Gentoo Archives: gentoo-dev

From: Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@g.o>
To: gentoo-dev@l.g.o
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise thread -- a try of clarification
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 16:26:56
In Reply to: Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise thread -- a try of clarification by Patrick Lauer
1 On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 10:28 +0200, Patrick Lauer wrote:
2 > On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 20:06 -0400, Chris Gianelloni wrote:
3 > > > You don't need a subversion client, you perhaps notice the http in front
4 > > > of the url.. just open it up in your browser and you get the source
5 > > > immediately.
6 > >
7 > > Umm... so now I need to go and instead of clicking a nice link in
8 > > bugzilla, trawl through the subversion repository and find what I'm
9 > > looking for? How exactly is downloading things via http any different
10 > > than downloading them from bugzilla, which is also http?
11 > just my point of view -
12 >
13 > bugzilla sucks. Ever had to download 10 attachments for one ebuild?
14 > It is a good tool for discussion, but I would prefer a simple tool (like
15 > layman) that can automatically update things. You obviously don't like
16 > overlays, but that shouldn't be a reason to stop us from using it.
18 Well, I thank you for your vast experience as an ebuild developer in
19 this matter.
21 You do realize that this isn't one of those things where you can say
22 that if you don't like it you don't have to use it, right?
24 This *will* affect *every* ebuild developer.
26 This means it *CANNOT* be left up to a small group of developers to
27 decide without any discussion on the matter.
29 > > > Or, if you want some history like sources.g.o, you can do so as well here:
30 > > >
31 > >
32 > > Excellent. So we're moving the history from being in a single location
33 > > (the bug) to being in multiple locations. That will definitely improve
34 > > the development process.
35 > Yes, now it is easier to check out the ebuilds. More users ==> better
36 > testing.
38 Except that now the developer has to do much more work to get the same
39 information, making it even less likely that he'll bother to pick up one
40 of these maintainer-wanted bugs. You also completely gloss over the
41 ability of a single rogue user to now compromise countless users with a
42 single commit. Please come back once you've firmly grounded yourself in
43 the reality that we're a pretty popular distribution, and that makes
44 this project a prime target for malicious abuse. Perhaps if you were
45 responsible for some ebuilds, you've be more cognizant of the
46 implications that a bad commit can cause our users.
48 > > No offense, but everything I have seen looks
49 > > as if it will add even *more* overhead to actually getting packages into
50 > > the tree. The only thing this seems to provide is a half-baked
51 > > repository for the users to get marginally-tested ebuilds for software
52 > > that wasn't interesting enough for inclusion in the tree.
53 > That differs from the 20 or so overlays maintained by users how?
55 Let's see. They aren't on Gentoo infrastructure, which means they don't
56 give off any immediate assumption of being "official" or "supported" in
57 any way. Hell, go back and look at Peter's response about how he would
58 use an overlay such as this only *because* it is on Gentoo
59 infrastructure.
61 So what exactly was your counter-point again?
63 > Honestly I'd prefer an overlay where I can marginally trust the content
64 > over a "foreign" repository maintained by people I don't know.
66 Having an overlay such as this will tarnish Gentoo's reputation. We
67 should not be providing *anything* that is only half-supported or
68 half-tested. Anything less than being sully supported via the security
69 team and QA is a failure on the part of Gentoo. We have enough *crap*
70 in the *tree* that is unsupported, which makes us look bad, yet you want
71 to insist on supporting a project that affects all of the ebuild
72 developers, which you have not mentioned is a group which you are not a
73 part of, so can gladly speak of increasing their workload with no
74 consequences to yourself, and provides an avenue for low-quality or
75 possibly malicious ebuilds to be distributed to our users, all under a
76 Gentoo banner?
78 I seriously question your motives towards the Gentoo project.
80 > Hmmm ... bugzilla.
81 > Instead of a simple cvs up; cd /usr/local/portage/category/package I
82 > need to search for ALL bugs with $name in it, look which one it is,
83 > curse bugzilla for falling asleep again, see which attachments are
84 > relevant, download them, curse bugzilla for falling asleep again, copy
85 > them to my overlay, read the bugcomments to see if any special renaming
86 > or directory structure is needed ...
87 >
88 > Hmmm. I think an overlay does have some advantages there ...
90 Sure. Until I sneak in some obfuscated code as a "fix" to a "bug" and
91 it gets executed on your machine because the actual *developers* that
92 are used to maintaining this stuff and know what to look for aren't a
93 part of the process.
95 Making something easier does not make it better. I'm sorry, but you've
96 yet to convince me on how your laziness is supposed to be an improvement
97 for the development process of Gentoo.
99 > > Again, read what I wrote. I said that the developer would see "sunrise"
100 > > in the PORTDIR_OVERLAY of the user's emerge --info, which you reiterated
101 > > without considering. This is a login bug. At no point did they make
102 > > mention of having installed pam_skey from this overlay. This means that
103 > > I, as the developer getting this bug, am now responsible for looking at
104 > > *every package* in the sunrise overlay to determine if *any* of them
105 > > could *possibly* be affecting this package or causing this bug, then
106 > > asking the user if they have any of them installed.
