170 pytest-codeblocks | pytest_codeblocks
171 pytest_jupyter | pytest-jupyter
172 pytest-param-files | pytest_param_files
173 python-cstruct | cstruct
174 python-ctags | python-ctags3
175 pythondialog | python2-pythondialog
176 python-discid | discid
177 python-email-validator | email-validator
178 python-evdev | evdev
179 python-keyutils | keyutils
180 python-lhafile | lhafile
181 python-libevdev | libevdev
182 python-miniupnpc | miniupnpc
183 python-mpd | python-mpd2
184 python-musicbrainzngs | musicbrainzngs
185 python-nbxmpp | nbxmpp
186 python-netlink | NetLink
187 python-ptrace | pefile
188 python-recurring-ical-events | recurring-ical-events
189 python-sense-hat | sense-hat
190 python-sshpubkeys | sshpubkeys
191 python-varlink | varlink
192 python-xmlsec | xmlsec
193 python-zeroconf | zeroconf
194 python-zstandard | zstandard
195 pytrie | PyTrie
196 pytz_deprecation_shim | pytz-deprecation-shim
197 pyvirtualdisplay | PyVirtualDisplay
198 pywavelets | PyWavelets
199 pyx | PyX
200 pyyaml | PyYAML
201 qdarkstyle | QDarkStyle
202 qscintilla-python | QScintilla
203 qtawesome | QtAwesome
204 rapidfuzz_capi | rapidfuzz-capi
205 readme_renderer | readme-renderer
206 redis-py | redis
207 reedsolomon | reedsolo
208 repoze-lru | repoze.lru
209 requests-ntlm | requests_ntlm
210 routes | Routes
211 rpy | rpy2
212 rst-linker | rst.linker
213 rtimulib | RTIMULib
214 ruamel-std-pathlib | ruamel.std.pathlib
215 ruamel-yaml-clib | ruamel.yaml.clib
216 ruamel-yaml | ruamel.yaml
217 sarif_om | sarif-om
218 secretstorage | SecretStorage
219 semantic_version | semantic-version
220 send2trash | Send2Trash
221 service_identity | service-identity
222 setuptools_scm_git_archive | setuptools-scm-git-archive
223 setuptools_scm | setuptools-scm
224 signature_dispatch | signature-dispatch
225 snappy | python-snappy
226 socketio-client-nexus | socketIO-client-nexus
227 sphinx-aiohttp-theme | aiohttp-theme
228 sphinx_ansible_theme | sphinx-ansible-theme
229 sphinxcontrib-github-alt | sphinxcontrib_github_alt
230 sphinxcontrib-log_cabinet | sphinxcontrib-log-cabinet
231 sphinx_lv2_theme | sphinx-lv2-theme
232 sphinx | Sphinx
233 sphinx-py3doc-enhanced-theme | sphinx_py3doc_enhanced_theme
234 sphinx-pytest | sphinx_pytest
235 sphinx_rtd_theme | sphinx-rtd-theme
236 sphinx_selective_exclude | sphinx-selective-exclude
237 sqlalchemy | SQLAlchemy
238 stack_data | stack-data
239 stomp-py |
240 subunit | python-subunit
241 svg-path | svg.path
242 swagger_spec_validator | swagger-spec-validator
243 tappy |
244 tlsh | python-tlsh
245 tubes | Tubes
246 twisted | Twisted
247 unidecode | Unidecode
248 uri_template | uri-template
249 urwid_readline | urwid-readline
250 utidylib | uTidylib
251 wand | Wand
252 webob | WebOb
253 webtest | WebTest
254 werkzeug | Werkzeug
255 whoosh | Whoosh
256 wsgiproxy2 | WSGIProxy2
257 wtforms | WTForms
258 wxpython | wxPython
259 xlsxwriter | XlsxWriter
260 yapsy | Yapsy
261 zc-lockfile | zc.lockfile
262 zconfig | ZConfig
263 zope-component | zope.component
264 zope-configuration | zope.configuration
265 zope-deprecation | zope.deprecation
266 zope-event | zope.event
267 zope-exceptions | zope.exceptions
268 zope-hookable | zope.hookable
269 zope-i18nmessageid | zope.i18nmessageid
270 zope-interface | zope.interface
271 zope-schema | zope.schema
272 zope-testing | zope.testing
275 --
276 Best regards,
277 Michał Górny


Subject Author
Re: [gentoo-dev] dev-python/ package naming policy? Ulrich Mueller <ulm@g.o>