107 > This differs from a manually patched ebuild in /usr/portage by virtue of showing you that an overlay is used ...
109 Wow. Another one of those "I can't answer your issue, so I'll just try
110 to divert your attention somewhere else" answers. Thanks for absolutely
111 nothing but contributing noise.
113 > > Wouldn't this process be *infinitely* easier if instead of "sunrise"
114 > > there was a "pam" overlay with *only* the pam stuff?
115 > Ooooh, cool. Now I need about 75 overlays to get things done, and of course there will be no bad interaction between them ;-)
117 As opposed to the free for all that is this overlay?
119 > Having one overlay with a focus on not-in-portage ebuilds should not
120 > cause the scenario you described and will most likely cause less weird
121 > bugs because of intra-overlay dependencies.
123 What evidence do you have of this?
125 > </opinion>
127 Oh, right. None.
129 > > That is *exactly* what we get with the other overlays like php and
130 > > vmware. I *know* that if I'm looking at a glibc bug and the user has
131 > > "php" as an overlay, that it isn't going to be a concern.
132 > ... and if we control the overlay we can exclude things like system
133 > packages easily.
135 You really do a good job of making attempts to skirt the issues. Do me
136 a favor, if you're just going to use vague references and try to avoid
137 answering the issues at hand, don't bother wasting everyone's time by
138 replying. You're more than welcome to provide some *useful* insight,
139 but simply stating that something won't be an issue doesn't make it
140 true.
142 > Could be part of the policy to not touch existing ebuilds.
144 Actually, it already is, according to jokey.
146 > > This is a prime example of totally glossing over any discussion to make
147 > > it sound promising for you.
148 > If bugzilla wasn't so sucky people wouldn't try to use other methods of
149 > communication ;-)
151 Except this isn't another form of communication, nor is it being
152 presented as one. Do you even bother to notice what you're writing?
153 How exactly is a bunch of ebuilds in an overlay a "method of
154 communication"?
156 > And again, one svn repo vs. 113 hard-to-find bugs ...
158 Amazing how you pull such numbers out of thin air. Which 113 bugs are
159 you talking about, exactly?
161 > > Even better, if I am the proxy
162 > > maintainer for a particular set of ebuilds for one or more
163 > > user/maintainers, why do I need it in your big, bloated, and completely
164 > > inappropriately-named "sunshine" overlay versus a developer overlay of
165 > > my own?
166 > You don't. Please use your developer overlay. Please don't try to take
167 > away our more open overlay.
169 Unfortunately, your request for my dropping of this issue will not be
170 honoured. This overlay is a bad idea, that is being poorly executed,
171 and is being *forced* on the developer community at large with
172 absolutely no for-warning or planning. It really is a shame that we
173 don't have any policies that allow for action to be taken against people
174 who either knowingly, or through actions of ignorance, cause massive
175 damage to Gentoo such as this.
177 > > After all, I am the *only* proxy maintainer. Why should there
178 > > be the added *insecurity* of allowing any number of people that *I*
179 > > might not trust complete access to the small number of packages where I
180 > > am the proxy?
181 > It's your choice. Either you get mailbombed with each minor version update or you trust them to not screw up with the sunrise overlay.
183 Isn't that what the process of becoming a developer is supposed to
184 build? Also, just because I trust one person, doesn't mean I trust
185 someone that you trust. Trust is not implicit, it is earned. Some
186 random user having complete access to an area where only people that *I*
187 trust should really have access is not instilling faith in me of this
188 project. However, instead of answering these concerns, you simply brush
189 them aside as a non-issue, though I am not the only developer that has
190 spoken out on this *exact* same issue.
192 > And the users could just create their own overlay, get it added to
193 > layman and we'd have the same without supervision. From where I'm
194 > standing it's better to have the possibility to nuke a bad ebuild in the
195 > overlay instead of asking some random user to change this in that
196 > overlay because of $problem.
198 Why exactly are we supporting these overlays via layman anyway? That
199 implies a level of trust and support that you admit we do not have. I
200 guess I should touch on that subject next, but that doesn't belong in
201 this discussion.
203 > Maybe we even find some motivated new ebuild monkeys that have the
204 > motivation to become devs ... one can always hope :-)
206 ...and maybe we get owned and people quit using Gentoo because a few
207 developers decided to go against the advice of other developers and
208 allowed for an easy-access, easily-exploitable way for some malicious
209 user to own countless Gentoo boxes, and nobody did anything to stop it.
211 Well, I am going to do everything within my power to stop it. I will
212 not back down until this project is dead. It really is that simple.
214 --
215 Chris Gianelloni
216 Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
217 x86 Architecture Team
218 Games - Developer
219 Gentoo Linux


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